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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Sep 1878, p. 1

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si W. H. H1001 Athfigpuinting Bat bilés BBOQK STBBETP WU DTerm UBN-. -A A DVEln 8Udtul VOL. XXII. *- mientwts 41Mmd. voa S&suUto - TROUAS DOW, FAREWELL *JiUTLE£DGE, BARRI TR ATRE8, SOLI. Ose. llfrst cdoor iouth ofthé b.oyil IRotai, *hltby. 'l BAE UTLDGE, 1B. A. 1. B. FARIEWELL, L. L. B., County Crown Attorney. 48 JAMRES KEITU, GORDON, BABRItOBIt & ATTORINEY.AT-LA&W, BoUchetr iu Chansrym oneanter, NotaryPublic, &.Ofo.OoM.Ad- dona itere, Brock Stresi, Whitby, Ont. CHARLBA' C. MULLER, A TOEYAT-A-W, SOLICITOR IN LYHSAN ENGLIHU, L L Be,, BAU131STER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN ~ OancrJ.euv~aoorslc.. c.Slm. A. G. JIOIILLAN, (Laiea Greowoed & MoMlian.) B ARREISTER, ATTORNR, SOLIC: Whltby, Ontauio. RO13IXOON &'KENT, (LATz DuooM< du oniior.) BAB STE S-AT-LAW, AT N Office-,rovincial Asuran ce Buildingi, Court Street, Toronto. J,..ReBNBeox,x. .. URiaET A. E. RniT. G. YOUN G UITH, L L. B., B ARRSTERte Loan Ornrcx-Over Dominion Bank, Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. (11.8 GUO@ Ste JOHN IHALLEN, AT o ,NETSoîitoansd Conviaicr Money te cid Motie bought aud muid. Agent for severai Loin Ce's. office, over Wlghtnis Store, lCing Street Oshawa. iy4lï CAMERON & APPELIJE, -RITRAtti nst-Law, sud ýSoictor i ChncryNe 4Toronto a treet, Toronto. HECTOR CAMEBON, QI.- (1'.4i R. 8. APPELBE. THJOMASINilUSTON, T -WN CLEUX AND TBE4 SUBER, Wh'i.Offe-Towu hall. Heurs, frem 0 te 1 o'cik Il .J. GUMOne, ID., ¶UBGEON TO TRIE OOUNTY GAOL. 'S Byron Strict, Whitby. Dr. W. J. IJURNU. Os'ncz-Ncxt cleor te CzcznztîcbeOtagce, V.;qrBeidelce, nt tise Royal notai, Whithy. BYRON FIELD, M. B. P IYSICIAN, SURIGEON, &uo., Duffine' p Crcek. -- Wm, MIiRIEN, fI.>, .R.CU., G IUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON,1 ENG., thioy R. O. H. s.,Ohawa, Ontario. ,Dit. JiGART, Physicien, Surgeoni, Accoticher, &c., &uo. Whitby Sept. 80th, 1874. 40 W. ADAMS, B OOM OVERIL 11. JAMEàONIS (>f1chour te ,nOa'rn Wilutby. t12uM., amd frein 1.8( e8 p s eLdence -or. etflByron sid DlIit utcsste. C, N. VARS, L. De S. VEREH inîerted on 'aIl thse L atoît lîrlnciplos of tihe art, u00iama the chelpeest, and as good sastihe beit. Teaoth tlled with Gold andS iilver. Toctis extractedl witiseut pain, by producing local anisîthsila. DîntalBRoiCsw. sni c block, over Atkinsri Drug Store, King Street, O hawa. .85 -JOuff 1ODINSON'S HAIR DIIIESSING AND SHAVING Saloou, Brook St., Wbltby. je ffl-FOBTHE ELEBRATED nI Isthan Wolfesdcn,Dunclas t.,Whltby. GEORGIE CORIxAme- TUMBER MElcrIANT, CARPENTER L Jand Jolnor, Griots Straet, Wlsltby. A large quatity c i &l lnds of luricon. %tautly on hanS. BLACKfSMITH,-- 3OGLM (Succegssr te Thomsi Middaug, Heroehilnig and.al kindaetofgeneril werk. ly.112 'IRGINIA TOBACCO AGENCY VI Toroisto-itreet, Toronto. <y.îî B.-EtO'DELL, - A T H P. R L Y , Olerk Divielon Court,, Tp. -Clark, Commissilon«r la1B. 1I., LaundAgent, d&., fac., Athecly, Oonuty Ontario,. A<lsurly Suit. 2ud, 1872. 88 il10 P K!1 Ni8' NE W MUSIC HA LL, . zàQxwTEm WZTH GA.&B MUSIC PUIINISIÃŽD %WIIEN DESII1ED. Scatilng Cacityi Ont Thoueand. UEO. HOPKINS. Whltby, Oct. 22, 1877. ly44 LAND SAIT -AND PLASTER Y OR SALE, CHEA P AT 1J. H. MCCLELLAN. Liverpoctl Mssrkct, April, '78. -103-tf FAUCHERS RESTA URANT, ADAMS, BLOCK, KENT STREET, L 9D SA Y-, opposite Mbntroal Telogiapis l 1et,. PBF BE SIUMNTS mi alilbom&--cynters JLOalwayî fresb. OGuests walted upon wftb promptitudosud attention. KÇNG 1BOTIH RS, WHiITBY, ONTARIO, Importeira, Dealersansd ManufsCutrere ai1mva LEATHER AND -FINDINOS, Cesh pald1 for Bides, »arkr. Ad Loathor. Leatisor tretobeS. m-ELTZMADIM TO OBD13B ON - oKORT41NQTICVZ, DUNqDÂB-ST., WM-TBY. JOSEPIH A.BANDBL, P.! WPUIBZOB. This honne habonssnromt17 -, la B ndron suaitt@Aîip L' freoh Lageoer. tabllng au n losed yaàrd; attoilwo089sm. de GRBMD TRUNZ RA.1WAY HOTEL, (opposite G. T. Il. Station,) Whitby. WM.,O'NBIILL .PBOPEZETOR. Esrr accommodbation for guests, lncIlPsd hng cmortable, ary bedomaï, meïasat aSU hours. te-The Bar1aDyIsl dwlth boit brande 0L1 u leJ~~rade5 igr &0.- Evary noceies action given to travlleri. j Good St&bling, encoied yard, and atten- tive ostiers. 4 COMMEROIAL HOTEL, CAETWlUOHT, OwT. r.&nzLS 1)WART - PIROPBIETOR. Qoedl accommodation ti-12 ÇOMMERCIAL IffOTEL and STABLES, 54 and M0 Zarvl-otroet, -Toronto. The boit 81,00 a Rv ouse lu the City, only two blocks freinth.e crtheru Dspt,&4doloi to the Macket. The Rouia hien newiv Fittud eut, andi evcrythfng Frst.las. (lY47( ~PE11PEBANCE HOUtSE, DUNDAS.STREET, WHITBY. Gooa accommodation aI reasouable teris. Iloarders 82,10 per veek. 1 5 THE QUEENHNiOTEL, naOCc-UTRUET., vElrBr, TAYLOR &u McCANN, PROPRIRTORS. Tise underoignesi domIne te luforin this friands sud <ha public tisaI tiay havé lairen tise above vl rnovu isol, viicis <bey have uevly fittefi up and ranovated, as put loto <ho boit af order for tise accommoda- tio atges. TiseBar, vhicisla tise handi- soolutise Ceuuty, in vel oupplid vitis <ho finsst brandi et vines, liquoni, sud ci- gars. Amrp le enciosesi shod recru ana gos stablng, boxstall,&due.Detachîsi reemo f tr cemmerall Iravollers. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP McCANN. latc cf Tonante. HOAL1OTEL, JABg. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. Tise largeet 1ansiut commositoni hotel lu tise tevu:. hal large simple roomi ton commercial travellani.. Table voit supplieS vils <le boitilu iason. DIlibrausdslîquoni ud cigare. EncloseS yard anaSihadrous attentive isostuens. Chargas tlesuit tise N._B.-Llvery attachéesi.27 R OSSIN HOUSE.-TORONTO, ONT. Thse Palace Hotel ut CanaaIlellttosi, Refurulishei, and Unsivalled. Nov Passen- ger Ehevator, runnlug nigist sud day. Tise- only-'frt.clasi Hcieflu Canada vîtis gradu. ale e pices, via -fâ, 05.50, andS08par day., Membrsof Clubs suda others, deuiing racine, vlthout board, $1 teoS e-dy Fa. Q , 0719P7APrcsprleter, THE CENTRAL HO USE,_ (LaIe Lecishant Heue.) C. GIFPPORD - Prepnictor. Tisbe ea tha-bhast in tise Ceunty. Cali sud Sec it. AYERS HOTEL, 82 &- 84 MILL-ST., ROCHItSTER, N. Y. Priai mducesi te 01.50 a -Dey. This Hetel bas reduced itIs pniee te tise Travelling Publie te 01.00 per day. Il le isandy te tise N. Y. Central Depet (only a tsw dooni Sentis), and lias reccetly bseu ne- fitted sudd n-frnlhead.Openniugist sud day. Tise houas is n st-aelu novsry re- spect, ansitanada peeple vill save meney by guing te lise Ayere lRotel. - WILSON SPRAGUui, Fropniotor. Rochestes-, N. Y. July 8, 1878, (dm-SU B RITISH1 AMERICAN HOTEL, R'AY'S, -(aiUTEsoSeoNe necer.) WrIITZ3Y, ON TA RIO. Hlouse nevly renovated- andi fus-niseS threugiseut, mnd put lu firel-alaîs os-des- for ha reception eofg oasIs. Au omnibus te anS rein al trans. Finsi-etaus aruple roome. S HAKESPEARE IHOTEL, k>Cor. Ring du Yonk.sts,, Tomento, Ont. J. A. O'GRADY, -PROPRIETOR. Tnao, #1,50 s'eu Dv. (y47) ]pOST OFFICE SALOON, Tosoraro. M. MCCONNELL, - PROP1iIETOR. W' THE 1DEST ACCOMMODATION ~ foc QuasIs. ily-47) w eJ. EINMAN, OSH A WA, Veterrnary Surgeon, Wil Se aI Armelreng's iselel, Whltby, eveny Tueedsy, frein 1 te 4 calocî, p. ns. April 25,1877. 18 New Stage Line T'> ETWEEN WHITBY *u OSHAWA- M> I have put un <lue route belveon Oou,- avat sud Wiiby s cenfortable covered stage, aud seicit el patronage et travelers sud etiers. Every attention vtlbe piS te lise constant and cenvohiance of pasengari, andi te tis nc vansiprompt Solives-y ot pas-cels commîtîed te my charge. Tisas- viii be tve stags per day oais val vi. : Lesviu g Oasaa ctismorfiasg l ino lee t insle close cannections vIltiste Whtby du Lilndsay -lclansd ai B o'cleck eseis atteranoon; sud letvlng Whllby aIfil a n anato cf ctacisday. Taesitage»vil1 clntMhtli a emistuvn, anSosdes loti Atany ai tisa-iotals vil Sec attended te. Pare andi charges moderato. -J. Il. ADAIII, Propnietor. Marais 211h 1878. (1 LANDS FOR SALE 1 IN TEc Township of- somerville, - ICOUNTY 0F VICTORIA.. Tise tolleving Ilasinlutisetownsip cf SOImIrvIil, Couaîy Oft'Victoria, a-are eS tor sale- Tisao Wet cf Lot 5, iu tho 1815 conces- sion, cou osiug ot 100 aris. 1'iiten aris clearesi and feucesi., A nevor-fahlinq sireans crosses tise lot, -oun'ahicS fi a min este, -sicar th ise fsi goosi rossi. Tise preperty is ouly 10a1 a mile troa rallvysytatien on theo Victoins Rlwgy, sud 8 miles fron tise 'Village of Riasmount, Moss-'Jeisu qodman ansiDaDeliBilver, uer Kl=uuat,tuI sow tise property. For Ter-ma ai Sale, apply t- JAS. WALKER' s' -Moray P. O. Ontario, en te -- Meess,- HA.TCE I RO, Vbtbjy. Aug 2Snd, 1877, -.88 FARMS TO RENT.- T OSE <vo eholca tafume on tise aUo Lins30Ssiau-" Wsievt 'cf < ho Oshava Corpoois 1m90cossts f wi ... whltby, Jans.255 TIlLE, Agmn8. 28 MAJOR MILLS-. T. P. WHITE airesuzne00 coto he major Mine and m rsared to pay TE IGHEST. PBICE I dalivaredast tho MMinutoi4o. Re wl mso eff ort tg glvo entirs aattsfae$fon tec" <houwhMay pat ie the MII in thoerGRISTIG.ý FPLOUE 'ArnD FEU e1 thse Boit -Q"Uit7, and Kt Rsaaoabla 1*e00, wllloabe pttantiy on band Whitevale, Oct. 10, . . -Notice to the Public!1 NEW OOAL YARD AT PORT WHITBY. Wa an illg<oWLEBBEm WYOM1G hoL tsebest haAmenlea market affords. Leaveyour ondes viti Mr. J. H. Long, or 'VOL.W Arnsold, at tisa offce of tise late C. Draper, Whltby Harboar. Seaure tise nbove-nsd eai. YenTo'Wil <heni testify, as ail othens vise have ussai I, "The Best Coal evçrisold in Whitby." AR~NOLD & FAREWELL, Jan. 22, 1878. Port Wiitby. MJONT TO LEND. Tiseunudersignas lipsauny&Mounut of Mou- ey to Lensi upon Fu=i or Ten Proporty, at unuuUly Loy Rites of Inteneil. Loanus eau bc repaiS lu sumo te suit bon- novera. Severai Improei Parme aud Wild Lanas for sali cisp. Inveilmenîs nmade lu Municipal Dibeh. lunes, Bank, ansi other manketatable Stocks. For funliser particnlansapply to JAMES HOLDIEN, Officiel Assignia, Brukar, duc. April Otis, 1872. 1 MARTIN & WÂRAM, HOU8E, SION AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER8. 1 .FRESCOING7ASPVCIALTY. A fine assorlinent of Iise-very lateit stylaet HALL AND ROOM PAPERI1 Preece deelguse ecutasiou <ho sisrtst notice. MARTIN du WABAM, Tvo sieurs nortîs af Kinge' Tmnary, Brook StreaI, Whitby. (yl.1 FRASER & CLA RK, DOTTLERS 0F ALES AND PORTER, W/ssTDL UER BZER, &C. MILLICHAMPS BUILDINGS, S20, 31, & 33 Adeissîde Street liait, TORONTJO, ONTARIO. Nov. 121h-, 1877. l,4 L IVERPOOL MAIIRET 1 CASH FOR GRAIN, To ho deliveresi et Pa~BUrj? oe mtn.Butrôe CaeupnTae ks. l;orl'j id ets j4 &. &. GRmw 1&UKnieon pois. Hlotol anS Bar Gobasu. * GLOTER HARRISON, DOMINIot -FLOUR ý& FEED STORE. flAS ENNYLGIONfa sfllng the Cet boti o FLOUR -AND. 'FEEDn FOR SALE CHEAP, A Good Rorne, Phoeton-ucSi nesi, (nearly new). CHAS PENNYLEOJON. Whltby,MIUy 9th,1578. APPLE TREES, A 0O0U T 75.000, HOME NURSERY, Promn <vo te tour years etfa, embnacing an tise beit Varletiui. Lot No. 8, Sud Cou. Pickering, on Kingiton Bord, est.Office, whitby. L IST 0F TEE DIVSION COURTS o07rT= COUNTY. 0F ONTARIO, FOR TE EAR 1878. PotPrr 5di924t î14i- Cau't'u I7)14 (28 2 0' 61 9 A 1h1rly19 9 128. 11avAr1u l a 181 17 GYEO. Rl. DARTÈELL, 'Junior Jndge Witby. Janv. 7th 1878. Second Seaien--Summer 1878. STURGEON POINT HOTEL. lIE-CpiPnuIS, TiseMost destrabie sommer Sites, ituatcd on Stus-geen Lakte, vithin ton uslesel Lindsay, Ont., le nov open for tise receplien 0f gîste. Thc Houeas-le firt-clsneavery prticular, being siluatef ou ataautlulnlaudlaiThes gonudi are Sns5y veoded anS laiS su drives andi qvaika tepotate cf £atoeit. Tise Hetel coumandi s fine viawof ol igsstfisi lard sud wster scapos, ln fornshed iu iuponlor styla and wt vils evi tew- te comtes-t. PitOiirsd Iiaajaue.bnas, *o., onth ie promiss. 00 a s ud ssootlIn e iaviciudt)-. Tise STUMaEeR POnaTRHOTEL pu arus reacisesiby tisa teamers $dVaerOntV' and *'Ile Lsf,"' froin Liudsaà-. Ounnacttug vils passger trains ounocislan ianS Witiy, Pus-t Fesrr &Lindmay ltsilwaye. Tise steamer "Victoria" connecte tisrce limes eamei day vilsb fasse"~s trains on victoria a illay at mena. tue" Senti for lime.tabla, liewlng arrivai sud dopas-tusse efSuats andstrinsu. J. E. DUJNHAO!.Ps-esmictor, .24-)n -Lusay, Ont. GEORGE BRITTON, l'EACTICAL Frenchman's Bay.I1CA RRIA GE WA GGON PLASTER, SALT, AND COAL FOR SALEF. MO NEY TO LOAN Ou RteelHeotate, aI Le-e-Rates of Intereat. J. 11. McCLELLAÇ. Jannary llt, 1877. tf-3 ip75, 000. TrO L A ON FIIIST-CLASS FARM LANDS, lai suns ai #200 asid upa-ards, aI 7 per cent. Payable Hlalf-yeas-ly. Apphy le- GEO. S. HALLEN, Solicior &duc Apsil i7th, 1877. 17- ms nL~es-vaun debilts'. etc., haviing erla1 F.= avoir kuev s-n emly, issu sd a simple 9,eir ce wlslcu h, vit send oashtestsfoîlew eulYerors ÃŽ. H. REEVES, 435 Chatam St., M. Y. NOVELTY WORKS, WHITBY ONT. TILet SUBSORIBIER haviug pOrhasesi Ttise Machinary and cutis-e stock d! seasenesi Lumben fraru <ho Musigo sud Yarvood Manutacturing Ccmpaèny, lu nov p repas-ad te fus-ulei Doors, Sashes Blinda, Franies, Mouldings, Base, ArosIutraves, Ploonsng, Slsectiug, andi everytislg ni- qulred by tise naSe, at lise loveet living WoS turning Noeand. B&Insters te ordsr. Lumbor fer sale, bail qualty, loîls prlaee. We hopa fs-enslong eesflence sud by squaesdalng tomaurl a ihara of public patronage. GEO. GILCHBIST, Propniotor. TELIZA MARIA CAMPBELL, of lise I. Town et Wbltby, County cf Onlarlo, suàProvince of Ontàio, vifs of ROBERT CAMPBIELL, ai tho lsmeplae' euziant, isoreby give notice tisat I utend teaspp4y <o tise Dominion Parliament nemI sesiion fors BIS et Divorce, a maetailisra, from mry sali ississsi luilar te <ha Biliaseins inyjeaîtl by tisa Seate in 1877, for Asser- tion. ernelty, anSdlise oIson causes, est farlli lu Said Bill. -ELIZA M. CAMPB3ELL. Wls.tly, Juhy Stis, 18. (0in-29 IÙR -SALE, AT THE GLEN MAJO11 MILLS 1 000,000 feot Fliu isu en, wvoseaonii. Inchs Boards. F2oxnl4, omug w-IbisPlank, Fanclug Boards, 100,000batest fOù, IMefoitrie, ulit quality, 15,000 f., Square Tlmbsi Alof vhlch'viiibc selS cbeap-for cash, se voulsimu buta say <bat 5h. Oig MANUFACTURER et n new imnprovea Root Seed and Corn Drill, Double & Single Turn/p Drils, CLAYTON'S PATENTED CHluRNS, (Impreved.) Wgne, Buggies, Sîciglis, couetantiy ou REPAIIIING qone ncaîiy ansi vol on tise shorteetuotico. GEO. IIRITTON, 9eTwo doos-eoathoettise Quecn'i Hetal, BroceStreol,----------tsy. April lOtis, 1878. ly-44 G0013 NEWS FOR THE LADIES. A NEW REVELATION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MAK'ING. CORNWALL'S SELFlu ITTING WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. 1 Dresses fîtteS trous usasunomoot alone vithont change cf a stilcis. For sale, vils free instructions,- aI MISS gf CINT YRE"S DRE55-XMÂNG coMss, vuarar. Agente van teS. Liberai inducementéto tise ls-je. Wiby, Ang. 18, 1874 84 THIEPARKER GUN. 0 2END STAMP FOR CIRÇULAR PARKER BRÃ"'S WEST-MERIDENSOT. LEVI STONE, Wüinson IBlockr, Sinoctly Nortis e .Jolinte'i Fumnibune Store, SOUTH BROOK-ST., . -.-WHITBY, e t osununco te tise inhabitants e; tr a <èiy htbat lofiaopned a FLOUR & FEED STORE, Inu- canuoctlon is vlsMu Buitoer Sisep, vis o w a vl eays have on hanS - A LARGE STOCK 0F Choicc Fleur, '-*- -Craclesi Whent, Oatmeal, -Onsu, peui, Shortis, &c. ORDERS DELIVERED IN ART. PART OF TEE TOWN 1 ew' À Al ei je olioited. È LEVI STO* Wllldàsan Block, - Whiti>y. MareS1Mb,1878 - -(4t-U A Ë!E5B.T-bABSfBLfT<tyS'eTR'sE Co'1 s, JIJST LOSSESPQUMPTLY IP UD 3~BBICELL,: JOHN WILLIS, Whitby, AprIl 9kh,ý 1878. . PHRNIX PIREINSUPMAWcg O. tLombard St. asdChozing Crois, Loud= ESTABLIUED R 1782. GILLE SPXE, MOPPÂTT & co0, Agonti for Canada. î B. W. TIRE, A G CYEST&BLISEED 1WI N . AýDA u 180. Unlhnitbd liabilUty ol ail thse Steekisolder, sadalarge B,,jBe Funda. Moderato ratas oftpremfum. C.NOUBSE, Agent,.Wlsitby, Whltby,April Oth, 1878. ic BRITISU AMERICA Aésurance Company, INCORPORATED z833. A S S ETS, $1,101,876 94. F. A. BALL, Manager. lusurances effeoted at tihe leweît current rates ou Buildiugs,*Xerchanduee, and ethcz property, agaluet lois or damage isy fire. C.NOURB, Agent, Whitby1 W1itby, Ap-il Sîli, 1878. 16 j "EH HARTFORD Fire Insurance co'y, J HA1ITFOBD, CONN. CHARTERED s8zo CASII CAPITAL, $1,250,000.00. Cash Assetà, dan. 1, 1878, $ 81X1Y-EIGHTH ANNUAL EIIiTO) $8,292e91 3,49. Mmnagedbyu kilful Undervnliters, sud lei Sixty-BlgstYeas-seueetftise losd lu g Fin.ancial Institutions of ethlie Country. Cash Iudcunuity Dishunsesi te Patrons, Over 21,000,00000! M~ AIl business Transacted on iPninciples eComAmercial Hener. C. NOURSE, Agent, Wisitby Witby, Apnil Otis, 1878. 1l ASSURANCE COMPANY. INCOR11OILATEID 1851. c.&P i-i'A L, - - - Soo (Witis paver te incroase lut,000O. FIRE AND MARINE. Head Office- - Toronto, Ont, Presidecrt. HON. JOHN MCMURRICH. BERNARD HALDAN, Managilz Dispuo J. J. RÈENNY, - Yccas'j. JAM S PEINGLE, --Gesuerul Agent. ta' Inu-auce effectes ai lise loweet cnr- seut rates auniluilings, Merclsarsdise, sud other pnoperty, egainst luse onrdususuge by fine. Whitby, April Otis, 1&78 Agent, Wiuluy. Depusit vilS Domiluion Govoement 080,- 000. Exponionced Agents tisrongisont the Dominion. Fira Ri8kivurittcsi at .sdcquafo Raies. C. NOUBSE, Agent, Whitby. Wisitby, April Otis, 1878. 16 IRA VELERS' LIFE AND ACCIDENT Insurande Oomnpany, 0F HARTFORD, CONN. Cash A8sets,- $4,316,000 Cash Surplus, 1,214,000 Beet o! Security. Loy Cash Rates. v :1 1 Strict Masnagemnt. L.tbcral i.eaing. An -Untarniahcd Record. Solisi as a Rock. Life and Endownient Poltlo>, Of al sale and desirnisle forme, on tise Low. Bite Cash Plan. Ceutract-plal nasud eil. nite, anS valS ciainipo t i Whitby, April Otis, 1878. Agent, Whltby. I MPRRIAL LOAN * AND INVEST- MENT COMPANY. CAPITAL, .600,000. Headi OMOOc, Impcrial Buildings, Toronto. PiRssDNTer ASRS NON. ALEI. CAMPBELL. ROYAL OANAD(AN DASIC. ioticiroa -G. DOArcy Boulton. MONEjY TO LOAN ou Improved FParme, at 1»w Bates et luterest. Aply to.- C.NOURE, pai on TO B. H. HERTLÂNB, Manager, Toronto. 00013 MORTGAGES BOUGET. April tis, 1878. 16 'LUM4BER I_ 'LUMBER ! LUMBEB MERCHANT, W H 1hT-B Y-, Baion an a ang spply o!Au idnda o! Ail EC Thre dologate )w preosut Lord Dufferiu theojoint addroa Yof thse Oniario imuicipàitle arrivod aI Quebeo on Wedneîday, the 5tii mot. Tise nddress wui proientesi ai < ho *citadel,. and Lord, Duffem in lu is reply t.spolio ai foUlows : 1:. 18 GNTi'EEN,-I bardly know la wisat - termi1am 110raply to the addugss1 have juitl istous& te. S0 signal la the bonourwloh y ou -have conforresi upou t. me that*i É~sbole Province as làrge, ai imaportant,- as flourishing as mauy a Europ eau kiugdgm ibonlsi erect into au smbasey tise Mayra oMf tacillez, <ho delegalen of its,urban sud rural munici. :Paliiea ian4dauepalsis lhem oau a journoy cf reveral honds-ed, miles te ýocoufey <o a humble indilvidual- like M2ysblf uon ex- Spression o!tie personal geed-wllo!,tise ecenstituaucice tiy repremeut -h sa -cir- ounsitanoe uuparaleledlu tise hiutory of Canada or o! sny cuber ooloiy. Y. (Loud appiause.) To stand îs 1 now .w do in tise prcence of se mauy diatin. -guiîhed perous who- muet have put theifüsclves to to &£reat parsonal lucon. vanieoce ou my. accouni adds <o my confuion. -And yci gentlemen, I eau- mont prelsud net te ha deiighted with suais genuino deusonstration of regerd ou tise pari oftise laige-heartesiiriabi. tante eof tise great Province lu whose nanse yen ihavo asidressesi me. (Logis applause.) For quite spart ftein tise r.personal gratification I experissuce yen itare teaeobiug ail future adm4.aielrators cf your affaire n leseon whic oli yn=my ha sibre tisey.y1Il gladly lay te heurt since i wiii siow theus witis low riais a reward yon are ready to rcpay whatév- or elight exe rtionsit lmay isa witbin -tiseir power te make oc', your hehaîf. (Appianue.) And wheu, lu tise hiitory of yonr lomnuiou oould miais a proef cf your genecsity be more qpportnnely showtn? A few qwr- kg age tise beurt cf evary mninsusd a ,suusn iniCanada wae profundly lunvosi iy tise intelligence, not eniy thut tise Govei j nent of Great liritan waaabuut te eend ont as Eng- laud's reprasentative tb Ibis country one cf tise moît promieing amongît <lhe youugcr geuaration of our pubulc in, but tisaItise Quaen hei-ielf wam about te entrusi te ikeug cf <ha pcople cf Cauada oua cf lielr own daugiteri. (Great applainse.) If yen deaircd auy illustrations cf tise roFpect, tise affection, tise confidence witli which yen are ro- i garded by your fellow-oubjectesud by yeux Severigu, At home, wisat greaIer preufcifenul yon roquire tissu hue, or wlspt more gratifying, more douiante, more touciig recognition coulsi have rewarsied yonî- never-failiug love andi devotien for tise Mother anurysd s l ne? (Cheers.) But,ilogits Parlismeut snd tise citizeus cf Canada may weii bu pround cf tise coufidence (lins reposes inlutisau, balievo me wrien I tell yen tisst, quite spart from these - cîpecial consideralione, yen May we il bu cengraulstes ou tise happy ohoic e wluiaislias beau made iu tisa p rien of *Lord Lorno fer tihe future G overner- Gonersi cf Canada. It ha beau my foodi fortune to lha conngoted al my lita lnng with bhis faxuily by lifscf tise *closest persenni. friendssip. Himeel! I huve knowu, I May gay frem is i boy. hood, sud a use consuiontieno, higîs- minsleid or baller qualiflesi Vicarey coul]ido bave beau selecîssi. (Great apulause.) ]3rougil up unier exoep- tionally forîunute conditios iti is need- les te sny lie lins profitesi te tise nîmost by tisa advnutages places iwtlin hie reacis, many of wisicis wUl have fitted t -hlmi in an cepeclal degroci for~ hia prai-E eut poil. Hie publice chool sud collaget education, hie experience cf tise Roues cf Couimens, isis large persoula- 1quaintance nitiste representatives cf ail tisaI * Mostdistlnguishedinlutise isitelleclual world cf tise Unitedi States, hie literary aud atîlihlo tasîci, bis foreigu travel onu lail combine te rend- er hlm intelligoutly sympatisetie wiih every phase aud aspect cf your nation- ai life. (Great applause.) Alueve ail, lie comas of a good Wisig stock, tisaI is te aay, cf s lamily whose prominene lu hiîtory la foinedsiupon lise scrificas tisey have made lunlise daupa cf cousti- lulienal liberty. (Cisears.) Wlseu a couple of a mau*e aneestors have perisi-i on lis caffolsi as martyrr te tise cause f cf poMitclal sud religions Ireedous, yen s ussy ho sure tisere isle tile lilieliisood cf t: tiseir desceundauts seeking to enaroacis, a whe ating as tise roprosentatives cf 1 tise Crown, upon tise privileges cf Par- i lismeut or tise indepetideneo cf the i people. (Lond echeers.) As for ydur9 future Prinause il would net bocomo me 3 te eniarga upou her menite. She ivill s moon lho amonget yen, takingi ah heurteiJi hy iterm hy tisa grace, tiesa iaviiy, the 0 swect eimplicily cf ber matners, lifa, % sud conversatiou. (Trcinapdoui ap- li planse.) Gentlemen, if aven thoera was ii gent sud eympatlietie fieMontt in. ) t] So tisat, gentiomîn, I1liardly kuew co wisicli plenqse me mot-the tisougist fe tisat tlisaeeperintoudeuoc of yeur des- te tiiezlattû ho coufeded to parions no ec worthyot tha trust or thafiodearafrlend te cf mine as Lord Lorue, sud s persouage w for whom I entertain s0 mucli ns- 1, speeful admiratioü a» I do for tise ti Pninceai Louie îhould commence thae T future labisn utise nidtio! a coin-es munlty o Inmdulgent, so frieusily, 8se0c reaeiy te tàse tise wil for the- deoti, se ti generous lu the!m recognition cf any lu offerts te serve <hem, as yenX have prev- Il ed younielves., And yet glas', goutte.-'W men, pleaimni anci-'agreeable, as la the fi prospect for yen su ad <hem, we rmuet -, acicnowlodgetharo la one .drawb&ck <o l1 <ha piCture. ,Lord Lonne heai.sI1 have saisi, a multitude o! mesrlte. -But even OO poiwiU lbe discoveresi on th.e s squ,- su uortuna<eiy al m ropamable, dO and, ai I May ciau it, a eongonial de.aà feet, attaches, te tis appointmoni. 13 LorL ameàaziot an -Irhia, (iau tser) s anet bis fasil% ho ald a tise hshooud-for biàifl. (nes. ti Aud'now, gentleman.i 1inus it>d you farawoll. Noyer, ibél I forggi <ith ,welcomo you exisadama in erer, owo I finît -Caml 0e moeugt Ye itwaz travel- ling <brougs your bouiantfiiPxovice tisa Ilieut lesmuesi to appreoisto aud uus)eorsiand tise nature an&-chiracter oI ycur daîlinies. (Applasc.) I< *as tiscre I tinet learued te' beltaen Can- -iuia, snd frein that day te <lia iv faits bas neyer wavared.' Nay, tise Tur. tiser I exiendeul my t ravelo tisreugh tse oIson Provinesi tisa more deeply My initial impressions, were sionlirine. But il wsamousigt yen that <hey were tiret ongendarad, sud il le wits your sirnn bppy Osuilots My, brigist reminaceuces arce uetertainod. (Great 'applanie.) Ansi what lransaotiou could balter, Plnitrate tisa migbly changes youx enargica isave wrougisitissu tse eue lin ybioli wo are aI Ibis moment engagesi.' Standing as we do opon Ibis lofty plafem, surnenodesi by antique sud isistenical fortifications ao cieiely counectesi wits tIe infant fortreases ci tise ceouy, on e n't islp centrasting tIse presaut scane witls otis ocf an au. alogions charactor, wlaich, have iscen fI-equeptly enactesi upon thie. ofîcs sud often have the esriy Geverupni ci Cases areucived inluQueisco depties from1Tthe very districts frein wisicl, cachrot yen have come. But in tisose dayî tise sites now ccupiesi your pros- pe onetwne, tise fields ou 1111, tse re-adteoisuad tiai lawne where you- cihidreu sport in poener, wors Ilion danse wilde-rnesesuad pninuevai forest. Tisoso whe usine £roms tience on any ersansi hore were mercileis savages eeekiug tise praiencu cf tise vicarey dIsher te tisresten war sud vengeance, or aI bils te preffer a tracherons sud unceriain peaco. How 1111le could Montmagny, or Tracy, or Vandeuil, or Froeac, hava aven imaginesi ou suris ccasions tisaI for tis a lnk, 'duiky forme of tise Iroqueois orOttrira cmii- enriai wouid oeeday ha sunheilutes tise beamiug oulenanoeîsuad jsurly pro. pentiens cf English.ipPaking Mayori, Aldlerman sud Rteevai. (Applanie.) Ansi now, gentleman, agalu goed-bye. I Canuot t lauyen bow deeply I regret tisai Lady Dufferin ibouhsi net be pro- sent te ihare tise gratification I hava experienuesi by your preseuce. (Great applanse.) -,Toityour iricûdia, "csu sow daeéply I hbave beau mevesilby <sa haet sud signal, proof cf tiseir guuud will tisat <soir iiineissubll nover ho for- golten, sud tisi as long ai I live il viii bue eue cf tise Chie! ambiticns cf iny life to rauder <hem fatlfol andi effectuai Pervice. (Tremeudens appîsuse.) TIse grcsnp vas tiscu pîsotograpiel on tIse tarrace from .wiiaistise uest lvie in tise dietrict cf Queheu le oh- taluesi, Lord Dufferin inviies tise del- ogales ith±Lmodlstely afterwsrde te Var. take cf liglît refresimeut in hie dining. reoin, sud thon eîcertad tis ein tise eleamnbeat City, sud entertainesi thisn wits a <rip down lise river te Moeui- moerency Falesuad Ssck, returning te tevu ai 7 1p. ts. 'tie dulugulcei ers accomipaniod isy tise lhrie pipers brougist wuis Ibaein frein Ontftrie. Swallewitig s Snake. ONEtuOF TIIE DANIItnS 0F SL5îilPI14G IX TIIE Oi5N AIR,. Fanon Pett,, egedfifrly-five, le a woodman reaiding about <vo miles, froui Warwick furisareg- Par tIse paît six mentsha hcnbd heen cicaritlg a truact cflasi for hie brother-in-haw, abont oncissif mile frein hie lheue.- Ee e isa ataivari, hrosd-ebonldered imn, ansi vears his baie close cul. fHe bas à CeOn face sud lseavy mvi. 'cou Tueesiay and Wednesday' cf lau aveuit Mfr. Poils paissi thrcugh one o! tise msict terrible odeals of ils lind tbst auy suman being wa aevar cailesi up0u le endufe. Ansi ail lu tise preaee cf-his wlfe aud four cisilsiron. Wodnoiday of sl yod he lofi home as - nînai cari y in tise meruIug, Iakiug lii dinuen witbi sun in s ketîle, as hie genorally ro~ naluei ail day. Ho sys ho workei unii neen, ste hie OlunerntIeao'cocdk worked ou us usual. About tisrce o'ciock lu <hea fterzioÃ"u hoe bcame lrowsy, aud tise sat was. oppressive. As hs *68i orliug: hy ie job 14e sou- cludesi te take a uap. lIe restesil ln tis shasie cf a large ai troc, near a clnmp of rockse, hie bond iying noar ua preet- ing root. 11ev long hoa lopi Mr. Pottls dos@ net stato, but inddouiy -be , ao swakenad by a coing sensation. Ho jaiped Up, sud, à lhe jclmpedi resUt-. Ohli ehiie monts openu vile-lhe cas sîlcet. There wss strange, laite in hie ments, sud hiei (lront felt mvw. Sundeniy ha ajeotasi about a bal! - E-' Ul cf ilime, sud forgt<ime lie <isonub risan lia bld lii wifo tliathoeladitsem gwallowes s anale or a haOshe dropped to he fiér in a fit. -Tise elsi- estdanghter, agesi fourtees, vas qiùk-. fft aptole aiieighbor for assstance. ae was buylng treao fros an ,agent- of aNew Yorklnurery <o o edolverasi in MIIýulUayresyu. M1O iu5 pennue <blhi."t saisitise Doabor, sud more l'ilk w ui p ut on tlie steve. iote v as tîsen laid ontttisser tiesede roof, and ai iseihther.ho vasiiiùug t tinder- go tisat treatruent. H odocueec. -A wsgg9ou vas pueliesin uand tise mari gel onl it. Aboyavafsý a cross beau. -A 5* rang nopea a ted t<iisud <heu snocya darondlie lovyer limi of tise suffcring inu. Tise w aggon vas tlisaspullail away, sud Peit was loti isangiug beau devis e Ho v aidesi l building liii beasi up. Tissu tisabeiing ruulk vas'brougli, audlise lirhaiesitise atoarn. -Dm. Qepisarî beisiPoIls'moulli open. -Tise patiout4i longue- protmudesi sud bisayeo sarîasi. Tisa thial stoani Iiowed lie b is tismoat, sud lthe pool sufferer made a noa as if cisoking. TIhon almost as quick s tiongitîe docior saa adnSpiotetsi, andsimel-. iug il vus hbie nalres iiugers lie quickly pullesi ai tiste reptile vas dashes i Ia au cuspty hueket. frre, rels wai werklug lIce a iseaver, sud whie tise dootbr was upportiug tise suabandi tiso waggon vas iseked inlu-aud l a fev secondePatte was iyiug ou tise grons neaniy de0, fne waî givan some wlsey and vas mnbbed wvith -coase towllug sud fliliy lie secusîsi te ha msiig eaey. Hie eyes vere bloodshot sud every velu scemeïi bulgiug andi ready te hunit. Ha vas carries i lto tIse liese sud putl le besi sud ligisi foodi vas sdministcrcd. HIs <brout-vart very mono, but iiili ha was thaukfd i ien haovau tolsi that <lie reptile hid bleu removed. Tise dec- 1er vas esoon buily exaining il. The enake vas àa ilgular Ihoeing eue, ansi mensureS inuen luches, lu languis, but attise thiekesi part o! tisa body it wae net moe n ssul ai hlais.Tise fiat isseissi t its widasi was net a lai is. IL waa elark groin ou tise nir eide sud bIakou top, andI aparantly hud neo cales. IL was 1111.4 ansi put irit a boutle flle i ih alcoboi. Mr. Pelle scia lic wcsuld net have i lu tise huonme sudnover vauted si e sohip Tise troc agent teck lu witlihlm sayiug lie woulsi nover forgcý tise bincen t lu hsi, ifis. Baîveen Heaven sud Eartisi, A i5ALYioAD ACCreMir Asosrc TUE' Tise ifle doily nevepayen prntesi ni tise enininit etibleuet Wsinugton Sur- iug tisa sumnGeesason, ansi celled Anuessq the Closud#, gte s Bree*asi- ditienai partionlars cf theacacident <o euie cf-tise rainsa accnsiing tisa mon- tainu ou Thnneday. - Each train consiste o! asi ongiua, oue passeanger car, hnvig gste for feniy passongors, ansi a small b2cuggage car. Tise esîgin sibel babthei paseouger car, pushing the latter up tise inclinc, vhiohin luBorneplaces us oe fodt lu thmeu. - About 200 paseugens startasi for tiese mmii onu srdsy snorusiug, four <s'aies being useS le con- vey tisona, ail, cfcurse heing unpleas- austiy ci-swdeil. .ssîainôny te Cfessds sys .-,'Tise thsrec fervard trains ar- nivedsi t tisee sirsiit uearly ou lime, but tise fourtni st vasdelayesi by an accident te tise engine Clousi, <ho rean dniving ceg.vheei beaîing on tise Iowen pari cf LongTréstle. Thse vieal i made o! steel, ansi las nineteen coge, savon cd wliuis gao weayè ewiug <e s defect lilisnhoumade. ne ea u g lu 3vaein chargeof Henry Nuapp, englue- or, John McCarlhyi fliaran. Tise break in tise vieel vas inetantly Ois- covereti, and the naîciset-brake on tise fora-anSdnlrving sisaft cf tise angioc ap- pliesi, viicis stopped tisetrain iustautly. Ail1 cf tise senteins the -car vaere filled, aud a nuruben cf passengers verc ce- cupylig chasanutise baggagc- car lu. thie sentcff<the ogino. Tisera wcra about îevonty paiscSera on tise train, ansi on-Iy sfev -vamo aware titaIan ac- cident];&dO ccummesi untlafler tis eon- gise lied sbepped. Tfie englue vas se iccunoly hlaby the ache.bralc <bat il noveS backvard siovu tise _mounnîn leai bisaisfour luches.- The accusent liappenoid about, 12. o'clock, sud tise passeligers. excet a 1ev,' .vio valesi up the iiotula i, ronainesi until . a train rau dovu fron bise Jumnlt sud teok tIen up. 'Tise 0111.engine attse base, George Slophenson, va fredup, sud ra u uptise meniais t6 asssl'un taling lise'ieabiod ongise devis. The 'stAr vasse dlffiul< <o perfarraa <bat il iras aflor 7.o'ciec befeme tisa dovnv.and <rip coul hacoenwd, -and i fter getting vwitinthsree-quantae c f a, mile o! tise base, tiseaid engine broke Sovu. It vas <hon, neiary <o give up fartS- or vomI for'tiselIghbt. Tise rmoval of <ho dàiisblesi angine Tlsumsssy iftanoon,- Ou-thé' MoÙti Waslilugtn Railvay frein Lng Trastîs t e hoBase, proved as pester-unsiotak- isg <lieu wag aI first eapected.TIse eniy englue loft aI bIse B8aie'-as <tho Georgé Steheusounsd - <blas net been naiS for seveasi y an osn' a songer train. Tise tendir o! tise Obit vas finît talon te tise Baie, ansi- Ilion tho stepheison.meeumnesi -teo g- Troubla te- taIse .-Oovn <- hoe nglue. Evorything fro:nt veulo0ver <htbeepeel sudmôe na sgemoeai Paris .cf bise rosi' but on Cold- pn1hig Iritie, vithi tisre.qusrters o!aMlo fron <hlaBas -tise auitir e glht o! <h. disba anne ansi- tisecar aboyO a-eeupen <li e gtepisen, viels vas net B Ã"O, etrong talisoisi il. Ih drlvIng g viseel broIe and tise enliro trat is down <he tract brealciug tise, enîre' rail ansi <he lieu for a -distance: o!a bout 1»0 foot viso it c"m te a stop, tise1 bis proe1veutlug lbfrein- go;ng ,fiathon. john Blorne, tie msuter urechanla -vis va runnie Stephienson, aloc4a a hie, pilsu di eo'tisgha coula hoso-iealina, end Wai not hUrt in Thé is.Tieothar' emiployog jinspas ai ad oalighybised00 saine befoneý aeoorsiing <c have sain bu î ta, ly.50 RE, ;~ or owvr soan 5q5 5455L W to coxa lui contatstvh deasi boies I tpqk <vo bodies eut o! tise Est river whàii wnrktnglaI BeR 1Gate, at the e tôt. r »Brd street, anudthe anibenitios ashow- ad ene o! <hem, a baby lale axposesi to tise sunou <ho piers for tva sisys. Aîier tisI I lefb tîso bodies lu the river visera I ,Lenni <hemn, Iowing <bat vlien- they' bacanie "loatoe" <bey wonisi bu carriesi off." of "ave you oýver met vils accideite ofasionus nature undier '*&ter Vl" I vas wonkiug lan<isî-thbÈty feet of vater ai Fulton Ferry *llp, viren a îeventinlcisiran -aiat, usosi for drnil- ing tise soft- rock, "pantly tismougis acci- dent aud partly tismugh my ovu cane- leîîuess, lii my halmet and Inocleel It off. It vas fastenes i vil a quarter- 3tutu, andI hadine boite,'sud vai vary careleîely adjustedl belote I veut ioita <ho vaten. As soon as tise ielmel vas 3gene, tise valer nimbed ula ndflled my sincsg ansi vilS my lead wsighi I coulsi oct nove, sud lise preelsur o! tise vîtot' oeaei<ho vaigisloe! a mountalu crashs- ing y frame Ioualas md y "ten- dr" tapullu;but.ufartuhalely, hie assistant la gono ta i<te plan ou a brie! erans.i. * Couiidu'l yen make sorie effort yetrm. self te raine te szurface 2 -Tise effort vouisi lave -beau -uielcs sud v.ouis only -canaiseirawuiug tise quicicer. TIse cooio e, uaeepe lJ'au Prmsrgensy o! tisaI linO tise botter fer hlm. Has iI struggied- I voulsi net have bien siivae w. I remaineS par- fectiy inotioniais sud savaimy bneatis. My I"helper finally sibtaiuesi assistance freingonme minuon tise plat, suAI asi* dmagged ont more dosa<han olive. Thoat accident irept me cenfluas le tise hosfer veels. Blooçi flovosi frein my spes, eans andi no3e fer siacineo afler I vas taken ont cf <lic wnten. -l'Ou oeeoconsion, vissu I vas Éà iug lis a voîsel, I vont Sevu inta <hd hiolài twouiy feet deep. taechiala a pon- lieu o! tise cargo. àE if hegel tan- gleil, tinO I vas t<vo biouma etryiug ta flusi my vay ont. I vas in a ticklisis place, 1 eautell yen. HfiS hoe boss sîsck. lu the ouppiy o! air I -vouisi have -Cau yen rsc snyliing nier wator V" "'Vary seldomu -Tise 4carsnet vater vas ever lu I found lunqt Il' enueboé River. I ceudsi sa for quile n Olelanod;- ivo on six foot. besug tise Ostauce aI vhioh su oiject i.s carîy outil-ueO. Ini tho Reunebise large -ilurgacu lazily sam inpast me vWhou, I kepI parfoctly motionlasi, but thaheasît môvemeut on my pari sent Iliatn Ilying tsreugis <he vater lIke j flash. Tise ensIler fis .-freivo eet in lenglis devistti min- uov-vena very friendly.1 - Thoy float- cd urend ame feanieamîy. Oceaiionaily, eue moreinquiile.han - teiese et, %vulnsi akc sibaieap my fingora. Ans rsaa AREiuUI. at a depuis o! !orty ar ifiy footundar <h. surface. 'TheirosiFsasud eyes'glii. tan aud assume a multitude o! hues ; sd as <boy tutu froin sido te aida, or demi up or dovu <bey appear le inca-case sud ducraasc lunasz lu s Miaglcai-o- cf vay." "l'I hre noe oou'iderable danger te bd appreedsfroin lie attache e! sharli orotiser sea-monsters 2" " 1Not tho leasI. ÂAilsark wyul ya y;ou fer minutes, 'but vison tle divan stepi tovard. hlm ho ieavee vamp' ah. ruptly. 11e may comaé bauc, circle. arounds, sud thon ltlce np a motionleas p osition near tise diven, but after ho la frigistenesiR offtv-or <ismas limes lhe vwiii uot nabumu. By lise way, I1linO a paiuful but laugisable -expenlence ai Nov Haves once- W4iliediving in lii. rlvçn,,a icheol ot-rallier army o! crabe made an attàek upon me. Mhen J1 vas zuiesite lise Purface I vai coverai.- fonxheadtofool vlS siscil-flisi. My handi vaa covoed vi lbo.od, and my limbhe01for venal Osya vere coveredl "Hnow doiss Otving ulimaîely affect a psrgon.?- Iltalways prodso sdeafnes-moro insome.<han.otIser-. Partialblindnu foilovs, ansi <ho terraof Yeats allottesi te Mons10-rà o ae" , , "Tise*compensation ilieulsi, beu ch Itirgefortiserishi rua andti heoposai-- lies inoummod, uggestedthesreorter- "'Tie vages are £air butot-lu age. Whoen <ho diver.furnises one.mnnanà isiiowv suit, hoegets from $40 t<o 60' par day, or 81Ã" an heur.- 1Ig4G 150E BMeuwi OF TM A.a.- Nov 7fork, Aug. 29.-Tse bankrup<oy clerk's office !ts9fof t4U tatSM" ourt wair beaieoesito-dzy wt àyr iig peiin ubanku t4y c a 1 iss evnyfve'pebIion5an ichgalses Pee rlo ', vhel.kovwpoit eg-e .1

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