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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Sep 1878, p. 2

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Itairbruaies-k W.3. Smilà & Ce, viWeliceM. W D.Smith & Co. Laduidforsalé-G. Y. Sustb.' me*sey te lend-tG. Y. înîthi. B~ots and! Shtis - Joo. Sauuuiorg Âgont. jewelry - Jas. Jolcêton, GoldusnlicI QCls, Wéteb)es, -&o.-Jsse. Jcicnahoî Qoldei.wtWa lRail. M.ICTION SALES. --flain et farci stock, ihuplernents &ic M~., lut No. 5, i 04c rd co. Pickering unToas Ot fi,178, tise proper. lt fM-Ticoinam Miulll-L. la bisekp, ioineer. Sae .of faIt» eto. insiamonls, &c. nu lot Yo.45, in 2m i con. Plottrlcg, oY Moîaday Sept. 2iri, 1878, tics propeety cf Mr. Wnc. Iattltck-L. Fairbansl, Ahectloncer. $Slo o titrustock, &o., on lot Nu. 11, liroken Preut,' Piekeriug, ou Iriay Sept. lntl, 187$, tise'îroprty et the laIe Sitiusa L, Fairbarks, -Auctieneer. - L arik iralsc. for Halo b y puiclo section ab - loPkiusjIali, on Tutseasy Oct. 201hl 1878, tise pro pcrty oft Mr. G&e. Iloîclilne -Lb'Varbaclit, Aiccîonoer., Saleo!of alusble 'proerly lu lic Toniliip eofilsali, at Royal liotel, Wli tby, on sHatirdeiy, lispt. 141h, 1878. -l ~srakAnctionear. Mertgsge sache et tarin, by suction, at Ila30,hotel, hitby, ocn$cturihaMy, sept. lice, 1878. ONLY Miî 5oPER ANNUM. WblbyTluîrdutSept. 12, 1878. 'rlie Orange Vote, Wv 11ai0eliucw iliforris'ud tisaIt isera vast n, î'îolu dccii sotuuitîl y pust tc tisa vola O tietranrgsc îusietiliîghou] a li roukiin. Vîwreticayrouinu. coîîewhet sastray, *lit iîili f;ttig Jtlia.t raoiutieiic iawt beso ucînafinîiiiie i 1, -A re- moliffili, wp oie bld,ii7etIsru'al * P114dgfng 0ti spport- o e I 1 idgec le MIr. biIbi ; hit thie frisîrjî cf lice latter eenslisiiîred itl iotvr poiicy te lauva il.- vitiianîswc. I'ey lsensibly srguwd tliîtats Mr. Cilik would iha-ve tise voîte ofi<if utuIrtiirrii uîîy wuîy, il îvoii ci ic) o (gccncluecrtaini iusrtai's le haive itl uîk ontI hut direct reluiions \Vu have, Icooveai, tics living mndim- -pisteble fectoth ienting iaviug bee'n callod e staci ci ticsbille aîîd notice, - puliliîsesi-". ct lcvcitg ccutuI[bt.fcit cc's-oîîy1tit thesaungemîtctclocld "ine cfCiiieitcel acion a! <tIttehcssa- "js~î isct/oa.'Ansi furliir-" llvory Orcigeszau is puriccflariy requestoi Li) iitlîuit.' Andi tîcaroisa line cous- tuecluec iut.il it wm ici uînly boasi. - i-tiict (le icecetiicg vens ic lhice utt ot Mir. bibis.* ilvsae ~on1(iiIyor iwron- fuiiy vo cîîuîîîsîî ssy,) tisst tis a cticolie v'cto uloits- bu ru:cordiiutifr Glen, lis. QYjscugo iusîictlg 'fsr tics pirpese cf taiicg iiiteî cd lti," s&0.,etiuilbus i'ac'ied li îo olicer liglit thiuuu as a W> aei'tsCtlIci8ta Dleprivesct tlisir fsea oercia fet rtutieclcio. It eould 1-sL bucocod loi iotîcrwise, uîndes' lcectrcll iuetaucil ticcîîha us a -ticreuit t iuterfaure vitîs tuaois Civil Icigliil. Aide trous -t1is ucilicy of tiaWilou sthiig; a îulitiecîl Ostingus rseioîisg cf tietics!n Ivas chaud it lice iSet tl-ils vo coluil iaes Ourpetcc. cauriy aeoeisalios, and luinale ofiiesudliti with i dis'itiual Onsegocce, (ililiwe are lccîîîy lac cusy issus'cieutiuuci uu inlatrruplos i iita luiit c(lck',) iciwiya î liuse teabI)lieve hit tiiey wenVi tlie fralcide etfCivil and -hll- bal rsgiasie ore cf a. social ss i ieolent er4isiiiacîieuîtissu muy- thilig sisci. 't iuclîu yeerti e. change iin 6hPiacssIan Ips:are lu iivive IO ic o - ca A irutciof yeutsg sIaigs- l'o g Ieiloseand .wlci-it uîppeiur lsvh t tis lusthîu tioc iîscy inuilcon.ve NYsi gic ciseviicro t t)s idecrîlse- illnt ceevPcning tli meeting; Mr. Btolein"os's luIter, aed ise tic.e letter oftin Orangeîan-a 'premicont mcm-. - hre!ftics Order, anai a geutienssu heldî. * - lsg an officiel pesîlien, un repiy t ht.iel et Mr., Steienou. -TIse reader esau moue for biief what lice Meeting was fr6sa lice advcctimont, and frein tice - cîrospeadenco ticat tise tacts havào net bseuls.sateci astear as tise Csisem«orx Blumy We5. 'édk plomînss o hé a busy eg week i for Whitiy. Final Lhe lcclueus en Tuesday lieh ftalc ounlIhe 1811, 111h anti I lice Ass6iesDU tisa lti. wvta wil bu atcasectoi he ea'es-y ffoict te, show wVliiby ab-. favorable ligit aconit! Ise hieutmci iTWizN TurnCs-- Atteabioni la disectodt ho i loe. bss-west Me, <eu nauîi r. Gilibf a, le eie - elsmnu, on ci wcfqa thee roadcr viii be M bis evu jetigissant,- 01 1T'assen ispse, h'r_ of Souhc ntsJ4o la somewhat a ing. To curselNesas .a OatholigIÏ offunaively humiliatlng. We aetl licat tii. Gahholicg eau bec pgrcow liko pigei- n llc.e market, ancd thes pà sons Who throw 11.ic i Our -face go in- ig HtltloglY are tise Umon WhoCMc cansd &coax, and Ireat onr 'co-religiouiate ab eletio chc, ut ho bcWhole isyssv rund l bvo nuer ré more «civil Word $0 gay tO thain han u "d-nthe Rias rascally YDgais." No Catiio o f spirit wlll lil téel es. eleotioneer. SIng hireuriga. No rsfleetlng Cathoiol but wiil raticer t.ko tle-advice o!flico&o W1IQB, every.day if. prov es them tgu lie tîoir sincere frionds and lihe np. h~ioldoîrfse i.Oinchumbwhanevec. ihsir asstance la required. - Coîholion owe 16a il te titisel.vo te p alan 0cn4 tlu 1h.. nt elections <Of their woral enemiels) lapon thÉ "QatIcolle Vote," pabd in lhe prese ctonteal, itiI. te bc hops*l liaI - hhy wiflremomber what jea que lu Ihernielves and cicharge liaI clty te 0- thèlecomnceaand thelr own reupec- rtabillly. S- - outh Ontario Nomination. L, The nomilcalon oi candidates for n lestion 'lu:1he Dominion Partis. ýY mont on TucsOIday lut- wua a tam. ar.1 faix comprared wilh tise cld time znoi. inions. Mr. I'as.y, thé eRtssruing Officer for South Ontario, hafi a Va" Io uliteetlngtmo aIt the. Towýn aI , ýHOosat, as the Iaw' roquiras, from 1 twplvu-te two o'clock for lice purpeoocf1 t rceciviug nominatioua, Those only of1 ,-hie lwo -candidates I the fildU, Mr. *Gis and Mr. Glen, were put iii. The flfty dollars depesit hau a eceet saiitary etTet i prevenling bogue candidats. from heing proposefi te bore the. public wlth Iong-wiuded speechesa. it A large number of peopin liad come ininc town, cxpooting te hiear omination speeches as usual - forgetting lice change In lise law and were sonewhat die;appeîntod tisati"thinge wcîo net as t tlcoy used te hai." -I A hasty meeting *as gel up at fIlp.h Iins' hall whoe Mr. Jury, on behif1 ,of Mr. Glenn. au Mr. Liu'ke ou behaif0 of Mr. Gibbs, wrestledl manfuliy wihlî tihs "National 'olicy" and tihe Protec. liou ciaptrap-Mir. ,Larke, accordiug t to tice verdict of lihe auience, rsustaili- îg a oevero clscoinfiture. Tii. bout wae kopt 111)until sayeu oclokith ie oeauiug and the hall wàs tlironged te its utîl caleaîeily. 1>îî;o<~c..-r.Arthcur Jolcusten, of Groenwood, Ont., Ilab tDuffine' se Craaifsitctioiu, G. T. Rl., on WVsduesdayM uiorîîiug, 4tls Sept., wiîh na very fiue salceiuic of puris-bri st;ock,-selccted jL witlî the Cao ariadjudgaueil for wsiec Mr. Jolînston ile now becoruing sotwell kn-owu. Tue lut includes the beat .5t yuarliicgCotswold Item et li c on la leacli sale tii. Irsent year. -Thlibesi, yoarliuig Ootswold fRani at Mr. R. Of Jaeobn sale. Tic'sbet (for Canadian te alidi AiuGricisu markets) yearling Rascs t at Niy. Q. l3rtous ale. Five yearling 9 E,'wcsg frein M1r. John Gillatte h fock, wiuftrrelise proest year eof finit prize at tise Greant Inglisli Royal Show lseid c at Bristol. The lot aise iineludes tce P second lîrize peu of eiras at lthe came a show, bred by Messrs. T. G. & 8 . Gil- leit of.Iianirten, O.'-eu, Eciglacr. Alec o tic boet two ramn Iambe frow l icn dock P of Mr. E. Tombe, cf Siilten, Oxen, W rîlccandi twoechoice cive mnbs a tfronlice saine hlock. Thco four Liest eeuî lcswls andtilrues bet ranui aimbs fronîi t lc iîk of Mr. Ilbd. Jacoba, of T Bisrford, asweii 11e tirocehicoe c yearling cwsfrcîcii tie ;ainsfloîick.. 51 Beosiles 013Uic l above iccntioced ý ho bringsetoit two grand sow,; of thes e iiccrovcd l erlishire brou(i. 11i. Jolcisaton maras lis lhe wcsa ably liseisted lunlice seloetioic, purchuise andlP cre of tics above stock by Mr. John Tisonspon, of lice township cf Scott, S wlcccwîîs partuer with i r. Johnsltop iu Ail Llisi gs-s-t cînnu huaveobis-a Vrcl%0iricg ou ie asuiil %ua'aIsr.> ot turcu Lake énring tics pst eu. '11,110 oiei-ctc-f ettcursiîe i-c iily sîrlese of. Tise WiiIy Port Pcs-sy anti Iciudeay Isiiwsy Ceopany's liuo viii biccuuîtlidtino cuespeil, apeetiiesi, andsI. osinmfcnili innens af esci- iuug tisa blace fs-on thue fs-euh. Immcense îtrsmaciens hliacbous matie for the- raocon11Uuasuiouof lice thican-is es- pas-heu] ta attend., ,y.itg linaudcui;tlcf-gî'oa-i boys-, ioen t isUl hu it Au eus-eueinga l ce- h hieg te itn crn t or -neseoaithise i-uts mi nls-saîidelecuîe'l 0ooie. eingieg, liol.- insg1 sus-id î's-iicg sailliviguc'cuouîic làte vsîiesuttess- ds. "TheisBr- t )fling ihliis tsc lutI us 511tic, If ci few cf ticr ituliulluu pi cIls-ls vre as-nîcclil anti Illîcît or msul las,4catîuw di glal,. tiii ii'ssiiuî mugit proveoisIsia'.î te lice -alil autiabreak lc lcu cil' tuis- neisy lus-atis-es. iva honguilis iaection tise, tues-e le ne remeeci aesy paicceul iad cîultt tizene eilconitibc auncycti le thie nsceer ant itusriotiinm hoin Tr- '"NATION-AL. POtux" MxuEI-îse.. The meetinghlelccl Hopkins' Haàll, -let Salue-day evenlng, ho leer Mr., Lis' speech on tics qustien '0f the Nelloîcel Poiicy, vas has-gçhy. attandeci. Ms-r. LîrleandutiMr. Gis aise stitre- cd tice Meeting. Mr. Beegeugi s-e. plieti Mst afleclivoby te soe cf lice arguitments ade-aneoti by the fermer gantlemsn. The meeting vas ondsniy util Mn, Ilengougi cons- Secail tespeal, vicen athenspîs te sicuthuns off vere made. LoceD-MOUaTIIENoSc'OcaEU.-Cruvts o! '"Bpoutlrii*-pooplo vie hava lad tle mialia e lubhobore viI a clicatlering tangue anti su eves-anxioue dosir, ta tslk, but vithont lthe Minbtho hiiel et or i0easa ntmIàasnbjecl-mev as-e obeh toucit standing on the corners, speech!,. tylus- sud sleclioeesce-hg ) PEUT saCou u Sooset Cseec s eaiLand- saine_ lune pioe--cigiht-tay - ncv piacati c-verlImao nîrsisco off-tlia court s-ons simd viii ho feunt i etmuai con- -vsnicnuete liessons in sttenlcsnce aI the eeunty buildingsa; ilvas parecaiet ah Goîdauilis' Hall, hhe adorae os- lebliaicmeni cf Ms-. Janses'yoinaton. Mustte.Lance &Sricwmc, vil ou, Saturday, 1411 sept., show à large anti vweli aorle to lck e! staple sud taney dry oeds, purchasetdin- lIcé bout Mgr. keis in lie vo-Id. Tiey yull sali hemr Rooe t islow prises, coenel vii iseall "4 sMoyheg.to hie new alors i9o ' Bocktis uwook. *ab wlioch lb.oi pie-nie apseches are, rebas1ce4, spi..d ih a litli. Io1iffi te givtvIhia auw reliai. Thesbe&tngý mon arseflot as liamoroca or Bo acuioas as canal. The commilîse meestingi are wel alterideel anti thé neoeeeisy amennt of enthuaimgene tlsough wit.h. Canviaser. are out, and votae are baied anccaxed, deepilé thé -bal. lot, by lice.. who lmajglae,tbey have in- fiuance over themi. The. prospects aIre liat a mueh lurger vote than caal wll ba polled thhongliont thcelrdlng. 01 1h. chances of Ithe candiclates-which will be th6 suucceasul-il atrawa tell wbicic way lie' winds blow, ve bave ne hesitation ln slahing that 1h. indications ara in favor of tice secés; e f -Mr. Glen. North Ont&rlo. lu lice North Bidling tLe contest ýbe. twecn Mr. Wiieler and Mr. W. H, Gibcbs isbeing warmly carried on. Mr. Thes. ,Paxton, ia wcrkieg liard for Mr. Whoer, lu Mira sudaItama, where Ici. cause aloue,ile a lower cf sîrengîli, and reports say wih gros& auccea. Mr. EP. Hurd, who sùpported Mr. Gis ln -thé lasitélection, has sareasedo saeral public meetings -bn f aver ofL Mr. Wiieler. À. Mri. MuCosli, cf Orillia lo advocshsng Msr. Gibbs' caim on tics people cf lice riding. Mr.'Gis and, Mr. Wlieler have cressed swords aI saveral imeetings. 0ur lateat sud imost cehiable information is te ticse eect- coulrary te what urcany ait firal expeet. ed-hat Mr. Wheler wiii carry Nonth Onîtario. Mtr. Gibbe'e majority at tihe last elaciion wae 87. Betting on tIc Ehection. Tise aas-o et is bw bas lad a, salu- tary effect in chsecising lice betting pro- penaltyintc vhimh persoashlavobeau boeltogre bemplti aI telection lima. Ie ssnall vagens, se tes- Isard about, tIcs itide havis bcenin fs-ver ot Ms. Gien. Ono vags-euevaihavo bienu tld etis tint Mrs- Gleu'a msjenily vilb eoh b. liess than 50 ini tIcs Riting. Cricets. CALEO CiusouVS. WVnsue.-Atlice l'air Girounds, ce Fmitisy,lIce smatchu behuveu Carleton nc] Wbitlîy lteraninabeti in 'a ls-mv fiuvonahie tb Whllby. lInlIce firaI iunings Cas-leu goi 781 asdet! ie seconti 59 wav ive viokels dovu. WVliIby scret! 10hlie finît inninge. *temanlabiy tins scores vers matie iy Laing 9811; Ray 48. Nus-v JEvus--uavQeeas.-A splendid steck et al Sinde et usv jewehry le elceet styles aI Goisicmihis' Hall. Mn. Jlusson lies also matis large aditions of nsw anti hantisome clecis anîl is de- se-inion Iccepieg abrs-netec mimes in lice qcuulihy anîl lunicas cf luis 'eo ci c Inusud-n aihaoks et Inflenza anti eomunon caltis, Wîitceuds FCeierteul Pulsanie Symsîp cvilhue fouet! inaui abIe, aIse le irritation oethlie tics-al rus-lu mîuy suiffes- fs-en eter irpeakieg or siugieg. Carry the Synnp b»n your pooket anti talcs- a 11111e tracjesntly yen wil fci ils hq ecoticici offets. Soit! by all Ciiemuets-, ps-be 21-1 anti 59)cents per- COCoisusesNu IsutCOêUuis-s AioIcuL- 'usRAL SecCIEs-vi Psuîzr.LIST.-The icecial prise et a ucaver, ton tic sot 5 busisiset ofsp'iesgwvient,iback eye lcsarcoaclpae, six-re-ad bae-ley, ansI -alo, le giva'n iy N. W. Brownv, M.P.P., net Brown & Patheosea f'g Ce. i-linir ruahceo, large assontmeaî. Pricos frein 25 cacentscp te $6S. S. W. B. miile&- Ce. VuAs:LUIur-A puir- anti lighl-y cen- esti-atot! tssence ci Pelnoleum. An Ic'îlcraee tcily s-scuedy for bus-net ousce(la.s, pniin, skieasiiseese, &ci. Lol- flos ah Q51 s-s-ts, S. W. B. Smsih & Ce. - *S- L,%sa Tous-euTO.e-Mn. Sssuusi ilia azs relurnîst.file get au onthueirîstie 'cafthicn fs-en> iss liendg. Wicitfleld's CelelunstotiPuinsenie îyrup il iîs'allpte I 'o aetne-es, anti con- tnLi-gni) dols-les-oua deug, il eau Lvweys ho laken avili ety. For sais- iy ail Chiuai.ts, ps-lir 25 anal- 50 cents s-i ictl. WE'rss-Tacteuto.-lr. fianis-air bas -htic'sci. lhoîo ectpet isnov hi-tasesc dr-. Roebinson anti*Mn. Hcdginss. Oneua cuarsal pountis et pi-rftct-y rire chraitresl bcacucey ftresulisetcebivice; )f Mr. Ciurs-luli, Plsksirg. T. G. N Ilfi iM. ha Sy tai li lie li of wl Su-s-ae-Ms-,Cc-ue. Laing, et tuje iras Lcuinug &Steiwart, îcrvcsi bioules, trul is i ri[)tûEcirucuis, Wase.Icjy ilr. -lIsm A. ?.lc(ililivnay Ilîrs lucudet aneu t! l.e cnît in Monîrsai. l'os- a dry anti trouiblesomi' ceugli lise Wliitfili'a Colaireet! PniciSys-up. Ps-ice 25 andl 50 - cents pas- I*tlle, for sale hy ail Cluiehi. I-ailles anet Gecte pusss anti peccot bocks in groel veuéiehy 'vs-sy champ. S. W. B. Smith & Cc. Tes-e Tucîss FAs-asc INos& Poaca- umus.-This taties- cf Tora Tiensiis a pauupor inltcsChicago puorluo. Tomn qeanreiledti v ii l imeea icc', anti liai ne-ver visitot i i in ice. Ïe lis founteen sens asnd daugilers luclil, sos-- es-i etfclans as-eveaiticy. Whilfesitids Toothccogeccu mss-r halils te roues-e. tixasns- Vilage taxes thua yoan viii bis $04911. BostA anseicc Ceal I 01180 censape- galion, 5 gellale tee- 01.25. S. W. B. Smithc & Ce. 1A CauucoLsc PICstessu-clIYseI'auu-y cir LAecuos STONEa.-Ome ais-il recenlly viiis ev. Falicen MeDouaglu. et Nsp. ans-o, In ccmpaey cihisoinso ladies, vas psoceetiieg home afles- bie R. C. bazase, ticey ce-ese athaskaléiud stoest iy seépaurtiec unkoov. ÀA eec sus-ccir <ne cf lia ladies of the pîs-ly 0O thc foot, eeiuing gréai pain. On'Lice nigit tollovsîmg eome rougi lads poltl lice building vhes-othue batmer va luelti witi oe-leneggs. Bnci a fhristail aleecli va raisedt liI lie beildings- iai lu, b.cisses-lad. WVisihfeld's Teothbcia gumis 18eeriIy a,pîcid, anti gives insmedials relief. Nosa i, rn.-Tie Ehcrsa Eoepres aslys :-"A cruel. fermer up atI leviné bla eneel a Young maun fer- fins, ligit, anti lieugetceI vile couing tle lonneii in tle icoen. -,h ii. ta- cry liau* -iniiised Ils wethear le bring ra ceunîpe- subIait zins hie far- mser, fer aurears kif wagea.i' -WIhfiel£a '* hses5tga,îsa1,5 .se.ti C te, W- ot I. t ig e8 î -havean opportnsiyteo adreos th meetings, ans! thal I hendeavear t seanre yen freus my' friands an attec tive hearlng. Il basbeeu reporÙtolume Ihat yc, haveéumade lice remark that I daise ni oneet yen at a-Public meeting. Clonaidering lical yen havé neolmvil .d me, eitier pablicly or privately t attend yeuve-mettinge, I muet confise sam surprisefil Ial yen - sionifi sak Iam, Dear Sir, Touers respectfclly, P. W. GLEN Brookio, Otic Sept., 1878. If*. W. Glea, Esq., Raglan. Sic : I have jmet been informed th&i ybu îtated il Columbns lest nigicî lii. yon desired an oppçrtunity of meelinj me ona publie plalforîn, for thé pur peso o! exposing Mny conduet as a publil mani, I regret thaI.engagements will pro vent my cailing se meeting il Columtpi -icere tho challenge vas made.,- earliar Ihan Tuesday eveniug next. I: tht viii suit Yen, Iviii cadl a mcetinE tiare on liaI eveniug, viier. tic. feuesi epportunity sha hagvenyou te mmli good your tîsceat. If liaI .vsoing viii net suit yLum,1 hava airaady onlafi a ncaetiug et Osh. awa fer 'Weduesday aveuing, wiclc hepe yeu viii attend. Yours truly, TIIOS. N. GIRDlSý Oshawa, tSept. 701î, 1878. lots. -T'.N Gffrfie>; Osl&auaca.. Dean Sr: I wreo yen a leLter cm thie Brti al., a cepy et vicci I haero vithi suliose le viicci I ha-va net y.t reeei'eti a e-piy. I bavaes-ecivoi yoîce-eon lice &Ci iunel siatati ah Breelin. Ail I cee eay in replyis liaI I mae!.no sceu eteomees- as yen iciva béen intormeti I matie. 1 enly mestioneti yeurnrm niéccc licat evseing, andthlce by mscait s c ih vas net my intention ho rafteh yen, in any vay ici sy atitis-sses during tii eoulesl, bel ycur tnientis nîlas-katimu on personal nalles anti 1 replisti, tuat if I vaa attsekati en huissouci matas-s I vas quite willng le ms-et thie alîcS andet lis Iroeet ta yen. I sS no fa-vor aI your- hautiu. I isnply cas-c yen te aclopl mny ;ioiicy yots thiele vise anti houns-ibis. I ld bpc, t mi-al ticeugi e v useso net on epeaileg tas-nue vo vouit! h abche ho cal-sy ou ticis can- e-nec, as Iva gentlemaun sicouiti, vic vice -iseekiig lisheiglc position oc legisaal otle DomzinetofCanada. I ehail net unds-s-amy conditlions chaînge my poiioy, unuise atlas-Set. Il is sy intention anti lus boonu, andi I bave mot devaeot!fsos il, - te cochicun- Uycit o yer po~lieni nreoe-t, andi tical cf isica gselecsu icesyeuuarr pîccuget! hto stupport,* if elecieti. Tico alleiceph homaks capital bl uts. ieg avertie in my s-outi, avieic I neveu ellereti, aedtihen callengiug eue ti tics preat, f5 unve-hiy et a mmn cf yeur pu-aeniens, I sicall holti yai reepeusisia tacs-rlise actions cf yoîurslisp- perlons. 1,iechar Bis, Yens- ersspes-llcuîiy, F. W. (LN Oshaa, PIb0sp., 1178. I" V. Gie, Eoq., Oilcrscs-a. Dean Sir t Toussof lie 7tlî lest., vas IsandtlesomeSitursiay astercîoom. I cuinetendalbut yorr ticlina te aI- tendi mry etfil' usceticis, Lut leoJsa yeu aviili s-cousids-r youc- ceuision ands ahltt cs1 oea o le hlllis-a n ae \s-c. nlesday niglal. I cannot cncaiae tliati) ianns-uy ifeu- tlese as-ho bcas-tiyouitt Cclrniuhuca us Thiim-edly ss-nicg lasI, cauulti ha alto- goîhir- mistakeuu as Loteis-arcs-u-hr ot yous s-s-aules coner-icg msssf but as gladt tefat! You tisas-wea us-es I tisink il crouit! hi in lima L(elos-acinof tIse constitua ns-y lical wcs-cliceultl a-ss-sas- conlima sanie plahiors ans iIcupa Toit viii accealtlice invitation pue nies-ae. Ton bave i-s-as-i-d ta n-attass asil are culis-aly isrelevaut. Il is oct for nue le eay wvhces yon sirildas-ala 'on wicat ycc sliail malietahlIs cnijt oh yalee- Isdresser s mrI uave natlciug ho foars Ires clair anti open lisaclsion. Yourssls-rcy, TROlI. N. GIIIiI -., Osicaws, Sept.1h. , 1878-. T. N. Cibba, Ecq., Oshlaa Diar Sir- t Tours cf lice iltisinstianet reosiee, eut! in reply beg hoecy tuaI -until yoc rcpty te îuey leIlc'S-of tic ils-t mast., cos-tialiy icviling ycuu ho attend uuy meetings, il is covardly aId un- suely le clia ue a itun eing atu-aiti le ineat yeu aI year uneetings. . i vasthe icsfsst to-bothpaiîieiy andi ps-usaIay-ice-is-yen teatthenad tny mueotingR, aîsunîng you cffsic Oppor-tuni. ity toa id-met- scolsansioves-y oeeoe lies ; but yocci iics-c fuilasi tetue seoli any leshenca. I Pcii Isoul a iuucstiuigir s--a-Iii tislaiva, on IMoiuacy ec-euiuîg cccxl, aucs I s-11ssllLngfyoi ef 1n uss-I racerat flicnt iv-eicg. Yeu sircl i i i iil ariiorsiilty sarese tise iuia-tiig, ani I icrusuels 1-rim s plt irî- ariucg Iruii n1ny finn-nu. I 14111111usps- util dates tics i-r'-.ss' Lut cis gi-va youu cs insus-httcce -.S yi-si aLsura e e ccjsy l'eus-cc-lt in 'paisi your polit-y os- toas csias uaa is-srtalacvitý yculmruj- desira t-c1i euls. ruîing yac vilu bas- e s aru-s te put il u iapps-srrns-s. 1 ari-,dcIrSir., F. W. Gis-n. Corrections et Pelas-Reporta. To the Ed/tur of th ics cltsetj-s. Dite Ssal,-As elabentS have b8el» matie liaI Mn. Aras sFarewehl vilu neto pport iMr. Gien, perinrus te gay 1 lusvo cicai-ge cf hiicits- i i Iisabsence. and ha-va lieet! -iuiefonrlicepat siglisota years. lefia huis vitîcu me fs-esn Manitoba urmigue ta gis-e uny vaote ant iumimonse for Mn. Cis-n. fias-sony., Osisuic, Seplanuban 4th,18l-7. Knuv alsmon,1 and al stiauiarly lice Hou. T. N. Cibbs, hic ev, lice unies-- elgnedt, are usucg our infiunce ant i ul a'ite for Ms-.P. W. Gien lice ussîince of thcs ofore Partly in South Ontas-io. WVo -ioe bis i viicorrect lice fatea shaeomont viici Ms-. Gibbs is cirehlat- ibi vithirespect te ibus-vois. CîsssUES FAuts-ivaL, W. T. F-sAREWELL, W. FAREWELuL, fBu., A. M. FARIEWELL, A. M. 1"ascavan, C. . Fszsn, A. A. FaànxewYsLL, s-; A. G. FAS5EWELL, A. R. Faua-c'EIVF. WssA1i'.FaFiS-ma-CcOss-.eTLs?-,FAILURE Tiisouecu BLOCCAExOF a-ICE.-A lehfen fs-cm Disco Bay, Davis' Bts-ait, daleti Jniy thé ilmi, esys NMellev-illo Bey vaa se bloeieed withi bethiat net a vessel et the Aretie ýwaiDlg fleet cousit pqEs tîrougl il, anti ccl a single flii-icati beon laIs-e, se lIat tia vhle fims-y lués sason vill pe-ovo' a complots fail. are. If yau ire subsject le toothcohe pro- vide yous-sel vitjisa bottin of Teolie gusn -. 1K TPB~~M ROBSON, Osluawa, Sept., tic, 1878. à,A Ss-Insi thiWhiIby OscIo issued is1 day a paragraph appears hi theé oed utal a re#oiution was passed by lice Orangemen aI lice meeting iceld in 13oolin ôon Fridéy laut jledging ther support lu thee Hon. T. l. Gibbs as afriand o! ticeir cause. Thée writez who was present occupiefi the chair st thus meeting, bégs émpicelically lu dény the. trath cf lii. ëatlment. No shci reselutien wae submittedl, diilad eilo psel, -anai yeïn iiconfer a <avor hc insertsng my deni&lina hmis sue 6o yeur paper, as 1he Orangemen do net ish te ropreaýnted in à malter of th1. nature, regaxdingz whieh différence cf opinion 'exisamocngat the meenbers etftics order. 'Thé Chrocicle vili pleasi copy lu the jutbea i t ruth. Yeurs trnly, WUi. 51EPIIENseN, Ceunty Master. To tite Eilcitor of tise Wlitby dh-rcis ilfa: d a -DEAN Su:- 'Mn.,tStepheansen is eut in lice lest issue fet tcsRiforMCcr viti a tieisi et viat yen saiti vas tics re- auît cf tise Orange Meleting aI BrocS- lin. Nev, Sir, as Mm. Stephenson luest 3. see-fit le violaIse e aticof etscsecy hé atinisheredti e oaci momber peesent, sbiew me tbes-eugic ticsmedilum et yous- papar le ituliril a fsw qeestions. The meeting, as ada'ersied, vas calieti ha halte imte ceesidie-atio thie prap- 12 iety cf Itu Os-ange Society being nuit- cdi etiuheirvetescntise cming coutost. t Ms-. Stuspieusousys liaI no motion pciatgiug lime enpiosiOfethlia eting in tas-ofethlie ien. T. N. Glbbs, vas neilher peut or diseusset!. T'es fis-st ques- tion Iw hl iles ils oacse e-- WVas lices-ane a±hempt rmatie te ionizo c lis- Hcîc. T. N. Gibbs, as lIce champion etoflice Ories-, anti te balitte thie oppos- Ling candidate, Ms-. F. W. Cisc ?2 2nil. s ' Ws Iluos-se ne ajiompt te prejudice lice suinde ai tîcoso psesenl againel tics 'tieen. Mr-. Fraosr, ropreucnling ii as E le peseeiflceiomsofet esytiing liaI le oppesoti te liberty aid progross. 0 s-cl. as fles- etc a persistent ah- c toisclut on tise port cf soeahuaIasors etIes-cule insuit lice Gril memnbors; ; ans, Jisi cl aeetflice imisibuir sy tint a -Gr'il, imulis Opinionu, suai!. at-i pcor Oreung-mau ? -th. As ticsy pnb- lically adts-isedth ie meeting, sud gave ifas lice rîeen thea scessily et enitet! a-heu, wiuat ic thea riason tisai mter al the d-uu uucieon f thIbe faitiefuuilbcey did! caltalle 'aotion ? Vas it bocaussu tIcsy ilcauglic Ibeis- iglit prejundies lice "Msans-oci TrLila"?Or as il sReuenoof tics miembers etatid, tisaI if they snp- lureti Ms-. GCubs, (aslice thiocght eor-y truc Oc' ugo mdainw-as in cicey boues! te île) Ibst tise Caticaics vouelti ieur ef it r ai oid tllvote le a Mac agaicet Ilujasi ? :)By ans'.oaiic lira ais-eoMs-. Stapîsen. cecn il-Il ige a Gril Onagia-nn. Auio eissnl conclusion te ssy tuai lice scaxt lints Ms-. Stephcenson s-ushliesinte piml Icalias-I uhâter iseiglicvs-lltic-- asquelitssand ti us e a e llotrnul. Tousa&C., WNE NV'HO KNOWS. lIserir i-ssa-d-). THue, 11.4ANLAN4-CeuJIlsNEI' iAs-cIiiacs bisus itcslly sictlît!an-I articles signeti. lice tLlloaccug 7as-ee a oisioies t 1. Tise pas-liasees heceoieutcilly'Fmsrro Ils iallows :.-T Oaa s-:. ha tuilses-as-e, L uivs -*an(! tus-o, io huaI cmii ise hotnte, es-taacolisse la o mutuueiiy atrarcÉil uluas Pt Lachine', P. Q., utIcs ti-sî0,ctouicr, 18 7,". 2.ullThe-aae habtonur$2,500 a elde 1uc001scacsida tas-fsil tlhoieroctei wihi Gens-el J . .Ku"app, Auburn, N. T., as otthslîllen', oc te iaiguiug o et cse mu-ice, asclise18balance et $1,500 s aide toLe ha 1roeeiwithtlie sait! stit- iralder onosers-liais- lice day imuedisuhe ]y pes-acs-dirtis e day aies-e nanteal ion' as-hs-as-e (ea-u-lup'is-y tyiog licein ecr axpena--: i Tic.'hofi-st $l,Iucs-)postedti t lia tss-fêtîld iucasa liese sconudi epesil of $l1,J5f1jl0eIs îcsoiipthy maic.f é . 'The tstac(s-5tas ie iaitieos- or ticsh .ws-is! ssuuîg, pn-riy ou 11c, rianils os-tics-oe -.Thes s-rasr, ails-s-praliminary t saiilsîsai l sItisath race by bIce word "go' ;tliseLoateIseho h hasi- y t lhicols- es-ns as-uatarlti frtrncboite antces-ei ftly yards epent. 5L. liso i-cea taeIrarowi-v-t ii smoohliî wart, lie trea to lbejutige oetttua sainme, betweo entissu houri;Oethires-a ti sis-: aseloclenLuise aflennoon ;' andtihin cetoeniu y peulaue ics lpacs fris d 'y ho idî citîccaîn lie-sauie hîcurs il ;lic wal-n ia ielteins uitls-slcondtion- ta cini- s-as-s. (1. The as-ste-to he govsru'cdl fle itre et boit nîciog, s-s-s atoptt! hy thue Natieoeal Association acf Ausubens- Oars- m sen, caepy of ashicIi is amuneext, euh-. jart t lsri---r atise scidtiad ofet Iese articles. 7. Thoîca -s es-es-in rasaetfaulsida in- I Is-rsrenes, il il ai-cii tics-rouult cf tisaC -race, sas-iles-ir tisa mon le s-ais-o-es- rusainose l it i-faoirsaile dccy,usSes- tics- s-sigiss-il conditionsiu. H. No liýat oas- tsinLutircts-cs of e e-liernr1c'Ostl1t h bai ucaarsuprcsy tIse fi lu.uu 'ali î'ssslx le ccsA.1titi-- ELtil, oet ;L.lajo, N..,aii iss t- a lx lu-ia uhi p-i h ft(!si ant-sla-ts inI s Liult chins.u 1t. l'ragsiinupii2 (IF entiche I1I cf cii 1mrI i ri--rus o'to lei- ensiarnis-si auss i-cic aulrstiies- un trnis-n icuv 1l. Thcis rci-ars- al lac r s- orri as, autt is net te ins-olve. os-alfas-t, lice s-ban piecaiip out aier tics Unitodti tatites as-thue Dominion cf Canadia nec-vs lieit! by lIse saiti Etiard Ilaulan. 0 12. It l ee-by fus-tises- utuciby agrrootîliaI lince sit!EtiArd a ua Ti.- Ilaincc"v OF 'TUE Ilus-cus-scza0CLu-t ss-uAe's Orrics.-Tice s-chies-oft he Re- ceee-QnrlsDepccrtment, Toronto, Biaclev, vice c-as arestad hy Detac- live Skeehlinglian on hourd tics Canadien vas laken la 'o'o-nte hart meutil cicargeocf thice deective. Il in sai t tsut soma $8,000 wve e ount inlu uspasses- ion. FeILDases- eV LA2GE InlacsCOMocAs-y.- Tice Oxford Is-sac Company, et Oxford, -N. j.i ancerse emplayicg 700 moi), Ilas tailat!, vii liabiities e! 0i,000,tiof. DPMUisi mv ow HxIfFIZ£GOc'NoA IN.- SUIRExono.oseLThe ccapllu t ro bin. thelu' Ils As I o $Ma d $have dresa :-a rder- - - s -Týo Mesers. Ke.og Brut,. '!Mr. 0'Denc .,,va, oirt? em.sempliup.rs. b ~Tise-, fa nothing ci afford us (ycar employes), .more plea aire tIssu b bid. yeund !yeur - facalie veicore amouget us on tice ocséiéo this, eue finsti secial. union pec-mc--' day ve have lot apart-one yen hic, kindhy given as for social enjoymen f ac! renu ;-a day viive loid ms-q provo elieh a pieccenre te yon au( a profit ho as. 1, tle humble repre socIalive cf yeur empioyees, sn i stractel te convey te you "blair hbas feit Ilanes andi varmaît, regards for thl secial liberty cf te.day. rre vs fer gaI our aveeyday sleb lite. Hais wý forget the ring of!'tle anviis and th liemmhung iOs!uAchineCVy,'away fionsOU] vonkbenehes, hables sadbeems. 'uN ara hors as one family vila our wvi mU dcildren ; cur youug msn hiI i teiraveellearîs to bld you velconi amengst us, te taespîart mn our amuse mente, andi be as cecf ouroelves Genleen -nWe ara ne aunmintiful c the ftetiat yoansciees vere once au preuitices liké meuy et us itère ; tIcs yen know viat it i. te learu - a Irai andi vorsjoureey vans for commei wages like oursélves, under a mailsi vurlusen. Ws ars net ignoraint o!li tact tut il is by lhe even-villing" an never-fail ing nigîlhsti cdf induiîry aW pensec'eracce youî have gnappicd vil Damne Fertune, until ylsu vneîted tron: ian sufficiefit cf Ibis vorld'c goode tI effeel a stn ebusineesston yeursel-c-a Stop by îtap have YOU grove frons man le mesher, yens- atter year extend, ing yeur businesa, se as te increase li( cumber cf your empinysos. Werthy employons : Leookse-ouaê you sud heholti thia gnialtamlly, aL pointieg le yen as thagreat centsi fs-ens vich va rece-veou~r support Ticaro are semae amenget us;vue lhave maeors-ticesseices censforteble- and respectable homes, vhilin-b your aou phoy ; othens cf us ara wonkieg liard iu Ihat direction. We ave eacery, and nbouaed confidence ini lie inlagnity etf cen employera. Raceivinr oni vages vesisiy wilhout senuple and viti. salut deduetioa eey man le bis onder, ve, your cmpieyees, cengratlite eus. sel-vas tisaI voare fliue ssantc cf sucb masters fer visile viti yeu ve hlie linowc uotiing but pnecpcnihy. Wcntc employers : When v. lois eround ua anti seo-mec in like business as yen ane faiiing lu business, anti becosing heeli rapt ; otiiors siculting up Ilium chope andctiitieghese slcep mates (ellacied te enci cher througc lang acquaint anice), be ecaltereti ebneedec'er the ide demain et eus- country ceekieg asnphoy- sent elsavicera, vwe-vo occascionntI rajoice in you, olur ens-phoyers. Yon icave iraveîy stemmeti the alors of mdveraiy anti grappletvil i tlichans limes, ceutendeti viti lice fluctuation et lis markets, anti still ticat tiear oic fiag et prespcniîy precdly wavac ovr your places oficuaicecesant idilsyen "go on anti prespor." Ail ticis seas volumes lu yomtes-env as business mes anti meoccnice. We hae occasion hi niajoice titl vienover yen are pleasai te pislice v oi'kruneiip ut cnr lianili -n exiibition citican local on proviucial, you seaiusif evan netere vihout i victory e-ver yssur competiîore. WVt your empîcyces feel il cen îiuty te do tais you sncb verS as viii kesp yens-aai s-ensiy goti nacca as a siiing star liighting yoer palic te greetar preeperity. Youn abilities as business mec je moe thae veull kuove (ualonliy uer ccvu sisopît), beltlunipublie affairs. Yet 1cvm-v auteiy playefi yens-pa-h in tics municipal ant i suitary affaire oet hus lowui anti ocunty tisaI il veeltibe uise- ieec fer me te attesnpltit addayting tsit veelti mise yen iigeicn uour os- teens or lice esteos et yoer - telloas townsms-c ulli yen are plaet in the fiait! fes' Prliamsntacyliconers. Tise lihe balo0t bex vihi show yee hovwcw ahupreciale lice son-vices et self matis smsen. Shenîtià A ucakieg invtier tiare la ars-eeu- Unes te mas- eus-happinces or itue lic te busiess resources etfccir levu. or theu coninty et larige, ni', yeur employeci voeisi aliy as-round *ycu anti tiat dean elti fig lict bravetila tîsosseet assthe ibaIlle -anftihie ires-ce, Agie tishe mblerepi'osentetic'c of your emipioyeas vitc one voico ot ail I bis! ycu velcome. I have tli oubchoyoun cbisient serraut, an helia yfcus- rempioyces. Ccd cave tise Queeu. Ths ebrocîgilt orIls axelientspeaeces, tiret Mn. C. Kiugvie poss at soma inany sicis lia in roems iihoat-p-rer' attenution cviug loe icsiability cf lice tlief Association le suppiy tics sany salis tocrigurses. Alticeugi tiers are mnuy negroB in lhe city faw cen ho perseatied te waib upon or esu» cp- creaci e sici pas-son. viuale mn- cnrity of hicos vii»luire, as nurses fer big Ica> are ineffilaient. At Nev Orleans lhe physiciens book encyrar! vithappe-ahuension ta a foartul norease cf tise nsenalihy. Tliene is ne nope etfeau abatemeuct tisemnti. A Bpodysoizeréetofall ucclimatizod pes-sns ls-the cinly prospect.Tic.dsi. tilutiesi is Icouriy icos-sasiiug, anti maoy a epplyiag for clanit ly vhe varobco jieecd le bho ie gooti circumehenes. Business is unhlecly nt a st.indstuf, maiiy sare-g bouses aiî t e oumo hetoe siovesabuir. Tice ympahy o! lh. Northu ix lseeniy pprecialeti, eudbics cilles-uesof thlie ist bas beu chieqgeti -e such a, feeling as years of atâtesmiau- iicip- coultinoer havo b-oucglit nient. At Grenade lhe aur ns smpuregimtei cuti e poculitbr anti uamislekabe tevcr ide-. At Memphi itera sossene long amy eossibility cf checking tle fa'cer. The <'asther la uesaumfortably va-m anti noist. Ae uescl lesterae!'of"thé yellow 'cuver l i teSouhuàlahelsexcessiv'e denîl rate trous the tisaseamung reang clîliiese. l la laidthat thle climex yull net ha reacieti for anetIcer veoos, VIve Ibe number of- deatha -will se deuil. Ibise mntpresen. - 131 w 01 Pd w lu ft w !ive. Ticere lisvery lle suow and thce 'e ldom exceeds four llchs lu îhick- noms. The climat. is heaitiy sud e- salabnieus snd the residents ire fre<f frous aUMBrohai affections, ricemua- tlsm ý&o. 1Delevare noct nlike ellier Scoan'lries la ils disadvantages, but1 hhay are ual nimerons. Il liasils o'orO sounb anti poor fariners 'andi vic.e s-sa. les The rnie etproductivce as, correspond- lot ingto the amotnl of labor expenteiétl in -ëloàreas n 'ùy,'ôt e ountry. l Slvery tentietigeeatly tlu peevenl liand ovners from ,having a desiré lu liber.j Po Thé poorly caltivated farmd le manv idplaces, give evidénoe sil l iwi di. Sflculty they now aicoomodâa he ius salives lu the changed order efthlings. ie For gemsorosily ajcd kindea thé people c. ubt te xepl Bhw tbmb leCanadiens as lu iabcor, wif do mach te- tie warda lucting theus te greater exection. es e éstatoe.njoyî an iusmuuily,£om e. el tes.boat, hhenoferelIce cliimate enu- t net ba biaused for men balng lazy. Shelley ploughiug acd ne manune a must e'nlnalhY ln any ceuntry.proace poo pceops. Witi preper titing ana of manaring excellent erops cf grain ot al kie ara produced andiIhere la no noed p-I te use phosphates as staled by Mr.- le Orvis. Tice différence bêeeon lie lecig o f Canadien and Delewara wrinters axplaina viy there is net moe ceuanuce mede, but, the long gemmer dseason givea frmers ampleotinseb gLovgreen usenura and ploiow l nden. î Crn,1espeeielly, atteinsa s aguifcent n growthssnabrinaa gcod prices. Seel ofe fruit tiare bs ne end, peaches, pears, grapes, quinces, apuieti. hernies, &o., &o. Too usaly Delevers farmers de- iepend upen fruit growicg, tiey, as il were, saaie thhir all on il. If they ,d vero te divide thsir attention moe uequally bahweee grain and fruit At veulîl be battEr. Tisa timieor on the tr landi vas pientiful and coasisted pricip- .t alîy eon- ;andi aller bard voofi, the la growîhs et vhieh vas veny rapid. Pinse lumber j, net as cieap as lnu ened. ni It hcallbeau ilsledIlhe caIlle are cmal. id Vms net haero aý'rand oppenuilr e tics Canaclale farmer te improvo lice Ly- breed. Close ite cankets like Nov ror, Piladeiphia, IVilinington, &0.,' r,&c., becs cetie aI auy lime vouiti bring1 r- geod pnicas. The long ciummersaendf 5h ihort miid winters eablas ferusers le lemise caIlle ah a losexpoeo l inbu lymore nortiscre countries. . Ticsrmes-1 >quilcas aud. fluas lied been malee aoth-1 18or causaet cocupleint. Along ticsj Sshcores etftths bey and wlîere tics landt waes mersicy liais peste &o abeuil. but in treustics watsr tiîea or feur milest t-thers vas ne more trouble cxperienccda frons hiceusthin eCanada.c Tic stcatemeultieht if e person pur. Scicesing e fans sand dyîng se tira. I y yars or lasa lima tise State- contsscatedc hie properhy jes sheer nonsense. WiyC limailtise lime te tcrae yense, uitisast nuiuoc propnioty, sey ahe Sîsite onifid dtheoit afier a min lied lived there tee ror tveuty yens. Lougli et lime close1 not make hlm auy more ocf a citizen.' '0The sohools in tics rural districts ara net eqeal te Canada, but are faittlus-C >p'ovicg. Their city scoels ara equel t le ticose et nuy ciller courtry.-AJl re-n liguons deccciinatious are réressstesl i lu tIsa ,i tsýa -Q'uiev iusetrictly oic-b cs-ved, visiic eunectlbe saa or cI'ti a Nortlh Western State. Tise propor- e atien cf himeka je tise population le about a -ce blacks te four wiils, and thocy are rgenaraiiy civilad cutiioest. Thegluies- - mdvantccgcs abound inl- Dalevare ifland soe lsaop anti ail tiiu people se auxicus i' te seili.cll tics ferms are net fer sale, c ual lice one-fifitis c f tliou. The s-es- si on as c laed agenay ostailisiati thora uder Mn. faucJha, whc kepl a cala- o loguesof cciifarinaitfes-ad ion sala, gave dt grent adrautages le buyere. Then Dele- Pl vatre though net a seceding state dur- sl ing lice Scutiere wîcr, silul nmauy ot iteE people sycnlathiyzed viticliche Souti,f nug! cuany oe t il ledulpropnisters vors I ruJnesi by tise var aud the setîing fraoc c cf tise claves. Others hd u idem it d vas net getiereauly te fans, anti se l citiser solt onrînorigaged tisir frirmeae -bayenti regleption te enable tliaus teS entas- citiser lu mercantilo or protessicu al pursuits. Se sucei landti hrovu on tisa markes t once iy fte s-dcalas, ireugit devu tics price ocf land.* Tic., f idie tht once piovctled in tis Souhc,li that a whiite mccn w-le o w ked in e ie 3 lields vus ne botter tliceniecgnegr, is se tact dyieg ouh. Il had hbenan earleul by Mn. Ors tlicat people wero siet st 0 the tiupot audi tuera builtonhoioa and ti cluastionei as tle ice euut tlîeyj coult se h.ydovu ons a tarin tIsaI Ilicyl ves-n tormenteti by lai'yes-s ;tisaI hhsesycre, Aeuhoîe stily e-ver thecsferme mcd hllc ne tiseteses tIsea. Novwml tiiesefi ha-voancy cause te regret tliis- ocatiug oe ie Daeleaae. pl - -----0,-- b-l Dr. 15cwlers Extract et Wiid Strev- îî, Tutu crepenatieu stands pourlosese as SI resait; feor aIl sommner comgdlainte. Mare tec y u dis--?oa2Ilwill peositivaly cuire yeu.C alve ya choIera mnonini? It viii positive- ly cure yenu.Ra-vo yen celle or crampe lneth the stomac ? I il i poftt-el -Cure Yen. a'j la yens- stomaci secs - It vii positivoly Pol cura Yen. Âne yoa geicmg on a sea&c'eyage? Ca Bs shurs sncb taise a boe ft he laSrîv-be berny in your hacuenseci, fer uce lu sea-sick- h nus, vsuetimg, and other irriaioens elthe pal shomiach anti beweis ; it wiuil pesittveiy cure yîi y ou.E-vos-y sansspesise iigtcly e1 it. "I ter ia-va ne iesitancy les eeceomteditcg Dr. fno W.f Eàssec, St. Catbianes. "Iwud adajast euy eue sefiering frein summen aemnpicicutiilice te gi-va Dr. Fewles-'s Es-tract of Wili Straw- ast ban-g e ta ainrca'Cue.s M. Guis-a, M. hi D., Castieton. '"Dr Fols-exts rast of sc 115114î Strairiers-y givra polert szttisfartiocY ild -TmoseasDousaA8,Canbcsy. 'Caîs s-s-sie- tte nienfi Dr. Itouler' Feutras-t of Wid Stic-. e be-C. ithlcou fdo."'-Junes-.S. SPs-ru, sI4 .ida. -"My ustoers-icacr- high lasti- 1 monyle lIce «'itues of Dr. 1riuafaxc ri f W'id Btrasabkc'-"-T. STEVESONse, Orange-vilie. Mihlcarci, Ictîey & Prarson, Propaisters, Toronto. i Fusa CEioLuRà,£Cnzies Momteusgasise pi Cnoc.Ess Is<rNTuÏM, as Wall se aIlcs- u ng inor Comils of a -siuiliar nature, an', the,éà PAI caaos ith WOiosiRFUa pi Bàh&vwern, and NzvFea Paras vioc n Lakea aIt tse commencement, of Ou ah- tecke, and ofle arcs aet1er cveydhier l Xe Ledy bas failesi. - -int - Mx iis-- --  . . . . 1. u-i vere on ersogeo, u095.15 ; wcoa. Xui0 for, rief le ijacob: Ispp, -indigent 810. 50 ; ;Warren à Bics., - luier fteeaide 'walks, 081.28; Wm. Hauit, funsial ex penses of MinnieCivonidge Oe motion of Me. Orvis, secosîdetibi Ms-. Daviiuon, a isy-lav vas lodua te redacelbhes-abe l.e-ied hy; by-law No On motion cf Mc. Orvis, saceilded b, Mc.' Daa'ldsoej--',tessrs.- McTaýggai Hotgson, Boac a. , vre .apponhe dusisencIi-et a c inralfer beld ing anti rspairleg a bridge ci bridgé anti culliug dovn a bill on sic!.line bc Ivéen luIs 18 andi 19 lu lié 7th cou., Oic mohion etofs-f. Davitisce, second osby Mr. MoTtdggait, thie reéve vsi auhonizei lubavnt es discoanteia lice Ontarie-Bank te Ibm asuntut $Si 000 focheueot tua municipalily. Oc motien et Me-. Davitison, seoon& et by Me., MoTeggsr, lice rsee-c dépnty-roee-e anti Me. Os-nia, vere ap pointeti conmissaoners le icispeet 5a je o! verk, caiti te bo tone-by Wmn. Du es», un liceSs-daboc., opposite loI S5 aIse, tica Messrs. MoTaggenl antiDe-vud sonbe oommiscenes borepeir bridge on 8Ih ana ti 11con. Mr-. Ma'I0ggarl gives cotice t IliaI viii at heIneixt meeting cf lhs conne! introetià a y.lav te aller lice bani a-iécet ascoel section No. 8 anti 4, st UulcpL section Ne. 0, East Wiiby, an( lice clore he requashti lee givo the pio per notice. Couneil * alijonet unlil Moniay 8Otc Septensiér.1 Tic Mest Vainabîs Gites--Restoralor efthie Health. Dus-lng lice Rast lsn yoans bics Gncu Sicosiceces Remedy lias faihfniby rn deemeti every promise andtiaih madteehe publhie. Alarming anti ap parentîy bopleas cases of Leng Diasases Dyspepsie, Lier Complintles, affiitier ofet i iuey anti Chrenia Ceusphaiefi of ee-ery description, incluiing Scrofale anti Si Diseases of lita-long duratios, ha-vo been psnmaetly nemqvec!asd eradicaeét. Those vie volanheersd thm- tsisoeytote efficecoy e Romedy, are net bogue péeplo in un. icsand-ot-iocalilias et toreig ceuIee but rospectable cilizeGus cf tuis country, easy te accees anti openi te question, epen vicese eriai reconsmendtiono vs are viiliug le s-est lhe reputnhion oc lie Gréat Sicosicenes Remedy. If yen are afflicetid, do neltidelay cmtlimei die May hé povés-lasa ho aid yen. No inijuioins oUects enu.possibly fohhovh use eft ticse Indian Ransediss, as lIcey cenlain ne mineraIs, by viicl lie f at- of lice iualid faese otter seaheti antis lice tes-nfsetione hemporary sédativ'eoc stimulant. These Iniens Remedies ane videiy kuevu sud still passaisslie pub. hic confidence, atas-lIe lapas of suffi- oiant lime le lest tisin s ecy. Tics Sioscoues Vegatable .Sagar Coabet ilubsheov on for thmséî'res lise most tai'oabhle repelation cf any pll baes-relice public. 'flueir efficacy tuas baen ly prs-ved as a ramsdy tes bil ionsness. Sics Hendacie mend luectivi- lies ofet thoueci. Price et tic rom esîy in pînt belîlos, 31 ; Pls, 25i cents s uca, fiels!hy aIl uMedicine deniers, - The People Wacil Proof. Tisas- is ne sedicie preecriieti by uliysiciaes, or solti by Druggissu, hhat cas-ris-s selu vidauce oet!te esucesandc luparior e-i-tue ne Bosceuuut's CEittAiq laoites-fo sevare Ceugas, Coltis setleé un lice bs-cash, Consnsptioe, or any liseaceeoft tie-Tinoat mcd Lus. A mec! o ethaIt act je liaI eny persot aflietoti, ceci get ae &mplo Bolhle tes 10i ceets ant hy ils sepenhen ifeot b- os-o buyieg tic. réguler size aI 751 cents. Eh bas laIeIy been inlnctied ici tus contrsy fs-cm Germny. and tiis von- les-fui cm-os an. astonîscieg se-e-yoe tiaI use Il. Tlnoo doses viii relievs suy cs-me. Try il. Solti iy S. W. B. Smih & Co., Wiiby. A Stuchon Feet, Dç. Fov1an's Es-mIs-st et Wîld Slrewberny is, wsithsout s doubl, the enest andi euest ce- iia reinedy -existence, for duaiara, Iysenlsy7rtu1. elmrna, sou- stomacs, se-eickciees, anti all sumffan oomplainte. It sole libre s cha-e. Its effects are marasi. uns-relief inetaetansoc,, cure spsstiy. 'hysic-ns anti si-I vIsausa il reconsunenti t. 1h sieuld ha kepl iin eve-y home et thus secuo, fer use in cases of omas-geusy, For sae cy ciialc alrs. Mimonn, 3cutbsy 's-as-son, Prepiicors, Toronto. Loeau îr'xsu.-On panting fros lue Octane- delogates in s-oply ho tics hopa axprasîcti by theircluairmes, Ihial les Excebiency voulti agaun -vieil Can- ada aet hbis dopa-huse ai Yices-ey, Lord! Dufferie shateti, amiti'lent! ep- itause, sicic, as luany cf buis cild-en As--cTE TUE "HosTILS."-Geiorab hentime, on Satunday, tehegnapleul the -oope et Colonel Mies anti Lieut,- elenuel Bull te ClO-se up 8 ailucsses on se csel sidaeoftheelstne Park luich lice hostile Bannoclis are eup.- set l be meking tes-. 'flue le-cepsat 3nip Bs-ove, Wied River Valley, lave Sen dircteati te alcilie senthi- àsses. Tiers vee quihe .saîlraggle îsterdnyîaI Fort Renoe, Indien Terri- -ry, le keepliaheNorlbeinMocyennes cml ioaviug for the Nos-lic. Thi4 is ho crcily tIsaI my vils,. sa-ving on sencubldfaot'a loeghofetlime cdi lihmesud gouas-al nere-aus tebility, mimd teieg been Ineateti by msedical men anti £Cetisaayps-epratiois, Iliali Iieci a bel- leaf Vicstoriai-ypopcepbitas, andi sesliss- ho meort jmediatsmamd per-manent benehil e cars-,ç:eI roaneny lne-viouis motilîee. he teit buse a new persan. j Aeat, No-folk Ce, Yens-s ts-ciy, Cheerfulnes,courage, anti greal mc- - ivitY cf initellect are engon.dered -hy, shlows' Cosnpolunti syeup. et Hypo- cosphibes, anti ils capaeityo! finspàr- g povewet Ofenl-uneneoa te sbrea md& nerveus syslém 18 alacre lainls Mcperty, o! austainlug peraonsthrouge Dêr, sror RiazsBz .Bae-Bail e cnai ameonrng 't 1151i. Thé prégence i of o!aiarks lu lica rgiçn is -uinsual, ferS e- tle nets are elretc)ced oeily a few Inn. z- dredf est tronc lie New- York sleam- t, boat puer,ruanont far from lise Yale -boat-bouse. ]BOYS have been -suis. ,y ming lIsora eïauùer ; bul thiehatesI id, capture has frighheneti thiem. ýo. As Maeclam anti lis mon ule a 4'the net nearer shere, thé vhbite ~he by o! thé mnenhidén #ashed -by Ihieuspudi -t, on lhesaurface o! thsa vaue, andtihers idý vas frequenhtly sncèb violant commotion ýd. thd hntIl men vos-e saîisfid d blt thora oe.s vas more than on. ulark, sud lts s. tiey wee-e aIl big one, andi voesmal- Iowisig ie fia ai a man wônld hnciea s Thé sharisa paid ne attention te lie et genhis motion'liaI vqas - pnlliug thés iL- iorevard. -Il lýrought the fisi cioser sia b ripgtbic ansudas lier. vers a- 25,000 of them W -is. nI etlice ahanes re,, ceeu foand hieielvos surrouuso-d liSe ip a deg in a novletcs'o, viîic- the ?ttîie ob whcite fisies- M lIengtlihicey disoee-er- e- ed liaI thhy vere under' resîtraint, aund ; lhoeuhIbèe begasa thé wildest kied cf 2- commotion. Tho.e - a lsh es illah hir tails anllJft 1tfoamy, sud lthe aharbea, ai thbèémtôricilé vicli ie halatitiens gs-ev emÀalér, des-led baci cil and forth with a veloiîy thal leoft a 1- vaSe ile b aler. The - esuro -tley cd matie againat ths ide'cf tIcs net vas se d greh liaI Meaclas vas atîaidti ty i- vonîti break il, sud ha teck an axe'and vaiketi holtiiy into tle vater te hie y. waist anti wnitsd villithe axe aplifteli cmtliàa sark gel within- roa. TIcs vhite fiale svam beleen ieslegs le en sncb nushees as almeat te imperil is footing, andi ver. se thidi lIa il vas liard verk lu vatis tlrongi bIes. -At il lengîli a moneher, liark hle&andi auu i- stanl lu-front of hlm, anti ho breugut- 90 the axe dovn vîihal - 1h. force ie P- cealti. Tics aie sanie te o heee, lout I8t thce aharis only seemetiý a litisà st=nest. )n JusItiseo anolier shàark -brashe>d by te hinsudanti ruiug ho deslil a'1>1ev liaI hmuet ha-vs lodchet a 'vital part, 129fo teesaek reiseti ils hIsatfros lthe ta vater anti vemileti, Mr. Mea4îim- ,a thînklihalt a buahel cf vhiîe-flsc. -A., 5lie oii net sesthe ather sharles, Él c- eike ce cf the. men lu pais himthe DO hock. Tis ila a harp bici attaclicti' Fb a poea, vhicî, he turc, is tastenst l c, a reps, . WiIb4 a quiek motion hé lirash 5the huaki nthe bclly- cf oes ec f sicrki, înd lhen, gi-ving lthe vcrd, thes ~imen ashors, fitecu cfliens, palet -- itli anl lIeiu migîl. Tic s sark 0 feusght vieîenlly, but îlehe boksfieldi, * anthîe great l!uh vas landed inl about y !teensmiutes;. Ilvas an ngîy liliov, 5e rnasuirig sighlt est, sec! ville 'itahity r eneugi le hirow, the senti alioves- lie M men. Onecf thas thuit a pcol Iet M ils meuth. Il inappéd t lai a man -weelti a pipe sIens. - Tien a board was -put belvecu tics sharp leeth, anti' ie leetI savsd rigil tiraugi- il. WMon rMc. Mesoicansticrast tics iook into Iue 5second siens lhe sutiten jerk.lice, mon Ygava IIî. nope nippedtihle iolly epen, Y anti a 11111e ahanis Ive feet long, vich on li hi e a/b probably sucked inl % .'a hicwliteflshl ocuti.This ene, whe vi e acheti stasuidsvoen -feic, 8 anti began le as-ev thiesacd itiwh e. vicitofiai il vemitoti. Peur olicers voe landeti ic te- sime vay, maasuring six anifid iee ot. bue oethie* mon tbrast a bkiceo b a litlla sarlç, anti lien lifting lt-an s pale,. étude ils e ti belveen lIce javs et ansefthle-big sherks. Tiche eti came off as clean as thougi sa-veneti viti a Imite. After vatcibg lie slarks a tev minutes, lie mon peliet inla lis net, l in ihvere t housetis et vhilafisi. The shanke 2vore of thes gray manseating kieti. - A Blacke Wrnan.Tus-ning White. - cCincinnati, Sept. 6.-A phsysieleg-i.* c au phenomecion lies juss bease diases- e-cc lahis city by one efthIle distriot i phcysiciens. Ille nething less than s -coiereti vomen burningwvitle. Hec nanse le Luella Smith, ageti 80- yars, vwie is living aI 60 Gansa alsey. Sis 18s -net a mulatto. Shie la blackin ltlIe face, batliher -bodi f gradealiy begicn-. ieg teoi-vrnaes-.vWhite as any Caucasien. This cicanging proces bgan about five years ago, mec! nov her botiy is about Ive-fiftliavwhite. Onicer breesî Icoe lsa switehé@pot about aight luches long anti six inches vide. Her limbEr, tac, prsnb lice -samne appeareece, anti if lite change kecps cn sice vilinl a tav yeoe-s bc as vil as 'aeyhody. Ah presoutal sic 5bsieg treateifor cee- sumption. Tic. only 'white spobs about li tacsns-e direcîly behinti' citber ear anti insidte iésrs. Tic. dotorsceaul Ibis transformabion mn absorption cf pigment, bel, vîsîse-er 1h is, il fa ex- Iraordieary, andi will elicit a godt demi cf attantion fs-es lie madicel p:otess- recegnizesi . Pargela, ccntainilic ait a Penn/b o!lea, a Poundicf sotie biseuihs, a quaetity cf sugme-, m'sd four- plugs cf tobacce, vase o-feue/b lyiug near lice body., IL vas subseqeenthy Iliocoveret i -hat îles, articles liad bee auprehutetinl Port Hope, iy John Siday, et Gardena Hii andith ie V4y vas eftee-wartii ris cegnizetisa SideyVs.-11e herses a vite seti ciglul chide-en. ACCIENT ON:eeVICTrOsÂRIAxvLAY.- TicsF. Bus-la, a diresa on lie Victoria Rallway, vîsils jumping fro o e.car- lu anthe-, at Pension FaIl, tel dove baie-eau 11cm ianti vas sevesely mjur- cdi. - Ho was brougu& to hs hem. le Lindsaýy imlcre lue racola-cc! urgiesi ROBemazax T 'MnaXffà.-OU Sahur- day atterneeni, thée111.1 uIt., thi. liuse et Me. W. H. Fry, gardsn.r, rear Loti 16, le tIse 71h Cou. Msrham, vas en- taed hilé thé -oécuant8 vere away, anti M O ew hçen{ ,Neliing, else vas Iakec,-tlieugica valaI vas-passauedeeer the ti hie's in heir searcli. ui,...~.,. ~ Boriei Of PartlFeue-y, Si ! W litt fellin .. . . . . . . . . Vlin....l............. earey- ............. ... j ieas ................. orn.. ............... Claver Sei - . Poatles .............. Bltyr........... Pegs........... RayIter........ ....s..... Wod...... ...... -weel........... Eppe's Ceoa.-ssss-n waarncaG--"ýBy a,thorough hi natura1laa vwiiaigovénl e adgsin d nutrition, s ofUctinitice neps-o pcl1" 08e, Mc pps L breakfast tableasvla atilù boverage wvicdl say îave macla articles af tiIet haaC hae gmsaslly boialIu p ati te reslit ée-éey teanny te -drets oai sbtlemauies are u - readyt tuk weeve-u rAnI. ,We mae escape niai cuselveal 6 pus boo asuspe-opniu -cil fes-s1 G&ete Homnoptu ie lisiiitI as A C AR T veaness, eau-y tocay, ilana i 1 wM - sésm a reciplte liaI O BE F CHARGE. Mûs wuva dizcovereil hy a cussie A&Méulca Bond! a seif-adj tthsRZv. Je-se T. Tis B/ble Hocme, yleia Paris- 01h - -NEW ADVERTIE LM'IDS EOR., Doei]Rangsevs-st of 1-s-ad Town of Wlulby- This lot thecents-sofahe tic ,n md - fine lieo aes-ry brick tiveih *es-sCId esleru sand suais, a fintsIci-ssLresidecce. PsssCZa 2.-Part o! lot 17 SeeundTMerofthe pfrst Dot of Bnck Steset i hel.Toc -Tis ape-perty ifin ha ie huI, Tova5 sau&the-ro fas-ecteti t] - deluugas!an hep, s"dalen e th. Mise Melutyneo s meisMilf mmking sie1u 8ALEI. -Town lots l Pesryis Plan, I ob 27 ini ti Wiby, suev hceing ite To la Tusprepe R damâe - -E doueci, sudtiers erç -Çes me aliaUfamedwel 1, l o e earisigf-ut bs-ses, àèsC expese il Coui! asmatie s place. PAaceicx.4.-Tc fe cvn i-st. The nos-h hait ot 14 in taiutng 1001 as-ses, 2ed., Thse sentI balf oet1iis laining 100 ases. . ns-a. Lotis, ha lie 12t1,c acres. PssecL 5.-ýLot NO, 81 -ein tho Tavnship ofRaenont icn Petenbare, ceelsicung 02 sors the Tract of aie Mines-si landi 'Vai-nailalot. P.UeCxn G.-Vlllagc lot Ne,. aideoetBridge SIest, ant in ,Street anti soulh ef Ai-hart >4 Village cf Hashhuge,,lu tics Ce ics-o,oc wcihaerectet inf - ýPsAsauzz.7.-A numuher et4 uotsin haécsTevu oh i ity lcationis. Thos cehale ohfliche psoprty j -easy thi-s af paysenI. AIea monoy toi ban on Far, pnopcnhy echisfs-sus Loauing peivete feints. -G. TODEýG Sm OUrs e le IlDom Iltiolvent .sct.of i Arneîidng 4cià TNTHE MÂT-FIl ii-t o R1- n Insolveit. A ssconiD bisissu oWps-spas-ouianti open us-c h ie T-veicty-Tuîsd day e 1878, ilfes- vis-idividenti 'uil W AINi4-,tA sin w - srvau. ýAppuy te, ]UR&tIh. C. A. Keclt SOUTH ONi nF wf . qmir-V JOHN E MB5 Lot aINe. 1, etc con. 'RST GRANDIjDISTRIL kF ELs-IvNT. C's- 'cs-E'

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