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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Sep 1878, p. 3

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12 u ............ .. . W l5e .'a.60 , coî .. m l 6 Eds.............80 1 .&4 O 6 .l100 ...... 1*01 00 w perp.......... . 200 8 .ot,00d 800 Poflreqirt erry Sp. lt. 1 878,0 l'e 'p4n.. . .. ..0 # 0 50 .00 4008 Las..O........000 00 C.. ...... . 2,.,. 5 400 oi.....#à............084s clonors..... ......OIf0 Pottom..........05 080 00 0 A rk............ ......4050 Butter................O10 18 Es................2100 no Wod...................200 -80 Wo.................. 06 0 2 * Eppa's ooa-isrwL >Cou. PcTut-"By a tiiorough knowledgs cf the ilaturel laws mincir goveru-tis operationa of igestion, sud nutrition, sud bye careful aP.liation cf the flue properties cf wel. sîected eccas, Mr. Eppo haî proldsd. oui breakfast tables with a dellcetely flavocred heverege wbicb ma l' seve ns mac>' heavy dociors' bille, Il le À the jedioos use cf Bach airtioles cf dist tirt a Constitution May be gradtaly brui up until atroug snoughl to reisisvsry teudene>' ta disss.. Bm- dred 0f iuhAle maladies are iloatiig around un srse4y to attack whrsvr tberelàe wek totut. W.e &Yescape man>' a fatal £haît Y 'k.eplig o uneslves 1WOUi tortlied wti purs bleel i <a pr ' lnonriuiiedfrme.11 -Cil s'deie Gt.-o oui>' lu Peekets labellsi di: "JM E rs S& Co., uomoeuiiloe Chenolet, London, Eng."1 A L'A n D. rTo0SU Wiro are anftsrin t rono the errars f asud- luistretlona c:? n inrvana weakns, aarly doaa, lmofua hod" 1 Winl bond a racel that mIii cure you, FR11!- 0F CHARGE. bi uitaremedy mas dlsaoversd b>'a noisiona> uy nSouth AmOches, Send easli-addresaed envelope 10 the Bay. JostrrnT, Ixn»c, Station D, M4biRouse, Newn York CUy. NflW AvZRISIEMENTl LANDS FOR SALE Si T lE SUBSC1JI MIR offere for sale et reoasonable ternis the followlng valu. able preporties. PÂrOEL .-Part cf lot 25 lu the Firai Double liange west cf Break Street lu ti Town of Wiiuby. TLfs lot Io stuated i the. centre cf ithe town snd tiare Ion Ità fins two &tory' brick dwelling bouse, witi jweland daterft aud aU the convenIenoe i ailirai clams resideno.. P tcut 9-Part cf lot 17 and 18 lu flic Second Tler of the Viret Double Baeng0e s> cf Broek Street luhs Tow citWbLitb1. This property la lu the. business part cf the TJ.own, and bthaIo rectal tiierelu a tramn ilwellns ibn"hep, Amidl oes occeplea 1, the Mii Moctyrod As a Miluner> aundrae maskinig shop. 11'Aiczî lO.-Town lots 181 tand 135, c: Prry'o Plan, of lot 27 la the TownhipaC Whlthy,noôw iîeun thle Town cf Whleby. Tlol propari>' adjoins the' Engllsh Ciiurch grounda, audiliere la _erectea on fit a sory aend a balU trame dweling, thorearo a fine lot cf bearing fruit tries sud wlth a liti exPinsu It could bcme ré avery' loslrablo place. 'ÂlIcsL 4.-The tollewlug lands i tI Township of Mans, Couinty of Oubro: lut. Tie north hall cf 14 in the Sth con. .talulsig 100 acres, 2nd. TIhe iouth hallfcot1inlutIhe l2til, con. tatning 10acres, 1 rd., 0t-O u ile.121h> containlng 20W Acres. Pàncrt, 5.-Lot No, 81 lu the i2tîî cou. ef tic Township ot Delmont lu the County 9c Petenboro, coctaining 02 acres, This ilin the. Tract of tii. Minerai lands and a very 'cainable lot, P1AsCXL .-Village lob No. Ã", ou tho cast aide of Bidge Street, andi uorth of Front Street aud. soth ohfAbint Street, lu 1h> Village cf Hasotinga, lu thc Count>' cf Peter. * boro,cu whleli là ereeteda atrams building. Pàiocirn 7.-A number cf goodl building lots lu the. Towun cf Whitby, lu desireble locations. 1Tho whole cf thie propert>' will b. sold on easy brmi of paymenî. Also mouoy tela a on Penna and Town propent>' eltier freo Loaulug Corupanis er irrivate fends. G. TOtTNG SMITHI. OffIce ovcrDominion l3ankl, US-linWhitby. Insolvent ALct of -187,5, and Amen1ding A~CiS. THTE MATTEII OF JOIIN LITTLE su lulveuit. A aeeondDividend Sh1eei hsbeen prepared and open> te objectio unttil tlielTwrnty-Tlird day cf September. 18 Ã" t, alter whiclo divl.lond will beýpajd. Je- Asiguec. WAN~i~T111 A f.;01)GEeqRRAL M î!A. JONES, loien-st Wos1 Oshîawa. SOUTH'. ONTARIO. PUBLIC ME-ETING1 A Puiblic Mcutigignl thc iutercet cf E~. W. GLEJST, mill be bolS et HOPKINS-' HALL, WIIITBY, o SA TURDA Y, THE l4th INSaT., AT HALF.i'AST eir>EN, r. M. t BION. T. N. 0GIBBS6fa cordiaily inilt, (.d te attend, * Sheep.Strayed 1TRAYED into the premises et Vhe euh- sosrier two sheoÈ, wiilî red m rark ecroosa ieihouldîrs. 2h.ownïer isre ooat- ed to prvepropertypalexlnoes.andtaes thent aay othcerwla ey i esl c cordlug te Law. JOHN >' lllbsoldac a8-81n Lot No , etii con. Pîckerieg. FIRST GRAND DISTRIBUTION 0 F PELEGANT, CHASTE, USUPUL, and Ornemental. Articles, aoualîtlug of Ladies" andi Gents' catoiies, gents' voit chalua gguard octans iamnliJuis, fane>' atone tuds, engrave à t8d, alove buttons, latone and eugraVad Aetb t adîToa Camoso atone, black jet, and0Roan coral seite, ocrai nokiacos, andcharm, -baud and engravad ringsl1lldatone -croises, brodhles,. v uttons, llrbattons. Wil i tes plce ai the residenos cf Ur, j. T. Thompso,'Centre Si,. on Thurada>', All Ticketa il been. ttlea ve bl tcet purchas. Tce&adeveryluformnatlcu. te be ob. taned of et Fe ie le . It î Je s. s rc Eir,ýstl8 ove o.,nJ.aE Oshawa tovuiCo-te J. ]s Pre e o sitth inesa, VIomo -flOu .to see * HARDWAIRE. A largeand .well selected stock. Corne one. corne ail,, t Hatobes Cali. tao by or maki istock. O, 9yes! PU&BROTHFER, e~près o lrwr,& O, es Oyes!' GOr T0 SI MO0N F R A SE-B'S Where t get.'the bçst and'chAiapest groceirie--jii the, Cbunty. Try it 1 À fuie 76c Green Tesi 10 lb, lots.ai50oc per lb, K ggod Fu3nfly Teia, 80o per lb, U&Ilgrades ocf Sugar, at prices .that defyý corapetition. Pure, Ires !9"4 Collées, very o*heap. '(Cocoas, Ohocolates,. Oanned Meats, Spiccs. Jlivorng Extràots, &o.e. À new stock of (Jrockery, .arriving, which willbe old at a utie more than hidi the, uiùal price, tlo suit the warm times. A fuil stock of Glasswaro, Gem Jars, Jel]hy Cana,. vclry eheep. Pailti, Brushes, Brooma, Fine Flonr, Cormeari. Oatmeat,ý Bacon and Hamas, constantly on hand, at-low pricee. -:000: SWANTBD .-Any quantity , f prime~ dairy Butter,ý E gge, and Fruite of all kinds. A eau respectfiîlly soYcited. Ju bIM IAti Y - .] Ontario IBlock, Brook-St., Whitby. Tuly l7b, 1878. NEW ADVERTI SZMENTB'. FAEM TO EENT-A good farn o ltn, F ctlnn 10ares, behug Lot No,,tl, hi m' bi t o. Pickering. Good etitou bousegood bena dnivlngsilidi, Si. WhI1 vaee.Good Lencesud and ua higi att ef cultivation. Possession given bhile MI or nezi spnlg, te suit the tenat. For f#r. tirer partionlars, appl>' on tirs promises ta 5' 1< Iii Farm to Rent. [O OACRES-LOT 5 IN Sti CON. OP PICKERING; goid barn, sud tablng ; good hanse ; wiîhin j mie cf Prlt'Ue ge te plcw naw. Possession 1ot ;tol4er. Apply te C. MeAVO'T. lialaamP. O. in-il D ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSIP Notice la ernby given tiraItie co-parb. nersiip heretofore exiîting heîwu the un- deailgned nuder Ahee 5cm sa style of Tay'. lcr &i farnerd irasbeau thii.day disolvedl b>' mutuelconusent. The business wilI ire cotinueS hlntire aavs risîAm hlMr. Ta ion wlrU tiraor- lzed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t n icag n et' I l e uta sud by tic scaSce-partnersip. Tiré busi- ness wmills heretofore bo urîder Aire man- agement cf Mr. Barnard, and persoanl- deêbted tae llte imo are desiced te make paymeut to hlm. WtuessPHILIP TAYLOR, W. N. GRAN GER. j JOIIN S. P;ARNAILD. Wbithy, Sept. 4tir, 1878. EXE CUTOIIS' NOTICE 1 jALLPoý?rsonc having cl.ilîîm agailuet Lie te of the leto S. J. Green, Eîq., cf G.rsenwcod, wlh please lorward bhs same 10 lie Exeontore, Greeuwaod, P. 0., for edjustmeut. AnS aU persona indebtod te tire selS estate wU l pise make immediate sebtlemeub. W. H. IILLTNGS, Soliioror Executare. Detod, $op. 2, 1878. 87. ý lThe Graodest 0f Ihem Ail!1 THE TEAR.1 G3RAND REGATTAI STURGEON POINT, LINDSAY, ONTA1UQL on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Sept. l3th and 14th. $1,200 IN PRRMIUMS. $1.200. 10 of the Greatest - Oarsmen -In LIre World will compote, as witucsse1the fcllcwung stcAof ontrie,-Geo. H. IBosmer, Blostorn, Mass., wiuuer cf iHamilton regtta; Frency Joirnson, Bester,, Mass., winner cf Silver Lzako regatta, Ang. 15, 1878, ,bhoir dlefeatod Clias. BConrtney Weiace ROSH, St. John, N. B., tIhe celebrated ceremen o! lie Kenuehoccegs; Even Morris, ittsirurg Ps., ex-champiou et America; ,Hem>' Coul- ber. Pitburg, Ps., ex-Champion cf Ameni- ce; Prod.' PlIuteS, Portland, Me weil kucwn bterneo- EdwardEaoss St. JoLn N. B:, 7 nner cf 24'sg&ra regatte; 'Wr. MelLn; F. A. BIlaIt, Torontoe:Pet. Luther, Pitbs- bug, Ps. PIRST DAY. Great PrafienalIRace. Purse, $675. 4 mines wirà a urn, open bo ail; isi, Q50; Sud, $200; 8rd, $100. -Amateur Single Scull 18 (t. lup-atrealc skiff, 0epn te ail, 2 miles straigit eway. Prize, lilegaut Slver C up. Doable (Jance Race, opoen te ail, 2 miles witi a tomn. Purec,, 17. lot $10 2uS $7. Ladies' Bacc, single seuil, 18 ft lep-stroslc skiff, cpubu , 1numle stralgirt ewey, Ladtss' legant Silven Toilet Set. . Local Double Scuil, Amateur, fon a Silven Cup euS Aie Chanionship of Stungccu Lake, 2 riles wlth a trnu. - SECOND DAY. Grand Consolation Race, Purses$185, for profesalonsis who diS-not mira ots day ; 4 miles wlth A. burn,-lut $75, Sud $50, Srd Single Cano, open ta al, 2 miles- witi e brin. Purge, 014; lot $7 2ed 5 8Srd #2. Profeselonel Double Skif Rae ,o ot1 al, 28ft irgged Iap-atrealc sbids, 2miles stnalgir aay>. Punes870 ; lot $40, Sud $20, Fat Man's Rae, apen to al weigiring aer 215 Ire. -18 ttI, fgged, lsp-streak skiff miles straight eway; elegant slr as Pi tcher. RAILWAY ARRANGEMENTS, etc. (6rand TrUnk RIUHWA-ay aes tram tdlow-ý lngpoints te Stnrgeon Poit and neturu.- RI ren $2.50, Cllins, Bay $280,Freder- loksailgi 02,Naprinee #L9, Tyendiaga 81-80, Birmunanville 01-665. Fi -iailoits iretwveeu Edovloy!onS Toronto, via WirI by, Port Pency & Llndasy lway,,ta Stuc- gouPont sud rata=, î.go. ,Prom Wlilt- b>' and ponts bet*eeu ýWhithy ailS pcrt Porry, $1. Pirom Port Perry sud polit narth, 75e. Ailteketrgood te Beburu on Monda>', sept. lotir. Ailtrins cf tirs Wiithy,. Port Pçmry euS ,LinSas>' Rsilway *i91 n r 1gr . cthe Victoria Railway te F=enlo P al svitiant' change; thtncey5sse in ed byboaeEtum a.oPointe,' traini illabo ru turcughi'tiout cean". Vcoria Rsi1wa trins vii mn irseené Linsay'anS Fan - &WjIm sd enneeo moti botteor Sturgoon Point every hiur. Ample scoimdtlcu imWlIba pOofdS t Sturgocu Point, Liusy.Peuelqu tallsauar Boboa>'ge<u.for te» ~rhrg~remn.a a for or SOUTH ON TA ROII M i'ALVRED JURY will addreso MR. F. W. GLEN., -AT- Brooklin, Thursday, Sept. 12th et 7,80, p. mi. laremont, Friday, sept. lBth, et 7M8 p. mn., And discusthe subeet cf ths "National Pcicy," anS obirer public questions. The Hon. T. N.- GIBBS la c9rdllUy lu. vited to atend bh.will be piven ample opporunity ta addresi ail tii ýmeetlegs. .VALUABLE FARM8 AND LANDS FOR SALU, BT P-TT BLTO AUCTION. The uoidcrlgncd bra received instructions frein GEORGE HOPKINS, EsQ., te sell b>' public &uotion, AT HOPKINS' HALL, NE .IW 4 iYG -- r- W E ~ORF BROOK STREET, SOUTH' ONT ARiO SOHOOLDEPOT BLQQYONT J-s-- Keeps for sale the largest and. most ompplete stock ýof Higi nd Public School Txt Boos nOnaroûo Al rbooks sold at Publiséhers lowest rates.' Slates, Pens, Peneils, Inks, Foolscaps, Drawing PaperI Copy Books, Note Books, &c., &c. A. large,.tock marked very cheap. Our fourth annual Catalogue is now. ready, and will be mailed free on application. - - -. Je S. 1~BLS N 1Bookoeiler anfd Statiouer FALL, Brock.st., Whutby, Ont. Has 110W on Exhibit 30 -Differént Styles in Faîl Matndes --IS NOWýUSMYBY-- lin A~ IJ E T Nei ARRJVED AT W. J, ~HICK1t c~ Meni's Youths, and Boys, New Fait Hats for the FaIl Trade. Also a Splendid lot -of Jôh - Paints, fast Golorodwhich wd bo sold at 5 and 1Oët». per yard. -W. J. }HCeKIE&Co in varjous design, forming a collection unique, that will gratif~y the lu tire Town a! Whitby, 9on -,I TUElSDA4Y, 29th, <)CTR, 878,1 critical and correct taste for which Whitbv ladies are notedL -At Ouineleek lu inre aitem noon, tire tol- owing valeeble praperi>': LOT L-25 acre spart of Lot 28, lu Aie iret concession cf V.hitby. £A eareli sud under a goS itate oh cultivation. LOT 2.-120 acres, part cf Lot. 22, le tire iret concession af Whiiby. About 20 acres of busir, tire reet under cultlvatlan. Ou tis lot tire.fiea goed dwelling, large bain sud cntbuildiugs, and a thrlvlnig ycuug orcherd cf about il acres. LOT S.-71 acres. part cf Lob 21, iuntte lirzt con. Whitby.AIIcleared, and under a goccaat. of cultivation. Ceod wabrr on ail tire lots. TERMS 0F SALE. W111 h.e fered for sale in loti as airaie, or tire whele ii ire selS inocee parcel te a de. sireble purchiaer. Oi4e-tenth cf tire, purcisse toeire perd devu et ime cf sale, the balance ifive eguel annuel Instalments, te he seeced by mortgage berlng elgit par cent intereat. Offersihy pnvate sae l Ubc rscelved. limotelato Possession. 87-td1 Auctioneer. Mu8/o Instruction, MR. FRED MUDGE, TEACHER 0F THRE PIANO-FORT OR04GN ANDO Melo0de o n r[~ERMSona stlinti, . Whitb)Y. Mlodecns te reut at $1, $1.2â and $1.60, per îmonth. Sept. *2nd, 1878. 87-1y Farms for Sale. E IGTYON ACRES of good land, neve.faingsping ndina codsEtate of cultivation, -~th Iaxne dwelng houan; pod barn and outbilding,-belng Lot 24, 8r concession of-the Tons fitWitby, (threo miles front the town of hitby). AJso FliltYAcres-eLot 24 4th Concession of Wuby, with trame dcollIrghouee, good Wall, amal1 orchard, cid a creek rnnning throngh. Tbe above farins will be sold separateiy or together to suit purchasers, For terms and further particulers, apply to ItOHN FrrZPATBIC3X, 86-te on the promises. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. 20 Faim»t-lot 5, lu ths 4th con. cf Pierlng-5 miles frern the ceunt>' tewn of ,Whnitiry,anSaI alàmile tbon, post office village cf Audley.Good trams dwelling, sud he iti liens foundation. Liin otresmo ou- ach 100 acres. Six acrs c! cedexan sudcft wood. Possession given lu tire tai. PoFr.termi uand punlimlerappl>' ta W. R. BILLINGS, or ALEX McLADEN, SoIr. Whltby. ou tho premises. -(U-29 FARM FOR SALE. Tire frouâ 11 Acres, lot 25, Otir cou., Whlt- Y >, kuoo» as THE 'DgC OOTE ' FARMI, AppI>' te STEPH.ER MEDLAND. Brooi)ln Jl>'22,1871L s1.bf Farm 'F&o al AUCTION SALE -0F- VALUABLE PROPERTY TOWNSUIP OF REAOCH. «Under anS b>' virtus cf e Power ut Sale, couteined lu a certain Morbgag,, wich wulieKpoduceýd ,ettire tins oh s.aleý, anS madter l b.ie del t hLe ROYAL BTELlutire Towe f BTBon Saînîrday, thee Fouirt centhi day of Se1_temrer ne.>-, A.D)., 1878, At 12occlccknuoon the foUlowlng valuable Landanti àPremlses, viz.: Lot Number Ilve, i thé Tim1Cence-. alan cf tire Townhip et Beach, ithe Co0ut' cfOntario, conteiuiug Two Hun- dred Ares more or leas. About 80 acres cleaned. bu Ibis valueble tarno le erected a goafi Frame Bain, Pano. meStable, sud e imalFrae iHase, nu a faim staesof npai. Ton par cent. cf tie purehase 2mon.>' must hé palS lu cash et ime cf sale. #2,000 nos> outsisud. For particulari appl>' te 1LE-YS Si PEAPSON, Veudor's Solicitors. L. FAIRIANRS, Auctioneer. Toronto, Auguet.15, 1878 * (td-35 MORTOAGESALE. TTNDER AND B1Y VIIiTUIi CF THIE VPommer et Sale contaueud in a certain Mortgege wich wil ho produced etthLie lime cf seale sud upon whitch defecît ire been maSo, there wil ho solS b public auction, AT' RAY'S HOTEL, IN TUE TOWN 0OF WHITBY, Oit S'ATUiRDA Y, -te glt day qi Sept ember, 1878, At tireirour ah .2 o'ciock, p.m., tire follow- iug p eot' i--W acres, ireing compos- eSaftire Scuth-East Quarter of Lot No. 10 lu th. t Concession of tirs Township ci Uxbridge. Tire are ou threpremlses s new logirouge. aisso a new log barn.-Tirer. e Ioeli cousiS- oreble tirber on tire promises. It le mithi li miles cf thiilage cf Glen Majcr, and 51 miles cf lire village Cet Uxbrldge For furtirer psrticulmarapplytVnrs Soiciter, Wiritiry. JNO. G. KELLIY Vendar's Soilciter. L. FAIRBANKS, Aucloneea. Wiritiry, Sept. 8riS, 1878. (i1 MITCHELL & IRYAN'S PARK SAMPLE ROOMS, ,108 WZSr o rTORONTO. CHIOICE' WINES AND -CIGAEIS. 13WLIiÇG ALLEY 15lxCONiiCTIO24. ÇONTAMNNG 45 R!-pi i oo Whltby, ton. mils, froinMyrteP.ý0 , si Station o-hé W. F; P.& L.ybOôa buildings; living' stresi; rr0dge of plouging onreisoitprespotC'op. For pa i pty nrenpqowner M5yrtIO. FAR-M FOR, SALE 1 GýR A N D FA LL OPENINGI0 THE 'ILQON1ON'-ll0USE. -:0- WC iare daily racaiving froxu Eiîglaud aur Fali Stock of DRY GOQDS. -:0:-- WtV eau coufideantly assura our austomers and the public gn erally, that we have nover shown a larger stock, nor botter value, than wewavi11 i dotllis' season - HAMILION & 11ABROWERI F"ALL 'BOOTS, AND S19OES! ~Thoruiersgnedbeg tocail the attention1,týuistomer and, ütI3 prtblic to bis present large stock of Boots- ana Shoes whioh hi l 9014ig at aastonishingIy low priceo, for cash. Laies', 'Gente' ana misseB', ini great vaiiety, znanufaotured in the-bet manner,1 of thebest material, andi m the0 newest style. LAIIGEST AND CHEAPEST* ----LOT 0F-- PIOTURE FRAMESý EVER BPAOUGHT INTO THE (JOIJTY, AT BEST'S, SIMCOE-STREET,lOJAA PHIOTOGR APH iNsrG! DONE EQUkt iTO CITY WOiRK, Y fial il i<e speoimens. Viewi. of residences taken to Aug. 14, 1878. SIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA. ONTARIO LADIES'; COL LEGE, OFFERS THE FL4WING ÂDYA.NTÂGES' lit. Thofinest buil&dgs aid gre'undei Canada. devoted ta th. higUir educailon o! Young ladies. .n.A eycrPleon fiin stallff 0f structors. Provision is made for a thorough grounding iu Englieli, as the brus fondution for a iftnishea ebaion. The simplesi eiementary subjects are net ovorlooked, se that pupils mesy enter wlth advatage at au early age, andai aiy stage cfsavament. Special fallMtes are afuiids for acqulr ing a thorougli and practicai knowledge of science. -.The musio clepartment, under tihe Manage- mnent ofFP. H. Torrington, Esq., (Jonduetor cf the, Phiuhharmnlo Society of Toronto, le ln the higiiest state of efficiency. French aua Gorman are teiglt by aunaccompliiie<ilady, who speeku both langeeges, and who aiso, posseases agood knowledge cf Enf;llb. Litera. ture, Mathematies, Drawing, Painting, &c., ara tatght in the most eflective raanner. 8rd. Wefl, regilated exercise i wlking, citencand riig; wholeeomce and nutritions diet; conofortable and woll ventilated rooms, &c. 4th. A large number of honore; ta bei competed for. Two moea frono EEr.cxelleucy Lord Dufferiu; gold medal frein Jas, Patterson, Esq., of Toronto; a seioartblp fromlAlbeit Teskey, Eeg., <of Appleton, and morelu 150.00 worth cf Prizes. 5th. Fifiees per cent. reducf ion Ioe those wco p jilz dva4nce fer -ellévear', iboard auJ tuiiion. To thosewhopay by the terinf-For second termcef attendant,., flvm'peefo' nt offii la; for thir& terza, ten per cent. off; aud, for fourth terra, lifteen-por cent. wiflbe deauctecl. TUITION FEES TO TROUE WRO FATDI ADVANCE PER YEAB.-BOARD S& TtITION. PeatoyDpretpor termn..... 400 inihepara Department,..... ...-$1 , o 4cadeie - >' à e i opareet....... Im 00 Co00eilue os lfitional su.............liMO hocO 140m and in cintai exponses numb par terrm..................................maeI v ,ROADDWG EXPNSES.CAfLENDA1A. * . of ton *ekseeoboasterr~eda. a a ek" if Bmrd, be4 s rgawarmwPek O... $275 -for M w, and tweaand & 1taflàor ' F u e l , I l g i qit s ja w a a 4 n . p a r w e e k . . . 0 w tV miV2 5 u h slebetEodd-or ôm in *9 ttoerextra., !oA b Oj'nId ïï - ÉP 21 Y A & T W T 1Iý . Pcllind -Xishrict No. 1, shiah ocsiat cf lobs1. 1,%, botrh Incusiv,lntheafBroken .gqt*Obccerlou and lls1,2,8 4 ô andS Iii 1tel12, bath in CIuslve,-la tihe thiril on- cession. Pollieg plSa, Scheol Hanse, Har- mon>' * Polin&Diàsil No. 2, aliilo onisi c f lobs Nos. 10) ta 17, bath inclueive, in the Broken Front concession, and lots Nos. 18Dt 17 bath inclusive, ru tire fini, second anS ubmrd concessions. Poflhrg plce, VacantHIEanse, Tharnbon'a Corners, . E. corner lot 17, IduS conceession. Polling-District No. 8, sbali ciisigt cf lots -Wos. 1 te 17, botir Inclusive, iu thre faurtir sud 511h canceasions, a1 lots Nos. i tel5, bath inclusive, in thealiblo concession ana of lotoNos. 10 ta 15,bothlInclusive, in Lie seventi concession. PolIlug place, TaownHall Columbus. Pclling h!iotrict No. 4, aboali causilst al Iota Ras. 1 ta 9, bath inclusive, lu tie sevý entir coutession, sud of lobs Nos. l0Oto 1Y in tho -sixth anSdssventh corroess.ns, sud *cf thre whoesof the. eghth Nlan ntircon- ceesions. Poing_ place, Foctltoe irOp, Raglan.- TOWN OF WHITIIY. lirat poart 0f the Tawu' of Wiltby west of lirock Street, sud Northr of Duodas Street. Palling place, Croshy'a Siop Duedu strtet Polling Distict1..2, shah cenîlt.4f aIl tiat paert cf bis Towrncf Whl.tby ea»t pf llrecI Street, an&ti urth of Drinda 8treei. Poli~plaçe, Odldfellows' Hall. Polie g lisirlet No. 3, uaîal consist fa!la thot part cl the Town cf Whltiy, kuoýwn as th eteWard, oàstcfi Brook Street. 1Polliug pl£ce, V~,acnt Stôre, Wllkiuson's Bock, Brook -Street. Pollirr District Na. 4. shaH censimt cf ail tiat part et1h e Tawn cf Wbltby, knuawuas the. (Jetre Word, west f Brook Street. Poi% lcTown Hall.- Pô 1~pDistric e. 5. shah aéonsit of Ah. Souith R Xa. Plllng plce, Hawe's Stone Store, Biciruind Strcet. VILLAGE 0F OSHAWA.- PoncDist1it No. 1, shall bc bonnded, an bis north b>' Kirg Street. on Aireeat by .Celina Street, on tire sontir by iMaple sud Royal Sireets, eauontire muat by- Centre Street. Polling place, 'Bishop's Auctian Rono, RngStreet. - PallirrgnDistrict No. 2, s&hall ba beunded onth tb - Centre Street ftromnRing yStrect yli$ re, and by Sfimoo Striet trono Royal Street t te Base Lineo ntis south b>'tire Base Lin. ; on the wect by the westerly lirait of the Village, sud on tire nortir b>' RngStreeltat Centre Stree, and by Roal Sitret from Centre Street. Pol.- h.g %pis.., Btpejielgsirop,uer Airs laI .Kirire. b P nD rct No. 8, sirll b ome oublie wet b>' Celfir Street froNuen Stetta Maple Stretrt, sud b>' Bbmoti,ý Street tram Meplè, Street ta tie Base Lino; 01 -titi30#11 yth~ 'e euessLins', ountheaut tie asterY fUit' Qf tise V4 P ,,and o thena hbyap rBiieet 8 ý 5tî5_ an yMpl treet from Celia - tract tu Shuncce Strest. ..Pcl4ug place Drill SireS. Pdllieg Districtiunp. 4, Bshhbie lonu ded ou Aie nati b>' William Street, ou Ils est by Mary Street, ounthre sentir b>' ing Street, and an th. weat by Mechairic Street. i1chhirg piace; Town Hall. Polling District No, 5, shal ho bondedf nu tIh eL hy bvMeehaubc eStreet front i R , 'Street te illiam .Street, uil by i.uce SLrééio iWilliamru et te tthe carid conession lin..-; crn tiertlà ni I.>'Cl erl ,coIu.Six ericiie ou rtire wcot h lt e hrr ' Y limnit cf Lie Vili.g%, and onhbuttreh ,îI y xilig Streut te &lochanie StreietrA.A blv Willialoi Sre rmM rî titL 1'.ir..Ilislrict Ne.u. 6eflil Ire I0,oc't1ei - Ci ir c, r ...,C - ta ek notice andt e c c o d g l . - Ulven under nu>'ha Wirltiy, bhf s 21st do 1878., J.Ll SL. T. B ancer, du., SiC. OrnasE-At thi Corm Fabries, each one a masterpiece in artistie lic 1 1 1 1 Il E 0 1 .- 1 1- 1 it 1 . CASH'iGIIOCERY ,STORE,. ~,OSS ROS.- beg to- infôrm te . 1~ins the Vopýle of about- the l8th Septembere, &-large and caretulLy s6leeted stock Of - STAPLE AÀÀND. FANCY"DRY oo Â, ,IoRi GQNVS'FURISING, &.,in the qqe S eý wo south of Domn inBank. r to or F9.4,140 lz CD 13 MI] i;z., r-r s 01 il,>-T* -00, Brook-i;t., Whitby, ont. 1 1 - --ý JL.& %'F v %.,? %& 0 -AT "ORF AIRRIVED AT 18789

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