Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Sep 1878, p. 4

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55 ANDi mwo rau, ofrý hi*a aoieîog cave a ahcit, deltberat&lIÈ talked lu*the buru. in s, chau ting ut the patnuo ime, fokaAn fl tOl the Ire. nevas reund lsj C hat01 cdîfen, anad resouod <om lbe Dames by hesparents, Anud vas stilI l flug tille fin7 rossI- $»g olive. Mic flet And legs vere baor. cil harred. ana lyesterclay lalruocu 'bt obers , were amgpnlstao.'.At S- ltI aceonutebho vas stili alive, olthouglu ne hepes are eulertaluod cf hic recv- ery. * l,mnlutustr l'ong dis. kwàted witî hebc ftk o*f lhteêpeôcy daOy, stndlod tho cubjeet, aici iutead.cf paynig the suiueli sllvai cins fn lthe batik, Jecked themupIn p lu isok. 'Ple. renli asmarvelleus. Aller comm £Î) 0 mmwall coin lîad becn vilccravu troui elraulattleu ilpeuces anad shillings took thilwplace lu tics platsa, anai led accuote speak anaouc-ceingl1aoflthe llOrtsd Amnount doifved tm the Lord Tewumhoud la golug te citer 1 prizoef cft117gluns for thebates cay ou tho Injuriots recuits srlsilcg frein corporai pàüilhrent In cehools, exeept unIer prupor restrIotions. 'Ph. coin- jaqtiug ossaltv il! b. oxpete.to s-ha voiite lice 'total prolchbition cf hoxing tics c aïgrs l tend ncliko pnnishcueuts, iiil ut tIcs sain>, tine o lu clmw Jta iiojla an!i ouglit to by main- tiinil witlhoti the use of aane or * 4M0uici.-Hilsbo o., Aug. 29.- M ~ ary Dveau, a wldow, uiurdereul lier lwa ciildren by eutllag Ilium ticreats. ijllîe scil site wae bgoapeor toqe ie hiin food. 81w wa8 trrqaetej,8110 la about 4Ã" yoc- I ci, possegaos litîlo -intolli- ~goure, atit i sine bileve lier insane. TARKE THE WHITBY, PORT PERRY LINDSAY RAILWAY, î TI1113 iIWOIT]IST & ONLY DIRtECT TORjON TO ANDO'THE WEST,- Ici PORT 1PEIY, LINDSAY, IMOINIJ ALIS, >MINDJEN, VI VTORIýA UAILWAY. - 5TUHItCI"OXýPOINI' HOT1ELe tlibittci. i l itclj(1wencLakle, i5 Mileos truui i'ccctvia yictoria Jicilwic'ccy, al 'tict liuccicccl>ciU l cio ticuewltlc Gcrcnd * - 'l'c' fick cicVitorini. Jctwccyscnt -IUccicccc Htiruý. P-&r SHARP CONNECTIONS. ;i trj4ccefiu- rcarges. icggcge cccckcci Firt-les 'ccccecî,rand clccc!cng Cars. TILJOU(uII TICRETS At 111.Tirlcet * JAME13 iiOLlJliN .¶.LL,'Maccaplccg Iirectur, Wtctby. ~!cTecy0w This'Discovery inthic> uitofutstcicniecc <f Scrlcccîil l 1lîperi- iliceute ceac 11coi ic> theory licct lfrlice micaaeofcl acrut f- Wcetlug Disecuse's, lice - hcc'cce e ystaucucgt Icencc! vigorous cand lioa!ticy.' Oece cf flice trct syccctoms cn ilsecre ai- featiccg altier lice Liver, Lilugo, lisait, * 8oniah or <ioncta1 Orgce>sioi kî lose cà hDsrnocci power. TIlletule olbwed by niue-i 611 lutteliatlocc, wo!cna sud ten oialaou ni ahlis organe vich depend for heathh ou lntvlunltary moseulsir action, tica wes]er stiffcricig tiret. Nov, sa lthe uneslesnand ucres dirpoicd seô cnulc ee'sjen ache oticar lor fficient trcngtimisudaction, and as tice organa dicey cactrol dopent! ou bthI l beccîd nasolsa tila!necsslty toesicltlie narra en d mus- cls direally,filc crier te ispeciliyasd per- * lenl Diuîzt~yaradiseuses cf1lce o IVe.icaeed Tb ic.Ivetai, MaOtle upon t!.ose boss, sEti monh opnielciadurng wlclcb ltuoe liai t umpo ppotunnty for rylccg hp ssl f h ticsdtcovery, ibcacucnvins. - c! lta s Pic alr proyaraîîon kilccwîe cu- * biled sNoIcoeut end direct u cSeat upoc illie iocttsymiauxne es.> Compo'ùnd Syrup, of Hypo- 1 phosphItes. Rua exeept lu estesf cftail orgcueales#, thu It ti o l d oiAretono Palltiesduliotiug um thoe aw sltdl, Amongsl lthe dsessovec-ôomne iy lte usa ,cf tbIs rscnedy are lice fllov-lng Ion, culs Dlanricoea trente Laryngitis,i Mlsncholy, NvoaDcrhllty ,LOWS, i nrbly:6uv Z§. U. DEMI E1 1 Y...&P,. BEtLLEVILLE, ONTA1UO. ONTARIO BUSINESS COILEGE OH.;. À"=tàug*ng6a COMMERCIAL M>LCATION, Equsi to say instltuion li c sammoor thce 'United Wtfi tesIeseru'ilU*t lucr canductied by thor why eipttep vice tosch tict whce iceýyhvee51.y prstal e r dmtand. TUFI, PUBLICATIONS ormus COLLEGE Tics "CaaîsuAccountt'0"It SteakccucpcnyBock Kslg"'3aW Gideto Elcgaicl Wrîiüg,'" etc., haveob tsasdm a national reputation, sud are the- fductions cf tic h nelpalsof ticol. go lice" tesierlu ng% s, together wt thér tïchrolnthe lacs sud Leotur. 4011ms, Cole0e Bank sd MercboBm- porfnnc,*ll ichte stutu48 TiRECOURSE 18 SEORT, le a, su cc pens are sp; fte :vs 1 0cclistudint icdicicually, s vol! ac te c varions clases, lce pnad attnion Of tice teacar..- OI 'Tice p*gouxnel,- cone~tning ilu Informa une jrus, nature 01 ~amto RentI p1hiePce i,e whsndo vembr-ývi rlvge o la um iI No taken off Vor ialcc by dealers Cezcvccly. What wo- tako (the lf(if I 1Droated part4, scalcli, Burns, Sprains &o. FOR I1011813 AND CATTLE.-Fram f tu one bottlo iii warmn wattor, iil cure most Interna! derangecuentcc caucccd by over heat- WHAT TH-E PEOPLE SAY, ASK THEM? Wo the cccdcrcignc>d hbave usccd Irown'a Inclhcu Linimeont for sOmo timncsd can chernUly rroarnonc Iit for public> use. i BEihraig M PinueOrcharci, Ont. Whiotb Ont IfM i irsn rocî L ioenged - A uCtioneer, S ALEtSrcrnptly atteudcecl. snd couduet- Acîdrees, C. DAWE8, goi- 'Port Ferry. Di.aa y reading ancl practtcing the ne sictsimable trahis Can- cccf tincccln t ha bas cc cace bck *verr i#ecrd, entic ed SELF-l'RESE VTON Nrnous med Pi Iysicel DcIJiIcYac! th u clu concomitacnt lis Hual ctotd ,ccsccies chacresidi thrrefrem. os ICcati cmoredccin borglcca!pre- peri cUpcs iny qet orwilcitit, orth the prias cf tieLbX.'Ii Ti>ok wccc rte cciby 1cite uostea%- tonsive andi probccb!y tic mcscîfccprcitlier la Amenac owiccuwc, aarciei g1asdew elledscctlsbyîlceNstiosesl MîilSAss8isse. A Psci;hlec, lîusratrcl eh tics Very findit vlet art ud bcecy- 'I r cIiiat li. Seuil for it ai oncc'. Adre,. PEADIiDY bMEDICAL INSTITUTE bNc. 4 Ine. Oal a osecbai.THYSELF -1878 AUCTION SALES 1 I ]3lX tu rettucîî uuy sicicoilLnilce oth Ie .Lpublie for tce very libéral Patronage bcsowal uponru>Ici the past, tend te intncao tca1wil b -on haccd rady J condnu adstliatI cciy bea otrusted wlth. Terme liberal. SatiRfactinu gpar- antored.- My oale book wI!! be foud ah lthe Ocntarioo intel, W!iLby. Ai-angecîcents as tei (laycc01 ofi, &-ac., may ba made with Mir IrÏason, fhccropritctciloteEta. IjrdercbLy iiil or te!cgraph attended te. Auctionneor, Whltby. N. B-. - Salcie elcandcclabiennotes ficîcisbcc fcc> CRAWFORD'S PURE TEAS 1 C ILAWF'OWYDS l'ACCcE At ilAS aiccuaanc!biccctiocc of thco fineat cccee- sea ulia, carefclly bieudccd. sud ho- -lccg pureiy Naturcau>!nd Juadcleraîed, pro- duce a toveage wholehome, plecîsnt ud rofraciciug, a rosult l wicIl canmel poslbly ho MtlslnM by auy simple oharacter ot tee. Tice icncermactloned meachaut bas a!. -resc!y beau uppoiutei agent, Suc! vi!! have sclpies cf thcso doudcous tons oontsnl!IY ou baud. W IIVC, "ii-34 -Coulectioner. 1 gar A1entiansetedi lir ougcoulticse LADIES, ATTEN-TION. Tiec cloiratead Acueronicc lccr Wcker, MAX -JACQB, â30 Qucen 89, Weut Tornuto, (Thiees Dac froueSt. Patnlak's arkilet) B o EG einforme tice Ladiens hoccle BBli. oiily GENUINE iLAIR WORKER lu th lb, Cl 110HgucranicenAU ai lda cf ii vak ta doué,ta0Perfection, neatsud preper, sud deivoreAth ie timeors eatd. Flouleasene y our endorosudcn 1 vil Combîngs Accus Up le order iu SWm'PCES, CURLW, FEIZBS, PUPPS AND clcstsicFRONTP PLAITS8. Ourla ntOatîHtair mnidoequal te on bud froni 5.0(1U. --* CAUTION. W Plaadcn' e lad by tanvoseoro- Opnetlry nousai bmPlccy nQo ex. -cpiye u and., -' MAX JAOOI, M Que stI.a tic. Niew S-ý-ok -of'Gold 'î NovO'louedGold j Nev Gem R ingo, New- Jet Bette, New Baby Caainages: very oheap. Clocks, $peotales, CulIery, Electro-plated Good8 ini ~gres>t variety, Xiokelite 3!r and 8poons, ýDegks,--Ink- 0-Owing to -the prevafulmg business depzessiw, the low ,res 01et >i Goeds-wiil b., fonêc a gret inducement teOaCah purchicors. %7. .TcOBNS:Trolw> ~~6',April. 101h, liIS. Prem Watobsar, Brook-.t WILIAM -TILL'YS OCAE0ET FAOTORY AND F1NITURE WAREROOMS 1 THE UCD 8'TM#' -BROOK STREET, WHITB.YD -Go - wlàere' 'Jou cannot fail to beé' pleased in m~s eetosof good furnuiture. j$ i P D'ufrawinp IRoom and Bedroom Sets, 0éW s "we9*Výi of ýsnpetaon, aI Otnishig lew priees. Din. inlom iesion Tsb very. superioxi tce. 0 <>,ie, Piefure ËrMuldxg In évery style. Borne âne Chromos ana Eingrvingo for sale.- T ýTD:EmRT AXiNG.a, In ail its branotle ; funerals fuflysupplied, A stock of elegant caskets. rooffWca eiways t hand, trinuned to suit Customers, and *a weil apryinled Hearda oonstantly in reaffines. WR. TILL. CARRIAGTh3 AND -BUGGIES! THE LÂBGEST AND MOST COMPLÈTE STOCK 0FP Carriage8, -6Ieigs8and Cutters, M. O'DONOVAN'S CARRIAGE FACTORY VERY CHEAP. BROCK- ST., WHITBY. CALL & SEE THEM. NEW GOODS -PR:?ji TGLnID-1s Clothing and Gent's. Furnishing flouse Is now supplied with al the newest styles of Engflish, Scotch, and Canadian Cloths of aIl kinds, the Largest and Best Stock the y ever huàd. e3ry Alfio -an excellent sfook of Gents' Furnishings, al ncw. A épicndid stock of Reey-made- tvreoas, Cheap for Cash. MeIMILLAN'S BLOCK, BROOK STREZJr, WHITBY. IR., M ID-M &Z -19 FRESHI FRUIT DE POT!1 KING STREET, OSHAWA. EverythingY in the line Fruits, always kept ini stock, of the fresheét and hast in tho Markoet, ancd SOLD UNDER TORON TO PRICES. Frivole and public parties supplied at Wholesale rates. Orders by Ttelegraph or Letter, supplied at the LOWEST RATES, witlî punctuaiity. AU goods delivored bo Whitby and BowmanviIle pur- Feb. 27th, 1878. tSn92-1i) FA$HJONABLE W.J. REDMAN, ]ing-St., Oshawa. TA L.£ JLIL 0ORING6 Go where you can get a Well-fltting Garmeftri -To the Tailoring Establishment of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA,, SU1'E1UOR CUTTINO SHAPES TIllE WOBÉ - 1 À Large Stock of Fine Cloths ; best English, Scotch and Cana&lan Tweeds. 0) Excellent Ovorcoatings and Splendid Vest Patterns. A good fit Guaranteed. - GEORGE OUBLEY, 51 Ring Street, Oshawa. My Stock of i"ix T :),I*z-I rii:z: Is now Complete ini- Every Line. E. J. JOHN SON. Very Special Inducements to -those STARTING H0USEKEEPINGe --000- - UNDERT AKING.. Full Stock of (Jaskets, CJoffins, and al the necessaries i this lime. 'Also,- A- WELL-APPOINTED HEARSE. Whitby, -October iOth, 1877. 421 WM. BUNaS, BROOK STREET, WEMTY, Rias just r'ceived, diect from thie. Meauaoues g assortmnt cf Ladies and GenlinnsMarsad, - 'mpressa, and Americ'-an J. GJIBS0N, WANTEiD.-Any Quantity Elarvest Apples, for wl'iih te highesti Whitby, 27,'78. Our "nisearbas bes cleobeiand onatrae teilea do;s rfrec tg& inufatur. eloui vuma. iie-mnyoc bavies been mode for thi., PnuaI"purýPose, eed hoý dae for char *prk, and or workmnpar ecdu. cAýa t thé 114à ato and requfrmenta cf bur mluufaetnro-obtclningaà thor-. oe klho.e co enstruction of oui machines, ma authus enabied te eb-ý W aapghe, of e ' chil udproficlency. tha= where goneral msufacuring W. arethorore onabFbdte introduce a more prerfolsytemin uI&cilthc e- pirtuionts of âcunfactue,badinue net ouly te 'orifotlou oth6s voile, butsai- Tlpri&pls iguregarded necesery in a vel regulabed .salsmnt, sud vs enabled to bur n t our machines vlth a ilger does of perfection, and aI. piosle.ce1evà abmlulely te dcfy eomp.ttlen. THE1JOHNSTON SELF-RÂKING REÂPER: in nov ce veR know u asàaSingle Boaper., that a word of cornsdation wouad almect sea uorinous, but ua there arc many clalmlng t manunfacture.thia machiin& who: hàa*i adhèred te bod original Johuiton machine, vithent Jiioep- lng up toe iproveanents ; that justice teo urseives and patrons rcqnire.cf us te alate Iba" voha vo modificd 11-10 almcat ovory ueetllpart, and for trongtb- sud durahllity, quality ef cul, lu every hind sud condition o! grain ; ilglinecc cf draf su eso e< maageent-b. Jebate, .znsufa"urdby uc-cwtaudm pro.ominontlý abcad -ofasa othor reapers. Iu prcef o! Ibis position ve have only te point tte . "sy PirsI rire. avarded us-at the. lat Provincial trial cf on. eo, ,Auditultcial.ý whlch have taken place all over Canada, withicl OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHINES,' cannatil eu rtailUthe requirements of purchasers. Ouf Improved Cayuga Chiai Jr., and 0111 Young Canada Mowars are bolli rst-ilau machines-eonstitnted almost wliolly of Iron and Steel. Th' Ou&nga Jr. bas a rear cut, and the Young Canada a front Ont'; bolh strong, dur- ah omachlns, and flot ezcelled by-any machines in the market for quality cf eut, dnability, llghtness cf draft, adaptability, and eume of management. OUR NEW-"WHITBY HARVESTER." As the coontri bau become botter adapted te maehinry7, and many cf cur farm. ers have besoine killed in the nue of machines, a growing demand has aprnng up for a Ligit Durable, Firct-Clas Besper. . .&lve ta the re.quirebmenta cf lb. day, we havei sneceeedlin inventing a oma. chine with a WrongihtIron Frame, with the least possible,'gearing-with large, broad.faced drive whoeel-and uncaontrncted tha$ the, tme sud table tilt aI ihe came lime, tberebyV keeping the pilman always in line with the kuife. The rakos are driven dsrectly from 1h. main shaft-thoeo eing ne pereeptible aide draft, and ne 'weight upon the horses neoks. W. are confident thatwe have sucooeded in Inventing the mccl perfect Reaper, taking it in ail ils parti, that ha. ever been Uproduoed. -W. have applied for Jettere patent, aud shalhàld our invention, foreur ewn exelugive mgiufsctùre; and wo eospec*lily sggsst, te in- tending puichasers, that they sbould se. this-machine before giving their ordefs for tihe oo0 n harveat.. 'Th. "Whitby Uarvester" weighe, al bld, 000 poundi, bnl being male princtpally of the bcdt qualily of iron and steol, and- fromlIe lin. 'enious nd compact construction, it combines the strengtli and durabilityfte heaIner machines.ïoth Ail of onr machines are fu]ly wsrranted. WitI tbig list cf machines, vs te! confident that wo can meel every re- quiremeul, and *o respectfuiy sciacit a trial of our machines, believing that we can furnieli à botter machine for the moneython can ho oblainecl elsewhero. * Bespectfully Yonrc, BROWN & PATTERSON.MF'G. 00. Whitby, Ontario, February, 1877. LIST 0F AIJOTIONEIERS Licezised for the South IRiding of Ontario, North Riding of Ontario, and separate Municipalities ini the latter. . NAME. BESIDENCE. MUNICIPALITY. EXPIRATION. D. Bfehop, Oshawa, Beach, April 6tb, 1878. Thes. Pencher,. Belford, Uibridge, June lct, S. 8. Le..b, Sundcerland, Brook, Jnly 99b, D.Bcshop, Oshawa, S. Riding, $6 28th, A. J. rr-inigton, Port-Perry, Beach, Aug. 201h, 'Plis. Tueker, Leaskdale, Scott, Sept.*,"l, c,. W. M. Willcoi, Port Perry, N. Ridicxg, L8rd, J. M. PatArsen, Bloomington, di'a 4th, Frank Dmanrt Orilia, Mara, " 2th, Jas. Digby, Si., Claremont, N. & S. Iliding. " 121h, 'Phou. Pilkoy, ! Welferd, Urhridge, 201h, Albert Spring,, Mushohat, Beach, 21s1, L. Féirbankc, Whitby, d" 22nd, H. L Vanzant, stonffville, Uxbridge, Oct. 111h, " Sai!.BÏ*rd, Brook, .6131h, in, Gqrdon,, Snnderlsnd, iDe.lid J. C. iddifie a, Uxbriclge, Umbridge, di sth, Clement Dawes, Port Perry, N. Biding, id 2lst, " Donald Campbell, Whitby, Broak, Jau. Sth, -1879. B. I. Camercu,, Beaverton, Tbcrab, 46 21st, I Geo. McWillýam, 'Toronto, Break, Pcb. 281h, . LIST 0F PEDLERS FOR THE Co. ONTARIO. Hector McKînnon, Non-Becidenl, 1 horse, April 251h, 1878. Thos. (Ihatterson, Town Whitby, " June 201h, I John Fincl, Thorah," Jai. 801h, 1879. Jceph Jackson, Uxbridge," Mar. 111h, NO COMBINATION PETER S M 1TH,[ Ras . mûucli Pleasure in announc*ng thai ÃŽle lise ow in Stock a Coniplete Assortment of ail kinde of Fà,miffy Groceries suitable for the Holidays or any tume, iling the following, vîz. New Vaolentia Raisins, A Choie lot of Motte Cnps and Saucera "Layer for XMUa. Basket Fauac' Toys for Xmas. London Faucy Caudies for Xmas. Crowu 'Jolies, Marmalade, "C=rarits " Pickles, Salmon, Lobesters, Lemon Pool. Sardines, White Fish, "Orange Peel, Salmon Trent, Citron Péel, Finnan Haddies and Oysters reoeived AUl Ktnds cf Spices. daily.' Nuls, aIl Kindé. Pipes, Tobsocos, Cembs, Extracts cf ail Kinds. Braoches, Kivos, &c. ~A FULL ASSOMIMENT IN EVERY UINE. Rave ydu seen the New Illuminator. No Chirnmey re- qnired. 1iÀLght equal to 8 et the old hind, once tried alwsys uscd. Sole aen for Wliitby. Croekery and Glassware iu great variety, cheap. Cash paid for.Apples, Potates, Butter, Eggs aud Poultr. PETER SMJTHf %Vhitby, Dec. 111h, 1877. oddfellowc' Buildings. -FRES H SEEDS! Vick's J Flower and Vegetaàble Seeds, Lawn Grass Seed, Tuberose-,Bu-lbs, ýNEW CANNED FjRUVITS. Califorýnia Plumbs, Limna Beansi ArhéÃ"ts, Stiring Beans, c Pý'he8 Tomatoes, >iéars Cornu,Pears, TurkishPrunes,,French Pea &.- w, FAS:HIONABLE- TAILORINGO MR. JO HÂS NOM9 SpRI HN FERGUSON w ON RAND A LARGE ASSORIMENT 0F NG'GOODS CO MPRI SING Enlgish, Scotch and Canadain Tweeds, Hats & Caps. in great vrey Clothing made. to1 order in the, latest styles on^ Short Notice.- An inspection invited before purchasing elsewhere. En- courage Homo Trade, C anarrao enbgvn - TOe VMIT. II tab COURT' OFfASSIZE, Niai Pins, Oyer sud Termeiner, and Gener.. ai so Delveywlllbeheld iu sud for tics County of O le'n thuic.COURT IHOUBE - luths TOWN or WHITBY, --ON- Thur8day, Beptember l9th, '18. Ât the heur of-12 'c!oc,, noon, ci vhiaic ail Coronors, JUStC icc j ,1h P acend ail o.th.. ao c mred, ci-bae notice sud gev- eru biceinselves sccordlngly. NELSON G. REYNOLDSp SherIi's office, Wicit- Shariff, Ce. Ont&tio. by, Àaguit Olli, '78,. . 4 JOHN ERGUON: lb,.DAIL YLINEITO ROCHEBTER,. FASHIONABLE TAILOIRING. HUGH FRASER, - MERCHANT TAILOR (LATELY OCUTTER FOR B. & J. CAMPBELL,) Beguto lnform his -friendsasnd the public, that ho has opened a Shop in- the ".Ontaro Block,"1opposte the Hardware Store of Hateli & Bro., where hoe bas on band Broadelotha, Worsted Coalings, Tweeds, ~ o, which ho la prepared tô make np, CHNAP FOR COASH, sud in the LÂTEST STYLE. Gentlemen furniahing their own 01dbh, can have. il out sud made np on short notice. Cutting doue promptly. Whitby, Juno PIb, 1878. M~2TI~EW -X-!JGH FRASER. COLiiL]STS.7 1tOOT AD 1ESTOIRE fias beau removed froni Brook Street bo Dundas Street, firsi door weod of Arnastronàg's [Jea, 'ehere lie las a splenclidstock of IheRIGHT FIT AND MAKE, sud oethbe best styles of Boots ana Shee. All endors promptly atbended to. Repairs neatly doue. D~fuLndas Street, flrst store Weset of Armstrong's Uoel, Remember the place. 9ýr 1Whibby, Juno 121h, 1878. MATTHEW -O;IS (80!ma.251 MoCROSSON & 91 King Streètl ARE NOW SHIOWING Con, Toronto, THE LAIIGEST STOCK 0FP FUIRSI EVER 'SIOWN IN CANADA. ý99>FINE FURS- A SPECIALtY. W.ý PUR TRIMMINGS CUT TO ORDER. BEAU ROBES. ASTRACHÂAN SACQUES WOLF ROBES, BUSSIAN LAMB 8 CQdES RACOON ROBES, S. S. SEAL SACQUE, YAK ROBES, PERSIAN LA-MB SACQUES, BUFFALO ROBES, 310CR IRMINESÂCÂUES, MîNE CAPS, MINE -SETTS. 8. . EAL APS,8. S. SEAL SETTS, TTRAND SEA SETTS, BRUME SETTS, -PERSIÂN LAMP CA1'S, PERSIAN LAMB - SETTS, BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHÂN SETIS, CONET CAPS, BLACK SABLE SETTS, GREY LAMB CAPS, CONET SETTS, GERM" U INE CAPS, GEYELA MBSETTS, CEILD11EN'S SETTS. Particule-r attention gi-ven to al erders. Tornt, ec.8,187.speciaily attended to. Alterations1 iy-601 NEW STATIONERY & BOK SOE AT THE W]IITBY SCIIOOL BOOK A.ND N EWS DE PO J. Gx. McDOUGTALL Besto announce to his custûitiers. and the public in general Ilial h. bas opened a Stalionery, Seheâl fluok sunoesdepot in conneation wibh hic Ce(nfectionery & Baking business, in bis ld stand soubli Brook Street, vhere evcrything in thcebine csu b. bad at veny 1ev rates. k> The Daily and Weekly Papers always on band, and -de- livered te subseribers in ail parle et the tevu. Ondors prompbly flHbed for Peniodieolî, Magazines and Mousic. Also, a well-as.sentcd lot of Mottoos, Berlin Wooe, tana Faucy Goode, oUnliard, EaI boy pnices. The public- wiil find it te their adlvantage te take a peep at our stock before purcbasiug elseoviere. SWhitby, Maoale41h, 1878. OUTTERS, J. G. MoDOUGALL, South Broal Street. BUGGIES, AND CAIRRIAGE S.' A'Large Assortment"of Cutters and Buggies., FOR SALE,ý CHE 'AP, TO.M'S,& NEWPO" 'lT' DUNDAS STREET, - HITBY, ONTABIO. SADDLEIRY AND HARNESS. WILLIA.M .THOMPS-ON Begs tte directatt4ntion te b= , a ndsuperier Stock, cetnprising every tbing l in hé diey sd Hlarmea u n, ais> Leather Valiseg and Sàraitoa "'runks. - Comenciug on or about MODYthe 8th APRILO «THE STEAMER ",N OR WS E.,Mî A N" (W. Sicerwocd, Muster.) WL uaho lier rQgular tripe on this rou*IIte, leaving Oohorgemync- ingat 7.50. sud Pr op aOooick.o arnfvlioG.T. RB. Tranufron Butl sud West, connealing aI EceShear. vlthlie riEava',sud Lake Oubarle> Shore Divison oh 1h.Roue Wslertnm - OCg- W.=jr=ryor allpoicuts EauI, RETUING.Wil 'icave Charlotte r of ocheter)daly, at 9 p.,nm., except atardoaswho el vii ave st ap. im. for ort EHope direct --- 1Dealers.in stock déa., vil! anad bitlic olceapest-,and, mort sxpeditecxs rou"te t Boston AlbanyNov York, &ca. Yorntbr Infenintion,,Applylto W. BHRIWOOD, C. P. GILDERSI;EVE, * Ptlrt Hope. - Kingston.- T BF FEES TO BE TAKEN (Undor Ordor in Concil, daled 241h dey July, 1874.) -Arrest cf oach individual'upon a ,warrant.............#1 60 Serlngsuuuuos r cbpona..0 25 8. Ifiléage te serve si=Mno auh- poeua or -wsrrant...... ...010 4. Mlleage vWhen service casuelbe - .on proof cf'due dilligence.... 010- eagetaic nisne teo =1 exclus'ive cf dishunsements ec ossrîly expended lu ticir con- voyanc..................... 10 6.- Âtuig Justices *-Onsoumm=ar tilor ou exanunatlcu cfpui. sonars chargeA vith crime, for eeiday necessarlly cmployed 10 ons or mre cases,.vhennot e:ggen imore licou four ioe., ce 7. o. o vien'engeged more thoin 'fourbhouns,#..... ... ...... 5 S. Attondine A-salace or Sessions, ehday............5 asres, Seons,'or beforo Justices ýhnpublic convysuce cmn bc taken, euly reaserjsbie dishtcrse- monts ta ho ahbowcd&.........----10 10. Smmoning Jury for Coroners' icquest, sud sU services cm res-_ peoltiberoof, i«held ouncspuodiay as Jur scmmoeà ............O0() i.Attend*ng each adionrzimentl bicereof, if not -engaged, more four heurs.................. 100 12. Do. do. -if ougaged more Aican four icburs, .......... *-. .,,....5 13. Serving su-mono or subpaua te a itelud belon. Coroner (subjeat No. 10) ................. 14. Kileage sr-g"se.:::::*..:01le 5..:EBxhubig body nder Corone> Warrant-.......... ......... 2 16. Re-icnryug saine........20ce 17: Serving esc arrsu sud*ne 15 taenllng..m...........15 18 cyrligýunder distrous wr rat.....................S 19. Travelfing te ais disaltresi, or ta oserai for goods là maie dis- trëéï, vben ne godsare mmd.. 0)10 20. Appnaisements, vceber -by oua - or mors, 2 cents in tice dollar, on tics value cf goe 21. Caalogue sale sud commcission výand délivery aof goacd, a cls.ln lice ,ou net prodluce cf gooda. 22 xctnsarah vennl . 1-60 28:." Srin noiceson' con sahe, 'enfgrnonsl1Ysrved - 050 Z . FABWELL, Ciericof -Peace, C.O0. 22 1878. OPEING 0F NAVIGATION.- 18 Teronto, Neegara, & Bufflo Slenu- bon: Line, ceuprisîug the SWIFT, MAGIICENT 5TEAIIEBW Ci1ty- of, Toronto 'an7d'Roth8ay,*, Ine acunaction vith iticsNov York 1Central andOCancada onthcru Ralivoys. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. Tu tsCIrTY OP TOIlONTO, o1 bus abowe lons-vii commence ou Thuraday,-Aprjl lat,ieaeucg Yenge-stroet Wicac-. iersnto. sii y, et 7ea. m., nehing lileganaaa9» 16.m,, eud Leviaton et10 e. in., makins direct Con- nections for lie oý.&s lis.Ruale, -chshr Nev York, Boston,' Toledo sud ail pointson'- ticsNew Toria Centrai onà -Canada Southeru EailvaYs aud cqnneatlcq lines. Returnlug, Icaves Levmloab 0110.80 m., Ni- assa et 1% a.,'"apdarnlvng aI Torontoaet 1.80 p. in. Fer tickets and a infoulrmation, applyae Prant-treel Bost, Tcronto. 27)( Amant. W TTY, PRTPERUT dLI:NDSA &y RALWA'Y. CONDEIKSED 'PIMFE TABLB, --CAME-ROm drAPI HECTOS CAIIEUIN, Q'..iIY-4S> THOMAS HUS froni 9 toi1 a'clock R.- J. GUISE, h Dr. W. 1. Bul Oymar-Next door ta CE 5tSeatmdenae, astlice Royal pHYSIIAN>_SIGO wus. XaRtIEN, M.D. c B RD.- DR. DOGAR Phician, surgeon, -.Acaoî 'Wiitby, Septc.SOti, 1874. -W. ADA D>OOMS OVER R. IH. X%; G r Eer tdre, Duud U£eh omS- asictel1 lm of , P. in- Beaidonae- sud Gilbert strerets.- C, N. VARS, -L EfTETH incrt m ehsc asathe aboapesl,mst bu eeth ,llidw"thGi Teethjpxrata eithout pe* &u-ew biock, over *ti=às }J[AIR DRESSING Mi -LJ aoBireak St, Wl JOHN WOLFE? GENT FOR TEC Acottish Granule. At GEORGE Co]R large quantity cf aIlIlainAs- sta neiand. C. C. 8CALI 'V7'IRGINI& TO0B A0C E V -Toront-street, Tomi- H.B A T H.- . Clerk Divlilon Court, CommisdoienluB.R, La ,&0., Allierly, Oouuty Oulaie AtlY* Ij ct. Ind, »72. -H-OPKIN i WE W m UR-I c a>llwm]nD wrm-> music PUEIisHnD 5VHE Scatiug Capaciîy, Onle GR> Tahlng ofect on Meondsy, July I', 1878. Tabletù ,Compaxn Port Penny. 5 - 7.We Llda. 1115 918 Lmc -7.t00 e- M., 5.W0 pi. Pont Penny- ..8.25, 7.0- hue 8 ahleststions, 500 Pockol Tue- e te iusdan appiattefi te any oethlie' tvas Agents.'- CONNECTIONS. r JUNavrOa-WUh-Grand TrncIciail- sUal points sganad veg ciur.-With, stage, fer-Epsomi, USes bridge __.-_,-,-__ : ". Whitby, liýf«OéT 2ýÇtb, 1876- -:00:

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