W UWd a d5j 0mai68.1 durlug $ho luit'twenby.our1 de.4lho, Io. a ors8 iioaare dyiig* -The reverIoiwr.eth sime. exotement bas aImiose êd mu eremawnng. -Thear béeen removed, téï Mooiday. New Orleans, Sept. '17.: > attheWo, psster cf the 'C auGret ehuroh, lbkutic fèe: Mocu te 6 P. . liera weVrOE -148 DWziswe s ara ioporied', :100,were prilr 16Sep, 14th. STheifi.Frernen'o, Amaolalle, litie dh s~nblunundralned pot ing. Thoro woro lra dp day. GrenadA, SJýpf. 1.-Thuera deathu te.day and thrée P Mamy eonvaleacet are now the Bete.' Tixore Io De feyer bere. At Worcester, Moun enei made te erganize a Domogr4 * Convention, but the. preceedii State Central oerniilee, au * nzed leaders et the.à D<mors alter a conferaee, oondlu4a *of megs >weekn~t I'aupuil H aul, Thisaaetlçn lofte r ed 1ieweî the. faot tuai »utler'a frienisu cured all tlie avallable ball. hi: tir, and tbe leadeprs ego taketil - tlia'ýaller ii. 6Oeb preodinu, bave takon place blie. tedayt 90obef&othle people and Ioad, metthtw I3cre utler. Tii. Convention bave nommas Il tler for Goveiner. a u Dernoeratia State Cent>, mittece bas îmued- an addreua Deneeratso f massaeliaeîta, 4h. faute concerning theo0SezUl Uoeehaules' Hall, *i.nda nnoun gpopaut Ent fhIe stahe Conv Thils la to cermly that nMY wl!> >beutroubled for a ieugtii 01 tlm asothmeaud ganeral nervoni debi haviug beau treated by iedil a, ned mI i er1ions fla itried $ho everga0,trom huy Yîrevlousem Sho > lt e asew persan. Aoact, Norfolk Ce. Yours truly AYoung advooate of Quebee, ove of belig marrled *l0 ropoi haUve Riven up the ldes, and JOEt 'Order cf 3esuiteeinu uat ity, Wh Yeungla1dY lhg$ entared a COUVOJ2 TulOAVSE. Dan mianf1Ter CO .buj o 1. ce f a~K1Lm relein uthe hwiukle cf'Ru ce MausIN ZIHînLao, LtIbsrlotte D'Oler Boa, daugbîerg reat Dublin distiller and restoi Christ Ohurci Cathedral, hao earried là Lord Orânvil1e.Âxuxù ,dou, brotber of the Marquis cf E WHITBY )J4ARzETU. UiasorazLI Ornera, Sept. lSth,1 Fan g Wat ........ :::: 51103 flarloy............... 0 0008 Peaou .............. w Pea, blaok.eyed.....$ o80 0 Oâti ................ 80 @a 8 Cor. - ....... ..... 00a @00 ay ................ #7 a g .....s.............. 000 l'O Mtois, u8..0>la5 Eggs ..... lO.. 115c tea10 flUtter. . î-......40 a150 Cheese. 10.. (0 12a Wood ."*........ 850004 lisef, hinfi quarter ....0 Bleef, fore quarter.... #450 Hhoeîpoins............. 60 45@ Ildes ........... ...5 5 O00 'Park par owt........ 95 ()0<î Tîîrlpio.............4e 'Turapo............. . @ Oc (Jarreta ...... ......5e000 <;Ilalkenso, Peipîriii;50 Iloas Per ............ O0 Taîrceya., par Il ....... n PORT PlERRïy MIRIUBT& .......iplîî... » .0 75 '%Vlaaat, ful............9>U5 Jicialr................ ô0 ....e............ ... A CI . - rrO-aî lea are iaiflerlutfroxo tleii a à ensix>ndicreians o yo#tlh, uerv 1 wil' Rnd rocl ôtlls geMtprie Wals dîseavered by ituisihamar>' la BO Âieerta. una a sadresuad envi ta he liv Jasaee . IstAi,, Statji ,Nev oases heure, 20 ; re repôrted han At an>' *Tlaefoe 30 cy nle ctmne bai le open On11 -1ev. Dr. Carondelet, or. ý Trom, nd.Six i ilerep.g eW 08000. r eoen on Wp. atà et. luga were dejegates id recog. à dueiday , Bouton. sxî fromý h ave ou. :'Worees. e grouud thyeau a McVi. Alei! BIen rai Cern. a te the. rocitingr te cf thi lonq the Oshawa Steve -Go.,. J. B., Amstrong,,.and other maikers. Prk9ee to suit, the time' p nt4 to see,9iux BWc. i an~ id weù'sreeted, stock. Cornie one core ail, Ratehè 6e~i. I REATH &BROTER< -Importers of Har4wÀlýe, pI1 09 yes!' SIMO]I GO S'O - - R , * ~ OA8f~G41QE1~ S?"IAE Whae U gatr the. best-and cheapestigroceries i the !11 »1 ~yill.A fine 75a Oreen Tea in10l.ot i63prlb A cmpetîlion. Pure, fiaih, good Cofeées, ver>' cheap.ý Cocoaà , Chocolates, CJanned Me 4g, $pices, Fbuvori,ùg ExtraeiaLcA Ânew stockeofCrockery' ring-which vill ho eold at a ittie more than hait th oaipceb silit the warin.tiines. A ful stock cf Glassware, Gem Jars, 7eélily Caus,; very oheeÉ. 'Pails, '3rushes, Broorns, Fine Flour, Cornmeal. Oatmeat, à acoau> a'i x*ia, conà staently on han>!, at low pricca. D." n quantity cf prime daiîýy -l3utter, A call respectfully solicited. SIMON FRASER,~ OutaneBep gokSt ,Wiiby July l7tb, 1878. NEW ADVER 1TISEMENTS. NEW ÂADvERTiSEMNWS CHANOERY :SALE 1alalrBj!~ tate IN TE VAL UA BLE -FA BM, TOWNSHIP -0FIeEAUOH. -IN THE- ~owNs~k F0F RE.C SALE IBY PiSIVATE COIITRACT. TOWsllP O BECHFORotýo . 9anal lha Scult:hallci otu In the C! unty cf Ontario. Na. 7, in thi Brd cncesion et tuhe Town. eapof e*wellsttead unl 1141UNTT TED 1EEAND cwangnneofOuaifit 1l1 o L, havng a. luaimaderin treSae Coutcf2iii reperties vii-ma= godtar> OeffeQuu edal h cause Court v. ý,ans.cashlpavut vi roa.urd, a it>', LudUI G hrQuiae, J1.1eiîbIuclreauoMag~î~ i 'e u nainwth 'thap ielno org.L alne to ett nMrz ea bat.- atil aule ater cf 1h. sall leee of i1 hilercair resl -_a W -lby b M. (ilemant Dawes, a0. oMeUillan,BEFq., Ohaw t benolt tiene, at lia WALKER OUSE, lu the ut., cr tiiheund, aind, selan.Village et in t L ENGLISHI, Osaa, On ipoe.P O R T>ýpE R R Y,>' THE TORONTO on01 the I et he ur et 1 oclock lu lie alterou of o rted toMONDA Y, TI-Ir',SEENTH DAY Turkish & Vapop Baths [ni t 0 F OOODER, 1878,- bile the Tles bath. are uiseul inU heuwiallia if. in n parcel, thee o:Uw vinaliabe fanm. NOurAlîla, C ha -CalAiz Congenioi itf 111 il f iU=ul.r Ninea, ilu t#e Sîventh;Caneeiaieu 0ff is unatcons. unoa F *s df ma fla t BiT- p fil' ii, an>! a uieed t .On ari, î . au q. n e* errte are purilally sp ,ien -9xly.eight Acres,, ororls. bhIe u kaIl diacases, specalaîy syuî)li Tie prope irt îlm tesVillage itinlenaw ¶ulversally coced th&a bat] miso zJSma1uthon d -hllmiles j lrom lie Turkiai anal V2o a tharethei h of tii hVillage o elnkaot or n a rsevti o o t ine reac half l ei re=n lie Vili-ge of Maueiaestir médical experts sadinluoompuncllou vil orer cf abou irea sudfa -halitmiles, slafrttra m e mdical tresîment lhe patient la more rap 1beau VillagaetiUzJbriage about Oivsnmis, whire idly and saeccessfiiy trate>!. ne Gel. theri, are god markets for al'kinde nof armie atrcnized tirougbout lie v;orlal frou [unhly. proaluce sud vit e ais>'accent; thanta b> roaîlty delu a epocraît in. Theai goad renads. 1TurkalibaIlleare the culy nes iu lie Cil3 S ThelBuildings o pr ry canslistcf cf Torantol. a oForIrmine ousa Q uatatlansandrecomrnatiçua are vave Frm airaiou1.fcrljfeet bcI fty-six tram liheat medicalan niryuto. fiet, a Stable adWo Shed, a lu goed ties lu ail ceunîris. usnia>au n 1578 i. HOURS-Geutmman, 7 te 8.80 s.m., 8 tI 60 Ait OýhrÃ" d of il Iacre# tg îwo acre$s P.. Seturda>' until11pan. Ladies, Il r> CO stocked! villegcad«, apple trees. A oever- &.m. ta 1.80 p.mt. #0 92 feling treane ru"illerougle lie land. PXICE S-Tnrlcih Balles, eue ticket, 81 1080 Tiera are about elgilt acreset veadlanil 12 tickets, #10.-.Vapor Balles,,60oe ecle; 1 W upon tii property, ensltini cblefly ef ticlýel.$5. Ta 0 i reprt aavU eue.e .udr 233 QUEEN-sT. IV. ST. lI enad CU tvon , i~s now Inuthe. ceaupa. Sklil ud attentive male and tiniale ion f ' am eop hoseleu theeoiattendants. t 50 wili expire on litMer ci thle year A. D. J. 0. DIAMOND, M.D., i 18, sud ie oioldo lie sauna allihe annuel 8p) Snperinteudaui. raent 60,paaa relu inavanca. Àsali. 1 te laseh1 be rdu acîalet heINISOLVE NT ACT QF 1875, X 0 The Vîndor *III ahlyjie oblige!ta turuie AND AMENDING ACT$. 23 a cpy of a Boglatrae's abstract cf itlat 80 OU frl a any deeda oi documents nar -copias lan the Mailer of W'M. .ABLETT, of 6050 etdeedi or doencts, ualtlunleer passas, thre Village of .Brougham, ntr 15, 80 alnanud the punileaser vill viril>' suceh noai, i00 abstract at bls awn ex panse. nlet 18 10 Tii purcleaser WII[ h requireal ut thie trasof sali le pay dcown t1th0 lBvndror WIlIT 0F ATTACHMENTbleabeu 1 OU lerur cer a del 01 cfone-Iuti etthe A .lssuad in liis causeansd ilc ceilitera La. rchae m:4>ey' aed vithin eue menti >are flhtified temietel Ma n e a,, uia h is ort ay or sali abiali pay laie balance , Town of WHIT .Y,-on 0th uchani . * .wU uteest, aco Wdnecday, thaé 05>th Sept., 1878, Taie preperai' wa1i e liSsubjiet te a at 10 o'clock, a'. M.. (oerrelvi statamets of O resorveal bill xeal b>' lhtMailar. bils asfsies suddteappoitatasge lte aThie aialer conditions af saleie re th i L . ltalsegiai l eaixlig conditions efthtae Court of, Chan- JOI, IICE, Officiel Assigne. .Pirîîae particulaurs sai condioofllo e l iltby, lîti sept., 1978. (lin 878. eanubho eblainri erie omJarnes K. Goreli c 1 . ltae Towîa of Wlait1ay, le,!,Veeaorls Sali- 60 85 cier A aNuldlg . l.Frwel s ONTA R/O LAOIEa5' COLLEGE. 1 W o sîl 111 es ai udxhrcliad M. licew 00 01, o hVlaeoi rdg e adfotti0NOTICE la ierai>' givcîî (ha ieuaBae> 080 f>! aucicr, -nilDirpetara wil aît la 'Oieuauslble 0 W atedSept 18La, 178,for aaaay gonds .uraaesaaoiLie c..lf.Iaage un. <117(G0. il. I>AITNELL, laes iiinveittan eiiar signeal lay'cittiar lia 1 bu J. X 00 0EDo, Miatîc, i'nsidlccit, Uaa;rctaua-y, or Treasurer. 0i 410 Vendes Stiectar. (a3.9 yraa. t> 60 ----- * --- JOlX IE 1E, llrcretary. o uWlcllly, sept. 1011., 18 78. (31u.39 'c* The ChoapestExoursion 'W>TDÀOO 000f î "A a 00 * l> Rail an>! Steamer Kent.81 Wast Oahawa. 10 m____________ _ _ go TO -m 1ID LA N D SheepStrayedl1 Cou.- AND) RETUEN, - if ie ÂTRAE]) luo the pramises cf taie sub. tions, ONE DOLLAR. noS.' craie iesee hrdmr refuI TUEosa sthe sicul-s. ewer liriqeral valI. WIIITIuY, PORT PERRy & LIED- id ta provo propi * ,p&y expenses anal talai IOuir SAY AND MTDLÂbiD IIAZWAXS lia'neave cli i eywl esl e Oue .-Mcnd. ,, * , canl he>[&W. rL iyieoa e »61Sepi'r. 8Oth, 1878, Lot No. 1, 111h con. Pickerng. ruanau Exceurelan aseundar - '~rt ,-oud Brq sm& t 5.0..1. .11UId D.L,-aii- iWlb î,,îi a wlth, Nou Caf., veu NqEW_ÂDVERTIBEIWEXIrB. W!HITOI8YP l ERRY & LINDSAYRny, Provinoiltï -Exhiiton, TO B3E HELD AT.TOBONTO, SEPT. -28'd TO 28t4, rnaneuester5,47 ' P ', uau" - Po 7f ?aSeegve79,Scuya 729 ManIUl7.. ieg nt pCoa k bogtda£' i ,rrlv Stecunrs viii hi lu raiete p ,vero ciralonioîs te à fi ens lsaye Mldland eta.rieïp.mcn, smm-a Abuil.<allîîp a.ps. Wl ThueaIrep -ailI afler>!viellersanau0pporlîx- Mity o e nng tlhaMldIadanal Georgibn Baiylie nuilus e O01>!Fort, vit hiler no. neantice cnd lstericel icen ctiae hive aeanY France setlIers Aadthe >MIehavk Iliflsan fa tuget. A glîmpes le 0O4aani fCl rhiu Islà adTi ln Tomb,; &0 , ise T hlbe enanca. te ýthe bha>' aIPiesgs tii lecat i ci vilcia bwaans en Raiormaicey -additlop, ex"trlalt -viii Oses lie cane lieu mescea isc And! tioan>s t'l s onuemveral fic are oituate>! indIen5la ncî c ia te peinîout th Ijln , thecursion lu erder elathe roule.A" -P'0, it'A Tolaord fermOns and ochero i opr tunili' of luspeoi t(je lai n oitsv hi te exteud>!AIt > itpli c lba5 te rat= aicnsve ?dy rai aee laine. Ample açccaejeodetio. Mn i!h ril~ te priveni ovfoeewdla , OLRN MAtfsnalgDre~ ~ARI PO,~ ~ on To R4l11m satahlieg; goad bousa vwitaui mle ~~i e-pleuo'v i. -Poeeeseln lit Qa1loherC. AYîply t ,DISSOLUTION OPFPAB"TNElSrp- nealireeo e xltlug bicaveliiu-E erlne!undrthefieanal style of Tay'. M- hmuxtuelcuet saine pnftiee 4air. Taylor Wvin sautier- p lzetlWediscbaesd.nettLemaildqh4st t aud b>' then os!Gpartursel.Ti.huai. TE deito lote aIe nuare !uln4te nake, 8t W., N. ORANGER.. JOHNS.81~ Whity pt ~4k, IM. -ù EXECUTOILS' NOQEÃŽ ~xw~; i~u PeratternNe e, rôohét Hook.si Tattihg, Shutîes&e~,nowopen>,-for 'the Fali Trade. .e Cy HOICE SELECTIONS INEVWYLiE Bookck floer and Stationcr, . -llîc'iJaaL, wiliitb3 B'~LL QE'INI\T LAIN & SEWART SATUR AY.,-S-ILLR 1-O.t Showone of 'the, largest and best aissorted'stoceks'of Sal and Faney Dry Goods EVER PRO UGHT JNTO THIS COUNTY. We. have bought in the cheapest mnarkets of the World. We are satisfied -with smail profits. We wiil give the best value for as Uttie money as any one eaui do' ith hoilesty aüd square dealing. We invite ail to- al and examine our immense stock before buying elsewhere. Whutby, Saptember libli, 1878~ LAING & STEWART. NE.W'DRkY GOO D S STO0RiE NEW GOODS!1 NEW STORE! - EVERYTHING NEW!, RIP OSBRÃ"S. beg to inform their friends, the people of ROWhitby'and vicinity, that they intendO'peninig on or about the l8th Septe mber, a large and carefully selected] stock of STAPLJW ANID FANCY IDRY GOODS, TAmoiŽir, GIlllTS' 'FuiRIs',iINGs, &c., -in the 'New Store, two doors soutli of Dom:iniorn Bank. BROOK STREET, - w iroeT' ~LQCE~ WIIITBY, OINT. FA L L OPENINO! THE "LONDON'HOU8E' Wc.. iro daily roec-ivimg fro mi Euglaud oîr Jll Stocki of DRY GOOD%ýS. We cau coliuiiictly assure ourî üuçstoiners anîd thepublic gen. erally, that wo -hate neyer shown a larger stock, ,îor liciter Valuo, thlan wo xii(10tlîhs G-I IHE 1ifiHJ?4tN FHTO~ Zz lZe inr- -18]~W UATBY p u-,ý In the1 TUESDA Y, At Oua_ olclo, 1n, , Me uunaciwdm lot tiare la a good dweiling, large * EM OpbutSaas Will hi ollireil for selsin ita10 ao" , r theewleale-wlllbesKola i neparteade1Iý-141 ilabla punileair. SOui-tanth cetfthe purchelessfabciPaiS down at lime cf sale, thi balance jnu Ove aquel ainunal insflamrnts te b.eu 'ria la mortgage besriug aiglet paÂC cent ju2terait. foira sby Pnvalaae viiiclie raeived;- Immedle pospessian. 9 L. FAIBDÂNXS, 1~ÂMTO ENT~.- &n tlent, JcutinngQOfexe3,being Let No. 56 lu h. 11 .~p. eckig Oo>! uleue Wat a e>! enea1nahi next sring s Uitîe eat. For fier- fier pareulrappi>' on therilsst Mui 118/ 8Intrûc ti on, MR FRDF TUE, PIANO-FORT OR04N- AND LARGEST AND CllEAPEiST Mlden- ira apà pgl Raie. amince cane- -,.--LO T 0F - Melodeons ta e rnt et $1, SI.2> an>! $1.60, per mentie. PIOTURE- FRAM ES Fams forSale. EVEIi BTOUG-HT TNTO THE COUNTY., AT5 Li IGHTY..ONE ACIES cf giâà a aS uever-txilig s ýc In g a m d &~'e CsaI cf BESTS,- SIMCOE-STREET, OSHAWA. br nd""t2, 4ko Fity cre--U 21-thConcession PIO TO GlAPIjIING jWmedwgbcâo The acve ferme viiiqa uS80saI er taIrl ex a ui pnriabhà euà ,Forterea DONt EQlJAL TO 'CITY WO.RR ad eepr1c>1 g ePyi JOHRN FITZPATRICX, LT I~e-' ~~m i~ao~ 311o1 c he prenlses. Cadi and secO specimens. Viows of residences taken toVALUABLEFR Aug. 14, 1878. - SI~ 0 ., SHAWÂ. Ã"NTARIiO LA'-DIE,8 O 4E () ACRES, 191 elea. Golden ~%UU sxpx'-4ct5, lunie 4th Côn. di Plckerlng--5miles fr0. tie ccuuty tleM'ôt Wletthy, an>! eU t-a 'miIe.fioepçmt 0M vili".e( Auciley. Goe -trame d efti suldm)%n vil stoue enudatlu. WBV<a sInieamon eà au 10i)sai, S§ix Âacneic cedar asnd>!soit wvood. possesson given in lie falu. Far terme an>! partlcail=, appui' te W. Il. BMLLINGS, or ALEX, bMeLAJIEN, SoIr. Wlitibk. L;ain~u., ai a-,a.,,ia.a-'i' toiad , u , ,, -aa- j. l'r..celtris, &0 *a, Wi i! pu»ce nt, Ilite rciiiI.i-,,"f !Mr. C. £L.ûucjasn, Ca-ioîre St.. oitu ar-1a1 'ik.keta, 60.50 anal &I cadi. dIli persans holding Tiokehs it i lac eu. 1>11e>! le an article for every licleit pueceee. Ticket and eVerylulormaion ta hie oh. tainea-f MRS. 1.'TOMPSON, Cur.t . S. ROBERTSON, Saine Thee articles viii h on view for-&few deys at Ut~ TleonMson'e rogldee, Cent-St., Wiby.> FARM FOR-SALE 1 S OUTE PARTS of iots 25 andl 26, Broksen 0Front lierlug, eontalageu ou-n du>! cures, lucreor 1414, hua peprt' ef th. laIe 140LabeI rmnau. Tu prepers>'in F'or ternes &C Oro- TUITION FEES - TO TROSE WHO PAT. IN Pel,MT rDaparmauat. per EE-OIDd Acadainl . torm . 4 O? la epqma iso o ale n. p e r te r, 4 u4 4 nîd a ta i p x p e u m n m e. aiu lni .'M e-, tr i . 1 c .- for saviecleyesn, cff~~~~~~~~~~' 20 il;ielidertepretof ND. Mi. fme ra, ami for ca. île, et' Sof it y. :o MORTGAGE SALE. O0 TTNDER ANDI 13Y VIRTU 0P TE PowPaer of Sala contaluet In a certain 1 ; Otgg vhie illho poducea Lt lie beau msdi, liera vill hi sold b>' public onction, LAT RA'Y'S HOTEL, IN THE TOWN 0F WHITllY, Oit 94TUR-DAY, tthe ,2ls1 cla,(Y' 5,Septemler, 1878,1 Allihe lour cf 2 clock, p n.> le olIca. >f Uxiriige. <ccsinc i anii M Tiene are enlihe premisas e neýv lagianue. alsa a Dov log hern. Tia-re ie aleococasial. arable limber enlie prmiss. Itu illimtin ,nli miles efthe village cf Glen Major, anal 5 miles cf lie village cf Uxhnidgî.ý Fer furtier particulara, apply taoVender"s 'Solicitor, Whty, JNO. ÃG. KELLET, Vendo>a Soliciteor. fWitby, Sept. 8rd, 1878. , (2ine57 FAIIv[TO lENT. CONTAINING 145 ACnizCs-dMrlt oflots 's) 10 aud 20,'friut of tie 1 h1 cou. oaf WhelIay, onea ile franMyrtlai l. o., anal station cf lhe W. P-P. &1J. Il'>a Gooci bldns livinag sircare; Priviah.a of plnILUIL Dg 01raeoval ai proseut crap. lFor pîrticulara, alPPI>,,on pramiica, 10 cwner 0 Major T. 1IIOCSON. 52 If). Myrhiai. FARM FOR SALE. Tuai front tLA Acres, iaat 25, aita con., Wlait. b>', knowiia -THE DR.- FOOTE FARM, NEAR I3ROOKLIN. Appt>' ta STEPEEN MEDLAND. BrooalanJuiy 22, 1875. Ol.lf a. . BEA&TTY, season. I c S. 0. BEATTY & 00, qObIMERCIAL iEDUCATl)N ta n> Iulluti~eluCanad or lia utmt Ihs 1 iea departmenhs are h- l us ni xeln e, a leuoe raiticalli' undersln! ~È PUBLICATxoxqè Or vraiCOLLUGE The "Ceudla .com ut "ont lieds a aâW" t5 the ai~ucioua-of ~a.hcol- eme Su~~ ~~ mah~daoanr HAMILTON & HARROWER8I FALL BOOT'S AND -SHOES I The undersigned begÉ te eau the attention of-customers.-- d i.PublIe toe bis preseni large stock of Boot and Sheewh ie ho elhgtatczuiohiugîy kv pricas, tonor cfi. Ladies', Ge' iii.' and misà e in mrat valriety, mautactured ini the bout manneiÇ ofthe best uiterià I ii d i n th . Oe e s t y e .- J MelA~ Youths, -and Boys, 7,oIw Feit 'tsfor the FaUl 4A18o a -%ff1ehdid lot of Job :'Print£,, fast Coloredwhich Nil -b e>o lod at .5 and 10 cts. per yftrd. W. J. IICJ{E &Co. Aiecî t 2811> 1878 OIPFEIS THE FOLLOWIN G ADVÂNT.&AGE$: lao-.Theé Ouest baiiuis-tuii g'rendai in Cituada. tîcycte t t l legle educalion o! Young ladies. n- A ver>' complete su>!eMiciuut staffaif ilistructera, Provision tg made for a liarougi greunaing lnu Englisi, as the teae fanndaliau7 fan e finish>! edcatlan. The ii. sieie elimeular>' aubcas are nol cvanlcokud, go liai puphî s mc>'enter vitleavantage Ai an carl>' agi, anal lu an>' stage cf ativaneument. SpoiaI tacilies are aftorde>!for ecqieilng a lirugh 'an>pecieslknovldge 0f etinc. Tho Mulacdeparl4tift nder thi.managé. ýment eofY. Il. Toringln, Esn., Condctà e cf1th. PlelleamonoSociety of Toret, in inu -h.igee t te f eilne'.Frendh Qud Geranan are Iigt b>' an aeempludlay wbîpel ihlauigala dWho aise pasaiessocgee>!koaaige of Ruglieli. Litera. lucre, MeUneaie, revng, painting, &o., are tangit Ili tee Most eflletive enanuer. - srd. Well rogulate!a xariinlu alli, ale lei, n!idg wbesnea> lnitilles diéti camûferlà bitan>! Wail venllla !races,&c. - 4ti. A large nuimbur ci icuors te hi Ccmp9hea foe Twe ' ~ Re ioiExmelendiy Lord luuein; el>!meda frcJa-.Pallerseon, Esq., of roni.eicuirsepre in Tais>' Es., t Apleeuan=O~re t4ia 0150.00 vorth Of~ b5h. Fi/fien per ent. redciolcta otIcs, celîePa'. aal oUon. Te Ilecea vie pa>' b>'the terne -For , rna4odeS sfor one y1,049e board Win beâedýCw Qua ern outttendance, u per cen. --WILL, ýON - 1878, I*WhitbY, SePt6mber 1878ý. :Bljooi<:> BROCK STRE] WHITBY9 ONT. 1 à -AT -: 0: - L LAING &, STEWART.1 GRAND