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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Oct 1878, p. 3

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- - w tire tail@*ig va sos.-Tba c Stallian, ImportaS Ta somre 4 Afresh stock of G, r< 1>' b>' ,.At BOtttlin Pic - LO9WE S & POUç tmptwiBnuU;4 sud Oeil, lry Sxuuw-8 lmporw ed Ewna Owes, iram ltaportew diw; G0 we Lamubs;2 Buck Pioo.-1 Sow, Dechsire; 8 OP948io ig. I.j'z.,xxxT.-1 Tiruag Macine and Hors.Po*ev, omple.-; ilW<,u thimble ahela ; -R ay lachel110 ecarL and nuon; jl-0eB lau>' rly DOW; faiâ r, ntM I lu x 1 Trli our; 2 PaitsgE Me;1xr aut awer, Daw; 0,0siraw* lougbx ; 1 Itron PJaugir; IIrow Dri» PMe );-0Par lrrGag Plougha Iron Sau' or; Carn souffler; 1 pair e0ôHarraws; Il p air Iron-Zarrows *i1Furnaae; i Whéol. bacrow ;Cradlcs, doyIQ0es ,4~. CMains, spades, &. 80 Oow Ciano Boat Temam res;.l1 set oliigle liarneis; 10 acres Turnîpa; 1 acre ai Carrotk; irat--acure of Manjldo:f 10 acreu of cng la ocarW,2teCa drot- clus Tlmothy Hay', ia àar nôm18Tons of Ila>, lInStek; 25 Ton% af clver and TimothyR>Hay, in Barn ,18 acre& ai Claver ged 00 Bushilsai1Potatoci. Mr. McDermald havlug mrrendered bis loaea ta bis landiard, wfill tell aU tihe aboyae wlthoau rve. Saie ta comrmence et 0 clolc, a. ma., slarp.tLuncir ai 10, a. ma. TERMS OF' $ALE Alcsuoan sd under $10 cash; aven tiret annoant 12 mantirs crudit vil b. given iry furalsilg approved Joint Notes, Inter- est c)arged tram dayetfsalelint pald- aliea due. a gt.per cent. allowed off tor Cash. For Stilloir, terras ai sale. L FAIRBANKS, Oclober 7tr,. 1878. , Auctioneer. trspzciAL NbTicE--owirrg ta tire immense aMaunt ai rperty ta ire sold, tire sale must positivel>y commence ai ulac o'clack, a. or. Sharp. ST ANDREWS8OCIETY. Thre Kembers af St. Andrews Society o1 Whitby and Pickering are requested te attend the, Annual Meetng taeira held in the Royal Hoteu on Wecnenday eeis October lotir 18% Met8 'clook, oap HUGH M. IBOSS 42) - ecy. To Renow Loan-a aireadly Oxit- to, Pay DebtB, or to mBke Improvements. r g10 U NDEI1SIaNEJD 15 PREPA1IED r.-ta rasko sdvsaes uport the mcurit>' of rosi esiate iag pariade ta suit iorrowers and raiayable an anm ,uaaer'appnreants 1Vole-ot interest, Six, Seven, sud Elgiri Ver cent, accordlng ta repsynnents. Wircu tille le satslsfctory. tire iosu con bc coorpletod and moncy pald aven lu T'on tgrWANTED TO PURCHÂSE GOOD MORTGAGES. Cuîrvcyalrcraretuil>'preparedl. Office iigelowve Blac, Port Perr>'. Rcspecttnily Yanrî, 42)- THOMAS PAXTON. A UCTION SALE OF 50 Higk-bied shorthons, 30 1line 0Jtwod,& 30 pule Berkshilre, rDYTrUE CANADA WEST-FARM STOCK ASST'N. -ÀT- BOW PARK, NEAI BRANTFORD, CA,.WA, ON THURSDAY, 318t OCTOBER, '78. Wri.-Not Cash. or approvea note ai twclva menithe, withir nteresi addedai tthre rate ai seven per cent. per annuor. 9W-CATAOGauil, lnov read>' ent on ap- plication ta Mr. Gea. Brao, l'resident af tire Aeeéoeatlon, Taranto, or Mr. John ]aope flaw Park, Birantford, Ont. Whtby,Cet. 0' '78. io4 NOTICE. Notice is hubnir'gven, tirai a Cout wlflbir irnelS pursuant to tihe VOTERS' LIST AOT, lOY Hic Honor, tire Jndge eit tio Ceuni>' Coint o!tireCeunt 'iOmtazio, atireTowr. il O'clock a. or., ta ireur and deleromne tire loverai cormplaints of! mo as ud issions 111 tire Voton' Liai of tire Munleipalt ia the Townshgp et Fielertag, fer tire year 1878. Ail pereans iravlIrg iniess et tire Court are 7roqulred te attend aI the saia tlme and place.; 1 HE-CToR BEATON, Clerk of sid Mnnicipaity. DateS thie 4th day ofCt. >78. 4.r NOTICE. A LL NOTY5 fUE, anrd ibook acconuts,y £3.b longing te tire elate o etate Y JOHN DALE,- must ire paid ta tireunadir. signeS rmmdiately, Otherwise tire>'wifl ire iloced ln tire Slicnlors bhande for cole. Mr. DAE.i H. DICRLH. ' Executors. I Ilroeeliin Oct. rd, '78. 42-41n E THE CA NA DIAN AIRGAS8 Tire Canade aiMcine 15 an anto. appara tu.laiedosigu. nanie ï.makig iinirfacteriesor nil liotols clunrcir, ee wlingî, or bnildings oi a1>' kind, situa'tod in tirecounryor boyonS tire reacir ai ceai-gag mains etaiios, Ma uni'iàupplied vitirae'sale anS chiap guis * ürooemaoilla oar slm lo consrce tien, oe a le te gst eut an ear, regaire -neo il, ta manage, are maSo lua àJubsia tiaig aa urable mrmaner. Tha>'oacnp littie efpace are net uy ati salèxpease, sud are t uail adapteSfo t an îgtierge s luirlt de , li ae budigor the srali. irt i r onwor unrineS thlng, hutavebeeniluconstant anS anecessial lilariai tire country#, bth vintar sud et rorta eas . 0 Ti omaS b>' Irieemachinas ln Ultal.nowna ar ue.. air gai bcbng coamonairnprnated vlth gassoile. IL - nnOs wia irsrbciyrlgrt dama tui>' iqual àa neeS la tiera pcesa af monufacînre, as ouuldings llghed r>'îî are insured- it thre maeraean ~tiraugircasi gu vu used. one thoumaod fe0,al J5gaz, vulbuIm ana doluar aSd IL'cetsta tvo la S, boing about one.ir itha Pries.cdo ail olrs ?ironnmaterialimW" g lamade b>' c liases ktvolatile -1ri meraI',s gm llsmati iven fer lHg tn'msud -healing Bi W5 losuts, PumjpGre at ci Gemîvxturee, 15 S ole MmufWuinee Pluprnar, qap pud Steana PItler, - WO0Tork Dsel, Tercute. Lt. TREASUREBS SALJEýOPLND-1 B ~3 Y vlrtnIl a*Wsmtunclathé al fte .Wardoii and the Baal of tire0 l<poý%,u ofa tieCani> af Ontarl, dated tir. Tirrtitlrday'ol Boptemirer, 1878, opnag me~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UO tel-intd ademalndatr olnlmfrrero taxes tirrea, n~coci,~aIreel setirlr, hreb u. otie ira uIe. sobarrs ansd i~searsoeepad, saH l cmpiare, Itr heAmesmat ci pEux d sai oy Pari. . Lot -CI Aet« e<eà utciTaxes Souse and lot, Seottla -e-U B F- Nortir 3. corner, eter s t 11u62 Vinage Lot 18 15 2 J 2 99 Blck k, ViL Nd. Block B, Vil. Lot No. 2 Water Lot Na. 2 Brook-et., Vil.,Lot i-pt -1 Jalon-9i., Vil. Lot 26 1Victoria-st., VI.Lot2opt 18 Soutir.west corner Block B, No. 6, part R. Kxulgiri, Pi Southr Shny.t, Bor"elPtajr18 Csorerou's plan209 175 176 245 247 Scrgo.st " part 248- -rait Soutir Broken B3roken Soatir Northr Part ai Soutirh Northr Nortirh Part SouthJ Part Narthr Souti *Soatir-west pi ai S NorthiofaiSentirh Nortir j afNartirh Nortirh NorthnI FAIRPORT IN PIOKEBINE 95 4 ~tea 183 4897 Ptn -0of 1 012 8 8 Pin M. 1,88o es eo Patantud 2 OC o 00 1 85 28 89 1atented 2 01 1 8 159 'stunted eBOUGHAM IN PICKERING. 19. ~-' 6 70 198 2j 1578 220 CLAREMONT IN IKEI 8 1 ý, .8138 17 98 220 18 400 UXBRIDGOL Patcntud i 60 5128 a 08 54 86 Patentcd '~ 5 5 17 1 98 710 Patonted TEIORAE, -FPORT PURI DAfRA. do 200 195 100 810 100 1 100 100 .100 a0 10 8ù -- 100 200 50 50 2 4 12 19 19 10 4 21 2t -22 20 7 la 8 08 1 88 45 Plne 445 l91 686 Patenled 522 2 18 174dû Pehtenled 8 75 1190 ô 65 Pateated a876 190 6565 p "tete 8 75 190O 55 Pateuted 6800 1 96 8 02 Pa4entud) 2 00 1-85 a885 Patentud.i 8 48 2 02 10 50 Patcnitedj 12 78 114 28 74 98 24 84 22 14 22 08 17 90 29 72 8 21 82 47 8ar 28 8 28 1558 15 Ag 19 89 85 99 21 il RAMA. 100 8093 100 26001 100 15 89 100 15 89 05 250 60 .686 10() 1804 99 22 95 100 ý2055 100 248Do 100 28567 100 40 15 100 89 85 100 22 19 1(1 18 24 SCOTT. Soiuth-West angle T0 8 21 Hastij 29 8 100 NatijotEast j 82 a 50 MB 4 120 Centre Pi (A. Bretiraars) 8,5 7 28ý Trea urer's office, Ct. Ith, 1878. AUC TIoN SALE 0 F FIRST-CLA8S HIOBSES, GRADE -CATTLE, 0ý8WoLD bHEEP, flOPaENTacr, &a. Tire osriber iras receft'cd instrunileus MR. ALEXANDER L'AIRIE, Te BeOU b>' Public Auntion, witireut resserve, et irsprmises, Lot No. 82, ia the M hcea- 242sofaithe Townshry.1etiiby, on Wednee8daY, Oct. l6th, 1878. TUIE POLLOwIno v.ALUAnrýEiPBOPERTY, vIn: Horrxi.- Teaa aiOanes, 1 Hersae Bars aid b>"Neo ir>1Mara, 8 yeara old bY Ntherry'1 1 C 0i t,«tOYa le 'CamoieJack., o ee ad > CATTLE.-6 Cows, in cal!,1 Farrow cew, 1Relons, 2 years 015, lj# eaf, 2 Staurs, 8 Yesre aid, 6 Steers, 2 Yisrs aid, 1 Steer 1 yvio ld 5 Hantera 1 y calves, ,2vi rS s Yai od 7 8pn Sprnug Pige, fat. Ee.11a e,1 IrrPLEMCNoTS..... Thlmlilc.skeln Waggen, 2 WoaSen.axie Wagon et Bob. si*-eus 1 lg iir, 1i Cuttrnk.-box, i JOir n Oa1 o a Combine apaiue D 0éhosawa r,1 8oer, 1 citn ares,1 e Flaugir arne- Vlvick ak, 1tCuilftias, 12 Laddere,1 nrathlAri esCern gsievNo. Acres e Ilarwo 1Turnp Drll oure s, 1n 'dîco *he Tb 87, lK2ttRa irlns omi Taba gedT bie ghLae Ri1 Set Neiralr, Ca 1 Sev i' M-' , 2 Locli-, Poa, lKet., o., &o. c..n Me.~~~ LaMoua ongW st, md ueay, sur>'y Artces Crnau s ire AcîitelreseTr. Sýal x t 1 aoetorn i t four a. m.sar1 Kiacho et 10'.84 2Xihe his A»i camle etBisaSTabdor,10,àcash; ver oloet amQnut 1 S on r~ i e Look- SageS o r Sa>' i tele ' igNoteut ercst eun- t aw e oS case. - NTD STRR s p COnSTLÂ 1hVhi-t -sudum ri. OEO0,B.ashL;,oyeENT cen aU*e of fr cse ý h.Eftur era areby vire. 7t 78 L.p risCeiance aPosiR4re~luV i i Le 'Ci e: the tbe tirk 2 12 4 66 a 68 2 41 2 86 2 86 2 25 2 65 2 0l 262 1 8 1 85 2 19 2 29 2 70 2 8a 1 98 2 s8 2 47 2 19 9 19 244 2 25 2 88 9282 2 41 2 89 2 81 2 79 2 86 2 18 7 80 190 8 75 202 16048 221 44 45 2 92 86 29 -2 71 14 90 118 *89 78 01 26 75 24 50 2444 20 15 82 26 10 22 85 09 87 90 5 14, a882 17 72 17 go 21 68 88 OS 23844 S891 sa861 29 C#8 17 58 17 58 28 00 8 82 20 29 25 88 2287 26 71 25 96 02 96 42 14 '24 55-- 15 87 pajanted Pateuted PatenteS Urnpaiented- patenteS Patented patented PatfenteS Upatlented Un ateatd Pateated unrpatented Pa teil Pntntd Patanted ,patenlid -Pateated pstented pate nteS Pat nteSl Upaténte Unpa ted Unpatentecl Uahpatsnhid Upateuted Unpatènted P aiea ted 9 9 8 Pateuted 10 77 Pat4nied 18 64 - Patiýnted 47 87 Patented WM. LAING, Co. Teeas., Ontarie. NIEW DVYRTISEME"8. FARM FOR- SALE KNOWN As r-n= "MAYFTELD, FARM," 195 acres, partinlathe Towna sdn-a aài tire Townshnp et Whtry. Tire sal i t t obuss, sud lu a good state et cu1iiatton Y vi» vwateredl. Large Orchard, cod iaun Honce, vith etomodiens outbul.digs.r Fanezn: e17.500. Fart efthtie purcilase moue>' coula romain on the place ait ieo- Serata intereet. For pa rtîculars appîy ýo J.1.THOMSO, Wiiby, or ta ROBT. MILLER, i PickingPl0 LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, Allan .Line OF ROYAL MAIL STEAMSAIPS. Every Satuedfiy from u Qubeo, au arrivaI aftie train bleaving Wiritr> Ati 810 ae o. ever>'FriSa>'. TEnaOUGERATES. -3- Cai laiaes redueed te $81, 091. Ratura tickets, #151.50, $166.80, arcerdiag to positon ofate roora. Intemdiate, Steerage as.îav as tire lovîsi. Barainian, tram 9ueirc Oct. 121h, 18C' Foiyneisùn'2 9tir, * S t a r a g a s e n g r s a r e i o r w r d e d t e i Bristol, bardiff, andS London ai same rate 1>atie wihin tosenS fon- tirir ins rau ebtala tickets ai loy rates. 1 The pussges mada aurin'tha, Sommer nf 157. tnanelan d to a:naeerac!.ra otglct 4ays, tve aifviicir are spaet alat sorootn waters of thé Si. Lawrence.- i For ikeicsutan- utirer information eppl, - GEb. B. YULE. Exp. anS Tel. Office tlIby, Ja» 2-d, 1878. Tl-E MAJOR MILLS, PAT WITEVALE, 11ave recenti>', bean itteS lt acinr> Lad tira eopltor hlie dcIde amcli . q BTING A SFROIALTY, ý . Tire patraon cir hlm~yare setmprSt tuneGRISTING viib, ata la 1h but Possible mannes, aS vili the, ubnami despaicir, i km, 1 1L Jf00S~aiti *';YMR. JO0HN F ER GUSON' -HAS A HEAVY'STOC-K 0Fr Y READ-MDEC TING JJdiga large stock1, of OVElICOATS. H SÈC IVED PROU 2NEW :CKON ASE F UPE aTo 3 LT HÀATS,' THE VERY T & sÉ E X C L E T c- F-r ObLàeàüi'wldren, for lsao-h 'Hnly""Afton,"- 'TriUmphp '¶Maycnoei, <'lbernon," "iSa t EXCELLENT. ËNTSY TYmc 5trlsfo adesan nd à bot of others tha iüry eoôsoxnloal i#iWo-in àds'ertlsn forbidu t0a atate.SU T made up in the JLatest'Styles. eav eààBufflo Robes,ka gi'eat number. Al Havnxeceiyed ouri mportationErlôË'the -Autumn e7~,or tc spwrelt eln withailthemost Fashiona re ove1ties,. aad.ôf tho e-, 4tt4lardqiIt, ONFRUO TH1E DRESS GOODS 'DEPJOHN FtEacifce 'wiU be fouzid unÜusually attractive. -TheCashmere Serges OetL Thel111878_ - Fersian Corda, Luýstre, a 2 cexr1 u. O r St c~ )~ esý ~ S E I L iia-tet hty FIRENCH MILLINERY AND:;V[ANTLES, and Jacokets, #Mill be ýfound to be one of, the ý,most compote. ývIantlos from ý$1.50). AIRRJVEÏD AT -CLOTHJNG AND GENTSYý'FUI NISRINGS. - We carry one of the largest-and most complete stocks of -i1ese good8 in the County, ,J IKEc and Manufacture t order in the best manner and workmanglip, at prices tlia J.ey orpeHtICGo IJNDER. CLOTHING. Ladies' and Gentlemen's, iu Merino Scotch Lambs' Wool and Canadian, at prices t'o Men's Yonhs nd BoyS,. suit the ies, froni 40e a pair Up te thre finest, goods. Ne Fe that»frteFi AUl are invited, noue are foreed to buy.Ta6 IU.ING &STEWART. Tao Also a Splendid lot of Job FANGOY GOODS DEPA TMEN . Prints, fast Ooloreawhieh wrn - -:o:Per yard. cr.s.. R0 ER, 80srW. J. HJCKIE &Co. Invites spe cial attention to lis very Li rge stock of B er. August 28t, 1878. lin Wools, SiJks, Chinelle, Perforated Card: Board White__________________ Baskets, Slipper IPatternls, Neêdles, Cre4t ok-TtigI A P P L -E z5Jiutiies,~e. c.- COICE Book Seller and Stationer, MORTOAGE SA JN fIER AND RY VIRTUE 0: Pvr of Sale centaineS laa .Mortgsge viricir vilbu praduced time ai sale, aSaupon wvimnire:, ireau'masSe,ïthora vii b.soid b3 1 Anction, AT IUAY'S HOT] IN THE TOWNOP WHITBI Baturd4y, October 12th, At thre hour o! Two o'clol, P, iooivng vainabie propari>', censi 100 acres ai good band, baing cern the sentir bailoaiLet 23, la tire 5ti tire Townsip o! Whiir'. Thùeil 9 Srst-claeotea. yuel vitir god ibuildings, vitimaaboutj 'Broc ~.ttof etthe F. W. &P.. vwa>, anSaM in4j miles et tirai Wlitby. STERMS EASY. For iartlýer parlicularo a;p%>' Wass, Mortaga, D. Ormicton Es G.MMlIai,Bsq.Whitby, or o. P' bel, Esq., Bo fi. ORM1%TON, Vende: Wiritby, 241h Sept., 1878. z E- z z E- C-,O C-,D =-- r._ 10w open ior tme lral'Trade. THE RIGIIT KIND, SELECTIONS IN EVE]RY LINE -A HTH ROHR'5 -Brock Street, Wlritby. 1LE- S TC0s certa.fiFirst-cia»» Cookîno' and heatingn' Stoveu, made \i" th anît irahe Oshawa Stove Co., J. R. Armstrong, and other inakers. jy Public Piiices tô suit the times. Do not fail to see our stock, [T'ELE 111EonHARDWARE. p.m. ahe A large and ivell selected stock. Corne one corne ail, a a ose of a c h s cal. ficnofLONDON HOUSE. HATCH & BROTHRER, t.R-"io- Irnporters- of Hardware, .. T'own of Whitby, Ont. qor A. 'amp. or'sLSoir. ONTARIIO LADIE8' CDOLLIEIGF, H MANTLE-MÀKING, -_ DRESS-MAKJNG DEPARTMENTS OFFERS THE FOLLOWING ADYANTAGES: No o en fr helt. Tira fineci buildings anS grounds la Canada. devoted ta tire higirer educalian ai Young ladflec.t 2nlLA ver>' cempleteansd efficient staff of irretractors. Prevision in madefor atiraroirgi IlSeason. ib euaiuTh"es -gronadiag la Engliu se truc foundallen ter s aire dcta.Tr iplee - elem nt ar> subject a are n t overlooked, so t ia i p p i e m u>'-en ter It irad vfantage A i 'an aiuri> gppa, nin an>' stage cisavamcment. Specaal acllites m- aMandeS for oaequlrng a tlirohandr Spracticcl knawiedge ef science. Th irecadaparnreat, nnderiie aanage- ua IdiTflI mel aif H. LTriston, Eq. Codutr a tira Philharmoalo Society' a Totoaa, le la ORIVIILIUfl ,tira igrec state eo f fâieOne>'.Frenci anS Germa saetaugiri b>an acoapislnedlady, &AMILON R0O1[I - wiro vackrothIrlagnges, and iro ialoposccse ageedknoledgaoiînguL Lu.Idee- lune, Matheèmatli, Draviag, Palntlug, &o., are tanght laibn th oiefleotive mannnr. a. Wen reguatod exercietin laving, aallathealam, anS riding;,vhlesame suad - ~ -4tir. Â large aumber ef hanoasta b. camipetad for. Two medafrntrmhic Exceleap û Lor Dulaln;gol mleitra Js. attren, Hoq., of Torontias aaiolu~inlp irom Aiberi co Tesey Eq.$ o Apleosuad more tran 0150.00 vartrof ai ee. - - i b. PF ï f tu n p eer ce t. rod rciser tIo c i se h p a y mo a d a n ce f o r o n . ca re s b o a rd ratio n, ~~~~~ ~ ~ n tu - r o iti n . T a t h o v n p a > b >t ie ter or - F r seco d te m ofaa t en d an ce, v e p r ce a. o ff l bm s;, iore àth elem , ton percent. ,off;. sd f r utee te rn i cm, trin par ce a. ]M , d t ar v i i b u d d u t e d . i halbi BOUTITION FERS .,,TO THOSE WHO FAT IN ADVANCB FER eU T O PIRES > yEA EBABD & TUITION. te i ai't - 00 - - H . --- r parator >' D epartm cut, prerterni.... $ 100 I a Pro pa rtm L ry D ntm nt. 1 2 5 8 00 - DeuAcâ-0partoreai......... îMu rai The. undersigned bege to cailth~ teto fcsoesCleii a nietiepai rroatenio p ëstoer Umb , r «ta., of anomrl r rca tcirool lq4al mgntlepnnswih 5rcn sfrom ana the publie tb iis present large ýo k OEk. Of ots and Shoes wicih o is là pe emno.... ... .............1c e vlu tkeiaIf pymai e m a.i rn cenos City' selling at astonizhingly lov'prices, foreàLdg6ies', Goals' ana Misse$' «......... ~fr ~CALENDAR. ~vain great vaiety, mannfaetnred in tire bout oinr, of thre beet matoria OADN XPNE. TieCDgityalellelaoaer ( Boae.rd, wthfurnasemrom, par veeL...062 7à toueChtnlsamilStto and A-ali aflhe. ,Sto in ltheo newest style. i - - g - -e 5htaNvn 1Kýl 8'to ~~-ul it, andvashi, porieek .50 sxoxrTtmc-Lfo.mrerlfutbeairy,,>vai usl0 - $ ~r iX t' eosgenaegoe rroommi 2amny eta rOl ee1ê.L .G-oà eaiand lgel fitteor h Im yahpr. p.n r Mpr y pe.,-week...................,......... 2 FuTE ÉR, Ape th io 1Ir2ea exontoa~ropi* sneatiy. nmaeas nouai * Frû lor irticuiarg.-sé4 Caleadar. fnrnshed ot ilolort * r lcadl wate are s ando1 purpome comileet theu mon 1The p each par- standing £Oeptase edstrthiaCoa, lu. Datcd Sept. 241h, 1878., GEO. ]EL ARTNELL, FAREWELL &; RUTIMDGR, master. -FABM? TO fiENT! NTORT11half Lot 27, 8 con. of Wbitliy -1' 100 acres, 21 miles nrt ef Town Pi Wirity, ail cleered sududer goed mlate ai cultivaion. Prame hanse-and bar, goëd weR of water ana a living 'aprlagrpon tra place. Possession immediatel>'. Apply te S; FULL-BR, Wiritby, an Soutr j Lot 27. Housefor Sale or Io RentV, -MTIPLETT, at M. Grose', 'Pla* Min FarmTsfoi, Sale.. TIGHTY-ONE ACIRS ai good lad, vil tfenced, goed Young oreirard, ak g od barn sud outbildng, g ainse;t24 85conesoln of tire TownsId frljfmt (tirrea mlesfrom tire toaiw hif ry). Aim, FitAcrc-Lt 4, 4th',Ceceecon af Whibby with trame dwelliaglianse, gond- vei corai orcirard, and a crack mrunning Tirs abeve larme will ire sold siparatl>' or toetheriao ssaipuiramuers 'Fer termel pzafrhrparticulars, appl>' te Valuable Real E8tate fOR SALE BY PRIVATE CONqTBACT No.v7,ingthenSM aonenirali altNo i.7,- Thnee ter 100 acr es tmbereonlotN.. 2. Tires. peun-tlan i màsgea larme. A sma11cuasipsmeni viib. reqairea, tire balance ta rimamp n*'Maiggefor atena af yaanc ta sat tire puecirace. App>' te T. I. -la, Esq., Oshrawa, Ont., or lOche aadmslgns, a19' LYMAN.- RNGLIBH, 89-tfOsbàavaOnt. FARM FOR SALE I SOUTII PARTS of iots 25 ana 26, Brokemn IFrt, Pickering, canialulng oae han- teS acres, ore or leus, tre prt> of tire lae obent Erennan. hixmearperty' in beantifualituated on tre margiaai tire [aha, nose LiverpoalMalet, sud about an MUlsN*= tire conat>' lwovaiWiitnj. Frrtemeé&c., Appyta .-BEY. ;.ATRICK OONWAY, Or ta Si. Pani's,Teronta. W. H. BILLINGS, - Salier, VWiby.- AIUOTION SALES 1 rBîG tnetnrn mor>' ee ta bkao tr oubflieAÉ te uâ 41...,&1 Ordero ym N. B. e frnicired trea I %MO, = TÈ !È TORONTO - rurkish, à Vapor Bai Tbeae irathsý are niefalla in hrp Neuralgia, O06,ir . -Colds, Congo ironehirnl,8 l Sanb,5c iicaDiseis, à lammatons, ouesc, Favers, s Sanitar>' purpees. ýý Tirh aohte are pan-ticalanl e ble ta a rSia g iasec, uspeclidl>' S ti nov uljroiily oaaedallth.P bh. Tarisir apor Batho are 1ti prservatives a« ireaiiir vtin ti!rea isdical ieransd la compUneila rediracal tnitire patient lu mer Alppud ô truiteS. il ' ounoie tire vanS ryaltydoôn 0rOpaameatmaau1 r ouzi>' euesl irs ) Torot. h ; quotationea=4 reoomamend5ait as rej ana tire b ut 01-anS m aiury jan- i.M. to 130 ntl .1Prni PRi7eB-9'T4kuahi Bathe, ane ticket 2 icet 10. VaPrBatu, 60o 4-1 -fi i b] Il ' p Ti tif cmrortxn., ras rena-. 'couac, 's- 100 i. - A ý«i .1 A R,

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