ità ý*duSIC Instructt ion voninlmy o.MuCASH GROCERY ii ml. -yQU Are n ou v MR. FRED-MUDGE, Ut.' -C you OD ot bcmis.- TEACHndyes r nty, Tu 1!ÀAfine 76ce en tin 0 T.losatm ýJ tlion l: Thlin, air-; va ikîênet corne gozm Te, 8supère. . pi, fo otieatatak ap. - PIANO-FORT ORO68N AND Z - Mod'-Po, u ~l wai'l.Me/oe ocompet teon. Pure, fr-eh, èood.monae, Mr. «rai(da h4a sigawly aliaing W / - o ,Canneti Meea, Spices, Flayoring Extractieau. A :cam-4lq ~* folund (0 lhe btk of bis boit -Do - rsrrr ilch wilb soltiat a lt more tha u a the usum prioe, to nwcr ar ocoqd nt ~ m1i~a'~ IIIMS u apîlcon. lcloue, sitti arrn limes.. -A fuIt itôdk of 1Imeaware, Gem Jaru, qiyosas, uwoa§ ai, yn, culd et bauditmo o? l ocleon r1 -j n tmt , l ati $, î.I ychcep. Pils, Bruhes, Bcoms,- Fine Fleur, (lorura âtm Mrf. Grmni u(frmJy, as bis' idpeiinà Bcn lHams, censtantly o anat1ev prices. inuae4ad with % lnahilbc Ùkwhich et.Sd .y yeu kuow il te lbe a fat tIra youneyoer- N E .-n uinti" o ----- of rimedaury Butter,: saw auy staire i n y pacea <riven juien~'- Eggn, andi Fruits of aR kIinda.- auyhbng by muyboY 2,itiiimWý OIBigcouso mel drmwit " "s 'A cal respectfly ùoiitd mavr. 1 -'..SI MON, FRA8BER,ý Tha iCourt-lX iii eate to.e .op- yî 7b 88 ualBiok rpeSohtby. pnu' otiul tihal liene siiau't becs noZ dsh o nsdet l inticourt, an',for drawin' ~ahootl' ircn, vieli tits edntenwpt of court, tii psin' ceneu. f LIST 0F AU'CTI0ONEBRS; aoi stffids - committeti untilfube--U Ii i, Mr OGsr&hm-A igltaous sentenca. Liconsed for the SouthPddng cf Ontario, North .dimg cf OpolgCouniai (levly riio"'-I ff~~~MncpIsj - na vorloopile, "1;i lua wo il.estab, , . 1 nanJan se rte , 1e clisot oin f lmv, aslaid devu by 1his Dis co ve ry - E RSDNE. )UIIP&Y XPI"ATION. liaI- emin10int junisi, Chief Justice Stor-. 1i agi,, of Tir-a, liatIt-I fatheigit cf theIio ltse remuit cf a nres cf Sclentilc folai .L. Vansant, Stouf-vile, Ur-bnitg O t1lh, 88 cono n ua suit At bar- tass.t e meulabaneti upon tiior- heory tt " ~for the SanÙ-I. WmrdBr-oki, "1II it îiîaîtithelear-neti counsel oun ucensfol cure ci Wastl2,Doeusthse Wm. G"129n, Suder-land@ Dc. 44, tho opposite sida doseamot gel the drop uer-vous systenim ube m -9vigo f 3d . C. Wlddifield, Uxbritige, UxbrIige, 'lo151h, KourlHouer may h ave One of tlb. Or-t syopteuls 01 dinwee- Dn Clen avspbell t Parr-y, , Biok, -8 79a hocard lie emmna e ocking by iMy lfecthe ,jr r- o L ve~r,- gauDoalparpielWHeurt 0e94Ja.5~*,188 Iclent-ed bretlle of a - à Iodly wespcn Stouinci, or- Genilal 0rganq jisIn o eloB. H. Camer-on, Beavertonl, Thorai, '6 21u l<uown anti describetiamnsa ix-sice er. nr-voux power-. Tbis ha fo' wed by mon- Geo. mcWilllam, -Torocuto, Br-ock, raFb. 28h I îublt tc-yonr Houer ua ths i stand cular relaxation, weaknsau, na emaciation Tics. Pencher, Belterd, Seti Rlding, Aril ýu ccmmlltiiculi b seu wiîs 01411a the or-gan whfch ioe ti for healti Donald Beos, Beavarton, Thorai, is'-1h, cominitod h ehoud bc Bnt wih me.on hevolusutar-ymuecular - nt, -ewer-D ihp sawSuhl The, (ourt-Yei, itluisse entier-d. 'aultorihg (Ir-t..Bse,- aa etih ig u.1h, Ad tlio n6arcnk jeu waa aisty mies Now, as te muscle aud rneram deopei Tios. Tucker, Lesasdala, North Elding epili ( listanut, and an Calipi'ajuulioial acuire. se mucls uponc»antisotîser-for- slnLÃarbns - Wiby ouifdig1LOti, Il menta diinoct inofiidé a kuowledtge cf streugtbnnid action, sud au tise organ they J. M. PalIermou, Bicominglon, North Riding 90h, 1mevte dafta cosînîmeu, sd asthecontrail depe on tcbat, It hecomgs anulac-- liwt dat- cnilmet'ad 8tetuai rueceonsty te tront lhe uer-vesn sd musa- Constable wtas hluxielf "o0neeof dis boys" cloes directiy, lu or-der- te apeedily anti por- LS onl pertectly utierateodtilise pmmter, manacuîly cure tlimassett ib te ab.o-nueti LST F EDLERS FOR TEE -Co: ONTAIRIO. ljiie ccasionai inter-ru tpliocf a trial or-gang, amnountnd te nosenccr-e Ehn îeeporary The, inventor, arri pnth .se&p ,,JiFic, Ticrai, 1 horse..J.80h18. con ai-ar othacforprf un.- ueg viticit Joeoph Jackson, Uritga, Ma.11h" adjoîruautduuinJviîlis C timeasiho al ample opportunlty for lrylug stable andthéi bar, anti a fow insiethelie effact cf lus dixcovery, becaïme couvino- friands, bad a conivival ganse cf dr-aw. gti-that mie otîar- pr-earatiose r uow con- Ofl h, ntcoeufiredi , o1e uer ,. ~ taîlYse j iactant d ir-ecti an ct!cct chou jal n hrg o mror ecsecimeteii-vone s ystèm saslais L S I H ' L 0. tili aole 'vj Ilnote cayijg hlicCompound Syrup of Hypo- nttegkabr- er-m cf court. Fr- _ phosphites- ~ AtlI~m~51 ii~ s luytaun lerdoe is promise- nud except lu cases et atnal 1osgnc ice08, NEWif0i0 81 INEW 600,08 1 'a anr- nutlrr-eiliîs-d imistoif te te jailor. tisatitIlweuld reutore patisseTn s oig fr-cm I0YY t le leeir-ss to tel vier-e lie bls beetrIlion. maladies. itho miar-tlinse. Ameugst te disceues overconse by the - o.t use cf thf. remady ar-e the followisg - UNur- Ilîyner naiden a mac who, CIîr-ongieConstipation,Ne Stc ofGl aôhs about liarvest tine,, took te Iimseht a Cir-ouce Dyspepsia, -Ne Stc ofG d Wths wlfo tu ga h is joyasuadtiolue luche il Asthmra, New Stock of Silver Watches, iu't tiie hast moe lie devar madie in bils Chrotilu ir-onehitis,,. life. Thé daj afler tliey wer-e maie condom rtont New Coloured Gold Jeweilery,0 unr,lte better- isalf Isar-seei the Chreule Lar-yngitie, horicè,Loo he set o theinoerandMolnchlyNew Bright Gold Jewellery, -i vaut frtors e i liaylleld andi wenktd 1er-voue Debility New Gem Rings,- tuc ga-utialiplemtentIal day. - FVVO S' New Jet Ste nule nepent.ocl etiindaily mmtiilie liay FELLO wauieecut, su-and acrekoti il up lth ,,--,, î,î ,,,, nîukyisa raireant'ur'tbol oada n 8y 0/'of Hypo- New Baby Carrnages : ver« cheap. and elpel ler hgsbnd gthe it nto00:- lie rn. n cl ahe i no The pwe o are-tn d is la loke Sectacles, Cutler, Electro-plated Goods in 're in s growung conviction in te ty Ibis pr-paratioîs 'in O-~ar- 0W.1 great variety, ikit Forks and Spoons; Desks, Ink. of i pl~r-feukere, tia a vedt-poket letigeti by rha mati-il far-ulty i#i cver-y nem. stands, &o., &o. fistuitldbaie sl.mesla euouqlt eo entire. tien whecoir-han beeh initroauded ; anti tise t u rvîn ersin n 0 lar-ge sale le thbo bet . uar-ntea tirhelesblma. Owin.g he ' ' lngbusiness dpesin helis - ile a cigar frai» lhe nrulîuizing garetlin t which il is hetd by the. publice. e getiducctbCs "- uf r-le irsirth wio neyer liais euy. - TunSrpciicuePsmnr o.prices c Nw Goodu il efound a getiduot: o,>0s uarè -5e. We-lavc hiercou tua wheet-e- asumptuon lnut rhair-t sud second stages, wil - Wu-iav obervd (iatwhaevé a i-v gaentrelief aad ps-og life in the uuwppray iewr fa nau ian, twili cure Astisur,ý Bructi-, Wiitby, April. 1t,17. itcl acmkr rc-t tisaI mai neyevr iieovertise10fayot-, but Laryngitit, eut Congues. It c*iIIcur-e au h 88 ratclWlhmla- rc- if a newWIrpèpr iraudles a uimr-n a lithoe disourses on ssiatiug fr-cm want of Muscuiar ______________________________________ rougligto -an n uda il cul by 8 Action ac4 ar-voun Forca. o,01011.Y. xi esornin'. M'ns kint cof a -fDo net be aecceivea by remer-ien beariug a st itaui lile Wimc, wicn couferrnsg iihs'ilar-nama, ne uther- prepar-ation la a nuis- W lI L L IAM1T TLt lias beau r-lic antitjnte forr-l cthis-lr- ancrirustace.A 11 .1.1 thie citer- upon laie giavance, sayn biis Look cont for r-he came anti attrss J. I. ti â ttler-ur-in cl'"nt w-apeu-ln waler-mar-k vîiclu in seen isy CABINET A T R N clii its tuîoslîon.ieing the. papar before lh. light. A IhieiajitGrandl Duile rccetliy saiti Prica $1.60 per Bottin, six for $7.10. tAlA PSP P5REROOM 1 tu) a tlsitîgîiiiiad Frenchi ladyltaI Scd by ailDruiits. F RVT R v~iruji -tise royril family cf Ituisia iiglit before- -------- long- iocismuo refigees lu Enuropo, tae , THE OLD STAND, BROOK STREET, HIBY 0e tsi of bluit catry Iiuaviug beacctaken P I.î ( f'or wuîr- purîtasefr-esctise land viiols0 n-oir refusqes to s pýtIse ppeople vill - pu1 Go where you cannot 'fail td' be for-s, aussi e cil rer-o utionimu imminent. t-.-i/A,.n/br iifitiit-- sceilie bnir-i-ms mai ~pleased in making selections of good furniture. writ e clasrritu :gle:"'nsee r-auew ~/-4a(. Splendid iarlonr, Drawing Room à nd 'Beclroom Sets, tue asiventimeeur- t an no foolisis 1 te -' New Desigus s'eU wortliy cf inspection, at astenishiUzg 1ev pr-esn. Dmn. iljpotrititito. My triadeli an bean drorp. i-oatEtninTbesavr ueiratce Jiig oit alicussl fr-ci» lb. ver-y day cf its A Cempiete Sef-Instructor j~ingreEtnsoTal-uvrysueirric. 1 ramvsrttelie cyof mavingcon. i ndO4metl Gii Corniccu, Pioture Fr-aming in cvery stlei, Some fine Chomes couviser to te. nacom plefsvite t Plain n rà etl anti Eugravings for- sale. Ai pubîsllise otrouble of looking-for- th e NIIŽ lT ie:i Ramille tiey war-liîy teiiing tiojsai ot E M A ' QSffI la -r-:;bj )~ ,r1 A Ir 1 nw .. whviobugo."V bT I M 1 ouNG PEOPLIe-t %isiuute aequatr-enac Tlîs vria trtisutwoîan ooll b Âapid, aur-sy asid beautifuiL ~aîu r Ibnluail ils branches ; funerals fully supplicti, A stock-of clegant casheta. b e ponfcr rît l-iko mu1 nîeel cf Itaîer-- withoit a teacltcr, ciii 1d thse GUIDE à fati(urilie sl. perfect lustructer. lztuidredn are beccm. Coffins always ou baud, trimmeat tesnit Customern, auti aveU appointei ns& M Prsn beautriful write.-, mir-rgusuiler-rbe Do- Hearse constantly in readiness. rm ý[ltufrTM .'ru s-un ulle cinnadtho iiUuted Star-es biising il. WM. TILL. ti: utaumîr-r-,r-c ir-JOuitt, Ite5axilete us!aa soces cf Ccp Siîcs cf ni ent sir-'.fuir- pactiig, tvliiu-li COn- WiuLby, November 241h, HOUSE, SION AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. alscouis tsgituitsgilig r-lu te tirai prie- -bu cfbiuitt, tise r-settuuussr-ultivatien (itutitis J L 5.Ne, ~ Ç L L3. lcI tiîmre IN à a00gea4ui lliiug, large bas-us aud ouimbutilign, moud a tltrlving ycuuaIg or-miheut of sbut ô acsures.- LOT 3.-71 sure. pasrt cf Lot f1,i l, the Clothing and eents Furnishing floôuse (1001 wiltu on aldstecIo etau.de18 now Supplieti with aIl the newest stylos of EngLish, _iutTHRuct-o SALE. Scotch, and Canadian Clotho of. ail kinde, the TRRMS 0F SALE.and Best Stock t e ver had. A Wüîlhe iffercel for- sailu nloti as abue, or-Al:'Astck tl3 sirabla purchase, oiOUc- t d-A lso, nexcellent soc (oleiits' Furnishings, all %j Oi-tepîli cf1lise pur-clisse t le s new.- A splendid stock of Beady.made Over-coats;, Chcap for- Cash. itosuvu ainblae cf sale. Ithe balance ins.f aqual aninuel lustaimnur-,, to be secureti by McMILLAN'8 BLOCK, BROOK BSTREET, itrao erng gtpar cent itetn. _________________________________q limmaiats possession. qui LIVERPOOL, LODNDERR,-FPFRE SEIlF R UIT _uL E P 0T 1 r- GLAGOWKING STREET, OSHIAWA. A lla-n Li n-e- LADIES, ATTENTION. Eîîc ytine ùi the in Fuisalwad kE't Mi toc0k, of 01P ROYAL MAIL STIIAMs,IPs, Tlisa'clebu-ated Amer-ban H1alr- Wcr-keu- PRICE S. Private anti public parties aupplieti ah Whcîcsalc rates. E-'vor-y Salurdà ay fr-oi Quebce AX J OI, Orders by Telegraph or Letter, supplied at the LOWE ST u arrivai cf the lu-ain leavl. iiti hLy eÈTS ihpuncluality. t tt 8,10 &. m. aveu-y Fxlday. 3 30 Quiecu Bt. West Tornto, -Ail goods delivered toWhitby and Bowmanvdlle pur- -rinOUCuII b'rEn.t (Tir-an Doors fr-cm St. PaIr-lt-lus* Markre) cace rW Cibln a tasaedutset te f$81, putD#SoInermlt Ld esl t lie s e lielur-i thauts, S$151.50, 61100, accord A >EGtio rmeteUaies IIAt oue l 10 penîthit cf09 taLe raout. I5aueliat teu tl egtNiNEI-tpsaiRW, R7fnRW.- J. REDMAN, V46 l; relut-o, 502, l hI tLlekl d f is Fe.Pc 1878. O-1Rigs.Oha. Iteerita o no stisa lcwest lttefe loe e anmdr- - - -prouer-, anti dlivreat ti>m e rsuestad. Sridnitn, fr-ent0u cAg.88t 878. ated temor. ~ms1yisisiatm, t-~iabca, Âusg. 81mt, 1 atnit ns t enor-tensan FASHI ONABLE, TAILO NG . Muir-av4ian, dd di 28h1 :é SWVTCI1Es3 d~o j: g r-o lrer ini ýtç&eaflgr rclruF t e. RIZIS, PUFFS AND-ec --so slon(lr-felttGagw Cinentoul FRONT PLAITS. GO Oe you can get a Well-fitting Gar-ment :-TO thera (niil> îd îoutidLnqu at saine rateCue nisetraigiu liais um&ede equal le-TilnngEIIlsmetc M aeLiepol abural Curla. Roa i suui ag iuvayn -flrig s- livùeü -u ýüe aIeh~:frng to senti for themr friand. on baud fr-etc 5.00 up. ïl eau oblalsItikets aI 1ev ra$es. i The passa q r-srmgetefcrfPý-P-e E RGE GURLEY, O$HAWA. of i 1 5 ,gal t and turibing 1h, S6jjau t Ber,- cih ay1to fw'I O sc pent i lu leedont& 105 iclcati ly,çasiurer- -. 5TTDFEID(DO-nner-x timot waterso e i8. Lawenmce. . MY-Dame, n a!nsI acziy oe1 x - Tf Il OBTUL, . , JACO80Q e 3, Wa. 4Large Stock T<iZI ôet.p;best Fiase" and oida on - EaMiTQuica îmcyn tu-nt ié1i» VsIa Aa 0. 1t) 51 aTu s.-'.r &G asset.1I *51 Pttms UNDERTAKINïG. .FIl S1tonk of Caskets, CofIns, a ai * te necessaries in this "Une. Alo 4 WERLL-APPOINEDHAR, Whftby, October lOth, 1877. 4 OFFICE 0FTH BROWN d'PA TTEBSON M'.V5 TO T HE P U BLIO tprosenting ca dr Tw.nyeodAnul(auIge. rcultural Imple. menttheb. aiirwof cmaea bribe-ear 177,-v dogo thmore han the Srdlnr ege fP"i andi c)onfdence, foro l e marked favour and patronage conf.rr.d u nd a thle .teady and increaalng demand râm year te Jyear cf We obfflcontinue asIheretofore, aM manufnaturera, 1 aeaaeilyc Apiulurl Mchney-ths 6 alnSelf-raking Ee4per, *tii. riumph Cern- bizrd rs ;and Mcli ayg ower, lthe Younq Caniada Mower, and ournewwnibyHarestrclmin alarge ,char.of ou: lime and attention. For tii. lait Twenly.tvo years vo have given our mont ca .reful and undivid- .4 attention to lhe manufacture and oration cf the varions machines i use, alfln out the boat peinto, remedying cefecto,, modifying amd; ccrrectlng erars asînetenà g veai points, adaptmng and propcrtionlng every pr scricen edexprienoe bau anggeated. pýa u nru 'Wée mp loy onlIT the.beat meohanical euhl, and our machil'ea as untier the montceful supervision and ncrtiny-cevery delail heing nutjeceto bthe neyer- -est ertilicimsrad eacii machine is thorcughly testeti before loaving Our yenso, te prove tiie complétonns cf ev.ry part, and lhere in no diMeulty in putting them in operalicu by any par-sou cf medemate mechanical ability. ýOur machiner-y bai been electad and 'constr-ucted wlth à special refarence to the manufacture of ou: own maciues-ý'fnapY Ioda iiaviDg been made for thua parlicular purpoe, anti net adapted fer ether work, and. ou wcr-kmen are eau- cateti np te tbe vante and requiremente of or manufacture-4btniging a thor- ough knowledge cf lhe construnction cf cur machines, and are thus enabled te cOb' tom à higliar degrea cf mini and profloîeaey than viiere general manufaotur»ig in car-led on. W. -are therefore enableti to introduce. a more perfect syatdrnmie all the de. partmenîsetfnanufacture, adding net ouly te tth. perfection oft~, but ai- ne ot-q rapiditvocf haexecutieu-and e censequent redutien!of cent. This pinciple la regarded necebsary i a weil regulated éeëtablisiimenî, andi w. enabled tot mm cutou: machines iwitb a bigber degres of: perfection, anti ai prices se lcw ai absolutely te defy competition..! THE JOHN STON -SEL F-RAKI NG REAPER in now se veil kncwn ai a Single Beapen, liaI a word cf cemmendation would "ceot seec super-flnus, but as tien. are many claiming tOý manufacture tii machine who have adieret t e . ld original Jebnien machine, without keop- !Dg up te lb. imprpiements; th lat justice to Ournelves and pafrens require cf unl to sat that we have modified il -in almost every essential par4 andi for strengti aui durability, qu4lity cf ouf, i evryinti and condition cfgrai; lightnescf Iraft and case cfi mangement-tii "Johnston," asmanufactured by us-stands pro-exnisntly aheati of all other reapere. lu prof cf Ibis oLton vo have ouly to ? tiiemxany Firet Pnizes awnrded un--at tiie lant Provncial trial cf On. taria,'anti many ccunty trials which have takou place al lovr Canada, vithin the, last few yearn. -OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHINES, rith latle improyements, i &Il that can b. desiréd in a Comi4ed Machine, and cannot fai t lte laIl lithe eqnir-cmentn cf purchasens.i Ourlmoroved Cayuga Chief <dr., and our Young Canada Mowers- aro beth frst-clans machines- cenntituted aiment whally cf Iroi and Steel. The cayuga Jr. bas a r-car out, anthec Young Canada a front Out ;'both atrcng, dur- ablc machines, and net cicelleti by mny machines in tie maiket for qnality cf cut, dnr-abiity, lightuenn cf draft, adaptability, and cane of manýigement. Ã"UR NEW "WHITBY HARVEà TER."y &a lia ccuntry han beçeme botter adapteti te machinery,. and many cf ou: farrn- or have become skilled in the use cf machines, a grcwing deinanti bas prung pie for~ a Ligiil, Durable, riiral-Clans Reaper.- iAlive te the requinementa cf 1he day, we have nucceeded in invcnting a ma- 3ine with a Wrougblt rou Frarne, with 1h. leant possible georing-with large, ýroad-faced drive wiieel,-and o c cntructed litaI the fu-me arýd table tilt aI the mme lime, thereby kecpmng -1he pituman alway n U lne with 1he kaifé. The rks arc driven dir-ectly from the main shaft-hre being no perceptible nid. Irait, andi no weight upon the herses nece. We are confident liaI we have ;noceséedin inventing the mont perfect Beaper, laking il lunail ils parts, that iasever been pnoduced - Wc have applieti for Jetters patent, aii shail helti our uventien, for ou: owu exclusive manufacture, anti e respectfully suggest te in. adding purchascna, tint they siould se. 1h. ma2chine before glt,'fing their entiern r-lb. coming liarvent, The "Whitby Hmr-vester" veighs, ail tbld, 600 peuntis, i b slng made pr-incipally cf th. bent, quality cf iron- andi steel, and fr-cm ils in- renions ibnd 1copact conotruction, il combines the ntrengtb andi durabitity cf tho mevior machines. AI of our machines are fnlly warnanleti. With this liaI cf machines, we feel confident that vs eau meet every re- iýement, and v. r-cnpeclfnll solicit a trial cf ou: machines, belicving liaI v.e laz fur-nisi a better machineor the money than eau b. obtaineti elseviiere. Benpectfully Yours, -BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. CO. !bilby, Ontario, Febnuary, 1877. g~o COMBINATION -:00- PE TE R S MI1TH11 Elas mucli Pleasure in ,announeing hat he has 110W in Stock a Complete Assortment of ail inds of Family Groceries suitable for the Holdays or any ime, inoluding the foilowing, viz.: lmv Valentia Raisins A Choie lot of Mette C'pn andi Saucera Layer ferXmaa. "Basket " Fancy Toyn for Xmâs. London Faucy Caudien for Xmnnà . Crown Jehies, Mer-malade, Currants Pickles, Salmon, Lobstrn, Lernon Peel, Sardine@, White Fish, Orange Peel. Salmon Troul, Citron Peol, Finnan Hatidies anti Oyetern receiveti I Kintin cf Splen. daily. ýuta, nil Bluta. Pipes, Tolbaccon, Combe0 itracta of &ml Kintis. Brusiies, Klivpa, &. A PULL ASSOIRTMENT IN EVERY L1Eý Have you seen the New Illuminator. No CýuimneY re- uiret. 1 Ligit equal to 8 cf the olti kind, once tried slva±s, useti. sole le", for Whilby. Crochery andi Glassware in great và riety, cheap. ai paid forAppîca, Potatoes, Butter, Egga anti Poultry.1 -PETER SMITH, rbitby, Dec. 111h, 1877. wa¶flv' Buildings. REW STATIONERY & BOOK STORE, AT THE WHITBY SCHOOL BOOK, AND' 14EW D-E POT JG. McDO1IGALL' Bet nceto bis customers andti h pb i it Brokhas opened'*a Sttinery, Shool Buoh anti es depôl lu w-qcio ihhsCnetqey adgbsnsia cs ld-Ãtanti th s.à c Street, wé vher n n h ie a ehtadat very 1ev T~x e aily andi Weekly-Papers alwaYs On bai A, anti-de- ema) te subspibM1 e jau aIlurte t he tou. Orders pron~pIy fiilcdfor rIôD lsQa$à ga=ins anti Munie. Absoi, a well-asnortedlbt e6'ctoes,1 M uid. " 0 "od , ou h i ani tléw pricos. )piW4owilnd it to their atvantage- Sp keapp a tok~rpr bengýl8- c L~trîA FIRST-CLASS WORK!. Aud-n0 expeinentiug o>iî hunifbug pro- cesses, at BEST'S, SIMCOE-STREET, OsHÂAWA. Oshawa, Sept.. 28rd, 1878. DOMINION WARERO1S' ý-ARE RECfIVING- - FALL GODSa LOWES & POWELL. WM. BURNS, lias just receivted, direct' from the Manufacturers, a good assortment of Ladies andi Gentlamen's Mà rsard, Empress, and American Aiso, Pacifie Bags, Cheap for Cash. Four more cases of 50e, ttc, 75e and $1.OO Prunella Boots. JUS T R EOE I'VE-D WHITBY CHINA -TEA STORE, A Large Assortînent of Crockery, and Glassware of al kiuds. Also- a Large Consignment of GLASS PRESEIRVE - JAIRS!l Me Ail of which will be solti Cheaper than' 'ever for Cash. Cali anti examine for yourselves, before purchaeiug cîscyhere. Aiso, Beceiving Daily, ail Jdnds ef FRESH RIPE FRUITS, LEMONS, &o., Fer Sale, Wheloaale andi ReLil. SW. J. GIBSON, - WIIITBY CHINA TEA STORE.1 WANTED.-Any quantity of Good Ripe Cherries andi Hart-est Appies, for'vîîiclî thceItiglitet munr-Ut price Wilbc paid in cash.1 W. J. 6IBSON ]300T AND SIIOR STOIRE lias been remo-ved from Brook Street to J)undas Street, first door vent cf Armstrong'e Hotel, where lie has a splenidid stock of the BIGHT FIT AND MARE, and cf the heat styles of Boots and Shees. Ail ordcrs promptly altended te. Repaira neatly donc. £1A' Iundas Street, first store west of Arrnstrong's Hotel. ilemember the place. f2' MoCROSSON &Coig, MATTHEW COLLI.NS.' 91 King Street, - THE LARGE ST STOCK 0F F11115 EVER SHOWN IN CANADA. ~FINE FURSA SPECIALTY..i Toronto,1 FUR TRMMINe-OU ---00- BEAU! ROBES. ASTRACHAII SACQUES, WOLF ROBES, RUSSN LAM -SAC:QUES, BACOON ROBES, S. S. SEAL SACQUES, YAK ROBES, PERSIAN LAMB SACQUES, BUFFALO ROBES, MOCK RXRI" SACAURS, M1lK CAPS> MIINK SETTI3, S. . SEAL CAPS S. S. SEAL SETTS, OTTER AND SEAt. SETTS, ERMINE SETTS, - PERSIAN LAMIý CAPS, PBRSIAN LAMB SETTB, BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTE-ACHAN 8ETTS CONEY CAPS, BLACK SABLE SEThS, GRBEY LAMB CAPS, CONEF SETTS, - GERMAII MINB CAPS, GREY LAMB SETTS, Particunlar attention gi-cen to ail orders, Tenanto, Dec. S, 1877. yatne o - AND CARIRIAGES. Alteratious ly-50 Buggies FOR SALEY CHEA?, TO0M S SADDLEIRY AND HARNESS. WILLIAM THO'M-PSON Bcgs te diect attention te bis large andi superior stock, ccmprising every. -thingmu the Saddleny anti Hameau Lin,, altc -Leather, Valise s and Sâratoga 'l runks 1 ýA LOT 0F-ý CHILDREN'8 CARRIA GEB, Ver-y hap dsm nt 4ha t fieoltietMihqt -AT- & NEWPOIRT'S Qarrige Factory, Internualderas lag, &o. - WHAT TEI B pram me Pin. rXobard, Ont. Hir-m Brvu. cib, . A n dew O0M vis, - 3.D a v, B ro klih, 9 I. Km at hvon , dif Setl Hbble, -".shburn, A. H. Henasmà uon xbrldgn O S. C. BROWI#g, jgypeIc-r, bAIL Y LINE- TO ROCHIESTER, Ccmmenclng on or about MONDAY the 8th AP1111. THE 8STEAMER "N O R S E M A-NI) (WSherwood,*ater.) - 1V route,, evin C . g yP7 non .vga7, faiPortost% ~ o aria f.TB. Traminfr-cm Buaisd Wesl, connecting aI B ochester viti the Now Yor-k Centrai, Northocr Central sMd Brio Enilway'n, snd Lakes Ontsrio Sbore Division cf. the Bome, Watertowu & Og- denmburgh Bailvay, for sa points Bail, West andi South. - BBTUENING.-W-Mfl have Charlotte rport of Rochenter) dnily, at 9 p.exce épt Saturimys-unhen she *vil lave stp.m for- Port Hope direct. ep.M Deniers l oin so&., vil fud Ibis>the cheapest and.mont expedillous, route tu Bosfton, AlbnuyNeyr York, &o. -' For fartber nfrmation apply to W. - RWO, .F.GLDEESIvE, Port Hlope. Kingston. T OBP F FBES TO BB TAXEN (tYnder Order lu Council, dateti _%th day JuIy, 1874) A rrese cf each individuel npou a Ser-ving summons or nubpen. - 02& 8. Mileageto serve summons, sub- poena or Warrant..............010 4. Mileage wheu service cnont b.-, Sp on proof cf due dilligence.... 0 10 5. Mileage tan I r-ouers to gacl, exclusive of diburoemeuts nec- esnnrily expendet i u Ibeïr cou. .eyu...... ............1 6. Attendig Justices on nua r tras or-on exnmination cf pri non2ers chargd Witt crime, for each day naecssnily employeti lu oue or more casswen net engagen more ta fu ours. - .00 7. Do. do. ben engageti more tban four hou.................. 6 8. Attouding Assiies or Sessions, each day........ j..... ...... SU 9. Mileago -traveling te 'attend Ai- nizes, Seions, or before Juntilces (bnPublic con-vyance cen be ta=n only reanonable disbm-ne. moents te be allovemL) .......... 1U 10. Sunm-oning -Jury for Coroners, Inquenl, inclnding attsnlg aI inquest, anai ail services i res- pect thereof, ithela on sans day an Jury smmoeti..... ...00) 11. Atsudlng each ajrunt thereof, if lot eaed moé;re fou: bou ................... ce 12. Do. do. if engflatmooe ban four heurs............. 6 18. Ssr-vlng numamon or subpoeua to, aleinti before Coroner (subjeci No. 10) ....-......... 14. Miienge sr-vin ae..... 15. Exhuming body nuderCoroner' Warrant........... .........00w 16. Be-buring sme............. 2OW 17. Servingdsri warrant, andi ra. tairng anme .............. 1 50 8.Aveeg under distrens >war- rant...............A.... go 19. Travelling te miake distrena, or te. search for goods 10 maie-dis- trens, vheu no gooda ara fuud..'O 10 20. Appraisemeuts, vhetherbyou or-more, 2 cents in. thedllr on the value of goods 21. Cafiloguens a nti commission sud dellvery cffgoode, '5cta, lu the , oulnet 0'r da* 1f6o0is 22. Execu'ingneasbwr-n . 5 23: Ser-ring ntices 'on cute, ven per-sonnllyanve. O 0w Pub1;.hed byor-ten B. PABR EL Cler-kof Ponce, 0. 0. 1878. OPENING OF NAVIGATION. 1878 To-ol, MNuagara, Se Butrele Sicanx. utor-Lune', cemprîsser tihe - W1FT, IIAGN2ICDJT:ETZAMElI C/t.' of Toronto -and îRothsay,ý I connomillen vlit tis e rcY orkCentral antiOca-te Scutisaru Rtlwaym. - SPRING ARRANGEMENT. Tisee ienxueu CITY-OF TORONTO, cf lte abovo lino viii oumnonouTitur-niay, April 'rilavsm onge-Street 'Wharf5, Toronto, antihevistminat 10a. M., maiing direct con. neclioni for lte. .alli, Eiffale, Bocbstee, rlNe yor-s ei-n u anatnu er-n EailwayD and cuneetie Cines., Retinlug, leaves Lewflsten at 10.50 a. M., Ni- nagaet1a. i., and arrivitigat Toronto at o-tbikets sud ail infor-mations, apye Front-itrçet East, iToronto. aplya1 - ~ir LLDY, 17X - - Agent. W7IB .PORT PEER? Jr- IMDSÂy Taking sud ctou Mouday, Jtilr-lat, 1878, Loave Witlb.......atsa. m., 0645 p. Loiv Lmt.ny 7 m 0a. lu., 5.80 p.m. ifanitii .75 " 614" Arrive Witlby.'. 98-225-5suc For tine ta acter stattonta esPacke TInte- Table, to be itmd on applIcation te any efthlie- Ccmpany'l Ageutà . - - CONNECTIONS. WHarrarr-xcTioc,-Wlih Grand TrunkiBall- vsy fo-al oitu onsd Went. Poir Psaay-Wliiotage for- îsom. PlIes rHECTOR SAlERON, Em. J. S URGEON TO Dr. W BYRON P iysOicANJ i Wmn, EcERIE U's 1106P] ÇA ID. DR. Pysicin. Suger- Wbllluy, Sept.,801 W. OOMS OVEI 1.80to 6, P. ru-l an.d Giliber-t ibrnatm _ C 9 N . - Teeth extractea vt local amthelu. ani nsvblock, cvi Ring Street, Ouba'. J- Saloon, Broc AGENT FOIR -'-SSttieh Or-a of Jenthan Welfenr linge quantlly cf a C. C. * 7BGNA TOH Clark DivIsioh - OOîiiieeri B &o., Atbeniy, Counti Atbsnly sept. Sud NEWMUI MUSIc PUENISr Beiting Cnpacitt Wblîtby, Oct. 22, 187 LAND BALT FOR SALE, -LIVERPOOI J. Il BBOCK STÉEET, WIfITBY, cases 1 Whitby, 9, 7, '78. 1 Whitby, June 12th, 1878. TO ORDER. OUTTERS, 1 1