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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Oct 1878, p. 4

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'MR. FRE TRACE) ci PIANO -FO RT in I swoce eré of té boad o ee siur tsowed on horsclsaok, cutitwo carrigei., in ena of wliiell was lte preiidelut of-t, hCbard of ceramoey ; iletarnam% a annevr. biorne lîy tirée ue randtiretiandtiwst. flago. Tbesa, .weretellowe seumésShiato p esîso, > tI6 cier ritt ad bitismmediala saOb. ordissaceus oinu in carnages;»,tisaithtes mocstel' wrd, berne-by. a ýconrîir ;~ ton fusuiclaos, Uni]! assg al aali!trocs andmixwca cris .-e eimmetdigte, waa blu nvarsiiised Wood, about six feet ýý thèe, n , obth is i bora' bha ikojla coît(a cisrysaànlhemun) lu geidé Tise cdliii wua avppottet by- fou courtiers, ite on eaclia ie, and' lias borna, in t=8as, by f)fity '0on. After titis wera carried lie ariificiel *fiowergianti a pair of tise PsLnce5s sisoas. Tiie carniage ci,(ho'ohie(modmer, Ru. «a, wu$ next, follewed by QuIbe ci ef Moaarg. ITekàdarji andi Bug!, lmtister antd Vice zineJr cethie Imperiailbeue. itoitidepertmeul tatsomarneoffliais et t ire sarine departinent. -Tihou cameéttso. Plrincos Ariaigewa, iiligashi Fasismi, andi lita Ilirakawa ; uheir ex. exccDlenoieo Iwskara, Okussa, It0, Yaweugata, 0gb, Teruts1sima, ICroda, Neigligo, > Ktasioku Who tattend Jiako.. UO-1114a -anti sally litlr Mii bos frein; vAn1iîsodepantiiouts and Provinces. 16 lih. roitr woeabolios 01 lsfalry Rat artiileny. ýAt 8:'20Jau, tise procession o î,proiosud lishe Keihikaws gale, nisere thero waas a short bait ef lltteen minut. os, ani lt 10-40 il reaciséd lte Toshi. agwtr,,Thoir eoeliencire Ji1 awalnnra, sud Iueeyo, and sonise igly kwazokes, Who blaerrived! t1ire soins e - ebofore receivtilte law- 'slne's coffitn, tise antilory flrig twenty-oouu tns, Afte oine lime lied boe Plient in ",AIing tis ashunte Cetmoy ileWoi!f lise deceasoti Prince nas loered at 12j255, artillery agin flrfag twonty.oa gogus, andthie jellaeriug flonsa dispersi!, Large crowds ut people tlsrostgei!tise streets, -andi temi Qonduet 'ai ,ring tise passage of lise îtroccetis n breportait as isaviag been Most orderiy. 0s1 tise day of lise fun- oral ti la1s aeoft ie. snes.of.war ln thus port werb a i half-mxasto~i, sud twaniy. onogssus W41.0 ircîl iy lire l<essgokwaîî at filorvais ôf ftve minutés. Wlords of Wlsdom. *Ail ti1iîgs Isumin schange-. Cisanructer le a i>crteetiy wiiI. - dettei " ý)ll l sstgainsaisosso]cases in dis. Lov"y3vi unI Le purraîl te wisal it LotIunsaoal os snsaia ntise firsi pîstuc nte us!bswanii aftewaci!. Th T i seand! pnrunt conupes-dillI- - , Intie& by i!asisig tu allempl tisei. ü Csvs-ete ycmrscf, indulgent te Wt t id vony few poaple ef gooti saîssoi, axaîti tisase wlia araceosir own Tr, ooi csouasi-s4t.,, iu aayingAUl Msat is iàl bu, ssc aIl tisai cash! bo Ilie bàa lruly geot i autawliîo desires alwaym.tu bear theo inspection of goci! mon,1. - per- Verbal slior is te do wititoît wit- nienses wlissu wo sooud do' befono ail -tisa wenls. Tiso fasse of groat rson gist siwaym0 t-o 1bu sstisstatt!l hy th isertans ssci! te 81nîe ule ct othpssiebeosnso tisey Isave ,Nlasulena! Yen; bile net a reptilie hisaunasîs iOUve lOit its bita. AA LitNusssuue Viî:c.-Aissraw El- hiou, a Northlis fcries fariner, colis pulattentcion lisro Iiiitise "llefornn tu" e a uti dwiie s preading t lsnuglsoa lise&tsWUslii wvîit caaring napidilyi sud whiil§ sumore te be dneasiel tisaisCanada t iitiùà,. nesi neot, tcsuAttùx, on any stisineofthl ooeds agtivt iwisihiiwa bava Dow te. costea!. lia aiiiucsa te whatist lusinowu as reg w,,otl, a plent whicieleste grew ani titnivo ntie sa onl adverse adresa.. "taune, saeting itesoas on landi situes- ed or stnibhe,as velu as an cul- tivsuted ib . It l a sDOW W0041, ansd on ouiany farina ILi, presance is net imnewn or aven mspaclei. -- îlos lssauci.-meunknowss dis- è:A60 10Pilo ng sai! Iavea a is e owine hod n q stéru Ontario, andi seema *te diefy aIl ciortinteconerol il, o pena- -. titist. Osto«fariner lu Sandwichs Wapl ha!l a largo nuusbcrý fateieng in 'a do. serti peanfield, anti whson iisey were sealy frer satgitering ansi lhe ewuer ¶"as stwuaI egciiatiag a sale, tise dis- caseeset ila, asti! p to ehslntFiiiy-forîy nUItitso lot feul vidtiis.te il. Otiscrà ltstlai; iuaviiy, but otili sevanaiy. A lady tirase! lu lise oiîreme of fashiost gave iwo cents, lice ethier day, te a Beeiax boggar. A fow minsutes itîtenwtIda tse lsOgges- gava cliase, oer. tok e hnatiisnteti: 'Mosaane i ma. dam a sPohieisisli allsascon yen gît- a imesint, lere lie la. - lIe la gsiiug tui u5uUgtiou yen. Do'sevo tue <sain -p-son'firt wiiiuieau I, Say ï1" 'bey I ont yuntso ecents lset we j sud Ihot YLnîsî hssîvo isît. rellisnssd tsetis te ýni hsstt sid titis baby ssty laugos%"1 csilai! outitise Young hsnsbansi!andti oi. gr ; "iI s stllug teelîay.' "'lsitaw, î~hv r,"noplieau. a îcsîslesl noica frein tise ethar sBie o e 1wrecli ; 6"yen ued te itelt sie for isoans suss'lnover coins- trituÃŽin, ansd baby in but su festisr cous. jl e owlsat I wes.' III wassa tool", gaasiedtwAnu1. Anti$mise vastoteeleepy -o te -ispîsto, tlu liii». "~Aillthu wcrlt' i'm laitage," Duttise (suris Jarsw net suit cvory-bouly. - Tholisnîsuu - wlie wanîcd te "6sîtake wu > iufer -lbety," vWas eoinPoliei!te Hamilet nas a queer f.liow, for cften, wutus aikot'a question, lie touiti uol Danc.a ropiy. Jolies about oleonsas-arlno are near- IY defanoct; Lut If you love yostn liles girl raid iadn'I eny bal ber, wisal woulti yen calierho? - Tise follow nite igisdfor smie nemi ceolaitaic gtlmore han ha wauted wisan lie foutide imseif in lte cool lai- cf a Lusigs-yion, - ilanti ces-s-solo," ai tise boy mid, was tee oseflras-etisrashiag, te wun le comtes-t. ta n hiWestern Iowa, wivitolua ba <os-titre. ofices, bs aiventid 0lied otfmiakbng hais by -postal ione ii ioas.iaged titl la b. t t.ADy on@aoet Iem col! ddo -as mach nith iis teot saugiag off Mven gave woiDnn lengiseateaeak eaud with eyos te givO - thtsWes-s les wil teks &le Islsànsseiva tgs ý'waY, nslaasyou spriukhe hoe pgn ( 4hein taba hantisomesi Compl1iment.yen cen of5 w as euoslie 1 adregs 0998 s ppaking of a blidWeod. er laye, "W11lenoue sevor os* 40aht',n shoeahitsW eman Whto bai bis woodpflsie. r wnt4r snd i. cllai woi la sure adlghltanpredbeînrg 1n tybn.r andtaio rd! cne. ; 1Par monto., Jsept. osii, MOI5 This Discôveryr Ia th. resait o e sries of oilt5le Expert. monits basai!apn tihe lheory Utis "for the sucemfel cureociWatt)iaaas, tisa nonvouîssysteinmUSiL le s ioo'd 090softtàmn,1 itsamaia. fetn hier thIlàVer, Longs. Rés"i blea, or (hestal Orga»,, lu a loissol nervoas power. WTils ý folIowed by muts. cuar relaxations, wo"eak a nd si esislilon of ail thse orgaun whsiehsdepod endfç Iealib on invoiunteny inuscular actiosi, tbeweakar sufferng rt. Now, as.tise muiles sus! miras. depend 'no uach apois cielsotites fur officient strengthisuast!nation, andti setise t-gis tlisy contraldi tIsui n hotu, à clt icgsian ac- tuel neossii'y ta trait the t ervis astla mus- clos direetiy, in ocrder te spueeii anti pas. orMau. Tieinveatur, actits gupoasi (seu i!ees, aiter mans01 cf eite l5ristg wllis time hie lia!ample apportusiity ior tnylng tise effuci aifbis iscavery, hecssnia cosivlid cd tisaIsinoson epreparatan lcnown cois- teined se potent ant iriect an :etiect apon thse nervabus systessine, bis Compouiad Syrifp 0f Hypo- phosphites. Ra except 5n Caseao i actuel orgaitic, lo0s, tisati t woul! necntdie patfette suilontn girom tisose maladies.- Amsougsitishe ditenases aveneirsa by tihe use of this rumeiy srs tha ialiowtig Chronle Constpation, Chronie tyrkpip8ie, osiptin->, j CliriasslcDiarrius4, Cîtrossie Lcrycslisil, meiancolul$i Nt!rauss lbilty FELLOWS' phopphites. Th21- rciarrestÃŽng d<laesaisplaveti iby tiS rpiain-4m iononal4 y aekssow- luigeciîytisa susdicti faruity iIoveny sac. tinweeit bia, bootsintrattuodi!; andthie lange sale fithse boit guanntee aitise estime. tiouisi wbbiî htis Iseitiby tisePubici. Ths. iyrup will cuire 1>slionary Con- smption la th ise rsu ast!cossdatagea, will «lys gpent relief and prrioang le ls4tise this!. It wiii cure Atisme, lroncIiti, ýLsnyngitla, anti Cangis. Il will ours, ai.1 .i!,sans îoiËnatingfiromwatst ai Muacilar Action tnd rNunvous Fare, Do net ibc deoeivsd bynoiedi sbiearlng a eimien:,namesnoariser prepsatt' lu la a sub- sits efan Ibis under auy ciroarin cs Look aut ion tise noms asti!a dresue J. I. FIILLOWS', St. John, N. B., o itise yellow w zpaur in waeomscnk wit- a aconsu y holdisug tiU)esapr befors thse lsght. Pries $1. iarBoutle, cix for $7.0 Snid isy ail Drigglete. S. G.BEATTY.- i..14 S. G. B EATTY.&a 00, BLeLLLVILLL, ONTAIIO. ONJABIO0 BUSIN[SS COLLIGE. tiffé,c. oalvtîst.î,uas fr lttýislngls COMME/RCIAL EDUCA T/ON 'Eisittsiosusy Instiltution ilis Canada or tisa Usites-! titut. Uni syartdi-parimnsusare cosdisîtai! by tltss-'îuglly coinotent mou, wio nsiesl tisst vIsSis ,tlsoY lîve Iearnni! uy actusul btlsctnes c eric-te, stusi tienefane ssstctically sscdertasti!. TUE PUBLICATIONS otsi-iLcCOLLEGE Thse "cja-t Acs5 tn,,, ,joint S tock Citussy îok 1 a~i11sg , fetiy's <iitia td lisi t Vitissg," utt., bave ob. tatnssi a national rsputatson, end! are tise productionf i ftise 1'rtcipîlc ai tic Cal- le 0 ah srs sbily essgsgsd, tîsgotberwiiis tliair téasclesr, in tii Clii.., sisis Lecture Btooms, CollagegoBusk, sasnsiMrhnt, if m- poniii, Witlstise btusbitm.' TRUE COURSEiIS SIIV.T, boautise te eclsisg le thorougli anid pree. tien]l, und iso pains sre ired tu give te vario5us t'liages, tua eoisacoicattention ai tIse teaes.i KW Tise Colioge Jouirnasl, caîit*inuli lstiarrnatosrespecttssg teri-us, isanre ai conrais, boardi, etc., aisi specimou aifpou. sslstiî sen.Bot f 10oouppliations. Address 8.'G.BEATTY &- CO., Bellevile, Ont. BelevileNov.111877. -KNOW Diteehidnrng -t aainI h tiîscdald HYS bo eE Ise, n te T LFooce it o f ~rre,?~ traets cfExlautcdi tllty Prenatuf e Duiline Vervcus asud l'hyscle s5liy adi cendles cencomitsa t fi s ndusiclut inisertes hat requit llenre, aidconalss tectisa socignaipre.- Coak AelsThîiseroom ards! h emnti jew. allai dafd by tse Naionail Mdil bseleatc. PO,boil tic.sd rush 5e vsmy Oein sognsvlsg$-a aMT. L a vol tof art' aisditaeuly- -r sent risus uc1.acil. os fiI taoc. Aî ir#@ àScisSi.. Boten, ae.55 LADIES, ATT]ENTION. Tho celabratotiAmeican flair Wuor, MAX ,JACO B> 230 Queen St. Wet Tarntta (Tus-e ons rasa 81,5 Ll'sttlsk'a Mas-lia) t ul Isfonuiste saLaijcls tis )lu B ishe oaly (IINtJIN I"AIR NWORIER props- anti dlivoruti ut tiserime r.auated. Ileaaa isetyour ai-dec.s n l attend le thse.n. PRIZES, PUFFSAN&jD larut= lcf rrig im a m scoqual te ohast n im couip. " - çýAWY CAUTION Phms-ont amiladtiby iavaisrie. psa ng yaai£u Otly nouaexr - - 25m'Que la St Ws conspetto.Pure,=rai.good -offêes, VOey heûp. Coo00008c1lg ÇOneti Meats, Spices, Ztavering Extradte, Ac. À new stock tf Wokoe arriving, 'hwit-lb. é( st aI Mile more ltaishuli teusmalâio suit te warm times. À fu ssok co Glassware, Gema Jan, JMy Casio, very cheep. Pails, Brushes, Biomns, Pins FIourzýOorn meal. Osimeat, Bacon an& Hamas, constantly ouln atlm prises. -" - 000:- - - WANTED'-m yquàutiby of pYuflO di#y lutter, Eggs, sud Fruits tailkid. 11 *A-oall respectfully soicited.. SION FRAER-ý, OnaroElc S-ok-Bt., Whltby. Jul ny7th, 1878. LIST* OF- AUJ-0 BERS Licensed for the South Ridi4ig of9ÇPtario,. North Riding oi Ontario, and separai. Muniiài$ie&in the'latter. ]J. L. Vanrant, Slouffvllle, Uxbr4e. - .Ct. 111h, 'r sauil. Baird, Brook,." 1b Wm. Gorden, Sunderlandi, go Desi# d J. 0. W1llelsl, Uxbiitge. Uxbridge.' o, Ciomaul Dawes,- Port Pers-y, -N. 218t, si ~ Donald Casupba5lt, iVhitby, Brook, Jan. -tit, 179. E. H. Cainaron, Beaverten, Therals, d motsi, Oeo. McWiliamu, Teorente, Brook, Filu-Estia, s Tises. Fonchos-, Belford, South Bidlng, pird Donald Rosa, Beaverlon, Tues-ah, JU" 4th, D. Bisliop, Oshtawa, edutit Laing A 2g4Msi, Ties. Tncker, Lesistala, ~ziii~S.letit, L. Fairbanks, -wititby, Sentit Ridiag 6 lotit, J. M. Pall,,rsen, Iloemington, No-iAiding u0h LIST 0F PEPLERS FOR THE Co. ONTARIO. Joita Fincit, Tiserait, Joephi Jackson, Uxbsidge, 1 horse. Jati. 80th, 1879. Mai. 111h, 66 GOLDSMITHYSBLL -0:0 NEW GOOD8, NEW GOODS f Stock of Silver Watchea, IN 0W New Coloured Gold- Jewellety, 'New Bright Gold Jewellery, New Gem Rlings, NwJtSia New Baby Carrnages very cheap. Clocks, Spectacles, Outlery, Electro-pjatedl Gdods in great variety, Niokelite Forks and Spoons; Deske, Ink- stands, &c., &C. Owing to the prevailing business depression, ihe low prices of New Gootis will be found a great uinucement to.Cash purchasers.. Whitby, April. 16th, 1878. Practica Watchmakerî' Brook-st. WILLIAM TILL 'S CABINET FACTORY AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS, THE -OLD STAND, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. Go where you îiloased in znaking selections of good furniture. Splendid Panlour, Drawing Rooni -and Bedrooni Sots, New Designs wail wortiy o et inpcin, iatstoniahing how prices. Diu- îstg.reom Extension Tables-a vcry superior article. Gilt Comiîces, Picture Framiug in every style. Soin.fine Chremos and Engravings for sale. - lu ail its bs-anches; tanerais fnily supplieti, A " tock cf elegent I-esukeis. Coffins always on hand, trimmedt t suit Cuttomers, anti a wcll appointed Hoeasse constantly in rosudinese. WM. TILL. SWhitby, Novembes- 241h, 1875. CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES!1 THE LÂRGEST AND M09T COMPLETE STOCK 0FP Ca rria4es, Sleighs and Cutters, M. 0';DONOVAN'Si CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., 'YEIY CHEAP. WHITBY.1 CALL & SEE THEM. NE W 0OOD S-! cc-0 Clothing and Gent's Furnishing House Is now supplied with ail the ne'west styles of Englieh, Scotch, and Canadlian Cloths of ail kinds, the Largest and Best Stock they ever had. A~ lso an excellent stock of Gents' Fnrnishingo,'.all new. AX splendid stock of Reatiy-mate Overcoata, Cheap for Cash. MceMILLÂN'8 BLOCK, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. FRESHà FRUJIT DEPOýT! KING STREET, OSHAWA. Everything in the line Firuits, slways kep t in stoèk, of thiefreohest and beat in thes Market, ana SOLD UNDER TO1ÊOÉTO ýBICES. Private and public partieos upplied aI Wholesal rates. Orders by Telegraph or Letter, supled at the LOWEST BATES, 'with punctuality. All goods deliverod to W.hitby and Bowmanvillei pur. W. à- ôEmL ýN, Fi.27fli, 1878, (Si. 11) Ring-St., 9obaws. -PASHIJONAJ3LE. TAIÉÃ"IIN611 Go where yenca. eta ell-fltting -Qirkent :-Tio the GýEORGE GuRLEY, OSHAWA. L UPBIOR CUTTING SEIAPES ½E Ëwo4a ' A Large Stock of Fine Qlais; béàt ngliàI, geoktena aùia uta .EzoleiQveý6ins ana >$4-p.N.'ý-ý,ý 1>azo - the necessaries ljju ni , SWELL-APPOINlTED' HEARSE. ~itby, October 1bih,'1877. - f 4à BRWN dc; PA TT.ý'ER8ON hyg#- Col, 1Witýby, Ontario, Febs-uai-y, 1877. NEW STATIONERY & BOOK S'TORE, AT TRI NEw IE WIIT3Y SCIIOOL BO0OK AND S D EPO T - J. G. McDO1JGALL' flega te announce to bis customers and the public lu general tisI le lias openeti a Staîionery, Sool Boock anti News depot ini onjection with hie Oonfectionery & Baking business, in 49is ad stand sentli Brook Stroot, whcre everything in tise lino cati Le ittit evry houa The Daily and Weokly Papes-s alwaya on hanid, and de- liveïed to subsirss inail parts of the. toan. MCrsspromPUlY Oued fer Periodicals, Magazines anti Music. Aise, a eil-aosonted ik et Mettges, Boumt Wos, sudl Faucy Gooda, en itand, aI lmuapnices. -i The public will find it to iheit advantage to take a peep at oui stock boes-ce purcliasing elsoualiee. 1Wwitb, Mas-h 411, 1878. JG.MoDOLJGALL, Sentlàs Brook Binet. BE ST received First Prize in - the .iJ4unty Show, just held, for Artistic Plkotography over alpther comjetitors. And: F'IRST-CLASi WORKI 1 no experimenting on humbýi pro- cessesj, at - - s- Finest Java Ooffee, mait received s'large stock of- putup or heEnglish 'market, the ýCanadian idet'.- MB. JOHN FERGIJSON -RAS A HEÂVY STOCK OF READY;-MAD E <LTH-IN-G, Inoluding a largevstock of, OVEUCOATS. EXCELLENT GENT S' SUJITS, made up lu the Laiesi Styes. Buffalo ]Robes, a great number. Al selling at an immense sacrce. JOHIN FERG*USON, WM. BURNS, W1hat we Cake tIia fead in FOR HORUES AND OATTLL.-Wroi toroua boul. in wurzn watter, fGorsmont internai derangementse auasi by o. rbsas. WHAT THE PEOPLE BAY, ASIÇ - TÉEM? -W. the undarigned bawb usai -]rown'a Indian Linhumnt for smre-urn eana cam cheoenUy recornnssd it for public u. MAYe ril, P "rhlOt a3. Dawa, Drooklin, J. HL. Matbewu'o il go* RHubbia, Ashbnrn, A.. H. Hendarson, Uzbulas S. 0. BROWN, Proprlator, 08- -WJiitby, Ot DAILY LINE TO ROCHEBTER, - Commencing on or about MONDAY the 8th APRL.' - E TZANER ESNO R S EM A N < W. Shervood, Matar.) W= ~iakle *her regnlsi4 ttipueOt.tia enate 7 lesvin cbourg é ariLvMiof G;T. 13. Tris from ZBut and West connecting at Rochester witk tie New tork Oentoeal, NorierCentral and .rEpne Blwy',sadLake OntÏ"oShore Divisioni of the Roame Watertown "& Og. densbnrgh Eawayfor &U pointu Rati Wea nOSoutit. . ]ETUENING.-Wfflloiva Charlotte <port of Bocheuter) daIly at 9 p. in.f ebcept saturdays nhen she 'illeve at8 P. M. for Port Hope direct.» Dpalersiii stock &o., will :Rn&. thIm the chespeit sud moit epetioua route te oBon Albany, New Yorkl ho. For f'uruer 9ifomaton- apply $ W.SHERWOOD C F. OILDBRSB5LV]r Port irope. Kingston. W HTBYT PORT PRRY & LINDSA&Y RAMWAY. TO TH EIÃœ,B L [C. 1 In praucnling oui Twenty.seoond AneuAi Catalogua ýet "Ikr1ouhiua mpi ments ethe formats d Cen afor-tis acr 07, e do sa, h Mrtianthse crdisay dgre cfpride anti confidenoe, froro the marketi Urav Uran arng eua--duponeu, andtheicstly anti inoeaaing demandif-4sn year te Yser cf 01is now cae bratetiFam Implomental, j e mita" coutineneasharalofore, as manufacturera, te uiake a special .ty cf A4grlallnrl MachialytieJoitaon SeflnosBapr, thea TriuphCol blnet iR-eaper anti Never, tiseOCàynga Mower, tise Yonng <ssd oaat clinew WhttbyHarrealair,.laiming a largeaomasof Our limq a~tlention. Fier lth ast Twanty-tw Yets we isve Dv oi Moat cas-aful anti nudiviti. *attention ta tise manufacture, anti operation o et tsavaieu machine& in nue, silnà ouitlte boat poI,intu, ese d e solsmodlfying anti ol iigerres-s, slressgtheniag waak points, adaIuanti prepostienlng Ove t-y nai. ase c4 expiense hb uggemuted. - u usos a a'emlye the boatsu.chal Ù11,ahIi nd out mashdaea aasnunder ltaé uot arefuimperv isuad woruîi-cvcry détail beink ubj a . < te1h.éseras- eli siolmâm-and eaoitmachine liétheiieugittstai baforsliaal gOur woîks, td provo lte compoteues cf aelrpart, aud thés b0ulanDodiglcnîly lu puting lti. lun epes-elien iy aay parmon cf mcderatcnacheai a bJl1y 1 Oui malhue-ylas beau sehotatianti ecuatrucletiniit 4 speebal frenca tokthe manufactura of oui onmachina-mauy ols havingijmon made-for tii p.4li lapupoe andi net adap led for:* otites- wos-k, andti s-veshien as- eadn. os»d bp le the waulmsud ricqulremanlaieof ui manuIacturj_4obtIaiina tiser. btgi Ucwiedga cf lt.e construction cf ous- machines, ant i e Ilsenableati eo o. a4 a iguer degrea cf sili anti proisuecy tIen whsara genea amnnfaclurung 1IWarare thsefe enableti te introlic a more perfaci 5751dm into al lte de. pfttmbunlscf imantifature, adding ual duly 1telita perfection of, tia work, but ai- sotte lite rapidto f ia exacntscu--and a ceusa quant îedtioont a. 1Titis principla la* regas-deti necessary lai a vail regniatetile$tablismant, anti w. eilabicd te luueont oui machines withs a higiter dopes cof prfection, anti ai priseâs 50 Ionsasabsclnlaly tb defy compétition. kTHE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING RÙAPER islse m wsll kuon as a Single Beaper, tisai a werd ofcf ols endation wculti at olmcmuperlaum, but as&ltera are manlailgte manufacture titis ha. hc hva aitaeti e 1h eli lnalJoisuton niachinle, nithoul keap .i lu sate éimprovaments ; tisat juaticé teeutsle.anti pst ons requit. cf ns' tta athés; wshave modifiati il in alost evlry ossétialpart anti fer sis-angl au~ duiabilqualiu.v of out, lu every kinti and condition cf gai; ightness cf d drfanisa ofinragmul- h Josaton,sa manufaed ly ns-stands pui.em2incutly aleatI li otites-néreaprs. InProuet oet tsicilnwa hava cnly teit tetsmay FinI Pria ardati us-atth asýt Poinitriai cf Où- eo, anti maly oonnly trials wisicit have sakl place ail cva Canada, witisin th Ilsfew Yeais. 0UR ýTRIUMPH OOMBIN ED MA HlNE%, wi.'m t aIe mntela ail tisaieau Le desiretila a ]ombatMacLine, anti casuel faUtl et lte roqnircmeuis of parchasers. oude Improved Cayuga Chief dIr., and our Y'oung Canada Mower8 -th~ bqit las machins- constilute lmeal wisol ofetIron;and Steel Tii. Ca uga jr. buts euot, sud ltae Young Canada a front Ct ; lsth slreug, dur. ab l4 machines, anti nos exceileti by aay macitines ianlte mar#et for qaality of outi duiebility, ligitînescf draft adaptabulity, anti ease cf mina*ement. ý'OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVEéTER.' As thi'e cuntry bas besoins boîter alatt te machines-y, andmýny f ens-tas-m- as-s iave besoin. kiled lu tisa use cf machines, a gs-owing deulanti bas sps-ung up 4e a Light, Durable, First-lsa Rapes-.1 1Alîro telita requis-rnent. of 1hé day, wc have saceedat in u nvenliug a ma- chuie aiittla WsoughtIrlon Frame, niti thtie icasipossible gearlng-wiîis large, breÈdfâeod drive witeel,-anti mc cnmlrnctod tébat te frai. anti table tilt at tise eau e lime, titereby keeping lhe pilman always lu lino wIlthe itehat. The rek is as-e dniven dîs-ectiy rom thse main sitaftm-he-o beiug no Perceptiblearida draft, anti ne neigitt upen tiseherses aecks, tW. as-e coufidtist ta n have ow aaded ia invenling tise mcml perfect Rampas-, takig il lu al ils p arts, ltait bas evas- beon pretiaceti. Wa have appliet foelttera patent, a&I o heil o us- invi ution, for aur on exclusive manufacture, anti wa soe elfts sggast te Mui- tenlgpaLchroisie, ltaI tiey siouid oses liii. machina e 7ra gvigtiis- ess for tiseocming iivemt. Thse "Witby Harveutai-" weigits, alàtl 6W800pcads but luesng 0ai.pnincîpally cf lt.e best quality cf lt-ouanti tel, Ân4 from ità in- amu Ms atcompact conots-usien, ii combinas tho strenglhanti duxàbility o!fltae os er maUtnes. Il it oui machinas are fnUiy was-iauld -t itittiis list cf machines, wa feol caufideultishaI ne en =metaives-ys-e- qurm auad we respectfally solicit atrialcf car machines~lieigltai na cau-ish abettes- machine for lte molaytitan can Le obiainsoleîswle. Raspectfnlly Yen-sl - BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. C0. Vy- - c. c--I nlu lieTen W lsi'V tliy, OnU- THE LARGE ST STOCK* 0F FLJRSj TUEÂSDAY, 291h, OCITR, 1878, cIr A LT B' le Cl afncor-, V4 -ca. seetuO Jas. My, nt A. TI Oubawva. CAMI HECTOR CAMMB TU, S Byron S Dr Ore-Y, ReilD.n 13R rt1ours h d ilbets PhsCInM. WsTbyIp Ki , Sree. -G&01p1, atis lalnsitas A 1~ Has juet received, direct from the Manufacturera, a good assortmnent of Ladlies and Gentlameu's. Marsardl, Empress, aiýd Amnericaný Aise, Pacifie Bagsý,Cheap for Cash. Four more cases of 50c) 55c, 76o and. $1.OO Prunella Boots. EVER SHOWN IN CANADA. Il'9 FINE PURS A SPÈCIALTY. MAà FUR TRIMMINGSfl CUT TO ORflER. BEuROBES. ASTBAcHANý SACQUES WOLF RODES RUSSLsN LAM SAeîQdE,e RACOONO R*5i, S. S. IEAL SACQUEs YKROBES, -P-ERSIAN LAMB. SACQuJES, BUFFALO ROBES, MOOX EfRMNE SACATEs, xKiR 'CAPS# MIIIK SETTS, S. . SEAu, CAPS S. S. SEAli 5ETTS, OTTER AND SEA ,SETT5, ERMINE 5ETT5, SJ PBRIAN LAMP CAPS, PEBSIAN LMBETS B-ALTXO SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN ETTI CONET CAPS, BLACE BAU LE&BT~, GRET LAMB CAPS CONEY SETTS, GERMAN NIER CA!P GET LAMB SETTI, Particular attention given t0 all orders. - specially attended to. Tes-ente, Des. 8, 1877. Alterations OUTTýERS, BUGGIES, AND CARRIAGES. A..Large Assortinent of Cutters and -Buggies FOR SALE, CH EAFP, -AT- TOMS & NEWIO1IT' 8 DUNDÂSCarrnage -FPctoru, DUDSSTREET, --Wmn NTÂRIo. SADLRYAND HýAINESS. Begs te direct Mattento ebslreand spier st oempriing every. thislg iu thesa a ndlati 12ns Ln, e ileather'- Valises and Saratoga 'Irunks 1 A. 'LOT ,V«7 bsusbA dsoi nicbip; .At Uuth efobEs s.to WHITBY CHINA TEA STORE, -A Large Assortment of Crockery, and Glassware, of al kinds. Aiso a Large Consignmeni of- GLASS PRESEIRVE JAIRS! Ja' Ail of which wiil be sold Cheaper than e-ver for 0.11 and examine foi youîscelvcs, before purchasing clscwhcs-c. Aise, Recsiving Daly, ail kinds et FRESH RIPE FRUITS, LEMIONS, For Sale, Wholesalo sud Rotail. W. J. GIBSON, - WflITBY CHINA TEA ST'Ã"R9. WANTED.-Any quantity of Good Ripe Cherries- and Has-vest Apples, or iichithe hi histlmsarket prica will bo paid iun ejoh. W. J. GIBSÃœN -MATTBIIE-W-COLjLIN S' BOOT AND 5110E STOIRE Has been.removed froni Brook Street to Dundas Street, Oirst door west of Armstrong's Hotel, whero lie lis a splendid stock of thse RIGHT FIT AND MARE, and of the best styles of Boots aua Shoes. AUl orders promptly attezided te. Repairs neatly donc. S- Dundas Street, first store west of Armistrong's Hotel. Remember tho place. Or' MOCROSSON o.,- 91 King Street, à - Toronto, MÂTTHEW COLLI. At One o'cloek lunlte eflernoon, lie foi-- honing valuable pi-opru-- LOT r--25 acres, parfa Lot 28, la Uic untior a goci! atate of cutvàtnt. - LOT, 2.-sf acres, par t Lot 22, lu tise bd-s Concession cf Whfiby. Aisc, ullares ai tenai, thse iest underaui-atimn. -Ont>.>, lotlier. ta5 a good dweliing, las-g. bÃŽ;in ani! oùtulnligs, antis titng Yonng oroisird of abýout 6 si-es. . LOT 8-71 aores. puti of Loit2lthst Oirai cmn.Whltby. AUlclearcdsanda nten e goal, date of cultivatton. Gooti vaos- on ail th. lots. - TEBRMS 0F-PSALET WII e offi-ad formlelnlotsa.abou,é,r lis, vIole nl-be sIltl noua pareelteaade. afrable Purabasa. - Clowen A1turnecof -sale, tli aune-ive equwalïnua lutaimunta, isba secnetiby Immadiate Possession. MARTIN& cWARÂM, HOUBE, SION AND ORNANENTAL PAlITERS. Have 1u$rcuvtiaastckicf W AýLL *P A P'EIS Fresco doiguso xeouteti on the ubots-ts notice. Tuso doors nos-tii aiKing's Tannai-y, Brook Strset, Wittby. - ly.41 THI 'TORONTO Turki8h & Vapor Bath&5 Tlieobath. ai-e usefut in Riteummeia<nm, Neandsta. flnnte,. cal.î. n......ts..m ble ter-9 Il la n" lia Tut] ri on,éf INe0w Stock of Geld Watohes, Compound Syrup of! Hypo-I 1 1. Tsking elfeal on Mauday, Itsly lot, 1878,' Leavo Wisitby - ....&45 A.M., 0.45 pin. PortiPer-y-sut 955 Il 7M5 -Manille -tee.... 1.05I, SMa0 Arrive LÀudoay-..- s-.,41 1 .9.15 -TRAMNS Oonç* BOUTS, Leave Liaa.. 7.00 a.mn., 5.8epin. 7.88 Ila -7&15 , j4 t' 'Port Penny .&825 7m5< Annie Wslty . .25 &Wt For lime ai alias station,. sec Poeket Turne- Table, te lbe lad on application te aay ai tise Companvs Agenis. <JONNECT1ONS. Wamx JUNTOaNne-WîtlGrand Tru ai li. way for att pointseaut andtt! s. PovPmr-th stage for Epsom, Utica 5onv-PrSaettaid and i Wel, Miu-PrSunderlant d a niu»a. Mnpa.er Oakwood, LItho BsUiaiYa io'i u aifHoover. * LleÂ.WhVitora Riway forSilut-1 den, RltinoitiePro. Granit Tanitory, andth;il landEafway fo- tmesa. lIrock eter- sli5ei'notngulusee su -gie. Zteabe. DuriZ3 ., Oounmwotsaslus Maakoka. Thrqugh isTckets aa lausedby II Asnofi th :P. P. ,aL y, £or- Tor-clebu.!li- G. T.IR.Ticket A gt, ontmorastagtns on-W, . P. & LÀ ~.N rnis hre. Baggagoe ckeitroi. JAMES HOLDEXi,- Whllby, Sp. 5511la,7& anaglssgDis-coton. j VALUABLE FARMS AND LANDS FOR SAL19, BY ]PUBLIC AUCTION9. Thte underom*tlias recalved isnt metios <rom GEGEGE HOPHIS, Esti., te seil by publie Aucticu, 1 Oct. Ist, 1878. BROOK STREET, WHITBY, 1 -L-r Él , 1 . - . . --- . . 1 COlgDENSED TIME TABLE. P,",R7),-l - .. - i' ý Whitby, 0, 7,'78. 1 Whitby, lune 12th, 1878. 1 RE CE IV'. E-b U S cannot fail to be 1

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