pays Aithe;.T ilgb1 coisww clown êlt(otbà Clii 4s1vo 4dts and ciSIi- An thYa I'- . jfbtComem iowrwth t1ii. Tho. glati aytise brava yumars tatere lusanmd long, . -', , 110W they fade on và ani lm' s igtl And thai eà xjyr lko ç'eiipm o jnbfan* Aurn é1wilUgbt copa dO1'Wt Thegra in dew oDuiis'ramnt ;-it a cVwnds Aï t ii, avited waligbt an illht. - erntis « l, t c i udad u d wto, * $oft igis of ineffale, os.qurfuil rogret *tOu Ces4ui m ofArt 1 haiïo 'worusipped saa.eligd I O then Saoll 0 1 Ubeauty aisil Uhot I Lif t mecup i lu isin rs(e amearntb from thy breait, Ero tao Twlilii$be moriof In th ilght 1 iny ra w rm hy, both mlracloii brçath ,- - - " Ansphail mockA1 lihe Twilighst anti Niglil- Thorecighbredsfor>Englad. pei tu îli g où atv s'; 'Il fellowilug lleî'uglibrçdhebrses. Th:e yolingors oeues are, ail steitRi in Utic promînnul trt' evente lùu glant, anti 'sf11 vé trutuuidNio . w jqoti Iqmmelf tliemneslves , Paroi hMos9w a g ot. l ti s e .couniry>'suanisoulti provoa agosit one iu-in! is at tn v'ie o ii 4 btter hiorocoult hé sent vifi estof yaunsiters te beat Iisem la tisais wlrk andl for triai porposen. Tise bron'gldlW'; , veyears olti ly p, Loanlnglon, dam Malden, by txingteh * ; 2ëddaîlm Ktty Clark, by fm. leîwce ;l dans Miese bstinýýe, Sum p tes; 4tià am eux ny 1 au:orkin, lsy Tigey, eut cf parisgon, byimp. I3nz- Zard, tte, Uaaî, bey colt two yo-are oit, by LtixLsgton. ' l'm Curai, by Vendal , 2nd fliîsahuit 1, 0dm oecue, l>y Clotîser- Itite; U lirîlemGbeiluce ( Heýrleeloosa dam), l'y biatise;-,4h dam Glfonçeimne Oswu tiler tôt Gleuoce), b>' Sultan,-cul of Traismpolinse, by Tramp, &a. Cl'lubey colt, one ycnî olti, by lîssi,. Saxon, (son cf lleadonane) dam Faiy Ludloew, lsy irnp. 171ciipneo;2od à n slîîiî llis Jackasn, by Vaudal ; lrd litîi luiuiu Wrl«hI, b>'hit. ]Margrave, III, laits l"isaisy %Wîrit, by Sil veriseî's; Oof nI rý, byYià Rtiqaî &0. Llor'ou, bsly eo»i, 1yuar cltl'y!î )ýyf.,iýingon 2 d am Pruuolla, by bnp l)OÃedcôe., 0rd tai rb>'imp. IHatige. boril ; 4tls daem 1.>'Bertrandi, h. jO-'iar, bay colt,' one ycrr oli, b>' i111s1. baxon, dam2 Fanny Washingtou, l'y lnvoniiu; 'lot dam Sarah Wecsieg- tob arion's Zioganu onc of sir Ascii ); $rd tiam Siolla, by Couton- tion -,41à lans b>'imp. Speculalor, ont of IPompedour, by imp. Veliant, &o. (-rdicbay fillIy, 1 yoer olti by i ni lî. Saxon, dt( Girl u~t a Perioti, b>' Viriil2usd dam Nanula Bulles, b>' Lcingtou ; lirt dami Tokay', by lmp, , iklsra;, 11h tams Misa Merlin, by - 1i'slaea'O Zinoeout ôf Gabrisils, P.jonc chstut lily Iyear old, l'y îîsîii Lemringlou, dam Maidco, Is> Êaxinglou, &e. Titis filly ie cwu sister tueligrole, ant inl tià e eola. Ncraid, bis> fill4ï, onetpryoutrd, by ii,îtaodam hump. igland Lassie, l'yltir'Athol ; 2o4t 'ain Iup ea, byr tuie Nabois ; lird lans raYer>', yGamé- boy ; fûts dani Ensuis, 1) Bey Mitdle- totf tor 3leDevi A Vtocipeto, Ucaiintise Derby eut St. Loger for 879,an is e Champion Stakas' nNowmarkct Second October.Meeting 1880. Clexokos, Papoosa, Noreiti, ant fleralîliue are in lIse July and Cheser.s r Ieid Slakeut Gootivotil for tvo-year. Old1< » 1871). ,Fapoose, Gerltina anti Chlireoe, lorcas mundtiserare n Itheî bXhy aist St. Loger for 1»60t, Tiseo perforaianees oi tisa colts will l'a watllsd* wiI, greAt ;twest on Ibise ie of >se AlleiloW id ù 4tèoù vu h ome îîuicilaeeil h>'- Loe& Bosolberry aud -DiJke of Ll1aiuQinaùli tisaoliser. A'mr. ieauisbred ycungtelsent ovar by Ms-, Mr. e. H. 5anfordi. M r. Lcrlllard'a Jet ei~o frôds fainillen s bis h ave produedt lîrt-lao tre(nAtnseile, -ecsÛ am Wsaisslra-er, Uneo. Meuh ou, Mollie Jackmon l'î-unella, bOue Washington, Fan>' Tir ts, m ius . ,- r et A.' vsnll-kuuwn Oxford man, e'li was uti liii fiarse tisue flluw cf Iliii collëea - ilîî l-'itiot; was ofii detisétati y au .11dl pupil ekallsig <oni'a sunday al- ilotin. 11 tlink, notor,' wasvantoltise unintturnit observation, "1YUu once flcg- go' wme fer lsalisg oii à Suuday." -tu, îy <Jour boy," ywas flie rapl>', l'âti 1 dici quite rigliî. If a 'man mal.- iy lAies boeting, e11e day te hum ia tisa cam= e asanotlser, Utkruthiug l5estiroly dUlfreut, Il numy -frecteisard ounlise * tiatiirdlay iiglît, andti tIlnhha'sagain bvfimo ui>~srakonl4esdeisurning.',. A.aiuiîîà g Clifurneiaii Iorchie cdoth- iug, rollsd iinssof iu tise duet anti tiet Ili' iaslf tW A troc by lise wayide, hoplng tu 1 ioeile isepîy cf tisa pamegers cf relathlug iewo'lieha htiseon rolile b> hiiglwaywen. Tisa stage tisa Iy tocý a shott cout by a nov rond, anti when lte cnunlng Californien vû eaboclto l nstie -hlmacîf à egriz>' bear came aloug anti ate part of bglg LuTRuARY çlsareetere-Tiso alphabet. --A. COL(nOl ise hta pl ta fe-nd.te Wlsertam agi ~ oe"ixiln Z:4é, 5fafticsg OU Ses nov Vbe e ail o fâ lebal leeionsîin tise 'U DitÃŽ4'g1ateo lu, UP ho tbf., lu fevcr of - tilt! pemts. iThé .Sepeakeri Cl ow hbus ample Thýs- Dis oy ,ery Im iséreslt 0f aaes a til Ep monta bmefd upoueu le*ry htat'oh muoqéamful cnrs cf aoîu Dia. MI nm0"ytesm mue bsvigoraa and detn itrt r Lungs, nem"$ Sto", r!.Ge i rgeI l a I os" umavenaâ povpr. This S!lowtiby ma lse lalti n, we o i dem can oua voluntarv musc ra tion, Oic vankir NovW, asmtheb. SI l~ais nerven depend so bunch upoqeit a4i0for, for efilafen$ atrostlsandi action, $sia " tic organm tisey <confiol dopenti on thOis t becomes agi jc- Inal neceaity totrt t se ucrvee ant i m0a. es directly, in oredér te speedly anti per. uently cure die'.ises ofthtie abov-nainet enter m 0lmo e prènd, durlug vhfch te b. ha a ample apports nity for trylng tise affect of hism diiovory, bocame convina- edthbat no cther p earation kuowe con- lalueti se potent titidirect an offet upon tise luervona aytom asis Compound Syrqp of phosphites, Hypo- auti-xcapt bun aseot actuel organeic ong, tisat Il voultýrestore patients sufforlug tram- Ainuogt tic tisoasos overcomo lsy lb. use tl ethmreiiîdy are tic tollowig s Obronle ComCipatinn, -Circule iDyspepsie, Cirnie IBron cit, cnsumption1 -Chmente L ~ygtis, Narvons Ilebillty FELLOWS' Comipaund Syrup of Hypo. f]hogphit6w. Tise psswer et arrasting tisess ulîmpavea by thîs preparation à iisc rably acknov- ictiged iy tise iedical farully ine--very!sec- tien whseo t lbas bitou iissrcaucqd ; andi ths large aale ia ti'se beet fuaruatbee ot Ils estima- tion in 'sifeltt Hia t dby tisé publie. Thfs, Syrnp viii cure Pnimonary Con- somption lu tisa hirm al ed anteagee,lwilli givi' groat relief ansi prolplsg 1Me li tise tisird.- St tili cura Asithmea, Ilonelitis, Laryngiie anti Coiigise. lb wil cure ail tiseU aor ginatfug frem iniattef1 Msculaz Action ud Narrons Force. Do tlîac lecoiveti by rernediles byarlpg e siimilar;namne, neoiier pregîration in a 1u. stituta for tisiisuder amy ciî'tumstancesi. Look ont for tisa naine nuit datdreas J. I 'LEIILOWB', St. Join, N.,1B,, ou tise yellov* were per lu Watermark wiich ilacon uby ifoida tise aper bera the Uglet. Prce t i0pr Bttue, six for 87.10. Soit by alI Duggiâs. S. G_. BEATTYr. S. Ci . BETTY -tO' BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO. ONABO lSINEfS-S COL1 EE 00er, adv sutagefor Itainfxugla COMMERCIAL EDUCA TIO)V Equal t ansuy Iiisltiitlon il lis (fnua0r'is Uuittet tees. Its secouai l arOmbnte are cenducet l'y cisorolîishly îüGmpet8znt ilion, vise teecli thai whicls they issîvo ermad iy Rottuol lîîsiîîese xperi'uîce, aid tiserofore rractically uusuerstanîd. 1t I THE PUBLICATIONS oizurCOLLEJGE Tise 'Cauatiati Accointant," "ifo Stock Company Bock Keeting," "Beu4ty'o Guidete E logent Writinqf" etc., hve .b- tained a national reputatacu, andi nr4li produnctionusof tIse Prucipals of tise ol. loe, oisearaerlaily engage , tegetiser ith tiaiswthanchers,, titise ClIe99 nduLecture Rotins, College Bank, anti erciiimt's Ens- poriuni, 'iths tiseStudiuts;.. TUIE COURSE I5SHIORT, Iýceaà use tise teechiog l is rnaa nedif hticalauil ne peine are fîpsre (o gît.t eîclu stuidont iisliviiducl'y, as wlil as ta ths varions tiaüees,.tisa peroon4l attention et tise teanisars te»Tise Collage Journaij contuinind fu Iuformnation resecting te rnie, nature cf course, board, etc., eud specimens ofýîen- menalifp sn foco aplctin.Adr mce Ville, Ont. Belleville, Nov.l,1877. Knu - ue$ Driableîtr)4111Pon bookck ýr 1lued. eutlleu SELF'-PRESLIIÂTOON P 1 nuc.Sentby$iiali i,-eats cf E xhaiitrd Vlllity, P cEnture Dec Ine, 5k.eese,-ad PhisIefiliyadtee es concomiant fledus dtefld xierlos liat rgsull ti.eror, rntaîdcniepors f nl;sui argbleIpre. @criltssusaencas or wlsl.woribtlopsilaaf thse ieeok. Tw'à beok %va$ nit aubytls0nouex5. teesivo e ndprelby th e st klepatms -Ieis otwbe nas.awar IModaidOIW rel ed mby the Nlea sslaAscaln A IPaI=mls, iliuurated viftise 'aery fisit Steeaave<ra.. ar. U1 A Ivl«' beam%- flEL Ét ueta aIu. o80 .rr vitCnes.- ddoss. ISTITUENa. 4 Bel1l~ E asosf.Dain sfea 5 5WaF anc ing The clbatt m ricn Har Workr m MAX J CO0 230 Qucen St. WcaihTcrtntc, I.ex ÇTiree Doors irons St. Pa$rlec'o Maret) r> MO ta inïformue tisa Lâes tiset hoiif à > 0enly G5NUINifE 1 IR1 w B PR lu-tise CIp.L Hc giarntueail klni jf hi. là Wl yack toeelone la pcrfe tion, neat mat andt eltvretaItbe timerequeated. tePlease mod your orSera anti1I vIli - attend o ho en. F FRONT PLAÃŽTS. Go curle out ai straghl ais -mido equi te n4turel Cur&ite Es.: M witoieaolway8 - CAUTIOiD. Plias, dont b. Mieleatihi b o as~r. reMnying i'nm, e. 10 plo> a .ex- cfpt myseif aila dard.--i MAX JACB, . 950Qgeu h. ~. TW atm>' r«8; PUg»t à * Sé 0é ai -- Bacon anHmaS9staz$y on han 1aow Pimo. WNE. Au ùa ty of prime daiqy Butter EMsa ani Fruits c al0in1 A.eurespefuy-olved : r' - SIMON RASER,ý lui>' 11h. 18~8.Ontarlo B"oo, BrookgSf, Whltby. Licenfied*-for the South Biding 01 Onitarfo, North Ridfing of Ontario, and separate MUniop , 4 a*a NAME. RESIDNCE. t4sIOPALMT. lEXPIRaTION ]. L. Vauzant, stouffvlle, t;bidg, .. 11h .8. 4C.Sunderland, BP>k, , 30. Widdifield, Uxbridge, U sidel" sh, Clament Dawes, Port Perry, N.1 Rldwng, 21 iat, ~ocaIt, L&vbell, Whigby, Bioek, Jan. 511s, 187 Geo. MoWifilarn, Togouto, =Bth' Pb. 28th, * Tbom. Poncher, Béoa, é*t Biding, April rd, Donaold Ross, Boa veêrton, Thtbrêh,; Inn 4th, " D. Bialioe*, Oshawa, Sbuth Riding Âug. -24tb, " Tho@. Tuckes!, ]paakdlqq bN"ahh iding Sept. Otis, ' L. Fairbanks, Whitby, . Isth B4dicg "lotis, J. M. Pattersols, Bloomingion, 'Nortis Bding "2m1, LISaI 0F PEDLERS FOR TH.- Cio. U1TAI. JýoisuFincis, Thosab, Joseph Jackson, Uxbridge, 1 ihorse.. Jais. 806i, 10.9.1 Mar. llt" GOLDSMIT3 'S -HIALL. NEW GOODS, N EW GOOD8! New Stock of GoId Watches, - New Stock of Silver Watches, New Coloured Gold Jewellery, New Gens Rings,;" New Bright Gold Jewelleryf New~ Jet'Setts..'-1 iNew Baty Carniages*: veî-y cheap. great variety, N1ickeliâe Pofis ËÈ. Sot7 Ji esks, 1Iiik- stands, &o.,,&c. Owing to the pro' ling lkisiiea psi,'re low prices of New Goods wil bo foui a great indudennt i Cash pfrýcatro., Whitby, April. loIs, 1878. Practical Watclsmakei', Brook-ml WILLIAM TILL'8 CABINET 9-AC1OAY AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS1 TH£ OLO STAND, BROOK STREET, WHITB Y, Go where you cannot fail to be pleasod in making seleétiqns of good furniture. Splendid Parlour, Drawýinug Boom and * Bedroom Sets, New Desfiguis 'soU 'ortis>'of inspection, et astoniehing low prices. Dus,- ing-soom Extension Tables-e ver>' superios article. Gui Cornices, liieturo Frerning in evory style. Borne fine Chromos anti Engrevinge for sale,. Ti t f lE It &xII rc1q 3-, In ail its braisohess; funetals ettily auppiiod, A stock «f elegaut caskets. coffins elveys ounlient, trimmsed to suit Oetomere, andtà e si!appainted Hearse constantl> lu reedmness.- à I Wiitby, Novetaher 24th. 1875. WM. TILL. CAIIAGES ýAND BUGGIES! THE LARGEST AND-MOST COMPLUITE STOCK OP' Carriages, 8/oeighs and Cutters M.O'DO0NO0VA N'S %TySpecial1 STARTING G Full- Stock- of »Caskets, Coffins, and ail A WELL-APKýlINXp» ~AB4~ W étby h obr~ 1877. 4 OFFICE 0F THE BRO WN 4t PfiEIISIY/ir. T0 TH E PU B LIC0. 'l e preaening ontTwenty.seonlAnnuel (3itloguî of ÂArcwulural 1nt e monela bthe fermera cf Canada for tise yearl81, w'. ç 14b prethe; thé- ciriea-ydegcecfpid. andi confidence, from thse onasketi favalpranti PAlr- 4 eonfrre upnuand tise ateady and i «iDCI'èI d*sd &à Isiar là - ià r o We sall continue aseiscretofore, an manufeeaeya, te sake a npecialty 'cf 4I~I1~ MeisnagytheJolisatn,5elf-riaks , Seapcj. laclmr phcm. ÃŽ;à BendRa A ~ Mower. tise Cayageg~o*ek t, Ii.Tung-Caenà 3oe, n Ourà w Whitby Harvester, claiming c ýlarge dmi-eooai lime tt tttu 1= 6b14~wayt e rlsu-assinYuirma1 orefn1 antiIudiviti- éd atezîton gthlsemjanufaur itoralef .vrosmelesuun, iftiug out tise test pointe, remedyiig defecte, mcdifying and -cosreettag ci-rs, strenghening weak points, adaptiw*g aud proportioning every peuanrti r imireism. ta rov tie cmplteeea f eerypar, n hierefa o tiffculîy in putting Our acliney bc bos mi~à ,edaxsdôenfr tedviisepecial reference -te tise manfacture cf or cwc>n asbinem-essuy tbols boving beemaefo ls p~tisar spse, ana nonet adspteai, for othr enk~~d car; qrkmeou- ui. ccl 0,1up to tise weets a n iqrem sti cf'ý or-~pfcue LaasnJ ongis knowledge cf tbiooestrneloe i oun siun~dareilhseeneMea te cl- tain a bihesr degseeof à ki*iand psoci Ayhane where geeral Mano4aosins i. carre on. We are thiilefore enabledti ftrocloce a MIsoro perfect system lonto ail tise de- partme»ta cf ipanfaotnre,,adduusg oct cnly to tise perfection of the. work, but al- sa; to thé r-~i ity of lis'execto-anti a coniequent reduaetioný of cent. Tisapnncfple in regardeti neuiary lu a weil segulated. estaislames$, sad' w e nabled tc, tutu ont aur machines witis a higiser degre. of perfeiction., anti aI prices ile 1o as abolutely te defy competition. THE JOHNSTON SELF7-RÂKUIG REAPER is Pow a»wvl! knuwam a OSM gie Rpes, t4atal eifesUrd o c eotiation voulti alt oom eaunimerflnouq, butai tisrora en m«aisig 1W manufacture luis *macinue who have adieredte1lte od original Jolistos- maine, vitisont leep- ing np te lise imiroeeznents; lthM setice (o urgelven anti patrons require cf us te atate tisaI 'e litece modited il in almost evary eseetl peart, anti for strenth asud dus-ality quality of cOtt, lu oiry Luni and ccnà tii o f grain ; ligisînea cf tirat and eos.or management-thé "&Jolinston," aostsnufaçete4 by na-stands pre-emlnenfly aheat cf à ail cher reapers. In preoýf cf1tiisPosition vo have enly te Point $to6many FirmI Prime awardeA e o-atýtie lastX].rienlniwtrial cf Ou- tarie, anti masy echun.ty trials whicls have then place aover Canada, witisin tise lent few yearga J OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINES, vust laotsnprovemeuls, fsalal tisat con be deaireti in a Comà bineti Machine, anti caunel fail tp meet aIl tise requirementa cf pxi.rcisaere, Ourin Improved-Cayuga Chief dlr., and our Youflg Canada Mowers are both fr.t.claan machines- constituleti almost whoily of Iron anti Steel. Tise Cayaiga Jr. h*n a rear cul, andthie Yeung Canada a front Oul ; bot sntreng, dur- ab aemauireeo sud not exoalled, by any machines in tisa market for cnMt, durability, ligistneeaof draft, adsptability, anti easa of management. OUR'NEW' "WHITBY HARVESTER." As tisé ccuntry han bacome btétler adaptedtioc marbiieary, sut many of car faim. crs hava become akileti in the usé cf machines. a grcwing tiemand han npruîîg up for a Ligist, Durable, Fism-Clama Bemper. Alive la thé requirementa cf lise day, we bave mcceedeti in iuvanting a ma- chu.i with a Wrougisl Iron Frame, 'snOb tise leant possible gearng-wltii large, broati-facet drive viseel,-and mc coe.trncled tisaIt te frame anti table tilt attse came time, thheieby keeplng tise pftmau alwaym in line vils lise kuife., The rakoa are tuyau directly frem tise main saf--isers bcing -ne perceptible aida draft, and ne veigst opon lise herse. necka. We are confident thet se isave aucceeded in inventing lise mcml perfeel Reaper, taking iti&l .itm parts, that hem oves been preduoti. W. ha*uo.pplieti for Jetters patent, andi .ehllisold or invention, for eut o01M eiôluoee manufacture, aba 'se reipectfùliyOutgest)o in« tending pnrchasern, tiatheysheýuld sec Ibis machin-e before 'vt Ohéftest ers for lise ceming Isarvest. Tise "Wiiby Harvemlor" veigis,ai toit, 800 poonta, but beiog mate principelly ef tise béat quality ef heu and teelta, andi from its in- genions tnd compact costruction, it combines tise etrenglis anti dnrahility cf lise Iseavier machsinem. Ail cf ear machines are feily varranteti. With this liaI cf machines, se féol confident tisat wva cn meel evcry se- qulsement, anti 'e rempectfnily solicit a trial cf cur machines, helicving hhat vo cen fmrnisis e bettesr'nachise foi-tise monoy th*e can be-cbtained elseviere. Respectfully Yours, BROWN & PATTERSON MY'G. CO. Witiy, Ontario, Fciruary, 1877. CARRIAGÉ FÂCOIY BROCK-ST., WHITBY. I NEW STATIONERY & BOOK STORE,j VERY CIIEAP. CALTL & S1E TIEM. NEW GOODS -Oc-- Clothing and Gent's Furnishing flouse Is nowsupplled with ail the newest styles of Fnglish, Scotch, and Canadian Oloths of ail kinds, the Lagest and De lt Stock thiey shd Oil Mo an excellent stock of 'Gents' Furnishings, al non'. A. splendid stock of Becdyà rmede Oývercoate, Cisenp for Cnash. McMILliAN'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, - WHTBY. FALL BOOTS AND SHOES! Tise undersigned ýbegs tp eaUl the attention of customern, A bise public ta bis presant lar ge stock cf 13oobs antiSisoas,'a'iicis buelus ling et astonishingly low'prieu, for cash. Ladiem', dents' sud lMises' greet vade~ty, manmfactured in tise best mannes, cf the isesn material,' l in tise ne'sest stylo. Jive a ceil anti get fibteti for tise.tiamp wetlse. Mi orders promptydI cuti, anud repelys neabl>' made as usuel. hitby, Sept'. 8111, 1878., JOHN SAUNDPERS, 'ASHIONABL1E -TÂlb$oBlNGci 'where yon can get a Well-fittiùg Garment -"-To the Tailorng ýetabliishmÃŽnt'of GEOR~GE GÙIALÉY;O1,8HAWÀ. JIPERIpR -ÇUTTING 8HA.P8BrT V IE '4 ~i eimkW. AT THE 'WHITBY SOHOOL BO00K AND NEWS DEPO0T r ---O-cee- J5 G-.McDOUALL Begs to annoance to hlis customers and the public iii gassoral lisal ho bas openecl a Blationer>', School Buok anti Noestepot in connection wibis bis Confeclioner>' & Beking businsess, in hie old stand eoutis Brook Street, visercocvorythisg inai theline cen be heti et ver>' low rates. ef SThe Daily affd W.éek1y Papers always on baud, and do- tiveredtioc aubecribers lu mil parts cf thse to-an. Ortiere prompbly fileti for Periadicals, Magazines aua Music, £so, it wdl-essortcdl lot of Mottoes, Berlini Wools, andi Faucy' G-oods, on isanti, at loy prices. The public will find it to their advantage to tate a peep at ens stock lefore purchasisig else'shere. SWlsitby, Mareh 4115, 1878. J. G. MoDOUGALL, South Brasýk Street. - :00: - BE ST received Fir8t Prize' in the County- Show, just held, for' Artistie 1'7n88tJvaCoffee, Fresh, G,'oq nd ta Order. il, .JAMESON Jutn-ved a large st6ek o ieexpires4ly ~ up English rmarket, of thse hoiest qulityin --MTR. 10OH N FE R;G,ýUSON lus A, HE*V e$qTOoK--,F. READY-MADE C YLEOJP19 1N G2 Including a large stock of OVRRýCOAT9. -4XCELLENT GENTS' SIJITS, m a dé 'ù ,the Latest Styles. J __________ __________ Bù'ffalo ]Robes, a great- number. s.eling at an immense sacrifice. ADJ JOHN FERGýUSON,-ými Dndas-Strdet,Wiby Oct, lst, 1878. WM. BURNS, BROOK ST24ET,- REas jtxstereceived, dfreot 'froin thé Manufaoturers, a good &Cssortment of Ladies and Gentlamon's Marsard, Empress, and Amorican AIso, Pacifie lag8, Cheap'fci Ctishf. Four more, of ôo,,55c, 5o a "d $1.00, Prunelle Boots. -uT bases R EO0EItVED -AT T E WHITBY CHINA TEA STQE, A Large ýAssort1nent of Crockery, and Glassware of al kiinds. Alsio a Large Consignment of GLASS PIRESIERVE, JAIRS $:a-Ail of which will bo sold Cheaper than ever for Cashs. Oeil andi examine for yourselvcs, before pnrchasimg elsewhere. A.l50, lecciving Dai]>', al k inds of FRESH RIPE FRUITS, LEMONS, &o., For Sale, Wliolesnale anti Ecteil. W. J. GIBSON, WEIITBY CHEINA TEA STORE. WANTED.-ýAny quantity of Good Ripe Cherries and Harvest A.pples, for whicli the higlicit matrket price will be paid in cash. W. J. GIBSON Whitby, 9, 7, '78. ~~rrjri~~w COLLI1~rs' BOOT AND) 511E STOIRE Has been removed from Brook Street to Dunldas Street, firat door 'sest cf Armsbrongy's Hotel, -sisere ie lias e splendi stadeof thse IBIGIT FIT A&ND MAKE, anti cf the best styles cf-ýBoots andi Shoes. AUl orde'rs pronsptl>' ebtendti to. Repiairs meatly dôme. Pw Iýundas Street, first store west of Armstrong's Hoteh. Bemembor tise place. 9ýÊ 1Witiby, Jua 121h, 1878. XATTHREW COLINS. (80iua.25 McrCROSSQ N &G 91 King -Sfreet, - AIRE NOW SIIOWING Toronto, THEJfARGEST STOCK 0F FURS EVRSIÃWN IN CANADA. !9-FIN E- URS A SPECIALTY...MI PUR TRIMMINïGr CUT TO ORPER. BIIAl !U 3S.' ASTRACIIMI SACQUES, WOLF ROBES, RUSSIAN LAM3 SACQUES, RACOON RomEs, 6 . S. IIEAL SACQUfIJ, TAR RODES, PERSIAN LAMBx SACQUES, BUFFALO: ' ROBES, MOCK ERMiNE SiACAUBS, MINE CAPS, MINEX SETTS,, ý- S. . -SEAL CAPS S. S. SHAL- SETTS, OTTER AND SEAL sETTS, ERMINE SRTTS, PERSIAX LAMP CAPS, PBSIAN' LAME SETTS, BALTIC -SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN - ETTS COllET CAPS, J3LACIC SAMlE, SETý!EI GEY LAM CAPS, CONEY SETTO OBRM4N MMRCAPS, IREY LAM'J bETTS, CHILDEEN'S SETTS. - Particular attention givon to Torono, Dec. 8, 1877. seilyatn CUTTERS, AND 'CAIRE all orders. Alterations Ided te. BUGGIýE, à oGES. A Large Assortment of Cutters and, Buggies FOR SALE, CHEA?, TO Photography over all other competitors.1 DUNDAS FIIRST--CLIAS.S -WORýK! An4 no experimemthng--on -humbug pro- P .5:' -'i ~ /- -- - i - - -4' - ~EST'S, SIMC9~-STR~T1 ~Q SflIAWA. ~M1a~u. 9~ P~41 1V8, c - I e ~ie~ - I s ~. -' -i i ii -i - '1 - MS & NE W PORT'S CTrEleFactory, SADDLEIRY AND HARNESS. WlLL-IA-M TH.OMPSONM Bege to direct attention b his, large ana supeiotokcmrangvry thing lu tise Saddlery anti,,,resioatoomrsge, Leà ther Val1isesý and, Saratoga: 'I runks i A LOT 0F OIILDREN'7aCARRIAUJJS' ~Vi~hnapu &CepA lpotiolaËwbsn %'s- Che K»!lsewsn Tie001 Commmcingcon or Abet MONDAY thie-8th- A2414~ IRE STEA3IU W IL baeler regelar trips oiwtizi rlvlouteG1.T. R. ' r. I rRa --n ~West' conuectizng et' .Rccbmslar th ie, New îYork VautraSï, Nortliem. Central, andi 9R 122lw', -Anti LakeOutxio Sh ore, 1, lnonot tise Rame Watertown&.Og.. deaburis R iy, Loýr ailpoints Eut,, Wei*t~ouh. bv Csrlt (otof Rochester) daily et 9 p. m., except Saterdays wban the a stlleae 1 p. toi. for Fort ilcpe direct. Veslerstutc c,.illf ju ciieapest" anti moastexpeditioua route Jo- Bomton, AtiÊAn7ý New York,.&e. r .'-, For furtEeË ifflrmation apply to W. SEWOÃ"iB, C. P. GH.DERSLEVZ,. Port en igt. ITfl T, FORT F n rLIDA CONDENSED TIllE TABLE. Taking affect on Moutiay, Jaly lot, 187... TRnAINS GOuNoirE. Leave Whitby .......45 a. mu., 6.45 pan.. Fort Ferry.0. .55 7M.55 Manilla .. . 5 , -- Arrive Iliudsay .... M15 9.1 Leave Lda~. 70 .m*'.0pm Manlilm .... 7M58 .14 Port Ferry.8.5 7 Arrive Wliitby .... .25 8.0 For Urne et otiier stations, Mes Pocket Time- Table, to be lied on application ta any of- the Companv'e Agents. CONNECTIONS. Wnrrnx JvvcrxoN.-With Grand Trunk Rail. 'way for ail pointaeaut anti west. POR M.-With sae f or Epsem, tir and Uxbridge.;e U"Bv.-o mltod ant i cki Miswni-For Suliderland anti Canulugtcn. SlsmPOSA..-For Oakwoodi Little BialVa- lee=-and 1:Pat h ooveir. - - L ssy-ihVictoria llailway ar Minden, Hahirton, lhe Pros Grant Territory,ý sud thc Enls adConwnlpa j erywltls MI&. landRailey fr Viee, hUSrock -Pater-, bnliW oDU,1eaverton OrillIa, Waubç- shenePen ene aand Georgan 'ay Eraeebricge and thse Prec EGrant lasOs Munkoka. Tlsrougii Tickets ara iued by a&U Agent. cf the W. P. P. &tcL.RSy for sarntdanby G. T. R.L Ticket AjeInts. ornoo si tations ou W. P. P. & L. y'No trausfer eisssem- - J~A~RSHOLDEN, UNITED STATES CONSULAR GEO. B. YULE, AGENT, Brook Street. FARMFTOR SALEI SOI nPRT io lots 25 anti 26, Brokcen FrnPitering, contaimingýous bun- drei aces mroress, tish oprty oathe late Roer rena.Tisproperty 1la beautifully situateti on tha margin oftht&s Lake, near Liverpool; Market, ankit about. tan miles from Oihe couutyp town ot Witby.. For tarme & - ONWAY, Or te 13t; Paul'n, Toronto. W. iH. BILINGS, Solicitor, .Wbitby. Cliimney 8Sweepling ROBERT KING DEGS TO INFORM THM PEOFLE. B of Oaïwa, Whltby ant he aurroueti. itneighlirhood,thathlebas ret.rued ta Whittiiand a à i taisen U'p bis resideuca tisere wherea allrdere aressatto hlm at, lia Post Office 'wf11 -bc promptly. attendeti te. Orsiers promnptly*and carefoily Oee&No.- dirt, no duet. Perfect satisacetion ýguaran.! Chsi-ieys repairesi and re.buiit; witle- wasing and* coloring dones; charos Iow ; prompt attention and-complete satisfaction Whi*tly, sept. 211h, 1898.(1 MARTIN & WÂRAM, HOUSE, SION AND) ORNAMENTAL. PAINTERS. Rave met receivetia aw stock13" ot WALL PA P-ERS cf tise lmIsIdeffigati tterpna, VEESCOING A SPBCIh'LTY. Freao desigua e:ecuteti on tisemisortest notice. y- (LITE I DýARRISTE: Court StréetT J.G. IRoienisox, -- -G. YOUrî -BARRI'orI Jan. 2z,1878. soit. Agent f oves Wlgtisbs OuIsava. CANER BARISTE BSolscitors HIECTOR CAJIERfN, T TOW IL from 9tol1 o'cc C.URGUO1ç T s Byr-on SIre Dr.1 Wm. MaRRSpt.I W D. Roitb= Se. t ant iGlubert atrae C, 1X. 1 but i eth lh Tatis exti, i locsl asnmstlséle. en'e mvbloék, c King Street, Omi JOHN: t-AIR- DREti ýLA. Saloon, Bei otJen tiehG oU V RGINI1A T WitLi.u BLACESMIz'1 <SiiOcessor te Ho0ne 5siig e w vrk.- Clerk Dmivali &cu., Atieri>', Cou -Athisuly sspt.nff .NEW Af G -MUSIC 7IJENISI Scating Capac: Wi$i<Oct. 22, 11 LAND- SALT i, 1-- m YHITBY, 1