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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Nov 1878, p. 1

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on or Abýcus ON oal Ossntario eare. testam de og.. - àl poinite Eel,,' )AVe Chaslotte' U 9P. Mu,,éseI 1ar 1111aht, n lieus s-utoeta &Cs. bppl y ta .LDIILIIvE,, ty& L7NDSAt iTA BLE; Joby lt, 1878.., 117H. 51W me i'aeket 'rtme- il ta-anly of tbe ands Trunle Raoil- s' Epecua, Utes i Wlsck, ul cauoleglon. .. Meé Bltaio.Va.- . Na UOO5WV chgesl- rouglis JAÀMES IOLDEN, MI lbaglng Dreo »' Ontario. îLE, AGENT 'OR SALE L of lots 25 andi 26, lrokoéu' l'n contain1anj onse hus- risthé poperty af th& issu, l'his praporty la a on the inargfn ix fthe- pool Mecket, ad- about, ëOoaaty towitnioWhltbi.. YýA&TRICK CONWAY, St. Pnil'o, Toroîta. 015, iter Whily. 3weepingI ETIKING '011K THLE POPLPà 'ht~andi the urounsi. tht e las e rturosil ta talion up 'hi% residonso ers asidresseil ta him at hob pramuptly attended ssii carefoilly filsd. No fout eatisfisçtioa guaran. iii ai lre.bult ; White. ring dons ; chscgs ow ,; ni opesaetisfnstiou OIU4AMENTAL PAINTERf. ivci! s new stock ai PAPER8 egu sudpattecnue Gl A, SV'E CIArTY. Isectestlon the shortest MiARITIN &-îVARÂM, f Vlig's 'riaonuiy, 1Brook TORONTO Vapor Ba th8. (llusat ees oers, ansd for tué rouis O9 xscetiaa witb le more rap. world bora man. Tise e lu tue City BROOK STSiET, W, andY o ArisaItMise ratseo01Gaseti, pelcigg&0 nartien, and S2eaiiP« LLp,e .subee Inwu8paowsna 'mnsu m*ttwr t- 9 ne O oeon traélo tad "- vlsavrs, Ily thé year, oreothecwWso SOrderato dlssaatita ae vremto 'Business IJireo tory OîiTÂiftO DANK, WITBY ]3ANOHi VOL -XXi DUNDÂS-BST., WEITBI (WF5T Or PO ST O01 Cii.) hli ouse ba beeon relybi smil raore ttedàuidlanL freh Lger~ér. I8o'mabling a oiedyr;attentive osftiere. L ~BTOB. ahI lu st-c~mae' ~slIa~ 46 TROMAS1D0W, M(,BAN(D TRUNX RAM WAY MOTEL, KI5u5, (eOull G. T. B. Station,) Whllli. FAR9EWELL '& IUTJLHDGE, WM.ONMILL -PEOPBIETOB. ~DRE8T1tATTORNEYS, SOLI. icyacamdai t ul,inlS ie. S o<tîdes :Pbi,:, coaav;y. alry bedr&téns, M"alit a&Ua> ilbete7,htby e b saiLnets, WLes4snde, Cigare. MAMES RUTLRDGE, B. A,. vey eceessy dction'given ta .J. B. FAREWELL, L. L. B.,, lrtvoe 'ns CoaslsirCrow Attrnsy lo Gai Stbig,,enclos>ayard, aas aten e nyCrw tore. aosîloca. .-0 JAMES KEITH GORDON, 'MECALRTL jTTOR"BET.,T-LAW, OMRU HTL JAMKESDEWABT -PEO0PRIETOR. CZIARJiBN C. KBLLER, 00G daccoumdfation. f2 A TTOBNEY.-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR 11N tLChaucrc~ovyancer,ko.,Canlng- (lOMMERCIAL HOTEL andi STABLES, ton, Broock, C.,w 51 64and 5M Jarvia-strosti, Taonta, L. T. DAKCLAY9 sc'sar on z.z ATTOlNET- AT -LAW, SO0ICTOR oebeqt 81. a Day*us n the Ci>ï I. fIn Cla:nrnyansi Insolveucy, Convey. bolnfle oterD , ni sucer, &c., &c. tlhie arket. Thé Mataisbsasn the our Hose, hity. ittaoutandvcy-tiiiag ?ct-dcle,. tly.fl< LYMIAN ENGLISSI, L L-. D 13ARIIISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN BLPE A C HO USE, Chancery,Coaveyascer,kc.,,&o. Hlm. eae Stréet, Oshsa.a DUNDAd.STIRET, WIIIT13Y. A. G JllMaLA, d a ccomisadat-ioa treuanable terme. A. ~ cMLLN5 BoaSders 82.50per wsek. 4 (Lâte Unesawooad &maMilan.) BAESEATTORNEY, SOLIC. MUE QUEEN'S JIOTEL, Blion,'NotarRy'Public,. Cauveyaucor. Cf. J filc-Byfon BInet, Southi ai Post Ofice, (LI£ colla U.IuchLi lý'hltIly, Ontario. I ltOCK-STRECET, WJ1ITIiT, * ROJINSN & ENT, TAYLOR &i McCANN, PROpRIETORS. (LATie 'ooàiéaundérslgueidéseiré la infcm their (Lir DîGoA & Iaeneua.> rie de and tisépublia that they have taken 1)ARRISTERS.AT-LAW, A T TOR N. the abovewiell kuown hatelt,whieh tlsoy BL>ee, Soicitors, Conveyascers &o. a h7v ewlY itteil uP anil renavatel, ail put 011106-,roylao&ltAssurance Buildings; lutd thébest ci crier for the mocoas-a Court B#trceq,Toronto. ticof aigaséste. 'TlioBal, which la thé han&. J-0- Roa1#0pX-esA, -a.HxEBERT A.E. iXXur,.osaét lu thé Couuty., (saiel suppliei wlth tise est brand oatinos, liqone sud ci. G. YOUJNG SITII, LL. a.,, gan Amiple ehiclosesedsiroax sud gpoi s ita ~lns, box stalle, d&a. Detacheil roomi AREZTER,& &.-MoU-yla Loaafor ilamercal tiravellers. B Issaier ai Mariago Liseuses. 1. P. TAYLORM PRILIP McCANN, Oprncz-Over Dominion Banik, Whitby. lsté a Toronto. Jas, 22,1878.. (11-. -ROYAL HOTEL, GEO. Si. JOHN IFALLIIN, J WRITBY, ATTOBNRY Solillr ad Canvoyancer. CImaoy talieu. MotgsgeshouglitidJA. PRINGZE, PROPRIETOR. ou. gent lac'sevoe Ring CStOfiet Tite langeaI aud mosî cammodious isotel Ogsisa, l yIÏ ilu 04e tanu -, isîslange sasplé roramefon commtercIal travales. al ela le CIAMEILON &AI'PELDIE, iitistise bstin0paion. Besbcansiu1 Pl ARMlSTERS, Attarucys-at-Lair, sud t Ri ose ; Zrgs asut h B Soicitore lu Cissnomn, No. 4 ToreuO-to mses.vsioté. stret, RToronLto. l.-ivcyattacisei. 27 .-' -MROQ.- - 8 B8APEB.Rà551" HOUSE-TORONTO, ONT. THOMAS HUSTON, 01- 'wý Thé Palace Rotaioa' Canada Refitteil, fOWN CLEIlK AND TREASURER, Refilished, sun Unnivalleil. Newr Passes- SWitby. Offic-Toirs Hall. eure, gor lévatar, ruslnlan lgit aidilsy. Thé J& f cam 0a1 aclocli. oui 1y ('rgi-claie ciel luCanada vilsgradu. * - s~te iamesnvnd-S 0. 0,sd88 pr day. B. J. GUN, M. 1., hem of a Clubs sud atisors, desinng ron ithout board, Si ta8erav URGSON TO TEE COUNTY GAUL, ruMA i Ljb S Byron Street, Wbltby.* Feb. 9th, 1878. Proprietar.r Dr. W,.J. JBURNS. Ors-cn-Noxt tiaor ta CHRonneLE Office. ntiood tactheisoRoyal Hote], Wlsithy. BYRON FIELD, DI. B. 'DIIYSICIAN, SURGEON, de., Dafflusa' t. (.esk. n U'S IHOSPITAL LONDON, EN.,, Diti. BOGARIT, Pliyolelati, Surgeon, Acconcher, &c., &c. Whitby, Sept. llitb, 1871. 40 -W. ADAMS, IDJE STTI 1ST.- flOOMS OVER I Il . JAM4~SON'S yrcr Store, Dunais.st.,W1,by- <Iffice houre Irem 9 am. ta 12 ni., &aul iconi 110 tg 6, P.- m- lleIlcnce-Cor, of Dyron and Gflbext treets. ON.VAL, . . ç oe 'UETH insorted au ail the a~latast principles of the art, se che4p as the Ccapost, sud as goosi sethe 1,08t. Tssth OUiled with Gald andi Silver. Tseth extractesi without pan by produciog local aiesithebia. Dental e aone-in Cow. nu's new block, avec Atkilison's Drug Store, King Street, Oshswa. 85 JOhIN ROB3INsON'a% fAIR DRESSING AND sHAVING J.Saloon, Brocis St., Whitby. 3011N 1VOLFENDEN, A GENT POUl TIE CELEI3RATED I~Scattish Orai:.. At Marbie Works Ofijenatlhan Woleudne, Dudas St., Whitby. C. C. 8CALES, VIRGNI.O ACCo AGENCY~ WILLIAl, COOPERI, JILACEBMrTHl, - - 13ROUGILjiM, (Succenaar ta Thiomas Middaagh) Harns shoeciag and anl oloagnrl work. d(Nofgnl6 q leE. ()'DELL, A T H E R L Y, Clark Division Courtj Tp. Clark, Colhuruisiea, lu1B. IB., Laund Agentlu&c., &e., Athierly, Oouty Ontario, il O 1 î1ri 8 NEW MUSIC 1HALL, MUSIC FUI1NIShfI> WREN DE SIED. Scating Capacity, One Thousand. UEO. HOPKINS. WVliitby, OCt. 22, 1877. y4 LANDo SALT AND PLASTER leO 01 SALE, CHEÂP AT LIVERPOOL MARRET. J. H. -MCCLELLAN. lýisrjoil Markiet, AlunI, '78. 10.11 FAUCHERS RESTAURANT, AIJAMS'BLOCE, KENT STREET, LI ND SAY, <>IostOsrefsm Telograh Cililce. IVî~~Ts 1~1hoursJfysters with Poprntitudeu, niattentions. WHITBY, ONTARIC) lailuateors, Dealer&s ani îaoturcm aifalU ind, ai LEATHER ANDO FINDINOS8, Cash Palifr e% de,rî. ansiLehr Letier tretesij S'BELTING IfAD Te-O ODEON UEOy THeCEN:ITRAL HOUS î (LateI i.ckliarl Rasée.) C. GIFFORD - Propriec Th ' bliase in the Seat in lise Couri ca 4ses IL. AYERS I-OTEL, E, F or. lty. 82 MLL-&ýr*,ROUHMESTER, N. Y. Price cexicesi tii 81 50 a DaY. Tii Hatell iasreiscei its price ta thé Travelling Public ta 01.50 per day. Il la 1ia àtidtheis N. Y. Centrai Depot (anly a few siors South), sund Sas recentîy boon ce. Mtbed !sud re-lurisiseil, Open nigist sud day. isé ous en rst-cluss iuvery ce. speet, d icanada people nl Save manoy by gai l g ta tise ÀAyons Hotél. F WILSON S.PRÂGUE, Praprieton. Rochstcr, N. Y July, 178, (m28 ýB RITISE 1AàMERICAN HOTEL, WjI ITB YpON TAJ2I0. Hami 0 newly aýeLoV&ted sud lurslisei tisrougt ast, adpût lu first-cianssarien for lrecqptsoxs of guests. An omnibus toansd rani al trains. Firest-clas sampie coinas. SIÀAiE S PEÉA RE, HOT EL, Cor. Kim, & YocIc.sts., Toronuto, Ont. J. A. ô'GRADY, . PPRIEluTOR. .Tsi.io, $1.10 Iru tDýiv. ly-47) POýST orFICE SALOON, TonaNTO. M. McONNLL ..FIF2I2Ol I.ýy Til flET ACCOMMODATION jm Ian Guests. (ly-47) URENS IIOTÉL. - VICTORIA QU IARiIOU[R JAS. CE PR PI O , Goosi Table, Liquaré, euid Cigare. Fine, tabling si very tncccsoocy accommoda.' tion. ly.41 W.J. EiN1rA, 1 OS A W A, Vet4rinary Surgeonlt Will be t Anmuntýraag'e hotel, Whitby, oeoq Ttucsdajt, romu 1 ta à o'ciaclx, P. M. Aprl 25, 1877. 18 1 w tae Line B ET Ti(EN WEITBY & OSHAWA.- I aveput anitise route between Osh- awa antiWlitby !a camlartable-covered Stage, a-La slicit thse patronage ai travelers ansi oth rs. Rvery attensias will hopaid ta theud t and Cozvenienceofaipassougers, y lt kèqeu nd prompt delivery ai paccels bammitted ta my charge. Thers wlU bo two stages pli day each way, vis,:. Lesvin~ Ohaaearmornizz ganntisas ta 4so connections with the Whitby& Lindsay1 Railway, sud at 8 acock each aiternooan sd [ealug Whitb y atIl a.m. andat6P.aat th day. Theostage 5wiff éàali at aul botels lu' eaeh tawn, aud aciers loi t at aay af thé hotels nill be attendsd ta. Face. aud charges moderats. J. R. ADAIR, Prcnprietor. Muircli 2Vth 18,78. (1 LA DS FOR SALE 1 IN! TIIE TOWnshlp of Somarvle, COUNTY 0F VICTORIA. The fôîlowing landinlathe tawnehip ai lomerv9lo, Couuty ci Victoria, are affered ar es i Lot , lu thisBth conces. sion5 coustn f i 1 acres. Filteen acres elcesi nd fenteil. A novor.failing stréam, cresaes olot, on wich Le u niiialto the Icaof ai a0g04 The p ,eri lY a a ie ia rah1w ation o ho riet ra RalWa, andi 8 in=&l rom the viioo ;0 Kinmonnt. Mossr4 John Goaiman andi Daniel Silver, saToen wih sho* the praperty. JAS. ALEr, Mo YPi . OÙzstrl, orto A MO'T M-PWi4 5ndIaaRLtOURI AND Iý FEEýD NEHAýOT1çB fei,ýe ia tlnm tàWl~IDb Taisaby~EA O O~H * Fer furter parlicu*r:e -lte t u la, 00the JAMES O~DEN tOR S~LE CEÂP se tof an q Oa uise, Broker,stHo a~ tonl and t~.. Ap9im sm, u . tIST ON T'u.NOB .~DVSO OURTB iily plti APPLET~EE CU N TY >FONTRIO,~~ ABO T 7,00, P RT ý1 S78ý ,. ETBLZ vtà- Tu, èml~J j~ 'Agenits1 H O M ZR R S Ry- 0 LzlfD. Lot No 8 nd Con., ok.Higo u Kingutan CHI1NAIHA'L Li 8105f OIF TUE 11G0 JUG EOSTEOiD) 71 KING-ST. EAST TORONTO.. FnyBreakfast sud Tes Sets. FssyDisse- sud Dessert Sets. PcyBa--amasSets. FcyJugesud Teapoîs. SivrPistéS nives, Pares sud Spoons. Silver Platasi Os-nets sud Balte-QoAbers. Silvur Plsié Cale Baskets, ]Raigars' Knives sud Poche. Tea -Ta s sauiSes-vers, Plamer ~Shaiei les-Liby's, dia., dec., Qiasaare, s&Uidescriptians. Wite Ston asr-, every tisi, Hotel asdir Uad. GLOVER HARRISON, Impacter. FRASE.R &. CLARK, BOTTLERS OF ALES AND PORTER, WALT'Z! LAGER BRRR, &c. MILLTICHAMPS BUILDINGS, 29, 31, & 33 Adeisîde Street Bost, ' TORONTO, ONTARIO. - Nov. IStis, 1877. (ly.47 CASH FOR GRAIN, - Ta Se sielives-ci aI Erenchman's Bay. PLASTER, SALT, AND COAL FOR SALE. VIONEY TO LOAN 'u Rosi RElate 1at Lai Rates af Intereal. J. Il. McCLELLAN. onusry Oth, 1877. 1. 0'759 000. F-1 LJO-&I ON PIIIST-CLASS ARM LANDS, suma af &2oÃ" sud upwsris, at 7 per cent. Payable Rîalf-yearly. 1 Apply to- GEO. S. IIALLEN, Solicitor, &o., vânI,. April l7th, 1877.ý 17 A na et ol M fedncs. t,,r der, nradeI c seavlstris vl sr, Icoawon us1 tefs ,Iammple selfora ý lsu, w11, o"airase tble (shlow eOrcro. J. M . REBVF.49j Chatham St, W. Y. NOVELTY WORKS,l WHITBY ONT, T IlLe SUBSCRkBER hsving purchaseil Lthe Machinry sud entire stock ai seasanes Lubeî f rom the Mndge, andi Tarwood Manuiacturing Compauy, isnaDw prepared to frnIhDoosSashes Blinde, Frame, Moldi is, aseArcLitravs, P io r n g , S Ij e e tin g' - n d u v e r th n g e - quri ythe trade, at thé lowest living WodtnigNowîls andi Ialusters ta order. f Lumber for sale, best quality, lawest Weho: froua 1long experionce andi by sqre defing tai menit a sItars oIýpublic patronage. GUOGILCHIRIST, Propristor. JELIZA MARIA CAMPBELL, ai tho TownoaiWhitby, County of Ontario, and Province ai Ontario, wiie ai ROBERT CAMPBIELL, ai the sanietpace, zperchaut, hereby givo notice ihat I intoend ta apply ta theDoniinion 1'arliamnsnt next session lac a Bill af Divorce, o menact thora, froru my said huebausi, simllar ta the Bill passed in niy behalII by tIeno nate iu 1877# ifor deser. to.cruelty, anthie other, causes, set forth iu sais ill11. Whuli ELIZA M. CAMPBELL. fy, Juiy Sth,1878. O.f Il SALE, AT 7THE jEN MAJOR MILLSI1 600,000 lest Pine Luxuber, wcl eHaanesicd Iuis hBoards. Floorlng, 2r 4 Soautlg, 2-inch Plaule, Psncing l3osrds, 100 00àleetof Oak$ Whllby, Ja-, th, 1878. -Sýecond Seaic l--Summer a078. S~UREONPOMT HOTEL. 1~l0trains , onjtrts ]!natsy at Sge. 5WOcasifors-time-Ilhle, iehamlg arrivai sud depérture ai boats auï4 trahis. 21) J. B. ()UNHÂM Pronietor. GEORGE ý,BRITTON, PBAT7ICAL CA RH/A GE WA GGON MANýUFAd'TImE itrO a nom improvesi Root Seed and -Cor, Dril, Doûble & Singl e Turnip Drils -CLATTON'S PATÉNTED CHUENS, (Impieveil.) Wagr ne, Buggies, Sîsiglis, conetastby au REPAIRING O osetby and mcii os tise sliortetuotice. . GO. BRITTON, 9"Puileaôrus oulliOl lie Quseu's Rotai, BrockeStneet...... ......Whitby. April 101h, 1878. L y.44 GOOD NEWS FOÙ TE LADIES. À NEW REVEIýATI0N MN THE SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MARIN-G. (CORNWALL'S tELF-1,ITTMGO WAI-ST & SHOÙLDER CHAR Dreiies fitted froin, measureuoent aic wjthouit change of à stitch. lÉor sale, with troc instructions, at DUleBB8MAIcING O 111, WHnTIIY. Agents wantedl. Libéral Inducemeuts ta the trade.- Whltby, Aug. 18, 18W4 8 THIEPARKER CUN. a i l- h . SL t o c k l iô h . d > a n t 'a r g e L l 7 JWhhthy, Aprl 1*h, 1878. XRT E-AIMRICA Assurance Coàmpa1j INjCORPORATER) 5833. A 8 SE T S, $l114876 94. F. A.ý BALL, Insus-suies'affectl ai thé laireut eun rates on Biiings 'Merclianise, sud c pr*opéstyi*iosnuI hase os- dumage by ilse. Whitby, April 1Mh,1878. TUHE EARLTORD' HARTFORD, COXN. CHARTERED î8na CAS11 CAPITAL 1,250,009.9 i8IXTY-EIOHTti ANNUAL EXHI8IISTf $ 8,2 92e918149 Manarpesi kilful Underwritere, sudi Suxt7zY.Elght oarnee of thé eai. sng Finaucial Intitutiaus ai thé Coutry. Cash lndemnity Diaburscd ta Patror Over 21,000,000.00!1 W-r Ail busiess Transactesi on Princip] ai Commercial IHanon. Agent, Wisitl WilbApi bs 1678 A.SSURANCE COMPANI, INCORPORÂATED, l8i. CAPITAL, - - - 8c, (Witli power bo lucrese ta 81,000,00.) F'IRE AND MARINE fead Office - - Toronto, On~ Presideut. HON. JOHN McM URRICH. BERNARD HALDAN, Micnaging Direct, .3J. EENT, - - n8ecretui: lla' Insurauces offectei 51et holoweet-cul cent rates on Buildusîýga, Mercliudise, an athercPrOettY, againet lois or dainageb lre. C. NOURSE, Agent, Whltt Witby, Apnil 1), 1378, Depouit with Dominio n Gavernmeut #w, 000. Experienceil Agente thronghout tîî Dominion. Fire BisEs u'riiUcn atiAdegitate Raleo C. NOURSE Whitby, April Ots, 1878, Agn,~ le LIFE AND MCCIENT . 0P HATLTFORD, CONN. Cash Assets, - -$4,316,OOt moe -7 SENo STAMP èOR CIRGULAR PARKER BRÃ"S WEST ME8IDENrT. LEVI SjOMNE, Wilkiniton Block, ýirectly North o Jphnston's FuiÃŽiturs Stars, SOUTH éROOK-ST., - WHITBY, Doggetaannounce t thse inhabitonte o; Whitby asid vicxnity, tl.at ho has apenesi a FLOUR & FEOED STORE, Iu connection with Ihis Dutcher Shop, whcrs ho will aiways lhývG ou hgni A LARGE SPOCK 0F Choice Plouc, u Cracked Wheat, Ostmealf Corneal, atPeus, --j ORDEI1P DEL .VERE9J IN ANY PART g 'kCail is SPicited. ,j Wfikiu,n Block, .1 1Whitby. Marchil2th, 1878. (tf-il TH CANA DIN AIRGAS8 1 Beat of Security. Low Cash Rates. Libeal ealng.Strict Management. Au Otluarished Record. Solid as a Rock. 0 Llife and Edewm on tho - 0ft aC ashleauddésraIlbl foréuth Lanw.i Moapa. for axIs., l.tnqualuy, -o-u-sieuas vl c m Proaélu Laui. 10l00 ssSqua e TisbrTe Cenailan Gas Machine le an auto. Aet hty 1~,00 I.SqureTime. matis ga#.Msk"ng appsrPtus. It is desi - Whitby, Aprîl 11h, 1878.AgnWsty Ail af wich wiII )bc saisichesp lac cash. si as aàluans by whi4hfcoie il hotels, c ua.ciss, dweu»a$s or builing J MPERIAL LOAN AND INVEST- Hé wasii ala beg ta say that the Grist auy kln u, situabotea :'ýthe cosntry, or j MENT COMPAXT. MWI le rauning,aadin is ngfirst-class work. beonil t sleof aias = mans0aici en, Choppalnýdoue 6 iyslathé wok, for éver sbct ppllt with a sd edchaap gas B. MAJOR, Thèse <nohiéare simple of canstrac. AIA, 6000 Dés îth 178Propriétor. tion ýua-t ble aselt ol oforder, cèquiré Rossi Office, Impérial Buildings, Toronto. Dac.Igt, 188ilti no slE, 1> aage,, are niLadi l u a uean- tiai and iurbl lanur Tboey ooJP ltt HE GEAT A 0F o HUMAN spacé arâ set n utsmal éxpéaté, andsire PUSIDUNT: BNU T MS~ AS éL equl 'y idapieg lac 1W itlng ts lret NON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANAÃ"IANBAK t ~I aopry, pub ic g, or théemsI. sonrexrosa-G. D'Ary Baulton. Just Publialied, lu t seaest lle are no uew or untrisi tbing A m Enveippe. Paicé i ensbut have ben in staht .andsi sccesefi MONET TO LOAN ouImprovei Farms, ansiWRdia A leclùre an the NatreT1el l il HIpari ai thé contr both winter ansi at Law Rates ai intecest. Appl1r ta- mrTise g as mail.iesy or Bsé machines luC.NOURSE, à,raar Spematocoea, indu:siby SelfAus sn. mTer ip yérs, eamon Ont volary Emiselanli, împolenc, XéýOg:usludlyksauascarbuatdair gas o e gORTt Dsbillty, and Impedhaaeutat's cammas aizhipregnstaewlthgasa2 l oaT uéccil*Onslnsnox, piepr iff borne wit a rieS brlghl eidIIy Bua . H. HERTLAND, Manager, Toronto. Dit; eitand P stoist pads Ibycaah ae, e&c0d tel OOD MORTUAGES IIOUQET. y ROERTJ. CLVEMVI %L D.'thrugh sanornaé tllxtures, wlt auth'ar ai thée'"Green lBock '-&c 1" the -n eice a ety.No ire Apil 9t4 ,1878. 16 Tise world renawnasiautiior, l-in s a i lujhe procees oai luaniacture, sud mirablo ILecture cloarly proves froua is buil'ne9lgted by i ài sluseil at tis awn expériee ta the aweful cansequenaé sam3 sutbah coasas s 5sed.~LU B L M E ai salf.AIusé may (eé éeotuali an e a s ioa 01 l fr lit, equsit U BE IL M E -ithoutnedicine, 1lawithout 4"goecous one d0ilaWesto coslL gai, varies frun oEN Burgiol '0>atfôhýlmsîo, intrl'a one o and cents le two dollar, 1 iN sugialopraio , o1s, instr#at i thriceoosi ( rings, ororrdMial,, painfisng cgt à a1n ;Foisao çÙ o ..te ricociaI C curé nt aucé certain and efectnaý bý vIsclhe mé'ýaËjM frowmo gasu b8-'umeR n qvery Suffler, ei Malster what Miuconditiofi i n h~otléo trLeana.- WH ? g.- eutuewil roe oo t Cao, e .- XT Ma c ay-t» mssCrys W r. ts ltieoftrc. pa7 or!eef L'.ThhE O éuLVin LMDOd e péMnfatrr orSahsas lnaua1wazs a e&4in pain Y x Poi i? er, ber an ose a. iter, asaS ,tQc9lu .,_<I W »M4,LuWmyyU ,V17cn,6 -'. I tTmbr ~dress loue s~s agi tci~ il., lit yoa, 1 ce, fr hîeliiil 'lnre-ônhil" "Fatser s- là rgiboy . eIv as ves-y pony otE, saýthopeYiou a' s n aeipi.fanl ilion the bridé Coasmessîhe'il have .dBos- te e formle s." driks i hol"fui suh cis bof coanfos-le as are@ not ta easovr un iedik lss ot lia fonudin:u 1eý' pmclhwitotable- bleus p." -. clatis. for Bunsisy,'i a 11111. store eftaty A lectures- m iadsuboss cniticizesi capîl andsi ugas-, soap,,ansi oauileî, stéraS for "hleing tee bosg-wuaei,' roeorei s-s i0 axd* oerylliipg geai, sund lots et il." b 'ethe tact, ansi saisi: -I 'ahail spoékirlt * "My amuadéas-, geauroos aiatsr,"; or- au lang asI pleasé," Tise critic, uho ahéee aisimaesitise Young mas. m'va ls te ,Audience,, cnieti ont:."Ail lias-n ! ~ ' s h h e e s S e y o u a l i e s , ' > u s e s - é . i g i s l . ý f , y e ' i l eu l y s t o p s p e a k i n g l u t h , plis,ed-'ansi lier, toc, Shles, b.'gee& irliens'u-stop pioatng mýé e ssstlie b fertli wcoU n d mos-sy u=y.,-oua ýMike,éi a a ii"'hle -"Vo' mes-e'than 1 moùld cl -My 'b 11hava a theosyslioUt tise doséluan.o l anobber in tb. parialir-I W-5»Mot p a sti lias their wstosionL "Wbat' 'malti .a4ae& wh&o d'th fi or.lu Iaaga," - allIs WW~ , a 0 9 r? ef'leuob év' of mu" - ~ - -~ I 5ev mcs leilesi i hme'stufled utes, ci. awi 2" sekeil thé rataee lilm TJhes'a ~ebue' pper. the& beloog -te vérybody-to wmen .au Wé eato 2on-sud tua'a tlb 'atznophsre. -1 e tv fei19-4 ooper. year. may ceu n i an miaome, xhis floekaa fa om equal te L.h [ai ho lisps miti. ,Baonses yeM"bi irISeé lés-geul uiehp 'atrl ntué' "1 1,i peeaesaiog elght> Million 'of fi >P' sud.nomeoaixteén -m111ien: ofi iet caIlle. Tise clirnîte la luem fineat -i le mos-, tie sil-extr-a ordiù 1 llyI le and lhoe paine cf BueneaAyeî -I m in a, te fnét 'potcaotaoe 1'i à globe for-the Ir-ishemg t testc ta sts-lia, es-for lise rshcp- l ýamalte su iýýveSatent. -Iriesh sb bi 1 il er th or tb vî il - 1 Il 1 --- 1 1 1 b"14011e yaur t Itne ï-siU isf'i aeIrïi 1o uwiu, .4fA 4. P =~d>0 Yat wuoatOî seris Ithe- moor!u sadreaciaulansi jét Pb0P5 ta mli. r0at-eaSgoing il 1 I Wonder yoS An bsej: rvleabutiou ' li,'t bélter sense,- yûtIb 'Dotual ach a Ress-eslietiI5A necyal rudi chickn no.% R1 ,OAJîU tO 'e an kaarladge " Woll," lut«ers-optesiMile. Il itlalias llthy Aila 5choiulg5'~rilla iomentisabites th. vorld, fordesa,. 16 u mlisinn Sue sha ýbénia, ycr stop mien And show YOU moan ta, poifls yox r ées enr4a-> Léry-ietl berdemy il;mei Ant hae smo lyb chulyu. ale îhove ýoff if 8abs cao ; he'II Thon is s lhapsiasiltroubles coaic, tisnt yeni, ansi- Wrl yau, aud- luirayou ~7>.1Du'tsnit yau dam te count thuis, about, ao tht y woeknowow ibes- Btoceasariùihd ta go au il's tn yons- heasior.yec bilu yos'reý su umun tIlim - 'oenîg ieEtsiaeyec bramns ln Be suce youlre niglit, tises g0aest o ietu oa.eupsdheefa Peparo iosgioteadoltyo, adore on lr iesinlua storna, But ouk Ta do lsd tse aWin ao crar, Ashavesoiestyle about'ybu. lier, -Las-sy, thé stcaightfonwara qLles- tion, irbether s ishebas-siyau or ual, mec! se'» buel nielié,Élise nover dosa." meît " Ita Oniy a Drap." ElIa ea e hlerbonaaIlier brother, Otber 1;. - snd lsughed.,,Aund immediately aterJ Il mas a coasiMsntes-'o niglit, ansi lie Irppy triosast'damai tea sciees-fult thaugis thé cottage whoeéEllenansd SUPPOs- î ltbY. Michael, 'tie tira aucviving ichildrea of Larcy wau a gaoi'traulaSman, llitie 1 16 aidBlen Murphy livéî, wa alayineat sd 1"neli ta do" lu tise maclu!; au'! - asd comfortablo, atili Ibère wau a coua lia it not beon for lise ane gréat fouitl aver thse hrow of bath brother sud lustér, --in inclinatiou ta tale tise "lest siropc as thayual befas-. the chaos-fl i re it su lifé macre" whsa li adisal lready1 'ibail abviouly boss sps-ead maI by anges-.. laken quite esnagi-there conli sot y7 but by sosramw. The, sos-rom rA ln have besn a bettes- match foc gaod,-.ex. i coutinneil, lîlntîtilwaxu uat bitter. At elîeutEIuMrh, uts hl lait Michael dréir asy fro'a b aiter'u Kîingdom' af Iselani. Wisèssupper" I eyes'the cbiocked apron rise liai appliai irs fiaisissi, tise éverlastiag wiiskay b ta them, anud takiug liec baud affe- battis irsa producos, sud Elles a'esumed n Stionate1 iywt hie auss ý ald, Illt i ies- ksitting, Aftras- s ml.Larry b '0.for m ny aS ales, Elien, Iliaugislb.th e sueil hasuit for lihs industriaus baud b Lord knaws I Shan b. lonesoniéeengis jof ois siseos, tiinking, daubtiés, wth 8) thé long minter aighîa antd thé bang;the saturaI self-conceil of ail isankind, li ahuamer dasa ithaul your via. Bay. ethat lho mai porfectly sonuse ilS fi saga,,yans- siret sang, ansi yaus mes-q LEllen ; but, tisougis Elîsu lovéi, bile baugis, for that I cauooselong remum. ail my foin coustcymaumen, mél. oSb@ hr-sy, since tisé timé irises ur pon lavési, sulks ban sosrry ta Say tise c lac mthes-oued te ait usioas-thé noi r siaikgoueraiity of my lais- cauulrywomoo, 01 'andi thon iu tise innocent psid. of lies- miseiy, sud cemindesi ber laver tisaI i hieart, cail aun fatisr es- oot a ak us, sud Ohé 1m aiuéshlm intaxiostai at tise ri preacis ta us againet tseiug couseiteci, aI lest fais- of liatiscaulin, p ns. theé vos-y finie sise mamkiug né Sa "Déar Ellea 1" lho éxclsimei, 'lt mai proud as pesooclea by cailiug ais ber 'asly a drap,' thé Iest taule lu lite tisaI I bosm ofeauly, andi ben heact'sares-came me. Il avéctaok tme un- e ples bloosi, sud lies-kinngsdqueu." mlsknoomua, quite against My miii." t]l suGoansd tielse e Vis-gin maté "Wlio ponred itI down yur tiscoat, t lies- bei nom, sud fos-eves- mos-e, amen," Las-q ?" - ci bbY saisi Ellen, aI the saine lime ds-awiug "Wbiapaurei it damn my tisroa, le t' 16 ouI lier boias, sud sepealing su Avais i? Wlay, myseit, ta ho sure ; but as-e t] - uth incauceivaisia sapidity. , A you gaisg ta put ma la a Iliree moutIse' ti Miles," se adileil, " 1ai iras the penance farc hast ?"- -T maISon aud the faliser too, full of grâce "Larqy, mil YOD isten la me ? and- 1w su ad gadlinéaaJ' remembér Iliat tise Mas g mas-q muet vi . I True foc yo, Ellén, but that, uaot e conves-ld esi oa-re a tand béforo tise ac wltIsl m after now, as ya iron, kuair, priest. I havé no faith ihatorer lu b' Fa:: bluebinqug 11e srogue oaf themcl ; -conver-sionsa ttr-" Il an sd sacra a word lil aay agamust il lu "O01, Elles 1" inlécs-uptsd lier laveas. ku. tis enodx,thougbs lnsnoame l'il hé au "It's naetiSé ah Ehiening me,"aise gr my ama liaath-stoue, .uwts DO one ta auéarered'quicly. ,I havéeutode my TI keop me compony but tise aid bilkecastesolution, snd I mili stick la it." g E.tiat coul ss, lot siono lisas- lie ccay. "Sise's as obstinaIs s teonaomes, l îhurl , saisi ber brother. "Tierea no use lài t. u Now," Ssii Elleu, mipiug liés- syos, attemtin to cautradict lies-; ausel.ai.1 snd smiliug lier own isigitamfie, *,bave mayu ilas lauleo an iay." es off»; ye'es- jut lbe ail thé men, pur. bIt's veq cruel of yau, Elles, ualtaeQo tonding ta ans lisug %vlisestisey wise litenta neason. I tll yau s tabla.s-ei a. nother; thés-é's adab of desaté shoot spoonful miii aftsn upen.t me." mi tbî tem-aui se my mothos- otteai saisi, "If yos kuon tisat, Les-ny, wsy cio te, ~:Nom, you'd botter have doue, or nisybe You tk îstbopofl2 U s'l a y o m e t lin g t ia I il i b ri ug , if u al L a s-y co u l si s t ir eply t a tiai q u es - hébscm chcealiaetion. Ha couldKlosiy ïpaltisaI tise by tpore wanmi ute pyur irsiéant, thon drap gaItishe belles- of hlm, sud tise uwanid be oonvanlenl, juil by tise mes- temptation, snd thIs ovsncaminues"nu lia ofouaMar-May! hsîa pr.of thé tising, anditil as vory isardlt e s gt uty nasie Mary 19, ian't il ?-it'a a aOM- aI him ae about a tIfde. t- 16 mounsame, t bo a d yIIIio iln ué " u5n onves-thinle a tiig a trufis," li 'bise irsse for tisaI. Do ye mini 1h.ese obsesred, 1that nmes yoo 50eu-n. uli hym e 2like ou sself ; I sio ld nais ta re pe ct ho] Mary, Mar, quite contras-y. yiu nousys, as-y, sud myhs-I i'a Wol, Im sot gling ta Bay Sali lacan- eeiive om anvecahrpic'- s- t r a r - I ' s u e é é ' s a n y t i u g b u t t i s I i u l k a r d . I d o 't w a n t t e m a k e y o u i n to you, auywày, lioitiser Miles. Cao't asgq;osiardhIs tisaIyon sreault ou you ait éti, ansi ono't ho pnihing theoner h e, ut i ln oar y sonual s-a Cais-ont af Punal ncat's al, it 'lun't uonusyeî; but is gnoegîyAndosg ri many tlises'n lu ; and lI'dthank 'Dupo s - iou u kabbie usi ti ta nurael théboastifneE i atter misat indulgence isasste b ual 118~~~~~~ bai; ué'vé a rigif atsuhnlsn r catas ubocking I'm knitting ; lave off ts osla o tsna i h rs you trck orlI mae cmmn tntpet, it sot aItIseé prent." li of il, I miii, sud ho mos-e tissu oves "&You'd have mode a fiue priest, El. 1I. milS yau, my fino teiloml1 Indeuil, In"si h on adtrie d rein g ti e ,"s c n i u e , a . ifl ih é couisi n etsot c sa so , ta isu gis hec o ut se " cal mth et ilS great gcavity, of lier résolve. the no Dvet ise aaIe aya ta yau ; lie I Ion't Ibinl," ase repliesi archly, bs-t bias no nation te inake you leisesodif~ I irse a priest, that eltises cf you Mc or taiu te the liouse, sot bho; Lie mn'I avanîsihave likesi te camé ta me torn gr lot ye hé vithauta miitlires la givb y, confession" Inu e Fer aup of nalik or yss- bit of sop : lié $$Baut, Elion, deas- Ellén, sure il's g'a mau't let yo Se loueaomo, my poos- pues; sa is damurigis eas-séot you as-; o - yin50t e. lie's glationongh te amap an Ellen fac, causal thinle ot putliog me off ouns- clii a Mary, sa lieias ; bat that fl a secs-el, count of tisaI uniucley drap, tis e ail Me' r. lvon-usé - on' teh ilta ayci? sole in lité b taak aI tise fait. You snt 0 Asy thimsg for yaus- haýlpineso, rs- coulai ual findi in luyauc ieat. Speale Th, "lbuetheyoubalel o liai amose faniAfoc me, Michael, spesie for nue. But I gat ntissu r ahlrbsawrefutse ilsjoleing you as-s- Wiy, Lentiýill sud ohn ver -I bah, notwitboaading an beaunus luneolime, auniltisons e lae5 theo leoturiug you leopt ou la mo;,lié muet irait tibI Esetes-, ité easy taiking." eb basa tus-ntocrlise sirop, BElan, you u6 Las-sy,",istscs-uptei EElen, uu aosoýt Ayr knom ho lia." YOatkyourseif (utoa spassion it mili ns-Ca Hou pis-lfui~ yu aa tisI!" do no goasi: none lu the wuas-.1t3 am t pliosi Elles ; "and il isn'bgénas-ans te surise yabloveme, sud I confeai beface Iu' apake ît w" h snthr t éedmy brotflit iI lmulsi Se thé debighit CM "Yonl ntlta o-igo againet of syliesct laes-obus-n tisaIlove , sud- li o hllmiisi Mle. Wrdmake nsyebf mcs-lly of yen, if yaé miii lor Nahi ,"sais i as;" i oes- l y n break yourseif fs-rn tiatosé habit, puei No," Le spok 1 Wi en fa aau rn et -m2111.1. - u Ii-fy-ta yo - Om digMeni 1 1 1 1 y : 1 KING"$ le au 1 ýRàt" ýf lTnïiwýýl'7,-,«l,ý-7-ý,--l!-l sîscre:-.Tlis els-th' rai ss,enu ne 10 Sein vlihl~n a";ouA oat angu la vlib~ejon là scceson aslilute"], hils ass ~iaghnsftikitner auts, el lc-udng astés- u OsifOlumi'à. S-Énl mor, Plaiy viibi, but Cpti Ts-p *u Utiable ta iacove- aoy largoees c, Ws-aagei's Laid snos-thmeut, sud ai>. , is-ias';tuemu, ox'tossis iniéfinil mite-man. TheéInigasduAbl îlhat prtion of Alskla bos-sios-igan4li Ne'rth ýPagba hve aie traditions tisa aug Pople havé ver his#ea et Ws-ngel's aind, Iliengitise3' aaté tsa sier et,'s& - ariety unku2oma la oAlasieoè have boss foaxasion Reas- IdJ 4 tse isearl of tisé As-cIs5and -fs-ein misCEl tiré hansi naméilcan ha disllsctiy Bsués I la u ppasesi tisaItisheaninais nmad l(aeirmay narousetise la. tram the main. ,land of W rangel's o t he lanu. N î aces, -clathsmg, on relies of any kinc havé ditei tram, Vrange'a Land te :ILlesa suindieation ISat 5àDoeW race'. ethuman Selns o xigte inlathe sseéxploned reglena aftie As-elle. StEl la boliovosi by Ihas se»acapladi mWho save tatés cloue, obsueratious that tse Mys ieoeootq ryalludesi 10la ila smo.Tise tact 15.1 uDouear- iran te b8 suel>b hât tagebatiosIboked:giaec sud vigorous, ans! lissImaustine eeméid np in tisé distance, a oeilg tustresses le tsé vslléys, a- o sn5 U OIS liat hisuity culd in a sfoot. joli lises-e. Itseensu liat -Do wisaling captains hava ove- altempbsi ta land 'n Wrasgoi's i8iani, Sut il muetlho ré'- oensbered tisailhey vlil lbtheAs-dia egaiensa business mn, sud nol e ex. CapI. Trip saye Ihal if tlie No-li poo existé, sud il leaove- te bl iésScv- s-ad, lise isovary mii Sc maie tram [seO Pacifie aide, s nsariaesea' -ai ay dogroos tuntse- nes-lsoauthé Ps- ciLsfiisboul snffering lis. loast asean- ésience tram climat. rigors tises on Llue Alant*is. AI KofrebUe Bani, sI te Nos-lbf et tio cllasi River, ClapI. 'rip usir baud 700. test isigis, énoais- 'isicli a strauna ar ice mas diatinelly isible. At Paint Baron lise lasi je )uy six test abeve tse ice, ail benealli OIug a is-ralun of c0ongealsil mate-. Eow desp Ibis uts-alunslu remns-un. maiwn, but Itlauces-tain theeoa-lias radnaiiy ftres-o ilseif au tisa ice. Chrse éaeson ta -boes-e tisI tVrau. îel's Land isatoftise sanesformatio, aI Bast along tis abmias-. Tse-e la na tel. sg Soi fr t leis baidy oxteuis lu- iud,, as a subasratum. If a bodiy of_ us-li 700 Oteshiigs , eau t alon a mass ýiné Along tesehuore,lisère lé Be ason wlîy a nueuntoin, 7.000 féét higs say sot have ic s a bsails isnbisé lu- The Iresh in Buenos-Ayres. Itla is remas-kahie foot tIsaItishe boat uws ira uaw.days s-ucelvé t£ram tari- au ports is fs-an Buenos Ays-es, a cana-ý ,yoo 1111ele noun hSesehat buI fer Ilu igist liltie saudle iîsisOur-spis-itesi Ileagués, lise Buenos A yessiBandmrd, DIde ouItisoëre me menul lie taîally in se das-k, sotoniy a regards tise caun- 7, but sregardae80,000 prs-erons lepeudeul Is-isimen, irisaare thnir- iouI thses-eigs Amanne - - mimissje ally au3taniehfug. %Va have coceivesi ns M8r. E. T. Muibali, ana ofhe sdi- -so athe lIeBuenos Ayrs-eeStandard -a inle of freLshpapers. -Theso papers ebs-iniil Oft saabout canites nep andsicaIlle tas-ms, waca i, les, Iloir, sansi,iraare piesseil la noes, ual wraoat caveluliaus or civilma- h mliicistoca long tise lists-y oethis )w eountry lias 'béeu idenlifiei, But i Rive- Plat>, juigei hy tise tacts augist unies- eu- nolisé, la osé aftheIs tut pramising, sud for théo Iriss emi- unts lias indeosi provosi un El Do"d. the Buenos Ayres Siacodartt of Au- il 101h, 1878, uSuelshoubs lst lsrivesi lise mal, mo fini tisa tolboiig pu-- ase et an eitaoda, o- shoep facns, Sy srs., Dnggan, Ir-i sseep brokeru t aseep tamers cf Buenos Ayrs-e. le eppssty uhis .tise Meoss-. D A isavo juel pus-ahaseilconsiste offaval Ia quartes quare leangues of posture id in the pas-Iieo of Salte, one of thé uesl tarM4 gdistricts of.BuosJ rées, antI about fifte boira, jou-xoy1 n thé iiy, Tiseseirfe snd a qua-- héagues 'as-e osquel le Bft-lire as-o miles, say 85,0(10acné, Eugluh ti issulas-ýAe >ninely ,thou@assi fine rsai cal *lep ais ui?n, hbouas,1 aieai, ,-aec/îs, feneés oming Impie.3 ma, herses, eoe. The irbe.pros- gan. foc feustn-Isen inascus-sency,à lai to. £92,000 sterlingsud the les-mae Wm gVia o a esl1~gu s-rdavÀdab, j îmIê,i i ý iwu leî re justee Prmtilla itelufa Caun- ow ty Supreme-Cour-t on a ms-il 'àf bes orpns, asie pa4 by M 1w4cg mai h.s-ertlalbtiuliand, andi taI ui mb ile mai of lairful agé,W, mairai-al eftie-lbes-ty by lie- fatsér. Tise oryaung wr meanlid thse J'uticethat iohé I& prer-etita o rimlul * IUIlir fatbe-4 sud tisI mli mii: ot bÉiasaued- 'by laim . Thse Justiqe, questiensIetller ps-traie, ansi tisensalil mt aa cléar alit e] mas netts-eulraiusd of lier liberty. le Cool Robos-t Jobaste te e oi. an'ioo' atterney, sees o b avé thé ai youmy lady savorn. She *s-emblod line n a&es &SceseShé idontiffei , 15e sud sald lî tu' hen ashe ulgnes u Meta Imas-q as-iustrong at somé future lime. Siteliai nevor livés it iShm ilà là mite, aui liai no intention la do r o b t t t l i e . S i8 nc " e t h " o ' sp e r w u s a id sig n és, A m ron g isid ca l. sal lier is .ié.aud.aiseolai.,oWea iam iés-rhue.' basd, but ne oasel". hoard Ilions 'Armstreng sireetiaIlisère m68 s ptréviasu agreemenîta oma-sy, suad lisa aisrogaldesi tis e aéhulny un lb, hall- W&Y sea ms-nlgf.-,S. ai adreceiveel -bis seulier-husbâa, siutie. 0 J u stic e P ra tt ie n as s i 1th .e m si , Ray XII, 11ai tiséthequestion raisi hy lise dba- aillent mas ou embarising bbipi ansi lt g ee nt &ie deciied in- tIsaIproesi yTise parents of Adai are dotes-minait tisat i es-daugiter olîil al o eArm- oitrong's mite. - Aratmrug du à musicien.RHoays tssulhoe las ltnomu Aish isegiste manîlis, sud bsaI hoe clîcse ta asry honer bvcents-set Scnn.e bath ps-dosroi- il aud kueir tisaI iliras hegai. Ho Went leo sé ber, Iie îlmeu a u'sek. Tracucd Ove- 1e Wos-ii. A Sanrfraciso despateis en Salas-- f- day gires the tailowiug accounl t oir a boule s-bbés- aund ussises maiulitnt- esi ovos-the machl"aicsughl osnlise Pacifie Csb: "Tse repo-ted as-s-etaf Bus-gos anat tnhiy cs-edibed lun.police ais-da es io. Tise follaming inaaaleynopsis oethe atory tram.tlcllan paperea-Os Thursday Chiot Detectivé Heundersan, ef Landau> sud Chai, Piukos-tn, SceIbher cf Aihas Piskq-lsonsceeoisinu maeng-thé ar s-cal at Niles, AL-rmsia Causty, cf Bur. ges, the bus-glas-, uho ce thet ie Bank of England, sud 'lellsiMcWillianis, as- astau$ casiaie-,Burgeasmurdos-sil tho banke- SF slsileing bis a n tise mst mus sa ring iin mllcs wusea lance ISat car-led à deaiiy poison ino tie veins, preiucing instant isaîli. Ho thon tact a pile otfsnauvy, consistlng cf £l,- 000 notes, tise, vaine of muis mas a quarte- of a million dollars. Tise mss-de- sud s-obbery occours-s AugahtiS, 1807. TueeSas-glasmero Irsaleesi hy <tise dotectives liscougs Franuce snd Swit-es-lani la Vienna sud London, thouse la New 1yack, liseuse tu .san Franoliao. Ho tisénwirnt te China tissu te AsIsalla, andi ee ac oSih Francisco.; On ulyiy BLas-i Beacon. sfild seut mos-i le 'enés-sou bishaI Bu-gos liai bosssues ln uisralia. ilonsers toblomosi hlm ta Anitalia, isut "asLauo lits, s lurgeu mas as bis may ta -,Sas Francisco., On - t.fay 26, ad1878,- tIe Bu-gla- .-rgislecett1aI' tisa Basvn Hotel as S. ONeil souS wle, 'of Lonon.Hé'liton ment ta Siac- msul4 and regiolorel sut tIsé istel as Samuel Ansirewosý,aft Luindan. Theo de- teclive bore baot ait !tract et hlm for eest-r'al days,;bot SF csae éléarnesi thisa ammancf tise toms blait liilie- possessioncurieus-loussian coin, sud fausi ha ashe hai ablainesi tisecoin. tram a Masuirisa prove i maeyt - ' Plais' Tla Tishe , y.Plata JOb uson la pta ps-se. ticalis- t motùini. HeproaesSd racés- tiy ta a ve-y bas-go oongrégation, but in sucS plainle-mstht hé' may lie con- poléd *ta seet anohs- fiild'cf '. sofal- nees.ý Ho sais;-" Bs-sale-a; mofl isaile S-y roublafri'linein ia ciu'ch. Ilokales1k. de gocil Las-il aslie-o fu-aliuro. 'Bol! osu't eay fos-sarlin' 1111 eo maI onss c il al. Yeu'aé Seéen sioutin' leusi nuff for tise Lord -to ta isoah efte.d Sees off an vacation, an' yoû'aebeen tumbshn' rosun diicla'h flaer lite you ms'irw u llias' m iéi 'dé' Dehhil. 'Boîjest-yen lietonm.ile 1Itale -ta cleéeuto etde nask framolt Da- ain'"t non. oh you cenairstoinlesa yau'er-canwarqd fus- de misais weék a well asfus- iaüniynite leglou's mîll 811, or i l gs. Saitden't gà fur au sabvktlnnlsi.itops ovres on Mou- iay mo-na. 1ki loll'ioutde a(s-agth ý Fire laurance Go

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