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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Nov 1878, p. 2

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sponsnues, Pont>'ri iniýtY> csIt >555 la the Reoo ther. are cv'sdotr $111shsP on ourcli1*t' 2. d. Bch nsistol0- tbaoii ddtInoUQ- aciogie sala or-lit Ie anaa-L~i1 Faser Prost.~ enuw ToIlgpaph.* ry. L2.rO.rd catt aud 'dale of lgh:grade cattlhe, >o'kt-ed lwp, lmoptqn, 44 Vjl>epQrty l oi 9, in &41h. licuossloo <s Plots. cr'a b .de*, Nevember its 8aof t lurebrod Cobevol"Si hsep, uhent-homu anti hIgl-gradoesatles, s&., mn lot No. 9 lau bIte Thtconuceslon cf -~ ~ ~ ~ t - Peceiiteprpeit' !tilunisarf. Th n Ie ale oftiatv iîrnitts4-O L;y IiiticoO aolîs'enhsi tl u colsiç-obfQu ' iday iat et Cnqby',g br,(a tîpuel a furthsegrsqos. 11,1.of fanon eetc k, nsemnsc. thlie proper ôy b r. lohâsû imons',on lot Zo.6, lis-kon floilî, Pickernug$ on Tîsiida>', Nov. 711e, 1878.-l. Pair. ONLY S sePER ANNUM. v Wlîby, Trhitrsday, Nov. 7, 1878, Opposing lte Re-elact'lon.et Mînisters. Oppomltloile liiie re eoctioun ofcals. -' itu iit lrrjset rss frein bthe poilsa, il oq[ioislîabla pieceao et sy poîicy. -l'srtisausiti, t)doleat iqîsowsn ende vison iianrioi t, bsucsiseýýtîr, men. ilacled up ae Ilie"y are i>' sueia slroug usîjonit>' * r lis ti llettirsof Cols;rsons, sue goeo irse, -ituier ini a publIfe or part>' o"',rii ogaines]' ly tub s poêlis et îsoîty vîitrane. Tise Si. Jehitu 2'ec- q -s, und. ctiser ,.leral palpea, vo au-m tlosoi ta finsd, iuld smilan views ssla soit is'the joi' ýfus-i amos 4IL r-i-uic iti bui o sori yi tiýli rr 1.-,Xilus vry tiliglit crut, a L'yuîart oisity udltig t ha-un îsic lot tuisiiserhi The ag s loi vu, srniraui ýltiutril astIl (111311 irll li (hitof viri gieui>'of Car Tisane are no uselber, ne seat. TIse pe s'niption i tilsCbutil 1 ibi tr geclS- 01,-thevr, ris noid dho no-s ItR oig aIlif unjNIt. Ill bisndsfeal,'v tIs orn ln i tlie sthe ligeai, fraim-n -- votive side-,-- fion t. liai- lieueosty won - ts uuew su foot up-sa Mr. -- poutpPuisdt4Il ilirroh'. sala vikl taoeplui vili horsBeti s coluituw.se.Vjj, - r serve. audJ Il '- Durh bou s - - broui Ctswoî< leaders oug 1 Oh obeanable-t 'cohhiorin u a ode what car-eh 1 cumstauïoes require, Thualea time tado Lt; WC Ma0asIowow.'@ ou£ worst en.wyhopoe ever t.seg ms un, an'4; uirfavorable oppor tuaalfWi4 l o orough *.eorga2 k iin ro ib er t up bt~e.<6 down5-la tdio'i i >mon ,~euo AqI tg .uim iLuîe e about ' for cIL q4ta Air , p . e ra adadéT eit to eanbe nd in our aka yJt lisflot a matterc,! et rsonal feeling t44 1 th N tof th rr 1 îS bî J~qg4 te ,i ii pos te a4¶blIe42o, - It , but [aeo qjui&@possible thal Use leadm of twea' t @m~athlyapelt % tnei'goele~o 4l t prosent. i Therc in mon Who no'ver Iohbne1 a#bd Who rial at eiroumstias fif th1* do. We 1want Ihoso Who will là k aou4*theiz and, s00 sud liuderstap ýtingu tbeý aot.ually exist;, 6h07 tnet hen lu patity witls Preseut feeling, iresent Seat ho £eornisied for f'Mr. J3loke Si tise ee liiet pose a »i hisaciieso 41a01 est-ossibe maifid ~his pros.e opetration with, other Ieading tiberale are matters of absolu e necesalty wlth the Party, sand both 9e ould be secured at any price. Thorongh reorýganf2ation iDdharmoniotis acti il are tiie two thinga ueeded Under 1prosant 6ircum. etanoeh aud we nîîîet bave them. Thé "Irishi Canaàd4U," sabisiecl with ils "rovougo" la "reoay now toý enter, witbout oncumbrancoé of obligt4ou te oltîlor Party, upon ilie duty o tise licur." It presses for a reorganization wlth Sir Francis Hiuclcs as leader, and with Mr. Blake and Mr. Laiuer as lieutenuant-@ fm he ýwo Provinces of Ontari le ui Qnebeed. Nîh ic rFrancis llucke-i.tliq chiet, says our contensporary, aud 16r. 'Diake Itie Lieutenant iu ibis Province, and M. Laurier hie Li4uteust luQuhc tihe roerganization îirged lîorý wili corne tefore th. contfa orealt usoral "ùJ political power, ftapocity bf tIhe igieet ocder nbîainsst>le being ý,laced at its hiead, and earnesl lsonesty operat- iug At ite heèart, ise new party en$body. ing tise oldeor meoi attcacted ly Sir lFIranale ilinoke and thse yônugt- >mon isttracted hby Mr. IBlake, wii eettainly carry-aIli efore 16itin tîis province; atul, t, paraphuasoaaxiom. .1Amen., cars politice, -as Ontekrio goos, et)gocs Lie Uloi, o 'J- il 's e p o I. 't e T B e lk Irîstivisînul Ministes8, unu- zzxoilnecisoumsîeuees." DRAur s'Cirrc JOileRc:IAisISN. ieu, at ilisiiiîsviîsg luecu,-1tobient Lleon.tèdeir Iarridon, t>.,C. L. lt'ie ols oe, uus]Élise Gev- ihief Justice -of Onitanie, sites]this viusig b4on hlarsîl ins por osieuse lu- Toronto ou Élie 1a4 met. -vfselmiug usienit>', n lainIlie huas] boon foi' soins) t1iins entlening shseu1ililieneti'îsred for forums- troustus paluifîi illuoessujIlis sete, Nsti onal Pelicy-- aits]u althsougis net uuexpected, lias glien a iserigis mous>'coosisiss ltou -tIsaiuck intahtsacommnnnity. îlhe clu Ilsiy ro'lne fitocile. Chut fJusticeva-e lus tise primue df lite, OUi luaviug stress]>' been baimug oi4y in lie' -1131h san, aud il ivas ansd ltriiid aetIse hoPoie, hopes] byýlisiiînsddeisot hile compara- siavite îinssoit sof Éielsmenr tive retirecruonî te tle Dlid, fr-onutbise loi nlsrofe Commsons. t-xisLusting demande 1Pea lis ý.reat abîliti aPtethlIe Bar, V'oulo1 havi lsft -Bîcciion Proles. usan>' yearn ofe!digîsil>', us] ussetetonel hirî. - BuitthbIe titcread e of oIs-eee lriked-t-isf lenion protesi arc irscrnîatîîe, andi le 4b 0, gene-roi ne- u'î'tirîofetMr. Guc ru re ,t lite of au ablfe ans] njýight luo rvatflleoiteusMonda>'. ul e all iaussi e citizren,lisue n iiist, Nîi Is er ,nobefl te au -art>' coso. '115f laIs, Clulei jus- lite-r, n. Prd>' lu lies tie ws r e in >Montlessiin Airiuîi, r. Dîuîalsl lcUa>', of-Osehsa-18313 o! tisi pIntente. !Ieov-aia lunlil co agent, lW tocunol>y'pu t ofUppan Catiada ;ol ac ui sLà1>. C. ffu sots torlue t boorL. ofl Init>' Cehlogo', 'Fronto a; vas ciries] toe bseBar in718,5'5, noia elstîo l lciionj," 'Mn. Quncus Cotinusel in 1t;7, andrsl aîuîîsitodl by liiii8ltauus]lis agonIsCuoJuic lu17;hasi oea rapt î'radhice, vithin lise CifJsiei 85;lewsl a Socton ofthoDominion Meen et bIste Dominion 1'ariiamn- iactiu 4 e tisefrein 1867 te 1872. - h Elsstios Adcf 174." About thea fret et Auk net lhe li-gan te diuaif iigaioe ~~to complain, Ilieughr lta ýpisysiciens are lu diîuli> ise ilug ut opinion bîsat au affection of tise hearb -n dose Mn, Gibbss daim tise bl estin long bîtoro thai date, lhre letitien sililpl>' praya ltrt veoka bireottor lho vns!soe fr rosor- ~~~~~~R lu 'iis.o]as bu. lehallle valk oul, whisýlsIse o>' te tIse tienda o! Mr. rotiser iusisted upon doing. IlIcbhe is cgniont ! n selet ent o's au easy tbnp leMontrent, T'aie t us. ovru eenstnused into a Ciramplîsi.nd aaoa rt,ý icu, orfl u a>' ay Sbo n afIn- i. lalîse et tous dayo wililu isoit i- t tLise oletion 1l1y. Ho fiamratoîr-n lu ise iglisi lng.Ou reoe- r ceefu iumesuf asi o ring froîn bhie tise condition et Ii. te outillon Iiii ,,e ag e n huart imp)roe, o te surisaue iu Auul ruc oI ilet irui ltaI hepea vene oentuhisl bisatlit, 1.ulsro las ties>n uviolation-,uigît reenuehic place sn lise tioncli. ilstover usponu ilsein part, Tspipe'mnlivle- sa u> 10 lic prlot at lnvng or iutoteeshunt s]uaiip -41 iii'sue tta--i lura nîusu'Iaunoying o!taotrs huénseoiusi-u %iteu, fan saune a v-siH re oat - 'gJblt raolia itoor, lyiuug 01i a beil uucreastun eiltandI lus vas Ogain Andl It lR ftinlinr esafi'tceuinsibotei(1ii o ictotrIon Jauya tlrv ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ efr buuo clî rot:~~r0lis deatis. J'on liii'1,%6tive thelhurrsi trousslow luIso-ado> eill li Indices lx,h> icroasicg og eugeiien 10f thicbéin~u, ncil onou ts lu aijeot Mr. vîuielu, donIees, vir e 4seinlmes late o0 penalties of tte Act.cusee ebs fe usjcttti-jris lias iscuuulrurd> r Psittk paj urbouat ise vholýe connses hie li lov es- ut cdms tle éclat. disense. d beOau- ttue harusiug e ue!JofieIenie -c-Slu]u ho gitiluieshhy tise îurnbeml th ise t s et, net on]>' IiyrtoIse -il dtn(!1vo %Vto ileprofee -siolu vhichs huip s.lonneJ 'b>' Iise oui t 5O50wUrc.Clou talents, Sut tuyîhe ipublicetalla-go. -H atulds as os'ery eueci-as génial andI vîrm ' lsrteid ins-- 'e, b>' us argel>' lucreasetl ltiin nianui~e hln-ha e lu,~~~ ovnJulfswsîsn on. 11r isi duatlsi i i tr> hais otue-4 Iý lins tnrrp gei tico ans] tustus a. cfr lvIIunYf es t out.in-Mr. ille vold i 011 lis lc o h. uî :0wrti 0 ils, noinînation et tise lc uls ue n o-li 0,tv Party., The Cotlise- lT -Kcfi Ava; wù gve111U te9' ttenodCoupon>'filppeared et 4ep.0 sud vIse vere su groesi>'kin's MluasiHall oun slcssay ansi Tu:es- ahUses Ou tIse niglit efler aday oveuiug-.1 Oi - Moi u1y c'einig uull S beuih or usure crIssa Dumas' play >' diljs os reucs (it>'mgain carne b lis ndon- Ée liOn lrelest Mn. Giou hon tnagedy qt Ralmeèo assclitei as ,piac. euh on <o hots, Misé 13leasiMiJ. lit tf is hPplevbuS Ofm F. Brion taking itis'e ps-ncl esac~s eI utlae ai' u tMiss Blye, Atish s.1 y"IisufIiJn indod tmen ttise Cancer- oui>' 17ý t who ahuevesigetiseelse ates1)is are&ul',ýa«aobem1uisîosI Seaun fairl>' couletd eIUuuCh sr(àýitlc i, onul who Xpe II 5 ansdof "îiltsf'oce otfuk, trtlifiUy >l lias meda anobisor .mi 1co euaed wud via uouràlueas' 44i mi.a gresq ah 'her cOv*s, eG4 sips tlsm, ueeiing le res'enge bis de-, 'Glsupesnal>. grat andi difilcuit as bheyu are, full jus- Mll, *t4. brieu's imPeoahoù o!f >~a~~â ~ S ALE remansd .Duval sud Reme o n iestla. 'efOr Oý2On Ohcer sdteryn>'ud!-tehing, ails]Jd playol~ii sun, owrlgte Mn.,,boues taletnt. Mr. Hon->'Bi. :Tudsou Je' a oomlug dIT ou 121h 'I'jov., OooenM'çrucutio bhuilc'e> ft b 00 u -ltsclatter J.>', n oaerctr.Mis tuarI uado an 'C ety atdverIisoItîout luaoil ollent Nuetsoieand taken aliogother,Itise 4e solo WvIl Se vitbeul n-te.itiug ciaractema, voso W'al sutilt1bedl s Ilîsî onsîbrseos sous()pure b>' 15e Ceopa>. i ob a nsI .J'rsjl ,-clàfere, bull cral!, -pure. lise peoplo cf %Whilby 44 nposnfsà il, oes latba ans]ram 1h' t o nioyiug e tesite sffVse heiimctc drains, tsu sehdem souebseated noei a ( ceunIr>' love, sud fon th . wesv.e-, te t- Pcoesuxo Mi-uî.-tIs lauk thee fne accommodé hou ansa,Ione-8 oial-lougblng matecerne ecesserica provided nt Hopiins' Hallj.r iou, neAr Toronto, on __- 141' 1 % 'b0 oppose u i North giilugg. lin Uor, t.'tillej, Ministestot Pfflîsue Hese. . Màýaodonalit, minItr tic; Hoôn. Dr.-Tappoirj,È! 1r Publi e or»I ten. r-h PrmiotVf 6.aCupW8il, ed (É 'eaesps fthe oiüu.î Apott' hs ebeen' ened red slui thec fettl"'âir.sudaiio l, D-fo'i IliOO Uvi4ueçeool b e ry alost lunedlaîel>' fer EngIsa po boiecao o fsun l)rlhelu eôti ucetion vihhithe Canadoik 'aOiiIbil. va>'. Whsile ln Emuglaad heivill mron tbe exti~ 'q. ics protetve PdiCY lu his aceuntr>' couid go, villolît lu- tnngiug u Iuperiol 'ohîlgatiàoro FruTesoit EN=-itP. t Protes .te vers -filesi on liduda>' iagoinet tisa relus-n cf 1' W. lIeuÏ, foi Soultht'Ontario ; Aiez. Gunu, Kipgstou; b.C. Bykent, Lincron ; Bufus Stéopîsan- sou, Tient ; Aloi, Sisaw, South Bruce; John Whitc, East Hastings; Dr. Ber. gin, 'Ceruvali; -,Thomas Acitel, EÈsI Elgils, aud l. S. MîrCuaig, for Pr iusco Edviýrd. Tise petitipus againel Mesre. Glon, Gunn, Rykert, Slephensou, Bei- gin, Show sud White are files] eitlisir in tise Quesua Bencli or Cemmon Pleas, thsoseo goloat )Mosans. Ankoîl and, Mo- Cuaig in lise CeunI cf Clisacer>'. DIDîossueLYs CONIUssTs.-Several o'enug mon, vIse shseuld bave kuevu botter, voro brongît befooe Mm. leve 1harper on Tînureo>' b>' Chef consbable Bryau chongad vilI disurderi>' cotiduct aud creating a diasurbance ou the pub- lic sretetla ate otohur ou Sabuculo> aveuiuu. Tisco.cet Ibm weme fined $1 oaci, ansi $2,75 oacI, cote-, auJalihe otSons vore sicbarged. We refrsin tronmpnlilsing tiseir noues upen Ibis occasion, tmnsing Isat the gos] asvice rec-ie-e] rous tise beie v illibSe e- tumieres], as] lproveul o ropotilion of Ibmî panka. Wsurruuv s-o HA.reua'nes.-Il S oex- pecced tlsib lIse Viciesqa Rsilwoy vilI ho opcnacd te Ilaliburton 1>'tle 1511 tuai.,' This viilgi-vo dircect communicatien heliveois tiet point ansd Wlsiby, oý dis- tanlce et116niicsf. Railva o>' cciu silcation norîhvwans progresses surdh>', if soiavhsiat ealovl>' ; aud yeb in thsie in- olonre net se aisivi>'aftbr ali. Tis eppns up otarier' large section ofdouu- tny tnibutar> te tise CeunI>' Tovn e! Ontario. WHiTis-us 2ECHÂNIS-' INSIaiiiUl'.- Ver>'large osiditiosaof nov Ifeki have beau mode te the ibrar> du ring tiso paut yar. No bettem investmaent eaub iaudefeta dollar, ilio n itbie piircluasnofeta librar3' ticket, *giving ourse tuthSîe vorkseof lise betatoira. The iibrary je o great acvntge-ene cfth lieest thinga vera-oin the tovu -auJ tise pivileges et înomabcnship smo si-oh as; cîsesilibho agerly ombraceu b>' evéry onc desiroune t oif-cufltumeî' lu- tonuuation, or amusement. Ais tise Linon>' commitlea are bow about ha moalc furtisen pui'èliase i eto books, suggyestions viliibcSe roi'es] tram memblire cf lise Iusbilnte as te tle eharsceenoetths e rsdesired. HALLevEsucINBST. CÂsATAINuES, vas elimnted b>' île Caledonian Society et tînt cli>' vilI greal spirit ans] ';ibl more ttmo n uitcmruon' oure. Tîsere WîLuo ru sleuulil dinsen aitishe Gtond Ceuntrai üel, kept 1>' our - formner teunmn, Mr-. William Scott, of vhicis lise St. CouLamines papere speak vith orsobiicsh pneise. Couns>' Judge's Criminel Cbuct,i usus uuo.os 'îu11ecDARTsNELL Jisepla Quigles- mît Jouies Jerhan vcne tusa-ies] betonee lioues-on Woslnesday on thie chsarge o! het.so breuuising, ors visicistho>' isos] hm cém- sitesI fortobrial. bondon plesghes guili>', uI Qtiglo>' le guiltyl ef nscr-iviug. iematded luW to-uortow inurning for sentence. Mn. Fo eet CeunI>' Crevu Attonuis'>'prosuîcslted. Qciugit WorEAs-MIXT-UREu osi4rcrE. --Mr. Lovler bas isandod uselte an Fratscisce Pnesllc' Ites'iev, is vbliiswe fi lIs the fltoviguircesu i:-A cuihi- forui. street isonsp, lieing abouti te tualse o chuanter ho loss vhent isseo for Franco, eei','ol a cablegmans frein lis t1be oeemnluBondoont not. toausske the Chsarter andl a fev Jaya luter recel f- edl a ltIer, Jôesaterthte close et 8kp- touluený,, glving thenoise-une fuir not de- iing a cargo etfvIsent, asd lt-,wa te luis effet o"Tisereaorsnov iu the isarbor of Boricaux bye on tIre. CQi- tennis vitîeaoden veesebaI re unolen seizure fer hîaving *ist camg les ou board îlot are tmauduxhethty paclied, _tha logecontoining "soansi.earbb, àéns uquicrels." Ibis ig cenlain>' a stnai'ge mixtusue 'forpenùrfarmnserat enda viseat te France. Ne vonder ib, Frencis merdhants dpclinesi teabis> anothon cargo. STOSE AND '5VELLSS5c5iOM'5 NusÃœRaRY lS-OCK 1beiVeres] in this lcshity lise prosent ftoi gin. hbIteust satisfaction 1a aii'panlies vlio faveoci lisem viîh oen- dors. W. purahases] a sual lot wviic arnived in splendid onder, and %er es- livores] by Mr. lHulat, flri -agehul. . y> anelkust vItl as dominos]. Thoir' siaisirh Japples, peene, dvanf peare, cerrmy',' cab, phuirs ans] peacli lr.es anaeomutf torLis e bqtstock vo h9ve qusine, raspberny ans]block hem>' bhies are al efthlie chaie.-s uinas. lIn oruàntol trecs, slsrnlisaussiev<uc- groens, lthe stock cf lStoue an'a-w ehtimg. Iois'a surepries araennnrpaseped SE1TrnUs' rouiI M NDAYS.-A mn a ý gos'. hie noume auJames Armstlrong, (supposos] ti lie an aia8e) a commer4SI Ina'ellen, iras talion te the iock-np t n o earguofetdmunkonniesa on 11'ndây. ve-as Irongut bote Ie oove, Mr. ZLcs-por, auJ sent togool foe Iadys ho Mo. mou rrççp floU tompomanli> emes-e4 .er09ethe Ptm-Pph teatisestar. poeYýu piedMn, i:. qome f !Borne,, " oà"b Tiih iiKitory aaa1s ef buy volenre f MMO fi caia st aud iavorably kuova te . a.adio rpublié. Tliot lia isauJ ldasiesI _t1I dspàrlauenti in evident from the wi :Tihe vonl fbas bren bought dè otheiimosî ni cent*period-tbî cos. of the Maokeusii ly hnrrled examinaton permite us te ~ judge;, Ih is 01 i ai ndi5e -do 'joule 0 to-s eeely pîoueéXn lb. *Ã"uis VAtlVrj Wlârtten vili car. ýnd l.arcu]pà aan d rosa. able style. M-16.B ï i 4 t ahe. aient *# oW ltb7. th 1h.llowing grtlfYMiug hava: pAtýhqr 81afodsttsi thatl tisa *21 saun$ thse Catholios of Lindia>' tethre Sonth! ers dlireewted t, speat whe rMrost tie.ded,,vitiout reÃŽtnete Thiét breadtbl of chartitlahigbly r Preo -lutlb.cse cf 'a 'Socety, which, 1k.e t Aitodb byt, eIYellov PFever, knovw i initâbudlaulty ïc distinction@ cf creôd'. Fath0rstaiffd :ha.@aootu panied the mono y Iw»t iectins whl4 do hlm hônor-I riela irnadîan. 1 6 0and cee P. Taylors noe' e sigudu Coiaud '80ýer Jewolry.- Monogram Cuffiuttonla epeciahty. Thow Dominion Telog*~p ahv epenob their hunes for b3einess between th. Maritime Provincq d£nd-Ontario and Qheboc. Tii. rate harged-WiII 'bu 180 ceîts for 10 vords ' tead ef 50 otis., (the r-ato heretofore ,:) Tise Dominion Co. niov contreis au ind epeûdeni andI direct ,onnetlourbitsf i otTorbay, U.S., the Ianding plae c f' the direct Cable ;;a., seôbisaI mesliéks rom Cana do w14 be sont dinect te lthis point, thus ensuinig greater speed 4ndstiafootion. Tise Cpmpany nov findéiWilef net only vith à direct cabie ebuinection Ihut aise WitS a conîtie4 vitb al 1the prncpl ties aud towis lu tise Ivo Marnitime Provincesj COMIETITIOI<N OWRERi l-Philip Tay- ler hatý the largeett assodment cf Cleeko and Eleotro Silvor in to~wu. Tise c*ubecriber bas àa agand vel womortd stock cf Statiý nery vhlch le prieoe&e. nH.,aise k pg un iband a t1cck cf -seheol supplies includiug tise bookes ued lu th. High aud eom. mon scisools. -Geo. B. jYnle, Wlittby. lusa jwbitfieid'eColebka4sd Pulmonie syrupi eune dose vil reIfee eue, prioe, 25 aud« 50 cents. For rates and tiets hy thé Grand Tcunuk Railway and ils ouuections te, Sarniaý Port Huron, Detroit, -Chicago, aend points lu Michigeu, Wlscoubin, Iowa. lilinois, IndiSU4,fOhio sud ail other Western andSI outh Western) StaLos,,appîy te Goo. B.',Yule, Express Office, Whutby. ï For ootiîaohe, use Visilfelde lun- fullilieToothache gum, rmico 25 ceÛbe. Hotseanssaxess.- At tise Police Court, pOhava, ce tise 4thî mest., bcfore G. H. Ocienson, Esq., Police Magis- trale, Jpseph Quigley adJaumes Jor- don WC a charged vilh fbreakiug imb tise stolle cf Mr. Fredl. Niae, aud break- ing OPo86 tho tili. teaIiun amemouey, aud alsb a number oc1ofteeo brandy. Tise cvidence wau very blear and the prisoners vere commited for trial. Qnigt3i, il vilI be euaembered, vas convictéd a veek ago à t the Connty Judges Criminai Court aud admitted le bail, te receive sentence vison callod lipon, sud aIsoe tered mb oa rocognizauce vitls tva clities te koep tise peasre for a yeor. Us. Whitfield's celebràted- puimonie syueedose willl.rolieeyen, prie., 25 aud 50 cents. Dusuaw iN ORTHUMtEELÂND.-PO- Liiosael ircu"ilaftinMn" il- uty DAviS5 P.N-CSLLa,-t1he beet auJ - Most Pojmlas-Fexis-Meâicitelu inIte World, A ie seing lu,!tise ieS; ai friand le tise pon; -vitbixà lb. neach et ail, Itlihaisasoios]MOre lis-eisaidtorliai-ad more suffonlng incirlenta! 1te t-aielllg' tisau Rn otber Medicie. For Teethacise, use Witfeld's In- fallitylo Tootbachse guu, pike-20' cents. Fsules" Hresesii emute an mis] porequ look yeers yonugen. '"Ibis vitnees ile mue." Would itatI -Icoeul more videl>' mako lb ksàovu for its man>' sirhues. Long may ils inventer- live f0o0 'bee esappy fifuils ut his in- i-ention. sî ALEXA;MEI CLARK! D. D. Aubemet N.S. Fer Tpotîsache, uo. - hitfieIJ'c Iu- tollibleo Olthac11e gum, piice 25 conta. Arue*eac Dzr.LsÂ'n.u-Tse Hol>' Se. SscI 14ppointeiD r. Gilol>', Bishop o! ElhistAposlc Deleàato tacana- ActoeherN5ONi-BE Ga4s»iBIN.- Thnrsi or oming tIve 4oigist trains eollidesi iu bs.GrndTelutRailva>', abont a z lits ansi a hait veal of lamen- te. The englues vero comnplobels- wcýeckad, sud four cf tisa cres mashe-I. A brskec in, names ill11 as seveneiy scaiddsi. TIrS hiame wquhd scesu le rosi betsWeon the cparator, at Carleton. auJ the froin'dospetch.nu in Torontso. Tise ferai er hias belon arwilod. STO-,-.u As- &iBoy P,& .-The sale ot stock lot Boy Park nf Thunesias, wesnt off *ery - satisetlo-ryýTSar. vos a large otfowul- cf formora - Preseul froni cihl sacioins'of Ontario eus] a goudly, nuisiSse frosu lite Slatom, Withia few' tnifling eiceptions, te uiset>' lots of-, fores].> AaslS, assuldie psiooscou3. iderinig lee s,v er. 'vry good. Ta TiEs LECTEW iAOeus hreat.ns ta supathgs, juat;eas gaý upats tise old:i <asion i tof lighsing, (4seuecstfa tb.mps, àIl iý'urbitcb bave billon Seaul Scoist mb- sdbjectlou os a gon.ra festeamns; tist emelning ta give ea tise isla, caMoiyl> om stausa , - railwayo5-antilarge -tacie mnppion4a b>' a preparotion of Zinc- vbiclbn*kes 'speintso!- o an visiter cbado t a he ie -les jit, orsdurable sud ,ulJi ' Ifn#fes A oe te aueli, 8a tiiewld pivea - 'f - U~~i~.-TIs s-o 11 Tise Vacanc>' in tise Ontario J mdicisny. Tise vacane>' in the Ontarle juslcian>' le te present anlject cf tspeculobien. B>' cionse ô otfsulapten 8qf bise Revis- esi Stabltes of Onlonie, iet le enactesi Iliat util o vacones-coceurs in the offre o! lise Chiot justice outhIle Court ef Qnoeen's Berb, bise CiietJnliee of bise CeurI of Appeai shol hocolles] lta Chie! Justice e! Appeal, sud wvinmn cl vocane>' cecurs, shalltisenoefomtli Se esaîhesitise Chat Justice cf Ontario, sud lte chiet jndge efthlIe Court e! Queeu'é' Benoua bol e cilles] isenceterti tise Chef Justice efthtIe Ceuni o! Queeu's Boncs. Therefone, tisiongis lie deabhà ot CItiof Justice Harrison, Chia! Junstice Mess assumnes tls. tille cf Cisiet Justice ofe Ontario. For tIe vacrans>' etChie! Justice cf tise CeunI o!f ne' ods tise uamam cf Mn. Ijisistapher Robin- eue, Q. C., lise Hou. Alan. Ceekisuru, ansi lise Hon. Adamu Wilson ara mon- lioaes. Tise Hob. Mn. Cockhun u ilI -memstl ikels-redoive lte appuinueul. The Hon. b. O'Connor is saisI to beono r-lie ove cf ecivirsg a piene judgeship. WErisUrs AND MsÂuusE.-Tise vs-- cuhar issuesi b>'tise Inlas! Revenue Dopaituent vilS nefdrenca e tbise woigisealla Meaeures Act viescinsm of thse Oppomition papens bave neesi os se Sosie o! attocitupon the uev Gov'. 'erueut vos dateiF Oct. lat, auJ vas tisenefomo prepores! beore tle otoGv- ?eruuountli1ud resigspu. Tise Depant-, *ment Ian nov lsue" à cimcuhondated sNo. 2doanehuktise fermer eue. Tise Gus'amnment, will, il is uus]orsiood, toite tise -ise subjeel cfthue inspection 'cof Weigists andi Measures inia cousidor- 1btion et an early date -vitit a viev te tnmving - sre o!fbise oijetiouole lfuatnr.s et ths'presenl Act. JEclvorulHernhostie, chsargea, vilS Jeboeieg Miss Adolue Us-don on Ihe, ilumupiko rossi near Guelphi, vithis lu ' tent 10 murder, has bain discisorgeit, ou I4 te gronu sta Inteneurvs shovu'. g *ïs énchoige t leený ihe.tv#o yenng mou lu thor buggy' vlitir miss £yd qsr pdsel Hgrnrlo &U4 e bg sl - b ff fe od,4 liko>' nov -be - indietesi ilr bQMIÈ 0tl utesnt te o o4 yr v wli -'a lçMe e -, lm -bn. wblIsl holding lo ts position, would roi train fro@ =" i4AsnatarlaAni r PiBo. Atfiy rae lassvt,aicrd e dth'adulres q f the ýÀa 0 - from Q Améeo.1mise frùuUý L_ et *thile the- y ulvWlth' w the bkraii amaplu, oM of 0 n theUutdSa a iefi potun #l'à eiedtp 444J& apoint>agtislu là difflonlîles way force us go give; wàaV * ~tsn lewas 60 b. expectaid, sud Sfor our,»Wapert 1w*re.luclued tg ountrymen tfisàtnations gnia rca no mors illa$ed t.or.go êhir,4v4g. tages oven on. anolhn Lu the l1Mhc@en mmntalit4'blame Mr.- Evants, for hc libas disappoidted Iheni, net ne. 'The *Amerion tnewapapenuo!ofAil shades co poliii opinion, vithont giving a mo. rmonts Consideration, lot ns hope, t0 the foot thatt1hé. quâae bas nothing whati even'60 4o'viii ýtie avard of $5,50<)OOt moade là' ficio c anada At I Ked4a Ca meforvard At onoe with -th. con. tention tIsaI Ibis money due, and long overdue, to us'- muet flot be paid until aud unIes. this few difference As lott' *led lu the woy they think rîglit. Niue *million dollars of tbe Aiabamîs iudem, mity still romain without auy reaoite ahi. laimsnt,auiodhere arm f5,500,000 ) more 60h 4,l îàd . We shônld have,à supposed that the Americans coula gcarceîy aoford terseall attention t thse varions matters relatiug to tbe Wash. 5ington Treslysudto theisinuerinwhioli ils prdvialons have beon Canried ont. But then, ve too have à 11611e senti- ment About ns ; for, lu tnuth, the Wliole e tory le one of a continuons attempt ai * vasiou, aud evasicu of a somewhal sehabby kind. AndI cnniouely enougi advantage was taken cf local regala. tions-the local ceguIatiens of 6he litote of New York-to avaid compliauce vils one o!fte muet important stipu- lations cf 1he Treaty lu favor cf Cana- diau ahippiug. Therefore Lord Sa lis- bnry has oponed to -hlm corne very pertinent retorts. But two wronge do net make o nlght, and if il appeans tisat 3 te Newfouudlanders, visa do net forni part cf the Dominion, had no- rigist to take lte loy mbt their cwu hands 1in viev et the Arrangements .enteed Jmt ou thoir boliaIt, of course compen- sation wiIl have tb. be made. wheuf however, thse Amèricans oikne that tho wisolo; fisboary questi9n ay have to ho ce opeued, we are at liberty to diere- gard Yvba t ley say; or vr. wight ane- ver tisat if su, some othor pointe would have ta he reconsideced at- the saine Iine.. 'Thue il wonld b h o as ot omgu- able on tise part of Canadiaus tisaI the very serionus daims for tise uenstrous injuries inflced by Amelican cilioens -on British sumbjocts dncing tho Fenian raids sisould again be put focwar.l, since aceordiug to every recoguized princip!e of international law tIhe United litates wece e tiste fulleet extoul- responsiblo for those outrages. WVe mention tisaI, isovever, enly te show lsow troublesume il je lu go tee for bock il u cl motters, andI te mix np questions which onglit to bc kept sopareo 1l may be possible thot Lord Salisbury bua taken up o taise position vits respect te a local or otiser riglit of Newfunudlibud, thuugh, sinco ho liad aIl the faceoIsefore hlim andI the ki owîodge tliat lie was dealiug with a very thoruy question, wo snay fairly hope tisat hoe has nol doue se. but in any casie woelsîall have tho catis- faction uf knowiug ltat, viatever dis- credit tisece noy lie in this talk cf keep- ing the mcnoey back, or in snddenly springiug diplomatie mines at au awk- word time, il le net oars.' The New Apostolic Delegate. The new Apuetolie Delegate, te most Iteverend Dr. Gillo-ily, le fifty- nine yoars of age. He wee hem at Boscommen, Moy 14th, 1819. Like mccl cf tho Irish yontlie o! hie day, lho ,yaee.dncated abroad. Catiolie Eman- cipatien dia- net pas ntil 1829, and until thon a great numbnhofe Irishmen were edneated en lb. Continent. Ho vent to lte Iriesh Seminary in Parle, aud in 1844 jeined tise Lazariet Ordeir cf miesioneries. Ho was nul ordained until 1867, -aud ho le thue lu Holy Ordors thirty-one years. He beld thse &sition of linperior cf 1h. Collage c-f t. Vincent de Paul, Cork, for somos time. When tiseisealtis cf tho, Bishep cf Elpisin vas failing in 1856, hoe was chuon slte oadjutor ta Bielhop Brown aundvison the Bishop diod, ton years aftorwarde, Dr. Gilluoy Aneeeed- teiuiy,' vos lise 4aly. "Tn dollars gue3, saisi tise nter, aud huigls attandantà% tn dollaer bill lie entenesi tise; hall - reômn. 1go .vended h lie vay caetnlîy tisrongllQie srovd, ovoiding the iodles' trains sq ÃŽJeftly as conlid have doue one.1 cfatilions Gemmen leaders appmoooliod the qienerai sud said :à "G0onerai 8liermný I merely wav oj éhake ycnm ismnd. ~i feugit iuder yen lu tise maraS tg thp sea," aud turneil ansi loft lte room meity' GoisiMurMILLe #JHARGED WIT TUE-SI M1SCI,è ND N.-A gentleman. promiélitl cour ted itbilo Ray- Jeu EIPeadit!ron gv. a tise foeiug ao. conut e! tise capt a*feet tIa Boock Indiana by Gen. 4iec. The l3ounocke wantod te stircudojr, aud sent a Crow scout astIveB nocks te arrange teorme. Mýiles erd'dtiseniteobuoput in irene, and cet pub vitih Ie sfonces for tise Banneck c2snp Thi~e ludions, see- ing tise seidiere ccdnfing. joyfnily rau eut te ument tlîon, ani gsi-si Iheuiscîvos np- - .iec l'sihie wnute lire, vîscisth9y nid, kll ng mou vorean d cisildmeu indlecrimi ately. Secing Lhey1 voee te bi butcee lthe Iudiana sisovosi Tiso GaÂsow B4zx,.-TispLordl $'5Q0bifgJoi the maief of the" er"r u siÏrn Va-l a- etene eAME Surna:ae-- Adiocobo accephosi' su Stvont, oeue oS City o! Glasgov,ý 1 c INseibeldeme et tbie tihQue'Obec es s id on lie lOtIs o! -l mo, -o;ga I 91 lhànd Wflson,ý fownko ti oui oppos@ite -lots 4 -Powell, for, Àve~82-L BE. tLmon, for plouk, ïr220tMrs. Post, for gravai, $ 12.20 ;_ .o, Stokes, for fepeingg'noypl. o Wo -cIh o ,8 Dr. 'Fie,'rlor' 2udci4rpt dot 2, $0; sd'for tun ulking ra ulu on. couiee d lots 4 and 1l80 . ri, ~rehliu ton e4ten tovuline,#40; '~ lt . j avelni botweeu lot 17xer o nit*n2 con, t25; John clônro, ntDgculvirt ou King. lies, on- o bdontti? 'on Blrd é Côn., lots o u ,6835 E. Boan, for gravelling b0e b nlots 12' and 18 Brd cou , $50; Dr._ "br, for medical at. tendance on- pin ts,$8.55; Alex. -Duf; for nmkink roasemscaer,$5.50 ; John Barnes, fox work ou Hamilbonsa -hi'Dhcou'., #5 E.Major, for pvlouk, $147; Dr. Fretî1 for miedical allené. danceon indigents, 810; lSherman Brown, for rspkrlng bridge &c, ou Bingston road,$0 J. 1. lipink, bal- once due, fer "ca .iug bridgeon base 0 linood 2ga o.,$71;Jh Day tom eqtnÛmpîung etoten lots 811 aud ii, *B. F. cou, $11; î Kennedy, ani Tim -O'Loary, for wvIon sou as e n, $40; SM. Niglicvondesjfoi repainlng îIvcmt ou 8tli 9pou., aI I1W88, 88; Estete et lates. J. Gteeu,ïfor cedât, 85.05 ; M. Gleesen, fer nalse, 01 ; P. Joefy, foc putting miliug ou Gcoonveod btill, 815.90; Johin. jMitchll, 08-, b -Bornes, for work on 7th cou., 812; T. Brown, for workl on 7th cou., $6; W. H. Higgins, for hrintiug, 8110 ; R. B. Vatdon, . or ±e sinlng bridge &c, at t Whitevalc, $loB; Wnm. Pearson, fer bildifig bridge cha9tis con., $145. Tise foîlowiug pereoný vere ecdemed te hoe paîd for siseep kIlledl by doge :-.Tahn Redden, $14 ; Gèo. Palmer, 816; Jue. .14ioro, $48.88. - James Dundas1 vas appointcd Com.- missiener t ~ascothing lu lise emonut o! 015 tî Robert *McclllaLl"a >blinsi mou. Ggokgo Dovideon andi b. *Stuffer, &Ppointdid comusissioners te *builsi a breakVaw r t prevent tise ap- preacis being $aes ed ovay at tise Forest MillI hri 4. On motion thefclerk vas iutmucted ta equest John 4hier, P. L. S. te draft a deed fcem tis Lorperation te Western -Pommer, fer ltee iatity uf landi et ceg- -ular Icad alloate solyiug &long cide cf lot No. 23, B. F.' an.. lie having soreed tu psy b. H. Teor a 11ke quontity of landI taken fer public highiway i0 con- sideraticu et said part et ropulam road aibovance. On motion etpMn. Moniiseotise conucil adjotirne4 until Satnrday lte. 28nd day of Novepiber noxt. A Malicieus At ck on the New Gov- ernu Ocenai Thse IshimaelJi lIi London Worlci bos publisises a livelyr but malicione article intended to pour -dicîiie ou the Mar- quis ut Lorne, wvi.6 wvii soon arrive in Canada. Tise contemptueus iseading eft hig article, 1" MOTaPpprtit," sug- geste tise vain in f visicis il la vnitten. Tapportit se theoïveIl-kuovu lover cf Delly VersIon i II"B»arnaby Rudge," vhis emode infinitlIy simoîl by tise selt-concoit visicislDickens lis engraft. ed on bis native littlues. Tise Lon- don 'World'e "bleTaUpprtit" simply meouso a Sîsohieli appertit. whidi léas contemptuons ni descriptive a uick- Dame as the inge4uily cf malice cenid have invontesi foir théo nov Gvemuor Gouerai. Tise Nèv York Herald con- Jemne tise articli lu stneng termes. Il seys :-IlTise ili-#atdnoed criticlus et the London WoWtd are incousidenate exaggeratione. Te bce sure lise Man- vini cf Lorue liai mode nu figure lu Parliemeut, but idf le te ho remembecesi tlot ho ie only thi'ýly-tisnee years ot age. Ath tiseeof hil marriago ise vos only tventy.six, _1vd tIsonh li as ou- countered the envions ebstructions in- cident te hie eue1rloue position. Ho is sh e , in u ple uucl ant as Lord Dis!- fenin liîoà't'tise ame age. Iu 1859, vison Lord Duffefin vas of pneciseey tise smoe ge s à oMorqqle of Lomne le at preseut, Du rinmode hie yacht voyage ta Irelaud and gathered mater. ili fer bis bock, Il Letters fromt Higil Latitudes," vhicisheopullislie inl lte tollcwing yeam. 1Ho crtsiuiy cul oyod less ceusidematton than the Marquis of Lsimue pessesees et preeul. Certain il is tisat tise nov G)vemoeeirai vili ho receivesà in Ca2Nd% vith tise heort- lest deuominatiÃ"ni et deveted hoyalty; that early mietakeo f ignorance, if lie elieulsI commit aui., vili ho geuenonely Thoaisa snu medicine îurscribeJ S>' plsieiane, or sol!b>' Drnggiste, tus - corres sncb evidenceoft is success ans] supürior s'iriue osBoicu-'i Grîiîsj,ý glivupu for severe Coughs, Colde ettled eus the breast, Coniiiumption, or ans- diseuse efthbie Tismoat an] Luugo. A proolf t blnItact isissaI ans- -poreon atilicte], eoù gel a Sasapie Bottie for 10 cents andI Iry ius stspomion effeel lie- fore buying tise cogular size aI 75 coula. It unas label>' been inirJssuce lu this ceunirtrfous lemon>', ans]its von- siontul cures are asîuuishing ai-en>ono Ilual usse il, 'redosei yl melieve ans- case. 'Jr>'il. Sol] b>'s. w. B. Smiths &Ce., Whitly. Tise Greateol Renie]>' Emev. Du. txM.s Nusv Dîssoviuy ton Con- suruptien is cenlainis lhe grealent mcd- ical rmis>'ever lîlace] vithin theo reacs of suffening iiissanit>'. Tison- saude ut once hopeices emilanor, nov loucils-procliin Iheir praisa ton ibis vonJenfoi Diecovon>', tewviuel hes- ove blair Ilvos. Net ouI>' does it peo- if ively curýe Comsumption, buI Coogîs, Celds, Asthmi-, Bi-onehitis, Ha>' Fevor, Heoarsenees auJ aIl affîetions et tIse Ils-est, Chest snd Longs s-lt at once lu its vousiectul curativ'e îîwens ne if b>' magie. Wc (Io net Lssk yous lebu>' unlil yennoi-vîssi ,yen are golting. Wc thérofore, 'C'arnesly ro'qoee8huiét' s-ou oeil o04 yonn dnuggieî SË. W,. . Susiti & Cie's, ans] get a trial bottlofrs-e o cla-cviich avilI cenne ttl'e motaelca ot i te veudertul mernte, unr ,iiab.on a i d.For sole b>' S. W. B. Smt. Tm VrcTitiYissle'soris-isa in i-empiar ticals- a nefonodfss; n-irmg lthe vitsl force, sud 'rs-lsvigomtlng ail tise fonstiisso rnees cifile5. Il sisulsi ho uses]prouspt. s-san per>' casie cf -Ionanrvaus force or teora delmilits-, tmouvor causa It Enre mitbs'isg ouluiseae-Naîional Pilla drives il ova- or2 -ale, b ' T. G, Whllfifeld, ChelulIi, Whths-.--y TheGnnalo'for the North -fioreý moadfi hbit on offer-W ibfli1d àhik frosu St. Vinuen'l dé PaüIto,th Baek; River sttatitnotIlie OccIdental Railvo> aoMPWe, Trahi ins- nn16 ,tbnough rouiuebo'IWwiuler, or vsi o ieen ve r DnltIf oWeëi4 native eutlemen, ansd 284 f'lghliri MOU. ~ho res6 ,vere camp -folloU vIs. The comFiage ooncicted of 315 casueèls, 250 mules, and 40 hesaièuTise - whbl. formesi a cortoge coucidecabl>' oven a imileicilulengtLha. 'Oouiing reporte huMa reacheh Pechovur nastbthoelutn- tiens o f the Ameer. 16 vas kuovu tistishe Min Akisor, or Master -o!, t4e Horseofo!the Araeer, vas 'p-osent ahi L li4sid, oud as Ias kuovu taobe oseed vlth-o faultioal hatrosi of&ù- ngllhsit os eimit iiuleho se nourl ii4rlâaétn shous a.b àbaie f a t'theline4iou of »se cou- mandaut. MajonCa.'apanlvasthoee fere dineWtet ride fervard, taking viitup masomffi e0corl a01 dgss ans] tlhse'Âsl-nlâau o! Our -f=d1sC Zil l4oes 'md;f Ithe fnieudiy Ihybe-ces. Diroctl> tisoy vere pencelyod, tho for' voils e eomaned, audJ - qly after- o inumber of broops e . tise opposite; Bide. Atter cenisideýroble daeliy a mes- seuger amnivesi. auJ onnouueed tisaitishe cominondaut voulsicorme cul lo-meet Majoà Cuvagnogi ansi three others ait a spot indcatosi by 15e.sido of thse strearu hait vay belveen tise two cisiges. Shonîl>' afiranves- o ie as seen ap- proaehiug ansi Major Cavagnaci, taking vilshlmit the commandanut cit tie guides sut] tvo et hie escorte, ansi occumponi. os] ly tishen as] ofe tho IriSes, vent fervard te moot Pair Mahumed, the neet cf the5. o entnmoipiug on tise ridge. Ou Sis vay bthe chieotneofe the othen Ehber tnibos fnieudly te the Ameer alomples] te stop hlm, ou tise plea tisaI ho vos eeeampauieýd y mono thon tIse atipuilesi numler: Major Caî'agnani, isovuver, puthis-osisle, gay. ing t liealamu.te Iolk, net vili hlmu but vitstise Ameer's officens. On meting Faiz Maoeos, Maj. Cnvag- nonï esok lande vithis im sud lise Ive parties est dewu, seccondd S'byo couple et lius]red ut Faiz Maliomedes soldiere.. Tie, conversation, atter thie usuai frieuiti' groetings, vwas oped b>' Major Cavaguani, vIte said Sbis h eanu the commandant vere equal>' servante et thoir respective Goverumente, ans], tisenetoro, oui>' cornying on thirorers. Tisane vas, liserfomeé, no necessily fon tise discussion heing carniosi on luin>'n but a trieudl>' spirit; tisaI ho Fale Maised, must lie avare oftthe intend- esI osvane of tise mission, andi îlot Sir Neville Chamberlin Lad sont hlm ou teo scortaiu frein lis evu lips visoîber holhou rsceived orders rela- tive o te eeceptien ofthtie mission. If thono vore an>'laitude in the terras et hie endors Le feit sure tIrailise cern- mandant wonld ho avare et tise liavy nezpousibiliîy lie vouid lueur liy pro- î'entiug tise adyance efthlie mission, os hie oct %vould ha acceptes] as tIsa acl ef Lise Ame. Faiz Maliosned repiieu tisat he limsel! vas actualed b>' tîieudl- 1>' feelings tevards Major Covegnari, in proot etfvsiis lie poiined ou' îlot un- steasi ot cerring dorn to eet iiruho migisI have erderedsi e n te lino on bis pont>' vion il appearesi. Ho pro- ceoded te sa>'îlth18 LieLd olready boen severely mapnimande] for allowing Lis Viceroy's eu-o>, NoaIt Gholaun Flus- soin, te prie, auJ lot, therefone la could ui , .-'mil tle advaucceofthtie mission. Ila begred tisot Si- Neville Chiamberlain would hall liii lie couid comnmunicate wiis Cabul. This, Major Cavagnari nepliedi vas nul ouI>' impos- sible but unnecoeeary, aî tise Cobol au- tîsenilies Lsad long been avare efthtie ap- proacî of lIhe mission. TIse conversa- tion cuntinues in lu iis stinnfon some uitIle lime. Major Cavagnani urgiug tIse veiglît ofthtle neeponsihulit>' Faiz Moiomed vwnîs] incur, ans] îhe latter ropoaling thiseuabilit>' le aîlov tise mnission te paes witlsenl a permit frein CubaI. AI iasî, ou Major Cavagnani again poinliug eut thie triendl>' nature ot the mission, tise Afghans, sisoviug for tsefret 'lime semé varmîl, saisi tise object et lis friendsliip vas mamel>' te stir up dssension intisa Ameen's dominions b>' hrihiug hie suijecte te disobe>' lis eors-" by bribing yen oisons " h hoe% ilusling to tise nogolia- tions vits the Ihybereos for tise safe conduct cf tise miselon>. At tIb an ambignons mrrmn vas boari trom île soldions, ans] Major Cavagnani replied tisai îlot vas net a subjcct ton suber- ulinates, te disoius,* ud tisaI if lthe Auzeer 1usd an>' cemplaints te meke ne onliut tise Govenment weuîd givo iîim a satiotactor>' cepl>'. Ho tIsu ooked for a final onaven, viethon Sitvoo r istinct- 1>' te ssndenstanoi tiriothLie mission wouldlie nosietes] b>'force. Faiz Ma- liored repuies] tiat lie i os]n alter- native if tise mission %vase pressesi. On tItis Major Cavagnani askesi tIe chiefs vitir him vIeller lise>'consiuieresi tîsis o suiliciont>' cleor anever, te vîuicl tise>' nplietli t iilas pn-tvctipclar Tise Most Valuable Gifîs--Re efthtie HeaitIt. Dnning bise pasî Icu yeams t] Sisosisones Roies]>' lias foi Jeemed even>' promise ans]g muado hoetise public. Alorming peirexiti>' ioptes doses oftLuneg Dyspepsie, Lirer Compluints,a of the KiJue>' ond Cironio Cei et ever>' description, ineiuding aund 8kinDiseoses o!lilfe-leng( bave been permmuenti>' rame, eadicoted. Tîle, visevot t-hein tostimion>' telise effiosey Remes]>, are net isagus people Iuirsi-o-localities cf taseigu but respectable citizens efth Ilis ena>' lu accosqanauJopen tle upon si-lio verbal recousus vo rare williiug Iticesitise reput thso Great SîosuseaRoines]>. are sillictud, de ne,. dola>' ns cino na>' lie perlese lu aidy injurions effecte con poasibi>' fol u6eo etlueso Indiau Bemesios ceioneminierais, b>' viioli of tealse s-s sa os eter Sealei tIse toraio!fsoseinn p cran>' se stimulant. Tisea ldion Remi iiel>'ko and stLi poasese lic confieneatter tire laàpse*1 eienl lime lu test Ibmei ese>'c Tise Siiol sVegebabi' Contes] Pille have yen for tîs- the Mst alfavorable eputioo pillubefone île publie. 'Éisir las heen tmhiy proved sia om bilouenees, Sick Hocadache auJ lies efthlIe stemacis. Pnice of tl cd>' lu pinî lueithes, $1 ; Pilus, 2 a lion. Sels] b>'&R oh eicisi eJ Il mu>beletrs of a4lvrsity , whist] s-an, wbisbio as brael- s-ui-soif Iise bye vlisies ima- moka meoa feel ais iuîdispetien tao xerîiou, -vos, pein in tise hacs, etc., or ansý vits ans- aifossian ai tise crotos nuse Vcroi i.ý udsxu auJ UV,&Uns pi-ci-s tise digï!stive paves-s ans t thre aeakeiuld1nddebilitate] ongano. For sols b>' ail dealere ,Nutil,sg sod hem tii vernid fi as Fs-uui'i; Wuuul-taveowrs. bPC T. . t i Csblitd iusi;t, Witby Tee Mucsu CAiciros s-oT 'Iu addnesaini,-thle Grand Jury o .fndge Acînour staîcd tisaI lic hnsooauitaciouism lînsi go emi il decreesi Ihat pnieouomsln gao ho bomber Canes] for tissu Mau monn- sunîsiprovide or er iir It is net beds of ente vils cori quarte- btàrîtnieei-ssisls]b eh -in, - ,Tiré corocesj ur>'. have retu , '-toll.wing ven4ict lu the, fQ q4st . "Thot tisie loste oert' camae ta bie deoth bye pistol-sW i b>' ome-penom r rpersanelu gu thi.niglil of the irst of Ot Irceanes, oa of the IreSh whudcontinùWcl ltpIek for cone' ai"e. ~e4tDriB anc u Tlie 'makn»lt.dovu1sede>cÂ1i fom a politicalsaV sud <oit iià pocice4, ti4klug pgirvolver gcosestouitpolut, and o vateHi eband.&er (llns' chdioese aver Cougbliu>the rvolver,-5sud vantesi ban- hey pnst, stcord t htiinisn, but -siee zfasei.nate thrPe candidat RH e hon gave lien tbe votai, telldtiv.li sad uline, dû her nuItlca uay anylhi!g abont 1 Il under b.fora'the'Pope mal MDonnelolUeotel -sud isit a dnini, b th liiyo 11e;Thre tgn'wu1-'tuV thro ngyu,8e" body bi eu eft ansi talilnjïlld of or froûl snbihtr ie Ilts,hemau by th. orme aud ie. by' eofthlareligiops orde the-egetboy tao lauJ tleirvili mb qûebtyr d'an6'by'th bis.à eos.oked sr why silo,' 414not-,ovenî -the aa ontï tell this lo Mr. -mbVetty, 'aaJîslè "aijititethe oii thlat ch.diil!not vont togiioauy sotie Pape intende ttatout faction, tis McA.uley vos doad, ansidvlldetermini the' that-was ail about il, and il; vas ne People tavard tise' use iavlug another man kil1ed.'e ,Mn. : *' ý coughliutbld me tIbi uthe preecefý ,ntis cmeb o f my isuabausi aud tise bey lucorn 0ni conty puhilishes l plOy. Il woe!on thé 81hz 'cf October 1h01 egading a iit cesoa]me lIte vatcis. lt w" ilhave beeu-orriv Tom Biovu's lieuse ao nègilasuarù,e". so oeî My'huebousi vas preseeutsudofed ta support bisa child ,tlee wveis for tise a wwa tia voh. Mme. Coughliiu saisi that 1iw me asi*arene os nandiscuesed 1 a fine eue, butit vas not pling. BislelSowrtwi refusaid te part >vith th isevteS, eayiug once cf creur onsr liere vas o secret about il, aud oeemut f a vantesi te give -it bock l e tise perty 1)o reeentej, sud ovf fresu vbom esle gel il; thaï; if ahe termno1 n enl conldu'I give it, bock sise vonid etfiun b> ieob ctn have it te trade te>' a herse. Whousen alienhe t uce alle came bock sIte Ji net bave tise lait beore bm." valpis. :I1aoked hem visere ie vos sud _, ,,- sIte saisI Ihat siso Sasisols iticiforasdol- *OEE T SsAIN M 1er and a hait. Tison ohé tbld me ogain The -Psoll MaU QG tîsat ehe bildgi-on il avay te a litho ,Patchi Baye il le repo huiuphacked boy o bIler carier. Am Esivard Howard, e qirite sure that sIte tolsi me al tisat I, neminotesi Wu-18771 liai-e stotefi. Mr. McVeitty vas at my sud Sas deolinesi th place on Moudeilo in regard te Me-, Dublinias succecsoî Auloy's detl but aiee ld hlma notising.ý Cardinal Fina, lise] AMIen hoeloft, Mca. Ceugihin Wenî up et State. vil couiisul stairesud laid dovu for avie. Wheu fore filllsng tho i-ses eh.e get np eh. veut ut.o Moggie Cam- aBk prmsso a oen'e bouse. Wiseu use came bock Londavtct dei elieBa so Jvualengeido ô! tho stove aud- repreeentabive. at th, I spoko toelher about it, Bshe tld meý "Well I vas in thie set o! tisa munider of MÀaSOIcBICB sa> Lise man ans] connut keop it te myseif." trom founvor gi-as This occurred betoce vhat Iý have ai- -eof an ovfqý raid of ceïas]> statesi. After soying lis smie in Appa Valley on vaîkes] about tise floor auJd duces]. 1 ansi 801h. Dnningt asked lier vhîy -aise diai not go a&nsi WU sacreesi fous-bon me 1h, vie s sie epliei that sIte voui net 'familles in utten do oven Llieugis eIte gel ive yeame. I firet anchesa ans crope, boeard tsai a revoi vos offeresi on cattie. Outragesm Monda>', Mr. McVieLly tçid me te youfsg girls sud wve sPeak te ber about il, aus]îlthaI voulsi reount. After deç gel $500. Did net tell Mre. Cengii les tise>' wenl tesi B about this. Arn net avare thaï;l e, publican Volley, w] kuew that a cewsi-d vos offoeod. Mr. teen more moe a Hinds tusld lier tIhal o 1,000 eword vwas awful outrages, on effares] sud that lic enisil gi-e $1,000 Tise setleros tatc th additiouai if eIse cenld tell vsehadbils ithhie troope, cou murdored Mluiey. I vas preaect part>', encamped on Whoeu HuglitHinds qneetionedhemr-a-.lier loI oniy tbrea sî lient tise affair. Mme. Conghiil said cf tise ludions, ai aile vas preseut wvison-MeAiiley' vas fiends te cecape.'T kiiIed and Ilion deules] il, sayiug aise lIlas tisore, the cor-- board et il aI tise pdicostotibu. On, Jenied 111e outrages Weduesday I iseîrs\ Mn. MeVeilI>' correspoudentliai; question lien vion elle ogu.iu deniod'iîuv- viluesesauJ cerne iug toit] me'anylhîng. I teid detective TU MYTY Bauuiug about visaIae lssi saisi but Bonvy.-Tbe myste nover heard hem btel im anything. iseadiese lbed>'wasi Grace Blaldwin vas aise presont vbeu Bruce is still unso w7hcu aise t'ld us tise sIen>'hicis 1 Loy lias -recei-eJ 'liai-e epeaied aboya. froin a lady in- Ci To the toremuan-1frs. Conugllin was tuiler description e: eebr hi'vsen ahle îold rue'visaI I have been giveni, and stoi 8tated. lises-e vre a ouspleetfhcehis ens vos supposedb on thse ring ofthtie'vatols. I tllink I s] in the lake. Aw would kuoW tise vaîcis otain os itl had jawhsene et a mu,t a (linge lu itwviere lins. (Jenghuin lias]iaibonetm stoosi upon il. Tise second liaud vae piciesi op on those8 off. Slesobld me that tise mon slo vas tise bus]>' as roua, vils îlot nigî blîa aspan ef herses apar- f esi Joui at Tom Konodys holel yard. She a paityr n said tiasaIo sav lise seme mon on the Tisose ia y or may r market and lie harle lien "lgond-day. with tîsearticulai Ho vas au Irilisman. lse aise. eaid be iselsi tonidentifica tlsaI aller tise illiug cf If Auley Lise mnu went te lise een v oodpIle aud PAPAL INDILT.-T s]og a eort cf a bisl near bye loge put-: eceived soime limea ting soethinglu"te il, and] tiat the me- AncIhisisop Lynchs, î'oiven oliadtvos a seven-ebooler. eeui, bas jnet heui Mre RmousIsualians] gave similar "Most Bevorend - esîiiouy. Wlrilst eendiing ycc, Detecti-e BANSINO saisi Mns. Conglilin yen ask in tai-or ci bold iim tisaI a mon nmnesi Clark kiliesi Josepis, I la-vefgci lcAnle>' sud then 11mev him mb tiste sable te assure ýyen th -river nean Giliissoun's residenea.,- bas grao-inoly re 1-V lire. Coughiîlu enies-pesitiveiy lai-- et homage, ohez 'or iug bold eitisen tise Jtecliî'e onrlire. vicis yen chargod ilemon bisaI sIte kuev vIte killed me- hn lm ou hebof ety Auley. 1Holinees han likevi LAURSENT, tise mou1lvinsWosese Sesg- te 'yourself, yonr. ion McAuley's watcis vas found, saisI failhitul- committod lis got tise valchin lutisevoter about Apogtolid bonodiètieu tve fast from viscre tise body>' vs SEIZURE "" AN IL found. Mail publishles on sc Mnr. Cenglilin, Lthe wounan obave me- o-m t u11d ferres] te, le a prorilule sud o netori- et Maraliy by Rave: eus cliaracier. lier statc-uoent is nol mev came days agc gouerally cnedited. - . nais 'ros], oscar - 'tili, venu, mach,'auJ fermessting tubes steraîlon vace destu'uyed b>' lb. officiala. Tise stili vas oeeof tise langeet mode, ansi lise worm vos ucapable' o! runuing cff fe Gr-eat muru>' unulmeile etgallons daly. '.Wheu ufulî>' mc- lIe oficerseuoteres -tse lieuse, Freel guacontoe wae ini bis slint seeovos, liusily-eugageui ýg and inp. attendng s alf-distilled worm, but lie Diseacea, ble l ime un lieating o metreal. afficsition A lady,.rotler inlclines] le flirt, soa mest implusints mou are lice a cold, vers- ousils- augstl-bst" licrefuis vers- bas-Ote gob nid ci. il is eeoaieat Somalien, motter in tise séomis] to otrsid cf a colO.,Ue ivosi ansi Ibrg eco ahelon, tise jest Cana- ineemou brencisitie and] aildiseocssoSflise Ibreat o iy et tisa longs. Fsr sala b>' al dealers. le in nu- Fesnrissuesin cbildren f le enred bs-Pros- counînies miua Worm Povuiene. Fer' sale b>' T. Gi. icountry, -Whit ltti, Cheémiet, Wlsilby. question, IMPrOus5RANTC.sTizsuu.-WoralIiae been sudations necols' adint the- young man unm- tation et mens],vise cannied off bise gols volcis ,if yo en eliging bu lise Australian crieketens, ti1 xmodi- trou lise Toronto Cricket Grooms], dur- Yen. Ne ing tise recent eilkeb match, hoas been> 1liov tise arreeted lunBmufaiq., Part cf 'liestolen-_ as bise>'py e 'la éi eovsolslÃ" De-- Ihs frite beebive Novlalli.bas lefI for lufoo id under armed vitistise -nosa->' oiiil>'l ealivemor bng Drnmmond hsacirte Troute., iediee are FsaE Ai- MÂusrOeni-TWQWvrr'so_ lise pub. THÉCOLLEGE DEýsiteica.-Tko wng etofe tise Maynûooh Cahieëge vewre destîo>': - os b>' fine ou Novoebr lut. Libras s i~'raise injures]. Tiselôsa t te -- olsego su f isel-eslaestimsfed a-t8$50,00<1..Thse stidnis uiuuiy 1aIal- titir. porsonai properl'. lTe sey fe ire vos ersnsed b>'ise' os-r lieaigc ictivi - I gavs-ningapanatns. - le rmu-Audnev Jackson sais] 'Napluleen steos] 25 contes iene tise insucf his, iues,-,,u4 tisatIt5- u nsresiyens-sbefore -the cantispbduces le oceoiuisi lissmeut equaelisHgyard's YellwcOv i. ! persp For bus-u, broSàs, vensi,' t&., lt caruol [y.- H yoo lie.ri-atisît. iu rieumatiera, uoumsigiîu, weak nom- spinal cuiuupbalmt&, etes;i proves o mesem- s ofhliitesi gerao! mercy FIor slsb>'ail dosIons.-* r>' irg)? 1ti 'S ilepn . vers-foulain e!f e. WIdo ie. Por sale, b>' T. G. WiuitfieId, Cisoail, rogbesWiitbs-. #ceebos- AoF -Crra,-Intbligdnce b-P o as beois neceived from WliyUsal, on sculrootise-West Coat cf 'Afica; d'ati Sept. ?r salehY 2sy thj, thaia, Portugui'o ecdmmulü anb - ansd coven soliones are -be1dcaptive b>' AiPd- tisa King o! Diahome>'. vise m es biso tt Guelphs parade' beoeo luldail>'. Tise'Ring thonglit han coumenued bbte grand cl cnïlom éI vWhou cf bu mari.sacrifice. pive hunsices per- l 0 hlaii os ave beau ln g insi olu e -y Sonest i montis. - - - fa, milles., , Mosmsoe iCeieVozs-.-Ten tisoufisi efertiblo I couvents tle Mormaulesu are mporteit ýe inui iâ tiss s-ar froou America. Of lhig numq-~ 1'ber 6*vlia,et'sejoto 1àtbÂt1h.>' Are Ja the, ~vavmo, wils b oui-b on the Inislt ralleasi b>'sy Irisli- b> b nsiprose- eh chy Ieeise- dionc. Tise, appoint- mon wenold certainly, 'onn in iishrss. Je-^ uluýg the crusade bý-- oardinal agaluot the I- ho-v.auanarduoneB no BE CONSULTE D.- 7c,ite's Roua d(es-, )orteil hhat'Cardinal native cf England,. , huas heewofferedt She.,Amehsharico!o I lat CaIrsiu lIen. rontificeol secn.tany, 16 Gnaaàttritalu ha-e. ana>, anud y*l aise> )seud- a Nunelo 60 lmandlng--. Britiesh Muse-A letter -t Choyene Inudiens LSept;eubs-the 29th- tisaI lime tho>'nmas- su auJ hÏefIt îveul> y.buin >'bruiq 8,eteaing bermesan v ere committed un -men 'tea horrible ta evaebablug Appa 'Val- sa-e- River aud Ro- Lré e'killeil six-- mai commitesil more n wemen sud gicle. tSot Captain -Maucs, sspnaing o pnrsuing u lise xsigist cf Octo- miles hrou lb. camp 6d ha olluveài tisa Tn. mulitar>' anISer- esfpeDndent gays , havo. sa b>' ludions, butI lie a; acon se-vocal eo 90' i-BTE A5OE5sS amry euncomning the ýse irshore, aI Port sod. PJoroner Mc- ChaothsamasiU>,'for a )f tise lied>' tison Za ltiug tisaI o friond o&t' te loave been drovu- -week or tva ago tise tise fleasiofvîsicz vosîsoli e>'wa, vos shore close to vbere su ad more necontl>' sel siravers ef -geod. )wu ou the, beaeh.- n-ot havo connoction ar myeiery, but vill ago b>'Hl Grace trou Cardinal Sim- un màasie public - Lord. Arelhihop.- I the :indauit viics ofthlie Siolers of St. ilt plensure ilu beiùg Lhst theMHoI> Father ilosi thse xpressons nc- sud 'Vonertion m ie te, present ho pur Graco, ma Hie 'âse deigned té grant ulergy andi ail,1h. 1te jour -zone,e ILLICIT STI-rar..-T escount 'of 'lie dis-_ suo Collecter Mer- eo. Tii.ý opero, mail orrit, but lthe 01 wlâch &&V«m >ý tak. 110t'Lcé. ana Cauves ... .... Onicus ...... Turnips-..._ Cheesa -..... Cas-mots- ...: 5.lhickeuss, perpir Tmo, pr 1. POR T FEI Port Whoat fan. .. :per b.......... Paek.......... Wuei........... Lard .......... -pe.Cocoa of dMig auond nu bmoaifsf t tables vis doctora' biIs, Ib is such articlestcf dios be gi ral]>' 1manil1 i dredasu!i mubtia suai us mess]>' luatlocls1 Slut . WBesusyes keeplusg ei-sÈ purebbood an" i-a -Civil Sericea Packeha lebeiled - Eunmoeoatbic Chou T 0au -Who are s vas dlsssyred lis Amoric. Sens]'a tte eB. Jeexus Bible Hoei Noue!' NEW ADVJ ELECi-esALi. is- of the SOUT'H MDT of tise -' COUNTY or ONT. TAKE - Tisaten tlsis SourLs 187,>I lai-e Election PetitL log is a truec C "1K T!iEC Tise Dominion CeB, E ectUei cf a suei dte SousiiBidï tarieo, sr ico 1' es dishe Seei At. D. 1870. Domnsionofe!Cons PueOviNEsc oOsestaB i-o wIVI-, ava, linlthe saisi C once Agoni, isucsq: 1.-Yuur Petillone person dul>' q abora lotolero. 2.-Ya= rpcbttoneu - etectien vas j noinaition on tebmber. A. D. 1 tise soeulteoutl MB; -vison ti Nilsoen 'Gib Osisava; Grain -Wa>'olGien Manufacturer Fsaise Ayias li-Teun pebitienla Firaucu -9Waylia eus] oflep the se self sud i-AI practlëee-,j»ij expressf!ic-il lte 5foMjnicsr Act 1874", ai Eloctien Act 18 cf Parllameul. ansi mtus-j 0 Il G5én vas am i Whosrefone, yens -&suas- te l Francais Way] lise Baia electi iuus=ed 'rosi

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