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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Nov 1878, p. 4

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«rdovup ru. ;0 rein,. rf 1eu 33bu~adta~ assoie e-o' lielois il' lige ,* o! b~isavî isbusage rais orcs odscri ien. EIck hem dowa, I Otho 2~s ~~ LIVERPOOL, LOAjDO1 M I1.y*rà SUW amlie of m u o ga a--4n o en h à ' ongÀsI Snl ccipursiis. M. 'Haresq*olt, a- Preuehmsiz;éasubenu pnrcing thé. avootien o! a "hanter" l il'11,parta c! tisa vend, elalusustoeb.lia he grattet doallevtdid liiiréputaton, ha Ic nov, Il aj5iera.rsaiIU on bisJs.1 rél£ n the Genasai toeti.(ouves-amant cf tisa cd, 0o itlale' reporteil, <o dîîlroy hai. sauaait sf10 s us,4% Englfes ofilcér In'hi dIahowvèri esMjor robyn' mupeintaudatil ërpoullu inKiandalih, usC -roc, 4bi1. atayes- cf tigors pretty elosoly leulhie clains to h titie of Cham- pion tUgo.lilas-. 1P :igtCisclait uhol ýmùtno -3e thz ieh, M s ] ti f,Kua4 lbau, sconnes! for th in aibitatiof thc lantnlçt 110 vea ovorcome h. e opinions with clsbusisa tvtcoltêt'regard apy BughielumnWhvio hilla ahig- . ne- le'avl;iog >le I!hluos-ood, tise luhabi- tantq 10,,he Qovruor o!, Bosau oti>' gIb soos'ts hhsýz No dou'&t euis)i8b rade, Young usAn. Ycsssusfht sai' yosr bhbile, pUht yens- Ilr OW »s piQ.f oxoion uweting, Goisensg ygsr chilis ver a cousslesm Arnto atlkit (vidile Cteh Ipdiç,o ; part yenr Iihuais- la h.isile; snake seus eà >fycismef geilri-just *beeauseé l l'e a1111 more gqusoel lu lie eye 1teel oe WOpris!.'pruvento phi ioi ouuçiing aea. oor lseyiià 4aoisa1 hose povrry pinehes voe tUjs loe 01tise, patent crocs. loggsul ohess vý,if tise truthu wes- Tita Eïràs i u ini d Laimil of lirybsurgîs, vul kuown dnring tise latter part af the at'century at au eutbneiast iiitiotla ileoey nsanlqulieu, vw" ver>' ccsuti-0,'lbut waO c lfaie nar 4p 4 Qiuusiug inclident occarroled t l; fu;surl Sir Davis! Brewoher susd Sir Walter Scott vara btshmeaeoont.* The ouésîel lu Dryburg AhsIuoyrous frein usuel ta wutj tho grave was meule si- ésodiigly, 'iand thîe foot- of ise coffin ehsul ldiitatiuiual way beau carried iu rîs-t'- Tihe 'fariner aw 4-lii.wiss net lhing donc, and! saisi : "*Wo have bs-uugit tise uas-'h'esionltise wrong wuy." *"Nover minu," caid Sir Walter, "lus lsu&ulwseuis-oeilail Ilàiilite, il iss't wamt t le cbuuglng Il nov." *An J-eixgliehî isitiornce attendàaib 'Thoelady pi thsehoge., as utIle piqued ut chic igit,; npproâblisdlm nd h aid: "And priear, wîstciarscter do Yeni absuanse ?," !1 loi shîpau sea gentleman," s5ailie u. *,Ali 1a capit al <Mguise 1I" tusd lic wilthîlrow'for repuirs. - Àý msiylinl smail, wi:oso ife drop. îsts1>doadl Met ftl?< lý%sd the fusneral put off anc dusy longer to glt <ho balauco of li$ carx is isîlied.l.ie eid it wouldn't s4ýice sery tibse talinr, asi c e.wsi' slwSyigôoodilttred. "ou-lalfof Ltile .4'rld don't know hiw tise othser a f i'e 1" uxciised s a gosiping wais. "110 , well," said lier isuighbbr, $'don't *y about il 'tion't 'yaut fst if if jeylont know. À yosing iiyi'iiaîkissg permission -ofua lis tsi W ie(isererplied :"No, mir '; 1 neyer ike sa loolor'8 bill etuck in sssy lew.l'ý 1e sll nisiko nuie cent, sutys the uitîoi,; 111t cooijietitian le 60 htsossg eandti4 Cottaon fItttoieos down liît ht.bten.mille d<n'triakc a cent. Àt)~df rsii-Ân agoul Quaker. ToRna.wL oa~s lrad xla t- Ing, "Io Pay.Debts, or to niake /mprovrnients', r I it UN 1PL SIaNE Z) f-9I'REI'AIED .1 l iitnke a4iupie 'uposi the secsssily lrei4 t tm. Lau, terfida t'a sahuruvers and !r*Worue l p suéeppcgt per cou,'sonps4l'ix, rpsel ns. 81 WhuItjfýlla 111011ôfrit dps-- Clu Isun ea GOOD C1iStUgelw'% Pbfiiia l'Ott Perr>y. Dom/n/on -Wood Woùrk6, 1 Geo.'eormean reki,or PIaslsig i'iuhldngs'oî ev.ery dëscrip- tion, Ploorilng. heetiug, Siselving, Re- savins-, Sbsif4g, Tsursulng. Serol-v6oiak,- etc., etv Whitbi-, Oct. 1itls,1878. -18 878 AUCTION_ SALES 1 T R 60E te tusn MYi iricete tisunks te tise J.public lot' tishe ry libsral patronir leoeovbd spu n lu tise paet, sudaï lntlm=tl*tI ,wil' bon isand ireasi-te Nycae bac te dayd o! sali Mr. Nutsl, tise onle,1 b>' mai N.1.-sale, lus'utiqicd ife, Vaile Lis aomz o alite.' raPre, frob,>g tauîreo mna eti pbe, -, fC oàWg, rwza n; ti tha ex- i rvlng, whioh Wii b. soli At ,- mel suicfts as ra.~ Aday, th suit etii. vas-m heo. A fasl 3ok of Glaaaware, Gem jasa, llyCma a partica au- ver he.l".Buly7romFn-j cuiSit te ue Bacon sudHamo, c«oý*aujly mlisu4, p o# 1ow>t viii n1ot. bel ' et hae! ce--Btti *)loge ','lb WANTED.Âl ianiytofjtm ar utr OU Egga, and fruits cf aillka 28rd d e A cau respeotfufly Bo licîtedý ~ 11, i~s. 81MON FRABER, ND£aýYe jul lib, wo.Qtadri. Dl, Brce8t., Wlstby. OLASOOW. 01P 110AL MAIL STE AUS S1P5 M~ay surc (rom Quao Mr Cabîn fares redisee tote$81, 0191. Bitumu tickets, $151.50, 4150.50, cc*ýdlng to osition of sBle.roç4s ute nrmosei,.t Wr hun,#2. f 1teerage as ow sas tbes owest. Sadnan ru9uebec, Oct, 12tb. 1878. Sarmution, Gh Stoorige pausengers are rwardcsl teon- dolnderr> , , aiUsegslw, Queonslown, suoolbiifad Lonu sus ahsaintot au Cg Liverpool. 1 .ier renl P Parties w1ssng to sefoi h fied eau obpil tic«kets at low rates. Tisé Coe md u isc heSummer et Ãœln o ad tergi bu amooies taeof <the St. Lýwreuce. > For.ticheticen(d furtiser itifornation appis- to- Sip. and Tel.Oc, !Whbss, Juiy Sisi, 1878.tf8 I'THE MAJÃ"'R*! MILLS., AT wHITEVALE, Have recontiy isesu fd wftls nmisabiner espuiiaily adaptaiS fer, A 'nd tise irniËlî;orha. décýilcI ta n ah. (mSi 0NOkASPÉCIALTY. Tise patrons af ths" M tma- borefore f cil issurod tisaI hisor G 6I$TIN will be ie lu tisabist possible nusudi.,asd wiCh tise sstmoet despatch. FLeUR, sud ail hik!.o! MiI ees! con- stautîs- on bsand sud for sale at iowost prices. 1 CASH FO1l W1IEAT et allMimes. -T. P. WHITE. Whltcvalsu, 3lihSe1t., 1878., - .4 A Complote Bof-Istructor in Plain and Ornamental PENMANSHJIP. YOUNG 1'EOPLEcawssl ,fn. te cqisro a Lapisl, easy aussibeutjsi f-lans ri ing, witlisoisîase lls"r, %wlll il11i1 <le (OUIsîuuia POreleel struetor. Itusndne(ssasre bethoin. sug b eautifucl witers lthiriisghont thie Do. - su iiau ansd the Unitedi 'State, Si- uin" il. Il eonuiste of a seici-cio! Cai'e' Lu*s ai ConverAiunt sire fer prabtsiisg, ¶vhlci )ou- tain ruc l 1 giîsi ii i tl t1j'tus S i rst1 i n- sipîce0 îslP1141 sîîly -1r1-1"eiusg toitIse inust clîgaîut Plai si minictali ens-hu; 'rext, 0(lii f ilisliiansd (rnium'itii Le#pr- lng, Ofthacui l.osriliing us! Bleds, di. ;'A Ilusoo rioS Puis:, witb fuil islykisu and! iu- shenetioui, ans! subeau titîully'-vingrus-nilcase tui coisin tise wlsole. Prices 0.0, Posuaidls. Addlress 9.(G. 1BEATTlV & cb. Ontarlo lBusliesqoîle fi L5W Agente wautois. OI -n Nv, 14.f Music Instrpotion, MR. FRED ILDGý, TEACIIER Or r PIANO- FORTE,. ORPAN AND Me/o dcopi, T ERMS011 aplie4ion s'e(!iilence,essQrn. Sept. 2ad, 1878, 97-hi- f1511 sêv aut rus-Elec n- Sook cverii ses, entithed ~p~SELF PR{ ElVATION ,THYSE ..et cce ilofe! cule. I t§l of Exhsîîutcd Vluaiitp Ps-e sture Dece, er usad Pbyairal De el, n d the onusta hcnteast sfslsuand u ml 4 ,ies tisat resi Iherefraas,esanlouaiunoe tlulua 0rlglsslpl. serltsonss.ay nscae ofwhithIolas b ri p-e! VeCo.Tisboukwswli*hyhaetx censvceul proliablytlUwie cislfups-sctlees in Ansertecu-, tewlont wsuseso aa Mda eUcud ieddaîb bisheNatlonulMedclcellea A Peus;leules lusaed vitle0im es a sentS .3.5to auU. 8c4 I5a U 'oSta.oc.Addn-oI e.Clii k iti -ft"à »riCATi eim r INSeB~fs.se Ubrl aisfaction eues-. LDES, ATTI NTIOIf. uit vilI Suefounust ah le LD &C.Iuh'arrssue ineustaaThe celebrated4 Anic&uairok pro .r alet. M A X TA O --Anetioner, 'Vitbui. 230 Qu&een Si. West 1os-iuo, -BOVs eus! bienk notes ITlioc ru os- s t- . atrs-tlsMas-ki L. l.F. D II:GS ta iforiuie tlIseLailstisaI hoe.js J.. lseoui- GENUINJi lA nR OB., InIuC~ lic eparantees ilkindj 14 M rauss an meulyoîsr os-s> aucI will Ili TftIS tmdtothem. - El? 0F ACE. -ClbiMsplues , is ust ts-rdotin SWIT 8E, CUBL, ý PR.&TE CONTE FRIZE.,p O PLAITS. Aud tise SenhuilHsa!01 Lot- Orla ont of etraigit Hlr1ss.0qs t Meucieori09 thé T",ristaral Cari. Ros ui, wtieîavv I onntAgo sl u hui5d 0m #,.OUup 0aunaouthbafi ot No. 7. i-i 11,- 0 mma cf "iberilot N. CAUTI<N. - " ý r"s Win, mmssa 0 dLam.- lsedoet b. mUila ->'cÂv1 " s é - >emlPb"- '-j I tes-su MAI J4CB h &baua,.,Osva,,~secgsat at P.S osur 4 am ré-u>et ~~x i;:~~~~oor dicsvop ffle o-aHoA LIST 0OF AUCTIONEEýS- ticensed for-the Southii4ing M OntarjoNrIiigÃ" ~. Ontario, and separste Munipipalities in the. Jtter. i FAN. IiSIDECE. 8TNIIPALTT. XpMRTION. il, lD-Vansant, stouffvlhl*, '%bridge, *à8d71' Si Jisird, ]Brook,'1," Wm. Gos-don, Sunderland, J. Cr. W idd fi ld , z -lg, U xbr!4pga,'U Clemne-ast F, ort Pars-y, 'N. niB.dlng, is 218t' pogsl ai.l, Whttby, BDroJas.e, le,"87. ýE. H. Cames-oul, Sauvas-bu,. lises-alà," 1," Ciao. MWlim. Trgo Brook, F#b. 2M1h Thoo. Pouri. Ballosad@Southic lg, AIsfrd Donald Bos,, Beaverton, Thral ralhs D. isiep~ Ochawa, Souh maliins sg 4h ThÃ"u Tacer, Leaikileh, Nos-tiiBiding sept. îotis, I. Fairbanks, Wlistby,. Souti h sta "-de otiso u yM. PstUnison, Jleossington. North Eldins 20h, LIST 0F PEDLERS FOB TU ~e John Fucis, Thorsis, ih* joaephl Jackson, Uzbrldgea 10AII. GOLDSMITHIS HALL.- NE'W GGUD8, NEW G 00DB- New Stock çf Gold Watches, New Stock of Silver Watohes, New Coloured GelA JewIlery, New Bight GolA Jewelleryi 1 il Viii ÂbALigD, .New Jht sotte, New Baby Cinriiges: very cheap. Clocks, Speetacleai, Chtiery, Electro-p]ated Goode ÃŽ' groat varlety, Niokelite Eorks and; Spoonâs; Disk9, Ink4 stands, &c., &o.i1 Owing te the prevafing busineýi depressioz4, the ow price o! New Goode will be !ound a greset iù4ucement to Cash purchae r. JAÂS.JOTNTN WhiLby, April. 16tis, 1878.rcia WCimk',Boi-l WILLIAM TILL'S CABINET FACTORY AND FURNITURE WARERQOMS THE OL D 8TA ND BIROOK 8 T11EET, WHI TB Y. Go where yon cannot fMi to be pleased in making sefections of good fumniture; -Splendid Parlom-, Drawing Room anA Beclropom Sets, New Design ei o fts !inspection, ut aetouishiug 1ev piices. Dm-e ing.room 'fensissx Tabhles-n very'sulpdior article. Gilt omrices, Picture Frauning lu aven>' style. Bomrne o Chromo aud Engravinge for sale. Ti NT -DEMIBsTi,-AXINiG a In ail it. branches';' funerals fn1lý supplied, 'A stock ofclegant cukats. Coffins always on baud, trisumes! to sùit Cuetomers, sud a vel uappoiuuteid Hearse constantlý in readimscs. Whitby. No'ennber 24t1î, 1875. WM. IL. CARRIAGES' AND BUGGIES! --000 THÉ LA110EST AND biOST COXM?ÀBTE STOCE 0OP Ca rr nage s, Bleig9hs and; Cutters, M.O'DO0NO0V AN'S CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WH ITBY. VERY CHEAF. ,CALL &;SEE THEU. NEW IàOODS -00-- me ca- n S, Clothing and Gent's- Furnishing. flouse Io uiow supplied with alth newest stylpe oX English, Scotch, and Canadiani Clothe-of al kna, h Largest and Best Stock tihey.evér hail.1 OIJu' Aise au exeent stock i. Gents' Fu erihn ,al Pieir. A splendid stock o! Èeady-inade OvecojsCs O orCa McMILLAN'S BLOCH, BROCE STUIET, . HTY FALL BOOTS AND SROE$ The undersigned begs te 'cal!l the attention of cûtomers and tho public to hie present. large stock,;<of ]3eotaand Shoe thich ha la scliing ut ustonishingiy low prlces, for cash. uadies', GenIt.' 4nd-M ses.' iu groat variety, manufactureca lu the e st mauner, o! thé- best matierial, sud iu tise newest etyle. Give a call and get fitted for thp <luý,mpc&hcr. ABl csdr pronhptýy. executed, and repaire noatly mude 'us usWu ~JOFIN;,aAURDERS. Wlîitby, $e t BU, 1876. 4~iAent. FASHIONABLE TALORINvG f Go where you can get a Well-flttin eG-ameént -.~Totue Tailoring Estabfishmi#t of GEOR6.E,' GURJLEY', bHwA F3UPERIOR - CUTTING SHA À Large Stock oi!nffue Clotho - beet Tveo.aC> F xcelent oyovrqbsg%. -t -pull Stck of Caskets, Coffins; and al ti. eoe re nthis lUn. ie Aý WELL-APPOINTED flEARSE. Whtb, 0tober 1Oth, 1»P.' 42 Oý'FIçE O~F TH E -BROWN,.dPATTEIi'ON1Ml'g. Coi T-0 TH E PUB-L 110. lu preenigour Twenty.eond MinusataoueJ Ârcuîra mpe mua te afomra of Canada-for the yea 1877, we do e06 w1t1emore than tii. ordinsry degrae of pride sud confidence, (rom the. msrked faàvour and patronage coufer.d uon us sud h. îtsdy ud nreng demaud (rom yen to yen of Ou e e r a1M s dattention. b ou ie, at?0nytw er w ae a urm4crefful and undivid. edattet: 1ie auatr doea~ ! iev~oamachine.slunieo,1 e tiguttsebetpon a ying Ieectadftng lad oectsng, arerm,, irngenin'Ug wskpont, ptîng snd proportlmfog oe-ypart ai our l-uces. We emuploy onI1' the bait mechanical chili, snd our mi hinc" a nuder lhe moil careWutsupervusion sud acrutlny-cevery datai! balng Z11ujeoVtth acti er- a$ it *M--and ascii machine àa. hherouf i iite& bef4Ïre Jeving our wovkce, to prove thse complotenesao! every part, sud thare la né difcuty lu putting them lu oparation hy sny parcon of! moderato mechamla 4ility. Our machinery hbu beau ielected sud couatructed with asepeoisi referenc. tb thé. manufactura o! Our owu machluei-many tooli havi Ig beau mada for Chia particular purpoca, and1 mot adsptd for .9tber vooek, sud c ur worksnau are odu- eaed up te tha wsntsansd raquiremant. o! our manufat Minbtwlgaà hor. otighkniowWe~ of hecurcto f our machines, sud sthus cnabled to oh- tain a hîgiier dagrea of chili sud profioicncy tissu whcre gbnerai msnufacturing la csrried ou. Wa are therefore anabled te introduce samrepefec s~tem luto ah tihe de- partrneptA o!fzanufatnra, adding not ony t i.prfcihfth., work,,but ai- This p icple la regarded neceary in aweil reastd establihment, and wa eablid te tam ont our machinai with a gr de a of perfection, sud et pricas no 1ev ais baoiutaly tb dafy compititiou. j THE JOH-NSTON SELF-RAKING,5 REAPER leao noce l! kmo" as s Single Besper, m aaword o! tonmendation venus! xmout ucam suparftuous,' but sù there are many etlidkte manufacture thii 'machine vise havea dhered te tisa ols! original Jeisucton m8ciniu, vitisout koep- fut up thf Inovameut,; tiaI justice: teo usoaeenda4itou,roqurcfs te raCM8 v ae mfed 4i lualleneat oves-y ecsen4,c-t udfortemg su dfrbllt, ~uIly of cnt; lu overy isins!d ne oudilionéf tan lgues or drdansd @à»sio management-Cie "Joinston," ai mau!f0tumed by us-tands pre-eminenly &bonad cf -anl cher rospers. lu preef cf Chia sobsen vo have oniy te point te Che msny PFirt Prize. avarded. uc-at thse lest Provincial trial cf Ou- taria. anêmaany couslty risia vsidi have taken place ai ôt4er Canada, wti the. lait 1e yesrs. OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHINES, vils laCe improvements. Linail liaI eau be cleired ln a os&bined Machine, sand cannot faîl te meet &Il Cisc raqaisreuts of purchucere. Our fImproved Cayiega Chief dr-., and Our Younà Canada Mowera are both fis-iass machines- censtitutes! almoat vholly of ron aud Steel. Tise Caruga Jr. isas a rear cul, and! the Young Caada a front CPIt; bobji streug, dur- àbàamaines, sud aoC exaeiled by any machines lu Che narket for qualiti- o! cut, durabilty, îightnesso! draft, adeptabiity, ans!ceue of r sanaemenC. OUR NEW "WHITBY HAR\{ESTER."o Au tise country bsi eceme bter adaptes! ho macisinery, axis! many of aur form- ara have become ukilies! u in tuicosaofmachines, a grcwiag demaridisu eprung ap for a LghC, Durable, Fis-t-Claie Besper. Ahv. ote sarquiremnensaof tCia-day, vo have scocee4 l iuventiug a ma- cius viti a Wrongit Iron Frame, vwitis Ch.lesatpossible 1gearig-vith large,l brosl. face'ddriva v hael,-asud c cnatruates! Chaht tE.framp suad tableCititat Chu saine hlme, Charaby keeping tisa pitusan alwayc in line i 'lth Chu huife. Tise rakac ara drivan dirmctly from Ch. main shaft-there being ne perceptible side draàft, sud ne veigist upon tiseisorses neeks. We arc coi fidmuC Chat ve havis aueeded in lveuting tise meut pes-leci Reaper, takîug.f "Ianaîîils part., Chat bsi ever been produced. W. havi applias! for iette'rp patsuê , sud shejhiiold our invention, for Our eva exclusive manufacture, snd v a s epttfûlly: £ssgest Ce ln- tondiag purcisuas, hat hey sisouls! cee Chie machinue beforal givursg tiseir ordere for Io coming hIarvest. The uuWhitby Bas-varier" veigie, 'aIl tais!, 600 peurs, but belas- mas!. psiuipaliy o! h. bcdt quait:y cf trou nsud tel, sud from its in- ganunsu&saoompelcuracb tio lcombinesth regOndualiyote haie or m chine s are.fully warrantes!. earuf- ndunsiycfte With Chia liat o! macisevofuel confident tisat welcean meet oves-ys-e- quis-ament, and va reipectfully sellait a trial of our mahinai, believing tisat vo esa furniah a botter machiina for the money tissu oa le obtaiued-ehsswise. BRecpeatfuuiy Tours, Whltby, Ontarlo, Februa BRO.WN & PATTERS0ý; MF'G. 00. dry, 1877. INEW STÂTIONERY & BOOI( STORE, AT THE WHITBY SCHOOL BOOK ÂNP NEW S DEPOT -00 J. G. McDOUGALLý iBegs to announce te his customers and- the public in ~eneral tisat le Iha. openedl a Stationery, School Buok und News depot iu bonnection W'lCh hie Confectionery - & Baking business, la hie OUI stand àouthi Brook Street, wherc everytlig in tise lino can bu had rit vuî-y low i-ste.. The ])aily and Weekly Papers always onI band, and de- h'eorcd ho subserisers in ail parts of thu Cowu. Orders Promptly filled for P>riodficale, Magazines and Music. AIso, a wel.uasgorted lot of Mottous, Éerlin Wools, sud Fancy Goods, ou haud, ut low pries. The public will Ibid it te their advantage. io take a peep our stock before -purchusing eisewherc. Maris th 188.J. G. MCDOUGALL, Whigby, Mrh4b 88 South Brook Street. ]BEST received Firï'st Ptrize in the Uouinty Show,9 ju st heldforI Artistie IPhotography overalother conipetitors. I FIRST-CLA-SS WRÇ t&nd no0 experimenting on hubu pro- îEST'S, SMO§R 'SICOESTRET O SHAWA. F da8 Jva ind to' -0:0-- Just reoeived a large stoçk of -1I , Black Tea, expressly put Up fr he Englishmaket, of tLe 'ohoiceet quality ini th Cnadan Market MR. JOHN FER GUSON luA ABiE""YSTOCK 0F la Ia Y w a- IREADY-MADE ÊCLOTIING, Ineluding aý 1rge stook of, OVERCOATS. EXëELLIEN T GE N TS' SUITS, madé up ini theLàtest Styles. Buffalo Robes, a great number. Al selling at an immense sacrifice. JOHN FERGUSON, Duadas-Street, Wisitby. ý,et. lot, 1878. WM. BURNS* BROOK STBEET;' lias; just reCeived, direct from the Manu.facturers, -a good assortment of Ladies and Gentlamen's Marsard, Eznpress, and American Also, Pacifie Bags, Cheap for Cash.Fo g o aJLLqpi.uuvrrUneiiLa zt.LUI5 Js T','REO.EIVED -AT THE- WHITBY CHINA T'EA STORE, A Large Assortment of Crockery, and Glassware of all kiinds. Aise a-Large Consignment ef GLASS PIRESERVE JARS!I. 8;é AiU of which ivil! be sold Cheaper than ever for CJa8sh. Cl and examine for yourselvco, before pnreisasing elsevisero. Also, RecÇiving Duily, al kiails of FRESH RIPE FRUITS, LEMONS, For Bale, Wholcsalo and Rotai!. W. J. OIBSON, -. WflITBY CHINA TEk STORE. WANTED.-Any quaztity of Good Ripe Cherries anA Harvest Apples, for iielitise iighest miarket prico vil! bu paid in-cash. W. J. GIBSON' 1Whihhui, 9. 7, '78., ]rI~Erw COI~LI]SY S' BOOT AND SHOE fias been removed from Brock Street to Dundas Street, fis-st door veeto! Armstrosig's HobId, vise. le ha. a splendid stock o! tise RIGIIT FITAND MAKE, and of tise set'styles of Boots anad Shees. AU ordeie prompt!>' attended Ca. Repaire necatly dono. L Da3ndas Street, first store West of Armstrong's Holel. Remexuber tiseîpluace. s-' 1Wisitby, Jane 121h, 1878. MATTHEW COLLINS. M.cCROS8SON C ou, 91 King Street, - -ABlE NOW EHOWING Toronito,1 THE LAROESTI. STOCK 0F FURS EVER S1HOWN IN CANADA. -00 -:0 FUR TRIMMINGS CUT TO -ORDER, ]BEÂR ROBES. ASTRACHIAN SACQUES, WOLF ROBES, RUSSIAN LAMB SACQUES, RACQON' ROBES, S. S. ISEAL SACQUES,- YAK BOBES , -'lERSIAN LAMB SIACQdUES, BUFFALO ROBES, HOCK ERMINE SA'CAUES, MINE CAPS, - MINE SETTS, Sl. . SEAL' CAPS, S. -5. SEAL SRTTS, OTTER AND SEAL SETTS, . e1MINE SETTS, PERSIAN- LAMP 'CAPS, PEBSIA-N LAMB SETTS, ISÂLTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHÂN SETTS, CONEY CAPS. BILACK SABLE SETTS, (IBET LAMB CAPS;' CONEY - SETTSt GERmAN MINE CAPS, GRlEY.LAMB, SETTS, A SPECIALTY. M Particulgr attention given te ail orders. speciaily: attended te. Toronto, Dec. 3, 1877. GTERS, .Alterations ly-50 B uGES Aý Large. Assortmen.t .-of Cutter-and, Buggies FOR SALE,) CHEAP, -AT- Carirta ge Factory DUNDAS STReT,ý RI - TBYI ONTARnO.ý Begst te irect attention to hie large adnaot tccomnpnisîng c't-csy- - thiigin tis adilhry "sud Hattiosin., alec Leather 'Vàliésês and Saratoga ' runks,'I A ALOT OP ýfCÂR RTAI4 ES -------W--- INDIAN, LINIMEN* Paer " 7ual. h- esragnarauy. FOR OBE-AND pitTL., ro te oui botth l in wor attar, villcure tuait. internal dertiugemeutc causid by ovar hait.- lng,hc WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY, ASK THEM'? W. thse underselgufihav.~e dBrow's Imauui-ient for comne lime snd can chéeelly reéo=msea& it fi. miublie use. Fine Orchaow,,Oxxt Andre*,.rvia, J. Dïwo*, Brookliss, Seths Htsbbie, Asshurn A. H. Haudereeon, Uxibrllg,»e S. 0.BOWN, po r DAILY LUNE TO, ROCHE8TER, Commençing on- or, about MONDAY the 8th APIIIL. TUE. STEACIER N,. RS E *woMter N ,,,WLL naise berregular tripe ou ibis roatuteIeavn obourgeverf nioru. arriva! of l. T. B. Tra=. frornEost. n West conuectlng et. Bochester viithoh New. 'Yrk Central, Northern Central asid Erié EsiIway's, sndLake. O>ùt&lo Shore Division of thé. Romie Watertowu -& Og- denaburgh RAilway, ,Ïxr al points Est, West ma -South. BETUBNING-WiIL leava Charlotte (ort of Rochster) dai y et 9Op. n.,ezcept Satnrdays when se wIleave e M . i for' Port Hope direct. .Dealers ti stock &o.; viii fluA thia tise cheapeet 'sudnicet *expeditious route te B'ston, Mbny, Nev Y-ork, &o. orluI er information applyte, W. SRWOOD, C. F. GILDERSLEVE, Port Hlope. Ringion. ITI w HITBT, PORT PERRY & LINDSAY CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Takiug offeut on -Monday, JuS- lct, 1878. T3AS Co*00510 SOBTE. 'Leave %Vhth1 'i4Oam . .5 p.m. Portier5. 5 "DM 7.5 Manilia .......uS" Arare iuaay..-flBOUME. LoavsLnd - 7.0 a. ns,=.ï &p. manlia. 7m8" &14., port Porc,: ua:::ss Arrive Wlty 9.25 8»,O For lime at otiier stations, se Pookot Time- Table, ta ho hall on application te suy of- iss CONNE CTIONS. WmvnxIJUNCrION.--With Grand Trnuk Bel. wsy for, aponta easetsud West. PuPzu.With singe for kpsoin, Utica, p&OAndxtdE.-o Sainifield snd Wick, - I ML;iuLLL.-Porý Sunderand sud Cs..unigton. MÂuIPos.-Por Oakwood, Little Britain, Vs. ientia sud Port Hoover. LnauÀY.-With Victoria Bâilway for Minden, Haliburton, the Free Grant Territory. sud the Eogiisb LasdCom pao' ropty. witls Mid, land Bsilway for OeeMlfbrok Pater. borongh Woodville Beaverton yfâ,&ne chou., Penetan~ln u d 'l "anWsuBay ElwyfrBarrie, Coflingwood, avaubhuri Bracebridge, simd tii. Pi.. Grant> Lands of Muskoka. Tiirongh Ticket, are eseued by au Aïents of tihe W. P. P.A- La. Wy. for Toronto sud by G. T. -B. Tcket Agente, Toronto, for a stations on W. P. P. & La. B1 No transfar charges. Bageage checkcd ..onglr: JAMES HOLDEN, Wliitby, Âp. SOu '75. - Managing Diretor. uTNITED STATES CONSULÂJ) t)AGNCY. !' 'SVhicby Ontario. GEO. B. YWLE, AGENT, - Brook Street. FAIRMFOIR SAL<E! 0,OUTII PARTS oi lo t. 25 and id. liroisen kJFront, Picerng, cootaioiug one hum. droit acres,-more or l]seCau pr b tyofC' lite Boe tBrennan. Tiil rpryl beautifnlly situiaedon tie'àiin »of ithe Lakhe, near Liverpool Mret, sud about ton mifles froni thse, countyto ofWhty For terme &-c., apply ta, RE'Y. PATRICE CONWA-Y, Or ta t St. Paul', Toronto. W. Hl. BILLINGS, Solicihcr,lWiithy. Chimney, Sweeping I ROBERT KING," BEàs - ? INWORM THE PEOEPLE ISse Pool Office viU ble promptly attendes! Osdors promptLlysd carfall liidNo Ciimneys repaires! sud se-buit vishite- wubhing and! colo5ling dune ; charigos loy; promplt-attention saus! omplet. .atssfsctuon Wbillgby'SepI. 27b4 1M5.: --(41 MARTIN &WRM IIOUSE, SION AND) ORIIAMENTAL PAINTERS. Hýa ve lust reul ais 1 'l tcso WAÂL L -PAjPE R:S o! tise Irist desgna and patternc8. P BEBCOIN G A À SP EI LTY.r Freeco dusigui13-cixecutecl onthoe hiorteaf notice.- - ' MATIH d& WARAM, Tvo doars3 notiuof Rings Tcnuery, Braçit THE TORONTO 'Tu rk ish&:"YaIp r -Baths Th ea" batiss as-e useful lu Bheumatass, Neuralgia,. Cougi.,Cols!, Congetion, Bronisîis, es-MsSkia Dicseesel! àJii -fleninaticus. llilibusneseFr, sud for Ssuitary puspe. Tise apor butis itre particnlsy a Jpi~a blot.» ,Il Jindiaaasec, eslseoai-Bs-5 Cie Triian!aporst are ,tlhasot pruservativesofJbeathe vihlaîuthes-mho!1 medical experts sud lucoumpunciion vith muSical reatsient tise- patient la more rap- idljctfl upçç utea vs-d a. ro>'als- dcvii te tisepooreat nm..,These Trklsh.bathsiare thapaly once in the City' faicaisebe l sls'an tlar- u n 1- fl umncx-.var ns - i ai.22,1978t. A, onsyto i:i uold'Agat for se over WightniaWc ý#nSret, Dr. W. Om-Nusiqxido Si Wïw.mi. Mcff1El GSIli . . Pisian, Susrgeon WbiCby, Sept. 801h, f ùiS3JýSto t Ccelof r-=iTE Tm&tiextructed vit local sucesheSia.' l ~an'à uav hlisk, oves- Bcon eh uci o! Jouathau Wolfenud f«amamsw CpTi ,Qr» S hoeingesa Olerk Division_ On niusa nl 7, SF, 1 - i WHITBY, pur more..., cases,, NTaýw aDyn Piniva Il FINE FURS 1

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