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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Dec 1878, p. 2

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rik -ohient né of- [ilion. n. Bide of Insporbid Stlilon, dnngist hsorsesansd collén, lbmrogi.bned Apdd lgh-inadeoulîte, importéel sep, lii. PliIlest4,a Thse pyaerty cf' Mooh4., West cntiIîtomey, abthiéiprémisse, lot -No4u ldis4hs.résasoft s oomîPacn -Ingi *laéés,»e 8h 68 lýibatiks A àl Sale of Dmaat' hom5-o," ý louig dss S'atîé, lorléméssts, &b.i tIsé pr-çpenly c Mis e lits<Gae, Hopilidé, on;'lot 20 nü'ise 'Ast essai 'Whtbnm"Iilvsbigé - ao tnisa Deo.S6th, 17. am batiks; Anotïoneen. SaléecOrvalssaM4 facm, AitayOtl, tnwn <tWllI>,on Sattsnsiy, Dec, tbs I88.L. ainki, Auctioceén î,Sais of f(atms îtoe)es mplhunob, &o., tise propcrty cf Un. 4lexsntié Baclay(, «t hie preoises, LotI No,112, in Cise ti isésis. Oî Pickemig,ou Thsrsslsy, Decemu- Son lth, -l$78 l.iatlboks, Asic. 8aie0nifliassehohl t'urnture, biess, eét-iaggé, du., tise pprnlry oaIbr. Inde. tAm, atIilus promises, Duffin'é Crack, an klla,)é.l8ils, 1878-J,. Falrbank'i, 'N L.Y lx5o PER ANI4UM. - Wit~y "Fsdy;î)e~.~,1878. -Wl oasiay Singa Publié Hlhiday tiî,s CssaoîsCs.in i sent ta press' ou Tues. ayverîhssg, tbile wek. Town Matana Shissait tiesewamd ai tisé arbitnatoxs Il bhIj( sîustiiOtsof purchinsg tisé hsambonnl lihy Lt nula hn easuiimat r eIssé dis. 0 ats té' i lîy Cissstr(ny ' On suéh a ri iiîi i i t't Iu hsoil tî1I uotlh b tc iab3 pue jîsîilisîtiitnalis utly hé fummoti spon agis teclsrnttu ksîosèhtslg ai Chue lietanti il"'Ilà oRé, liili htiseé slaIisîy set bafoné lis- ,s tsersillséyre bc hoaSie te an- A ias il it intthlligesut opinion People érhriieis k wil'I'tatee:îenti, saol Whso i say I~eyurssopppéd i liepumai'aeç, h wltlîént leeiug ali4p -tul give auy gopl oe tlteotsifui tisein Opposition. i, bt who mt n asîti speake iii se spirit ai fauit-fissdîi ve aslit constrtaditsion siodnt béiten. se e-I Ci. liiey a rathé local Caaeaotinas wibo alwssyé go about jrasicing thé wc'rst otssotîîseaéafroin, évéry mové. sist havissg for itss objs'at tiha real pros. 110euty atiadvasîcéusestof %Vhtby. Ni> onei, as far asrwa ara aware, wauts L lessîstýit 3tisé has-bor if suais a stop wîslltliké(ly vséslt uInaato tise-town. Ail bhavé as satili as> théy çan iséar té tisoelildem the preisant hurdan uf taxation witllcut 0césnmitting' ihe corpsoration to arsy iletisaiss'csîis isitra-sé hat Issr. d<llts.' W011141lthé pus-clias(irf tisé Isar. imsr lhste.thens éisiaýt of adlsiug lutisah baxIt4 Ta liaIs thea ilisetion. Lot ns mné>. Thé amsint aftie aivarsi lé $82,. C000). h willttiké à furtisar susuni 08V10 t builti upstheé wést piér anti for rîsîsaÃŽse nti drédgiug. Thséwôuld nikais, total of #40',000s. Tisé interéét unt i>, snt six uor épeut, wtîésitl lia $2,4001 s yars. Alriuiim 600foi-isiritor îéaRttr 44,J1 tîhur éXpolim(il. wésli énaeéiatotal oft $8000ihIS. - Tlisé révénîse tise. past yénér, anti thên' issJ4I SOééwam sf1 ils wort, casîilenp tb #(j '20 . This wouiti léavo 055,05>11ofia tsssr gi u4 ausse ilàwlialà aiddta btise né- ueiptq of tisescorporation swouid hé a gréaI hlilî in lésaiisg the taxé&. 1"Oh uit," soaine wil say, "thoa ara tisé re- l liraais s - thd lisréujla ireliilway Coin. î'any wahttng a roduction nof tise tollé, wlsish woulsil havé thée eluat of lesén. With tis,10séssiitém i OiLaeo 8,00,onC là e'tiser assssunt wosltllacreqîiratl toiset et.ts0tl Il 'liossthé fisanboi-for soma l tisus c onsix Andti svlliliéharbor ils th iéitlé u f tlié él)innritiun, wisy mlisséll l hb Éa ssirsad thisitiséthiliarééits orif titompiswousllia saérifiasî l lsauyi sn-In5siis> vlhi the linilwtsy Cout.8 .1itsnv 'siThostrj, éni lioîhlà lbu no grîssénsifor masîssiis e sîîPomltloai. ilh lj issaoisiltol'oftiré Viélorisé 1Lalway,p sau].la olîcsblsewitlî CliiWhithy C litre, hèro s ubIs lts tinsibt lut hat i liii bsisiis of tisé Ias-lor r uuelnlu- urssssse in dstlergo.ly issrease, witis Cliii - s~i'ijénstof this muinenortis; 1141 1F«(tilodeé, the tuwu eau allord bu ré- i dui-Ptehie tolem. If tIsé Volume of rado NIisîssîll iA>% si ýýargésI ltts Coanoessitaté 1 flirsIîe.r Oélsndilurn>, 1ii tise botter for mas a lsarbehr of néfigtt, thêasnulaylonthé si lsirîîssse will hé bords' by théeOverts- 111,11r, lsd. i t wthavé aven tiowil e vry ihwh1hstlogo b heGv-0 exjionditsîmé retîl-liilfor présent repaire,.r A U 'a th ie 15,900 nquireti woseldfi only buéplsinâ MgW isinontlisesainie footing with is i silbors of Oshawa, w Lls~r~tol,&é., l ,gtoi ,Ait Tisé tonilias four supsitise iron. tIsé t puiibp1ý o pf thé.aW."rlin uwliéiste si éelÃ"sals t Isa ýthpuroantasé.et tisé pride.tt fIé ythé srbitrmtôosTise purehissé MOI 4f iitoabpaflonue iird lu cash, us andttiséDnaîîéroxsea,4oirsare bousi b aceépt. lwollslres n tisé insu iucorpor. Si . bébnt r'ew ntwenfty al sx rcaut. - of %squsg ý,4»; o tf eours, 1» oominon wltls eîat pci ossé bcnumén, tisai tise i aano1lufîthL¶ m"ila4és tÀn c no ~ gtof 44 wé 5vpil , 4 ta tlhwi,4awall afforrdiîbé b psy lon thé tirmeilastllhti b pèessai- ready lltieà for'h; p~e~éo~bthe- bs*4Qr4 -- - ', « A. U*~Jes141e,.vwMhav -ts erftér1l 4 the w 5lavéstm h, w1ià ars su., - of sIté~~>m.ld$ XP<.qéée If tise, 11 fl nIù î i qýé F pn i E1uwbor. swii bhé tu a h. 4aS. -'m d""se ( tvaoandutiws. Ion 4h 'mayï olrWeesy-a eiwhl lit di" à sima omise,.ai tise busin-essofi tise bank 'iÙilhaIo qulnot¶. Ne busdon@soseof hie benoîts, aais. belivs, ofaItise instili sucs. cbous uis set b ' ifl succe e y W. P. Hoili taiS nS G. W. Oziwskl lit1 Mfr- Sîmstepi-va& thse lfender'of tnk, and lbae t0dsid-ntj'a Iveorpfpe ý e ~,to tes e-li~ li Igal F ev, motsn i aen eoulb avé' isougisl s mnoeejiors Bahds~f3nlciug, rà an 1r' 'besl d~oi'naae llw itüte rade leasged die 4du". Mn, Dlstpgoss Ioî te tbuineunsîAUn sud au connAgemét te eilntisti'etrprisd évé.y lgttisab isry. Tise Onti tis people; tOQ llutnîüion s t ile tise mcçl goos id sereils 'agenalos fi bean pied, anti eue ilu vhi f depreséloUn laail Saule steaks for se lIme peAW-plblio conlldenae luis bg incnesiing. Mn. HowiftIia,,btse Presidlens, lias baste long aounec vibs lise Banke,anti hile large ceint caiel<éxpenieupo amudi iigiohanabér: eommént uimne a aortiîy- incésses Sonsten Simpei.' Law Society ai fthse Ceuny of GutI A meetting of thé e ushers* of C Bar of Clio couy wues-field laut we for the -purpose of forrnlng a -cous Law Society. The foiiowing office we~ eéatsI~--réidetJ. E, Par woll, Whtby ; Vice-Proés., W. F. Pa térson, Fort Pérry ;-Sec. Trotts., F. flAVOlay, Whitby A aenmittéé coi sisting of thé aFcsva officers and Massr MoMillan, Wlitby; Joncs, Oshawa Camspbell, Ulbridge; J. Billinge, Po Perry, tCo <raft constitution andi lj laws, waés t5rssal, Io fsDoit at, ne meeting. Thée chief objects of thé sc osty are ta fonte a 'Conunty Law Lil rary ; tu élect a Ilenélsér of theLai sociuty of Uppsr"canada to repree ii conssiy a$ Osgodo Hall, and to ti eues questions of law practice. D.tILY Evscaéero Revssmw."-TlI piritéti polsligiert; of the Petanlsoroug] 'sevew have consuenasti a Daily even ilsg édition whieis promifies well, sendi higlsl1y creditabl9 t? thé proe of tha nuterprising town'. ýVo trutst t W'i séGet WitCi ail thée iaswl;d.al isuais1 venture, in thèsre dépressedti imest, de srves. 5.elebratton of St. Andrcw's Day. Thé e iesîsirs of thé St. Andréw' Soclsty of Wlsitlsy anti Pickerning cea bratéti St. Androw's. Day Chia ysar, or Monday, '2cd imat, lu thé éveninp tisera was cpdlté a redpectable gathénim; at Hopkains' Hall- thé chair jseini takên by thé Présidant, A. G. MeMil li, Eaq. Thé hall. wîs hantisonel3 arrangéti-thé valls haiug hnng witb pictures reprsssénting scenes in Seottish history, portraits of humé antIèChiez Sanltiah worthies, andi ovèr thé stagé in large chiaractors thé huée- Mr. Pilcillan, thé président, déliver. ed tise opérsing atdreisé, recouuting the remous whsy Scotahusen veneratéed St. Audréw's Day. Caivènlys flua baild, sssistet by lProf. Wiggins at thépino, playeti a variety of Scotch airs in excellent stylé. Mns. liredén was introdncod, and Sang in a Sweet voicé anti with énuci gond taste, "Corné buy -my caller.lhen rné," anti heing iseartily applandeti and énéoréti, gavé, with féeling andi Spirit- "Charlie je ny darling, thé young Cihevalier." Mss. Bre.den alec> sang b3 ,spécial requet, "Ausnié Lawrié,"-Milfes Iliggmns played tié atibompaluisnénts te Mrs. Bredénl'. singing. Mr. J. E. Farewell délivérad an ad. tirées on thé celébration of the da'y ansi on the national characterisbicé of Sentis. en, wisièh calleti forth lséas'ty ssp. planée.* Mr- Wigghse gave an imtitation of thé lsag pipés, wlsiéls isany whn titi not So tisé performance, teck toahé tise pibrocis iteif. R laso gavea s on,- ils vsry gond Styla, andi wa riaîcorei. Dr. Osuil eliveréti a very itercsting ittdréso, listisé course osf wilci lia pleasantly d4wolt ssîsn roc,)liéclions nf tisa lay. lRe saferrotiV) thé great anti implortanlt atvancas Lbtisi flai-j hsat matie as a nation ansd a people, slwell. ing upors tisé gowth of ceduations and giving -théeI>ariiIs énhoole partiènlar cnédit in titis connuétitîn. lise Hissés Lawtier anti Higgis playati a trio on tise piano, anti wére warnsly ispplatids'd(. Mn. lenlarson, uf Oëlsaws, gavé a rcibation -"lThisa datis ut Maréion'- from'Sir WValter Scott, very cfiéaîivéiy. "Aulti LangJ yué2' by tisé baud, At thé conclusioîsni. ,thé ,fest of reason,"ý anotiser féot of a more sssb- stant~ilciarater, 1 isa lo'préparàtion of whilil Mr. Cullén displayad ail lii wnutéti ékili as a caterer,awati tiséth gnésta in tisa issemént. Ample justice to wivscli isaviiýg bQendoué, andtihis îiaaioua hall iméanbtimé lseiog aléamati, hédoiàytes. i 'Torpeceéteck np lseir pouitioni andi dancing was képi up mel tise "wéeisma' honni ayont tise- wal." Aitogéthen, théeuambens ai tisé 8oéiêty. are to hé eonpllsnénted ion affording Choir gusta an nppontnnity fr enjoying a vény pléasant évétsing. nr.' B . . Jamsèion Wâs thé .oniy siltétigentleman prqsent, anti remamk- sbly well hé lonketi, as tisé ladies weré pléasea to say- "'lCh hie@fisue 1Éýit Stse andtisieborsîsi 'round legs, Anti hie buékiés of pure virn gl lti ClsstTMAs Gons, - Miss Moi3rién aunisscc the noasipt of new Clirisbmuao goqu,' 'i-iiesising inyo, fancy gonds, tflptitns, Berlin woos, dc J. M~ tibsrsou lookeséler ant i éa- 4prnhaIesno'Peâte hi uew stors,- >cveliI, Bl e llAe shows ts.wée bhBaWifiééal diisplay, of ' nqtis a - s;sia book.mtrks, bsoko, at,4sen 4edfàuey goodi.-..lloak St. .COTWOL eassNs'AI> Berucmsas '~rs.-Abeutin la~re t'a bth? au- ~~W0~Ifbpa. -cli spelalljy 4 JOt taiola soùt m~ ite nlny oiagi n,a tk et- bnC LOZnst155 i r tue p.ssîeug. WuvssDmm.-It la muneei Mr. Burke. viii retine 'te maIe.vai M. Blake.,-1l tisa oas$teeey. that Mn. Bunké ,ll necéîelv-e »z Actiosu forthé Leaossaé. -' SOUTH WiLsTICUOc. - Mn.tl Knlbbs, tof "Wterloit"tnsoniip, tisé Local Housesétathbise namagf lien». hé <IOsraal of Coýmmere6, i#t as talé éeviténtîy vniîtteâ by lr 'Fma ,Hiéelsa,-nn tise qneaiçq«ioeÀIs4iml oi Lienteniul.Gssvonnon Léetolilér'S -luit,9 Aî s auIànots'Ïilnla fiv tosgaceîvadti us gnd that:la prciiy mmais visa t Who are prébentiing ta gire a hei weleoýne te thée gtis oa f Locne nu vWaut-to'O"Onppe i 1us lao!. yfoi ,wua *8 forn ilsai s 1 tt. ik'o "pli labié Inlélligecce bas beaun eceivéti inom 'P,1 Cabnliii6sthebisé Aias dés iet a opeeal crèdit te tifrayý thé expeusé oi bise honora, toue thé inEnsian ena- baasy. anti las hèle] a danlar, aitvisicis1 hé explalue th 1e cordial réception cf ens thé émnbasy, on tise grounti nf gratitudea ion Blissia'é isospiiality toi Afghan triS- U ore. A déclaration was resel onxtise oc. lu, casion Réhowing forth thé power anti Du famne ai Russia,'-and tise Chiffé préent lis' ai thé dnhar spplauded lb. Tisé Ameer ha' closedt boéprocéedinga by télig, tiséaIL ciaiaftéle neturu tla their posebiani 0 rsampep iieeïr swomdstis1o g teme Ibis sitbtisa&smé ni tisé îkîloids me whiall enter fie bishé ambinatiosi ftl&, Fsqllows' Hgyp6phoophites, aýràoxîrapti- ne éd frmos irés iiaisatais to a gréatif age, ant fi thishs acsnggeab'ed ts .p W îtéliows' bthe Ides ai théir esmplW siéntrio'~ wbeVheie thé sueccèsé cf tisé rpopilo« 15 eff nt 'làth, vo are uiot'prépare l'" aybnl the Idéals à' <bc e00., 1The clerk >S.oua tise t àbi"sWsade a ment oet lb. épeneiitore oun slno$sAsQui STATEMEM TOEXPSEPIMHDN 5âiME, -Brookm adunS lUwté- propsiallouii-#mm500 ixp;ndltr-T 'stee, soS hreskilig.8859 Lnmlig,7 Johulos..,. 74 91 " Oonassk.... 282 10 vl " Hili.... 141 87 i ......>~... .1585 l07 2511086 i * OcrxpndS,19 86,i North 1, & .5-I Lumber, CGema Liber ........... #889 00 k..$145 58 ...28,82 105 47 S88a82 UaexPéeaSd, 25 69* Lu-mbon, Hall .....$182 " Cormack ... 28 Laber.Ïý............. 207 Pppriaion. Liban.............. ý165 66 B3ase Lino.- tpprQPriation ..... Erpenditure- Esumber, Hall......... 68 "à Cormeack...112 ELabor................. 80 90 Unexponnsî Blair's Bide LUne.- Appropriation....... lxpendture- Lumber .............$81 02 .aabor.................. 800 $460 0-] 417 92' 196 8 8100 91 S $150 89 Unuensded, 860 lois- Me. Cnnnin 'à élection éxpénses ln ave Montreai wéro 02,512.45, Mn. Archim- ýt lé bault'sa 91,00.05. M.' Ganlb'a 862,145.- thé 29. DO Mn.1 Charles Mous bs réceiveti thé ééen Réfcs'mn nomination foi ' East -Térbntoi IéW but lias ils icceptanée nuder ýcousider. cltid ilion. ter- ré. SAL.E OF CoTsWOzaS.-Mr. W. M. rta Miller bas dispooéti of lingéenubenaof valuabié pnre-bned coswolds thé peît ycar ;sensé éevenby ni bis on 'nbreeti- i. éng, aud no 1ower tissu six isundréd on thé -commission, wé léarn. ek The Présidentsa Message.' ens Président Hayes ïdlivari bis Mass. tr- aga ta Congres au Mesday. Ille sas il-. anai a ratier elabonate anti iengthy T. tiocuesut. Hé réfère ote ise yellow on- lever scoungé lu tise Soutisanti suggesti i. té establishméuîb 'oi snitany tiépsrt- a:meut. Réiemrng talise allegot i ntimi- rtdation o-ni' erovoein lIse Sut Jy. turing lise Stlé elcalions lait moubi hé éxprésees a stnong opinion, and soya Bxt hé will exhanet every meaus lu investi. o0. gating thisséat aud binging isahe b. guiity ta puniiimont, and saké for an w appropriation for hat purposé. Cons- ?ting tb inraigu relations, hé touces fIbriatiy ou tisé Paris Exhibition, lise l5 monetary cunférnce, thé pityméninif bise Halifax award, thé Cuban elaimes, andt ieChinesé anti Japanése tresies. li Witis regard to thé ilo Grande rou. gh blethéieenniuat ni tiséMe%- ican points ont hat biséthesxhibitionnwhiahi téabout ta e hielti la liseré yl give Aménleans bisé opponbu. ýa niiy of éstablishing cdoser ratié nela- tiona withs hatouatry. Amongatnan. cla i topie, lié proposés bise issue of58.65 A eonuvéniblé bonds ilu email denomina- le tious, unsing s ow ai! 'ten dollars whiah nay bhéa *alled lu at tiseendl nf a yéar or couvêrtei into four par cents. Hé expresses lihineeli opposedta taeéy changé in fiscal législation, andti links reif tisa counntry kuéw hat it would ni hé b disturbeti in hai respect, business men wouil bars mors confidence lu )a tiseir opérationp, anti tisa rent couldti ig nt bé but saiisfactony. l Iséthe ary detipartrneot branéis, lie référa te thé Il publication niflise records ai thé civil n g an, andthtsé stahlalhmsui of an ainnl-ê l~ty ud for tisefamilias ai téceasi offi- c ly cars, Tise Insîlan l)opartmént suffers, lieé ýh sitys, from tbisainaélsquaay ni thé ap.«1 lh lropriations, ant i ie recomments tisai I an smuergericy iuniblc placed at tihe ii 'r disposai ni thé (invrnmsub ion use ilu In C45o ni Indin utroubles, andti ta a s monnti corps of Indiunauxilianiés hé h formed for service in tise Indian cosu- e -try. Haijs in lavour, lînveé, ni ati- téénpting bo civilisé tise Indiac, antip éspealis iopenuly ai tisé work doué by e . thess shool for Indian chiidrau. Tisé I Présidant calié attention ta lie report e: ni thé Intanior Departimént on t1iti for.m est préservation; anti is séoxionsa tisaI Y Congréés sisoultiencourage tisé agnieni- g uraliiteréat nf isCiecounntry. lTae c dvalué ai thé agricultunal protinîs- Chie ni Syéar lé estituaeaté t reise bionesantic million dollars. The Agiaullural ex. h -ports lu 1877 amountédt ta$524,000,000. hà hHe urgés Congrés 1 aid éducation by p: -graîisson monéy, anti, aftem a biéf ré- férencé to Cie Smibhsouian Instituts, ao a loses oitli a reviéw &f tbis ccaunts, bi &oa., ai tisé District ai Columbia. n The Wam In Aigianistin. bh A ignatllissg paty, imndér Major ~ Pearson, was atlsaketi by the Airéeties, n ans' of tIsébill bribs>s, yeslértiy cdailOf WUihiopposit l th iyber Paso nti Cwo ne ofi is tmoopé Icilldanti ane-wonsted. ni The KiyisérPl'aeisbînceéti ud séveral convosya iavé'rélssrnai.- A ceesapanX aif 1tisé t Is Rginseut andti thé45ths Sîklise havo beau sent to tiesansonfiaction M whence fling hitsbeeauiseard but thé ne nésult fao nt Inowti. Continùéd hcavy Or fsing lias aléa beau iseani noanAAh Mupjiti sinon yesbéntay. Tisé trouble witi tise Aiméétes éinI sé oriouns'anti aély ana Iribo le hostile. li A Tliuli ileépatais emys tise Afghane éC havé atablishad a halîery on tisenan. -W soit ni tisé Péiwar piso. 'Afghan troope swarus on tihe iaigés aniagé. TPîmeO reginsseusfailési to tumu thé enemy'é by il le-ilami twélvé vouii, d.Tiséwiils- drawal ai Chié littery anti of tise camp ni lié némnainties- aitisé fonce vis e ra- clereti necesary by tée acc'nnacy cf thé rn Airhean artiilamy fArp- Thé-Bniiis aI- -O ifagor caseZ CorporéUoaé iéslsi: t55é~ gréai anti I il hot ài Ibabifrom é have boéc nrue.-R wheo I aû us mues1 vishés 55 "Uari, and . (Sig regubohl voeettn- o of'la province 65A flo ~of tisé eil as u,' f tise sée, vis.on yo e sgse of li lnocoptloeic tsi Dnnsare moe eeinlng ires bisa Werd# haîe givén bisaI your good' ueiét LelNS. ýl Lti Mn. Wiaks, éedeudéel hy Mn. Gin bell, move t ta a commiblée oonsiâtit ai thsé Dépnly ltevo, Mr. Fox, ant moyen, b. appointe] to enqniré,intoe I matter of tho communication ef TM John Ceaok, t report ai nexi meetin -Clarie]. Mn, Hannans, ctairmnan ni 1he.can mitéie on Pniutinig, presenltd thé rt pot athie iollowsug accents Wvs odene bp id - Chtas. Sàndey, piinting ... $20 25 G. B. Yule, sîatinuny... 6 48 44Télegnipis saab... 1 18 Tihe. special committge en tise cou munication ni G. C. Grass@, vils rae ence ta siéala iu £ront ni thé Devon' Bhoak, preséntéti théir report s foliowa Béiéréd bo commttée aiofbisé wnle- Mr. Donotean'lu tise chair. Ynur -omumilýtee beg la repent lis tisey have tender considération tise con municabion ni G. C. Grais, nespeabiéi tié sidewla in frent oi Mn. Deverill' new buildings,, have inspectée]lise wos] anti ballé-i v onithavebac] a botte: appeanance iii batl be bultit s gnatinal téscent froni tisé uonbls.é corner ai Annsslrnng'a isotél acrose tIl aisolé block ta thé sonbet-é,iornon t Mfr. ]inyau'e atové storeé;but[ il ilhi ceeu so doué lb vwonit have béén ves3 uncanvénieul ion sévenal ni bise hueinesi places situmtenthebisUne, as thèe ast altsmuaiely a number ai nev 'anti'cné building in eénsedt, having tiseir ii of differeu l égité. Tisebuildings ar sait hune, whicismay hé cousidénét is permanent are m. Grasis anti Mn. Dev. eriil'é, anti ifMn. Orne'loy tiar hai seén six incises bigisér, anti if Mr. Dev. erlis hi] beén six luchés lover tissé woule] have heen léssé dlfficnity inicon. Cmaiting a sidévala ai oue unifont grade acrostise visaléiblocka. Yen comusillée aiso notice Chat btée gren ries'aauaiderahly n lie bide or weet oi thé buildings iols probably mey bave been an obstacle lu tise way 1'a baving thé dlona lever.-than tisey ai pnéssut are. Yonn committea utiénstandtt ltis contempiaté puiting up net buildings lu a short lime anti believe it moanétham probable thoy will hé eect- ti vits Ïbéir lovie timons, similar in éeight with Devonlll's Block selb con- seéies l ino ils thé -notai, visici ias veiy naaçnily. haS! a novfenudation ?ni utne, antiyàù onr neillléare oa Ènilant th lie pebitloner vill ore long lttii necessary ta nué iste loy fioo il hi building nufenmally vilsth t ie buildings tuai are sud yull hé put 1P an3 'te sala lins, Ou motion ni Mn. Blov, 2uti by Mr. Eaunam bisé report vas adopteti. My. 0'Donovan, chairman ofithsecoi ntile on firé anti vater présentée] tise ,sport, andtihsé oliowiug accosînts vers Aearéti to hé paiel.> Jo;é.H. Sam mtouniofFine Hall $50.001 V. J. Gibson Lîrupé. $86120. Yonn comenittéee oniti récemment iat Mie. nsep eN ' bhéappntu- ita lighl tisle hlampé lu thié CaenCre rarti. Carnieci. Thé accauint ai Messrs Hatois & Bmo. )n motion ni Mr. Campbelil, secondée] ýMr. W eks, nétumnecl ta théns with eo nequéest-te make out thé bill lu bop- rate items ta escis tepattmeui. iESOLYnION or OHDOLENCE.- Mr. Blow, secondée] by Mn. Rinir ioveti tisa titis Couteu Sa herasbylin a alemu anti et neépéctini manner, nos a volé of aonilénce te tise hereav. afamily ai tisa late George Hopkins, aq ; wso, was for. a lengh-ni time., eepectéti membr oai*'tise Canni;ý, za vas a gentlemn uofrcpmogreéeive abité, anti dia mach ta bs1uS uPan ti toilie appéaraucea nithéelavis, asud iat a cny ni Chie, nesolutios, hé fom- ýren tée bLis vidow. Carnet. Councl acjoumnétl. 8sUPRI'NG éo oua PAs'a.-Thé New- k (N. J.) Journial relates, tise oxpfri. 2ce ai an editor vWho seiéd tae su I farmer a hulefr elg tisi yenem bic ibcnipiion. Thse counnrymàîn vag rt amèn'ed, sua- thon Indignant. Rd It on' bis spectacles, soatellizeti> thé il. and after assnnlng bimséif 'th&%aIil eb genuine, hé éxciaimeti: IlI-rbeén rperbia' thii yen piper for nigistnte gttyeérg, anelInover liaS nô sich. spsnpntin' i.*fRénýot eérly vith. zv bis vcltabhe support but filista e Faels TitsWe 'iCuscér If yen, are sufferlng vilea.sévore >gb, cplti, astiea, hraclisia, cou. imptten, loisioies, tiakhing in thé- eist, on sny affection ni tise tIbmeaor mgi, ue oé ssuCht -DIs. Knééa'eNxW 1i 16AT MO5T~EL - .Arrivedset Montreaw itifaai'a #cor- 1 8 mepndent gives tise fçlloving ecocuni otite tisplay: A precciseptlnu cf bisé ornus cnovdtbtisI as te viiness lte passagoeilieoa o r tèg rtsugis tite itreete ni Mantregl vas te ho lount 70 fans tis igitofai be buntreti ai pec. - pie ceegegaelt aieveu-y sireet cmosng 80 aibise train slovly madtiIle y te station, vWha aIl ebontee mu entisugilstie wélcomo, -avve] pocket-luantikerahiefs, 00 anti othervise iguldeil their lo7ml gent vishes. Arrve] aItbiséstation, mise familier vils ils eveny.day condine vas 02 ptszzîed ta nacegnize in bisa shov ai _- carpeteti sud eléâa eiplaiforsi linoti 98 vitis Imope, ombavemed canepie., and gp. liens ai sau@croavt iét vil e-dreiééd og haies, tIsaI leetlé-Srosvod barn viic te serves ion a ttatien te tise cammenelal lie melmropolis ai Canada.~*y lise day te ffr. tesiient vison lisePreimees tise jack- ig. div itripped ofnisustolen colanno anti nespleniienenniy lu inils native hideous- nm- nésh1Tisé dais'anti curtineti canoky ré- under vbieh thé Uorern ud aninces re receiveti ant i isaredthetséadtméss nead - tebis y tiseMayo-viso vas robot in a gorgéonaneés tisaI voniti isaý'e e- cama flies anvoy ni tise Queen ai Sisba -vére tisé béai yet provicheci fnntiai ni- Excollencies. Pecing thons an a gas ,-jet sanal vére tise yards "GoS Blèse mii Our Quéen," anti asetise épice in front , ecamme illeS vIihtise privilègeS fev admulbeti an tise pistiorns, thé scène vas eue vambby ai a peut uit3', sut lut iigily ceditbhe ta te arbielf skllai a- bise genleumehangeel vilSthée exécu- g haon nofMr.lcleou's viehea. I shall unO I tivéhi auntise ardemai téeprocession rie -non on tise namai ai those vise cansti- em tuted, it. Tisé illuminations lu tisé a évéusng veme onu tisegrasts cale. ,eI Thé Iighiting up. isaver, vas not te générai, anti vas ual on a par viti tisaI td TUE ST. ANDEEW'5 nA5.L, ry given attisé Windoor, waeopsnad by buei sa présietcda the sactéty, Colonel Stavén.i te son-visa -eby, is onue ai tise o ivo men w:aring kilts un ithemoosu vitis [lathePrnces or ispartuer ite quit. )n ille. They weme lacet by tise Marquis as and Lady Macdionad. TIse ladies anti V_ g entlemen ai the sute, Mr. Mackeénzie anti Mm,. Daîglisi anti somé obisén '.couphci making tep tise set. Hér Royal ea Higinsos vore a 1ev visite bmocudea - ,aistin dresa Princesse shapeti, trimméti 1 n villa Honitan lace, peau-la anti crystal. nh Bié ome a necilet ai diamoudo, cape ai ofdiansonde lu hem bain, anti avisitée eltp hume Tis adies ai tisé suite varet 'y blacie satin dresses anddtiamant tiaras. 1 5fTisé Pincase tmuceti valIses vils Coi. %,MaNeili aut Gel. Lîtielan, and Isonoun- t dSir Hscgl Allen with hem haut in tise r SLancers, lise Marquis tianeet every r rdance, among tise panluens selecteel for him nseing Misa Campbell anti Miss -Macianlane. lié tancéeu inisha n specially sitonewviia eneu, in visicis bs t- acquitet iiseuf vils a vigaur antid hictivily tisaI von tise heurtiai thé SScabaismén, anti elicibed enusiderablé fi Sapplanso al ite bémminatian. .Only fouri 9couple hiua lbe courage te e ppear on ,r tise timer, &aibis Excelency's psu-ons-i i nca vas farnanti aay tis eiset. Oun tise vhole tise bail vas s4 eucoeéseful en- tértalnseul, soiD fivé or six bundredit b eing prasent. Supper vas annonnasti et aI r ivlv 'aloak, tisé Marqui'hîntiing i davu Mmi. Dcv, Colonel Stephsensnn f( béating bise Princs, Sir John Macdon- 9ait Lady , Sophia Maenimars, Dm.h Campbell Lady Macdlonad,dé., déc. ic Supper vas servi-in tbieilliard noom SE au tisé gmoune] doon. Ounbise rétumu ofirn bise distinguisheti gueseIrans supper a P suprseavulbet thés at tise top etÇ theo0: ilses, in tise ohape ofas Soay ni test minutes ta heur sanese éauzas cif a patriotle iongr neeèiby a voléuteér 8 inu nullr. Préecédoîl by bhmeé pipera, Pý the: y ocemore fount their vay tn t vh al-om bcre a secnd réel vas le damaitl, tiseManquis aveu oxceéhing hie fb irai offdt. ant i2oane couplés venturlng R In compote vith hjm lu lie liste, amoug A visas vas Mr. T. White, tlie nbsr fa' ton Cartiveul, by ne seaus an indiffet- Fi cul, periemmen. A pmtty featune lu théa Y bul-rans vwas lthe pnetbng of i séntinal te viti tixeti Sonet on ea& site ni thé 8' dais enectet ut bisé top ni thse nons. At hi bisé n'claek the stnainsoni tise NatilômmuG Antà ieanedtvaciferous oheens annon-M éS"*isê.retlrmeeulci tisé Marquis anti la Prnuesé vIsa von goltien opinion biv9 théin gracions iséaring ast te isés- nearil a lu Canada. 88 lise foloivi th ie eply le tise eor.-i] pnnatian attiress présenteti andi raid by St tie Mayor ai tisetiepot, c0 ME-. MAYOR AMI) GiMTLsésssN.-In gél tise naine ni aur Qneéa I asjayen, 1 ac- 1o, cèpl our tismnes ion' yeur layaI anti ého- 81 qauent adtinesand I néed.isarny îs fai j 'twa wîves1 oi cml Roi ss.ntaiosn oni :Powév, abd la - baabeau St '~.~1 sn, te haie] au ettertalumeut oui ýiàtobai ove, provicling tbey, assume ie u-ééponsiisility ai any 'damagaý, anti aovide thein eva ligssand dring, anti meo if neoessmry cdea eut lise hluahi- Drcrds' GarnieS. 'Dis sella-n Mn. Hoovér, bte tise ir réCIMtura ni IhiéCmlieco"Rojj lai xlna el mn ntise 141h day ai Dé. tuber, 1878, la lité finit day ni Fis- ismy 1870. Mm. Hoover, mateS, tbab Jas. Moule- Dusé bé appoluteil Cosmisonen our 1411' btis, jouporatiôa ta6, fpalr [tige OnIÃŽvogIer n bosy-hné kUevaus oyies' bridge, mmnd tiat th leechr tify bise corpoartion ai Marktam ta ;at eft. .b 1 - r.Spixk iutmôtnceda iy-lW Wbihjc à refad lrec severajbims' nd pais. 1tea *propnleletienforeuatlonal pur-' - 5066, ohesansniof8100.17. being thé )uu0oliosspfMr , Hor ' liecsu ber uaé t 1 eO'ebeéIno 1e Ine. - ýîf tiil l' 1 bie oefthesoGerporabion viblu ise cblefeofflenî, Gl7y Clark aud Record lu'"V*1 ' t il tiknrospeets ýteiý Pnmncesi,,c plyatdillenal srâm tation vis tisaI oftup Fibre, i Jiuâgés, fls e Au, t anS mroc ol 'Of use*-Domi nlo~Cebinet, veépre $dnln, ;lu.pmcoélséjtbie dép butlno. of'_thsors i . - formallyp :sent@t Salnreley, the fonenacin vas 0pon nécalving anS riepli(as te ate8éiAsr tisée afbemutinilk;'égolov ÃŽadPl P9liseis pis.-e vieil te !illo',M Couvent, wii1É in thus spokea.io,ý tise cenrespondont :-"I havîe rés: ttàknà tleitlsbulig&incealisoir arrl 'bas piood oun illustrions visiter. M4 tisanliséir réception lienayfennüo attse couvent cf Ville Marie, at back, ni tise Montpin, Wiicis adesar oS 'te Meas lh4vjng bsen a-cams spectacle.' Wtole baitalians of yot lady cslus 'rétinutise Cousi untionsu anti émet usa bnquet flowers belug sasoti fin a big roc hanteomehy, ernamenietil viiifli tecosblons. vhilé lise nuna, grass togother la béimcisaïactérisbic costun furuisiséS a bace groundti l a piebu vwilS visicistise au-siuaeye oai Pnincs*as gréably tièligistet." Snay bisir Exeléenoies attend cisnresaI lise. Engliélu Cabbedrai, ai lu tise aitemnean thé Marts vntIel te Bt. Ante*'é Ghurch. At hali-piet eleven on Mantmy mot ibg Hli. Exceiienéy and thé Prince léit Menîréul fou- Ottawa bv tisé Ora lnmnk. At tise stationaattiàréess (io thé cluiefi mf thé Troquais Indliana Caunsavaga vas présente] seuilbri ly replieil te thé Govemuon Gênési Belone laaving, Hm Excélléua préésetbo the Mayor and t oIst] pleasune viiçubta nti the Pninoeés I vuh tbsinrércéptian, 'md aaknowledg thé gréai penînnal kiatnés atann cus émalion tisai bas ispan showeeétiup At Cornwall mud" Preacoti bise Cra seoppeti, ant bire wvetbesa suil s dressés trailà lie ssnicipali-Soties ai replies. AT OTTAWA. Tisé vice-régitl party arrive&' alOit va at 4.20 p.'m - Tisé' veather bah npropitinus, beis'g sbonmy, vlble mi and snav. Nalvotitiading Chié tir baclic ua ception vas nf thé hairîie aisarsater.. Thé inévitable attirésa fro tue Mayor anti curporation feintéeS. lise presentalion of tise oIson i dresses ivere Sefenreti ta lnoseay, wvi thse grand torchlight procession se Cake place. Tisé Manqulé anti Princéaa timove -i meditèiy ta Rtideau Hall, visere bis rémainét inluprivale turing thé avér iog. Picering Tavniip Cussià,i. Saturday, 255rt Nov., 1878. Thé Pickering council mol punu to adjaunment. Membere aIl praséri Minutes ai liaI meeting néati anti a provsest. - - Tisé iollawissg accantse re nrdei te hé peiti : Johsn Shier, for timavir eada, $88;, Dr. Mimne, for médical at tendanc&estceM. ',Wasdinff, 84 ; H King, ion building 'bridge on sidamoîi bétveeu lat, 80 andl 81, l i this, bt cou. $40 ; J. Waddington, for mepairini reat-sanaper, $1 ; Jas. Laugilin fis sepmiriug road-senîper, anti pimol $2.75 ; C. Blotti, farn etar mut repai: iàg eu Breok nomS, in -Stis'con, $14 Jas. Cîipman, for vomie on 2nti coi muot ai loes 27 anti 28, 1150 ; D. For. îyth, repîiing bridgé bélvéen lais 14 euS 15 lun8uis cou, $100 ; O. 1P. Feu-rier, fon gravai, 88.70 ; Johnu Bamkey, repaisi in approacs te bridge, Gnenrve, 08&75; M. Nigisaaner, rep'airlug mritige at lot 815,, s1h con., $88; John Hlan, buiding bridge on vesternu Cave lune, lanesonjanabion vith Scarborc cauncil, $80.75 ; John Gober, gtavé]. ling on sidénoat een lots 82 aud 88, Brti con., 886 ; Miller & Wisbaîf, fo pune, 105 ; Jas. Symeo. for vonf on bibi, lot 20, cen. 9l, $12 ; Frncia ticQunit balance. ou contractb Iitvee lots 6 anti .7_1u.; 81b can:, .3W0; Wm- Sitih, ionrérpairnug bridge on Broc] aai 41h ôebu., 86; Join Cpbar, lar plan Uhe ani blibenial ion rot-.piaupr 01.50; Hallét & Povell, for gu-avel, $8.25 ;Hector Beaton, resta lunliés sabler mi appéals lu errons anti omis- sians in theîlotait fvoatéfrInn1878, is 1-Pe£"a 1e Iought teaay thsat 1 vas at one a sel i'Mm ludite, l. egnas isé Ntinaillsnat.'oés ae~ui b i ne i s a d é t a e n t e r n at i a p r o p s a l o a i nl g é b , i " M e . ' 'M a n s i s , l e h .« ' 0 1C ,e l ., M u . é d y N a i n l P s bringiîag me farwarti ion tins Local HNose. King, an( ti olsn. Thé txt0 la i-lien Lésés a lanS, dusease at-rancis upan tisé lb appeared ta nm e tstisée.Local Housé in an ntli4WciIi5inuir àse't 'tisribos clIita fiff11butsaluisbecames a nsiisg ouse 110 lé rqgsmtiedas municipal ruahéar nayanoscsnoita iAe.lin, déatu- t ions 1tesonof imptncate wih'Z caunqatiotisér 'isnsing.bire]s. I he tak~cti énigisl have, baken up, Chèra e iég bisaisne Ciiff-Dwéileré, funE tfaChin. e Ãœnary syeted, un visiab casetisera Milister ai Educalfén ; but I foiuti Par-ty Hniaé usstistélta lavr v eué hias svareigsrmal aas a Id'tes. fis ay anay,ad at once .garé Up- li .régaatdiig.té un its anJango'omngbedaaé iaeeSrna ____ eec epéiwuder oasiiol-ament ai thise ltiodsetc. For'saleby T. G. W ncni A W AK e n l . 1 79 -T i é' t isé rou le a ia isig isl o i700 f ot ( an týi dla W blelad,- C iem ist, ---W b îtpyo an ti al Decevber Winy AAsca paisé ithi a rille-a isdèri saenctionifPofsson - lgainiPtr ugeat dne Iess hér1-îy W inter Pictur é ni ýD ove- ie, as H iye n. ' G raphi o dra sPig é 'i W 'T t in - u u ge à a-c an e t e s mecmpaimni a lamiat MeEenMran suplment tle texi. Ca tba om.~- '--- - Ksmhmll'a poem, I'l ise-loves1" 'T eibt s ltJng isW de%.scj-tissî u~ ~a~Hn-iTsu0 Leose h Autheutia maoin Cp"by Erokine W. iatinilton, i8 ý4smrrsttsyebfýChisiué0 . i~s,-wîuo ie N. Y.* Vorlet correspondentl:Hem Mooa-lnuiéi~?aqérago, viiibSe oyal' ýhineasi envslaoets e tciryfou-boy#. A ay 'st- f '-F,-e eb.afaov h e~spe>-, "di OMO JLi ùsi.mstncnro ui,écs t p aa ieaisn iiiéhégsla liibmovu Sain lis-mMilmsesé-a a cauta v ni lenr8n guf tmn the slltllrlsa.mu m yk.nstla itoetsé f sos ciull vnribyalay u Ba-s r.. :'se iugîa nmeln ~l-iandeoinai voman;antie tgmossy lbéa Ceta. c-Au ut nhIy'etiéisbà'lhî,o fnui' liastountdi "afrisant'lu' Jenn yies-pstgnsh.TsaMn ia Slory . néatéébow étuli tanaliser bati Muir, tvhi rtet miit lseitiustiasns and LorBerné s.»ore inrtunately représauttii. b', -~a<4qulahati by ta t avé twct..-îets -nikuhag itsi'itéfret.Hto'êli islgs a oi a~e~heéaa pisiéod,:. ' ~lauér.'Ms. 'alls" i~avs om ujin- atiser long, and ligh lu neeyea. --Ts rsuite-assuYhet-ié due boys naing, the lçungînes as '-tIir-, ilinoatti peouni.'Bél; e" 'ls geThé: sr.mata~t-hine j*, iie Cisurcis ni Rosé la adding s ~Doyen "ihe-savéýY isu ransiousthebi"-,Demi ,Dlijtriaj",,tile anis' Mission ta Chose alreait> exietiu luntée Mrê 8.M.'suntpbli'tlue~ibuwtisctiat.Wrett, Lake réglons, Afici, -Pope Loeu XIII. l~~,enl~qAltas1 t5u" haîle f~lcislà,t lW 6 9ttsràitlf huis auesoned.aàplan, prepaméd by Car, te" h Ji. Nniting witisîmnorc I ~i isun o-pagaîda. Tise vomie been eustited Shiîtnéinsesy fonkin: ~sA ~Jl1l j . s ..----a -~ os' 1 et, mkaionééWb>lheti 8fuise ban a-Vi. ý Thilétisé stuif f-wttiib ' i- rigua'e 1 n L Pt~ieba be tiZ d 'Ssiiia are nlde. -I-1à.f U@ u. H i, h t bs5 Éa.LLi.galdTo itlrthro te nevr àtptstorrma Party of ay no aàeorw ni-b t any plan Oenfer any obeatvisateven. q4 ~plaesoibut inoî îisertJ Who é ied gamn T=E NATIONAL MiiENTicxZ '-. 0MOURED 01 oTEr rax s P" onejo.raga. Thtladis ana itizd tvc vas lise effaprnug, tise inovitaisle5 of-a is.ýM inietera.proved'ol e b.able suS nben s a hiiyntét alsns rdem, ipnlng, cf Coniedenatieu. Il vasunib"r., ,truetworthy; contentamient neigned vith-sudanS4iiaer ien à e ie.Eveny pla thé p5 b biste appeau oniMelk Who . bae' aiSpaé ihn,'utlréè :Oleet ],> g-l* Tse' "th É,aic sen- -qlucofone] ét.'convenisnt mot galy ta'Canada vas withonb a neighbo, ane] ,kç4 for troops. - W'ho ruSmnagainit it, but tabrnnel t> îi seti- on 1wè,àbullun frntlé1 asoigt Oummete.vsJeeni5 don., ticp ndt josieovu 5bhnie -Wv ise ienaï-y ti~.tTise noble a R lel me ntixely out off.AI Icot accunts nisa- la ilfrSwii~l tnaftore., nèSbthtpamnlc y11 fsaWiar,thIe factions stili iholadtise levIls, laying fr tis eos,;ycf Prfesser 04Irnes on Cc. eý a arn enIog(îçîîO' tisée aicubraso c'inlyeiri h Ier lnia1'oveémment, a speech ci Mn.r mnc-pmi. Bfn'a efstt rn aPnliahly maintained hy e nti Brovn cf Can&e re miking noeose- sthamen whem lue via- axlia -te 9n POî ofto tmpslalu.~ ore,. I sot- mention, halue ndited ýL;LCel { aui55f, anitisi ns a.! Sèerad Pré-111 fin Ou a tetsémoveetite iseeén Lord Monck, Lord iagir, anti 5fr . lea&béen leilledin la vesnge For 'bise fnlly developéti;, it bad,,pub lentS its Tisornten ion tise Isîyon tisys ho Wé4 dsti cf -Tom LittIl, "Wbo. vas abat It in manifesla lu thse fans ofbte remarIe- enjoyet. A Colonial Goternor ie] ite v,ýwile é adressfiig a 'iôb"-aîthé giol inasie ]ample tiéa l'>Canada Firsb;" ' osiite, wepublic opinions,, tisaI ai Sean'. Séveral non.c btngaien th d iphtigvesa birt iv a ioa 1Aso 21 _eh an ~ hk - .'eohnhy béibtlybJis 4ilé eliton', vsii Ibuiv s iginlaiy- tebonya assaI beEOOMItuaiw.. --iJgd llia ,1V - M-.T by cmoé]'iniv Cnadimna, ansi et Titis gréaI deaîstmtn vane - t uWe , baanée t mtliè ,sou visici I neyer vas, a "e4er,Th XisB'ms Comapt"iEýlTn huxsxLn;; 'violence. igwhtvé,qed n STvclG' ' 'éaieeOr MATIdNÂhL LcRE. -) tiit waarbherm au 1inti mation oftb i-u.daeé laregard te .entiug ltse mlitary 1001 were foltas maal, not oiiiâi thé po- ta. stise Englielu people look lu Cana- .tO'the ScOn fomf~etitdtt thelitca ý,bu iný.týfl ntqlëtný ý,spere, B Ntbùg o'timlaed heaffections The é' inwýrmBgtit ae ilI. Thèe vas a tilir- on a n tional maga. cof anadians se iis.. 'John ,B ~i i w i M o nut t erin , teday, Sttes tIsai jing zine, anti as Ii bialleisuné and literany, >shnr5nl en' ~alau pdJcka asi esso ftt ýung expérience, tisépublisitema enhisoteel me-; 'ccaselà"Y'filleul te é allove'ncea ntOh, but Chat tisechampions of11ev are -eut in tise eilerprise. Il vas pi &51; défer- fan otellenpeple's suscepbibilitioo, Who u mpoeéésiÉonf lise.cosurt hanse anti ai ofminet, et My instance, tisaI, lise 'mage- temin'vl IlairS nalities àne goal. Pickèt.,firing ih képiteup, anti ons~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~9n &bioiih néy ieayetCat-, ongist bctake tiséin sentimental béntén- xuauyt pensons' ýbavé eé eltiai orai poiitius'sisuld' uo exahiét. d 1Frents iieiéltô accoten t. Tise ties-crèebel é wvundét. Ne> action lues yétbheen ýp e ti d t r mn i na i e nj, t tva fo uàn el n ée ésoa my iv e el t is o f G r at. B n C ala -an d t io sé t laio n b 3'fle G erern m men t. me, t tear, lu d4ereno'to tée lite ote f i hair émigrant relations unifiée]lise iegénéral Publlié,aa' rll, non., E'mpire'i colonial éysbem. Joh Bll Tais WIc.é..PÂAY-Many bleues btse tise' Party lu ils eharieter, on carrent évents inîsat ni corfiqlug bis attesitidrat b hies gnail ezit viài,ïeCur-a very porian, was intrbodnooml,'Tisé maonnéeofaineu- snnRo, é,Fici is heé acnS-y, Or village, or cty, viso leda caesachievei by;the - Cai'éaii n etl- lbait becomo more concènni ' wisu- s. luppHlés himmel and family.,vibhtisé eue]y 7,i~n, face of thé bréméntimue coin-perli astateé. Lort'Dufférin csaibis' Plain, pnactical, reliail sef ai oneýtiOinetoul th EDlis mkb'd iia brillant speech, wvisieb me beau information given in the Ameican AU. ziues, but qi.gsedid pdjéntal li- repesaely interruptéti 5,applauq, byri-cediurigt. Il vis me0hansed bécansé isén'teature ni thé iUnited 'Sates, esôwé aaiïi'exéessing bis grateîsX s ai f tarleti 87 yeana ago a arural5 journal, ru- usetrénglis cf' h enietwio the kîsdîy vélaomé ië, ai ,gobut isii r notlyirenI su si and 1S t iks Suh hu as inLtmgan luia" itèmrbjhbn exieeeit i niscopé, anti pnôfeitly illustnatet, go tisni les gydt.iýf.ý' nsol a1 aad-tede a i, an é*...t.. te.4. to'd aud >sé e 811 1mi1"ram.l-.~.. h wne c i laîéo 0n m ilainalFlyoc ' uvlinsdai isesamateit los, an a of etOi'la qurgos'iHinakas wes tapnolangsel cieers. hissatimtI g té agt rs'lesa oe epat antio ie.temoveméni 1ta'visiith-hf)e aéalîsh vues atÉ.;,f ëueee n rail con em p iou s Istré, an t i vsiis ho B n to .Cildi -e-o i evuenrs of tl è, H rses, - ex andth ie politicienssà -s aenlisés bave, not aI uok.Siaepi, anti Svlne-of 'Fruit groers, u». a int asilp utms iF lo i sb e , B u ild e p , m O a n c , e c lt aTEDECLINÃŽ INsTaCeS....1UMitTxC -z ngns nuaig 'davisOw. Fions' 600Cma 800 oiia'Egaig get -Tsii W.EKLY 'NATION. rninics.' l veu-y volume,,be ing nigislttge éye - ' - ansi untirstantiing, many tieéful, imbon- sid. - Of lise foundtiénofai liweékhy Natin i Tisé ManétanyTimes lainbé .bankisig -bëlping and laban.siving .centrivancea p i ry ah télone ; Ioai Dot la te CrOUD- nèvièw lisél weck, devotas sanme mbesi. langély hnm emad, anti fon nul-deor trn s t e niffu cooi ati th ise umnetinta lise causaeattisa décline in'baudtiin-doon vonk ; aise plants, animais, ad.i ai our rçadinpublic,. 1 sisoulti hardly stocks.Ilwonlti, il eays,* ha difficuti s g nuerou ai tvitge, nae tec utd hava béan inclinée] lu atampî lisepub-. lç Batamy adéquate causé for théta. Journal gnéatlyenpénrior te aveu-y othér icaîlon ni a journalin u anxpénsivé antdîn inÈbàuk in isarea to tise sxtént bIsa ieatneating aos thé e su bjecis, Tisé aristocratie a fra. Tisé programmé, :hàa néaéutly taken -place ; nonetleap. Mreatent, canstié éxposures Of IHum. insteati of emhodyî*ng my spécial opin-.'parent. anti, va eliève, noueaexiste;-' gadSwidesaeo'rs au ions on tihe Colonial question, contalu- thougi causes for san el le , taa tisvintilé are a re#500a vau ng, éd'a clause ilu faénr iImpérial Fader. uniduh'Ceely wére. -A person se soms- a' épnéil nlébn sflat ai ar sétddincllcon.isfl n aioitét At a lian panioti. I accaptét an tises more fnigistenée] aiCer a dlanger intereqting information anti engmavings, 's" iniatiolu a Co in thé papar, bacausé lb timong i iicshlie lias passat i sover tébnftm l iii mS no - ws ntise han1lsonimy friésits, anti hé- -thon héevsés ln lis aatnai présence. ab tisé ratinéed, pnl iceofnny $1,50 a cauisa felu suie tli voulhé con- Wè suspect tliaItishera is snmetising af yean pest-frée :-or four cappies et 81.25 d. elt-honourabiy amut sfihpariacinj- tisekint inlu onnetion villa lie décliné éais. or ton copias -mIB1èais. A apéci- et lndancé. Ilugia, cons.islcnsly I ;,i bank sisaras. Thsé hest titrée or four men capy, 10 coula. ,Tu-y Ita yéar. IL blaeva, b 'iid in raisin&lise ntional- ybaesshave been.au auxiona lime ior n W il pmy.Pblbtib Ou±enJu intarests ticseeantiancy ovér thosni classeaf business mon ; tile lasses Cml. 245 Bnadway -New York. nu. party, in mainCaining decéncy of dis- mnsing freinltée général décliné tof N. B.-A cespy ni Mîaisill's magnifi. aosecu, antiin pratéecéing thse chara. Pri' ai)ba say ni*t ut cent Steel Plate Engraving, leéxz 1e er ni publié" mn. Its énccese vus hava beau sîmaugé if lise'banka bat mot FAieMEn'e Piasisi,' lé délivanéti free ta gréai, cnnsidt'riog ils fmmm auniChé liisu- 'anme in for aahane aiflise lasse suai every subacriber oi tise Amaricen dgs-. iteti anêsi niis aiulmtin'u. 'I bik' I leont te evemy Slnd ai business. But ccstsriaf visa sentis 20cents- extra ta may say vils ruts tht it has regard- thé vorél is aven. Priées havé bouchaS cuver coeé ai pacising anti postage. titi ny Lises, a t ni éîtuL opisns buLton, ant ioaiefurtiser fait la la be ap.a as créditabié ta theaCanadien pres, anti préheotiatifromn a daclinq-in fle valué Reclama-tion ai Landseta Lake Scugmg. tisat il tuée pérformedth ie pyopér Jolies of stocka in 'tisé itandponimenciants.- ni ojonmnaliim, anti lfilledbisa legiti. Tia banks bave hacdtitsabulk oai bieir Amngeltishe notices ni application itmatlnobjéate ni a jnnmnaist's ambition. sijîu-e nifbisélasses,- vnitten tisas off for pnivaCe buis 1tiséth Local Legislaume L.It lent, ifi Imistaké ni, an impuhsete tndutdoué vus théns. liseré bas beau vé findti ie iallnving: tisa gméwing ioda eéndenca oi your preiss; a reduébion iu lié atnount ai sto ck anti To gi-réta Mélcalfé Tbisveb, Joepis éd andi vien Chialééaiftisa principal lu tiséaggrégaie amnunt niftisé Iléstt;;Fishar Eby,-ant Platricit George Close, Dgwrutsrs, Whso waré cmlled avmy by otisen but titéne lias ual, appéaréti base great anIlfaihebisély oniTorouta, anti Wm. ,t worlcaampelléd ne ta suspend Chia pub- anongis ta jnsbify tise décline that bas Murdack, ni thetevie of Bovmana'illa, FI lication, asnthuar inde-pendent journal tnken plcé l bank 'stocka. Aruedua. asi uismisehr parsen ýor parions as ad eprsng irons tisasainea mol. tion of-divideénde may bavé causedail ay 'hereafien lie asenciate t is tons, h TUSi E IaS On A NATION.', désiré in many haldéns ni bauk ahanes paver land autbonlty la- ceustunt an g Sympathisé vils îlse naîlanal.mové- Co immolfer biseir capital te 'éther for-ms ombaulent ou-salit roadway irons a 'nr ment ni course I elle]; lunviat. éhonît nofsecurityv; but tisé change îeau enlY point an tbis hore' ai Lake Scngog, ab ka pesliical aindènt ana eenqusmer fe an be matie ai a disativautage uter pr.or n-sentis ai anS neano Pou-t Peu-ny, in bisé rinterest,if ntinlua movemnu l sai ep'cicm&tués is.al ntise tevuahipomBeach, tateeopposite' promised ta givo binlis to a nation'? pnicé ni goat lisas caesieia général té- shsore at saine point Opposite tates n- Sympath! isé iîlbI tii, antibeau-lily, chuin uprofité ;inlaineé cases it bas placé ai comneeont su tho tewn- » r-but I léftsijltim odutl an-m -hhaeprofits allageliser; lu ethersalsiip ai SCugog; also0 la consîmnat - 4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i elaé'[labtméi rn iegi fias couverteS antiaipabetiprofits hât sisiflan embanament anrsalie] roatvay r, political Uic vîsén it vas openeti- toa e éms. If tise ielters i fSaulkeolsare hasýfrmmeépeint on- thé' store ai saiti r- in England, anti 1 havé neyer souglis ied ttireicapital investi in almoat -Laie Saugog,'aotih o'a i 'uea leCes-i r, or désiredtiat enter it haere.1 I havoeassyhngclac, éxcépt persaps seauniliés ,réa, luisthevnshsip ai Cartwnighb,, bo g9 takaonn activé pari in Canadian polit. ou résl éstate, tbeyvou id pmobably-'tisé oppositeé are'aI seméepoint appel. nu los. A fév elmys ago I attèntiétifor ltehave apifenée] more liaisltey bave.- iot -Cié laenicsm cmetl - fis-t ime a polibiami nïéetiog. My Tisa présent business ai thé banke, mn tise bownel-p .i ugog;. ta drain tisé ro haase oulti isrtily have bésu beau-c]in whiih future Ps-odets dépend, -is in thé part or portion oftttisami Lake Son- 1-connécîlmu vils public affaire if the main saunai. Thèee ois ting 1a loir gag, an to-be eut off, lying te tise sauts t ulas asnt privilèges ni joumnalinbat irons tisegréaI cause, f ai pblhsses, a ai tise sale] embaniemeut, sue] lavest ail t.nat beae 1yeîesisticallý-vialates ilun mygénéral décline ni pnîcês. If-pricés ré- tise lande nectainsodtiieréby l is e sale ,k persan, vithis tdesiagn of drivi2g 'irs m îln"'s tatianéry, well réguhîtet busi- Métcalfé lisvaite, Josepha Plisier ýEby, es tisé Cangsiian. pres an insiepeneni mes: must effér a- réeanablé manglu and.Pe.triak George Close, anS Win. Sjournisoisse peu mighli moringe tisa nîprofit;-if pnices risc, thé Profits mf Murdodcsud and obl atiser persan eu-Peu- monepcsly ci opinion vlaîiel v as thé be isé ripé viicha napaçi by tiséhola a go-noasl, ybéeasociatedt vils Item, ýk abject ai tise assiiants, fon tir oin . oniprésent stocké ai goots. lise pros- iéin hiein lysideassignées ion cver. rmercial au vel as ion, tseir' poltical Péatà of tise banké are ta-,day Setter -punisops, tamalutain. It asthé lu- thuismuviss (heir ssameé vore sélliug îiLu arcar îiirty tiseusati goa.in hies It e-andgeA if ues iiglier. Tise amonofniovéntise Cisoreiion,.anti net one eai Ceisi Ný oticais and,.Dceih. luh MA LAÂXNG- FI dencee of theJsî on wedneiday, Bey. iB.GCham Laing, of Wbitl Laing,2, Eçý Cc of Ontario, to mi of the laCé The 6th New York ( LÂCOURSE- 28th uit., at thse Boyv. Mr. nergis lins, tb Fanxsy B, laie Col. laIldwi LA1NGSTAÂF1 nl., at Ring, 10o staff, M.])., ages Eppias. Cocoe !o5TMr--' t]a nattera i awa*s jt of digestion arnn breakfust ale tasiest lie ganly uitb te r a"te é tui~ tire, i snb1 e p fiel. eVMay e bykéépiing ours P- ébloce sêada -civil servie& Picets iabelWe. Bemoeopate hcCie I WMIIaend 'ainec FE 0F CHAR, was tisecovéresi by AxÀsenica, Séessia toe éRzv. Jôsxzp 4~WHITBI Foux, perL Pois......... Peas, biiake. Oats . ... Corul...... Hay ... Pqttos .,~. Tukeppe.U... WIséag, Po r r ist s...... ..en....... .. c m e . ... . . . S s elar .1.:.' Tuke4u'î'y>. e en 1

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