Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Dec 1878, p. 4

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FOU,, sala is La 's *0 nothing, I gý, in faPorta. jst. (LIM V lar 2061, wi jolis=2 ont waikug à ahadôw 2-The Wiud.B.TEIEOW Brw.sIosota çirl who rttoi! *0téDomininT p 4CliGeat PKEPETlEPIOEEN 1Deaconsold',i4n r lonor asu the. oopr Amrican a sandOs, .m DjVaxori j10 8 21 P*a$4 an kEk.a c ano . 0t4j rwcu amPsas Water LotNo.9 2a12104 1 89a a mhm NE~W ADVERTIBEXENTS.& 1UA x W~G The. Greatent Living Anthorso b a Prof, Miax MuIIsr,11*, HMn. W, 'E. e01.. rc4,VlLo 1p19 8 i 'GO 18 18 P*I$t Prtd, r~ HuiyUnion-e5t., Vil. Lot 25 si 18 78 220 1708 pBteù*is T eckrLOI iss Muehjean1@oW . MAdon A CdVctorW».t.,VII.LoM1pt 18 a i4 990 i186 4OS0 paimisi dert ThaMe 'q arIlMatthow mo AComplete iii UZERIOPE. l DJLTY ile r rpr e o esofBat8. o Wstj1> 80 5128 Ir ce Ptmjo IT4ELLIS..LIVIN U' E NSaJIIIP. o oo4 7 5 ô17 198 710 Patentea foi 1810, !J71e LivIng Age entera uo ifs 05G1EPRwaIto aG ePBEACj ~h1ryc 1hcar 4II~îsud uni.a>±i 1, 4 4 i uI wrîtlng, of te Ilostemient nlad s glbeautifa1wsl lor ilzrog4 t ,e Du- sud mia, l PLera; embraeing î~rth=ot.î m*0ojgltsUtld 8', yalùjTHORAR. soril AI ci!Short 8tories by the Leading l It oé!s5s of aa se in» of(ber S LM'of l!artigin Novliits, eand au anuat eofi-r.h,LIn f01rxf ratiolng., Which con- js xgî'S8w 4 O446 191 66 Ptna Ilîsmpssst aiuaetopelesbqi eirst pria.Pa-na itr~motegaiii orn'ona ,PORT PUe~RY., &Qyi@rdo the mont AIaIulop 7., ryn olp.L.UZT ontaining ernua" fo i u ay rm leezOd BEnlob, and Ornamental Letieî!. Shnii.toulà i 1522 I18 17 40 P&ton" oçoeI P4 Ofband Flonrlsblng ofBird., O.; A CYameai> sp 09 75 i0 6 Ptna evry*iW7Ifanf. i tu 8JO~ 75 1 90 565 Pitenta deîrmentt ut Knowiedgo anud 1rogress. struotion, and a beautifully .ngraved case o;s ~ ie sm Ptna Liii Ag@, la a weekly mnagazine *a conta'a- the whola. 4 tNuçmr han i1reoan:a quarter Price.0, eo 1>114f 47 O 18 8 Ptna lun !dooble.coimo octavo of i ddress Scogog-sî, pat248 04& 8910 8w Patenis rîigmat.y'y !74 .ureÏa s an. SG. BBATTY & CO hie ussiisJth oLuîdi~4~Ws'gro#4 Oots.rig Business coleii- - Pt swevi y he. sld egs, a Owingto, . BelIcV1 ýont' coîiuoîesataixtd *nq dt . pu<i. ~ 'gnfswne.Part SoutIl i 18 A 40 129 7 1,1 ~1* c ation, fthe est Égalys , ;1R>é«111, 4èY Bolea,,- - 2 8ô9gS 114 28 4ifg8~ae vieous, Talen, Sksetchîe of Travil;asud Dis. - &kf>t 9 49 j 7 1 j co0very, pqetry Sclîflcllirpucal., -1rlnn runmrv oktix 412 6O 190 74 t98 pl v,,i~aq hincal IYoraroi trh. e, uILJRIE,1 VUN~19 8 . 2W. 22 là14 286 ESÜELaWI ', 'i'Ie n ihi LIingPartci 1thi 1 ?" The lînily foad uit (of l., o rnpýil aîoo n.ofa eti 0 'Noth19!f 10îâ o is0 9 i&ii hsereslct res. it oanre ,î.Sttxf ' 2 100 97,98 726mUn tenta comp lote r,. z, snt -t. acE rt12' . 1 7 8180Pa0ts rlîîîly lix.t,t 1,>' cthe follvilsg Oppin. - i î. 1c 10 15 M 2919 '17 79 lun "li Ifwu ilies,)l ti, beet productions ci l tie r UNES ND1 '11PAE orfetptuS S 1,2h 1'10849 9017wae lin *t aile advances upoitfthe aecnnsîy Nrh 2Z8 0. 109 9) .86 Pâtentaid wreeffwlrsPOmc ailobjecla mady"t0oOur volraesaferpeata a tbo INtorx Nofxi 8 1 59 79 8" 9 Pt - îiud't..1/îyli~ha ,siere.and replayablo ln suuy muinner appIicant s ENothiu t j îht 18108 L, 2 5 84. Pîf ort j 18 50 G 0' I18 61aena iw ,rIt'dlpniabet ~ e of1roeo.t, Si1x, Sevoso, -and E ighî )(f lc si siiry departiuuit 0,al ie rper centf. accrding fo r.pàymeiî,. Jiteafro.-jtu~.,> ,>îruuil.Who ixe lle iseafiefacuory tieuse b an n "Tii0 prince.' enoug -muaga4upe.'-No.uc b compiefed anti monty paid aven in Teii NorIt1 0 09 865 1 Ptn 1-e <bareer. 6 B-1 aouf "it Ahlsici e ei. e (. ils cheapest ancA Dalle. North à 16 4 100 26 61 MI .11 Pateti iliht ý(O7IIn ienso lc '4-AN TED Tf) PURCHLASE GOOD 18 B 100 15 89 171-14 atsntsd boith 01helunt muoais.aikeping abnuasf t>GG S l 00 1 p 6 ofNhantil & l t 2 G 0 0 886 il 9M "A cîîntiy Ihluelcuon.every wek."-!tOffe.,Bigelowsa Dioui, Port Pitry 8 GN00t1804jI96 09W~U li 4jaesp, Ceo1î,iglly Vouns, 6 H 9 29 8 l e l; il§ Incomuparaeble lis lt:riorixoceo, van-4) epof8 H 99 9 5 8-u588 Un te.d 'Y X 100 985 289 9987 Unyateid wia-l ciiforti ile"Te IO4SPXO.7 K 100 2430 9241 9671 Patented "'A pure a<ni porpetuial raieror aenudfou,,- - -- 20 x 100 28587 989 95 go uniztna of eaiuîterîiduuulncî<id lnefnucion. -e 18 L 100 40158 2981 4296 Unpttd if B, fob r 0. Wnthr p.*.. 19 L 100 98 5 2 79 42 14 U p ts2 e "W i it AIo e reader imsî, irlyk.p A C I N 15 M 100 9919 86, 94 dô Un tent, lip wit1iî 0ii)n ti ispiîîorfalitith e Ylitufàs. U TIN ALES C Y2 1818 ire, l<slory, Poitfies, ansd science of the -S O T .I.'Tlîe IIki ds.'s.ieo mon t w Y,>rlc. BEG ta rofiuio ou>.eccre thanisetuatfexe wegicul1 fis>liuîe p itent n î 1 publio for the >vcry liberai patronage South-West anglIe 19 8 9 9 a988 Ptna ar hré ýiterd ogth ,. - bestowud 'uponrune ln tf iante, and! fa Ea.t 28 10 7 8 199 1077 Patente1! l/1lcsnp S(eXtgc J<rtsa~ , In d îtimiste fixai 1 will bu on bu eul.1 2 8 10 16, 9202 104 P77 l.iiîgiîsgrarc lureant rrd foeftueNorth j ai East 4 8 j9 7 7 PatenIslo 'ty e lnfileot trtrelticonsioct amy ci,tsaletha 1rnasy bu enfrusteul 82 8 10 16 8 2 1 1 64 Pleta N~1 ~d~'~jI-WîoLiovey od'y'u - atec. Terme liboral. Sathfactfon goar- Centre pt (A.Brefhonne) 35 728 889 971 900 Ptna Il ii udapuhLlotuovryon wodo- My eau f 82 21 80 " e -r. illipofliii ti !-lul iii ai it i, n fsunio tlej book weili bch o b ud et the ' i<f ttiui>ltj i n flic lx r t as ftlWIlssîb>. Arrangements.a TeaRre'aoffice,Ot.7 ,18 . '.slh"Dl îpil.- serry t Ja tee, &c., ns>. eo made wifh c.7h 58 o is. nai 'I lieitiequi il l fi i> onMry" . ______________________ofthe____ b te-Ophi P1,08 , Ordes b ci eegraple sttended fu. l tslJî/ fî4 iiPsve. î'ruiin ecrjlAin - Mn. , fix L ProniIR 3ai ie oelS 'Ir ok iin. xurrcas . AuciocrI3N ,i>, L b L'il isi.idi wolii',l 8.0iJ a.year, truce ef N. D.- Salu Boi.kesand bank notes I L L I A - T ' îîhîeîuige. furniixei Iree.. PiXTiSA O1/1PER F OR 1879.-T,> ail new L * AB EFACOY.N -"iiirieefor 1879, wili ibc seut gratiste xeA-INET FA______AND ii îî,liero fer 1878, coilssiing ernlîsolisur <> ~ r >5 s ~ - veiuebemiifcr,tuc hfirtfart ofi'SirGibbie,' Valuaoie îReal cstate FR.SIL. A E Om$ IL ssetw erial alun>.oo! mucix infueet b>' Ueo. F R C R A E !iîtd<,îIaldIlo55w suîpeu i n the ùjgIN TI Allaî froinfl;h o tier èllban e élîee.s" peur. cisge.d~ TO NSIIITHE OL O STAND, B/ O K TR T, W TB . , (J.U-'it~eco celoux ,Arrirt F LATECONTACT GO where you cananot Laitt b ]>leuicLtrîur Ii1i. ?< suesd OuThe No. 7, i.i1f ssion i he 'Wêwn, Ou ritoig 10 adOé r thr i or îvsc. hiî u of.ýi hu h ot eaSed iii makg ëel8ofod nlt us ericats moictitie,,a suuacniiur - l.ie l kn èetin fg od riu e ficiu g uaaothen la ubsrvvc hpairàh Ww s uligo b q fiit! himeinsi u en td iti.>lou >f1a dweiing ibousinOu outifh l ai flot No. 7. Splendi alu, D ,~ o m ai e ro mmn UteIIOOsitu- There ite aven 100 acre a i limbË- olot iïr'Sets itiil hl.Ec.tilig DBulletine.* - AVe nltN. aigRo udBcr os i/or 800 /s - /94 uu etir 2 Tixegoproportien wilniaise goadf ms.New Dosignewel worthy of inspection, ai>tonslig o pies În lit therperarA smsl#4cash plynseni wfor burrequf o"l, fixeig-room Extension Tables-a very superorarticle. Weliyç o o citfo b a ancoae tu îxfP n Dàiuàa o tn. omE r Y rlamenicen bcien ra er i 1balace 6 M :11: I or aterm 1Gilt nicelu every stylo. Boni.fine Chromýo. :::d iiii>t, Ils't0 O GA iion. Ot., r ortheunderaignel, Eq,0il, adEtgaig fsale. it Aui>, 1T~L&GAIoco.LYMAN ENGLISH, to ----,202i.t8-f Oshxawa, ont. do alli$ts branéches ; funerals fally suppliea SOI o lgniosies o <lÈ_X O teInestimrable truts con.àofn always on ltand, tjmmoed to au i n emrs, ands osponeet tNn inueci i hie tcr anedîcai ! Pi nstanàrits ted pu biock ecern stird, ehied 'i 8 m s1 le ~ UUNEIII~mnss ISLP-PREBERVÂrcQx - M. TILL uq YSELF V Whitby. Novetabec 24tl~, 1875. triaise!fE-.Yisssteul VIf aily Pnieanri Decl na lIervu n d'selPlysicai Debliu ansd-,fiscendIe ;*f concerom Ciean cend uneoid iici Ii eu tbrrsfrem, and confaies more thon O0rgnalipre. parti C>refo Iela>'one!fwich le wortii Chu pise ofa~ -fle boolu. ilshbok ws wriuîîuby temont ex S fesivo seul probebly themosu sisliupramlhnn ~ jj~-~j JInAiericato wbrwa CsrsA M~AGES AND) I3tJGGIES! '1 ýou IIVbDHeISIII1P A e~ ieJi su edwti ueTi> eùs ol Dyppwý1ý---------------- - . , ,. - susn-ad &phiaLADIESATTENTiION. Co ig& dGent's Furnis fl -ouse se AfhmIna,0BranaChisdo 1, . 4. ý e . - lém , [ 1J;f9n t Isnow uppled 'with ai l e nqw*t ays(4Enlb, ad iJ chroof okar,-' .Scotch, azkd 0Cnadian Clth9 of ail ]6cl te melant t MAXgest and Best Stockè theY ever had. > Neven ribniy ' 230Queen St. West Tornnfo, OJ Also an excellent stock of Gents' Fzn ishings, ail As Iiie FELL -. TheeDoru rom S t- Patijeki' Maret) nezt'. A plendid stock of Rady.made-Orerocatà, Che4 ýfo7r Cah. - s. 8.i'p f yp~ 5~«mnaknethe Ladies tWt he la MOMILLIN:ýSBLOOK, BROOK STEz,>pM ' O1yG1uNmja a AIEEZ - f~Ty - :Pbi>~7pt'11t88,p W0',étiI-dailvreul et the fiunm e t->A .. 'yw*ta io ,0pefcon, - - by yurorders a ',wl t5h5ib Wx$pfga n dmn tie i w Chcola ndth spie,. --------- - 01i'uiT ,.. 5-i .1 8. U.o WiT yhe oYu cn eaWeil-fitt3n Grmn 10 T~~ailorijwg b sh i.tg ' ýtUP 'E. 'W li JJTiNGmm .T E' W OSilIbLU; Ipa~~ttpz~ 1i9eeat."oR anifo fuui tarinuMeanPar cent Pi1P15eiydeduelmnU&d for po ' terA N u pcnt .8600 o p vtt sa,, Z150 amlesaiexpna = m a se mume,dr lYs a Uraru..............lo0g >=O ~,If 5mont b.mailuane lOtIN X P EN S E S . T i O les fore l, sud -ng, assi twoand %,a ue - SIugi bed, or rocmm n Md toie, e2i5rl4tIi*Pbrery7ftu. - 'o"--" 90'fm? &JMberlfttOJe. n Frurhwpastonlars, Se8o lna~ frihaoniapplicauon i>< ~h~' * 0i ~ )feÂe,, or, BEY- J- J-r.HAMB . A. Govanor.Principal. W uiy 88 88.- MY st28-tff Is 11W ompMIevef~~ery Line. Special indcements. to 0those V'ery LJNDER:TAK']G FWull- Stock of Caskets, CQf. 1,iin, 9n& i LWELeAPPOINTED Tbftby, Octalux' 1kbth, 1877. O>FFI Q r II &0c WN d P'A TTER&>N TO THE PUBLIC. In preenfing our Twesty.second Annuel Catalogue of Agriuturai Irnipi. unta. to lhe farinera of Canai. -for the. yusr 1877, we do no n-ith more fLan tb. liary degise of pride and confidente, ficuin fie uankeul fevouraend. patronage alenred upon ai, and lth.e teady and! increasig dernand froni year té yeïr i0f rnov oeilissted ParaiImplenuents. W. Shail continue se heratofore, as- manuaectarers, to make às pecfalty of ,iomunljua Macbisiery-îbe Jobueton 8e11'rakiug Beaper, the, Triumph Corn- ai Ramoiperii ndýMonar, the Caynga Mo-uc, fthe Young Canada Mon-or, and sien- Wbinby Harvser, claiiuing s large mixai, of oui lime annd attention. For the. lut Twenty-fwo yeanexe hve giv@n anc mont caruful aud mmdlvid. attention fa flue mainufecture and operàtion'ýg heo viiout'jaco jxii n 1se, ing ontt he boit points, remedying defeote, -ixoiifylng n&oi-ectang ars, engtliening n-eak pointa, adapfiugeni proportioning evecy part ai oui increae- READ 9TITS, fÏ1 pil6 LatestStls Buffalo'Robegi à #;emt nù«*ir> 'Ai selling at an im-mense sacrifice .<Q}j L - HÂSA ýY-MAI 4t. lit, 576. JO~; ~'ERGUSoI*V Ufl.,ei... Dundas-Streét, .,..,,,.>- WM. B l reeie, iec rotthe, Manufactursa ('1 ~ Gentlam ei gMasard Aise, Pacifie flags, Cheap forCa. Four -more casés of 50c, 5c, 75o and '$1.00 Prunella Boots. JUST RE(- WvHITBY CHINAI ALarge Assortmnent of Crocer 41ps. 'ioe alDreÇniun GLASS PIRE SER OU l SAlof which, will b e sold Cheî R E I S E . Alo, eceivi g DafilYý, a l cin a of FRESH RIPE1 FRUITS,1 LEMONS, &. 42 - or Sale, Wholesale sumd lnetail. W. J. GIBSON, - WflITBY CHINA TEA STOÎE WANTED.-Any quantity of Good Ripe Cherries -alla Mj 'g. Co,, j*s for, lvhich.,ii highest market puîce wii bpaid lu cash. Whitby, 9,7, '78. W .GBO 26- c I"iài. oflfmwr m ne ita Alndenat cm. IOc.On pta Wbftby, TEK STORE unBrw,' 'y, land Glaesware of ail geflunbî, Aehur, of A H. euderacin, Uxidige, VE AR . C. MD,roPJieo, -W7'ETBYPOTPRRI SIJJIESAY laper than ever for Cak.MWA- - censge« 4 tio p- PALES prmpiafuded, sai luct- Adiress~ C. DAWtS, 0,Ow N', 4DIAN LJN!KMENT!, Forsaeb deslei gsne raly atW.e take the Iead in. 1!i cScalds, Burns, Me bttIOtu wm water wSprena c. RAILWAY. -~ Tskig efct n Moda>. Jny 1sf,187.. RAS Goa, rouis, J.Les,. Witby.... &5 . un,84 am . Port rzz>.9.58 a 7m55 ManBa ...... - 808M Loavu e ds .-7.57M a.nu, Jp.. Pin..e...7... - Il Wb>..............806 For turne at other stationes u eokafTine- Table, to b. bail OU applcatim Yon f the Compsnv'a Agentsa., CONNECTION. x iyJu5cnour-With 0>-ans!Trnt Bail- n& -ay &U ilpoints east asailwsst POÛT PmRÏ.-I-elth afego for- Evaom SscùRkm-Zor 9Sf nIfel!and Wfek, Btxru D.d.rsirund asd Cenigtan. MAurS-prOknod, LIth fzie brfafi, va- lisland Port Hoover. - LUs»aar.-Wftb VfcietRn-ayfor.Miuiisu, R&Uuroz-tê r"G=Tinoratd thé wayyor ms, îoir Peter- baronliW Ale3asu rlWae. tixusPentaneiixoe> azi -Georgigs, Ba. pora-cnn.higa~,>u Sinia i e otbmtern.L Eracebhfsgo, and fle6%e0 GanL"0a'! -~~~~~r Tbog Toeb aisIue! by ailAgents of, fle W .P LI'y for Totnutand by- G T. R. Take intToatfriaa." h WP.P,*Lv. orant,ferhresm, Whity.ApMh'M mssagtog Dfrsector.. Domninion Wood-Works, W1HITBY - ep. .C6rmack,' LAlagen 1)00>-e, Seaix sudBlJdo. olne LISERER wixlole-an sd retail; or by.- by thoù arloa. PlaulsiLMouldings of overy>.descnp- f ion,,Flooring, Sheetiug, Shelvifig, Re. sawmng, Sbaping, Turning. Scioll-work, - etc-i ecCC C0hi'mney 'Sweeping P -ROBEET- MNG t drssdo1d.t it, no dast.1'a4ptgaisàlo nrn Chfnuy# Fopulrsd sud.. bl; nileâ- 'aahIhÈà aE cbrizg don.; cliargoulcin.; Prompt attention sudconaplafe aisifation, lttiy, SSpept f, 169. (41 1008E, SION ARND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS, Have juet reoeivedanew stock 0f VALL P-APERS afflue lafuaf ilempgs and pattrus, vodýioors mou-h f MDIngS Tanner., Brook Btrea, Wluifby. - y4 THSE T OROIiTO- PThase luths are neeful i luesiatism, pgiga,-ouli.caids. Cbùén.so We mffey ulythe. eat meobunical ikili, and oui meudhines paiso unier lix. ry cr g luotnasuioratlny--every duteil being eubjecte *tiithe eever- criticism-ttn-d saab machine is tiioroagbiy tesfed before iuaving oui- voîke, pr"e iaoompieteupess a very part, ansd there la no difficuf>. ln putfiug n i operat*hon.u any persosi of moduleI mecluanicai abilit. oui maobisery bau.béin seleetai and eonsfractédvfia~oa eeea ie maufaotûre-o oui own niaôbines-masiy tots baving been màk fortie tiulai purpoie, and not aiapted'for other n-andso ou- woîkmen are eda- id ap to t4. n-nta and- reqnie mentes of oui manafactare-ohîaiuing a tixor. u IêWOh of the. construcotion af oui machinea, and are fixai enabled ta cii- *t~ 'gree oif-"111 p4 profielency than n-hon, general manuiaoturng irrici en. W. are therefere enablai to introdua. a more perfeot systein into ait tdi. da- tants cf mssiuactnre, adding net oaly to the perfection oiflthe vork but al- oL th' 'd viny iiexecufion-snd à o u~eh duc lof - Tua paipl M readilneisr "n3e r laI Is e d niablzei*w tai ous Our mmoies w&hh a ixigier' degrce of perfection, sud at isu on- ès ab&Îhirtelio'deiy cnpt n ow n wel kn tn--s-.t 'w so n-jamil mro ss8, Rapr, fiaI a Word of commendahion n-ouid s. lu$ 40:~~, te~.~ thre.sr@ ManY laitming *0 zuana4cîture Ibis ulmauhh h. aiher@d't&, l ii. oh oiginel 31Join machminle, wihiuot keeb lip'o th';fmrOVM'Étis-" s'4ioa fouiaeiie: and Patronsa reqaire of ai- Wte . Ifi blinfli oat eveiy, essenttial part, ssii for stiungtii f , o ;ttib.egyl>pud andciio f r i igiifneaa of ~ -iana.nlsil---t, 'Johston," as nianuiactnieî Iu a-atanda emlnengUilyaiiaaofai cher reapera. lIt proof of tliaposition n-e bave only lunt *0 iii.many FIM Prises awarded ai-at the. Ist Provincial trial of On- su"d xnsny osity trials wbioh bave tae lace ail over Canada, Villiu UR. TRIUMýPH COMBINED- MACHINES, ýlte improvemnenta, l*a ail ft, lua c e odeaiedin e Combiui Machine, andl >1 fail b0 meat ail the. raqufrefueuts o! purcbaaeis. Impraved Cayuiga hefJ. and aur Young Ceanaa iWAotw= rtl irt.w1ass inaolinsi -congtfiisfC, almoat wixolly of lion and Ste&l. The ~ f a Aiasg ont, a6d the-Yclùiýq Canada a front Cnt ; bath sliong, dur- M ndipte u o tyab,, muachines lin tLe maiket for qaality of OXmê,il le5~ i,t 4t1bilityandi eeo! management. DUR N.EW a eounthry bs bca "WHI T y A y ER.; ýe botter aftpled toiachisiry, sud mny of ouir fam- n the -ue of mois, a rwing dmansi bas prung nftClas Rapr. enute ffie day, ne lusve. socedei-in invening aine- nFna lth leasf possible a ingwi blarge, ft io e - b s eti a - ix t-: tix re b ufn g sio p e rc e p tib le id e nx lb.î ôile pe.. -W. are onfdentfthaï n-o ave sagp*<eq, Eaper, aking iin&l cu i tarpet, tixaf -Wl a t s S P P i i f r l t t e r a P a t e n t , s o i a b a î t Lo t i o n i b I a bisv e .b ore g iv in g th e u or ais 7h. "Wliltby e- .tw, w eigix, aIl taid, 60poande, ýy qftheboat q uitf irsou and steel, ssii fron ita l. tnwtio,#;i. l? . . itae trengthbsd durablity of te *40;oféealfe nt that '-ae da maI avary ré- r ý. trial 01 Oui machines5, be.iIvisigt w v M-rJW2E:]MW OLLff BOOT AND 5110E STOIRE Has been removed- from ]3roéký Street t Dundas Street,. fi ~ -~ o r w st < f. n u s r o n 's H o te l, w e r o h oi b a s a sp le n d id s to c k o f hthg>E G H Ti F T A N D a nE d of he b si> style s f B oots sud Shoes. All Sedrs promptly attended ho. Repairs neatly doue. - Sif-Dundas Street, first store west- of - Arinastrong's j ý"He.itemember» tho pce. Whitby,~~ yu.11,1 7 MÂATTKE'W OLIS 91 i <ng Street: LA J4ýGST STOCK 0OF FIS VERS AHOWN .N C A;. --' 4 R M~ n~~ CUT TO O DE . BEAU! ROBES. ASTRACHANSCUS WOLF ROBES, RUSSI&>N' L AMESCUS RACOON ROBES, S. 8. onlEAL SACQUES YAK ROBES, PERSIAX LAME SACQýiJS, BUFFALO ROBES, 10KE~BSCUS M1NK CAPS, 1111<K SETT S CUS S. . SEAL CAPS,- S. S.,5.Zau: B ýeTT OTTER AND SEAL SETTS, ERMNR SETTS, -- PBRSIAN LAMP CAPS, PEIRSLAN LAM SETTS, BALTIO SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHIK SETTS11 CONZY CAPS, BLACK -SABLE I5ETÏ'8, GREY LAME CAPS, CONBY, SETTS, -- , Particular Attention given to ail orders. CUTTERS, BUGES, _-AND CARRIAGESý,ý A Large Assortmen of Cutter8- ,and BuS T OM S & NW0" ~D~8 Carrnage Paàctor« DM , A.lo . lteraion WV. . 1 door fa if fle B.c SURGI DR. BOQ.4 uLcian, Surgeon, A4 lb>., Sept. SOt>, 1M4. -w-AU Sy slom I Du mnr 9 arn. te M. ies. IVARS, to direc t -thl tii. Saidiery Leathep Valise s and' -UMMB&M 1*%T rr A - nnn.- ý, 1 r%. Torlonto, F 1 N E . - À ý 1 1 , 11 -1, là U S T SADDLERY

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