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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Dec 1878, p. 3

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T 0 r. ed, i ?unlet, he groatet Mvsd 1eatM6 rstore. LY MEET. Deeember <nomi. uth Ontario meamcber nestly r.- op, wbero tb. towu. SOOTTISII-ÂMERiO O la vorite fe 0 wh vlchhttave«o ie dijonna" o- secn M l.b. rilalg, âxtyscie (ran lb.e wéa Books mUA uagamines. SPO"cla qme*nUte VI»ýb@ deoted tao chhNmw,rarmdog, Science, Gardonfice, Fine Armtmtrtuiw, Kièban- ici ueMoo iG lmrslàhcieu a~¶~ oopiéesfle. AMdies,,ý AUCTION SALE .VALUA2BLE PROPERTY Under and by vi:tijeof M IPower of Soie contained in a certain MotaseWhlch Win de ult lnpayment bau bon maGe, there VMlage cf leaverbon, on tl &raV Q.1Fcuf q !!oeuarij m nea, AD. 1879 At 19,80 >P. M.ë, t.he lwI~ala1 Lands a d eamJe., vi . honth - HuA cf Lo t Nnnber three, in the, Pif h nceaicn cf th. Township cf Thorah, in b.ocunty cf Ontario, ccntainlng on. H3undrede, o, or 1I. le ina 1r12aaa frc, cr uitvted;ba loto ont i hépuihèm, #maoneY muet n"e Inou.hatB c f sele. par fuuiher pazllculare pply 10 LEYS & PEARSON,' 1 Vendais Soicitors. Toronto, Dec. 11h 1878. A BpàexN Q OFCANADA. DIVIDEUDNo. -6. sautc lahurm ygvon that »a i>vdend cf Tbree per cent., beig at the. rate cf six per cen. er annum, upon th. capýital stcckofi tbis lIietutIon hbu been deitiared for th. carrent hou Leyar.and thatIthe Ume wMf b. payable atée Iend s 1.Branchéeson *M anafter TEURSDAY th. Gnd day cf JANUABY, NBXT. TA. Tranefer Bocks -wll b. cl0od from 1th. 111h ta thb. 81.1 day o f December, bob deys inclusive. Byorger cithe Boscd J.ý L. BRODIE, Cashier. Taranto, 2na Nove"abe. 1878. in NO0TICE. NhWC3I oreb)y iren that et 1h. e z corporation authorlulng tb. copstructIon cf a lUns cf llaIway franc or noir Wilby Har. bau= lu ineWC onnl cf Ontauio, ta tomne Pa Gcrglàn Bay belveen Oolling. rohm d th.encoth cof Nottavamssaa River$ in 1h. COcuty cf simace. Secretary bcf Appl'cnm Torctoi Dec. Ord, 1878.bol T 0 TSB ELECTORS OF TE TOWN 0IF WHITY. take chs nnppotun t c for th. couilng ypar. Tcuroedntrni NATHêNIEL RAY. Whltby, Dec. Oth, 1578. (1 C«'-TBAYED-*the b.premisec cf th.e uh. C aicribor. Lot Na, #i lth Mcou. cf Pickering, Ibr eev.. ntamnb, marked. wlthred paint an the ît hhl aIthb. ime cf lcsulg.Anyeugvina Inormation of iron PULLIPO, Dec. 10, 1878, (18u rubmP.O. TreFOR SALE. The.pure-brei Dmur 131m H lfeeancalA taBell Dcli. cf lyndale, 9nd. Alec one BulOuf. out cf an lmpcrl.d cow, and by Bell Dcli. cf Lyndole gnd. Aiea four Berk. shir Sowg, tram Icuorteed sire and dam wit pi taau mpofedBoar, 4l relered iu Amarican register. To bî soeenat Royal Hotel, Whltby. PTRWKM Whtby P. 0. W ANT BD FOR AMERICAN MAR- RUKIT.-One Euudred wll-bred Cctewald Ewes, 1 yeai old. Parties havlug euch to diepeuo f wlll do well 10 write St once. Whiby, Dec. M11, 1878. 81 ATTOÏNài -AT. LAW SOLICITOR lAuin hanceureand Lemdvency conv0 Buer, &c'. Offic-Deverlll'm Block, Broel. Street, Whltby, ont. T - 0 TEEETOBS OF THE JTOWN 0r WHITBY. At the requet cf a number cf tbe inlluantial ratepa oir$ ci the towu, 1 have for he offd ic e eyselifas acandidate at te iocom,& Muici Electione. 1 bâvêêultoadi- eflect.d, XviU@ n- deavor to eve.yon as falhUy inth@ fu. 'tureamoin th. . anclthai m very b.oet atMention vl egvnta 111uoemîdis. charge cfi ie 4Ã"tlesi I have th. houer te b., Gentleman, Vour Ob.dteut Servant, lYALMAJORHAP . WtbNoir, 251h, 1878. 5 0 T0. TUEELECTORS OF? TI TOWN '0r WxITB,,T- tuonl>r ci by a large ýt can"te or tbb.campo AiaI f r 1. 0 , , of 0=4 OuIg ear, lIitke thlqortunI C lli= accedins ule te tb.lr ilbem w <J2mysili as AOadw4itefoi C IOIg~sar cftorvie ettu o cuzectlBovarç Toure, trly,' JAMP O' - PEItj> .4i.~ *V -"'s 3 c L~EALNGSA, LE r - -AT- TH- LONDON HOUSE,. Previous to taking Stock, and in order to miake room for furtlierimport- ations, we have made *Very Important Jieductions THROUGHOUT OUJR ENTIRE STOGCK CONSISTING 0F UPWARDS 0F $25 000 iyr WORTI G-OO2DS I Sale to coilimence -o 2nd" Dec'r., n e, ninued' I - end of the month. MONDAY, iii the 1- ~5 - i , KÏ rPW9r ~sNt ~ ;: 27'7 J, 2n4r0 LO 8PWIt '&.BQ4OCK OF, 'FÛR ~ibINERY,IC wluoh liey a&é sem4jvespj. TbybreGOèivd lýgq tè *n thir]JRYGOD socAl, XA GROCEIRI3 s at reduoed priceo. Mil~iur M oTiine' and1 Dress-makngto order. LOWES &POWELL, -à CHIRISTMAS' GOl'ODS, R. H.f JA M ESO N'Sa A Choice aeýortment of Fruit, Spioes, n Alweets for Christmas. Finest Valentia Raisins, - IJoseMuscatel, London Layers. 50 box lot of London Layers, $2.25, per box. Patrass CifrrAnits. 3.lb tins Zant (Jurrants. 11h Box Figs .new. Blanched Almonds, C -Bitter Almonds. Choice Jav and Moca Coffée of th~e finest quality, ground b order. F.nst Essences of temn Manill, Ratify, &ci Finest Wholé Select Cloves. Finest' Cinnamon. Nutmegs, Pepper, &o., &c. A FULL Aý SSORTMENT 0F Pastry, I1oiùrC-. Wheat, M..ùr,-O. Meal,&c Hlam, Balcon, Tongues,, & FRIC~E LIST 0F TEAS. The finet Green Tes, -80 Bitra Choie. Greei -J-TA, - - 7( Výer fine Greci ( ýrdcoinni=ended), oc 6 Fli Green Te, u ecially recommendcd), oc5 Fine Meduum Green, . . - 4C Soun&Green T'es, - . . - 8c PRICE LIST -OP BLACK TEAS. The finet Black Ta (my own importation), 860 cents. Extra, fine Black Tea, (English Breakfast),. 75ý Very Fine Black Tua, c()- 6 Fine BlackTea, (speeoly recommcnded)ý, 50" FPine Medium Black Tea, . . . 40 Porc Indian Tea from Assam and Dadjclâng Valley- DUNDAS.ST., WHITBY. Dec. 15114575. -'I _______ T TATEM îto the Preml.ee cf1the ub- ecriber, Lt 98, Sah con. Tovnshlp c1 Wbtby, on oe* about thb. l i f ov., on. 'eboierau( eone whlte eteer each 2 rear old The ownur il equ t roopro. perty, pay erpenpee uidIalie thqr awAy. Dec. th, 1878. 51-M1 CJHRI8TMA S GOD8! IN GREAT YREY ohmQVehiiL~TYJ O~ A cg satun,aine-haelù '!FANCY, GO)I .ît 4 lrgeand~ltaclvedlelay Mipper »itteruOttomnTd, a ho.,of &o. h M.'l M-aR1FN County of' Ha//burton, C~A~kA iri-o-o- close te a Rallway, Ma Loto An lis VIL£AGE 0F HALIBURRON, the Terminus cf Iho Victoria Ealway, FOR AFOe C BEAOlL anerCanada Laid &Emlgration C ~or te AUEX. Ni "IN' Airn,. 47-Iy mbutn Whole C 5 G. au- 0 cents. r" J,, J 4 JO D.,ORMikTON, 51 1) Sair, Whilbyi PHtof 0 dTBg66R e, Touo Jus TlEECxZiM a lau"."Miorment cf CÊÈTMA 'C4RtiS b1OTTORS CHROMOS, PIa.ls Cr i abinet Portraits at moeaopie.Chlren à epeclalty. Ink~ Oiai Waù 'Col lndien ni cow, ât Moderato lunsoon'o Blocki. Broclc.st. Wty SM0KE AÀcon=onn tobacco WKEflNfor' tbe imre price RY c AT Ladios'-Tie.9, Plein sud Broca4bd. SiI mdLien H 19ch Mink Ornmnen64 s-' lice. ..~ Shawls anaI Manite., Ufl4eùOL Besidès thé above iuentiobed 'arjies, We have a ýgjIOdl assôrtnient o'f ])res 'Goode, imièter (Motlis, TweedsOvecoats, IJisters, &., &C. - BRemember-these gogds are al uew and desirable.- No old shop-'wern Bankrupt Stock amoông theme,and wârranted perfect in evexy respect. WATSONS BLOCK, BROCK-8,T;. 3VHITBY. ' 'Whbiy YGOO& -Epcim RE MO0V EDi 'J-- s- Bookseller and bou cao get the. MydIe Hal?J T - & IGILT LETTERS R,,EM OV ED 1 1 ~oBC)rsoT Stattion ier, lias' rernoved to his New Store, BLO C K, Second Door -from Ar4mstrong's,-Hotelý, MAGNIFGENT ON; E'A CH-P LUeG Hamilton, Nov. 18, 1878. DISPLAY; 0F NEW GOODIS ]3ROCK-ST., 'iWHITBY. 8m.4& J N iWADV E k l 8SE M EN rs. XMAS PRESENTS!1 STÀTIONEIRY, FANCYCGOOIDS, NEW-YEAR' CIIFTS!1 £AND CONFECTIONEIRY STORE, BROOK-ST, WH ITBY, EAST BIDE. HâvihÉ pâifased flÏe entire stock 'of J. G. Mcflougall's- ehop,ý I -have added a superior lot of very choioe Candies, which are very oheap and of Éuýérioi,quýlity, Opaers solicited for Weddings. - FAT1IY ANI) OTHEIR CAKES. I~ ave-~gor Mtantity of SOHOOL BOOKS, Beatie'S knd lerCUjy tB4oks, Ëerlin Wool Blîppeir-Patternes, FnyGo c lâs Rememberthe place--one door north of Johnston's Jewellery Store. SWhitby, De..111th, 1878. A. c~-O1~JDQIW. CHRIBTýlMAS PRESENTS N EW -YEAR'S QIFTS! Cail anid see the beautiful assortment of Jewellery, Fancy Goods, &o., at GOLDSMITH'S HALL, Very Suitable and Very Cheap. Broak Street, Whitby, Dca. 911e, 1878. 0 -1-srC01 1 T. -Practical Watchmakor. CAI~OCE ýX1YUAS OOODS AT TE- w ITBY CHINA TEA STORE. -The 4ubscribcr begs 10 i«o Uo e o1hFiOnds!"and .Cuetomers that lic lias nov* ncceived .11 hie Christmas stoak of goods. nstigofCio The Largeet and -Besteve" offeredto ,,th bc, Siea, F mily G1ro'erièEsFritsà, Honey. Pipes, obacco, Cigare. Fancy God, MGasaro, ma croc. ryix ndhoss varicty, in ail the ncwest -designs C ta G4; 01agcs,-L'mifan'Osr A g~~ stock of F1eeisgnaies for- Santa Clans. À'.vhc e nowdoffrs te tha public ai prces that dcfy coonpctition. ýn f)rialpnrahaicovr icDolRù; a. liberal'Discountii i eeilowéa e qom lio iÊsbd If, sokfor yoursolves bMord pû, 1aing TVrs$ngailMi1old friends 1a 1 "Ierriy CCristma," -thamking theni for ~elCfC1oms, a hopng-t ha , a cntinnatioli ofetlia*Imbptrornage, 1 i '~romiain, yours &. C ~ ~ - W. J. GIBSON, Santa Claus'- Headqiuarters. J. S. ROB',E RITSO1N. -18 HWN, AT HIS NEýW STORE,' DEVERIllL'S .BLOCK,- A VE RY- Large _andWeII -Assorted Stock' GIET BOOKS--- i styles of bi.ud- ing, and ýat al prices. Gh1atterbooe, Uhildren'FiedInfaitW Maazin>,Kùtd Words,- Wide Aw'ake,- Bnh8h Worlç*an, Baud of Hope Cot- tager qnZ Âràzn, Family .Fiend, Tcnj Books, 8.% 'rze Books-cs, e. very book marlcedatpubliékers' lowe8t rates, FANCY GOODS !---deeic Finest Stok ever shown ini Whitby. -- Writing' >esks, Por*foh*o, Pocket Books Gents' Osrd Cases, AbmVaWSs,&o., &é low. TOYB.---We &hal notat enumerate;.- Corne an& lsep. the. thousland am YOU cannot -but -be satisfed. NOTE THESE FA3ÏS -Olur pemises are nw large, and' couixî'* o Our stock is.thelargest and finestet hi -Every article ias beel bought at: Cb"M oustorners, ean count on cheap goods. - S.R DEVEýRELLeS : il and 1 ,ý ý ý 1

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