Patliy ie e.-ç2 Bockîs ansfl atlooi~y-1;.11 obsrton.' Wlitr.goo4s ýobep,.ý-Laitu & 8tewait. Notices of uKétils-aJehnMiller. q4e P re»lUitgLemtJournal- -ONLY Six 3oPER ANNUM. ( Whftby, Thiiiaday, Jan. 2, 187U.- The. abor Pirchae e a'm the Munilait. pal geieonii.s W. Iý l. ngt.bUy report h la or ciaumats of the.preceedlagaset", he. ail- jourueti meeingeoutbe barber question.' W. ask tUa sarestatt~lention of oùr town readers e tUeLk arguments ailvana., cd impo anti con. TUo wigbt et argu. msut, Vts facaf,, ani & the rsaselüg. wrcoerteatul- ontet sitU *of lte Whto toeak groUn4 agaiuat submitting- e Ãby'law for te purobase eli:the harbor te the rabcayeNo, Anti y.t ter. are - men amongsî us, ýwho kdow better, or Who, if titey tooiatlb. trouble le iufcrm theieves of te faetigi wt lb.abile arrilve at in Inteliigent opinion, WhUe preferrqd applautdlng te Tant and ilon.- ofscU yard specters nesPXîr. Iaiianu thbe eîîiato <éo iVu. N mv, sea if tbemarn ppeaire te gloat ciýr lita mean Insinuationistend persen. isJi)kst) polerae ot btpon tbisr naigit. kitcnA, rforring ltaI style fa !au9tm5lpt bui a ratioual acnsileratieu cf the qftëte. itiWo have ne daire te' malte tiie <ýittoNiCLVa avehicie for l<eaping Up lt. b41 tefninffittelt etilnet- wouid try te vieent uiis imai eentmunity. For litIreissent we rejeet commnicetlcusi rcat it l tiwek forimubiaion. Tite town et- %Vltby cealeffordýti tehave it, fittietas mcrnlthothie reréolti i i urrPels and litho asilles(if thase :tttint.tgstt eswlie)io ry ini ketping clive h1,1 stika caIeeoft titiig4, tui dal bau'iiig e stitlito-inn lté,twn, undl iavit.g Ils ceai itjiticest asi t escrt 4slîaui ue il uttingol Clhu liibiacltiitetr« anti aalatuîntlrs ,Wlttîara li liiitiflstnirtarstif'ltaé 1(llesieeilittiîlrhîanù otthe liter. luit, wo, fit' ltite tuwn lias litItae 0. îsctuniytii iiiîiîg thspirehasar. lit t'îiîeeit ofîlehe lD lraperese' toita iiiîve itad lilgior effara titan t.e lntuenut aI whlicin lsy ariee bigadti Rflii te lite town, and if tlîey chose te acoenpt lte notice nsfready givan as final, titichance etflite îown ownlng te bai- beor Inii est ever, Titim, wo ee at liwe, wth ll fii -li npnljasl et ,wlich -v 1ar a opabiej tepeople of Whitby wiIl ierearttr ihave re&ioti te bitterly tî lît lnw(lvtr, a lita rnjoriit tuttltne, tupt tti-tii a l itaresponaz- iFntîtti ltht course wa have fait Il our tiii-Ly te lfaie, wa cannot cecomutant citrtlilttam forî utinicipai licitons wio tire o o sîîd te te iarlîtr, or at leasl tîts Iiealte iiiiiiiig e hy.iew *- to -ieia natefiiyal'î,, te lte suffrages ofrtae vinetir,- "iitlir ian ltai, tt, ohava- litii ete ay tît ltaruiticipai conlesl Uîw gcictg an, axcélpt xprasitng te loptltaI itwlh ha cnrieil ou lu a more tîîîîîîy aneti uIler spîiriîttan tt d ils. IItt.Ycti et tae )ýIîItil niptinga lately ltçî~fî,tî~î .101111htt Mluler, te * - itîsiîtrt-ce and eX-iarden of te e-,atiy, tend Mr, . . hrown, ex- îgilîityeyve, tare bavlng cat'iendly cîîie e iefitst place lte comlng -,itîrhIltgoeuîn ea'tereti our metiatinnsuin ugetiar ou ntesdty ni)ruingi-antinla(lins hast uhalucetiway tît-ntugeth îe natetIogsa eiverbisot-ini alîî inen.Tliti le a iaantway t l carry on ea cnutaI. Tîta leators of l'iilîanring kuew ut 'well; they hiave liait expierienen cf te serviices of bath gt-itlintuîtlbini t î gtuatig ntcf tir tîllainîi, cutiruo doubbt lity wiliiselectt liii, itanu ihola imesi le b. rustecli, 1 'lTto DuninuBill Deati. IlttuDunkin 11lit b ina -e, uby of Otturht,,aften miite trotihit anti ex- u'ut-Mtabul it beau gene te, bureis ont ti la ietail-btîi, Itlii bu roaoliecait ltt-Mr. lilhilegaon behîmlif e dtata fontdaitn, MN. tlmuii l Ry, tginst vîsoîU na uietfontxtaioît liailetî ënlitiget for viuitehiiîg t-te Aut, noutnied ltaI thil e y.lau vilIaist iuai au itliait nuoi iteunreguînniy ignitcl iîy ltae uely litat aOeitd net beau sert-ci ait le loa clrk. ueMayorn elte ftit-lie îbjscliius, talien, altitexîgît h tt 1hounîl la ttvial, flriusctle lunvz n1111t0, i-iho casevas takan tu Ihe Cltrt;ut Qiîeeu'e lianclu anonapplictiotn fi- - uuidanus tle uitpite i.Mayor- -te issea ait ilatrasa -wartant. Jatigeusel "via tanodernitiOn latcriay. 'l'hea by- liaw vas tî-charc ed ie .iî'ragithac ut0tet litîuiug b-ti igueil -or ecuinîiealet tautseTown aenneilitylta aeoucby an- fhnlicte. HaIdt tiat lte ourt oughît net - ta initerfèe. "Application eueti. Deallu et Mn. Fredenîcit Meen n, .Ftedeorlck bKeu, cf bnenveeti, died taIhis rasiisn 'c q in ltaI village on Fîidey itet.nfen a linaog illeasa lunta 42 ycar et hie ege, Mis remnmeve lulemusti on Sannay lest vitMaseele -- houais lu Saélembtiseilgrati, fittit aoucetiaeîonPckernlg, -îhbc teaulittl seCrvice etfte.Orteisuiaig nsny effea- tively reat iby P. M. Baitbr of Iinoug.1 Item Union -Leigo. Titi fuceral pi- cecsieon nesahedsti nist ltae viola vaLy f rois Gmireeoo t l te centery, nean- ly eaule-set-.ain lsngtit-mosî t theIçaling moniof tltacounly bing passant te psy a asttrtsIolespect -le lte devee.. Tien ,llisenio traîtres itîtisbereil yary troug- bitera ei nemmrly bv Ituntireti prose i l-anrbrûîc ingirethnretatrum ueat"o( te Lotiges - -- in ltae ntly, eut aisoMm Ug'Mîkban eutdadjtoinig > lmliét.Ths dscesed vas a nteive et Bonlan, llutTollt, Ecg- land. 11a came te tbus country enil? bwenîY years a9oýand engage n t l bui nîsa la Grsavmott, vitre ha ues inece reidtmire§susteatandi estèeMoil by aIl unià knléwUîn, eitionlitvà ,e va itnese. atl sucit sliee oregrèesfor tls Obas t 1 - - liu nonigbo 'andi fnan-hndti dm i Perate linas tfiltbe bien botter té- served--lbaua taI allto Bic. Fret.- -' o4en ou Sutay Iaeî, oral à dulal.uv î 1 fLtiy pro. tuation iluthe' Ga0itt, ot hast weak lias maeeivqti, On ail sites, vill, il les tebuc hiepel, erys au a waîuiuF ô le lseitor !oci at Iper as ote ta-ciarater'cf te reatloi niter nvltcht -litapeople cf1 Whait .y vîi lu à futurse 90pIpt i, ioc-Ii iteliI f Ce ei. (ionlb. heOUIyear; 3Dow theiNew, With youth anti be omes imb ie maads e ayethe seeson cheer A heave1y appy 2New yearr 80hatl hcarrier sings, Who every week youx paper brWu And now saets yonr tributefair*' Out in the eld tend frosty air. Who will forget tiie gapî vents-. Arnngt the greut cnes of ltee att Tg whicii old '78 gave birtlî? '78 olosed on- the llgii Datween the Turk aend Muscovite; SW Iidjd)fprida break down vit Baw Britaiu in lier mi.ûit and power, The ercAter arbiter of the heur, rïigtenations te fardin . And aigu the Treaty of Brln In'78 thaït f012listtati, The nid Aineer o f Afghan, 11,11,11b R1ussia's bricks and wiles, leie e power of JBritish Isles, ~But soct anlidst Wecrs, praior~ groans lKitýops'l,4sped and flepb mP,55 enBfltbus forceth ~e XbybçrPâ.q 84 may itbe when FDgîend #git To.tà mp a foceor aold-ber-tigtt1 'Twa% '18 that fte*s Witli peiie, Coine seillgoter Âtlautic's bde Wîtl meiaiýn fittaring in tUe 0breeze,, lc? trie and Princesa tLouise., Grand is tUe weýleo me,'cross the wiVta AwaitsArgyle anth e Qucan'. dânghte Ceneadien'îi sheut if to bUe sk O'er ail 'tUe broad Doinion 14%gh 1 May pýaaa tand ple4ty blaeu"iheir.,Bwi In this our land of Cà ùanaa The po[iticiansc e the lanti, Wil lIon' vereeson to xela Hsiu'u ~mecb eZios star dld lowrjý Afi ir Jchânvon bis wvay te power. iBut I must pes sueh hinga in hiaste" A Carr' ,lias-notîi'e te a t- * qi nduclly te sema matters corne That intcreet lis neerer Uonue, ;Anti Whitb3y's.f aunais wil l eclarc liereater, wlten exaitinued. fal, with. ether tbltgc, te(> long ta mentîIe Itow tose the great Harbor conteuiio »owiI 1-n-i-liigb as Ail Sainnti Steepecuetiodile Pýuffed e wilth 1cneý-odikdth Antia - r-tUloiIht amni of apnue-- Van Iea by Hnmae1oqueetýc*! H-ow great tUeWonder yet wiil be That Wbitby n'en shiould Cdisagruec Upan a question, %vheie 'tk%,s plain, 'lThe Tîwia ld.eîrything ta gaigî i .Nllilnin te itilaîil of st-cie tlld akinnei (Wlio'd gr* dlude I 1ggar»iian ha diner Makitug I ils tîousande frein lte toills In à 8ihoirt Uie, whlîih0o1 soon rulle WVlien -vessels ite Harber ride Il inluilrcs, and lwhen Vliîtb)y'eîmnid WVil hi, tUat ouer is route is sent 'lThe tratieoft itahf z centiutnt. Whien.tint dCay contes-anti corne il wil As sure as Tiîne'ý avents fùiifil- lIaw mnti ivli rs, lte evil-xnindetld, Frilnt nwig *Itt UcÂiu'iJsean, epay 'lite taxestliarulged for ntlany a day. 6eî'id~svi yoar nainis front execra 1311y, tandiabitle titarlitration ()wn yoar awn Ilarbor, s ave bte peepi, H-i's enceit inaey ape titi steeple0 Shah Hantu-n, fit but le hi seeffeti et, ]iig NWltitby te hi jeeneti anti langUilc lBat 1 innest ow uîy rhyiningeclose,- Anttrliai ant i ie ogues- To al] nty frî-elsb andi patrons deer 1 wimsi again *llappy Nm w etîr." Poltical Noies. SOnTIt OatT&Ano Eîaoie1toi;TurAL.- Thia cage is met dowu tior triai ou th( 14t], cf Iauuary, et WVlitby, befone Mr JusticeOelt. Il is elegeth lat anu tftrt in being madie teO obtain thte nenovai cf Mn. Pope, Miuiater ot Agriculture, anti the sp. peitîrent of Mr. Caiby, of Slanstead, in lis jplace. Il insaseulthaï; Mr. Langlier. Corn. miseliotter cof Croitn Lands, l a essumeî tihi Queitea Trnsurersitip, anti will be sWorn in et ance toenaeble lthe Gevern. meut te dispose o et Itlaiiway seenni. ties, whicit coulti net b. realizati untl signeti by a b'ond file IProvincial Treasirer. 1The friands of lte Hou. Mr. Cock- bumn stili speek confldently cf itis pros. pece for flpeaiîenahip. lie says thte Ottaw4 cornespondent cf tUe Giobe. Gevitaceca LEYTrzaînu.-The aie aLutitority stetes that leetiin-g Conserva. tives offer te bat $100 te *$5 that the Han. Mr. Leltailiar, wiil be diarniesed within the next fnuw deyo, and a rumniu An Ociside Opinion of ltae Harbor Question. Our weii informaîl aontemponary lte Lintlsay I>o8f, ueitig on ltaeubject- cf lUe Ucîrbor purebasa, maakeathflt olov- ing maîneurka : This setion tas au le- tereet, e lihenatter i anti va rayBamy ltaI il whiîby tiesires lia go matti as il ean udtiougitl, tIi.veuy test inneal- ment il casemalte is-te e nov pie- sachet, If, on tUecter bant,ilut iras te biave Its progrees nllayet, it can laI lte hanter go eoolite hauts cf OMOne aantpaY er individuel tUas. se10 o.bjeel vi Us e tmalte as mucht money as possible eut eftllb, regantilesa cf lte inleraeofet ltotavcmrte country. NV aa OnvItîsoipnisat ltaI Ibaeoitouid t eIvopinions iu Wlait-by co ts ctton, fat' by visa anti literaI outerpria lus lu a posilmitn to ineces grsmlly ils, pnoaperîly anti population i inte exlt enuatt. Fautaitd ail geoa by lte Canadien Expresas CDImpmniy. Ipeciai rates fan large conslgnumentg. Quiak çduspateli, 1ev ates, cereful- bautiling, pnomtt tic- llrery, are sema 19f lbtheatvauleges te publie r»ceivO bY seding gooda by expires. Parties seeting 'meuey andt vaineble packages b7 e' res, are par- fscty esuna i gaial ls. Tite Ex- Press Company aise coqlleol econnis, aites, drafts, e. For funteqr informan. lion aPPly te Gao. B,.-ul,,Agent,. itU"Ontario '"Ba3ttalie et lnfuti. lry, No. 8 Cenomay, ositav. The re- siiunatles ef LieutennctGeorgeSI Jpitn le, se h euéby atCepteti. o.4-Compsuy, Bemy.rbo,. Te ha Lieutenant, pîevisicnaily; sergseul Chirles-Aaiialti Periot., vic l>sid. son, preinotbd. Resîguieîn cf Set0a -Llsulenant EvénH.C ernlUr. by aejtt. assorbet eteck of plallonary viiaigi ricelov.a.Io Uepeaiseo Ct liant sÊ ull-seek'ouo uief, iebluing Ili tOokil , Jolb ligUanti aem. mon sahoois, - Offte slstiecsnry a spet- ialy. GOciB,3'Yole; BrocW' ebroît, TUF Lz~Tt5T> N pq i .ni ik e e '0pion , -iérs, I UaWhoago th a po.î.î Y,,$iitaDd J.H. Long. r. miti IdécuInsd,*Ieaving tUeeldte Mee *Campbell andi Letug. Ngorth Ward.--Yeowan Gibsatta B a. Ijeneson, Di,.]Bogart" W..Barus and,<èaUs.Stewart. Geât8IrWà rd.-W. K. Hannà rn, 1 Jî - P. Taylhor, Wm uku~-Wm *Bsrnesn and Châe. X - * 'J -'utth Wsi.-1aaeu Hugard5 Wu Widks, G. F xan4dIJohn 0paitlà . Mi ngel iving au ùa C,co 0 bis stewardsitlp.tiuring the aut ye- sad hoeenbtbi re ontUaItte1 r-sald,-as h.oitadt6dthite rabepayers -las Siyeer the taxes could nuet lie deeresso and ti bitw as >tabtfiiiIf fihoy 4Col ha.t!tis cepan4 Year. lf ýrao f thue barber qehet i some other 11.itte aulëe ste- iining n -AithigijbliUe gve caudit te 'Mr. Boy ?, witat b.6tatid âëôneauidere4ti bitati sreswere, repaireti upon a wropl piiu4iple. Oui roaa-makili",gvas on t wreug systarn. -Batter em.ploy, e mai - lilka Mxu Shier, aud lot 'eut litah wçrk bj cnbreet. Ha waa ln (avou et aews rua - il1eg e ige, anti in titis differedl froix Mr. Haper, balter à brokpn piauk 9:t the sitiewelk, janti bav'e pure ntîk foi tae ciilren. Ho ajpreved of t1h acorqqe! tUe ceuacil iu net aubitiln a by-law le ltae rateayenit'on ttaierbei ý'question. -- Mi. biodon agreeci in. some of r. j uankao of Dr. Gunu as tu inpneving bUi th itsroets. He believa tta mets sitouiti bitpute»lteraas. TUe sctoc' taxes waeitigli, nanhy double whit liuey were a tew yeaae 0 , anti seins îting ongitî te dutte, lit t1tai ddirection louvanais neiieving lte ralepayers trou e se lteevy a hurdan. Ho pnctiuced i r, etifleale[otie btown clark eshawinj li)taI ulitatilbeeu abs4ent only trein aiz meeliag (ut &mre uf whîiltera hand beaune quorum) anti breuglit up thb malter te ahîew lte- iuaorrectuess ol leMr. Ianuan's staîsmneut matieestthe public meeting, lu edvocehiug the plîrehase cf tha iterbor he tliselaitti tat, altougi counecleti with tUe rail. uva.lie heu any itîstaet hie own te serve. Ha viawedth Ie nattaeitie itlsest cf ltae luwn, fer witieh lUs hîad aiwa3-e doue hie hast ; thougit t-hi coatter shouiti ha leutt with lthe natepay- eira, an"i sit, excepb on Ibis maltair ltaccnu ai edateti harmoniouly tl tnroagiient te yecn. Ha was net n etucanidats, anti woulti tae.nepartini the couteat, eaving lia ratepayens t cl ecide for titemelveso. Ha refeured with dit-guettle bte filthy enrspee- tdonce of whîeb tîta Gazette wautiti veiticle, anti tea headuler as a Iotal sîrauger wie itatine sîte ite lown anti Who cauiîipull up aetes aey tia anti leeve, indifferent Se te unitt an raiiy for lthe lownofet ittby's beneftt2 Mi. Plîilp cligoýedti itMr. Harpai - as preperet Iole ive notice te submit telitanbor purcatas t tha icletpaVer@, istalin ltaIlie0itad i s in- formation lie thlie Mayor anti min- bers of lUe couile!,-and notbatreet cerner 19 1cm, andti ltIMr. Harper lied eehy elciaugeti-Uis opinion cIlhe eleveuuii P" heour .t ne aDt mach failin lesncb satiten chianger. Ha (Mr. Pip) itat opposethe tolen iuying ltehe rber on i)reeipie,bacsusa it wouitt atiti tet le tatxes. Ha Who lu favor et aiiowing bte )a petr rman's cow ununing aI large, aend an ltaI malter heiti a différeuntcopinion t e Mu. Harper,. If electeihobe situiti h*do bis duly irnpartiaiiy anti serve lte al teu utaelte bhat etftis mbility. Mr. Powell, aller tltanking iismoyeu i- and seconder, exprassat i birsaif as op- s-poseti 1te the puittiasaetolthe barber, te appreveti of tae course taken by Mr. Harper, wiiicli ha haeliarat te be con- siaieul sailte herber hail depreciel. ed in, veine ; lîad gene for erey lin. provement, anal Mril tle raiiway bannies, iexco tthlu at $20,000, uniich b. b.. lievat was putling toc, muait on lte lewn. Silice Uh at been propoed ho w ouiti net decline sanding. Msr, Gibson, unlike Mi. Powell, titi net llîank us mot-en anti secondai, for dbninging bie terwerd. Refrnug le thebat statueoethbitastrects, lb vas net lthe feuiltlte concil, il vas owing in greal part le lthee ixlteive limite demiîraced uiltae corporation. As le Itigit taxas, lte ratepayers titerselves batil t anawer for taIt. Ha bail volet agisinat allte riiwîy honnie, but be. lievedthettilasit #20,00a vas ltae bat nctenîy tit own gave, andti ta they bcd receivtil indirect, becetits frei i. Oîuly ftir bte railway, certiveot wenld sioeswas necessary te be ou baud- ton lte spiing anti uere got cbeep. - Ha coozpared the work anti expendiluie tet tat untier Mn. Fergusen's management te lte tismdvaiatage ufthe latter. He aXplainet luis petitienonaulthe herber malter, stating litie a as villieg bu abida tle atien cf btae ralepayens. Mn. King vite net a candidate. -- ien- len appettret te sitirk the actuel qutetton. If lthe barber vas ilnpraciat. lunvVaîte, bte more ieon btat the town abouldti otelit go dovu. Tt vwas the ey etflita brada e t tis part et lta eeuintry. WUy ceuldti ollt.epeo. Ci et Wiitby slct idtIhe peopleof Coboung,and Pert Hope? Witywer. bbey atraid tie ianssives. Ifcther muni ciealilias vere chie te run Ibeir lisîbors vîith profit, why cet WVUitby ? Tua lewn wouhtiloas by puîsning sncb a course, tand ltaemecnvite ware taking up lbe bovwwwagainst lte Uarbor, wouit lire te regret Ibeli- ciont bMr. King ahargeti Mi. Harper with h4ongin3g into the <euneil"a minorlty, 4,eL.lrIvithout counguiting thee cher, membons viti titlvX ass w"dolng se nu eloclion doége. 'Mr. Campbehllprocilmned igus wn censistenecy in eppctiug bte barber sud claimatite be aating emsaîientiooshy.1 , -me. sýmthsat4teêthat lié kuewe tUe -1 rapreseulgtives of a Draier eitale considoedth ie lti eeliing bite. te.Ol a te t tu.vpanti giving ôolbor peopla lUhe niglit te ýpiacê4 aine un thîeli-prop.erly aveîy aîb1wrÃ1y mése. Thuqy wore nDow migU1týv a ta, d'"Ic ot re iv.,> ehui - psy poemfi ëhrbor4q&!bi- l0,ot e ttes U wu lu ttueilofatum. - âi The <rnin#ug-effic.r tho~n doc.t thue nominatiens ehesed,, 0 - Pote a#-4.b.Wrghxtroi ( by Aclamation) connoillorsi JeBFM' lips, CO.Or>anielI. -Wm. Nicol, for reoeo J. Ti. B8.1 -de»uy xeve, b a ruma ooeu ifl ô 4John Bere . lUeA r >~ 1B. atheson H.Darhy, sud, 1r,ý Bigp. Moohit ndignation 1. iset SMr. Nimel fée putùthétf.rô'wt. r, te . expenue e1 a ontéat iný Wh"jj bw'Us noe earthly Iane t'à - ~îBlokeil. kMi. vMathson :011wlj roeir- - treng stmlnpo rti asIt1b codldereti w6s! pt re»edquit. Ikirlyè wi nom netîatetilest year, ni OHÂvA.-Ifsyor, Dr. Megill-ad1 >~H. Gibbs. Beeve, Dr. Bms, andt G. Ur ottoder; 2nti Deputy, G4o. Blax N anti Jno. Diekie. Ovr- thir$y muni n fer ecuicihiersle lte titre. Wiids. E AST WHcnre.-Fer Bees, Wt Siit anti Robert Maekle. - oa Pict<zîînn.-Fo, Beeve, John ZM n han anti S. K. Browni; ipt Depi or, eeve, P. B. Hoover, (aleatati by sc] es < ation) 2nd Depuly, S. Mmekey ai ig TUes. Barnard ; Titird Daputy, Wi Pr Focrester Ant in. Hubliatt. Cet r-ailier, Joseph Monkhanse (elealtid a-acclamation,) alMayors et Cibles. t Toiente-James Beatty, P' .Ci Alex. Manning, Jas. Britten, JoI aTurner, F. H. Metasif. S Kingslon-C. F. Giidersleeva-elec s d by acclamaetion.1 IR *Ottava'-Mu. Bangs anti Mu. M ix Intosh. teRefoîm Meeting. 18 The tegular ijuartenhy Meeting oft Senti Ontarie eform Association v ie beltion Saturday leste t tIis Otiti howsî' Hall, Whitby. A large'a net m entiaI uepnesetistien cf ýlta associalu anti cf leedingRefermais in tUe Rit vd as pissent. D. Orniston, Esq., Pua Sident, occupiedth ie chtair, a!nt A.i MaMihien, Esq., alet as secuqtary. Aflar reatîg the. minutes of the pt Yviens Meeting, bte chaîrmen tae t l objectset Ibtis ope, as appenireti frei liapsesuantdrerbiéements, au cahitiln.r'.y cf ltaemethers pisa foerSrert thoen ratia full repo: eofbita association fou tit. pasl fle mnontia, ieviewiog ailIl hadîrsan pire iosico lte lasI Maetiný ci Il *association, le Auguste inclidinglL leuIi-tbte laIe generai siecliens bet i hwcocn ty anthte country at largý Ha urgeil mae leabsolute necessiby4 -parteat onganizalien lu orteiL le ensui succesiai tau coning local el cIion. Ittter soims discussaion on btae mate et acon vention te selact a candidate fi r btae iiiling eieclion fer the Local Legii latie, lb vas tiecitiet tleare bte vIe malter in theUbands of lthe exeauli, cemmiltee, unho are te meet anti decid whnitni it ali be calleti. 2Among ltae gentlemen puesel uni Mr. Leavina, Presitient efthlIe Retorii Association et Prince Etivard Ceunît anti on being calieti en le attireasth mneeting, tilt se iu a very appropriaL speech, anti gava au ieteresling repo of lthe toinge etflte Reteuin Party ii bis cnuty. Pttann.Xoay.-Tnhe prosperity ot Ti Pitrenolegicel Jounal veulti indicali an incieasicg intereel lentthis subjeai anti that mauiy people bave a puopai appreclalion for île practicai value. là bte prospectus eoflits Pîtrenologica Journal fer 1879 bhe publisheis maki literaI 'propositions te subicribers. TUi ÃŽ rioa hasheen retuc il ta $2.00 (trin D.00), andti o esait subsoriher, la offeued e citeice oetwbyepraminins. 1 Finit, t Pbieeulcgical Bush, ae moiel head, matis nsarly lita.siza, cf plaster oJ Paris, Be letlareti as le show1lite ane location et aIl tUe Phuseelogical Or. gens. Il. lea anmtisme, ounameet, weii atiepteti for lthe mauble-pisce, cen. Ira-tâble, lihiaiy, er office. Wit thlIt aid eft Iis anti te Ieay viaitaccom- paniesil,a l geter viti the .sanies po articles pnblisbed le tUe Phrénologics] Journal on Araclia Phreeology, eael person may become qiîe fainiliar witi lthe localioenetflteaient Phienoegi- cal Organe, TU. second us a iaew book Tiie Toà poremots ; or, Venellies oi Phys"IcaCenstituion lu Man,icensiter et un tirrelation tb Mental Charma- lai ent Practicel Aflairs et Life. By De H. Jacques, M. D. Price, &1.50. Titis werk dieeussee a% rery Important subjaect-eni ena vUhicUisinet inieres lm Leedsatn rnila eltePoic cf Ontario, ta ha tie Jutiga of th. saiti Court, vice B. F. Steais, tiaceaeat. OFFCALrctxAssIGEooes.-Tite toilovieg gentlemen have beau appoinîtti officiai asaignees G. H. Pope for lh. ceny ef Hast- legs an t iy of Belleville ; R, C. W. MecQnaig, for lUe couoby et Carleton tend City et Ottawa; A. J. Simpson,, John Mclntcsb, Jr., anti Isaiait Quintal, for lthe jutia district et Mentreai,' ex. cepîing Moutreal Centre, Easat W ,b;J. Livingslon, fonr outreal Est, Centra, anti West ; L. a .'Globe- nyfoý, the judiimi 'district aspd City cf eMonIreal ; G. 13. Fiaer, te;-",ejnti- aliÉiitrict cf Ottawa mt itof Hnu A.' J. A. Boberge, for Larii;L.- Feontalu, for Joliette.i - TUe AfgÃŽan War.1 - h te aya it ia epestata ted cant at- be >iie ad4 aceu plate suuliaieta ;*et ie ubnas a natotQt ieRg1s b*af eli M AyVbeace deu ie c fan vii inu~carea nt p 0 fj scion tg tisaIt it 'te riit A 9 corepent0 n vtU itKurnm Çoloù'", Ilà arnita Genera -Relerts v., md- ait, tHere cigo. l ord hsd bladltai lte hbarber vas'oe st ofIth eSI'oni te Lake aic tit tho: o oltiralter bave'&a ilîmosoneballet» Jie tîhan oneocf sautdait mt. MmLd bfr - su aket ir.n, H.te -reat Maie Kl.- Fe à Port,"vUit beAvng hbin refenredti shevoe t l itM. Haneaxu va" nlstal- Wt #tgi,( H vas-nCe t- hegt ilrai eylit. dnedgig, le ltug oui,:trd d ~voueus. 00Te iitaà > o l lapern-este Dg trw dust ie tUee yeso! b tse atepay Ors, le ordor te p . l ppei W> e n. bioyvie g- t ug . - raisu- M valevlie gaxpn».-Téqnbo jiI for lUe Outarlo OsuCetual Bailvayva aty à notite bot ; tUaI va a sham . put for. fla- *&rd ti oleuce tliatolebuy lte arbit eti grn. Heiden hat saidthlb. ays cf barbors 'm. batiensueby (Mr. Hoienon;1De6rmal&d nu- dýo,) Neyer saidtta Toronto met Que.. by bac wve bankrtîpl, as mppetdinlet4) Camoscx, Z Ibut ooly ltaIt.7 varwoenu Çit v verge cf hanltroptay, (cois. anti 1en fuson,) Di't 1.1 tll 0 eesp qniet, (great lmigitlei.) M r. Hennatta se, 1 rect on te gayltaI b. coulatn«os e bu itere the imoney vauleto e matinl tthi ie limiter, jumblut up kiff us- aIc- ttiks vit a oateeet o lte asse6s. meut tif sevenal efthbie ratepayers, muid. la- iitpertiueneferenasto ltse course cf seveal gentlesmen lenltaeictru, cempen. ieg Mu. J. H. Long te "a hulpop viit hiiseaersecul off," taing calli tetcortier by lte aiainan, met mats aibegelter, to e v entorelesamy, lte silliesI speecU, ra nest glaë-ing expeaure- of bis evu 1m- ci- pntiencit muId self-ccnaail, meudte moat l- ecaautalons exhibition - o! Iimsalt aven on zuate by amy peuson aspining te. put- ag ic positien, en e public plal!nrrn, in bUe G. - Mn. Campbell, of thte Bey, toilovet r Mn. Hârpar le delending bis adtieuiii Slte cennacil. IHa vant aven te he fuels, sbatieg ltaI lie tati uefnae t l Un agneea la litsclause iunlte reportiner- id titaeti by Mn. Harper, îteclinglte en 1 linaiasaeofthlitaitanon an lUe part et thie council. Titat bue, (Mr. Campbell) -w ut tedt leleave ltae milieu ho tic te- t'ctioe oftIete apmsr-le malte il a le lest question et ltae alacliona ineftact. ie Bel tUaI vhe Mn. Harper afti-wanuls as unevedtoleatt lUe clause le ceencil, hi' th (Mu. C.) vent fer ut, bcamuse il met bisý 'e. generel vneye as an opponaultioflte of percUase etflte barber. ne Mn, Wieks afifareti a few vot-ti, saiti hoewauneeo speaker, dit net antltîsotaîti ,i o-figures himeeit, bal vas oppose t l lte Spunctese etflte barbon. 4Mr. Blow biaving taon calleti upeti, v.sait b. batl uat se fanrleiten any par. t e liculer actieuncenltebarber question. 1 Thte maltai bat erigintet vit thlie E IL natepayens, aed lu ils upinion lb vas n m ballai le leava ils deelic viwitt titan. i y@He a -s gladti l have lte cppertunibyN e et, atitressing snob ant intelligent mueet- IL te c ita h wae, itowver, a bat peufonnen i rtanti conlîln in bien ma panioninieai in exhiition. Vo es Hfaneamhi-) Yea,0 vituessedti taIeveniug, eut vbiait t levoulti hans dons coettle Hopkins' I e Hall, viil te atijencîs cf lh.sceller), v e le-lut places,tUa feun scbeu unes iti à ic hoi b litedtleoffen voult te rabter e t ames. - If lte metienas looke tle i t] si lieI lte Hannan unoe ltay veul t] te tisappointat. Us bat simpiy no- n StUing but tacts 1e givs Item. lHe vas il eau: oit ratepayer of lie tovu, am et e eu oe oftIte snallest, he tati nepreseneet lte Soult Wert eleven yeene, met r Sservit for tI eyaere as depnly.raeva, tI ti e U we sltse lest- manu te atvioe $ ft.epeople tif lteva la tdo wit as ft- -net te them benefit., He appeaiedtle si th.t'O leay viteltsier otati var ten pi a stop aginet te interest cf lte levedt ofe Wititty. Hs neyertati. Bel h. oi asket tita n lu&Il sotornossiho coneltisuci - vitter lte saitolboy exhibition they e bat vituessedt litI veniug vas net pi disgracelul ? Wa ilnot au n mdle Il ihemeeben intelligence cfthie totre? TUe E vitole question teton. thon vwas!) smn-pi ple one. Wes t entron vont-h #82,-vi 000, or net ? Mn. Draper gave upunaudte i ef $35,150) for lie hauban ; ltse Oitni -Company Utet offéeeçi835,000 fou itleu -antivene cutiti by Mi.. Drapeir. Ware bi lte prcspecte et business an y baller -be tUtu titnîey are nov 2 They badthI Lno nelvayaeaI littaI lna-tUe hus- fil mness Unit se allen off ltai te e graissvais greving on ltae docks. $- 2Il vas veli kuove 'tUaI sieae Mn. y- 1Dnaper'a puncitese a large sun bhatei 1 been spaut- e iniprovumenîs anti in Il tnetiging. Al liaI vas nev bat vas tI te trealîvalar. Aa 10 Mn. Kingsfonti'a IM report ; bha batbeau seul ouI le inspecl ID sevenai bambous eut amengst lita niaI e -Witby. Ail tadibeea îkiuglte Gev- ai gin.e asecond caeter foi meobber han- te ber cempny. As loe t ug-buness , cfy tege vere kepi u Iln aiitrbers,, et Te. viw roule, Port Hope anti elsevhane, taI cel vas soee morseofthlitanonatesespoken. vi As h. hi'sait i Ie tadtalten rie partie- vwi nIai action in titis maller ; -he was vii- ta ing to e iane il vil bte peopIed., Bot do bis opinion vas tbtItle hiartoiwouldtïîy psy. Otter limitons net -euly peit btbHi vers a source afrsvoniae te bits corpor. e ations bo vhichithley beleeged, amethUs venit net-t e pertet titoul eey mc- lb- count. Nobvithstaeditg lis assleubion heu et bfr. Hianean te lte aenlniny, liani captains o! veURSelasidt taIWitby fou vs ltse bestl lurbon alocg lte Lakte. dit Pi Hope gave 868,000 for te mentit lit et à litîla creek, itnorten toi bave a Unir- bai boe oullet .fou liatefbcvi andimatietai meïq#y by doing Fo. The vater vas tir tMer nov te Wiltby barber than on vbeéUi'nDrape*r'bat bouighit il; litI i "à a admitteni, andt Iere vas ne-nout -de] tisl lte barber vas more valeable nov ,g.l - ihin il vas ýtho.' TUs -ralâpayeuu ani sâucaiti examine sut jutige ton tUent. v ael1. es Iînathà in 1malter antiDot t be e Ã,su auu(ytysIi.t.oruele go dbetnfid Fo levai. .HIevas wfillng ltat thls eat ter shoultt be left lin the.haude of lb, maea sudt vbet ho blame t th- con-for vaein aking ità uontofthet haùdp7 aaumià g the wIïtle i'esponi. si wt ititout consultlng bhitn. -It VésI rry liasto- geilup a hue sutid cr7 atud perfoit» subies te caItrï 1h. enowd ; but Us felt sure bit a l seusibis men vonild-ýbiratlièeute it tL e tUs ,lad tg' say, and' -jtidge faIrly vItUlIt I.Iý*l tlvs,-and lthe lais oov igPe née sud ohowoti how 111. Woff &lound - teÇ --HÂuai&MO viten veil vabhed y a careflil couclior, "bui> h. neveu pnâeeredtt-liit uereuls o! lias levai te is ove> non ba et h 1U3n. lets~!thë,t leuu t hearîi n Ãhe couse o as ev -baiai.'As te a îeompsnykot »b1nW ng fr-pui,- bie Draper feslabe,fiey bbititi bot gat b aI itbsis iffigura asiïe execubora 0, f , - frD rs lthe tIewü,00cold gsI -more>Gvenusa moeay for bte herber titan privatI loi- viduals. TUaI vas Mn. Draper's tiffi cully., Hoalvays sai t litIif he conit ofly jet tUe tovu 10 mcl viitht bmlinie -coula go letthe Governinant anti gaI a large grant ftol.he rber , ,,buteveny eue, *esaaîanst bit»mutndupulgeel ý,h bté4 Pose o o f il. And btae Govere-' ment cet e ehlm bl t!ýteèy, vre net goint te eeicb Ceeman et 'the - ex. pense-of lthe couhntry. Mr. Long bore lestimony'.te Mr. Draper's vortit as albusiness-man, aed saidt ittho vas naun tisqsi luintse bove. .Mr, Long ceeclutistiby sballeg t tlib. at lbfrein Mu. Fisitertast lthe xeanters dit net veutthlitatev leto e.lthe hbbcn t 882,000,I.li4q Iiey bat better:ofirus. Iu raply -le Mn. Alie, Msr. Long sait titat btera vere titres cither soîrsut pensonsiLa'ea itkifn l tit bin tand eer-jibb-cny usquirat boudte l ise tite barber freinthlit ovu mutpay tan panrcent upen 840,000 ou a lease ton 20) yeare. In rép'ly le Mn. Harper eut Mr. Jasan, Mr. Long saidthtU compauy of vitici ho spolie voulti pay bau per cenI upan lie 832,0)00 punctansa nonay, upoc 88,000 for repaire, anti ou any furîber auti taI waa requineti ton re- peins te meel bita requireints etflits carnying ie rdo, also -ta place thtir bouda' as securily, anti havre thetu ntîaking ernitodiet u inthe by-law or in amy ailier vay ltai iigit torhtenli ucepmary. Mn. MoMillan tiectaimet beicg me ater, cnt ceuit net ge le ter nmuaing tUe cuctil, hilte a speaker tUaI beti pue. cadet iim. Tite question af repaire vas balt i p as a great hng-baar. Ha wect on le shewv li l as ai a falu- ,acy te say hut lthe Véry moment lis love pumeitasedt htara sitetilti ha any lcrge expendilura -fer repeins. Thes Goveremeul vas net suai a litard mas. lai as lthai ; bley bat deailt euisutly mitit Mi. Draper, wite bat matie cb expentiture upon ltseiterbor fer sever aI yemns aftîr bis percite, anti th.e leva et Witby vealtilnet be teall - initia leas eiantty. AU lthetalk upon1 that heati vas but te 1mev tiast l ithe t tyad of lthe ralapayars. AIllthetl i abent uesnmicg lthe hanter uctier bthe t .coueilvas aise stuif. We i vitra gelticg tUe saietlanas as ail t othîi itaîhers, anti if wa kcep lthe har- t ber in the saine stalaeto repein as vben 1 e'e gel l itaI vt as &lIhiat, veuit ha i îecessany. lie racapitulatti bthe figer- h as as btheearnings of lthe hanter, givin2g i th. items ilit ttil, mut sheving - ltaIé tha receipte frein beriey alone votltie nuch moealteai puy aillthe infarest npoe bte purcitae moeey.- TU. ieter- r eil ulpoa bthe 882,000 Icuritsaenamy1 It si *x per ctul ui . a81,920. Thea'] ecaeipîs fie.» barhey vere, for ltbe lest v ihres yenai ,51.z4.7e; -2,764.91 aed k -2,961.97 isspoctively. Be titat evan I foc tae st year. tUa revenne freintitis a single item 'Fouldicet oely pay bte e purcitas moey5 btbleave s titousant c dollaisever. If thes bluter maessix s or seren ltousant lu yaara et sbeit 1b crops eut bard limes, Uov nincitboterc coul t ildo vten limes hecana umore o prospérons, andtiht bie'-incîcase oft]I trade titrouguli the reilvay extension ? fi [e idielet Mn. Hennarn's herber fi piclure ant i tle tlk, i andctet a hi ery effective speech ty advisiug lie C ýotuaIhatthe praseel vas lie opportu. n ri7t le geltebck lthe bous paidthlitaM îiivay btrengitfle revenue fnrom the ai arben. uM Mr. Harper repllsti, aserling l'aI el tie barber cosl Mi. Draper 88,000 tae: icIt ban years, andti hal lIe rucning id à pansea anti repaire amouctetito E 45,000 foi 14 yeeue, or ever 03,00>0 e ni 7eu. (Veices-TIiet intues ceel et b fevalor anti Mr. Draper-s 8115,000 la e] te uailway, aptilobiter mal.teiri aini ni irbon muet tecrease,' as tht trade se tinit net bCelikely- te corne in ibis ti citation. TUe nailway -fi-en Torontoesi oPeterborsugit, if' buili u .oulti cul et ff iie tredle. TUe meeting, hoeaver, eai ta-.oe tecotisitier lthe afctionetfbte th unoeil. HR e oghl lita uatepayers « ltb fra puepanet, anti vers .ahi.e10teisai ha lUt bU malte'r, man ltaI i ty sitouoht l rve hêsu siforeith ie oppertunily te du se8, vithoult eieg summarily eul off et a miet-report brougt la ty Mu. - mue n U>couitoil, 1 Il vas nly et fa piriens meeting litIMn. Harper co t -aiket lita mayor, if hs shouli ihave ai Priviiege of giving natice ot a by- Fi wv te te suibiitteti te the - rebepayera, dc td in two veksamftanwrds, vitenU ociC anti ltaI Mn. Piip vas ont as aecau- laieeppatdle lUe purcitese oethe ý itoe,' Mur.-Haipen teck lthe elter ag wk. Mn., Havper's'position vas e vi kl5eon'e. Mu.'-HIarpeba.but een vor of par-chaeiug lUe herber lireegit. ti tUe-yeoar, anti oeliaugati in le- eroacomplisit mn objeutt.HaRe eprecatetilte toestakeony soin.e u@liLe w ie n lawhich ithsylivei ,da t~ ~ ~ ~~ ~i soutnsIdpaaeisintfrlsisfa-c ba plsoed in ten-u4=6 e1 Paidi-d Qt$&b, nd r, ampbehll-vas i enly man vito stood re&f.alI-onsist« ie his opposition froxu tUe,- fit~i coueclbo'ievs5 enbtb fliey ent ' tai itonit bavé erothé- e à mter tlic eleotore. 'Mr, Gilcitî es ne!t sabiiftedujyl ,lherefQre qîccuetýet ,a c fJr.,Fn son, vitic ieebeli éve w adbe Mo: ne endorse,- the à amýelîdmént of 1 I Gune, because ite couiti nol approve lUe course q,»e âceaiol. - -' Mn. Peiy, Uaning beni' agléedtpc vas sailét by lUe rowty eleieit the -meetingvlUulsiant-ea motion.- Mu. HacU an&ti etbesnli@esn -i siat epon tUe rigitfte tautepay te itear lthe evitsee., Mn. Campbell, nery. patuonizigîg asked tUaI Mn. Penny te hbéant. Mi..Penny'vms net avare btaI il e nccsauy ta gel lite consent et M Campbell anti Mu. Hannain tc attit a meeting et tUe ratepayers of the le' cf WVib .ý uasg, ilnà îôe aqsuti te lakltoýb 'à itole-conîrol et lte' 'me iug. Hie iseeredtoe vab h.ecaliet M HEannen's tiscoraliva painting (langUIe anti Mn. Heami's statemnulasi vn! oeu gel by thte pi cisese! fthe>,barber, WittdidthbitsQ Cempaniy geti vue tey pait $80,0( fan lie liarbar? -The tsaeatblug tbi lthe tovu vitre gettg te-day. 'Wl tii Mu. Dreper's Company gel?2 P ciaely thte sane, ting-net a foot1 lent, not an incL et propanty, excel tae plis. lUe breakwater amut I Whiarf. Wiîalvas soiti vas bte nigit povers anti privileges et collectieg tell Iu titis bthe value censistet. * Dumî paiti lte Gavennmacbtaiorthe le acquiret by un as a privata individui intiipitnde4 etft.e hanter purcite: anti sica ýat lime, aigil years ag< btae Itenori compmny; batil ce..conîtr aven ltaI ;-eay for 14 yeera tiey ia no centro o et tandntuside ltae pieu Anti yab Mu. Hacuem's cny nov vi Oi, Mn. Draper oves liaI anthe oh pieds et pnoerty. Titey may te ove ty any oee; they coulati ne euseti i lthe lvwu. Thete oven coult net cellet unharlago or sterage ; tite 1ev only t] lowei that lecolleci barbon tell Messrs. lennain ant iHarper Wisiedt abev btemaitîves ciaven enginecrô,- (Citesaanti laugbtei). Yasthey knoý incae titan sucit emiccut mone s1M Shaniey andtihtaGove'mnmenî augiceax Mn. Sciiter. Tisse protsienal gai hlernekneuvuotiig in ltse estirnalio of Messrs. Heanantudi Harper. Ne Major Harper kueun evanylhing I. (Citeera anti laugtn.) Belt alti( Hannaîn an Hlarpai cars ? Tiey lthre the estimales aft-e protessienal genîl mon le lthe doge andti okIteirewi figures I Andtittat nids yoning mn Mr. Hanuain, vas ofrail lthaI oti vhl:aryeeti laeltvaters utigit te huli anti ltaIttaosavitebuiîtthIern voulé hava le pay no bIle I1He evidenîlj tiever knew 1het fitace was mnci a titine as c prcaia5iuo datioag lthe limite tl the itarhor, andti lti Whilby Haîhui ixîsuti a emile mcd a hait etea antia mila anti a itl('ves;t -eait vy tien bit chaneel enînauic, anti nohing could bs sitippet freinviithin thoespeints wiitenit paying itanhor toIlea? (greai enugiten ) Mn. Haunain's new sitipping teint wouit cestAI iundredti iousand doilersanme vien bull tiaey couiti ne gci rit cf ltetoilai 1(lienoeatilangitai l'es met after lthaI eneugit vater could nt bu gel litera te drovu oeo! is nIll pup-î ! ( Boara oft imuîter.) IMa Perry lu scaîig teins vent' ce ta re- viev vUat b. callet lthe uewor.tiy uub. bisi of seoU a person as M. limnenm HIe aIse exprAsset ibis regret ltaI suai apareon ihoniti impuge lthe charater ofa mme hike Mr. Bunk, ty s ing lta Do1 sgig ithe avait var a ~libl citerne upen lis part te indybe titi tove te bey. Il vas meet sîtamefel oontet ltae imputing o! motives lin Uis Dutregeous mannen. Wers, lhe sket te ralepayers le te considarati ah aoia-meu v itetiinet thick anti re sel tanrlitemasîves, insteat of bsing id avmy hy Mr. Hanneam anti Harpeni, Ooniin on ens efigue.ont lthe reen- as and exponse aifbtae barber, er asti. talete ea c f rit aire bel thesa two [tiiiing ligihe inthale ove? 'Ail flit 'as nov iicsked une s tI ihtmatte iouit cane deve hefoce lthe relepay- ns, andti lt tbey ahaulti ta allovete acide, cuti net Messre, Hennant and E[arper tacite ferthem. Mu. Peru3 iviPeunîlMn. Harper'e course upon titi iaior nagetiatiene since lest Jaenary ileclions, neatiug extrada ts fMn. Har- sA-'e RAeecias aI pabiameetingys ani -iol e g n nyoIr s sMealions ven iftth meetin ag ml te bcatjoun. A veU aflar weak. Tiay vanlti ail heinformalien possible. 'Titywuianleti tintd ontutellëier it. venlti be mafte îy lteherber or-nat, anti a few moen aunltilet clu b ogeter andl seek le -prs- Itmof ltin nigitt. IH a au - aumajurumeul le Moctay nigit. A large numben pieseel declaret in evr ot adIjounment anti put on Itemi -ata andtisal. Tite"citairman vas asltet t4- put Mr. orguson'm anentimeel, anti biaviu one se lbwas dacleredlcnitai -era anti itoeing. Mi., King taek tUe stand eut prôestet mainet the aritlury cou-rsee akito, anti eanÉthe vota, reconaiiauct, belunews ied tlovu ity nltcre. Andti iilthe usaivote cfA liît l ýeociaimsn lite metim- rak. up le onfesmon. - - DxÂTIE WRON TEFBruTE cF A MMtL- ûtar MaNaisa, a vol kowuu-"ei. et. n tlt rmltheresùuiof o! nias ~h~iihmoWtu pmltor-Vlc--t thé C a mo eâ 4r e ô tan tild 'Us ceeas!umeu ab n. phas.. - Th. ap!- 'su caie»;vas7o- i dby HROB, Ada. - o. wiii adualappeausti ! the appllcà tien-.foY lb. iiivms thi.- lu- jutigmen i milthe original; lt.e Objeetlous ore, bte arecj4.: u the fehIowing .sau- ul4' maiLy Of -I rédà dnaa"speech.- Dr. Heu. Mè. MaongasIlin l opsning lte- o! eaAtei-poinbing ont its. t.mpertance le lite publie ais "eon as te the partes ouý immedlateIy con.caýrnet, saidthelb. ues- à fy 4bnw as a censtitubienilquestion sund, 0Y tUat vb1âWver-It deiep iga b, tUe ecase weuld -go -,te a higiter courit. ln. Aiter Mi. Mereer. dietl, i - -as deaideti ers le tUe Oitanaery ltaI ho' Usel 1noe irs. TUaIpoint bd (Mr. Maction- iy; gail) ditittInetierfr e Wj titan, allhonlgh lUe tact of Mi. Mèeer, jun., teing te son of te: deeeasedi we oeud net nov, hit iougitl, question- d. Acting on the teoision)of'ite Court, th bA Aborney-Geeeral hati seume t at me bthe lands vitere escbsatadt thétUsCrovu, ed anti, ?nbteu, tUat bU. Province 'o! Ou- t- tarie vas enlalleti te te preceeds for use o86 f taI province, His -(Mr. ýe)U eugal]) contentions vere, ltat te titere vas ce law lu terce in Ibis Pro- au-. -vince vitsety hendaieii..s4bte landes Xd o!flth ale Andrew Marcer were boIt 300 -lu fiesanti commen secage, conîti ha bat asabsalet te ltsé Crovu by failere of bt iteirp; an-J, that in a colony which be- re- eamé seUl by couquesl, ant i biitas et ccv entier a diffèret 1mw fie biaIt ic ept pîsvionsly puevailet, il requiret sein. be positive ennactutnt, aIter Imipérial or Its, Colonial, te intioduce labo il itsheîti is- tentai law ofet eseeat. He iteli, iunte Par final place, thal tbe Court oetCitanceiy etd bailne jerlatictien la an esabeat casa tel on tUe greuti dtUaItUe question invclv-1 ne, et vas oeaof lavant net equity ; met, 90 if il vas- saidt bt a roeut Act gave bUe e1l Court et Cbancary jnrliaitoc,- bebaid edto te piy tUaI tUaI Act vas passait, sub- 15,B saquen t to lte eabt fAetraw -Mer- as, car. Another point lu bUis case vas 'r titat the presenl pracedura boek tihe utd torm etan application for a - wit of by ejeelmenl, wvile jeelmanl casas uhonît, aIt ha tt it y ejury. Again,lte teniae i-in titis country, teing frac anti common la oscage, anti net tentai, tUe question le vas vitaîbet' a country vitere ne fauti t enure silateti vas subjeat to te unIes wf etfutai tenure. TU. argument migbb e horaiset blat vitere an owerbat lefI r, ne is the property must' go mie. a' vitare vas tUe Crovu; butltai-was n anavereti yhy Uadoctine ltat if a mac -!l hatproperty miter ltae dealb of enetb- - andt ne privats pacson questionet bis id iglit te il, no ana conîti bave -a botter W igUl toilttan ha hat. But, if ber SMejesly vas the initeniler of pioperby nfer vhicit haire couit net te fouet, vas, a, lie asket, the,- Attorneey.Geneuel cf s er Province lte pensen vitebatl.eright lb te neprut bat, ant inle er naine te [i eeth le preperly fer lth e eofthe Y Prevince? lie thtughit net, bacausç 1- lite vas netltae direct rsprasentativse et OftaeCrovu, but att appeoleaetofaa p Dr pointes et an appointes etfltha Crovu an ani ecanse lte Altoreey.Geneuai o! Sltae Deominion muaI taka pîrecaeeae cf Id lUe Atteruey.Generel o a prevince id wilhrespect ta these niùhte anti pue. ti ogelivas of lte Crovu, wvii ailnatnb gl hase assignedto th ie Alleuusy.Geeai. id et t.e Province by Imperial legislation. ýe Ie titis conneclien hUc centedt bit ') under lte B. Ný A. Act al tae casuel ..c Andtierritorial ireaues e!fte Crown inl Canada, vbicit fÃrmet --bie, oonsoli- datet revenue, vare itantoti over te -lte Dominion Paîliement fer the pub- lic servicaetofCanada anti net te lte -Local Lagisitatuies. Th. satae mot, Sfurtitermora, tiefinenilte sources cf renvenue eoflte Provinces; and esciteat- taet pnepenty net tsivg enninerateti 5amig tem, tUe revenue frei nobi lfoim paîto!alteé ceesolidateti revenue Ilo aada, andi sboulai liepayable te 1tUe e BcelvsrGenoral e! Ihe Dominion danti net. tebte Province. ,H. esupport- et bis argumente tbUnemerous r.- ferences anti quolatens. remaukingltaI 9it vouiti tali te tae Attaruey-Geneual 1te point te a 1ev vbeneby tUe reveue froeoiealeti prepeîly vent te lobôai -Loellturgs. HUc hoirefere subinittat ltatii il bh baithUeCourt ltaI e- aiteats weio-feodeulianti net local mal- 'rtera, thea prayar etflte pattieno!cite AltomnayGenaeral eeolti not ba rant. cd. Anolter peintit ial lte bon. hgentleman mati-a vas, titat by lte 1mWJ of Engianti ne eseheaittioek place viten ltais vwas a tenant lu possession aI lte YtisaIt etflitoriginal evuer, il itaving beau haidt tit au esciteal vas net vire8. lu Enelind tbie preclice nov was tho irauser ýtU prepry te-bte- citilren, itougi bynghlh egItII . mins.e,-Only racen pal temt vt fermer vUe itad receivetdcati-oral hon. tiret pounde s -frein lte olti cuntry as oea tf a femuly etfilefibimala citildren, aiucng via'n bbhe-feliter's properlybatl beau tivitiet. TUera vas ne doubl,' A heeer, titt ndnew 1Mrcer vaslte naturel son;,*but hari Il -oeuIdseat liaI lite Local,'- onater municipal, aulhitieis e-nel q uile se geuseus ta pansons in his ýpoillion as, heu. Maj. asBty ant iUer uep roenbatires lu Great iBritain vers. --- Mc. Crooke conlend tt teb.juil. diction cf tUe ceunI vas confirmeti by te Adiministration oet JualiAet, anti ltaIîctyeat set te bie Orevu1 ty teihure oet is beleegedt l lte Pro- vince, tf ietae Province batebtaesaine t scveraignbty in aucU cases AsRUtlite Province et Uppnur Canada, previons te tel Mr. Macîlangahui repieto, anti annene' ail thlil a uigitcr court, stonil te Ni case ge lherè, Uc e uitendtiaveur te -ho sitov tatUe AttorÉey.Geniurel bat cf vaivet hiie riihtle oeïscieal aise, ltaà i ntier tUae lav et gnvelin ' d, ltie v>a Ci e Do go-sci.-He itel t lier. coulti be ne etcoat inter oui hase, as ter. vas ne i lev of prib2ogeniînia. - ; udgmônl2tv5s isservoti. Irk.4;-tnippn ti elkwava ýineau W3TFARSHlL OF Cidna and su;TAIBLZ FOR TUE XM4iS, SEASÃ"N, AS FOLLOWS: Fine.DehesieRaisins, - London, Layers, -Lootie Museatelle, Sultanas, and finest 15 ibs -for $,0 Fine Currants, 25 lbis for $1,. ~T E A -Fine Young flyson, 25c' to 40oe per-lb. ýExtra fine, 50o -to 75e, w orth 90io. C OFF>BE. Fresh 0 offee- grouxtd t-o order. Ohocolate aiid Cocoas. S UJ G A. Mi grades Sugar, aýt bottomn prices,. American Coffe -Sugar, 1311s for $1. Cross Blackwellps Pickles, assorted, Sau-ces, &o. -pure god Baking Powder. Oranges, Marmalade, Sheiled Almo nd,ý S. S.. Al- monde, Filberts, - and Brazil Nuts. F'ancy Candies, Flavoring Extracts, Toilet Soaps, Bro wn Family Soaps. ?ails', Brooms, Wash Tups, CIiOCKEIiYWA W.. G-ranite Tea ~Si, l4na Tea Sets, Toilâf Sets, Feneyý Pitchej, in Sets, Toy S ýsand .Mugs.- i. large assoôrtment of .Glass- ware of, every -description, anil very cheap. lpples, PtioeBùtter, E ggs and Fouulir'y taken in exehange for- goods. 8. F.,desire to tendecr hie aincenc tenke fie hie fnieçdsandi puatomeis nr pas1 favoura, enid hbpea ù{ bis le Storé 'te merit* "antasuiee f the sanie, 7hi: u aul the anupllments oet e s4son -sud oe --am y' i Smakeu an elderly ma -' by, vas founti dèst Christmuasday, - J -' Mn. J.H. Guapnwvo eblalu admission, su bbc matar, bt- gen 1.fecteti an enlrne ai lady a corpse. Dr. - quesi, vhen lthe- coe -~a verdfIct etf IlPied Good." Misa Hlailir t rions wvcni- antIob eut vUe bas bain i preparitaé pupils for -os cunily Examin: StUe reaiplani cf a val 'i by.toBe et bis pupi] Slenlng Uit» te fel o! eeciing. - AN article et Cen santi really valuatl 00 ogi, casd, ati lI -isGu= Sn]Ue oit - . CaEa Mlan aveilirs ]à et up a tenant tari- -- France, vUileonou lis -~b. met viib frein 1 Sellea, anti frein Ma ~:leans-. Tuy lb. Se For &Il puapooei of 2 bat. Il l-e ait ut-t e c bath inlernahly anti à Sors Titreal lBuans, S, r elives, an4 etten-cnrc by T. G. Wbitticlii-Wh LLEaiBxEGnitx wlichrmieed flUe lit S lte phtiloeophie mind m zan's befit. 'Noi vaeboult nov boctir et tae rataetofaixty 'M'hWeu Penny Davis.11 fer theniadicinai- -i t - itlyyeers agoi Lai maan imaginedti lt saIt lu avery laund, s Hacysans PECTRoALsx cf ltae sl t batn.i Tic Baitura, wvich au - sitien, vces asaby Ameuica vas Oral disc- - bines ivihtolter vagea edtoeltaer, lUait i tei -facliona o e t ie nal sanda ef boîlles are nie çoncietret ana@etflita at of lte day. Fanrsle1b JJ reltet iy'saparaitinig bayent beaa-ing distai ~Qanti by lb. employ Hypepbespittes. ý a iennoea'disease Of - atulre, Ihal a pareils duce inlaione suse: b eariaig lUecough ci $ The aboya namedti re cund singamly efe TUa kitaîeys are aubi tiaigerous si an. uuaife S faon varions Causes. B OfetVîcTRou Bucu ait aileto L emale- eestly embmtet byti whviicit lu forsale by mlI- W er a-bottle. Feu sale-I luit-y. B ucle's Ai The Bzg, SAnLE. Culs, Breses, Sors S Liceair=, Taller, Cbmp blies, Corne, eud s eruplions. This Sale tole girqjerftea sfat cir MOney nofundeti. bi. Fornsaieby S. Co., Wbitby. r VICTORaIeACaîEMCAn Coira S sholttnaaýèage, -as l sutle foa-o ltae usa of yeî S fresb piacta offthe genui et aon patients a-eqaiii uhotn ihava (lein shot tievtUe litef erd nwlugathe ae ext,etan sehe a: i, sait lb a lessUcnia- 1 vos na aeit uSpleeua- I os thrye Sya-ep, - ]~ ocueenaca auY notice fi ~ cbtivteg tii, l'con 4it lefoue evtry alter Ca PArco - ril'f utri Papket veakue 1 viU aller urns, îJly, knd Il