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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jan 1879, p. 2

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No-ne t ý iýi s-lratu Howard, ILUIitFo,4 am ufor. sae-Georgie B. e vIb1 propry Noticê e 0redkl e-3a. ~ed ~ 8tt7 peello MedWain-TIte Gray Me4WneCoc. Spécial Noicesý-T. G. Whtaied. 1Jc Notioee-.G. B. Yul. tps.Olceke, &-Jâe. johaston. Wwtd tmsdiately-Yeomàn Gibson To aarelr. . .Barber. 'Bttcf Metieor nt.ouo. pb,,* Uotlce.. lmtt rme. -OIILY i se, pR ANM Whi4by, Thunday, Jan. 16 89 4 Plcasant Windlng-up. The winding.np meeting of lte Town Qoucril on Monda) eveping wla a very Plussant acfeair teo wituess. nd, con. sidering tb. 1t. iti. elernents of ex. c aternenit brqught legether att bepub. lie rinketingi .1 th. town hall, andth ie ~~avocaionm titen given le bail temper. liia te mber cf cur corporation Dine "cgr.. te dlffer,"'and enu honestly - îlTr witbÏrit "holding spite"lle ceg c.r4tdîltM.te lhezweles, as il muet ib. ,Pleatli'jte al gcdctzn.Teem Walden, tmust Ihavebeenvr aye Io that gentlemna ud friands, as a grece1 tseeoguition cf bis Wortb, aed Yssignnu bit aI th. llaht tinte sudi 'l' e, y bis 1 Iieîgon lte 11c* etoo thé lte checil ebamber. The tributs wem as wuli deserved, s il as pýroperIy p&id. The chVic hosptalitieè %xtendd by hifi worship, le whioh ie- vrilion wsre givun for Friélay eveuiit, will"Iiow bu ia order an a ftting termin. atlen bt ti, busineèsscf lte yezr. The Compliment te Seritor Simp. son. 'llie presontation le Senator Simp. ,,uru On hlii eiriuenl freci -thu Piremi- (duilcy oft lie Otarlo IBank, notieed in otlier coeinits, wan a graceful, andl aI tliut marte lima mcml bsaoming recogni- liio f bié long andi valeaitie services u a cneeltion tlî, ithhaI institution. IUtik,woudbwu haveeaon teknow, bu, dlso glalli cf the o pportunity of giv. 0 ou aut e-publie itsuefaoîor. - The Ènowdon hon Ore. 'Vlus Uowdlon iron oro -seul, some fijt u go lu Ihe Stalesfor tobtinig. terne olt u hofthelii very bhast qualiiy-. utlwl ipîrir'r tI lwhass xpeeed- - îudut IlIte tiIlut iîd be lîroduce llomesiuur steui, Tiis wiIl be- good le,',,lead tote tsearly loelopognenl of tlieuïiwîeby flica Auerican Capitalists wlio owil 98 acros cf tbe 1oulJacrteu lot- Mr. ytes owirtig the. lwu acres, for wilicllbu pNaldIbe consilerabît e Ousu. Ma. Juti RF. IlntN.-Ve tire rouait Illomrd t le lure Ilat Mr. John E. tirycuillorweriy of tie Wliitby 111gb Houînol, And luteîy IRend MaRter, Clin. ton lo igli Sallaud, bats Itee appoiete Ld P Lrncipaleioft(liete nw Pickering og. A- btter aPlioinlîunl utould not lbu mnsalu, nor a 'geutlsicnplaceil aIlte i et cftioitustilution botter cpable of glisclnrgicg fle ienls et die position. Itupreine Court Appefusmunte. 1,116 (flebe'o Ottawa enrrespaeient fîtatethaI lits Qoverniuetil hbave de. cildc(0teProltola aeinu Cîief Justice Iilcieu l lte position cf Chief.Jualie c-ulte uprenue court, vico Lite Hon. Siri W . B. Ilichards, resignud. Tii. lin. J, W. Owyue Puione Jndge cf tlite Court of Coinuon Pions, wil bu îroiuutet Lulea Puilue. Judgesitip llte 8$iprenie Court, vios Justice Iitelîle îîrîiuoilei. 'riiese gentlemen yuli ii- iiiillirlîely take thi. calîs cf office in oriier lu unable thie session cf te Su- premue Court, as flxecd by te ,tatute,i lo u beoednelo Mouglay nexl. Mr.1 Justice q'îseh eruan yl bave te oatit 'l'rîaA, î - Ilday nuxi Juary fitb. -1,1W (Qetç» V8 Johîn eccia?&. The prisoner wiîo vas caigei ili t eait. ,I)ing-tlite mate on Iuard te Jés8e Drion-. ilmied et Frepelimau'm Bey was fonnde gtîilty of assault, and fbaving alreacdy1 spunt tvaonits le confinument, was3 penleneed te onu wîuk in goal. Mur.r Farewell, CuyAttorney, fer ted DIlVINION COURT NOE~S.- SeVeral casnes cflereut tp-Citerait Trustees V nîT sebsariters te alîurch fends, vere J huüarcd ttubleslit illlngs cf tse Wiitbyà court. 'The irsecase vas oneein whi hlt lte ilerendure Steb.opeuieg o c b ItutlitsîTaheruacle hiere, lu reeponsu le a ccli for subseripîlces te pay off teo dubt on IL.e hureit, nid h. wculd zivet 1150 and b4 itpnie was sntered by the Secrelsryge-s ubscrlbsr forltat suie; Ile paid #40 ced vwas oued for thte-bal- neI constdeyatiae for the promaise Anti tat l. É fe wt as not lhable, I& vaa ct1r, debl of bonor, viticitli. lghlqgr 'tA'uot felfil At bis enticn. * Il vcld budi e.niflte subseciplie hcd been tevards the urection 0flte building.tIf lta citeraitbcd bue ereet- ed-upou tlié fâlit cùf tii. cd-lter suit- pori tibi1tite ev onelders tai Con. mld imeicti bcd been gl*ve ndceda lhe subseribers haible. lu cucîher eau. th. defundant, a b. cbei clted thit lteèro vas -An cgr... Ment lby th e TrQOe Itbý eubeaîrip- lien vas $c h. lekmi ont hn ment, by lte lesgyMen Whpreolicited lite sui- mripion. Titis wcs@ denied. Thte writ. ten subscri#llon wilbcnt-an,' condition W" bela to sreel,sand te defendant * AU? Nou lIEU! n>.-'Mt. !. Id. Perels, M.PP., bum r.eiwd the Bfor. clainalion for tant Northumberland lu tite Lac e igimalnre. ýWisfàDtuàa.-Dr.,, ttnbln liai acebled te Befcsm naminalican fcr te Leeci Lgicicturu. C EAST PZTruaoaO'.-Ât a coUnihic of teé Coeeervd.tvee cf tbm Eut Rtding of9rj8Llnic. imousi,' teudered the noiaition cf lite pc&rly. Tii. doolor 'net bing presunte te oenitioI3 qourned fora weok te &atat bis reply. - CALrz)i Csk Wcrden cf OppubyÃ"UVcrluteni ii be a candi. date for the ?riuvinoae seîby-s Ihal n Cobey-àdîtbU ecming generel 0dec. seotiqes. Otà'WA VCm.-Ur;i dward Duvlit wiii Le a cndidaeefor lte Ontareios Municipal EMictions. O'Lerydeply.eev, by acclamation; G.",- BulilaandnT *pipKEucM. - Beevu, John Miler; irtDeeuty.reuve, P. B, Hoover 1 second .Ieuy.reeve, -ont. rorreter; to.Meàci1Ls-asta, ltegrei 'in ard cf lte verldé, iii çiva lire. et formanaus -At HopisMutsic Hal, eommenoieng on Titersday emeing, Jani. 101h. The presapeake cf hlmce lste beel magicien living. *Fervard-ali goodi b, lb. canadianl Bxpress Company. Lew rates, quick dipalait, (mail -rais). careful laandlung and prompt dliver,' are mre cflte advantagea le be gained te public rt.. ceive 1y sending gooti by ecprese. Per.- fiee secusity la efforded thosee.endiug mouey aa dvelle..packegts. Gee. B. Yl, agnt, Whtby., CAIAaIECîoÂltTT.-T plescel ameke and a mot woedorfel ced un- elantatis relief, ne injury - vill arise frei Iheir use. 20 Cigîrelîs for 25 cents. For sale by T. G. Wbilfld Medicai Hall Wititby. Tii. initcriber bas a large and vul ýsseos-ed stock of stationer,' wiich is prteed law. office elalionur,' is a epe- ialîy. Re keepe miseoui tend a fu stock cf maitool supplias itcluiing tue book s ud Iunte Rugîtced Common saitocîs. Gee. B. Tutu, bocissellur And stalioner, Whilby. Wlîy Suger viit a couigi or cold, vhexi c few doses cf Wbitflsld's Cule. brclud Pulmonia Syrnp viii relieve yon- ALia>s Luisr or Ociits-<SmnAirmEcr.- Tite Polyneian salle fient Helifax itis weuk (SeIns-day lte iStt. For cl in- formation cppi,' le Gua. B. Yule, cgeent E'xpress office, Whilby. Tie A MIîAuun OnFiTHaÉDUa um orCol(- iAUOIT.-Tite Mesriaeuof lthe Dulie et Counauglîit i lake place aIt Vind- soi- Casuhle about lte 18111 et Manait. Row -o MAtra Moisrtv-Dnrins lte 'past veek Ms-. J. 8. Roebertson Les fli- ad aros-e- es-ormebool bocks, and tiaItion- er,' tram ai! parts af-lie liding. The, tacililieis affox-,led hlm b,' lb. coinphe- lion anti extent of bis Dew Jiremueus enable ttle tu fes-especial auvantages bolliilu lis vaslot,' ced ps-tees oet lese gocils. Parente ced'-pupils yull finti ou bsis shelves a feullHuucf lte bocks, useT in lte Rigit anti Public saliole et lte Psovine. 'Puachesmare offes-uti epealal tiliconla mcm publisees ove- prs-tes, Country' ites-hiants vil! fieti bis puices sucaiceare mure la commanti lteir attention. Ail enu make ntanep b, tiecling vti it int. Catalogues andi terme ce application. J. S. Roberlece, At bis Dov elore, Duvsnilh's Block, Bs-o St,. Whiby- Fatal Callier, Explosion. MtXTY LIviES LOOT A IVt,,l OaI LPITi. Ces-ifti, Jeu. l4tIi.-.-An explosion ce- ciirud in lue Dilhas cellier, e inthe Illiauldail ValIeleln iglît. lAonl six- 1,' peratus are bplilsved lu have bec' killeul. s-eal excilemeul prevals in Pool,' ps-Ati. 'Ple Dinas plItle appa- site Pend,' Iaiion, cenlthe Pend,' pidi Trusitemberl Raiuway,T'Pliatictcil deml'papuilutd. I l sminT ltbes-e as-e ftl,8'.eigt men l ite plI. 'Ph.exîdes- Ion vas ver,' violent aed Il es feas-et no. saputi. Thte bottantcf lite staft le lemporcrily impassible ced no ailempt antlte repcuns eau bu mcdo ,'el. Qusen Victoria baes lied lie kinil,' oumiornfor isuc e,' ,uaruof ruceiviug cI Ostonne Hanse on Chiitmau Bye lte pocur aId people Achiiltiren of lte ad- jacent villages, anS cf presentiug le Ilium lu- puisson giflts ftfod anti clolting. T hie yec thue Qneeu'a huréavezueut ied 1e bus- complet. seu- ien, And lber buetore ver, dispes- ud b,'lthe baudset Priiecees Bealnice. The aid poar vanten of lthe neigbbor- itoti vuro presenleti villi dresses, lte boys recuiveti gond 'gooci vas-m suas-t. atil the gis-le sbavls lte yonng people buing aise regaloël vilhs cake. .4 6--e---- TIE Niuw Toic "HEIIALDO' aN A To- BOTawr INCIDENT-A Nxv VEnezo,..- New Tarks, Jeu. 18.-the Hetelîl esys: - "lI-e lathelestl mrntimenI 1e bu Simpicymul turing llie-Chsmae season,' but themotmos-,'oe a Tas-auto pasten, vuto, lne bispipil nt Chrisîmran, ltankeul Qed for albtaI oliai)ué!idnc tonrlte poci-, andtiîen venit qîiieily Iloblî oun dieci cf lat-valion becuste of his itist- ficieul sahar,', is meel grintl,' etinicai 'Ph. narrative la 11w mee nigrcuo thal even diegracuti a tasitionabie cImescii.t'- Sutiden Deatit andi Suicide. AIlA SÀCRÂIoi,-Jîn. i4.-Ysterdcy woi-bing a Miss Welktr, sisler cf »Ur. Yoitu Wulker of lte Brucon milIR, 'fui- de!,' dreppeu deeci, îpparentl,' et liai-iuao er bttsotituti Mr. EBd- yard Cousine, tof Lobe, itecring'etflIhe disastes-, cul hieltroat,aeut lecomt- ploe ltebas-rible &ton,5Misa Wlkes-'e moter, vbo arrivpdbeie e ite,- aftr- Doon, do Bseaing thie « ces-pueaOf ber daugittor che ropatdeeï Cousins' throet bas beau elila'beti ep.antisligit iapsofitisreovs-,' ese oetained. Heur,' Mos-nisu,, fos-merl,' e grain measus-er, dieti aI Relif*ÃŽ yusturla , cged 94. lie tougit on board-thelt et- tes-y at Trafalgen. mcv Nubien fait, ced aflervars-dubat bis log itsoken'le lthe angae, iel. gHI vie tha cul,' surviv- as tlt aius l9îltie ce thla Bide of lt.e Atlanubic. GERMuAit CeLeOOu.-A - tragreel cuti lcsliug portfnte. Sample paue cas-de tri. S., W. l. eltb"& Ce. For ohappati bauds, lips t&c., Wite Btos a-eam il neuala . 8W. B. Smtitht à Ce. Large ohamois ekine for unaking jackets. B. W. B. Stîit & Ce.g Toulet Soupe, extra velue anti qualil,'. S- W. B. Smthb4tCe. Wu invileurs-enteine le ansteock et hcmp geotis. S. W. B. Smiith & o. Ocit bocks. Guo. B. Tue, Brook RAILWAY TicEm e hoSas-nia, ,Port Huron, Detnoit, Chicago, bte Wsten andi Soulte-e Stetes, oi- saesb,' Gao. B. Ynle. RailivA,' anti Bleaniboat ticket agent, Whtby. à 00- ne_- tt t -,r drCue Ihird- casaete detenilact ai- bratuejlmoulntoicSrep-vlhl relieve it he gave #80 les - one, ite, an t he varet 4ugh0 to Lht lole. Th plain Pa "d an' ttlaecdte and pan caneot ela,' vitre Whitafelî'e ;ý0,ty 84Ic . t, itai s Tufalii. Toothacite Qem Ai useS. i tld ose ite vou ede.- l -leS, u an,'cas. chonii i, th >ie lb ~borçt Topltapte, Gem tatil tocure, I viliir.- 3ptiepI wo* b@144t le, b, q1ed 3p uct cItasgi T. G. WVitI -, - Use1Wt444leld'eléfallilij )nged titre' Duei lte£15>' à gto, lçàMEs or 'samons JAMEE or p S TMu, pLAGE, 131) 10.0152 8J. IL MaClelean, Wm. Bay MhL and 1 ô John spnk, W 7LLouis DO'.- Do. ,( Dg. Dgiel Pekrl5 18 -Mte »U â"Msi pleur, g DI, Fields, D. Dg.e, eIrudei Ssj:plnk, PbnpLesmlg, Ukon Il Goa. L spi, - 12 lis. plnk, 'Wn. Long, c 18 Dc.PNl4, - Do. 14 Jas. Oclle, Boirn, at WLibi, mmre' 18 :no. Rose, l. 7l Do. ie. n ç. 18 Dr. Bay, !mn Ott Ositua. Moite,. 619 & D-%-. bý,n os lue. Q1îgey' Do. mi f P~<il beaIrvf, remise cf OMMce ~ w», John Mos,' W. Bmbide, -J. 1.,13 ' slmv.Work 24 P. W. Gie, Bobl, Sulllvc, Promise cf Ofamc. 25 Do. Louw eer,', - , -8 De. W . lgit, Work and procismtenîof officfor 0mcm. 27 Do. * AbI=. pareéweDu, Wàrk. 28 Do. Je". Bois,$ - Oshawa. Work. 29 Do. Ab.. Pareei, 1EUt Wbitb,'. Promise c Ue. 80 Do. John Morrisc", Pm* fworM. 81 Do.éio. Il. Pler, setllamot of. cil.. ooe. 829 Do. J. D. Bicrdon DO. 88 Do. m Diarig, Paruheseof bugles, 84 Do. TliÃ".. CoulIs, 011cfbny 85 Do. Romnan 4Cahollc Ps-est ai Duffin'= re, ttcfbg 16 Do. W. H. Thpine, Mone,', for hImuei ed oits-. 37 Do. Thos. Dingie, Prontise of ogo ,cà for so. Mo Do. . H. Hlggns, Procurement 610200ic. 89 Do. Do. saie cfi macinéue et reduo.d pri. do) Wm. Itembriulge, T. Firiait, I.-Hern, T. Heuîs, Thmretniug ta dkimifroin v4A da Wm. Léong, .W.. Mcddlgu. - Treeling4,beme field. 44 P. W. otn, Sons of 130!Fla ï,ooie ' Moe,' 45 Ge. Scett, Do. ' :Do. do) Dr. Rau, Do. . Do. 47 F. W. Gie, A number cf Caîholia veters, GUIftlssroule B. C0. cemulery. 48 DO. Meburs of Bigle As., Wbllby, ouycrup imlcs 49 Do. Do Oshtawa, Mn Domtmtcs 50 Do. Nttmber cf ReaCatholilevotera Oshawa,. l, guIts aI pIiic 01 Do. Do. ,Dl-n. reM 52 Do. Number cf Bible Christiane, Freeoitmae'm Bay- 'l cfn"e 58 Do. Brlblng lte wbole aonslilnency b,' subsuilptlces le charltable objLî Ms-. MoCartit,'matie application le emeudatisIicare b,'icdding ltbaJme Hamluton vas bribetib,'thie offer ai vos-k, to, buiti as-eh, y Mr. (lien ; taI Robent Sulliveantiu Robes-I Becas-, anti Johnu anti James Breunan vere bihed V, liimaps-omise et office b,'Ms-. W. H. Higgus,cand ltaI Etvard Has-Ivas bribuci, b,'trectleg,byGie-ced Riggins, elRey'm HatlI. 1 Ms-. Rehiemou-As thits are els-acti, sente 58 ceus an lte particûlara. bettes- Ir,' anti ce vitl eau te matie eut cf taI pi-tt,' large budget firot. Ris Lorartsip i-niedltaI lte applica- tiou itoulti stand unt lbcth tera vers diepocf. 'Ph e names of lte viluemseus ere titon cehîcti. on lte application cf ceunsel tonrlte puetiioner lte viluessus vere - exeinddt fs-c lb. court. Ms-. Gion, lte -spondent, vas the. fis-st vitem examinsi, ant ieIs vidspce nocaupjethelb.gueces-pas-rt o lt. day lie deniedth ie evenel chas-guisatfs-lb- un,', undue influence, lrealing, &o., ced enîcrea inlto dutaihs cf ltae vasions euh. ecriptions matie b,' ui b charitable anti otites-abjects. Robort Sellivan, montionei lenchbas-ge 24, vas examineti, andi cisc-W. Il. Higgie on lte set citarge. Thte eviclence proveS the clirgg tô liegroulele, ced tite lasn. ed jncge utled il out as net itcvtng bue sîeteutai Citarges 2, 4, 0, 0. 7, 12, 24 ced 25, verhnu tbakeonup anti ,videnae gonu into, ii'itues sbeing uxamineti np le te adjourninii-efthlie cous-I et six o'alook. On Wednemda,' foennon, aI lthe open- ing cf the Court, William Long vcm Tits Lintisa,' Puitila Saiteel Board ced - lthe Loeato Convenut (To ftue Edâfor of the Ceuuiiae Patt.) Sre.-Tbo tclloviaig noIe- appearut in lthe Mail 8rd Jannay-, ,,lame discussion lias; takun place aI Lindsay,' a le viethur lthe Couvent Rtoman Catic Scitool vas entitleil "bte ks isiteaiesetflita G4veumenl "grant, seeiug ltaIt noue oftbu tecch. "es-s bcd recoivedI cerlifctes lunlthe 'os-dinar, va,,anti e resolulion ve. passet i iiecting ltaI lite Secs-ae-, amboula communiae vitit lthe Etica- " ion Depas-Inttote scerlein thea nunthur cf properi,' qecliflut lciers "j e mSuparabe Sobools o ettlove. Undar cuir ps-usent aomystentsuhon application vil! bu futile.,' Titis note is misleniing. Tii. laies et Loreitoccnd et clilte differeuit tucit- içg simstootis of lte Roman Cilthie Citerai lanacuda si-e legelly qalifeu teec/uer8. Titis appuars evîdelfront Article XIII. Roman Ocltolia Si-ps-rate Sehueou Act, 1808, viticit ruade thtugs "lTueeacbens cf lte Separale Suitool under tiueAc t sail bu ubjeat te lte sente examinalioniç, anti recuive temi curîlficat. cf qualification in lthe mante mnanner aseuammouac seitelciere gees-raul,'. Provideil t/rat erss-a qualed by law as -leec/era, etithes-lu Upier as- Laver Canada, sbcll tie con- cideruti qînaliied leciers fteshie pus- poses efthis Act." - Nov,vite as-e pas- sans qîtahifleti b,' let as luaciters 2 The t>imwes le Ibis question ile olaibu onoul le the ContsolidaetedtiSîutee, Quebe (1861) chap. là, sec. 110, page 97 : "*Ever,' prieisl, mielisi-r, ecelesiestia, or persan tosming parI cf c ruligiue cein- munit,' shah hbe luevus-,'casoe eo-mpI Iront ndungoing cueuxaminalian butor. an yf alte saiti (scitool) Boa-dm.' ;romnt lîse clauses cf lthe Sepes-cle Sabool Act et 1868, andicf lte Pubieu Scitool Adc f 1861, il is evidunt ltaI the ladies referi-edto, forming part etca reigions communit, cmslte,' do, are qualified by latieiLeccers, ced wvit te more,,lte,' ioldti ieir qualifictions fi-cm the hiigittrlibunaul in titis ceeu- lry,-frcn lthe Lezailaluro ilseIf. Il is 10 be bopodti îis enever me,' be touenT -satisfactes-' l t, hegentlemen vho tas-n lte Rigb arA Putie Scitool Boarsd in lte tove ot Lindsa,,acd cIsc te lthe CeunI,' Inspealor-ali gentlemen cf hoouns and biigi intlligene, bei e1vidl' nol tveillconversant vitit cer- tain maturs 10lying a lile o aide lte bandary et Ibuir affilai telles las a Publie Sciteel Boas-d. M. STAFFORD, Piteut. Lindisay, Jeu. IOth, 1870.' Toronto, 131h Jan., 1879. 7'o tir e ditor of theru iil ri torsi- caiheti anti gcve evideuce ie retersitce to lte above citas-gos. Ms-. J. il. l- (liennan, Ms-. SpieS, eut Mi-r, te Brenese ver. cîso examinai. -Ibh. court huIltaï;lte viien, c fihe4 le esîablisitlte charges. ChargeS8, Bsibiug JohnuMiltel l t citasraI cof flous-, b,'Ms-. Spink, anti charge 9,--e!eaiig Mitchell front a deht b,' Dr. Fieli, voe.noxî gen n,»~o Tite foiieving fle )l vdenàe. le" mc,' tataliau espeaimen Of mos00 e lte eviteece eiducedl inte otherscua : John Mitcheull, avoue, saiS:-Liv. le Pickering. Wîs a roter et lteipat eleclien. I vas net offeret i aetitlg tas- my voleba 'ce'persen. TIajor talil an,'onu tzbalT Yves offered ac bg cf fleur. Neyer thl Ms-. OnîhbtrIt aI T vas affus-etioea. Lest vinter, vile, I vau mieS cuti unable te vos-k I gel à itcg etf our traie my eighbata. Rnov Dr. Fields. R.evasatteedlieg ma vitilo siaS. RHa aukuti zitabe I vae geieg te Vole, I laIt hum I volet Be. fo andcS hoti dme ItloIokedatispl- aÏU hne tepast,' uteide iholding nt, itosse. I till ove Dr. Pielis, ant in.e tend le-pcy hlm. Chargeot'uled ual provoti. Ie lte citas-g.of bribes-y cf Geo. Is-win, No, 14, Irvin sycre positive!,' taI lie eeeived no monoy nos-tité pr-omise ot an,'. Charsge Abs-citant On the charige o ri - Abaà Farevell jr., 'lte service, cf c steant lhreaiting mac blue, Ms-. Ferevli l'rus undes- exam(enaîion etIbe sising cf $he court st 1.15 p.m. Se tas-lte eviiene as hemvll,' tci te establisit an,' caseagaieal Ms-. Gien. 'Pie NEW VOLUMEx oPTan Lre Âotc.-Tbe number cf Lit tel!'i Living Aa u fui-elitv eudieg Jeu"y 41thbu- gins liacene Ituedreti ced foi-liethval. utnta. Iu Ibis volume George MacDonald'@ nev anti inereasingl,' interesling ses-l atory. "Si- Githie," viilbu couline front vaiS ta vouS until completeilta nev serial, "Thte Bride'. Pas@," hy Sarait Tyler, vitose atonies "Witl be caeetitrougki" ant i"Bey. AdentCent- us-on' svieilte oLondon" atîreate i su eseet attention iu Theu Livintg Âge vAîl ho tugun le January ; a ses-l slor, Tb@o Romance -cf CeloI Hans,' t,' Kitebrins S. Mecqucid, cuthon of '"Pclt,'," ua, i. anneeret te ppea ear ni the lt.nev ,pacr; cLoiesit staîtuestor- viicit ThuLiving A4g.ea buconot eu, includieg transilien fron the French, etc., viii continue -a feclure efthlie magazine ; anti, Iircngl lbe ,'ecs-, t. leading fareige culberi viii Ite nepreseeted ti itIis portion oe lthe pes-tadieal. In science, polilice, tIboag,' anti gon- es-ah hilaralere, articles are zeeîlonei as foi-htomiug fs-onthlie teremeett Ibinkars. levesîlgalors acuti -esa. la- ciuding W. R. Mnlak, aîhas- cf lthe "Pomithvimm oif an Island," Dean Stan.- luey. Bt. Hon. W. B. Gladstone. JatI Anîhbt,'Fronie, Ps-cf. Goltivie Sriîb, Bichard A. Proctor, Prof. Huxle,', Dr. W. B. Cas-pente-, Prof. Mai Mille-, Mattu Ai-nold, anti otite-s, itu sketches b,' B. D. Blachinore, culteît of "lLoi-na Doone," Wm. Blacks, Mrne Olipiatau, Anthony Troilope, e. Io short, aviitlthe reount gi-ual impettis gzivea la fareige periediech l teraturé, Tho Living ge ps-rmises le te nichez Iban ever l int e vos-k cf ltaeablest minde eft liet, ced viAl give ltaei, productions viith lthe completeness nôt elscvbes-e attempleti. Thte teginnning cf c uuv yan ie e favor-able lime for lthe begining cf e mebseriplion; ced lte petielier eltîll ps-usent tl e uevescrubu-s for 1879 lthe six nenibere cf 1878 coulaining lthe fis-si pars-teof MacDencl's 'Sir (libtie.' For fifty-lvo numbere etfeixS,'-four lange pages uci«,(or mos-e Iban tLiee titousani pages a yer lthe entscriplion prias (88) ita 1ev; viile fer 010.50 ltse putulubuirs offer le senti ay,'on.eofthlie Anteriace 64 montblies viitt Thru Liv- inig Aga for a ,'ear. baIL post paid. Lin-mou & GAY-, Bomtoe, Publiciters. Thte Afghan Campalge. A Calentedepaleit sayeshéita rcepe et tbe Peitava anti Kus-untcahumane as-e nov mIe te i u*l r theenext, tva moelLe. Major leacgnari bas reaulvet i entI,' letlérs fs-s»mmo!o OCtul aed\Gizai citiefs. - An Impce- Drbra vas huI t aI eihalabtion lb. lot et Jannar,' b,'Genes-al Bs-ove. PTe mcstiinentiel men etflthenuigit- liesob aterIctentlet. Major t]ivaac D"Ia SIaR - expiaineat he Vies-a,"i procamation. I se in lte papens a moa Ha6eCOMMentad cn'e ltacst& ciflte nevoing accoutft f vcasse et bang. eventi maeifesting lteé sîruglt cOf lte ing vitere ih appears lte ;greseel BritiihGoee-meel and lte taller.et mismanagemel muet have lelcen lte Amèes- t resstauce, cuti repeateti place. Au- onceSitesiffs neepon lteéensnl liètai va hbave ne qus-el, eltle foi- mut erras-s, andi why sitould i vt't litepueple - et Afgitaniotan. - Thé lta,' net bo celiedt tecocenî? '. PrineuPt liban repliouin laqenuage Is il Ilot ceeng t lit ataeInaeeiug vhieit nus,' takén tas- Whal tin levcfh leses lilfe te satiet,' lte hav. Of' lte xpresung hie cnetemee t iilte land'? Busthlit.feeingsetfthose lî.tî'change cf aniotancd feeiy oies-mng behiinti of a teast-brokon molLers- us--ing Ie ses-vices. 'Ph. e àit of lt.e neàundeti t,'a numbes-of et triuse reopin agoai. With vet veclier5 ciids-ecte Le vieucith ed bruom o heveer, ltes-e il] eaunel,'cointe piecs aIs-eaing lte cecount efthlie more uldebut, but net sififfoeel buugiling cf h agmen le baIL cames aI-ttecks c as-rions inraad. Supplies as tune t l. W. look lethe Juiges cOf plenlifuli,' cifenedt7 vlte »pe!, vIte lb. landi ta peelsitmsnit &rase dareles-ric a fliendi,' -spirit. Woehd il ual be hotiatemais ak&Il '1evteregain ouIzosseanti make.àa execulions privaIes imp icnUueuaing Cempelenlaislte, aniioee quetion et lts-ougitlte ps-eu, le salt, l te voslt, ttousnt lItes. lar tilmes. Taise ad- A. B or C vas, execelulet aisnob si' vie suanSremit '.10 th.extent cfy oui- tour on suet a tic,,viiteent comntel meana te Mesaesé. Baxitq & Cro., 17 1aI Titan tefeelings cf bonust caii boas-t-Streoet New York;- *tTo5 b,' their cas-ful broken fri-ents voulti net bueobai-resu- antijudicione rncilv nvecîmneuls for, ed et vu sueite ilitemeet jmautelemru i bav a gptt otnettes- ahîndeti . YOUP X-a M. Tisie sm îlauqe 'a MF ica Mca Dr.i-. -replète. vit iatlln _ os-eietoi-t hitn, pceler of Christ (Epi@-s. mcaii, viicIt tIc scl fié. OU appli-' cpal)ebWReh it etNew' Tes-k, saitoun cin Sentie,;- 1"T boulati ilS. o sée. -ailt Ohus-eh propos-I vla te lsat ax~le - C prc popay4n lt.Ue $t 'BIttes chiii rliéteôft li te. apIdleagreabh 1t 5U,00t,000, 4mfti là teom0, it &*.aée ttrAt s ol h &Weaeui - - uop* - - , sas-bi-A ..1d'y lite sèbes, 0" 4Jlt~ -~ liT' î, S i-i a g W,"Pw ý1obh h be e -proo thebosidÃŽ of 01 ite ireéctinLI Ihalmnctaone vleebl hu. seIlin. le strike off Ms-. Allins texea-yees Meure, Der!14i5Esitam, Bure sudtt Wics-4. Leet. Thliareport' vu then edopteti, cter explanaioem- l lte ac ocf Aiex Cmeson-being for esvies sai cnsteble during lte Munesscf chiai constable Bs-yen. -T~PP~! Mn. King repos-loi le faveur cf pay- ment - ai eccoscf T. Levier, #17.22; Joint Bryc '#4.80; Repos-I roeu rnended g lheepiug ci e Pasu beok tes éetei-ing cli erders ani accouneste be sigetib, p as-ies seeivieg gaadi. Repos-t adoptenT. INDIGENT -ACCOUifTS. Ms-.Wiok'ucported fs-cm lt, relief coimmite, r.commendieg paymenî et lte felovieg secael. '. Levier, $9.82 : W. J. Gibacu, $4 ; Loves end Povell, 84.60 ; 'Phs. Wilson, 01 ; J. A. flendeli, 4-.: W. Ceihon, #1 ; Dr. Bogart 01 ; Ttal lite cammihe Ladl recelvati accounîs cf $2i& $5 ; from Dr. Bogart for which ltes-e ves neondes- fs-cmlb. psoeletitorities. 7Ms-.Ray' enquireti vither Dr. Bocgar-t Lad been asketi for ce explane- lien. -Ms-. Wick' sali ttere va a resolu- lion cf lb.heneil s-quiricg titet or. dorsashouiti befrom lte relief oommittee. Report cdopted. r. Rannaux reporlti -aeeouete cf W. H. Higgiee #4440; C.Sarne,' $17; cc ieomeudeti came for pc,'ment. Report adapted. .FIEE AND vATEa. Ms-. ODeovee repanleci fronultie commillein lavai- et pamunt cf lte tellowiegacoconle. John Bs-yen 816.- 45 ; Dc. 021.75; T. Lewlsr, 412.90; Bd. Evanu, 018; Reià tBs-es., $10.- 08;, De. $41.48; Do. $106.85 ; Jas. Bai-nus, 088; Ring Brou. 85;2b ; Joepht Brov, 82.60 -.Gnogse àOranger, #116.- 10;, T. G. Wittelt, 82.95 ; Report adepteS. SOu motion et Ms-. King, sacondot b,' Mi-. O'Donovce, lte folloving resein- tien paseS; Wherocs lte paseegu cf lte Dukin Adcleib tis cenI,' heu - pncvet an satire tailure aed bau dis- es-geuizei lte machiner,' tas-canîrolibng lte lqguer Is-effie lenlte conet,', remoivsti ltaIt Ibis couneil pe , taion lte ceunI,' cuehll t alester~s ta repeal ltoe b,' lcv se ca s- eease us front saiA lcv. aed roture 10 lte Cs-oks Adct elith bemtla1e te conlnol t.e liquos- traffic. aed ltaI lite lovne oomk sutmit tis s-esoluîien te lte coni,' Coneei AItia naxl session. OOMPLIMENT roi-aE MAyen. Oe motion et Mn. Blow, secontietib,' Mr. Ra,lte Mayer luft ltecitais- anti thé santevas taken b,' tLe reee Ms-. 131ev, eecoiddt,' Mi-. Happnt Smoieeu taI lte ltauka etfte councl b e, anti are iteret,' tentaieuotle Lis - orsi 1h. Mayor for ltehie al ni 0 efficieut au vel au geeIlemaicnldt cournes imenner lu viaihob.presîiet e-ver lte délibérations cflteé couneiL during ltaepeut year. >f «Ms-.Blowv*oaidltaI in years goneb,' s- h b lidasiteinlepasslng jmiar re. soîlions, betl cer Lad bo more plea- suro un doieg se titan upon te preen occasion. Tite compliment vas ne ompI, onu, il vas v.li desi-voti; anti ou bispart lvas inces-l,'anti ieertil,' lendes-eailie- ot oi rO vulti te ppon- lte part et uves-,' memUer of te- coun- cih. lTe Mayor LaS hoe» sometunes placet in tryig Is-citnces turing' te pgsî yecr, bt bai i i decIl vitit -every-mctter tbat canto belooebite in a tain, jumt, anti impartial imaunen cnd vitit a tolerulion for lte opinions et -ctera fori- vitait ie deivetievery 1. arudlit. 'Phe couehu cf lte peutel 'es Le vaswu&glac te se,,baut acteti cm ban- -mouhouel,' anti vititas muh enabi- mity aesc,'si taI ever. eselte intetown of Whitît,. Il vas nol supposeS tat lte,' houlti have agraedtinleopinion ai »I ai 1h0. Butlhobu sure taI ail bcd ltae gooti cf tlit ovnetI hai-I. a Ms-. Heneeze econded lte résolution as vitl as dtsusvutianti jul tqvrda ltse mayer anti gave as-eit tle bs on- itip for presiding aven lte Seliturhions et lte Conseil vIit impenliallî,' cut abilil,'. Thora migfit bave been uitIle diffureces etfliidual apinion, b ut in ail hie inlenceni-se viit Ms-. golden lenlte council aut ethervisu, Le Lad foiaS it geellernuel,' ced courleous in every va,'. ltera vas ne gentleman hte coulai have liked baller toi- Mayor , anti itu lopudtiltIlte council for lte enseing year veulti ha equcly as barmeelous s el aovur viiaiMs-. Hoiden Lad presitled dus-- lu g1878. Mu-. King ceelti nol )etlthetoapportun- il,' pausoiriitont exps-esing bis subira appr-obation cf lte nesoletion and al ltai bat boe saiS ie favor etflte May'or. He bai heen sixlon eatais in te lova, ant ineg ltaI timne no Maiy an td been eledluti for bis ovo siae sMi-. lTe bathubent ced lu -rels- for aillte gond h.oitatidone in WLitb,' H. vas mos-r.,' IbLie vos- 9 ship's Intas- dutios cempelat itolere- l ire, tan if ihs yen, désirons o eteaining lte posiion, ltee pople vonltcli te gla t le ap bitsîil lunoffice. 'Ph. laul Conscil vas eue cf lte pesasaut-ee le bis expérience cf seven yecre, anti te Istr t i te iuaoming ceoil vault hol oquail,'8s. Mn. DeveriU coinciitiwit cilUltaIt Lad hoe sai as anl,' vitaws de- it,' iltaelugeing Mayor. 1 U. UckeendormeS lte sentimntns Lexpresai eiltaéremoluion and i re à n a&lUltaI Lad héen icel n omplîmeut te lte Mayocr. à Ms-. O'Doeeven Lai ocanlet a aia ) itoe council wilt Ms-. Roide agoot 1Mai,'yeers anSdcîalastoueS it a gentlentb acezices te do *Ut hle caulti fer tLe advauceumsnt cfi te teuyets of- lte teve. Re oxpri udbic appt-écia- lï ien of ltae Mayis"ouree. tus-mg lte 5yecr ndu iearil,'c1ps-ced et the rus- >olulion. Thle couni cf - lte putl ,'ar Lad atulhasue si, ho u etruei Iiie nuxh voulti do'. Ms-. Ra,'endos-sed Ul a hat bcd bien sa&iin le rereie le lte Mayas-. Re LenT ta trouble it lu- respect te lits sîreae anti altes- malles, pes-iape mos-a titan an,' olters, aed Lis vorehip aicli ltimes gave but ove-, assistnl bis pover, cuti lie L ad - neyer beeu- tructeti viit ni1)ra curtes,'aedSgelo-' mmiii,'bocilg ttaon,'Ms-e. Relden. Ms-. Bursucbore-tsîmn,' to>lte' vart of lte MWîeycn, at- i S-c ons-y1P part i hlm. - Mi-. Ear1cer had i nieipleasura lu besi gteetusa"qîe,'t ahitlbaie-ee gaa ilà ' tt' nih'cfl.-'Mu,'r. U elvayafIontIdhe vonship eus-Icepain ýbtliging cuti enxioue endvilling le tic hisoafâ; lb . laLet ý c " f a o Dar s a ir-i AMfIII'b~i th.e, arf ie r. e'peceWtheu aoplilits, tlîuÏ Latia'gt lba-rcî%esdiffs dus-l.g- the e"jar ife L and gave crédit Je clithe -members "of ourf 1 thé Couteil for4te SUWs$egiven Itintu l57« * bel chemàber, ci Le ad ual beauelepig clhod upon lte ,wholçoer te ppinlte t buee]>Zi a s-nie o f lie oneail. Leoking &rondt il ibesd-lei'eicsorry aIt.e r!, l t 1 dealt etf onu smeiigl-tuer number, -e Young Manuvitonulthe,'haLa l respect- >ri-sdei re4tIt?7h4p mdcay,., Xt vas. a bldtI warning.ktlejtizwy vnalpaiqk. - as eli ava,'. HeoItped th. gentl emen nov ii*_d v sus-ronnding hlm me,' long live, to en. red ahYISUheppinasd, andti iaI lte,'voult Iriciu *lvy blé l siike ei oieq'c Lendi teic Me, ai y 7I gr'ptbeE6riiu titei- public diffeuiécoesma m b e. Hie Ollin aeintereis ver. identifleti wiit thosa-e et lte tpvn in wviocit a ed tah.nnup rtu hic résitienc os eap :flfle. n 'eers aga, > t boa Le Lad in bit 0" va,'dons, ail e ha, liad couid te advenc the interessof Whitb,t40i cnd b. shaulti Cýýàntlotedo80 -, hi j t vis net doua Yel (applcnse4 Hie ves- inetins itip ates-refus-ringto-lteoadvantage etf yîite* ramelling vorke vicitvoe.in prospect, y ~ ltg andoetitu'mellers conelulpul, t,4- tvil- 5ec Cli ing lb. members cf lte CoWDtà Ton, g icnG Oiers-k and:Treacureurdnt mm'thbàs-'t ,ýetb ltePresu te- pa"-ee et hie iospitaUtyI',ilere lot, ethé ebouse cen Fflday ésýuitî :~ ara 0 Ou ncioofMi- Rngcenah> xild. naIki joureeti l id4. qappoint As lthe connol hi-pku up, lthre aitersi j>, i given fourlthe Quesu, ant lrse for lthe wrv0, retirittg mayîor. bu ca ~olloved "Présentation-teo n n cter Simpson, lie Bau an H _ Irimeet fs-m lthe Office : have t I'pgemdnt of the Ontario spire cf a k. wcs de muccee es=-icoo ltaeempîloa te cf lthe-Ontario Bank, ta lthe nembur of he becu about ltirt,sseemblet e inthe Board. youexpi zoom cf lthe Bank Toronto for lte pi-a-. ieiIh i eettien b,' lthentcf a tribut. cf respect f ge te, ced esteemi le HOn. John'-Simpson, hatnk ic Senalor, laIe Presidleu cf lthe instituion, words on hie reliremeelt ram ltaIt position. usau.s Ms-. David Fisher, Gunorci Manager, ~clf vaslll lelte citai-. and'étpenet hée eve h proceediege viith c tev ruma-ku. Ru t~in lh said Itsein aking part ie Ibis prusent.le.userve tian Le diti no viithfeelings et both 4ence a regret and pleaes-re-regruî for lthe- May C .circumslences Ibet ccllud tfs- il, ced pleasule aI lte uviduncu il affureti ot thte inleresl vitic thlie hou. gentlemen Mr.i whom titay Itaul ssembled te Itanour bande V bcd alwsyslaken j ite veifaru of lh. gaîng t entployeus of lthe Bank. . Hebcd Suavefreutbmi Secto- Simpson langer lIme an,' other bltpei gentleman préentl; ced Led proeuilt 1 u mua hlm lt e us test andti reest frieni. verglin Ho titan celleti upon Ms-. George Ilem- ilIon, Assis-tant Manager- etfltheToronto Brenait lerecul lthe atdruse vitici bcd beau prepareti. The ft Mr. Hamiltan tbsruupon sleppud for- iameul yard, ced cddrsssing Mr. Simpson 1P0olo o DBMa. Mix. uxsau.-The pleamant dal,' large gu tisolvus upon me, on bhhef cf my rother i'hg mc officIels, le rendti Ccyenu t darees vieh ecrnor u-a yen wvîl sitorl,'rucuivu, andti epréset-lto yen lthe testimonial l intwiaitevery emu- ployéeeof lthe institultionlias Salcptd f.8 Titis sponlmeeihy may bu lakun as lthe index L of lts vcrlhin lu hicit vu &11 regard yen, Ile anti annotLai!ltobs grelfytn yn as cinI ltue recipient. Net ou y ave tasteaff cou- ctO1 Iribultîvoenlari-l,, belle cuverali itstan- 4emble ces have expressei c demire le givu ie ex.- mOtti ceesa of lteé relaithaIvaspruecributi. Titis,<ost' iceu-v.m p ot econrcgud, as the p-->esc inclura conrluetitithat y ce voul 'bu s- quali,'a vell plesmedti ilian offerte g lthat I Il eesswed net se meuchdollars ana eents ole uà, as good.w-vianti affection. Thalle feelings Po p Lave -alvamprovoketi ced viii erer con- ou uan eo i6tolilantie gifI wu te-day make. a an yeu n but beafeabia expression cf Itheamira- .?aunlry. lion vu selertailqn Y"' ayr 'te of 9f Irait. chas-acIer. Titjouhâv. bison no pasach ave cff lin yeer ppolelmeels ltheri-o f ltse-mestl- ons cae tulon fbp2ylueli6fes -lthe Bank, nol lite Sud cou man, belngfr«mosl hiyour eurenees. 1-jol As ce adeutelslraler-,e are ailly , cgnlz- veu-u ant cf ytir disinterésletiness, ced are velu Whill avr ivca-efaiyon have uvur beun cf si-e suff yens- iteor ant iIntegril'te ithe efficlal ca- iraiu ai ~,auty wliiel for lthe past Cweaty-lwo yeara lefachar yen have uebiy snslcinod. Andi nov ltaI -dg you have resignet lte rsponsiblueicr a eut luse f aurrîegîme tinus outi r. id E lts bailler eef cutiis l us au uxîmplu ýheep, viticli vumc,'ail vuIllfolhow. Tc onueu in ticit a yeur position il veulti have bue impossible ure now leo steur clear of oulsfide animosities. unqc n- cAuîe rosi duret b,' a publia hif.; but il yen bave isllen foui of politicai oppeunne, thee itinoumneis Y'to Il cf your transgresions lias be grcsely lage. mageiflied dmuiseinerpreled, and wvu voiteYen arein c positicn la keow, arecpanfiil,' nerali avare bey yOur motives have g ien i-t- lb. suie( puge& ud tacts dîslcrteti leserve Part,'Bny ends. te parling vittiyoen sOur Principal Ealo vu beg le express aur loyaily anti dévotion, tngii sudl la asmerl, vithout of and! contradic- his va-i lice, ltaIt lu ne single instance htave y ou : rnor-Gi aclet bel lu a strsaghltcrwsrd anti coiiss.0 Thes tant mener. Tit eallaUsitulti sincerel regret lts severutneeof lthe man,' iarntoui Ris Et ou>~~ lis.hlhaeboe s eou,1ntr i po tI umdr en -,L hiC ' b-enales a- t,-iulytitan a1m es- mbA liaour of »love. Ine i-e-tg fron t 0 0offce atr cf Pkeslienl, you vill carryviit yen u .tu-pis earasuesetr cf lte employees, WhieePr-ovince fu.egS3tevards yen Lave gi-oveviithe0 Hùdsoni lajus of eas-i ile Ithou. cf filial parental easlth-we affection, ac&d v ite-sll aver chenet c gia-cluW~oods c ta lwo uoliin cfyoni vise CeensuIs anti bracig envarinsIi ei. D Titlyen me,' long eeioy je ledth anti square ,ibepplness lte veillecretirepose cf privaI. vitici th tifs, cf tur a engateeaud e lonourabie 1871 vi erer of nssfulnu, andti ltI ver, blussi- viii be ij af le tseaioeBank vbo nuite lu Sesiring arder, t coi-di&1,' le subsaribohuâsstves ced thi. Yuaffecîleniah friende an" vlisherà, fhave ra 1 Bpd'ý'D. Fienta, necessai Ceneral Manager, far. Bnplcyeus. bu moe Thte git ecéomponyicg lthe cddre8s enu lao vuas clarge and Itantisme reuvod i Thoi citeet, li"viithi-ose-ceonred sudyi etc wvhil. stan, cnd celaiuîng c table set Universm -cfmolud sclver cnd entier,comprisiug deristg i un; ail 108 ertielue cf Ste ' m&,ptrfect, mettl vorkntuitip, cdi bearielg Mr. lumP-1 dieu1üDel sons as-est. -Ujon.lthe aeAtre of lthe b-,favorahlt va lte,- g bert iteinerp. nuessed is lin e~ s-etlmw b,' lie'offi-ere cf 'It alo et *tihie :é as lteé folnte-. - A-Iutus Oolaw of Soçct aàd. eenaem. laevary lit s~al menster$='paon laidb y lI lAsd,' a m1 k'i. :h~$-Ply. 1-, ouw ihavé~eee s-iu FiN47wr, Reg., M <Tzmmy -I ge.adyad o vgdf4 or th naî irees-ifcarang assae e me 3er.te. Mty îavin cd seti he PFront- wupletiuio& Ils épeeieig. T 1I-1 aril,', antidila ihthe beief ltaItsh aaipmsar~ee.mybeeittba fe lt a eegetetliio t ieul- t lit #-nll Telia, miwisim bureet r.bW peclet&lfront tit ent. Besides, T Lave helti -and stil] liaI lthe Gunerao»angeraMi ltsO et àïà aitolai t ýesplo lb& ont 8om nn aa jp t$t qa >It~ ras lnuprauuiablï iieTruppdh au,'-ulc s-intvdl Trit in teîin 4een, I càQ1ti. MAe1v 5#ai brlegzig 1he batik ilÏgWâ%WisLpe %inobjuct vas t'Oeociitefor. eux tPc. ily ltae useof ottlrcl ,o!, cepil cl uployetile inte developopteet -e t i. )âelleg 1lhl1al vein1 asunrsly acuanu- cn r abject. Yen refuin1keLd lurmi ,gotifeeling Ibal bau existait bu- is--on y onu-puat au affler ura onc alithe Prs ent.I rust Chat le ct'ou T neyer forgot lthaI I vas stntp. llmlul-leçe etltbe Diiectors ced Ai il vas m,'Sùl>, l Cte iteresl e1 cemuil, tle aid ln e ering the service, fentan ai officesiof the tank cf s-e- >k me a ia lue~e1or lirel 01 Direclora vers unaimaus as lat ziv leqalrdSode, allier lthineubeins ta gile lt.e-pu-eferunce te mealfins mtzente-to Iths staff '1 Yong mou brogit Upju antieducatet inaCanada >b,' 14m 2-y lies vers identified viith nl.- Titis polio,' Lacs been lai-gel,' la, anid(viithouldesirtng le tialler itenI utin ,'mopunlon prejttiice la îk. Prom tLaapeieg cf ctbe BanS aitri, b,'censsanti advice, le le- eofflere iith a preper genss cf vit ie blthe Bank anti public. Hev far ideS 1 Seov ual, but enil remiguet tI cen hi-el,'say' litaI IWha 1111 b comptit. lTepresellag me vill tlful anti casl*egtInov bfore mu presu a hope lttI rua,' enjo,' i 4dLapplnuslthe veillu'areiru- Fprivatu tutu; ced-yen msS lthaI Mess- ay remI upon me anti my iantiy. i enu front nu,' ietlfor thèse kieti AccortiingtCa litscour-se cf nature It xpseit to unjo,' the -ue of yenr il gift ver,'leng, but me baiaing il ;o te, fainiy I trust ltaI lite tnecrip. et il huai-s vitilrIlitet, by lives sîtr,' inteihigenceudti oueur, te cutindhîelu lthe uteem, atidconud- A teir teilov-tcbeurers. Gad blese yon ail. Ever yours meut sinceruly. J. Suis-sait. $impsonthou cerdiait,' mbcok ith the gentlemen presenl, anti to a side table, upon viticit re- iente btatilhuen piaaud, driunk a Sto, lteitecilthcf aIl pi-usent, anti -eting vea. undei- in social con- in andi mutuel goot iii. Legisialure et Octaneo. fourtit assion of Chie Ihird Pa-- t fOntario vas apeneti cI To-- CTiureda,' b,' Hie Ronor Lieut. ar Macdonald. Titers vas c ultui-ing lunlthe Cbamitur, includ. ut,' ladies. Tite Lieutenant Gev-, suad ltse foltoving 'SPEECH. peaker andl Genflemen of t1re ogislaive .dssembly : vii it aithpleasure anti salis- lthaI I once mare meet yen, as- Id for the diecharge cf Ibose ver,' unI fenotions vticit, nde- aur altion, devolve upon te ment- a Provincial Asaumiti,. nIld itave beun mo-e graîilying hati 1 beau chie ta caeg-abolate «e c compile rature cf fnac-n A commercial prosperit,' le aur Y.But vitile a pas-liai reneval o ed a moeuralel,' gooti Lervest ffordeti a measure, et relief, vas-i. 2ses bave citecSed ou- prog-ese, uipelled a longer endurance of a if tiepreselen er ivveui'agriculnisas reniung from thte lcw prices cf idaltier proîlucu, i1118 most set- ry to notice te ctrundy exleboivu rowing Inade hulveun Ontario tra7pu in livo caîtho, ihomes, meats ant ir,' preduate, le eau,' atour outerprising cilizens ' engaged, viith, I trust,' profil- sulîs le lbeietvec, and grtain- me benetit of lthe cotry ait e'il, 1 Suov, have sitereti ithe feehing of icasu-uuxcitud b,' cotou, a tte sueceser oet lthe ,'Duffenin, et a nobiemnan se' dis- het for bis pueouci vorlth ced iet allelumunle as lthe nev Gev- 'eneral cf Canada. upoulaneous volcomu cccrded ieellena,'bLe hesenrenîlereti din os-dines-il,' wasm ced en- heco w,' piessiug dît,' leCcli leulicnu l lthe ettlemkeàt b,' Ln cf lthe norteru anti western -luset Ofnlaria maince yon lait- stil. Theu dua8isiofet, talrhi- decla-us tuehenetinaries "of ithé e0 ta extendt l lte, vclers ito l's lay an lthe rio-lt ced llthe sut angle cf lthe Lak.etoflIte in ~ ~ ~ ~ imt lbaet lheehI m- an oeiea côf"unen,'t ani mile beyeed litelmitas' tO te daei m'of theu Domieion einoe voutd -Lave confined n. Yen iviltd la a pprove of a meaent-e for ils objectthe preservelion cf the adreleisîrcîlon cfT justice, Bencouragem Quicf -settlexmenl les-pris. in lts-teuritor, y. I ison t leeiave t lit e, cnIa,' y osuera lieuoh jéîs vih th." ?omapsatei b,' 111e rv.) bu denmetilto0 lthe ceunis-y. ihinslration ef ou- Prev Ieciel of educalion exitibitesd aI lte cil Exposition huld nI Paris i pýasl year vas ue of lt.e aeuÈing featnits etolthe Cana- cianlmeiil,-cud preoduceiî a vus-v îe icupruuienu epo n'ail vîto vit- t. -It lu-IeuCotrajgig leknov t, yare lte efforts te ps-ome viî ced e#n olclof . t-on- sthom1e iir-iiily ,apprcl,a- hentt hat the. Provipe o aba' tiis menus gainéti no àonit urad' udistinction itnit -tevotid t aerg.il' glti4 o eam aruIt L l!ppg1 tâeleffafis-d Ofurt- nents te- th lbpnrpeof exlending,lie igtt o ur TXu»e"ýýtQ u-so een t bave notLitherle enjoyeàti ltIpiA nna oBillt te sitelify lta» 1ev.refatingtleOb=.Nh Ijeries,_ anthé~roby o,,,rer he iajU!Y t1e'sps dils effloieney. c1mugan ýàV; t. lha noirBuformalory for Womenilwilk .dijixt ib. eemliWlduitg.ltepresent Yeaî. of Inýi o *11 -_asoedtoaproîvè a'pees& ebs urw requireçi.tu, legaixu lite gýPPIita#ii' - Tite I -of-his building, t'openai and refoime.- -vehi Mt *tory purposes, ant t praviie for enoi Mi-.,Par Is elLes- matters as Ma*, Wbe edéd l@ duclion-, *carry o itte abjects tés- viiithlb.i- a lime e ehilelion iJe designed. on ce ltaIt y :Thte advanlagei v hicitin. certain lion. 1Il >.districts, have altenduti. a literal ex-, heure' d openditere le dlrainage,,operatkug"wll, silice fa ý8I trust, indpce yen te regard -favoach,"a4.def, 1,a proposai teepI,'a -ferter sgem fo- pcid te the encouragement cg worku 'Of -hie repîy bo *description, by lthe perchas.et f Munaui- Goverer "paluMontures, iiseuedfot ~purposé, gene, a "anti vhicit, vhile lb.,' suppilb.té mue a- of expuni Iicipalilies ilb than easy sud eéonozmiQ&l came h i dmeanueaf raising the mone,' nueded, te lItie fer ilt lm ie safe inivest, idoi Isment fcr a portien oatcur surplus fendu. Macpit.î I have directud lthaI the Public Âc- rupted b * ounts et ruceipîs cnd expundilure shaHl oppositii b. laid butore yen. sitot i' 9 The estimates for lthe current * y.ar ha no gviii bupresoeei leyenu t anu erl ' on 'entil nday. Tite, viIlexitibilId nat doubti, îhct ie 1,e due regard fer eaonemy,wviile fràieed ýAter ri-e vi!> lbéoe .te meel demanils upoi cf lthe di *lthe Treasur,' tunding le lteé atvauce- sillon, ai ment. cf lteýpubio voitaru. Teil k- I sitail rejeiae te knov ChaI your de- 'rumumel Ilibéraions, during lthe session utav from hi apeiug. bave rusuileti in sîrenglLening- position ,'aur daims upan th. respect ani cou- l4>, comu afidunceocf yens- teilow-countrymen. Ï,onedi 11 . ler soea routine business the oppoeilij H ansajeurnel. -mail cei Mr aoar, lTI.-dDishon Ur lrcrMonck, nmoveath ie 10 ltheE adoption cf lt. addroe in a vus-y able thuir co1 vhiiwas vehi receivdd b,' lte Mr. t- Temotion vas sucondud by Mr. mb lithe McLaws, whe s-evievedintemalenglt lthe Opp lthe finaucial administration cf lteé Gev- Moved bý erument, ced côntunded lthat its course penuditur in titis rupeel Laditeu honorable, and prove b: ma-sud vitt chilit, ancd productive cf general- goed to lte cuntry. lthe ti-i Ms-. Mer-editht, lthe novleaderofilt.ec&I lthel LOpposition, lu criticizing the speech preset 1 Ifrern tite lts-onu, regrelted thaIihe conld Algeme. ncl pi-aise lthe bill cf fare offered th .et:ofindent Adrniieratiou. Titaru vas i-eaU,' no mentvil polie,' edministraled, aed as rugardedth Ie ques tseesurplus bu thougittl hat cortainl,' te ha dus sontu schane ougit le have bhunpro-thougit: misuil. Coneining lt.e reférene le lthe cour lthe practicé et veliug metionea 1» 1hè.rbsinging Speech bu bapet iaI ite ps-usent tran- Position chise would not bu inlerureti vit ha-.lthe lete cause the ban. gentlemen lthougit it diooaii ian it quile ans-veruil Iheir purpos.. pohitieal; Ho coendud lthaI lthe affect of lt.e questionl, Franchise Bilhiad been nulializetib, et armi,ý lte clanses concerning tite imposition cf somevi taxes. Ru duniud lthaI lthe part, inmarks fi- power iîad ever beenather titan unîrueaclusltth' la tueir pledges. p.m. Thte Attorney' - Général ecid tit if suait a calamil,' vasteo coeur te lthe countr,' as la ,cause lthe gentleman op- Ttr posite hlm le Montlthe Truasury Ter Bencites, lte»n, if ltbe,'ver. le bo true pitymîcial le, tieir pietigus, lte,'voulti exitibil eerries lthaI pienomenon fta he lit rsI lime l sin uo lthe hiieler,'oft liuir careur. He c'ongia vtu= t lulalud lthe membur for London on bey onilthe- iug altainee-t te uleaderisitip -cf bisdimease part,anti itoed lthaI Le vanld' on-preot cf 1 *davor- ta make lb. debauesvitat lthe,'1 cnt sitouit bo. lie thun paud -a igh cein- pliaient te Ms-. Cemeron aed Ires ted fWb lthaI lie vould long ha spered to*ados-. tba f lthe Bencit of - wvicit 1>.as an. chie, country impartial, cedndoubteti ornement. derful an R. cemplimouled lthe movar andi sec-.ltaI use: enderof lthe add-use, andt'ig prsaed any ca51 rug-letit e declth et Dr. Hianey. The Silh f& lion, gentleman lthen defended lthe C.1. AI clauses lunlthe Speech refui-ring le lite a lite Ion bouudary and, finance subjeats. The fies lthe s former vas masl impertant, sud le ils adjustmeel Mr-. J. S&-Macdonald bced 5iiaefal. borne c large parI. Ruevite amuseil et ps-toro- lthe remarlis aiflthé leader of lthe Oppos- 'mWnf t itico, 10 lthe effual lthaI litre sitouid Bonf have been a polijiy as latthe surplus althera. aneounced, as lthe uxpendilureoethlie ese sol surplus itaui been onuetoflite gruat pbinesver,' higi of the.Opposilion for y6ars.pas. As' o vmue a exemptions.ltheparI, ty oteen.ofe lthe fez Ilumun ted ituen lu paver ftai lwuuly Mt vears and yut bcd neyer decil viit lthe freti subjeol. Ha vas giad -titeleader of lita iieveai uti Opposition vas ciai onevitit imself ceias ea le, lthe Local Legislature, and dealeared bis exam ltbaI a Legisîctive Union veult i .- pr MIca . -tehu.gu_ enn miel; A fclame ternhe efea;, --- - , n 1Tbat ltse Has express the opinion Dn)ke --:4 ltba tite-ge-neral depressionmigit Lave. glai. heu ébeen amieliorclti - b,' eeaolmnleût adflngstan ~rogretteil lia i the "members cf lthe on- keeve pi ' '1i Euchie uring tite raceeluee eieclion;cf anembuis etflthe COMMOns A large iduittifiethumsuives wilh lthe poiioy of tes-cpI .pe lthose viteopposeti sncb rumudici lugu- reoved I1 lalin." - -- -- Congru, The-vole è oult aouin-vsa f-lthe dui teillws :-Tees, '83; nuISYS, 42; 01MRltait *720 jitrit, . ---,.Ameicar Tocs-Mleura. Baker, Buasr, Bell, adelpitia Bculî,.r, Broder, Brown, Calvin. Code, this,-asti ,CoulIs, Creiglilon, Decan, Fleshur, viiepe Grange, Harkie, Lgdçr, Long, 1 ,- Doîîgcii, Mclovab; Méré'ditfb-hfeiék Tei Monks, Morris, Momtyn, Parkitili, Pi-es' ber yeni ton, Rlichardseon, Rosevear, Sco>ttToolay, aboutl$2( Wbltt,-4glu 1111k ' - - -~ Titis briie Ncyt-~-hesus. Caisl-, Catre lgiàte # (Norfolk), Clarke, (Weiigtoe), Cole, experte l Crooksi Ces-rie, Du'racîic.Fus-ris, Finlay'. 1rs-m son, Fs-eri, Gibson, Gi-'aitam, - Reir, iîiU court, Hardy,. Hargrutt, HayHRunte ldice Lyon; govtLvcn :(ffýIton), Mc Parts cf a Cransy, McLuvsjiiMuiLeeol,,MoMaitoÃœ, cflIte vit Méasert Mil1er, Mova. O'Dcnoeitu, WaiTl.- Paxton, ',"IotiisaItie->m, Sinclair, -Ivene "Sp"" ger, b !4s-iWallerorth, Wàddi- havi 2 1 fie i, il"arn, WilsooWM1u. w4lt Eea -Afler-emerksi front Ms-. Deacona, Mi-. b,' tl c î Betitl eicn-diMe -Latieér, the debatcl - WER vss adjoiie t le-Menus,. --obeeiver) [ MnaFi ith. Mr i-. lavd# reenn- r-markal ac ueing ance01au rsacuery, andt ,t 'as. wLlorthY'cf'tho eppesi. Ea e viocsse:ec'- Io euraliali/itle0uncuaee&the oppa- s- lte ctie lte,'Lad udopteti, manethe arnonnt et present -inhiieters andi inambers. lu lthe cagesnmatie againat lthe mnt on lthe gi-ouedor exhrava- etd rWveveti neuil,'eves-,'item àditure PfhAinet t Bform Part,' ito- peiver, affeatualI,' eplyeg, mÏnmberi af-lte opposition *ho- savénrati t'ô'e aletllal diLU Wson. Ru v-ý as fruquentlin e- -y mornotflteé.ucisiest of Ith* ten, Lut, Sept oefiring sitot afIss-c »IL ahdverse s-teks, unliklteQÃ"," -t a. tenable cposition. R. kapt, il six, 'clocl, ualhvw1Luletiing vi as seffeiig fromn lmes-.- teeee, Le athit.djonrneeul cibtI onlthe gi-oued cf' ledispo- id bis s-eques wiâ aceded te. Ja,,à.ter s-oùtine,-,Mr.-sre 1Lis, spueëci, "a 1>,quoting t repo-loti mtoeances cf lb. op- vbwen ltae in'orase vas agtbeut uietaela te th lie euùwýS R ýed aesch y ativiemng lte: ontu a blmkýltq'lbei- id: iescrib? - pan - il Ithen od 20on-,'s- viiiWcu lts àonly àne eglisit Icegnage*~lte odelasibe Scott continuati IL débats on lthe oppaaiiont going citiefi,' qu estionofheié$ vtit *sitionitbadi tipia"vo spassions e. :He alec - e*ouli te )Y c egel- sr'ualeul -liet lb ilelia*n ougLhe h.lebuera a cf ebrua,lthe dc,'on viticit wnils vero relanechi -thes-. Parliameul le6eeÉt lthé espritlor lu lbeplter of lthencie nlil,', b. tiasgedlthe aves-n- ut tati Oilla,snti agret lt sthon va e rfaétly open' cee,' îil !ilh b,' eh ember s heb me et aLla r.merks .mucceestin muverel membard cf lthe Op- tôe o-feel. His refence le s- vs-itlen b,' Mr. Merediith, anti ng an,' intention te mnaSo-an,' Aapital ontofitheintiemuil,' atfter 'viticbl tie nons.> vas ut acmeti tovi b,'& ew ev u com Ms-. Belbune, aI v*hosuenu- ic dtcau a douritedti t11.15 'bu Puaopie Waet Pi-acf is no mudidine pu-escribei hy somolti b,'Dneggimle,,Ibal tubl à'vitiencuà e t s suacees anti ývirlue ausflesauE'eGERmAit s- sevéeu Cangis, Colis soîtuil braetCeesumptio nos-' au,' tf iLé iTLs-cat'ani- Lutts. A taI fiel le thetan' p-son cenu gel a> san!Qu o ie for ant ry Uits upoloeffeel he- rg lte rugýler mie eat 75 cents. stel,' been introdnced in -titis i-onu 'German,undtit-von- Cres are. étllsbiug everycue il. 'PLr.ee doses vil ruhievu >. 'Pr,'IL SeItib,'$-W.1~ Co., Wbilhy. cen, ~anti 2gDemocral cf Gosgla, iri- Icltemeete eanaernig'lthe cis- pu-ison s,'sluet ofGua-gia. "Plie à- s-e hirèe ut 4laconhrecors; Lhe, latte- buing ,ex-Goverear lunelor.John B. Gordon; anti Il la ehargeti thal ti, prison- ous-cilessî, ts-ected, canslng e th dult i-cle. Thelie en anti are aituinef ogothe-, aed .mosl cal,conviete areu-atout la b.. thers.. Bencles Gordon Las to hie paiirs, desliug #ta h. n his centrctu, and t i a hu pe. 4-n -';enwl flo ore', Mass., havingdiedvery reîCenîl,', ltrue of thte nesitiený heï bcd,anti fonuil clarge s1non puailodge__ * ber me'o A nuebof ala-g. pieces of substaceu ere foni iu-tbe bveg teen ievaliovei eit l imes turing lthee eS,anti t igeuleil. -Thte, esvoue pros- md cangestion caneti b,'. ILot es br9nghl about Le- deciL. icitaul'Farreilf, fer -Lthe S er- îs Couva,tock place e ue nde,' lait., Gsucl effanes vuru the sentenae. apcrls at NeW Yo-k in Ducunu e abcut $22,600,000, againat 0,800,009-i Decenue-, 1878. ngs thdtlf-o uli -mprts cf fo %8718ep -ho 150s 8,,867 ý829088868- tram i877: Tite ea f'eiro he, tapart-vae lthe i , isoy, anti neari,'mx, ut uxcese-ofthe imps-ls 'Tis ce a]excus cf expenle over ira- aliaul 175,000,Od>0on tthe meule aoie ceuntr,'. -Wt'e tLe diferenco te- p ermawëti -antià a citolhc"s tue lsa iýv,spuouceti b,' idý th. Othte a ai pi-aducel ANhutBABýzs- someigencna, ,bas disîoveuI -LitI eNIb sa ls rýeenilance belveena id gItéi . l iý s-udietit A had vanity cunnetist Biitge tivities ai ILaI 1- citeli, as1gea20,ri Milaitel, 'là dàa -cge -25-.'Ph. y ILeliho vai tabla citeraitin àa loig $1000cf li-r h Lui- compenion it -legs anti buartli A Waeda Foi ILu apeedj aed cl iiseaiesI - îthabrit Cengi Breecitii, Ha,' lb. siTeanti ci disuames of- the 1 XINa's NEW DuE anti hu estabiel vide reputahlen. alleds recoDmo ps-calice. 'The fo preparut isubighl prose itave compi glovingletra. andi gela ili regela- siz es-o - \V. B. Siill& C il la ; vu acqu=ru cf th. pet itons- -the green apples bitdf'o -touait - ilsange te Bay, IAeen -discoveneti i iprem lte asac ebsto tb. Heari àetianti fuebleadi Itenalraltaiie ca Iov! Co mEunti tonie effel a'o WÀîiAoxes Oui Ira et Wallack's~ famana for ia ex Tiis ledue anti-e an'Englishman, ' for ,'ears. Ms-. Ceruibi, tram rite as supplu ant i u -ie samribe hhi r Giles' Liniment- sale b,' B. W. B. SelîT by-ali tii-n Triin msize25 ai AN AUTUeaRIT Raur,' RI], lte fi ta knov mos-e el lte b hgtIest bun -lias given andtial lime, acuti L ý, vicaia vi, ei itonris (lls' Lii ia. Foi- alehby E Tialctize 25 oi For public Pl, Grcy's Syneup of 1 'b. faunut lvcieah tirynessofthlIt an plainud cf hy lites ordinary, cangi ] John Amitiie,ý Est cuinMnti-ual beun 'i4 essentiel, thui Le Las on tms public singers toit .labi,' -expresseS t viit ils effecti; up Fer clI pur'b'oses HACYcinîs Yz4oev< lil. Il lsagehatiiti Loti internaffan S ore Tirti-d~r relieves, cej often c b,' T. G. WLillleld, Cnts, Bruisse,- Iiheumn, Tuilter, ^é Macins, Carne, an ornptiaus.:,Tiis1 le give peifeal sali or rmoue,'refuntiei box. Eer slel-b Co., Wl±hy. of rtetPeain The Baicm=,wtc -il, andil c lone -Las-g - oesursILou tjra .conie we =y te,'ii Pulmtîmait'-cOMplai &0c-belièvlng lü, IT il Ïefoi-e evsry oCher For iae by T. 'W 9:ý' Nafi.e-tf ansi Dca!liacla8 e -DEAI IRVING -On lbi

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