ýp=ucil m 15 1151115 '~SORIUtutucas, ia lgihioQi "lu 's tavu, net withqrikwn frein lis -Couuty, gr lu au lucoriporeted Towe., Phi , au ainunt oeqn4lita tb*o uionul. jaw tiooeuueî ita ep'aiù c y lteé Municipal coueil of tloçComa. 17 in, wr icitsa>hi gb,ýScbooi or col. Meglele luatitule l 8ia s!ted, upon lteo application -cf -lise igit,'Sb"ôq th l< id1blgia Scitool 1i le lb. aseonni e ",tise lagislativA s ,propris tieu ndeuS "be naleed Ly lte Counuilof lite. Mtit. "e!pa1ity4In 'phlelitlb. iig bciss 1qitqatod h~nlie à pplloatlôu cfrlteg 82010 Seol iloarS sud Ilucaesa 4 "wirere <vo or more Municipalitieso, onr janS continue ta coulnl eute Higith, "Scitool District, or lu caescviere tvo o'r more surIs uinor Muuicipeiiîles,I Y, C0 my ieeferage l'ot'au ti 01ttîs Wix1ùquireS folwitsé, rainleu. ~ "auoeRo!thl4 Hï#WhR Scsocitu lte. "imon4st e-lVtlisgrait figm tlue Là gi1à tVO'q's ;g midaise "opplo Polo , tbit1lg E iteT oaS '<~a b à i>ulusa 01vîie9nt eparate cluzns te name cf il candkl44 . bd m ssi - 0çde ,the nomi atio nid u@hall, t>osl sueit coînmuna writelthe Damne of tl eleelors,91«anlng to vote nt lte eleetiot anS a ,"on ,.elt 4ou1=0 Out wlielý enteraS le Dame of a candidate vota for by &avoer, set 'l filet! sotllé lhi 1voter'. =,tà inOe of one f hevoter, aud jlit" sao demandeS upon any Public Schoi question, lb. Damea.cf eooý voter abal ha slmilarly piseed lilééparale coluins usanked ,fr 1 .a': 1l. $Cheanimal and ter elections c lteî Trates cf il Publia Seitool Cor porà liona, 'ebali' è copceeunde suds 0belt.o$bp oiiwloxg provisions ~ eetugn'llA cselue foilb cf Publie Sojuool 'eaie Z4 is Rtural Sohool mg lon or cuber pré scribl.,purposes, shahlitesplace a nocu ou hl inal Wdeday ilb h mot of Jauuany annually, or If- itoliday -on thea day ,following, ai 'sue]l p lace ash ahfron tlime tle <lina h fxed by reésolion cf lte Publie Sehocl Trusaessu d in munie!palilles dividea into wardg, In asoit vanS ilbeaot 2. Tbe Publie Sebool Trusitees mitai by reolintion naine lte aturning cifie car or offleana b cpréieuS.ai themeeting or meetings for the nomination cf eau- dildates, sud luea.e cf -the absence of susit "offloer, lb.ebairmman chouan by <ho Meeting îsailpresâide, sud lte Secretsnyof? 1h.,Public; Sehool Trou- teesh ah ie ilaa idays notice of uhlnesllug .;, z 0. nIntthe lsiS meeting, ouly tbje neccssary4umbnero c andidates to lli tise vacant offices are proposeS sund saccaded th retwrpng oflicer or par. mou prestding shah!, sItar lb. lapée. n ue houn, déelare snob candidates duly elota&;blut if lwo prmore candidates are proptised for otre' office sud satoll is demanded by auy, candidate or etc. tonrete neturulg'offleer oci eliirmn :as! adjounultr rooeedings for filliug such ofleas until lt. aemoud Wednesdsyý of t<ha sio nsuh of Jctuusry, vitep e poil or >poila sitoli b.o ýeneS ai audit place or plaees; sud su eacb yard,- vitere such exg$ ausitbal Lbcetrrin- ed4by resointion ýt lbhesit! truatees; 4. TIt poli or Polsabs!halbeoyned * at itse heur oallen cf the dock lunlte foreuoou, suddmita!! continue open un- tii ftve o'ciock in lte attennoon sud ne longer, sud auy poli may close ai auy <linealaler eleven 'olock l intae fore. Doon, wheu s full itour has clapseS witliout amuy vote haviuu been polieS 5. The Trustéesa aie before lte third Wodueaday lu December lu eacit yenr, by resolulicu ix lte pîse or lulaces for tlhe nomination uteeiugon tae lirai Wednladà y, cf Jsuuary titan siaxt, aud elso for holding taelection lu case o! s poilI,sud altousDaite re- tumning offilcoea vo sitaîl préside nt * te î"0-eapoive p olliul; placesan d ferthvitis givo publie notl icetrof 6l. Theito tning officèr -or Imeran pres'lidiug shal, on Ihe daY à dier te claoscf-te aeto, e pltae poiî. bock l lte hegi&eny. o! lt.e'Public SehoolTute, tshi solemun do- polilbook bas beau eorreetly lepte sud centaine s true record-cf tte ,votes givan ut tito polliig place for wii oh waa relurulug olicer; el. Tise Seenetary of tise Trustées. ai! add uplte number cf votes for oaah caudidate for any oMIea, ae ap. pteurs framn lteé-poli bocko returned, sud shah déclare oela ltedheckndidate or oencitateslia.ing <lue higluesta uin- ber cf votes, and omitlai aDnon, on ltae dayfolowiu 'tise returnucf lte poli b1oyo, pn~u»lu saine conspecuons placo lu t he bMnileipslity 'or Scisaol sction, sud at one or more cf lts siciool hanses terelu, as adîet uln- der lis baud,, altviug lte nuruber cf votes foreei candidate; S,.Ocae Iwo or more candidates huave an aqpsl ,utumber 'of votes, lte lie délares lte resuit cf lte Poilî, shah givo sa ,ote for oue or spore. af snob candidates, ýo as 10 deoiSa tbe'életlion ; 10. 'lU cse cf auy vacancy in lte clie cof PabrieSoilTrustée srlsing rouuuy M90stie haremaiuing Trus. tesshi!!forthwitb <sIca stopsta boit! s Dow elecîlon .1te i lite vgeency 80 createa, sud ltse peraion titereupon oietaS shall itold hie oseaifor 'thet nesi. due cf tliterm, for vitieluis iBprede. casser vos cielaS, or for vietih ie ollieca le 10bc illeS 11, Thte uew eýction ehehll e eau- duatîcte21le ,à te mlunen and bo suîbjeett<o te-raine provisions as an anuael eotion, sud tito Sacretary cf lteé TWr»tustee aalhý A$jet leRcý ei Scy' otcecftie M, lsation '0 0a. didtsansd lunoqo,.o oll be deenend. aS, the eleetien sisa 1. 'haiS oqeweek l7LSCitIPTION 0>OirEScOMMEo. Vinister Kassar, eit Visuna, gives ah elabonete description of tise new, Bus- Slan piague.-oua pluyaiciun sus-slha coraiders lter mnahdy must virulent t7yplsEs,iors peomlsr itunsanpeat, ors noir insluds- exisliug belveen typhus sud peet. Tita sanitars- condition of zse people is vers- unievorable, sud ltse prevailiing wosîhar vas eqnelly Ladl Suring lte grester 1revalence ai tise diseeso. The phits-oîu emplcyqd in. veris-1 quinine, sud ah ramidise s g&in et féburile diseases vlithont succeas. Six army surgoons a euSuorhy alisocaine- in contact viitbtse Seat!SiaS, alisougli- Siejufeotenta vase frtiely uacd. Aller ful *I investigations thea physioian nov cueltudes Iluet the only meaus cf, sup- pression ie quarantine. RueTNGIN- ea uta. Pxw-TuIC KIim'avgt ,Tà CKllD-Tie erovd vlîicb gatitered baipor the Minister oai Finsuice vas co4i poseS of sema 400 dliaedôcfi-à cars, vise ciamounat! angriiy for thoir ammeare of puy. Ntubar Pailîs, Mipis3. ter of Foreign Affaire,sud. Mr., Riveru Wilson, Miniaten cf 'Fi"nanee, ver, lu- suteS bys- ho nueitas tises- ero cav- i% lte MWinly Tise latter'opceaI 'as etouj Titirly">e'ottrs , iiteýMS lte bûtiluing but viterceoxpehli op -lieigar(- vah etflte Biedive sand ltae fareigu e, sula' Titeriotera tita n vested the 4i s a.Tiehe ishrnudh Orocl d udae tsree urtile a ta sel ldepat-ýnh v BU , wai boSi gu A &u7'ivGî,elfrc n and eS'isjersed tise notera. Sevenai arrasts vers made. luan ].aahîa vas aShlt ebaomdý S, -âlpiith u anS tise Khitetlve!'s Master of lte Qeremonlicesvere aise vaund'd.1 A Toal oro Ccf TirruATIEv Âtuao. Thue Ottawa correspondent cf te Newv York Werld vnits -A fsv "sYB à goap 'o fio l Gafuah of te elsèsa kubsasi Au-- -kpo4tis!' val Iare' lookiug fcr a Govermieut office. Dnniug hiâ viil thocalieS upon ltae MoitýqA ai ltidsal 1101 lî d lu Ib naie cf tise îbcopleo 0oTroule urgeS llun* to pas- tiaICity n vieil ýtt iofuret opportnuils.Rit apocelosýt <lis ifct-"hn'to-i ;'i<lnes;, s-on 04 ~jnel bal tisai saisn s-ou donc te F'loo*a,ï;ill moiteëlitinge bevi sund ly'ljuel Rive s-on lte biggesî lime s-on sve~aw.~j ci' M (C) I ~KA~pr,.Iu4t~îM4jljî a meg. iýciaîort oun-an rf Urr aî-I, "e oug before lte heur of exeution s výýcrovd began ta galier arond tus cubl. Abou *1J ced Conti Li 0 u $s ~ ~ ;h nlqzÀO issa an sd Yi oÇA êvsr,1 Ltbrep Coes. 0fe1flhowed'nevontwa-S emotion, )lanuds wilii <ie Siterit "Ms- nanvesl ares th dral foà '.) a hens tiC oa 'i 181 minutes and lits pmoounccd.ex. g - pst. Thse, 40ay Wou tien, "t down . o, .i ou I q*ecj[V WWllIll, -t Zut, Drm sud, S M, Daliy, -of zA1if~Wib. Cen é s Mr, ai p'o8d . n uo#si s uj.i.w bc, ppoit ~oveseensof ai .Higivs Pond feue. vievn ho Ona mc'O Ir. rew*etscôd 112 hy Mn. Scott, lt e alng cf the Io pýundage -by-law'vas lidover unl id' nà xsession. Mn-)s- tii, secondia y - r Bôot, mIpYQeSlbtît blo ottcil. do ex. ten ~1j00 n Ie~g Iote Iuîe, opp.mtelthe.94b Côo- 2 alý Wilby, anSdlte lotiteon-. cfDarling. to ur on condition ltat the ouneil - e Darlilglun expend a 1k. oum.-Osrni i. Mn. Smitht, secondeS by -Mr, Scott, an moved for lasve- te introdnce a. by.Isi toasppciutsasucasefr th ie premnn ý er.-Leavs graratéd. * Bylav iulo4odmw.roaà li a n d'8n5 lime, $slqbaI by Ãlte>Bve and th. corponate sul ilIsebed ltereto, ltsè :"t blauk beiug fils&wilb lb. nome cf Jas e9 Bunuisaahry, f65. a Mn. Seoti, umeend el by 9pSith, h rovad ltaI the tolhiiwipgaccounja Dow Asire,.te$.5 d.,#h on Burue, ci wocqd for S. Pooley, lndint, #8 ; N. Brokenabire, Constable ^ nmluelon day, 8l 1.50 ; Fred Guy, indigent, t4.75 ; S. e.'Hclmi' 1udgept, 81; TLta. Sctt, lun. 9 Sgs, 42;..Jostlindigenl,' 48 î Farevali, iegal idvie #10.52 ; Jas. rf Beiley-, cedar centract, 8154,p;f orge, - Leke, bouse ranI for Mns. Scaliad 12'i 9Robt. Hodgso; reitfecM ý[. Burr, 7 *mas. tofirbMre# Mr. Maceçite , arneS y. Siniitmov~ 4blitaionci ,c n. -adjonur until lhea OrsI Mondey *lm Met-eà , thoen ta moatet a ton a. m.- Caried. * Tcejesuitsansd Po>îOcs., Bedx ltaeGenerai of thé Society cf Jases, lias reeutly addresséd,*ts fol-. lomjug leller 10 lite Fatiter Provincial. cf tha Orden ltnroughout lth en rl4-, "Thte publio sud lité We'uî4r.~il~ and divsely occupied oven lte dc- ttisýeoansd Iboue o conduckby$Ie Siety relslvè aé t vtiu ou1 ft e polical mgma. "lIt viev cf Ibis disouspigu, I dacin -myrnaf ccmpalid by lise dnty cf aMy mnenetny, ta remiud thse provinctal fatera cf the Society'a principlea lu ltis uxattai-. "The Society cf Jeans, beiug e religi- ons Ordar,Tsane oltendoctrine an mule cf couduelttan titoecf te fly -C kreis, as eciared by uiy pradecessor, 1eV. Fatiter flootita nl 1857, Tita great glory of GoS sud lte salvetion of oouls-ltersa constitute o ur truc sud culy unlaviici v lsud byaposto- lUir abere 'praperobla ihuainstitution of St. Ignitina. .Iu tact anS inlu 1e. te Society cf Jegsa l ansd déaisit lIsaî,satranger la ail politicai parties, vitoiscever flic ay b. Inail countries, sud stricts ilsaîf exoiuaively vititin ltaeex- archse cf its ministry, bayiug iu viev but ils ebjeot, vitichit lafer above lte inîpreata cf hiuapaiios, 'Alwivsyansd evenyviteme, tise main- boeg cf lte Society loysily diaciterga, lte duties of good citirans sud of failli. fui subjeots te lte power wviici misa lteur habitat ; elwaym anS everyvitero, il teaches and incalcnistaa, by thua ex- eImple of t ils evcouduot, ltae ps-hciphe cf reudering unIe Caser wbat ta Ob4. sans, ani unta CaS ,vhat baleu&s ta ýGoS. 'Thiase are te prinoiples vîmic thlie Society of Jeans has neyer coasead ta prates sud tram itics illiineyer The Plaguc. OTTIWA, Ontario. VIcToRA CucuuuAt. CouuN'Âu, TORDNTo, Gelitlemen,-Coztirmlug My atlemceut a short lime ago, as to the satiefactory ré- Aultis fromlthe use of your COMPrOUtND YîUP OF HYrOPHnSPnxTr.S I will fnrther aSdt! tt irash pracîs cf ltae genuine bauefsa coxufamr. aS on patienta raquiriug Il ara constautly comiuug under xuy observation ; parties to whom I have recommandeS il luhave lu s short tinta, with thte Seapeet tbaukfulueos, ackuowled gad the reliaf îhey have expari. auced, aund lu saune casas haýveasserted Ibal 1<, andi Il alout, had saved Ihele livas. I giveJ5une rnuch picamure to'apoure you.Iluat I cansider yonr Symnp, lte VrCOBeaza YPo. PIZOartutTES, thaeiteat preparptlen which has corne under uy notice for Debility misS ail Pulmoneu.y coînýlainis, llronchitis, coughs, &c-, beicving titis, I coustantly racotumaud Il Deoe.every alter Clompount Ver muuy ours, Pharmaceuticel Cht!misî. For salaeity T. G. Wiltfield, Witby. Jes eHoaFjmqHZ AD;PANr g -The boat, used ta luVa fr hïad pPdntrýffu7z a bouan e ippledl darkey, wluose faoe wss as fuil cf hunuor as bis formn as tufklnks nlsd knjba. Ia naine vas Robert Smstih, aud hie mnaiady vas chIronie rhAuusatiem. Ha trieS Giies' L1uimei~îitclde Âsmonâ>Uôri a, waak of the prosant, wiuuter andud zat seseoni i1!tc9à i t'O astouisi hie old soquaintano. asi othe Hoyt by-hie appearancoea soidS u4n. S. W. B. hinitit, Wbitb. *Soit! by nl druggisîe. Seud for p11. pitiet. Du. GILES, 451 Sixtit Avenno, N. Y. Triai sire 025 cents. 13ECTi5 'uOaL IALIÀM je compoS Of te =d~it ealing baisamntu!gumas. The Balmama, which culer into Ils oompo. elZian, ware usaS by the natives whau Americawaa tiret iaicoverat!, and are admn-- bines witit otiter vageable Ioules, so bienti. eS tegether, ltast St Ila especigo,,four&U ai- The Most vouilorfut minerai disco,"ey Vet idtde a isat 'cf immense bddd cf ruip=asiwax lu Southern Utah anS Afurzonsansd lu lb. Sierra Madreé ~ouQt*iisfabo~lty Milet nor1hlwe of Loi Angeles, Cal. IXi theà il a tho, Ziettkiaita, -or- 1he, Romanian 9 ninerai vax. It differs front parafina uy being insoluble iu elîluer and in otiter1 respecte. XC is a suow-.vitls -e&sf.IL 7'1 nubang 1er sud lilu r tian cbslkj rnlma olvînth great bruýllaucy lconu.c sumad, leavung no taites in rropoan çoun a but un .uxCa ve have hors tfonuSit, baSas zaid4to bue asmucit as twauty t 1~ l tio gg ud txtendinôé ~tt t. Ito . r s,8ciS, o thes lcvawsanl often cures .7 T. G.<WlueaW, Wtby.ç of - - - .--- -ýj-mpç voluse, vilhd it, I.55Sd li, -Or-A10îé drve away,-oDO nigh iethit'd cw f M*i ilends 1-ood bye." M91 t 0 t rea&Raanis! a rean tbefor. te lof th. neigluboritood cf lhe Oanp. Il waa .a4ig~onaa.~fth.nng ms- 1r ; sud a. il su probablets i a -tz *w me ffl anotbr-le lti .ns ay ~ v»twe h.~6mlopae lhk geane anou T"IC rroIxHOLY RxLICS oan Dz.-His Essinence Cardinal Oregis, Prefeelpof lteSacraS Oonguga6(onof quaoig the pslioaof Ilh. Çpuuýi li, e Qn x. :"e)V 5..jf i .' ancor','la Mootiudy po Rallas, avenu perreleqçe cf redasue. t*, aa C-hrliesa, svp-c cf ri,.0 eig forW ialieara, direct. ta t "afroith Ordinsnies, whc vil tlke ,propei cmre. Maisloathe doubla md et cbvlsllug as cl ying On!l, wliikha.u introduced 198te s. pecial7 mb Bo omé, witit seandaile Cat4lw ýoia, bvtîo foreigunrs;,and. <o rnsoo'te;,ijs :fan' su poibl, perseS portious cf se gréat Ireasures. MY t'e * * ' îU rcâ ii qteri fluor asua,'oompliealed vitit iniserahie. oy.. Mr.. Guy. Frsse, et ltée Mothodijt -Chuiab,'ïadvirâ ed Inat try Gi1as' 'LinmentIbléÂmnà ite telling ma cf tiés'aon~rs, ttipg- formeS ou bis vitie, wvhé vas martyr le sncb troubleis, sud is nov a.I eued.-0J4nleo B. Jonep, Edilor Qb. 867rv-,Char!olte. C. SoiS by 8. W._ B. Sinitie Cei, Wblby. Write la Dr. Qule., 41 Sixîli Avenue N. Y-?'who vil! cure viitenut eharge. SolS hy aeh Sruggiala, Triai botles Bomnhee's German Syrup Co ob e puroitamadfniglu at bouseë. it la lte moat aucceî'sfni preparaîlon aven introduced by our, people. It vonke 1keâs chemn in ai casea et Cou- suniption, Pueumnit, Hemornitages, Asthme, sévene Cougisa, Croup and al oIson Titroal aud Lung Diseases. No person bas eveef tssIbis *Mdwam*n vîthont getliug immdiate relief, yet ltera eeeagreutat sy Poon, auffernug, akeplical pansons gaiug about oun aotreaeevithts suÈpicicue cangli, anS lte vaice cf Couumpîlon coming from j toir lunga, ltaI vil! nettrly it.. If you die, il. is ycnr evu fanît su you enu go ......... ....... ayour Druggial aud gel, a sampie bottle for 10 cents sud lry il ; Ibrea doses vil! relieve any1 case. Raguhar sizé cuhy 75 cIa. 1 Thte Zuu War. THE 31USD aFFICES-THaR IELIE.F TR5001'. A1private cable bouflaina lte faliav.1 ing information relative la lita Zuin War : Ainug tbose killed vas Quar. ler-Xestar Puiler ; al cf ltae tvcnly. 1 eule oficers in charge cf lte nativeE trçouua vo,!usva lest titair livea venec Bitisit, Lut Ibeir usinsbave uao yet bieau soartained'. TheaBritisit troapa ordaredtl lte out oacI cfAfica 10 *vige lt elt fiencoiraihes anS proteot lte living froinlte infurialedV Zulua are s foliova :- Firal Kingz'a Dragocu Quand, 17t Lancers, OtWtit Brigade Rayai Artilaery, 801h Royal Bunginears, LuS Baltaion, 21a1 Rayai Engineera, 8rd Ballelioan-d lte 57t, 581h, 601h, 9lat sud 94tli Regimeula cof C Fbr public speakers or sieges,p Grsy*a Syrup o! Boa Spruoe Gum in viiB b.e fonuuSluiablin lupnavatiug titat h dryneai, oatis moutsud titrost coin. piairÙd of by <home vho hava useSateB ,niay cougit lezeuges ortoles Jobn Audlrev, Eeq., Professai cf Bic. i cubion, Mantreai neaaka lâitaI lhas L beau o! essentiel use teabinseif, euS lta hae bas on msuy occasions induced public singera ba use ilvito have invar. p iably expresseS ltemacîves daligitad i vithit li effects upon tise voica. 4iu.8 0C PORT FERRY MARrE TS. Fort ParyF'ýb., Lth, 1879. sprng........00,50 80 80 WheatfeU... ........70 0 88 Fu. ...........:.*.... 500 co a................ ....045 0520 .t ::: .. . 028 000 3Cor ................... 0 45 055 Clover Seed ............ ,.. 8 où 850 potAtoea ............. ..O0 as 000 j4 aper brl .............o0 2 00 es............. ou 000 or..............4 0 000 Butter................... 8 O010 lgge ......1........... ... 015 Q 17 S,..8 e -10,00 E3af............50 6 00 Wood ..................... 200 5 a00 022 ............2 4ppiS C COt,ý-6lATZYUL ANIS '0ta. pouvnco-1"B-a Ihercligh kncviaSga cI- tha usîbrai 1ev. viticitgoveru ltbe opérations' o' digestion and nutribicu, sut! ýbS' acareue e çte ccoa, Mr, EppL'?s movSc5 Our trealufeet tables, wilbedlietly flas-curaS' hevmrage vitic meys- sve ne mans- heavy lotutore' bilas, It is b ybte indicions use cf snob artielss4l eiulIositlcut ae Èratiually'lltIpeutronIèug'aodgh te reaist avery lendens- la diseese. Run. drada a! suble Maladies are floaîiug arôunt! us reads- boelltach vharavsr Ihare la vesk 0 1 t; We May escape meus-a etal ahet y spiug cursaives vwell forlidut! - vith1 Puriéd id t a prbpnlypn-ouistedmaaialt -Cîvil, Servira Qczetta.-SolS oulyis-S 'ecjeis labeilet! - '<Jîttua Ert'a *Ca., lie opaltin Chantil, London, Eug." A C A R tD. - r p ail witc ana sufferngf reinmlthe errors 'eakuass, aarl>icas,10 oftusahoodi*&c., vil!1 sent! a receitta tI ill Pure s-ou, -asýdlç vsrSls poend. ' aSeul &meérlea.Sent!a bahf.adSmesed Auvelopa aà blle lav. Joatuun T. lxitaA, Station iD, Yi oco Neor oi-Gbtp ou r us Pa Ar lu Di1 luo a ùecfne en Torf 1 B h. abn I rdiug o sordgailhssald riveavi*M sbe S a ait.e¶ tho lUth isua., until further oie By o3 rder, JORN T.,.OB Cou4ty Bngcerd offce, Curt RHouseTrot Si ed~Ie -IeliableýS'eà ds I B: UCEPS .Parm, Vegwetabie anal Flowar- Saeed have bedn befora th. Canadien public héaaru5auaeS4qua5~, L DER, euIPcyTIn E PBS, ýtT nin aeessery inorm l4t kg à tanov p l" Sdt w14 b. ae Grvr, Hamsilton, Canada. (21n-9) EXEGUjJ ý0F0;C~ -TCURCHBI lâtecf the Tovel a , are requireci, on or baiera the fret t4 Apnil neit, tfurni ffb a un r ." aexecutor, f 1 pi ha ±5 sf the =.tu. "«m4, dafault cf their compliane with Ihe men of this notice, they vil! ba exlnaoi Eron the beneSta cf thé assetao!ofthe sait! 111=111a1, o r suy part th#lgiu antilleS theraoat heecutorà shah met ~abc&là tArMO#*tir~ ~ e.p entftied thereto, ba'vlng xsgar4 n17 to the olim- of whloh the salid Executor ha. then Dête4itboIs th Febrn 1878. J),. Intermnediate, Examina tion . M Bholtl Dlkgand tue %elgbhhod of Wh o , oial tion and nnduly deficlent ineoitlwr E gl là h >Ziatemal4ie, or th. e sçue, w»-"l of privat. lessons from a gentleman in l Mti1à Y"aO q3s 6t e 4,w xM t b e1 wax k, r - ~ind these snbIactsî Ëà gsonïiélva n einthtevenlugor on Satid&y. Bo- gin noue I Meference CuperpudeAlte Head Enquira e nU tenI LIVERPOOL MARKET!1 T. MOODY"à 'R bADÀ R 5h1 ilitse M1ankei, payin'g casht for,- WHRFAT, EAAI RLYh DELIVEED AT PICKcERNGa HARBOR. (le o! 2, 4, anSd(6, Ring-St. wet, Terole,) NEW STUDIO. Pcortraltcu isd lue-ail stylas, Iuk, 0i], _Jý1Water Color, aboin M EZ Z OT INT, That beenliful eut! fatibnebîs stylaeuf, finlahing portraits. 9:;k OHILDREN A SPRECIALTY I1_ Portraits enlargad la any airs,. finiuhat plain or iu Celer. Frantas, Chromos, Mottes, Fauey. Carda, &c., always on baud. I beg teoeial attention tle tsfmct taI 1 ana ltaeappointaS Agent ef the Canada, Stainie!.G unsWorks of Toronto. Oeil euS ose sauuplaa. TJîe r sySALva lu lb. vomiS for Cuq; Brtiies, Bores, Ulcers, Saik Bbluin, Teller, Oiapd Hsudo, Chil. cru »X andons. s in a'.lsia, or money refunded Prie 25esspr box. PF sale hay B., W. =*.Suiit The iidueya arc à ùbjiôt. ta a ,vanlalty of danserons gn4 p&luiSuasses s rising from Varions a4uuss.1Ey jllluSrns use o! VîoTeMAuB6uuaS vi Uiaor tthesea!- factions un . urS.EnIie1s[8là ss Sdiaboles, aallamâle acomplaStib, à are.c ceaafnlly combaatd by this popular reunet!p waviSeilà afor. sue aiT ail ier. -pulce, 41 toia ee ýly T. G. Wbsl#e1S, ,ÂRomé cableigCid ~~'spoL XIII. taga fnahlyd eolde81, aeotAà . tisbaopi ollaresggdetion, snd nov tas be eppoinîmaent o bS uoesor. nu cualdemalion. 1:5k»Notices cf Birte., Marrnages, and4 Doafles clceugeZ50, oenta echoie. MOMILLAN-At Wititby, Ont., ou ltse mcmuing- cf-Titnmsay, lte.18t1 dawy of Fehnuary malt., lte vite c f A. G. Mommaile, Eaq., Barriaiter,i &of et daugitte. CanouiOLEz. Orrice, Feb 101h, 1879. Pa -et....4087 @,#09 Spnug Wheat---------...0 75 C4 $0 82 1ariey, Nol,.........0$0 0 g 5 ..2......... ou00@ 0 00 Oî............. 880a00 Com............d Gae...........«....8 @ '80 Apples .................0q40Q,@ O 50 Patalcensv..... . 450 a Poc Eggs ....... '**........12ceD e Bntter ....Oc. 100 12 Cheese........ . 0o80 105 Waood.............8 00 @8850 Wool .................8018 @ 20 Basf, hinS quarter-....8500 0@85 50 Basf, foeaquarter-....84 00 @ #4 50 Sitappskins..... .,..0 50 @s 80 90 RiSs......... ..85 100 (&8U50 Pork, par w ...... 84 001@ 84 80 Lemba - es..8 50 J88 Oni9ns ........ .....80 90 O@ i 00 Turnipe ............. 00e Cerrots ...... .........15ec@Go Chichans, par pair-....45 @*50ô Turkeya, par th.b..... 8 : 10 A. B. LYON, Wilkineou's Blook. Brook-St., Fuso. IEx . 1Tiuo 1s IEx p-Paso. 4.lîpun7.4am L.FtHuron.A. &Smlbn 4127 &se 'o. T. Juncîolout &0 ic.ior- (.47 DM0 :Lapor .....j a.27 a.4 7.50 l1m. F fi.t ..... 4.45 71 10.45 lupnEsagnv5.>n .4 0 .2318 10an Bay.DCity.... 12 il5.45 5.4Opm Grant! Rapide 51> Ituain 0<5 10ecapma 1.101 t .J.eulng. . 2 1 ~ 2.112 ielta. 18 S 8.45 t.Batlu Cmek.12.15pmî S 4M11 ...Vicksburg5... -m p S:oltanl.8.21 eu l lpunA Valpa'sc.,î 55ant AconmaodaîlCuI2 ri9leas-Frtc uro lace hCoachehs arearun bt e otHuron and EastSagiuaw and BayCityitout change. CHAS, S. PEK, HENRY F15511, W. E. DAVIS, ilcesiver. SupI. GebtLTkt.Agt, .E. QtIOK,Tiakel Aemit,'Port Haros. MOýýTGAGE- SALE, VALUJA]3LÉ FA"M. IN TrUE Unden Foyer of Sale containet! in a certain Indeitturs of Mertgege viticit vil! bapro. ad c!aIta-elimae! ef'he, liera vil lue ecît tl Pu 1.o uctien, s-Çhantent Daeas Auc- *neaît ie WALKER5 150E, ebia VY'iege o!f ORZ PEBRY, ou.. AT rMM Houa Oror ScooE, r. Tisa Forth Oall a1,Lol Humberuqria hite mnd Concession cf lte Tovnship 0f Beach, "îi1; effneol progor lgs 'I dc" b ?Ipant oul, vl eat!, un uhe contre o!f, .Z, . , - . ~gI golegaat In aîat h te Pr 01P,~od ferinb (di 0o~situi 9 metss1 tliarouhess, anl ut! à èhenù?nllubeibrn riet!. i âü Tuars gigr."Bi-A morte&» 1 cf *A !r Os-cnAnt TIJpar Den, vii ecce frous liepurcitese. 4 ~ ncfi7niiW0 psg 6y e' it-O'saeif Sealt! lus-Uie iue cliser. cfnfri e r anlera ,pp1 te~.F o.0 Omio,E q.,Baùî fe, it tyor 'ho lirsibl»~ NUGB"pt ti -i- Tarantoj Vandes'sMolnitot;, Jenegars-816t, 1879.'- , WC viias- Agents à tialars- e! 8100 par mentit anS expesa, on slov a large coin- mpiBsaon-a alQ "wt vanS vonderful in- venftsWfuf ~ehail,, ey. Sampie free. Address S, R À& CO 0., Sm-S) - ~ ~rsb5ilMicbt' LB,~~ e PWC b.~at ail moulas anS accounta due t0 téieJd, the services o! the Entira Horse, n e.Da," for* ep o 0hv al~yStoGeore foch, 0o!the Township of te samun nSviose rocelpt ouly «vil!chaa moulas cr secounta te seny oua but tus saiS George Roche, under pain o! having la psy DateS et Whitby, this 8th aay o!fapb. ..L &L ~T.HOMiON. 9n onactiops wiih tLte abovo, hlureby t mn A ot er qaîà M or 'by, rima e Duefflua' WI4tby, Fcbruary lStb, 1879. AN &8T W.t. W,,H LT B -Tf?~ V ÉS - )PLASTE R 'WHLESLEAND RETAILt Alsike (Jiover Seed. * W hitby hnaS tore. *WibFebruary 1ýtJ-# 1*gpj VALE TINES!;, V~L NIN V' Lp NES! A, choice assortm 't popular prices, BENGOIJG SI BOOK & S STORE, H QýéMMER -- NAGER. P. S.-We call yôtr special at eution o ùu rIS BOAED, DRAWING . BOOK$,S and other goqds, whlich' we are prepored o 1~l at wholesale prices DOMINION,! FLOUR & FEE D STORE. CHEAS. PENNYLEGION bas rersived s naa uppiv cf Fleur, Oa, Peao, &c., whic i a eehing et lte hcwest caleprice. He has ea s arte CAL S.F~ CA DI- M e rTS, RA I tES, FA 15D CHAS PENNYLEGION. whty eu, lOt1i,17.l -LALDl.' AND' GENTS' I Ranoyated. and e.mp4eied i lu eo a4 T ,Box 1120 Monre . (6à ,4 B iG sP Ae0 . bb r Prntng rage~.lNVLY treal, P. Q. (Oin-f a N intanOOBan scortCarda- tares!,è, Que.Ca 1FIERPI-t Mout. khI1 Tlav u Lhek h or25ta 20 for C1 êoSTEVENS Co., dP.aex42e "Ifreet Lt 13erate cf pour per cent. viii mb e a opLtp4,nn<*, A f t otice. ~ ~ t o é . 8. Agent. j VI 1 E ~HTU, PORT PTii& IiTIlit Tel qffect on Tuoiday, Peb. 41h, 1879. Pen t5001 bT Thlbv oe e FaIcl.,mn .0b '16lr iri vtt re Kanilis .40er avu i o r nApo- ÂNES K, tirtean. 1 &ILîpointautanrie, "Plies Whil y i2d t Fo th cottis 1 X~3ANES sppae!l Las, GRE -TPUBLIC SALE -CotSw d s)ieep, Sho4-Horn Oattie, nd Borkshh e Fige. Sitepplte pr y af Wm. M> Miller, Et-ho SBitik F , Clarezncu Iý-intario. Sit-hormua adSierkeitire Figei, thue pro- Ptunt-faIJus aelr. 'lThotie Ea'.' Tie sala wïli ta 'place At l Vfsthe Ha'," th rea;idpeof MR. JO N ~ MILLER, ccmmencing 12 Glack, uconu, ont Wednesday, b 26th 1879, 60 Itred ,Cotsu fiaeslu L' i 40 Yearling Eves n Eve Latuba, breul 1ýý fro in Im p o rtaS o . 7Tonng Shor-oH re ' 2 7 - o n g S h o h -h à ' D u -s '.loa nunuhar' f arkshiroP~ Tie aboya alec s afi rat-cisas lu avers- r'llerovided or teûs'iattend. lng lte sala, et >4 0'cloc salaecomnmenc- Txaqvs- hI inutits edit on guet! peper, bleri0per'ceul. 1 rasl, or 0 per cent. alieve for caish. - V I FA IR B A R A io s r Teama mealprtia staI D mea Orek, Station ght hafore as unornin of sala. 1 Olaeainu. ogham.c CQIrT~DI TSALE"' -M4 IMbi DDUAXErBS AiAi D BULLS, PU -BkR EB R HB lâOWS DB( S IPOTED &AiD Ni EWSLAME D COTS. WO LA &BAMS. Thoiauits r Iha; race et! instructions Iront To sel by Pub eAudtio ,vlllut ouserv - RÇABOKLIN, Ont.,P -THURBDAY,.E 'Y 27th, 1879, B 1 44 4; Bull CaIl. 4 Furenbred Bea Soya. - PFU*Mr,r B~ Bosrgo 10Imuorted V Eves>erlain l ls e rted PAs.f 12 Sbealng EB ,lu b 45 Ev.Lasaa -- aA-TS ltéTovsipuHal.l, - B a s e S i O O oo l o n e , s e c t i n N i t e b Plclxur-At te Townurnli pHall, Myl liçà - t t e T o n id fp H a ll, M a n i. S o , Sccoitu-At lte Township Hall. Tà ossz-AI liteTownsèsp Hall, Beaver- -ton. UTtallsz-At lte Tovnsabip Rall, Goot!- Mis. Wcîrs--.AI t e TownsipHaillBrcklin. fbm EÀST WMwMt theTo;;isshlpBaLu3a t For tbea% rne ci ai CÂrxueen-A titWTovn U±iseme-Atue Towp HaliD 1cI: na, S TH RDi liG UNTY 0FP Ã"N 41110:) T OmatET McM than FanclA. ut cf F . I GI.N,eaucs for ltae onse o! Cor mns' Ehedtion nil gof ltae Coun Fiintiu1g Aeconuîo..-.- ......---- 8 ill 0ii ..... ... ...... ... , Lis'sry Aceounul------------. 98 - 8#10"4 Of vitici persona ara heraljy me rat! Gîven uSaiins- haut!, et Witly, lb 1a t!ey FobmuevA.D., 1679.- - .J. RAM FERRY, fin. ie<uning Office GRAY&SPE'fCIEIC MEDICINE. > ' fal5lng cura for Seminsi Wealcns, lues, Inmpôt- a nas-, andutal BafÃ"me T"L. n lo ?. fter Takini sequmuocfSgolf-Abuise, as loaeof Mante nvua Lassituna, Pain linlte Backl Din naa tuf Vision, Pramature. nid aea, anS m;at otha, Disoes ltalesat Insunit - or Coi omptLion anut a-Prentura Gmr vo sili Fu ~rculems In OurRamplulel, slit vw s d Medicine la solS y is- a lgglRe tsia ýp utkge r i pakghfer $5, or vii lubdsen rnYwaawoýçee4salmu1 o 19Y-sat, aal vas £as 5v VnoEnbmad-,S b lotties; and 55tthU oTttlatsugalngtopplouf cen vUmans. A y ovuainen say 1t f s 0mirlacl tesese rout! waling andivomr- on fi couemuain 1lviii msst,vsuan îva1 inur- ,ïG log sncb great siufferlug from litIsd fui W- 'tol late une: out o iswrlS;-,but aVnezeu n- lues resteraS l e ume lte iessis, eofheall, -I ity delrstore thoanever tu lve, titet luny es- of e smineservice.te my feovo-med*' andîknov cof 90" anmea bepc lI"thIs-on vin sme aait 75 il vus si-rS e gleasure le repv te any coin- 17 2 m u nmic a ll n w i ue I s a y ra e t e i u ae f o m i . 1 arsunoSm, very' raetfu, PYE 5 0 A v e r s-,B e r r i e n C ao , E l a t a, J l u sl e , 1 5 7 2. 11 RELIABLE EVIDENCE. tu .xB. É ýB. STEMuvaS. ' D5er Sin.. vil! mont cIteerfoils- add mny tes- lag limony. se te great nuniar yen bavealaraady rais-aed ln laver af jonr greut andSmi eaimdi- aine. Vtsazmnir, for do net tlultk anangli eau be satSln lta.praise ; fer I vas, troubicul for rr~lthrty ysers villu lIaI dreatiful dlsease, mbrr, and lueîtsuait baS councisets -tia lt Il eiseant as ltougit 1 coul inever - ireatho ans- moe, and Vu.eTz' anascusrcd rune:-anS d 1 te a lank GoS ýall the tinta it a Iteh . . la o g o o d a m u n d i in s a s V re e'T N ,, .e eut! I lto ltbinhu lîla oo f ltae beetineacile lor cots, andS eau, alnking feecings-aetsihe so ac , ta!d dvlse evers-to te b lke lit, Vzruir, fer 1 daasure <helin Ilatue ut ltae beal medltnes tit a eras. MES, IL. GOBE, Cornter Muegaene and WaInntteet& Canubluudgc, Mie g. VEGETINE- lu- Preparat! lus us- H. ILI -. TEVENS, Boston, lisse.- 't- Ir Vegetin is SoI4 by ail I)ruggits. n CEI O o ENT -A largo relar sutbefer eluring purpoars, uitdar the Expres Outr, ta lat. Apply te 2. GRO. B. YULIE, Express. <>11-e. - OTIOXI TOCIRDITORS 0F Mis ELIZA- HAAlLlN, dece sed. ic -Thoc Si tars tfci la Hantîn, tentf tht Tovu aIlitby, u in.te Cluuntyf Outaxrs anS Provi e cf Ontario,,vit died an i about the lt.day tufDace r, .1878, are requîmeS ou frealte la n ir iMiicn,' A. D., I19, ndsu' lus- pos p asit!,uJ' hl RAMER GE ENWOOD Solcullr, FPuât Il Office Dr eer . 1, o 'f W hitbyus, or 1 tohleava wit motaehi. ev affit-ue- rthair Chitlintsla S mes, aStreimes eund deecrîption :o t afaute<arlrntaie titeir cliims, a CýtaI. o f alr ccountes, anSdlte'nature oi t Arllti'f ans-> Ont! 2 by t4ecm againat r -ta;_or- bini efal - hereof ýhey i g 1pe ,z j pt e ls xc îded from ita luanef cf lIE satri ' assat,', or ans-partîliearseas ponà a sribtion oiflte sema, 1amougalhoe parties utitlet! litereto tlte'executor fhan Wil vi bôuly. itavere- gard te anc laitea! of ie ha Oà t. lit, notice sud HI n e lueable rbt iues or anti bluereof so SSstri tet, tesny parsou bosea Im ite lus n bSotice a Ie t t * 0 f u c b d is trib u tio n. ac tut t a ft h e .< B l t , f O n t ., h a . 1 e . 3 4 . J. AMER GREENNI Souici r Ion JAMES -ALMOND, Esq a, -Soie Execu r. ty' 8tliJsu'y, 18W9_-- (It D OMINION FIlEAND MARIN E INSURANCE COMPANY. HEAD OFFICE, .-HAMILTON, (IANAIA. -CAPITAL, 81,000,000 Cash Dsposit vile 1ths DomfinuGoveru. ment, 850,000.otoi -: rJ Simpson, 11atul _C M . o n s i , i A . H a rv os, W . H en dm ia, Z ; I 1. M e r in , I A. els,1 .Bnin T. CasiO, , utreaL E. 1X, Grene, I JOHN HA1!VEY, JAMES SXMPSON, Premideul. Viee-PrcsSdeuit. F. E. DE8PAR1D, Manager. Aisclassescf poet~ocp ui ir s-paclaily hazsrdons, fisureS 'nt 4td'%t*emlt ourraent rotes. ' 1pai, quolsîlons on bikaSve dveillgs. Grin .stndothaa prodsacacover. et! foi short terras aI rema.nbie rates. 2. W. ARNfOLD, Whltluy, * Agent Ccunly Ontario. Feb. ôtit, 1879.;-(. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, qLA800W. 0F ROYAL If 6 7TSTBAMESI Wýn>rSr-üce.viaHà ifax. 970M Dals Occ4Nà lgà ,4on ié,ve.&f 34reo8«Pu aag cnmy, Com- Average Pasapgs d'eueLand TIIE GRlAY MEDINE CO., Windsor, Ont., Cauâa L-Sold lu Wlultby bv ailldruWs, and b- ail wliolcesul and ratail drugglst averywltaz in Canada and itse3United state. Iyý BLACKSMITII SeOP 1 The unclertigncd bag to intorm the publie thaIt tey hava opuoat A GENEIIAL I3LACKSMITII ANDI itoRspE-sUoEING SUIOP n iock street in tha oi&- Fauuig Mill pramisas (isd opposite the Fouudry, ter ay are prepared te alLacue ail ordens lIn thoir Une with whlch tuey may ha favorat! with punctnality and deapatelu. T., FRECETTE & CO. Dec. 27th, 1878 Ü«- ~ ,vof,.Ha//burton FARM' LOTS,' close to a Ratlway, sud Lots lu lthe VILLAGE 0F. HALIBUeRMON, -the Terminus of the Victoria Ballvsy, O8LION. REASQNAJLE Apply 100. J. BOFBD Manýager Canada Lend! Emigration Co.,, -50 Pront-st., East, Toronto. or te ALE.X. NVN Agent, C. L.Coy, 47.i 1[hliburton. LISTOP ?HR DIVISION COURTS ormm COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR B A~3D PortFerry 4 fl? '4 14 141" EYblg. 141US"go 15 3an~tn 8812 518 '910 8 GUO. H. DÂBTNLL, Junior iags STORE -TO L'ET, JIAT COgPP1US8BlOP MSOII possession from, tirat Jauuary. 1'.1 r, So4r, El)~~ nu-1E~FMIl Té Renew-Loin-s aIradr axiat-1 -Ti - '~'i Chica go d Lake Huron -Rairoad. osier. îearly Mn. illier. ss.s.las iMuts,' guisit. aIle u v nea alty arc la meur nan ber ta. te ma ,crs, trsîlo ýmated doseu ogge5 Il lse stiwa. ci oral atr.. il, or eue' g' cohue tu p~ , i atot :-EPatus bout sud à sr. 24 mCS -Later tlub. lIntermatstz. sOit ounta lury, Lord iurg, lu cou. -e. Ail vus auohig tutueit ýpulseS frotta gel. ims!ri ratin. uufottndeti. -Davia,, cf assueS te .e zm LL -T lu k+Leâ_o9 - r "ýl 1 i Li 1 45-ly) nhis con-