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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Mar 1879, p. 4

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s river 1 Along Lay bows the pan or eowering. - ne4ti My ~A"tehrot Mau alpplng, = )ateel a hadow, etoea ay; 4 e ]eou-orraces taff, Tho winds.wl111naoy a year be trlpplng; Anti thore the hittin day bu throwlng Iliifires, thoughdark the. deati prime b., faof, ethebrd iMJe ofhe dew. Ai 1whatliongo bave beeu sang bto mei W114 gsg M 1yet bLie'n g, he u *Are duaft up4n thicfor wasbol Along the Shore. Sait l n, %ail an, yye eelsgreat sad mmail, Cut te hopiud waves, sud truck the waters W er, 1'l4dc patio anti ports, whlle we along the 8 hall wateb i your course tili distance oink youil,ý Antýinake of mast apdt prow ant i pctureti A vanlahati vision or a peck lu aac; Sao baply ohall ye greot smre otier race, il but Septentriou puseh you with hie lsae, tOr fod avonlus proupirous iroozes ltw. Your fateale bouuùd-bo"und ta the. Incon. &tant debp; Ours toe latnd, andwtats the calmer flow ofI Tirue, that bring. un all unto one port, "Irs c~eey oired, soa and shore Nu nmore aofor"týIUneor of fate the sport. la tie etriy part af -the century, a -devant ami>' usmeti Tobene were liv- lag aI Great Yarm.ouh, lu lhe Engligi eouuly o! Norfok. About lIceUlie af the Kitcg'a eeoctlsm lie>' emlgreted te bMassetahusehOtt. William Towne sud Mais*11e earrledti tihimheni twa daugi- lours 1, undsaolihe' daughter anti a son we( on homo le hocn altertards ln Sa. -- Thet brou ilsogilere woeobaptiseS At lonig laturyals, andth ie eldosl, Ilebeca, -icnel Ibave boe a t least tont>' yeara îtlie(tlcan Serai, and a dozeil or mure ysr$eaider -tian Mary, A sketch af fle fate of Ihese lîme a -sîters cotas tiiti ittho Ilalor>' oieacentury. On lu, ce ilele Mi,. Upiam presoals us 7 ilî,01 o th Ie mail conapiantie em. talus emlaietc ncloeureofaI 800 acres, wiie lied a sigtualtaut star>' aiof ils ata- m4ou long for ne ta enter upan. NVo 110ci oay init1 thera e ifi been tittiiy sirilos abut «.1mbpraperly- ligiti;shb bt iainîaries, lice stripping ai ticier, anti a soris ii'aw suite. Yel, let>n1(3781 onwarde, lice actuel residente iii (t1o uansion heliaiivçud in ponce, tek. il9 iii cinotice ai wrrengtee tutieltiti - itti, niler tiec criilions of purcimase, - uift îltiti but icîlyte formier pro. pitlor. 'l'ime Irortispieco af Mr. Up. littt'ibock «[ote us thal flime inanelon 44 lcuitc>pîierut icnui.owter tes likoi lt e crly uitys ai tIi* olony. Iltanlita prtraitl of tie holin iiwheclcfle citi- eoi ut lcut'er af Wiltiitnî Towrie tas living o I lieflette ofIficele ni"ncuy ittIî,lth ion lthoagei tu i l'racis *Nurite, tvas egeelà itiliali andi ittr-tithii evoaly ineut t'iglily yliure ai ligo, No ccitt uge coctidhaveobiltà îcwe iuvuly aspect licita liero. Uer - iccioutnl utus elie bilatalwaye been, il tolu t>lier, autîthIe eshcîlo tac a ctitccy if sans and ciaecghterm, andcthhir wcveti autici iiebràu ; for -Landlord N <race' diritedia îslendt beunlt Icîir sons atîdt hrco sans-in.law, andi litri l utîtit iocesads fuir liera ail as thily iud riitrried andtimlti. MrsjK. Ntursei tas i fulaclivily of facrlly, 0,rrteII>i betuigtisomewarct leffrom ega thit ifItr lîeélti ires goail, oxcelîl for cortelin tuirrnitioe of long staninug, wlicril requirbeth ie zeal audlhe malice af suia ndivine sMr. 1'arrote laona- vert titb -îievil'e cnarke.' As for lber rt'pulo lile. cet>'DE ci riabamewaa lie lînureti heati, te leeru tiat it wax ey hyle leehiron>' su pplied ble fart>' truc woea tcuiretioalla regard tÃ" lîceir 01), licun ofilier l ic e day of!lhem Bore trial. Bain. ai thorn a Ii l notu ier '%bave, fOrtY YearS ; loy ibai sean lier tt-tîtniujianlarge fciniiy itcirigltaeo; lice>' [adnti aiîc-led liu beauly af lier (3irtîtn profeecian uandlconîlucl, Anti >liedi nover hcartior oieçrvet en>' evil aof[cor, Tiste as lieboccatlIceoltiet. * Tho naxt, Mary, iras noir llIty.eiglcb years nid, limeuie of 'Gootirna hast>',' lieawuner of a largo lurrn. Sica ba tioevanchidrea, anti tee living ln-casme antueclimlfaro o£ ever>' ort tien averlak. ;,vi bylime marne caleait>' ne bersistor Nuime. Sarahthlia yungeeh, bai mer- riedt tice. Rer presont hubaieutas Peter Cioyoe, 'vicae anmecoecurs la lie îîîcrisim records, ant intr vantoas deposi. liane whicim showrliaha iro as a promi- lieut citizen. Whou Mr. Permis tas 1)iîbiiey cotniîdaillting ai negeet lanos- lied of ireoodtifor flhapareanage, anti v* ticicwarnces onu lice part aoflime liîîîurea!ofhie services, 'Lantilorti Nurs' iras a ncicubqîr of lima camactles who lic laitu de9il t i li; anti Iis re. letrves toeprobab>' ernang thimra- * rU amt'W)10 tare ianging for Mr. 1'arrips itpptrently ineritlhie depanlnrp. Ia tiio ecircurastaates, ilires ualetalla- 4j,crler snmpriiag liaI 'lie efflicteti eimiken' trainei in lima pansosege par- lieur veoninmeu, aller limir firmI uccass, lwii cucctlie biunurati'Goal>' Nursee HKielOeeoaiflic alles intel>'acquiret b>' Hîîtaec. Tlicey set lber ber., lier., anti tirei'ywliero, wieg aie10 ires sittiag *iliiiýtllY et homocca; lie>'ey st ber bittag flice biack otuats, olokitug, pinehlug, îiricking womerc sud ohiltiron ; anti if wla'us eaminecidevil's marks '.ouid 4utiee b ba ud uponlier. Su31e wes ,ituiotuiti b>' e jury! o! ber aria gel. * Neitîier -lie lostlnoay_ orlber aria sisdera eut dOOglieene tela ier infirmt- fiase, non tua dingreet ai docent neigie- liuirs, lion tutui. caramonosî suggestiona tf roasoil anîl feeling, availati tae ave _11(4 fracu lita injur3- aIfimciecg reporti * - Iiâvieo wîal tiche itrisesa tre look. Iîîg for. WVo hâve ai giimpse of ber ici licer Ihoie tien thae reI Conception ai liec' icpnting ficha opetiailapan lier. On tuîe 22t"tiof Mamli, sell toits branghti mb lIe tyengeti meeting- ]jeuno la be accuseti efomoe m mgis- traleit, andtelaensterteebeat mimaceulti. -%veuut Pnu over limse peinfllpagea, #tiu Ptlimi, the mohbr oan, e! lir ;lilicheti cliiltion, saihreiaig * nervoas 'temperai4p aiucde ipli"de ciaS, and absolut *vtd.s ober pgeoor. Al i a*ffmalDU40ato proure toitimeby ig nttievcser.L 'A echargé liat the ita $0sa 'çali.i¶.at, a - o-aeghbuapyfor allow iilé us 1P,1 : 1g lutsbe îr 4eglimtaI, '.'m pbrtîlMme *ÇIreiy~p h q ea,I~ r 1 - I glc of aieir vtiagse and ils-r aelièty. The verditlwaa '$el GuilY,' No for. amoment, bowet4or, eduld lhe psa. -and ber famiiy ope thbsl lthftrial was over. Ti-itierw-rào* cd ; thie lglîcted' lcoiod sud atrug. glei ;oeue jehdge ;ecldbeti bineeef dis. sahialleti; anothey prouisodta ho hav ber toolioteti eneý; andthticChiot Jus- tics poe ýUtotiou pirae.of t Ire piimo- er's whicimt4gklie bmonaeata signify that mibe wauonoe othle aceodtd g auj lu guilt, as, WOUllas linjoopary.L Sightieoly aso If thei. athitbls worallriellngtogetior, whon w, 500 ho lngonaityiauJ persialence.with whieh-hhfey dlmaiiesed tiao throo word., lot aur campatiy.' Her remonstrauce onglte b ave ed veihmi:-' I jtend., oti no -otierwio lieun a tley wero prisonore wilt àIfsandtitierefore I titi tion, ttadiyet tdo, jaige thlem mot legâl evidence agalasî heir felow-prisoners. Anti 1, bing moo1wtett hurà Uo! iîtn and full af grief, nana iaformlng me how tii. Court took np acy wards, lirorre bad. no opportnaity adeae wbaî I lntended wheemI -id tiey ,woro of aur campany.' Tii. foreman of the jury waald have taken lime favorable viow of Ibis mater, and bave silowed fuil eofstdoratian, wbule allier jarymen wero oagor - 1o reesl h imstake of hbeirVerdic; but the, prisoier'a silence, fromn failing ta hear wlien sbe *"e ex. peotedtleaxplain, lurne4th ie foreman againol ber, andi caused i hm ta doalaro, #wicerenpoa thesewardis ware ta me a pricipal évidence againet-her.' etiU, lb seeeme tacb monoerous ta bang bier. 'Mferiier condenination, tié Governor reprtoved bler ; probaily Qn lie grounti aio lime loaity oetoting acide lice iret vordctelof the!juryi tliseceeeof any uew evidenese. Bul the. oulcry againsl Mercy wto eo tierce liaI the Governor withdrew lus reprieve. On the nexl SuudaySleme wae a aena in tice cinrei, the record p f iyiich 'was aftorwardu ainoaetiedb3j imee hurci rnembers in a spirit o! grief anti iumi. laoton. Aiter secrament -lie eiders propoundeti te tie cbcrcý, andthle coun grgtien unantiously agreedti lat SitrNurse, heing convicti as a witch yhyle coupý, shoultilb. accora- muniteated th ie efternootr ofthie arne day. The place was tironged;th;le reverenti eiders ware in the puipit ; lhe deacoas premîdet blat;; lie sieril! anti lus officers hrongl4, in lie witth, and ledl lier ap lie broi aisiàe,' lber eheins clankirg as sic. maveti. As ah.e stooti ii lie Middle aoflthe Risle he v. Mr. Noyeg pronouned hem expulsion froni lime iCîiictî on eac'h, anti frarn ail hope of saivation iereafler. As eh.iehati giron lier soul ta Satan, aime as dtour- ored ovor ta him for evor. Sime was aware limaI every oyei regarded her willî barrerad hate, 'tînapproacmetiuntier an' allier cirourntancs ; bul il op. Per hama lima ujewae aile ta setîstaincit. Si., wae cliii ealm naet pear onthat daandi drlag lice idrtnigit ai final waying. Wionlie lime came, mime travorsodthetuastreots ai Salema boteen hanses la wilib-shledtbeanuan lion. oured gueit, aud surroundeti by weii. kuowa faces ;tend tien lhora tas lime hart ock, for lier ageil litmie, of lirni. ing lte rocle> and ti lep prti où Wilciî. e' nul1 ta lice place wlîcmo lite gibbels Floo intria- row, andt io liagmniwae wailing for lier, andi for Sarali Goati, aiitioverai Imore of tîcnîiSalera cne to lie rilth11mbday. It te l otit of -Jnly, 16,92. 'flechbodie woeTlnt ont of thi, way 011tcl Iiil, like so0rrtany douil doge ; m tint is onn did nlot romain lucre long. Ily 1toue Iatidu. ilt as- nobadly knew tîten-broughtl.borne la lIce tioreetic coeter>', wliere.ýlie nexb goaoration pointea)out lice grave, nazI ta lier itusiand's, and surraucidet b>' tlhose 'cf ber chiltiren. As for hem re- pute, Iltitcllneoa, lime IistorianLD, telle ne tiat aven excommrunication comlti nal pcrcîcanotiy ciegrace hem. 'Uer lifo anti conversation liait imeen macle, liat the rernenchranco timireof, -intaa short tinta aller, %#ipat off ail time re- proacli oocaeiacmed iy tics civil or ceaIes. enelical sentence egaunet lier.' Tie pr'cvilcgee of ladies chooetng hum.- handeinte u ecxplainci in a work ea- titieti"onrtliip, Love, anti Matri. maay,' irrinteti in lime year 1000 : 'Aibeil il lias now iecorno part of lice camman late, la regard la social re- lationsaiflue, tlca$ ns allen as ever>' bisslextile yeralle returu,-lice indyoe ,lave thcoe aepriviloe, turing lice lima il eontinceth, aofiialing laveunato lice mon, tutie llîehy do ubher b>' tordes or lookece as ta thern il seernoîl pro- par; anti morcaver, no man tili be on- ttieti ta lice beriefit af clergy timo daIm. ta auy tisa trente ber proposai titi liglil or conuncaly.' i.e,-Am--la-idl-hi1phsiàen ima Tue aHiesIt irnan la Eagiannd.- Wealiaisler Abme>. h ii a 't ighut ibice lilie e fine som- mer P-Beause i[; maimos .- ie coma Il ie n groaltruaste aifmiv.'matý)rialg .ta pul-five dollars' wtrariofabeavor ari Ion cents' 'evrchi of bruine. Spoaking of genýrosity, yoa riouitin'l Caî1 a marc Whoa lieitu gai eeeont ô! thue hbi aIofhie foot S nîcole-saieti fellow., 'evulti yoa 1 La.yers arc nover marc eamneî hari thoen lley tank 'wiib A nulI-cat it;, if thie astate io veltiabie. Tic mosi agrecablo liaý on record.- Orpimeus' lyre. The UiP of a Matil dcaanti e nlp ai lime Jersey whilcstyv hal praucces a ham- mamo aiter, Whiy arc toméme liko beels ?-lDe- cerise bue yoa'nger iaeasweater- Laok nelile oyour tianghtemssarca fiailcn pon yonr bouma ara atea losa dangerous thoen liose coming mbil.i Beoa Doses are ligithaouses ata wra vayagana on the se& a!of. feoff lie coagsa ofMal& aJambica, SanIe Cruz anti The asying liaI "liera Io marse pies ae tglving liman receivinlug"la sup- poseS ha ppi'ta ickls, ucedicino anti tilai)me msale urý1 i iIthe imo tld hihoula thi slleîmaoif hie-di&not Move an. À L"roc h'cmn-*lsin t peîk. o! the. éïeàm of lie tlulii -pcet, 4argot time tardasud Maid Of do hc4tii piotop," À wag'saiti ho <amI>' ciur'sS li« En. -a "Idowishaloaiti ct i ci np yiag z>' -nbutiu n hporiis pilari. Weii, 1 Ilttr>' lie ivter-onre," salai la tif,, on iu'o e- no on i ja,. 1arn anuezeciths imaI f ' yrkr foujt lcl ù;o!r*_wàm Th~Iiaktice bef yl oQô RN G TRAD, aiidgre prepaid 0ofe to ail intend 8 ëprchsi. -s i No motly Bankrup ilstock o,' sose;,f;but flfashion- able goods at very 1W prce;'pril rsLan1ar1 isu of thie paper.- eseefilyyu Whihby, February I8th, le7lO. ~,j- 'b.PLi WUQLE SALE AN]) R CAHPÂID PI OOD'- Butter'l gsPoltryAppesRed and, Asike Clover Se ed, LAING r& ST'2WÂnTý.I ~WhitbY, FebruMry lltii, 1870. Fresh' d Fsh. Fresh Ha'dock., Fresh Broo Trout. Fresh Ocean errrngs Smoked SalImoIý ilnnan Haddies. » armouth Bloaters Red, Herrings. Sait ýerring3. Bon.eldus Cod Fish. J3uckWlieat Flour, Grahaii Flour, Cracked W>ieat, Coru Meal, Oatmeat, Flour,& WMitbyý,Jannary 22nd,,1879.. HAS REMOVEID TO DEVERELL 'S BLOOK, Wiit]FRE li As A FIN£i ASSOMTMENT 0F BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladiça anid gentlemen cari bo aupplied with smof o the handsmrest and finest work fir Boot and Sue oware ever niTeredin taWhitby. Pgrchaser a ge$tsma-e tbing good by calling at the aew store. Ordered work and repairs witb the, use promptýtucle. ' Wiib>, Jan. 7h, 1879. XATTRW COLLINB. GOLDSMITH'S HALL. - GLRAT B3hRGAlNS PREVIOrUS TO STOCK-TAKING. Watelles, Cloceks,-Jewellary, Cutlery, Electro-plated Goods, Laimpe, &o., &c., ai largely reduced prices I Somo liBn to be cleared out at cost. Practical Watchmaker. ]3rack iIroal, Wliitb>', Jen. iSh, 1879. 4y, Stock of -F 1T R2Sf 11*T*I W TRT-«ILIF Is now Complete- ini Every Line. E. J. JOâN:SON. Very Special Inducements to thQse ST-AITING HOUSEKEEIING. UNDERTAKING. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffins, anid al the necesijaries in this lino. AMso' Whitby C hin aT s Store. TE4LS! TEASI! TEAS!!M Jnst reeeiv'ed, a large consignment !of freeli new Beason Teas in -.Y oing: Hysone Congous aud japan, wbich we are selling at a reduction on Grange Prices, as follows: Young Hyson Tm;asmual prices 50o to 80ocpaor lbs., for, 90a to 50a por lb. Japan Tes,, in. çuLn,@ 25e to 50 per lb.,*worth 5O toi75eper lb. Also a fresh lot of those fine CURRANTS, 25 ibs for $1. Ev ery article in the Grocery. une greatly reduced ini price. CHINA, CIROCKER-Y& GLASSWARE, VERY CIIEAP.1 The general- public and the Grange are respeotfull invited to cail and inSpeot out' stock befre purchaoinug lsewhere. Deverell's Block, WITBY, ONTABIO. 000- N.B.-Wanted, any qilAntity-of good fresh roll Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Apples and Potatoes. 8-.F. Whitby, January 7th, 1879. OFFICE 0F T'HE B/lO WN d PA TTEIISON Mt 'g. Co,ý Wi3ITaY-,3r OfrWT.A.RIO. TO, THE ,PUBLIC. lu pmsuing aur Ttenhy.aeond Annal Catalogua af Ap-ioullaral ImpIe. monts tOlthe farmers af Canada for lime yeer 1877, ne do me titi more lien the ondinar>' degnee af pride anti cnfidence, irom lime marktS faveur anti patranage conforeSupan us, andti h.e a-ad>' sud incroasiag démenti mcm yeer ta yeer ai aur non celeirateti Farm Implemeats. We shah continue s henelafoe as manniseturers, le malta a epeclalty of Agiculural Machnry-lbe Joimaston Self-raking Reaper, lie Triumph Com- bineS Reaper sud Mater, lime Cayuga Marier, the Young Canada Mater, anti aur net 'Whilhy Harvester, olatming a large mitre ai aor lime anti attention. For tlutmaI¶'renty.tweo yearp we bave pivou aur mosl caneful andi ndiviti- oti attention fa lie manufiacture anti openalcan of! li variounsamachines la use, aifting eut tice hemI pointe, rencotyiugtiei.ote, modifytag anti caroctimg errors, strngtbening test poits, adapling aund pmporttaning ovar>' part as aur incras- oS expenieuce bas ouggested. 'We emplo>' oni>' lie boat mocianical kil, anti aur machines Pauuntionthie most caneful upenision antiaomtiny-o-ven>' Setail botag aubjectei leliehesevon- est citictsm-and escli machine !ata lonugbl>' leateti hefore leaving aur tanks, ta provethie completenesa! efon>' part, andti liaetano diffienil>' lu putting therin a pemtton b>' an>' persen a. moderato mechanicai abiil>. - Our machinMer> bsbeen seleotetianti conslmuclei titi a speotai nefereuce te the manufacture of aur own rnsoblaes-meu>' bale iaving beon matie for lia panliaulan pampas., e and m taaetetifor chen tank, andnn onknmeu are edu- caleS up te lie tante anti requcremeals of aur manufacture-obbaintng e lion- ongi kuaivietge a! lie canstruecin of onr machines, and, ara thua enaet ta b- tain a. higiier diogmoe of ekiil anti pmeictaucy Ihan whcre gononal manufacturnug ta carnieS ou. W. are thereone ensblilSta latratince sl mare perfect ystonitalil lime te- parîmeala of maufature,,adtiiug ual oni>' teeperfectiona!flice tank, butal a- 50 ta tie napidit>'ofaitlisexecutioanti e canuequeut rentinofaicoul. Tisie ncipie ta regardeS noeesary ta a neli negulaheti establishmment, and te enableilte tara ont aur machines titi a bigier tiagrea ai perfectiaon, anti aI pnices se lot sasolutel>' te de!>' competitlan. THE JOHNSTON -SELF-RAKING REAPER le net s0 teil kuota as a Single Beaper, tint a tond o! commexcdaîioa toald aimoslseeem saperfinans, but as lier. are man>' elaimiag ta menufacture Ibis machine trimahave edheredt the lad original Johuatan machiue, thmut keep- iag up ho the impravonients ; tbialjustice ta aurmelves anti patrons require e! as to etate liait e bave modifieS il la almosî ever>' essentiel part, and ion atrenglb 'at ti 0ilt, qusa t feut, iu aven>' kind anti condition of grea; ligimîneme ai draft anti essea managmet-the "Joimusîon," as manafaclaret b>' us-stands pne-amiaeutl>' ahead ofa al other reapers. In proof a! timis position ire iave-aul>' la point le lie man>' Fix-et Pnizes aivartiet us-el lthe lai Provincial trial o! Ou- larto, anti man>' coanî>' trials thici have taken plaeaal aéven Canada, wtit lie lal fan >'ars. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINES, wtll laIe improvements, ta al liaI ea ho Sesiret int a Combineti Machine, anti oanaot faillao meet al lie reqairemenhe ai pumebasere. Our Improved Cayuga Ch/cf Jr., and oui" Young Canada Mowers are bath irsî-clees machines- constitahte lmast niioli>' ai Irn anti Steel. Timo Caruga Jr. hua rear cnt, andthle Yaung Canada a front Cul ; bath eînang, dun- aCle machines, anS uat excelleS b>' au>'machines ta lie manicel for qualit>'oa cul, dnabilil>', ligimlnesa of draft, adaplabilil>, anti easeof aimnagement, OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER2" As lie country' bas becomo botter adapteS ta nisohiner>', sud man>' of aur fanue. ers bave hecame akhîei luinehae aiofmachines, a gnowing damant bas spmaag up for a Ligit, Durable, F*itwCiasm Bespor. Ahuivo ta lie reqsinemente o! tho Sa>', tehave anccedeti ta iuveuting a ma- chine titi s - Wranht Iran Freine, withthile- leamaI Pouille geasig-titi largo, broati-faced drive theel,7-and seo lotmncted liaI the ram, anti table tilt at lie sainielime, theroby keeimg lie pitman alrieys ta lin. wtlle akuie. The rates are tiivea directl7froue lie mata siait-liere being no percopf Ibis aide draft4 andSno, teigb't unirute bermes uoka. We are confident liaï ne have auccéoelei in tven4ing tl'a most, perfect Iteaper, taktng Ilta il i11sàperts, tliî bas aven heen praduceti. W. beve appied ion lettons patent, anS shall hoaSour invention' for aurntu exclusive manufacture, andi te reîpeetiuly anpgfesl la in- leaSing purebsam, libaI lime>' ahouiti see lis maoiu-befoe ge't g hgiem entiers for lbhearnming liarvest. Thme "Wbitby Hretr vegialtol, 600 pountis, but belug matie prnc!pailý of ie bost qicelil>' o! Iroan d steel, anti froin ia ýin. gaulons anti compact construction, il co mbines lie atreuglirad Surahilît>' cf thé -Ail ai aur machinues are ful>' terranteS. Wit i listaIof maohinea, n. féeanienttt i-we eau- meol cver>' ie- quirameal, anti te reepecîfuil>' soltoit a trial of our mahinea,, beiieving tbaî ne eau furmatab eteomeobine for the mono>' Ihaeau c oebtatuati elsenimono. Ilespepbtfal>'Y oure, -1BRÃ"WN & PATTERSON MF'G. COO. A WEL-APPINTED REARE. jWiiitby, Ontario, Feirary, 1877. SWhitby, October iOth,'-1877. * - 42 r - WILLIAM TILL'S CABINET FAOTORY AND 17N Ql V'1EROOMS> I çxo where, you cannoflt fteil - b pleasec in umaking sielctosfgo furue Splendid ' -arjour, WwiRoom au .Èeeioom sets, N oii we» wýorthy oý znpetîoat atna~glw prîces. Diii ioiinTab1m- ey u riratl. * F GuI Cmice, PitureE~,ain~ ii erY stYle. Sore ne- boa t'na Engravingi f(or sale 0014 alwaya on hâna, trimm q ýjpt CwOr~a n w po Pest eocisaial tea4i4soi - .0' S-EE A LARGE STOCK 0F OVERSHOES 0F EVEET DESCBII'TION, SELLINO CHEAP FOR CASHf.. -Look at the prie: Gents, from $1.25 to $1-65. - Ladies' from $1.10 to 1.40. Ser Ladies' House Slippers 2e and* 50 cents. Boots and Shces of best make and qualility at an equally low figure. Repairs proipptly made us usual, 1Whitby, Nov. É711,i, 878.- JOHN SAUNDERS, N E W CIGOO],D R1:? IIN 3-LE'mis Clothing aind Gent's Furnishing 'House JBs now snpplied with ail the newèst sotyles of Ei2h, Scotch,'and l Canadin Cloths, 'of ail kinds, the Larges i and Best Stock the7 e er had, (X"Als oh. ecellent stock of 'Gents' Fn rÏhiug, çail 115W, A5pleiiid ~ tùdoO ,ÇQvrmots, Çlheap for ç?h, PÂSTRY 'ÂND, OTHER ÇAREEs.t I have aiso a quantity-of SCROOb BOOKS, Beaiiels w't« aând ather Copy Bookes, Berlin Wool Blipper-Patne ao odSc O ~' Reemberthe place-one door noith of iëeefery Stor-e- , j Wbiliy, Deo. 17tb, 1878.. ±~- .&. ~c~ofrT. CARD PICTIJRES, $1.00 PER DOZ. CINE T'$2.00' The work by the New Processý is superior to anything of the kind yet int-roduced. It conipletely revolntionizes the* art of photography. Cail at onceO and get pictures .taken by the New Process. MR. JOHN FER GUSON RAS A IIEAYY STOCK 0F READY-MADE CLOTHINGI, Includiug a large stock of OVEIRCO4TS. EXCELLENT GENTS> SUITS& madle up in the Latest Styles. Buffalo ]Robes, a great number.- Al selli'ng at an imm ense sacrifice. wllole servm i Lm bat - ---'ps -"-oi'veI tne quf l.Beimrtion ci .c0pher ai drse made wtout charge,.aati avallable sme day. H. P. DWIGHTf, 8-) SUPt. LEVI STONE, BUTCHEER, liemovedti t the Ontaria Block, Brock-St., tie old place next tioer ta the Mantreal TelegrapLi Office. The place ta GET A GOOD JOINT AND JUICY STEAK 1 liemim 6es t -auanceta-thei. nbabit- autnts ! ytt vlclnity, ualha Lao < apeneda FLOUR-& FEED STORE in connection wltii hisEBuiciier Shop, wiere ho ill always have on band À L&RGE STOCK OP Cholce Flour, Cracketi Wheat, Oats, Pea, Shortis, &c., &c. Ortierm delivered in any part o! the tiwi. A cmii zm solioteti. LEVI STONE4 Ontario Block, Whtbi. Dec. 17th, 1878. <ff-52, AUCTION SALES 1 TBEG ta returu my siacere thanks ta lhe .Lpublic for the very liberal Vatrd)age beetoweti upon me ola -thie past, sud io latimate thst I vil bho an had»ay ta cantinct any males liat 1I mnay be eatrpmled with. Torms- libersl. Sa isfactIon guur. anteed. Myaie boo~k vill b. iaund eýth le Ontario Hotel Witby. Arrangemients sa ta days of mafe, &c... nay be màatýiewth Mr. Mamon, th oretro the Hotel. -Orders by mai or talegrp te dta. f a~ii~e ~ Auctianeer, '<VbItby, X. . -ou oasini biL.jF...e furma d A WEee JOHN FERG-USON, Dundati-Stroot, Wliitby. 1Oct, lut, 1878. WM. BURNS, BILOOK STREET, H as just reeeived, direct from the Manufacturers, a good, aisortment of Ladies and Gentlamen's Marsard, Em]press, and Americaîn X=L xx 17 3lm Also, Pacifie Bags, Cheap for Cash. Four more MoCROSSON #& Co., cases1 91 King- Street, - THE LARGEST STOCK 0F FIJRS EVER ÃŽSUOWN IN CANADA. Toronto, --0 ~FINE FURS A SPECIALTY. Wa FUR T1IIMMINOS CUT- TO ORDE1t. --00-- BEAR ROBES. ASTRACHIAN SACQUES, WOLF ROBES, RUSSIAN LAMB SACQUES, RLACOON ROBES, S. S. FIEAL SACQUES YAK ROBES, - PERSIAN LAMB SACQUJES, BUFFALO ROBES, MOCE ERMINE SACAUES, MiNX CAPS, MINE SETTS S. . SEAL CAPS S. S. SEAL 'SETTS, OTTEII AND SEAt SETTS, ERMINE SETTS, PERSIAN LAIt? CAPS, PEIISIAN LAMB SETTS, BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN SETTS, CONZ! CAPS,' BLACK SABLE SETTS, GRY LAMB- CAPS, CONEY 5ETTS, GEBMAI4 MINE CAPS, GREY LAMB 'SETTS, Partieular attention given to ail orders. specially attended to. Toronto, Dec. 8. 1877. CUTTERS, Alterations1 BUGGIES,l ANDCAIRRIAGES. A Large Assortment of Cuttefës and Buggies FOR SALE, CHEAP, TOMS & NEWPOJiUIYS Carriage Factorýy, DUNDAS STREET, . WHITBY, ONTARIO. SADDLERY AND HAIRNESS. WILLIAM T'HOM:PSO 0N- Begs to direct attention to hie largo and 'u ~rior stok,çoompriuing overy thiag la lhe Sadd1ary anti Hame ne ieo !Y Leather Valises' and, SazràQoga 21 runksý-i ÃŽ A. LOT'0F GHILDREN'S CARRL4 «ES, Výyhandeo+u and. Chtiap: At tihe old estabisbmint. WILLIAM TuioüMPON, Apq hifl Brooýk Sgtre, Wbly. FitSHJONABLE, TAILORINCF! Go where you eau get a Wel ,-fltting G arment :-To the - Tailorng- Establishment Of GEORGE'G-URLEY, OS>HAWA. 8UPEBIOI : CU TTING SHAPE S THE ZWQIEK 1 A Large Stock u f inne lthsa; best Engliah, Scotchi and canadioi Tweeds. U-Excellent Overeatin sard s lendi4- Vest Pattems, . 01%n fit* - g Licensged A uctiot,4ear. 5ALEProrPt]~ttened'. anti conduet- Addrifms, C.DAWES, 26. F rry. ]BROWNMils INDIAN L INIMË,NT!f Par mabe by tiemirs geaeraiiy. What we taka the Iead (n'lI Chillaino, %reteti parts.. Scalda. Burus, Spraias &c. FOR HOBSES AND CATTLE.-Freai 1 ta one bottie in warm watler, tii cure inoat internai derangements caumei by over Leat- lng, &co- WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY, ASK Weteu terinh aeM? ea ron We the uLinient for. have tiiei Brown' cheerfnlly recommenti il for public umef, 32 ine Ocard, Ont. Hiram Brawn, t i g Anrlrew Orvis, !f - f J. Daws, Brooklin, î f J. K. Mathevion, ! Setihuieble, Ashbura, 44 A.H.Haemean, tTxbridge, 1" S. C. BBOWN, Pro]?uietoir, 88.1Whitby, Out. Dominion Wood Workýs, WHITBY. ýGeo..ô rXnack,ý iuge, and ail kin f -~ Twlsted Maldings,. DooreSuohimd Dilnds.. LUMDE whoisoieanti retail,or1y~ by the car laad. Planlng, Motildlugs of every dcscrmp-- tiori, Flooring, Mheetiug, Shelvýing, Re- sawi g, s5haping,.Trnlnïig. scroi-iwork, etc., etc. Witby,cet. l8t, 168.'.4 THE TORONTO Tw'kish ~Vapor Baths. These baths are useful ili Rheumatim, Ncuralgia, Counghs Coielan Congestion, Bronchiti1, ficrorula, 5kin Diseases, il In- flammat Biions lseio, Foyers, anti for Saiaypurpaaem.- TIbe a,porbath. gre particulaly appIca. blc t alal Skia dioeases, especially Syphýilis, it iM now universally concededti tat boti lie Turkiei andi Va por iiaths are lie boit premervativea of hema l ihite reatcl'o medical expertm, ant inta ampunctivon with medical Ircatmital le patient in, mare rap. idl" at cl esafùly trealeti. Patrn»icule t roughont the variti tram rayalty down ta the poorestalda. These -Turlisi baths are th li onae in the City ai Tarante. Quotatiaaeaatirecommendartioln are riven fromn tbe béat medlc.1mati aaaitmxy.authori. ties In ail cauntries. HOUBB--Gentlemisn, 7ta80a., a 9-pu=.. Salurday until Il p.zu. Ladies, 10 a.in. t 1.80 p. M. PBICEs2Turkisi Bath, oe ticket, SI1 12 ticket, 110. Vapor flatis, OOc eacb,; 1 2 3 3 Q U B N - àT éW E T . Skiltnl and titentive Msls nant fale attendants. . .DIUÉOID, M.D/, ValubleReîI E8tate TOWNSHIP> 0F BEACH. 1?OIlSt £Lot No. 7. lui FAI 'Notary 1-c LEh co-Bit MON Office- Court 5 aner G. c HECTOR(I luyty, Wm. physici, wiih>'t Oiffice hi 1.80 tu' a natiGU Tei ou local au mwn mo King St fAU A Sc. Eme s & o., Ath.m everytcuu 41-1y) NET' mus170: WhItby, Importez, LEA TH Csh Pa Lesthez le ~ BEM Smd concesion ci h;nl shao Brook Street, WHITBY, -OSO JY-50 1 ' iýw PE ',

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