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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Mar 1879, p. 2

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Ware opn- geont. beka hpJi -i. ,Thntn. *Stock-Laug êà ici J fr aici ofeo!Disaolution-Ljowas & Powell. Notice-J. Bl. Powell & Com:pany. CaLru-L, Fairbanks, offliIi asigne.. Traveleri Inanrence onpany-O. Nourou, agent. eok i tatignery.-Mrs. Allun. Lecture-BIev. Dr. Ormiston. Cigar-T. G. Wbltfielul. T fio Ilinan Pad-T. G. W4VIiAlJý EnDgileh and American Wall Papoisr- J, . . obertson. oal INotics-S. W. 1B. smiti. 4 . Mn Ï& iedlca. Frut Frme Let-MUcGeo a joues, soleitra. -vitro for 1ý%ie or to Lot-Ira Shelrard. AUCTION SALES. biie of Thiorougb.bred and Grade catile, etowoïld aeoo. Impiemente, &o., ut I oliqide Bankt" arra, lot 84, la the 4fls cou, Whitby, thm residence of 3Mr, Jolin Madihi, on Prlday, Match Roth, 7U-L airb&nk., AiscUoneir, QNL.Y Si 5o PER ANNUM. Wiîby,,Thursday, MairCh 27, 1879. Tho New Tariff.- W agi.s smmer>', vithias tanras ban le %scortaiaiod, tho fartier amenul 'ý1ticrn corection!itgte eliâtA i-t In-cugit down iy lie Minislet cf ?I. uAî,eeý Wiiltüer -6asdefeoîs cf the U13evTanlit, soi liovover lîeaviy thie Inqtrcii ocf inecseîu taxation me>' beer fîhluat 'Ilitun,thie great msjonihy cf lthe pfloifflloappoiîr williaîg lu acoopl lijoan, K10i teglho aetîuail y a eult of Pa- triatisîn li gving the uew pulicy a fair tri,.IL viii taesoins lime teho ftbla ho aîin'îik MAste rasultu, hînt aucanu- ï* w vilo al Iseliopefol tiasItue change is #)I(- fur hicheloter ; iîat Manunfacturs litai.i îîieas 4generally hecoanipros. îi'îîînîs. Wu onafî'ss,uuroif utat slois it li-c)vn-r ail l luise gouou edctsil 'iilii:iiiîcs f the nov l'ariil. Tiiere 1:oi*iy lia aed piteodie lanîalua givon te aaîîIîiaftlureoe, hbt fer lus is es88te 11tin" oaîtal tlonuiier- anid lrodocer 11 uuistl iîîovltally houaucia ancre tiîau t it gala, 0f coaursea slitienal taxatien1 ofsoiaa,,kinal vas nacessar>' to makej upî'tii,> cieicit lanliae revenue. Bul, asi * Wî,) toîk ocaisîionotlu oiiirvo luit vook,i hua îextravsgancoe sol corruptioni cf jîarly gavoimnaet bts brougil Ibis ettuo f thigs about. Mr. Goîbvin Steàihii alec nemicis ns;, anal lie le qoilo * .-reh lu inte etalemout, thaut tire.-j * iffhîo fthie lefilcit May be sot lova ho bue Lutercoluniallitsilway-m distinct. iviily I:opriiaiworlc-bt c arriedod l1 j if iiý'ivi ar[et>'exigeuiîcem .aul etain.j * iti offce.,As oe tagoncrai ultimabe1 * niîi'iiitiaywiia lookIî hiytual lii. lune- '44 , liiis((11 cf Guvoruiaeub analtea a maonselîonllaneai aide cf pnospsnihy forE cialiaiha, vilii oaroly vitilaold tie han- et nvovAl wiliî Mn. smîthihivioli hc iialies lu tIi. foliowiîîg isanuage i Fo M ~unuy part, I bave alwaya avoweil iay convictio>n lta notiig eau largeiyt adiiite tbo proseaity asoelh oulf o1iîîad pîîali lfuîlanmasure cf nom- miiasiuionaithîtiho cominent ho wili îiîi blougp. Nollîing escionau givo hior liae -extouidoilMaerkebs for berI plnniar1roluolions, liiefros lauflow oft aîtilla uuhle]stimantsos te caler. 1)alasi, whîlni are tiihe eaotiai olomeuta ýfcoancrial oxpenAion, and viithoot t * îvhilin tic anipulation cf 'hitlis eau 1 îîîîaotiily i.cof muli aveul. , But from d (riuaîatierciîl unuion viithie neul cf the , îinailiuenl liaeIpeopleocf Canada haven imiani augiîltele cili, on accounu cf lie 1 liclitioal cosquenees hilch it iUP-h pusoil ta enlail - snd lIa-cea vue llink as 1 de oaa hia-commercial question cau onnly boy le thue sil cf -tue m'jority, fi wîîtllîtheiicourso -of opinion, andit vit (in li a eision of ovonts. Nolva Scotis, t * 'nia Lgioaetivo Counnil e! Nova c .$Ullaî haerefasdtehoe tooslf aut cf 'ixilauca. TIi, reoeinion vlaicliwam cirroloit luhi. Lever lIuse, vas le. ftao tuhie Concil by a voeocf 11 ho 7. CeunI>' Agiclioial Exhibition. AI e meeting cf Ithe durcono! IOflih Ceauml>' Agrinuhhaumral Soeaty of Saithi Ot)utsnio, 11iedntah Witby ou Fnl.>' - luuîit, Itîe pri-li lt vas gene evoî aul iuiue,'i.Thuoo xîiiiio le hobh hu* on ilucThurede>'anul inia>, lie iliu 1a-91 lth o! Siîstomhur, bis jea,- thùai uocît-befora tlbA Provincinal Fair. h tso toideroîlnaivigableatea rasiuitu flic dii plannof iaolîiit h oîgha 1ito luvo(laye, insteof us lima. Whlîhy Post office. Soeinsueighibeuonlnthe go# il wiih ho * nicollcleil, coniplisa oe cumada as tu hceia' iocuno position snd vaul e! se- coauiuodaliou in tIîo pmoescio post office bîuldaing, aud a peliticu vas «et np * îraying for lis roanoval o! the pot cffice. An invesigation vas thelui di aud f rnoetrtide, butrua actiounlias miuce beau talion b>' lhe Post Office Doputant, Yeshtorday Mn. Svu>'. Pýoil Office Insientor, isiled Wlîhhy th"îb a c l ep r o nn e n t at e p a y rs f tih ov-0Lict iim stIthie Inoyaiiclel anl made stahemeolse lu (aven o! van-. caus silos on Break sud Dundas treets -t1 he iugs sivocatel bing visutel lv Mu. Spry-vie viii lreport liereon, aimutl ne doubl cne of them vil h seloot- cal, lu case a nemoval is ilerainoi Voita MAwrncn.-Tueay marnung Mn. G. B. SÇievonseon, son cf Mr. Thos. Sleeusun1iiKuiop. e¶b>'thie Grand'ý TrulsWsiféeor Mentbâaî tkairan>' ether o( ourlogl e ha ve gene,.to thcPaIié Poinelie! * erînotlii Guutlit"tI<rLa ebOo¶vded.'bb bia. The saieu, 'aboph. Ivo ýn;lie epasse thie Nv.6lhty statIon,1h.firat emignmnt trainu of the' season, foi Manitoha. 1h gauttoil frnt Ohawa. Tho train, on ]oisvioig Brockvills, vas madelo op mb * hou tiieaiehi houaI for lie «rosI INorth- *Fit 'osI - Oto furuishéil fourteeu Ir-agucr aDdtinopassçugor cars; Aiilëvilefou ftigh an ce pascn. gain crn; Maoàtipk oefrigil car; sud lirocltviile lvi frolgl caresud hvo .. asenger oins, ,InsillitIon. ta hile Ivo - oggago cars vercfarnielied, whaloi viii mnako Ivo trains cf sixheen cars oaci. Soin@ of the beat mon of! lie Ottea valie>' bava pulil o ù tahs ad smo îing te Pîlatbeaso fs a hie NXgrtic Wsaâ~t gt ' ma ilto* Mtpr0êAniâg nue terni cf theit ent Parlàmenm -of Gatsmticiezpiros ln, Angnafr. Beforo t1hen he generai l eecttouforilhe Pô. vin. met~akepiste; Tii. Glbe 'of connécrion with dis prezii. date le the 7seleption of e. lime vwhiclî wili bc, on 1h.i ý whoie, 1meut convenient for tb. * «cirai body-.ofuacitors al oyez the Province, and w. have reason tab6e- lievq tuât th.eCoverument hive decid. > d ta-luine the write fok sone lime 'in June.. Tii.1 conviction that the.ausen. lioue nultlibs 6ha* lnthaI rnonth liai bon revalnt fo)r Ésem tunsd il. *deeil twonid b. difficuit tb assigi any other date,!t6b conld bc.-enterttined" for a moment. The inÏervai betwena th. presenl4linae sud lb.. commence. mentof eprIng workon lhe fanm a ltee ahort, aeu if tlWosateof th. roada ln the tural dfrîrlcM effered ne obstrue- tion'ho locomotion. By the lime ail. eoted "b. roade; will be in good condi. tii, and tbaiee eîîgaged lu egricnltunml operations aa find @parti lime thon moreeiIy &han ln auy allier moaîb before ugl - Mr.T. C MeAoy'aLatter. The Vincicaor publi»eoa the foliow. ing letter -with a great filhirh: lu tho Wbltby C1ronioàe of lait week Ihete Italtler wlich professe. to-e - written by a Catholie Conseevative wbo Waa at the abnal meeting of the 14.6 oral Coneervatîve Association held lately as Brookllnm Il pwuendi ta give au acoount of tome transaol ons aethle meeting, aud amougît other thinga laye: IlThon, again, Mr. T. 0. MC. Avoy,a member ofîhe Orange Grand Lodge, had an Orange resolntion cnt mdi dry ta put te tb. meeting. , Ba read il toseverai, ad wmm only' preoen ed brlnglng Il up by the atrenuoui pok. saealon of thoue *h o wqh'e à iltble imore politic thon hlmaelf-." Rtow, air, 1 was not at liaI bmeeting, nor ln tie Consti. tOenUv that day, ad neier wae ny- beother, sao lat îhere couid ho no mis- taise about tie naLme. The whoie tory- la afaiebood frorn tie bcgibuiug tb the end. No one Who wasatet1h. Breeklilumeeting would bcenaefoolisi ai1 ta wrlite ho the Whitby Chroniclo,. sud &ave ai], would Dot have iuveuted mi-ouuutha. 1Bntone conclusion can be anrived at-the letter wau tie wirk of the editor of the Clîronicle himecif, wioae deapicable tricka iu liii direction are sao eli known in thua con. otitucncy. T. 0. MoAVOY. If w. wore ta ms a tiii non, I"T. I." viiet grounil lae laitl tit daklug tie amy.0lte ôigaiinh thue Edihor cf lb. CERoNIULNa, viel coolîl hoenseor ? Did soybhiiug OVlcrocon within bis kuovioiige le warrant hlm ilu makiug eoonsatiouu cof titis ciiensoten 2 Lot IT. C.," Joot tiîink a vilabledi ask Iiinlucf hou. ijoîsiions Il On lihealay liefore 1h. Brookiin Canvention,thie Edihor cf lhe CHRllNIC.E cliancel te mee IT. C.," ou thc cars going wesl, fitîl o! imaportance,, te il tic ineting cf lie Orange GrandîlLodgo ut Guelph. RIe aiso isaw by the papns that "1T. C.," vas lîlaeaît att Guelph ( ou lie sane day as lie convention ) sol vas ap. poinîci à grand affiner. ii iii. ponaonal kuovîieîigeîl of "IT. Ces,,' anovearinnh, (and,-byi.tiie.by; Il T. C.16 dos noltj vino ho lie a saîrely lie vas nel ashaweil tell 2) Itie Edilor cf the CIIRONICLut, coul snsrneiy com- mis lthe shsurdily cf wriling tlis bIler sent.lc ieoffico b>' "IA CATIIILIC CON- $ERVATIVE." Tii. original lellaro, lu l ! oseson cf lb. Editor of lie CsR pC epak for thimeelves and qiv 1h.elie dînent to lie ver>' positive aBsortions cf Il T. C." Our éonirespou. dent udmihe hiatliho feil ino a m shako, a he expiains te a lehter noticei laft veel., se ta ltieidembit>' cf I"T. G.,"t W. muet loa "T. C." furtlîsr justice, ioevvr, (kmoviug hum as ve do,) and îay liaI cof al mca lie vould ho tue Mostl"' 'ioiyt make precisoly socit a Party ilouder, fanîlperlîsa as oniy saveil frow dbing a iy lais absence ou thao occasion. Ail vue knov trouble. solue" I T. CaB.," propensihien bemt, wiii «iv. îa hite crocul cf sehdomn miaeiog a thiag jtatlh e vrong time. The trth isi, vo are incinoI-to gucas, that the Editor of lie Vindicator."- - "_Mfor piafounl, Ail sellai Iying so.renowvul," vas ah the bottoa cf " T. Ca, letton. It smaocks of hie atopidity sud vindie- tivcuoss. And nov a vouai forthe uatter gent. He presuanes 1ta adis ialaseif la Gutibolles 1 Wuiat cool impudeance for tic frieud and onîlogist of Chîniqu>'? Ile, the inau vue, afler the GlonO.ibie elchiou, beeeoee Mn. Gisstat lei support, conli findin iuhic s'ccabnlary no voris tae vile teaiurl lst Catholios 1 Doos lie imagine tiaI Caholici foi-gel lai8 infemnons îenaînclelioos sol lu- sulta 2 Tîiey are stili (resu lnu hou rn.momy, andl arc net Iikcly ta bo soon rorgottn or fargiven ;-and especial>' 'Vili ticy a reanoroireil wlîo Caîbo- lice are calildopon tl etolluamy uoltîcky casuso j if liiîuciî anincarnation cf filsebood as; the Eîitor cf lic Oshea IVindicator" us the iiionble silvo- cate.- Ilis siailers yul libe Ihrouavo iai Theo causie anal vork ho cernes (ac)i,' CUUNCILLOII FOitTUE NOeRTa )NAR.- caîne uaîuanî oxistaias te iii. qulinica. lion cf Mr. Jameson, councillon for thc Northa Wanl, cm accounh cff the liquor traie fcnmiug part o! his hasinsea. fIe vuaelecteil lasI Jencan>, beore tic re- peal cf' h u nkîn by.Iaw, sni vluau tie sebliig o! apiailu iuoi-e ormeil ne portion cf uhie hale. 13y thie nazI Comocii cmeeting, tuivice villb i al on the subject, wiich vilIl ûeaiii iiiM. Jamesois ecourse, ,se ho wvhethen be nila eigu ornont. Iu ca-ue of lus rein. iglielion, Mn. liilleulge'o nineIa a beau iiieîitionvo',ias ionîuicior anîd Ilin accopt- suco cfthie office uirgaul apon lîlan by a maimber cf infloontiel natepneyeu's of lia waul, asu lud Mr. Jemeson go ont, vo kboy cf non. mono capable -e! ýtek- ing is place, or vie vonl ha a gi-oit- ci- anquihion le lhe Town.Gouceil linon. lutlcIge., Geî.nSMI' urî'HAIEý-Tua nov gooda aI Golsitbiu' Hall, iuthebj aîhed te iies stock hy Mu. Jolinelcas, une ehhnctiug muci attention. Me. Jolunîten boys ailvamtegeoùtsij fi-bm ail lthe hast menai- facai-crs from whiio stockslcie ceîî mae a-uuilaibe selochion, sod is pi- pareil ho «iv. tiiepublie the bouefit o! remI' moue e>' ihîgs in large eui- tiens on ýthoar punolisses. Please «ve a oel il aseste onovgoode. SALE OrFneTHE opiciNs' ESTATI.- Attoution la directel la the sale o! val- mable estalo, inoclaing ferme and lie propail>' kuovu as Hapkinsas iland ebdjolning progertias ilutho tevu cf Wiitby.- The silo takomplcoonthi. 8ýdié prxw I ilI aàfford lau eusueli>' 0ciel oportun tly ton' lose seeking a _vsluabile iuveîtmont. " Lie sod Stick la il." "Lie, sud stick ho i"-a-ýppears te ho thc mette o!thie voraona elihor cf lie Osbawm Vindicator.Heandbsdacou- violaI e! falseboil befoee ho wvole couuty l inte nmabler cf tie Gounhy priating, andl lie pîinting fer 'laa Goun- 4y A icultural Society ;sud jet, b lhe fYael e!hie publioly kuovu-trati, ho atul continuas, hi fsbrioatiousi iea tho marin ay s86000Of!shame Snea,.ýo'Rû4flî n'a stoeck o! baby car- niagep an4 ýrubluit m-. ml uav hie Boisan. ,LalcîlahLylos. Boatl miee Pries& x.eptionulIy loy. J. S. Roberb. soDvonii' hhock,.$roclae.sb, Witbth vareroomueas one of 1he moal relia mno - et ulnesi hoiLu s hetoivl * 0f mn. Lowes. w.e an mearcelyai vords idequat. *0 -givlug expree= Our regret aet he.lose cf oexuelsen buiinosa Mani, and nod wortby a illa This regret wrare cavine, wjlb. sai; pot, ouly' ,by bis old cuibomers, bi b y.every 1citizen. bigb aud l1ev, Whisby. .A quarter of Î cenlury's p nouai fnbimaey sud nulatermupo fnioudibip withMn. Lovai enabtesi ho bear willing lestiaaony, t*0" l ai sud prlvaite vorth, sud ho a»y tliaI il tii. relations oc f .w. have ami, met a purer miud.d or bette: iman,j evary seule ofthe Word. John, Loweî camne thoWhltby ilu1854, wl, quit. a yotugmin, sud -opéeod bus nes lutb. odbuilding where WOhfh den's Manile Facbory DOW stands, Duadas streete Twenby-two jiars sa thie day (Merci 26&6,) ho enlered lui perteralaip wih Mn, Powell. TI frault 1h.preseul fine building. the cerner, knowu ai; the Dominic Warerooms, on lb. alteofo!tlb.oc d'Red Store," oleven jeane age. Tl firm gtew sud prospored, Ai liey we desirvedIaud Ai bbey could net fail to i by their strict ittonlian la business au undoubted iutegnihy- 'Tu£ CONecL withou the name Lowza lun Its c0 umus to catch lie oye, enil thst ho noeor been a veek absent from lb Iti ing ail tus lime, viii scarcely appel "4naturel" te us. Anil as for Mn. Poi 011,w va e.Ilthat ho vil b. unablet avuld aiaklng a fow blunders, for nou timo te nome before b. forgeti tbe ni cessily cf vriting the- neme of "Lowe& before hi.s o. W. viai J. M. Lowe *"«001 apeodinlaaillhie nuderlakini sud vienever ho gesansd tb lie ng finwm ail Ihat succesa viai w. ine coi filent lhey villildesorve, sani bib, w are quite pensualeil, no legihimate 41 fart upon thse part cf hMn. Powell wl b. epaned tb alîsîn, Aund lu givlng futur Satisfaction la theatimerona customer cf tie aid Dominion Warereoms. Bhv. De. OeRMITcN.-Rev. Dr. Orale bun, tIh. celebratel preaclier, is nov ci a visil le Whitby te his brother, bM David Ormiston. The DenIer bai 00n sente oil elit'or a tuottare Iu st. Ai dreW*'I abonni, on Friilay eveuing nezt aud vo aro sure Ihat lie anneunoomen wili b hfo ifent 10 atînact an overflow ing audience. SCalîNaER FOR APRaî.- The Apri Senibnen ha. sevenal cenîpicuoesper sonel Attraction@, Ibre. cf lthe illustret cipapons being devoeil nsp.dlively tI - aury Benglind h is Wcrk," '1chr Ericsson" sud "Aotora andl Actresees cl New York," a&l cf thon. ccovering, visl is for the magazines, altucal untrodder groundt. ST. NaCanOLAS ron AtalL, opens vith ,,Litle Puritane," an article froinlha îen cf lloraco E. Scudiler, descuhins lîlili-life aînong the. eariy setliers ci N~ew Euglaud. Tiiene are two illustra- lioua, hy George L. Banne,, one of them. "Tii. Tithiug-mau keeping nider amoug lhe Little Punitamue a Cliorci,' formîu ig lie froulispiece of the nuanier. Thomeas hughes;, lie lamons anîhor of Tom Brovue 's 8chool Daye et Rug- by," counihulesa a iveiy Engiib osse tory, which le illuetrated viti capitl pictures by KaeoGrocnaway -of Lon. dou. Tii. bale includea a description of lie funsud frolie of Gang Monday anil "Biiitiug Ithobounds cf the par- iii," MEsîiîîa. LàiNe & STEwAaT, bave nov on baud their spriug and. summea bock of dry goods. Thoy havo a large ci i s c ol s' andl vcry veluail, -atcck, wvici liey vere foi-tonale enougi ta seur. -'bofore lthe ncv htaibf came loto offoct aeuh de. sire te give tiair cusîcanere lie fuil benofil of Ilîcir furclîaaoi. SacîNo Surand Wvel made Clothing cf ail kinils ai-oelverlised et Pringleo, viiers tiore is a large stack -of fins ciollîs froin wvich te make s seleotion. Gents' fuîniahiigs-s full line-aul ne risc lui-larce, but aelliug abompen lieu ever. Ti-NDEntsF011 WIIITasvHARBR A ND EaEvÂiUt.- Tho lime for îeceiviog tenders for llîis valiieble proporly is up 10 fi-st April. ibOuTS & Suces suiteile fer lie ses- son, a largo stock of ladies', gents', misses' sud ohilducu's aI Mn. Colliues nov shore, Devenus B llock. [Seo alvt.] Dliss-aÂ~IN.-Ms.Aluin bas on- giagcd a fire-I-lasa dreis-maker 10, take charge o!fliiis dparîmoul of lion busi- ness. A pore Ilabanea igar for .5 cenhs, ah T. G. Wiitfisil's. Seo J. S. R6oerlson's apring steck cf Englioii aud Amneniomu vaîl papcn. 4,- 00 railscof nev sud ahaina patterns, i-om 15 coule per roll sol opvanîs. Boit vailu n he ouuty. J. S. Rab- orteon, Devcnilh's block, Bronk-at, Whitby. An Open Lelter IIOLMAN LIVER PAD GO., GENTLESEN.-I bave muai gplossaire iu lîîhl<ytug le lie extrema effica>' cf jour nemeldy for Dyspepsie. My moti- on, Mrs. W. A. Munis>', No. 146 Wol- igoustreh, Toronto, bel boen a martuyr 10 the siuffoi-iuguiniluced bhy lue maladj fou ipvards cf -six jeans oh. leiuing- but shorht tcanporei-j relief fraie huac aîoîueh reauaîiiesooftc!hlai reconi-se te, lu hiese cacas. Aftor coouidorable persuasion mIxe couei hd o vaar oms of your Liver Pedi, aud nclvihisaad- ing her vaml cf feithin iiih sue expor- ieuced considonable relief in thie courses o! a fov voaka. Sinco lien. sic bas uel a second eue, sud nov claime fer jour Peduaoe ntiré ci-eut cf baviug hroaigit a-bout a cure isyonh expcba- lion, for whiob net ouly doil;s iio feel deepîy indeblel te yen, bol I a sol! muat congrulululte snd thauk>'oa foi-a oui-e I couli bail aI lie most bave hopel fou. Yotini Maoltliopechfaulhy. C. S. MURRIAY. M. D., L.R.C.P., &0., T. G. WViitfiold Wlitby, sole agent for Ouhenie. FOR BABY CÂRRIAOES, ciîeap. go to J. S. Roborheon'i. SrÂ-zoNltR-Iatra. Allina mivaniaca asepecial supply cf atatioery ver>' ceaîp. Choie cigareuat T. G. Wiitflold'u. Caution Et iaving cerne ho orunkoovîcîge thitI a certain Heumo ln Canada bas hotu eodeîvoaining ta muloal lie na- tel -ealans in Silvervare b>' giving lth o unlonstenl liaI lhsy havethie Moriden Bnilmonia G's «oeils for eale, ve tuko thile mtiol o! infonaing lie traIe, sud or oustaro nersa prtieulir. It suai gools, althiugi male in Mrilen, arcnoct matnfaclunol by us, Mn. 1'lip Taylor keep Or beat geodu, bu Wiitby sud Oshawa. i MIcututN BRITANNIA GO. Iun eE;a o te ebove I bcg te sa timî I1ihave mankeil dowu lieue stan- dard geais lcvcr lien ovai-. A cheice sud large ssortaeuh bu-stock te select PHILIP TAYLOR, Wiitby. A Iclogmaîn frorn Lahîore seje liaI Goucral Tjtlan, ou thé 24bhi lut., de- fO)tai300o! lie enemy fleur Pesbo. bol"k, WULua lois) of 004U & TIi ikll hieé %beol Cor"» rationastu fil1,à 1h. llbo feaeally ,ahesld 4,. lnfoem. eohbpir statue and effo e give andsbo la thordrtu*"ayýp@ua 2 ginte viaed statt. 1. 1. !Si ovth dny ofthe àinjt e. aporeo anually, on or bef9qllthé rad Èrst of Mylnseh yerIhe'làgi* bunt tiv.lGrantin *id o Pble asud Se ' iai &t'e ehooI ecrdhsg te -he vetu*nefmt wr.- the lut préceeding year of <the wliol. le@d populatiourof Ontario, whlelathée el n s 'ot.the respective Couties, CWtiunu icO Tovuna ep&rMted anejiow roquireulto la iàd etulhle .Milsteroun or belbr th. ver dent dey of AF11 l neaeh yemr. The ina foi lelhrefôrue to be perfornied in Mmeiatly b1the' sevteral Cheiks; iI &&m& bain hi ,tattar. lM lte, el latiota of Moh oty. ',bity Or Vownlp oW lait year. go 2. Sobool, Corporations puieM"g 210 enîhonizeil prise or library bookemp he0 or apparatre from books ellor othems, .n arenetitled 10 mu equal am:ount <ro [O th. Depository stockor in euh, as ld lhey may désire. Normal - Bhoolîlsu- he dets enobtaiu from lb. Depouitory, aill atcoat price, test and liray books, ýdo mapa and apparsusln-Teachera' As&c. nd cito ofo!éducation, an'd Pnb. La# lic Iinetitntlona receivlng -Provincial l- aId, ilbrmry, prise asud tost booko, mapa lu sud apparaltua. an- 8. ii. Franchise in the caai of aIl an 'Public Scbools bai been extended so ai ýw- ho lucînde income votera wbo have 10 pail a leo4qI tex, while a&Il formerl>' Me qualified 4! e onl u 0do io.. le 5. "The mode ofelectiug th. Trustees 5â, of Scool Boards ln Cillen, Tcwna, Vil. res lagos and Townshipa, bai beau. clearly 'O provîdeil for, sa illRibe sauenfroin the W Act italf ; while ln tbe caue of Rural lu- Sebool Sectiona the old mode bai not wG beeu changed except sa, t19 th. day of ëf- tb. Annuel meeting, wblch will ln fa. ,ilI tare beonîthé laitWe4pesday ln De Lre cember ln each jear, or«. a boliday on . Yh duiesof MnicpalConucila iu organizcd Townîhl sa ply te evory o organisadt Towuship in t e Province j con bnt with respect te uuorganided Town. r. sipsandsud nuicipatitjos compoaid of more than oura Township, but wltbout SCounty organisation, 1h. 1ev la nov c. da:, Owiug bte eamendaient lu sen- ct lion 10 of the new Act, vbicb provides ithat the Municipal Counis lu sncb r-case eau form portion. of the Town. ahlips int Sohool -Sections or a achool Boards tbey aefit. il 0. Il la importntute knov thal the i.- powers of Trustées of rnral achool sec. 4- Miots tu levy or collent upon their owu te authority public achool rates bas caued, nu excepting ai 10 pendi»g roeedinge, )f vie mayr b. pre otdutil teE at ratai are coliecteil ; And heuceforti tie n raciîinery for tie *collection cf al achool rates ai veil as other rates in th. samo, the bas for the requisition hof lie Schooi Truateces bing the Assenas. le ment Roll, andl tic collections beingt hhrougii lii. Municipal Colleclor sud 'g otier Municipal officiaie..l of 7. Auy surplus scbool money (nDt deniveil froua lhe Municipalities' Fond or tic Municipal Lou Funil surplus) 'gmybe apporlioned amongat sachool masetinsacoordiug'la 1h. average atlen. Ifdance of pupils ut each school. 8. Tie amount payable from tiea )r Oounty Rate of Teaniiera' salaries cauot cîther i. peid by the Coanty Treasuren under lhe direction pf li'Cth y u specoon te ny Teee r direct, or trans- s mitted te lie reapo6tlve sub-Treasurers, P n 9. It in made .dle'ar thet ail pupils, Y' chiîdren cf non-rèsidents, are hiabla te pay e school fée, net axceodiugr twenty. five nente for each moti. *10. lu arbitrationa for -leking achool sites ail intoreili, inclnding thoae aof rOwuera, Morîgagees, Tenante and eothers, eau bo deal it ilte y 11, As to Union Sehool Sections thinIl 8foliowing donbtful p oint, are seltled :- n (1.) The union i conside.-ed for lu-.I Ispention, taxation, borowing of moie e and al sebool purpoes as wilhinth Mfunîcipelity in which the achool house.t le ituale. gi (2.) Part cf 1h. portion of thie Muni. ! cîpality forning the. union may be JI' wthidravu, but eny prcceediug of Ibis nature la alveys, s velas lie whoie fo portion, lu lie dircnition cf the Muni- cipal Council. (3.) On thie inît day of January neil lie provisions a tbhie union forrne. aften hhe second day of Merci, 1877, will appiy te ail unions formed before thel date. andl as te the latter, tii. p.. pi riod of five yars noins from lie time pl tlîey vere firet establisheil. n( 12. Thé Public Scio Board of any ni City la empovered t19 couatitule on. or ta, more cf the. Public $cools iu sucbCity a Model Sohlool for the preliminary te ors wiich may be levicil froua Separte 6e School aupporters il e hochpaid aven te Ai the Seperete Schci Truste.,, if auy. in je, thc Township.co (0.) In cases wiere thc Trustees cf soe R. C. Separate Scbcole exorcise Iheir loi option bo having the Separele Sîhiool Th rates coliectoil by tue Municipal nia- Sli chiery. lie Asseson enu accept th. fol kuoviedge cf a person beiug a Roman tic Catioli as prîmafacie evidence of bis lu boiug a Soparate Sehool supporter. thi (7.) The Educational Deparîment tic cen aulionize a Soparate Sciiocl te ho- le corne a model Sîbool for lie prelimîn- Z any training of Teachers for Se panale ti Sciocîs ; aud in suo ae, or 'lu the special circumahances cof Sepale Scioola lu any Couuhy, lb. Minieler iuay necemmenil te tie Lieutenanh- c Govennor lu Conucil, tiee ppointmen1 Bo cf au additional.méimber of theo CcuMty D Board cf Examinera poseeaing qualifi- ci cations prescnibeil by -tie Edlucation HC Departmieut. hab (8.) Th, thirlielb section cf tbe sep. fro &aae Scoel Act la nov défined t10 corn-.cf prs Teacliens qualifiod eltiier inatlb.u Pro1vince of OutsfI-o, or aI lthe lime of loi th. paug cf the. British North Amer- laý je A= athe Province of Quebec. ,*e 14. The powors of Public and Hligh wl Scool Boardin lu eqining municipal bri Oorporationa te rais. upon the requisi. mi ien of sncb Board auy smm wbic *h lbey ori migil demand, bai beau circuwscribed te as ho exponlihure on capital accoaI ho ho- tbe oxhent following, vîz: a? (1.) The Municipal Couancil may, by o! e two-thirda vote refuse tb rais. thbothb ýamount ilemanded. col (2.) lu cae of reful the School Board may require the quesition le 6ebL enhmittcd te lh. Municipal electora ,Tu qualifid te vota an By.laws for creat- me ing debte, as uboheassaut o! a major- uy ity cf the. ectors being oblaiued the Municipal Conucil muet pas the By- 15. Iu th.ecase cf Rural Sibool Soc- T -tions;, Trustees cennot bcrrow or raai cet any rncy for expendilure on capitalml accouaI unlees lb. proposition bas @een l final, approvel cf et- a general meeting 1 of thnjjualifled achool elect10l. .1 1id. Tii. aove provisions do not ep. auý ply b cases .where Bihooll ittdI Je véej 65 mne »"vri of ru»ii ana ý i#tgn501"o aPublic, Se parte or lugbsoof Dominion alm The greato .r put cf th.é e of tbé Honuwastakenuplist w ek ln dis. ouing lwo porsenal ta~ors. Oue W"i a motion for papers by lr. Keelor wbho complaineil tht 'a les$.r mankal "Pnlivato," lu rereo t le Codring- toni pool-ooffie, bal bae i en on 1Mr. Blggan; b>' lb. ex-Poilmai r Général, Mfr. Hlunlîngbon uonder to injure tie sittlugromb erin bis canisu at the lest olootien. Tie othe:w a motion for papons with refenshéb.dis ebarge cf Régis Cardinal, a office: lu the Inland BRevenue Deopas-eut, Who Il vas allegel vwu diséaa d on mc- count of bis political opinio s. It wu allegeil Ibat Cardinal bal t d impro- perly e a solilicîl, agen wben bo ihold bave &eou dlachanglu bis public dutiss. Tii discusilon of eue malter. teck a vide range, emnbr gcnlticisas cf lbe acte of lie late sud pr sent Gev. erument vith respect to overument mmployes. The motions ire igreed bo- P'rldaj, Mr. 1luab vas introluceil by Sir Jdhn A. Macdonald e nd hook bas sa for figats. Drn. Tupper moved bhe fi #il rellug -of th. meainres for the ami admont of the. Truc hPintou Ralw l'Tranîfon Act cf 1874;thlb. ailW&Y Aole 16 rosp.cting bridgea, san u4ot ho make funthor provision for tie uiauagement of lie Pembine branci cf le. Canada Peciflo Railvay. Mr. Girouird bai, inbro4eed a Bul te seure certain advantage4 for those purciesing benk stocks andI te prevent gambling lu lhe sae. H(s meesure viii put an effectuaI, end te l'l bnlling ,aud beening cf. stecks by i oespeneible spoculatona lu Canadien stoco oxcieug- os, and, cf course, vili meo~ with lie most detorminel oppositioun rom bnok- erna l cntnoal and Toro ho. Aflen Mn. Ginouandbil d briofly explainel lhe provisions cf île Bih, Hou. Mr. [lunhingîcu rose lea qesbiop cf pnivi- loge. Heaspologizel for troiabling the Flau,. egain lu e malter cf kbat kinil, but wienlho foul ea newipa er in lie Province cf Queben, the CÈ rrier dui C!ancada, deliberateiy disterting i s-x pressions in lie Hanse, lie th onghieh ,hould speak cf il, and mono especially se hoe b.d reason ta hellevo liaI oeeof tho meanherucffbihefRousege l writbeu tho article nefenreil to. Hon. Mn. Auglin seuil tlat Ilion. seemecl 10 i.c a stdied purpose on the. part of a certain organizel bodly cf cen- "Piratons le wisnreprosent lhe Lmemben 'on Shefiord. Heo saI thet thon. veeO no justificatiou for lie charge laid ta Mr. Huutinglou's dbon Ibal ih bad lu- nîltol tie catielina cf Qnebec, ail auj atlempbt tobolster uopsauci e change ras e gnos anddelihenaeomisnepreseu- taen. The lauguege aîlni)uted te 1wt halot been useil, sud there vas noh e sentiment expresseil ih aujan bouest man counld construe iutInau nb- oult tobi he(Anglin's) co-r'eligionists. 'bey cistorted i ii finît remlarks and hey distertel hs eiaul. tt vas e grosa and unwanreulabie misàreproen- tan, andllie vas surpnissil thet atuj iumaisl, muali leass momber cf tic lana.e, vonli be guilIy cf anob bas, foul cendunt. The debate outhe Tariff vas resum- NIqnd cenlinuci np toe doyen e'clock wien the FHans.e djoornel. Moulay Merci 241h. Peliliona frcm severel nevaptipon pro- nielors unI pninters of Ouhenia oe 'remenlel pneyiug thit thonèshsiul cIt b. auj inhios imposel ou prntiug netenieim imporhed (rom eohqr cun- Aflen Mn. Onimot lubralucoil a 1ill i allov Legielahive Counileoru te be- irne eligiblo for meabors cf theo Honse rf Gommons, Sir.John A. Macdenald evold thît thetariff lobate eso~uld bc h. final orlon cf businoss cn Wedues- ly. Mn. Mackenzie teok exception te lis motion being brougit forvmrd thor hain uts proer orlon, clairning, tiat, muld tho Govenomînt heve lie poer i forco sncb a maiou outhe fouse au irate mombers' day, tbey 09uld o!- acnal>'talc. visteven timi vas really 4lottol ho lihe memberi of generm hu- so, sud i. thcugbht lbe Speaker îouid rIele acmtion cnt cf ordar. r Jain repliel ad aulcilaIfer lb. îliug cf the Speaker, vie deoUeI liat v as conîrery te epractio4 cf thi. Discumsions hook placc on varions ebtions, sud lie, Houtea. iljedoo Vedncsday-Tumday hoing e Catholic iiday-Lady Day. i Tho Goveanenî ham eiertèuod thue turnors Outarion andl Borussia. Tih. )r mesa the United St,ýteà fer 00 mules for Natal ; lie latter om- inke cavalry et Portsmouth foý South Lnica. A ltIer froan Lord Cièirnslcîl puiolieh, datel February Oti, ne- ommeudicg liaI a Msjo-Guieral b. unt le South Afnica, us prolou4ch aux- ly sud oxertion are telliug pun .iams ,,e Colonial Seooh.y huas wî4tlen to r Bartl, Pion., aeneurlog tlb. latter 3r takiug the course, viticultite sano- [ou cf the Goverueuln, wiiciresulted li te Zulu war. The Seaîetany sea ho Goverunent le isdigposed ta sano- [n auj annezalfon or auj fnuihier lu- Brforenco vili the internai.aa.in, cf ;u tien is necesiary for lie bafely of e clonies. LATER. Tiense ppeans la ho semas mystery onueclel viththe laest noe'sfrom tuti Africa. Hm Royal Hig esthe ahie cf Camrnbidge, coaaj ilen-in- bicf cf ben Msjemhy'm farces, matedin b anuse cf Lords lait Monilay liaIli. ad ot receivol an>'- iomznubnieahion mm Gsnenul Cholmsford compiainiug ftoc, groal mental ad psic $terain pan birn ceuscî by Uic ver. Boltih lIter vbieh bas bain poblishil am coia- ig rom Gan. Chelmnsford and express- à lu Ibis seuse, vas isilaveate, ho icI' nîenlin. The Duke o!Cam. lIdge funthor staeeil thbio Gveru. solta alremd su soti aer- ra te ail Geunal ileonî butnot )supensedo bim. Populer opiaion, iwver, continuai tobebi trcugly rint Gon. Chelmsford, mol hhoaction le Goveroment in retainiué hem lun s chie! comandolbu ai dmmci mmenl. oue A motion moveil by lb. Mirquis o! ansdavne luthe Hooe- cf Iends on lueebey nigit cenuunig lis Govein- set for pnoducing the van vas dofoet- y156 1081. Texz QuEEN.-The- Quosu * lefb ou ýaeslay for tie Continent. silo pro- .101d tu Cherbourg. After a short Wy in Parle, aie vill goe o10 rona, on ieor cocf Lige Maggioro iu Itsîy. Field Mar.hil Muohoufel l, -iention- aas the pibableOù ovr c'o Aisace, Id Lorriae. er anboueni grant. lbtê tho&@ prtiInae.r lhe proportiea aPpreeIsblm bý ontamans -thoil t least, with wbld *4 are0 Iprêent eadowd-were oesby coe e t rieted from ItL Not, b. 1h remaried actualiy le bolie ,lu il& eontinn.d ae Latence, siar tis proceai ofabalracitho bal beaiu liy cOarielot ; but merel ta concelve of a, somethlng deaigni a ai "tbe essence cf tho lemtii,11 bon * vbch Qi ,ihitratel propardeios lie beau cidtoried ias stül'rem inifng. FPc 'ibmh' toma "esainwde 1 .1!. siul "ieonli," andfenthar lob. ns suppose 1hà thl inetosconuieue.,feeling, ",h. tlst lem-one Iick ; but slmply the abil tho 1e vili tho-oomaunicmte the iD I a ogs uvat rai p ont hen: *would ask, in tie bellef Iun1hexisteou o! tbe man eul, asya entily icp arato mnd distinct froa Ithe body, silsi legi difflàilt tien tb. con ,ception .0 lhe existence of lie seul cfa lamon1 But, vile Dr. Hasnel professa ith utter inabiily, excopl unIe: 1he con pelling influence o! hia teanier's roi, M fonmi ucb s conception, ho did net beii 3tato * ak us, bis audience, ta coucouv 9of, if Dot ictually tb believe ln, the cx is:ltence. "lu 1h. beglonnng,' or ai toast, ai neartbe beginniug as ho carsi to venlure, of b7ypothetical "ultiltafeo with ne preporties nave Ibeai of me; nitude, impenmtrability, sud, I suppoe lunrla .The ropoi-y ef fonce vas i parlictilar mîcînldeil. Nov, I coinas tbal, wbile 1 dan coucelve o!the soulia a lemon, I cannot concelve o! e bolj baving magnitude, being se hard as M b. imponebnablo, force being uon-oxis tout. Tii.tb me unsoivabie puzzle is boy ver, lie p articles compeaang thbeo nihimates beld logetlhor under euel ver>' poculiar nirouwsaacos 2 Moe. aven, heving basan bd thia noir the begining, I arn Dot satiafiel, I vaut tc go a shop farthen. I do net cane te Irai the lin. ah "altiwiktes," thogb, ci course -il muet b.cdet-vusomevhere, "Uiîimetes," if w. an. julge things by them narnea cly, cenlaiuly seemsa «ol place te mev 1th. lino. Some cnning metenialisl oviilently d4vised l sai lii.tliehuis cf icionbific invoatige- tien. But aftcr aIl, hier. ie no use in in being frigilened byea more neme fret avkinga civil question. Wience cae tlaco . ulimetes" ? Frem Gel ? 1h in neasonabie te suppose IL-at He croated malter, vithout,41; lie saine lime, on. dowiug il viti al ils propertios?2 Wieî He gave 1h magnitude, viy net veigit? Ili il euy eaaier te cneive cf a body vitlloul veigit Llien n ee of vo ai- anensious oniy 2 Moreover, as Gel in.a spirit, voul il ual ho more in accor- dance vith s<îund neeson to tae fonce, aud uot mater-ne malter boy amall lie partiales, non haw few their praper. lies -as flic. sterling point of creetion2 Agein, as a simple malter of finI, viat de ve koow of auj existence, meteriel or immaleniel, evon oun ovu minds, ex. cept through tic operation of ils forces; by ils fonces being undenîtool cf ceunie theen fonces vbich, se fer as or know- lelge extonds, are inheront lu il? If, ai the lecînnen appeeire latlîink, magni- tudle be tii.oue' eseenlial proponty of wallon, anil if magnitude bc eimply tiaI pncporty of a body vbioli euebiea il, by lie resiaece liaI il allere 1. occupy % certain amounulcf spene tc 1he exclusion cf cvony alben body, vlîy may uol magnitude itsoîf hc but au ex presaion of a form of force ? Or, in cther word., Lmey il net b. correct, lu- aheai of reganding force a a property of malter, ta regard malter as e pro- perly cf force?2 There enu cf course bc no pssile ojecion ha flic ecienlist, ai a mater ? covenincete hiasoîf in hie vonk, negardiug force asie prcperty cf malter, but hieouogit te underataud liaI hier. ln auctien vievthiat con bs leken of tiet auhjecl, equelly incapable cf demonstratien, boltaI ieat as coti- sonant vith reaaon as is ewu. And if vo do net neli beiug spoken of as a man ef a vulgen minI by tiose wbo look allihe subjecl from anolîser direc- tion, lie ougit ho b.ciary ihoe rid- icules tLose via do net see lie thiug as li. sacs b. Yeuns truly, M. O. EASTWVOOD. Wiithj, Mai-ah 251h, 1879. Entcrtainmnl at De La Salle Inîtitule To ftae Rditcr of the Whlby Claron- icle. As Ivo successive jeans bavo putisel vitheul auj public lomonstra- tien on lie l7îh cf Mrai in the ail>' cf Toronto, serne are unde thie improsl- an liat tho Irish people cfthie "Qaeen Cil>' cf the West" an. ulîovingtheim natioal spirit ta lic ont-; but auj per- son p rosent aItie enterlalamaut gircu bj lie stuilents cf De La Salle Instihute, on tie sveniog cf bic lothi mat,, vilci vas unmvoidubly postponod fro thic evcniug ofthie 171bi inul., coulnul tiink forae momenb biat tie toast cf Inoland'a Patron Saint yul ai-o long ho forgabben. The bahl cfthie Instilute vas tatefuily lînoreted vibi appre- priate bannons unI moltoos. Long ho- fore the boom annunceel for thie open- iug o! lie exorcises evrj sent vas oc- copiel. The folleviug ile i. rder cf lia progi-umme :- Parh Final, lst Grand Mai-ch, "a9oacenicr do Liege," vlaici coulil nel (ail te please every laver cf reflueil musie ;' 2o1, oponiog adîree by P. Donne cf Ottawa, vici, exbeudeil a cordhial velceme 10 al vins coul vial' for a rare Ineat ho a liteaau performance, andti uthle smre ime ebhe e lakiol feelings wvilaiezial belveen lie Christian Brothers snd thein paipils bi8rd, Chorns, "O/t in thc .tilpy Night," by lie La Salle Gie Club; 4tb, an onation, "Irelaul," hy J. P. Dunna vicivas leliverel in a maîherly elyle. Mr. Donue' poeics cf deelumaiion sro excellsnt und tborcugi- iy cnitivahîl, sudthe arahicu lu ilsel! vas aomelhiug sublimae, net oe arnongit lie audience coullehten ta il vilicut béiug cuniol away lu spirit beek t te idys o! Irctaod'a greebuese, vien sic rankel amang bbc nationm cf 1he esîbi, sud foilovlug on ta a later day vo saev lpintedin luenocolora lthe many vrongs vhinb liie Irish people have suferaI at th ne ou f tliar op- pniaoni aul as passage afber passage fou1 tahe spcsken's lips bis hearera ver. almeel neethlose mol feirly spel- hounn, at.tirnes lie>' vero secannia avay b>' thiifeelings thhy coul aieirely refrain inca nising <nom tii sos^Ieacrli<j pplaul hlm. 5h, a duetl "Let Iafaic and Song", vici vas vell rendarel b>' McCreary Bras., a! Omaha, Neb. ; tb, a dîciamatian, "lTir Battleofo Dundellc". iy F. E. Fitzgibbona, of-Oio, vbo-4 ll a-ljus- lice la bhe mutler sas vol astb "lThre Haro cf Finn-Gall". Part second, let, "A soloction e! Irish airs", vas dis- coorsee by lb. La Salle orchîetra iu a maunerwvici refleots gpeut credîl an lhe professer astud ehults vie 'appean- cd ta be quibte il home vicu iuodling tiairamusical instruments ; 2naI, su original osssy "1Tiooald Wolfe Toue", iy Joo. B.. Smnith cf Kingson, lu vhici tic Ide and cianucten cfaà dovotol son o! Ern vas veil petrayel ; lrd. Chor- us, "The-Red Cross Kntgkrt", by tie, La Selle GI.. Club was vsay pleaiog; -4h, leciamuili, "Tire-.Battlo cf Feu- tonoj", b>'SB oni !Nevar k, N. J, vhich Y"uliltIfani te Iontho heurt o E irr*be rdOa th Im f le InalfitÎtînlo o f lh. fur fimecl-Province' aI o!f Ontaio., i'IMight-,not b. onto! pxlac eu iln home thii lbm De Lai do- galle InîIlbitla àToronto Je under the z- abble management of Bey. Bic. Tobiso,1 on ýwbo proves biil! ho. Il. a wortby 111 suceor t*0thlber. Bro. Arnold, 0ONE WHO WAS THERE, lut or The NowTa 6e 0ad, d. te- St W. give below lb. principal fiffe iff.cted by thé obau o nla rif, Whïot teck effencn lie15 bIat.,ase iily alb.hechangeo a cn b. ldicatoin aithe îspace et oun dispos&i. - UnenüferâtedI Sarticieî, whicb vers 11j per cent. nder. P. theaid tariff, are nov mal. 202 per ci ent. New -Ci of Taâriff. Tariff 2Agrieultural Iniplemeuls. 25 p. o. 17j p. c.i de Antificial Fbooe..... 80of 17j n. Beckblndons' Toolsansd la. pleens ..........15 1" Frai. BareyBali pbus. 5 cl. Free. X- Buckwhes ...... 0 Froc,. at Indien Corn-...... 7j " Froc. bd Oatmoal .....per Il. j Pree. Whoib Fleur. pebl Fiee. Bye Fleur..... ...5<)r U diFioc. 9. Cornmemi......'J 40 *1 Froc. e, Brus in bars or sî.ets.... 1. . F ro,. inI fTublng ........... 10 " 171 p. c.j 18 Breous sud Brushes.....256 71 il of Candles ............... 2 " 17J doParaffinevaz . 4 I jy Carilges, Wagons. Sleighs.25 fi 17J d ta Cernent, Bmw...per ton $1 Il Free. s. do. Burnt. .per 100 lu. 7j cîs Free. 0, Wiber Lime....per bb1.40 Il 17J ' se eo.iahaalknnlubagebu. 9 di 17t Pire Brick............ 20p. c, Free" bClneks or parts hheredf.. 856 17J 'F o- Ccii, &nhracite. .por ton 50 'Fiee. 1 oe do Bitumineus.."Il e60 Fro. eg Oop . ig1cnep, barbait, c ie 9Tubing and Wire:...10' Pro. of Rivets and bars... 80 Frec. o. "Menuul's et....80 " 17J ýy Cerdlage, il for Ship's pur. a posles.............15." 5 d leDrain and sever pipes sud .ie .... ....20"d rc il Bro n athon &datse- Fe. v- an...............525 17J di nj . White, Graite ni Iran do 80 " 17j n Vllectro Plateil Waro .... 80 " 17f- t le Fieh, oxcept those Irceby S Treaty of Washington Fie id rutdred ....::erI 1 171" 2-Appies.......... . bl. 40 10 E ,i Pesehea-.....per. bush. 40 " 10 t? Plums1 quincesaneuhcran- beae...per. bush. 30 " 10 t Ycherries & Currauls p qI. 1 " 10 Black rasp gneeu a travheries ....- per. qt. 2 " 10 Grapes........... Il.Il."1 10 *Orange.sud lamons.20 p. c. 10 t: Frit in uair tifgît cane, iucludliogenus... por lb. 2 cI,. 10 a do. da. sweetonedIl 3- il"1() 2 ur,, Manufactures of.. 25 pc . 17J 9 I, lo. Dnesséd........... 15 -0 171 9 .1 Pruilure .............. 85 of 17J1I Gis or Keroeano fibtre, 80 . 17J Quo owder.... per. Il. Se ;a4 17J .. Blast'g. " 8e Il 17J t 5e Dynamite and ohher ex-9 ,. ptlosivoe...........Se &20P..17,1 ' ,Ntra Glycorino .... 10&-20--17j di Gutta Percha Mfr'î cf ....- 25 0" 171 if Ros....... er Il . 17jpits. Y Boots;, ihoc euhLoathon s Mfr'î ................ 25 p. c. 17J Il" aIron, pig..... per ton 82 Fiee. i 0 a.. aid snd scîap.. di $2 dgFiee. de. îiabs, blooms, billets 12J "Froe. y do. bans, baud, hoop, s heot, galvanîzal, bo-fi i and Canadaplhe 171J 5 " * do. rail............... 15 do 10 4 do. fisiplales, fîog point e &oc................171J " 10le l do lansd steel vire op to B Nol18.............25 -' 5 If t i do. car vhoele .... 2à d"17J di B, 1Locomotive englues...25 id 17 il fa 7Shesa do. and boliers.... 25 di 17J 9 t Iron machineryý......25 :"10&17J 4" 1 do. Eoilowvajie ...25 "17J1d " 1Har=aebouders', cabi. D nelmeers', îaddleri', l carniage mak ers', up- t * holsteers' ........... 30 i"171 "6 hi Jewellery and watchea. -. 20 do 174 fi Laid............ perlb. 2 cli. 2 ils.1f Laid, pig, block, bar, shoot ab cIlder.p............ 10 p. c. Fiee-.> t) io.):Pipe .............2.020 17J1I d la. ual & thermanfri. 25 " 71 ag Leather. oîpier uallesoie ga anl bellicg, lannol col net waxed-----------..15 "10 Leaîher borl...per Il. ets 10 " h Boon sehàe counteri made.from leatier board .Pepair. ...... flacon sd am iel on smpked-.....per I. 2 "de 1 Meata, other do ....... .id1 tel Nails sud Spikes, cul di ............perlb. fl Il017J R.f do. wroughl orpreseol. . icdcio'17)Il aî Oul, Linîeod on flux--...25 C17J do h 011 Il..............25 if 174 1 Organs, Cabinet upuc. &so ail at ..............810 ta8017 i"did Piper hangingo,.. --- 17 -- li Paper coUars and cufea. . -2j 171 PartimOr... ......... 0 25 bo Plano Fortes ve&'ad val' 0)5 ta O171 b i Pluihago, unman'fd ...10 " t1h,- ,j Patent MedIcoeà Liquil. 50 ..25 ' l do.ohr od . S "25 do 111-,ai ler. -171C.hfS do. ail other 'l ns P.c0. le Gîas-hottiee, jais phiais Wh laanp Chlmuojo. sua coored wlnoew. the71 con;ion wludov.».20 ' 17l i Cottone, sheeog, drill, Ai ucanton Sauce>.Uc-15 171 d --jean, denlm eh ,st drill, &CcIif celored, le2c peieaqdd 15 Il 171 a a' Waddln vere er, cet holiefi, colorol le 15 --10 'Cal Bleaehedor died or Col- orod do,Ocand ld.... e v Shirts, dhavons aiiery élolhieg,......... 80 Thiead, lubais....i e1 - et( au pO)4 1> "17 an( fisoels, tweeds,'lçoat- sin, Clotho, fo21, meq a kuittol shirts draweis, snd hosiery, 74e par lD. 110 15 Wh --ieady -mal.e elhiog, wi, ,wholly or meîhly vool, exetkullted, iOn Perj lb, and................25 17 -Carpt,lunga o ad - D-, O] 2 piy 1o sqyrl, and... 20 o Ourpohs, Cotonwarp, 5CPei, the sqd, and............».20 NC theuwano.............25 "171 " Th Wine, chaempagne, dz qta ...$î.00 ac pinte.........1.0 alliai vanLous .avec. uri a aUL Ai Zinc-Fig iileck, sheet .... 10 p.c. Iii -Manufactures-,......'2 Tira BLÂVCî KNOT ACT.-Tie Ontario lg Legieisune hau pasel an. Ad ccompell. b lag lie occupants o! lad clonulan buru up alil1he, Wick koat fanal opon plurnubrocs ; ielinquents lu liis regard 1Bnl rcuderigtheaeelvos lhable ho e fiue cf foi' $1.Orerseer and iuesee1ors cf liigh-l fO weye areinabruolel te gir. spoclel aI- tention tle âtus alIen. * ik ý-whal Ibmn? We'mmy moud Lord Loin. beentur es ftern oînre bta'resê le bis iviers, utI voabaîli dc0ne moe' Ponlapa it. Inn. li tat lb.usuel in- structions vas omillel aqninn'g hIimý te reairvofor ler Maj'eaty'Bs ipprovi AH, bille imposlag ifferentla ulles ýWhatevor mÎy ho tie Iraia&bout it vi ansIromomber Ibat the difeéreul- lal dutiea nov prcposod iliffr <rom tbose, te ic b.heinstruction h&4' been geunrally unlenaoil let refen. Tho ýdifféenial lubies agalusl vhici pre- naulicus have been takou vire ifférent- lai lutici aga&inet exports from thi Unitedl.Kiugodoa. Tho diffenentia dulios nov, snggesteal are l.vled againut tie>Uniteil States. W. cannaI reccil frenu tbe fneldom of action vo h ave concelol ho our. Canadien fellew subjînte. Bot vo are net dobarred from heietcfcriticn -on Ihoir policy. vîit bospitable' latent uî l 1.6e Emh-_ý Mrî rocaly accpteil tie proforq A RAvIsRa LYNOBuza.-Jerry Ewingi colouroil, vas szd haY tIv imaike mn anil shot dbadlliai, monaay aigil il Padnch KY-, Aftes- vhich, a bag c! minI bh' ing lied te hie body, 1ho vas thrown mb tho iver. Evin1grivishel a 12-Yëar-oll vile child, by wvice brother ho v a cepureil, afler. recelv. ing Ivo wcuns, A WoMM1AsRGED oW ITZ ILL-Tmm.. IÉG iTe GOULS.-Avoma lun Man.' Ineal bas hoon arncsol'!or n inmanly; treaing )àtvo littlî girls. Si, kepl aný asylua. .1 1 1 -ï The tarif Ihal hîs -bain pro--Iuced--u obelience hto the. cullcf lhe goersi Froc of.Cost. eloobion le as unviso as il cau su, d- thie.je no brnnh o! inîustny vbici De. Kumcs lnzv-Diaccvxai' for Con- vili not ho cripplel b7y it. * aniphicu, Coughs and Celes, Asthmae Yn lb. Houe of Gommons John Btonnitis, Hasy -Fevor, ehn., le givonî Bright subitlol is question previoue- ea&Y lu triai botles/s-o f ceait ho; ly rcpontedl in regard to tlineo Cana- affiioteil. If yon have a sererecouib, dieu tarif. cOd, ljffulty o! breting, bhoar8ineîs Sir Michael Hicks eachen, Colonial or so>' affection cf he lroal eor lun i Secrotery replying to Mn. Bright esil bY, .1&W meani givo l tin vondertul lic nov Canalisa tariff bel net bceaurerneil>' a trial. As joü ialug jour ex raceivoil sol tieofere be vas unahie letonce jeunot afford ho lit Ibisf ho jnîge cf ils offecb, but io bal tel. porttiuiby paei. * W» noull ot iffnd Rrae helbt Govorumeul hbie regrctsuand vçolînot givo Ibis romody avayi et hîe'proposeî incres, lu lutios ai. uaieisa vo cnev il wcull accmjsà ready bigi. Ho allel lihaI the. rugit vbst voclaim. for ih. Tbonsin ac Of the Gerumeul lu regard lato t.ebopeleai cames bave ahroily beau noarý manction cf the ccv tsniff vas net cf- pl1etely nunel by il. Tiore is no mou.i-' fectel bY the instruotions te Lord a inthe worlM tiat vil cure ou. Lamne. ha bel! tic cases tiat De. KING'B NEW! DXScovxeY vill aune. Fer aie byB Tic Vanderblt Will Sull. W. B. Smith & Ce., Wlnlby. Surrogato Calvin, cf Nev York, lun VICTORIA Hvroreearmrxa o xtonds ailmittbng the:Vanderbilt viii te pro. ls influnenbteo very part cf lie-in- hale, saju the beuiaony of lb. contes. man organisa, COMMonoiug frea tiel tenta' medical oxportt raisee la Btrouger founlahion, correcbbugdiesel action, prosumption thal thoy ver. thea'seves sud iestening vitasl pevers.r croabiug a_ irrational than that the Commodore iealliyformatiôu iln purifications of' vas. The tesbimony of lie proponouts' the bleel, driviug cut lisoaso, amil bar. experts shovu liaI 11w deducîlons te îug nature ta perfora ils ailobel part. lie dravu from lie antopay vore of lit- Il la the fineal oervino nomedy knovn,' île siguificence. Af 1er considering the audthe greatesl butin and blond food' ltestimuy s l e cmonomania;e, inîuth. orîl. Fer sale by all dealers.: Surrogae ds liaI it shows the Cem. $1.30 per iotle4 Bell by T.'(G. Whit- madone te bave boon a man of vigorcua fieldl whilby. mind sud îlreog nature, bol laakiug '"~~- tic ameuilieî cf edoostion sol culture, PRINCE LOUISE ANIl Te MARQUIS OF unI a delicule icepoal for lie opinions LosNE-The Nov York 'Warld's Ney- ei is 1.1ev iieon. Honeleadvours to port speelal rumours that tie Mer- lispiovo the poîsihility 1hat Wm. H. qois cof Lain, sud lie Pnucess Louis, canl bave oxertel undue influeeup. arc ta hirc a Cottage tien. thig e swsn. on bis father. He urge, lioe.initer- A Wosu.ir IB RiERaPaXA.xouR esteil ta binag ta nioitoil puisiment Wvîne Vi'nluL.--At 'Baltimore, Unitedl lb. prncipal spiritueliello vituesse,la- States, Mrs. Kinsobluen blindaI John galber viti Ihoîr guîlly suborne. The BaSselt, ber panemour, by ,tinoviug a contestaut ie censurai[ for tho super- nup fuît cf vitriol into bis facc on S'sîur- sioua naît upon the ianacber cf lIrs. bey. Sie bal bename onraeaol ecausle Vanderbilt. ber inebeul launtel ho: for honrLuif. SITTING 1BULL PRErÂRING FOR THERIO ty IoaR PâTn.-Mejen Crofton command- EARTRQUAER IN PEBsiA A» -KUN- ng Fort Tethen, Dekots, infcrms Gou. DaRne 0Fp Lzvsa Losi.-Reports have Sheridan hhah su ludian usmoil Upara- heen received liaI tiere *are -siocks ef btka vont on a îonîing excursion, sud earlhqîîake in nenticru Persis, offiSatur- fiiiy reeclid Papiaga Croek Indien day.ý Mioaei vas muai lamaÊed, snî h.gency. Ho, foond tien. severel lu-the adjacent viltages o! Tank and Min- liens (nom Sihting Bolts camp, via nan were tehally leshiojel. O0<1,100 staleil tiaI as soon as lic grass gela înisbîluna only a fev escap.d. up auffloienbly le affonîl pastuiage tire. - parlies cf Indiaus viii beave Sitting Yau.ow Ou..-This rame ie familier 3u11'a camp, andl move ou Forts But- lhronghout tbe ontire Dominion, and far-d, Stevensou and Toblen. Eaeb at- tienare aiev familles vio have net sckiog party vill i. as eîroog saucan foolil t eu ]e'i- ie ciancien an eonvenieully aubsist en route. Cnov augel cf morcy liehe oeebchld. Il i. )og satel furîhen hiat Sittin ug 1n1'a lie acel popular sud bout hipimrent ini Indiana an. cucampel on boli silos cf tuis country, and ne one via hies once& tie British lino, andl numbor îixîoon used t illiiabe ithoot il, Mn, Fredt îevolen bndril oile,.Upea-Hille, o! Torno, the genjel civil -on-- ika tld Major Crofton liaI liere vas gineer givorl, unaclialted, theenuexe. %bout 250 loilges o! hostile Indians in cortificate.: fe vioiuity of Poplar Creek. Tiey TORtONTO, Ontario, joly 19, 1878K leclineil le reaoive nations fre i. eMe88r8., Milburn, Beritlcy£E Pearoa, igent. Major Croflon aîks thaltich GENTLxacxN.-Scm, Ivelve joars sgc aioncPolTîob.icoeiîy knocked off lie cep cf my koce, and 1e addition cf anecocmpsny of infat- aines ihaIlime bave oflen sufferelvih ýry.a swoulig ithe kneé joint, conseil HoRRIBLE DEATR OP A WREtCCEEI-- [oi-aoo Mauciostor, o! Tiventcn Rhods Iln, U. S., employel by John Wet- i-rs Wreckiog Go., met vih a terrible sali off Point Judith neer Newport, I1 ., bail Monday. Ha vaut ilovu in suirine Iivm's suit tp lmj and&ise îa Block Island mail packet sunk >oo laye aga. Manchester romainel lou an unusually lcng lcng blas, bol he mon coubinueil ho vork lie -air îmunp sud lt-y tli ltaIte. 8.vemat surs uflan the revenue -cutter vae nieil sud e Goverumeul hiver from eo terpelo station sent feu. fie veul lovu sovemal times beore flnîing Man- uoahser's boly vici vwas unIon lia ""'e peakel. Ipeaeed bail evideul- ly ben takiug culth. ballast vian ai boat cereanoi aver nsuahfou o ai. LYrrTîa ruiLOîîARcuxoior PURCELL. A lutter hoetthc public (rom Arch. aluop Purceli l ealcu il eauhe sa!elj aid tht 001 more han $500,000 va mono>' dopomitel ; liai rosI is eo resull ofcompaund, intereat. Ho les iuslaucea, andl Baje bic indeblel- 'es cf the diocesa in equity does ot menttle oveu $1,000,000 alliheigi- ht. Ho seys :-"' For lvenly jeans egenenal collcthonu bas beau taken up ýr the support o! hie ' iôceimo semin ry, tiîe enlia-e bono f oducebiog ices fubhiog opon lite Arclîbiehop. ea alact puibal le expencos dnTiug lie tuie peniol for cccleFiaslical chaaieuts tMount lSt. Mai-ry's, Emmnitteburg, in rance and Rome. Iu twenyu jeRa ese axponcas. wiinl juie tic liche diccesealacailil have hom~e, tnonuteil te a vaît.snum. ilon ,i-ope lie bougil e lihnary e! 16.000 hlumes, vihphilosopieoappamatos, id vici reqoirose large axpeuditume, [ulci, vihi hie surn epent lu building ho orpien asyluan, cathboral anicton niliuge, finally svamped me." The Lrhbieiop lieu reviova be ictulation, nclarng tiat but for tue «enrons ympebiy of Gelilins and Protestants lile, haoveailî havé snk ner bis, roublces. Ho bi en appeua sta ail stiolios sud olen vIsafool for otiem's oc@, te iep uni. UnIon lic N.P lie malt duty j3. bas. ne1, zçaduing beerciéepemthan eon, na auj fellov cen gel nau, tarif, ho rute le, und malt treat amy oie "hoe ocîts, or fill up ilile bîovn jug, ifa and liquor.-Gosiper. ANOTRaI ISSUE 0or COUNTERFEIT TaIN iLLAR OzonÂRio.BàNxc LL.Aee- onI issue cf forgeil tan -dôâliar bila ou eo Onterio Bank bas bien hetented. 'e>' ai-rtaplc "trbr"inbo crocs theface, eud heic vae"Britishb Me *o"içau nk Nota :Company', Mon- calrn sOtawav," -omittel iç. lie flnsh use, ara suipplieca. Tie palir ath-' puer. but thaecanleroil 15 naverlie- ý9s e ver>' dangcroum u'eu ad difficulh A Ci%îculte despachi Bayathe King cf ;anmab ilmakiog active prcpaatioo& irmrgencies by the cou,tilon e! utifiel wiorks. Capital ppiehIont la ho b. ±estbrnd wuaau awîsaîog lue log. J. have 115008a1 kinlu cf linimouls, me weil au me-ical ulbenlanca ; but ou- ticjait tva once- sioeshave used Hmg>arl'u yellov 011. Tic resul o! Ibis bas beon inivellona: instead o! laying np forsa veek or, ton Imys, as usuel,_ ailt tii.'iwctllg bas lie- appoanel bu limce ,deys. I cen meut iearhily recommeul thi.Yellov 011. Make vhah ose you lilcecf tbie, and ssho eil coee uneekel for. Yenns truly, kIIED HILL8. PoFr sale hy T. G. WiitfietI Wihby.- TeE STABLE e: Ma. ReiaxesTBcN NE.-Prepniatcr Ncv York Ledger, is buxll ndkept on lie mcmt improvel adilero plan. boli as 'rogard ventila- tion, light, varh,oltc., :Mn. Bcnner'se_ teste for hanses la Woil huovu., Te gentlemen la charge cf -bbie viluabla stabie vas Mn. Rose. By thieuue o! Gilea' Liniment Icdidiî Atumcnici, ié rnmovel ningbonîa and bunceea lia liaI hal nesisîrd mil chier'broalmeol. Seul for circuler, giving fu n sInue- lions, te Di. Gilcs.' SalI by ail dnug- For sale by S. W. B.' Smibi4. & oc., PELLOiVa' COMPOUNDe SYRUF ciUHv rcrUOsrRIrES yl ospeolil>'and certain- iy arreal lie, dcpreeaiug influences -o!- dfiseese upon i te neuves aud muscles. Ih reorcs the appotite sud inhuces a disposition te leke oua i.mihhy fbai. Il causes lie formation of living hîcod, sltrongihcning lie action cf bah IHeent and Longe. It mustains 'tic system unIon Irying circoransacea', an&camuses theo hcallby levalopernocf aIlthlb, organe uecoaaery té our- oxistonce. S. E. ]3URWELL, cf Flagaîl, Ont., Wrtta :-Last mtuan I1vias aufferng frema a evcr onal vieisebîlel on My longs ail prodocel aaIistreaiingý conginfo vic Igmvc trial le e num, bon cf Cooglie Mediiee,bol vihaut- auj benofit. -I eb lasI hiel oneiotîle cof Allon'6 Long Bmlvurn, which I arn hippy tb bale ho shate gave aImait immedial. relief,, aul porformoil a p.:. feati cure in a shorthirno. Tnue nover scessé e hasily on the sgoi se vien hbey are 111 anîlepcis- eI. A ieavy perceuhage o! 'ld people suifer. <nom .iiney.,ComPiainta.- et., brougit on. iy dcramonp cf lie socrolory organe, vbo vii eh ail vii joy lie get eniyrprdexpreas-% ly ho mccl Iboir eaoeu-ViowÀoer]Bu- cau sol UvA Uez. Ii eau ho recoin- -meulel <viti confidence. For seb ail de&eins ýSaId by T. G. Whltfie1dt. WVitby.' lb alvays givea as ie îuture le drav attention te articles vhi<Ihare Iescrv- iug o! puibloe patronage.-ý Probably ne article evor afforel-le tho public heu mot vibttc âmeasuccoas as Gray'e Syiip o! RedEpruce Gua. Pcrsooally wc enu spoah i Iby o! ils -value as i famil>'coughi rcmedy, iaving nool il with greet bonofil. .-The sale cf tfie eirtielo has assurnel enormaus propor- tions. Our advice ho bhc publine t large buho tnyils virluai if lhoy shenlda-n fortunabcly cotuaI itior ceugis cr coeis. Turkeysg, per il.. j Clnvqi ....... POBT FR1 ;~Port P Wheat, apring .. Wheat, faU ... ]larlcy..... ... P'es ........... OiLsh........... Coin........ Clover Se. Pôatoc ...... Apeper bus..-.. Pont ........... Ilutte ....... .. .. . . . . for the Doim NOTE.-EÉ luent zol lon changos ail sonsili ciingle day,- * childron, fni frcm thie os Germen Syl for imacilia m iekueise, a heps leali, doues. For annihagos, Pi Croup,eor am: Longs, ils ut as yanr Irup Syrup le nos village on lb îles for trial * offere jeu an ter whiet bi goal au lie& cf"«Isiam ne '~ the repohahic saune and ge Pzeev DAviâ The-] * 011 ihg13 Scott & Bova zuedinil tnint miaIe viat _Meicine tic they scept a lib'erally Mr whoianava- Castor O0111.' arenie sol cn U pensaiin vi in l eveny ho - misa BER remeîy iisea continuel exi iog ber Mat, lodidee4imc giviler' sIre la nover viIti, nucnt. Fer i dCa., Whib, fiveet a-uln * I lea suicidi tien lie coo« fev mcnths si abtackod. Il -1hc ebtack ci bic aceen cf n country le- lc tien lu he WC remedy, is'a c 011 sud Hypo soda, as fou andl thon it la iiutsweot ailk sally. bphyi *Hagl M. A. W. Fe rmer, aoa higi prico <c eoiil lNe. -. fectecl Butter ]Richardlson & ieveral yans, cqueilig it, a about everythi luis or IbeC straugosî, clea, butter colorine, * fornalv e cen font. It shoul rats for calentx preparetieus oa liee ibter le- lus spîcupiéi paenflale inq & Co., dnuggws fon asie, as WC maonciumla. gen Bucle Tic 13E5m Culs, Bruises *Rhu,.Teter biainu, Caftes, cropîlons. Thi te giva p'erfêct an mcniey rofor box. For aic Co., Witby.

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