11b~ Fuli )Wlf pesée. her te omê ?1 teld yon there-seemed 40 intet albut its béad. Wall, e poke, t ieaned over ber bul tie mielssemeil le open. ud whte-thât as *a.11l1 0 cut." Ipéots semethlug.;cm., We go. vvéd sbowly tewards thé door stopplghere sud liheré te tAné as hé paassel. But at. nomuent -ho agalu Iurued to uce more,"'hé$sid;and s e0 fét himméif shidei. for of thevlaleuhad héçua 1te *"Také eue luat délisératé r and de'i carry away auy ('Ocway obeyed. 11é glancéd roi thé rccm lu. seamcb ci thé Countesé 84 Bit va quit. ai the.1further -end,aui * ail ber hanid on thé haudié cf 1- <lac ais if gei 'nt;ibut ai litW, à imeni w héutilwe friénde Pauseai loeklu1 4aI ber, soe ou@ aspkebete bc sud osh t, uined fhem thé deer te r jly. à uni chison jusl pérceived tit, and tise trylaig lu Oonwasy's face te discavei wlat ho sar, teck alan ahi thé awfci î,sllar wLlioiept ovér il, and drém' luh ii qaolekoueutte thelb all. "For Leaveula sake, what was Il ?' Fior a mament - Onuway seerned uný sblé ta answer. Ris ,lips were ii suds liff, hies iande -embled, sud hi jralped Ie frléud'm inn te suppori ",Thé miel was almà al gone frac abOui t I,',lie osaidât Itt. "I laisa carpse, long deatde4csaytng. li'tid, plis. Plinreecet-I siou'h içow whah ta ea3 .-it giminer-it bas shireds of i iîroid hanging abotîittOh,îti a ot. rible i it lus horrible l' Ie treusbied couvulsively. Murchi. sou a own nér'tes Ibrillo,!. * "Came loto tise diningreom a min. tite,",hoe aad ; "ibère are two ar tltree llinutisère yeti, ad tuen we'illhéoffË." *They went In. Il was .1111 early, endth tisat Bast palionîiy waitiig 1th4 t* ouidlogofeapalilicai argpment. Thrae t,, fonr of the g,îemta weré abeorbod in il; theforned e 11egroup et oui onu et'olte'able. Thé test aiflte ton wsa entpty. rTe two Young men, after éxeýlsauglisg a Word or two withîthb * Esari, at dowu spart, sud Muraisisox asked, "Yau saw It more cieariy lthen 2", -"Yen, qulte learly. Den't ask aba'u' Ià uaw. llauwer ail yeux questieus "ýBelter do- Il now. IlItiiéilber fiucy, or élue thé Most awfVisiationala thât ever marIai "es subjeat te." "ii'ancy 1 10tellyon 111eo ne uy. You sow ber take ber baud off tise bau. dia c f Ils.door wiséutisahgirl spolié 1< o ir 2 Wéll, tbé-tho thinâg - put Il@ horrible baud on tise iani, mea if tc upelsthéeiloor, sud il. ailier atm was rane ii>d sr-not close, uat abFolntely llting lier, but îalsiug as if it wonlsl oiisýu tisa dont iaud draw ber mb otise uieu roein. But tho barrot wae, tisai Itliunseil the IsandI,', sud ralseditli nrin, as 1 lookdd, sud lopked a&- me and Theit talk waa auddenly interrupted. A slrloi,;- .riging Iliroughs tise bouse, broko ilt off; Douo openoed anti situ in ail directions suad tise wbolIe party, tîliig lisota e Ils ial, found servant, lîurryiug wildly about, sud the. Couat. uiat'iJîreuch Mald aoresmiug sud 'ex. "My lady I1tMy lady, 1 She la dyIf -abc is deadt-che la poisaned 1 Mal * heureuse quai. suis lie Strugglkug .u witb lise crowd, thé two frleudu téaChed tise door cf a amaîl 'Irawlng-rpom opeuiug from thé larger DOaInua-low chair, near ltse firo, sai lihe Countesa, ber eyés closed, bot face white sud igid. A coffee cnp bad fatlois frowi ler baud, -and lay braken onthlie Iioor-a sream of the dark Il. jî1iid î,sarked iser rieb white dresa. 13e. aiide ler, ou a-table, was a mii casso, antitise taons waa full ai nsulitie desd. )y otiaur., As thie blder or mare ltintiate visi- tera gathoeé,!round, foliowiog Ils. pi rl5 Canway laidlllts baud on Mur. * oiiso'as shoulder. " lThet-,1i I1"llié salit, lose beide * r bndnedowu.z, Il pute$is arme The rigid figure, so emli iin thseiat cf the, îerrlfled exeltémeut, SuAddouly iuovod. Tise Countes peued boe- oyes. Sise turnedher luead slawly, as If lookiug for semé oeeoe.al; lier IlAh i.lam, TPLiliip 1"said, distinct- ly, and <ied. IIllALTitY -WouriI-Tis O of a P'ayai a're net cacsidored remarkable for beauty ;,bol n he. vllage of Pion oua ees su thse laorwayu ofbhovéis com. îIeIxiouq 1k. rase-poelé, sud faces suais nte eue sitributes bte vanagéllue-mofi, 1411Y sud innocent. But the- figure. le tisé chlai woodr-hiîo figure of rosman uis sellm ie wn isat ta oi,,iseaùb(l 1lu ,snperhi vigot-not discased ated totter- * ing . ns witb us,4 but eOreat aud _sttoug, sud taîely ;overy 'Muscle fricahsudn clive, ftom tisectawn cf thé, sloady becau la thé scie of lue :Omaucipated foot, sud yeh "not lioavy sud clumsy, as nue fani.. farefootad wanen muei ho, Lbt Ilisertlug symmetry aud «race front thé Portugnese or Mobiaisi blond. I bave leeked thruugh th Io wdod, h alls cf Haratoga lun'tain, for- One suais figure ms I bave again and!-ags eau deîcenali t hosoesteep mo ninupths' witb a bondie a e AweAd ou-tise --Ad Io m?$e à Ailer esazer se sees u rt aum, and love sa 4ellgbt in e4ch cher as snob. W. are' aÉi lulreWs thé, b6 ame *thioge,. but, we hippeu te'iiâréjaotllug hem hemý diffèrent angles. Sepm@ ef the sinieresi mon lu tihe fTer a mare lth 6 oi hnest daub4,. Deileve ime, thaün lu lth$ oreed.", *These mon- geai'try 4lni ithe Z mpth ihal hy- rlgb -buleuate thém.'Thôhé aea ra arevéfor, tth S aedY and are leoklug for il, butb lb consttutien cf their minde,lor by the pDwer.of au nufortu.ý natéeducatian, or t.he influence cf an untoward - persoual experlence, the>, fiad themuelvea thrcws.off itea reio, of akeptlolsau, where they blaa#Done ép1' gali oei*aniknoabp. They do vol, get evea teleratien, frit tss.Pà r&ICq- larly Who tubent their creeds, and f6 whem faitb te sisnalias realhid These men eugbt al and always te iýo brenght affetleaiately ie thé grèat. ýrotherheed ef true.ibvers aud lrnthb. #eekers, imd a ChIilain of any nos *rie euunot tluow bis warmest 8ym. snet neceuaily sà veyp oret ed oreaiture. lbeettrhueerae ales rlhe, n a il h" ave sme* ibog upseo alutai wll h cf. ad- vatg elise eties. T 1e differences between lhéem are sourcels cf wealhh te the whoe. Tis le true cf ail trntlî.seekers, and 1h paticnlarly true of tise différent macts af Ohristeudem. Let not thse Oatbolic tlnk for a moment tisatieh bas naili- ing Io learu ci thé Protestant, -and let naît lte Protestant lblnk tisaILého.alds aIl Iruth te she exclusion cf hie Catiso- le brethér. The facel that ail thèse secte exist and fiod vitality euobugh in their ideasato keep'thiem ýresperously tombter, shows that there ià somethiug t. bie learued, everywhere and amaýng tIbèm ail, sud that the policy te poor whioh isuts them away from oe another's aciéy. It la bélier te ré. meuiber lat truhli la eue, aud tisai thase whc are earnestly afler it, whelh. or tisey deny Chriatianily or protes& il, vimelier they are calleil by eue name- or another, bsloug together lu oe greal sympathefie brotlserooad cf affec. tion and porsuit. A FALsJI ESTIIMT.-So M yeara, as a Mississippi river ateamboal Ocame ta aading, -al unuainly, gawkisb. lking fellov, leaning agninsi a Waod pile, attracicU tthe attention cf tise pas. senger@, oe eof whow, à % talkative sud conspicuoas ers6n, remarked te bis frieuda Ihat #eé was golug te have semés fun. 86 ho Jnmped sabote when thse boat lauded, aud, with a groat show cf flerceneés, approaehed him.' Drawoug a sà vage bewle.knife, bie ssid : "so oïa fellew, l'y.(ounud yanaslelat. Ye're lise man tissl aIde a dog cf mine, sud l'y. sweru te gel square witb yau. I've been loaklng fer you for a year.'" The. qawky leizily epenéci bis eyes iu wosideriug amazemeul ai first, as thaugis b. didn't understand it. Thon calqhing sight of tlise iunging passen. «ors lookig on from tise deck hoe took ln thse situation. By the lime 'Smariy' lrad finisho d telling him bhow long ha hadl beeu lookiîng for hlm, hé hadil aken ont of bis pockel a fiat ike a sledgo biammer au thé end of analammof a wiudmili. Ile èwuug il. once 'snd kuocked the man who bail hea loak. ing for hlm pluutp lutotise river. Tissu rosnming bis place aaln,,Ihie wod.« pile, lie taised is é yé5 1 thie dock, sud w aî a 'ry lazy drawl, ho iuquired: "Ie Ibère auyhady elge on lthebhast looking for meP -A QUESTIONa or DAMAtES.-SOWe iawyers hake very practical views of cass in whiclî they are retainod. Iu a certain tovu iu Missouri BSqdire G- was defendtug a charge aofsaîptactice. A calorcd minu ase uing for- damages, b is wifo baving diod sehortly aftér an 1o0oratian for tise roroovai cf cancer. 1 Vheu it cama Squire G-s tutu te Lcross-examina tise piaintiff, ho mked "Mt. Wilson, bowo ad as your vueo visén she diod 2" "Abot ia rty-five, Sir" "Beon In feeble bealth a Iang tisno, Issu mise net, Mn. Wilson, sud cost yen a groat deni for Medicine and lîelp P'" "1Yes, Sir." "Yolishave mamied agale, bave you not 9" l"Yos, 9it." "11ev odO ié youn présent wife ?" 'lIie abstout sud isealthy, Mn. Wil- "Ton-Mn. Wiiaeni, viii -yen pieuse staýe te Ibis jury isaw you une damuoged lu ibis came P'" Mn. Wilson bail evidontliy nver 15h- outh Ibi vévOf lise mater, 4sud CCÃœ1i4 malté ne anseor. Tiesé ood.an!sudisre men titauglît héoIsai made* raliser a poid tiing hy bis boreavewnet; sud btopghinl a verdict fan tise défendant. -R Biîon's DRAwxER, in Harper'a M4.q- v as long ako sisovu by stalisîces ÃŽbisainlugoenÃŽa. marriedpeople ibave. a liés; mataliiy than liseunmmsuied, but Mr, Jausens, of Bnsaéls, lu faliewiisg up thé aime malter has,- neaehed semé atiset conclusions, visicisare ratiset sur- ptiiug. * lie frmlasexpérience tisat biié nsarriéd péopiecommit l0mé crimes and are lésa ,none la suicide Iblan the unmatticd, vîdowens kili tisera- Selves muais more tissu matliéd. mec, and tisaI isile ments viiisélîdren are à f moare reptuablé i. tissu. lise. viti- out ibeus, vidovs vt eilar deu, an lise celtary, fire moes ikely le be vicked S¶rÂUeuH.-Oid lady. <wio bas beeu buying-,eggi): "fée,, Mn. MoTrale, ubuins' m val'm- Aar uowadaya ab'ps nuahileobu ,i 1 Grecer. "Yen *Ssbould hum av'egetaian-" Obi lady: ,"A;veégetariau 1,eaual ah vas boru V, thoct q F' tse 41oeiik, au' a'm ne aunu Im change my réeleegion 'mu' aul dayel", 4.yaùnR lady calledShýa'Ideue cf coir M1pese stcrémtbl s clpday, ond as.kéd fra'cmetbing nçv in piano muiai TMie llek asked bénil tm à nde any différec howà mauy saus thlisré vere lu lie pce "One, aiserepliai, "inet lu lise lésst, fer i tisera .are auy mare tlieu t 0 X ý waymscuratch lieus ont -Che bhgofaiabsutiy--Paiuting a -Whou doe. "levely vonan *ieop te feiiy "-Wben isee toope toe put on ber crivaline. Au cadmaid, epeaklng aifssarnage, may il a lii auy ethe - disese-visilé A man wbcs aouriéd mau investigation gays lb la'; hat mc geed as an cffoo. '9GOP>'i . Aeri egehs foot tveuty.thre juies long. Bifil ~ib~uiuî s one pi big~cme îe a esiesad:"Il la eniy aüu o!utiT. id yu kow.""I houl hiiniç me," o - pUe4 $b $ otU, e.y IWO Qf limes i Priatini BROOK STBBET, WHITBY. Witby, MardhigtOU. 1879. FRES- Wibyi Peby.,2 M, 1879. R GROOE~ ~F~ SH I TE AS «a Besi -Wine8 and -Liquors,- Braindies, and, Porter, ,at R' H. J AM ESQON'- DtqNDAS STREET, WHITBY., Aie s, Liebig's 'Extract- of -Beef. pfrd's Amylaceous .Food, or r li»> Corn FIoure CurrTy Powder, Prepared Carrotsi, Prýpared Barley, PeA. -lour, Bengal Chutney. Strassburg Meat, Potted FRESH OYSTERS. Whitby, Marcb l9th, 1879. 'SPRING AND' BOOTS ?otted Ram, > Potted Ham.sud Chioken, Potted a ne - Potted ýAilohoývy Pue ?otted Fate andDiable, DeviledIRam. R. H. JAMESÃ"Ný. SUMMER STOCK OF &' SHOES! - CHEAPER TflAN EVER!1 (Notwithstsnding tbe uncrease in the Tariff, thc gooda baving-ben bouglit belote the dutieswere raiaed.) Thc stock is langer thanusual, advantage haviug been taken of the au- ticipated increase, ýnuiembr;asesi: Ladies;- Misses, Gents', and Chi/drens Coarse and Fine; Work; A gneral assortment , and of latest styles anKbest finâsh. Special attention paid to ordered work, and repairs ex- eculed witi prompitude as usisal. SWhitby, Marais lDth, 1879. S PRIN1 JOHN SAUNDERS, ,&gent. GOODS large and select' stock Tweed. just to hand, at JOHN of spr&Dg FEReGUSQN'S, who, for prices and style CAN NOT BE ,SURPASSED 1 Ail gariients nmade up in thé LATEST STYLES 0F FASHION, and at the LOWEST LIVING RATES!1 SPRING HATs-Latest styles, and at bottom prices. An inspection solicited, JOHN FEIRCUSON, SMarcli 10tli, 1879. Duas-Street, Whitby, DOMINIO WAREROOS LOWES &OELL ARE BEC NG This ,Wee whicb. the'y wil seli at B TTOM P.RJ S! LOWES &P FLL. LAING~& kto diapoae oj TH M SS S'.1 Chiren'a Undercothing. JOAL Q . LaB -oI1 N TY RE beg to announoe to the idvcnt iatlés, ey ~crcmovedo tjiirncwv 'orders from ail who Winib-6 pléà sed tô fo ginlateetsyisan au bslious.,Ladi'e' sd, 99r.-BABY. IJINEN A SPECIAtTY. « Oorwu.s = ras 1 ap.s.Deaesflte4from .Iueet aloe itoage of etitch. Agents wanted. -Instruction fro- liberal inancements. Ail kinds of Trimininge s lateet styles. Orders by muail carfuly at.ned to.- 'WANTED by lot April, competent mantie and dress-maker. THE MISSES MoINTYRE, Feb. 24th, 1879. Brook-t, MWitby. FOR SALE> AT'.THE WHITBY C' INA TEk STORE, PLASTE Rs PLASTER9 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CASH ýPAID FOR GOOD Butter, Egs, Poultry, Apples, Red and A1silýe Clover See-d. Whitby, February llth, 18i79. - Ii itb3 STATIONEIRY, FAN4 AND C0NPECýFIONEI,%' BROOK-ST, BRT,? BID&I WHITBY, - L E -Having purohase&d the'entiré stock cf J'. G. McoDougaU'-s hop, I -have adde4 a iuperior lot of y-very choice Caz4dies, whidih re véry o eap an - of superior quality. Orders solicited frWedng& ;PASTRY ýAN]) OTHER CýçAKES.I b ave also a quantity of SOCHOOL BOOK-S, ,Beatie's à ùd:-other CopyBockis, BerinWlwipprPtt&sPso o p. SIa' Remember the place-onedoornorth< cf-Johnstow's Jewelery Store.',a A~ Wbitby, Déc. 171h, 1878. 'CABINET FACTOQR Y ,ANWD FUR NITUR'E WARE ROOMS1 THlE OLO 6TAND, i511OCK 6TflEET, WHI,ýTBYIe -Go where. you cairnot fail to be, pleasedi making selections cf good furni<1ture., Splendid Parlour, Drawing IRoom and Bedroom Sets, New Designs well wortby of inspection, at astoniâbing iow pnices. Diii- ing-room Extension Tables-a very superior article. Geût Jornices, Pioture Frarning in every style. Borne fine Olu'romos and Engraviugs for sale. In aIl ité branuches; funerals fnul supplied, A-stock of elegant caskets. Coffixialswayé *on baud, triznmed te suit Customors, and >a well, appoiutedl ~O~flO1'JL WHars e nstsntiy n 1875ess WM. TILL. Wbihby, 1<evémben 24t1i, 1875. ~- ~/ETT W.J. GIBBON, Whitby China 'Tes Store.ý 0FFiCE 0F THE BRO WN cg P ATTEIiSON Mtpge WIIIT~Y-, Iu prosenting meuls tte eara cndîuM r os- ceuferréd upon ni ena nov coebrata We simdl col] Agnicultunal Mac] bMue,! eaperans our new WhltbyJ1 .Forthe lest 1 ad atientlen te-ýti siiting eut lie bei éd izpéner>M* We-emnPlaye0 »Poe'et caretu supel estý criictem--auc te prove the ceni tlizn:uoeiitu ,-Our in, his te thé manufacturi parliaular punpcme agiéd up te lie-VI eugli-knowiédge 0o tain a bigiser degi te an ed a partusente ef Mai sen te thé rapidilyc 'Tisepninciple 'V. énabied te Innt pHOicS osô 1 e aba Go0, TO THE PUBLIC-. a ur Tventy second Annuai Catalogué oi Agriu-llturai Impie- nera et Cauadi for lié year 1877, ve 'do se vilS mare than tisé f pnidé sud o ufideuce, froni lis.market] faveur sud patronage a, sud thé s ây and increasiug démaud tram yéan te yoar of id Fairm Ip ente. utnéauh fore, as maufactnu-ers, te maké a spé ialty ai isuery-lhe cinston Seli-rakiug Reaper, tise Triumph 0cm- & Moywen, , cayuga Mevwer, lie Young Caqnada Moyen, and Ilarvester, ca g a large ahane cf qun lime bud attention. ITety.Ivears ve bave givén aur1,mast careini sud undivid- eé matufaet sud eperatien cf tho varions machines-lunurne, st points, re edying defécts, madif]tOng and correctlng errons, kPoiutead' ting anitprephalg vr ao i unlce )niy tihe si shoanlcal skill, sud auir machsines paso unden lhe meflon sud .tuiny-évery détail bep.mpjgc, dtelb.moen i each maclule le ticeeghiy tesied. betidéea'ting aur vonks, ipetenese a of er prtsu Ieela ne diffiuty. in puliting 1by &Dy persa', fmoéri m liani ià bÈiitjy. nery bas beoz select.,! and consiatod vili a spec"alretenence 'et fcur cw aciésmn toëis baving been madi fer tlis a, and net ad apléd for cther verk, 4,d dut venkmeu are edu. rapte sund neq srmente oatour mauxulaalur.-eistaiuung im,*thor-, Yf tise constrai tion et our machines; sMd are thus enable,! te ob.' e o et akii ad prcficiency tissu visre genérai mauiaahnlng toe enabled lufacturé, addi i te ngardéd n eut aur a bsoiniély tord Tg EJOHN$T6 almeat séepéOrfioé, -but s .mâbine wis4have idiere,! tei ingýuptth împrotement ;. h lae lté thlvhaveémodiflédi and duraility, 0usitya ut, draft asid ease f mnagement1- pre-emiuéntly aisad et aIl othe te pount ta thé mmnyFina l ia taio, aud mmoiy 0ounty trial tii lait few yeas. 0 lutreduce a mare-peortect-ystom nt týe 1de- g nt oly t tse pertation of te vek, but ai- à iecoe na lu eire laed -otabliehmenî, sud blunes vth a * ibd gret ofperfection, and aI ,fy compétition. W< SELF-RAK4IG REAPER eie 2epén, tisaI-"a nd omméndaticu vwoula ithèset 'ir- ny- cw SU 1mingleanaacinntue ibi hé 014 eriginaiJabnuhon machine, vithont keép- aht justicete urselveu land! patrons requin. of ne lu inlmost ovreaeoehial part, sud fer slreugtb e every idsud condition aifgrin ; ligituese ai -the Iiiehns3ton, s ménufisclu red by una-stands néapers.Inuproot et lt'isepoitinohave only e avarded ns-athle fia.t P082ciltra a u m'blich bâvé tak .on -place ail even Canada, vitilan OUR TRIUMVPH OOMBINED! MACHINES, vhl laIe impravemuents, in aI 1mhbau ho bcdesfred in oa Coebnid Machine, ud caqueût fail lemeét mOl lis.requi remonte et purc4ùasrs.) 1 Our Improved >Cayuga Ch0etJr, ad u » 'nCanada Mower8 are boti finetcia. ucumués-e d à slttdm, mcst hohl3tlreadt.Ts thé Ynug nad a tfontCt ; beat sreng, dlur- HA ÉVESTER.>'l Au, thée eenutry basbéceme btersi$edt abnnant i ny of ana tarm. erishavebumm dliedin the of e "tasr ,l~demhaadbassna cieviii a à ugll nca et b-luolsa 1ecubé eiin-vwitâis au. drWtuaap nolw asevér hupredu inrénisu, fartsur ei ton thsée emg h but b.ingmmade pris geiiotil'nd compas AU ýlp iâ cla CA1ID PICTITRES, $1,00 PE]R DOZ. The work by the New Process is superior to anything of the kind yet introdlueed. It eompletely revolutionizes the art of photography. Cail at once and get pietures taken by the New Process. WM. BURNS, * as just received, direct from the Manufactureérs, a gaood assortment of Ladies and GentlAmen's Marsard, Also, Paiic Bags,-Cheap for Cash.,FOur more cases, of 500, 558, 75o and/f$1.00 Prunella Boots. CUT VEý,RSBG AND CARRIAGES. ~IES, A Large Asso'rtmènt of Cutters and ~Buggies FOR:, ,-SALE, CH-EAFP, -AT- TOMS &N EWIPO1BT 'S DUNDÂS STREET, . WmITBY, ONTARIO. SADDLE*RY AND,.,LAIRNESSU WILLIAM THOM PSO N Bege te direct attention te bls lare nid uj3riistock, opiigeey thing iii ie th e rysu "=srem LiÉe, alto Leatber Valises aà nd Sarat6gà a 'lrutnks l A. LOT.OF-ý;- CHILD-REN',S CARRIA UESY V4ry indsnsd OhEap. At Ûie old eslablisbment. WILLIAM, THOMPSON; Brook Strept, Wh _y.* bave ~j 4SHJ BLE TIl OR INU. Go where you eau et a ell-fitting Garment :-To the t'the Tilo 'nga stablishmelit of G EO()R GE RLEY, OSHAWA., Ho alsa egs to ete af Witby FLOIJR Choice P eu, Crack d W h oa, Oai ~ .ormeal, oreL, - Oatec4 , brs &. C Ordera delivered iney aPïbto . Âosl is sollcted. 4 P J --Ontar io e kW htby. Dec. 17th, 1878. (11412 AUCTION SALES I BEG to turn.my sincere tlhanka to tih& X ulcfor- the v'try liberal patronage. bestwed upan nie in tepat, and to, intixoate thlitl WMi be on ad ready ta. conactanysals atI iMay be eitrusted. wilTrni libéra. Satifcin gua- anteed. My ýsale book viiibe faund at tiie, O0ntaxi0 IHotel Wlitby Arrangementss- to dra ofsale,-&o., may b. made viii Ur aon, tprpietor of he H teL 1:<,A ntioneer, W htby. N. B. - Sale Bouka and blank notes furmsbed free. Cl~ ~ ~ ~~~u MuSpoplatuomdconduot. 26- Potery B R OW N'S INDIAN LINIMENT!1 For» sale by doaler generaly. What mwe take- the Iead 1ln L Fnenldragmste uied yoe e Sprais &o. WHAT TUE. PEOPLE SAY, ASK -THEM P W. tho undotslgned iavte. usadBravn'e Indisu Loiniment for somé ljino sud can cheenliillyrecomniend il for publia qse. Pie rcýr,-Ot RieiBrous Andrev u-t,0 J. Div., Brookli, J . 1 . m a th é v a , "(o ts Hubbis, Asburn, A. H.ReuersnUxbridgo, 5.0.BBOW y P Oinot, Dominilon.Wôood Workis, GeoP. Cormaç3k, Doots, SaB and Blnda. 'LIU BBB Wii'oesa!e snd- retaf], or by by tcr load. Planlng, Moildlngs of everydescrp dion, Floorlng, ,,,eiu , lig, r- aawing, Shaping, TqÉùhtg. Scrofl-Work, etc" etc.< Whitby, oo t e8~ m.-4 THRE TORONTO Turki8h £ Vapor Batha, Neursigia, Conghs, Cola, congestion, -rn h i i , S o r o 'ia S i ïî D i «e a s e , a l l l . Sanitsry p!iNoses, The 'tapor balhaare particulauly pplica, Mle to ail 5kimdiceesespeciaii S =;js It ls now nii'eriély condd ut]L'both the Tnrklh and 'aparBath "aie, ébi preerntvesai ie4ih v thiIe réaci ai Me& alepertsand In ddicpunctijvje nidcal treamtîünjèýtié tent fa more rap. idyandsËuocessu4)y treated - a~ ~ ~ ol ouferor afth rtyalty down te the pooreît iman. Tii... *Trka baths are theé yonyaùs li thoCity af T rmte, Quaa$ osand eco rmmend à tionarea ivsn èro tebést zuedical and ssnitry authwrx. lias.l snuil onntries. XO1IBS-.entlenian; 7 ta .0ioSi 9pm,, SalunUy until1pa. '0 s.m., 8. ý Pý!Bie-T kih ]âtbs. on tirlet, i 12 ickets, ;IO. Vapailhà tbà , 60c achh; Skilfnl irna attentive, il~~f5I attendants. 59) Supeziteidà nt. Vafi-luable Real £state TOWN SHIP O?? REACH. - Wbtby. MONEI Z mauxlr treet,.M G.Y UsuA CJ IAR.2215 A CA IIEOTORDAMf BY PHy Wm. Me; (J 'S i cA R-D WPiy Slat 1.3t0 te 6, P.s and GnIhétI Teeli extradi loc a nigtlu an'& neeiUne asavlon ion GENT 1 af 3enathasi V. 7' BLA UKS,« Hork.sc -A Olerk Dlvi &a., Atherly,( R-mR%ý Whitby, Dec. 17th, 1878.- WX. TILL. ig 02.00 qp BROOK STBEET, WHITBY, wi CABINÈT