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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Apr 1879, p. 1

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SGT-.- eee& Oke~do~ LES - IL P. DWIGHET, I STONE,- BUTèIIER, thes Onts-io lk,]Dree-St., c c uexlteeei' ta theé Moulneal pfi Office. Thie place leu QOpD JOINT ANP < UICY STEAKR -1 te unnausso e e b.Iiabit- by seS viclnlty, saI lha opecea i& PEED STORE n blaBnbis tceoShop0ulvboea LARGE STOCK 0F Us, Cs-cked Wiseal, I, Ces-aa, Peas, Shlicst, &e,, C. lt-areS lnanay part ofthlie tbm, LEVI1STONE, -- Ontario Bltok, Whilhy. 'ION SALES 1 laIes-n My sîncareta stoatise for lice tery lies-al paînago nom in ltlie pasl, sud le .ýtl mliil be ou baud s-aSy te r ailesq tlisaI Inia y Se aulusteti n llberal,. satisfaction guan- beau milbC etonu staithe )tel Wsiltby. Arugamoeuts s sa,&ý ha. ey Cejmde IlS ths p lrop)uetor oai lIe lloIsl. mmiii o telograpb attended t.' ~Siu loialcanS- bauk notes L.e, sea uctiofleer~ prorp%&teýnedunSlacandual. s-e, V DAWES, Port Pas-s-. B R.0> W N'O> ýN -LINIMENT - &leo Sp S1etiers geDerAly. Ie -taèethe iead 1 i; Biurns, IES AND (iATTLE-Frem i l- le lou murn> m4tcsr, mIl cuis-e meit rsueunssileae~bySpoves- beat- rHE PnoPLm SAY, ABK TREM? indrnilguetSeae leBrown'$ lmneel. fer -moseatl il oanDa U4RY, PillesaOscisrd;ti, u. - Broaklilu, able, . Amsbiiril, udoatiol,- Uxburlge, -e S. C. BROWN, P~roîo1-lta- ion Wood Works, 'WH-ETaY, eo. Cormaok'i IL MEtiCHANT h DUILDUR.- ar'genaupply oai Idona# Fuios--- l beleîs i ofTuleted MoldiUoga, anS Blluds. Ùt uboles01als nd ratail, as- by MoteSne ofc tes- pds.crip- Ing,"Ghceîlceg, Shlcving, Re- saplng, Turng.Scs-ll-werk, t. iiltb, 1878 ' .4 T .HE- TOlIONTO îles aira esil lilliauîrae1mtlamu, CouglisCclde mCongestioii, Sos-otoul, Skisi 10eousee il îu- . liiîueeucti, ero-e-, sud ion s-1tmar us-oîLiculesly apjpllaa- k litd'issaï,epaeialhy Syphcils, sultý-rsaily Çnceedt thRial lup s alS Viioos Bath$ as-othe bout osn Cf houille mvithin tic eeS ai0 Otnuiiet the huIlant le more s-sp- ,ý.eaeeielly Irçaier!, - 'Il lhrseegieeulte m os-id fs-ara i lueo te heursct scau1 Tisais 11lec liuem leutIJy cesslu tle Cty s ielica u'uii eeSaullms-y authonl, -latao ,7 io 8.110&a.nu S le urs]ty iiitil il pra. Lsde,1~0 110. Vaîcas-Batîis, boa1eàc, QUELN-U. TW~EST. - cdl attentive maile sud feule - J. S. DIAMOND, MD.,' Supentnidauii. IN THIt SET? 0F BEACH. J3,FAEWBLJI & e IL. B.," Haa,13 l~c it Ad-- cN t RUFEDu, lA L. Tý, EARCLA.Y e ATTORILBY-,&T-IcAW SQltoilýD aucer, h. a p,x -tth out Kouse, wltby. BAnRasTER ATLAÂWll OLIOITOB-fli ,oe Street, Qshaw4»..> (Lote Ggeeunwo0d h MelIaoi BARRISTER, ATTOBNEY, fOLIO- BioNtry Publie, Convapoer. Uf* île-Byra- tra*, Sauh, rltOfio, JOUX' BLL DOW, BÂRIRSTJLRÂT-LAW. S014IOlTOU Office-Deverill's Block, Brook Street, Wlitby. MONEY, TO LEND-Private Funds lu sumo up tae 08m, -At a low rate o1 lu. terest. <y5 ROBJINSON & KENT, (L.tTz Duaaàu& oa Raooo.) Court Street, Toronto. J.Roazoeou,mx. A. HanniRTA. E Kair. JNU. G. KELLEY, ATTORNFif AT - LAW, SOLICITOR Ali Chaxory and Iusalvency Couvey suncer &o. OMeie-DeverIls IBlocko, Brock- St. ~,Wltby, Ont. G. YOUNG SNITI!, L L. IR., BARI8II T,&o, o.MocytaLoan Oyzr-Over Dominion Bauk, Whithy. lau. 22,1878. (tf-6 cAMIIRON & APrELBE, DARRXSTERLS, Attaruoesat-Law, sud B1. Solicitorse lu Chaucory, No. 4 Toronto streét, Tbrauta. RECTOR CMROQ. llyffl .. PELE SURIGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, SJ Byron Street, 'Wltby. Dr. W. J. BURNS. Iteaidence-Congregatioual Churoh Preu tecorner aofIByran aud Mary streets BYRON FIELD, rd. B1. liYSICI10AN, bURGEON, ha., Dufflus' Win. 4neDliIEN, .t.D.t M.it.L',8. G UY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., the, ayelt. O. H. L., Osheawa, Ontario. C ABD. - -.Du. IIOGART, Physlelun, 'Stirgeon, Acoochser-,ho., ha. WCiCy, sept. 8015, 1874. 40 e, ,P0O t-ler..g esy p t(wtoogs acamoisraireisanabte lm in arde nüs 9.0an lmel. 45fô -3OTEZ,,lqtor aasiaiiealaletel ci -s. able mltlsleS ger iOhiisorrem isenBabr Th.~oe - Betnrs 01SCus Una t-lii, Neir elta s-airas, mithot tboss-S, L1Rt!82 IrI a Fais. 2711, 1878. Ps-ps-lies-r. TUE HOTEL,- B f 55C£-sTRm>s, uHITBYe, TAYLOB h MCÂNN, PROPRIETORS.'1 Theuderslgnad desire te lufosra lhids frleaaaudtisa publlo lIaI thop havie lukan tis, abat-a mal kueun hatl, mniais thsy have nemly filleS up-simd eoaets;aaput laie 1h.beet a os-deosrantise acommoda. lion otguosts. TiseBarwminahis .tisansu. gmmstincitisa Counin la mou ppiied mltis tisa fui isandS. ai inas,lilquars, sud i- gars. Ara ple encloueSased roor ansd gooad .tsRimg, box $tauis, ha. Delscesa namu ioacomercial taeles-s. J.,P. TAYLOR, PLIMa MCANN. lai.etfToronto. ÇOMMERCIAL IHOTEL, CARoTWR-IGHT, cNT. JAMES DEWA&RT - PROPRIETOR. Gasat accammotaîlionIfi T HE CENTRAL IIOU8E, (Laie Lackhiani Honue.) OSIIÂAWA. C. GIFFORD - - Ps-eps-ies-. Tisis icones e >.boutin tise Couuty. Cali andsmc Ih AYERS HOTEL, 82 hz 84 MILL-ST., ROCHESTER, N.Y., Ps-tom raducet ta 55850 a Day. TSis Hotllilas neducod Ia ps-l. e t15te Travelling Public ta #.50iper day. Il le icsSy 10 lise N. Y. Central Do pot (anly s tam eloors Souths), sud Sac tecaaly basa s-a- UIleS sud re-furulalced. Open ulgisl aud Sqy. Tha houefo Seat-clama lu et-es-ys-e- spect, sud Canada people. mil stmeuny Rip golng le the Ayer. Motel., - WILSON SPEAGUE, Proprialar. Rocheaster-, N. Y. Jliy 8, 1878, tOm-Se W.ADAMS, I IHAMBfRICAN OTE'L, R Iooms OVEJR R. H. JAMESONI8 Grooery Store, Dundas-et., Whitby. <>51cm houre tram 9 a.m. ta 12 mu, sud iroin 1,80 ta 6, p, . mRiesideuca-Cor. ai Byrau sud Gilbert treetse. C, N.. tARU, IL. D. 19. ~T BETH insarted1 on ail the lateet principles ofthie art, .aCehata ha ohempest, sod as good as the bocata"th SUleilwith Gold sud Silver. Taeth extracteS wthout p ali, by produolng local aumsthesla. DoutaI Room-lu Cow. ou e usw block, aver Atkdusans Drug Store, Kiug Street, Oshawa. 85 JORIN WOLFENDEN, WILLIAM COOPER, BLAOKSMITE, - - DROUGEHM, (Successar te 'Phomas Middaugle,) Heorse shoolug -and aIl kladu ai gaucral work. - Y-82 H . WE. L A TH E RP.L Y , Cierk Division Court, Tp. Cierk, (Xemmssioner iu B. R., Laud Agent, ha., ho., Atharly, Couuiy Outario. Atharlv Stpt. 2ud, 1879, 86 i'nn Ivostod luin l.t.Stocks $19 Io 1000emkes fortunes avrey euouth. eee 0, toîieg 11AXTEB h CO., 41 Iy> Deeless 17 We-U-8t.. N. y. NEW MUSIC H-AL L, laZGEYTMID WlfTZ£CikOAS. j Beating Capacity, Oua Thouaand. Whitby, Oct. 22, 1877- ly.U4 KR"G BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importera, Dealers anid Manufacturera ai au x indu ci LEA THER AND FINDINOS, O8h asi paSols-idea, Bas-k, and Luather-. 93- BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. Moky, 1872. 2 'Valnable Farnu for- Sale. ACRES-Si LOT 8,IN 515 CON. 10PICKRIING. 15 âcrse amse- s-enauder mal timbirs-eS niasly eecis sut Onepiet Tiss a t-es-y tesEsubié pmopesly for tles mood lou la vas-y vaiuiablo sud 'V11l oeariy psy îhes joncs-eseruey, wmli tic'. 'ltusti.oniof tIcs io a s unlSolnt guar. >Sltoe fer tRie lent' Tarins libes-alto liable pas-lima. A. ÀA POST y. -0. aux 008, MFitby RAY' 8, (LATZ SaMONSauaI.) WHITBY, ONTABIO. gonze uewly ranavated, aud furuished th)ýaughoUt, sud put in first-ciasa order for lia reaptionoi gansts. Au omnibus t Aand ratn ail trains. FIie-clus .ample r0ooma -SHAKESPEARE HOTEL, Cor. King &York.t., Toronto, Ont. J. À. O'GRADY, - FPROPRIRTOR. Tzaus, *1,80 PmicDàr. (y.47) FOST OFFICE SALOON, TaowroN. tw THE DEST ACCOMMODATION ..ci far Ouests. (Iy.47) QUEEN'S HIOTEL - VICTOA JAS. MAOKBY,- PROPRIE TOR. Gaod Table, Ltquars, aud Cigare;. Flue stabliùg sud every ueaessary accammoa- tion. ly.41 w .J. HUrNMAN, OSH A WA, Veterinary Sutrgeon, Will be at Armtraug's hatl'Çi, tby, ever Tuasdsy, fram 1 ta 4 noalock, p. mo. April 25,1877. 18 New Stage Line B ETWEEN WHITIIY & OSHAWA.- I have p ut au the route hetweeu Osh- awa aud Whutby a camiartable covered Stage, aud salicit the patronage ai travelers sud athers. Every attentiou will ha pald ta thes couifari snd cauveulsuce ai passaugers, sud ta thseseue't audprmt dltvery of parcels cammunÏlttedtoyhr,,. The.. will bo twa stages per -day esch way, vis. ! -Leaviug Oshawa escle marulug lu lIma 10, make alose connectious wlth the Whitby h Lindsay Reilway, sud at 8 acock ach aiternoan; sud leaviug Whitby et il a.m. aud st ôp m., ai eaah day. T he stage wl eau At a2 iothalainluach town, sud arders lait at auyaof the hotels wil ha attanded ta. Pare sud charges moderato. , . B. ADÂZU, Proprietor. Marah fl7th 1878. (1 GEORGE BRITTOI k vAcTICAL CARtilAGE WAGGON MANUFACTURER aof a nawirmproead Root Seed end- Corn Dril, Double & Single Turnip Drllà,ý CLAYTON'S PA1iENTED CHUENS, (Iiups-vod.) Wagoua, fBuggies, Sigise, couetantly on Saut. REPAIRINO doue uaatlp sud wefilou the ohatest notice, GEO.-BRITTON, tâirTwa douro aetiih t p( iseQ;teen'm li, Brook Stent, ; - - - - Wbilby. 1 Apri th1, 1niai 1447- de, 'ce ct'll& ce&p i> É" ,L@tKNOWcSr nIg4bgr zcigeaJ kFet ) bTeue. ick )Y CyBr&kgà"dTu13t - tj ce>..1 O Y '54e ' - Ae L; AàM and~,s~ ~X 8est-uee' i a71 ýf, KInG7T,,i8 T; N v impe baifýü nk a t*ouedwna, eF ikmma V~ d 't[ TotBar e¾ec> e i-OO 3r)ý-X ShivrPhmEaoaksAùeRim. ; WhîIs8io8,.a m, et-m-yikinS. P IA P: nSIn.'te' - reeq il sgna eneailiroubthssottieti WALL. PAPE R S> iOtta10peaivcm FStret, A SPECIAL 7.41 -C L'ire tac-s nos-lstai RinsbTvnues-, Bnaskc R ss- V M OVE LTY WOR KSI ,PzmiUIOifYbYesdtIdrtel taîbla, sud I1seaarmend (t te ajl wmn c WHI TB YON T ueS sau usgoraliung, reuavatiug tauie. PliE SESCRIER isaviug puraisaed FOrmaniy i1estorof Domdeasur iur .5. tis Macshinas-psuad cutis-e stock af c , - Boston. aasouad Lunches-fsra the muqtg sud, irir.ood Msuafactaring Cempsuy4a snom LtIE repas-ad te furnisDBos-SacisaBlinda 'utsmos; Manidingo,' Base, Arcfeutirves f NOTHIN G RQUAL TO IT. lu dy he ta , ft the ,s t living . SoU-c SALEX, Mkg., Nov. 14,1t i iWce& -- -- .Wnl"'" tn-iug Namels sudBaluisters t. ai- i,--I have os-Ses-. 1 Sas-aiui, CauSer, and Luniber franlci, beel quuiity, iawmsts threyearm. Natir prives. i ti I comrmeucad lui We hapa fsrn long exposisace sudSpb-ara om gstling an square dealiaig t it a lssisure aipublia u'sin$, tisa V EIl paraîe. OO. GILCHRIST, auhatl.rcmm Prapriator. Yaure Iraiý Ce. »bawlEs ýLicenRod A uctioneer. SAýS rmsuai d d a d nolc. Addes, 0. DAWES # 26- - PortIPar-. Dominion Wood Works,1 WHITBY. Geo. Cormack, Doars, Sasla-nt Blinda. LUIRIDER wmilseansd ratai], asripy Sp the.cas- but. isning, Motildirige et cvery d esarsp- tienj Farig Shoeticig, Sbehving-, Re- ssuing, Shaping, Turning. Sas-osk, etc , etc. Wlltby, Oct. 101hi, 1878. -48 m ONEY TO LHND. FIa nSes-algueS han any emaunt ai Mou- ey tolenaiS pon Fasrua or Tomn Preperty, ai uuuaaily Lau Ratas ai Igleneal. Loas uanba rspeid lu sumuo tamil bas-- s-amers. Set-aral Improvesi Pasrueansd WiS Lsudm for stle ep. Int-satrasutaruade ilu Municipal Deben- tuama, Bsuk, suda tle as-rsktstable Stocks, as- fus-tises- particules-a appiy ta JAMES HOLDEN, Officiai AssIgne., Esokar, ha, AprIl 9th, 1872. 15 DOMINION BANK. CAPITAL, $1,000,000 00 Li VERPOOL MARKET BRA NCH. Th sa uigbusineasstreussoted. Collctios mae an Dritsasued payable et ail p oints lu canada, United States sud Gsest Bitain. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMRNT. Interesl aI tles rate of Pourpcrcenut. mi les alloueS ou ail coma froru Oua Dollar sud upw-ars-sfsrn Sdala ai epait-s-epeyable wtotieotice. J.H ORSET, Il- Agent. BLACKSMIT1 H H01 The unda-,.,adSegteltosru the publia tgst iiseyhav;e opuoi A GENERAL BLACRSMITH A14D Muse. LIE No. 16 Langrat.St EECOMMFiND: ve beau troubleS mit .5d Lit-ar Complaluit I n diS me sny good ni soIng tisa VsorTisa. ung fis-st-rate,sudd. eti 4. 1 conside- thero t fr s- euScompiaini ionS IL ta avasyboi)y Lv', ZIE M. PACKARD, St., SautS Salem, Mai ETINE. IT HIEARTILT. MR.iTES. SOUTE ]3OST Dear Sir, -I have talicu several battis, your VEGETINE, aud a&M couviuced lt...W valuable rernedy for Dyspesie, Kidue Camplaiut, aud Genersi Debillty oet t System. I can heartily recommuQd il alsuffçrero tram hie above axupraints. Tours res;etuIly PUK V EGETIN E Preparco by H.R. STEVENfs, Boston, Mags. VegettnO IS Soid'by ail I)rUggists. IN S UR AN C E. ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Co>y HEA) OFFICE, BROCK-ST., WHITBI r-pUIS COMPANY insus-es Ferra huis .Llngs, Caunis- Chus-chas, Sc050 Hanses, sud ileair Contents et ratasesBLOI go tse ofai ny mell-stsbi'oieetCompame in Canada. JUSI LOSSES PROMPTLY PAI[ J. B. BICKELL, JOHN WILLIS, Presideal. Vica-Precideai C. NOURSE, SrameziÂ. Whitby, Apnil gIc, 1878. .1 p HRNIX PIRE INSURANCE Ceo. Lombard St. asud Chas-lug Crao, London ESTXBLIBiEL'l IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO. Agents for Canad". R. W. PYRE, Manages-, Mantreel A GENCY EST&BLISIIDIN CANA aIl lise Slecklislders, unS lus-ge Raes-t- Fonds. Modes-ste ratas ai ps-a um. C. NOURSE, Agent, Wii1S WiIby, April Otis, 1878. V ]BRITIsHAMERICA INCORPORATED. 0833. ASSETS, #1,101,87694. F. A. BALL, Manager. Ineuraucas affected ut the Iowaat eurrant ratas au Buildings, Merçlesudiso, aud athe: praPerty, againet Ions or damaueabitirs. NOURSE, Agent, Whltby. Whitby, April 9tlo, 1878. 1 p URE-BRED COTW 0L SIEE WM. M. MILLERl, Echa Bank Faxm, Clareruont P.O., Ontaria, Broader and Importer ai Catswald Shear sud pure - bred Barks3hire Pige. - Stack bauglit sud sold ou commission. Picering, Nov. 80, 1878. I-- GRISTING & CHOPPING. Gristing, Chopp ansd geucral Customn BMALL'S MILL, CEDAR DALE. RICHARD MOTHIERSII.. 'eedar Dale, Feb. 4th, 1879. (ti.7 HORSE-SHOEINci SHOP ou rôk as-etlu is ali aniln MS AILWAY TICKETS tu arSeia, Pas-I on Bêck trét, i theclaFannng ileR Huron, Detrial, sudalise Western sud psaesa, cness-4' opposite ihs Foniry Sontheru Stats#,for MaoieaI loir rates Ri- mises- ls are prepas-eS te execut i as-Sass lu tiseis- lmi s mdwhcl Iay rMay 2)GRO. B. TIlLE Se fuvôs-ed mIl punecUty -&nya deýpatch.2) Ticket Agant, îWietby. T. FRECHETTE h CO. Dsa. 271, 1878.,5 - EO G V R LUMBER!_LUMBER N1 B/csit hp c. NSON Tise edezcslfueS Regs taintarm.icia frianid. and ýthcenuflietth bsremot-ed Sic LUMBEIR MEIRCHA1SITY hlackinîlessop to tieps-emisesiuatiyoacu. W H 1 T B aYkf a i plidRipMeosrs. Taue h Nzmnoone, HRa oan sds lre upay f cl fWE8T 0F THE POST-OFFiCE Dea LuRier axs n il nasaay Building Luinniut. Itencing, Sein Tirabor, DNA TET anS scsntiug. e large qcantlty an hanS.)MMSSTET Las-se ors-dor a-Lac BlgtùDii 8 , dWies hinirsepas-ed la do ail mark Ii:hie from Milleata short aotces . . lina as nuâtis, as u, gutarantea satiataction Doure, Sasses anS Blinde alma a to on bi ntemens. 1~ulti'c ay 71, 15*] h-00 Wulbj, lob. $0, 1M.P fý I lit any amn, cigar. madeia seoit Teare coma 11k. bleeS traLnm maot !f ad îo"rltsu Ër alia 1tikt Tue gentlemen, oeenamat lWee. 8 - 'e"7' Corstable, aud malteS until il mas coids]ets-oug lenpenaments, lut thay t-es-yliiseiY tisai sCaenir l oea a eng aqais, the ollenFuller, malkiug leei..tb, Potallo's pleassre te hagin. >Atter a wme: ltce naIns-ai relief et Petnelle's. rieS, 1gaad-liaasig tellair 11k. Wil Lau. es,happening ta me. an cml, tbhellttr oet me mhIle Le sais],'"Jack, tar a t ueaai sl se Iehim meép.' l a feu minutes ha 120T-" calS, "Thal bis-tfil vas-y mach'l11k. e aIàethc tisai yen eaun e the piceon cmi" leepet.np, asdbegan paciug tishe rn ",Iltualtpuraning Sas- I mas fallamirtg Weateack."-"Ycn are t-e mneng,"91imiùenï diS se. -milrapl»dy,,-9.p*hli,'weqt on: - Joesy'a oua request anS oeying my sts . irt-"onis a t hé lu lisewtfliû "Neir loa al, sud tell me "M.aie écei 1 et y rop s-el o crabligtet Preraise. Ilmas anSes--lesti, Fulla'n alie epea, aidS Fallen aIl: whln in misai yen ses; irets- the localiy-crds. ubîla.. Sosc,ý-, tiffsetqoslthtii'lagiü tni atabetWeeanus, tisaiI ahetiatitihpa- oe-"-.asW boe anlbe !t.,, 4 - n lPe cf ï'- au n1nisk -'a Is~ ierutlYunutil Jessp - m e tesy-ane. - A traveilas-, ms a atrlsntt l "A tira id wmoat, milS sunlight sift- s-casons', cmesethisa ues' lte saiid;'S Eeni elasculstm ouldt thea boy fs-m ôaiuyu Ii-ugiAnia apa ié iug threcagle hicis toliage, sud long msnt sayu* uy hing ugaist itillas-naed er s-as lies- ouamistrele, ade ,syoér saismness cf mard, grap mess. Tise raYSpanice blood Pormy religion; but 1sckuemles]gst Ses- ight el amarr s-r "A sut-eahoaete lie camesudt e s h dut greaS e ct-s-e -ls'efl et sotgrass il mas ne fenl in. s fgelsma lte maté uSe pîeauari; sut ifI i dtnet urite, i mmabahepeili% lihèr0 ae t et un intensegreen, 'anS tisneaie mon- '>5gaighter' Wicttmi-el udifi Re ~~ AUSt: "Tisa priaetago-el-meri tentai lwëso wciens et m utestaoclons, rhi.' pepas nletunianteS cansfianiteisens Met r a rasoag yooug mite, Wmis auan Mcars- - "Righi. Ite sAu,0 e 'n tliM tas-fo. - "TIaeemas ne quarrai, auna n- ramambrauce. ,I have trustaS les-," aseavp jas- et maters , ta'n COmm 0 e est eoft1he Uppes- eadaslpe. Nom aonrtemy; but I sair I acuit hasuliesBaiS, mrunfiipy, 1"illoul a , ThrouÏcsgisa aglanei, s taoùily of -Tei uSaI ae"Seo 7au ueé 2" Inabas- tmil rppleéadingjuat àas sen frem lier." daughteasiexeelingîy profitable." -mas>te ,A omil ipaay, iaaiéoa nsi bniied ,as Lie datasralaulianî) yn ee",ýeIva4 1 That minter lise bostty cf Mn,. Lauen sprnmrsyaacens- lea-Nea teadia*g quiatly, al e s ietandd-eassnae'ta d ea m~eeatamanoxanSise Sevtalle ër net s bans] Ire, itgbeultntai tise ghal' o te a i ptceplling .dama a t-uevine ln;suld Iba pègliibilitp'l5f disabiy. mare an *et-es-y tangue. Bal mas-nieS is part if ai Hret l,1î8s-t _, his ui lý a," cunrf toaes t milden-oor, ieue-m., iscg ber, ftlla 'a 1camrant ts- ng.nt muteSàt dtis e st pas-rtfJeggy pasformadthtisaparI -se badhy Ibs leoiby nan3 "Desocrebo <Rie gent'te me," gosetitcalf las les-. Et-eu I'mtrggtad -Leime' -beauty Lad net-ar tenceiiiais bioseS cff. Tice manager came arcund I lamneS andl o6reS aI my ques-al. long wmus rap mises-p baes-e I1tas-ad te Wili LUnnox. lies-para, simple, peetie terre-, boeetgsacetuily, pu t lis baud ùponlis Ha mas smoking mitl i sal apes,anauSk ieSrt6 le s-siice l- h is-tat eceit. tempea-anleL ad net-as-nutenstoci), te libas-t, enneuncadt tit "Smith. preut tei Weiting aalmlp tas-rap aunsmen, »"Well, "Sh. eait uldnot"mach rs si na, lu sut o tot, iu edim,ucerisia 7ay isat agnoasl tagiva p lise giss," beir- cd, ad msa Sa-Pets-aleo, misaimakens yen cia persuailds]bas- m6teli-toaca'oca Iut theianebleet 'pas-h et bis mita e scap- dagain, netireel, unS ail mas Pen"eedsar.el as i me ? >Yen miqçlIpaint, but id iluS w es-te eus- usual Inysî lu téîle . et. S sii ence or-. - -phlintli iciehsble eSss-bd got ie Ms-. Laimer spolisa kindly but luch, e. acau lulltent ae noban feelings' YougDavis, mise reaontly pus-licE-- glaac8s1 ~inis elbng Iea If I it et le lsy, unS caves- ear -oua face haeantiber 'spiïitual, saperiot nih uea-u. teS la flsc tucntp.mlle race aI htise ~0fi,11 Wnosua smS I acidà ttiegî eep mnlle JessyandI tecketoacsea slBèiuy.,.iriaat hini. -iessy'a tove'a ariteu DrillShedi mas offas-ani his 1OP U ato~masmn uge, -ut baiiatsalScf-esr paea otluemveli. proq1is- final mu t hé lsebs-eut ertei is esi icagnificent sum'ef 81.40 by tIlà. nk. halO ai - - - ilhçr> l Ceu nover tla uany gia? of eutAlat? i ae àeuild 12t; th iiocil ges-etuthîee ouiuclon of tise raser' MYI,À e,,eç;rmle *,CW upp-z& e.wk -b _t d .e.s eLr au yout hw4jF l.s-~~e tqi* EôÀ~îaa f' s:<~eu the bough - ti , aw i mS " l s-ei orîuIho ,ÂI1oîsaui~d~IvI ~ e e blbGedf aef g!ga1u i ljcmelta bar-jÃŽO O5s me ifrT a tatiUIgkl auat e u fv 4t'Àflà t 'ù st* re ýi ÃŽ'ff rétnu preIbe A rh F i s - w li ttede. ý«E< C1,x4. e Ia o ï , tat g ï rwnTh e IIhý*X hl,'Y pnre à arsUiToLeuuox ba i 1sýfo fiî a ânýnd à-6atI clleil u ifl re iutI eissloew a wed nt Bornecru ' am¶l Icja eb I I d ua11'liiein l sitJes piisu, in Iij say kuely astil il libliav aïil. . D nrlà e r edua1Iatise RÃ"~~ed1ticr¶fiIfe - >iItbal i e te uk biinïRttlrttr >y eushil'~~~s ~e~eemîcîiie <~lia ~i~oehia4aa Âtqaavebee> ~ -Ime eabla i%$.s l héi 'goN. teIl ea #rI iH iseli we lfï " &,1isiu .OîIu.du~elhwt~ ioa.lii rn» : a teift r e. 'ivine la e0p acu, ve és b Iî Buii t ft- lieig P9 les'p >e~swiefo i lionl' cetoauï4 W-i>dm'toh'aeM brsef uts la ae. vîeeWs<> !nd4sbu4s~sîg iftfyf'omte~ ~J>l'~1> - ±lg. ut"'-,aiaeiamtd ati atiwrcngb hl >e'>in6i A .tri, , àý», > tïik nirn r ~ .~ Bftoé> as*k otVIE.vSl n< lmy4lfd ihilg«vnimg- tî ali'Ditht ee' f teisg le *V1i- raedér<t'dd iSa'I sliyï'i ii e'tflra<'Knru Sswy erwssanmeea eeys $l~bml tRo -tree~i a1~p~l.mu~ J d~ "0 >mkhn~t 'ostaty 0 In" a it e'laei wRsiose dame cf iy ud io bet\ve~ ~-ilost - * h 'OF" lM1 eathes-hdi;0_1l i mmî i- lpnnec m od sspiRnu*pL,'s eiéne ie <e 'l~~~dft wWn*hwtari b~r>tSrn1Ts*Y ~>are bte yel tisi se eualkiIsgtie eleeugiIetepà1ljý aud if '1 1 > > , loawrl, rye4a patg~uâ âiolnell isa 'ue-siseR îaseibi(îy a-ber ,ijunu .;erusaii i t~e L~I A~~'diT, buteflig nd eldirbai. . ..~irlî1yiuea n~ My-en - baisr s'iadeipforI ove eon retnd.i y a wrug isa gh- , élorsiuoiviy !' w4en ÃŽbýÎ0y0uS Meile, alÙnliyté'ovéî#oa, ÏeWors' i avien,-eq àr i sa~~e~en.~xonns rd> f jI. ~fre naîltis ~oedil mIer. f e nueu. vne ' by chi ase ieymt iegrv oray"* erm'dl19aikleW f'danfrta.-*'-e ndfferute-on bcee er eîh lee éudth sea dgutyofh 49lhe~hmL-ur m taudu Ieai a niWsl ~s - r'-. lu melu 1e trdapertuiscuew ae. thul eterif le e a au. w, otý vtisab , un tisaS d sel -foihll final ssw itie i te ml d mie calE upt o Iinm Il e n Pa~ralas's g oiôùsGsroiselepiiritishI. apeetera iraman y4n srà" m de hE n le-aet-- ->,li 5e y ir winhî hi: 0 e eaieelie ln vs'Yiyn~eni 1n ~ mds~y >a uie n 'ho ho' Rîpr f ybn uainail.'Id lu-p'TtIms seiisdt i d la icar tr h- . 'my ng ofHa, h oar "Nflat Go loa Iwnît assuré p.npo, t o idéio h tbil¶tiai ilcfciamili atenrînet "IliS ba ingoedy toln ancy pcel tsaI ha wus qeuigh ig fr su ler t men." -oran i aiyafr s ih dstge t~myhrlme.H ada111eealr olàetop tImntinlsy forge h-tas-geheave pte udr1) or eh00 Sas ssye ba vfattative G -looupsud aler aMauj, etcuffedr,,Omet sacrwetpn,Iivd. ife irsuevre y a emn aleu Suohr ae u- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~o tee m.sdauel ftieibfIeutrdtathgileitsu laCkuiIfone nlu hmi et >aiadnl Germaé'nc meat u ensL ta; u, aheu t t-I5 ouentloate meifou tiherefÃ"gë stetdysd iltasispliskoi>mil dy t eI ud n t-fes i h ai sensvbl asi e sSgeeIroal teie- ve prcoM e i l e ue lo,apr su n ud efer-, i%;py " teok p; ý S u 15emoutais, nS hatmitin n ieu- Imathos be, sellboat I lied et erq afl ui ervalt iîal' Theuil-nmaclag ee ie edag na.fmepapn a hismin omthig t uaprod ote let! eeýii aumthiug a, anoewee eWti aide cfthito-able intir-Dl h os heeor ayen myomgîeTyhge ae fatin iisfelmua e 'lotoe le, Si erelfa nihi-as-,pspt-tig ela]Sanamy c coneOM enatr ian bold ia se f s aÃŽ h aving d e eettin.Holo ôe anethfer a n mnienthees- fg',ae.B t cucm e teilcousider mrelyi os-'lac ettes Petr lta Saastr rn ercm li igsu aaï n s- an- monti ut aa sua. as f se aneeedalng ls ulo ysue. çih os inbos-e a y, atsi15eal o ufes- In leps alPlatrora lns làt l.i Sr'di uem t-e-ythug 'ittisawis-ae pntaioltn tesy sdtsIii'le-a a in emsid happd ily, ork.'u-] -~iua fe mI.'far banonce nna mie fritshpmmn h ieems-s aml u huta-a al es- thal Will Lennax groom. 'l' a turilinte h9Ils]y, unS glyt " int oua cf my ei iln mam n IU t ifitne t leir ui gn tte SeulS.an t a] olIer f en-enMe te -uicm-ae, :Is ne lisstviste irhn laS atcetiei do SesO -, fc-ma ; bal ae ,tne ditt)..t.f icd titnr toa bo;Ln u t myrres- ite cetis] uaaaviSfe lgcue. nlsry heir iecta Iymb ava coulbew t ema tas- am y, a ns] kýt ay yorS mu neet S *,ur or d I WkUm filr. Ho cud lty, wfallor ama b0acd frse.sî-ogAr tteih pele, S len ëa t i me lSesbu- 'balve aSi tad give me one .sinfohe s.î ion. I t ne e c iS om Oulgains ; Ise Sity i eit-s]lubeak rap l a.Ie abta; <lay macl cf n adcote l Nom 'Tesk m stie eep fairute toatte asdispan mfste reui]den u Sct c ufscîon, nSgo8lai se-astam cit 'telis] cul Iatcetais t*csauot gnrn e:ar neig emolig etpre'eec. Wlahs h -aleovo as a hbi e. Iw l o ýin thl otial h abernclTun;roeae uo egrlteiresnomoanprro Gutllupmornu, Iuniutell iain, Ciel ack i-natuee g htin-eA4 sw e e o i#teh tuSli ue ttss au t fn eap ite h respeceS, aidi et-a ut-led. fny ienstufe msli a ss gh rmi- sese a o'eofmons-i,, y. IManYssh toma1 ,;" oe -taC c.tgoiat he urIgavdws a thm i edatdoperiaul m nass-utieon i neeir. iciae e t-lea pa-amma udtka2habu- bcd helelinstinc, oteatra, cne . lpl c iae utcîig o a l-afithot lcmnuc reg0etecc es-arfà a platce;ti I r Yatiser e 76. garies, ana il tha cîbrnce en iee au- id tuia epaeetthe convrtieh n uSe us- o va moents-îuswe uld juuyelli d lespospe te cf îmiîî iu i> t cf a poacte x s ishàvae tence. Sus-cce,Sdem itte]bpoily mtleigelea Ter udnex lsu bs-SeaVlmi ispoesai ns t te-a lidiIy oîl E. iee l te lask, udme eu tetehen "~Voo Son uy snc I ia lat ' mul S otch Ce t. Jsckld etleBa oel i]nt l ei t. I lt ied e a-iu Lei It rati etucoia t auire m ei n d"'T eio-n -e ne p cuntreos-he e scote I he s-stel tlee 1 Sco tc n abouylunchada esPeta Ga r r ciam assa to fo laciosas aSls] y coit therattnotie aaIue iksly til cpyf.' ed mmaJ saced ria. Hfose il u r a It îe noy are- aitu a <Ot u eu in cis]e numee.e oleandit roS. 'mol cf taied y 2 I luerd ba te gr lexiatcra nd' thaone thi iiîl ee oe a ci Insmeirgua wy1béa' o ion y at don Ibthe Si-.' ".Wh ielenil tIses- e ry 2" l ult wt aweru s e ul a ie L iu I poccln gphc t-o ies op;hitItluane o t he s-l ion. ,Ba ey sais ulaie qit muy, "Ton laia>) h1tbe- ThonAay pl sant y gadssi f ?' e "ItIsun ocu patoor a n ec t , adis a-e olte nextiy, mheu tPt-alto i taklia wIth Sns-srdJckIon t n oit "' i ptua u. MIht lieyying pteu nsueto i e lym faely duedeeetils-appglas] l r aiermasane ti hel. ri eair ul buhea e lu le btse tîle "S8'1 e, ite CiI, I fo t ereut &isa ods. "a nul c'p l et-ie'naiia av et abriht rlouea.Sisycefislee mhih Sd fni~ely aloged e te cs]-ile itc aen d p upp e lu Sit-eorn a meosien 1lp s f a ndmmete; C( n the bian: r ateod r tcohra inipptth ase un- a ueeés fuormeiy et sIhetri.hav Ifn WI aux ait uee. Ha apupoe.avr es-S et Wils tmiLenxs daU leu. m TRi snla a s i e a ge sifhrounis)he nemr. ie]paIyIezasiDls-s m e amg italenleppy, af hrope hafdiiulone e h ua Gnadaiapk n e ts1m ascpe omeleug Ssubecmepreen-'TIs-i minStais- Clar opa aSt-a metaulre a n o neneilursimota inca ac- anti got eiacl. tes-mie theaîu ai al, dmand ea lp up, ns]eu skias, sud lerf, lazp ebonpc iedt; nSet me nlt e ve l t Isee t-th e c t n et wstoe k hm eu adgneaypes uvi soartaiti nd tes-s pabnes aeequiaed tliuS tle ldea-,bairse d e mouime- iden uto ha >. I mas e h pcue ei al iaveKan- n for tlest.for sa-i r.mech oihrstapps-oac ifférîentocpnt er 15c ndus, aicd -anes. Ho de, itee frnett ee ieo ent-uanS XVumU1 dnet asafee injet mfie. iNe î 1c )N lut4ane aepee tes 1e temsawn Ie inte u aacpI le lt-atd lerin tisae ousî 'ful ceuv ere iee tldi et adn- Hie p adis a eagtinasema i ns] te b, irla minsm eide mas thau s-adianîl be au Iappy dp e lIatin m e r Hem I ices fthe laiacte laisu yote ats-ad eoe uas- one Mays-, imudie Mau trm tifl. sumnetSas grt-a ais-nfatangsut se lpse t neplugI autsdle as. bas-S poheriebad abut."ceyer i a hnou Ptie a pramtise lHe caî eu ceaslba sbr a Son n or hea ce.k BuItelutedpa nsnatrmuurei orPetss i ter" Petaltoess- eptui et telmew Wh thes ra eSm a s es] ut ; btahtis eanaelmus s ulave le rIhe uha em a~,s eae s] ne t l a len t uresai hla "Yos-k, ie es- m i ti t s ny ener I amel se a lokand e lesi fuie uicletCapieDur mghain an f h a ans i a erateet tunsBanS oSs-d eJack w lc ] bu eneaImna na- tu epando heclsi)lIsPr e u moen. c elicyiasscis teiyun t ni lupth a S-u atufrepa mludy, u .àons uerbolaS n ruep as heulduers lied clauseo u y llp brc. I e ui emal myf- go-haappye plgiel m o ls as ea r me a.Awoalbe and il hiPacibvsentosiff. iug u i ms taus e poleTis, Jack, ely ite lito etrsutee susenep, an excuse sy aes cthe wd u rClaokmlsoo uly hne, R. delerai noe e mre hiraclgt. tsap i ith er eeag pnaia.lain oe ath i e leiiran>ic est a hu leut ld empd is en sm jsmnevne uS atd PeSudlie bte goellea tillaac ite topa I mbeinvrhAdlot oe ta." " ias- P ets- alto o aitlo ues tSl es- sncb. C da nt ou saSir o couveryikeat t isa cf 15e buuy' on >- "P ou, es nhap e rgdest I mildi notronel leai)ruefse;anteae-s-euhv rphutCaI e apt es temi autt t bouma tegediis, "rie îleyiliamt u thgedhl me pu-aupes-a sunen'leGad aconpe, uer atJemel endI u Sig,'asyIgroogay~'eme buta> musringtelgias n toes]f " grei. Jeesp Crauii anidntiug but lit-et tate sImould-" siaa qailhr O ore, elilteSin aacs-tme m "'Ts."iit he hë otst th frlerCash pas-t ; e t y chsé-ater . I e iseden.nctle ma ul lia omereti a.e, hmbatrleh-m.IASm e . "Ha w nom s eleI (nlave r mlle a sir ut r p ebal mil tle' Sas-. No nx I-iaw a sio lentofh grnat, aieS cut iugl e o pat fe l ecnts, utô I ;iaen lio." thugh cfselSsi pcueineminledin bats-oI nise) iîr, Iperciaiet15egaas! mb an yaiosforthekamu milleauha lu te peolevab ar hu peurt os Cetolierapble a ve o mbr. sft e igftomeon Itracengey bnis]gnota et ieIa itmrs isira av adcmat ra"ah eau S fas-." tonchinNewon hase d , tyinoe ' th at tflemcng miS Pals-te o tut uight, onaitha c~ "Se at eSa isI pur" i "Nfet a id ut I Sut pe m asluteltignueor a n reg gze, c si soe mte Ha mOf e suvlky ns] sWiteni Iis-rect; Sut ib a nd tls c imseri e men l --n E pt le fuses-ye.' etsro fr"n t c arestulC n or r ok asaiate aie t f s-iast sud5tam cousoi. chIn-u btsierafaS ecl l a '-D. Cma em miS m, aS he aiu : any e a mleil. Htsa emsmligt ukIs t ttéempîsinSoule emdisrte uIs ner-le ;usoî mew ;l"hv cofrablquie tiu talhas." "I tusa e ilaîl Seas-t a len .tiais-mentefs-. oro wus I eS a.bulr, s. io ne mca ruamis e u atî orm "Nt o I noostoe s n ateure - EBt Ip ditofc ilar, IsarcdSi'ktingdoh e. inaLeunwe x"' liadF ao t es-smila a s.caal cleng m R te. ulianrueabot imae'ècas." Ths soItl uîleen see at ee ins! sio t. "e u ule ) h lii c u - JeFIey L oa m au sppae;mo re tps the ho atlteand-oomctmonotbr eBi a cto ugiel in omi ug isethhetcnvesemarsseaupoationud ba wkt hanro bc e lise tistul-m of a mea a rue.x Tsyte accluas-lna rebles] f loesS te tact.h ms Tau e er titilec1hu rt) a is-ur, ap, ubi eal ms- pnnmatene ae ernamnt wbch sngîstaunderclvii. fi-at pl ber11111 heu iu rineunS tea sbis Sa-?oEestatigohasuiSfm îleSupplal mu lu al tisami l lu e stu stitlesvcf oves p lîing l u ijiIeru of ick millerjai ulen naon actd lhieugllmi&g erat ulc. fa- t i tloe i Y ie ea heuslunP acark -a euwn ta s-it uaI siùrreol an lauinle raplite. le s-, menScmechba usty biJack -oynt tes- A mi rasa issvIiangS -ippeortise b o nus-p tusllure fark twic'ceieri s bel, belort me ulne 'cort ,e caoleprva t m eu'ScCollet-o ii'itîlerusal"iiIa eP e ma mlp mar i seja îquent Theil res n g isein lie graliset-ar h a les- on huI at-a Cs. " "Bal I mud la l t o pe u mve el;t-a 1ma ais et e te Iipubit on in1 flua i g Ii5 uEt s-n> 5e umou ga c ote An es- aosalto uvng tn!ou ap e? igel10hvegnopucS a esin; st Di'ey1yri SaS Seau e sil e- TeP i'-pou io - NaIs an S t a n moplena a thy miftî biso itse i ,.l d S on-n a r ons-at hîi e l ied m taSon lterapîMte tr getsem ramrp eghor,"l oph hvee etv e, a grat apr ofHin a. -e-oS i c fmy ace mille h, d anS alloir Jesy sld madr e-, e s i IAI' e lunumanes! n"ms e lal mygva ButLli A uhae T. .1878. I.y 1h. 0. < sue excaimeaU5U -scir eur~siam.r i tdies bs mugk' harstr 'Winl peu is 2"1, 'à ps-athy paicpba toot'by Insmis- unS s Negently caresse] iir, bis be4tagaiast lis bs-ot saif t w th isa e kuneirt lied 1cm ay t- Eeè, ReinSeur huas Ils-e mouents up- bira, bat net -es-y set-e naas, I e.-ý But cHounia mea eyeuone," Neel, tuLuning <ilthe Young girl. Ira Judga .Allyn'a tiaoghier, sd hoea ie aahp sLmile frein liera îgb lbheaods. I eau essilyirais e; tor I moult uat ride appos Y;" sIc. repliaS. letding Ileinteer, Ileey ps-acceloles] île- lama-dm the eea ua anou nidge ýAilyn, aBilu3îs'sitinlu1*0 Be et Bedtantvyilie. tiRae Alipu mas sl gi-i oLtvulIe roootage misan chia su .'ppus-tusseip ole eacquainlunesetof Noeu ; uus ig th omly chIt etf weslluy parents, bad -Sle-ates-y ui> grulîfed.i se mus net -spuihat ; tus-, peesos- i laolbpdisposition, elaeiras esily [uit rigSl fs-ra ms-eng ; usedtienneolo s-img seiras Scautitut sud -un as le greest, mesth,.haisssumet1 sanners Ileat circuitrende-Ribes-dis- cuRule ta Iesa mih h mom aise Gi boaclct. rhe Jatiga Ailyn usad tram lbis, hter' 1pilpe Sbe- nus-ramaeocape.fs-oui" rrilie SeuIs, ha iras ovormh4uasl ,grauludo lueour ieera u,koiOig le mue Pans-, matie bine wlaîy -g et peauniary aid, mîsial eros-em C ultsloaidistly s-ctusesî. Ms-s. su adBelle asIle] upun Ms-c. Visîse; se In tues-omés- gnia-attempesl ta m ite mamiey t15e valuaeoft 15cm uee-cltNoel baguet hie mote- ta neelsn tevisil ; sutdsun e cw i as-e h Seft fos-collage, tIe affas- sIt passeS tram the raý sade f allie dt' peoIple. ou lIe gi-lie!> face et Balla Aflye I corna CataneNoal uhen tevolingr utl te hiestuios, and cauise imtal yleiraeif mille grée ardusseur, in oupa tha. enînetslualuiethse iue f i min aennm es-isp th of fes-ingr se thé Saugctar- et the irMlley se. an g Isacond vacatin, Noal fs-e- ïtRyfmal -Büeeiand uteen tisen dildi lcea egu, tIsaI ps-omiseS ta te a Éace-e anti lasting effeciosu. more peutrss-aileS Cy, anti Nool nateth ile safis-et honorsetofhbi sud nans-net ta hisbahlme te s-' the congratulations et bis fnianul . aas1 Ihie poor matie-', huesîlle gs-eally talleS ; saa m dupe cie urriv'sl, lues sirit m as euîle, liteartly la il leavanly home.- se Sisîrees cf Net aite deatb tuf ltlas- mus vas-y greal, anti he de. îed ta ssII bis itIle Rieuse anI cg Betites-tville, ge t6 Plade;lpiu, continethe *study et lau Ihat lte Dmmence] the peur'-baes-e., « aore leaviag, lae cailed i pea Balle, drid lia-et Sf ieetiloet-er-lie- tle tiramesoSuS usâved lien-lite, siset bues- le remuin, Iras ta bis lie messetnagging foi messîteand -smuy iro le-.' Belle lsd ever sucieS fer-Na.) a tevoteti admira- tut lad heard oebis distiogniaboill Ilîs-ange alliýge mIs lise greatest . le. 1*1 an mise leeS b c&l the sîseagîl oflias-gis-liaS au- andut saitlen lime ars-tne la, cause ite tefrgal lira. But s, Ne, hem eau I mare pou suy sas? Ilfor My p tler le bitterly ie te cas- iulimaay, sut euly tets] ilt nigbt net hotupermit yen te havse- ticouglîl cf Ibis, Belle, anti a gal'0te our1z ftllssand spak- lira ou lemuje0 . a-uiterviair otusea Wael unS bAtip u saabs-om-oneaaneu sut muas lIaiNeel leftBates-S-d es-It a shatoir upan hie youag ut s-lgiug -iu hie Ga-rese tise ug meso-, "Hat panasiiedtuae 'tleÏusaud e oas-ois, in relus--n for ra ta dugte-lite, I meuttlave0 tbe> -te yen ;'buaa sfoira 7-a pcFer sla-ting anliuown bey sr haut ln a s-age-ne-asair i1 e WsWoe sbt ianlce t-os-tex cf tedd again Net ane cemis ha. 0 utbuteatly changeS fs-om, lh. dlweat ; ftes- eaxls-urdinuny Iand ustis-ing enas-gy lave.. mca M e pouition nse anetof lËo meut 'pal ycuug lampe-s aitishe PsUs- ig aI Bettes-St-fle uas s Ms-. c ieullemaucf im a ndli ou ei- whb hu beau andoaenoig fer a s- et, pears ta emlabilis tise eairQ cisildren, plcsl tatas-his aune bsh 1 cfisa 11k ian t anee

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