Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Apr 1879, p. 3

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- - ~tt-t-t~-t- KINDLY IX- MIA ELEGA1rf$~ ~ î1jS-~, ELJ<Gft1~TpZS. PLAT 0W PLAT 0W i III st-~> MILILINEBY s-I 35~{LINEBT "h [il mousuuAe. 1 gave unoor iny charge as 1~gb~nled Bttc/ ' lange uupl>er of çattî,an sd lu tise var., - lioue troubles teasV isrseiAon fiave taý mi. A. W. ýCuucv, Eciteir N. B.ý conteud with, know aft'atlng Sa se- Fariner, ewnes afiue, dairy 'sud gela s hable se Ga l, iniment laclido Arn. -*ctd atolsNy.dtecir, - s<Tma e / 1- - E. caTZ, .lcced l~tei Clarmad byWelle, LaeUlà Bend NUrTerj1 arion Co.. Ko». BIicisardecu &,cai,, weé have noeui for Soid by S. W.2. mîtis& Co. eeveral yosne, sud isave feund natlîîng l GLES equualllng 1t, sitiseugis W. -have teeted 6k0 Weàî rsy,N.. sb ty tilug f ihi. %nd made lu Tra.z2ô9t, tu , 0 owCd outnj. I11te thse ulan 5cne iità'u ot, lonesi-ýrtsud oepeet butter ae Oug We Var , udsd W IJY M KR . el , l 'e rboill - an- frliean800su Aàouety por- If tehes uld eutirelyeuperceda car-. ucxczOieAn1~Oi,59 rots n_ froor butter, aod aise ail bis.'Plour, aor bni......... 6 0@1$50- 1repanaliauor nràlle." FarineraIf F1>liWonet ........... 60 95 à el 00 biscîr butter e visite <la uat faitl t y Spning WiseaL . .. . .. O08093 0 92 lias plrnidurnaisie Fr ul Dnloy, Nol .........5*0-0 80 55 priureiqire af S. W. B. Smith a,...... 00s00 &Ca., druggiete, Wiitby, Whoe have it Rys...... .......... 0 45OO for soo au Weilase all druggiets ad sud........ 1.............4 684 morchaute oues . Sul) Poas, black-eyed ....:.-0 705#0 8 Oats ................ .88 @40 ATsuîsa.-Coçstýjsî gindinuIt the...r................ic @50W Miin af lifo, pet-peiuail]ose cf vitalfoana., Apple...... ......... $7 @0, 5 wiii drap bise strengeatimnbte duel; Poets es, new...... 0 > 5 if il, manifeet, therefore, tsaI biete- gge.4- ............c00 a r5 mom muet be -kept.eouppiied wilh sa ye ulte t ..b.... ...a-120ct1s Coise s........ ..ic 1 laonteianxdîzbepopsoc ieWood ............ .... 88 50 @ 50 ()0 pMoanet sudiot palatabie wsy lu Wool ...............0180 200 whxeh Il eau b. lulraduoed ino thbsaBeei,lnbdquarter.... 500 ca 5" W 8e aboml Ybise use cf Victoria Hypa Boot, fore quarter.....4 00 @ 84 50 ghoep]bite,whieis la tise reateet bralu Siseepsklne ...j.........60 75 $~ 0 g0 land norve food lunbise ndor ...aie................0600 05& Saie by ail 4ealens. Milbiur, Ilmntley Lessspar cIVi........&0 a 5 580 Peansan, Propietere, Tarante. Osiv................650 89.00 Sold lu Whftby byT. îG. Whitid. lons................. $490 g #r, Tura ................ 000 A Marvel ai tisc Pcniod. Csarre................ lige @ o0 Oblcens, por pair ...45 @ boc If ay oe ha Baa, ven shrt Ducke par pr............ 8oc @ 00e If ny is isd sid Ovis oGese par lb .............7eo0 "1110 a9o thsaI Castor 011 could b. ma-de Turîcysi, per lb .5.. e 10 nîice ta talcs, lie wouid- probabiy have Clovor ......... ...... sa 50 @ 518 Co ou rogarded as a fit eubject for a lun. Timotsy .............175 8 $2 00 allo Aylucu; yet tigi jetise fuelt te PORT PERRY MAREETS. dsy. SCOTT'&fBROWNo bave mDuufac.- tured a IetieoseCasetor 0it vils Glycer. Port Penny, Apil,lgtb, 1879. Sue, iici i more like ceosustissutise hcst, eprlug.............0 (15 50 90 sbominsbiq dame tisaI *wa lise isarror Whesb , fala........... ....0 80 O095 cf aur cebjidioo an sd tise dreajj of older Fleur..................... 5 W00 0 yeare. SCOTT & l3iiOvWsPAATAIL arley ............... ....O. 045 O OS CASSOU IL-5Centssa bi-l;e a.................. 50 0 58 f ont -25 ho..................................0 85 O 40 bret ieted f srepguace thie CÃ"TU .. .................. 045. O5 1oito 5. 4in lover Seed ................. 3 00 850 lFor sole by T. G. Wiitflsld, Whibby. Potatoes............ ......0 50 O 60 As .- ~les par bus............. 050 0 75 - Caneumption le Curable. Por@.. ................. 0 00 O0 Butter..................... 0 -15 Olé6 ThIois lean establiaeise clut, stisougisEggis.....................0 10 O 00 people are dying every day vailS utis HAY ...................... 9 00 il 0 Oubledjoas. B tey rewitlsTy. BOec. .................... 550 00 euîi dese. u 5v re -Wood..................... 2 0 00 plsaid foyer, Pnoumonia, sud other dis. Cisese ..................010 o 12 easee. Buat vo belle. vs are warrant. Wool .................... (20 022 où lu nsaking tise stalement tista ine Lard ............. .......010 0 121 cut of ton cf e11tise victime of tii dis. tressive nsalsdy cen beocured, if lneated -A C A R D. lu time, by tise use cf SCOTT's EscOLUy. 0allvisa are euffeing tram tise errerff ioN os COn LxvIIiOIL wltb flisa Hvo. ansd tudiscretlonso e et ui, usrvoue 11081'UITiE8 orLiuLe-AxE SODA. It lha. veakuese, early decay, beloismsaanod,&., ait- virts o f tiiosoo st valuabie rein. I wiii Pend a recite tsaI v ir"ue yen, aiieu làa sperfeuably paîstabie farmcu m Fui FCHARGE. 7'blpeurenm d 164uwas diseovered by s mlemonsry lu souse m54n rerles. Bond aseelf-sddressea euvelape Iirs *Pla by T. G. WitâldgWhilby. bte EnV. Joonpu T. Ixxix, Station D --**# Bible Hou8s, Noe Yorks Oity McccL,nsiDGz. P.O., Tunuat, 08T. Mxboels MILBUJIN, BENTLICT & PEAs. ~sx-Sire, I foot It my duty ta informuN ' D E TSM N S yen tis a set png I lest my hearng & *a witli eue efiansd fille fall I lait tise OQ ario-Ladiýe8'o vge licarue of thse elsor aise, me thia I Wa"u Go '0 e e sfraid 1 vouid neyer be able la Sean - agsin, I trlod cirythfiing te brnghback RE MEM tisa Grosa Trent ai tisej My heaiag 1 could tiin cf, but found R eson, if ail lu vain. At lait I1cmade upAuAy RSD lumd ta tryseume cf tise Yeliov Ou, yMse -GRAHA ' READINGS, I rubbed a itile on tise aulside cf zy xxT cars tva or three lImes a day, and every ld . ilgit sud marning. 1 vet saine wooî .Fridtay J7W eningAvp 8h lu one week'e ime I couid isear ase eli Musie v ai sud insrumntlbyp ils. fis I evor could, 1b stili rnis on the vil ADM SON, - 2 tC I. wlicîl theo stier lee cld, knd I keoit ocd i eil a uem wool aiea lu my cars. I write this ta rceol eisl iMsun yoli tlat you migh kuaw the0 warlis ofFO ON yotir YeIiaw 0i1. Yours truiy FR.O E W <K0-LY1 For @ale by T. G. WhibBeld. Wisibby, MIR. OSENTHAL wIi o r ton sale -6 9 # - d ing tisis week as Ifni susort- Buciccs's Arnica Slve. meut ot 1387 -GOLD &SILY WATOHES, TiheDS SALVE lu tise wanid for SOLID GOL HAINS 0 Culte, Bruises, Bore@, Ulcere, Salt FILLED PL ED OHAINS, lleuct, 'letton, Ohapiped Hands, 0h11- B HES, EAR-RINGS, biainse, Corne, sud ssii kindis ai skis U týruPlious. This Salve-i. guaranbeed LADIES' ETS. ta gise parfoct satisfaction in every case And s geucral as artOme af-best quai- or mauley refuuded. Price 25 conte per it jowciry. box. For sale Iy S. W. B. Smnith & * 3iSola bocgis4.t Bemkraptse of stock, Co., WIsIitiy. aIl vi ibce Id nt unprecoscsIcc ,lowt î- MluIAos 0asoiemn Iling-a coie for life; lis careoulilu lie eSoasisng. a remedy for fensIe coinplaint«. Be sure to asurycur dealer for Victoria i' ucuusiand UvA Uilex. It b nov ol. tesmiveiy presenibed by ail respectable ixsicians. Brighltc diseuse cf theo eilinoys, diabeos, etc., Masy ho aven. came by tise hucha if laken iu lime. Fan sais by ail deaIors. Sobd by T. G.- If ycu are eufflng vils a côlti, do pot failta try Hàgagyrti< Pectoral Bai. Sam ; 1110n dailY relisving ils isundrede bhrougisout aur Domnioin. Il le pies. saut'sud Patatablo. For sale by T. G. 'Nhilfli. Wiiby. Il avssgives un pieseure la drsv attention ta articles, vitb are deeenv. iÃŽng of Public Patronage. Probably nua articbe ever affered te lise publile Sas "'et wiîh tise e4MeO tuccese as Grsy's Syrup cf Red Spruco Guuw. Personaîhy wocau spoakiiîgiy ofitn vahue as a fsinilY cougli ramedY, is<vlug 'lied il NwiItgreet isenefit. Tise ss aIfhile artulie hae ausurucd suormnous Pro. larîoci. Our sdvice ta lise publie ut Sslargo le ta trylîts vîrtuem uft ley seltuid uumlrtunatoly coutract eltiiereCOugÙlîs ar solde, -14 * A cuble telograim stts aI Itoerae j ilisey ta3 lie cOCgidera-bb uigrAtion cr tilîsîttiltcig Dqrl,'spiminer@ p Pnltie RembefRosenthal, relurned tise aId stani ,t Croeby'e, )uxdas-lt. oms one cons ý 1 ianid get issugains lu lime. LW' Apcion saisesunlise oeoinguipro te sala Sd4ag tise day. .W. BRO Ni Ths'Woop Caudsdsls, v* 'addresiseý fA sou ARIO, =O - AT UNM Thursda ni 7th, 1879. AT B-A5SE No, OE, P. m MR.' joli invIteS ta A- GOOD OP ING.i FVou mon vilsvunrktegfa ese. TMPROVED PARUB viii b. lot eltisen aI J.a rent or on @hise. vertwilg vii li rovided luntisevay af teos labour 00eu- &sÛ-, &c.,as e -ciias s-etk lu sinter it usoded, Toetinsoîtalsas gta characton sud pacticai sbiliity viilbe required. AISa ta Farmers' and Otiier. 10,000 Acre of-gead taum lande wibi lie eold o auay terme ilots at 5o ta 200 àserpe orin blaise cf 500 acres, - -Tises lois are lîî sttîsmenti vilS roao)î aloc vitihi auï easgy distance aiflanllràoas bty, or sssoccr.i obsga, sud aguid will su, y day sauaov077, plu-- 10. es in thse e. N so e lda M'i 'If you do nlot see what yon an tl fboots or isloes yOay 1i Whitb.y, APri104h187b. ,e e1 1 Ie-' Êape-£ Z, e t., wiel b, --- z ;? 'opOgetaO t- amot would lado.b. 7Wmry t tweuty ore; anpoud tSY.. of csplesy iés sIO rta aiveoi t. Lloyd cf Oe h . o rgecu lunh. Hgrstydurzul. Wied fom èxSbsUi I ae eheisuyl % m t en~ yeed ealth ad >.é h le tIh 15- àufte torrilpy tidsdos wrtsgietor.h -pr 4ent uoageot prisatedéAirs eud Mad- iedametctrncgito -' tan'nad 1?ita l se, rymsudontomy nues. ab.je, of* lOehat- seilofsu nh no nriv thed L Kr<, I xo loer amphlet ,e, N m I baveWèno esdwUOý nstN Y Liniment Iodidam nwolivesud e.PiUa. in gose theath. Tse<ederuire Itsueon av toperaeeA fr iserd 050 isrpauses surytaie'gLinimentoalu Special Bargains in t, t COTTONS, PRIýNÃŽrS, SHIRTINGS, HOLLAND,, LINENS, LACE OURTAINS,' LUSTRES, ALPEACAS, MILJNjiRY MANTLE & IDRESS- MAKI NG. Clothing made to order in latest styles. HAMILTON & HARROWER. NEW ÂDVERTISEMENTS. PROCLAMATION. TOWN 0F WHJTBY. THE PUBLIC HEALTH I W HEREAS TEBesson has arrived when the public healili demanda that prompt measureo b. take to bsecure the remaval of ail nuisances existiug wlthin the Corporation; Notice is therefare given that ail priviez must ho emptied, backrards, elar n sd heg pens cleausedr sud a2i oth. Ir luIances rsuaved, .aiù arîbofore the FIRST DAY 0F MAY- next.r Tihe luspoctor bosa recolved strict Injune- tions ta brlng bufore the. Mayor agny o reinsing or ueglecting ta obey Itis rder. Persans hsviug nuuss otacemplain ai, are requested ta repartta tiseoiersigued, mad ti camplaint iwli roceýlve rompt at- toutimn. ALEX PRUIGLE, Whitby, April 15,1879. Heaith luspector. MILITIA NOTICE. T Em lOBEScit h. 8àts al'on, Lo A. ., e bereby roque ta meet et tise Royal Ha Wbltby, Thusdsy, 22ud May uszt, for e, pf'eansider- iug thse proprietya a e ffcrs af that Begfimeut proiding' t Voi wlth fuill appailâtmeuts s tadre as indres ui- larm, lu vlew ai Bn Osa beluf os- tabllsbed, for thse ns t g a thse Active Forcs sud gouersiblu s. JAMES ACE, Licut4 ol, Oomandiu g O4th Bt. ilad arters, 841h Batt., Wbltby, 91bh Ap 1,1879. N O I S HEEBOY N that a Ilrowu L, Pst an uiscturlng Com- psny wiil bc bel t Company's office, TH URS 1) , 24th APRIL, For th p se ai submit Reports, sud fort te ussctiou af othe usiuoes cou- necte itis the campauy. ..W. BROWN, N. W. B WN, k) Secretax'. Ident JN*RiSER.V[ýAUCIIN SALE Vaiuàbie Household Furniture J QDDFELLOWS' HALL,ý 1L1VERY-I iL/v£RY !I 1 IE undersigned snppby Liveny, good h ouses sud cdean contortabie vebicles, aIamoment', noticc. Ahi ouders atteudeSl ta vilS strict puuctnality. Terus hos-. Llveri Stables et RoyalI lotes. A. & J. C. PRINGLE. Wiiby Marchilbi, 1878. 12-tf ELECTRIO BELIS. A isure cure for Nervous Debiity, Precu. alune Decay, Wesknems, Consuniptian, LIver sud Kldnsy disees, Goneral De- bibity, etc. Thse ealY-Reliable Cure. Circuhans malleS Ires. Adduegs J H. REItVES, 43 tIsatb*,i Street, Nov York. NOTICE!1 vîtisin a resoable distance ai -ti. office, Loy rate., qnlck dlspalebromptî Selivey sud carefulissudllung axe advsnlsgeecyered. Loave ardere tacmi an1i lth.day vils GE B. TIlLE, il.) Agent,'Wbitby. ARCHITECTURE! DRAWING AND SPECIFICATION BUILDINGS Pranptly prepared villi, viev te Ecanamuy ou Construction. OHURCH AND SOHOOL ARCHITECTURE A SPECIALTY. Carreepandence Recpcfuliy Soicited. - H. B. BARBER, Arcitleot, &c., BLAKSMITH SHO?. AUOOD STAND IN6 RAGLAN, kuos-u ase John Green*&y'e shap, ion sale or ta lot. Apply la «%ZRA DATE Myrtie P. O. Ont. Apnil 2ud, 187L 5- Ras remaved iran hon ca place ta the I M'A 2 TheIay 1jvrm ue aefl the br ches iùDresa Goods, QG!gcýMgs, Ti~rnMliey Dàn S-Xààý fl th'se oadhandive li ounan tudser.places ready*té eeute al orders, - ~ Jgo 8, an piVronpt .baying oustomera.> r4 .11 1 D AeonaerNts ihtieod im aerquested ta settle at once. it~~,Âpril2n~~4~7~. u i j: -/ J Y V L U ST 4 ~T, Z ri vi T RAV ELýE!R-dN Rearckýtlé$517,204.87 Oasi lxi ns'nd andin bank, 127,90-1,09 'Loans au baud sud montgagq. . au rosi estate - .- ,2 ,981 Interest on loass, sccrued but Loas ounollateral secunity, 22,100.00 DerçlLif roneusbms, - D1,272:52 on Lifo Palicles, 50,756,12 United States Goverumcnt bonds, - . - 483,420.00 State asud unn$lc sbonds 2%49,t175.0 'Rairta&i stDoke Sud bonds, 520o8.00t BSank sud Insurance stocks, r009,004.0 Total Assete> - *4,595,445.31 Reserve, fu~e~bittLf~- Department, $- 2,972,511.59 Ilervo, for re-iusurance, Ac- cident Department, - 221,826.34 laims uuadjustod and flot due, sud ahl other liabili- tics, - - - 14600 Surplus as regarde Policy- hoiders, . - Ci2710.8ÇANADbA PEïNf~1J~r T~ Statlsties for the Ycar 187à.' ~----.I~,4..L JJET LOA~iN ntid A-3j) --L >U jy rz t ' 10 ti. - WH L 'm 41LE~ N -01 t~ O 8Al ANDêt 8~ ~Ai- e anid selling at unprecedontedly -Iow- prices. Ladies cal; Boys. and Girls please. cail, and get stylish; bdôs adsoos. suitable, for, the' soason. -Iepairs'l donc,. please fitting W. J. HAYES. LIFE IEPAicTMENT. Number oti îlesPolices s-rit- ton in 1878, . . - 1,980 Wisole number Lie Palicys vs'ittne tae - --- 'Wisoe number of Lite Poli- cies in force, - - 11,207 Amuiunt Lie i tnaurancc in foré"' - 1- .- $18,307,5563.00 Total Cbaimes paid in Life Depanîmeut, $ 1,271,137.8o ACCIDENT DEPARTMENT. Number ai Accident Folicies vsllîeu lu 1878 . - 4 1 Oasis Freminins recel-sed for maarnae - - - 57,8. Gan in Precolucs aven 1877, 850.587.69 Cios vrlbten, - 517,083 Number Accidont Claime paid i 1878, - - 4,760 Anonnb Accident laims paid lu 1078, - . Wisoic number Accident - lalrs spaid .- . t334 Wisoue amaunt accident Claime paid, 8 3,041,051.914 JAS. G. BATTERxSN, Piemidoii'. G. F. DAVIS, Vice-Precident. RODNEY DENNIS, Secrebary. JOHN N. MORRIS, Assistant Sccr'y. GEORGIE ELLIS, Acbnary. ExWuin V. PucESn, SUp'b Of A genclos. J. P. Dàvss, IL D:, MedIcal Examiner, J. B. Lzvxs,MUD;, Surgeon andAdjuster: C. F. RUSSELL, Agent,-Prov. Ont. Office, 88 Adilalde, ButI, Tara 'nte). C. NOURSE, AgonI, - -Wsly SEEDS AND PLANTS 1 Jusb arnivedl a fresis stock aI GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDB. Frocu JAMES VICK, Rocisester.' THE BE8T SEED8 IN THE WORLD 1 AND WILL BE SOLD TE CHEAPEST IN ONTARIO. Heulthe' Plante Early lai Semman. PMesse bave youn onder vibis, W. . w OOb, 14-tf Wiiby. LIVERPOOL MARKET .1 T. MOODY dR. BRADFORD WHEAT, PEAS, AND BARLEY i DItLIVEEISD AT PICER;No iARItOII W. yl ps y Agents s Salut-y af 510per muantS snd expoes or sllow a lanrge com- mission taesi arue,-sd vonds~Irf n- ventions. Ws saanculat ses ae. Samupla free. ASdress SHERMAN à 00., 8m.8) t-Mersisail, MieS, LADIES, -ATTENTION-. Tisececlebueted Americaa Hair Worker, AND EFFECTS. IBUT COL WALACE oingabout PubliceAmuction, vithaul reset-vs, at bsu ne. -douce, causer cf Brook anS aleti StreetS, WHIT3T,aon S&4TURDAi; APRIL 261h, INST. Tise vsohe oaisieHouseildFuinitare faxiS ellects. Consig of Parîcur, 1'Diulug Ro, Bed BoomnanS KitoeosFurniture. A ver- fiue tonca and extra fineseS 4 rounS caruered Piano, 7j Octavaiwhicisbas boon butba short lue ne u tee el kopl, as g00d aseue-,mi50 aut là >voluieï 'e! Boekst,saoogmî viicis are some su ad cisoicesvorks : -, Historical, Biogspbiee, Scietide sud Thologleal. su'- Foa anrspartieular, dcrihption.ce - O1atalogues.' Baieta commence et 10o'cloek. Terme Wiiby, 7b Api, '79. (10.) Auctioneer. Parties bsvlug dlaim. against O.-Wal. lace yull pieusePregent tismon or belon. the. dycmae, aud tisoseo ndebled ta hlm st- euctta y aI an est-hi day. OFFICIAL ASSIGNER. or OFICE OPPOSITE TEE RioyAL ÂND SAVINGB CdOMP4NY,- TOILONTO, t>AJUUP-CAPITAL, TO FAR1ES~ A-ND L ANDO WN E RS. DO YOU WANT TO BORROW MON EY P To buy more land for yourelves or for your auons,? To build a boulse Pr n. barsi ? Tu fonce,- olear, undendrain, or otisorwjao improvo your land? To I)Ia-y off -a Mortgage or-otls4r 4ob ta Or for any otlar îurpoaa?2 I(yn o ts ýuod--térMsý' VteICÂNýÀDA PERMANENT LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY' affurd eciponior facilities for effooîing -tise Loan aItibho Iowest ratas, and for itseoaey repaymont. $2eOOeOOO. is gciserally &dnMitMtO Uta h ie >edt sud surenansod eieapcct plan, over yet deviced Cor praviti- lng for tIse Pasmonitai liblithes. Ihic oloptea t i- eovnmsntsi, 1»- muslc5paltie, ad by- the reest prcspcrueoxansd progrecsive 1sndolms, botin l Europe sud Aulorlca. Tnp.CANAA P.RMAENTLOADANc~Baveoe aiA" y inds meuey on lt-ai Resate, situate lu bhe Province oC Ontario, ou tbd,,abus-e systeco, and iffords tise faooing facililtie, anti advan- Ist-Yeu eau obtain any rom yen reqlalre, ase so ir ie, feu s trmyncosntexed 20 yeaus, and sa amoderato rate oainltfreet. u-tu e hsfo xedn 2nd.-lisblull i snoeuu8f tbý Lvanu ls-dvaueed, naeclduction being coude for coeîimlssian, psy. mét m nt advancé, or U 4 rdesu', Sr ou seetors Cee sud other expences. Br.-YoU eau ucecive i-un mont-y fIra bie Compani-, sud psy it hack through te Atoncise af thse Companye Ilsukers, fron of charge. Tise Compauy isas nua Agecits for coi)ecblug luoe3. AhU reutýittauces vils bs aeknovhedgeç lýy roeepts, slgned sbiste Prosmient anti 4tis.-Yeu cail ucpay tise Lesu by yearli- or ho-aivriyistalhents, us bstnt s'oeucouveunt. <tsxernt mauusuii eidfreeril a eur coocîtis. lnet"tme nt scpaidt - en ouse u cct ahr p1 ycn u iedhirpumetsbbipii Ce t= melsud a1s. opsn asfz« oainls is In~amntl l-y 71 s.-lavng opa- ff -on Melgae sk:i swex<afInstalmueuta, a a l w rate oc isteucat, andî su your os-n tlme, you avoid ahlsk 6si mng your eprolserty, or cfishav-ng tahormos- agalu le psy off tise loau. Ny taklng bise iongest ter ucnr anomal payhunt flrupitniplual sud inStercot viii ho l5tbhe morc tissu wist yi-oulcî ave te spsy for hutecoat shocce. Stis-Tise uocese"mnexpenseeare fixed,- sud lover tissutisose usealli- cisrged. Tbsy muny bo lncindect ln thieMoi-tgsge, sud puid issek itis bie instalsuente, s-heu tor iscuebcISoasoli. citer', or otisxer srtalned ont afteiset. Oth.-Von soeurs tis estrioteet privaci ac ta yaur affairs, Si- ou ovnixuegisbeuiod. sud sue ni)t subjeci te tise mercau cacclcejif-ani- ludîvîdual ; sud as tise Cocopany cannios-n resu estabe, Ib cau isave no posile, Sterest fn approslug you il unpueî,ured ta mecet iyeux ou- lOti.-Yon 'une dealing with a vealîbi- corpoainolngsndg.iîc hlrd-ins 18,600 aulgage loas, .amcoitif g a but Curteen miliouxsof dollars, sud lu nxo Instance bhn2 en.as 5t talien udisadvantageo* one of Its oustoruns. ;houiast i-eau sione It oltccbed mous han ia oOOin o ra t. re Jta e, rpybeaçrigt-teflorn al: Losu., may be ahtained Ion any temiupta10yssrs.ncpayassle acqoudlng taISe !alloivingtaisle:- "Ys.IX'rd4Y à.iYris.1îôYrs.17 Yrs. 8Yrs. 19Yrs- 110Yrs. 11 î~,. l1al.yearly.277.11192M 1150.101I 124.80 I 08.101 M094 .i-40-0.o0Jë 75.2,0 1- -7jo* 59 Go Ygarly .... 5.00 181.005.( I25. 219015 6.0 M0 3.0 M4 Thcmeina meuts-peyabloee-the end of esoiryea "payof entlrodebt Princifpal land InteresO. - THE HJQHEýp1 PYI1CE PAID'FOR QOOD MORTGAOES 1 FOR FURTHER INTORMATION API'LY TO t C O raleý, p-io"loi. fie nt Books, Stationery and Fancy Go ods OHEAPER TIRAN EVE:R.: Th'ý lindenignoi liaving ptirchi'atihe stook.in.-trade of Georgo Bon- gough, and wishing to make s ad ol4derance, in order lu cuake roocu for su in. tirly uew etock, je uow efferint Booké, Stionory, sud Fauay Goods, at uopre. -JACOBp »BOOJKS, ALBU MS, SCRAP-BOOKS, 801100L ]300K8, 23o Quecu St. West Tontisto, (Tisres Doors lon St. Patrick'Mmnkt) viseraebe yUl keep an SanS aonstautly a EGS ta informe th veii.selected stock of B liseonly GENUI SCHOOL-BOOKS, work teaDeouae "te -1 prope, asudSelivoredà STA'IONERy, &c. lsetnyo Sattendtaeilem. AT LOWF,8T PRICRS I Allié ai l csé ,tit.! olbligt dSe, OTTOMANS,) -Iisavesnecured ama BLJPPERS, evory bsir Otraigis,v sud a variety oif ?NOT' WORK. ci'y t Ail ardare for MAGAZINS alocienâCAUT goupl- attenSeS t. a l adHeek! Peaeontem alvaseon -isaudab UE Masdot eil, e sr1 upplieS on uSorInstice. precentingssi nome, i Mrs. Alli, epoi~yo1ct ie~- cept myseiu ad.L agf fero*rdfrndsa ish~strictMA attention ta business ta got mauy* nev ones, sud ta menittIbsir cuslau.' . -Oouurrder Accomint sud Sebool, pàper, asepeelal su>.~myauepne pli-,iver- iov ptlue,. iRoge, rsSeoiskerema DR ES S'MAK1NG. NEahentian oalàdiegls iu-,tedlt tissTWNLR Pue mnenatot Qp ndai ber ew NTL UTE promises> Oddtellov'uA14by MceAilln51TJXTfILce of is,? À em ptent Lady-6 t larg a expe nisae uRc e -o e an iîtca uiil abeu epcili en t di' ths dpitmontise >eu I -c, 1r >ýttd jjd a * Dei j44i styles.79 the Ladies that ]Le le 1FR HIAIEWORKER 'sntulo ailkisude cf biâ iperfection,nusan sd aIt the Iimue tequested. rur e rdere s Ivi PUFFS AN»I FRONT FLAITS. seihie iba i si'ake vt-ii tise rools sU aie, bine ai lise kin lu tise TIoN. 'e hi en $tsers ne. to~ nana ex. JACOR, § 280 Quent. West. 'ES OFFICE. R11 NOTICEJ TmE w" UAILL. IL BIBLES, SLATES, &C., ,and everythlng, pertalning 'ta a Ffr8t-CIa88 Book Store, i~~C MEI .1MB ÀNDSECUM B ]A.GAIN. - Newe pel-ad Màsag<in? at N.sblishers' vrices,Globe and Mail de- Ii erVI aU4iJe.ek.ÂukWoLw1 nk, d Bisuk Books, &o. A Large Stock, embraoingaverythùmg,iiniha businces will h kept con- stantlY On baud, sud with thse failicies peeesed by the unde"rsigaed for mskiug admautsgeous purchages frais> wheiesie0bouge@, ho.wib hitaepy1h POUbil<fLbéipÃŽrs~is.hr e &îe f ad aebion befare eOff.ered ini Whitby. Ite, A cille esolicite. DAN'EL7 KENNEDY*Stnd t ld tand ,NR/SE IN- ,PR/CE - ON. ACCO/JNT 0F THE NATIO'NAL'POLlCyî Garmenout nt ufaehionsble style. 'AR bnacIeubf Tallonngrocivo erbmpt. attentionàund = sfscIon gu&rsntceS oiyeoy i MI vIlfitlng lancuent lî efr o 6ny' Au lpspetau reupeclfuly lnvlted, ~~~~i'A LE~t~Vî Lm EzZZOWINTRI Tbst beautifulad Mtoiil tyýu F rU M e enla rged t a y esit, f[nlube d b ia iýzýs»ChrooiMaltaoesFa<cy Ourdo> biq~ ~IbýOg ta oe i ttteto thétiseisel lat~ am; be' apalted. à t ef thse Osssm Stalne4 GissnWarks i pto. Osil sud lses samples. t/7- A.I. LYON, - -.~ ~ ~ ~ wht - lkse' -k&.t TR~b PE G NITIcNE al Mr Windsg s nSor n. aIS dms 5t Soldc lu Wlibby is ail draggtsts, sud bt al WicolesaLle and retail drgglsb verywh-is ho Canada and bise Untesa tabso. h C~ELLAR TO RENTr -A large cclli '.suitabie for sterng purpases, unde lise Express Office, tea-_Ice. Apply ta6 GEO.1B. TULEC, 2- Express Offie ifA seeloss ai meiuac tn.Pain lu tise Sisck, Dis Onm lune ais go, and mat tisat isLtIn isanlly or Col IPrematare, Grave c PU srpamPislet, s-bic vs sIsali ssiitoeven ne. Tise BieIlc isy l Ostegle aI OpÀ COUNTY 0f ONTARIO, FOR THE TEkS 1879. Brougham 8 8 i218 a1~ 15 141 2220 611 1512( C s n i g 'n 6 18 28 I19 .1 <H Beavsrt'n I 12 819 1 Abisely... L- il "s,17! 117I GEO. H.DAETNELL, Junior Jisdge Wiiby, Jany. 7tis, 1879. EiT ET. 91 PAT COMMO S 5H02 STORE .Ld uese ste l,ed hb W. J. Hiçkie e&Co., Brook Stre hibby.- Possiession lu Sit annsry. A pply ta D. ORMISTON, 51.1!)Soir., Wisitby. 10 AIN 1HREIDO0F MON.EY To Renew Lo.ane aîreadye exi8t- Ing, ta Pay ýDebts, or ta make T H, ND ILIGEDlàPREPAURD sud repayable _lu any mannor spphlesuts Invât f,îreet, Six,' Seven, and'ilit per cent kccnlng ta repsynsents., Wb an titisle sstiefso théise an cen b. complotedsudnSmueney paiS aver n lu es Da. i~WANTED TO PUROHASE GOOD 'MORTGAGES. Couvoyances canetfuly pnepsned. Office Blgelav's Block, Part Penny. Respacttin- Tours, 42k,- THOMÂS PAXTON. 'GRAT S - Nveryans bas heard o! Gh R Y 1 e refuI offeets ai lise Spruces and tise Pisses iu ,eesiLanceDisase. Tie SYRUP Re. r. oYrm * inil bock on lise A dcs Istehy ublisissd, reles tise or easoacanuptlveyouug n msavia aientirely cur- eS by a tsraeemanlba' camp. RED lngabutamssg tise Fines. SPRUCE v patients ta the ta drink a tes muide Iran GGIJ . l se epruce laà cscîsuti. fie comuhlnabmof atse gum wiioSezudes tram tise Red Spruce ,lree. Inu tiis prep. TRADE MAUXE anatian th.e5emnover sep- arabe., sud tl. anli-spas- 1,10EE.- mdaexeclant taule sud RGTEE..balacma praperiareanpro- For cou s,' oldo, Nar- PRICE2S CENTS , et. iotfecios Ch11icago if Lake Huron Rallroad. CONDENSED TIRE-TABLE3. -W st-srd. TA TIN S. E x . j t sar . " 5p'» 7dàoiasnFl.Puro.A.îtIpin iOSSe 127 8.00 G. Tunctlau .30 1022 6.47 9.£0 ..Laveer .627 &4s 750 05 ..i.a. . - I4M4 7.5: v.4 l E »tp R a SaWaw iLs pm M o " E O 1 0 ....M ay OC ~ ity... aoU& 56OM M ' e-se I15an ...Duran - ..55axpm 11AS 5 3Opm Grand Rapis lotOm ac l0Oipn 1.101 ..iLanalifg I 2.12 ,..CbarlaIt ::1.» 5.45 -Batlu Ceek. l2.hSpm 4M0 -Vicksbur-g . 55! No' 95» .Scisaolcra£L..an.8 A c m m udA lloa trai ns lu ve p rt B ron adEset aginavandBlyOtys-ltoutesange. BIlAS. 8. PECK,Ï -IÈiERY FUNNEL, W. E. DAVIS,- It c ler. : S p t. e sL T kt A g I. J. RQUICE. Tlfrcket Ag.sas, PortHut-n. t Modern Mater/a Medica oluie aay vauahlonemedieaiaforffilc- Jucn,11ts autoraci certainty lisati Phasioone s leedly superor, Il vil w c k ff e t s a -c u c is a n os i n l s e u e v i p r o - Se&ala nAw.ses ,.thet.,a atae f,. le 'y, - lu« n oampaced cf Iugredieiuisîludsentloal vibli >u, ,bieso viclscouetitute HealIls, Dlood, cil Istale sud Nierva sud BrinSubcstanice, 1"o vis4et tiLits tcîfl iàdlrectly depesadeul ap- ' iC ai s s ao i t m . ;Bylte union viitbs-hbiooaud(l toede - upontise museles, re-estsblisisng lise ans sud un~is e allier, il ln capable o!iued- an hsolwlssg t-euls js, Il vfiiidhplace an asls ouit tulerculcsus mal ter, sud tis cure Coneumptioun.- bvý By iuircaising 'Nçrvons ssd Msssciil r se Vigar, il will cure Dyspepsie, -ieebls orinu- Starruptéd action aitise Heurltnd -Palpita- -t-ioni Weakues et Intellect cscsed iy grief,, à<t- worry, overbax or. iregitiar habits, Brou. er chl,, Acute or Chronie Congestion oftise tug, oven lutise usost aisrming stages. It I r sAstiscu , Lose oi Voie , Neunalgis St. Wstues Dance, Epfieptia File, Wisaopisg e. Ceagis. Nervousness;sapd ile se ootvder-. - uladjunet ta otiser -ccoides iu susbsiulrg id1e durng tise p noces. aci Diptisenn. Anoundiese csin of gaod effeets le fornard by- FELLOW8' COMPOUNbD SYRUF 0F 1 HYPOPHOSPHITES. sud ve a are i a s ,fom,àlonig tx - peniencosiumodérin, ta vistues ors' ne co vessss!bijan,, cfher corbmnafton, seai be fa as.gviii démonstrate. - A TT IR ACCPTABLE ta pate, sdý stamacli. - .UFFIOIEZ-TLY POTENT ta masure de- l )bi4dSbenefit, ycl isarmss, biavsocvtr long Ils lise May b. ceutinued.. Tiss eharaeter- 7 istia e n-cssessed by no allisr nssedy. 20 IT ASSITS DIGESTION sud assimila- 9. tion. < î IT TRSORS TNE ot beziec. IT GIVS ]POWER ai endurance sud of coEsetration te tise mind. - l * IT PROMOTES VIGOR lu tbe orgas visicis depond for isestis on bhiselvolusiany muscular. action, -riz.. tise Liver, Loungo, -Heurt iltemcasd Génitlet. And ucsiess sdhicted-sibis some diseeuse ln- .volviing A5<LTt-.ORANxC Legs, Il ii as- tain tise sytoc until il reachesbise age tsi- i, lobbod ta cossa y a benetlcieut Creator. r. NO PERSON.vill b. dlssppoited iu tic -effectof PELLOWS HYPOPHlOSPIIITES, visa nlgiAiy fàllow tise diretbioue- SFELLOWS' IIYPOPIIO8PHI TES INCEPTION. Tis e.exermenle visicis pretccled this prepsabion occupied Bmauy mass(lî, sud voe siusltuted vils s iew o a iiog (bel lnsidîon diduse, TUBERCULA-R'CONBUMPTION. an sunl ordor ta supply tise deficlric-Lo lu Hypopiospites alresîinlu use;. for, ai- tisaugtlhie natture vas correct stu the- at-y, bissir preparationsvwere, owlng ta choir- impenfeet orgauizationt onnuS. wauting Iu 'F Pnactice. Wisile bisey causedi ble formation utft sud genorsbod iseal, tisey Md nItimpruvo bise bloqd. Tise taule effeet upui. tbo evELscdt>useles vas clteumecribe,and: awig t-.tsei diuted. state, luvolvîcg large dosstbey ver, aise tea oxpensive. Fise deiderata.oghtb by Mr. Febioivs, A convenlent, palatabie nemedy; Unaiterable by lime; Ialasiese, tisougisuseS. cautluuousiy yet migis bcb.discontinuedst al-ny tisa. lt out Whc oluIduce an appetibe; Stiisugbheu digestion; Promole assimuilation; Croate hieltby iboS; Strengisen lise nere sud muscles; Enablo lise sulojeet tu, euciesslully com-_ bat disosse' 1 Aud sufficlently econoicaël for ail. bAil tiis lias beau ix.disputably sttaiuied. LTise suceese aoflise wvan.k iscomplets ; sud Folios-s' Hrppopbiste&-baude taremoat amonsl l. rnedie fan cbronslc argaule dlesees,pasessiug proportion tavwisei no 1.l0erMedcues bas ever sapired. ABSTRACT EPFECTS. Fdilove' Hy apbapliltee, ohli lsg lIn. braduced hIlt e h eofucl,-unuites vibis tise toad, sud imlnedlatelZ enter~is e circula- tion; sud, hein.g penlecîiy miscible vibis lise ibaSo, epetdly-penvadea every part ai lise eystéeum.-Ils efécîs arc But doclared by s pulse dsliIly lucrceeed lu tuilase sud streagtli. a genersi exitatlan ai the arganic-1ucJnan sd exiaratian of thse intelieclual paons. île spiflo influence ie ounlise bralu sund, ervous substanice, in. cueaelug tise actieily oethtie absorbaents, sud rensviug tbisliod, lis c auelug tise leavy.. muecular formnatian se-ueeessry luInrectar. ing lise funtano! oftise previaueiy-weckeu. eooaus.- Becng tison,s aoefor tis ertvans aSi clrculsteosy uyubm, lbt oilove- bisa, vlien thene ila sdemand, for exlrsordiny sier- lion, ils uns in inveluble, ince il supplies tise vaotel lifhtho circulation, sud sus. tains tise gentstoms At -no perla iolofta hva ef an e vr lise functions ai itbebt-s.momre nequleila tissu durng theAcquisition of kuav1eds by the yen 1h; pladdlng, presonrvluay reiea stôoe aivigaras.no evaeorce, ar a cild-miusyink tunder tsemental fsil. . Blern useesiiy ýmaycanipel tiicudeul, tosotrsin bis - ver, anS lis te dictats ef p rudence,, and the oaniy prosmiseofaiexcol- eo emabe bligbted leey To'scirc osmet-Fela'eHypa- pisýbitéî; ilVvUl- soi only redore tise ', à ' gps4uubut il vll enable the taS- fig studeulta opreserva bic mentli aad nenvaueslandard wtboct 4etriment. Nonzs-Bon 0p 01ue i souesa no e- oacmend nM c rtce s "jut as go<l<' lsogis a eliiear naine,aSd ai biose wvia ofoer &ces e ncdarticle. S Nor.-Itle oniy tise Iaeitdecs4 vait _eàq4 ea n aiflsFtp so vs w o naf1-- * TT Ã"~HAT T-HE LONO 0 OUE ONm ex rs xwoI r '6X rio flomme SHOW DAYS1 HWDY TUt*~ ~ PATUEDAT,- - H APRIL, 17.18,19, co t-to A~ODLEOI. AND OBIAY, 'roi~1 r± EcepeetMiy, * 7, fr1 ~es~a~siflyJ' E ý F *. FROýT dlore, gular s regulan. S. W. B. iL OR END- gevn, peut. led, mbyhie 'ived ibise fan lulie LUp. uo sy, ths e sý ter, au t- vere imme. uissrf, viser. rnasleau. Liverpool ut t s0( godni arc is ex- Tlsey ox- Martiun, ou sChiurcli af à - 9 ., --T - - ý -.- -, - - ililàim , 1-- 1 --l. - ýl , ý , ý ý ýi ý, ý,à Z , , '. ', 1 ý 1 . i ý 13 l 11 r 'i ", ý ý ', , Whitbyý April 4th, 1879. 1 INSTALMENT REQUIRED TO REPAY A LOAN OF $1000 IN THE FOLLOWING PgftiODS. l' Still in tbe Markot, paying cuh'fér 1 -K Ar . --%r 7- SAUN

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