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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Apr 1879, p. 4

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l "ar 48;%4*, WdI8NO-DWbI$1, îîe IL" ST ND RD s~ uvnot isastati S A D R a l.ri FIRE, W8URAMCE COM PA y, ci romgtq dlp y1forr s.ü li r@ WhIîîog las tie os I eu:4LOr>of i~~~ ~~ bot:IecI'I uInUoss'onfined tIs Province. Of ôtebregagemenits< 0 i~ine .OA~OL a ,qpinà with 4 IL ndeoy.T.B. thé' udge stO the car- ýerece!vedaMost cordial D, U,.e11sai1Sqrta -jdtoit lnà oqýU'osé deeied desirable sans tadye de à"i er badh. q a&' ae oeedt; cOr a"oibeine te thg> e iratetneacâsa. propotitoste ta IMIX freusitcarri. s p arv.1u wlLh the u= ôot0Wnyoùs ctio*g quae WBEe, @triobefore,ca 8l>Y5r ,11i wl ron "'àý 6 b o nestat ,rzp 'as i l -; e ý-1) ' lal attemptist aiiû iaiie en ireasmarried in thé ' at ,Be4<dýerdvi.; sk îil'iiurneeott i oetuiuh ppemqpyadwftted tisaI ibotngflàhb d it âwg iads lyne coupae tey basi never B. W ÂANOLD , )gther Ip t4q >11917baud. eaItjrise.et in i xpreq -traid said Ne oXrk-iUaub lua& it a.atleou riLime. Tise eugîas'r' auJ frerflan Lailbeencisaugeti. Tise enginu witu c'no of iie boet'upon thscrad, sud 'éiingineer, 8Sclllinger, 0110 cf tIb Uit_&Ouployes of tIse cocupauy, bail Lake lis seoat et 'tise lever. Harry iStevenson, fur thi âetliaItia-dogen Yoa'rs unpoal thse payroli of tise oompany, w jî li inte llrnnan's sSiI. Tisesigral w-t,.given, and lise long train, Inadeil Witlîi hman frighitstarled at a tlûrty- talle mun. It wu&s isuuling aloug Ilironug i eslinubrie cf tlle City aI e usgual aven spooti Whou ilt ntered a cnt Ua lticse orllsýrn iouudary cf' Wilkes- isîru,, l'a. XItbus noyier buosqoussiler. ssii à>Par'iieliariy dangerous plae,. and, iowstohwatsl is over issioîs tationei ilire. Tisetrain lhuatprcceeded but a few lititdred yardls utliîe dt' ,,wiseu, foitheLip oeuianu seul, -Lie igine begani -ti) go u)un aidows, ni, an iieuto latax, it isod uupgod ltoeliongistcî the tiglsI bttîli of 1t1e, eut. 'Tite igiàsite lus- idur douibleti ove r upon' top cof tise ttinlloeanti buried in0 lhe ruine were hie stîgineer, NiolâicisSciillinger, iîoîd flenry Stevenson, tise fireann Titi pipes lilleti witl iscalding wator anti metai wore,brolsen, end ilîsir contenté ttîrl5eil dit lise poor unfortuiates lylng iiiler tIhe engisie. Tise bal;iege car of tis> nd aois lfitle~trac , but lime sutdonuneas cf tise stop produceti -yeu-r - i savere contusions iand groat fuîlim. Ladies fainitoo andimnuwere tlîrewn o% or thsseacof seats, sud upon tise flucor'Tise voices of lte engineel- and lii'etaaî crying pit-ooubly for ielp ai-> luosi drownid'tise noige cf tise sscapîug mten in. Sclmllinger was a Germnen and,, in broken acceuts, ise pleajîes le besiillel., sud wisen ho fouud bis ep- j'cale for aiîverance frein -bie terrible loition unavailing, ise crieti like à cisildd tlliiunconshiounsnesansi deasti litulefil bs voies. Tse,ýreannwas lyiisg very close te lies, butlllu a more Jaîvonrablo position. Tise willing btands cf ssoo er r alyialled for- se tllîe. 'Tihe osepinug eitum Was so tionso ltaitsng conid bc seau arutiil Ise wrek Lu thtie fragments, Unsd wlsen assistance di ieneste brave nougilmeer was past Ail luman aid. Tise .ýLlrats, witis gleat difficulty, was ex- tricseosibut lisal ibis evebng. Tour correspondent visited. lise families of tliimonn,".Stevenson, bafore jis deuis, lay upon bis bed witisiug in agony, aîtil pra3yiug for tise enui te corne, "*Wlsy was 1 uci killed et once audi put out of ltiismisery ?" wassbis eoft-rs- lirtil eJaeilatioi.lie Ho Bil ho' waa; * la>hialîlln u l rcatÃœu s is urnace -dcisi- .." whiie lise steaus batil soscaldej i big tlisaIlte tiiilalsunglun liroals upon lise taliuur-lîortion cf isi body. Hie bsande wore us ruit o.lie Porte, andl tus fan- gui- saîilsit roîped oF. tioiillinger. tise ttila- ,was actsly recognlizable liy lis olit couofni. Ho leaves a wife 111111 atigltor. Stirvetteonlied a wife sud tw c bilron. - ~ ~ F enale Assassin. WAIIeiTNNATtIA?< 5110T i5Y ASidA- TIUB IN A 4KW 111K IHOTEL. lu New York, hMarion Wanj(l, lise autresis, sb'ct Washington Njtban _iii tise nock 'ycterday, lu tise roonset Aijea> lHarrieont tise Coleman House. Tise wound isatlsnggroiîo, but bot ncces- marily fatal. >'Il la 'setl tisaI Neatian rinetl And dilerteti Miess Vard. Natlî- Un le abomo f Bejanmlne Nlatha,.Whoc wewjs nyctsrlcusly usurderedin iaei lItfle, opposite tise Fiftis Avenue Ho- tel, ',one n iglit nseral years ago. Miss WVerdtook rocs ucisr Iaruises'u lu lte naine cf alat, and klepitise docu oie in geeh a way &o. tb CouàMu a fil vlejw of tise main corridor, sud ai- ionMred il s i e.was waillng for 11s arivad c, f soua> persen. Tiss as about 1i() 'eîoelia.làu. She lot et alole ltuug before Washingtcn Nathsan, close- ly 11n1111ied l i o a soavy ulster, walkcjd- liauriedîy tirotglithtie hall aud stoppeti ait tiselouo f te roem occupioTi by -Mies Harrison. Mlia Iceia nd was admltod, tise dcci- lcastiquiekly, be. iloi4ius. Mi" Zulanti sudliter usait fcllowsd Wàeuiolgtou Natiîan mb liai-, rlmon's roccî,isdd lret IWO otedsil rapid tuceessBicu bothýsixtalist as les-ý sibIe, at ie bilist. Miss Huarrisaon rau nwaysreatilng, ant ialarmed tisoneof- lte1 botlpeople. Nathanu was abolt lu the beok, anti rails tea anrgeon'a cf. fce a 1ev bocks distant. 'Tise weutsnd lu sesicus, but vlhasp.elunies m oine -unforaiséein oanpl eatlon sasoula - -16 -- A Youing iP»p1e wviit waiîking alonq tise track »near Bowvuanvlli engageti lu tise agréasbie ocoopalien ef spark. lng, their attention waa asutdnly di. vert1 afubm escli cîher b$' , Sing tre- ciitid loto the. éattie guord, v icis - in thoir a1l.absesring occupation they halnoteiceti., À ui ISinisé es otlly cul 29e,. bo ll0O s ingis h .venSlen tisys. This -ila on anxavleraeonsorly et 18,000 per *Thoe -anployccsetftise Qtwa Post Office are pittei againsî lise einplove.s, cf lise bauke iu tisaI ity for a 1h ueo heurs' valkkug matois, faillsgt te ga:Jcust FotHop. T5: tnols»Isplti out for- 025 par niutis, but théÏÙAs a s ornly oQ>e46. - ' AYOssg gentleman cf QscvilIe iPe- otltemped to W814. p in lton isi ., but .faileaôd Lao 00 bSrlmsf's CONDE NFJED -TIME; TA15E Tigking afeo'u Tuosday, Peb. 4th, 18»9. roitêverr> " . 1.8 800 LeavoiLnld..7.00 A. wm, 4.80 p.m Port Pftry'..0$m 0.10 ~ijv Wlitb~ .118 7.25 irtixo et other stations, ueso ocket Timo. l'a.l>ls, to h laîton application 40 any of the Q panvs Agent&. 'CONNECTIONS.< WVmrxwJtTWaTolq,-With Grand 'Trunt Rail. way for aIL points east and West. 1 027 Fulus.-NYtth stage for Epsomi, Uttca and tixbuldge. SF.oav.-For Salntfteld and Wiek, M8iiLL.-Fior Sunderland and Canningtoin. MÂmrO».-For Oakwood,.Lfttlo litain, Va- leutja and P'ort Hoover. LnwsX.m-Wt Victoria Railway for Minden, Wloiburton, tlhe Prea Grant Territory, and the. ErfUshLan <2zopny' 1ro erty, wtb Md. landltaUey fr < ee lllbrook Peter- boroougliWoodvillo,lioavorton Orluis Waubec :Obne- 0cnneIl att)rjllja wltl the f'fortbern naTlWey for Bari, Collingwood, Gravenhouret Bracobrhlge, oand tho Trec Grant Lande 0r Munokla. Tltuglu Tickets arc 1><eed by ail Agents of thea W. Il. 1P. & L.. I'y, for Toronto and by CFG. T1Tiket Ageuta, lTorouto,foreji stations on W.?. P, &L 'y. Nô traer, charges. tagg hae lirongl. And rwapro(nei 4tit, 1879. GOtDBMITTrSTILL Spring. Goýods now to hand1 Gr'eat WCUE&LQCKSAND, JEWELRY. loedi ýre. ew îam~p re leil ewraaiiûoen ýa Matiprses onu wvlire, asked for shq r o1e ~ ÇqeclWo 7 IR5AWfTEA &NIgefLZ é Baby Carniages, n ew, juat *i ud -verycheap. Clark'e ~i~oxd~ist~ ~ol~a1 fuid re$t4. he beoh k=n-f9r, Siv r .n aà e r eeraa te ord PatiujÈ -f' 'f THE QBEA T DBr-st." Wh#tby. DOMINiON -10W. The White Elephant in the riù"g loaded with the N. P, (nobody pleoseti), but:every body is pleesèd with the price of Gr>o»eries," Crockery andl Glassware, et S. FRASER8S New Cash Store. -Nàt'hstàndIing the new Tariff of 30 per cent., we are seiliug WlIfite Granite Tee Sets for $2.00 anat$ '2.00 per sot, all linos of Crockcuy, China, anti Ciausware, équaliy Icw, cf whicis wo have a large stock te arive ine fcw doyp., A new pgtOrn, of W., G. Te Sets,,tise Cyp)rusii' beautifully chaudt. Ladies cou o nd see thean. New Teas, a large 'tock ôf ail'- guýes - unusnially "eheap. Sugars et olti prices. Still another consignmeut et those fine Currants, 25,ibs. for $1.00. Gardon ant i lldsets'ëëonh hanti and te arrive. The' General Public are reepectfully inviteti to oeil anti secure.,gooti Bergains before thse newTariff compeis oti îvance in pris-e. Wiity In.51h'7.JAMES HOLDEN, WANTED.-Any quantity of fresh Rol 'Butter, D)ried- lfaagngDirctr.Apples. Greess¶Apples, Potatees, &c. Drawing, Painting, Crayon.- M 15 MARIE DARNES As preparîsi tc give leasons in tise above at ber residence, Iirock Street, Whitby. Particu- lare cao b. ohiaineul fron Miss McIntyze, Drees-niakor, Brook-st. Whitby, Jeu. 21, 167f). (111-5 FURNISHED HALL TO RENTI r 0 ' LET-The furuujised I all alfoiS the Lr Erîreaii Offite, haîown as tise Y. M. C. A. Hll. Uutil it l e prmnutty taken, parties can arrange to rent it by the night. GO.B. TULIt, IL) Expressoffice. F A11M 1POI SALE.-A Great Bargain An a smallIfarmn, Lot 32, lot Con. in tIse Townshp of«Esquesing, couîittyofi Hlton, 07 acres, 47 cleared,'andiAn g ccd culliv»tion, resI hardwood bush, trame bsonne and irante barn. wîth stablinga under, young bear* orcliard, I(X chelsafruit tracs, sprîng cf on tise G. T. Ilaiiway, near te markals, ocilUs, eburches, &ac Prices 2 11>0) 88W0 dovra, balance u àterni of yaars Ilflont sold'scon wlllbcerent. ed. L. D.CREVISON, Luther. M a r cis lt is 1 79. 12) PURE COD LEVER OI'L WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES 0F LIME & SODA ket remtd j. i n icfiuuand fou',uu îlthot la t wikthut. âhtti L,,a.iis heikn'cst.fced and nedirie cvr offred ua tuc weak'and delitao ted nt Ijei. restoeafcclle digestios, camAnt., île tled . dl ~ s hnd srascîtu andlfa' Ces. auimplieonn l iiareos, of île throat. ',crefula, Rheuumatito, and ail ultortile r cfil c i, noif and Guculcuty, nse nmcdy tihi o, hee(O id te oîiuaioit. iali spleuudid utocifo for tougjisasul Colis., Fermuchysîl Driggisaî$a aurbotdc. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRVI GLA8GOW, Allan Lin;e 0F ROYAL MAIL STHAMBSEIP5. Wintor -Service via Halifax. 2705 Miles Ocean Navigation Savedi, Ohorleal Ses Passage, Ecouemny, o fort. Average Passage freus Lr le Land, Elgist Days i Every fSatur(lay. frein Ilalitox, oa arulvaîl cf the train leasing Whitby et s.1 a. ni. every Tisursday. riitouioR ATUB Rss aWuIa'rII. Cabin lares raduce tat 108-081 andi11 acceuding t4) position cf stalcucon. im cer rate for returo tickets. Interinediale, #48.ý steerage Ai lcwesl rates. Cîroassian... Marci Ctlî, 1879. Sardiian-...Apil îlu, f çagiiu . .......i, 12üh, 94 Steerage passengerit are fcu'wadadle Lon- donderry,Beliasî, Glasgow, QUesustown, Bristol, Cardiff, antiLondon il saniearate s to Liveupe01. artis Msing le Senafti e iAfrients a btitickets At low rates. Pasugr aking Ibi route, traval lugitCanadian teruiLoryp anti theraicre vae6ailCustao 'Housa annbyancea. F'or tickets ansi inuiber Wluaionalnapply GEO. B. TULE. *- Exp. anti Tel. Offie, Whitby, 1Peb. 4i, 1870. Y4 FOR SALE, AT TEE GLEN MAJÃ"R MILLS 1 0010 ie.t Pin, luniber, vail seasonet. L'oh, Boards. Fboolug, . x4 enlsg 2.tncis Plani, Maple fo ales, lot quality, 15,000 IL. Square Tisiber, AUl cf wbWin wI be soldchaap fou cash, goe vouli4 alec beg to a sy tisaItishe On M Cbp1dont e dayo lu tise veek, for every -ba. l As P5i imar Youiss epectfuliy, De'verell's Blook, ' FRESH- *-FRESH 1 . Brook Street, GROOERIES> TE A'S, Be8t Wine8 and Liquor8,' Brandies, Aïe and Porter, -at R.H. J AM E S0N'Se DUNDAS STREET, ýWHITBY. Liebig's Extract of Be ef.* CraWford's Amylaceous Food, or Irish Corn Flour. Curry Powder, - Prepared Car-rots, Prepared Barley, Pea Flour, Bengal Chîutney. Strassburg Meat, Potted FRESfl OYSTERS. Whity, Mercis Otis, 1879. Potted Ham, Potted Tongue, Potteà Ham and Chieken, Potted -Gamo, Pottea Auohovy Faste, Potted Pate and Diable, Doviled Ham. R. H. JAMESON.j \SPIeING AND SUMMER S"POCK BOTS'&'SH ES!1 CHÉ PEIR 'THA EVER! (Notwihstanding the in ose in the Ta' tÉe goods having been oùghlt befor e duties ere raised.) The Htock is hîrger thon usuel, ntage having been taken of the au- ticipated me a nd embrases : Ladies', Misses, nts', a t.0 hi/drens Coarse ndFine 'W, A getieral ass tment, and of latest style ~nd best finish. Special aention paid to ordered 'work:, a4repaire ex- ccxted witI> oxpitude as usuel. JOHN SAUNDE" Wlîit , Mai-ch i9th, 1879. Agent. S P R IN G' GOO DS! Alarge and- select stock of Sprin g Tweed, juogt toa, t J-O H N;F EGU SO0N' S, Who, for prices an1d.style CAI"NOT BE SURPASSBEDI1 LATE ST SYL8 ?FASHION, anîd at the,IOWEST7LXVING BRATES 1 SÈ!rÈýÎ. HATS-Latest styles, and Mt ,bottom priéeW. An inspeiation solicited. If lOtis, 1879 i - - Duadss.I0n, lMtby Ç oQI~O THeMlÊÈ"-MClTYE egto snunete the preimi es, tb , maer. O 0Vâdk md6m:Thr Mc Who wiU be pleasod te favor ______and, ____ in latoat s$yles and fihot ~is ~j A LNN: SPECoIALTy. _ COBNLTI'S ànmsàs ss-Drco a t aluneh wihutcange0et f trh.A~ ~ttine' wthprompiùtui andi saUdion guarantecti. WANTED by lstA.pril, a competent mantie and aresa-malcer. THE MIýssEs MoINTYBE, Feb. 24th, 1870., FOIR SALE AT TUE' "WH ITB Y CHINA TEA'S1O{E PLABTER, PLASTERY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.ý CASH' PAID FOR GOOD' Butter, Egs, Poultry, Apples,- Red and Alsike Clover Seed., Brook-et., Whitby. 1Whitby, February lltis, 1879. OFFICE W. J. GIBSON, Whitby Chine Tee Store. BROWN cg PA TTEIiSON Mtjg. Co,,1 wI~IrrBY-, 0'rA.& R, IO -.000.-- TO THE PUBLIC. In prsmntiugcar Twenty.second Annuel Catalogue cf Agriculînral ImpI 1e- mentte lelie farmere cf Canada for lise yesr 18*~, we do 80 vilîs more tissu thea ordiuary dege et pride and confidence, frori tise marked faveur anti patronage conférred ýupon ns, andthie st.uady ansi inceaing' demai freiM year te yeer eof ou nov celebualeti Fom Implemansts. W. shail continue as iseretofore, as manufacturera, 1e malte a specially pcf Agricultural Maclinery-Lise Jolistan Self'rakiug Reaper, lise Triup Coin binati Reaper anti Mower, -1h. Cayssga Mewer, LIhe YouugCen4&a Mower, anti Ou 00w wiitby Harvester, claimiug a large slsure cf oulime *.sststention. ]For te lasi Tweniy-two yaaus vo have given ouMost carefuil and'unodivi. eti attention te thse manufacture sud operatilceof tise vanieus macisines in use, sifting ouItlise beel pointst, reusetying defects, moditying ansi correcting erroe, g4reettginug wesklpointe, eadipting sud'propertiouiug every pari 555 uùr nrucreas. eti experienco isa euggested. Weýmp1y oytise boa& meclssuical skiîl, anti oumachinespaso untier tise mos creuisuervision anti scrutiny-every datail being sbete otis mver- est critlcism--aud oeS machine isaIthoronghlytosled:betore leaviig onu veules, te provethse completenese et every prtsim t era lenc'diffisulty in pnttitig thsoranluoperalion lsy 7pereon of motierate meaia iiiy Ouuisnainery lits been sa leceotianti conutrmué tÉ'Wvil a pecial refereuce It lhe manufacture cf aur cwu mÀaacines-many t6cls haviug beau macle for tins parlicular purpose, anti oct adapteti fer oth 'er..wouk, anti ou workmen are etin- cM a to etise vanta andi requiresments cf OfIIuuàsne-.b ainn h ,<ongis kuowlie ocf tise otàot içn:oUu-f ouimachines, sud are Lisus.enabledtib oh tain a iigier tieguee cf akili snd prcficiencqython viher. goberali Manuftoriug, is caurioti ou. _, We t herefor. enabied to Introuce a amore per1pet syo teutu-&Il Xh de- parimenslsf imiufacînre, sdtiig net only te tise perlection etf thse ork, but al- no te liese &idty cf isaexacullon-and ae duent rotinetice etf Cest. ,This prîncipie isa1egartietineccabarY lu aveu regniated establiismeut, anti va enobledte t Inouot ou machines vilS a isigier dague. 'cf perfectonc, audaI pries@ ô'Iow as absolnteîy ltotey compotilion. 'MHE JOHNS.TON SELF-RAKING REAPER ta nov -mo veli knoo u a aSingle Reaper, tisai a word of comusendtiunouisi almost seem superinons, but sas Liers are msuy elslmingLe manufacture tlizA machina *whc have atiliest e the olti original 'ohnmitmabin&, 'vlhout keep- ing np tolise imprevemalits; tisaI justice te onusalves anti patrents require of ns te ilote Sisal vo have motilfied t inl almoat evauy essenilai part, anti for streugus. :adti tnali,'eoalîv aof cnt, un every kinti anti eond11ion of grain -,ligisLness of dft ani12a c'ba ' ' nt-ls nJiston," s manufactureti by us-stands pre-eainently aisest cf ail otiscu respere. In puce tcof tisis position vo bave eniy tte ponlttise many Firet Prizes avardeti ns-ast tise laet Provincial tial et Ou- tarto, aud mauy eeuniy trials visicis have takeai place ail over Cauad% vithin tise lutI few yeara. rOUR TRIUMPH, COMBIN ED MACHINES, vith iota impuovements, te aIl tisai eau Se tissired inasàaCembineti Machine, anti sonnet faili t meet ail tise requiremeut. ot pul ras.. f *Our Improved Cayuga Chieflire, and aur Young Canada Mfoweras are bath tiraS-lao machoiines- coustiluteti ahucat wiolly ofirxon.apd Steel. Tise Osyga lu. ba aresu eut,sud, tise Young' Çauada a frotnt at ungdr abiaaoeilnaanti net aiçoîlei by anys-,achineas ztis. mourketfor qIrality of ssi, nmabit, Igltnssetdratatppslllty, iud euse efniaagemeut. OUR'NJEW "WiTB1Y WHARAVE STE. Au th. ooumnry hli becoe 2e tter Ïataptati te machIner7, and imany cf oufaul- ars have bgio6iie afliliti1h. use cf machines, a gro-wielgtiemand 'heus pruug up foratihDtb. ie.Is epr Ailve tet -a qnlelnsntae thed - tvo hae ue'ed tiinventing s ma- chine *vili' a Wrongis t hlo rmvl ie leastpossible gçri#g-wlthIs auge, broati-faceti drive visel-and s ses truotia- ise t rame and- tablé tilt'attise sametime tisrêb'ksuplng thse pitannalv&asiu h lno sfj4 -ule Ts « à. are.t ientisreot!y frosa tise mam ~sbftlers i.esel.ad cense lae ii iventing Ihi meat ppieaW eaper, takinÈ inilimpélla ispa ever beaun protdwo . h éave -applietifayletfl eupteîntaIs aco16 ouin invntonfe ou ou eclsiv mnufclien~wq enoéfùIIy- angeàt te An- tontiin pori isee. it tisey. aboula ses Ibis nahillaibefoie' ving liaisordara fo6r. tis oinu',e st Tise tiîby XjIoater" veigise,'àil old, 600 poundg, ýmtbeing Musdpumiepaily ofthe hast ,quality cf ircu and tieecl, anti froin ita in- geios nt opact Oocualuncionù, Iitibue istresigth andi duuabilty ofthtie Wtl.l.giiof min es, ve fèel'cqnftdeuD îitat v.e tu leet overy re- quliutntdIv~e uepqeffly selisa trial of cuir machin+ ,beliivilg tisaI we eaui furulelia botIer machie fr tise monay tisaesmuie obùUeiltaelswsr. BROWN,&PTE~0NI~G 0 J~J1fîW ~Y Uh trft.f ,UN DER T ~ ,~JJ~ PPOINM J W bhitb, October, lth, 1877. AND 001 BROCK-ST, T ai ~v Having purchased the età ~oÉek oU.ê'.iMcDon sll's' whiehi are very cheap anbosupemor it Ordçrs- sp4îited for ed s PASýTJ VAND, 0O lER CAKES. -î h&vo - ýý>qu'antity of S QLBOS Bai' and other Co$f Bocks, Berlin Wool Blipp -Patterns, FaeyýGood, &o., ý4e ni b eibè 'plaàde nd ,~nortibof Johnsiton'"s ýWbi.thyi Dec. i7th, 1878. -CABINET FACTORY, AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS« Iý THE- OLD 'STAND, 'BROCK STREET, WHITBY, Go, where you cannot fail'to »be pleased ii malcing selections of good furniture. Splendid Parlour, Drawing Room anid Bedroom Sets, New Deuigns weil worthy cf inspection, ut estonighing low prices. Disi. ing-room Extension Tables-a very superior article.- Gilt flomnises,' Pieture--Frenting in -every style. 'Some fine Chromos' and Enguravinge for sale. T, 1T.ID M> T A. Iîswi a-,c In ail ils bronches ; funerols fuily supplieti, A stock of elegant, cagkets. CJoffins always on hanti, trimmedto bsuit Cu.stomers, an~ wel eppointedl Hearse constantly in readanesa. IRO lm. TILL.r CAIRD PICTIJRES, $L.OO, PER-DOZ. The work by the -New P the kind yet introdueed. art of photography. Cail by the New Process.- >rocess i upro to anything It completely revohitienzsthe at once and-get pictures taken WM. BURNS, fias just receied', direct from the Manufacturers, a goodl assortment of Ladlies and Gentlamen's Marsard., Empress, and American Also, Pacifie Baga, Cheap for Cash. Four 'more cases of 50c, 55c, 75e and $1.00 Prunella Boots. O UTTERS',,,BUGGIES, AND GARRIAGESý'. A Large Assortment of Cutters and Buggies FOR SALE, HEP -ATE-W ,-TS Carnag e Factry DUNDS S9EE,0%WHIBY, ONTABIO.ý W 1LLI 'T'HO N Begs to direct ttention to hs 1 and s ror tock, eOnprisng every- tbng in the Saddlery r ne Ln, at ýLeather Valises and tg 'l rurike A TOF CHIILDRES CAR ES; <Vry lhandeoine d hcap. At the 0111 establishmet. w YIýt., TORONTO. AT WHIJ&UI -f especls = mmk$fLoref Th epatronsmoif feel 0 " dttt a , o:~l1ana lerefore -doue'iiithélise t possible>, nssnier, andi with tbe utnoatleiplt. 0LOTRand '2kl~ tMin LPeâo&n- stason hnd and fr sleai leýWesi CASH FOR WBR4ýT âai ia"Mlanos. T. P. WHITE. Wbltvai ,B ept., 1878.,4 MONTREAL 'TELEBRAPH 00. OC0EAN CA'BLES. The publie are Iiforied tiski lie connea. lions ci thse MontreiToleguspi Conapany witb tise Atlamntic Cibles are ôf lte moult direct anti relable 'oissatrL.'The Anglc- Amw4euipa lblpe krunwth b blscon_ aaecligno nada", havig :1hee-separae 4nci distinct cabîes, ta a gnaoean=tee an.* possible« nterrupion' of trie, 'anthie saneqnslleti. Bq-bistion'.o61csphsid. dresses mado:witisont, bsugi, ,a~'avallble axsday. 8-) eî. P. DWIGHIT, 8-) sup. LE-MlSTNE Rernoveto th e Ontsrio Blook, Broclc-St., tise olsi place, nexit dcer ta tise Montreal Teéleguapis ofce. Tiseplace ta G P.T'ÏA ýGOOD JOINT AND JUICY STEAK i1 Ho siso begs t a anoince tolise inliabil. .6ntii of Wbitby andi vicinity, tisaI ha bas opened a FLOUR & FEED STORE in connection witb his Butober Sbop, wbero he will Alw&s.yahave ou hanti A LARGE STOCX OF Chitece Fleur, Cracked .Wbcat, Oatmcal, Cornmaca, Osta Pea, " sorts, etc., etC. Orders delivere"&i n any partof, tise luia. A oellin tsolicitesi. LEVI STONE, OntarioflBlock, WisutY. D e c . 1 7 t I, 8 7 8 . -( t 6 AUCTION .SALES'i I BEG ta retura my mincoretissais tote Xpublic for tise very liboralý-paironage bestoweti upon mni n tiept- a inu timai.taI'll bo .on banti rTea41Y -t9 coniwctsny éides IbsILina "be-,ntrufted lwt..,e inserI asfei guar.. My-X sale bok.wffl bc' fonxat a te' Ot di fotat Ut7 Arringements ai tedyu f-;e, &t., 'aya7 b. 'mmd. 'witb, M4r. Mnasonthse prprielcr otieHot& - Ordors by maflor tolegta¶1skaitendet t. Aoactioneom, 'ýVliby. NB- sale -Bouks anti blsnk notes. kmsefree. Turkish c& Vapor Ba ths, Tlsese baiiss are useful iu Rbenmatisan,' Neuraîqis, Congisu, -Celdo,__Congestion,- Bronciotia, Scuofüos 5kAu' * sil a lU-1. flanmations. IiAlou'snesa, Feverse a"tifor are pabicnpsu M.ns1,ca hIe toallsu kin diseases, especWsly 53ijL".A5 ils inov unvaraaily concetiesitisai bath tise Tuklsh anti VaiWBatis ire tise buat prsra es bti vitisin these uabof77 mnedical experts ant i hioonction vAls aneal luealanstllae paliantl s more rap- Adi y anti sncceainlly Iusabad.- Pabrcnizedtbrônghout lthe world from royalty dovn ta tise pooresî min. Tisase Tnrkisis batis are lise ouly onea Au tise City of Toronto. -Qncitations andirecoanmendajons ae gven irom tise hast anedicsi anti aanltauy anlSiu. ties lu ail countutea; H OUBSý-Gentleman, 7T la &SOa.m., 3SIc 9pan. Satuudsy ntAI 11 p.=n.Lde,1 PP.ICE5--Torldsli Bais~, one ticket, #1i, 12 tickatm, #10. . Vapor B atbe, 6c eacis; 12 ticket. 8.- M~8 QUBEN-ST. WEST. 'Skilfuil anti attentive amsl. and'ianiale attendants. J. S. DIAMOND,,2M.D.' - snperip$ebidant. Valuable- Real E8tate TOWNSHIP-0F BEACH.L tin, Broc!k, C. L. LYMAN ,--oe Street, Omis A.( (Late Gré j BARRISTE] ie-Byron St 'Wiitby, Otari Office-Dever Whitby. 4MONEY TO in snmhha p ta <LçxE Di Court Street, To 3.G. ROBINSON, 1 .JNO. A TTORNEY in Chancei ancer &0. Offie Sm Wbltby, G. YOUNt 13BIsserot1î f Tan. 22,1878. eIri iHESTOn <lAIERON, » -K Byron Stue Dr. M Residenco-tJrn byterycorer f BYRION TJPHYslCIAN,1 LCrek. -W w .JIcB R IE physiolan, Surga - Wbutby, Sept. aoti ROOMO OVEr, 1.30 ta6 P.M. R ~ ~ nti iflleristreets C, . X. Teeth extractea -wit * local aniesthesis. ;' an's now block, ovet King Street, Oshow JOHN j }1-AIR DRESSI -JLSaloon, Bro of Jonathan Wolieni (t WILLLI.J BLAOISMITH, xt- (Oocceesos, ta T urse shoeing anti jfj.~.ODEI CekDivis/cm 4ý W. rer 1 ---f T'ILLýS OF THE WM. TILL. - Whitby.: November 24th, 1875. BROOK STREET, ý iýLë ý4 X CARTNET T 0 M'S

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