,.Giks'eillo ara by them considorea a mést valuable addition, and in 811 cases of enlargedý Joints'of the Hands or Feet ,Neuraigia, Chionic or Inflommatory <ýBhéumationi, OûPefior te any remedy eow, known. SOld bY 8- W. B.,Smith & Co. eand -fer paMýhIet. Da. GMFB, IW Vest Broadway, N, Y, Tâal. Rize 25-cents., Call et the fint-Deng Store and pro- cllýe a bottle, of,* Gray's Syrup of Red- pruce GÛnIýfôîéoughë, calao, ». We rëo6à ibiâiia-ità ,pùrà him st Drug Store& of respectibility,,'à s thère la au attempt toi place in the bands of the publie sa article under a -similar naula, put up in &ýoiuliIâr afy1i,' but of a white-,müky dark brownieb-red colour. it in, a' -appeaucceý-tbe genuine being, Of a, wretcbed ignitgtion, and abould be et once rejecièd. ýThé Duty of a Doc-tor. No physicim dooo justice te himself or bis duty by hie patienty disffltea at the thôught .,el . takiiig Cod Liver Oi-1. Who doos net Sodtt's Elulsior.' of the 011, with î1îa-ý Rypophôsphitois et Ume- and Sodâî'asý they know it-is the moit vaina-bie combinstion ef icoa and medioiné lori the-"'Consu' tire, pacifia. loue or debilitated patient ifhà iiever béen discovericý,as thé- SaIne tinze it is perfectly à g'r'eë'able'-'toi'! the teste. For Sale by T. G-. Wbitfield, Whitbyý 1ÙS4ia To bc Zigooà ýjtîdge of a horse, requir- el, that the person go judging should be a.lover of ho rie'a flash , bave a keen - aye, a praeticed hand, groist desorimiüation, and well 'pnifornled, Elloh a person is Mr. R. N. Wood, ý Druggist, in- Toronto, Canada. Nônecanraore quickly dis- criminateand tell the good or weak points of the al2iMà l. AS'& r8luedy for cure and removal of Lamps, Bgncbes, Lawénpss, Rîngbones, ha pïô.- noènees gil,68' Liniment Iodide A-in. mon-ia the article ]on.- needed by 11627semen. Sold by B. W. B. Smîth &-cOý send ýDrpanlphlet. Du. 120 West Broadway, N.-Y. Trial elze 25 conte; DISPUTE ABOUT à -Hà là ,-A. diqpýte lesèribgd-as ýltielnendnous" is ragiug- n Madras ovér a hair from the board If the prophet Mahomet. The relie a inoloà ed in a case ýgnarded by au ofÊ- del, who recoivez a, penîion from the lovernniènt,' and -six fanatical, -Mues, 11mans, are.di ' épnting'ý0r iti posseainon. DipTiinau.- The namefý serikes à bill te a mothees beari ne elle reaÉej5 7hatadangerouamaladyit.ii;. With bottle et Pain-Killer in the bénie elle 3elsthat elle bas a still, more powarfùl Lire, and half the terrer is destroyed. From the caay - eýXpeciorà iion , in- reaoed re8p&atory Jewà r of the ýunga, and the remoual'of im*iaiion,* tanifest from cessatio4 of Cough and âerularming symptouls,' alter « ellows, Compoupd Syrup.. of Hypo. ir's bites, it is oléar that the formati. Jý of tuberculous 'mattër- je mot ý only 0 pped, but that alrondy depositea -je irried away. BIESSIN'GS Biùo1'3TÊX AS TREY TAXE IBIR FILIGIIT.-If you. have - a good ýad of Il-air tako care of it;-once gonc 14 wc realize its losa fat more thau, 9 appreciite its presence. The'Bx,&n- P ia'taking the placeoi ail 9ther hair eseinga becausq ît le healthfui te the ir and à e'lightful te, use. Ke» Notiçes of Births, Xai7ýage8, id Deatits charged 60 conte eack. MAB,1i1-ÈD_ý PE nGýS:ON ý'- SKINNER - On Lesday, tlie 22nél init., at la rosi- Q.Ce of the bridels fathé'r-, Mr. Jo8eplý' Me abêlla^ a lik inner' eOprîetýr the Mise lèg )tel' Manill J)y ýe v J ,Lld Fer n Oi D B-A,"r ils . K4NE.-At Whitby, on the 25th 1 a beloved wiféof Mr. ,ýJa12an!haged 69 years. ý.The ieased wasa natiýeOf -the county xe, Ireland. WHITBY MARKETS, CEmomcLz OrpickApril, 80th 187 tir, pet brl ........ o-,@ 85ý 00 1 wheat.: ....... '00' 95 g#1 00 Ln9ý Whoat ...... osoliaganq Port Perryi-Apri4 Wth, 1879. go $0 Go. tt, fau ............. i oo ooo .............. 5100 00 'Y ................ ...... 0 w 000 ................ 0 as 000 ......................... 0 45 0 00 . ................ 'i 0.46 0 55 ýr Seed..ý ......... oo a Go oeo.., ... * ......... ...... 045, ooo s, per biiËeý ............ ý. 0 so 0'75 ........ 1 ............... s 00 0 00 .......... ............. 5,00 600 ...... ................ 008 0 10 ................. ., ....... 1000 0 00 ................ 50 6 00 2 ()0 00 ......... ...... 22 ............. 0 10 0 12 A c A it D - anvbo hre f'nfieling from the eévre al:4 indiierations of -çantb. nervous ýçýSý e arly aecay, joss of manbood,&c., sen a roceite that will nxe Yeu, Or, CHARGE. 713c great remté;.y ýý;coveredby a miýwicnary, i-i Snrt-h c4l. Ontario anil-Montrtl ogooka &'ru still +' The Seing &Ir*' us 'jý i ý 1 W* sivo bolow t",»Splqtiom 'a ýà 4 going up. ha tarff lhû Pickeric'Ë, waa ýhe1d ai y9gfian, Cà , in th O=mm--à n If 3Vïý D T a through. lai,4»1 The SuDiaril bu &dv&noéý t -7 Tau RECOV à iiutià ' me. WO 9011 par cent, 01 lut 7' Mr. W&14»*& colse of, a Dey 4 J-* Taylor. The Doiniuiýu Bank giyes noýtie'« 'ýdà &cO Wu. vërjK,ý &bat@ on the sécond resdin'g résolutions,-** go- 4à %,,RU est goiýlb- lhokey quowd the follo*ing Monday ove ïliâc- hlrivý On Ltmoagký-;. ý4,dmiu. ità canal avmi ýncU&I divid na of four lël.the tact tübt a Od 0 ýB, in OVÙIÃŽÃOO ot-,Ixrg. Campbell, taken be. à M y a the Offi 0*0 maobiný.-' par cent. cars or: -foré *0 Ogmits" lu support of the aie glist many were la, lgnoraïïe as bu M& T oit Uiu&- The -MotoliAite hu, deolkrej ver, ýq Bill Contingop Lao 'date ofibe fédid. "'Ilfiâ fà lîýVinR 0' t*Yl.à ý yearIy div1d»ný1 ai threds par -élight it. 44 cent.'ý', tà ,vor.., Il tbers ffý f ur lý The Bill D The FédaiiL% î1ividene ' rsbo, hot of prit Vfith - - ' îw "' > ' '%er . roui YO maidi2x ominîonýýD Xamination et Taaabfra, èkt tbb wi.1 RODA Who »Peak a ahoW bu Lna ta in, laitery si 1 pul lif- public bolidâ savon nar , aidait ity upon thé il estict toge y 44, &Y anly "-ïbëutie jýýT" J4. MoBdon, P. pq Thoo. ré ferenoi r4ad a thira il Uty 01 à Doctor.-_ il, but Who y 'me of the 601ours: Il ff-1dMw-1tý ther agoin A, withont debale Frost. 0 un -=&y ëZ., -iý-,buu go ,a -litre ilThe, columi $bref and niýhà If ffl cent. for the strong's ésiois the Banker ,'l grd, RýW 'lig - --,ý-Tii" -- -Ra lutréation Drift'ôn 20eh toued b' rith hfint but Ji y$ va ourrout b&V-yonrý 1 ., e -faut of et ta £argot , the put-, ýBi1Is ýprQvidingfôr'tha, t. b,,Tbo Caheton-ic, Frost. ýý-e-ps hé rfflin.ý a Mie Co 9 4 ô. bridge avoir 'bà ttali6ni of ankii, Vardon'a d'prince of Wà teoýl, monty 14-# Ré OfAfta Th 00 Cmadiali drêÜjhý-l# B. S. wilson,& Tbat 144 te , xîà oai., là 21# B GoveMmon-ý4 n individaïl or à home ; but hu home la in Wbitby. tinà ë-tai , hétïnctin - Ji bas. ý pumed dmà gm a He Mid his idea, Wïï ta go and look for the Detroit Biver et Windsor, and the tingeilt:were el e iW difflend lacil devoted the profite te. *,Young Robbia lin OOrpOý ,,wantod-Mre.: D. IW«en. Me. incorporation of the Company ta con. W r watch and atta ni u Saddille or carriage-10t; ratidewitbifi the DohXniùutý or ÇAmoà Did yon ttudugand, thathis wish itgul& the bridge-. ,ry Dreu-tzak -Mr#- 1)- wrk-ag ortýl4ý', Thý,BÃIIo_,Wéri rend, Wore tà bé oeîi ehé. Si à ïoca'Bankof quebou bas Millois IbRenta k Il -9 d' ttÎÉorizod bylà *46 tiodtë W" fdr Yôu 4Ã"ý ità tê Kansaol' sà d a tiret time7 marofil el UY 4JO., with bila litIon@ as bis Wifé, making tbat of any t'O ciron. wli züï '2116 Bowas.- par> bout. ','Brown âglùiltenian., note sald hà ý*iëhëd c20 vency.Bill. Mr, se we advanc8eýo gerr&M wzûtod-Urs. Fa0well. Blood Morses-164 Alvîn ll«Uag,4 n-aýât -or W ý 1 b. Il 1ýý , on., latte vi ne IW to travel wiLbý, biait - and lock-out for a sidér*bje iýûitbý til we got out toquivil 'home ; we were ta vitit ,i,,, Hardwam-Kateh & Bro. Noitï enta.we Young arrlaarl M.,_ out thin tbe'mddm»omlù ifférent Place& Bill. We otw £01101 2- -That 0 40vit=uùt: of 'thé D and décide aiter thit. ad Ill-là n Milleio 1ýBloo, Mg Mr. Bêchard movea in amendrnent the-ihernoon, i Brod. 'Thomoà Vuton h the ýýt g minion, in iath6rùdng, ha' Q. Did lie net s%.Týth&t ho Woula Mr. totaiw a n ka jýti litanie donothé t con- tà o oubstitatibn of s'elat» rep@&Ug ing'à i stand, W Goueral Stgre Brousb Bofonn comidition for N, th on, "é air 0 d_Ârtbùr JO Dptô étrohger thon,, a or 2 ysi Dis dittLau. Uren ad mcoy,'bu ab. 84 No I did n6t un* ail lWdV*Doy Able. The IWioim " la- on tertil Connou movado' se, âû -*mon à 08 thé for the Local. :ôte f lt4 ta e»Y "t, ho woula con. Mr nop hifflicuk sud dojo. d ttle jrooedëo and hardware tionillave ta PU bis gsté p that in ý the ý fnto»ito of dons pait. HO Mdd thst aftmi. Wo 'ment to"the amendment, the j0jePro. thst ni#-ht;'ïud Oses Lictèet elootioù expec4es. Tfiiî la liko doing Whilly and East Whi;kygptlng Fiair 1 Ãbould At où ce resomis bad hiveil togather for à timé ho Voula mont of the disoueiiion tillFild4y ûëit;' 'for the 24thýý'B Spociais-T. G.-Whitddd. $bu t1ilog J-JUST, 1 the coeauten ï .'sud le. 6vér Il, and vo'rhapiý- "thon ho to.ëùà ble the Houe ta faitberô'on'îzder' 'On this rolifôrc Spéciale-S. W. B. SSlth & Co. 1, suie' fi f brade and mm ras-. an The spring fair __' ' ' ' ' "id 1 amwerid thora Wà ès no. 01 the, Union AÉÉ. 0014 light.,,tbo oolum for ý ocinstru lut' t a p- Fin» 14 to- culturel Society of Whiiby jodý-ýýt oeway thing for him tio 0ondone. After discussion -Mr. Coursoli, wit.- thoeimemy bail AmuoomenM-T4* Qùte" Bâthday. - qu«bsdý and il, bill, 0 i ka ô the ooun- Q. Did ho give yon, suy ra"012 for drow Ide, âmendment ta the aniend. fore ; but u Wj to the ýà vertià *m@ià t Of XîurgIý Whitby, boId al Biocklin, on Thor4day t the Oth rks -ô Pro, Brood V"fýî for oà lf.- rY, the G vera t thon posing to go to Kansas Yos W &J. Tà ylor,ý of Torout Once trea"d. we 1 Iî- égous lai -a! under Wa lait, Was Weil ittended. Il ru, takén , provIde an ee alà sua i t zupply 00 Baid ho could net take me t'O Ide On Mr. Bochuda amondinent, ré" kill a fow of, thi hiad', In tbeu4 "es wbpù barglars aitogother,,tbe bestof the local lettre of âonëy';' ut in ù home in Whi ToPaiutora"Bateh à Bro. are so muojà abioadi a Tajlbr sole bel Que $by ; M ho ý would foui dis. pealing &H illoolvency laws, the abso. gréait numbêr. X,ýQý@qw00d. sol. Mes 8, niéboà ty, te ovet bold this iëaiion. Tbe'obôw:of entirà thd'am'oûnt sipeà déd on, Il glýwà ý graced il présence thora. Inte repeal clause wamoarried on a vote bm4uul borses was muait botterýthan was êx- and works résista eîo«dý, a sùm ofYOU of 99 man Q. Dii fatal ý"t *YOU Ãaul«l con Vois to.76ý noyé. - - that Our 0 p te Ã&Y nothing of securiby against pécted. .rllofollowicg je tbg ton 1 C20liéne f doumo, nor',ih au fide in big Offer or proposition to yen P The ý au' 1040 by drer ý 1 ý 1 800OÙd ideing Was aarrÃŽed 117 taken Wy the 2 PRIZE LIST portion. of th t joui bd paiâ, tý t AI No; 1 did.noL te 60. n fi rft 1 . . .1-ý 41 - , - Q al once give nItito. 1 ý its expouditt hid beau à ut COUXTI - Tzà nzaol -4 il by - WhY P A. Prom bis co<nduet te . Mi. ýSpeAker resd a Meusage froci the camý, and take vote of thé Pirlfiiient of * . 0 in. me lu the past. The SOMI.anýtL'%l méêtin#ý will ýük l siallion-Baddle or USWageà -,ist font l - Banale rerrting the cassate of au Act Zulus. We the ONLY $1 59 - _ _ _ ý , 0 ý a gerow - Müler t 2fid ne and 0. Did lie DOS ton yon that il Was on for the ré ind-ot-Eliza aria, Campbell. camp, but whon !Pza ÂNNUM, me, sa heretollon annouciied, at;rOît 4. That th Morley se crotâ ad and lu. lacclotint of' your Ooltion With' your Mr. Mol)ougall moved the finit ne lith inst. Young,,* 8rd ilkinson Tardi oued by thé ovemment 44 Il be cap. neighbors aud un lit tne9à for the ad- the camp il was arryb et. the,ý 16th and ing of the bill. enemy Wall iiiill. W,111(bY, -1, 1879. Ur. Marling, Eiigh Sabdoi InoWtoi, Bo r 8h& Stallion.-laï D', per:à nnd IdIve ý1qoinà sud P* .or tokens childrOn 8 residing in the The motion wu carrieà . Were given te th 8 n ; 2nd H. â B. :s tbl; lino Tim saine community -?: A. ý No. la expecteil ta biu présent ta dolivar ab -A. Alexander. - of the folle g -cloi"6minst 8, thât la came" whiab' tl addreso. Mr. Hughés, Public 84hoà I ta êà y, cap er-ý,e0InO of Ili nominal oène offerto A Reign of Terror In Russia. Régiment Were 6210 of Wkltby, Harbor andglevator. "ý-GOdfrýey vaine of one ont, te ha iiüdeiup came and livdï Ã41th htýà p A. Inspector, Toronto, will alyb Cook. venus and take t 1 tolon cents eilver c0Inà ý éf 4hà nOm. rùlè aloame proposât made tome balane, thé; Associatioci and doliveïr. a lecture Canadian-bred Dranght Stailio Which wu saine tim À Sb. Pitersburg correspondent, aà yow. did,ýaýà dýfound 1 The aucetou &à OF of Poiet Whitby OcÈrida eveniùg. Tbelleiidingteaoh. o- Inalvaine of voi, ton, five, and a id lut February, -The police are ofeuly arrooting bave left soma 1 lot B, B. Wilison ; 2ad Ezra Dake. fift 1 peu- Ilarb9r, sud the elevator ýuiù by the ùa ofi Zo coutity -will 144 part, in y conte ré e0tivoly, tobà légal leu. latter the COMMOnOdme4t of-this session plibe by batcheo al a 1 heure of the day, ad. We Were tl &-yêsý oldentire Dratight Oolt.-,'jt der féi a doit j ce the frjýobjýoaf parts was renewed tor4e lut.,$atnrday on W arabe the appréhensions ware hit lutte Me. 0. Draper, took plà ýe et Bayle presopting a Véry fût) and, intareating James Kalahari. the saine terme, exceplt that.thore wu tomadeatipiglit. Onýthesiightoat8us- morning. lier- a poýition abov bOt*l lu the:ýtown 01 Wbltbi, on Tues. Programme. 8-vear dold general purpose et of.a, doIlLir ; ýnd paper tokne of the nothing sed -,.&bout; Emau. I W ii ý - - lire nominal valu' i of Que;' two, iQve and ton m tO ploion agiiist a per4qu bis whol dà ýY"ppr4cAj4ý tg adverti4gm9ut. Colt.-lot Wm. Gondwilà ; 6 family night thê,11res 0 Both Galiii Broxi.-Mr. Moses Liatons Gênerai plorpo dollârs litempec tivoly, the ta. 90 sud live With hfin al Whitby, and are irreâtf;à and domieiliary visita are us and the Ouly froportiu *eri'sold for #40,16o. À 00 1 brOce Mare- -Ist ktarle ta. bis légal tender ùý id ûIty dot. moka, myself ilionifortable if I could. aid to Il bis aoqÙaint ing ta go ta Borke's Dr coinpan.v, (jýM BO*mà à vIIýoè srèý the of Brocigham4 ilivertises vin entirely :clin Almond ; 2ud James ý Stocke ; la" the t*o op,ý tOý elle h4 lthdribw bis 60-ý Most 4# 4aréd dot. HO Baid ho cOuld'DOt W* on the In the morni new stock ; fulli linos In à ry goodo, 8rd M&W Broo., lars:" êPd thé fo à 4 'thé other dénominations' r OusatiOnt sgainst Ibo ai a guilty Wo. ptiroùaà @r&'ý 1 4 -uev Port Whitby t Draught broo4 Mare.-lot and 2i3b any,* mm frivolous jÃoun e- Bightyýtbree fur- ad on ta Rorke' groceries, i ydwAre, whlolil ÃŽ il thoir " value * unable -té bury and, ha h$ il sinû gré ter hi nis4ed lodging-keepers are in prisonfor Uarbor Company , embrioa4ý Ibo camea 4ellicg et prices 0 suit the timer, jand 'l' I D ýand,, tbât th isid"bopÃœo,'r là n'd silvé; Q- HOw many meetings on net rejp -foui battre Iying, 0thi si bled y t:t4 within twent'y a oit an of Mr. DAVià and, Mrs. D40ielý,aal. uks oustomare td- ive film a.0611 and Broc, Mar" addle or cÃŽM&ge«7" 00. il talions a &Uelthi la lot Chariot Lynde ; 2ndý W. Rowoon. 100 99 ;P r thé with your h2iband before coming ta the t arrivais. Jakovleff, a Gov- bohind tu look ai braith, n'cd i,,X'oonrlb James land jobu go& Mi e -ileik Morley. Dotolutoà -be egoil tender 'à *lhorildbe Ottawa, thât le, 'B the lut six mi 2 éminent efficial living in the Winter pour follows, ai MOCIelian; ýi CATTLE.ý fore or, and ab ' ý r, A. Three. all'â1thelffue ' Kan- Palace, and bis son, an OIRcer in the the place where The'Wwn t nid hitve bott the-.boir. ý WO have great pleutire lu' dr&wing One-year old Durham âùd 'v4l n 1 ý ory ry. n a t,ýjd'-o t'ýtià à - Q. Was the proposition to go to Guards, are in oustody. Baron Bie- never saw Snell bar ait 082,500 incitait the avérulijoint d bta and osfier Oligat one 81%9 made te you attention &0 the Isaveytillemént of thé ý2cd Jolie Dryden,; 8rd Ným. me i Of a#' 0] ýthe seventeel]th of tram, dePutY Oominà ud"t of the St. hie, and pray ta Two-yWar tutti Durham Ooff ' ki , atýoevei, herêýfLîr te ha annary P A. 1 think net se early se Petersburg garrison, and Gen. Gildon. 00 again. orbitrgnion.,13ut il majoritv, of the new firm of Messrs. %Valkeîâ Alloin am. that. "The desd wi Town connoll In thoir Wis.1010, backed millers nt CoIumýu;. Theyl Win. Rayon 1"2na John' Héron 8ta ineurýid ait r 40 !or by the' Gov etube, commandant of the Moseow gar. !jp by a DuÙiher of malcontent rate-, mon of rcsPectaýi1libY angt attkiet intee . Lrleo Lynd'. We Ominion, or Q. Did Dot Mr. Campbell malle you son, have been supersaded for inouffi. are Ming ChE MOnLOtý1 tOýôr by any ri the camp strippi away by a falae ore ci tax Durham Bull; age(L-.ý-lat 3ahi Dry. Province, , 0 oration, or' là dividu'bl' On Saturday, au linconditionsi offer ta oient enthusium towards the new order tbey seemed ta Il muil wlio'woUlà net laite the ýroubI es' rity, and Wall known ta the far"'0" don ; Uuil Wm..Pearson ;ý8rd :WilIiaýu Within the D inion. take. you back te bis bouse? A- nie oUthinge. Thereare few pedestrians few wore abat ai tùfurm thoffioelvos intellijzer4ly open Kerr. te community fn- this couPty. - , e. That &U bis or obber colifigatioris conditions tome were that I ehould ré- or carriages fi the etreete, but au end- gaied. The lit ille nuwéot, rejectell Tudge*s-OU Light and -'Général Pur. beretdfore'ine ed abý14'ýbe p"à bleln ýnm te big bOUS0 as 4, Pilty WOMILD. - telle lino of portera seâte.d-on Ptools at banging from t sa- gt, ad- 4 bargain. CILYT 'rITIA OU;.-SOO Ilobertson's Q. Did lie Malte use of thoie words P At Mr. I)týpar'a death the,, proporty obeap lincé or pose Horges.-abormau 13ronýn.,ieriy gald, -or In mien money atarate every door with atout eticks. Covered liooko tbat our b in Ofitinlatud, at $80,000, and we dore ýùte papériii, and En- Lick, an-cl Clins.' ?4,uttbewe. that iliqll ma 'ft equivýIêutý ta gold, A- ne osid ho bolieved bis brother's prison vans frequently pass with a ing shëltp ou-the yllllittire tu ailtlort that, lookijug te the volopes. 'Pive ýUirEA Su fi On Draught Eloraça andBulla. -V47. and ' lit 1 e fWr everv coiltract or accusations against Me, and ý.alwaYs poliedi, offléer woonted by the aide of atuck under tht fliture the Otttainty of au iuorea3e of paper, in là atà doonie lithog - ankin, Alex. Rose, and 1". Wakew. agreem gaph D enD ta gold ýritble the Do- would. the driver, and Gen. Gourko drives that tbey were là 490 71 p Q. Was Dot the ouly point of differ. litho Over thà Victoria aile whiLby 5ets. 'L'on quires d 40 otit. miuiorc obéit illegà 1, and ihall net lie around in au open Drookey, escorted- leu ta bei g a tlidr-, oýt-ly extnuaitna Of Il. f >r 1 »an, reluforceable by law. ecce between you tbis; thut yor ré- by Cossacks cracking, thoir whips. The dead I noticed ho the ce r1eain (20 quires) note pallier, 70ets. The Two Thousand ùFuine and i,. quired. Wm te litote, ously te your latter to 116averton and Uxbridge, and Euvelopos 6 cectW per package. pour 6. Thatthemoney se croated Irevi 'Inhabitants are net accomplices of the Cases and cans tý 10 I)robahility,,nf Wliftby. befflig, select. Packages (100) !t;upeà -fine.'envolopea, London, Aprîl 80th. oued ahýall,;at ýthe option of licy of iti going home ta him, tht ho believed Nillilistgi but apathetio opectatorg. strewn ail over th, vit iiiii barbai, cf refuge hy_ th4 Govor* 25 cents. One ho (250) do.,ýô0'cents. (By câble, and Dominion Iline.) halliers, be, con vertible ý either iüto ocn*p u te bc au innocent waman. A. _ _ *0 *_ . 'II went ta the ilient, It In woffil the money td-day. 1000 envolopès, 7i,00. Poclecap, 12 > payable wilh ipterest, at the rate of six rihlat was the point of difference ha- The Thrcatening Letter te the Czar. bad beau pitclied 'Tho intefferolioù of the towh, at firot cents per quire. TLe rentier wili no. Thé two thoasand gujDeu1 at thq per cent per jennan, on the jén4s of the tween us, of course. 1 Clain2ed te be been taken, exca, tu pruyont ai 1 ly logiglation titat would ti', that those are suporfor goods, pur. Newmarket 8 ring meeting, run 1ýor Dominion.. on into Dominion bonds, au innocent womau 4RY DOCUMENT. and a diGtionarý1 ho said I wag AS EXTRAORDIN chased lu large qllantities in a fallitig to-glay, restiltes as follews payable in fi tnd tventy yeara re« guilty. enemy returning t u4t givo the town tite lirivilo4r"f pur. B ..ve bleating interebt et &0 Did ho net say ho woýId Lake -aivi tiforwarde deulining ta no. market, and beforile the inercued duty Charibert lhft Cadogan 2ud) W- spective The Vieunit Tagblati publiehos the a holt of it, t111.1 il citpt the filwaril of thé ai-ll)ltrà tors, un. hall baken place. To-doy we offer those joinder Brd. per ce 1 nt per abonna, payable biLlf.year. you back, aud net rz-fer ta the past 9 fallowin-- proclamation adireored te the as on guing over tiýjqýII)týildly bail the effgjct of deprtciati linos al le« tiiiin, price of iriforior ly on the firet days of January and July A. 1 l'lève no recollection Of his saYing Czar of Itassin by' the novolutionary coluwn a inile ir Mýo value ý of' the Pr nq gouda. Cutntnoney grades of ý Paper At Befgre Iiiî Worahip mayor, Harper. la eaçh year. that. Catumittee just bâcre the récent attaeh, bard ta juin tbotu soi tût) ordo l.r. to tj^ý Draper proportioually Iowý rateo. Mail orders operly an 1 loming 'Tbât the land script Blieil bc of IL wa8 no wonder, osid Mr. Dickey, on tais life wore bellind me iv ûitaté. Tho ý, Notion was noti a coin- raceive prompt attention. j. B. Ro- CiiAndOlý OF lýUnGLAUY.- George Eas- the nominal Va'JUO Of one hilnarod, and UUdOr thObG C!rCUU18taccOg, tilat theY To. Mr. Alexander Nicalaievilch, "Alter two hou itètiiidlablo onow! ýAnd Nve prodi it borison. at hie wiw store. Devotill'a ton, arrested on suspicion for the bur, one tliousand dollars, roupectivoly. coutil net filve Logetlier. The hou. gen- The warning and tlireatening letters, nt Rorke's Drift, that, befote ilva ý,.ùarji bave eIýp 0 Block, Brook streut, Whitb3,. glfèry committed nt Brooklin. was dis. S. That 'ti oýiiatrest beariug bonds tlemau would etc thab. the wliole of the sied, tho chargod- the ovidence 'being'icsufjIý ohail bc Of the amical value oetwenty, former eviddinoe was refutred ta bjy the M well qs the sontences whicil we tile gave up allhopes v(lry mon who;opposed the puiý1iaso by invisible delegates of the murderously ta the colony, la the town- will le foremoot In rfgrotting Pickering Reform Association. oient. -fifty, one bunîtred, one thonoind, five Committee and verified. opprdfosed Rusmian people bave sent te stores were in flat wliat tll(%y It will before OuAtiop, OF CAItRytira Pinu-ARufi.- thousana, ind 4n thonsand dollars ré- Mon Mr. Reesor gave notice a 1 dignitaries of the prescrit any 3ne being ab thât time ho seon tliat Whitby, bas net ýFrcsident-W. Y. Wchartloon, Esq., The saine prisoner wilsi detained on this apectiv 1 ; that thé bonds of one bun-- I'That whon the Order in- traitait] for tle V roue il o"lïaro and unaer shall. bA payable dospotie Governmollt in nussis bélong. the Drift we foui 0110Y là lodoit ftà investment thlitt would. Pickering. charge for carrying- a revolver rail d the third reading of the Bill, iutituled : as a rule, ta the pré arativa work, and gallantly defendoil let Vice-PreoId;ýt-Coliù Pliilib, Esq. etated that Lé wae a whitesmil and et flve yeara in Dominion Marley, and "An Act for the relief of D. liza Maria have iald ibr ilsolf, but one ttait Wolild Brougham. - 7 lied the pistpl fat repair from a persan Bliall ho légal tender, sud, tbaý the Campbell," lie will move, that after the for that ressac noither yoursolf car any and Brombead ; th have Uought N large rfqvenueýinto the 2ud Vice-Preoident-D. Pilkir, Ut aq., residing on Ord con. of 8cârborough.ý - bonds over one hundred dollars &hall 'word Ilinstalment," in the tvýenty-thi"d ",ber of your famlly appears in for iicarly thirteau corporation cuillère and pald ouérà ilw the alightest degroe menaced by Our entrenchwent wai illilit humides. ay Committea for trial. be payable in Dominion money in lino, fatir,, %bat the following exécutive organe. Intbofirotijotanep dead bodies ; and Troasurer-D. Barclay, Eacl,, Broug- twenty ygare, 4nd-o"ll ocly be troua. wordspce sedaed we wish ta cleau out in its lowest anj black, and net wl bain. N. Ã". Liçoniscis. ferable on 'thé order' of thé party in 11ILshall be lawfol for the said EUZe Rev.,Paiher à 'tafford!is Letter>t'and the d ta a Judize of filthiest corners the Augeau stables of mon in thé hOsPitaý !th Canadian." Secretary-J. II. Voit, EstË, Pickez, Wllooe,£à vor they %yire firet losaed, and Maria Campbell ta ap y despotiam ; to free the people from ad- bodo. Poor fellows ing. At a meeting 01 the Board of 7 icense *14ell hm been salle. one of tl ministrative, persecution which tbrows ad romains rakeil The chairmon 0, the gaverai polling CoLuwîooionors for the North Bilijug of tioq94 and' iegiste . ied by' the départ. or ta one of the Couaty Judges of On- The abifi l4t0ýr ut thù 1tevd.,cý Father 1. - - - thern into prison, and the building. ( ivigions arc as uu(lorinentioned. Ontario, field et Plank's note), Uz. ment ai issue. , loriot, and the eaid judge iit liereby au. theret gu'ltless -The day alter tiff elle Malle No. 1. W. H. OrViti, Whitby. bridge, onthe 23rd inst., the following '0. That in ; dei te prévaut distur. thorized and empowered te graitit Ler without composition, chastiees or .1 hemanil allows thomto sufferfrom Drift we lest all oui ilintter lino à alt-041 forth two angry col 11 2. Chrie. Dale, Pickering. perHons were grantet] Licenses for the bancs ta the tralle and comm, erce of application for au aider ta the sait bungAr and thirat, and thon soude them net want ta fight ul 69 2. Goo. Parlier, Dunbarton. year ending 21et April, 1880. the ovuutz, "d- ta remunerate the Robert Campbell ta pay the inotalment iiiiiiiii froui the d'trigle (;ttiiittliitii." In. if wente thon over due and the 89 iusurgentfi ta the kallows or soude home .; go- the Gand cii-iliilititlly i-obuked, our oonooife4l- enil. 4. Julin Thoin. Cherrywood. UX13,UID(IL VILLAGY.-A. J. Wëlls, G. bankii for t c oust they bave incurred or iustal thom ta the polar régions ta work in ofcamp,- t'or whieh ttttl:$I)Clritry, betalies llliniqell ta bie ènNto sylveliterxackie, Kiasale. Sharp, John Bascom, and Priait. Cition. in printivig the promissory notes thoy coet8- of sali order, aul if lje oball dis- the mines. We oit in judgment, and as they wûre a lot lititry uni) of illiard wortlé;," Fathor G. juif. Dix0à , 13rolighaw. SCOTT.-Hiram Carter and John T. now issue, the ýovorntnent ghali be au- obey." unreliable. abat[ be compassionless in the exeri,, juUOrý in ièrgiiiniintatà vo and 7. Geo. Philtps, Broughaiu. thorized ta loan te the banks on au- The Lhird, mailing of the bill came up la 111 have notbing of our ofileé, and allait recoil from the ilifioly the llîridit Carladian', tg simply 8 Jus. 211Y rt whitevale. UX[iBIDGL T(.)wNsuiP.-Lancelot Hut- count qf the Dgrbibion ourrency equ the Sonate on Priilay. whari the fore- use of no means whieh may tend us ta in all;is lost. Thi Guo. is, BaIsam. ta oné-half of thoir p al amendments were embodied and ge aidýup capit ourobjentwliichistlieeradication fthO us we sec lar. chison, James Tôdd, John Sanudero, goinell rend a third Lime and pa Ils ail day. lu, Joli. Bnn4j, clarow the 1 esod ou oulit. and An(Irew Brown. -stock, and and for security for the pay, bellieh brutality of despotiom tbi,)ough the Ili East Toronto. . ............. » ltiAcii.-Jacob Dafoo, %V. Il. Park, ment of said lonn the Governmont allait a vote of 84 ta 26. t fire and sword. Thoyiotirns cry out ta natue tri G012erai 01 Oddfellowehip, (1. Ilouck, Geo. Beynoldo, W. S. Latti- take the bond of the batik, payable on Duriug the discussion iii-the Sons a their executioners, 11-inorituri te oalm. tilst recOvered the 0 1foli, Mr., MowaL han been normin. tuer; and Jogoph Brown. One appli. deMA12d, for a suinequal ta its paicl up soma sbarp things weré. saià by honor-1 tant," gud if you, Alexander Nicolaie- Illlgituünt- MniOr 1 t Tiieanniveranryidermon wasprench. cation tg yet ta ha considered. - capital stock, and as, au additional se- able gentlemen, amonget the rest the viteh, refuse ta boa our waroIng voice, llem-imûnt, 13111116 al itLuit for L 04 in the Wetiloyad Methodist Churcý, Iý2XT PERILY.-W. Il. MoGaW, no. Oueilly-the hank or banks aliall deposit followiniz laniruitee wu beed in 00 liiitwuutl Illuigell, end Mr. Morris is- - oscl!en blèmed the GOvernýnént 1 (excludicg ýhosG of -the d-ond), 1,200 ; and aelling the Sultail ta allow theul ta black ta Colonel oly girl bas d'isapýeft tÉiF.à 1 J rý.,Gý' réserve their acceptance., o infully affectéd Ilýtulà n'4&a> rôcavered from Ili$, tern. The GrandýTrunk aild Great Western are searching for lier. money, vanouely estitnated from ý£12,- n the other Pl' L-orary inaliposition ana Railw poning the PaYment of liiibili. _? fi, fecla Confi., ýY8. band, the London Obscrv says the person illy for my a i deht, 14awd ýiiq upý __b- In disebaTging Ehza MoDerm Lied. Re Pointeà ta the example of 000 te £40,000. And !Ci adaitioli, Clio or a -on, Mootinge of ille 4rand Trunk and froin Ilsatinq Ott tue United Statese'whioh pà jil og $150 . Zulus took all the provisions atid cloth. British Goverument decliued the SuI. Of 641110 colours of the Ntitri-rioi frow a COM. , both. are; work. -14, Aseiz ict tan's offer. Great western Railways Jutice Camer, a nid t'b'atybs"dt'ardsvye'rtMir- 000,000 during a ý' ' by Senow send yoiY 1 ather Continues un. de period of gloom auà tinhegGalolntebraol'oofficial recoxde, and aveu La TemP8 BaYs 'lie Anglo French rJeaut Major 'tl ing bard. The we was lie urre.rîsion. décorations. No wonder, favorable. ?etting in favor of thé Oan. simultanconsly, in London, (Enk nà of guilty been returned ho wôuld hava n te ta the Khedive does net hi Champion. Tuesday. The Grand Trunk wà 'q in ,Bd ta sentence ber ta - Gladstone r1oclared the incrobBed aiter go overwhelming a ýdisaater, Lord na him tack on the camp st in favor of amalgdbation, an'f tl)O child murder bail bocome go prev&lent. eXýendità re lind boeninourred in farth. Chelmsford. retreated, and Colonel Dot te di8misa the Européen Ministers Crancé or a policy WhIch Pearson alint himseif in e and savon a.m. Lienteil » atout fortif,. without the consent of .1(7#rane the Natal Natüre Coi PIIIC Grofit Western-opposéti to the sellétni. T Car relations cation. Xe one of the Crimean b England. RY '13&xqur*,T Ta iîF Drieniess or EDiNr3uno* single instance itià Éroved The Pail Hall Gazette hblieves th on picket duty with 11ON; Un. FnAi : MariA, Duellesa of Edinburg ex'Lcted go many )ives trotu a British ait takes place At the h, doed cot with any nation ùr rave on the face of En at a COL. Walliiee's Aucýrog SALic on Sai. appear et all ugly in *th, eyes of Mrs. tlW earth 'The 4tinlates of expendi- force. gland and France have addrelised ta 100 men, r6de into ci lluuflé, Toronto, thiii (Thuriiilay) urilay was very silerat;sftil, 1-lé Look Iléoper. The latter à a Chat thé Pic. tuce presonted by lýe'Government were th, Khedive an identical notie which ta Colonel Pulleine, 'Wû are t0id, »o right way Co adverL turcs of the Duchess are far frolu doi go' incomplete as te, tend t0ý MAL-e the Tr IVB bas probably put a ncw coniplexion on that the Zulus were IookswoýI for A' veky Lion it w IL The OR publesorne Sitting Bull. affairs. The Sultan lias already infonu. camp in largo numI . large gathoring. reLuainder of the proýerty wici ligt jnatice. She lias boc'ome mu Bùdgot 'absolutély Worthless ana ni]. ty gromi ont gentlemen frolu tiliir po,3ûdý,f thinnûr, and able, à u'i tLer4ý i;Dperil the cou. ed the Khodive that persistance in hi, was inimediately 1 local 6ve intimà ted t on Sâturday next at Tains & lier fige bas, in, donsèqu. reu despatali 'ta the Pioncer press PrOB013t course will probably invoive ýroops turned out, ai ofbe h0ir intention Nowport'a oarriage sIiýP. [Seo advt.] ange, 101;t the licavy look that was îts tral of Pârliittuéni Over the finances. states fliat Sitting Bull lias bc a,, ing prison%. en him in disastrous consequences. in front of the Icaml chief defect. She bas à lovoly, blôt) 4,r. Bathbous despaired of the clarod a British aubj9el. The despateh Ilotiiocrpatitie specificA, Atucricail-and ing is ab folldws, and Mr. Sphultz wili ask A Paris despateh says the EnRlisli time all the OxeD bela l'Al COMP18XIOD, and would be very terance of Englano's commercial posi- azd French agents in Egypt have been gens were inqpannecl, pretty if ber chia worc nOt tac short. tioýa' unless, like V ft d Stat, on Wedýcsday whother' the Govern. Beagoil or t'le El 12aligli tuannal, WitIl;ý, plain direcýioDs VI .13 and instructod ta repreeent thpt tileir Gov. intention te form a y0ar ivlieu the painter ' * tu ent hasu a f it. .18 la requieition. for the trestruelit ai, common coin. TuE QUEFN--Tlie verv, da Other coùçtiîes, eh haý aeGovori2ment M Dy knowl-dge'o à lesors. Martin & W'arî6m- of ber 1 ernments regard the gond administra. was not carried out, find thig out y WhIch waïé dotermi ed ta avoid complî. SITTI;qQ,ýBULL.-HIR IS DECLARED À BRIT- tion Plainte frOO.- S. W-ý 13-t"Spitu & 9oý tiPrival at Bavano the Queen paîd a. L-ý1 in thaïe 1 cations abroad. Of FineYpt as indispensable ta their mules bein.- subseque ýr9é incré"e of business, and ' ISH BUBJEM interestiag and they therefore invite the Choir èxoellonb WOrkmanship and low eUTTEltlox8 New ýFattercs., M* v1s't to ull the i0OMS ýOf ille chAteau Mr. CWiller iinà Ptuers Cautions(, Spécial Tôlegratn ta the "The troops remait ay and all ita ilopeildenoieli. She avec dobata, on a -Pa LY, libes Pioneer Pr8ss-l' Khed'" LO OGn-PIY ba Promptly as pos. -line until Colonel Dili PrIces gWe0ý thom à degèrvedly laygé fafihiOn shoota receiveâ.' Call., and get *Ili ta 'the stables and the coach Nortbcote CI r Sit Staqord 'Washington, April 2J.-It bas bebn sible with their demand, and h-&nd the rived ; the enemy we rua of oustoM.", Bas théir "vertige. one free. hýuse& In one of the Èables Her Maj- OBëd t le dà ,te- Re oaid decided after repeuted c6nferences bc. 'port(olios Of r'iuanre and Public NVorke the picket, and Dýirnfc 10aý thd expandituje ýepended upo th, Se M. & S. lit oity found a coacbman, and thinkin. P the tween crétaries 6fStatoi War, ýto Eng-lish and French Ministers. The once sent to reinforce 4t 110 was a native of the plac lie POliCy Of. the Goyernment. If the and Interiar that ýtfie troubl indi- communication does not prevent the wore soon driven in b, _OVZXýX'r13 OF THE GOVERNOR GFiq. T. G. WhitfLoid bîe addressed Ilim auveral policy is wroug, let it- be, censureil sud Vidusi on thé nôrthern frontjir, knoWn Khedive chan bis Etiropeau Minis- had ta rotreat tc, the c; au excellent timeit in Italiau- à býndOùod ; but if ît, la right, th Copn, as Sit AND PnINCES -Vie , Mayor of stock of fane. -T4o poor man stnred before ber speech* tinà Bull, is a British subje ters vrithout gin Q11oýec lias receiZ tiv, mlist take the cà nsequences. a et; thlg consent of the two "Thon the 24th R, 1ettoý',fr'Om, ',Maj, ollaginery sittitigs ae bitby on the -1080, nOt lifting hi eYesfrOilitheground The' House éli tbat he wïth hie' folio Goyeraments. 1 vidid, andthe reacilu- Word Voluntarily or Dfflinton M The Queen tiienledienovered ta ber in. ý4 Iloyal Artillery were ui iîà forrnýng'li" > ' h > - 8th Mai. te am ôù.w Eý lait the United Marquiki audPriüqooi wili t M the, Usemeut that lie was ibn joët (1, by, 808 ta ý280.! -States and Placéd them. France and the Empire. on the enemy, which filirly in Jdne., Presérye, your fare by Uiait)jz E üglieh lis inen and'ilid not under* ýrheÀnn0 ma t of the vâe cause'd extent of five or*six lin _, - Mand fi Word 'UsiOBtY. Who *iII héréafter ha bold the camph«.,. B.ý 8jýitfi & 00. of bat allé liad been gre;it 0,iol, openad fixe on saying ta him. ý ý ý Cà üsir..vativ Despatelies from across the water 12 inue -, sev4tal. , roopousiblijfdrtheirgocidiconduct. The CO Ci 04 Zdngi . tüinuteo. 1 speak of the deciarbtign 01, LI, down on ail, a FAT C4TTLE.-Meaerii. à Weil ted à ontïterfëit of -thé THE JEWS BETUUNING Ta lfree. tom, Secret Il ne iir 'tten , a 1 etter QI- and execu ALESTiNZ. E ÃŽÃ0 'rtioi a Bizlere a Bwarins. The Artille] i a Paul a' d"iag' à se thstthe ýr0 part of com'" Gould made luge pu Co QéilgÙ'. ýliérmà n. t6 eeuedta- > robam duiring the one dollar Dominion bill id in circula. -Baron Rothschild holda a mortg'o«e 'voted ith a G2 tb's effeCt" and tien of the Empire was bu avant mu or six rounds when the P89t, week. They bongh on ýhe Wh B'ight or thé 8éëretà Tyý of State *îli lià tify the Ch t saven'hosa 018 Of É&186tihé 1 It à io, ýse. 1eti fibetala re 0 nearerthan ROXiC6 People imagined. A$: and the gunners asseý cure Iiim for bis loan uf 200,0ëëq.ýýç- 'if'te P 8 f' abitaÃŽned from from gr. ilobliý- Miller, qf ýThistle lia, Toilet Scap, W ceâtÃŽ - par à ozon, nt 0 mgý J3;itiub Gavernment, This may become illat time fie thus expresseil himsolf : aéré; for tiré troio*ps wer At sioo fro ýT' ýG. Whitiielaie. fraucs ta the Turkish , Gôverùmaý,t. seri6né, international questi6i if BiL_ 'The Emqpiré had taken up everythie whieh the 1 enemy no i W M Brir- - V - * Uniler hie inspiration The Khytrer Pà t CoIutn1jý #ng Büli'mtklkes a raid an the frontier gbod, juèe7or faitile.left oy.ý vaëb M#ÃŽnbei4 of, At 890 ; 'a buli frouq JýZ' thf RevOIu.ý 4hey made a rash aBý à . Waddeui- Toronto had ý bixty-nf.'le bîrths lucre Jèw'a are returniùg (0 the, Iloly Laid. iluring the ýýing suinlùér. Général ille 24th Regiment, et 0120, and "Verai , thon deatbo during the past fo Roger, tiOn of 1779,; whereas the Republie, Sieigh and Mr. & lat Il b 'IL of in Jeý4alëm, sud týbst four lililes ýOu;h of where'Sicting -Bull% frok Ur. Jobt rtuight. that entire atreets have bèen u-ý'90XEN DOWN AND'INCAPACITATED f, gone '=th of DskOt& born in the mire and blo j of the right and Ipft ;ý there Milno,' ab A 4igh ÇaIrbOlinO the now hair restorey, a. 'u Re-ign of Terror, had ionly Preserved made after tliat-it wa M frbrn ýh the Eîgbteenth 'In. 1lgù1-o,ý , ' ý 1 - , il, ,lit ana à ùy. Tolegraine 1 idia- opeak of fie CAMP lies, 'Viit W. 'B. Smith CO. going 99 rqfl, what WâG OdiOuë sud ignominous in th4t himself; men threw LI dOei it AU inca âOtUpleo broakýdowi of-the fâut1,-ýwho will. bnild amilitar 1. 1 , 1 a er6t y po8t RATCH Durhain coal . ulinere maà ter and-,Oetünlae Vtýr départ q à in thst Ibbality, lias' beau notifieà of, fflât avant. The Empire waivmade., las uselese, sa their soir annotzuce are rdturni meiit« 6 with the. gala ot, ý the Re hausted, and' the zulus 1 lyg An Auatrà nJmPÙ'A1ý -décrois gftuts- ÃŽhe ' 1 , a - this décision, and wili gove volution ;, the new gonds in liiSdwie; ýýp ta wOrk on the prop"ed arbitrati Kheber Calcula, Éow a( Jellalà b the men ruun* ainté and a. on amneety, on the occasion -of- ther'Etu. . - ru himsplf Ilapublie with itiad ing. buis. 'And ý GaMabiAk; 1,6*it t ld'lick of trai a. rosé. M. dý Cassag. --This &M peror'i3 silver wedding,' ta 212. Penang am then went on th state that when "The se'o gricultural implémente ' bit Li C Da gun 01 carry a lbrg@ stock And thov- P pu. The coli imn ili said ta ha il undýrgOing puniohmëzà ti the Empirw retuîned it woula bc des- Li was overturned 30 je=. EverY lady * should BeW the neq - air 106à , re T 119ry Chase from thein *Hlf find t 't'd 'for ce 3haws pee IM ÉÃiéUTiON OF BICIURDS--ý-,tOw- potic (autoritaire), and riot 1 liberal Un rs ausegavied. theii ide at T. 0. WhitfieJd1ý- FéROW8 Syrup, fres , au Tý= acn offland sbir je in arýntà ioJnft& thei' gu ings satisfacitery. i j 1, Ili pply., S.,w, r ait Neb..'Àpi* 27. Richards, ;lie no- and quotied 6. The chiefig ai cliurell'and State in 13. Position. Tbeéoùtrclof transtkoe"bftÉt torioà Ã,bjutderer, - -ashi8,authority IL a Prince. SeýgeAnt Major Mexico arc in accord. ferred froz the commissariat Minden, Kearney c gh »e enemy ar Apeuts representing,ý No - -onnt3f, yeâterda l'The Repnblic,- pnslied-'by the, Revoin. ,,Bo C ICAWAY"-c a- p6scà 'And, deaigated, va Scotia - yq Lieutenant Coclir 1 CCftý1nineB $av tiley Wi This, If. mýuÙtod the -Rëaffold *ÃŽth ri 'Stead tiônaýy pariý#,:wès hamýenin* LqýiL, c>%vu to thi) OMOCIS Of - hý (ýnuùil's ()Wn FlavollzÃŽng Eltract.,s tolite commandees ëolumn. Rne, 1 t 1, y ý081 at Tofficto_ il lay down Sýd' fecta a radical lch"ge in the Inaià ' step, ïDi stood facing -the as- ne' crowd., and ta sà -ý (g 0, by NVý F. -w ý. 1 The destruction, a TIIO: Collutry LientAnant MOIville Toronto, Wllîtûtà ;izoa, or ilà quan4ty, at T. G. IIýýJiltOL ut $4.50 ý !,art ,,,P,, ut'd miliýary system law of Nobif, a. ï", ýlds. z .Par grOsRý ton, ex- ska makîng private execu- frorn einking with it, r"*utlca wonld the colours of the'l.ti Pashawà r. coîîeepondcnt siý8 tien a ce gut e uhi 'i'c"sity, the inch t6re the bari. plac"i sitioli 11Q8 bu everyhody troul t Oeuerai (Jowuý_ is cade dôwmýand-tlie exooutiOD Was Pub e &Word for a third tigle in the Lieutpnant Cogb OU sent I &rli&L4ený it jtj UXIRJÇLL:J, will lp' Ai CUA-ino tireil of, war '18-NIG Itob rtsün ý,3 aýe and Lieuiëila]2,t, Ili.ý,jl nt lu Whit. prorèguoil in.twe wecko, which, bi:in'r'6. enalees CJiý. lie. AfL(,rýmOn n titi g the scaffold ilich. 'M ýY rat t4G Publilkhllra. Md-j Apeil 27.-Eüv..Dr. D, Gang lato domforte tive Contingent. Th cy P 1 ý and -little, JwI4ýyý arda spolia to the crowd forfive-minat. English Ott ý ý !ý . 4 aN E.VGLISU FgltGEIC mplier. S'.1 w. j3. Sultb liffliPr dl the Third GerinaD, Peformeà the For a (3 h es, saYing lie was not, güÎlty z of the Thomal; $M*,G'Û,'aù Engliah 1 nvoy' %ud ategmPt oug or Churoh ôt tiiii cjtjý. With hii farnily a. lEltumLE BARTS ce- CriM& of wilich orger w 111, lint th eý enemy IVIA ho waiR ooÈvicteaý.- Rich. arresteil hy a detectivis from Seotlitud and flrngý at thon) ; th 'PAlmonla Syrup, huidréde Ëà c New York I1iýJato donRrelzatiolu, ci al mbrt Io the ! Par dan, GOVerDm@ùtý arà , w", thon ý Lied with, à , Tous and yara Usa 9Z4ý y ngland, nud aetec,ýivp Sbeeha Will ho. opénèý, Wf, P to-asy forrually ailtnit.'i' 'a zé for iâtien MV,ý'Bth.' of thý dgrthquake-atleianeh in March, 'atraps, falking 'of ar on, ný'2ff led to, the ail the lime.ý %V and -Melvill Catballo en the Torou t ut a I:zrm'n OaYs 1 JVill&iý8 vero ý leotroyed anq p22 noose. vins adjusted and a et, th C)bgéowo 1 & opt froin 'und' the- black cap satc.-day. sholtone i2mo à iwép,,i,125 oxen, 1 dmwlido*nlho etili ta!kèd #tg a clèrk in the 'l colours. -coi ând 56,084ui 1 - Ent-Oltah post-omoe 413a 'Pa #40 4!w - , :I . , « fgrgpa w . 14ndink, on Süp 75; inch long. IBar9w THE A- PARASà -a Duchess, cess Lou only C IPARM pý ASTOUNDlN GONV ASTONI-SE Xu- 0 Tl 0 li AT RA On SA TURD, The undermentioi of the late 1mza 1 and Lot, 54'it. Streetý ana-- 96 it bciug part of. the f 26 repair',and front èasfly . rente&-- Pi 2nd.-A large Bi with inli half acre cerner of Lot No. « (Ramerls corners Mile eUt7froM Cený Fýmn ha excelle] lx-ing ample zoom, Most imitable for a TERMS OF SK one-third of purelu 10 perléenk one zin bulance te bé oecui in 2 -equal annual itt 6 peà cent azmii valied te sait pure] . TITLE >good, il froc, bât purchâti Mortffle. -.11 ý < . For further pardi IseSt apply to JaME ter, Jo= Gale, 'or April 30th, 18m. -Tenders will 1 of these proportie day of Baie. Tl P R G G or Sports and hoia at the'm Safitrday, M lu c.ection with Ist. 4 Mile race ovei 2nd. -Iligh j-p'(th urd. - Boys, race (tîný of age) .......... 4th. 100 yard race (1 fith.. Patting 20 lb. i Oth. 1 Mile heel aý, match ... . ...... 7th- Qirla'race (unde 8th- SSO -yards mec 1 9th. IgorizontalBar, 10th. Thrnwing Criéj 11M. t-railexue, .... 12th. Ik9nninglon ji 18th. Mop-stepmanU Two or threc App, the DRESSMAI Apply to-- m over 110fla BrG Whitby, April soth, 18,, w ANTED. A Good Gencrui SI,? Apply t0ý MRS. 19 LHh c H 'OkýJ Lat- 1/0 SEHO- 0_ -0 tr _,. B The Eiubý.mibr h a oom' La: from COL. WALLAa Saturday, ay