Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 1 May 1879, p. 3

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E. IRO08S Tl -ODD-FELLOWB' -HALL, -ÀCHOICE ,PARASOL zt It « h for OoeatFROaT 8, JAMES lNoBRIEN, -~ In£. P. a. o. ont. A Sprio Prasol ~ ~ 1 An LL, B= l ?AK PA~L, 34 JU8? ARRIVWED icmcli g ithsik oâ un ïgs2ACaload, I>h'eot, Fresli chaucd hnifor 75cs. ORANGES DBargaine like' that.cos»' only b. got ai EM N APARASOL, allil 1,ta ieror tw sy re2nedcy B. Smitle1 Co. Sand Da.GILEs, ;est 1.ýoadway, N. Y 'i Dte1g Siore and pro- Qra y'oSup 0 #(às cog 5, colash, &o -We uroba so ai Drug Ptorea "s there fisau sttemp sunds cf thes ptibýf an Iuil t»upt i n but of a whfl.it lk ogeuuine 4 s r4 colour. It 5 as JOoI, and $boula lusaa y 0f a Doctor. doei justico to bhîsalf Je aient, diggnoÏod nai taig Ccd ve 011, eaeribs Soo's Eluision the Hypoophieoî o! Noi thoy kuow tli the wmbinatiou cf food sud 's Co 814Mtilve $Seofu- ýdptetts.ais.over ai the. sane tiluno ifi îllee 1 he lacie. ,Fo(K btillil, Whiy. 10-41ua ýudgo of a hors, roe ir. ýn o jiidglug sbould bo deusi, bave s keen oye, ,groal dcrilaiion,, ail, Auceh a persop li ,Druugglst, lu Toronto, ]an More quickly 'dis. Il tles good or lNtak mal- As a reunecly, for remnoval cf Lupî, f<a, Idigboufoe ho -à ,hieil4tIoidideAin. le. lon- ueaded by B. bSmiil& a . Bond ilD roaLdway, N.Y. À HàAI.-À dispute ýLunoun" la rugit) lest trou» the. busar P14omno. The rella o0 guIardod by an cil. a, psne1on freux tho six fanaîlcal Muss. eîg for Ri possecslon. lie naineo trikel a hena ashe roalfas. aaly itsi. WIuh iller iunle theooel a atili m~ore powerfLI terrer fa destruyedi' tnijpoinor 0' /c nueaa f irriltoLn, a44~ ci' cnugh auI n ptmiial eter uiung r4d$yrnpcu yç mutIler le ualoul lroueey doposîled as 1TENi lA IMY TAKk; ryen hasve a pil arVeti; of ncs gotn 1099 fac auIoro tleaie resetuco. TheDi.iî ue o f ail cther bair tids healileful b lte ho use. ZrIeMarriages, d' 0 omIs o dcwl. ILI ED, SKINNEIZ. -On a lint,, ai lie rosh. fatbon, Mri. Joaoph r of th ioouQneei ho Bev..J. Currie, Esq., ,af Marlpoia,ý Hesoe klnner, ofa!, At Whiîby, on lhe 251h the beloeà wlfs of Mr.4 ce, aged 6,) ysanu. Thoa s a natilve or the. cuuit sD Oerc>AliP sOI,7. 1.40 05-00 -C ....... 0080 $111 ..... w @ #0 g 50 761lt 0 i ....... . 08 -1 el.070 8(1087 S40ot«<Sti ce. . ..... e15 0 4t ,A5 ii .........SO75$0î e5155 300 ......... 2 #300 ... ..... c00 ........o 8 IRRY MARKI.TS.. - Porny, Apfi, -Otf, 1870. 0 10 00 .11 0 0 .5M)"J0 5 51(Y)8 00 .0 00 m k] A FINEST 0F THE SESON I 93F 8ELLING OHEAP. a Duohosa, or even the ?rin- Si-O 8RAWA. cesti Louise might carry, only ONE ,DOLLAR. T-ECNDA PARASOLSI: AIIf GA 8 MACHINE. PARAOhis-TMahinleIofor tlghtlng Pxi4tO PARAS LSI wOlllnge, MiIII., Factoricu, Churches, ÃŽE MABRABLY CJHEAP, O Publiç Hall' Hgtelu, &C, 041 uad examine the nachu e, lu opeta-, _ POITIVELY CHEAP, tin t O8SIE BPEILIFS, e ManlotIr Toruo and Gcs.4ttor, 1#88'Yirk uzz t LSTOUND1NGLY CEEAP, Bond fr"irctur!and prIse-bld. CONVINCINGLY cù EAP, Arn 201h, 1879. .10 ASTONIBHINGLY OEÀAP iOL ÇBU'MLS ~S. F' B 8T, E$RS. WAL1<E &k.é.UMBzs Odd/'ellows' Hall. lflsOd t e ~anoeUnoiaihy finPolumuhus) wlare ihey cr0 preparud UCTIOXý SAE -. j to doaU kinds ci L ORISTINO AND CHýPPINo- &ç. AT RAYS ]HOTEL, AT'~e'CLOCI, t'. IL, On SA TUIVDAY, MAY, 311 '79. [3 AMEI iiU h. an hand ci th. liai quc.Itya d etcithol lomosi puces. THE IlHE 8T PRICE PAl]) 1~ o y s r s eustümuerE ià e 'w e 1 g#ea , and Beee wh.#tvaluetIb ' eau Mget z Other rnpneyr atia homi Brougham, S4u11 L9th, 187 an '4.! 4F IRF~ ~ 000 ~ t4 Is doing,.justicë 'either to Iiimself ôor ifs Ur-iios fh does %without a saJfe to protert hia Boýks x6teS, or o ther valable aes Who î Who iasde~a~ oteý,, oXuponey in the, house, owgu tt hav a aXot~tgùard bpth against Burglary ,anidF ire., B Blafe f, a1aysia GoD& As8t, as it not only preserves ils Centnts, , buî eepS its 0ocY vé m ulAel, for aftar passing through a fire a m siil otlay wil xnakn lt î s good as new, and it est slwasb cl for ncarly ite firal cost. *y ~sl J&J.T.îyn.oichave t4urn'e4 9ýut about, 20,M00; safestu the. last 24 yoaars, ïud noue odi th'm iaa fiiled in trial. Farmâens and Mer. chants, tisiss atho ']nd of tProbiocrnsd somethileg- .tJat. tlii.Tarif'j gut g -o ., t6ýj.Oronfs The underneentioned Farcets of th. RtaI. FO AL.1NS F :AN,117 1 11Frontr- reo, Ecinat, Toronto. o! the ats TIbîza Rainlinsnd heîng cern- Toronto870. - th, 87- poced of tAi tbavciu itarewellIcnownte te e no pi h lat.A DubleDwellngtraa ~ Farmlng communuîy, tahe by bZPayn -- and ot, 4 IL71n ue 11ýu slntdtattention ta busiluos a an tegcity,, autl Lt 1 Lt71nfrontlng on Danor e erta shaothIem busines. tlreet, eand 85 t. 41., norihandsud tia,1 boing part cf Iths 8.1B. portion 01 Lot No. Apeil 201h, 1879. 4n E G O O D S 20, <n Double range, uvsi Brook Oh., Wer- ----NB-----_W____ den'$ Plhan, Boile DWellngs ln fair clate o!ft repeir, andl feor the excellent situaion INTNG euesiîy rented. - Propert'i nsuroil for #M.0 2ud.-A largo Brick sud Freine BuliUn MARTIN w RA corner of Lot Ne. 28, lu 2nd, Cou, WhubyAre deing suce lrg% Tad, that Ùtey ý lîlauner's Corners), on Oulebwc rea',' on~ eav1-0inoneaseil theer fiities. and are eow melie eau t ram centre of Town -.1 Wily. doing work Ai thi. F0 LOWItST possibe leroim Ils excellent situation, and thonere CS r rciig ela t4 tc o b -uegamle eou, ta repnt wold e AHNGING, CALSOMINING, mnct sultable for A Paclery. WIEAHN, S OE S PD S J TIIUM OPO!SALI.-iopenceci dem, nd HTWSINSIVL, SPIEH E -t; IuR cue-third oe! ro oney, incbnding liahe 'eryhing coenecied 'liaheniue- SPAflJNG and MA4NURE0 FOR o 11) lier cent ne mentIefo a f a âdn-" balance te tbe eecured by mtrogae y a aeb tlgdn lsleeentJý]K 'UAesî otlc q. UL E S H R W R ,2equel annuel payen yah e AWORi G AATEE ZUL ~ '-îH R W R : - nal l pic cent anuually. BuÏ terme Jmay ha or une Monoy aeked. Out and Wrought Nails, Locks, Latheg, Bintts, Sorews, veeeead ta cnit purchaser. Theieshet Materiat; the hast Workma" n. eGas uty e,ýc, -TITLE gead, and marbttable; deodi ia Oh»t las nt, c,&. freo, but pureliaser te ho at expeuse of! <vous a cati hetors gaing elý ewleere. TO PAINTEBtS,.-,Boi1ed and ]law O01 English Lead, Moriage.ILA1TIN & 'VA1AM, -Cn <eo,ý,' nie Base, lsPu4. e el4r turtýher articulara, or view !Pru.Two dearsn nana cf King'e1Tanne,,Brode Cando Lead Var4ie 4 -.r,»rshs Gae ,P seat aply te S&mpr Aineond, Sl xc- Street, Whitby. 17.0 T AiE SB y yu1 ik as Ml as ter, Jet n Gale, or '-9 T A II .Byyu:Ml asMlPis J. HAMER GREENWOOD, - "---Streamers, <efro HXEI& BWI.; J: Soictor, Whaihy. 0CA UT iLÏ Oe, N- Aprît Ibîtia, 1870. 41n.10 9= Brood Mare, or suitab1ei for farm purpose, for sale, tD ~ n 5 ye4rs old. $1PO Càsit ; or lime on apiroved note b suit théu ilïrkasiii.1 Tenders will b. recslved for eileer *[OO 8 pue U iowo]ugEUlad two #eT vv.aggouus. clîeap. cf hies. propoylles, by thé aleove, up te .]~ T J R day of sale. Coughs, Cobds, Consumption, Hloargeness, - - ~ __________- Lois a! Volcansd ait affectijas 0etuhe Wlitby, APnil 801h, 1870.-ý 'U' Throan sdLungi. ' The Que*n's Birth DayV. TAEMALK- NOTIÇE. Of Sports anîd *Amuascmens, to bt ]îeld aI ile a trket Grounds, Wliitby, oit Salurday,, IMay '24MU, 1679, In Cue cnnocîon ile' îles Wlety Cricket- Clulb. lot. 2ed. * let, 1 mile race oven six leurdios. .ta82 21a(. iklejump (lhrce trials).2 818 *r anI.îoya'1 race (under àItteen yoars fage>;..............$ 0 dii>. 10t0iyard race <adcp .8 8 ritle. uttilg 201 lb. moîget ..1.050e 611 1ilhib eedandl toee alkîng esaicl...-. .1.......... .... sa 82 711e. Girls' race (tender fltteee re>7he26os 8t0e. 260 yerela race <hanicap.. .8 02 ï) h. É ý'tointal Bar .... .. ..... 2 si îctee, 'hrowiueg Crk-kdft BI .1 S50o 11111, fmilerace.............$8 $2 12h11 lelunlng oigjump ....t.... # lthIe.iol).stop.ance Jurot.... t.. 1 500 httle. One bouc go as yen please.. .St0 $0 lOtie. Cousolation rae, onicance le 26ctis oeih---.adalcd lai. utnireee f) <1per oul ef Punie, exeept racss Nos. 7 andl id.' 2n . Entrance fee te, Heur Races go as tr.En ne.cte girls'r ,iae CHAS. WILMÃ"T ',Commutteo e! CHAS. SARNEY Maeemnt DR. CARSON j Modern Mater/a Medica TIlolttdecsnany Valuable romedlestfor affle. I I tiens,, t <a a matter ef ceriainty that in al cctie$wleere the animal vilality js faiing, 4~ ~ ~ ~ f iafen <edecidedly auponloir, Il e-il %r'rk eoto.î tt%-1eol unotling eciao mxlipro. du<lce, aned t'oee;0csathe grenet udvatage et uo al eaing,mleOn itîs u a s reinqeaad lite l1itet rétactioun or idepressliuen. I <ld bY It druCgiets. Pik-ol040bc llar A 1PIENT ICES 8WANTIID. I 'tcce it DIESMRING business. , Appy te- MRS. B. ROGERS, Curer Rosi Bras. Dry Qeeda Store, litby, Apil Itie, 1870. 1 w 1A N TIl h. 41 (Clu d(icett'rlSERiVANTî. Apply te- 1< lIrock St., Wbelthy. CAH SA- E IIOUSEh'O FUIiN URE. 13ooke, LautsTgols, C. T-ho ciul ciban a- ocelvo I nstructions frnitI.WALLAC thîe. 1a1ow. 80p48, u V Shlatt mp on y Saturday, iMay 3rd, 1679. 1 New A=neaC&n Bs uuiotv F'rencha Iîedsteaclli - ( O ne tv 1 Culer Milai in a, onOu I ttr&sse' gooamsonceli~i l tîcrsa , now Clooki utile (hot; 2 'T'rei Luth a1ILe uia ltlci aee; i itîl -i4L , i300l0. ltadard ~ ~et1 e untiu4onAtlan 0oUud; 1 Cunitla iorîid; JI liw.u Yug acul ;i aeo ill< eî,MIne; i 1BrobeySe it etclle.Tgether wiîl- cir, - ntl,- ailorbck, P. .et.. TERMO CAS: ~ 2~îC L. AII)3A o, This ila te intimhate thaI the mordas t"Suîev C et' Rîn5'UCEGuMi'0censlituîounr Trade 'Mark, whlch <s dUly securel aceirdigtC hew Louhata Ottawa and Washington. u~ persou infri nntîie same, or inxitatingthe mrcppsn,m h<eeaxise,180 glslpied, mIe preccuted ferthua'the, n4 witeopitutrihej notice. y.B. ne offering for, sale tue! bin ftencrugrera artile for mghs mng cldi boatrng tle1 ahoe oTradeMark, i equctl iy Ia bLe with th e matpiact rer. <Sec 'rade Mark Act et1868.> l<ERRY, WATIqoN lq &Ç(., Whlehsaebe ruggicio, Montra. Sole proprietors e thîes aboya Tr&ad<;UMark. 10.(4in THE WILSON H0USE, 'ASIBUIN, ONT.,' ALEX. BAIICLAY, - - pMiprctor. The o Haselise01f*Brick, largoe àn4 cane -codions, and thc inlerlor <s Ilhhed p ini ex- cellent style.1 The harder la supplisd mille I at i îles Market. The Lest cof heu <ean Cigars. Lqir n Stobing, largo and Moomy. Godi alheds, F R SALf DU R HA' 4 fcmorn mate re and Codcaos 21n-J8 SI, TH00 ON. PHOTOGROAPH Y!. <haie at12, ~ n ,Rang-Si. 1 resi, VRO 1 TO,> N EW S81.Q D'0 Portraits finiseed il u clstyFles, Jnk, 'O1t Water Cler, aÙseinu 7leat beaptituel and faall)1ebIstyloe!c <iluiàhing portraits.. 1 9A- CiJILDiIEN AÀ81'ECIALTV I ffl Portr'aits eule.rged, te iiymzase plain oa n l onÃ"' eystc oile Promes, Chromosa, Moteecs, Foauce Candi. &c«, ahwJeya nan ad. I hcg ta cal .tteftli tethles tac> that I nam the eeppoIiedAgent a! the tCsaad Slancd Glas t 'rka etf Tenante. ýsIl and se . cap~. E. LYON, Wilk<nson's IBlok, 1 STORE. TO- LET. fF0 LTte liaue0eneeliq% e(ou é . store T1 -îlce îts miieiws-MC1' fort, southlenoild ventll's Block, IBlock Sb. Thee upper $a I ea- Il<ttol itp sutath[y fér s alurent tei aut. O.eoei thes boat ana> mont central sia dinlu la for le -s' -'j"'-4- TOUAS DEVE MiL - . - ot.es asuceean comrorscOee eusefi n u 01deL'b~ ata cunOmn's notice. A1il -rdens atteuloll.mu*ok. BL le mule %,ithstrict unctuulity. TruZu..-Tiamrgt&J7eamticr & b au àgiautti A. J& et - . . I1 on t Ore chsngsi. 0001)STA AGLAN, kün~WIhaacaiîe i. t 1-f-"~~- ' - to lot. Applyta E~ZRA.DA -4 ijOvc - AprIlI2,879. 1-m~1F<AE G~t $îsensre efor leryttus Dobility, Prso- .Imwà fu iLili ~ acttos De. Weaknuu, ntntoTowe ?..-.-5,onj t Drawlng, Palnitlng, Crayôn. LIs-ev sud ledney iîtsemses, uea ý577-teL4~ ./5h!%t 410MRI 4IiNE9 lé pnepeed ta aeOiyJolbe(oc lea mtialniiueia'îern cett b tre atialc, Whttby. 1',rlien. --HIEVBB,43 (cetli 111 u ce, o ù aicerbs a Pia8 lU4o 1 go MY SCtreet-Ne -hi t lm5l - i, . .1 i N P, J WHITBY BOOIk' AND 1music $t- Besto annortnçe to th9 publie, that she É:aa pened 'a wl assorted stock of 4,iookS-. and ý C GoscossF f SOHOOL BOOKS AND GIFI O'S Bibles1 FraYer Bî4oks, Hymu il3opks, Sunday Sohool Books sudaCard8, Holiday' àid Visî4ing cara;Plain sud Faney Note Pape' Ies, ýSiatea, Pens, IPencilî, fllank and P7ote Books. BJ3YiLIN W00L AND WOOL WOKI ' Embroidery, Sik, Linèn, Floss, Chenille, Wool, Tassels, C4ardboard, Mot- tocs, Cosies, Vases, Taiet Mate, iad Ornamentis o!fail ki9as. LADIE S' WORK BOXEàS AND ýe4$ýETSi Glovo e id Handkercl4 utBoxas, Qsld 'Ca es, &c. We lave a largo varieîy of pattorus olibaud of tî4l Lia,lIattyt3les a Amonican Ehteeupiug, aIl klnds of Fanoy WcoI Work doui e,,t order, inoludini niants Jackets4 *Bânnato, Breakfast Shamis, &o., sllý ordeérs 1pro'_ptlyattendea 1 >o.andlnsutheilue liet posible ratas, 1 bave juil oponcd âsl srisonltuent o! Lhi drcns'.Âpronlsj Laa.Tisa. 't.FiMLINO G 9OÂT. Having in connectioti with my business, aeeured g i 'Sret-4wj3 DresaMs-ý kar, able le undeniake îles making. o! any dreqs, I eau wara 1 p tegivo otirsastis- factio'n, being a person It-l ia-'expenience lu cilles, îles styléesans n es- no, paiuawil ho spacoîla .1 orleers projpiy1 atteuded ta, -Itiug roome h ack of, thé $horeë. I lhaivoalssts.css aett ker, one aappb!ppf malîiug Mau., tisa, 0 catte, Dheno-mydeslptidu6 ýn the d lu îest si tý'Is'Ts tulo of tpe Ladies la1 peially invited 1a Ibis depattmoni, FIîiý & i j reàr'ôf ib store, Od 'Hall - A d ý,fo rllcgzwe anaPpers . piomptly attended Ailorer fr a a o hall d an bo. -BaBtiy and weely rpsp4naalway-ou1hnd. indaseriptions rsaeieA, er sheet Mugie -sýzppledten shorta'st notice. ~,S ALLLN-, Brosk.Sî. Wllitli3 Mua~d Shore, Odd 1111 -1 rai é 4., Gloha Twed, Oj~otu 8~ee, r~4u4,,nd al l ttaPle Gooifa, whick olbe SONdai ike odncs.athogno â vance 1ad ft4enpla6e. 4wl Tii week; thy'are cmo oi m-1tei sok f ac a ~ __ _ P1W.. '.!1i4r ~rN'b« Wfqtnd jatw1at iiuitab1e -and sud DreoiwM aln&. AU-ttho Cid h sýidS Wn f ~ Di e a~ ià ,~b e , Trlr n ,M l ey. 3 P' Exra Induem.'nIotaCash& and,prȔt'.4r. e ~ A~ p~nk. P~Si~ cccpts r Nie8wit'ih oMfixm Br rqeatd ~ motieatonces WibYApnhld, 1879.1 3.BPOWELL & Co. U j4 8, .. "Cu IVR . f We are no'w mY~~i 'àrnt stoontoi to eail aud inspeet Our grand i a f <~- EX~4~Je Ie t I .,&Iiù nâ mercan tY'ý1,1 w in iûtaste, elegance, and' Q~DER~D CIOTHINO. 4Içiq dsoko Scot-ch, ES lsh "ad ohthe flnest isteokinuthe oouujty, maýde lufirot-eaesye frst arrived a:,#4e,-stock of Mu'Ht and Caps, in th e newest hups u S- s' -Ai t. FnOeil.à T R--V E L E RS Hartfor~d, Owam.,Jauar I189 on réa!tlet - - 926181 [nterest on bat., aooned huti flot due,.......f Loans on cllaiersi seoriy, 22,100-00 Ralodstocks and hondc 820 8W'.00 cIçst0à f -1w Teeve otalrsela - *465,L s Reserve, feux p-euLtranIe e Ac- cident Departuent- 221,826.8 Ctaims unadjusîed acânelet ' due, and al ether Iiahîi.- tees, - - - 144,500.00 Toa -a1 Liahilities, -~,3,3~9 Surplus as- e4gÃŽrdiFoliey. r7 ~ LITE DEPAETENIT. Nuuubrb life PO1Iîeî-wrî Whle nuueher Lite Paicys 'en to a e . - . - 30,92P7 Wl eo 46f Lifè 'o m es lu force, -' b,28 Amouni Lite Insurauosein j"e - ,- -0sis307,5310.00 Iroirta LLmsei-y id 'Lite Departuieni, - $1,271,137.86 ACCIDENT DEPARTMENT. Nueher 'etAccIdeont policiez writtenlin 1878 - - 43,118 Cash Preminunu recelvcd for ane . . - *7,8.1 Gain in Pretnlunes ovor 1877, $50*58769 Wle nuenher Accident Poli. Iextu, - 170St Àlui#Adenf.blaiiup&id470 lu 197, - -0284,343.23 leeboe number Accident Total Lasses paid, bath Be- partments. $4.313,0180-80 JAS. G. IIATT ERSON, éVoca. iena . G. F. DAVIS, Vice-President. RODNETYDUNNIS Socretary JOHN E. MOfiRIS, Assistant Socr'y. -gOQRELIAcinary. J. B. LuWzi,lLD«, Surgeon udAduster. C. F. uai,,nt E A g ov.Otreio '.TUI~e, Â$i3ii - . lV iiby. SEEDS AND- L.ANT Iý' CAÈRNAHI> FLOWERBEEDS Prom JAMES VIC, Echster. THÉ 1Ë$7;StEQ$' IN, IND WILL :13E'- BOLU THE CHE SET f I NX m." leaseheame pour oAwèeý mtll, LIVERPOO0,L :MARKET: 1 r c ç i A 'j PJ A GOOD0t, l. arkEpyigcsl For mn wlh worklngamfllas.WHEAT,'PAfAD AL TMPEOVED P4&EMs *111 b. W1eitber at a arent or on'sharea. Resry$blng willDLviý AverÉf W ôa be Urovided lnuthe way of, ieama labour, TjVJHITBY, PORT PERRY & LINDSAY XEE TPKEm L~E necded, Tiim1asas th - R&Icter andAG«IiB,i XI P . actical £bility will ha rqquirétd. t CONDENSED)TM AB~. W ilaAoi.a~l~ <*O~. Also 'ta amra' abd Othgr$- Tisng offet on Tuoay,Pb gFa'È W cnntaaep, -80uw..l..~on 1lY-000 Ars of go4 farin laGds will hé - ktn. vm êiéÉ *g sold oul casy terme in loto of. 50 tô 2W acres OlN< eo Vtrofi. rnSER&U elatae &Z04 ~m or lu blco of o!ftl0acres. Theae loio are Louve Ie. Adrgù IEBMm., 0. luaettornonts with ronde arso wlthen au Port Ferry.. e 80 8a>Mr~,M ea"y«distance of lbdiroada. Arrive Ilnday..0 f n 0.15 " Parties cen apply to 0 C. JoHBO, Whlt- by, or eaithe cilce of r. oyoos -TfflXBG00MG eOITE. LA J.LELLL da Ianaceon. a 7.00 k. mADIESin. and a guide will he sta y ay aneve'. j information &., :: g" gg The cela4r&ted merleae& VýrWrker,, Whity, Aril 01h,1879 17 'FoBr lime at oiler ations, ses Pocke iîme. MVIAXÇ JACOt..) 'M aW e, t* b eiu d pn app llatio a t e s y f a& T LIVEUiY CONNECTIONS.Doisfri 8. ari~Mt w4 o alpint ai <td est. F~G8lte fornb lEStub e4Ut. i i P21 1Pzn1nwt, tage for Eso, yitîcaB eo V WORKZBR tlxbriee. n~BNV01,R 1 I *la kr 4 e A T~ nIa~ c3t: eee 4 4 I We.îVrPot!5~55~jj5-' _ fume" -, - f qqxAS HSTON, ~~'~ aw nC or1 J'ta"y L4INU ~ oS2>EWART. t E?,I~G- SAJ2~EJ, <.4 THI~ MONTH AT THE LONb(>N NOUSE. Spei4i- B~â~-n ù . SHIRTINOzS,, HOL.,LANDS, - - - L-WJ~EN6FLAOEGURTAINS MLS1NERLPEtOAE; CýothinË made toorder4nwIaàeàt S'tyles. r î< '4 HAU LtOt4Wî& +AR4ROWIR. PElX nledy Semli the chapest lot of Books, S tationery and ao The s -nnvel4est LettWraïd Jotet Papàr< Ithat oan bo h a i town. ive- q pee Note, P" «-er in n at wrapp er tr20 cents. î i ÙI i~~' pb & hersprices. lb ditd, fil /4 Jo N DER Sà ÏA. SMALIADVAI eL L t.e~f~ulys t 1 - se lu] se dri ji 11 2-u C( A[[ I N NEFO 0f MOIFYI To Relie»' Loarie 4lready è'xièt- j lng, ta Pay Debts,'ôr ta make: j -IJ22P.Cà~ma~"L'__' J D' URCidiÉ GOOD Jonyasues arfily prepared.. 4threpoercent Upon ite çelas îko titis InFULtutUan oiwte"àuteea,îccof, %09- île cuirnt hmlf.year, .sid thai thecame, wml ha yfhble ai theýalanid ils BrotacL_. lue s el <'ehe Transter Books wil! h cloced frein tIi. ltb t e e lsty, 16111dsys iluedu-I O! - te Stockheldlers, -for tee ebactien o!f ecir l.th aeLe si. Iihem, -w£ chir hl'tsken aI 12 ocok i nocie, precliely »', cbcak, l ý 1ei iiyone c ii o a , - - _ý,t Br. . FISHRB.,. - e Ortoi .à 1ank lýrolto eneeal manager. th A.RCHITECTURE 'th D1A1GAND SPECFCAÂiÉîON' rb '00CH ID CHOOL"ARCftTECTUR,' n d ' c R. ' otoihence RcPectfuliY Solite.m * ~ --.Osleawa, ont, gol Chfcago d-Lake Huron Rallroad, -~ CN ENUED-Moi 'a aneww.isnw~uc. cmhsuerklnaw..~' L4ri~th el', st boue. Lat#oooulo$bW, P.bai isuocn c wh tlvlian irnl kob _J'sta & L EONEOTIONEILY, OAKES, 'PÂSTRY, F 4 'l-' &O,,,,, &0, % FRUT of ailkidaiiineasci, "B - '4- j.--- nd - R. SNOW, GuÀ.tjls sridjBC zMEDICIN<E, aii cure tpe or.r 3nsyonddaay asdi e, iion, rnatne ndp e ad~a bc~ 8;lsorpa utlad eforn' y r e rose 8 ', et, ul1- l ie e1 cendresandaItom erl eue. , eèS e edCnO"tadh ldrseta tdp e ù! lyealid T wet o lIes i u i Wir, sr, OtCnd haSldlWbiîIy l;'0ldN Tlsc, 1nÃ" FboliaL rTalIMdruigii xtrybe Il - .ý 1 1 1 ' 1 -ýA "OHN HARVET, tA enSImBN, Pridot. V- .xele 5B~~~~'~ Ail¶ «My..pt snob Msaie 98 of "Msat i - inm lc:hr lovent 4jellif ' -- v(ï4 10 omuposedA fInrdiene idin/eesJ uvul classe whiclh conatihuto 'Eeasle- Bbodx, Mualcle amd 1Nerveand Bïain Substance, whelsl Liefpaclîsi5drectIy dqeau»dtentDuri. on someof1ieun By lisi union wal, lhe blond and ftIa eliei Supon te muscles, te-egtablishjng ehe 0eue suid inngth o ailer, i<us Ospahîre oi leect- r h Itlldiapiace or 'WaEh ou7i tsahrrculo-uh i. unatter,anb thus LcUreCoeueum!eion Y 13 . eeé~'aeNg IrvOiuw "'ad. 'Ma.cul r 4Ae îltWkvnau f i4qlt oued luy gritt,. nt ýwurry,qVraclair irgulu a.bits, 1Bren. ~ cletia, Acale Or Cbronic C6nieation of the L uing s v n iA è masu arm g itges. se asfeeurang theyproc-esa etf îplleru.' 74 Je endlesc clgaleof tgoýod rfetse taformed gr PELLOWS' COM'POUND SYRUP_ er 0FHYPOPHOSPHITES, *6 meSrsa le hrsyng, froun.6a long ex. ile c <utkuedcsine, Ie .virtusarc ntee b- a --a LijtJpef ombinionb' as te ITI. &CCEPT'ASL-t ot -".SUPPIO NTLY POTENT tuarode. cÙo&-le5ugftYetharnbecgr lecioeverJoulg fi usge may bece ntlnued.-' Th4S charner. - înolter ratedy. .IT VITALIES TEE ,BLOOD, îuliy- un Mudeatausmay ha xequujrEd. IT GVES OWERof4nduranc. aed o IT PROM0TES4 VIGOB Inîbe Orffalas 7 wlich dépendi feahlhgnu ts mvolunary musular kctiseuvi. thLi. er, Licngs, s dnlas'- i l ojs lisaae in- 3aVaInug ABuSOLUTIC XbEC ORS, it ws5 ll na-. taatbi" irSbeùe'u i i ecles the cge si- blet iebaben,,e c eentetr, Mie th is. PLOPubtion oLQpied r1,yPOP St , Tho lstuepeniet. h ieh picrefeotdtet Ineidiona dise'ase, Yo~p uu5<a -TIUD.Fçe LAR CONSUMPTION. an st.rdeto auppjy diedeficieilcjt,.ie yppeueeah d>', in.use;, bic, ia]. #-ç ohlth owe n .,ascproçi as te, Ill, eiriep,àîlcuwer, uw-lnti-i P hietleey canseil t1w <ormation ot fat ,j.ie&gnereted hat,,ihey did nul ieopruro hletoId-. Th,é' ltxe efçct, àp ouïii 03" t, 0 rdin .'ito çipvcturing ced Btaoug 't ;'M ' le A convunient r;paibo riii. 4 hnaiera1b, by luis 5itLin elcaneappetle4 Stegtleudigst*on; 'U oa t slle bue lu .;' - teneeten the torres sud msls;< Enab heosuebeci te u zCcesfpyan. bai dsue; 1L.cm WWd Sfietyeeenclforai] r- Ail lhIi'hhi beei, dlppaîéby itlLueil. Tiie Succes01ete werk usn complote ;.and ltalloIWrHYPeJpbpibe stands ipreme,L san fà6ihsroinedies for oeroni7 rsi propetieto wh.ul, vo' othir, Cieshs'ë as pied.- food', ibeii - tbc étreula- the locl o y f 1e 5 year 1 0 Z 8ei a54 i 1 9 P j

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