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Whitby Chronicle, 22 May 1879, p. 2

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uo oshi0 of pripet ýUYtle Na M.otkit & 1 j$,"PPr@nticsWaitud-ro b"pecil-8 . W. Bu. Smith Important Âuoîlon sl- * Brien. ýWeiibY Dry Good4E mpn bros. SNOeosi 1shades Ladies'Di i Droit. i Latent styles mantlegm-1It 8, ~ Jrolb ONLS 50 pgjR Wtiby, Thursday, ,Nay acandalous and Coir Tecag$made by ti Qller Blake bow trm ont lusciy taise. Tii,,.wu a for tiiew. Ingtead of a 01 Who appsared bèfora hlmb sd, asievWuou lbe ogul, wt itms orls Sa 1l he statement mai C 14odyads own direct àut. eIelady had no knoos * tharge-Deyîr heald Orfi it, apeard -indistris hi IThiJ Iih Cagala hadlâ Vr fromn the parties coooernent of thbir, names, as il bas si: dmie, and the7 are both1 gridved ihat it ahoitid4ha, iwithout oit/car ýPftVOCj JUeTflteIOATON I Wi&tb a- clice denial before hlm, ti the --Irish Canadian, disref Insutraints, and seating lrntb, tl'ceney et Jofianca, celuri chatrgu 1 Nothing, more scax, J tîwurdly fias oe atne aui tici) ina long exporieceaof P'Ju urtialum. Ilow long wil silîoieses Offerdm.r lhapartit rYu MUnOlrititu Work, ý l-1lain ani disgrace tipo 1 -ttne ci Irish, tiiollos ? Tlurnoci loto a pnil for. poil J'aîign, sho4t ,tiis yak u'gain, ni r01the trisli Cctadi, hi Ii. jîeny.a.llne agataîltki u Mr. 1Fr6sar. Againsî the <menai iinsolent and Sickeningi tluilgd i'aboUt "Scotch Ast iirtur "Gvnantig aaiole rshoot la hriwful of moan îlai writur avidenll fe li 11e lions t'Cienco et what Nyatalîem tinîl a 1aniigbu1 l ,'tarl4qlie iuialesOnul Of ibts for religion, and wiîat a gro6s tahor&ctiing in the nai flot bi placd in afaise posit ~Irish Canadian. and this wlîo hava paid thbir nouey ic ýucrt will fi nd ont. Shame ai cation IrfiC atholios do fo miitautier in whioh tbay haveb tîtjil y titis presumpttotl ;uot îýe-ar ai overy ls ,,s enatl itoa fit but I>ÂSTAUDLY OUTIItti.-.On niglit et a lat iour, the lar widow ofth rmoaci Mr, J. Il. Long, on Dnndas st broime n l and compietoiy det Tfio 6eLîners woredluberahi "dnwI and the windowv.gash sS ýti Oua Of tiîem. Mr. Loui reward ni1050 for ho dilsoovel offen0eIr. The outrage was ad and nialiclous 0 c and t -lm tlu lta iAtee rPeaor wllVaiibr justice aud raceive hie doera îueniitenliary wnid ha too good porpetrittor of an. outrage, et weutunîî and nialiejous. DOMNIizcON<TNLFGItAPII on N'eW Oiarois.-New oilicas.bhi oîîonsd aI Liverpool Ma rkat, ville, 3aiiiehoro, Carlisle and kor, lit Onîtario 1 aI llyevilia diîtntown, N.B. , and e Lonui Lttvittria Iboati-Station, L'Apos ibud Mai ïoneabe, Qiîeboc. Ituiotl lutn.-Tlîo coiipicun: vcrtimetîîuînî ut ltiti not, wili tt'î'iiiol fl it otigr enitittîs OaqîT-,S. Boberîson i lng ab good stok of lii- popula door garni. Prcesftrcm 01f.26 Bleu' 3ock, Brook St. Wblt Gave Yonr goosobetry and buisitus freux tha 'ravages of ecal tlbY uumbîg Helabore. 8. Brnith & Go. have a large sBloc ftreshy povdered, l ia sà, ure oei Peter Ferry; nov ilulhor 841h yen livéd tonse ber daughtero, dan deughîîmer*s dauhmer Uri. big of~ u Revd. M r. Maleolm, eut n!ddigso of Mrs. Ferry,w eluuh en at veek. ]ýdisoi' PEIÏtrio Absorbent Dîsabe e cegsfUllytreated j thé use 01 Internai Medicine eali W,, B. Smih Co. for pamphie& T. Q- Whtfiel4 has a fresh oui ylumpnro's omeopatîî, $Pl SW B mith &CGO. agents. 01iine White Hellubora. s 'nce...îis undersîod lItiite 10r.OenareandJlP U voe ill a t1i Upth a 3A k uine beyp I 2*512 - ~"UU Baiio, Cormack, FOI Rau i<Bsn gio. ing gotipvards ci S5OOý. IMA1aI4 1W lo.d-e and SmIth. As K7M. 1Rué 9. amountt lahagiven iu pria.. tl.lsyear gard, wilU lott ali fer short cf IbraeaîhousandOXOIOTOS Nanning. dlollars. The libersaity of îtie'smer. From Uor. W. a. pfluinget olicitor§ emny, Watson chaute sud manufacturers ndeu n. *ifrep b ouila i id 1r l Cric l.efer n for the Snpkine' hall propily bl dben -Wblî . tors are to, b' hhanked foi- thiu& reaul Prom Mr. W. H. Billge> rispiotlngt lIved hieh eau ieardoly lai!l teniakmokabi" 'h. condition of Green Street,- South cf0 hoaueiqueor YîfI '2~0pa teailoomlra G ie lbt is'reet, for çvaut oýf propir drain~.1 qel. bed t l îd' lnWbitliy. -The timo isage. - TEuPts algT sied for lwo days-Tharsdày and P:l. M.laumgv oieul clef da. 1th 101oh of September'. - ouimi ath le netl meeting o! thi e OU- r-O ~ 4mongsb le -daorsare .(à@. *,low. aui Introduce a by.lav fort hé parpos. i lug i-- of raising the neeasaary fundÉ te' pur-. à'. W. bienà, 1sq., M. P., JosephXIIný chase bbc eophboa! propirty. ,ihigo. Wcrks, Ogtâwtà; eue Champion' RATvooina o, A.Iilu NI W. Bown, B ,one àMow:r raie. o.ce On motion of Mn.'Habnuam,seond. i Brovu . . row,,o negMOI c ip- e.o d by Mc.. Sunîth, tb. Malot vas ha o.~ Besmnâ.n tool mnîufacturer,. Oui. *. antho'iteda dnse tmsh'. ctoaslng rom -Miss M. me. aves, o t arming iralenelu 200 Ma5ôn Onfg ooi eue tw' hor»cul-, tihe Dontinion Bank to Smlhh's drug tiatri l ..t...y............ store t a elaid dovu, 1h. cost'ho lha poitm-lioss W H lit, éiàlis1 byChconloe'castî10» ebcargad te the appropriation ot Brook X aretPiiotegrphor, ptîotogcap ad una*sd ehJi"o ati obture.......... ......a ance sutreats, adtaepalu o >rekaaXes R1'hIla, i sn aylor, piair tb. Mayor'. andar on thie town triasur. a Ms Brou. W rnirsjshee malter, Wbllby, pair or liapresented 'Halai &àlice, hardaremenians 00o0or1- OÂOJi hantisoe m ..... .....e.p..*.. 80e vr-cBulboale Introduoed s by.iaw 1rs. Tb Poit ulrah rWhit ap 90 w và as carnietnnenimonslythbrougb Tchi............... ......000e 8saveral otages eud psed, (Mn. TGWhildildd Wilby bugus,* ena Bernes in lte chair in Commatllasof the ES piair Frenchivass............ 85 hl, tprvnte0ayigndue ( C&bfA.À :ailton & Herrever, mrchiants@, hle)4 reelle arimgadn e JJI11. Whitby, ou. lady'. ici tuWnoett....' Sec of fina-erackors vithin ltae lova. . DanL Kennedy, stattonler, oeelarge. AQUESTION TOe0DR. BOGARiT. g atbum .. . ... .. . ' W2D AIU , Jameis Johnslan, JeWe;llor, Witlby, One Ue r. ffanuam aiked Dr. Bogar& hoW de cNUM l c................ lames Darnes, llhy i cnt ~ha liîaugo. aiong in hie souhirne for où 22e.............i ce'0cousoiidaîing lb. debh of tt ovu? 2271879,........h..t.b 825 Tho Doctor didnont ria 4o exelain, &P I Ely1t, pboaepgapîar, Whitiuy, gelal but sajal soma4thing in bis seat i taI vas EB frangeyana f ttier... W........... 00 inaudible. TtEIA n..W ic Mt ed Jro ~ Jiluato ltbye daralera. 01 M. anpel ae oin ItIh fur, cash.......hb.300ce OnTIE t O az eeting ol laW cun IVe il Barrelt buloor, Witb 1 bmbe, eci aa o bv 0 nrduee B'- te b. su f EA. mé Onj1 Am.i~ otw , Wi' it-Mshr.c Cw amrpell gyav notie . ' I 0* Frewel tBuade, baeristera, de - go foundation WhlbT cash ......t.- -ti,".... TH DAINGELEilR Tho@ Rie. ltekiiio5 h Wbh, cash., C'500 EDAIAiCLTTS Jatlitolie lady M ua Lts etelaiamltan, Tii. lMayor desirac te draw lte et. th ilCi(r onne, agent), 81,000 polie.2000c belng mosult. John vi, 7 n femer, Tp Witcay, cas . 10 oO Mentionî af tbe COUCU hte thfaut that Bai rary G iflibarrister, d&c, Whltbycash. t ce no disposition hal beonmade nf hhe ýand nîsecî. l ' B c ,rbnristc, Wbit, etit e ce btter of Mr. Billinga as ho the drainage ~ J adbarriRer, &iWht 0eclsh a c f Green Street. id uPonthi. Win )isrnoo, bholide, Wlilb1y, cash.... 'à 00 On motion cf Mr. Hainam lte latter £lorcîy. InOseCiraokbultalar, Whb bcastt. ,2 Ovsrfr~dh hecnniteo J B Pavaell& Co, Mecbent, >'>asrfre tOtecmmtlo vledge efthle - l4ysbat .40 irsi.vie -mlgniI aller B B Taylori>ôntnloBNi x 0estrete T0 aîlirylT*; On mnotioni cf Mr. Campbell, second-.Oal y Ilcat huw,' ilcrWb*itby,Ca*sit... , W id by Dr. Boqart, a resolulion passod vuB qo mantoQueLy i agtmth eirugslty, i . .. 1Wce tesabary cf thte ougineer cfthie C. pohalciendLanuif tea, rltanîst'J 1t 1y, fira.engine lbe palal acaorcing ho bylav ticl lOti done ise ord 1 'adrems........ .... oue215, iand tuat thc seitry cf ltae'stoker 1 Uon Gar bertrwar#ttirurclaeots ha 20 pe rannui., lte sutme ho datea ai )ATION or Wlitlty. onabras. wlCt foancer. ai.it 7slg fhi 75ltin lt bise coi . J$8It'beltsiltbtatlactsr, d&c, Witby;* rmtepoigo h eoain h lne edlre ,Wo (lhat, ex 0 Ont uotiou of Mr. Bay, concil ad- une gerding ail 'ceaiset............. 1............ 000 jounud. ani Iootndi H Jaueo9n, Odaer. Wtlthy, anceloz he ris hoolite bromeits..................... ..... U ce Mare Township Councit. rn eteJoh ette ionmarchant t0.110e, Whit tlalons and one fil a .e.......................a ce- W ad I Long, produce doaler, catît - .. il2 ou Town ia, MitreMay luth, '79. -ho iec aur n-Do. Ot'uuutatout, tarrisbor, diko, Wl tb fCanadien. caeh,............. ............. 4 ce Cotineil met. Mambars ait preseet, O il snobî a 'ms&Nororcarag akr, n 2 hbe roave la ttae chair. ied ta car. whvltaihrrttv........... ........ i ce Cuitunicahions vaine h-ad froni iii! , bniing JoliutNew1îort, teamoter ciit.. 2 ou Prasidlunt M1. I. Il. Ca., atating ha it 119 M L'olilt, >iectiekor, li ot ... 2In ,n tse vry ibis. i3rog, iuurcbeits, urosi _.. 8 i0ceconid Dnt attendl meeatinug to.dey.and M19 'Watt Titaiujtau, setîcier, peu airdlars, OcWiVnt. àMoNeil, Eau., doeciuing-lu aetbjas fraq clinstScott, lîntclivu, teet.... _.. 2tit itical cern. Jottît Teaner, tutabr. cash ... ....... icepa 2 utatr.. YO 1u# filvOag JlbStotline butetuar, castit......... 2e0 Patitioris verts iauthual luoh Mr.le lMuuuly, àavaitefare.t, t'ng fiTtun" ýan enes WMThoplin, fianr, wo hglih &Ou TQm-sonandi otlitrs, pruyiug for aid CIT iflionl Hon. $cciall ta.........l.......... 2 Wce bopentutipoprtion oh siale>lino btcuvvaa taIer bcKlinr4011,tauers, Bildec! terueiu-. 20 tint!21 lu @ti concesion ;of. ou capi II.1'ililliteî, aylae, lvie, uoleniaua NMiCOueig and uolitens praying tt atLitat- KuitP~uO~ Ilra, ~ ouportion nf cou. a test aI Centre rnaa, l Re Fui arnPasicg behvau lots Brokcen 10, la con. ia indans, thoe . N V A., andi Broken 10 lu con. B. ha net TI 3 compune. PuTe oT1Wcr-l.Nti lose] Uitas a Publicu highvay ; oaIP 1ît bi s1 ays. aniel Beay, neove onitha toovu, Isavos turHealey sud ailiera, takin foraid oun aI qIl ailte lte Norti.WVshttis wack on s pros. ril acres. lot Ne. 26 in Sthl con., eud heM solicitud peling leur. Ho ateks vti' i to taceer euh cneek ieeding frein seid i.l 0 cheat too sawt tre, i ti chcilla, a rond t Luoke'hiuicoa. lia a o Ireh por oflio8ee si hod o catle a Mr. OLeery, secendeti hy Mor. o'. andt toiles can. tiiarou&i.hred bull ana l ieiher, a buggy, Baylc, moves tuiat Meains. MoRes, Sul. w ion bythie Ivo wagons, andti Seto l nIbeistî's luvan anal Boliltan but appoînted n 0et M lte party bole. Hie son,, George is aireacîy Ilu-as reau anal bridge commuthea. Canrieti. vaf for ils slup. cateal an UO ceres, about 40 mile. tram Mr. OLpary, saonudeti by Mr. Boni. Oth and mriti- ltipial City, andtetelock, &o., ara hru. ton, aketilavl introduce a bylav Dai ,t. el et thie igneh for lte 0ti ai th tue fuir vuttetaclose portion et con. A. eest cf Cen. ua l, boa l seau- Mr. Byesintention inate 'spy outnht Ira rcad, runnnng la Talbot River ha. ort tes aild cilm- boi"anal maka fjirther puirulasea, tvoeenlots-Broken 10 lu A, anal Broken i I0 oif lteetsoeklng anal gratin as vrai! as enlîlvat 10 in B. By-law intraducoal, passed l g serves lao ing a largo tarriiery "for ltae boys." lie ttreug ifis scierai steges anal seai of Act bas proeetrd a sîtociai G. T. R.car Lfeor terti thfzei flic Ortire 'ouruey by rail. Heexpds On motiion of JMessrs. Sullivan aeuh t i -Monday toJretim t a oul a f expesgTI Botîitn, thîe lrk vas insiructedti oadali bu« roitfratbuCoe couplerett an tnehe. ,rge 1ront orlty repa owill be wnueotifram fie nlf iaG.Ioaue ia ie te th, onpieh by îovn, endl cspeiaaly as cîtairmuan Ohîlloa eîainsî Na. 4 lot il lu-the 121h eaun., 0I trev Sstreet eemmittoe, vhare ter b ave bocu raeoivoal h y lte township high ircwsmucitrni rmroovemeteinbure aintreea¶rer, andalitIsaiid lai la horeooo ee g mclisiod. iag Ounrways."r fuiecroIty Mosans.meS,,.ivae ely' haken --.-..Moveal hy Nsr.Slian ald Baul. itoveal lu ReneaNo MATERIIALII-TitOhast affl Ion, tuai fIte arnoars ci taxes appdaring Ireati îg cfan e itepea tuheralscenhe i~ gainat l ilanda et John Covie, (B. a gai 12 îry ut tua cre roofini aeiaacn IeP lot No. 1, con. B.) ho cancelai, lte taoe o h I d It e u r d fr o m M . M a n c u l g u t T n r a u i . B a u i e ia v in a b e e nu a ia r g a ti in e r o . , e g r e boI6top1 e isHa dmitteci ta haoltaha st manui 1 Carriati. bcgh ho Canada for builders la duelai vilinluth t Mr. O'Leary, saconheti by Mn. Ci. Tic iris. The fine. Seo hie card lu otitan calumna. 'ýyIe, movudt lIt Ile cbehainairnel. I- 1 fo.lt eh ta muake ont petbmestons lista befoee t onceaso Phiiip Taylor lias anoîter loI afI <iCouCart oh Bevielon. Carneot. Tv celebratoti Triple plueaCuka iBaskcetsrt Mr. OLearay, secondeal by Mn. Boul. 2nd i t ni lte uti'îas etreeny iounae.useo in mlilbn eve ision, litesout tVisio n de ornetsausages in presorvîag ineale, iu tan . shah contrel the cash haIt ut sablrndt, ltaIO soý tiug tonal in itutter.meking. A ornai) anul tue nortlt division ltae et hall. positiv tf Mn. J. qnanlily oftIhe saI adulatito a mii wli Andt iat al lte lande lu eaob, div. ho oulun Je stock proserve Il lu good conduition for h itaitilhiafor statuts iaour lunte div. dolice genlri. ek, Il e i. a s uatiin piaoarvi wlvîera atol l lanhdb s ituaeealsavo andal tor ry boat beers tond winee anti'la heiug inae h excapi only ai hlanbad divals. Anal lot. tle, tond snhjqcl aIOf xparimnent bu soverai eth or tîtet the eerk lie utnrized la pureitase insul tL helnv directions, a ocnall hoak fer lue purpoecof, anti cithen tn, Dov- *Tlt VYrdoWork ;" ribner fr 81141aîtin8er tlloarêin al ltandahiluthe.in dugi e. t racli raond diliion-, aorhiag ho nain.- in her, andti chah kepanal proeve sidthc afdue NNisOr F FNGER$.-Ilorearcthie hoak viticit siteiYbu a 'now anh-desig- Irete 's Mahi. usines fartuoriy givan tha inger. cuateul ns lta licou] Divisions cf lte anti e iesdîng F inal cames "Tlitomi."owuebiip oh Mare' as orgeuizeal in A. pearini "But ltai ian'h e fiagar V' yensaey. ED. 187).-Caricl. -20d. Webi, perliapelta I le vly il ws Mn. Baullon, socondoal Iy Mr. o'. Ru'? B s sitev. ealed "Titumtb." Boyle, moved ltaI Ite reevo graul; bis agiinit lar ont- Titan cote s"Touhr"o ? p rdeoehn o lte troasurer 1cr lie snm uf aeer 7 Pan set. mnt," "Lonimutn" Lscciicnu,u end 000, payable ta W. B1. MePîtas, beinlg pearat tby. "Liîtlibaa." ai atvaiue on his salary as clark, lie lied. It's Plain encugli boy Toucher, g ing suraly hor uteici maunt. Cernieti. authnu mcpilars uames, hut Leacliîran guI hbi.s itis B3 yn,moved ltai the reave grant hie va atol kV B roundebout vsy 0i-eion It e asurar ilu layon of Loi- analgr cf l I to Ous lttol lie iisl. iasiioing parties, tond amaounts ai opposite .suï vili nre. fok aaîvdi htl orara tniii ir respective nuimos :-Mr@. Moffatt, ficsýtiom tramlte titird inger t h lite biese 651; Danois Carigan, 015 ;0aIoi i Ie .-Me. Lkavie, lîcythogit tbtîb itisfiner onIteluMn. Tituopsun for provisions absolut ba has futIt ee cfiabe of poison more quieîîîy su plied b~orrigan on endar of thisanli anhdlicatsty lien v utolte oia iiality, Ithe nemaining 610 tlaie sltqme figr.Tùrlan ast l iteyPc Carign ncompbetion ut job lotaiou ig maeiapoint fslirring np their phyei by pir. -Anaipsan, ho Mn. Thompeo ou f ac groat, ith i 1hle rovide a sitiCorrigaviti Provisions set, de1 W84S de. woBos e", ti inger ted ~a- c s aeaauastaltetoa dleseei( deel le do vibi sîicknssu d -gettiu« aleBru.dvcrtiing voera'deIt t Bel$. voîl, iàn phY'ie, anid suai maltons, d mto1hqesgaîd Ivl tuioésda hay cabîed lte man vite pity. nmto fMasses. BtýuIhon sec.selng ilot S. sdon*%d hy Mr. O'Boyla, Coudàil adj' ur-licetie: lin5 svte rloble tage tetanDamotaeh sutil lte second Salurday lu Jue,siea 4.L e. ltien ta mccb as Cour t ofE. a pIrtu Man.vsun ippy et "Jrack-i.i.Pttl.pî,iî ;"St.NicIs6Iee for June. Tie Steatford Explosion. soc1 lias, ST. NrVLSpl UNC"lsa8a ERDICT.Te Moablle frontispice entitloal "Summen Thejury li tute *Striolford -explosion 'douce.1 ba suiaad upeus witb '44 Second uo1liuey brought in a verdictl il 1 a'cbock tiisni Ipl fTil" aistory by Sarai- Viater Roi ttu% morut9 ng hici tlhe3y eÃ"nenhcmu oileltu bogg, aitovidg hov a clovctnd ittîlu giirJ oafIe thcs e lita aiýtîton PaW. Crus cei.,Sveal bi, big bnaîhersterne e t ai Cal-tbc<Ctu. iti lteaufactureocf te OY- foroare Gaver. lego Commiencement. - ooiv ; thecerobesanOo f thlie G.,T. accitioî urebi a --640 ' in N ilt; anal recciannd to eid% quauly"FR oi JONEt....Tbia 'fnod#.uro tua, Gt.(voruuîet lte appe!Iîtanî t Of Dr LetoimmgSeninors ~ÇniIty, vih rvoQrs aven lte minuhaet;ure oftaX- Eao]y0 bua - -ccfes -be..o 4. sltehlep al l btarseunly rrnarkcd il ah obuu -' ~ lausaaiued li412te une ~uttr.~omalco yont1uto u i bd i o rîu, , li,4agitvlîpe aanlliP 4é Ti -f. IleU . ckP. Perry5[resabelhy Intiruictive peper. on iow te teach r fog u naa*%$ t.beginnirs, W IfesnsJardine, Psdley, em s jeuuiugs engage& ' The ietlna djurnah et noue. an rauuug lutheAsternoon Mr Feuniags, tJxbridge, irnad a very and f'racîtei easay on 1bey te l reogeapbi wbich vas foliowed L discussion lu viliMessrs. Temb rderhiaanda omeus took part. 1Tii. aUijeelof ot uili lraure thou lakan up hy Mc. G. S. Ped W1106oa rcka veae auplenenled adleses ftom Messes. obiuson,J geeand Tamblyn. Me. B obinson, mecouhed hy Mr. 1 'eo, gave notice et a motion for $ai dey, Tiailu inte opinion et ibis AI dation ilb h desitableltai oniy pire Rcuaily engaged as leeciers shemld ppuinld membors ol theoCGu Biaan u Examinons. Owiug ho lac] âme il vas u; alionkeuup.. Iu lthe evening Me.a. Hagias, 31,lnupechor, Toronte, delivened e pi o adilceu lu the »towu bail on Kindergarten. The lechuce vas hi ntersting-euhndprufitahble,and i istenod te by a e Êel'y ige stldie ho sioved by thhir frequeut appiai hait bhey fuuiy Spiieeciated ail tiat %i îid. At lte muruiug session ou Saturdi 1fer lte readiug of tia minutes et 1 'eviona hsY's malson, Me. J. J. Mag ýA., Uxbnidge, gave bis maîboal olving seivaral questions given un p Dus Anithmeîio Examinalion Pape ha in addition, suggesled seine vs lushie biais ou abbrevialing -voro iii as ou solving quottions in lie !Measune, vtilgar sud deelmai tfri By roquasit, ltse sac'y.lreasuirer ne report of tite finericial slaloment a0 Association, vitieli uieved a hi ue un baendl et87-85, vitit liabilti îaning lu 66.00. Mn. Hughes delivenedalu adaeese i listekes lu Teaebbng,' anti mare ttt lighlad lthe audience foc neeriy la ursA. Ha flret exeapitiedhboy s bject Loseon ehonil tic langitt, su un prccoeeho point ont vItliha ao anred ltae principal erors lu teacItia the se t ime suggesbing how tim igt ho raciieh. Hie namarks vo: equntuibappeutiod. Mir. gigesandeuhbie Bai'. E. I nng vooeelcti itionorany membe the Association. Tae meetiug atijeurneti nt noan. In lte aittennoon Mr. Jas. McKenzi Penny, thua i) aptoring anal cxbibi by varions aimampies bis matitoh d îolvin i the différent kinhe nt Algehnu i quanlitios inoa hein simple factor iThe Question Dreyer, viticli bilîas i I uven sinc the lasI meeting, vi en itlien np iy Mn. W. W. Tamblyx A., Oshtawa, via ausvcred lthe vai e questians prapounheal a Gramme I EngliibLiteratnro in a vey tit asailistactary te ail prosent. iNr. Magne anucuneal lit, asilter a ual time 10 hake up te Maîhemel ,questiuns, ha veulal senti solution Item to hue l"canada ScitolJoni "vitaeethoy vaulti eppean lu aith th June or July numbar. vt as hacialcalte baud lte ncxt meut Sin Uxbrbhge about thoeiaile c Loben. Lflan giviag lthe usuel votes of hbank jasa ita htin a para or guvet Irsses ; l te cioo Bcoard ftonth, cf tite Higli Sutool building .anui 1te Town Counl for lte up-e cf lt, in hall, ltae .tileing disparseal, ai hly graltifeul vîit li te resuit oet h ring. We are indebtea te tita secretary murer, Mr. Brave, ferour ne pont- altlemen vituse efforts an bealfo Aossociation, contributid in no eual ree ta lthe succeessuft lie meeting.] Siander un Vice-Chtancellor Blake (Fror tite Tribune.) wo eke ega, in on lasue oaIth( ilish., ve utalai that wvaiedah it 'y boot et reasons lacraulirmiag ltai te Irish, Caoaadtan's elatemeul"- Vice.Clianceiior *Blake vhen on Beehba insuiltel a lady-vas s," analbte Muntroal Poal, nathec eoanahiy wva hi, inys ltsat ih arequina some mono prooft tIanlthe ual oh tua TribunaltaIlte ailegeal rir vas nul given aI ah." Tite ,1 aftetoneItaguardatnd positive Dmont vo bahl mahc, stouid;fnot )aoketi far mare proah-il sitouit kova liat lu a casa c fthe kinh, culul neot bava matie sncb an caser- unoupported, by titose vito are hi- y affectod, aeu h hmuetl bel -pain. ah2d aggrievedhy lte vanlan use uiustifiable parahe aI their narnes The Irisu Caadien hah. no rity tram lte parties conernodtel 1use o utIhai nnames, a i ibas se ubly hone, and hhey are bah paineal Trieveal litIi it buîcibave doua ihoM it eier provocation urjuali- Smake titese three slalemenîs bu Lit cuanviction of t1wltiit otiniuth, îuhliîh tien viitt a feeling of i liaI any junualist, aeuh bail of L callung imei Gatholie, sbould. ,prostilnI'à is lopporînumiîbos as la îligacy, trahth euh honour et defi- by uoglecling le make ltaI amen- ich lhe oircumsbaeca00ûimpere- demaindeand in tie hope ai vicIt e have dalayeh lipub- an eftIhis exposure nil bauger te vonld toinoil make us-leel like tuer lunltae aadian's guilt. Tie Carleton Disasher. VERDICT. jurr lu the inquiry rospocting 'r4on * 41sestcr hesrd more ovi- lest niglit anal rebiened e verdict ariiiig'u iviihtey canonnethe imai 214ty;oai; liaiengineainiver ; andt tb[t-Grand Trunk aiiciale relnssncsc bu1 cenueclbcu viitlthe il. .5TcLOU5 Fi lb AT DUMnLu (ONT.)- dpedn. wyut~royingbuildý ii"orty ho b ay l0eet 40,- chi keehiciet Wfa&lela mai. set lurtli o L uUea4 lb. eueper. ieb atlug tha London su m ùlenLô a u ~th ut inc ' oËgbghu the i.Kngston sud ÈPîîbrolte ailvay Cioal- pany. AuU 4l t Cousldted Bank lie cana'pa.biu A uttamen is ad t aieatinorahe nbe o se, le Canada. sd Ocleî -Va h nai aynd toncifierJotnses. , Alotteapeiag 7 e hie'Antie Mauxer rot ndQeuuil tiComp anyu.Jc A. A sot en lcrae t iNéoien. 1 ptCanadila LifoeunAucÉOOCompany. An acl respecbitg thennag e uo iav6d tr etarien p1ormts under Planadlew 11h- Anust aeloheGospla lie seta inopritate ot Aai An aci reapeiîrtm s eus lsiel ou Au soti teament te' Pstie uty ot ras 1875. tee- Ant aetla - manal oie acthenGorperstlng tse Society 01 i euhtnesmebCOtPfl g lAnatrepcig e tias and anîho a ras utt NotaWet he* C nitn (lil et nsAu sotthoantmeni sud cot noitiaa i ev ày, eespsetlin huile. imposeal au pcemissacy tae notes sutilliaof exuhiange. ,e, An sot reopeeliug thie efcaof Rae*ivr- SGeaer4l anti Miniater et Public Warkas. Ansttehoinuorpomalathe Atlantic anti n-North-West Rsilvay Campay. nsa, An Act lu malthe finI t fJoly a public try holiday-, hy lie naeaof DominiooiDay. au An asttho ammenal "An act for thc- mare G. saee trial cf certain cases aI pansons ae iangeti vitit loules sud mlsaentoanorts tehie Provinces af Ontario anti Qnehec," sud lte astrespeching enntmary convic- ad tions hefone justices af lie pesce. tnlt ot Au acl la amenai an ast ta rvdfoth 1 i-more effectue! inqniry imb lte existenceofot cornipt praeticaa at'letiona cf memben aIf e. theRHans ai Communs.4 An act la amntihieacl cf incorporation on alliae Cantedonstion JabtaAssociation. an An asetola utiorira anti canInt an intien- ru turc of sale by te trusteeofuthle Toranto au Savinga Bank ta liahantoe Savbngs Bankt id nsd Loan Coumpany ilimiteti.) naAu act la amenti aun et intituleti "An aat i- respeellng the Iataeauuloni.ai Railway," pesa. tg, ad-in tho hity-nintb year oallie reigu aI ey Han Maesty Quieeu Victoria. ne Âacirfeting certain Orduance anal ianda lelta. Provinces of Nov rusikanal Nova Scotia. B. An ast:la explatut sud amnuthlie set ce. irs spactîug ltae appropriation ei cerýain Do- minion landa in Manitobha.B An sel te amenati"Tite Truiro and Piclon Bailaey Tranisfer set, 1877 e, An sotrta amena thie acteé respoctlng ltea it-~ "s lat iak andi Farinera'. Fine iuoneanca t of Canmpany af Canada,' anal ta change tae 1 ~.naine theneol la lte "Soverigmu Fire luteur.M e.uace Company ai cangela."0 n uac ta provtle agatist lifecionius anald Rr An sel la entend ' ue piratage at,1872 8 p, An esotla amauti uCanadisn Pacifie Bail- p r, ast,1874.' ci. la teamenai lte set ropecting ttea iarhor of Picun lNoya Scohlul. itAn atita remove doubla as ta the truiec inlant euh meaning cf certain provieions ai ht re "Thte Canada Temponance ast, 1878,' andtaho8 make certain asntdmenha tber te, fn seOfa aalte saiti acta relates ta Manmlob . b Anmact ta aunnt"An act ta ancprporae liaefDairait River Tunnel Coman$.' ai Au &et ta amenal "An stctel inetrparate w1 lie Canada euhn Detroit River Bridge Coin. ai Au Anat for grenling an anuel snbaitiy'tn. yards lie aonutructing; anal meintenance a ai lalegrapiiccmnmunicatioîn ta ant i pon el 5Anticosti andth ie Magdtan Ialauds, w tl An nectho pravitie tor ttet'a yment of anutw ae atidilioneltlemnporary grant ta the Pravinaie p, a ai Manitoba.- Au acl roopeatiag lte salaesaoaItOe C yCourt Jntigeu et PrinetEclwerdte .banUla. sul Au Anetu ta grant certain pavera ta "ILadi Societe Permanente de construction du dis. su trictet' Iberville." th An eclta malte f unther praiseione rospea. -in lte CoutoliolaletiBaunk ai Canada. go hf An sel nolting lu lie prateat of inlanal hE (j bu i oaxciengo anal promiutemy notés in h Nova Saetia. in Anual laeamenal "TiteMaritime hurl-au diction ecl, 1877." a An toot roispecting building socielies car. ut ryiuug on binesus tintte pravince oai-Ont- ru aria., hI An &et ha entend tae oaaint'each, 1871. lth SAn ect respocling lte itrbar af Narth lai t Syoiney in Nove Scella. i natt prvdefaor te apectian, uafo 'lu kaeping1, analertag c of potroluunanalte hi PMauucbsliraai. itm An act la amenai lteala&incocporeting cm lie Cateau anti Prarince Line alaiay au ai Bridge Bridge Cointay, analltae Manîreelai antd City ai Ottawa Laction Railvay Coini - pany anti amenaling actaneuhth amaîgaa. v att saiti Companiee. hie An acl ho centinuea tn ferce tonr a laiit li lim a "Tic botter provenlioa ai Crime art, in 1871v. An aeal reapecttng lia safa keopina of alanh'i f~erons lunahies lu thie Norlt-Wesltoyyritar.tlit es. aR1 An sel reapocling taafoli achihealons. cet An aceIta amenataa muait aiflteacst 2lrhkel Victoria, eliephen 40, as reates la lte impo.ai sillon euh collectioitooldues sud telle alaon legis, limber, piues, coder and al iway lias passing dowo lie riverMoira Iheangi lie 118 An serthnle acquisition ty lte Da-min- anao ion ai a eertain portion cftae Grand Tnunk self Rillivy ta ha matie e portaif lhe Inlaruol- sas onilt ailway. h An ach loamarenai "The Indien Sut 1876 " lt An sel for lths reliefaIfBih-a Ma ent- ru heUl. ' An art further leaentend lie acte Iterein Tut menlionea- neapeciing Idtu(ilie sud de- teki tance cf lia Dominion of Caneda.. no An i)l hteentend anal censolidate "The crin Raiivay ast, 1668," andtihle arts amonding Ie -A. ash fainlutamena lie auprento anal tati Exciequor Court sel. vat Tii Hlonorable bic Speaker of lte rCO HEoàse ot Gommons ttnan erseed hi. ovu Etbellency lie Governuu' Ganeret asf a wi folbows :- vil] MepU'tteisase Vouer Bxaeleîup: ra Iu thiewiahe ocf lie Commmes, I esent te your Ezeellescy a bill loti, verJ tl1el An ast for grauhiug toho io iajcsty lest certàaisus aIf uSey roulauad for* defraY- but lng certain expenseeofuthte publie service Ha for thie mandai earnhit1 respectively Ar the Botihun e 107, sud li0RhiJ e,E 1880,antanar her p 0poss5rla8ngt Un public service, tiowviciI hen y zequsl &a yonc Excelay'e saut." vot: Te tItis bi lie royal aassaut vaig- bote nified u in tuloving word, :- asi In het Maijoly'ai nsao ebis Bxcellency tbe ayOE Goyernar-General thanlas ber oya.i cts oeui aceta la hoir benlevolenca anti astweutte 10 hot tiài'11. Gei a Allen Ibit lis Excelaeney lte Gaver- a.pre, nur-Etenertul vas poaoîct laclose ltai cruc firel session of ltae fcurtlî 1Psliment of lie Doinion vithi itholoiog :- U ADDIIES. grai (7enloon; o f l/ghotote 01 Oqnlîwng.. tItis déq'» tft 1M l.îu 3O eics uue r^i3ouulmte yen on lie other meom afeiglepublie Intoesle vihicb déuutl6ei> q/ ftai he o f Ooaaasts iu ber Majiy'as sine 1 tiienlo 7 lt'h ffupý,llea yen hava e o esdilîgrai Thoy viii ha expauded vitb al-ne rne te' ecanamy. Hannagàzi. Gaatresuai thlae Banule. Gatlimmeot h4 Hpuic.a f Cbomaoa Tii.héreadjutsîrnient ci th. fl i-b, uch beco effecleti ýhyei.loglalahion oet Iis min, VI trust, by increasing thte rov retehheo*qiribn between revenue oxpaudtlre, ile-il yllheiast aid lunlte develaemeut et- or varloni dustnies andtitend te nemave AIe long-( tinued inonebansd commercial daprout wlulcblbas sa gresfly retarde tha prog et canada. I bid yen laravel, sud dboire te 'epi my oaraesh hope ltaI vien Panlian &gain assembles wvasl land lie cour anjoyfithIe shale 6opesce viich now b puly exists vitio itb rders, viii a gi addition leoi e natiottal pnospenify.. Dctalsioft s lrtdgdfnl Martien et Ma COOLNES5a onINSANITE (OF TRE fRDEZ A tarm labourer vas srrestlh -mïurting Mnl. Catherinte Tiampac neae Marlohani, ounlthe th ot AI last. The man had heen seaun bocki about lIta neigitltonhca era tic cei mission aI lie anima, anal ien t munher vas aommiited ha wau suepec ati, but -ailîongi tire. constables hi beau contiuuaiiy osaarciing for bum, vas ual tilt yesterday liaI Canstab Jones vas gaing aiong Main stceeb, Sparte, thea tuilas front Mankhar anti eccitientebly came acrosa lie mi Titi affluerimmehbatly made litea rest, Tit-ickpcony cfferiag ne resistenc but athe conhrary cslmîy holding i bis Itande lu receive lie darbies.1 cuveceshian viith Joues, priacuer coi taseedte l ltaecrime, sudsaid if if h kuaontha afficers wveafter hlm1 voulti have given itimeitut'. Hu hul viton taen, a siiven-mauuleh revobve wiii tour chantions boadet. In t course et an interview prisanen sihJ utommibteol lie urimefInnies paonyvi tint'e meuey, heiug hait ehanved -ai îeariy frozea. HeBaiItt? andened aboi aIl vintar, anly ieving abteineti ior fonra vea or tva, sud oeeeveniti arien abtout famisieti, lie ttongI cana inta bis lieaultiat iho voub ik tira. Titampeon andtialte tue mon@ vîtielu site as loaaiug la give bho tait a do.ccnl-huriai. At final lia firnl eosialedtiha terrible titongil, buti tanbcalliimamre onti' more, au sionîtinet lbava hilm ; linully haoneail edto mnoi the deoti. Ho mnev Mr liapon'a bioue eli, euh kov1ha le lived alone, site iaving taken coin passion on bim sainehime ega an4 aitiet i hm a pain ot aocks ana gai ini focnd. Halving previtilet iimscl witli a goal atout club, ncanly titra utet long, lie prececueet l lthe lieuse 0c nday eveoing, April 6tît, firinly de temineti te heal ont lthe paoc woman' braina. alter coaby looking ut' au ovn lie nnsd la malte sure nobaij was comiug, viit li the 'liiiaitermi atian tixed litie mindlie oeneal th oar ohflite cottage anal enleral. Bein, Fekout if aI lthe lime ne tligit nfth( enormity etflita crime ito vas In coun mit ehruck bim ? Ho aosveeal ne,1 'ont inha lie ibouse for lthe deiliera( purpase qt kiiling thevoman euh sIcal 'g ber aomiy. andi titset. Thtela ve vomIe ihe pronounceti viith emptu s antiles if inieney satiiled. H( id net ramember viatien theu woinar ipe arnonu. Ho qniehiy pisieu tc te tionr anal approacitei Mra. Titomp. ;n, ve vas uiitiog by ltse slave viti onr bock lovarda tira. Tite noieCi le doan olosiug anoused lion, anti sec. ng vite iutrunder wuas, ubc got np tal vaîketu laertsuim williouibspeak- cg ; lie baik a huv stope forverd, ond uaing the club, sîruci boner aiorrible dov wiit ailluhis miglît an bte aidleoc taie ha, teiing lien la lie grount. Sli &id lthere nut îtering ea sontbut uivoning ait Qvor. Ta malte auna ie îd done bie fendisit yen thcnghîy, e it lieba agein viithe-il hiesîsreugli i tIte Itesaas sIte lay bitrîed anus aeding ou lthe fioer, vien bloond spunî- I ont lna staroani.BeHe as ual aure beother lho struck tac a tirtinamue, as ve as e lithoe excileti. He titouglit e tieulright off, s ei iti ulee ber ave, lier fleeli onby quivering. Bu ien broka open ua lange voahodeiuhst lait aloa iniince corner anti tound ila I punsa oonbalioinq - 67 bunhbis aod 50 nuta lu silven, viticitlia put lu tus poc- t, itraiug lthe puresaway; ltuat va ituto mcoy lie ssitl ho coultil flot] la then lbIt, gobng ta Marihani, ivier a peul the nîgit. He doobared hot i net hny lu bide ah ail. Tuiaiibis ex maeaiug lha elcteal olaooaifoi tntk, anti ha dial oit naltai the mndar itatibeaunaliscuvenetl tnutila eek aIheranvanh, vlteu Iaiking ana tuy a inunan lte bush, lia vas toit ou i fintling utflthe vtman'a body. He tn ataroa ay, nat penticnbanly te uta ltae police. Ha came a sitont dia- îoue on lthe Grand Truck, but lia titid net stop avuay, anti reltrnedti l arkitam: Townshtip. Passiug tbrougiî parts te vas ai-reseted, us deaurihati. At1 ltaetenminatiog interview lie sait, tna yen I vas hait frezen." Tlia victiS of ti imet deliberate id tout ununder vas a peon vulitan, l50 )a Citi, aeady. induatricue, anal îning an unuemnieet chuirecter. lia ie aloe on lot four, 7tit concessionî, arkitam, 17 milcestram Toronto, tae areel noluritir beiug 300 yaedsawvy. Robent McDoveii, e baelte, caliîng et Slbouae, as usuel, on Mondey momu- ti iscaveroti bar lifaica body Iying a pool cf hiaoh ; bloo eatbang spaiter- everyvîtere.. On ltherieftaida af iter radwi vaegepiag vounthtneeon four Ites long. On lthe top of bier baad lon lionrrilevaunti presenleti il- f, ebtimer haiug sufficieul le cause lu- ut dealh. MaDoveill et ocu gave aalerin, anal lie violo cdistrict vas 3'y. )a Weulpeaisy leel about 100 immi- ilts %iml)î 'tiuntuuuubtnd iva ck, stariça l traminte austeÏ t of'ia 8lîruvintië en route fer Winnipýgg,, '5- p forati b3' S-. ILL.-'mth& a.liuIç- Eg-------------------- ....o....e1...Q...EN VI1 0ORIA.Rayýr 1or ptmluet Broa.Ga, HeY. -..-.................-..t5 60 6 00 M'MAotORHAR/»., Trial boitlc 25 cents. tviy, . Y. set............... 0 10 Ilt0 ey 12jl ____ --Wo.....--.........-0 20 022 DB ,'.JIo. Tic Gîcateet RonedyIivcr Did- Lardi............... 0____ 0s2 coecred. - 11 &.1 Quinine le cunaicleo lte groalcot Modern Matqia Medica iomedy ictuwa, but ve helieve il basnanhucnhoînefl o i upa fcaigut uts aiqnsl, ut net ils peer, luntae proalitt T e is1man uu jinciefo af ijc , Y-LAWfoth upsofcsigp ch the Ced Fisit. Netiing ualias en i'.tiens, J i l atnîen aifcrlaint 1y ltaI t i -La elortion.aI Con. A, est ofatter abieovret 10Equal oolLiar u ~aIlcutao .bee iesimavitlilisiiilglu d,enandsug*hetveen LotsfBroken 10, discovrod t E qui CodÃŽiverOil aiall cses were te anial vCen.tyA, anti , nrCon Auan0, in 10 Con.CoBBta a oilidean sd sustainer oaI lite baudy lu Pitutozon in 1dteciaectly auperiar, Il vili eestalal Concession strikop.-lieTalbot Consumpin' and 81alivastiutg Dia$owo r ak autel u:tus oi$u is iipo Roati, anti vesting lie saine in David-Mc. clans~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ;btlsuefiosiiptribb hc, u oaaeligra hnhgaiBain, vito avue adjoiniag lands- ders ;but i.9 useulnes ig ipairedby due, andýo.qFérsegtWeitercsadailagisi ticemoti tieslarblade leble tcclos its natiscetiehportlea. Ix SaiuTT'S nat iaiutig, wlueu Ia tuseia rclinqnliatd, np liai portion aifSCon. A, cash et Centre EltUlLazaurcOF PUilmoCOu LivEDi OIL tiBîl es lic ghteet rcactioYîor depression. liad, t'assit g hetvcon Lots Broeon I10, iu objection inti nleiy eane, -anti' Sallhy al l ruggitits. -Frice ana Dollar Cen. A, anal Braken 1inluCou, B, loarluere cumbineti îiutIIXt'ut'uospoinTîS OFC'dCUsiîýtiesTlo iei h Litim AND SODA 111e lIte'Mosî vaîtieaPer Bothla. seTiownosio-s asaoBr b h remctiy cicr tiicoveneti. 22-4in AC- D.Tic Municipal Caunil o the Tavnshia A-s. A DofaiMea a reby eacla, anti ha ie enactea -i-, 'l'O 10ail Who are 'snffaninq fron thle errnan liht, liaIportion oi Con.-A, RBut ai Centre, A Jay fur te'nder M others. i anal lnduscretlous er 3'ati, nervaua Raa, pasiag bleau L' Iots Brokon 10, ini * vecaknasa, early tiecay, lacs o aIsnitaat,due., Can. A, anti Brokean 10, un CoR. B, te viara Mtolirc vuehave ruf.fîroti pcuî;ti cf 1wl Oa rrt rcelce t liMi 'r yen, seiti Concesuaon stnimes lte Talbot livyen, 1 leitOPVCIIAfGE. 'l'ia ugreut rercal tLe, wsud tetuante hinitareiy closu t';iia sympathitlo gîi'Ï îvhbeLt luuy itlac %vautiibîcivLed by arnisiaaiuay in Sc M.It'aty tar.ret ara affll tn a sain t-0 gietbo ite nufLuia ts teir oil, nuil ,uîiu.Saati ta el-huoaîelivelape 1ýt lus bl, y.buaW ;'ULIahc i itirîuelt Lae tan 1fr unoucltAl isitiut feu oth uule RL*V. JujKi,iT. loiîN, Siaticît fl, latt '1,a:tuc iti hocay 'oacliiDv nuey lte littic iu alnalinmes ntureti, vil ii 1>1e Letto, Nu'w Ycui'k Cie. IJuiluii, j2acu4eitofetHita suai aof ail1 rejolo tlaknew taltaheprecitia ' - - ifty3'Dallata, I.blrtzug nt ofPnIcpuebse. pts uceal nover kuounw îts surrow miore ir.DVRIEVINTNOTICE itue EonuLSîOacOF' CoaruO-R NE jteERTSEMluE. SCOaTTn & Baawx is aq JL'i..ArAuIttiho tit4 - baby as-ils tnaînral Fsobnauce. ua \NVA N T E 1 !- C TAfYlaENT, iaI b-1ue eevtu l ie motre fieotebon o peralion Iali TCE waldlIcu tcyaB--atpatdee neiugfbti - ahlils s volom Ii row Ilittk 'NIGS antnhS olJru thecu icthre 0.Corporation oaibhieToi nslui ntoi e doieýt rw pflkf XS L1K ýay cfIMe-y, 1879, -, -< - ' i Eve: 'See th *,ee thi Sec th, Seo th, Seo thî Sec tht eaeanaeenruing-Company' «as - - - $pp~)rinthc~ u ioio i ipcr mres iald fit Neveasîlei Onti,.cnPrdey lest. P090118 e 10cure- Si or .1gb einuehissIenls alrsecloy haeMse.A, P. Allen, cf BovÏmsuvùia, ~in vnate 0cr u autte rd day of7Âiigust, M D, 1885. sud lia anal Jamies Lockiteet, cf Monîreali.vara exorialed niioiles or iuflemeai ureat. 110h day of,-Octoberi A.. D. -Iffl, and made yýre'eleclad Pnesidoug euh Vlce.*President. For brul.ses, if applied oficu andl banaibetwoqu Mar erryof T t he Town ot Wbit- eur Tl cna uy proti nees aunslyj eome up, t>iere isnavar thaeaigittest digocoer. y, 'sîdàw, and eue John Ha e ai o Inte- thee yars oflaniel. atili o theski., I stos te pan o theunieplae sqEquir,,ad ud yl ?9d ;edtuuunyrd I Curl aIn ~ s es iti val of rt ofToewvuloI 5, in said Perr's Mr.A. W udct o ool brn aa son as appiie. -Jues1ritdBlckP7sibad asfolluva:, Conmencmig repoted o hve arasth F W. imer ba, hals, ari, au cocs, a t te'mnocl-we7st angle of sai Townultut5, wbportdt eabu estoeF.W e r, o, unlis at every description te matn or lienca southerly an lie western lirtaito * h ot a g o dl I t o r e e e t . Ti g e s b e a s . "s a i t lo t 1 0 fa et 6 l c h e s , h e n c e e a s l a ly L ba chrged wit fogery et. Ths. Ew* oirnITýrIos.-ek or D., araivut theianorlbern lbmil of mai lot bas imuer, il a1ppoaca, vas disoovairea u BWE FMTvd.5 orDr.80r;e 8ai.e, lieue sosuth 89 degreas 45 'n railvay trainnBierGlynden, Minnesota,'To s'BecraOi aliati uts, b184,Ibuesu 0d- 5rand ee howspsii,ýin fofEstesignature or S' W. 2homae lu Ou lb. grecs 50 tminutes, eut 18 fel 8 luches, timd ver.ha vstpasiug iimseof astnii. epFperand tc name aI Northrop & ttieneo caerhs'parallel wih thie souhIern Lime ei'a. .Wsîec Suhnpbaa Lyman ara blown u,ý n the. baIladUh ne- ofailobt 14 taet, thenue sonliorly san lu- tte hnlnl Rimer in eepôed od hiave tae.nu atier. Mca by ail.; uchile parell iththe westernUnBe cil aid laI eau dmleiisguilt, anal offereal#,1,000 de25.Prce r ents. NORTBO 4'teeI 8 fluches, mare or les, ta he soubi. e M u r do ch te let h m off,> vii o t a s d eaL Y M A T ras, O n rric'R e hO o ny lima it ofi s d lot , lii e as t ariy on gras$& LYMN;'Toonto "Ont, Pr.prietrSlte sauthiern limitofaiduir 80 feel y i., prontlly ud p ol 1uea. .tcîtpDmno.more or lbo, tôte .ontheast corner aI for55 t olct'naEl siblt, et it.- orth eetrlucnhe, telie i.nDt Biaiup O'Brien and Mn. C. F. Fraser. brua Slete sd l-sit of l -ottce ncîtclyn lia atath îîry - cnme. -urhteelcm i sali Igt lieuce West- nP otl e T r b n e )A s k Y u s e î t e s e Q u e tio n s .. - e ly ' n e , n o e n u l i t t of s id lo t, W e h o p e l e f o u l i a i n g t e l s g a t h 1 2 e t h u c e , m r n I s s l o l h Arrasu.ers'd-ompueu.of egluulu. dreled y bs lo b eB is p of Ariýyou a espondan ut re &0Q The folôion tpnavobient.'are sai tah dnesediyhie uu'dhipa isa abc' oan lie promises . A lsrge 8 story' Brick rk Kingston, te lic Hon. O. F. Fraser, onu Suk iHeacubi, Habituai cmeevnus, B.Uiing, latavuas lia RaylHalI, v4-ýith lia day ofthle banquet, viii boraver si- Palpitation pf the- HuartP Have you ua,,mouos Psclaurs, Dining, Sitting aud lance thi. sdenone ltangues Of these dicziluosfethi eaod ? Io yur n'rvous 8Bed roats, also a Billiard root ou lie RE. vho bave, ntabiciouiY sud ,Withaifllsysteni depcassc'h? Daeyour blondi graund daor ; thane srealsa cummotilaus kuavietige oI lie injustice'toey vene clrciàe badly ? Zave you8 Gough ? stabloets sds alhanoutuhhuldnga. This Ion per .etatnlg, 'acuociM.Fae Lvspiie Gmn upe it odHatlin te ladapled foc s firsh-els sui- §OU, fm r- Fape of'Lowsi'ta Comi U 'a'ths-fo)'[nous. hein nean the Centre ai lie busines in, annsabuse aIfthé ernsanalfriand- afler eafiug ? cite, Ai; o£- hes, 8111 1portian oJýthe boi*n. peul " linons aI nc Muet Révérendal igni. mach mare are tic dlrac ceuis c1 tTBRMS.--OIIeIIh ofithe -pureise ing"taie," u pcmitig te ublcatonDyspopsia, taiver Gompleint Su mi- ney la ha pait. dowvuonuthe.day ai 'o- ofthuta lttere aIflte Arohbshup mal gestiozi. Grcen'e Augnil Po wac à sa,0, Par, balance, terinis villie meade lte Bisiope as fs Part aIflte ordinary report nov aalcuovlehged by ail rgp~ul taeltna-t the aliasale. Bt. Ofhie preceedings aItlte haquet. Il o 'ohia cure. 2,40,00 boutles FoP ai tner partlcubans apply te h ntEBY baremarke at rtBisbup O'Brien vece given a.vay lutial.Tva aloses JOUIES BBOS. du MACKENZIE,_ ,V it-as a langer euh mare lutimete ýpen. viiiêaitisty amy persan cu t sî adta oiilan, uaeouic Hall, Taronto. h il e s u pu l k o v î c a g a uf t h e H n . M r . F r a s e r q a i y u c n i g a l f r e o n d g u O a N. > O U B S E , E s q . , W h i l y . ut ttnany oaltie othér Bisiops oftht in apabale 0ce auirM3 Oi t'79 -'22 f, a>avnsd hirefura the emphaiiesire 75 uots. Solal by S. W. B. Smih.- * SA LE an. endansemnent by bis Lurtiaiip et Mn.r. , Whity. . U CTXUI an- Fraser's political career iîu nat maraly -oA roelyn ce,~~~~~~~~ sepoaiebicanaaepuio Bucbcn's ArnicaS Salve. Of 'Valuable Fss"' np mnan, but a persanai comaplimeuontici tic eusi q i tt. Ce. et Ontario. lu~~~~~~ caadatt h tgtyp-h-eh. Ie ' The BxsrST n&vE ainte vorîti tan Under=ad hy grtu«- ~i aveo' Sla ou- ieest ltaI Mn. Pnasac's delesetorB[auentCul, Deniaus, Soyas, Ulcérs, Belntaioi.na eta Mochicage. vhiéÉ 18d h, ift ha tve one sp rk oetlio n esBty E beu in , T tt r, C h appea l H a&n d , G i - v on pdd a ce a in. ±- m b , i ra v i lia antI meah blot it Iem, ze la puhlîih li-mu, Canne, andaÏl ilndeaI f iný -lha 501d cu tad, lte tellawing tlegrat, vhlci téuiy éeuptilons. TItis Salve la guarned WDEDr ti f;~ 89 ar,~~t sp e afrisi give perfect satisfaction luin y ca e DN ih j io 1879 le (COoc"tL ToRQNTOýMay lut, îio1 onm879tndt. Pnica 25 c utspe 12 ~o'alack,"naan, by J.Er, 1à*tic1e ~ BY Telegrct,1u froua Keuc9stau. bax. For sale t'y S. W. B, Smith & - Auctioneen, aitIbis Ateho naomil5. in TeOTuEEION. C.F. FgÂsER. VILLAGE OF-U D il' )ut Cannoa atend banqunet. Wrcooyee. 11'icts Tiat We Knotv. Ail sua singaler, lItIcchdaitel' a1 c ha trctay. Fumlier MacCarthyty bore anal -land siluate in the sait. Tavttsi8 f Scoth, g, uiites wihtmlu icudurging yeuxrPo. If Yeu aire «îufferiug villi ea severe haleg campas fthella caten evenly4 itl itical career l in te tast, an t inlaw ieing- coug i, cela,- a uin , bron hitis, co - acessi n of L o ô ne in af he , ean eah.n - Lili You avery succes iithe future. Yen 6s1uplian, base oh vobce, ticldling l it Tthes i teauiabefSctar hsai @yare ai liberty ta roa t ah te huquic. tlra, or amy affection aleThiolorî ms iaront hc iae&ablo'Ux6cfdga, i or- (Si11nd- JON, ifJlp o Kigetn.lungs, w kuuow t lit Dr. Rings Now acres cleareti, vilh large-etreant ruuning 'r ogeu O1,nu»pC uugmn Dieoai'ory viii guvu yen immeolialti ce- tirougi unoleareal portion. Tien. is ut good Iv ~ eut.-'-- ief. XWa mev etfitundrede fass ogcie bainghainesbe ana ine yung orcean. il Peace Bctwccn Engluind ald Aî .of re o in aousrae saine subI-nivn se d g iani tan. il bs com p etelY c uàre t, aeu h la I vtre on le prom ises. -_ _ r h r y. - ail atiter meituilinea heal aileh. No>ot- Ton p or cent. aithe t'urahaae-maney ta s. Iunte louiseof Cammino e rorncntedy enu shaouaonehall as ntsny bha lfS1lI i Osale. rFurther tarmsanal aht Sir Stafforti Norticoto, Cliteellor aI permanent aures. '-New le give you conditions mey bc abhaineti, ou applicatian i.- lte Exoitequer, announaie t lat te oatisfactecy preoft lita u. KNe's New h ad ass o apoce adbee aried t e-Discevutai'wili cure you aI Asthnis, 1V'MURRICH, HOWARID uANDREWS, ua bsa c peen acbKanlba i't and]C rha. 'VRy eer ouuenioee' Soliloca, 10, Equity Chambers, f0lvonYukobRin nt ngianal. Bose taH FvrCustpion, 'Toronta. il -Among lte pinona * ttei1ta avere congbs anti cuide, Hoarsaeas, a y21,or9D 2 ce draft lreaty gttbmitldzl la Yakooh RKhan ny Titroat or Lung diseuse, if yen viii-_________________ Dun aealteBrillith-communalofet hu elet S. W. B.Smili &Ca. Y MPO R TAN T' luwitit aufficieut hrritury ta censtitule i rua yrpcre.it aeltna 1tA--i IO N S 18scientiflo fraulier, ite eppaimîmoni et a Cough.aalcd. id lrol ofthrealleial t abulofaa e iti- Gray'e Syrnp cures a noTlinoa eun Tite undenignealbhs eevt eroin lY tra ietrig ier h iiol.Hoarseness.ifrn m-tn.o Grey's Synup givea imméhiate relief MS .M BRIN g 'AM tIE, C no0L 4ît, B ann tR A d 1 . t a B ronchiti . m s M-CB I N ho LeDIItIII-rrniiean chlea re Gray's Syrup bLte bout mehbcina la sailhy Public Auctin, lie tlratCintIa rMati tesnBtihierafareanAelthmua. ENTIRE -S T 0 C KFURNITURE, I andtilIt Dacoiteý-orgcanizeal banalset' Grayýs Synnp rebievas Croup antisdaltrPrp0 y ol b roîhar-airatscaag ucîssextemars ive rayp6imugC iit. huivinble inlu lee on"lte premises, Brook St. W)lby, noar st ypblurilrcs ai opudes xtene tagas ot CengumIttion. lte Rayai Hte, an ut prbuin wnrutaaee alnativeneh Salai avaryvitene. Pnice 25 cents. RD Y an SA U AY. a-povtailien tiv rudea ancottregeti, 2.4u Ie Actiad 311 AY, ust e taixes relucoi, anulthueesies ouf iigit. 24n te3tadâr M Y is nu Paiti Enropeatu e'duceel, tltey viiictry -Tite Stock comprises: Fa1 nden Onolte te muraor anti rapuine titroug thletacouin. l Noficais of B-itah, Meu-uicgeat, BraktpeskttmasSareens. slip, P - t ry a n d t eir u p n o th itur mu i y a anti nud D aituf/ c a a g ad 5 0 cc n ts a c l&. p ersS i p or Ca a ue ; ail c o o u s o n e y cck n th. îil masisacre ltaenL ropeens. Ctvls lu#i i oorHnyo ut "men. na!ea Pceepe * Matto Silka, Oilo inaiti? Tassails,* DEATHS. Cordaln5d Tassais, Chenille, Paint Lare o- DiîtWŽcu.-A Youung maymabnas, dc. p Wllim HrIo, o Tesio Fes, as DULLEA.-At Lindsay, anthe làti WOOLS.-Benlin, Zéphyrn, Gar-nttutavu, k-trownebil wio allcuuupîing hae cons lte 'it-, Mi. Muitov Dubieut, ot Oshtawa, Fleacy, Fmngening. ha cupide holvecu ile sanal Crait Laie. agrcjd 39yearo anti 6 Moulhs. Tite he- LADIES' UNDBROLOTEING r le Ho1 anti a youcug Inflian vare wuding ceascul vasltae yonngeat son eh ie laIe Wbite Sirits, Intat', Hohes anti Claaks, i acra.oavitan lte curront awept thein Mr. Denis Dullesaoai Oshr.va ;lite vus Oiilalren'a XViite Dresseg Aprenal, Ladica'- te ovor te folle, The Inlien wîe utavaut an uprigLt, bigit principieti Young man Dreut a ps, Rions awèlLces, &6c., &o t îy te mati ouitaeaitore, but ilorton of flie- atnioteel iilegnity, vici elan is -Alite an autet of- a' oery'ch le sank hetora hae caulti ha resonat.i. ia rogrelleal by a videcii-celetffriands. ýlbody lice beau recavoret anti tant'dowu - ' - 1THE FURNITURE inoludes, it?'er, h ta Faitelon Falis wvire hie' parante are. WHITBY MARXETS. Dining-roont anal Betxoo nts, Malîrassea, ------- o" - -bodding, China Gilass anal Plaed-vare, Maycerye-w Ker bigi ilcien utensila, duc. ; aisoe aveineble an cletrgymrrnten vit oaur eblieiouCuMItuCLE OFvîce, Mey 219t, 1879. Pieno, ant Sewlng-Macine. a a whiuiawtrm htepuipl n aoonîFiti,1per bri----------...84() @ 85t nu Sale ta commence an Fridsy aflernoon of -lergmen Ser Thrat. hav re....... .. 4,- Sut 96s@51 00uet ONE n'Ciock, and-to ho coottintietio 'Clieymn's TIi~tiI. lao u-S;riuig Wteat......... 0 85 il 60 95 Fridey anal Saturday eveulegs, 'cpnmenc- tcoeretl by usiug Feliao' Syrup lIy- Barley o ly...... N$---0 uto0e auirnt5ee acak.o HuealF r h pnppti aa:aeprabiglen. " 2.........su0ou@ $Q o. ou ituce' viiiha solal an Fridsy, ei 1 a'ctock. Tii lre oaiBooseaepeculiaeby aund " 8, ....... !0 010 _@ 60 0oo >lt' Goade vili ha sald,, at-sud unclen lt wantiarfliy adepteal te diseuse of heut 1ye,..................îu 0 Cash ut' ta sale,. it breatiting or-------..........---tei@ e3 Na resonve -aill muaI i. soii. 0upeun.blac huiaaik .......$o 75 @ &o 82 Tenms-GCAéH. - uIiier viifiut ttuPan-iletin Can ...................i50 @ 60 Withy, May 21,79. Auctioucar. valuable in t e n r e y n t e iou a io i b t.... ........ ....... a #9-L- P I IB N S acciiîeut.keph neen plu.P211;...............ON Y COUN IL acdn.Frpain ite bente tae eaw..v----------10e @0U (18e 0U IL ittia Pabn-lier lu avueteuet i iiiBttr........12e ta 16e sud valar, halting tlirantresîluil tCîcaso. ..............oDa e ~10 0. EOnci! ci tia Carp hn ai , he claoue ut lte sae nlime. Itemii Wood ............ ...8 5t0«asaC aa800 JLCunhyoa OIL owbl oct,3prsuant uaagsreîgedfem otan WAtt---------0b@2 1Siormn IhC'o Hnse luli Trim Qune-tii àt the Cc c ONSEIR NýLIBEllAI SOUT TOW] THURS] AT It'c Conservetiv ns louine 7$'owft Dundes Stca hsbedby sauut uhif isht-gmv -sum uof lu ', sncit informeý hensi a ant S OUT- MASbNWc on cor «y llrvia ai miipeutell ih e repectfuii1 WU-y IN- GII J'AMES /?oofing Office. Carner1 TORo. The Great' ge~qntiine Iluil it Potme8aUju, or lt, utising Iraon. ipur Neürly id ltil biliiiiuik~raearaeli --t i îot. ll As a Pmiffr ofat * it ai due sbu, anal enoaI artCeber' auquel. .For saütilhe.i]j KEle,

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