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Whitby Chronicle, 22 May 1879, p. 3

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il-érry 'a 1flicle, ast-cl .uroç icetcm i413'; TIiome two erts.»>partent TQwn ilifa1d td rry'e BIloelaas are partfon. Inen tloued sad fdeserfl>el fntwo scr. édeturs, éeshagdaté cespectfvely, 94l dylY ifAigumt, A£ M1. 185, asdthe y of October, A. 1). 1808, and rondo ,.enMarylierry, ai the Town ai W-1lili tdbwt, aonilcièJohn liantPoer, f> ineo jalaCo Ewéqnr, and Thi9fyot part of Town lot ri, tri sel ) errys i descrtbediaim ollowe :Cotmmqoaofg enrorth-west i50gle oi esta) Town lot6- Co Mouthecýrly on theI 'sétern limit 01 lt 10 ifout 6O tchesf, thienca eaterly cil wittta tub nortihcem lîttaisi lot t siachles, theace South Bu. degreesi 45 tel;, Eat 18 fiset, thunsc ooI 01de. .10 mitnute, Lat t1lBfoet 8 taches, s cakit!rlyparallh4 wtth théeootorn 0 f siillo 14 fustltiacace sotherly lo1 "thth te iweotlrnliao of caidilot t 1 Il tace> more or'lese, to tholffoth- j-jit (>f mai lot, Iliencée asterîl' on ,outlera litrit ofslt)lot 80 feet 2tin or lems, to thée onth- set corner 01 it , thearé aortherly an the castorn o! eRt>) lot 49 flet 6 tacherto tho erat corner oftBaad lttheacéWet- on the xnortherra Lirait ciSaid. lot, eeût 8 larlacé, more orLe, to 'the etlwigirpafeate are saldt e 112 ap-romenal:e A large B éto llBrick wiwkaaasauthe IRoyal lLotel, wth kdiotas Farlodro, Dtalag, Sitting sai - sqQInr rü'ho a Dlilard rooma on the aO rielos al( théir outhofîlinge. Ths [ n elîaalapted for s firoe4lams bust- betog as o thcentre o! the litOai s a citbu town., IIMS-Oue-tenth aut,- thé purohagé ýy tio hépl>)dcwnon the- day 0ai leor balance, terme nwll lié mode si st theé sale. *forther partienlareapl.t J0NLes 13110. & MACKEINZIE, Boiloltarei, IMtaoaloHall, ¶Toronto. C., NOUlISIfLesq., Whiltle S AL R lliable 'M.>,lOd Propcrty 1in owmýshp4of *s%, t Co Ofntarto, an yVrio1tho power of Salé, so'h L,.!taîé Mborigagé, whf ch édale li a iit , heéoldhe ,AcL OP uxJ4BIDOrJL,' kil métitgiilr, tho[t crtti In, recl <îf! t1cuI t t e éatld TwaetoScot stapgeil oai thé asIéra kîvety.flvtu> L ot Nüo Une, tnthéeevonth(Jn ofthé Tdwrviiiaoi t fSrtt, atorsatd. is a cefft ajesirot4leii ll éttatei) i ro m thé Village aj Umrfdge, M60 leure4l, witla largo eîtroarar rutning3 * lorc port(fIo'Iloroitéa gond(l 'arai, fr,,aé o ial,an>) riviogaehe>) 11lisg liolaoe affl Iltinayoa oca 'er cei ,of thé î>rplé snf oue y tai at ti ras e le, Fîroliitliîr terme tud mn olasy b lia bola, von stptatfcr ebtt, 1679, Ba2 0 IL T A N T OTION SALE. (rmrsgi r wl has rtccnivctl fastruottira SS M. MûoB1IEN, o) sclî hy Publie Miction, Ilae RE 8STOC K, FURNITUREt. aI Other Propcrty, jicaea.lirocalit-, , iay, aicar flite iloyal Mlotel, Don ! k!Y and SATÙTIDAY, 3oîh arnd 3ist MAYt met, ftiwh> ,fk aîiapt;s:Fvadrr Elolé, 1>r>se, Uton>seSeceill, tslip. iiijaé-i cate 'filerioifrtl, ail lhindi ;; airfilléa éh( ll leneyaaasb,. v oté u lklitratd Tasééls,, fi Tilfeelii, J'oill oint Labé 11-I rt,, é11a r (ermantown, EiS' liÀIUNHICILTIIING 1:. kilim, lut-ante IRolbes aont (lonké 1r;JINIIJIII aarnlé, '- or, >450l iretii leoan semtsi, ,orce Chtna te lsé anl 1'îottl.ware, "tIse , h,, alé avainablé un roaoaaé e rlala iternocon élcIs,)tu bu poztilles>lon da SéLtlorL>Isy Aeulnin, comnt.a'c ,lfts aeiaeok, Thlaa>1talèlold l'or- Ilihé MoMl> ni, FrfILy, et 1 o' 'lock, aa>li mIlb wtlihéeaJ, ut se>)undér a>ve; ah toast liehosol>). L- FAIBANKS,. M!ay 21, '79, atn r NrTY COUN ýIL.1 a 0, t,' es cîabonMa1jetj * 'aliltho a il. l )iv e 01 4layar.- fo l1 r, o4,n1,, t. 1agt> ofrt iin, 1 ,» A Sc ,! etr Pssa tirkè Clt.ha C, 13 ta C i;rst.,,,> ltil is 1abo ag~ ~~~~L llwuLcelr,,, 11ix >1 tcuhi» II, 1> Ct, 1, >. wavr étui cîil~é'rlti> ilvér lleth Is 'gratffied to knowthat ailD»" o h DC the Ouiîtomeca who made purchaag'8-s é sd.lue nhis during thi.e eitement of tho »n. vl 'th 1'd Sale, are dealing wit Uat.ll' -A 'Y'S ÏH -IN TT Neyer be/are hdw uhSa-TO0WN 0 p da« a>d ods 1I- neyer A/ae t .Oelatk intheéw hàd >we suah Fashionabje 7fnH. DA4Y 0F - nni nda a' e Ft,Ilohau rcl.tée, abGowds wat t/weame t/me, so REMA1kKABLY CHEAP. The Stock is latrge and tlaorrnzgIiI a nséor-te. Every Department on thej IL'annio floota,.n aibl bouseaboutMox3y e2Otand - &IB a'W~asonî 'S o t e c e p D o s G o ; h us 'abo 2ie a frra: n sha d ,af t sfri Blna zîsta ble, a bo t2 , 4flt D V 1 EAda m lInt bouse, ud Iea sfolltk D Oit ts j iI- l, fo ria . mgpt, liglit 1 0I NW iere are about 85 acres, oi Orchard an al A Rhe nliy ni o Ct Se the cheap Shirtings Fjt- ae sd rmien a whr' 0 KW 3E ~ 2£L 11 A Sec the cheap Parasols! a large portion l Wba l~ h H Se the cheap Oera ols'i L a ud ea ri re. / >Ia oetnr 10atrawberries, a. a g é 0.,mber B O O-n.. Seo the cheap F ac tory ! as en dons on th placée t m ifi ifruits-~~ r BÃŽ.R IÃŽ. W Seo the cheap Tweedts I -9 t e i a --Famntcrmugthylao:Et h nora-vét quarter tyuifte aires ci theo-...,........ -:src tetsae ypya ai ne srs' ut mota nrtgage infvo Yoime Itater ee1t0" earng #1000Oand Beto rtr Trimecti Mil/1erbe knmw n t the duae. ,0In g tunmany thanks for the liberal su po sionN ew D res G oodp, .v er alac i e. 068 t i ne price tar in tetalcth pr ie thovlg t sPIR n ew SG etkSPaeein tati g th t hi Stock for April i01 the renant ocfn. P r a t o r a c l t S h ît , n d e nt a i ~ w h c h e x p ir e d i ig th é o a in g b i il n t a ks a , tEB ar g e s t n o w n , oy o r i s p ue c t i . T hn e t P O W E L L & 0 .S Ne Mil A. 1 terLrgA. n oTJ (lo teTIOet Ne more theisM&stler a e ili rveia i bd, te e fxéd trae tn proqUce.et-,e M o o hy s , Th e ser m o t a h 'hbe t m ade esud cheape8t that nxO neyand a k ow ledge of the w (la te s , s-t y l e . . P W L 0 o Srz Pa dwna epAT o RA!'S HOTcent. cra EJ. F' i~, O S T P 5u has e l er the a 1, -tSéimicitosale , O mPl8teassortments in Ladies' e t' iss, a dTéudrétoeiPreeo h iod e l w ,H G n s n h rttaindtter et, roin tht % o ôand& Coarse Lines. MJ.esB.anP O W E L L & £ 0. obthsls n & s d e a c e Oddfellows' H~all. r a g thé Bitaetarthecent. at t h xire h V~ i i lzHanlt nilen oa __________________TING. e met>)0 é r ea t .e t the epar The Lol n . T St a w '--- l "LVDobl bam Hue -ctheprhae, e ,. e ad 0ei vrB.-A A METIG 0e ie M ftayr a 0 ithe r. aiizs, ÉM O C O N S E R V TI V E... ;h astiret M O t a re ua tatsîe n tg on N s , o u s to m w o rk a s p e c ia t.y . i , B O E L & 0 0 6 u L o a l a gé é t D o k S . W r MEETING OP ?à£, yearsat ght tpe rtfr aten a 1NwSrwh p LIER CNSER VE 1hali-Yy o m rathé di)'of saa ,Eâ »p LIFR OS/VIE$IOn snotacaPyrent ornpon th e-K8IVB, 0WF -OrF- Stosud 96tit. and nrtit suu sautof the ptrchaser sh 1 ymon ta!i the balance, Dietfô th a orM -o-sai otii eeutoo Dro ro a toiy otreai a largeassortment Ne Wol apebeufupttrs "(oen alesi lieiew W001 Carpporion i Loeao SOUTH N AR 1I0Q riogendtafohe ttareat , 1 fouyfri 1BOt 7 W LL bE IE 1 ùE 179. Inna Pan. Bolt weliagoiaffir tat o IT13Y est~ e spat- e ,a c athé Condittons a éar u rm téechn tuta raim th ie ai AprJ. B with T -ýWV NJ .r lB .TP O W E L L t of C h ne ain g c o n itio n s craperM , C O L I N S , 'ree w fors t4 00- 01 MalCOLLINS, New TapestryLOCECarpets and Floor Oil Cloths _iilihge tallée ARPhali acre ai andd.sytSatthannd enac f l im a rtoa. 'cnd ttn aislra h 'nithe ___________________________________________________________Fût mére Coners)eara shev ross, nu las busin of Impe ce wi b corneroaithLot No. terà. Snlictorson. W0 0tDyS eaet brta c-ntetof Tva ntheitAue. J..B..POWELL & co Prom ils&exceIlent ettutLtto on, Slît'yr, W éer a mus FsawterrAI M(1.(ÈIn Tt asbuio Eimotace~ h ehw, i h et) a teaa d 2 lite Au,>:7h,18ÈI T$MS0F0LElapr enWdv; RDs theterdai urhae mae, n(isifglit slila Wrouht a t ,thjme tit 1Loing . lImier, -oo:oADES -........... .1 *5N N E W lisale Q'baarae t !i eerredlgyairgegepersile * 1or rn 'is s o i102 eqatul annuantara)yinents, vatit antereat TuEpMn Sorear . f- - n& Co.flicaourtalIta suitAR WpRE:rcTitaE er. AOe teceving well aorrted stcofI < '-'"'40Ca Jt a.t ON. etnt f neroxpense ai tuasîTRÀte LE . R C . >Y t H R'WAR 189 i22î xtt tteapwiù,. . 'ite OUT11'SEi VELSPADNE 1ES.- n i, RE EnsLa, thEMANALNEW A -VERIi M Nji aJonasr earifrdo Cnn, Jnulion,879 - I-S Pra DiNrs, c and' MmA NU BR O RK,&.... ~~SiioWiCy ug lOadiyrmpcrcnu cS N AMTUnrja 4 IEIYVBULDR, ARWRE:l S TA TE ME TGEBR17,204OO SApilB-t,877 Ja, r UNîyra raa ia an1t 17, ]O, d a , Ltes C sh nbn ni ak 2,N6 or suiable or fan purtse Luhs o.bondanTendersg s iti, o8 ail opai e fawr l o ir !2Oiacraj Sdt onu a wi t hé F Aéaali h e at~rs O uo-00Cah ,Orti Le napeotkse ît t rs ae al ' ai S u aatae I sll as>Justtéa i4r. cofth u c Cola ar) oCitae 'h urhsr hauia ta>)icxria.anaitio olode or <.rie , l HfJ tO lGîn cai, P t &c., &r -0T E-Itc wlll lneotieevetnfacoaltssir Cougi Loas o cllalrltscelty -...- Bgsto n>am iIOindTO« J. . ONG v NiELSOuN toOL ANEp...Sjan lw 1,Enls e rd R V E L 6ER72.GRCe IY' AlJ AB T R ) paétcbtoaivu ehl i ~\aty O/Ï<u dY Ee20. 1870. myltl ',M îhOB, i tb O )isu lead , 1879 ~a, Lnrtasîîos, Glit0s,56u2îîy, &o.stfckcée erl) -AitCh f.,;î. .~.f Anilt ee ).m r elly nbnsd,200 eln tun rcdltd ttid f, paesX)R E EVW N rwnPItl CaoS a Iaa icipa nd, Jan59p,07850 h 0F eWliT telTO FARMERS(Bin your meetinPanslM Iii afl .tckrad bons, 3. 0B0lO J iJIA . AITIG cEI le ýnno1itoba(.OIbl L"CaorhWiony Jan>)1,8a9>)epa t anle , 1794e (itf- 1 SIIERE Y GIE, Nithatthe o nrt c ei etté - - 2,9,198.18 ta hsl]en . the saine prie ne havefortheease>) Chetyrofttheilettés. fanaleare nawceITAc SJ5.>s ,U entc erid N T C iti talcsainnoltre analhe Jitg17.,o L oans ncolatéral - 2- 116.004 cptth. Court ons.cof lidee ion r 7u.8 fle TOWNAPEHANCNG c' ~ ~ ~ ~ O WIITs3 TTwti' nAI io Jttc- !litéPsa Cro i étsti u T8 and ueanàlo er ity21 b ilUiI". HTEAHNG aa Olar, lariT . O. latis p i lo 7zlOfû, Tta1979.li -itty O N-y siltit, b713.d 19 Uby l . . AR IS n. >)Surls aerrs P So On u day tvening.7. - ler Statler>s ucp, hrd, 21,7.., nto ' lth reonAq tSa u oioles th V- 8712leteF soEN rC n Mteao- iowiC u scenrgdn n h lata oie n INndeIL43LE,20.00 ellizigSat unprTcdentMtfyWAlitWORKGUARANTEED, iaNuc a-ai C é, elc k 's c BsnkToanale InY.nraneod LakoHuro ,tî09,0cl 4.am glJitlMY2,'9 w IV R O sL u.OCitE Y t1,r -ar----- Moaey auke>). IT GIc% W ar no 's l3rok Sree) Wa'y.garîr . twrdUitte LItIes.addate 3e cn0,297 varaîaolh MAEIE b KIng's ua , inroa mAns W"~ ~ ~ ~~h 11F Y S 8O liE D ra SanASir rOOl-Wx. 1 UBIPOTC esa rvé tora per fieatPo li sc fwilnyand any geo or tuandeineyahm tceWil..l-1 .l is 952 tO all and iOPe&tWAurAganmuerais thélae >tieaJ)I3ICNOTCE- tl Aive at RL Sf j fr heyer179amlî Clxi s-aideIn aet f- O ROA A To e p' 0.0 i tel>10 1 theIE Nadjou té n t. Of Sl rtsthndMAmusements, to bc rY ceviavQué22bect, 7n1T 4y nd n'le uh - Mltlland P. 0.,1 1..he01 gihadA eicnSyew ihitse 8.05 LETetéthanduoménov danh1sstore82.61 arreiîaii w ès pp e anon Ca45ho rigii -ON- ettLoetRae. SauljÙy2th 89,F oStdy Ilté> n sntauly cao Bonn5nPMÀ aylt8, 1979.,00ea Srins r8r78,*1 4,YCg D Pi!rlac RiED NEThLc T u.NCDE7 -810)-CSH nIlicélecn ruuj t he sî i t by , r ntr aiet8.0A. d e l y For lcc ommdaio tain -4 p rtar n hîtc inté er178 i C1878,.L iE ~ Y ~ ~ xEl~,Â' OlApb-Crteryton i Dn Sn.clb. -l L182840343.2à~, IN ~ ~ ~ ~ lt GITL2TES ai nlitt oc>nra. îIusRoN. I& BTEOPonMalWrhiClay. cf Laeroin weiPralroa.nuleail li Piceswrt. oreaua Tuila-si a Ccce ove i ffice, .Toa $2C ale r asIrt l8 81an 01 jg aont acien asiatîouuDigùas a d 'Sres th N2 CirAaCsHa ...... G lWthit179.-lotrt tsiaan 1870 ri».ti _______________ Whaltonmber Li .Pol313,08980 anOn ot- g» tite TheOND lén 101878, -h ..............0n p if4téroon,.ol JUN.E, fçoyowlel chiga e are' ~Ni~you Wanlia good Sprini, chaing aswe reprepared -, 1 furnish you with Good Al WoiT'ee -pleaebear t m hatý"' alç0d ucae funded; tmmeetepae Woi aMd np, ranted a8 represented or mon'eyxr~~ -. J ing tésm.-0F- 1,0 rs ol i an bar= lande vili be1,41Ct V- . WOD (eU ad ecsapl lt f 11-- -iU55is- ...axR rpanaaî,ar io9F ' t a ces r lrWithy. d s a. - Téquca stao Sp lto otce .5iI a fi îaîiceafolo South OÀtr/o -a-in aéttlen13tras are.lots uare -MJ)the laestWors of Fctio ntic._ --ALWY ia »i» l pia laitc ai Léng 0! tiié.y-law LIYE , iSONsteck. - hy, or aC tLIVReOOL,:MARKET !Seheol Books, Slates and-Sh ODKEDT~T ~s il ~c» l> bté iaach noacèef o o!thé - eai c Byd iobeygeo, ehap ot- f G ntsoraaet-jth eMh.d. Balrug u*edy, y>suonv c hérlib, and téesmlue s aguide Wn Sent a Yand CIODy c .SAFR esaesadMgznsa lsesres -YOUII~--informalion &o., .e, afforded. an>) viii haasuy Magazines7. M - uPni dén a1 udrBge apl iey ol D nd Italdelivered at 12j- centsper week. ~ ~ ~ e-I .n a4aai ruai( Iyaag Cir llaWeeîwar>)of the Can.Ltry leasaiIo l otl "1,»>'1rslc144éy:A'thtata le A. & J. C. PRINGLE. Val and eo fl orYres t 12P t1* rl__ft______mofon_________l,, BR.O N A THOROUGR ERVN.DELIVERED A PIOKHO IB<GHRaOL sefryz » avl olîscé, dol a, a>îlff itaI p art of the LIV itb acaiaIlth, 1876. 12-tltS R A TAT-'C&la dA fo lý uj f'fy olas N.iddaWay TeLB _________________ MR5. IGINS. rnE EXMINATIoN bp ILICNEY iipn> sCreS thu ) ith lg propricora o! Citélans ad. rt iLCT I - E Tt.:::'J . ,'MayItaprs79. IMartiéeaaaCIIram',11MY, calthN nf tjI, ýllie t 'Ut uuCe 'ecéeTImm-eDe. OC.E ua r~1 rj? 1 ELiv,-r and l>Rdu iaitese= '",ttj,: NN'IVERSARY SERVCS PUBLIC 6CO LTEACHERS Ç v~4Pahn 4-4-l( coi. t n-- i.>ay, etc. -r~. é's>L e-E=-- . -aaoÂE.1;ban auaiWck OYYÀI4 >I14r.- 11na o ta e '!L1416 f t ét îiie n nell re -r= NovCrtfctle i l el i h L L A UE ..uasnv1(1f. s.. H. PRES TERIA N c0uR c Ha-County TOWN sudHIGH SC3O0zs, I RC NAOON FTELasy2wC isslairOdn _ NLA-~6aa 11la ai sudlCanula UIiL ..I>>UIC(Jl Po.- F0b)N T A IL 10. -Ya..u- i TUSAJLYBa ,> 5tCry o. 1,C-1vo NewN ISE !N oRC. O g. tlih arEton, -Iaé3 6tree ni1p.tte t4,1 uo-n o Wdem^a h O I E 1The Presbyte. rerb, Ciarmont, n)tcThc.hs. ttéCunty Tevn, N-A T I1O N-A L P O'L IO j lisi aalCta s ,vIi O .-t>> >> >îa.al4t~cî.jFURNISHED i-/ALL TO RENTI TEE CANAMI EI i~0c~ ABTHMthé251Gt.nts'ita O i g eitm t-ar~~~ ~~ ti la itî tca>.ir ii..iosbîthatct andidates 0>4 >- I llý-b' farnièbiadHall aboyé the wICIiuao ea-soal>i tanco -- --e offi eTrontoa att 11)-sa. làait.80, nt erynet l..4.m n. th Loy o ne -hï GrlDiea n*ahonbol e i Aaoot ý AlTon td m tttetoastsatracnc. - -,i»>' nlion . G . *bor YeuWienté, fl, i.2Vif, -M1I INSURI /UtCOMPANY,. >AI170, AIM ,TON,_CANADA. CAPITAL, *1,OOOOo. uit Depoulîviit thé Do io Gaer -. ment,85,0. aun vé=y Ha=muI 3s& 1LSimpson, Hamutli ~corA- Bfuntba. ou)ltréaL EN HARVEY, JAME S IMPSoNi Presislent. Viee-Preidet, F. B. DESPAI1D, Manager. Lll lassest 0yroperty, excejat éSU cht s, ra réxet raes.ous, insuresi at thé loet ;pcia quatatiaus ou brick andl von> illuge.Grain and) othier prndneécover. for short terme at realsonahle rates. - E. W. ARNOLD, 'Whitby, Aent Cotant7 CO.ttarlo. CGPOUNDp vhli ca nstituleBolaBo, le aud Nersisasd 1Drain Snhatâacaý, ;t LIioli la dtirectly dependent up- ne o! thérp. Ils union vit thCie hla)1aa'-sils letfi thé mtasclau ro-etabhui h ie aras aulag the allieril 0e c apahlé ai eleet- le 0otlwing reanîte: d1ldisplauor vasit n Calarculus r, sud to ure=0Causumpliaxs. tncereasiîig Nîrvoua as>)Moannîl r il vtil na-orDjspepsia, feelrin r u- te>) action octit eltI an jpalpite- I>oaknèc a of IntellecI cause>) by griti, i averlax or irregailar -habile, li.. Atuté or Chrapie Coliges .on 0ai1Cho even 1itema i ulrmtig etagei. - ,rs Astîma, Lang ai Vairs, Neural15'l tu Danco, Epileplia File, Whoohmo -Nervousase, un>) le a loast Wonder., urant ta otiter remides ira eaeluiuinlg rang tée araaeeu ef Dtpthelta. malage ncitai ! fectin isfornaodi OWS' COMPOUND SYRîJP >liý HYPOPIdIÃ".>iTig, are sais in ay ii o a long ex.- ailn Medsee Ilmfù =ns are nof ed tp« any e afiù Otbalaonlas Cthé îg l dii )monsîrate. sACCEPTABLE toa tesund b'ICIENqTLY POTENT t, nnr é Vlcfi, yet larmless, hoysOevayiou nsy lie conutlnued. Thle taactecr SI5DIGEBSTIoN andsi sumill- ITALIZES TEE ])LOOD, atpply. ,eegrdients as May lis requirasi ISTORES TO0E ta lte arycu. IVES POWER abOfenurrance said ai ratf aný tathé minat COMOTH8VGOR 0 Iaotheargons- apèad or licaltito h éOin3'alusaîary r acloa i aI. ; .he Lver; Lunge, itata n)Genitala. - 1 0i8és alfetési vitt soaedtaoe lu- uteaouTE olscÀNICrî L055, itl imeu- ÃŽys'te t atil fIt-rcaches thée 0I ~'In an y& eeoient Cretor. mLWS, Y OSIUTE Uy !at5u thé directions. IWS' HYPOPHiOSPHITÈS INCEPITION1 ccimunte wiiprefpcteal Claie an accuniéd many manthes, an>) lîrateil- vil e f uiïgta CULAR CONsu .mpTION. 'dcr te uuppl'y Ch.eetenveialit Viphtes alreadlY lunlie; for, aI- oic Iihtre was fCorrect. a ta t!,>. pieparatians ver., avlrag t hctc argalzallon, tonn? wsuttog Ou ilxy rauséa téeformation aif it île>) heat, fhey did notixaprovoe -.Thé >teta fc D h i muscles -as c1rianm.crfed tal Choir'dilatéal utaté, Ovavu 8, Iliéy véro alue Co 1epesivî idorate songlit by BMc. Fella -, ientl, palaalloremo>)y; ithugkuséa cobttnui]ay, ýèC jucoratuéeat aisy tOme wthaat et; ýuld 10dnco su apptit.; adigestion - athé nervesanlmse; eerjeaCaucréssfu]lY cota. ,uiently ecanamicel foc ail. R;itenras- O h td Oi thé ~ rth oe dauaate e riocoa cprémie aiexcsl- réCamn > ellov'sERa- t -*fhln 1o alnyrestrye . apréervé I"i. éal and rd vtoutdahimnt. oteoust?.1, sm stas fesccp ricéad article. '11tsk Piépatciaae wbowafcse- rTh % Exelanmicél Gper Blettie, T,80 l'or six RoLtlé; Il St. Mo]btreiP. a - .1 For S leà1&' W.SUerïwith th .x -j'if

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