Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 29 May 1879, p. 1

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ty of Ha//burdon. ARM LOTS,. la a Biailva>', aes!Loteu l t E 0F HALIBURRON5' oini oa atoisaVctoria Ratlmay, AtLE, ON4 ItEA.ONÂJ3LE hpplly to C. J. IILOMNIFIIL? I, Isoeua Lanid A'Emigrattion Co., REAT -OFFER'. ]?OR $10,50 01uÇI rimtori CIn fulI l eep an un- WORCEmsTE'S DICTIOÃ"NAIM, FORTNIGTITLY IREVIEW-ton- Rtetail pries Wrcaslera BDiction- 0,h llcrptien hire lper 5000,0 tt>r'," or W.0.Ore ii glvs an abldgos!, beind lu shosp, STElt'S DICTIONARY vs (51 yesrhy isulecriptloisa le LORTNIGHTLY IIEVIEW, ion- (4) ys'arl>' sulbero ertleTis nne.v tEItcow, Wvailîl give a au], fanios wark, lienual lu 2 Vais, adnial Rehligio.i" qTm W,% NTED te iom me ml mil cb*rinntet canvas tiscîn Fur pîrtîcuhara, eniler boalssl, xcopleag, adslrees tIse publiehiima, 'O1IDS CLARKRIt& Co- 60 Yerk St., TORONTO. -,MAJOR M S WHirli'BiVA au baufllydaie itmclr a> pmisleet eaaidol eS tamuka RiTN A CIALTT, ftilo et il a ~tharefers. mdibl]t ir G0U1 1 iG taiihe le beet p aie omain , isns u isî iils 1<n hid;o il i -Ie n on I; Li ifl or sasie aI mea. 1R.WIT ah ail imas. le, 101h S ul., 1878. . 41 - MNIJ3USES TO A-N]) FIVA»tALL LWAY TRAINS! 'rosel %I iti', b.P. lu ola>' cotiveyatu se r are iteausi c0'ifotr- t Ii Clijrge eOf VCArtL drivare4, Ahi elîsakîld uiatî' luokulafler. L oLUIS SR3làT, t roprialor. c. F RIs50, 1879. (y-l0 VI STONE, BUTOJIEli Al ttIse Onir.clockee, ireck-st., Il plu re iscît loar te tfus III itîcal- hsmijillOflt, Fis phare te< .A OOOD- JOINT AND JUICY STEAK I isega nu LII(ilsicete tIse itllsahl)i. II y ul tiuily, tht ic bagi. UR & FEED STORE wCois mli lii SluIsar5101, mirera. A LAi(li S$TOCK 0F i Ctacktd Wheal,ý i 0iltles i>'l i at cai e laîi. 'LEVISTONE~ Oliîario 1lluck, WIstby. tCnlis, tutC orsau po isOoe îîriicuu]usîily sepîdimaf- ivre s 1-11>liwitLiun tIse rasai t a xpltt e s! li imilonuîuonsiwitit siatiieiil tIsa patienit is futrs sp-- iglse sire tI umcueslui lIseChI> oJJslia 1u-1 5COMMsUsî-s<iiisearis ivalis Sis li sii-l 1iii nîsritzi-y nuthiti- L<iîuri '. éj-)eslsusî,7i 51P.s- i a Nus. capS"01 Misiî LUati;u 3~~~ ilircd, ,~Ethe agis! ~ ~ i' atnsieius îsatuisb 0 -lUit 0,11 .11. 11V't OTIC (li'E WHIr.CtY, # idi#o rauURDAY noIn inG, At hie Prntlng Es$Ablhalmonea,' 9BOOK STBEET, WHIT4Y Terms - $1401 popAnm _________ .a mete mesitre Ai d.vstalMd, e iarged ailthe rte 018 aini, par li r0t unertion, sdantI2et,per;llns,ei hinbf ------ gluent Insertion. Speclal ReportSet Ming ;i isi'mI XI liâ e3sciBnks, Railway Compatia«,YVOJLj. ,~ Inorsoce Cempsales, aud îtn ,gl s t 1k. ____________ description Who Oaed smeng Z<sws al- ter taon cents pars. Tr rn ZO E lipecialeontracts made with advertlsoea V Orderste dilseontine dvertao«mnj DUXIDÂS-$T. WI ninet baI wrltlng,(WEST OiPOt Om1OU0 Busiess ire ta JOSEPH A. BJNDBL, .ROPBz Busiess ireoory, This bonse bas boursNintly le *larr an& room L-dfitted ip flur s .'Bout 08LT4!Uee8 aMd 014TAJI910 BAIXK rsLqr.z edablg WUITB Y BBRÂNOH, oioed yard; att.ntlyo ut.,s TROUAS DOW, GBAND TRUNX BAzýWÂy]14 MANAEzu. (opposIts G. T.R. Statlo6,,Witî *PARtEWELL & RUTLEDG, WM. O'NEILL --POE 'i1 ARISTERS, ATTORNETS, SOLI. Rvery accmmoda torrpetto,i )citera, ,ot9,rislie, dconvoy. lug ceemtortable, alry bedroe ,Mu étucers, heurs. Ofice, iret ý.oor senti te nit oyalte' Thte Bar IiI UV l e wit Untei, Whltiey brndWetP1 badofLiquorsW es i ilieu JAMES RUTLEDGE, B,.A. &o. EvM ery direetien 81 R. 1hmIWLL, . L.B.,travellers. L. L B.,Good Stabliug, euclosed yard, andt Couuty Crown Attorney. 48 tivaestiers. JAMES ICEITIT GORDON, ÇOMMERCIAL MOTEL and ST]I j13 ABISTE B & ATTORNEYAT.LA&W, 54 andI 58 Irvis-street, Toron J>Solicitor lunOitancery, Cenvayncro TH£v MelAZ, . -.-pe~opBmI tNotary Publie, &ea ffeve . Ad- îauooen Te JOEN SLLT,) liiozi's store, Broisk Street, Whltby, Ont. 'ieba 10 D os ult i -- -- -- two bloekafrtrmlte Jerthera Depotant CEIARILES C(. KELLER, te lte Market. Te Rut iens beau ATTORNEY.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN ______ou'_ad___________r____eaus ou, Brook,,C 0.u uns. WALKE 1 'tl BAKOAY, TEMPERANCE O ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, SOLICITOlR DNA.TREWIB A l Çin ancery sud Inselveoey, convey. Good aoeommodtoatrnebet sucer, &c., '&e. dotioen 02.50 per weat. Orrzca-At thte court Hange, Wbitby. Badr 25 e ek LYMAN IINGLiSLI.~, R0T"HTL BATRISTER AT LAW, SO'LICITOR IN W rB Y, J,. Ciar, evayaee,&e,&e um JAS. PRINGLE,PR PIE os tret, 5baa.The largeet and mont cildons1 A. G. MeMILLAN, lu tIsa town: bas large sain le reomi commercial travelers. able Weil supl <Lite Greenweod & MeMîllan.) viti thte beat lu seaoon. Beat 1 randalng B ARRISTBR, ATTORNEY, 90L1C. aUd ciffars. EncloseS rda dasitedre ieor, Ntary Publie, Convayancer. 01 attentive ioteters. arge te suit fce-flyron Street, Senth ipt est Office, limes. -i Whitby, Ontario. N. B-Livery atlacbed. JOHN hALL DOWI, 1OSNRUE-TORONîTO, ONq AIIIIJSTER-AT--LAW, SOLICITOR Tse Palace Ratai of Canajia P.afi B n luCbanrel'y, Covayanrar, &. .Rfurniehed, snunrivaled. 4New Pas Otjcc-Deverill's -Block. Brack Street, ger Ifievetor, running n t n d w1liitby. enly frsi.classHote n aad wit g5 MOllET TO LEND-Prlvatc Fond,- oted price, vie :-$2, $2.50,aa 83 oer, oî sema ep te 88000, at a 1gow rate etfu- emblors of Clubs and, otb rà, aest octlu. (l.5rcoms, witbent board,81 teS ord JIOIINSIJN & KENT, ~ b 7b 88 Proprie (LAT DuGG.14 &'RonîaaoBON) RN-TEQUXENS MOTEL, 3ABRIST S-TLW <ATnN H B aya, Solicitore, Coiiveynucere, &c. (LUT£ toitMritcxL, OFFICE-Iu Victoria Cliainbcas, No. nuocK-STREEET, Wsim nBY, 1, Vctora Steet.TAYLOR & MrCANN, PR9 RIETO, O. noieeoe, . A II1Ul.ii A.E. emThIe undarslguad derire te uform ti J '40. f. J<ELBY.n.1 the publieIbat tsey bave ta, -ie B AltSTE-tAT.-LAW SOLICITOR lu Pl siJlsiaucery nu is oilvsussy, Couve>'- suucam, tee. Odlee-i)evarill's Block, Brock- Street, Wbitisy, Ont. 1BhARRISTEBI, &e-, &eý--Mûnay te Loin J> Imassen etflisrringo Licenos. OFFICE Lýý ver BorniniousBank> Wlitby. 7u4. 22, 1876. <If-S CAMSEItON & APh'ELBE, '>AIIIISTERS, Attorneys.at-Lam, ans BI.Solicitcre in Clancer>', No, 4 'rmeta treel, T'rooto. HECTOR iAltEhIN, .5. ly-48i B, i, APPELlE, h. J.GUNNM. D., -IURGEON TO TiE COUNTY (AOL, SByrons Sîneot, Wlitby. Dr. W. J, hJURES. lteidcaeCuisgrgaieonlChorci Pros 1t trcoasser utfIByron ans! Mary trece IBYltON IFIELD, Di. hB. j )ilSICIAN, SURGEON, .&C., DIls -ICrck. $in.,,, lilulJilIeN, 1.. b.eCi cUY'S HOSP'ITAL, LONDON, ENGO., G tIseo ye ILt, .H. L., Oshuawa, Outlie. 'P'lyisictalu, Surgeon, 2tccouaber, &. e %lilSy, Sepst. 10h, 1174-. 40 W. ADAMS, R 1 OOMS OVEII R. 1-1. TAMESONS G~ Irocery Store, DundaLs-et., Wbltby. <tlire logre t rein 9 ar. 10to12 ni., and freni 10 te 6, p mni Redene-Cor. eofiByron udGibertestruets t, N. VARIS, L. D. S. ffl T ErTH iusertcd on all the aslha ateet principe of the art, feaba nethe cheapefft, and ne gooJYaa the best.Teti tlled wti Gold and Silver. Teetit extrar.ted witlsout pain, by producing local anethemla. Dentl Roon-îf Cow. aile uew block, over Atklnoensa Drug Store, King Street, Oehawa. 3 JOIIN ROBINSON98 RAIR DRESSING AND 'SHAVINO Saloon, Breck St., WVitby. JOIIN IVOLFENDEN, t GENT FOR THIE CELEBRATED A i.Scottieh* Granite. At Marble Worke aijeunlthan olieude,Dundas St., Whiitby. vILIAm COOrER,. IJLACKSMITH, - - DROUGHAM, (Sueçcsioer te Thoemas Middaugb,) Iorse ehoeing and al l nuds o general wîrk. iy.12 L. I-'AlhtIIANb<S, ObFFICIAJ1j ASSJGNEE. Lm- OlICIE OlIOSITriTHE ROYAL - itt, Jrok.St., Whitby. %lttby, Maroli 2ilu, 1879. 14.ly Clork Division Court, Tp. Clerk, LaO DOV WO knwn oel, umocis I PavO nemi>' fleS up ans! renov4tted, ans!1 auto ltebhat of ýarden tom tIse iccermuo tien aiusta. TitaBar, uticb' istIsai s.... ltseCeunty, lenvWOU auppliad wn tie tinest brande et uus, liquiers, anS. gars. Ample anchoed ases! masud gc stabling, box sInUs, &a. Dataîcses! rai 1cr Commercial traveltare. T. P. TAYLOR, PIIILIe MaCAN laIs of T'ronta, QOMMERCIAL HOTEL,' CAtITitIOnT, asT,.- J4MES DEWART- PIIOI'RIETrc Gees! accommodation t. THE CENTRAL/ToUS, (Lata Lockheal Houai.) C. GIFFORD - Propricao This bouse le tle heil iu the Ceut Cal anSOsec It. AYERS HOTEL, 82 & 81àML-ST., I1OCHES'JER, N. Price rslucsd te $1,60 a Day. 'rise Hetel lins reduces! ils prilce te tL Travelling Publie 0 1,0t area.Il hai v obj 0tIse N.Y. (Centmah Belï'et <eu tus ors Sentit), ans! bas racan y Seau r filles! and 'a-turnssies!. Open ighl s: Sa>'. TIe loues is fIret-cises lun every r opèct, ans! CanaSa paoiple wmi sasys mone b>' getng le tIse Ayers Hotal. .WILSON SPEAGUE, I'roprietai Roccheuter, N. Y. Jnly 8, 1878, (m.- THE WILSON HOUS.E AS-HBURN, ONT., AL: TI mcd celle TI the Cige j3; IEX.ý BARCLAY, --Proprieto 'he lieuse le of Brick, large and cou jioue and the interior la fitted up lu e: uet style. o larder je eupplied wito thse bouti market. The' best ef Liquoren tabling, large and roomy. Goods shed RITISH AMERIOA1N HOTEL, R A Y - (LATZ SON es ouas.] WH1TBY, OiVTAR1Ã". leuse neul>' nanovates! anSfumnistec Ihiongloul, anS put in tirt-las ordar It, te receptien et gossîs. An omnibt teua ropî ail trains, FîrsI-clasi saxupli ooma. SHAKESPEARE HQTEL Cor. King & York.-elm., Toronato, Out J. A. O'GRAD-Y. . PROPRIFTOR l'isu,to$150 Inzia DAY, (y-47) P OST OFFTCE SALOON, FoSaea& IeCONNELL, - - - PIOOFRIETOP t r ItR-EST ACCOMMODA'rJON -c for Gnesta. li'-4' (UEEN'S IlOTES, - VICTORIA JAS. !sACKEY, -PIIOJ>IIETOI C-oeil Taule, Liquora, ausd Ciguirs. Fil slslliug lui ever>' necessar>' acessiniela. tieus. ly-41 LU iM BE R !-LUMRERî 1Ca- 1 OEl N S O N, gmio lei,îer ilu 13. R., Land Agent. u &e >lu£. V..i.lvl.Nx kil., Atlsorly, couuity Ontario. , VW H I T J3 Y, Atls1r1 l Sl t.itd, 1872. 80 Ras-on baud a large supply oi aliinde of Barn Lumber, 4o»,de, and ail neceeea ~ ll t~ 855 lncetd li ~llSl.8k Building Luinbet. lecing, Sawn Tiiuber, l nIvO îaefrtuoIiWi-tea Stocke amfSeantiing, àa irge 'quantityo baud, U . . roit c eling Large orders tor Long Bill8tulY, Sed PVItliAtldrese BAXTERI4, <'O., from tMille t short notice. tiîllikere, 17 Wall-St., N. Y. iPoore, Saeitoe sand Blinde aiways on - __________-iard. JING I3ROTIIERS, Whýtby, May 7th. 1$77. l>'-20 WIIITBY, ONTARIO, GEORGE BIIITTO1N, Ilolorters, Dealeris and Manufactureraeoftaal Icîndjs -of PIACTIIIAL LEATHER AND FINDING&, CA RRIA GE WAG9O'N Cash pnid for RIdes,, ark. and'Leather. Lenther lstrstched. làABBLTING MADE TO ORDER ON: SH1OIT NOTICE. MA,'UrACTUtRII; ci a new im'provea M~y, 182. 29 $oot Soed anid Corn Dril, Vîîlîabo F fo). ~ DpbIe & Single Turn/p Dri/ls, .44 LO' ar~ u, CLIYTON'S I'ATENTEI> CIURNS, ih.jl. ~ ~ LO Tj, i jvcy .,II' 'rty îsend ~ IIrtlypa ti ist iii <y, îîjand AIIINO dnouetly a tn 5?J3<ritri reliablil parties.ruiqUiOtlOiOl'HtJ A A. IÇ~lit, W 1 Coe nepa -a 0 n Sol<bla * 3 V ý-n IrB 'amsi T a t aee pej,*qea~~èa e~mi p qbn t,, "ui .eaaéit rat uel . tip thnkugIu o*4 Noëd'ibshbtae. erda>',Thn ach.ipr ennýla a ý oa nda OURE RER Andau t at Nkodyod=d«Ma twO ia1ed W t eed lf theai onr ues a n ad xplani liIe's~yong~ing ~ u abuolusly ale - The you n p -ta zrev BE{OV]C TèbneoNURSERY, j >"èàlýýnaË l d"wg V» res Ml bet Vaoletla. it r, tiea t àb ùnr f-àýf, oùb , Ckg.bie ;"deleil d ged, fombr 10 « Reas!, est ffice, . I o t.aves l btu a Gbl lid avedm1 ein e o sthéllYlymadelniyiOU"~, " l I I d I*al d5tm~fe lv s atan Q H A A p-' Vewmua.-or ~iati g ~ plaes! u us steat ~&Noad~, tiiian lad u!explalon; ith~, at . Mote i n. vo the lu$ttand earer ti l bs nteyetec tuffotre , or N yycsellimg t uSred., 4 bad eobpeau uaiu d oi ib1e lu 1&@y-v istk-haeesels!heum -~~~~~~~ Bordre MI i aa. oeueymea. eoa'ma1erbhi alieË4'vot. oryl-0ea 1h. hoOteon W& 40 -O Z £ RUugci anS0-eatymrts. aave a maso of no ll*m dontu uembere thaeue ont boat iaireoviteerttile isolthe1 An& aviryY SilvesatPlatetin.CakerBeskets.1 wuAns! itkad t roly Nobzî,barn h tl f ný aduàq; elydd'tý#mm@ ,bmSEEd cL, Dear 8' ,-I havabeau air g egettt snd1ndFa a roe r uUy ataIbasgee Smdvtii tlie i e like a assi n aueh. had rît E POB Lo no 8,ùa.Cou pik rl, on &Elreonien!T. 'as aAn praIws uneiNbk tsa otal RoIt s a re Oo, everyiu. 1J. L.th HASNAPObu 'r . a ve etom ineobasp.y ans! iuaie! tebl ber'ludayloraud m iaâa',l ,etknatetem fit Hell ns!Ba Gedi. agstaet Egleet 189ursM E ltl t. Iwhn alche btoc ti b 'le, Beau. v, avu o e téitIan u o ff eas evrcanga bsctaheaO nd-c uo Tmpatei Nrivoumias, as! il seraAendutscf or "Nu taugit men eas n ui alve aou t i"ha steuar e e," it rllas n le tee la uadt aues! aH,1arNuA H-ceAt ilio luayoublelupthaelstbout eut. bayuseeae ides W'y NO T NO RKS lmityî atrqan D. IsIuotdhiseeud v. y alaeu ndem: alesiua. uervase i LnLtia~ nit l poeaibu ermi.Fo ' in a *Tbts ice-va Adampatoitleabed 6 làn .làt t. boa SINo iM911 U T B ON T f he bl s! acemplllte brand êls t s ue eit -tlm vslavn- l #p îit.abot itean'ai cidpegaarescet ailugpeer aslte' 1 titrlea tina! ita L ecurs!moe Wn@i'nksu s lie ysar T~ ~ ~ halng rcittas! erves sylsou " mm lttea er esF. . ban t he lhatita b.d herdhe ou stu ast a k, et and s e oktci hâlfo s Machin aISI enlbusleck etc CîaeFor , lu yae's auxenevoie, o oo bu he"Uca" u mt ite n e. G'andi'el e ter vaease1 KNe uTer-,EAT tise udge su VZGETIEna nees!byuta velun sivl.co id ne ht ava indn uPan.vsladoersd vruL a Ysrieedri Anduntacl g-C tsa.paany, ,auuamir Blveflottto '.9 Fanr Bre kasmta T ur Sasto. BlinIs WILLeCURE ' cicrlle trekar . leut rayeor th bai er hiy Isla larn~ Meline s, Arlil4vsRH U ATS cos.ropd ongtali tli.haal bokr Wt hRdi! hib iis'ery R lro ! VnDk ZTOR. Silver Piste ~sccee, ndbelieve MAt0le belt bet1me- Anervenolou=NblBiehd-etlep W br lit Lmer Pfae Cae etru.' ovet cnetMIa. . I cernohiNultier e. aie Aged e tea nd tise l'tterneon era iceon sd tugerlems, asî vtusote;eersm tubn 27 ,,cart m~i D ar ga St, pur aran ratt bxs si!ute Lt lie pepia tst ait t w 'a alînys ikipt ttc t iaske its d a ) suaiars t S mmesu tre amuit hegraltetstsactiu i sn, Aname vdy as reete!L. hra r>. Btcyn i!ua ti a.so uber clisarguaeWmnds surs lu re,â., ' 171 ad crn qredug te Vegtînsa te i>' "N ; eitmt."ner matieh masses!,banv illa ti tei ph nv r e or aord et hlm aa ex lIed, ~ý,. &".., é.trene.H.MUD, "Psas tbde lu'O'" item 4a, oo' ote nt te smda ea enm ia esereid e lai e Ilttem.Ba Gc r asicafin g hes imuî .s, ohro.a amIae v remelapuer Lut Foa n uer a assaI e itau1 sudageM>' 800005 sermetens troua litysyasefor tis wr. Iopoisetrartifici ldevers sud%0aiber i has oit NzvsraIenb'dieasm ltail ianiamnbae of For "NoLlsealtol it mafcmer, sit iseabeut gs smal barans!te l gira ieF'0ays'pet the ad il, "Titemreat He ahl elorr" ltohmr _ulta cwigans tIn toa ruai. 8ureS aBa, éîleses aI blîe rt tey ta!itoti ite- I' -- sigiec e s!. -v ulinfo ood nin roubve,! essurralyouna!ty gmon lt.ooes udme ero N OBý WOK48 biitla toqenEt IIÇE.l T Rigil ooysars e uropome a has, bilnatyesaadle susie unter the vomS lu ntia divstser.te terme. funuamer vehike uouear tvsy, s faim miýser uyssuciou t l bsc en itoiis e M. tOa mmnt avse .'CBasainprom Licen8ed Auctioneer n ofth lODY sEPsIa. 1 173Llans briphyh luaorpmyeaastu,nut, V. D. V. as! ta ln-Ietavfa~ a l tl 45 irTi6 Y ON ' by tak ASg egtn , ILL.,anom adns!a ropet bimn "Poar els!graudma; t - hou rfes!godhu àe aa eu t npiamenaS herackr ingetioio. mers 11tit* utV nLban ci ar sr,-I ave beau ain oe Ves im sd crctulsusauner itad' einau eatiese Touaas st e ocolrosdig.jH mol ut ly was -th S2a11- a - Perp tnerouse lind etrsfrMr . .Vnmore trebabor er . mreta Fakads temytr ida- AdLues C ana e stcyk esdt0ta1lvsullsls!tus sinst cotu as!t hrel oî>, suaptl apmised eutet aduimualiat e ad-nfo oritb e beIsrar5noitugmc6i tmandeS te igis ahIa~Ia ners!iui ana t lu Isai. e Tmke aca uhis caUa ans! rand e tvonexge eflisnalyaqidaprivlaga. rw 'izn aI AIt uspranB ~an « a uIt Mmm eris ausoe! lie gel mll eenaiiugLa bis nwTI v s log i al di Bre av . ayrstd ite etit er eek e fl TIs lve r o mi vvoO u vvOPi<h 60'. ' wlls, sud caCU E rof> tATIS abev, i eoe r ou la as!fbshpasagatisa poeuWht ver l iaud scoccitas! ike a rye heve.lek Vamliik. PN. sa HITBY, . trvsînemucttelens>. He.aysa u! it xa - l er uet e Aoe su fs! i ex ýerBssuis tais! omg admaîer's hî W. l ' Sh l 'C. PAE, AM. D ,7. toAhet1ise at Aalmei"dmands asIat e en a sudhyem bîana cs l he-rnacsdlt iiausm exIi ta f r 1 7"1 th tra , 1. et im-eSt era l vie èxemaid ,' oal hm -pie Geo Co n-9ckMIL.mco . T Ben Eue DrgisAii>' Sc ble a ionrees, hovev ,b y ise l e tem bit s fmdithe o geas s ie r-.sstsiin sa, u h .a er1Sr- a -ve atmed ole ic ino e vons mba d le rfeitlm e l> Ftte hi maps . oeala tram Seg istina St is a e V n lys V de, lt qos . umng ellAe &BauILE3e ciernoretnede hscin tatlt musik otiara mle itn thatltIsieci etko aiiia ovre rradehr co e SaiindaetFietS aldngi, cîauer e tie boo r huntdiuceva rsdsu d abntries!. o l e rt he bagn ge np coua g thoasi Bta hiamn e * t * os DeereSasIsnus! inde.ieindse frtak mluisais vthe have as beaue ess!l.iiag ru it ydl er uini rbtllei b a e e l au5 uaueesliterand10 £0511 2E. r' Ie R vtlogl erns! ae a rb' wit ag liais!uife, ndatt e t is6gGnnbras ui le anugi ier eg.Hlvva taeu hes kithea-uokendlia pahrm -2 >'sae e g c ri ha r leaS.epreenVdîe a u G it'asNte ba s nddTesote s05w avyepsmel a. onim on !yadut ifne da n! usal amt maoineret aiil aera lie h oke iT Panigoldn gae ae>'dm m edp- neM>'aIavyams'f.ouuds voîl," lie me- pastose os! ny atte alora' ute 1. t ffoatets anas ila lisjlier as joe.1ut E ~ ~ ~ ~ GO tin ainStc i SLvingsRe- hi R STEVENS, ghesVton lts, senmone mny." ts r. Sitheri a paon aan reitihe! n aumelsak mtI uyss I ec, Petc. Veoeng sSI vai ugss. ae , btk uIi il'ne'b besr. l ts a mnsite bagg e r or u * abe ver t eluaor esla denf bm.as. i WIslbH.Oc. 11h 15The4î * -aeyint ut stihi hd acitai Iva oittlaaa tic oge eov4le besnle TheChrle vaiet. P ;rsoli>' th ho v eut ouI er a onle ua ut rofa uamy p knw ir seuTie Ma' ta r>'.u oc rteoit, aons!fL vamm,-nddSeplmonillisrTIen tvoice ais!And ýda: 1\0eY TO LRD. INds wU eR tA mNy ad E it bil b Ilot ept itouagge;g nia>' "Wll m-o ve nma or o lS "ASeTCH F Ty yEev FEana ithoas 5KWe iringvolutal tat Vgotie i__ he___________ lyrSolea t duat eta n eo io;r er, Sit W;cs te ple ok e icl pudytlcdbfr h u houero er as etensm in ds vle OILC ta. [ e h okt ereêal y me Tita for rriguSobasiau a a Poriîs tet Mou- i mho boia! apnd tisn elapvin tu Hu uisnattra trre! e ios ge -y e>' 0 Las! uou arusor Tm Ioper>', f O TARI FAR ER aR as. nuom it heee ace§'ati miloe v a eiva laisee tiace migeeatse~ieac a unue nli Lo Itaes t Itemel. olc, lIe cark land s! le ac t ola te ier ava sitaten O bea u ma îrtiu te me spa or y~~atn anadareas u on otbr Itegnurance i Eulemng ti se cooly ne ei,t ans! int pkor uts a Ss ta amon'i attr cese a tFrankI Sevaral Inproves! Pane ansi Ws! LanS, M tual ,,Vsb it a nketn. Ais I utoy alathsI I N a ersI ima. -uta ma bxafficeet lin te rthFaen>', iseta fer sae eloap. maoe- Iivas"anotearertuedeinauhAulo-t"Tn dolars, peauNewservs!.msuTysar lu lie Esm sud. Ise~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ihd tucBunSwirmrenal tcs EnM.VsCEF ae a doaret Lt aetIse pon omb he salcutram e kan c flor h For tmthc paricuins api>' u ~V e rE s Faron EiId Cor e us inE mtsusehea- l e t os bri a mi Ss en a re j nse t a r!ua ans!d ipoeaet n couaidaal aasl Jie s d AMES HoDENer uea aFOIeR CantEt, Iratss e L i mv 'urriva l u ter Pamlb'ma a n. - stila a an d h ac va e ounitalse- ias!Ontentmestr u a r ela ie pois. Jid ImilAegi, rkr c stieea n'ui.atbi dCma> ga.h ist i nlithmem i g I pr at re vau, aapunei rot hemV. tauk.iV. a ad> lt e obi s qu da s hse t littt.e lke Aprl thI172L1., Caa a n,1,17.anxdcs a rspctof em yideneans!ofauPr lv g~Crana! s, maan hriS- iras! Eiel man ans!.semaund is Ps-c the SAESprmplyatened ad o Jut. ISTLOvEs :- O PLY PID hte ro o an s of la bs lits srn. iug Lul ceaifaut, anl trgee, nd uFiritask yen mil pbabi>' iuntoue r. ut c nLbr em.Da i,1hv enuigVgtn eeteme as nd i nne b>' es un- lisal st ee aS t he e ,e tmner. rs",able iena rrcatie :- ctaly 28~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ?e.. .iaL, d Jn oHN reiefL1S, t hit uhihoad "play iam a,~sa va ahinslaudtoIe aeraha e.".nme tyamg esa l laIs. MArC.DAW S, -fo.Dy D e rs! Bîmmx Decereavse pt hsus!c itei utotsilie i,Ln kuemu asa an-2-PrPery a ltàhres ine ic e-Prhae sd. N.2 el11 îct !u. Frt n!IaeL9anfra Balas lmsL stub u!h C. hee snoURSgliE, St for tspis . t ha nta.cia>' ar tv n. lu hase, aIliums. vtlib eof bevr a p r i butna WIs.bci-l hi88,"Nv, v e Lulieingi oe aie a. 8WaI44i -ra. AIL TlaS ong Bre!L ieteie ath r.S M. E. IOWLE_- p einls'au'nMrievie ospaliclaly mtm sud . o- h lc aot esi' ne ýood I'a ErsNIX FIEE NURAinei CO.it ls exalied Luhe, ldrans aSnigines t w ahlngl levLe edn rtoagdw a r vste Mrt.eoarer In,1 yooThScoveit clis.Dmii> Woo WrksBacuLs, ndcascetshet rahemolveci ate hohalnpllicosmpssaerheiavmenagentbotaneto taen<weelaseovk estilh z-teen -a-ue cisann ote, mi awyea ond uit h m- e esl e u egela]' e -gohe. Bogeti ie rnmthrsltl Lombard SI..nus!C.nrPugCro, MLon. o rofmtnepatm itnus!,' saaîînget a rioanas a erac cacheo l e anal h m anusetFor ita S were evo dine! ESTAfl COJE as 1k2. îevpaor, "île usesexit eel eyto vi as wa rm g'aus!. - drSeve t ans!. "apu o krsenie er t: lRuàDiSpx-eotn sako - h B runs'. waic, l'ilSat as la mtgo; il atla h di k o u iatnI a Idnc o a e GTI M .CAIT&BULE . led eS aaIeomMOFFeaTT &hyscn , na>' vr t'mm rc t'pcn M.VnCet,"baislia a tn e- uastet. Wloversippigut>' sherrytits p L - lrg a py o Bilerl urnsl. poeAe tsbctomeCanaa. piier nryOfn bmmasent. Btlhe'i a e w e ruoels e deer e, bt ale dmusmmg uMary! pases!, as I nireforMm andal kil f Tised olinglclemir o te boo ye dscoe ta ohala nr ieast o is Ila chala ro ouage t a l set.antoicFman. l a e on in.991',-ao ndBinsR. W.ns pak i T Y re , soba eu ad en!prbb>ls e mmesthiao fr st e ed ie uitonol raut m ud ualierjr, mis a,'y rfran eu-s Menrsoe oh a nage, Metrel.aidloer bigA m a vie expacd tteemipouco ee t ogIMflue l ofkmgm ,ul <ia teIad ut, f yoeaina I h f-ENCY STAthLS EarTECANA- ance assou' i i e ew la yr 'as!- imse li eer fces n eau li ab i ic od lyuthL' - ~ I li Lu 804 uIrNed iai .t."t rMySlas nre surds ans!vantli t e, asblonds, tt ra y uittevetsn-étri au elt c g.i m taerati ilook- P 1anig' tIsegso teokboldi- Pepre nus!,-utI ih oth largey' o ole bllanseoervhe etea tIslit h ejte i nw FI g_ cnn«be i'agned a cmeo uronde. b Ea l hes, hevigRe Era. TEstrNS, n. BosteoentCing Malts"la s Mai" istiogil aaln tesvede hiia ttngs tertil Agent, Wstty. "veeLngTr.mg.ctv-lsauas ceaI bter.aSysaanboadaeoma motî, l aut enaisuos, a ýitss ameb ~e.i et. etc., pt li 88 î t. but esd ghovae, bualis; vhyo men- itarrlis!un t it. suail edfranu' en butIe , oe ru lt abe i Whiby Ot. 0t, 878 -3 egein l Sld y il1,,ugiss. t ecme n.1ig, b 'Javilhoca saw. I uans! eu netey O i i nce th e od en b. a e DOIVIINION9-BA N K ]3RosTISHAM'oRICA outafora ia nFer abanplit e s .nln ttriae1 r~sipmea~ts - - fr ua l s tr nit.ba m m ssim . T I n M m Fra a v u lay eta k a n T h e f, l me g y y e n g t sa m Co p"7-I cnn'l go ta innar &aSfins! eut 1fenmard, asdFranka sais!-------u ite hmut Aaa partie-tee previoeste t.ACo a y en nen! i se'lhv "ian ost t e anemsiYI< a Re lias!beau seizeal lrnmeédialely an Meu 'eemen,"- altelelaviag my room, lans!SuS Iédwt tai giove. Ohs,ilfthes sonly àMn musaI e anamasaka liebee. taevomile about tari L it uthe ming 1 gri LIVERPOOL MARKET BRANCH. INCORPORATED 1833., 1duI'iete in Nem York 1 B>' java, 8imp' "Oht, no ; vs are cousinset youm bats And! se litho impession: bai i mnade, ini sen's 11 IlTarise ans! e 0ot uy'aunt Miranda, vite las juI madle yen are muh a itmaisuait ds!lah vitý h eiu oim The usuai Isauking business tausartes!. A SSE TS, $1,101,876 91. Ucle and! sa>'Uncie, louimeu$10" hm bearné an! aeyonhda seluso et inlaleu'ts, i it, no tar >~Collections made and Dmaftteisouaci payable Fan lula, hoaver obrhoe -day O es I, e a a peints in Canada, United!States anS F. AFanalngts, ie ga obrhmeaLas amennv ia Y daistanlis lte business fltseisodée, nerGo BAL, aain Tarsvasa sus ets!~med. reliera, te maice yen actaeî oom, lasy b snlrdno it slr 'ensid. art arn rlan ouanaiefets Iîl eet ur inlutse re ida ensé o vilS a in aur hans te ssaufislo men. th Great Britain. ~~~~Maa<cg i th arsdé.Tissu, wt aplai tbug ndoriaus!nahiP', aras! ilt fcetimpenlanca omn i Isrne fetdtth oetcr e hrug, lie teel eut as bei.oftjeiellsry, sais!i Mm. Franiclyn. le lt e -s SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. raaonBidns acadsas > f,5atL u oa!i bseogtl iealmr îi) Interest at tIseat.etfFour per cent. mihI properi>', against loosaor damnage, by ier o» f texpemuiva, adtre t I seog esay that t " n to Itte mse-s nNiOle ,rm.dT bc allo'ved on al oume trom Oua Dollar anSdie. owr as -perfect, the.itomlasa chammimg, the.cdent gentlamen neyer appeaas ll ite Ps upwars r eon date of deposit-repayntle C. NOURSE, "H1ello, lere'ostmîlte tiing," lis lest a jeu>' goos! touai,,sud Besmie 10 hatla aIbreakfast. Dm1ut i t vyers c withoutu0tieu.Agent, Whitbty. tlionglit, as bie loola out a locke.-Iî 7.sitching ltaI Fraunk vast luhave heas! absent ai allumer, yau Mnigh apyfri J. II. IIORSEY, WIitby, April 9li, 1878. le vas an oSti aenao. Aoond il celles! sud cars lisera tteiinnur mas funioht tes!. of dî* I i>on i 6- Agent. __________________j ha epnmtslrlii ~ ~ * *-btese îsae1nteirsmlat m aodeepet__ -brlinolyau.aes. Eilter a duel or ihe voutiloa a amochleàs!calos, aud n pair af "pigeon'a- Tite latter froua "ut>' lnyer" vas at carnies tem Off. tar A lE TURE IUR-BRD CTSWLD SH~E bhook" rmb>' aye.-Frnk lad pLakes! tii tse otel vIsn Frank elurusd, caveras! "My poor friand vas ahreahy in itis go - -op u alitîs isp LsLodonjnsbefeitis posîrnarasofet lithle "New Brun. coffin, sud, aven Lunut>' grief, 1I seula! the -DRAWIN G AND S PECIFICATION WM. M. MILLER, Se aileti fer home. Il vas ansetlitaeaviaks" in lts" ceuntry', amomg viticit net itebp ebaenviug it l hbomata fin"mi- ml OF choBak Frr, Carmon PO.,0 taucies 10 uhiai hoe las! bagua te in- il lia !travoUa! hile- haovas vaitin alis! matogan>', Irimuted mLthsalin'bai or Ech BankPariClaremut l'., Ouarie. Sulge ilsimeit item liereceives! tefor it ai tise Hotel Brunswicka. Thteansd veival, uit a Biver i a .s iii B U I L ID I N G S Breedar ans! Importer et CotleS SIee firaI ramtatlanos florn bis nusi wla stmurutur lie macde as hcira pied oË namne ans! ,,,.erbo ..W.ulfùl'su- liaî, and pure - bred Serkssire. Fige. - Stoce yarm ans! nom prepetty. te lesp vas, "IFeundýan euct,' twdplilazones!. tai 'roniplly prc1eares! witIs, view te Econi>' augt an s mlSan commrission. "Tihis blsoitis isprincipahly accoant. cousins sud-ans!-" sus! lhe ias Iexpresses! uty surrise titlailfoto iu Construction. Pickering, Nav. 30, 1878. iv-c0 able tonrmn>' baingfIbet ofotmoue>'," lie !esming ofablack-eyed girl lu white itis seuls! b. doue, itou lte ubjeal ex CHURCH AND SOHOOL ARCHITECTURE A ttooglit. 441 wihl makLe lb rautmber i tt e iue hue e SPECiALTY,- GItISTINO & CnOPPINqG-ute." On the baak et lits maint aid a' tte InueVis.oi'lsa es a m onra. et- Carrespondeuce Res.pctfuhî>' Salicites!. l'êetli ers thisiitiais, 'IV' D.V"xv.Th- "'Major,' saltIi h., îitl havans u n. Pase VDndle eiiby expain"M.. a."ve anun- pri 11.13 BRBRArhiec, ,c, ritigCitapplutaans! gsemeah Customu been a pietire inul ans, Sut Ihera vas bm-oica'etiurneS a!er tv loicet amr. ameron's coffin liasbeau onubhasfer nm Oshawa, Ont. Work ai lotî ouilistema eofthe huifa villi eat!y'juil alike a-a menIllta.' à we bimo vhic it iloa!lies ries! Dnt. Ji vas CnrmulY, lton put lh.m Lia> o' ihan W i, Ctas!liea a mntep t- 8MALL'8 MILL, CEDAR DALE. groving le, ans!taling a hack, Frauk felov clark approssh.saLui!ais e 'of àeaasela2'el aî W 0J. RINMAN, RICHARD MOTHEýRSILL. jumped in and tlb the driver te talLe ai Itti. Tbey changes! tin about a Pet dealh2' etn - cBu !àtspsa OSHAWA, iianta ltae nai ounI-lieuse. ArriveS litile ans! thonu*laces! uola tuythlu -"a Maj or, e I al. But -uit h, Adeilr Bale, FobiS.th, 1870. (t.-7thora e, ois li e man tewa ppasei ru ars ndin e Ten ________________ al da il bahlLceaS ene madeameas. Thel» ilsmelluses ina a fw moeure; l Veterinary ,Surgeon, Ilireugi tlie nils!hmg analoteut aler dé7scomposition LmmnesiteŽ ananas, Il have Wil e I rmtrng ble, lttb, voy AILWAY TICKETS te Sar-nia, Port deor, and! ina umoment shoot! la a box uagtilcrou ilt mmnb the t ulsetfut hanse, eut Jnly l ii Tusd>c tam1 a 'çecsfp.ront-' 1rn DtrilaL lt4Wstrnan a 1e onlrmierpa.or oaM.< ttpogoaertaly coracelut Ap 2,87.Seulter BIaiesa, tar sais atllai rates b>- vas pamming an ltigfor foos!. office' fà anaimokr, . tteaire hisOcoffn orIoasra ave be hli e Ohéa1 Apni 5,187. 18GRO. B. YULE, Fsscsn 'rv 11 iahce h. eÏlIy tragail>'oftuca ansd vaut, î r ae ug-tnee 2)Ticket Agent, Whity. mas!laid! il daim. poverly, humgsr ans! airt. aacs v l "As I boeas!inoraalous aI itis suer y tomnes!t avec, crtiniiad the initial#, FrankloobelLs!ahie boakat uhen lha atatamaul, Mr. Beahie couinat! - "f IWOs ETWEEN WEITFY & OSHAWA.- GEOIRG;E AVEIRS' tasteheiegels! on lte corner, and gasa, me li es!ltaiotel ; il vas t.es$âta. -yen viiido me lte hlor 4e foutumi!,, te, sua aun itbyoîn otabtie cOsh- Neaconidahh>': Tiere mas ana Uileabright spotu there yen -abal ses foiyr, si.'je=ou Stage, ands oicit lie patronage oetIravelers N w Bltcksmîith hn/ "e ml2 iepavnbcokir'as sis! bas honce1h. "e a!tithe t h tat,, -asd te p ail chiecra, lnr'ntisinvi e aSt Ten dollars," cerner oetIhaecase, buItlte îrssl as-Ilia'thora. ranges! - arved nus1ugràn a-ra'Tisai thecomortandconenienc ofpasengreTIse man tunnaaa>, madle out thaesans xactî>'. Na--ýha ubbe4 him ayas staood fiflein or lient>' caflý as, t f ifaer- Biti omia h scnt>'asdprompey 1T' he undesi bg st noibsfradpomtinthpu rli. lia tas b removad isticehanSes!imkti.mle n i -hra hhh oktelcktt nfzhaëldwt yucls o ite tags a a'11 ouaIsunn~i. hrebcksmnl soptlethepramimas intel>' ccu- doPlicats ticket, ans! turnes! le tite nazI thspaunitroker lite llials an lthe case a bsboardarvtim.owna s f ar Leavingoha iwacahri menirin lima ta pied t>' Messrs. 'remis & NamrOUv, corner. -has!rmess! :- amreng w -t - usikanain monts~~~ chs oleloeml ieWitlS et mipS nIthe atmomphèraetofV. D. V. --arma glitlami-O'lie p #oris Lindeay.'liilt>', and at 8 oItib>& EG 0- HEPOThUFIC ier anging arons! tisaplace, frout -,=bwi srphfrarae ne aitemuecu;ianm] leavlug Whitl aI il a. .tedr qnr f ut h oo e nV àalàl'udbv,ýo suda aI80 anoals dey. Tesao'il Di-q"aDAS STREET, lt atcmsee iatIi O f *h à "Thas ?ambvllisnnpcaa ns!sageaut e tae faces et spectres et vaul ans! starvalio en 0f Ibi lie vasperecpibil> mre; eî n-fg as rpirIlns ae eauaI a i? heth iecla lewis, antI ordlers Wiaero ho is piepared te 4e il iwork t lescames! beoriug atIlmi, Franka pases!hr ov ly dapeu> avm4 pdtugb ulitutmha laIt ai amy o e ti solasilI heaatteuSed in.' lins as minaI, i !l inntoaUfche UoiyoIo'~od6r 'g414li u!na 1-1-fI È«Od. l' oh-- ky n «te -ri 2,nd 1 . ý 41uliaR4ae,and rang fo4 ffr aül udw4 WI te i là a aiotawhee siiwr'ngti i " piiisous .Of detoLW0otls t'- mrnad, andipreabhy gravsesslstera uhei,- t il la propsosytes!lustrttta - rail- bi'a sgad., a reeis m y bill," seutinuaci tae W - li s r p a d t ae 1e -rài , e M 6 j o r , QP e u l ug a p e ak e h lo o k sa Id h a n t! -- & y . ' T .e r a i h ua > ' v i l I g i v e I te la i u i ,ea.19m lèeo iu-oi psag -- valsas, ans! in Ibis may jiaetify >$iê eeew putt o lut.vrt ppe - exienmce, Toa ea %Velk lii il M'l.H......~ Bcreate lth enns of paying roe ils sent a e T a bs o ur s! n d ' g n g & t- uIrn a io n . BS nm e th in g o0 Feu iliu su1osgug w 0.. 00-onah .la rojitly vitll * ihtel:, ý C. 250- igar............ ... ., 6<>h.o"Id. It sels! n seal itit per'sInà 2. co l~ ikalj ta heeue getis*g, constractiob I d t i b r p y u d tI . a e r p yu c a j 5 a . 1 5 0 0 , v e u l d , - n d e r - At ae p o e a - -p l a n , - l i ' 20 oal ..a~........100 w o w. bmBut il ib-ne roeter $17-0 - maco ig wl Suarpiltqa'ni m E.E. ouipàuyt- Thte polînairÉi necca f "T rep)aImes! luthe office in n me ile tse Cînatla Company wtl b ifl - mos!, tisrs clon 8.âjjglent refuses! limcohage othsrtaa go iceotlo saiitu t e p a >'f or el e C O fl u. - T ta s! n on o - . so rt of "e n t o n s, a ud the a c t leu t ti se, edames! mmc,'aii a um neyer wàed m lani eft he IliismCeaImaIllRailwa> on Ou e litscmrai-y, il;vaalibtt>'lions -COSpan>' bs.ss yiels! large prirteî mils i. ltaI Icoul! Dotexeoe. w nt bc1 e'.verlouee. if a anaýl "; Va>' ve il ,;Major,'. 1siiMn. ca,,oltu. ian>' e aeaIl vwil, il aionîs!ea v i l lh a a l o i to m , s a ns ! a e t f I i i . n d e b o o m u n r e - a a l l n g n e t t a e E k c c a s a w lmils, us asyou lealeMaiu uaprie. tabe un e, aberise- mutle, jou s yn peae.The cffin l von anaday, bâcome aun imunem, mas> maSs in plaunce ,of a anuilar>' r o i s ef M y h l i e s ; l a s ! y o e m e a i n d u- s o n lih e « e ro g i L - -ô t h e o s u en t r y . f- touigial 70 01vomI!, u autprebabv,-Tl adoanca uneoftigs Canad(a Coisso>s bavoenasales!t ; ana!, as usba>'îo '4tanov -- fat nI>' onrOn. 13,- blairo i u a m e d i a b h atO l ite > ' e y a r a < h a s! i - t ü e - L s la du S ta I a b u p 'u d Oum e r e t s m d m sH tU v n l t f our e it , i a !d - o l th is e ffi ù l am ent, ,,an al sendam n e tl e t r ihiy beaunasral>, youmaristcratia ee!>'yevery>ac nomsauieI l kasliepa its lhtlii: vonîli.ava taon sentte lteé Itenchllu& esbolItmn>' lave iteen usefulie its sin>' pin s box I N ae t- m i i bayl g . ,M ajor. b u tl il>' ast passe s! ua >. -TF e I l ai q it s lm a t aiali D o jus i as y en i a t hstlu'de t a tbia Com pany -effectc i -peses. 36l itaé euotcheou - ot the ,e n pnnpee-bili ne ralla>, tdfg 9 B a mo n i sl i a ns e e f - t i s - O U t i t a l C a a l . F l i c a i de o t l a n d l i n . - h r p e C o ffi a, s ud t ite fi r s t wap s bm ia d is a q u s atiti s a t éa s p O-U l i h v a e r ep n ia- m c a s mlsl goluitta olln a ~~l! I neer e justifies! uniesssoute gresi "Tiis ms'iea muait onut>'ncstma- Pula bjeal le te e attai nes! le y i,,: p r id e . IT t lr e m d e un t i s a e vao ,i g m , s i l a ' -cu t ' c i n f ( l e V c f o eade a teinreofthtle ceffin, sud lefI lthe lieuse ini ggcage. T stoul! 'ihâve Thé,e proped ne*w modeofai1 polelias henase o e otsasp, but lis titemeinslet uibld tiirailva> mn> ' Liadt beeaàcaptain et nifisman in lteé taken aR a ets >asiiission, on-4ls ParI affain baby Shers aunltahe aI ofJanuar', ofthIseGoeamont,iihtîltaé plan o et -e 1815, as!Le ise utanvite aittoun gai.- samIliàg tla ans, 3'eàn afior yaar;4or tic lant Major'Rmnie vîsu lie leape on upopeo, leimpracticabie nf*,- u ll;' tae breaslmanls ans! - ceeef au bis if prits u ent lpiling-u . a grouladiersi-I dis! not vaut a duel or masoa et: detulili vould tacoe i,.e a rom ou *qy bands. bennathe. D)r.Tapper>adîts t-bal the'- "Impérative tpsimesm," coolinne! sifficuitv et raisin g mous>' lun-Eurpë, tia. Major,, "brougit me le Naw Or- vitt ulich te boiS mraiîsays, Lu Amer- he ns as s!,yaugo. Ans! b>'a singobar Les, lhasgroa l'incr 'ase! miuli te coiucidemcs I leava Ibis attemneen, ans ud aIt fmwyears; .nud lm. -a~-ui hava ths ougîbbilletapsy." "utilde op bis minailong !ago thai it "Hem, min," sai! T. "have yen beau wanild'te szceedijngiy ilillislt fon nA -pravide! milS anathar coffin 2"e- population et tour millions le coasdaat '*Nlotexacîl>' tintý-il eccunras! in lise fuancini - transactions: tmnneetsed lie vs>. Wiale'nagisteming ut>' maint ils ltae buildiug oet&_ ralia>' 2,600- I faut samoineanelouait me on ltselicnl. miues. bangr, adses ne unteoma anal a- dem, ams-1 nàftaIt Lten mut>' tvistyl. meul'nrociden deentinent." Besicler Indlignant ltaI lthe marna tickL siold! lis hinks tînt, ubile t'a taklas m lne- lis playas! oucuts a second lima, il canel aur engagements villa Bnibiali koocce!lithandoan sd pîsad my Columbia, 'Ivs are aimoestili more bannit foot upoo iibresel. Fs Teis aws le coinsiden ulai-iAedosue atlepopesof prompl>' axpiainas!. Il vas&an officier Canada s a àvIole, ans! vhettar lthe malter l itsgeasti Dl dnmîimg ut>' st. taxation, iticl utigit, te deiiands! I felt chagrine!, ans! he lat I coul! vaa mmcli as na peoeabonis! embtit te vas ta asI tthé peor tallai'. pardon, for amy ;coneialeratian wutevar." If sud tender bintahie saute amatnl T we cam-mace the landi tsar a chief clame liaS pai! for ut>'coffin ou s former ce- îu-tits ýconatruction oet the- mass!, va camien." ialhhave gainas! a greal peint, an] daltaetest îthing possible aunderlIashe TIse Pacific Rallia'. clnteales TEE.£ OeVEasttEsT NWsaCucEME. A Feartol Lcip Fhe Monetnry Tinneg ootioing -leh- tuai sdemsetoffinance says -Dm, -On Tuaday -et asI mealaas previcas: Tuppn, an btalt e l overgimeel, 1'anniooncad, Harmon P. Peen mondai bnas tregit tomartl arewsi flancial is nnprsces!olted leap froua Suapen. Selîsme tonrlise coustruction efthie Ps. aLan Bridge Luto ttse sorgiota river bt. tafie Rîshua>'. Il lis this in-couamon neati'n distante of 1192 tact. A scaffol! mih titieoriginal plan, lbat Il taas tour test boigba! lien emecles!fnai lte lao ti hroglî uiol lthe lin ui li ta.eune etflthe bridge atiS prqecting mmm île tla ot ise proposeS opértn. ven L. TIare vas about I,OOtajec- But lIse mode et mortieg onI île nem talon s Caltened in viewing dh±stnits- pla u la n et tle gmre as vas -prapo meci slong lotis iSs-of the banla aes! oan tu fro tiseIls!. Fb. original plan conîsut- bridge. - Pean caime brward, liane lisad- ohs4sS lits intervention oLs Compan>' sa. mnd eîeplatfon, mac dreseeil vîlit mas to udetaie thé ment et in igti, n ide moter lifaprcervr thmnloasIrci e tagreaten aIf bis emu construcien fasiene! nnîuud- patml retIm uneratiou in ans. Iis hatn, raaoisng rotna lie ips p nder tom prapeeed Ilal lthe iands! hah tbe hîls amua-pits, foonsl-ahapad se as nist solS otrlistaIt et lits Govmmmemb, te prevent Ibis veociiy o.; tinder-sim ne. ridi vill kep the construction a ibm tins im its vater, a pnge ieilver mun laids. Tite quantit>' et bans! pro- lig mOmliins!nose sud tli agcssler- poses!d tt e apprepiae! for Ibis pur- eues ,mtuffe! Lenliotuî Cars, a blaller pose l, le hundraS mimlons et acres ; iu. mlaulden muapetader -mt lue enoîlI- iuSLupgall baleuging teélthe Douiion, basa rings altacid jumh avor ttc aisesi- Lmgramlsci, vithis tuent>' miles oet lie, fasteme!talelle wusa fine brme Une. I.ito alnthappn lIa, insoue- vire coles!oa aroler le assislhiua iu places, die lan d e a ong t se road re ta-: lLep Lug - bis aq nilib i m n; -cr easi ug ie' lmv lihe faim average qualit>', omsne un. lg oajse! ie-ehaatie a udl dred eiiene et acores mn>' e appropni.. juml aiove his kuemsai antitr &cross ap elle vîsme. The m anagem aulon t j hia Luteps ta tsep is ftet-ram pre nd - fesemad Isud a te bpiaoed in a cer- img. Witn lhmm rend>' hoelet ien. zgissiew ntan-mleS t is prpoged the gsait lrougli a quare bols uilsheppat- Im pamieh G overmane s a ll lis repre. tar i m u p su de s! ty it a . W huvl an i ieued. Fils priae s i ta basfies! b>'tee ltgo sud maSs is, tancal drap, eau- Ioveruur-iu-Couuei, aI ne boss limait $2cupying Sîf econds. itnesbtesavre ?r aire, na maximum tprie liig l itse rivai- iaiing hoé pick han np. lam as!, T h es p m cee ds et Il s ma s a ns O n e m an n es! t>'C o m no >' (g uid e) u ns tIsa a le irvestes!iLe Onaeian Govamumeml firt taraais lim antI ceevoyes! bien aceuriieta opy lis coulati fconîrua- safl>' anal nninjore& t tait.lom. Osa t o . i u î ar v i s v i m g h l m a t e r hi e f ta l c m i s! The abjeof etcsiring te ave ths las elt ne tar. Ater triliag li, mipril Gvenu ereeta n inter e aut sauta ehvn fee, vitat ho c eumnieie le presmu yta e -give an unde ncurre ul in the river tir sw i hu s ufi s i e a t e B r i ti s h c p i ali . S is a h ! o u S us ta c a ns u s! c a c cla s! h lm s a ie a 5 ù e~ ~ ~ ~ e Brl G v m u an o mnt b hi e tet,wvian lie aro ma te ithe surface, te- onpiesonted, il May e szpctsS ha imgg udar inter tva seconds. Ha là 84 sunt passes!thid alastmagsetof teme 4reenrriug prejectir; sua! vs lnoir A.-TAPE-woaRM iiOAN A a'u Era.- nstig etfu=ost, if nual&siofet iaJohn Andr-ews, a znrcit of this ci>' itical routes scrons tsa continent, 'was milting lih!in!feisel ?'aaiters!ay.lu i sin Osadafian territary. Il la, pro- tise secons alry front retins handre id le exploreélise Pesase an! Pinesdneea, No. 608,t Nor'liW Thirteantit Mr -diflmicîs;, buI vo eau aesrcely mîmeet. M. Andraws'aloapeby hkaa elt au>' ractiacaesuIlt ram the mas boums! -up vîlb many linon bau- raion. Oigut iLu meols iola ne dages, tut allhougi bis eyes ver. for alie coula otoul! bÏ neglecleel; sundtsa lime being sgilsas,- hi ias in a ae opinion ofthes chat eugnen. lias! hppler trame 'et mina! than babas! tn beadel, tse nomtlienmronta wonbldkuomu dfor, years. Ha-,lbusbeau blina! s beaun - exaàme! lutiyear. Eag- in tl e, ÃŽa ftothent>' yesrs or more Ias uno leigarthe samne aljeat in an! ducing lth a el lie yeals liu, At atmg selouits tthaht bs! bad n intonysio, sufferes! the' most intense Sa! mnotol'oet haii r ias!;.ans!agouy uthe a>'. froua 4bich tliseliglt ' es is s ti carry uw i t t li a ds iven eut Scores, a declor s beokas! li a it fi a si ers u h e e u a o t o - 6 a a ns d p r o es e it s ! f o r t h e e e a, b u I w t b- . sg, lMace tac ans! Bicutmgham, ont doing any gooil, util on u nM4Y d a c u m iel sa c n i t ib h e r e lth e > ' go f i a i a u m i tt a u l s u r g e o n -o f t itis c l sy r . . Ili f a I p o i b , n nser ax s in g m ayas!fr o pi b is ey e a li e e>stica m ai, huoins, teos mueS sentiment lau->or ,embc lape-werm. -Tiis fthlb p ac ical nus!rlal *ngs oet I is k l . f Ii snlbulien i ated case of ry elbceceum Se m u cl b s ae n o b tI e r Ano n a y lit e hum ait oye tha an1eïer cecu r- fie Goernveraut ut waubd'regard tis as! on th. Amaeriesu coneat, althougs , a s li of e sufficiaul> national th are bav a be su a hinnsras! or m enr i ac1toer, lu l th Graster Britain" casas repare! La Europe, panlioularby it t visu, lu Cis(y a farlher Tu- Lu Pruisia.Mr. Amidnoescase lu in à ! gÈ u ara u ea. T isa p ro v ie us gu a n- evai- ' w ey sl t h ie case a a kl e ae v a s -n o l ra ut o s! o n s n y es ac it u a e 0a ' e y e w i i c i wv a s r e p o r te s!l u = di ; it v @ en a san eeuvàleuî tlie &Tiraes,î.aonla -year ago, e9Xaipl th o boas v s a s! hhroui b lb-the ttIn he casa fçt hlie hIrrp thé p aa av>"ofWüsi dn. siate vwu, lthe doctersS aiie1 s0 mo 0 IbltlTGOL 4* amiof rlmlw ak nir oind vOMu, &W,1thot ibal 9W 1 , 1 1 1 .- 1 ()'DELL, - %> 1 v

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