spprovl of lu 18 Uso goli 4.Stephtensoas )t.Wm. Burais. -~. Friser. glasevare-. 's ue*erl.n. ~eUeben.-8. W. B, ~b~rti~6metemu-S.W c. I L~dle~ Collage. szes5eni-N. W, Brown, OHLY e50'oPax NNM Wltby, Thursday, Miy 291 1879. Thte 'Dlsgraceful Tacticu" Couclmated, 'liec Idiagracaeotuae" otihe "misS, Casdst r oaflue4- u la s eeku Modte ST tist aipper, eno- ste. Soib Sey vii btlotW $isud.,1grethlte, lection cain. èlg, WS of t b. Jrsln for île ýll ce tbee, "Cahollo V ote bppians- te ave musSe lthe edjitor !llly rooklesu, hn ie ssieions art- mev maîSste- vqbrdio oet lI trttland Ideoencytr.vbaS. "-lin *bast lSpluo té'W, de blo. týOeman'e nietisen 9 # à boalisoý one o.Çmju4Ç4llo~ofÀmll,lcf Weiterd, tuiie 4 nsui -This, jvo eare » sue, uiai b O>e us te Mi. bMeneditis. TIse stmetla, "0117, S ode of et rutis, Anunuele etMnr. Mecredîti diS marry a distar ef Iloery Thommpsan Bedmoed, 4Wicklov, but' W. bc1jave' Shisal u$lise ',l1arGst tiaScan be' qlained ton hlm as kitis or kin il Sa 'misS Cîllilios. Hov - Nm, Mereiltîssud his trieuSe must- Isigh las tisit aleaItise extrava- gnaoettise listt (isoadian." Irish Castolicu, useveven, bow tiseir hSaiss lu sîsasue aIlthe Iyîug- nonsense et tiei. n iuîalarwla uit suis inee mpudence- p îrssues te speak lunîuîeîr néns. t A Naw Ceeniciler fer thse Centre Mr. llannan's reiremaitlnecesel- tatas Lise élection cf a pev couecilIor Ft *5e Ceuira 'Ward. - l is Se blhoeisp - 'sIs SIali ta' .o'isoce of thie slacSers yl ilupenu d aôitatle pet>'ssIu te-111 tise IV %eà >uèséy Wkn'o: ii "daion' lo' aIe-faç'o sbtr.Chattes1 Kisîgansd il( liaasooil .iô prstadod te fceapitisa posiSiou t je t iIttla dýdt MiO wont.îC léiio<to by Acclamation. At taé Jseoany éecstions, altîtogisrelue- tsutly forcsd loto tiý se'tedaI tise lIss jonrily et one.; sud ine ioalio e sbave i r liarl mauy snd alay grets express- esII iy aleéoeraS tbis axc uuionfrentise cutucîl board. A good' huîine.s man fils cernsîet-fi gentleman viso ta airoaal intehîi1oui viav et publia Luattara, sud visa basc van>' cerreoi - - Jcueledgo out tIsaconduc oet tuenicipaIt affaéira, Cisarues King woa Id bc proe- 11 Deuly "tise riglît man lu the rigist j'ise," suS Just Sisé erepetative lu lsta corporation Sial mvol, Se creiit to thoscolaioo thlseratepayers aud hon- or teutisa wbale towu. Meceting et tise Ceuney Caunail. rhu Jo meeting ofthtie Cauniy ýouuli taises place où Ttieaday, the-aril pneumo, lu view oft Su. Provincial eloetions coming, Mff on ls th t iL la usons t6tn ll'kly ilit thS'tecouncil vii onsl>' uteot formal>", sud pdjourn for polaps a fcrtuigbt, Lleu, lemeet fert ltae despaicet ofbusiness. 9 Mos -o Me te se embens take a varma loiterest lu pelilîcal mates, sud ail an. are et leis.importat lefures in-tiseirt L ewn locealtleu, vhos luýence vihll I naseS for tieir favoriL pamty candi- date. This position of1 matIens viii ,dSenhllesulve tis e ffsqt etci ringing - about tise arageniet ton au adjoum- t tueutt o viicla ve@ batse aliosheiti. LN1)TIt.11 ATO;<oio iAîg'CL îua,-Dr. 1. EHans (brothe cf thes e- sîOoets]Prnicpal oýtise Collegel viii - ' livan a lecture lan-tise subjeet et "Devaloptut","luntse Cliege Haillou Meud.a_ eve.Iug, Jue 2u. Tise lo.- lue sli just retumued Ms'm Germuauy, wIssmeýhssstudied for tour jeas luntise celelialed Univesity cf Breslau, anS w. feel iuiote 'persuadeS tisaI bis dis- - . course eot "Developufent" viile sema-c. tliog fresi anSa lntomestIng. Tise lea- Slie,t. viii b. ecolecteadilu toi'Mou.1 ifay-noU Frllaj as had been previons- 1>' announod tbrougl ilstake. 0 '-AstOLI, H?à éxi1zvnBetisuxeDovN.- Tise0 IS MoaHoxmmtitdaptl enlisé fronta -1 roI ~Picl<eihg-, vas lumueaifon BoWDz»rîX ON Tii STaRsT.-A y.ulsg foelo iovased Gurasey wae bro nglie.-, fotom .Maor îafeuflZ9 yôing Mr Reynoldeiseson tesS pt opeon@ iglit lat veek,-Mr. Bejuolé vas couve>'. boultem e iffaiés 'ýien hé ewau r ly joitioS eff tlas __ j, Mr. om*e> #ô. Duelsgre tbs-nisobaps t ci %boa@ vue lot about s Ãœtree-eenwou laet figitt eusst biy shouni4be st blsi, t. ir beds, Tr are ro'tier P.rtt SýWs~o leadu4te las li t5p0e, "Mot aaseare las lis -PoIssousesinUtb . ilfo4ntable.stS on wviteho li s'uping a v&tebisfniye.. eeted t. tuisemptru$ meale à rm t b prorty la oo a51,15.4, thse uale vîI lbg ivitiseut IIowfl, i ý 1 Pl ll oea.a 40 - _ . t A& $h trial h. sin ated te him 4hm of bier aseallaufu Mn. W. H. Hsannani. Mn. W. Hl. Haunam blas received lthe appaintînenl et hailiiff liste Fimmî Die vision Court, iu tisa plate of Mr. J. H, Addison, neaigned. Wisile ve congratulais Mn. Hannaut ou hill appoinîmeut, vs at ithe Gama tinte regret the tas ofie services te tisa fovu as s manIer oathtteacorpona, tien. Mn. Hanusalins made a moat efficient Town Connelier, ansi w yearly leaoming a greai acquisition te Sisal body-in tact '#tftenlY holie sa grovu te liethte i'lllil)g spirit attsa couneil board. Carefui suad enomi, cal, te s Sogres lu- .dealing vilSth t tovu tonds anS loaking ai ail corpona., lion maîters tnom a practical paint of viev, lis aivays teak s boldS aand supaul qsiins csiling for 'frmuessa and de- cision, and d iS noS suanntsroua main- Ssioiug isis opinions - apan lIas publie atomm as ei as in, dis couneil, au4ý discussion. Diffning' -witls M . a- am as v s entisp et, ih lu but nes te Iim that vseeios ay t1511 mueis; inileS, ve but - do iia simple, jnustioe. As ve have- sali varegnelý hil oss toe- t ow iLtit is inure but tise tovu's losagvii, hie fnicodu vilI' be glaS f0 know, isa 'ovogain. 15snd. lu dtis neaponsila'position etfIsaililI' ef tise PirsS Division Cou-t, va have ne doult ilst bis career .jýIl la as satis-ý taetony au it lialies-a in tise Tovu connesilanS Boardil etScea i Tisteea.. Iu tise latter Mm. Haniam sesrms'd four jeans, anS lu tise. castssil three jéarsà sud a hait. We may say lu con. elusion, anS vitSontspaattempt at liat- tony, Ihat va cannaI ncv esîl to mind auj et tise youug mn n vahave acon growvuep iu Whitlyiy viluiiu lie puit quarter-of a century velîo lias ghovu s, like aptitudle suS tsIent, fan publie bei- ucus. a tharnied man, vas cisarged bafe Major Il2srper, Major, au Mousý",1 vus lite abome crime, aud aler lss'ar'; in# tisevideuce, coanculiteil tantrial. Tise lnfomnfaSaon vas laid by ftliasonx of Aune Colliy, su infirm oldei ve in»e nspellung ippearaaaon vla om lise et- fonce vas allegod. f0 bave beu cern- milLeS. Tise partielsside in tise ifti concession tovnsiip et Wliitiy. Mn;e Farewell,VCounty Crowà A4trtaey, Sp. peaed for tise pneseoaios, msS Mn. Billings for 1he defeue>. TIse Englas Derby. London, gay 28th, 18,79è, (lsy emble snS Dornaicdu8TelegraphOC.) Tii. Englisis Derbioyn for to-day me- oulSeS lu a rmuk eutsir, Sir Bevey's "Palm Bearen," vils. Viscounti" se cend. Ti& Ba&Ls OF rnis RaIEL HOTEL, tak- as plie ontSatumdsy, Jue 145A ,A grand chiner tofeg L. iët kind of rme bo usants a profitabsle loisil buineas.- Uaaîvluarnr'Hosuox.-s'Tbe Sgre. or If . a outemrêSýou Rel, J 3 Rare, Principal et OntênOaied, WCoi-ý loge, WhiîLiy, aI -the .enuil ceuTbs- tion of Victoria Celiege;iJobeurg. OrT Tuîs eU.-Five tjulu io er Nte Paper lunisandsee liographed, vrapper, tor.25 cents. Qold-ia the cra1 sary va>' aS 10 cents pr iem nt. Eu- roiepes ô cents per pioksge, 01 par liouanÃd. :3. S. BReir.WhlIby. HlleloicÃŽatiese kuL'thkg for ;dos- treyiug Caterpillare ~onmrCarrat anS Goosebcmmry'itbushs. b'ou eau 'gîot '1 UMe as fi-eaklirom St1W B1. Bmiit& atdorgame ;BeiAi. 1tl &Bi sd- PsIaU&t tisas (dqt6qc. 'k ugM stock' te baud ttis easu, 'rdt 1.5'pa'set, n1 TIse Zulu War-, SIE sIAlNET WOLSELEY APPOINTEDi 'l TH UsRsEDIntCOMMsANDa. Gaenaral SBr Garnet Wolseleya 5h« beau appointaS Suprema Mi1iiary sud Civil Commandler et Natal, Transvaal, sud certain otiser districts visicis asjoiu sud are instndod lu tise seat et war.- Thtis appointmoent supeméedes bord Clielmaofordp anS givas tia gallant sud efficient officer, Col. WeyS, a superier upen visocu b.can rety. IFev 5eým- mandeo could b. obtaineil more ami- aiety fitteil fer tise pecialiar vsar<tare ut tIse Cape tissu Generai Wolseley. Afghanistan Affaire. à SATIaSFACTCflY TREAT?. Ttae Becretary et StaSe fo> luilias recaiveil a telegramnfrerum Vjor Cag. nani, asting tist ho baSlsigneS tise Ireaty vilS tb. Ameon et Atgbaialtau. SA Simla daspateis stalts tisas tIse B- fies viii romain. aI Caudaisar untilsau- Iumn. ,Il is probable -Yakeub viilra- quasitIshem So.e. 5y 'longer, auhie brati- or Ayoub is atI Herai pneparlng te seize Caud>har sýhensmar il is evacuatad. tTIse trnty vitIs Yikoob la meuS stis- lactoryi Emer>' poliLicai sud couarter- oiat admaulage tise Britiash hoped fer has beauan e TaUs GALLe 019 iEGLASGOWvBANKE SuÂunabioLeEas.-Tha Fnaucier-usys s cail fan £2,500 par share on tise City et' Glasgov Bank uhaneisoilere o'nij jyed. eS sefficient ta psay s dividenilof et s4d on lise pound, m-aking 10iç on tIse pond tisus far-paid. IL lu believail s fan bocavier eau muat bo maSs before cougis ose ha obSainei toa y tise lia- bilities in full, poaeily au muehs £10, 0001 or £15.000 pan sîsare. - A Glasgov tetegnram centradicis tise sîstemeul luntise Fianciec cenu1ing tisa settiemeul et lisbliitlaesetftisa City cf Gissgowi Bank, sudsays tlse liquida- tons expeet te raceive sufficiant uoder -tise laut cae au psy ail tise Sebtore o! the Bank. Boaeliojaertaau's stock et Baby Car- niages, à ai uev tIis sesn, bliuSmake. Stylisis, durable, champ, tnor4 $4 eaois. J. S. Bobertsen, Devetili'q B3lock, 'Break Btreet, WIsiSby. Englih Tootit Bruuies; a large's- sentmeut jlslte SanS. B. W. B. Smith à Ca. Ilemember lIse suotien- sais.etfMiss -NaBian'g taney gpodi, tumuiture. &a., on Priday aud Satnnday. [See advl.] -Tin NoiIsEMaN" fla advertised 'ton hem rsagular trips. Mm. IR. Stephienson, Dominion Telegmapis lthe agent hors. Ses ti Lue table iluaother celumna. Mat. WnILAm Basul selliug bm-t. ansS asoesil coul for tIsia-y dalu. Nov is te ise 05te gel bargains. y -PusaruitzetaSceIfer 60 îdajauaikfr., Win. 'P}i5 ser.moviug mb lise51ev buildling. .Fas, al pniaos. Sîzes.And îcolors at 0. W. B. Safiti & Co's. CacoîCE AND Fitsen Gaoazaiis.-Tlie fareapest sud biut are advgrtlsed by 1Ur. Sfm(."n Fraol ~So prce listinlu tber S- ,$mitli & Ce. arc oeling a finIt cims TlshoMOMOOr 10r 25 cents.ç ArolabiaIsei Ly,ýCis vilI b1ave for Berne o»mly iu June.' Pure Parib Grecou. il.3. '-B. Sneth &Co. PatseCH. EJ.Wà uua Igt.ANp LX0i5ZA- rü uas l ecidod te 86blii' 1 tt LegIt';- ýla4eas'orsare laing rtsD#etpî1ac tis 'Mr fIsetLorqo sud ?rie 5tk sor se.seguua upqsy n nulnys. pat..Ts ouutyî' attorney more- O«w relet, aud;'eà refflly observ- lng sudnCtinog 8illte pr6ceediùgý- Thsee vldenua&mtfr b,.og reorded va" :à eniyredover $0 tfie vîtusos ho41" leatt&eheS hies sgnature,nd liad te' coroner imaSs e oImpor tant an lomà * astise nawinn mu cig tueromon, iisý county attorney, or one ocf tIse vemy ln- tslllgeutjury empauneled On tise occ. slon--vould soou iave clsd 4ttentou toIt. The naine w vasrfvr mentione4 Dr, Teeker, wvbe actescoroner, wé g iý -tslclugdovws etelalldyIIpaRlustaki urs ves o culon t0 observe, sud ýo mucli Ras hs improssed vitistl. rnstkless tslsehooýî of Miller'@ ovidence ifKt Ib sses, tisai vissastise unfortunate -'mon vte llas lWhltby gmo1 nuders<ntence of deptI, its, vsbave rescu teWlkow, dmew tise attention ofthe - efsmnrt te thia sud other Incouaisteascses conlsecte4 viti tbe cs". Our correupendente point ont soinsf et lb. mouS glamlng of t5sejnconmetecies vhîc maby b. put couvenlsntlyinth, to f n ti.t4rrogIý- feries :- -7- I Wliy dIS 1mot urg. Oeuutt eauli er 'sou, p lpd cf Swslve, vho0 vas sleeping vltwià a f1 0of, 11s ià te wu holdlng.tlow,zlt as cf Li 0 te windo* a gs.lust lier imaslliu, ansd befono tho lmaglinary wclrfr~ as admini'. te, ;d 2 -1 - hy dIS mli., alter recovexjng fnozm i luulbllity, qp01, g9Sup and gr, lroio e rId, a'%lh 9 q4ly lie tli dayligsL buforc se t014 hem PolavIsai 1hpp9do equestsd -hlm elgn le ex- amuisetise Srîckse bo lI0s .Weuid net mu Ontragqd vlrtuOUý veý imsn in tise.clcutino;snces bave b.d '1hlmélstae an alarmin mâeaiasely an lier tmegainiug conpoinuss, P 1rhsentrage, sies slI, vas penitetral. .5 misent miduigist ou lise Thumday,- t vliy 515ulie refrain: fr6m gviug Inter. * cdttdn cocemeug' tOrb noirest ueighisot, vitis whi s Wm<aIon Serins ef iutimsoy, until th. efteroon (if SaS. Wydid sisr net seudi rmsdsstelv' fon hem naturel protctcin, ber busbauci, insteail et vsiting tili Balordsy uigIst visen ho returned froru liio verk betoro sabe InformeS hlm of tise treatmeuS she alleged she liil recoiveýl 2 Hew vas iL tIsaSm(iter-Ase li nforrcf ed lanrisueband oet lie .outnage ü atsBl urday n1glît, tise Shing, 'accordiug te lisý ovu cvi ec, vae utavor spoken et *gain liotvasu tlem 2? One youd 05<. urally expeet suais a thinq to be a con. stanlly recumnlng sobjeet et conversa- tion baiveen buisanil nud'wite viti ex. pressios of ayrnpatliy,-iudigusfion, sor. row sud mavenge. Wsy, if Mrs. Benneott SolS hler ftSer tisi MaPhensen vas one ofthtisaguiity parties, diS suie siate tlblber aeondé- position, taken by Mr ;'Fiillipu, J. P--, btirs susid noS knowviter oft ha par. soud Wbo enteraS tIse lieuse P Thifs Onot constder4tieu sioe. souild elae t6. c% utralize lber fther'u avidanon'oe ii pbini, giveo ai tisé -aSSizas, sua on visici the Cisiet Justie laid se ninelà 'streas We shah bl' glad te #lh17y any lurtfie,ý Nqt s ont ns connectai viti thtiecas.. 'otoreipublie, au' an net ot simple justice te tlîe unfontunate me» Bnrko' sud MePisenson, nov uindargoina visai appears te bo a wrong7tui sentec nl te Kingelo Penitentlsry. aotSail over the world. These tr8upb fet merican- gouinea ae.tbuu enumerated :-Firet, thse cotton gin ; second, tIse plsniug machine ;,third, tie egras. mower sud grain reaper ; feurth, tIse rotary priýting press ; flittI, navigation by steau .- sixtli, hot air or calorie englues eigith, the India mub. lier iudustry ;. inth, the machine man- uifacture cf herse shoos; tentis, the Band biset for carvug ; elevenfli, the ,gange lathe ; twelftb, the grain elezator ; thirteen2ti, artif!Ccai sio S nDfaCtÙire OU a large ecale ; foukteentis, thse electro. rnagnet sud is piuctiesi applicà tIon ; fitteentis, the compoaing machine fer printers. IntoALveNSu's8 BÈDnE EuCe.-It eeems f0 be defiul$ely arrangeS> says the London Worid, that ltse King of BSpain viii marry te ArcIsdocteuss Mry 'Chritins, cf Anstria, aStIhe ex. ofrat onue yemr'e rnournig-thît sut a-about Soptemaber neiS, 'The yL2ngprincess la eply tweuty, haviug SeonbemnJnly 21, f858,j sud thisatch lu S a v e oe4 for tumo or fliree yoars a favorite idea cf lier uncle, fte Emperor Francis Joseph. IL t a4been alrà ady sur le tapi. pvions te t4le un- fecinate union cf Alfoasso XII.' wth bis cousin, the late Quen Mrcedes; and thte young Ring b.d nover Qfferedl aby Objection te If, .xcépt tisai hd loveà hie cousin sud vant»O te marny lier. The correct ruiner tisatishe cersimony lu o t akes place atsLaGranja lias a!- eady baSd its effet,.it lu stated by the puniis papors, on te pricet cf homs sud Iodgings aS thst place. 'C unt 0 ouaisluarrauging tIse malter. ThÉis lu nOtt0 thodrS re that HieExcelleucy lias appcaieuI lu tie 're4s of mAtcb-mak- or. If lu nov w dtat thle Govpsuor- Gooal man te.Rlcs ena f ~rvatQqab.o i~embark theb à .4 < iý 0e.~pt fh 100Uyaros, girns uner cu-4nn 3!Ison, laS ; J'ne ithl120d-8 100 yards, handicap-B. Pqlrtuko loti~ 8 yards.; C. WilrnotS lad, 8 yards. 100 yards5 lboys undler 15-D.-Me, iisewsee4 lot; G..Staffrd, 2ud-iïrax Smile, at-C. WllmoS, 1ot B. Brya, W-8yn Log VPH aolt 7feeI, di' inchgs,' B. Bryau, 2asd,- 16 <e 2 lnches.-4 eomnpeted.,, Walklug. 1 ml-Glstbs o e; M.r Holdo Blow 2n nd- omp e Ãt - uor, lsto-B Bov u d-4cm t 250 yard, 0ha@ncpîe.-H SnÃ"sv4 Co * . W io,2nd-5 doau, toi, Hep,;ste p aliS 2n-Brà . Byn st tet, 64 aluchs; nov, 2de 36 f 1n fls H eur , Was n 8asve-Cy 'Oryà Cth olatercn, 100 yar' -.Bt 1.5; Bfieslrans, ndura, tte Mse ohall, ou essesda en ng et brlut e, a lueveriano.LyMr soibassu. pan seonstéise oscr~Ixi* and Miue Arnbery saug witis exqcýlt Laite sud jndgment sud wais deýervd ly eucored, 4rFr.eLloaugi thse crickuet match' roi#>lkwc% a quie teaad 2d4 dot <lià tletc etlsprt et the enter amost~nt.,- Tise omfedy et "Woodiock'i Little Garne" Ws oxcediugly.*01,llplace! on tise boaqdo,'.with.Mr. Prest* s a Wood. ticoc, Mr. P. Perry as u3in, «s Mr. Jlames Lswder aeswn4ù,Mr Geor&é e ynolds s Da.vt$- -,Miss Law. dem as Mns. Col. Carver, Miss IU Part. neli as ýMx.. Wogocdl ,ad14108. Dartusîl as Mns. Larki*i. The udi. ,suce vas fairly convulied vis 'lugstr suad.ý daligistod tbs'ougboulthe plecetë wbiah psld off vitjsous a isteli ~Thooe wlsoihqà pd.eu tisfe WOte p.%lor icornedy oet Mattiihowrs re,'wt ail thse aceesorio etart, sud by pnbteu- sional artios, hsd reason to teel a4ton- tue Sts.compieteness et ove Ltiin sud thse nndo bted histriou1ic ta, nI ax- hibutesi by amateurs, wvus o littlepre- paratien. Thane lu a generà i.1 d4sire tIsai Woodcecok's LittildGame shid lie repeated ai an early day, and Woufi. SenC toeiiog that the cultivaîlon; aua encoaragornent ofthtle borne )trIent amongat ns vould leasdte mauy puch doligisteal ententalumenta au tisatîe.ljoy. cd Wednesdasy eveniug at the' ouic hall. Thse Pni2es te tIse County Agriculioral Society. Soe omissions were made lu thse liai ot extra pnizas given st ýeek, visichwvanow eupply. Tsey arA,' Ar. tiser Jehuston', cash $10 ; J. B. O8teele & Ce., bors boa, $12 ; Mn. MoLoagh- lin, Oshawa, whselborrov, *$0; Masson Mautctuniug Company, Oshawa, oe hon.. euiller, $11 ; Hsnry Thom sn, Pemp.maker. Whitby, pump, $ 10e W J. Hinman, Vaterinarv Surgeon, Oshsa. va, osash; 6; G. H.- Pediar, ï8ppoe Meeisaut, Oshsawa, eopper boilor, $6 B. C. Brown, Beedminst,. Whitby, seedu, 65 ; Juilge Darinel, Wsitby, cah $4; Ben. Barreti, l3utcher,, Wi4tby,» MOta, #2, etd frein long centuries éf isaster aud oppression ; Use présenf Home Ruions. 1mev tise story sud-ose fell i4 Mauj et tisem, may seem vwild ans!' iutract. able ; il tliey vers net in Parlisment ibey vould pnebaâb!y be in jail on en- gageS u ins.héieadership qf secret sociei tis. Te Mn. Buit, vIse sav sud bl- lyýgrapplel vls it. hepsitiou. is Sua tise dssp gratitude of eveiy Enl- ha vis prefen that tisegrÉdvanc o f lis iov sulijeetsahouibe discussed btt.hof et ediliQu, anS tise boreeoe secret secieSies. t ISyllie vell for Englaud ilsà suceessor caos etenSte carry on tise dimoiuit vere, wviio, fer tise pacification of 5,000,060 cif peeple, tise genine of Mm, Bull uvas calloS upon te leangumate." Bno)DsacDEAri utTonowro.-Mns. Brydon, mother et Mr. Wm. Brydon, DrggisS, King-etraeîe st, viso roeideS a'( the corner et Tsra;uley anS Walton sîncats, ounBafairlay eveung, viie ail- llung in îetmh e dt o er £à ti, Yfeli for. vanS sud before asslstane ould ia moudered ase iaS. breathed. han lAst.. - 'Ple firut 91 this eeason'e cul cfisv- lgg e beglnng $ rive uaS Believille, S ft., of Toronto. jpbe1 Bei.ë, e h oin. lx&der mpi. , lrnto; and i. re$il ou the, Qncneu jBl*#1i4.y thoz 0overuorOGêeal, wbeu a bbre~v 138121d gentlemen vith the exi'ionc t, Hon. George Brown, Weia ltUa~IlSd. npo f l Ecé ' n hémorr4v t oed tdbe obatrrd cu hm A4t > ho orbxtdefpt ceal idS. George vawu ltitedIn1818, 4r Us. t4ues cfft.e Ipuiau Islads and cf Mlta ,o 4ad for suihi other Britiélx snlbj.tà ü: sbonuld be disti1ngunihd la .on7fotion, *ifh]L .'.. rielsthe medlferren. r# iiu. By statutes f4hDe>br 1888, the Order was sulprgod ân. re. orazIso aao exýud it tptua~ bras subjectte cf Great. rtl u laude s * là tbe ke~nqfOW C e-Q7O B MT, or have renderjd Sm.- po ntrvces $0 ,tiseCro*i,I4cCn. ttt, f 8ih May"'1677, neoe ilch uow ceusists cf tisa Soverqgný of Z Grand Mas, r (being a Princa f 1h. lod oaland on i tre. inde ,n fy.vemembers, dlvide4inte ibrs casss,,vis. .-lot. EnIglite la Grand (Cross,, thurty fOve ln uwn$er, lu addition $0 snob extra or 1ioùorary- membors as te SBoverolgu maty &p. 9 oint; 2ncl, Knlghts QommandeO, oe -nndred and $wety jan nnmber'; Brd, C ompanlons, two hu9r.d Iuninmer. The niembers, cf thte Order rýow on ihe 1sf vito obtautd tholr appoint- eMenfe o Mretikes las. connectilp with 'Canadian affairs arae 10u1fo . clw r Kuiglits Grand cross . il .1Dt *fecrin, 8fr A. T. Gatti Maro l e of ns, Viscut Moûck, Sir - JohWt Bo, and Kn~gta ommudes.-lr hales Ha[Utings'DOyle B8fr 'Franel E inoki, Sir Patrick Z.' VDbýigall, 8fr Albert Smith, aud Sir EaWar' Slby Sffiytli. Kuiglit C9mpaà ionu. - Adaius G'. 4Archibald, HevitI, Bunard, L. Iý. Cu-* ~John Fleý5cherg 'John il. Gray, ëamnel Peterg i esvsuA.MiEacbren, James F. MoLeod, Jhn wo Il a*» Wm. 0. loue is ouly up te, 1876.1 Soane otbers have ince boo» added.] Wîoa AvAlas voni ns, 1879.--Wide týwalce for Joe.blas a lovely froutis- ç,iee, "0 Larks, Siug Ont To The Truhes 1" wieli illustrates ('Littie Pfary's Secret," asweeet sud simple lit. fie posta hy Mrs. L. C. Whiton Bosu Fanirnore Cooper followu with tihe story 3a£t "The Wondorfnil Cookie," whioh lise tbree quaint plinyues ; while noxt lu order cornes oneofet Ema E. Brown's cliarmipg Bouton papers, this tirne about*'The Poor Chldren's ExcçLruions and Tlie Couutry Week," witi selevon graphie illustrations dga6wn frocu lite by Mise Humphrey. W~alter Slirlaw, oblat instructor at Tlit Art Stûdentu' League, is the subjeet ut No. V1.. of S. G. W. Benjamrnu1s Amerioau Artista" mrles, aeeonpmuied hya portrait, a upiritad ea graviug ai Mr. Slzrlaw'u painting 1%a ho 1, an a à ecmrirtf the artiet's studio drawu by himself.. Mrs. Liii. gives ns a short piper on MOliver G2pldsmnith," and Mrtita Weodbridge bis au ont-of-doors story about "The Boechi Woods Boys." "A Bemekable- Journey," witli its two fine engraviogu, vil, intereut ail the littie girls while ail thse big oees iii enjoy tls, long wltty peem, ,Wbsat Grâce Ia Going Te Do." There are as two humerons pict*res, escis woth tise price -ut the masgazine,. "The Dancing Lasson" isy J.. G. Fraudas,âasd "Thse Tables'Turu. sal, iu Four Scenos," a tul[.pag'e, liy Pimer Coi. Ie thse serialu, "TIse Dog- 1berry Bunch" ail get bsck homne again; tle young peoplo in Bt. Olsve'ui find titeirway eut oet tthe 500W dritL; sud î on Qixote, erý" valisntty protectu 14os tatharsbtose frorn baiug "t aken." 1Thure are large proS astories, p uzzles, liftie toîko' letiers, sud mosie, aud al for twenty cents. Oniy $2.00 a yeamr. Els a rman, Editor. D. Lbthrop & Ce. Puhishers, Boston, Mats. Judgc sud jury. Another upeirnen efthte moderh working cf t5h. "palladium oe tiuxcivil riglits," 5he trial byr jury, cornas frocu Nova Scolla. George Pav, the pouf office clark wha a recently tnl.dl for rîbbing the. Halitax pout office' vas a clerk ilu an sgency effice iu thli City' for tites year o. He vas thonsa quiet, acce svu. at up ueso. re ruuonqasssa iiietions, but hsvsng a commoas base at,,thsextmre olsfto et i .5fmom Ste &&ating peint, asd thli sxtrmiy oethé lie !Dmig theéotuspon bauè. Aitlihe ~'oemSangle vieutaloueSth eOnireai *pnu, thon tise Obbli Fusiliers, iben tise , th Rtoyal FusgIllas, aid 'ihis brnnptise oye te Sus nontipmantgle.. FirBt in tise Oemmeu base came thse Prince E Wales Blidles, thon lte 115h ]Brooklyn, and then thése Gevenr- Gdeuer.21's oqè.Gnandu, #udg titis Itinfu lW te thé; i ahern a nle 1came ;thet Beyalidesf SIhen'tise OStitBiffés,tiotheUs.Victorsas, an aS the eet'obis"lIne, 0o esiee. $resine rigisi ef tise ialnting peilnt, tb. ùueeu's Ovu Bidles Sf Toronto. Prom î slnfing pcinti thoe ewv vas neanly Unte lIse ceuter of -tue geicnlv 140,jeut Sesclbed6, wblch incluSeS lu Wte mnkoso seefhîngover é,W0 ivolon.- teres. Thes Vice-Begal cavalcuda lmteS. 1'ton a, fev seccnde AStishe uAlSltig point, rhuil.m carniage folleving ihomand cou- talnîng Lady geol1ia MoNamrnar, lit. DsWinten, anid Mn.. Bussell Btepis- .*ou poqleS up, wvilo its occupante yen escorteS up te tise pavillion. As th. -Prine,anS MatrquishaleS viSent Slsmountiug. tise vhole lInspresenteid armu, anS ths batteies findered ftcml s neoyai salut.et 21 gns. Bigtere tIse sineke liaS cîsared fuirly avay Hem Royal Higitues aud Il'e rcellonoj, attendeS by 1Sm Selby fimyth anS- staff, rode aleng te line te lus peet tise trocepe. Habing before tise181;h Brook- 'y4.Hiu Excellenoy pddessedthem Se ro felcvs:-"Offioera anS mon et tise gai- la t iSt, I velcorne jeu Se OauadaauS 1î Siank yen ,o$bns. cemiug te honour oun Qneen'u B rlday. We are brotsens lu bleed, lu lanutýge, sud l nlthemiser- it&nýe e rattaitions. 1 rejoice tiaI1Ieau velcoe yiî jore tu sour -bmethieru lu armi.", Afler tise evisv Shené vas a sliai figti, aise viSuesseS:,by Use Viceregal pînty, anS lu tIs e vetuitiga public Smn- uer vas given' by lte' effleens et tise Cgasiian militawte Ris excellency tise Governor-Ganenal and Colonel Austen suit offlens et-tisa 151h BrooklYri ýRegi- ment, aud vas langel'y attendeS.' [IushNews. Cornelius O'Maisouy, due of lise Irisu people staff, ha.s d iinMelbourne. 1Tise sînike in tIse Belfast ires Snade tas endail se tan as Use boler makers are cocnernede ise n esumed vork. Au oriler et tiseLoard Lieuteuanf'u lu tIse Dnblin "Gazette" revoires lise proclamation oethtie 251h Febnuany, 1807, by visicis tis ebuuty et Kerny vas stibjecied Le tise provisions eftùtis Pea. Préservation Acf. Mn. H. A. Robsinson, Aussist&nt-Un- der-Georetary ton Irelsuil, snceeds SBr A. Poyer, vise las sealud the Vice- Presidency bf tIse Local Goeêrnmnu Board, anS Dr. Kaye, Q. C, eue efthlie Diviaienal Police Magisîrales, suc- ceedu Mm. Robins1on in tise Assistant- Unler.Secraryssip. -Thmee cases et suicide bave jueS taken place in Cunty Wsxfomd, tvo in nev Boas district, sed ouesat Bailyhi- land, vitiinfour miles o et tiseen et Euuiscantliy. The laul cana vas usat ofg Ma mnnamed william Havkins,viîo limeS vwith is hebreShen, scomf5oriable farmn, tenant et James Meffat,, Eaq., J. P. Seveu pensons bave been amrasiail on the changeof etieng concerneSluintise vmecking3oethtie Christian Brother.' sahool aI Mallow. Warrants have Sen issueS for tIsa arreai of twenty-Lve euh- ers, Notice liase ieen given isy tIsa Catisoia Bishop ot bis intention 10 dlaim aStIshe naît presentmeut sessions £800 compensation for tise damage doue. Constable Egan'sud Actiig-Couaia- bi. BassetS, et Bsllinauîoc, ArreeteS tve tramps vIse attem.ptad Se :fore' isein vay snoe Garbaily Dameune, lIss seat et the EanI of Gsneartj, contrara te su orde o et t e ~akeepetWvisesent fan lise police, sud vhle bEeiug takeon te tise station vielently assulted lise con- stables. Intoruassionas wve.svoru le- fors EdvamS W, Fovler, J. F., viso siommitted tIse trempe $tiste pettj ses- gnous.- 1 A panty affnsy broke outin uCeremain, luel enleida lIse Sovu e toae.- ý Vhich party aet 'lly began tise hostili. lies it is impassible te gay. Tise upshot cf tise a ir vas tIaItiseROman Cathe. lic pamty sueceeded lu- bnoaking Ilimough lie lUnes eftlbeim')opponente, but LIsej liaS Sheir druin I!oon an an sudavemal aof Shei vers wounded. Tise police wens unable te mAke auj arreste ; but g: large number eftummonseu were issu- e5 agaiust bctIs PlSes. The loieefet b(nSinclair, a magia- bier feplinge a il thmau la vhloh seissu beeutruelved by évery section ofet fit anadian peol.h I amn ofWZ somairShow&site 1k., " 'ountry, sudî I caasonly reply tUsmy. umeroas en- qurers by restnsig agin whai I have saiS t tisose vho baye'asised ersoi-. ly, that altitengit aisel"k tisecontry v;ry mucit,site likos thespeople, a greit bel otter. '(Greateitserng)Ime nef forgeSt tisank Sir - Èdard Belby Syhortise extreme cordùiityWitis wobewsse goed me t6 prepose, ibis toast, and 1I eau assura hîm tisaS noS Only hem.e iOgss oaian 1offi. cers, but'anywhisee asé, 'I isonld have been prend $0 itsar from ir hlm s.veds ho bas used. (ien. IaIamn sure, eemnsd tIse gratitude eofevery mili- fia regmneunluCanada dunlng lse turne lie lias beau hoe, sud h pe ,I am surs, as yonr representa1ve viihthUe fu voesofetautlienity.1 (Bèeed clieering.) If is impesaloete reid tise able sudlte tullrepoe vrhwilclij4mr at- fer joar have issued freihis peu vits.' out seslng that lie las given g hi.viaI minS to jour service, and lias tudied ta the vory tint jour' velifame, anS tise sfflclency cf youmOrgizaton.- (Applanseý) ,Ho lip huibefoeu jur ejes a bilt.sfaudard.Hehbas hsld'fbaS estandaid np' ýw«tb a Mnes sfficient band, and I believe yen tlsoowigly Weilknoo hov valuabis bis services have beon anSdvitat au advautage Ii. $0 h ave an cliser aste isad cf tlbp Çanadian Miii- 93a vha 1ssu liaS -expel-lence in active varfare'. (Liud cioors.)' Tise mansm lu vhiel tihe manoeuvres vene pérform. ad te-day sLows hov mach vaine yen have attachaS te bis eiohing, vhat fou advantage y ou have taken of ail tise eppertuultioo gveux le yon. And,$ *hile- I ameon tise uect oethlie evew, ai- iow me te congalai. jeu on hsvieg lu jour raidst to-daY, a; orming se, splendid la part of yenr' spectacle, lte gallant Amenloan regimnt, many of vrhose officeme I have the piessure ef seeing uls a.(Great eheenig.)- I a vii tepeat Se thom!ra l isiIiLad uhe lionor et saying ta tIseregimeuf ai large tisati Itbank hem meSsicecrely fer baving corne tbis long jonrnoy te isouer car Queen's birtisSay., . (Trerondous applause.) And I regard tisein baving undentaken their jourâe7, anS havlng cerne bans, as a proot etftisaS amity et feeling sud sentiment, whie is leas streug in tise lreasîs eftise Amenias, pep1 as is tisein aommuniywi vusns lu Uaifreedom vwhicis e mecognize as Our commnon heitage. ý(Cheoing)- 'I Iseliave. I- arn net wvng lusaying tisai tlrey have palil us au unueusi çoifpli- mént in ailowiug Ihein baud te, play oun National AutIsem, wisile a pari oft tisir rnuaidane 'ver. arrayed'in euxrnationasl cotonna. BÃ"me etftIsa baud ers tIse Queen'u cÃ"tleurs, sud I believe lana not cisiulerpnalitigtisé feelings et tise offi- cens haro present v#hen I uay tisaiveny many Athcss'o'oiloe etfBri- tish race, bat many otisére, Wear in este sense, tIse Qnean's eblenre at tisein hoats-(loud cbeerlng ana' appisse)- nef only because she lu tise- Qlsen et tisa ol counutry vitis vhici s al3a et thein mesS glorieus' memories are-lfor- eoer identifieS, tisai olS country of' visicis iiey are in their beartu as prend ase I os» boneatly say England le of tbecu, but aise becansa ýtise Amanictene are s gailaut nation sud lôve a geesi voman. (Great applanse.) They hsave lent ns a heiping baud to-day, anS I bêlieva tisey viii alvays lie raady te Se se siteulsi occasion arise ounvisicis wa mayasek lhsenate stand. hy ns. (Leusi cheerng.) We have lisa a veny pleas- sut day togatisenvisici lisas beau tel- loweS by s estini evening sud s pioas- sut dinnar-pleasauf 50 ail, I ventura to say, isut reefful only tetisose vise fate il issu net beau, wisan thea desserti bs iceu put upon tise table sud tisa viue ha. beau passeS round, le ha obligeS by making speeches te " oDjn fine" again. (Laughton and applause.)' It our anmy conid aivays daiend upon iaving auch a geoil commissariat aq our littie force lias eujoyed le-day, Ai i my bellot that fielSdideys veulil bc even more popular tison tissu iiey are, snd I deubS if tIse fiuantes et auj people, ne malter loy many chsanges they uhouid make in their tariff, ecould long stand tise expeuse. (Laugistar.) And it is, perisaps, fortunatea ta a force in tise fiait caunot iways carry about vils iL OnUs amrpaigu a, Windsor isotel; otherwise tisa pastim.et vf an veuli ha s fan more populan q4mtemnt even tissu 111e ai present. (Grat ý,langiter.) People are nov tam tee fond ef il. Tisa ast lias sisowu tIsai fiey mîvajuihave soen sa, and vitS tise e$t réolutions fer tise future, tise same is tee ikeIy te romain tIse case. Wuîy-i. ibis ? Ilte beosuse they Se net knev vIsaS iinl, sud take everything tais unukueonte lie maguificeut. But if nations are Gray's Byrup cures tise voret terme et Couegansd colla. Gray'a Syrnp curas Son. Titroau satiS Hoaraauess.. - Gnaj's Sjmup giveu immediate relief te Bronobitis, - . Gray's Syrnp lu the lieutxuedicine ton Aetisma. Gra's ,Synep relies BCroup sanS wiîoopiug Congli. S Gnaj'a Byî'up le invaluable ilu aut éta PgsOetCeneumption2. gl Seavenyirbere. Pnice 25 Centa. >Houmever quiekl>' a patient may ne- caver sud 'approscs tovarils roisusî heattIs, by tise ue of etaliova' Hype- pîsospiies lie mut abotiti t tis habits stf ita isicl i idureS tIse disese ; tisa affect yf fise greateat triumph lu meii aiuo can ouly lie iransiterj, visilst man persista in tise gratification of vicions à n parnicieus habita. FAut- KrLLER. - Tisa testimoniales bora to tlîa officacy eft tIis valuable anedicine ara aufficieni ta varrant its introducioienlto avarj ibouse. Our ovu opinion is tisat ne faruialsnlild be vithont a botilaetof t ton a single isour. Iu fiesis vounils, -aches, pao, sces. &C.,. il is tise Most effectuaI ram- adY va knovet. A bottle vili laut ton a ver> long timP, an i us toiv pnica places h it ishin tise roch et ait.-N axes St. .Telns, C. E. TIse Orestaut Remedy Ever Dis- Qnine lu considerad tisa grealcet temad' kuovu, but vs, balieve it is ils aqual, if net lie peen, in tisa preduct et tIse CeS Fiali. Nothiug bs lie» stiscovereil le Equal Ced Limer Oit se a luilden andSuentainer et tise body lun Canauymption anS ah vwasting Dison. dors ; but ils uRefuinees is impaireS by ils nauseons properties. lIN SOOm'S ÉMSet.IONe OrPUREatCOD LîVîîî OIL this o'bjection lu eutirely amercome, anS c.mbined vilS Hiomîaostjp.Ts op LIEAND ODAÂiL t is e mosu vainable rnemedy aven diacovereil. Fer sale -b>' T. G. WlVtifid, Wltitby. .22.4in A Jey ton Tender MotSera. Motbers vise have suffas-ad pange et .sympatiitie grief wvlen tlisy lhuve liaS ta Rive Iliair infants Castor cil,. anS have acen the-unepoakable diuguat s-a-d iert tise hitife anas bas enduraS, wssh ail rejoica te koow tisai tisa, prenions pets need noyer kovtîsis eonrow mare, Tss EWtnS.atl-OF orCeASROzI. male lij S'COTTx& BUoI,N 15 5 asPALA&TAjiLSltisah baby as ifs natunai sustenance, suSn is mare .iickciasselu an peralion Ilsan tise olil ussna ntëdoses.; This uev prepar- 4tton lu as Walcome, te gnown up Tolka as te lis, babies. It lu solS aI 25 cents boIsttIe. lVoi îaIs by ,T, a. ,Wbitold, ihteh a strlks £rein tha central oeyr wevr menaced, seo wit em chidren 'utes, wheeever ulipAted, me- aptntoAmy eau made on ihen, 'sud pbve that Bgland's union viti theii greatcolonies l ie nc iltheJiosu utrotg bebaue it Sepenlls on ne parcitinent bauds or aneiçunt legal cliobigations,- but dez[ives its m[gitfroulmthe vam naltac.ÃŽh ment, ieliigpriSeieluxueoupime, séidtletevi ffenlngsetfhem leving, b1r grateful, asudhem gailmut son.- (Loua continueS appmuse.) ýr2£ WscA MATCHZ.3AT' 'Tezeser. Tbe six days' valklng match vas con- cltided on Maturdaj ulgît at'i-saif.past feu o'clbek, lthe vinueors being s fol-! lewse :-Walkem, 484 miles, S laps; Nel. sots, 428 miles 5 la'1 s- ;V Waries, 84ô1 nilies Il laps ý; Alberi covered. 300 mis. anS O'Gmadp:221 miles aud 18 laps. Thse* Meut Valu»!. Gifts--Rcutoration cf tise Iealtb. Duing the pont c en ars lise Great Shesisones >Pemedy 'lias faitisfuily e- Seemedl every premise sud gusmanles madesgtes.public. *Alammlng sud mp. paetî iplese cases otLunD ause, DyppiLiveý, Qemiplists, 1itien otleKdey.an dCritel0Cmplainls 6f svery oitien,;inclui Sarofula andS km eases et lite-le dumatian, have been: mansntly u7ved&aS eradiested. osev0 vluuteered Useir testimcy tis Miaet lIste Bemedy, are ua g people lu un- lieard-ef-localities oeeg ceunutrles but respectable aliiz cf 5h. country, easy le é.cceau an , o te question, upon vhoe e vasi me meudafiens vs are viîliug rouf the. patation et Use b Gr'atSbh ones Bneea. If yen &sme afiicte!, e net dalay ulhil raedi- aie= s b poverlea e aid q'b. No ijros ateeeau poseibiy toll tlie use efthIls luiian ,Bemeaiesas"hey contain. e0minerals, bliy iicsthe lte of lise invalid is se eter ssied under tise toom f tome lempermséedative or M.imlsnt. Tisae Indien Remaies are widely kuovu nsud eu poasces tise pub- lic confidence, atter tIse lapeseet suffi- aient limae to test tiseir effloaoy. Tiesa ioohenecu Vegeishie Bugar Ceateil Pille Ibave von tom themeelvas tise meel faiorable mputation of auj pili betoneftica publiq. Their efficaey bas beau tuhiy proveS as a emueiy for btlioueness, .fsck Heailaclie and insativi- fias et tis camais. Pnicaet-tise renm- édv iu pint 1lottias, $1 ; Pills, 25 cents a Loi. Sold by ail medicine docalans. Enjey Lite. WItat a tî'uly beautiful worlil we live lu 1 Naiure 'gives us grandeur ai'monun. tains, glana arnS oceaus, sud tisousuda et meane et enjaymant. Wo can Sa. sire-ne boîter wvisn luperfect healtis; but hew ottea de tIse majorlty et pao. ple teal lika 'Iiving il np diahesrtonad, diecouragedi tuS vrnieS oui vitia dis- çasa, vison titane is ne occasion ftan tis leteliug, as; eseny suffener esc eauily ol- 4ain satsîfacl ony proot that Grepmns Au- (guet Flower wîll mako tliem ase tee fyom dsasse as visen hein. Dyspep. puc'aed Liveir Cemplaint is the direct daneot eeveuty-five par cent oet uneS toaladies. As billouanes, lndigestion, ilick Hatîtiache, CoBtiveneis, Nenveuu Plrostration,' fiizziuea eofthlie isead, pal- pitation eft tiertansd otisan diettnee- ing sympiems. Thnee dosas et Anguat Ployervillii ipra-va pnovd ita vonder-, fnul eifeci.iatnple boutles, 10 cents.- Try ht. For sala b30.S. W. B. Smiths Ce. Whiihy. Bpecial Invitation. Cal utour Dnug Stene asdgel a trial botte i' Dsu. KrNqc'a Nsuw Dsscov- mitm, frec of charge, if yon are snffcrng vitis a Cougis, ColS, Asthme, Brencii tis, Hay Fevar, Conaumption, lotset voice, tickliýin utIsa -irnt, or auj affection efthtie TIsmoat or Lnngs. Tiss la tise greai remeily that la csusing se mancis exciteupeut bp is mauy venden- fL cures, cunng titonsande cf hopeless casas- Ovei'eue million batties et Dz. KLN<'e NEw v DîsoovEnir las beau useS vwithin tIsa last jear, anSdlias given per- fect satisfactibn in evemy instance. We eau uuiseitatingly Bay f bat tis is l reslly tua only sure cure for tismeat sud luug 'affections, and eau clieenully ne- eommend il te li. Call anS get a trial hettle froc oof charge, on s ragulan size ton 61.00. For sasie y S. W. B. BruilIs & Ce. Whitby. TOW'ýN PROPERTY. Tise EstiaS3 aothtie late TIIOS. MARQUIS~ viii haae Iso y PuhbleAuclion, h Levi Faixbanks, Anefloneer, ai RÂY'S HOTEL, lu tisa Towjn oft Wbiihy, ut 2 a'clock, p. m FIl IDA ý, 20f1s. dcp of JUNE, 1879, Tise tailwicg lande and premniacu, ie tour parc""':-)I - Ths ouîis 60 acreu of Lot 82, is th. 8rd.ý Con. oithtIe Towsnship et WSitbl in tise Ca. et Ontario. Tis lot is aI laier. cd ; ou wIsýsh tIsane le a goad trame barn. 2. 21 asr ee adjalulug parcai- 1 tetise nos-ti. On Sida loi Usera 1.5a trama lieuse hrsnviug h-d,ssi anS cisiaru, and a gees 3. The a utIs 10sces at Lot 83, lu tIse - r5' Cou,.et tise Townsipipe!Whithy. On this panreïl, tisera lu a trame bas- n sd stables, valSý atone noot hanuse, aiuo a amaîl es-charS, s2S good veil. This lot ie ali-clear- oS exsapt 4bout 20 acres. The aoje tas-ms axe elolttnceS, draineS, aud mia is stale of culfivation, anS situ- aieS aboug 21miles trom Use Tovn et Witiy; 4 mile trra good Griat mOli, and lé miles troua acheol hanse. f- Tevu lois 21 and 'M, on F1Pis-oaS;e ou lot 21' tIser. is A' geod brick cottage, -amati atab a sd ont ofilcea, goad wdfl, vith gardon et émail fs-uitS. TEBMSI OF SALE.-IO par cent. ofthtie- purclcLqe mocsey te be palS ou day ofesale;- hal i fieiilîstusata lie paiS on lIse iStI ot Octabe, . 1879; tisa ramaindar luB or 5 jeans, ta suit. purcisasan, at 8 per centî. lut. As tIse aboye Estate lias tao s diviSeS, il viii have lo be uel vthout eserme. Furtter particulars"esn be obtained tram Ceorge Marquis, u arcel No. 2 ; or tram W. H. BIL14lSIlB,,Solià iton. Withy, Msay 28, 1879.23t T END E RS FO0R PENCE. Tenders will lheredebel tise nd8- ainS, Atel'iIDWYJ NE t&, for ti e nction as L5c a&tisa CAýTH0ýc.'C CWIRCH GROQUNDS. uPul i~c1. ntou application t Il M11g ' * a lO1a onà thâ nver .1 doapoino.The4 doc. tor witi willinily prove and demon- strate whai ho .Baye, on SYpiication f0 hiù ia his ofacep 451 Sgth Avenue, So1 by S.W;J3.Smth &Co. Bond for peà ii, phlet, - -DI.L iES, 1W, est Broadway, N. Y. Triai bottie 2& eenIs, The BIOT Sà zvz intheworlcl for Cnte, Bruisses,.Sofes,.1U1cerOe 8Sal Rheiuit, Tetter, Cliapped Had*eýhui blaluÈ, Coriaanu d aIl kindi oé, ehin eruptis. This Salve ie guiaeed W0 give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refnndd. Priw.2&08f4t#iper box. 'or sale hy S. W. 3I. Sualth& tEr Notices of Birtha, Mamrag., an4 .ataa clecgod 50coente aohd. M AB 1EýD. TWVEDIE-FILE. - At the' rosi- dence , f tlhe bride's father an the 21sf of Ma, b thfle Bev.- J. A. Oirsnichael,- of Co Unaus, James, youngest son of thie la;e ame, Tweedie, Esq., Broad- fleld,, ýte Margaret Jane, yonngest4 dan lter cf .James Pile, Esq-, au of the Tà wnship of Whitby. BIBRELL-On the 105h cf May, ai hie houe, Hill street, Pockham, LOUi. don, Eugland, Mr. John Birreli, cldest son ofEbenezer Birrell,-Esq., J. P., cfý Pickering, Ontario. CCRIUOmLB Oyricz, May 28th, 1879. Fleurj er bri ...........$#4O@50 Paul Wheat ............. 00 95 @ l 00 Spriug %Wbeat ..........o si@p c 095 Barlay,, Nal1 ...........$050 o@ go W5 ile ' 2,.......... bu o0@ o000 S. $O 00 @ 0 00 Ry.............. 40 @ 45 Pea.............55 @ 63 Peau,,blaek.eyed; ... $0 75 @ 60 82 Oats.................. 88 @40 Corn..............550 @ 60 118Y - ................$7@0 Apple$........-.. 5@O1 Fotstos, nw......6e 75 8 Eggs: ................ lýbta 150 Butter*............ibe @ 1 5 Cheasa........... Le4 10 Wood;................8a8 0 o0o Beaf, hind quarter.$...8 0n' g $5,50 Beef, fare quarter....$ý 4 O0 @ #4.,5o Sheepikinu ..............$60 75 @.80 80 Rides ................. 85 00 @ $5560 Pork, per owt ..........$85 00 @ q5 5< Lane.................. *5W $3 0 Calve ........... &4 @ $5 Oxttans ...... ............$0 90@1 6 Tnrnips .............. .. X0e Garrats ................. 150 @ 0 Chiena, perpair ...«.45@ 60oc Turkeys, par lb ..... Sa 10 Claver.'l..............116350 o$u 0 Timothý1.............$1el75 (b $20 Weai, unwauhad ....$go090@(bIo waa"hdl............ 15 @ 18 PORT PERRY MARKETS. Part Ferry, May Ctit' 1879. Wheat, apriug. .... ... 80 $0 92 Whaat, tal .................. 75 1 0 Fleur. ................... 5 0 ,0 flarley. ,.............. ....O0 40 0 60 Peau ..................0 60 0 65 Oata ..................O088 O040 Corn . ... ................. o45 0 56 Claver Saed .................Il 60 a 5o, Patates...............O 40 O 50 Applea, par husa.... .. 4::1OQ 2-0 ,HLd8a....... ..............45 0 000 Park .......................5F6o0 060 Butter ....................O0 15 O016 Eggu.......... .0 10 O O5 By............. .....90 16 Rlay ..... .............. 950 J60 Wea.. .................2 560 60 Chaaaa.. ...... .........O0 10 012 Woal......::::............. 018 020 Lard ...................... 010 0 12 Modern Materia Medica J nolud9 a8 axy vainabla remedias fer afflie. tiens, it in a niatter et cartainty thafinl ail cases whara thse animal vitality lu failing, Phosiozo ' Le, i decidedly auperier, it will vark effia1cta such s au uthlug aise wMI pro- duce, and paauauuea the great advantage ai neL Cauafrg, wben ia ue lu rallnqnisbed, tha ulighteut reaatian or depreaulan. Sald by ail druggiuta. Prica ana Dollar par Bettla. - A C A RD 1 O 0al who area unfaring tram thse errera aud, indiuçretienu eyoh ievu waakneua, aarly decay, leus ofYýahoc i will seac& a zeceite that will sure. yen, FRER COF CHARGE. L"isu great rarnady waa diaeavarad by a rnisulanary in South Amrerlea. SenS a selt.addrossed envelope- ta thse Ttvv. JasEu' T. ImRuxeaStBation . l3ib1e Honse, Newa York Cityj. iffl 86 21 45 2 au 292 120 3 145 2 74- 1296 2 05 5 145 3 J5 3W >194 4145 'J8 ' 801 199 4 1.A_5- a~ 80O2 194p 4 145 34 - a~NXUBaT'Ev PLAN. :Bk King St. nil52 281451382 94i 1 21162281 45 13 2à do Il 49 8 45 18 2 .Brec'kSt 5 51 14 1 45 7 à ) Byron" 1 2890 6 1 45 4 4 WALLACE'e PANOF maEtOF LOT 27, ls'd coNiczsiolN. Block I, 9 4 coi1 45 o61, .4 859 8 È1455 1 vazaa&cz'a PLAx O)F puT oi LOT 28, la Blok A,'".7t 511 12 145 '6 6 12 114326163 TNOt'5FLAN @IL ABT OF LOT 927, i, ii 1Ã"2 -4 115' 8 I 1 2 257 6 1 4 il 21&' 572,13 143 )7 8 241 881 22 1 d5 104 ECADDIN'40 F LAN SOF PÂRIT OF> LOTé 2612 Block 2,! 986 22 1 45 Bt 2'8 6Q 21 'l45 10 2 5 17 8644 1 45 1 7ý "4, 4 7 81 19 1 45 '- 9 52e3 12 1 45 5 5, lait17 1 4 1T45 19 7 - TH~OMAS HUSTON,'; Tresurer, Town of W -. Tovn Treasurex's Office, W4tby, 20th1 May, 1879.J AT- HOPKIN'S HL L, WHIT.8, THUBSD ,My -,1879, At E, - « ~. m.rydeulsid ýcOrd1%ll viea.e Ois kers are teS te sddresu the Au a"e ylnvl tattend. NOTICE, 'Ph.averl , aviug 'Plis..fatiterless cildren lot uSer liii charge, (2 Girls uniS a]Boy)in Sesiro f plang tisemin uru- smtbeFsimil. Thse ages of tise ,lu are- 8 and 10 1jerro, repectiveiyr, Y "clva mS Ob"det thte boas te '4aisl esno a,4aise hoalthy ndio- t bsaS TLbc~anyoungest girl iigisi le liSte adepl. deuMX149, wbflt ~P. o. May 27g 1879. ' 8n-23 TOWN TIIEASURiâ S al e 0f L ads f ou1Tîi e Tovu et1Wbltby virtu.eta wpr qJ o tsh ajé tisefoei fthése rpmt.10n.ottse of, e isg patetel "ttd, for Sithruse a Usersen Mnoeg -,ier I~tesl rt Tisese are lbsera e tÙ"pve notic at, uniens tis esaiS xrsund cents; ame' ou palS. I shah, lu cempliece Wlits ment Act, procsed ite sely PubUic it tise Townu all, li tise Tov of on TKUE8DAY tise fIs 4.rot' iLD,1879, attise heur ofTes l in u ~ y,%-enoen, tliý saIS lndu, orsomues lière. sale. PPSRY' PLIfNORTfl WÂEZY,î WEST 0W BROCX BTE2FIII e1 162-10 IL,45190 2 42 14 SI 06 145 16, 148 865 21 .f1181' 144 8 65 21 145108 145 8 Du 81458 52 147 8 59 8 145 412 148 8 69 8-149 5lai 149 8 58 8 105 121 152J 529 12 145 l" 8 59 8 145 855 a59 8 145 5 12it- 56 859 8 145 412ý 157 339 8 1 45 I. '8'8899 S 1 4ô 42 a 6 39 8 1-45 512. 162559 8-145 1 161 569 8 1463&12' 162 6 _f. 14 11. . 168 81 ?8 1485 12 V 164 659' 45' 12j 165 39 45,~ 9121- 16 859-81 12, - 167 859 8S'145 532 168 -8t;69 8 1 45 'J2 »169859 8145 si 1 170 888 20 1 45 ]30103 171 -889 20145 100 172; -*If B 48 145 21lSOt 173V 1)- 92 '48.145 '21 85 180 5-28. M. 45 880 181 5-24 1,45 6 81; 182 5 2812- 1,4& 6180 1 183 524 12- 1'45 8, alI 1840 28 12- 145", e>O 185 524 132'145,681t 187 59 8145,'_5t121 r' 18a369 8 14&_5;12 I 88 59 8 1 458 512 1 859 8, 14'5,- 12 P- 359 8 145 155,9 8 1 4 1006ô528 12 145 Gý 197 524 12 145 si5.. 198 5:23 12 1 45 &Di801 199 5,24 12 145 6 &X 200 5 28 12 1 45 0go, 21524 12 145'61 211 12-43 80 145 14i185 212 U,48 3go4514118tt 218 12,48.-8 1 45 id!1 287 210 5 1 45 86 00 288 1023 25 145 il 244 1228 80 f14!w 245 22 0 145 1403" 246 1288 880 145 14103 ti 209 14'83 3r 145 1663 826. 88 71 45 4 65' 827 8 ýB 7 1 45 -485 - 888 10 16 25 1 45 11 80 840 6 67 10 1 45 823 B"4:12 66 Si'4 43 861 12 428W1l45 14 17) 362 8 81 21 145 1047.'ý 38310o r 2514511l0m 878 8 S3i .1 45 485' - 77 8 88 7 1 45 4I185 878 8 88 7 1 45 4185 8 0~ 8 12 145 6 C-5 EAStT,' IJOCKP±EiR'k rANNais yi( :7182 ê8 456 145 188 69 i 8 182 68 456145 18869 _, P'xIMY's PLAN, XaOwr l aR, xiur or0aeMC 168 4 Ã"2 11.145 î616 169 7 ' 8 17 1 45 ti80 170 10 19 25 145 1189 ti' -G I TIiis Machine le for Dvllbiige Mills, Pacte Public Malts' H. r aiand examnine tiseni sa aJ3(SEPH Pm.1.', < pbsmbet sud GaS-fiuer t r senS tfon "ixetlai sud pi There is quiry for BI, Dolmans, Ma fasltonsbl, thi S.ilk on ha they held w nd adytînce 10 Dufy The 'before -thie,, N * ait thçoIDilow titan presen4 PBICE & 40 CENTý x. 3. :W~ MEDIC BROOK ST.,I County à / FARM close toeallî VILLAGE 9F tis. Terminus fi FOR SALE, 0. t PPly C Manager Canada L 47-ly I AILiAILY U (W. SE]iv ttommencsug MeuS taake-lser regnIsjý t aý93,eeymonpax oùair.-a of tras atidMontieaictjn Unsn '1ous't Stpdtet. I ]RZe nStoc k, c4eaLeWesifinmostdû .A bhy and 1ev t-lï'e] F'or frtiserinformna B- STEPHENSOt Mî&Y 26tis. '1879. s TANDÀBD B DImtI nd Notce i. bcrahy î4iva TIsmee par cent. foth beigant tlisate 0 E ' numn tfpn d-09 - - thr'Wlllbeayade bnsnclsM ego t'WtditesdiLy,-tise 2n Thse -Anatuai Guenr itordors for tIs. elAcsian hageL9t thse faning H «cas On WEDNE11.A ;ertî tise chZai PU Ixýrc iB dL i R ian, t1ti sý To WNPSH AL the Govemoment baussevun, net only by the appoiutment efthue gentleen vhorn I have the honon et meeting boere te-ulgi s utise bearers et Hem Mjaaty'e commission-(applause)-bnt aIse by tbe institution et tIse Militany Bahool ai Kingtn- (ceutinued applause)-tisai tisey recogulue theft at sionaetftise crueileet lhings tise mlers et a peoplei eau do lu' te sî.pose brave mon vitisout( able leadership te the chances et a cam- Y agu. (Hoear. isear, sud applas.)-1 Ibope inma fev deste lie &ble tovisif the Kingston à cisool, visiel islu s ablyi efficered, sud 'visich dadnig is short1 career Is already simuck deep roots lun tise confidence ofthtie country, aud lu looked t e autise-training place qf tise1 .iigCanasliasu-.afficcr. (ProlongeS ChIsers.)' Our- imilitia force lu large ln numben, sud s;e have ba dSuring tise luit tvo jeans lte ieuot prefotes :giriî saiSis viiçhis 58 mimatod. I @oellie negiecting an important duty vome 1 noSte taise this opportuisîty et tenderingthie warues±Ihake of Hem « Msjest)y andSoethloteImpérial autiiori- ties aI home te thpIse gailupi efficers et tise Canadian militia terce vIse havaet laie efiarad tiem2elves for service su active vartar-Icheen,)-and te as- aura tlsem that aithonghis il as net ne- cessary te take advantage et theïr eersne1 that their readineà s te serve bas 'beau noue 1h. lees valueS, noteSl and appre. claIeS, aud ,tisaI1the patiiotio spiriti which binsetogohier ail 'branobeis-ofý ncurQeeu'ea Myla witstovcr çuuptcî-i