Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 29 May 1879, p. 3

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ÇHEAP G TO THE PRO< "~~s'etwonty.five, Centi e 'th4n SOMI iniClaremot ~e r- iripg Lfe o own inake erls Wo hav ut opened thice (8) Big Ca of Good u ta aré waited t tly ,ini ele faruily, and ave pU Low Prices oni them, Eo 0 as aketh.ings Paàtiil>y Lively att eO1D FIÈLIiWB' IHALL. ,There iè considerablÈ en quiry for BLACK BILKS, (SiUc Dolmans, Mantlos, -&c., 00ngs fasliionable thi.s semon,) WC have, a pretty large' etoek -of Black Silks on hanul, and as long 'as thoe hold ont W>Cobtail slint lO a4M~n on ac:oint of oxr beforo the N. P., and w~ill romain at the nid low prico-lIes,, ini rad, thax4 presient_,W HOLEF,8 AL F PI CES. :É]. MEZOsT Oddfellows' Hall., (iENUINE 2L LE BOR E PARIS GREEN!' 40 CENTS per POUND, ai T ~G. WHITFIELD'84. MEDICAL HALL, B40~CX ST., ITI. Coan ty of-,Haliburton, 14.51 1 45 1 45 t i45 I4& 1 45. i 45 145 1 45' 1 46 i45_ 1)1)o461 451 2185 '80 6 28 1151 45686 181 5 MI12 1 45 08W A1 5 WJ1121 45 0180 01 14 le 1 1 441 êal 84 à823 412 1 4851et" 1M 624 121 14.658&I11 66~ 5J1 8. 1485ô12 87 60 8 8 145 a6121 e5i G96 8 1 4f,5 12 8913 86 8 1 er1 ý512: 90 a169 18 1 4b' 12: va a 169 8 1 45 512 Ur, rGu 8 1 485 ,12 unI 5 2J1.121 465 &80'. 7 à2 12 1 45 0' 81, 985 621112 1 45 (1.86 00 5 2!ý12. 1 458 <80 >01 624 12 1 4P6 1 Il 12 4J 1BU1 4514 18 13 12 da'180 1 45.14 18 37 21lu 6 1 45 80 8 lu92d 25 1 45i11va 14 12 28 au1 145 140B 412 6 id 180 1 4614 08 46 12 28-130 1 45 14 08 9 1483- Et 1 45 lii( M6 a M1 7 1 45 4 7 4 Ba 7 1 4G 48W tig 10(lu 25 1 46 1185 4Ù6 7 I 14658 14 1268.i81 1 45 14182 dil 12 .14.l0 1 45 14 17 12 8 81 21'1 45 1047 G31 W 2 25 1 45 11983 768.5331< 7. 146 4 85 7 8 831 7 1454 55 B 331 7 14 4548 .K d12 1 45 6058. e ILOKTit5ET. 7 182 Sd 456 1 45 1880 8 182 68 445661 451880 111I1 WAIl)I, 1151 OF OBOCIK 8 .451q il 1 46 is 9 7 18 17 1 485 80 70 10 19425 1 48 I1189 1 15 4M 817 1 45 17 28 75 1<18lJ 40 1145 18 25 70 b8 8I 21 1 4 10 49 7 4 67 Il 1 465 &28 8 8 321. 1 45Io040 79 3850 81 458 508 1 6 70 16 1 45 857 t2 4 7214 1 145 6198 H6 w 814 41 1 4 18067 9 à 4 î 2 il 1 45 (1)28 vil 8614 21 1 45 101la 0 4 ju 12 1 46 6 66 ug 1 9,2 1 45,668D 17 l41 f-)0 1 45 10 0 18 8 11 20 1 4510 00 11 51ý12 1 40 6 69 il>à 612412.14'1 5 6GO ANutrOF'c011Ut'LOT 23, lez. '2 1062 14511 85 4 0215 1 45 812 4 7 1il1145 ô828 $ >49 25 1 45 121u il: 3l1 1 1 4& 8 14 W4 10 1 i4 ry 488 Il',ILIr (c ît' 25, 26, B. Y. H7 I;I -2 1 45 03 71> 1>1 2 1 45 288 bit) 8 '1 145 2 88 2m1 1H(;1 2 140.2 a5 82 k4, 2 I1,, 2583 iti li2 1.1 2 Ba 29*4 1 2 1 2150 2117 o5I 52i 1 1., 2a74 93 .1SI 1 45 a165 mil 11 1 146 11.42 j 0-,1 u j di 1481Li42 :lIUIIIt PLAN.48 84 i lUII28 1l45 1112b1 22 14128 1 1i8 là 2b 5 i1.81 us 1 45 1a>22 V 5 114Il1 45 750 MO' L'R ',DYLOT 27, lT 4 t i14 1i2 foy i.Oci c ,OT 28, 16T. 7 61 21 45 36 -m ' lu1 1 45 6508 1i OF VAUTcOP LOT 27, 0T 14 G<2 4 145 0 117 t 4 dC8S FARM LOTS, cý osot a Rilway, aud Lots lu the. VILLAGE 0F HALIBU/iRON, the. Terminus of the. Victoria Itailway, FO04 SALE, ON REASONABLE TE1IMS. Apply ta C. J. 1ILOMPIELD, Manaeer Canada LanA & Em1iration Co., 47.ly Haliburto>e flAZLYLIZ TOCESER TUlE STEAMER S(W. Serruvoon, MÂrnuI.) Goinnieucing Manday, Qtii. Apri], vili enako lier regiar trips. on Ibis route. Lsavlug Cobourg, ai 7.80, sud Port Eopà et 9 10every cnornlug, <undaye exceeted> onc itrrivelof trains frein the East, est and Mertlî coninectin g witb tii. Railway Lineos at flecheser, for ail pints in the Uiliteil States. Iittring, loaves Charlotte (Portaif Ro- chusKtor,) ut 9% p. mn., excelît Saturclays, ltvlien s leavs et 8.45, p. m., for Port - ieo odirect.. »enfeors III Stock, t&c., viW i Sci tei cieapêi andi ocot direct rente ta IBoeton, Auny aIl lNow York. Forsurhtber Informuation, applyto E. eTEPEENSON, Agent, Dom. Tele. g repl ice., Wbltby, or Capt. Sborwood, 1'ort Hoîce, Ont. May 201h. 1879. STÀàýDRD BANK OF CANàDA. * Dlvsslnd No, . Notice ta, hercby iven tbat a Alvidénd of TlercesPst cent. for theocurient halL' yoar, behcg et the rate cf Six par cent,.lier au- nucu uet'thu PalA.up capital cf tii. Bank, l as sday béon ileclared, and tuaI ths sanie ,'ill bcpayblent thOe nk and ils Wtdneaday, thc andi day et july 'next. 'ýhes tranafer bookis viii b. closed, ,frein tic. l~t te tii, BOth cf June, bt 9 n Cluoci, ,at d-ilu Thu> Azinuel Cenoral Meting cf stock. Icoldeela for tics election cf Dîroctors vili be hed etthABaI l Ruseoftiie Institu. tirou nW DEDYth t lvo JccY cO-xt,thie oh&lr oie talon atltnOon. l3ý.Order ttiÂo iBoard. J. L. IIRODIE, Caehiei. Toronto, May 0, 879. -28 S IIEREB IVJIN at the Court Of Revisien 'f tii-ncicipaity cf tbe T£ovnsbip cf WIl ,or ic e aî1879, wyul Lesin l ta TOWNSH ALL BROOKLIN, FIL MONDA ic JUNE Nerf, T. HARRIISON. roollin, May is V117. Clark. suus of the bromsace 1a recil o W4ucb ation-as wili les teïpe oein ad leri inof 0 nero Wlitby, M ay 20, 1879. 2 ---------- STORE TO LET. rro LLIT, tii. bandeomo uew dcnibeztore .-plaute g1lss Window- 72x2lfeot, Noelld uADoverilll lock, Block iSt., The uppor stery viii b, fltteci np eitabi for a Boivent tenanct. Ooecf tii. bet ansiME( central standu iu tovu for busiess. Anoy tec "8fIIOMAS DEVERILL', 18-tfWiitby. b TE ICANADLAN A/IR aA 8 MA CHINE,1 Tlii Machine la for lighting Privateî Dveliings, Mils, Factorlei, Churciies, Public Halls' Hotels, &mC. Ca11 au(' exarnine the. machine ini opera. ,ten ai Job>1111'jllIL>, coloîiaci,,je r Toronto,- mi 15-8ger ltYork etréet, 10j fr 'ireular an dI pî-cc.iii. ipril p2ffth, 1879,L1 ELEÉCTRIÇ -BELTS. A "lrusireuI',for Nocvouil Dcbjiity, Prom- MuoU Vea a, WOlcuei C()n$nnîl liter î4icd ldîey dsosese,, ,tt 0 * co oly flileiscure. - eafi CIîclfeîIcci>4rq',ýI Nirp> t;oet3 imbn;, tmors orlons, to thr enut. UTýIlmit of 'sad lot, tiience eauterl ,o th~ sothernlimit of îmou lot 80 foot 1iii mcîe or lois, ta thé. Sonthi.oat comro c 8M.loti thenco northorly on theeii.ost init of lîid -lot 49 Lest 8,înch.sj, to ibe oti.itorner ofaM& lot thence west.ý or là'o i no=ru Ii . 1 cf alAlot I9 o t Inhos,' more or Ilsu, to tii4 piaise of boginlg ~hofonowing. tmproveniontq are nid to ha n th u o uàor y riok Roe 0woll adapted for afii-lu bpsi. n208' heing nOar ithecentreoofthié buaInoes Po lon ci up tovu. ¶BM6s.-Ono.tenîi t i.,jbth iha -0 ~ y -o be pafildowu on 900d , c ca o- ia@ tori b. a&de For fartiior partlolari ply ta JOEEU 1BB05. MÀCKFNZIB, Solicitors, OnkHl, Trotoy . lgti(3I . .2 nPeI4TCE8 %Wanted to lcarn-tiio A deu.maklng. Applyto WhitluY, 1WaY 20th, 1879. WIIY SMOKE A Co mmon tobacco WLIEN for the, gamo prie You canf get the Mydie HVy? IN GILT LETTERS, ON MACH PLUG. iHamilton, May 21, '79. llm-22 --NOTICE!1 T M1E CANDIAN EXPRESS COI!- .PANY will CRUlfer gooasuad parcela within a rýasouuble distance of the, office, Low ra, uick ci spatci, rompt ddlivery, .a aae nliadling areadvantagei offercd. Leave crdera t ecau il inthec ywith 11.) Agent, Whitby. JMPO1ITANT AUCTION SALE. Tke undersigned bas received instructions frein ISS M. McBRIEN, te seli. by Public Aucti p the ENT E S TOCKX, P NI.r..URE, .sad otiier Pro srty, on the p mises flrock t., bùy he itoyel E tel, oniV>3# n VRIDA 'and A.TURDAY, . e30_ dl 3 '4MAY, lit. Thc Stobk p els.: pendez Stools, Ilrackct Drapes, r mens, Sîresus, Slip- p rs, Si1,1 C'a Carcitoarti, Ail inds; E-e,îvase, JaUi'. l oeurs, RHoueyceuui, Penelope; "'cs!tt s, 1>11ll rad Ta ¶1s (lord er cd Tasi hoile asa Brid &bjjýs c.a, lePoint Lace WY do;Ls.n 11%, phyr, Germautowu, 1'teecy, Flitg lg. LADIEÉ' rJNDE LOTHING 1 White S Infantla e, a nA Cloaka, Oh.tldren'a ite Drese, rolla, Ladies' Droîs Cap, nebansud L1,&.1., &ct Aisenlsiorteut cf Je ryý Sella. TUE RNITURE incinul , rlor, Dining.ro in and Bedroom setsa ttrases, bédd , i G Su ad Ilaeci- are, Kitcie~ uteusi1sa1es; ais a aUabl, Piano, A Sewlug Machine. Sae.0 commence ou Frlday afternoou at ON c'Cicck, anA te bo coutinueci on Prida sud Satnrday evoniuge, commono- ing At von o'clock. Tii. Hoeehoci Fur. niture wilI be solil on Friday, et 1 o'clock. Lýe Ooo4es viiho sod, At and uncler coat np te eale. No roervo àaul inut be scia. Wiiitby, May 21, '79. Aucti6user. TO T-HE ELEOTOR,ý South -On taro! VOTE >làD IfL«UENOCE AUEsBPIClWUI4SOLICITED 11oR N. W. IThOýRWN5 TheL4}bera/Opn6ervative CADI DAT E -TOR TEEÈ- LOCAL LEOISLA TURF 0F ONTARIO:'ý A GOOD OPENING. For imou vltb verkingfamilies, MPROVED TARifS vill be lot elthiier t s iont or ou sharea. Everytig vili b. provided lutho e wy cf toame labour, ueCed, &c., ti.,as olas verk in vinter if icocicd, Ttimcvilasa to ciieractor and practicai ebIlity vilI be rocquired. q,80 to Farmers' and Others. 10O,00<) Acic , o oAfer= lanA, yull bs aild en oeey terne l ltsot60 ta 200 acres or lu bleuks etf600acrs., Tsse bt are nsettîsments vitii roassalso vithin. au esy distance ofcf Ratroada. Parties cen aply to C. JOHOSON, Wit. by, or et the offce of i.rfloyd. hlobesygeon, and a guidei vil ho nt any day and every information tic, tc., alionleil. Viiitby, April lStii, 1879. M.B lD 7.ly .A RI R'S-SARSAfihILLA The Great Blood Purifier. Aitenilonlle lextrac~ t Led or Jeensl. ta lIe.pariila, cowiucd s-ihiIoéidesof l'ctassiuise, for ueo turü cf eli iliseges eiing fremi ipnrity cftbhe bleui. Nrirly .11tîcIll e bettrounble tie Ilîcnaîs re cre <nllioucd ley the ato et the. LI-ciad. le Ù4iudi$perlpebîo that tisl lonnîcin of lite be lu a purs anA healtley cclilejn. Agi a l'uritlcîr oetle bleui, ae Ronovetor et thecBerioeu, anil1'rseni-er cf ticPor eSnof elite, Carte oe SrsepaiIî par Fer sale Pet lice Drup~ere 1(11RRy, WATSON & CO.,, the pla4e. 'Whitby,,May LOtli1 1879. 4 t)N mW kU 'ISEýEN1'S. /For the niext 6odvs i odpre mis, Bbeforé lie remnoves hi N W UILPINGJ now 'n course of o.,rection on sin want of any kin'd of Good Furziture'W sav-e hBly 25 per cent., by purchasing be- fore his reniov. SpIlndid, Parlon? Qrawigroom and Beroom. Sets, New Dosigns, wel worthy Of n *~a. Dining-room Extension Tables-a very superior article. t d'lt Com'ces , anat Pickur, Framing in eiery style. Soe fi- Chromoesud.,Bngraviûg for sàle. In ail its branches; Uxerals fully supplied. A stock, of elegamtCaskets.! Coffins slways on bandl, trimicd, to suit customers1 and a weI a.ppoined~ Hearue eoiistangly mn -readiness, WM Positirce TIILL. tePublic Facts for Groceries JLu every variety, fresIh <thoice - AND CREAP, AT - .181c Fine Japan Teas froin. 2,5ets per lb. Superior YougHy- son Tons from Mects. par tb. -",Extra tfLe4 Tes from 4Ots. por lb. Ca. nadian and Foreihn Su'gars, nt bottoàm "Driceg, Extra Bargains in Coffees, Cocons, and Ohocoâu'eÎ 3nBa '&' o's. *Nsbob Pickelî, Mived Piakels, Wnlnut Piakels, Nnl.,ob Sauces, t<Crry lowdar, Frenchi Capers, and assort- ed Jams, Canued FMImon, lbsteri, Sardines, Toinatoes sud Corn, Pure Extracts, Pure Spicea, -Q151bs. Fine Currants for $1. Raisins, Freeli Tur. key Prunes, De,me Leâdý-eacoby & C'. Brifliant Self.shining Polish, 5 ets. par box, T'flghly -efumed Family Toilat Soope, BOcts. par dozen, al other Soape 4t -pnSas that dofy compatition, Pataut Pails, Waslî Tubs, Bruahes, J'jrpQ0,gs a largo stock rotail, at wholosale prices. *Barga-, in Crockery, China and Glasswara, &c. Complota Ton Setts for $2 00, Complote Toilet Sotie for $2 60. 8- -,éTuiuiip Seed-Freeli and Ttuie te their kinds, from thc Most relia. ble SSdsmnn in Greant Britain, ai Deverell's ]Block, -- BrocIZ Street. THE PLACE FOR BOOTS AND SHOE$1, Begs to return many thanks for the liberal support since movin 'nte bis no Store, takes ploasure i eating that hie Stock for th, S8'11ING su.dwSUMMER Trade je now r.eady for-'insection. The Public wiil find it, ns ueual, the - Largoat 1in towu, comprising the fieot, Inost stylish, beet imaàI and cheapoat that money and a kuowledga of tha trade oin procuze. Complete gssortments lu Ladies', Gents', Misses', and, Children's tine and Coarso Linos. The ',Lorne' and 'Hanlan' Shoe, ail sizes, from $1.70. gieCustomn work a specialty. Direct from the Factory, Montreal, a large assortment, New ltnd uobby-froni $1,50 te $7. DEVERELL'S BLOCK, M. COLLINS, NEW GOODS. Are receiving a well assorted stock of SHOYELS, SPADES, HâOES, GARDEN RAXES, SPADING and 'MANURE F0BRKS, &C. 1 0CI BUILDER'S HARDWARE:- Out and Wrought Nails, Locks, Lathes, Buitts, Screws, Hungos, Glass, Putty, &c., &e. TO PAINTERS.-Boilad and Raw Oil, Englieli Lead, Canada Lead, Varnishes, Turpeutine, Brushos;ý Glass, Putty, &c- TO FARMEl1S.-Buy your Milk Pans, Milk Pails, - Streamers, &c., from HATCH & BRO. Qij- Brood Mare, or suitable for farn purpose, for sale, 5 yers old. $100 Cash ; or time on approvad nota te suit tho purchaser. AIse two Buggies sud two Dolivery Wnggous. choap. Whithy, April 8th, 1879. HRATCH & Bib.19 DOMIi MIJON' WA New Dress Goô'g eyatrci New M1 ~ o), CO. CO. *Witby, j&ny. 7ih, 1879. lno ug e ~ entltled ta a on.y *wnuemMn~rr~N~'r.. cniugeati~rpd tubFîr tiyos 'o riJe Io iâjbLiéisinaencal ith,1879 iclian i7spebtntiýie of 1iebM sale Àl1ý na 1 e i tshon or, usc -14 clnstitute lheti, loocihd, < 0, &iiia s W~. H. nBi wh4tLfie k0 idirectly *dependent By i!i unloiç 4vth ti. 516od màd iii efeeét Meisri. B4lkgo 2.teGiffivrsy, Port Flerry, upon ti t cl setae ni'hog t .6_ cf thi. ud ne edVendor'. SBolicitorg, and tann ii t i. tisca ble cf effeet- Ouiawa, cf the.aaid Master and t'ho Aue- f thé fo it6 ieùlt *tloneel. r 4t *fi4splace or wah pA"t iuberenlonî ,ih. 1 . bclhïkÈLi ucatter,,and thpiî cure Consumpticu.. 1McGHE &- JONE-S,Matr M y uraî~Nyin a uclr Vendors S olici tara, Oîawa. v'tgoýe t will cure Dysp.eeis, -feeble or iu- tif terni ptedaction etitii e Hartand Palpita- -. tion, Weakness cif Intellect cauaed l là grief,N E worry, overtaxi oi irregular habite, 1Dron. C T INS ALE ahiti0t Acta. or Chronfo Congestion cf the. A Luug, eveu nt otii cl alrmiug'stages. 0 al~Fehl >oeyl It cures.Asthma, Lois cf Voice, Neuralia O ol r oldCoc Otarin St. Vitus Dance, Epileptic Fita, Whoopiug 1h. T subpof ScotCo na Cough. Nervouineos,and fi a xost Wonder. ýUnder by ýirtue cf the. pc rof Sale, faucttohe fis fDei uth, tluig ontainec inlua certain Mortg ge. ich lit e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i d a i g t e p o e s c i t e m i ib e P r ce i t b i n e f b a l ,t h oe r s W in Anedlessciaalnofg.0oe.t s1- b sld on FFýLOWS. CoM 0~D SRP W DE~ Y 4tic. E, 1879'. 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES, et 1'2 o'010c noon, byJ C. Widdite1,l, anweai ifelueain, ren lngex.- Acionero hie Aucti *omslu tho peri.euce in med1ec1ne, Itavirtues are nef VILLAGC, F U BlID G B, .Pofole byanyothr cmbiatin,,as thé IT Yjil dmntrate.Al anA sitagulti certain parcbl cf TISACCEPTABLE, to palate and land situate =nth.e Township cf Scott, iternach. . being compose4i of eaatern Ssver.ty.five SUFFIIENTLY POTENT tainsurede. acres cf Lot No. O in tii. seventh Ctin. cided benefit, yet harmiens, howicever long cession cflthe To, ip cf ScotÇaforoeaid. ils ueMay b. coutinued. This character Tua liâa inuit e 'bIs Farmu, eituated sfi l iiOsîesed by ne other remedy. Il miles froit i cf Umbrilge, oui IT AbSITS DIGESTION ud assimile, acres clcaxed, 1 lez stream runnizig non.tironghi uncliledpori tc Tiier,, le a gou IT VITALIZES THE BLOOD, aupply- frame bain, t e sable d riviong ehoci, infganchipgredliuts amay be require. log dwelling ciuse aud u yonng oruhard TETORES TONE ta thieneryes. ou the pren es. IT GIVES POWER of endurance snd cf Ten er t. fti o emnyt cononraio t ti.miAb. paicl At imot cf sale -Fn terme and IT[ PROMOTES VIGOR lu the organs coudîio ucayl b, obtained, o pplicatiu Wliiclidépeund for iiealth on the involnntery te - i -ý #nuacnlar actiou, sez. : the, Liver, Lunga, M 'RICHK, HOWAiRD &ANPREWS, Heart Stomnacb and Geuitala. . -Vend 'Solicitors, 10, Equity C enebcrï, VO21gABOUT BDiC fBi Wnan- MaOtb, 1575. liu-22 tain tii. systein unlil it reaches thé. ege ai. ___________ lotted ta man liy a benedoéient Creator.- - NO:PERS0N:Wllihe disa * teiiin theJ A M ES M AN N 1 N (G, Wh, rigldly fdllo,1ylthe directions. DEÀIxa IN FELLOW' HYPOPHO8'PHITES fooig Mtras Tii. operees whueh prefected this TE RsT AMBERICAN is I'UBERCULAR CONSUIILPTION. anuorder toa înply tii. deficiencies in gypopheeputes eady.lu use; for,' ai. dhougýli thoir nature via correct as te ise. cry, their preparationa vere, owiug te their * lperleet organization, toun vantiug lu I ractice. Wl-te y cauAdtihe formatien cf fat spA generat-eti eai, tiioy d nouci mpreve ne tie blooci. Tii. taule, effect upeonlth. isres andmifusciee vas circumso nd u swing ta their 'diluted uetelcli ng hrge"oses, they ver.e te exponsive. .illsq desiderata iougiil by Mr. Felovi, vere « .c l A couvoulent, palatable romody; tUnalterable by tume;1 Ilarmles, tiioczgi used coutinuunly yet îl;giit ho diseontinuei aI any turne t'tLout .&ichvol7Inuenis appetito; V Streugtlien digestion; Promote assimuiation r Create lcealtiiy blood;' Strougthon lie pertes sud musclos; I iluble the subjeet tesacceîisfnily cocu. ud Inseflhieutly eccuomical for ail. e AU tis lies been iuiapngtably ettained. I y Tlc suceesof lie verk is'completse- and b yllowi' Hypopiiosphitci stands foromeeot J mconget the reusedies for clcroule ergaulo <moasos, pesseslpg proporties te vucu noe abier meâcinés bas osver aipired. ABSTRACT EFFECTS. i Volloe'.HypopÏites, ou b.iun lu. s =troduced nt eitemacis, imitesvi, thec food, anA îmmedelately eutems tiie circula- d iù an, e n perfectly miaciblis viti th. systein. Its e5fects are firideclared l>y a pulse iligiitly incriased lu fulinosi scAi trengtb, ain"raiexaltation cf the a ergMfe functioni., sud sxlilaeation cf tho intellectuel povera. Ils ipseci Ienfluence 't le ou the brain and neyions scubstance, in- e cresialg the, activit, cf the absorbanti, anA Srenoviug the blooti, hua causiugtheo iia'vy muscular formation so nsceiîary in, reitar. ing tiie functions cf thse pr.viensly vealcen. ed organe.] Béing tien, a tanio for the. oervous anA ti circiilitory -systecu, il fdilowa that, viien y tlsete is «a demani for oxtraorulnar-y >oxri Il tienils nis einvainable, aince il supplies , the wste throu8h the circulation, sud sus- A tistegnri Mtem. At .. perloci cf Mlitn e atelful cars over tihefautions0cfthe biain more roqulsite Th tien turing thoeac uo f;knovledge by the youtii; plclidIng8, preeervlng itudy requireîsW store of vigeroni norvona force, ci a chilA may ilnk under tào mental toi. Stozn neeeuity my ccupo theoitudent tan itanbs ee! youdtiie dictates oi- frdnei e crpoms f exeel- Toisnob voroemniend elol' yo pliespiites;i; h Ul net only ruilaishe nroiostandard vihint detrimont. ý: NoTz.-Ze siciolns et persans wiio re. Ilu' comm4eud sn1> chher article an "jusla geocd" hhougi berinq e simise, naînoanai of thon"vii. cffore 1 preA~l., Bui ean d e.-l viiwo eau ai. epl zorda'ta pre * b bsremedy. -Experience lEu han provoci ti . The hieist elais mediesi Cor mon n m ovr*largeo n Teàkoin 09 Z.per Bottle,, 19*7.50 ifor six Boules. Orders sd1lressod ta, Beé <Fery a~ s oli & wrence. = 3ý7 St. -alS. Montreel P. 0. pu vIli have lmmdlto attention. of i tust i rar For Sale. ýFf TAI& Gi~AVEL 1, Wholesgiet et Loweat Rates. Office. -Cerner:]Fruilt and Laine SB1t,,. TORONTO, ONT, May 20tii, 1879. l m-22 -BY-LAW NO. 51 0F 1879, Ce0un0"et1 Ontarý, To close up part ofte Thiorah < anieron roat sud llug îe iane. &bdA af 1er the, fnslpaasing cf tue By-law, a»,thatpriUon cf the rond Icuown gothe Camoron cr Whiulby rosAs, anniota tan, snd sleven in tie fourth ceneSualon cf the saiA Tovnehip cf Tbqrah b., sud the, sacu le hereby eloued up. sud no' longeor a Publie lUhwà v of thieTownspëf To _ - 1 TAt tbe saici rcd ho ld, ta th epropri- eýcrâ o et i.Adjacent lands on ithe follow. ing t-mnta1lts ayc-Afthatpartcftie sâiA rond IyIug ta tii,etvard cftii. Cen- tre rosadfor tii, s4suof oes lindred iud BOVeuty-fivedollars, sud ail tuaIpart cf tus_ sudi-Sadtathéoeastyzd ofth entre roaci fcr the. kur of flftý dollars, providoa lvays -tal If the sad prpristcru cf lis lands ad-. jaceutal eis ot'4iu ie onthe eatsr oue Year from théSsjlpasiug -cf lis - AW eonplte pe~urbas cf the saA rosl Autis priehiirsu{t forth, thconlthe coui- ilmyexorcise terrigiît sits sn t0 auj otiier persostforth. ctamea geet-m GEYF. BRUCE, Bec. N OTICZ ii hsroby given tisaIthe ahove ~BY-av vig bb. takeniInta cenaidera- tion with a vlev talthe final passing lrereef bÉ the. connil cf Thorsii, at a meeting'of the saine, ta b. held iluth. Town hall, Ba. Mrtn, ou Satnrday lie 21î1 day cf Juse, D. 1879. GOG 1iT Township CIerk.- iicraii, May 121h, 1879 2i.41u. 3Y-LAW- No. ~.1 New Straw -anda l Ù1.41 't~very cheap.1 J. B. POWEI.ýL& New oolCa&e%, beaioiful 'patterns. ew è>stry (Jarpets and Floor Oil C1oth. J. B.POWELL & & Ob- C<) Ireshà Teas and General Groèeriles. MilinerylÏ, Taioring and Dress Making, to ordetr TTTL~cL..... vvnîtuy, nxay lin, 1>3713. N 1)W t)v Et'il S FMNTS. as F " I s T TÂAT E M E N-Tý rEartferd, (onu., .lenuarp I11879. R Realesali, CahounlisrA and in tank, Loansots bond anA mcrtgage un real estale . Intereet ou bcans, accrusd but net duse, Loans ou collateral iepurity, Deferrid Lite preminm , Prerniums dueauuZep5ýed 1 ou Life Palois, - - UniteA States Goverument buledi' . - State ýuA municipal bonds, To tal Asti, 849 Ilsrve, four per conta., Lite Depertmeut, . . 82,£ Reserve, for re-inaurauce, Ac. cideul Departmeut - ý Claimi unadjuited 5anâcoî dus, and ail otiiorlitabili- ties, Total Liabilities, $ 3,338 Surplus as regards Policy. holders, . -. *sO LITE DEPMENT. N~umiior of litle Polioes writ. 1ton in 1878, . . . 11,0 Whole nunher Lite Pdlicys viiten te date . - -30,297 Wiiole teumiier cf Lits Polil. clos in force, - 1-'11,207 AMount Lite Insureace in force, - - . 018 ,3Oi,SDG.OO Total Ciames plaidte Lite Deparîment, - 01,271,137.86 ACOiDENT DSPARTMENIT. N;umber cf Accident Pplicese viten lu 1878 r *43,118 C ash P rem i nni r ioohd for sans . 1- - 0770,582.51 Gain lu Preminnu oser 1877, $59,587.69 misonumb.rAccilâ ~Poli. ousvlttn, . . . 1,8 NumbirAccident Claies paici Iu 1878, - - 4,760 Amount Accident c"alnipd ta 1878, . $ 284,343.23 Wbolo number Arsitisut Claimsi lA .' - 33,040 Wicle &Mont ae<ldeut, $517,204.87 127,904,59 2,246,198.18r 58,1-#S.98 80,786,12 e e >r 1th e<>w hf i so 8 o ered aï, cost. 488,420.00 259,078.50 820,M6.00 GNRAlRYmOLS 609,004.00 D Y G O S GROCER Y; HA RDWA RE C ,972,511 59 B R OUGCH AM. WRO M.lBET Will seil seil for 30 days AT COST! Womens' PrnellUa Boots and Shoas, Womens' ,Iid Boot'o and Shoos, Misses' Pebble Boots aud Shoes, ~UNiS A Ne andwellSMssedStock d Bôtsan d ami e. 144,600.00 8,337.93 7,107.38 JAS. ô. BAcTTBER10N, Pvosilent. G. F. DAVIS,,Vwo-Presidebt. EODNEY DENNIS, Seitaqy. JOHN E. MORRIS, Assistaht Socr'y. GORGE LLISr<Atuary. Eesvasu V. PssucSus8 t of Agenelos. JP Dîvie, M.D dical Examiner! J: B. Lii'i;l,Keîîurgeon and«djnster. C. F. RUSSELL, Agent Prov. Ont- Office, 83 Ailoosde, Eut, Toronto. C. VOURSE, Agent, rWhitby. SEEDS AND PLANTSI Juat arriveà striai stcck cf GARDEN AN» FLOWER 8'EEDS, Fronz JAMM VIOX., Rocheser. THE BE$T 8 EED8 IN TH4 WORLD I AND WILL 1BE -SOLD THE CEEAP3IST IN ONTABIO,, Healthy Plainse arly l in aon ?ýlease lbave yo*crder vili, LI VER Y I LIVER Y ! Chicago à Lake Huron Rallroad, LIVE RPOL MARKET :1 CONDEN8ED TIRE-TABLE. 41àpm 7.40am Pt Huron A. e 4îoas T. MOODY d R. BRADFORýD 4M1 7.53 G. T.Juuotton 6.20of 10.87 0.18 0.52 ,.... Lapeer ...... 7.25 811 10.10 f11ezEaat sate 64.r m7.16 11lli teMXaket, paying eaahife 110 200 ... ltyi.... (. 7. 1 1 7.80 10AO --...8lt.,....; .W 0 8.06 E TPZ 6.6125 Ea IsLv 615 7.15 WA, ~ S, AND BARLEY I DÀ5 18.49 1IrHEundlereigned aup bleLvrycloos IM5Sp radais1 u> IEIEE TPIXRN A3~ -Liorues and olean omotbevSce ljn 26 ..elng1tt.... 5*2-e O at e znomenl'q notice. Al orderi attendes ci 8.05 .Battlo Creeli 2pm" te w!lth strict pnnctuality. Terni loy. >e. 4...Vlou 2.0 T UE EÂIAINo Llvery Stable. at fNoyai Hotel. &89 la.1. A. & J. C. PRINGLE, . 3 7.156 .iSguuh oent. 19.18 U~'OlIll r lj'e Wh<tby Marphi ilth, 1878. 124f _v 9.Bpm A VipsrWLo. soam ~ VIJ5 if~o5~ - Accomnodation trainu beave Port Euron It Or Csztificateu, vl b. héa at thé. T n otwtr ood shed and stable, TcIcugle CaebazeruEnert]on COnu:ty T'WN ÇmdA CH OOR)(LS, anA large gardon vith fruit tresa tic. For-' nde an y yCtyvithoutchage.4 six Econs, haii 10.0 aPcu.,54i4p.s. TUES HIGHn mail oscupied by Mnr. Law. 1 rrOIs.OUMSB. PECK, REND F UNNEL, W. E. DAVI,i onîcblo. Posesion st once. ,Appiy ta Recuisz. snpt. GouLTkt.AgL. EBAYJULY ' ,at g, P. cM. 20-tf H& TCH *e B ROc For Rates anA allier information, write Ae ir-ulaale 1ont o - J. .QUmIETiokl tAgent, Port Euron. o, ONDA 1 JULY, 1411., SI ,p. nà. FURN/BHED H4LL TO RENTIW A X Irl EieénD_ ei aundid o S I4gJ. - >WrNTED otithîs dotazntlateta±thce T0 LET-TÉ.s furlah:ed 11411abovo tue Fii ofJns, tf tirIntt*uIon aparse T 9xpres Oiffice, knoeuasalie 'Y. M. 0. A THORQVGH SER1-4N, , , (osfr zinntin ,fuarie anarrange te reut 1>1 b the ulni, Arvc>--lA - "~ ~ W114y9Kay~I~<~ 'nesi Begs to inform lis friends and the pub ie, that h li as now On hand.an eutirely nev' and well lected stock, embracing lu ilhe above hunes, which he, selling atU4 peedentedly Customers are ad'vised to giv a cal and see what value thuy eau getfor their, money at a hon establishmnent. ç Breughnni, April 29th, 1879. We are now- showirng *aMost completk stock of Miliuery and Fancy ?Goods, and invite every lad to aU and inspeot dur grand display of Trimnmed Hats & Bont Exact -eopies '-of the latest Freéncli, En. glish and Amenican Styles, wvhieh lu taste, elegancO, ané MOSES LINTON, S3tqre, Pnot Office aùd Tolegrapli Offt ORDERED CLOTHIýNO. Choice stock of Scotch, Englsand Canadian Tweeds, IJiagonals,è and Serges, wihot excep tion the :flnest stock in the county, made in flrst-class style and at Rott<,m Priceg. Just arrived a fin e stock of Mens' Hlati and Caps, in the newest shapeà. and styles. $I-Alat O1à prices. LAINGd- sýTEWART.: SIGN 0F THE GOLDEN .PEN, SA VE MONE 1 $ A VE MONERYI It is now a ioteÎd facètthat D. Ken- %edr iseUil ther ohapoat lot,:of Books, Stàfioneýry, and Faney oode, ever sold lu Whitby. V The best value MÎI Envél6peê, Letter and Note Pap4r, that eau be had in-ýoin., Fivequesa Note Paper,lu 1n et wrappr, fo 20 cents.. Cail and see sample lot ôëf Spiuldingà's Base Bafle. Bîei Bail, crickot sud aLacrosse Clubs suipledauo not i e 41 the latest Works àof Fiotic'n, lu- stock. Sohool 13ooks, SIAtes, and Scliool Bags. A cheap, lot of, Gents' ans lt t and. Newspapers and Mfigazlnes, atý ublishers ptices. G.14eC slnd Mail delivered 't 12J cenWL"per Week 1,f- Diou't frget the plaue, Sign of the (icdden pý4<2 dQiors Splith of Hamilton and sp~e V A U qn da e o t oa r a f re 3T l rYU New, Cre~~~1 v l ti aI~sd a e O'S w Be, PO ViELÉ & en !rý wm J- B. POWELL %.., %.d . Whitby, May 7th, 1879. ý umwk- ý 1 1 Ee-j -1 1 Brougham, Aprü 29th,.1879. 1. 1 1-10 1r IFREN'C- H MILLINERY 1

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