Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 29 May 1879, p. 4

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l+;o a watT. à Touen Hs.-Âý Brltlsh bVn, four Ytsrs old sud cor? .s nny1toagh', vas5 ilti lait ontb, pce 6 aionc wrapped in vice ltsv.a sud a napkiu burýin u-b. gircbnd, dit g up tweuiy. fivc houre' after, dresset for Oiooklng, boliti, slwete ocool, rwarcied tht neit dajy, terved bol, sud the peroo wlio cerved &nnsi stsstttd -luneatlug her *- telle tht London ive.. Bfoc ol Jas thealt honever put bis knife or tlettb iii a lenderar foui. or ont cf botter gaver. Acather corresponidatcf the aâme pa. per glvet vba c illaRUSexcellent Pari pilsu vill an &noient bddy : Trasa for 'boiltig, staff vtih veter creuses that - , have bêta teatoul vwiti muatard, pep. i er andi sait, stsw geutly for tlret houra ad est bot or cola,. %IRCOTTVR'S -*WITH NNYPGPHOSPHITES OF ISCI" Irblteçln a palasbt 4 tssu t a. * kin redly y tret endsminestir res ai Mediine . b edtise voit asddsbiUta. ted patient. t,, etuble iî i dson, enrichoi us btes, amita flsh ý ndttr9 an d fer Con. simptiosn si allaS onieorcfthtedrcas Sus-fila. Ihmttatuq il &U o d us th tie lleesiand Oencral4îbliity, no reviedy Sbu.been (oued te eqo alis. ua lçn iqd&0- uelifor Ccugissand For taie by T. G, Whbpld, Whitby. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, A Il n Lino Ob'IIOALMAIL BTLeAMBIliIÇ . Stiînmor Servýice vîia Qobc ilisortestet Ses PàAgneeFeconomy, .andt V* 1vry Saturulay from Quoboc, on arrivaI af thc train leavlpg Vhtby Ati 8,10 a. -m. -tvery Pris) y. 'f14UIttt atl'1M# PMON WItlT11Y , (utlîisî fares rodueÏd "ta 618, $81 atnd) $91,* ltsîsiîrilitig ta poittioni cf Maternant. Laver rîstfor rot=rutickets,. iîterfntuilate, #46. is-tige ai lowet raton. <Ilcaslan,... My 01h, -1879. ...d...a . " l7ih, " ... a. 241h, - leruivian........ alet, 'iltersagepassengorit are farvgrdedto Lou- dlosdesry, Ëelfat, Glasgow, Quetustavu, Ulrlatal,eCardif, sud Landau a sesrate ris ta Liverpool. Partluutwlshlug ta snua for their fs-ents eu obtain tickets et iaw ratas.. Tht îlese passgefrnland ta land aver- tisge about ssvxs nis twa of vhich are aeîut Iu the emnooth Z;Lers of the St. Law. retire. The Stesmahlpa 0f thé Alai ne camle direct ta tht Grand Trucknlu ltsw hsrveis ai l'oint Levi. ijouldiQaiÇo>ant tpecial Tspiiua are diapatched wth thte ssengera tuamodiely an arrivai. Dy ihfà arrange. mnhtpfteeners avalddelsy adempenne. ciseilr &Fvu Il luformi&tlon, malled truc,. Par tickets and furiher tufartlton apply &BGO B. TULE, Egxp. anS) Tel. Office, . Whitby. Whltby, May 11h, 1879. f2 1N TIN G.- MARTIN& W AIRAM Are dolng, sncb a large Traite, thai thty havay lnoersecd thth- facltit.su~d are nov daiug tvork aIthéLW 0.LOWEST passible PRICIRS. - 1 PAPERII.AIIING, CALBOMINI1ýGi And) îveryting ceenoties)vih Hnse- - - eiauig douncatn thé Shorteiiottoto.. ALL WORSC GQUARANTEED, orna Monse "W. TeboutaiMttrial;j the. isuWorkmsn. L ie us s ce» befpre going eleevhere. - MARTIN d; WABAM, Tva dean north aifKing'a Tauuery, Brock SirMt, Whltby. y4 ONDEN6EI? TIllE TABLE. Ég oed cton u di FI 4-- 879 au a.rm.,at* J'art Vu"..lm "- ,&. Maalli..-i... 940s sus' timekI aliter stalion es 'o»tt Tlms- 9. t bdh" n apu" toaft ofthe mi Fum&n- Wtth 0usnd Trunk Eal- WM rotil02204, tth ogtV& Wfllnsus~lok]Broci tore fanWhest. lÀmy st once to L. IMcPAELAIiD Mtdlad P Y= ANJSD MABII IN8URANCE COMPANY HEAD OIYIoE, - AMH.TQN, ou cAPITAiL, $1,ooo,ý00.' Vtah Depiwit witk the DO'mbIDIMn ment 950o. JohnEarvey HaMflton iJas poEm C. M. Cotisc, A. Harv T. Oaverbi3j, Motre&ah., 10H11 aEvYoY- JAMES SIMPSON, Preialdnt. Vice-Predeont. B. . DBSPàBD, Manager, AU lcia ofi ropert7, exeept suoh as are spociây hâsa l nured st the ioweat currénStes.-- 8peclaquoi atlnîs on bick aud wood dw flg.Grina 4 otIher producé caver- 04 for shrt terme at retionab1la rates. P . W. sARO, - o.by Pab, th BiI. t-7 P ATROIzx HOME CO10Es. STANDKRqD FIRE (N6IJRAACE COMýPANýy XEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON. A UTHIOZIZBD, C.4PITA L, POA.00 Business couilned te tlilu Province. D. B. OHISHOLM, I. T. CRAWFO1ID, Preafident. BSecy-Treas. DEXTBB, Asoltant Soccrtsry. EQUITBLa ini LTrsu-Al applications for Iusurauce receive the closent scrnlluy, sud ouly thons deemee desirable sud stade. qùate rates are sceepted; aur sin bring to mate the rate in escu cale proportlonateo to the rlsk earrled. PAIR IN AJUTxzi.-Every cdaim made upon the Company fer loue or damage ln carefnily inetgtdand while those kôund to b. honeat aré promptiy and cheîf nliy tatad ail attempts ut fraui are and user wili e stoutly resisted. . .i w:Ot. tâ Inonrauce effeco teda lowest rates lu the bout Iiugllah sud Canadian- Compaties. B. W. ARtNOLD, Fb5,17.Genersi Insurauce Agent,. TOWN CLERK'S.OFFICE. JJ7TM- PURTREII NOTICE TEE Oilice of the -Town Clerk anâTi Tutu. urer wli bc lu the ODDIPELLOWS' HIALIL THMSHUSTON, -Whitby, Feb. il, 1879. t- 10 AIL 1H H[B 01 MON[YI To Renew Loana, alresdy exist- ing, to Payl Debts, or to mfake Improvements. T HE UNDERSIGNED 18 PREPARED JL to make sdvauceu upars the ueourlty 0fi reai estate for perlode ta soit borrowers I sund repayable lu auy manner appheiccta mi -desîre. mata of luteroit, sixI, Seven, sud Elght per cent. accordlug to repaymeute. Wben titi. lu satlsfactory the loau e au b. conplettd sund mouey pald over lu Pin Daya. W- WANTED TO PURCHASE OO*bD MORTOAGES. Cauvoyances carefufly preparef. Ofice Biglaw's Block, Port Perry. Ilespectfully Tours, 42) THOMAS PAXTON. "PROTECTION 1' HOME GIROWN SEEDS. ITT IS ANi ESTABLIBD fsct (liai 5. JLC. Brown's Home GOrown Seede are bu. womtng more papular fram year ta -year. eh ublic they wsnt thora, tht merchants eop tyoeep i t ha(ey sremucre ta grow spd give general uatisfaction. 1Là ;ER BEEDS A SPECIALTY 1 Ail sttdusosnt by mail fret of poutage. LP Eufe Brown?& Indian Liniment. For1 sale by dealers gtnsraliy. 8. (. BROWN', SAedman, 10. Whltby, Ont. RSNOW, Bortg to nfartaMo enamuranus Monde and patrons thtsfhlias agsai taktn hie D'LU STAND01ON UN.WAS SEETI Làtye n opied by W. P. Wlfloc whtre ho. rtl e happy tteet tll his aid IriUs, 00.00 et Pin» L nber, veU *4sa~e. ]nooriDg, 4ý-nob 'Pisk, Pouclng» Boards, ÃŽ410 efor axies, Iè quality, assgwood, 7 18,000i. Bq nIr.mber,- AUl af wbiob vOl b, ot cej-for cash. Et wvoit4 ld b tosaiy thé ,Gditi Miii~ ~ ~ ~~~m I9,n1aous.c work. -Oho~~~ese dat ,hbwik, for every Ovnt, uicre, Ouon all~a. ~ Ail ordera for Magas t.Deiy sud weely piper - : heci Mulfo suopli Y4P5 Xaver. DO YOUWANT TO BORROW MON'EY P To buy more land for yourselves or for your sonsP To'lbiuild a house or a ban? To -fonce, oZear, llndrdlraiu, or othervise improve your lasud9 To psy off a Mortgage or other debto. Or forsanyother erpose 9 If you do, the reduceed terme of the CANADA PERMANENT LOI.N AND SAVIN G S COMPANY lifford- uperior failitige for effecting, the Loin at the loweet rates, ana for its easy repiyment. THE SINING aivUND YSTEM In gentrally admltted ta bc the boat sn uereaisud cheapesi plan. ever yet devises) forpraid. iog fortht paymentaf liabtio.it tes Usioti7% avammeots, by muoictpUaindsuy the meust praspercu ad progressive landavutru, bath nluroupe sud Imericis. TnifCAsà loan PRMANT Lao xmin fiÂvos CoxpAtiT lends maueron Re>9sBate tate ln the Proavince etOntario, ou the above eytera, and-aferdstel. acng fettti à udativan bagas ta barrowena:-.gjcius iet.-Tau eau abtatu îny enin yen requIre, a rinefur&ý eiygcoe e xedn 20 yarosanti ab a iaitae raté o inét anse'tri ou hutnattced. 2ud Vi fIjlamontai heLoin lu advanced. no deducilan btini made fcr conmmissIon, psy- sr.Monts inad aulice, or if dartres), for eoUecl~ie suailier extîsseesý rd-Yeti rau rerrive urmoet frenithe <Company, sud pay Ih bock tbhrothe Agancles ai theCopay' Bakesfiee of charge. The Company hasua Agents for, calltcting manager,. . Oli-Yenu can reptsy the Lnan bLearl or half- aarly Initalments, su bas ieayoar couvent. one n a s-all enieat anybtmelthin-eghteo menthe. àtii-Yon eau ptiy hart any eom yen plantIn u dvsuce of tht régniar lse(eimeuto, sud iteret at six lier cent. par enunam vilihbt lluiqad for ýeserylae u tb. Instslmeuts net pild whtu due, as-e auhtte aac ianeen l l. er austtued oth.-'.You rau pîy off yanr Mrtgiga lafnll, if 'yen deaure, withant notice, upon fair- md ifuit- asble terms, audits the Compauy hie a fizes location, ýtht place for ptyment isntsiwas Sth.-Eavlag ta pay aff youî Mertgaga bysmog ti ntlmento, jti s 10v ratant interesi, sud la you'avntitme, you iavatd cll rics uoai ioing yons- propertl, oraof havie uta bosrav a&gain t a psy as)th.alaan. Ey taklg tha langasi teri yeurx&annel psymeu( for principal sud tbIntoreet viioiR b tI. lmore tibm vhat ryewod)Uve la psy fer intereet ploue. lt-The utesea expensetsarc -ed, andi lover thon Ihaut uusulUy'cer5esi They may be Iludi I te MJitsgage, and pas) hbaeluvth thtelotalments, vhen ihmse Wini bc no sul- atre o ther fées rsetiled ont cf the linz. Ot Tu errttis astritet privacy-aeto yen- affaira, In yoe n vntlghborhaod,ioderac uet soiet ta tht maroy as- canrice of sny individuel- andseî tht Company cannai ov reail estîle, It eau have no passible ltrestllu opps-stlng yen If unprtpare ta mel your en- ltth-Y a 'ieing witb a veaLthy ces-pasaion aflong stiudlag. whtehhiu iis-eaty made m e,000 Morigage loins, amouutlag ta about fouritani millions «t-dallas-s, sud la noaInalance as t t seo 'iiisedvantiga ar ane of Its enstarera. Ilaisat Y ar cloua it t eted mort Loins may ha obtalued for auy ta-m upto 20years, rpybeaccordlng teihé folioving table: INS-TALMENT REQUIRîO TO REPAY A L.OAN OF 81000 IN THE FOt.tOWSNG PEtODOS: ltiÃŽ-yeàrly..%57.101 I lÇti.tt1 i50.o 180 1OSO 08.10 1901587.40 1180M 75.20 7i 851 Thme iualments, payable aIthe eund' f each year,pa&y off antis-a dat PýncpàI sud Intereat. THE HIGHEBT PRICE PAID FOR GOOD MOITÃ"GGE.81 FOR1 FURTHEul INFORÉMATION APPLY TO C.7NOURSE, Appralser, opposite Chrnicle Office, hitby; FRESII GROG.LIe ~F RESH- T E A S, Best R. H.- .Aie] JAM ESON' s, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. Liebig's Extract of Beef. Amylaceous Food, or 10 rry Powdler, ' È epared Carrots, P pared Barley, P Flour, B gai Chutney. St ssburg Meat, - Potte F Sil OYSTERS. WJ-i by, Mardi 101h, 1879. orn ",Florï.- Potted Ha Potted Toic Potted Hai Potted GaI Potted An( Potted a t de Deviled a am. Criawford's. igue, m and Chiokeu, hoyFaste, 2h mdïî Dïable, - R. H. JAMESON.1 SPRJNG G0-" D S! A \lIarge and Seéléeit stock 'of Spring Tweed, juet 'to hand, at. 0QHN-M ERU $PN' 1S9 whoý for prices aud style C0"'ZiOT .BE, SURP>ASSED 1 Ail garmeuts madeâ upin lthé LATEST _STYLES 0F FASHI,- aud at the LOWES2, LIYING RIATES!. ---:000:--- - i - ~PBINO- 1aot~~m pricea. IIAT *-L!teàt - styls insepection solicited.-ý -- JOHN FERÇ+U$Ç and at Whfby, Mmie st ,m JOH'N SAUMN;DE8,R--SU> THE WHOL STOCK OF BOO TS &H OÉES AIEOUNTJNG TO OVEB,$0,000, WILL B OP'~D& A SMALLAD NC ON COST PR ICE! The Stock Wsal uew1 uind urohee fon tê e0 hme e i the tInde. No ous os- aid fahioneil wholcsmlc stock. If you doéut eee wia ýuwatseilraiucue satis;.,ction. Whitby, April lOth, 1870. CANADA JOHN SAUNDERS, LN Rext Door South to James Johnaton's "oldsrdlth's Hall"ý Has~pp94e4 o$ in lithé aove premisea and le nowy run ng fùilbla.st-;!wlere evèryt i taining to'Tiniý Sheet, or'GÉalvanized:Io emnfoxrdnawrmn liie iýgâiwl; on $1101T NOTICE and at zeaéoncble, rEtes. ELECTRO-PLATED-GOODSbfSUPERýIOR Q LY. oUknd f Jspsnod Tin, an d Sheet-ron wa&re costriutly Ikept ii" tock REPAIRING done cohea1ply and neatly. Ail work* guar- ,"cd sstafagtory or no psy. Anecan and- Canadian CQAL QIL. Lamp Chimaneys, Wicke, Burnera, &o. ý-- ,1. Whitby Feby. 24111,1879. JW.BARNE S. FOIR SALE AT. TUE PEIRMANENT LOAN[W,-HIT B YC HIN A TE -TRE, AND SIVINGS COMPANY, TORONTO, JISTR PAID UP CAPITAL, TOTAL ASSETS, - -$2,000,000.1 soooo.ooo.l PLASTER, CASH PAID FOR GOOD Butter, Egs, Poultry, Apples, Red and - Alsike Clover Seed. Whitby, February 111h, 1879. l OFFICE W. J. GýIBSON, - . Whitby China Tem Store. 0F THE BRO WN & PA TTEJI'8N -M/ 'g. Cor oNoeT.Am;ù,Io. TO THE PUBLICu - lu ps-cuntiig aur Tventy.seoontl Aunual Catalogueo-of Agriaultural ImpIe. moutu ta tht farner-qa Canada for (lie yaar 1877, vo do go viib mos-e tIbmthe ostiuas-y degres of pride ans) confidence, from the nas-kot (avouns trlonage conferred upon us, iud thtestedy andi inos-týsing temins fson ycas- (o yesr cf aurýpov cela-brateti las-m Impitinenta. 'We esl coultint as heretofone,cnamnufacturera, to a ilcos tpialty of Ag Wculiunal Machinpnythe J outn Stlf-rakiug Reaper, the Triumph Con- bie epnsdav'y-, eWe Cipuga Moyen, tho Young Canada Moy'en, ans) ouia' uevW'hitiby nafeler, cJ-stming a large asta o carime ,anti attention. - -For (h. icet Tvtnty-(wo yeass v have given ans- noat ciroful tind undivid. o8 ittetut(o l the aufactus-e anti operation of the vmsions machines in use, sifttg Ont tht baut point#, »s-ettying defecta, modifying.anti cos-ntcttog es-os-r, itrngtbening veak bo'nte,'saping anti propostioniuge vety part- as Orans- tas-s bdi expériene has s Êeted. We employ a0 thle' boat mechanical ski, sud car machines paso indes- (le mottôýare :4nIptrv n andti us-tiny-evm erttail btiug aubjeateil la (he sever-- *stntlelste-nd ~ohmachine là lhoroughly.tostl ebfos-t leaing oui vonka, poaheoPl tuses efvs-vpart, sud there Jesno diffloulty lu puttiug lù i6 par-nubsuypeeouof motos-att meobuulcil abiily. -Our nacblneo. bas bain selotted sud oxistructedti il a special s-fée-nce to tht msenfaclur. d« Our- ovu oeches-mny.toola hsving beau nade for (liii Pas- tW pJ-r pse ud not atipteti for other vos-k, sud ou- vos-kmeu are edu- îa4daptô tht veuLe anti sequts-tneuls cf ous- mnufaclure-obtaiuing a thon- lu h knovledge;of Mut constrcation- of eus- mahines, anti-ar t lum enableti (o oh- tg, W tbfghér degré1 of skili andi psofiitncy tIbm vbse eutnsi manafaalas-ing pdca-~ic-on. e Wtare tierefol' enabledtio uadeta more perfect systern tb ait(ho de- partuteoa c çtfcurt,.ailding sol auly (o (the ptrfecti (ite vos-k, but al- go to- tht rapidity c lai.extotion-aut a consequent réduction cf casi.- This prlnciplt regardeti uceary iluas veli reglateti establishment, sud vt enabledtlotusr- ut oun machines vitb a btgber dtgs-tt cf perfection. sud at ps-tees so loy ai sbtoilutely to defy competition. THE JOýINSTON SELF-R-AKING REAPER taDo no a eR kuovu as a Single Beapes-. tht s word of eommeutdatiouvonis) alcitolt em auperfiacua, but s bere are msuy ctsimiu g (o1 manfac(urg-(hie- machine *wboltsvesdbts-ed la tha cliioriginal Jolinian imachine, vithoni keep- tig upto the im lovets ; thal justice laonreelves and pals-ouisteqnis-e cf Us t.'tbaiett fuve mdifltt il an ainoat eves-y tasentil part, anti mos-strength .oîs) tiusability, qnality aù eut, in tvts-y tins) sudcondition ifgrain ; liglituesa ai 'draft ans) ese cf <Minaguient-tbe «"Johnslon," au mnfacotu-es) by ue-ilanda pse.eminentlyabesd aof\tother sespers. 'In ps-cef of (ha posilion vo have ouly tô eoînt (o (b. many lri se a as-rdet us-stthIe Jast Provincial trial cf On- tismor anti many oounty biais vhlcb have talien place, iail oves- Canada, vithin th&lt lftv .yttks. OUR TR IUMPH. OOMBINED MACHINES, Wvith laIe improvemenla, -i~il autâcan be déesirat inuà Couiblutt Machine, anti canuot fanl 10 inel aULthe iaqais-étnto of pus-clises. our~improred 0aryugý Chief Jr, and aur Young Canada -Mowers are btlirsl-c1aas msahineb-aoustiluted simlosi vholly of Iran "dntiBeel. Tht C1ayugaJr. buras taunid the an aaa rn n;bath étr-ons, dur- aem hneatne tîdby sny machintet-(utznakt foi queality QURNE ~WHITBY HARVESTER.". As the counts-y bas -becoint ettfer adaptai ta machines-y, ana-manny cf-Oas- farin- eégs-s ebeocome ahidiiuiu n f:machiies, a gs-awingtitmetnd bas prung up for aLigIti, Durable, Fis-tCJ-ss Resper. 1 Alive, ta .thtnqiseel c h dy e love asuee."ed4ll vantins sania. chu1 ineihsa Wsougltit onPs-aine, wviih(o e st-paaublé gesrn-g-vith-lange,l -tfedrdsive vhel, -8 9secobsis-ucteiliai théfraie ap tallttilt et tht saine . tle, (bts-h7heptg (to>pitmnuaivays,'ils. vith Ahe. kulfe, h s aas-dtilvau dus-wty h-te n ia als aaft---tb.s-e be1tgnopsaepibl. titis tiaft sitno vaiglutupoa llie.Iwosmnnaclcs.r-We econfideuit that va ha-vo succeeld-din lnvetlng thest aries-etRiapes-, tldng par-al ts, t leuù ftOur onsxlu4 eàauatire,aànd wveîapictinly anggest ta lu. tenditgpuueae, thaï thtyaboulr os~e Ibis machine hefre gving tbfr os-dore fot thtcotlng la-et h"hîyHrtts" tgs l(i,80pute but bainmtepsiclal o~t he u tquilt>'fciron snd atiteli, sitloni. u ganu labdcmpact construction, it combinéth l anetul> antidus-biJiy t lb.'th - U of cas- ni L'notts as-fntly-wm-i. VW bi o-- f iachili., e feel confident (bat We eumeet evs-y sr-. Qirnieean è we xaanastfilie,-i.la 5triil of,,, D u ,t..,.. t.'.liinu t4.... 4L aaufnrnipb teOimonehaneau beobtainêa ehoL.s-e, -- THE Thay p .-otwryI New Teas, a.large stàb ýtll ades unus 'uail., Su~ns l od pipc~B other cônsi ut- of -those fine Lgbs. 'for $1.00O. (- nu nd fleld ieeds cO n umd toa un Geneoal ublin a~setfuy îniTtýd b 'cmli secure gool before the ne -siconp eht an advsancO In'n-O., D-' Ayquantity-of ~fresh Bo utte o i À, e pls, , tos un&ca. a Youî rs a BpectfulJy, cStreeet, FIRE PROOF SFBS. Is doing justice eithert o himeif- -or?hiÈ oreditore if lie doee withblit aàeBe to proteot hie Booke, NotesF, or other vaiuable papers. 13V ], Iv. VF a -,WL -l Who bas deede, noter, or moner m the houge, ouight to have a Safe to guard bot h againetý Burg1ay and Fire. ÃŽ A Safe is always,'a Good Asset, as it not only-presere its contents, but keepe its owu value as wç1I, for after passing-throng' h a fire a email outhay wili igiie it as gooda a ncw, and it ceai ilways be soldý for ueirly its firet cost. . J. & J. TAYLOR have turned oýit about 20.000. safes .li the laet 24 years, atnd none of them has fýaùfed ii trial. FarmerEiand Mer-, chants, this is the kid of "lProtection" 'nd somcthing thtt he Tariff can't give. 'Go to the Toronto Safe Worlr:i md get aesale.e. J & J. TAY LOR, ip 117 to 119,ý Front Stre, Earat, Toronto. Toronto, Âril 29th, 1879.1 My St0oC1ý o PFT0TE1?_11 I Mýi TTYRT1: I8 now Complete ini Every Line E. J. JORN ON. Very Special InduCeýýments those STKRTING HOUSEKE EPIN. -000-- z U NDE R TAK IAG. 'Full Stock of Caskets, Cçf S, a*'çlal the necessaries in this ]<e. A.Iso, A WELL-APPONTEID HEA 1E., Whitby, October lOth, 1877. 42 13-L IRM CARD ýPJCTIJRES,3 $LOO PEIR DOZ. CABINET $2.00 The work by the, New 1 the kinid yet intro iced. art:~ oe~htgni ail by:the New Pyocess. Process ii superior to auything of It coinpletely revolutionizes, the 1at once and get pirotures taken CLOTHING CHEAPE1e THAN- EVER! .AT ;b'R1 *TiG -L E'MI - "NO R/SE IN. PR/CE ON A COUNT 0F THE N A TO110N-AL. POL ICY1, Geuts' Spriug Suiti lIet t les ery chap.A Àlargo stock of fine clllt. adionie Veti attes-Ans&, 1'furnishingýs, mfulu e. - - Gi-mete nt u fshonable style.AibsoeacTsongrev rop lt4iuanti sitisfotiou Iguanauteeti. Go, *bore, yoen viiigel a vellfttr gr ntanti-mil value for7yans- mouey.- Au luspectiou reepeo(fully luettes), Whitby, Mas-ch 24t1i 1879. -Broek St. Whutby. OCUTTERS, UG1ES AND'.CARRIAGES. A Large Aîsortment- of Cutters -and FORu ý0MSAL~- Cannty of Ontario1 TS HEREBZ GIV- T0a vu. - ) .enth&ttth6 t i of Contrai Sessions ai tht Pemescsdl te (lôutty Court, iu sud for tht County of Onta-rio,. vii be hoaon in the COURT HOUEi i. TOWN OF WHIT3Y. TUESDAY, JUNE- 11w 10th. 1679, At the heur cf 12 a'clooh, inaon, af i whlh al Juseisaof l.thPesce Coroners, Constables- sud aihers ooucerned, Wini tae.notice asu, gaves-n thïemielytesacordingiy. NELSON G. REYNOLDSi Shtriff's Office, Sherts) C. O. Whitby, May 18tbi, '79. 21 OMNIBUSÈES TO AND PRLOM ML RA1LWAY TRAINS! Ta aud dram G.T.R. Station....20a. Ta and1ram Whltby, P. P. &c Lindsay B'y station............. ....... loc.. Thas. conveysucesaesait sud camion-- able, andin charge. af csrefol drivers. AU bsggage obecies) sud careiullokvi sites-. >LOUIS SEBERT, Whtby, Peb. 25th, 1879. (yl LE VI STONEY BUTCHER,ý Rtemaves) te tht Outario Block, Braclu-St., the aid place nexl doe ta tht Montreai TeltgtapL Office. Tht place bte GET1 A GOOD JOINT AND JUICY STEAK 1 Hae alto hs ep la=±ounctte thte-inhabft. auto of, Whitby sd itiy, that lbe has FLOUR & FEED, STORE lun caunectio n wih bis Butcher Shop, wberu ho Wii aiways have on baund-- A LARGE STOCK 0OF Chalce Flou-, - Crîcked Whtst, Oitmneal, Cos-umuet, Otits Pets, Shos-taj- &c., dcc.- -Os-des- aodvered lu any part ai the tovu.. A ciii le eoliclted. LEVI STONE, 1Outrlo Block, Wbilby. Dec. 17tbhi878. (tf-fiS AUCTION SALES 1 TB tel rolunmy ansceré Ibsukoeathe .1public faP- the vtry liberal patranage heataves) upon me. lu thet asi.sudta intimatthatl vii e au'bad -esdy la canutci y sales that I ma e rosies) . -Trme liberti. Sal«ia n guts- &ylae book vill be la at lte- Ont4riao tel Wiby emeutsas Mfr. "iou, aristr; a eHolel. Ordera by m o le a iented to. Au nes, ÏVbilby. N.B3. - Sale Bou bleuk notes furnishetifret. *THE T ONTO Turkish apor Baths. fuil Ibths rettein. n iland B itue y àle d o roaiay ovu eshtpoe. a. hs Ths- b alhsà 'are lêo l eslu tht icay Qno tauiouaandreomuutudttionlys areiva f-thtubit mett ra 0 tar-athari-s HE S-Glenptlean, n la 8.80 m.Ot 9 pin.Sn-ay ti nuleâi l p.moreLade,0 sm. a 1pm PurICi-TuruistheBh, o on. intcetCity o2 Totocta . VpolthOceh;1 Sutio an atecniecmai sudaestit tenda O uls. es J. 5. DIGete aMOND8.0 ., 8.3t. &.M. teSop.80.P.utaM. 1Va/uab/e, S URGEON TO Byron trls- Dr. IW Reiteicect-on byteg ,corner af BYRON PH=SICIA-N, e PCreet. M'ni. IIcBRIE (UY'S HOSPI 5GAthe sye IL. 0 GA il D. Physician,Ss-e Wbilby, Sept. 30É1 -W. oosOVE office boustYrn 9 Z-80te 6,-p. m. R, an suiGlbertslreels, S C, N. V.4 1TEETJ as cheaV as thte chri bort. Teoth filles), iTethextraedevil local suessîhesis.1 susz ne* block, ove King Bts-oct, OahEw, JOHN I JJAIR DEESSI Saloon, Brs-c] AGENT F011 AScottisli Gran oiJonnthuut Wolfpui, IVILLLAII BLA CKSITH, (Snccessor ta T Herse slioeiug sud OFFICIAI: Li- 'O±.±ICE OPr - Hatl, Broce Whitby, March 2LSuh -TE.JEL Clark Division Réa/ Est ate TOW-ýi HIP 0F BEA CH. CHEIAF, VTP1U'S TO FARMERS- AND ý!ANDOWNERS. I'HJSL N EAL Winesaànd Liquors, Brandies, ..and Pôorter, «t 1 wi-lirrlB,3r, 1

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