Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jun 1879, p. 3

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:OM/S' EUOELSIOR EOCLEC- TEIO IL. li T'on Times il#Weightin j»Goid &in canot aiay se ,.il il u8ad in tihe ekleapeel isedicine ever i.One dose cures canimon ocre 4. Ose bottl, lhas@eured lBras. ý,Flfty cents wortlu liascuresi us si lg ,ouglu, Itpositively oure b, asiluma sud Croup~.- Pifty cents i a& ci#cd Crck inlthe book, and Iwo qntity lame back cf cigili standing. h cures svalledl neck - r, thAUJtat&M, nenralila, - con.. 012 of tire, musai.., stlff Jointfs,, ldlfilclt1eg, an~d pain aud soie- an An>'pari, no iiailcv wlue a 11 e, nom froni wiraicausa e isîay 1i always sicesyan goosi. Twen. cente vert bis -cureçl bad cases- on1s and blaedy dysanier>'. Ose nanfal auras Col. lu 15 minutas Icure au>'cas. of pilesliati il i e te cure, Six or eiglut epppli. i là warrantud ta cure si aseam itad uipplea or Iclamed- cB mes . ruises, if applied aften sud bauind ai-. le never tb. sllghtesl discalor- f ith. skluu. Il stops limeYaie of- ts tooneaiappllsmd, Curas ?rsted boilg, vartsansd Corna, sud la avez>' daesription tebmn- orc '.ts OuF IMITtTioNs.-ltsk for Dr. as' llctectuia 01. S.. liaItirae tUr,! S. N, Tlomgs is on tir, r, and lihe naine cf Northîrop k aare blowu on tha batti, nul 0 Otb4lr, tSON by al Medicine 4Paice 25 cents. NORTHIIOP IN Toroanto, ont., Prapricîos yoiiu a lepooletit ullrer froni adiî,HabituaI- coHtlvene$s, ieut of tise lart V. Have Ycu se (if, 1h. listc? 1a ycur nervos- olcrssd V Pots yomr bod s ~îiHave you a cu h 2 111)' aniu uo f tire 1,.d Itiig? c&0. Ail of tirseanssd -orom are tire direct resoitae o usf, Liver <ooplpint sud it. Green'o Augui Flower len ioiledgeil hy li DrugglAts te su -aýiay in trial. Tivo doses if>' auj> persan cf its wcntlerfi mu euringmail forme cf Indiges- impie botties 10 t ' Regniar É. soasi b>'S. W. 13. Smith îlaoti iruahesH, -large assurt- LWiv 3. si, mtir& (JO; peuçl hure af balu power too ý aOO 0verely h in eidren ofton 41ysesidolulit>' ; tiesa seof E1yicphompulite 8 exorte a gin- AcpPY Direct ine suelircase». Uutci.s Ovrras, Jueu1801, 1875. .......... #0 90 ('c i P ...... 0 £45 55117 .08c te 1lu uarler,.....4 0enJ#4 60 . 9it5 u 00 150 100 " -c00 ............ e5 0 .$15 0 5$00 ' IZJy MALRKJIfTS. Porît [lorry, Jtoc 18179. mig ............ 0 80 $00893 ..... ..... M 100> Ibciritlons e$() - -anî, nervonsi [y lecniy, bt îiss(jclibOOdI&c,, recette h il vii ura yoal, cii .- Is Hgrcsi renlieci 1 b>' FLo rnleioumýry Ili f 1100h Jli-s',T. IuÀS B îcts V Na Ywh ty )VI,"RTISEMENTS. 4 t'O~ Comnpany, Caps, Mliey.Cottai- am, aà *se o irth, at Why s BoCat1je we have foui otrïnterost\to do Boa, an< hiiisiraightfuryard wsy0 business.- J11 what doos the hotu col ? Large Stock. Tho 1 Goods that ve wsnt. On No Crecit. And Cheap1 question. ID. FPROST, for choaj. pýoods,. is like an aid sang, i - parts.. E. Frosit enjoys the aÉ taga of doing business in the dirilcixg and- prominent pia busific8s il Whitby. The liai builing crected by, sud foi QDD.FELLOWS. ONTARIO .AD9IES' COLLE Closing Exercise SUNDAY Evn'g, Junc 2znd -lu Mtbodlit'-Tabernacle, a flaccals hprnc,.b>' Revd. George Cocu-ar 1 MONDAY Evn'g, Junc î3rd, lcview ofciilg sud Calialienice, in Ioe5 (rouudls, iram 6-8, p.,ni. TUESDAY, Evr'g, Junc 14th GJraduation EsGaya, Iuitgvn Wasizesb&,cortAddresîe, by1 D., sud ailers. u.H le WEDN'SDAY Evn'g, Juno z5l Concert, urider the direction ofi. 1(111 PRIOGRIAMMES. Al lixer fric e t Ubic îl, excet ticclosiug cecrt, admimssion te w lm I 25 Cents. Wlltby, Joe ISiL,1878D. EXCURSMPIONL WIIITBY TO LINDSA A i-tid lExcursion milI takc 3lsco ocrc P îiy 'rtIl'ar>'- & Lindsa>' li- auider- tiraauspices si1ilesoklci Ledg (leci Tespiars, ta Fauirer StalirartI 1 Linsay>, ou Wednosday, June 25th, Tir, Trýain viii leave Whitby statian 8,45, a. M. ; Proklil, 0, s.n. ; M V 91J7 aM.; Suiumil, ,49 a. M. ;Mamie] tu", 8 18,i. us. : lrince AIIail, 10.08, a,j lPort liorcerr, 10.10, a. m.;Scccgrave, 10 a lu. ; Romya, il, a. M. ; Maniula, 11 a. in.; Marlis ail1>7 gmi-.nu ;arriv-ji Lim it , hnooouIu'IIII'IG yll lu Licîdamay at 40, P.,ni. 'i r rein-accWliiby la Lindsay>' suc ti'r-c, $100; lr-okliicSu cents;j Al>' isuud Suslunit, 70 rents a amaestcur, Prii Afirer-i cmii Ion i'erry, oucetrs;sScagrs Ù() cenii; Marilla, 40 ts. ; Mârpsa, 25( te,- Ticluts taulie liai at ail Stati( - tiute Licii, -surd fr-anctire um(itiarsi ' cirairucan cof Cosmmittcc. «1 GEORGE i IANNAIc iirOcklics, Juclt , '78. Cliuuiemi DOMINION DAY Tîobday, lst July. TuIE STEAMER N NR S E mA Will inako an Excursion, a follows: ýill leare Wlitby, 5.80, a. Mi. sa, Oa-un. lîammluinrllop 7.05. s. m. ;Newcatt 7.35, a. M., lac l'et Hapesncd Cobourg.- ltcttirnizrg--Leàve Coboga mni.vii5 Pcr-t Hope ltlo.i), p.mn o-m 9.45, p. uiuduiglut, a wigampi hlm. te vihuel aIl tirs grands doluge at l'ait Hope as ilowllmville, viSali ais muai mare exte. Rive sud vandertol tlcau formIc>'y easi leor- particolars ses lange Poster-i uoi pic gramms. itETLIN TICKEITS, as islamws WsiI-i-yta Dowmnanrilla, d0 cents, ta Pl Ilile or Cobourg, ü() Cents. OaîIAVA t leomiavilla, 8-esuie, hoPort hIopu ai Cc boacig, 40) cents. Dow. vurle s and eacit Il l'art Hopîe cm Cobourg, 40, sud 80 aCuti rtlsctivoiy. Aliora Farcea ai ortior rari-itp. Tice lmaigoratisig mailIan tire Lalie i siortir cliible tic. nZIss>. '1'luSteauze g0 oaurlotte direct f rom Wilulb>'. Tirel aud iifor-uatiosi fr-cm Stsamar, Agoutu, Mr, 1E» STEPHEIINSON, Pomnii TsUlagraîulu CIlice, iVlsithî3. GOD uBLESS OUR LAND i issiiu,187.,- NSOLVE-N'rACIE ()le 1875, and Amcniing Acte, Ies the Mniler of RD. 1.SI GJoîlsssood, Ilaler-îuît. 1, tialt l(cigligcsai 'lam e llsugiris 13litii-adcf thea City of Tar-rusu lu, ave be(it t.uocsci sogm cchromatter-. Candi. tais llwh uvt i ot sîread>'(Louesaal, ors XOeIlItsr' o ei hli,, thiuClaîmna befor, mue -wlti00n c ccc. JAS.13-3. OUS'EAP,- ]tdatinafite'ci,, No. 38 King St. Hast, 'rr tîuuth Ilth dc> ci Jue, 1871>, ~SIlîîuticSTOLL'N h-RSTIIAYI4p Stolon or- a tr-oc , -sctis,' Irrenisea ai1 ltce acisrIcrLoi No. j8, lu tira l ICou c, Wlit, Tfire c andc-îc' oaLambs; uslaiaDi - A mi>oesn gvlrg suahinloer-. mUahia-uas -ili leccil t heir -cousvar>, viti ira Dulîcihl>' ravarctnd, N'ht' ul-ANDI1EW SOME1tVLL -1 ()JIN A ILLILVI2- lSuceassaor te Il M. ill.l T>AI 1 l'Et & ATTOIILY.AT-LAý%V Du 1 'iarl Public, &c. Sllctar fur- thsc ')sîass01Ilumk. OffieNext deer tn maulcoti Iroueso, Ubige, O)nt. -2 LUSCiOUÏ)FRUIT, 'l'eu-esini VNýryi)YOdy have a of ti, mues tre aipant Sesa lolo ,'a~ ~1rt Ouiiee, clg(it l-cxi iive Cati>. ýR'YCANADA PHÂC1I, n e» miaercI-f ONTARIO NURSERIES. A., OES l O lgfltÉ, ~ 1 UERiJA]rAND ta Oor Bi. and si li L.1 GEO. K. no llt, '79. NOTI( PublicNotice ile lrb7 ld it to 1Çe.gan 5711ëu à vo like Shi UWhitby, Osabrý biteO wu4star in ber of ding MSUwhit -spot osnlier of oiu li bih 5on beir1 kind of st 9 ,e01ak, lu the Ailc able te, -, ~use arn~i~n.- -- à ~ s<ld~.jA good 6enesai sery sAM PIonJLE pI't- taiîuconau Iis By.lam. an Monda>', tic WALLACE'O PLAN Or- PART OF5 LOT 27,jsr. tîirtieti day of Jue, ana tireusniCONEmScSION. ý cigirtimmrdan sd sevcntyuiseo, coni- Block 1, 9 .16w Il 1 45 a 10 maunclmsg.ai heloire ocf use 'clock lu- 'i tise narning, ssci losing at tirehouriof,! rLL 1'5 4 8 59 8 1 45 6 12 ive o'clock l ir e siternoon; anstsii IC'SPLAN 0o'p £UT OT La-28, 1mw. Ilsturmlug Officers for talclng lhi CONCESION. votes, miali ire, for Narlit Wr, ua io A, - 7 5SI 12 1 i45 aC8 lFraser; for Centre Wsrd, Jameas A. 8 5 il 12 1 456 6 8 Causpbell; loi Southr Wari, Jodans i-sia FLAN Os- PART OF' LOT 27, leT. Past, Si.ONESIN CauslilClicsrnber, Wcitb>', - 14f 1Z 62N. 4b a il3 23 5 72 13 145 70 NOTICE. 12i40dsPLN 8 81 212 145 10 48 - - ai "arr ci OP-', UTOfLOTS 26, 27, T1ii<ltjN'OTI'a, tirai 010ic >c;e'v19 ia - B.O11, rts tru 'o- i u cîrîoacnq -u, vine Dok 2, i 8 81122 1 45 10 5W ofs, iîl<titci ai t.r irc Curpoîl in c 5 17 85 44 1 45 10 %- Sic "ewu of iîitc, îlaeame Ooiti fas " 1- 7 82 10 i 45 9 0 lIa ts pnblçaticmî thuc,-r,-cf, Iis iJ1 77iltlîy suiM 14 O uussuîr uscflbeasdlistire I 9. ri 7 241 1 45 10 6) Tcurcîof WliiJstoad ilellic ol flr1pucb..516 78241115l licaussmî 5à I,-aos r-cia>',tho 111th ai THOMAIs HUSTONX, Jui, 1S79, and ai tire bouc,04aY ud plaCea fires! toi talcmng tic vote, uofthia eters, Treasur-ar, Towna lst~ ils, poIiuwill ie heid. --TavUlTreasurense Lia TROS, BUSON1, - Wiltiry, 260- May,197e, - j, 0 ------, ;,HN N . ' - fl1AS JÙt s RECEIVE» -AT HXS - ".-TA ND SMYOE STOR ED New. ANOTHTER LAËGU'A RTMEýT 0 LADIES' AND' 1MSSESI BLIPPIERS &SOS tW 0HEAPER THAN EVER. COME AND SEf US! AND BUY OHEAFý CONFECTIONEI? Y, of ;ail-1Kin«dsf A. F. YAIRWOOD, Having bouglit the business of Mr. J7 G. MoDougall, Brook Street, Whitby, is now prepared to supply eterything in the, fine of Con- fections, at the very Lowest prices. He hecps on band, ti ibst Stock, muade of superior inaterial, and defies competition. Ha will always b. prepared to supply Supper and Wedding parties, at the. very lowest rates. CAKES & BREAD, wiil be supplicd as heretofore. A eaul ana trial h. feels satisflod, will'gain1imn a paying trade, aud at the sanie tume wil psy bis castomers. PIPES, CIGARS and TOBACCOS, oft h. best brands, cheap. FRUIT, ail kinds, ana seasonable, kopt on haud, and WWl be scild at aitonndiugly Low prices. Tho Daily and Weehly papers received daily. Statiouory and School Books, cf ail kinads, willkbe sold Ten cents lesu, than at any other store. C::- Tho Store is inxmediately opposite Gross & Graiuger's Hardware store, and on. door north of Goldsmith's Hall. - JOHN SAUNDERS, - "auci-ispér. IuIIY, lune 110îl #7é.: beyond Wlulîiy, lune Olli,r1879.- Sn2 J3Y-AW.P dSFDZýO p.Dry A B,4 imabble iem usajZ - - sliNî Te» Tisouand Dollars, for tis aitiiunaîc Cc cProg f Purciscuing tise c , SOLD eT ,r dvan- pct, snoto» as 5thiH Mui all, ith ie -sale T--e--- a must ~ aI ue 'usniere » tsé TOWN TBEJASURB'I Loe of said Hall, and tihe ia1 d attaclul i' 1 2aoetiiereto, anmdS bekmgi>ug ta fise salS ieUIdI done Hallt andeSto. au t.etise Isseo"UI or tiesa afDeî,osrsfo ie2 atp cisase, and te 1e!, spcial rate osa ilb', B'~ltoc *~ fôr tisei>pniaon .cfatiseotnStfarmeS ' iinierest therels5 srcsret. - ousaOzrsrci . 0sundeori WHRIIEASthtirs C l of theermraias ci tire ' wimlpis, heMunicipal cOrpaon ofn a itb i'e ineteaulli day lie Tim. cf Witb>' bves dtermilc 1879,o niotoalO n a ta purbag t Un .hle , aiLots inptencied ns or ths rals '0 E, t Nu mers -rTv, Trea auci#iýoPour, luig mIaed s, o ie iri inth Fntýý cth.Seçon4Dobe srenud d aà,,"boeinsfiar sul Range of. Tovu Lois, ast01Brook Tiese are itirmeome là gSiva nallé Street, in lie sala ToW ci Witb>'asunie, lie saïzt arears and caste0 ara laid oui oaaplanoallie NetiH fveï pim ls 44bein 'a niPlucïvio i the. of Latssisuffibri-aTvty-six sud Tycul.,mu src.dt .1 ulc i l,-seven , in ltceFini Concessone1îhîntthbe Tov'Fta ,in t4e Towuof ' ureate sud îthe buildings sn'ctions o o-ThHURSA187 , liâ eur ci dTo Sept 20e, said abovp described lands, - and tire Faranoan, lie sali lande, or g0oniuch inmniture lu tire Hall liereon erecîci, cf saima>' ie neceesar>' for lire laxesa kuovu as x>'lopklnsa' ïMsso Hall,"p at or lavini charges incurred inluandiýbôül d. fer the puice or smm of Elue Tliousfnd -sale. In col. five bundreci Dollars, vhicir gala smn 01Mnythe VesSera af the Raid landsi ERRY'5 PLAN, NORTH WA an aafursîture liave greeci tese- WEST 0F BROOK STREET h. Whcoul for tiresura; sud Ofi Me-_Wlercr-st0oc r IDmb edeci lire sid e. - ov . c ted Ob;ab it wvlin ccsm , ý>' fa r tic hv. aid Corporation te iosahi Deirsutares,î a rt, D. for tire s us aiTon Tironusgd Dollars iX>' i l iInanuer licreinaiter menitionetl- aâsu-4d- o ýài Wleeat mivl require tic suni of Elavan 1412 8244 45 nreai dollars, taeire riseS snuually,1. 14 81 80 I 45 Tor- by specl rate on tire wlole rateabl.e 148 865S 21 1 45 pr-opy theti.gali Municlpality, for 144 8 65 -21 1 45 'rcises th Pla pYoeut ci tire sali suni ai Ten 145 a 59 8 1 45 Cen- tiremsani Dollars, amni lir Inîcrest '147 8 89 8 1 46 7 thoreon%, aItirs rate ai six par cenîum 145 8 59 6 1 4o per anue pybeliaii-year-iy; sud14 869 815 -2 hecstreaîÎut fth hoerateablo 1524 850 812145 - t f tire ssi Monicipali>', se.15 869 814 te élait révseîmasslement18 859 Si4 Rloll, big frteYear eue tbeusanm, 150 5 9 81d egthnrdaasevent> ' ih e167859 815 tire OmofaiElht bunidiei sud ssvsnt>'. 158 8 lou S 145 four tîcusasa Bvnbuncireci sud 1519 a 869 8 1 45 Y. Wiereas, tir. amount altie existimsg debt loi 8 59> 8 1 45 cftgl adMuicalailîy la, tire amm cof162 8 69 8 1 45 Slxty-sii- osadfive irundreel anSd11188 69 S 1 45 - tirs fi>' Dollars, for principal, sud lier. is loi 5-.69 8 1 48 [wy ne part af îLe siprincipal or luteresi 6 9 814 ave, Whereas uannuai pcial rate oclone miii 16787 9 8 1 d su wny sixlundrecis ai a molli in 1(;8 359 8 1 4 tire dollar, upan thcevirale rateable pro. 169 8 69 8 1 46 '79, ertY fci c siiTowu of -Wbltby, vil 170 S888 20 1 45 1i ri et ecessrand requred fo >vg 171 889 20 1 45 li c. i tire lutercît, sud for-ni5ainldlg 172 19 87481 45 2: ,bo ufnd sufficlent fer tayin hp nl.-17tJ19 92 de481 4582i OU: taleaitire iibP1.80 ô2812 i do -_ 181 5 24 12 1 45 1 witi2 lire ireree te lu sia lmtdn iatbeirlf ering 182 6 28 12 1 451 gt ta tisa provision, ai tire statu'te lu tirai 183 6 24 12 1 45 aUvOe iblCalf, mae îi"proide. Mncpl184 ô 28 12 1 45 t threfoe eacte bythe uniipallm 5 24 12 1 45 Council aiflire CorpraonitreT n 186 8 59 8 1 45t of a Wlitby, sud îis iacreir enacteci 187 8 59 8 1 45e r-l .~ That it srci, sud nia>' ie lcvîul for tire18 S 9 S14 SOINS Raid Munielpilit>' cf tire Corporation oi1f869 814 v, tihe Townuf ai iiîy, te pisiciase tire 190 8 o59e8'1 46 ais, landesud premises irereinitisîore par. l98 8 619 8 1 do5 anai Itieulariy- describsi, andthtie Inaulture 105 6 59 8 1 455 lud us tire Hal l tcted tirron kuowu ne 1006S628 12 1 45 6 Hopkini' Mue Hall ai or 1er tic sai 197 5 24 12 1,15 6 pr-lc, or muniaofi 14ine tiousand, dfv, 198 6 28 12 1 458 la. lsuudri Dalars. 109 ri0 24 12 1 45 0 2. Tirat fur tire porpo -aforesalul, tire 200 5 28 12 1 456 Mayor ai tiregaid Muîiipality ai tire 5 24 12 I1458 To-wn ai Withy, siral cause Dereir-Mi 12 48 80 i 45 14 bentures ai ýlue Corporation ai tire 212 12 43 80 1 48 14 Towncei Wirrtby taeire. niaide talire 218 12 48 80 1 45 14 amaut ual exce gu lu tirewvisai, tire 2117 Q 10 5 1 45 8 Omui fTan Iran£ dollars, ecriDe- 238 10 28 25 1.45 il benture taebie or nura legcs tran one 244 12 28 80 1 45 14 * irnirsi Dollars, wmici R ai es- 245 12 28 80 i 45 1A turessaal irese ased ithtire seal af 246 12 28 '80 1 45 1à ..c tihe Carporaion, ana i iguci b>'tire 269 14 88 85 145 18 0 bl ayor of tire iaid Municipalit>', cr b>' 20 8 88 7 -1 45 'd q n i Zpersonsa snia>'lire aulorlîci b>' 827 88 7 L45 .4 thle saici Conseil, te sigu the saule, sud88 10 18 25 1 45 il shiah b.causitersigni b>' tire Tresu- 840O 667 16 _i 45 8 or~ ai atie gaii Municipalll>'. 844 12 066 Si 1l' 4614 8- Tirai tire aici Pebenturesahsali b. niade j II1 25 5-1 payable in twenlt- years fronitire day 862 S881 21 1 45 10 irereinalter nientîcuai, fer- this 13yilaw 8M1 10 28 25 1 45 11 as to taire ellef t, attire Brasai nr Agena>' 876 8 83 7 1 45 4 afttise Ontario lBank lu tirs Town ai 877 8 88 7 1 45 4 W'iltby, sud sirsiL ave sîleliecita 878 8 88 -7 1 45 4 a, tiai caupons, for the paymcnî ei 880 à 08 12 1 45 Ã" le, intemeet at tirarate sud lu th ir aunca PEBUit'S LOCI ,PrEUiY'S PLAN, NORTO vuA lierîinafter mentionai.EATO RCSRE. 114. Tiat tic sai P ebenturisashah Or- BROC2S6 snu81s45188. 2 inter-cil at, sud sitar tira raie ai six par 12184581418 cantin ar nn ei tra htedt 8 182 68 4 561 45 1881 id lier-cf, wmincirintarcît irait ibe payable PrBur8 PLAN, NanTiL mAnIAST OP B050 M. ialf-yearly,aon tire thlrty-firs aiyo ot STBaSST. ro ho menthe ai Jsuuary'sud Jul1, ios0 4 62 il 1 45 0 enals year, at tire saltthre Ot4 aBai,1>9 7 18 17 1 45 8 luc ti. sait Town cf Wiitb>'.- 170 10 9 25 1 45Ilil 5, Tihar for tirs purpase oi iorniing a sînk- 171 15 40û187 1 45 17 lnu fend, fer- paymcent ai tire sai Be- 175 16 88 doi 1 45 18 rt ban.turai, sudthlireltereit tirereon, aI 176 8 $8 21 1 40 10 ta tire rat, alaresalul, an equal special rate 177 4 67 Il 1 45 6 ti- cf oua mll sud lweu±y-six irondredi et 178 8 83 21 1 45 10 4 e a molI lu tir. Dolai, siraIin addition 179 3 50 8 1 45 à C a, ta al aIrer rates,ire raiseS, ilevidanS 181 Il 7611 do 45 8 e colûectea, ilu cc year, upon ail tire - 182 4 72 il 'l 45 6 ratable properi>' in tire sari Munici- 185 16 81 41 1 45 18e sa palit>', iuring lie sid tericivtent>' 195 4 72 Il 1 45 6 2 r- yars fran tire caniing loto cffcct ai 1911 8 52 21 1 45 luit tIby-lam, unîcs ssci Debentures 805 4 99 12 1 45 6 5 chah bc sseller palS. 806 4 99 12 1 45 8 5 n6. '1'iast this By-i&m sballc et on B au lE5Ost'S PLAN. freint.n fe h' it-istdyo O nFaes178 8 41 20 1 45 10 C Tut tsee osnyeigt hd anou, 19 ASA12on12 1-5 6 AF. YARWOOD. New 3, -New -:000:- Press Goods, very attractiv, NIihinery.- (latèst'styles.) j .PW J. .POWI New Straw and Feit Ha;ts, ^Very chea ELL&'c> ~LL & S1 -7 U. M. r u 7mm-s- New, Wool Carpets, beautiu-paters< --J. B. eOWELL& Né _ape sti y Carpets ndFoor OilC1oths.' J. B. POWELL& Making9, to order. Whithv St-SMev PO ANNAL STÂTE MENT -0F THE- TRAVE LE RS. Hartfar, Conu., .anuarp 11879. :Real cîtate, ýd - - #6517,:Z487 ,cauhlo su aninbasic, 17. 9 Lasa an bond am mrtgge on resi asIate . . '* S2 268198.18 Interest on eois, accmuet but7 sot tue, - 501;1.9 00.' CO. lu Camu NE-WA.DVEti'isÉME'NrIS<. -ese yhwircast'aitute flealti, BlooS, -14uscle and Nerva snd Braie Substance, triit Litue il s adirecti>'dependent sp- cn sanieoalliera. B>' Ita union withithe blettit sund !lsafct upon lis muscles, recetabliulsing tire ana sdtanin ghé e aller, it ia capable c fafcet- lu a 0i alalg reanlîs Il'iidimplace cm vasi oul tuberonlaus nater UsnaOUreConagumpîlon. - - y 'icraigNarvolu astMuiculîr Vigar, il * éiesDyspepsia, feeble oai- tecrted acion allihe Heant cntl Palpi ta. tien, Wàicnss cf IntelectcauseS by grief, marti>, aI or reg 1 ,u lalite, Bren- lIilAuauChinuieOngeation cf 12i- Lunge, oves lu thestilaarnlg Estges. SIl cures Aslluna L6soi fVoie, Neurmgus St. Vîtus DPence, Eieptic Fîts, Wireoping Cougli. Nerousuesi, sud leaaniait vnder- fnl adjuset ta cher rmnues suaiiug lii. durnug ths r-ocs ai Piptieria. l'a-t BROOK STRET, .7WITY,- Will seil seli -for 30 'days AT COST! Womens' Prunella Boots and Shoe's, Wolnens' Kid Boots and Sho'es, Misses' Pebble Boots and Shoeg, Misses' Kid. Boots and Shoes. F~resh r Teas and General Groc Mihinery, Taioring and Dress ý 12 B~~~ankssa an clat ra i ese ntck , 2M ,00.00 A C P A L e p I t n 80 Raégsorvdect laurr-ma Uuied atenttGOvernmento e, 0F Htioo s" YPo Ho SPHIeSrm 80Rsre on inurlie, Ac- LareMae 5,12 suldIT earsais uDIGSTION =d ssm ilaou c- bon xmn teL id tckoD es cdntd - . ao22,826.84 $pe TenceBuggieedecinemsontshve rtus*' 611Y ion 80 G otdte sud12mcencspainbondslack ,O7Coloredw - dei ontao " C O M E A NSD-SNE cliaod un stcs d a bndst 2,88.0 . ' Rs .A . E g su ess e ny a se o bnain sh 18nktruublestrashowstocks, 144,500.00 - 00:OEp8T te o itheresud 1 U P O I N L PO Te n T uran e d e- ~~i C ic. S T ? A R T Toaaîît,. 5gir NwL RnbrwggnOitibxUhf Idtbee ntkiteoraurîn IL08T0 o sou aa 81rlu aegar dsnt, . muse,9on,51l.*9.an 1M EseTve, lorre.lnsurance, Âc- Goods, t 1A feentsniobothdBsetsandColoAre Au No dieiso tiuatedanA nodisasers tim d stotc o he er iii NE a il y troubl fie -tockho the. tisT . - C)44,L0S001oo: ITVEZgAS cf enduranceLOS d t os__tain Total Ltab lntie, . 03,338,s3the3aIl .1" I b.* N ssae r eof ards Polie . ___ O P R O wl ed s p oi ti i 1 85te n 88,98 râfes SyheSnihs F r___ a s,& . hea t e PRo LOMÃ"TS IGOPlu T e raS, ClioEI G M D T R ER W d1ner P- - 01,27,107.3 A&fe. potdssCEIuscjritovz:eLveLg, 29srtd Stodachsud ;Y» 30:20u 8 Hats an nwuber of Life Poli yul- S! benTES 17 tofui oc,. O ' U ur-ue ai-FELLOWS HP1 47Inithe best style and workmanship. ZLunt ~0~î~~ O' EJ u pr i ELOWS'HYane n NCPTOHSHI palforce, 18,307,556.00 Green fixes them so they can't n. IC IN 85 TtlCamspi uL8 Thé experlànenta wich prefected ils 85 HATS AND CAPS at haif-price, from 50 cents upwards. Department, - 91j271,137.80Bu teWes ad uynooter muymoelssu 85 ACDN EATET And only buy from HIatoli & Brother. luso's dise1e,1. 65Nme fAccident DPAcesKN.ve f ta iAil goods at lowest paices, to ef Nmbr iientP8" -. 4e118TUBERCULAR 'CONSUMPTION. 69 feot a olearaZice durmng nevt month. £«If; 311 -ii IJrL & ]BiRO. sud lu order te -plythe. deficiecces lu 690s.SE ARapui m -so.er 1775,56.589Wy lu ai.10h,179 N'h Gai lPreiui ver187,importers Hardware.Hypuhsphtes aéÏl O. F ST V~RT, Wiale number Accident Poli. 2e,87 Wliby un lt, 87.ir ~creieaangto the.. oiswritten, 517,985 ______________________________________ rgailotOounil wautig lu- '8-Tho Fashionable"' Dry Goods, aud Clothing Holise. NumberÂccident Maintspaïd practice. 18Il 1878, '-4,760 WhiJe tii.y cansed thie -formation Of fat 80 amount Accident caim asd e melbat hydd e mrv 89 in ~lu1878, - 284,343.Th2tue ffctupn h 28jpUDLICi NOTICE. *a4-uu N TUlieUR IT R 28 LAS TCALL !Whe number cîdnt FUcTJErURNT iE ugnraehale id andiov Maits ai 3304 owngo'uhirve s du e ds a ir in oi vsu 9 .Notice in hereby give r ,ly w htwoie ÃŽamouit accident l33e0dosta thei'relu±edtao e luve.u 3 Lait sud final notice lit bereby given that Mary J. Squire lbas left sntbeamaYboirde, -Olaima pald, 8,041,951.94 F r *hKe Irf~desther ms a g too M. expnsive 49 immediate proceediuge vil he takeu for aaiu t miy vand consent, witbaut 10Y Total Lasses pald, both De- For, he '-"--6od.ays were )8 payment o ail Taxes nov remaiuiug in paocatie. I liereîore forbid iany person partmeutg. 04,313,089.80Aovnetlpkal eey 3 arrear. or parions, front harbouriug or si li er 'Uualterable by tirâes; Z8 ALEX. PIRIE , any cr dit au my acco ut as 1 vii= t bem gi .a y l m l h n 7 lun-25 Collecter. responsible ýor suy dk ot tab AS oB T E M Peide dar lscutlue isd ctinosy hier, after ibis date. G. P. DAVIS, Vice-Presldet. au,il effe dst; ne taytm ihn 18 RCADSUR, RDBDENNIS Ser Secr-'y. atffct Wf6 I WOL /Audley, P. ,Oicein. OE . Mâ S Asstnte vy e ouldlinduce a suktie RICHARD S 1« EQUIRE, RODNEAYhs ldprimse, ef re ie apve "rmtà-dgeti-; Audley, Jonc 7th, 1879. GEORGE ELLIS, AcusryAssimelation 8nà V. PREST. OI, bis old before rem atebelhbod i t9rr 2 PDyz,>L:Melalxmne,f t !i.iNEW fBUILDINGflow in 'course of erectiono Srng Pih-aýve d ucls C. F.RU SELL, 1 onProv. Ont. L bt-e en i e es udm cls Y s Mo K E Cfr.i,1DsPacmdM roo tetin* wani of any-kind of Qood btdsae e~aiald ce ilade EatýTornt. AdRuai etslyect a nomcccsu ly cu THO-bMAS MO OD y, Acme aacoWINfr c. D[Ou11szoAgent, .*Whltby. Furniture wil 1Save fully 25 per cent. by'urhsigbe- Thesuccesoelthe irork is clampletesd Hasanarer a oy1h.8same price fo bis remi Fellowi' Hypapiespkheut pes t oemoant 8 OO lBs. W rdr o OL u a gttu N TEEXAIEINATION OF Slefdoreo rain J &htpif-as ,uuoSHOL EOWR' eigs yn otiyofispcto. iin1oo 1 phoitess.~ ASTAT FECS t,,,,, "odngprborriarticle.n WHE&T WAN TED. 1eor Certiftcales, viiib. held aet 9 N Glit Comices, sud P1icture Framing ini every style. Some fiue tr-djllusoniH auh, pbite5,9,iuthlu -T ... ' Counn TOWN and HIGH SORHOLC(hromosanaid Engravinga for sale. food, suit immediately entera lie circula- Wiîtby, Joune Sîi, 1879. 4i,-25 ,1 - t O AL ý 1< , ion; sud, beiffpeiiety lmiscible vili, FOR ECON-CLAO, n ýu IV _D M IR5 'r : &le bload,ipee e rveades everr part ci thle. îystem. 'Ils electi *ar ist déclarait GENIN INGI~T ETERS TE5DYJUL Bb, I , ~. n. u ilils branches; fURerals fully supplied. . stock of elegant Caikets. and a geniisiy eaationuftse AuitforTlrd-clus, alie Cduuty Town, Coffins alys os hiand, trimmed to suit customers, u awilapiue agnt uoloasdatioa h HEILLEBOR'A. EH PLU G on MONDÂT, JULY, 141h., ai2, p. m. HearmeS. cssîssîlin ieaduess luùtelleaI otil s tsspecifidifuec 1HE LEBOIE Hamnilton, Mit>' 21, '79. Bm-SU Il la &qube hs CnddWM loldion lie brâla nd ervous substncin î-AND- noil1y liCo. nt-sartute TLL R ite actlvjty ai le astorbants, sud - PARiS- G R E E N County of Haliburton, themieJefor Ofarlnatn penti - re"t nevtibladd aang oftep hsywae,> 40 CENTS per POUND, Ait-r a.MPEfi oIInt.e fnonsalapalul ekn T.~.WITIL',- FARM LOTS, P'rtKA0Titi, Ina.P.R.0.PH'n My u y*ni olwltawe T . ITILe. close tasà Rillwsy, &sudLou ntetshuo.- ir. luademsand for extracrdlnary 01er- MEDICAL HALL, VILLAOE 0F HALIBURRON, NOTICE 1 lie vaste Il-oth rclatonad us linsse léea lvaubtene.i le l3RoCK ST., - WHITI3Y: ieTriu ili itraEals.~~1gAEPESdM WE ARE MAKING 'A A s hiro a~e le vatoliM cami-ear the-Teminuscf theVictoia Il.l fellan ailb, biais more requlsite - TO ---- FOR SALE, ON BEÂSONABLB vithina reaionable distane aioffice MO, - lias duzng I th la i o ELLAR TO ENT -A large celai-. Loiulk os ." -STYLEe ou1% o-ce lic lprsi ffie, t ic. ApI> teAppI' ~c,.~. D M~ Leae edarla - u na'stneof imdo ere frell the Biýpi010 OMc,ýtO-et- AplSte pps nea.isit>'P ni a y campai tbé tudent S- - E i. Y U L E O f c . M a n a g e r C a n d at a n d B E îg a io , 1 1i.) 0SPte inh, m i i , i - i e . n n t r l N We a r i a n s c x c GZ9,B-M ta zaibao ers bayondthle dlcta« ai 2-Exru lac.47-ly 1-ÃŽHaotorbuhtain . fanome = tEgdy FamlfrSl.A GOOD OPENINO. PROCESS.l etony etfl h F a r m sL I VEfYrISa l e .r one s v i h w r k i g hj e . n i Ljn t u i i l n b l h e IVER 01 ÃŽ VER ng L te pesevi is n tçe lie T EUNDER8IGNED, OFFRS FOR 8 E 8 O 'B IN T-S-le, bis excellent Farmt Lot Na. 12 ,.2# % 1 yLCM N ON~iwv addvloititinat lu ia91bCocesio c PrkecW ca.n. tha~lsle, va>' pi-teira labour lox-assilu fa ,vce v i t i s s i t a h a i a c t e ~ a r d s a n d C a b i e t s - f u r i s h d l u t h e ~ lcm e a v e sh e r pr i c e a ~ t c e f laemoult. Thera l an excellent stoepacs, luli' eienlei baFr bouise, and splendid autbulldingi on théeAlien Farmer8' , , aetsyeo h Os--Iial i dm<,iai plcelairl s '1~rearuaon 8- Y o i I d n e ep4t, 2 preïniles; sia, a neou Orciard. Tii.e -s vLiB,8 .rames of ., Sizesawa honand. a rvdti.Tehgétcu éia pace. àoiexclW, T Cer rca out 5 iouoAceua lum lndsw ba Àlia piavat]il. Ti.hi.lI. itkal; Ace 1izolu'Cd ntelt010,00Acresmougin eveaiwlu ter a àlot of60 e o aceg . 8 R R E T T ' re nouuum< w n , Aise, lha viii selli Loi No. 1, in lbe M odriutsup> i ri lnhuiiekcai NOsera.. Tisse lôWare P o- apý r eoitI.5 ' te Con. di Uxbridge cntallue 0 1un i-y, «o bacn ecizum, vooàc vIlibecis mpn.t aI amoment'à notice. AUl i-ai r d istance 7= HOSO-b--- Ontario - - p.50or ol izBetles. Fe tuli , athi c isis, £ r'l > - l e la it strict puuçtu lt . Term sie , uy o.a i a àùL Bc> ,wuo e- ~ preu~ier. - Liver>' 81s1i ,i -Rayai Hactei, astua geicie viiÀ basentmas>" airing Oposte stu, by, bé mat any ewYageoellySel otSook. Ca wli a od hane Be-*Sfi la mue -îý- member teelwho1 wii rs«eJan&sloidr JO> OLI~I4 A ê,0 ~ l2oBa~oRde, o, aarat AyORg315EdelfIl bstid Poipali L~ ILfl b.T ELL 00. 1 YELL &- ro. Vhitby, June 10th,, 187f Agent 1 ý whitbv. ý Whitby, June 10th, 1879. J. ; B. POWPT.T. 1 . -- U R;.N S,ý

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