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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jun 1879, p. 2

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alattbd -WoLt, IHcw Rutered-~ Om Clverwolt Medloal Co., New York.~ IlttJ'.l Living Ag- k3leeial ietlýes-J. S. lort4en. t3pecIal-Se Ratlier Likod ft-qOoott &4 Sptea-TIao Mldnlght Pire »flou- SSeott & 3owuè:, Spéolial notice.- lltOm prlae-5W. . ySmih o iu tewn-W. JHIayes. Obilîron'. Pbhoographu a èa ly Lyon 13roe, 81peaillaotce-Pbiip Tay'lor. Pr<,alasîlomz- of Wlaitby. Vie. $Higei eewuig Mahin-b. Pair- .bafaks. Farit u frslVar ic ak. Speclat Notia- Rlequuin for publia ieeting-Town (i'aioery sla i B loardl. - uneet reAlly stylo,1 a mcern tiangy but' if lb.y eau gel- ta scagnil hall st abénîcai. 'hait'or one > th[ lis value tLey wlMm tae a siport of purobathe .tewn wii seur. a bo whiah ait hava reason te, feel preai futur. s hnembers et thso tow-làco' on titoso dolug busaness withhthu m Do longer bave le travel neanly te' E ester te bholti, hieir meetings snd1 onlylun au elal diugy structure W: reýquare anuuwarranled etroeI Cocurlesy tetiignlty by the deuigna of Town Hall. NC w ticy will ni s halluntic very centre cIibhe anti of astyle cf gel ne, cf wiich Counly anay fOot prend.' This lu very difféent froan wbal pears inte iblaciamailiug shoot -lial in lte tewn, wbose editor lie mark. 1) oppoes thle purciaso cause lie coulai net receive cea conusiusats f on suppcrtaug ,r'~~1a1 1 VIL, lac 0f course the -by-4aw ailI bc canict-for, like tae Gazotti ONLY Si 5o- PER ANNUM. mout cf tho8e 'O09sing il ibave Ia ~ ~ ~ anti buett1elelontrosi in .lb it W hltby, Thursday, Juna 26, 1879. Wlitby. -The Chief Conctable. The lHopins' Ha» Peperty. 7- A. gooti doul cf misapprohoens 'lh. subjegt Ot thac Hopkins' prcpenty peurs ta0 -oXii as4leatite psayn bas boe aarosdy sulliieutly fdiseusseetlien Of te chiot constable. Ia lu enalia over)' rala'payer in*thas towu quence et aliegatous made ta forint an opinion on Its menite, But concelboarti anal cuIit. 1, va titshili unet satiufy uomne people, vite na duly laade -Mr. Bryau, te1 aaitîiiils pnînhtet, callng fanionr moot- Lits folleving aulientia figuras. lns u g o geluP dt'OIissl-wiioit cun Meute, ai moeysrecivetiiy J ne uo dllàa fualiar'e viigittl ea e- Cý . Constable, Son the tasl quarter suIt ~oal uînret ctizno, ie, anti 8 iuartens oS 1878. sui. pcal. nttied itien@ Wh, Freo Csanîy ltinldiaa '150 al- avitori rssme tate igu requieitious, "biale ar-y) 'as par books cf lie Cieck lere il "citintmr isl y e i te Fasce ............... ta rflis, wuld et ore 1sey bylirieuGav.Ci niminti Justice, .... aataica00 #Dudiig the- isrsuîn calîiug oit our Counta, Sessissesud Aseizes, 9ilvt 0as'nigitl about,'anti llineg verge$7.50 ees......... Fu rtaMayrsa Court, fer yasr ht ii t ii lis cavePrelter business, Taxas nlloweti by Toavn. 'Te encouragement cfucila peste ae Salary Seain Towna......... ntgt lus, 'o1uI serves ho bnoed lithoe 1iie aî sumllcl aîcin.Total, Roeipte ........ îîiao opfinteoi lalcepions . al u-Diasitnamaialefor yenr. 0taustaV'iPsittfer Liyory -$..... 80 00 Rilway faesleuFort ihape Whty Lindsay & Peterltere, antd Monwvit boiteaoforu fayeredtihic pur- nenoiveyang prisouer ltent- utie cf'ýte5-îaft te roteit?00 ra-on freon---------------....2750 viiieli liaeanî'etioaa cf builduigs aoumt 8 limas teu'Toronto e taLrx- ousaI îvenîy or îîinîy thonsactl dollars- 1 tte warrîant, 3 dayM>..- . 15 G0 titey arecw ofîpoott la tue plireliasa Telîgraîcesud l1estage... 10 GO .ofte Iopkns'pvop1crly. \Vhy ? 0f course, frouin t e tt il'ata itlulite mte a- evwltlcatei ofsnlretc i sitcroated mivîes t1Nitnry fron Ce. cisallowati aieOe0 'VTe iHopkins' proptur ty ailI puy for Atteîutitcg seboto! o Jutr- ileli; il aili cavai-oceaIthie towu aor' titealloavted ntlie c tcult. luit msaine oftifluseopîtsers, At .....................lu 5t> Wuuo ct-y otl crcîl cal tIlruas" tntd lismairlirl>To'Je nit oislary 100 lieaLî t;loviumic, itatî eotjactioaitôlb Net luoi-ta .......t. fathe lairat1-ý'mYùr8 t letuaida cf hirty Lest asuit cf ecoittlus anal yesr,ase tittîlttt lolaas, for fle ti-aeion cf nîiewed i lteluen corporations, le ltîillings Ihînt voulu caver yia'lt a le wîiehiite is attilit-t, andtea- ittuIller revalante I But tf iî lcîîtiq, oulti ceivait oniy oesauit in 6 yaar.. hiave alte aet Bio ite on, or neare tu12 v çtw a pnopenty, Nice consistlscCY Ad tt etsalteve, feus titteâna- fur tîtesvary respootable" citixans, 1rtis warrants................ As me-.il nst e îtse colaîtus, on formetr occasions, furditer solmooal accena-$ uatian ibal#'became a nacessâly. A Sa tint lte $1200, aleoged tle1i - rilling expenîitlre aonît La sufficient cai-el un facel anti salan>', di. lu covînrthe lsad love hall into a con- ont bu oe lido 1 ,vaiiaiont 80tittîcuiilig, anti savslase av eabutoehtet u levaite av f enu eclul bouse. mtuaI. Tbh lte tatamant 3a luilt., w thi a vnne h case, lie bave beau mauie anti acceptlet, ani iit all, lirlas t Iltae Tewav saîany reinceti, iiiout csuqiiiry, off nitsf hlJjt), aoulmîtnua, ave renosset, atoing au mol Of injealice le Mn. I: out fl t ovua Ipenny. Il voui pay wil- - -t b oed io h lorit bletIf vitttil utti inug a ceit tal te vtct lt ebs stacelt ilia-t!$it tlxt-s. Teaouiteascilfacte arecitafore Ilucen, tie'lovain iti lia by-;taw, are itîeassary le ho se cil viii itkt' aun eurly occasion te ni 1ltai Iiittl, ltu rtier talupîldy ailith- liiis ftnttmîtit-e atf' ttun uaicipîal luîv, Posiagl Rguîations ln Riyîu butltee-mît-at vilI tueur teie eit-utlier ailI tilt)i> iuituiy et-a'Lulieetui) itt Tito foliîinîg ahptars iii te t eilati, s a mr ilite îîiîeltmee cf 1101)- of uanotie otan te pst ofice wic laue'tlia cotuonattt) A reseil ail- Attt'eett tî' ipfotr acirc-ulat-r, Vaillio tf saine S3,500> la ail thtîilaA f, îýitt-tiî taîep fir a ttewaspatîîir, licettti, andt, liurd tî-la a ctru ltse A tlitt-t-t-tutl ataîttît ton a scaieti lattir fontdtr, the psattl f teity-ltwase u AIl lit-d it-th eutirigiat cni-nair. 't'ttt îruttti ttca'atlr. 'ite leaits Lut-lu, lrtîterî, luttu1 Hicuk thtucar( T (utults' igtitteîau'ide--net c'ear3- tiluir tîîtîta ettîî (mîn-tmlysieitiedil y 'littimsi ytttwiaat thlie itostiiabsftuir a vaîtt cff tltI-t eltiyeremj, luessht-en ne- Tav intîs iltinga rougit, anti "rusm' ctîîbtIei y hit outît cf Ciiicaery, anti I eatir i tell Wiii> oul ufseeafilte liononranad artt it of \Vltby, salit ruui, apant front Queec Legisiature. utlaîr auiiileraliutnN, vole f'or lias by uait. Coud taillaaaidgei citizeuilai1t The apeing of lte Quabe Provii ilalîLSt; 11)0utlal, luislily. Let us Legiclaluîre toik place ounte 1Otit lctrtoriua il, andt tlie care alec, 1tieno Lieuîtenant - Gevercor Lahellien ttitont îîîiéel me c L icurdsufficiaatly recovaieti froanbis lati itbon.Lljîi materues le enahîs huin a ale îhucn per Tic Cropa. lis vas raceivat aviLli tenlinsiasir lte crowsta aotinound tisihIe Ps lia dI î i t ment buildings. Tic speech trois Il eltig coSitiy, ndt osa atdt es ons vue long anal explicil, antiec tatil tli iiit oit afie, lita eropu aclorielie cf lte Lieutananb-Govrn iitcer looked balletr .aeore jsromisin g antilte Premier lu Loin- inuuly ut thlias -Ceuof lias year. l'ailtavheal straigilforwav. ttut Itarlot>'ltre liantictiout avîlusuvbinlu- 4iicumlionîs cf ait lîîtinaîl -vlltt.as can- TeiicDUriiNs' CHUERtcCîrsiOLat-1 net fait ttiaake glatitbits henoat leie sî.-The anaual Cathliic picnic faîner. Air'eauy lishe oiug ana- té Caîhohicu cf Dtiltn'e Crack col ira an te iuny Olsl, aeut lir naigltbonltom, vas lteld-ah Mn. Gondl aveala shows tai tlitegrass Croi t lIis i'B yaîar vil ha neîanîîaiy ieaa'y. graeason Wednesuay tOs.* toe - ~ a large gatlaerng ineulnig Ma-. F. INi>i'talTOitL4 OF WFiciTiirANDMEI ias- lou, M. P. ; -Mr. Joint Drytica, iem-M.Joslîna Wrightî, Ilecys cf P P., Rea't. Fallier McEnleo, Ru - .Fallier Benesng, &ce., &C. Misa FS P'ort'nr, ic,%veaian, reecavedtlt elIof Vititiy, snt Miss Reat7 itîîoliutwtt'nt of deputy icseclon cf Picokaning, vse eicetants for a se aVuigllatalaeatan sThe Coaaety jaela-Y, Wvlà cit asWaon iy lte lai culucil aill i Iikly I:ose0lIte isatafil cf a-Io'lietainet a lange msjonily of voi luis~~ scvc.Mirnh lsacpaac flr. Clan, in pnesauling taeîîtccase fitl tci, nTti teru i @asMooilitas oft Ung lady' aili lte pice, madc a s iiifu br.Tttcor,'e Mo udieheOL ýnaomespcola avîiclit ias reeli coii aily for failluful politi- avi li aarby grealinge. ciii ervicas iiinîany a Itantifonglul easi- '1 pr.igialanti a pnier chuinta laliais pisiticn DIscouNT SLXPirte car fi acliclai lvites saacely jîtat, anti vertnin- ly iltisIgaitercuta in tlite ispenseas cf teannuel etoccl-lalig, outhue fOrsI -. DoiSetion Patronage la have atbregaî-st-gtîet ncoxl, anti in Order ta retîîce L'i. -volmeof tncî a fIA uceu jesm- t tse 11- nl nony an cel ah ie foc puW Y. Bri cr f 1 2d 2 se $832 Dist ~l8rI~ ict f Tunder BD87,lruw"l uc&Arg.i&ua MUK5re e irr --Ncusr*ivcsc, - o lz#fri-vlge -f &se. ,Tiaqncêu thnsltartc4'otia ~,Haliburton, Esquire, te bc stipeudlar h, undr wyrus ws b tbëiînswh j>~Magitrat. for the provisioeaa n @f y h lm,- Tiirds meabters o hof ath,; UH lburo, n thU. e o and stead"Of S- bail opposed tePiol ccmayu ýaIjet . Pck, oq, reigne. *' ' thé coningpa$ty, bat lh.laughingly a. In~ Gibrt 0. Field, cf' thé, tcu of over-ruled thsiirecç,..tu. About 1hr.. anaSâ Woodstock, Esq., te bo Polio. Magie. hundr.dyards froua thea "cf liae i wili truinhansd for the. sald town cf Wood>surprise was atdeep outtlngj b ,wbl.h Rock- Stock. the soldlers fi.d in their retreat,- and thon *h--.. ieu Lieut. Cuar arrived sfly soros hioli The Letellior Affala'. he looked baok and ssw follsOwlng hina ~ othe Prince'$ ridorlets horse..1The body aii The Globe of' saturday cntains the. cf Ihe Prince wus found lu this uttlng et lu followlug spuclal cablcgram ",The de. stripped cof &Il clotbiug, sud ornaments ewu csien of tbe limperiai Gevermment lu except a. neok loket. The body lu IL tic the Leteilier case will b. givon nhxît comîug tg'Englaudf %Vdgesday.Tho feeling lu Uic Colon- 'A Paris dempatala says that the lu. ial4Officeà- againut uaucticning the. dis.telligence cf the -deahl cf tbe Prince b.missel cf Lieutenant Goveruer Letal- Imaperial in South Africa was ieaeivedl pu-lier,. but lmpressed withh-the idesa t boe with general ln6rednlity, snd corne sa tlis lu'a.-Scentitutionsi, guestica, hhey cf the early editions-of the papers gnbr ho. liold tait it lu net proper, for Uice ,Gev- Ilieildtho rumer with sc6ffing. allusious tauerniment berle te deal with lie, matter. te its lmpa.ebabiiity.Susuete- b.Ilteausiamed as probable, that bcth patches diupelleal Ibis deuion, andlîL 3b pelitiai parties lu Canada miglit lake gfeot'produoca by -the uews mai îloep aiY umbrape at snob interference witb sud widespread. Even tho Radical seltCauadiaaninternai affaire, Purther, 1h tepublicaus e#resed eeozï* at the man, isle haia the Canadian Govemaieut a@ath cf lie Prince. The agitation;,cf ho e bas acoustitutionel anthony te deal the Imperialiots wau lulensie. _The ',with the matter. 1h le tandereloal Ihat 41uesticu as te tii. succession, othe ra cf interfereuco with lhe question willhbe1 imernsof posesion.,by tii., Yenng- deeiined. Mours.,Langevin sud Ab- Prn.ce are new geuerally diuataeeed. If bell bavé lakenpassages lu ;ozt Thurs- the provisions fermulaleil by thie fireI day'ï stea.mer. -Eanperer sud rùaoserîed b y Napeleon III. fer lte transmission eY beredihary 1Sp- The. Crops lu England. « lghts le the ImperiÀl crewn . are pre- pool. serveil, thc succession wiil failupen )nse Englielo jouruals rcceived by the. lut Prince Jerome, 'secocousi nl cf tie -mail cencur lu the epliin thalt te prince. Buh lit la impossible in the tegoueral prospoct cf harveet, je by ne opinion cf the Imperialiet' party te ai it mena@ a gecal*one., The position cf thee nulle hat body lu any mevemeul lu . lista .ra'u ropl je repcrhed tc b. critical, faver cf Prince Jeome. Tbe. news cf sudiail vegettliculuréperteti very lhe deathof lte Prince bau been se ru- backward. Prospecte lu cenuection cent? that aryhinig like coeerled.acleu :with live steak are eaid te be almeet ameng the Bonapartises las been li- 187,withont a redeemaing foture ; net culy possible. At a meeting cf friands cf have prises gene dowu, buh kept it Prince Jeromeý-at whiah were present practicaily exhausteti. A. streug ugita- tie few journaliste cf Parie Who 'c1tli 4 511 tien bas cumaneneeti lu lie agriculîni-al atibere te bis fafrînues, sud othere who à 00 districts for lte appoinîmeul cf a Royai asecelatet i wth hminalu hie aepire4ioue Commission te inquire inte the whole -helti u inte u ua~eB.it Waue de- oo() question cf the. condition ci agriculture cidefiliant lice moi d'or-dre saI-prosee 2 lu i Englauti, and oaggeal remedies. ebould ho taI Jeroeme slaculd ho kept l 00 Agicuturai, protection le freeiy alve- lu the background, andt hat lia. wbole - cated lu soMID qeanters. energy cf the Imperialist party aboulai 2 50 ~ - '" be devî)teti te pnomehiug the iuteneste LaTTEL'S LiviNG AE-The muni- cf the Republia, sud at the saine time bers cf Living Age for the weeke end- keepiug prominanlyu view ltae hope irg lip 24 sud 81 anti June '7, o! tie reetgration of tIhel Empire, Witlh naspectivaly, coutain the foliowing ur- asno eoeu l ad ii prince lias lu bie velus blooti cf the ticles : Wm. Cobbett, and Sontit Afica, housecf Savcoy aud Btonaparte, anti 50 Edtnburgit Rcvieiv; hie Pathaus Of certain remanîcpaîriolie sentimeute,c the Nortiî-weet frontier cf Indis, it? lu thonght, can ho invoked by as kili- ) Ã" Blackivood ; The Expedlion cf Phîilip ful use cf facto cencérning bis auiesstry Il to Englanti, Fortnightly;1 -Munri- and ishi persnnal' qualifications. The a tinis, andi Dr. John Alken, Frazer; Two IRepublicane do net ecrupie te express Imposters of thte Eightcentit Century, t4e relief whiclî tlcey fss4at the deatli Coritil; Mr. Gtatitone's 'Probabiity of the Prince Iniperial, anti seo fr asT as th Gid o ot ; Mr. Goschi;v iea bc ascentaueti, lte geucral lin- 50 Cutivtin f te Itagiatru ' he prRsonthrouglieut tecapital andti SMlancitoly of lia E ducateti Engisif. large citlas cf France. le that hiestiaath anti ilpublican Intolerance in Franco, lias eliminateti froin lte political hioro- Sliclator-; Tio Evolution cf Gaintes, 6copeocf France sauisturbing factor. ant iliard Up, Seturday Rcview; witii Pau, de Cassagnace paper, Lc Paya, OUcontinuation cf Jean Ingsiowvs 'Sarah te day appenre la meoureinf,. Il eays : -de l3erenger ; tho whiolc of s Stony by ..The Empire je not dead. Tio Prince 50 Thiomas Herdy, andthie opaning chap .-. *Intpeial lied tiesiguateti as ies succese- 0e ters cf a new work by the author of or the ldest son of; Prince Napoleon." h - 'Patty ;' andtlie usual poelicnl seleea' The Pnincescf Wales vent t Chis- 001 tiens. ellint, as lte rdpreeentative cf lte Bi -e- For fifty-lwo etachit ambers cf sixty- Queen, te tender liqa' sympathies to the t as four large pages sait (Or more titan ex-Expi-esi Engenie. 8,000 pages a yeur), the subecriîution Upon lte ratura' cf thc Princescf prices($8). is low ; whils for $10.501 the Wales froim Ciiseîlurst after lier vlelt b l publishiers cifer t senti auy Oeeof the to condoleuce tethie ex-Empirese the t' hoAmerican $4 meathiies or waekliee Qiasen wau se imprisseil by lte accoaIt0 ,a with the Living Age for a year, balla lit Princese gave cf thc nnbappy antin ta lotlaitl, Litteli & Co., publiehiers. almoul desperate condition cf tite --ex-Empresu liat, nbtwitilaslanding tint 'r ie Canud=an Cattie Abroud. lier own henîth is feoblo, sile resolvetia na- - o'pny ber a vieil int porion. The epe- a r. Thte Vcton illerrur-y andthie Soanar- ciel tranin le which' lier Majesty gan- Lt salsiairv (Engbnudy Ha-riait, lias-the fol- ernhly trtavela front Windsor 10 Osbornte lowiîag : niDvr a rtiered te be lu teadi- of MA~a1aeîa O. -Macea Pole ntineat', anti titis aftarp oon lier Maje8ty, ecopnidb thé Princess Bentrace a Blackiore, pur'teyoc-s, cf Ibis îuwn', acnspeaiaicsiny aidear -lite aen ialwonliaf ahever estenil from ChiiselitursL.By the direction cf preoagact-dt e b he uvet anuimafo iste auperinteudent of te lino lte limA e qeality an cth i ctaial o f lte deparînre %vas se arrngsd litI ql t ahe symtall pruphrIis os~, Ine delay occurreti baliveau Windsor anti mi r, ra siglitl appear a witie assertion, a WVaterloo station, noerfrom thotra te o pare-oniti inspèclioa of tîhe monster ean- Chiiselitural. O net fail-t b eatisfy lte credtîcue tuiaI AT cnîacLaîURTs-, snob declaration lsata least founntid on wlere slave lhee aews cf the deatit cf na, fact. Wheu ive saastnt it e animal lie Pilae a great atumbtr cf viellersanr was bore anti mcd on lhe alter side cf have arrived, lier M,14jesty vwas receiveti ni hie Atlantic, ltoeamoy be some wito wit silienco but with evaa-y manifoal- will be, inclinedti e relaieflice biased -atien cf respect by lte greal vengraese opinion tuaIt Englanti alone stantis AI of Englieh sud Frencit gentlemen anti 5fer protiucieg iteef, bel such prejaîlices latiies. Carrnages hi-gm Canmdee Hose - uay te a grant extent, be removeti were le waiting, ued hIie Qnesu was aI -whan e tat laIeltIlte cx ia question once drivan te tho resitience cf tite ex- on ias beau importati front Monred- E mprase Egente, Who had by Ihis lime diti -with soins 112 cter fut beasaIs anti over racovareti te semae etetu lier' amuI lu s 1,000 very fine seap-by a native Lf cenmposure, sud met lier axittjay ah lite br. .Somast-Mn. E. B. Met-gan, etOf 081-principal autrance andtihîayombraceti wc r awa, Ontaneo, Canada, (cousin cf Mn. witit affactionale toudarese. Tic aga 1 James Gould, Ragent street, cf Ibis qusen was condlucteti by thie et Eaun- lier lown), whîe np te 1852 nesitietinl Sout prestutu bier boudoir upen lte ground idai Brant. Mr. Morgan's proest impon- floor atjoinin lte large lidughail, fau 1A 87100 25 $405 $415 ?Iis a itoui Id tI Cor repîl] cket citair e MI a thea and Pic- and vas [So. iier 'ery iest fith tAu- tas Domnin'Dy.antiet 1eforo tîtat date,hue ashcni ber Dominon De'. îiîm otonextcxl >10(laye, aller fliasfol- lise. i'utita - - - o cîing esecial diiscounts z 0f avall Pa- MeEnees tue-tte Per, a tibcount eftonteera cent ; baby DomtinuinDay, et Aunis' Onces as cx- cann;age>, to-day lihebast value tai lie ietcai, basides lte ucianl attractions te maraket, 10 psy cent ; fancy geots cf ha Lueiav l i lIte prasecce cf Iait ail kiaiti, 1w, par cent, misceliancous Mn. Fraser. 1 bocks, 10 pan ecenh ; NaIs paper, post, A pic-uic panlt> te Conhetîs laeaxpecl- foolgeeu, envemopos, by ltse nananan eit trea Torntno ity te pmasora yachtî, bhoitent, 10 par ccitt. Wu h lave ai- T'Oi-ont a, oalliug et tie vharflbrhans a ssfolloeetilisplan et marlîing ail about l easen. gootis in plain figures. 0ur stocka is ah A atlh is te bu playeti boîvoeenonce lte langestandmutcueapes iî inte Wbhilby sutdTornteounlisemarkel coaîety. Il is tramIliosa ratas ave offer gr'ounde. Thora aili us excursions taeItî abs-valiihenal disconths,an aller diaierefitlpoints,.ltaI viii only holti gocti entil steak 1 - 8 a --- akiug. J. S. Robertson, Deverehl's BANX- ANNUAL A.rrssaact-tOCSttir.Blocil irek St. Wliuhhy. Alliheansnual astiîo sparts. et thae alî snnn lcv lbt baukhéla n t hue mloeeof orn-gocala, îcpaired rt n epsîel, ylîl toal le, éltla ie acraue~raesb itetlebave lsthmaIonce avitP. Taylor, cty on Saluray, ,itoeev as n Very as fha is making -up s box le sendte tse largo anti fastionable gathieniug, inaluci. fsetoty. Tîhe enly pince vitere c goot iug Ris Hlouer Lieutenant Covernor job ecui hoe. Miecttlti su Mies Maîvitanal, Thie a-- haszes ittoluticetsilver caps,Olilver sud tPure West Intis isne juice bole, bronre buedals, elocks, pipes0, &c. ; aleo 20 cents. S. W., B. Smithî & Ce. à& pedemeler, viihi asveugicby lte Pionteu, Mn. Ynrket-, et lia Bank- et Taî MOt-uTIIEÂL TacGRatU COMANYt Moitremi, asusa pecini pnize oram blait lînvcoPOeel cOua0s8ut Cman Huron, tale race. Th: latter vas von by Mn. Couuty cf Simcoe ; Rinlail, couehy cf- 1). Slaaapon. Time,Qmia., 25sec. Thea Huron; Lime Honsa, ccunîy cf Haiton; incwere presentodtela tc vî wnataruanti Plpehon conty cf limoe. - ~ - ranu, large asaorlmeaî, cieap. S.: (IuSas e xouatsiuaceON Dcscas<coa DAY W. B. Smth & Ce. '-Tliar. aili lue e grant excursion h- N en ic uaI a flt' lis NosatiaîcaDominion iay, true lita 'W[yliy imitai sosia hoawl psorts, le Port Hupo I dtirealehonemansscicea eshow, neChtîG.Qrueaoi iàahg to in con-i.tatsCaada tics yenr, 6Un ij- tumplation tILbUoeontat day. ceuni isheAhvy tl liposeti ftiitlh Fulli pantitatlure0effanas&ud timu.tabiebtaNP annuncot iun 'citer clumlu. Mr. ~ Slepilnnuon,, Dominaon Teograph efface If yen vautt'le kaav ioav arui til im, tne ierotofcro liae agent<.go te S. W. B. Smthl&leCe., andti ele fraI clas Therrltcmster for 25 conte, FAitcv Cocus -Mrs Allin tas just rooeavtd an compote stock cf Fsaoy rctW Scaade stsu8. W. B. Smih q- gooe4u, ictuil ie ofrorts ho ito pubie ve'y cltecup. >at Ottfuiluova linli. Aliua igi' ir~t tMgoispr àè dua 4 supply of 4Uattuaieny, ipr ueity. e of un oStitsle er-, diîfférence astoe ifutiure, andI express. Britisaa afnuy, maniatast ehequnliicu- - cd a tiasire b e anat. 1es on of obitence, whicb le intispeusi, WO iltatd that ]lits motter hall boeaulea icn eoa l ighnase went on te byE trance, acd taI wliîauslie awoke aie eay fiaI lie was sure tie sympathies cf lty tol hiu le Éoul goto werennia lite Housesanti country' aI large, ant il ry a wealty-Judy, be a wvot-citopper, ofticéoxEmre Roal amitsîhe lu lico n prize figttandt a refluer.Ile couidthe sud gutikat ievîe bersavient u" rue a mile aainte if il bati net beeaudLurd Beccrfetrebechoet the' re- for te Amenleana, avito itad ti ueleis L os d' B Duksfedr-eodté growtit. Titî Ameicans, hol i bcirnrký ef tlhe Du cf Camridtge anti wi n grat iieikgforbI a antidilhadt'an Véry feeling anti sympatitetia terme misr net ase gfor gaalic aveandiftitauvebee deploredth ie dieaser. avilcimd falien jou riait. Oliar evidence avas eaîîeiat o upon Nspoleon's fsmily. Titese ré-' lte nonsenso prieenen tlketi, sud us tagrata said the aBar], couiti ta frankiy sn wbetier it wss feigneti or not. Dr. antieuly expresseti willîcnt atlallim indual Josephi Werkman eaid if iuuauiîy isti puting ill-wvll or distrust of lte présent mar beau feigued âl was well doue. Afier îiubicninst ueitutions cf France. For the1 lte speeches ýf tihe -ceunsél sud a very the eutn Goverurna in France, ns witî impartialjcagely i jage it ur e cnewn, lber Mjeaiy's Goveru. fact -clireti antihqhr ed, aLle tîr hejury etri citerishetisentiments cf sincene reibevndaclfgtuîlly wihlt rec ourn fentlsiip, snd aieeteannestly fer ils vote miaedicte-mof uly, a pis oin-wua petni.But thie avole iistory sud mecl cvdul f tiMercy, as iet Ter utig e 1oeFrance was sa bounti np ailitte 'nuei cvidntl of iïoun(Imin. Thjude Na6lë nînme anti family IhattI'bies amIco a ia linsener wasaeIter cf unu- le f l aedayermo~nl sound minal orelueaho aokseti aiitétemisa, se adaninably qualifictihy nptro.ep feel bis lamentable Position, anti sn-.at yeucto o lt aueunla leuchal bitt leoaliasug 'o te 2h n duaio ortedischarge cf n1 Seplember. - 12 h le ligiesî cuiese, sadse unquesîlon-sn ablytiavoed tth e oest intenesîs oi part TEE EsalÂLPaceN.-bcr ar 51France, wîhter asRepublic, monarcby Hie présentl8000 piseers canfînstin tuhlason empire, wonld lbe falinlu esy bLei CqnralPrio-ca umber rallier îalow rFranchi IHonseboid, anti ha. teploreti a relig ",àe~vora go. iýWit lb. exception cf a a personai as well as a national itis- ri fè'w,,bo are iak or aippleti, aIl are fortune. Earî Beacon2sfielti enîst hie Goe ýftw",.'nggo ile eue loindus ton remanka by payiug an ihletelte ex- er lie . héprincipal idutries car. m- <în mnine h uiek cacaE oaa dduarec 11o050 cf brIck-tic - ej ymaliy wliciî ber Maetythie Qusenlan $1iîlQs'u, tuaenufactaare. Tha bricks arec oaat ciracn 0>kiin qite ereeliun of lie An- lltombera cf lte Royal Faacily uai oea ~~ieing aa ~ ~ shc1 in bîov eler aflicioni.bi -- -4--'- Cath, An auialidîoShagitation lull tiël exisecîti ltaIPrince Jero lov 1west of eadla causing sea up-Boncaparte aill publisia anufesle -de.nt prehenstcom TlitaGoearnaîsil 15 tek. claningliai lie is faitifal to bis ]1epnb: , &n Il neeesssry prr'vauuîeaîa ho preveitt licinaPelaralione, fhtih e ànet-a'pre- l 1ie a disturbanos. tender te lie Impenilt succession, huittbe tlitI ie dernnul clairne tin tie. sec- Il fitP retlot - ia'Prosiilenl Gravy cession tof ny oliter pretluder. - Ont& ýh"a officlly saut a mesâaug cOf conidoi. Genil1erai Mlanienifel *il l proiaiy a- ap t4bele> it exe;Eacprsa ufât çttelliO Y i D- sumi t lta (ovanuntip of Almiaant iii, ics~ cf ht tepulie. ' -Lofritta o~hie ait uagiel.- i àfAr1a;, fze id teno ars. JsonJ, $16. -0 Wm. Joffray, 'oectal grant, #10,ý raid te Tios. Gorrnloy; Alex. Fleury, for rondl ubovohs, 75 ; Casper Stoîhs, Woulat receaument 1alaid b. grant- ion to-tue fiowing ludlgenhs tliitue BruI cf -Jsnuary next --:-P. Lycue, 75- cents puor- wek, "Plies. Tnippý commis .1 dienier ; Widow Young, $1 per wuk, J., and, D). McNab, Ceoin. ; Wid6w McKee,, $1 per woek, Geo.' Angus, cern.;If. Lïosie, 01, per, w ek,> C. Wrighti cern H. Brown, 75 clu per, week, Ge. Bàr-' toe cern; A. Miller, 7ô -ots., per woek, Thoes. Mcnkhioîeoien. ; A- Stenier, $1, per week, <John'Otidie <can. ;,Wido Engis, $1 per- we* - Ira Palmer coan; RobentLenôeste 40 ) tu:per week, tD. MaPiee, cern; Mns. Jeineicu, 75 cli. pur week, G. PanSer, cern.; ;Mrs. Lapp 50 cîs. anr week, Jas. Taylor oim.-, Won!1 recornmeudhthat lhs following granha ho made.on roade, dz :-r-#10,for' rcpaining bill on 2ud cou., lu front cf lot 27, Tics. Banard cern. te expenti saut.; $25 tu rupair, approaches te bridge eo ntir cou., in front ot lot,19. ýTics. Burke snd Ina Palmner cot. ; ýThat Ties. Barnardi Wm Forreeher, anti T. Weish he oir. io tl sud super- intenth le censrachlen cf arondl ho- Iweet lots 80 anal 81, lu the thtird range cf B. F. con., anal report ltche I hero- cf ta titis caneil ; tisatlie Rieva ho cern. te ru.pair lthe bridge belweuen lots 12 ani-180inu 7h con.;, hah Wm. Mil- ler anti M. Bsciy ho coin, teo le ne- building cf culvent between lots 20 anti 21. in 8h con ; liaI W. H. Orvie ha com, loeaxpenti 025 on the esteru townline, on condition' liaI Wihby townshtip granh a like snciunt on thie sae rond. Youn comniae wculd recommneni thal ltse pailions of G. Tout anal oh- ors, of C. Birreli l a ers, cf Jue, C. Joues and ochera, cf Cias. Williarne anti chera, ha nol now enterîained. Your cemmille vouiti recommeati lia as heeder fer plaek of Miller sud Nishel he uveepledtilebc delivened tiu $91 psr M. as followse: 5000 Lest aI Ciarlemet, 4000 ah Grecenwooti, 8000 at Bdroughtam, 4000 ut Green River, 4000 nI Cltcrrywooti; anti 0000, ut Duine' Orcak. Report receivoti anti adopteti. Tite standing coaatlea on seep killel ity doges,-bag le -recemmsnai lit Toaims Mitchtell te pait ltae sont cf $13, il bbg case ialf lie evere vaine cf fOve anikled by doge. IReport receiveti Mr. Hloover, secontiddhy Baroarti, Lnoved liat Whitevala vouai division ite composeti cf lie nortit halvas of lotts il1 and i theia4hcon., sxcapt A.. Verea farming landi, and lthe sôtb havea c£f lots 81 anti 82 l iche5h cou., norlth le lte lina bataveen James Taylor and James Dutas, anti inciediug the lie roalti itwssn lots 82 anti 83 seutlt e the centre cf the 4h con. Mn. Hoeover, secoutieti y Mn. Monk- bouse, mevethaltIlthe Reeve, on iteiatf f lthe council patilion bis Excellencyj lie Lieut-Oavernen of ltse Province cf Ontario, le cause te ha survayeti lot 20, lu lte Othcen. of ltha township cf Pick- ring, andi permanent atone or cter unaitism onuments placeti utflie front cnd rear angles o ai etilot, uindlthe iutlîority cf ltae Comnetleiouarof Croave Lanis agraeaily te sections 11 anti 12 )f citap. 92 of flica Conrolidaleti Staînlas )f Utsper Canada, conîaf of lthe lend-t- iders tobuhoaffectedti iereby having, Lpplied te titis ettuncil, anti John Sîtiarc -L. S.', bo appaintetin ark lthe sur- reJ- Mr. Barnard, s ,r, movetiltai no'er Le cent.to i lthe Forest Mil OtI te lita coonU Mr. Forretetr,i mad, movet lti idl stand adjourn lia day cf Julyi 'orrible hMerder About seven nil nIhe ilusseull ne isance cf Teyaý a amati ehanly, rotiier, eue Bellt Omen, lwenty-5i o.Sie livati; er irotiter, Tii le tic rondae 'manre were coai laervetheliadeer ng onulthe Stej use. fimooti as îtdside, wbee, itis anti a mcs scevereti. Ansi ual stame, sudm m floor lthere 'i ted. Indicultisai oungît a alnuggie1 side lte siutal tt, andion ltae an, as site lny ai hongi sie loie ýbars feat, avhl tir dasp, weres le oeeof her ar htl blooti. Mn., -par uit Tsylosvi elluiar, anti set affaire, leforniat ltae dacast. easyr avensnotifd ag itelti. Thie folleaving al lthe deccsset nu itemorritaga, tat in ltaevagin harseif or soe accident is ln was etcielnte,a ida have itou ett AxiNO Timta Cu citltas bec roi sprecontations 'uni of ils ocave mallye organe en alging lu varyu las about tlite E Romnan Caltholi àthe lte elsect ti, is quita antit te wUt mmsit ilt. ltwas, on Lob divitiet, anti s wtens il wae a candiates we te of il lise hyJ mue aise liaI M Fseusa or ttes ýt f a tiemagogt campaige spýe vain suad argur id utitroes gienistsaiut ail i iabiy matie te IL aenItet, net be -essulativeinte tai tho Geverue ,enlilo ttai -y rigulttiiiikiug ireott muighl it e. ce cuade mwiti a v temlie vote, Lbail ste cf tlue OaPSi ice laken cf tIl for lthe parpes m Ly lthe prasa: aandi intelligible a lima avîsea I tia vas legs ii utrreti by sny- t einliai, hu bo car ia' pailiuîal carn i .1 Mn., BW44to mveati hat;beroad 0 bridge coummtte naet anti exam bridgeon 9dakor Creuil, Monckl fi en 1111h inst. Carried.- ,1 Ou moliqu of Mr., Boùlton, secoi by Mn., QBoyie, the. feliovingofi vere appeniW -"Mr. F. Tiemi anad Mr. :Jo. O'Revell,-Funz. Viiwi in lac ofga Mse mbouoy antiAI MRïôilR. laot. Fainbum, pet keeper instâàd cf C. Doyle, anti Ma Speanin .Pithmasler insîcat of P. i Thigan iâ om ee .ne Trosa&iand gesumu vore gr$5, aloa resal15 anl inhe via :-on.;bela hetsee 15 sd 6 n hbe 101sh cou.; been. tc*anganl r, uerrp5 e laor ona 4eolmgile oteraio59 ofbrs on ai roa 045totirsafik otroake co mlthu; $45, on r if Muve 40Lae te Sîtaon, shiroa givn4 ltiycsn.aoroue s 1 nd ;1 $20 101h cosa oppose lot 18 anl $20, ;ii$c00,gond ahco.uolotelot coan; $200, oelne ;h c$50opoieho 5t ensi20aein 2$1, tieline TieenIoa 2 nal gv25 Rh c. Tniatinersaciugte siefactinysf r o smte nasal t h sifalîbride 10coile o$0,te bt6 ;#2alobrid lOtit Cr49k Ba~ce ins oi ; 2,7obc Buaerit ek Rama80,ord - $75, persio loI , Pai$80,lleyhutiadloti acres9.icroek, Pair ; $20y onsti i anti 19 i lti o ýand; 20,inouheldlco h11,eG. iolu,an21in lis Bib co fou, Gr . oaydonreat lv thsarhy 1877.Ca Ceanail atijoarnatolemeel agalu Sahnnetay 21st mut. Toev Hall, Juns 21t, 1870. -AI lthe deunt et Revisiôa lotiû Malmbers a1iprasent-TItore eeve pi eiding. Tld a eral apponaos redei illa au felloiers :-Barhblmnan Hicke assesset for toc muai landi, dismisie J. P. Folsy, lucome dismisseti, AIe Mcltae ueqaliysésesseti, dismire Mary O'etseset e Itigit, shshb iu atetinceasary decamalion, I asecesmaut sa-u eauceti $200, ara Ritcih's asesmeul for incorna v takien off. Doenald McPisdeanasnq asceesneait, dlieaiisact, be raqestid have lthe tettr W. uttet aflar Dont in lie nains Ivhtiat aas toue, Wiliî Ritlii, Sr. gainst somement of1 Pt. là, in ttc 2nd Cou., dismissed- O'3riea'e assmment retinasti $2 alec Itae folîowiug citanges avare Mec in Assssmnent Roll, Hugli, MDermot asacees a rn~ for 10 acres cf lot 12i 113 eai, helug!S.W. corner cf saitIo D. anti G. O'Brien, asesset as cavai for 50 acres cf N. Pt. 28 le 12 con. sn N. PI. 20 ia 12 con. Theo B.W. PI.1 in 10 con. b~d ýcresaasssea, le Jais Barbour for Asa houant sud Cernemit Doyle s u wr, asud lthe S. & cf lot lJ cou. 7, 'asseabal, te Arthur Boyle ii ilcuti cf Pelai Boyle, D. Mnrray's usai bia placeti on tise Resideni Rll for i S. 1 10 con. S! aI $200, Arthur Ren: asesed eri on . j>of 18, in bis lUth cci 50 acres, Mr. O'Leary, secendetl lir. O'Boyie, movad ltaIlthe Bell Ic thi yean 187ti ns neviset be adopîte excepl in se Ifur as an appeal le Ib coauty Jactgs ,May etievl. Carieé seccouutei y Mn. ilo- Geo, Davidson antI lte Ccouemot ton ordinaly' businet s nepsir lte eoutthill Ttc lisave in thte chair. Petitions avei Il vocal, anti repent ticeitantat inl as 'toilova :-Of L. MeRii il. -non andctichars, pnayiug for nid te in socontîcti y Mn. Ban- provo sida linq hataeei 253 anti 20 froi tlîe ceaiccil île adjeuru M. R. R. crosling te ltte 121b coin, a neti until Manda>', lis J. Lawreincea >t hers for nid te rg next. painrelid. lina eucaeen Lot S anti 6, cei nef~ ~ ~ ~ ~l antOlWanu 1 f J. P. 4?oley ad diacre prayin ýr o anIdio Woan, tic council te ýpues a ity.haw pre îlbitin voies, pige anti gessa runuîng nI lsng in te village of Brecib. 0f Jne. C ie fret -Ottawa, cuti Donusît anal oiens fer aid la gnaval I cd, andt rhtin n short con. Lot 26. -f Ducan Cetriisan oreviile, liera ncsiutctiotiers le have acedaularunIof 12t r,on lte tara of liter con., opposite LoI N. 1 22 in' -121h coi n Heooti, a cemi-idiotie Thes Rondisntd BritigesCommilles re ive or lhirty yaare of porledt liaIt tqy sti examineti Sucka alone, supporleit by Crsek Bridge qe Menk Ronti, mut sug t eîuanly is close ba- gestedt ltI#$20 h expendet inl bracini y- Thia manibng, me anti sîaying salai bridge. Report atiepi Lins mb m arkbtt, liay cd. Mv. Sullivan, sacondeti by Mn. 0O open andthtua aoman Lsany oe- t lant any ra-sitiant cavuini PB, parbly vitin lte lande lumorseia eune Rosti Divisiez 'as ciaserveti on ths andal my parcell cf sucihlaud ts oz an examinsîlon vas lte asceseimeri rrol ote evalus c et horrible spectacle $200 rateti. T1set tee sait reeiuidnt bi anal bis yard avare alloavedtite prfra is labour in th vilhain lte shauty on division viarelu ho nasities accortint vas s greal pool cf 10 lte Bcisetule$ Staînte Labour as h as muatie il appear us by-laavsel fôrtiýianti viens nuy sudi badtlaken place, final case coeunas ch pereon miîahl natif' sud Ihacu aroiutid hie lts Pathauster cf suait ResutDivision, Dnentiside. Tus vo- lunvitici suai Pnopery lesthîtlite in. t tîte tlonslp, leokedti aee oparforfi thetslabour in lie Div. glal be sleeping, baltavicrein i. reaides unti suai tcher petit ceu prôtrudet ieseati master aitali ual raquira suait paysan lu sîrcukeiailîtblood, p arfoca staut labheur lu hie Riond Div. mmes vas ulso covenati urniati. Wm.i Boultan, seconujet by Wem. Martin, store- 1 * . Sullivan, movedti bab bhie carpern. villa, vue intantati cf lion tie punehase 1, acre Lot 26 ha 1111 siug te lnagiv stahe con. Mars for gnavai andti lal Edaun t Mn. Hoti,_brolhsn Gttiegu out C Oommissianan antiMn. A Constable anti s Boullea punsine taicane providati isti, sud an inqusat is 1mb hitey cu do se ut a nensouabis cama ~rate. Carried. The clerk vas insînact- verdict w cci : d onetify H E. O'Dell nproceeti aM 1 cme e ler eat one ýiththebuidin oftic sideavalma ýfret a punictanat in Atihey on nelurnthe imenev grant- [nia, viathen irnliclett ar by titis conucil. Mn. 0'Boye sc- ýo unkucavupany, or cadeul hy Mn. 0'Leany atovet ltaIlits tlapoavn te the jury. - Rend Commitîse sel a lima fer lise vintea tasicl tat lis on le commence Oco sntracte; lot hy anal tint lte ounti tteaanti if nucl omeamncad aI litasel busei by a fail. by CommnissionaCréetic coetnach shalha linbls le ha valet ho soanecter persan 0E frmet Ialte Mai or pargnse, eacicommiesicune h ava >iuked for ils feeiish a recerv bid. -Canniati. s by ourna aft r ionti Commiselonens, Lemon satd t byjoural alan etinge icutrualeti te gel placoataîng politicat stnipe, Con- liserouet $20 avertit et elon a ci te be staitis of Ontarioaran broken by punties saasking nid me' icdig- uneomplimeehany ns- enteaI litey nsy enru sontlingt10lie Ian, C. F. Fraser anti on, lia atone te ha eseti fer repair of itivol lecenecîunrond, andtihle clark le pretince 1 dozen lievot inconectonshone itammens for lie use oetIbis main- ;ios. As a malter cf icipaliby. Mr. OLeany givesu natice 'ne tint te Catolia tiha i ii ahie texl ameting cf ltse aie for bts Gevern.e-cnecil latrortaey-l8ývs te exempt a a lhc canlrary, vcny a pro»oeci illLt-cm lares, sud also th. in scUescoustaleen- prot the lisnniug ai liarge cf certain sInoni g atlcolic Beo- animais lu luis municipalily. The tel. ,es ceoctd ain l eaing ameuntswaen. graulet on ouds, ils uit. It a qoile viaz- $40, gravélling Cenhre Roati, àr. Fiasar pinyct inl North ciflineahin, behavean'Lots 10 anti B sligitesl crIant bise il lunltae 4h con l. $25 on lie 11th con. as during lia caulest. opposite icI No. 17 te ha laid cal hy chas vans exception- puîîing on a coating cf senti, $40 on- imanhahive, sud vian- Tevu Lino hbtwEeu Mars anti Eltion, remanku te hie1,co'Lt 21. lut c=. Elden s 'asituilan aîmt. ilappeala tiare ia- bchng grainleti by aeueil of Eltan, $20 i t .spp ort the c big point road tr n-gi tes 25, 26 ecuaha vastem ni 7luleMb r . MWilliamn lia Cehinol, but bu- Ritabie aa insînuctedti henet cail ou ienl's recordi vas oeeDuncan Stewart hoé-perforna uhatule a lus lita support cf laburnas te (Sl6asrl) lu ecinl sa cta- ig sîclon, viataver dition l imtà on'unh labour. Clictiaes . iectarian appenle avesgranleal ton omounul andto10tle view cf scurnthlae s-ventai parties ahnothevaOW, Vi7 - Win. bey avare in lie tn- O'Doanel, serviles as ne useessor anti Rilion, anal lic onIY exbna vcnk for 18783, $85 ; W. H. Hi"- hema iy Ma'.Fraser (pins, a11.50 ?*ani Halas Bras., $10 nl ce- )S cf coueracling pectively ton ierenlhing' by-lav, clos- ultabion: et a reausc- ing trespuse nrO cl John MeRanabe, pleq, Tiare neyer rnnt tonik, $31 »1 Jerpmiatt 0'Ccnaone, be Ciolia vot frot rok $l0;jW. Eagan, repai.bng csly tita nov linLec ulvart, Centre Icati, 10 nI;Miss ýan, boeveabchicor Builma, ntadig ai ,$5. Coucil' ad - trieennsa nt ôaluty mulert, - MaanonteLe-n 1p. jjyýLit.' AI aca iro s. - anhu change for lth. bottr& ao. 1b Atllb.same vo stood ti h tua cf sudà ZingUl (gays tise correspondent Othe if.'yadr 'rmnetat ul tiSLondon Daily Nouas) Bnller's puople 1 raroietndwl lsal on ouipest duty blidbeen firiug antlte kuasviacitizenaIlet i hë S.Lawrence delZuinusMOngtlb. aocilssud cavei. I Hall, i. tond an&! snthusiastlIin bis iddcoutl chusne Zulu. ; but then SouthbM- praisu of Gillus' Liniment lodideA. leorek fin warfaro vas new ta me, and I moula. The joints lu bls limbe wurc sený dii nole veu kuow what wu a ae lu'soustiU that>it was vithidilmonty Ibat Fn, South A.ficata signification ofet ghe rni.'lho could waik, audiblfe Linimentlcurual lex. luefficer called me te th.e edgo'of tie t. - an- ràpoandti 101 me liaI a Zuln cave S.lId by S. W. B. Suili & Co., r.0. ew me. I le.okeal dowu te sop a Wbllby. 'Senti for'pan blet,' £au. senrateti pile of diajoiuted. broken oraget li GrarE, - - pieèd tegelbur loouely lu somu 'natural 120 West Broadway, N. Y. I oni convulsion. Thei. orage 'ver. oateal Trial i. 25 cents. - mon wvitli-nsh bnb bving a- spikeoef brl$ht 1 $60', ýorafgo biessemuo. Crauces vere, vasi- Encloe IsArnica Salve. ion. hie hetwen lhe -or as Iu "lieu, tb& aye ZUlup, I vas bld, lsy id. As *ae Tice BsT SALvz li hie orlal.for lion watcheti uomethhlg movoti close to 1h. Ctl, 3uis. nsus, Bores, Ulcers, Salt om menti cf oneofethle 'holas, anti' aalrodp- Blie eTe0er, Ciappeal Hanal, Chii- islp or fired inte iletah a venturu.- He' hatibiains, Corne, sud ail kînde eof ekin 075, lot drive, i. said, -ah a ýZulu, snd noe empIons. ,Tihis ý Salve le. guaranteed' t4 ; donit i. knov viat 1ho vas doling. té givo perf0ectsatisfaction M, eVery case Sth This I kucw, tisaua wo rode downuthe or money refin'del. PriaIS 25 gents par le 4 bihl a doen or se-f-tZulus >appareti bex. For salea1'y S. W. BISuaithb be. frouta em ere ou lbe tablu-isual, ex. Co. Wihby. M. changeotss viis caur reargnard et rork - roopurs, anal yellcd afer u a vorode, The Most Vatuable Gifts-i-Restoretion, ýodl away. Of lte Healht on veu N TE ALET.Duriug'lte past theu yers lbe Great 'ago As Lord Chelmasfordi rode futé camp: Shosiones Remsdy bas fibut e OP- lhe alarinawuas su'ddnly soundd-a deel vr peioat guyrauee tie aise alaran, et coerse, jut le show 1h.e ai: ale ulc trnlgat p Çhe h (3su tîeaale etfproparedueus cf madentoy toeublc.'ase ofLng sades, tue Wecd's conjamant., Il vua asight 2yepsi , Lver Complainte, aÊficition )n';,awihWood -might vel'Il bavis been ofte dey i CrclComplainte fer P orovntli .lnt luetevery desgniption, lualading Scrotule savarmedtihlt.monii ntoe lager ; lu sud Skia Diseases et lite-long duralion, on ]oestitan tva minutes troualte bugle- bave beau permaueuîly remeveti anal bsut lie bneaslwcnrk vas lineti by eradicaleti,- Thoe o vie ohlutieoreti ready Iroope ; Matni-Houny's brileit their tesîimony ta tho effisyev fthe troan the anggons ; andti liasgene4 Remotiy, are net bogs9pep0oin un- force vas rbady te repel lhe ensel et beard-of-localitiee of foraiglà ceuntriea' an eemy. Trseiantesla lie lime but respectable cllizene cf Ibis country, uy. allowsece at nigitfonrlte mauuiug et easy te acces anal open te question, Pr-Ilh aa sîepaIl rsn& for toeete .upon viiose verbal recommandations son on soop ll eadyfor ciin, een voweare aviling te reet the, repulalion cf oIy, losir boots, sud have noîbig le tdc but lte Greal-Shos'henes Remedy. If yen ae, lo pulloitthle tanl polos said-holt fcr are afflialeui, dc net llalay um4ir medi- ,ex. tus luager, tise allevauce is ample. cieqMay las poverlese ho aid yen. Na 5e, Wood binsoîli as nover untineaseti er injurions effecîs can poseibly Lltaw lie iav- ijat bis boots off, save for bis bat, use cf lisse Indien Remediles, au lhey bean cestisa loti Jauuany. cenlain ne minerais, y avictiche' fate i55 EING CETEWAYO'5 vaÂTtc. cf theoinvaiia is -e eter saleal under ias UaI Cshsavayc la seal le have killsdDa- lise forut et soute lmporarysetiativaoer le balmanzi, witi s namben of peeple ho- stimant. Titese Indian Remetiies aeu aid louging le biian. The neason is saidti lwavdeiy keovu anal still peausse lie pnb- amn b ha iaIhtey excaedelteentiers ah lic confidence, afte the lapos cf.suffi- N Iaudula anal ionkee Drift, andti liaIoient lime Io lest theirefocy. Do they deeeivcd tisa-King as te lie Eng- Tic Siesioneas Vegetable, Sugar ý0lis t sînught h y nol underslualding it. Coaleti Pille bave von. for thtmcset-a'es ide If traie, il l a sppoacti te le going le ltae mosl favorable repulalion, c-f-,auY Dtcave lu, sndi crave marcy for timself by pi11l bstons he public. fltoir effiecy - in~ iaying aitlte blame on hie efficers. bas beau faliy proveit as a renaedy for aut Tbene iB d ob ifficuihy te gel itilieusuese, Sicil Heatiache ant i tactivi- ers a notearmy toeon t fth o f hestamacl.i. îfLte nom-t ln vannions aneataI liir cava homes. etiy in plul boîîlee, $1 ; Pille4,25 couls 19 THEWR ON(SMTHE OANG~E IVR. a box. Solal by ail modicine duealers. t tes Tic van on lie hauke cf lte Orange - neB River le virtnatly ever. The main Euhoy Life. 18, sîrongiold t h li.euemy, sihuati e -on n- oeeof tie isîsutis, vas carniet inlua Whthas luly beasuifulwvend ave livo ne ancet daebing avay hy our fonce&. A I Nature gives as grandeur cf mena-1 Pt. gecal deal cf tie suovese lu atlriiutable tainse, glaus anal eceani, anal Ibousandee ly, le lte Alhcrnny-Genual, vîto vas pneu- cf menas cf enjeymenl. W4 eau deé. 'n. cal, anal le semasdegrea dineccing op.sire ne boîter w in hapenfecl beaith;3 by eaaions, bal boy oflen do te mujority cf pecc.A or TR EPENS ci a-ez LTa-E ~ ple est lice giving il np disheanlaneti Bdtcieienageal anti worriedti alailisdis- ti, Tite Pietermaritzburg conrspondent eue, avisa lierexis aie occasion for Ibis cf lie Cape Aagus.ccmplsins tint lime feeling, sa svea'y enifonor eau easiIy Ob-.:E B.pases, andt lat lie militas-y axpendi- tain sutiefactery proof liaI Grsen's Au.1 hune,wvichii nov saidtotebave neaci- gual FIovr iii mails them au fres e d sevan million 1s stiiug, goca on at froan diseuse suas hem r. Dyspep- ltse nuls cf above s million a mentît ; pis anti Liver Complaitl the direct but m thc prospect cf hoalililis e bing cause of sevsuly-five per cent cf suai 3r brengit toleasconclusion, wistsn hy anmaladies n-hjiuneIndigestion, e-arrangement on hy lhs decisive succes- Sick eaudaclie, Costivenese, Nenvone e-es-cf car arme, appears more distant Prosîrultei, Dtzziness cf the beand, pal, StItan ever. pitation cf lia henrt, sud échar tilînsa- Of ing symptoma. Titres doses cf Auguet o. He Rather Liket IL Fiower vilî imprçava preve ilswavener. 0' ag -Oua f cu aval keva cttass va teffect. Sample -botIeà 10 cents. g sitting ihie paniers lis otien evcning CTrv ily. rsl yS ' .Sil ce surrountiat by is avfe ant i cltenCeWhby - t- e viss bo nversation lernietiupen .1lices anal alhuikes, sudteste anti fiavon l:ý' Notices of Birtks, Murricges, utl cf varions condiments. One pereon andi Doatha chargeaI 50 cont8 acle. hi prsfcrro4'.$,Ibis, aditen ltaI, avisaa_________________ L t.. 11111e blus-eyed, fter.year.cld spoke np B I RTH S. t- anti saiti site natter liketi Castor 011. r Titis seamet i elgular ;*butl ti lent sunr. HILLA.RY.-At Phoenix Park, Bal- r- prieing, avitn vo knoav htintlsic Iat aclava, Ja maica, ce the 281i May, lie m ig very moruing, hut ae laking sema cf vifs cf Dr. J. J. Hillary, P. M. O., cf t- Scotl& Bovne's Palatails Castor 011. a daugilar. s For sala iy T. Gr. Wbclfielti. Prias 25 D E A T H S. gcents. 41n-27 - Di In e FRASER.-Athlianrfter'a reaitionca,- In Insursigia, uculea ndtiinflamatuny Bya-oa St., Wily, ait Ttunsday, loti niteumatism, enlargeal joints cf lte Simon sudEmmar ser. le c le tantieanti feel, etiff nck, paiesleilthe b acil anti loins, heatiache, I1 recemmenti CORNELL,-On Bantiay, lte 22ut i gDr. Gils'Linimealnt, oiti Ammonis, Jane,'John Connalli braWer, Toronto$,_ R. S. LATIAN, 0Che11111t, lunlte 541h yean cf hie âge. ' of, yCen. cf Bieny anti Cnntg St., Meuneai. LANGSTAFF,-At her resitience, an Solti hy S. W. B. Smih leCo., Richmonti Hill, June 21st, Mary Anu Joc Wiitby- Senti for pamphlet. Miller-, isioveti vifs cf James Lang. fo Da. GîLais, etaif, Mt. D.ut - 120 West Broadway, N. Y. 'MIItLER.-Sualtenly, June 22ual, ut ait Trinal s25 cents.liensaeecfiiso-.sv nerO Soîti iy S. W. B. Smith le Co. astifane quarter -$4.. OU. < $4si50ô, Whilby. Senti for pamphlet. Sisepskîns .............$0 -75 <g $0 80 B ts lRites ................. 85 W@ es50 'T Dut. Gms, Ponk, par evl.........5 OU0@0O8560 jFoi 120 West Broadwany, N. Y. Lamba ................$2 50 #8 OU p Trial size 25 cants. (Salves.................. $4 @ $85 --Onicas ................ 0 0. 1 M Tunatps............. .. Oc Porson entier tbe epoation of Fal- CarraIs................. 15o <g 10 Jua love' Hypopitosphileés slouhd examine Citickeas, purpair-....45 @ 6o temr blooti nienthe microscoe froin Ducicu par pr ..........06 @ 60o limetleMlie, anti mark Itie iacrcase cf TG eyo pr ...........e OU 1 neti aud active partiales anti diminution cTuvre..pe.i..........Se 0 cf lte wvite onraleat iee; hese oheer- Timoty .............1 75 i<g $2O00, valions are inlsrestiug aund instructive. Wooa, nuvasheti -$.... 0 09- @' 10 .uhu........... 18 @ 20, La Pers De Aubrièl, cf lie Frouais PORT PER R Y MARK-R'B. Bt Ciurcb, on Tveuly-hid sîneet, Nov York, 4eyetee bis lifo te vieiîing lie Part Penny, Jane 251h, 1879.: poor andthle afihiciaul, sud lac mot oniy NVts, spnlng ............0 80 $0 198 Ge gives lte consolation cf reigion, bel Wheal, faU t................. 5- 100 prefenihas lis use of Giles' Liniment F leur .................... 50W OU Ioditie Aimnonie, ant inistsel relief is Pas........... 0 0 ce expenienceti. Oats-------------------..... . ý O U7 Soiti by S. W. B. Smitha leCe. Cern-----------------.....0 41 5 - Wiithy. :Sont for.pamphlet. Claver Sec.------------3 10- i, U Wit -Dat. ac.IEs, Naalols-----------------O... 045 0 50 tva 12 st Broadwaay, N. Y. H fe ............-..4 50 O 110 S] Trial sizýe 25 cenu8t. Plork........... ......... 5 00 Q O 1 mgh BalIsa'----------------...... 0)8 O 10 ias 'SUDaI.N CcGLaS."-AtI lic ' n en- ggs-----------------...0 10 0 18 Ray................... (0 10 0 oU i cemnentcf'a colitk, a t aspocafal cf IBoer-------------------5 80 G 00Ra Penny Davis' Pain-Killer lu a 11111e miîk Wooll----------- ...2.... 190 8 0 Ciese ................... 010 "-0 12 anti saigai,anathie cura is sueraensiden Wool.........020 21 lt htho lai ad........ 010 0 12 Wh Woodsbaock or A G. MaMlsta Ddet WeIck, tit day ai dîme, 1879. PR OCLAM4 h1 ADOMINION - DAY.' Tite chitizen" ef Witby ar-e neqeseet close htir places of business, con TUVESDAY, -JUI1Y 1ST,, 1879, -antiobser-velthe day as a GENERAL HOLIDAYr -mbultheCot-poratia cf he Town of Wlbitiy. - -MAJOR HARPER, - Mayor. Givea under my baud saI Witby, Ibis 251h day et Jane, 18795 -27 RE Q-UISI TI ON 1 To* MAJOB'HARE, Esq., Mayen eti the Tu oSf WVitby. Wa, the uuutersigned pnaspenty-easnens of lis Town ef Witby, itereby roquentl yen te rail a Publie Meeting-intice Odi-:Fetlewis l, inc lie Tc¶vncof.Witby, ou Frtiday eventiti', dune 271i, 1871, aI S, P. M., 10 dis- ctaiet #10,000 By-iav, andalvtter it ie te lie interesaeft h. ntevur airse bte Easpkin'a Hall Dilate. Andi yens-petilien., are ville-ver puay. R-.HLJaSson, C. Sctt Jr . . leep, J. Srnith, A. G.,MaMiai, Jà. U Bobenhsen, A. M. Rocsa, W. Adamts, J, Ferguson, J. Hl. Leng, W. Watenheuse, j. A.-ial, Issac Itatisa', F. Clark, 0. Nou-se John liraan, A. C. Wilion, L. Heuck, J. i. Greenveed, B. J. Guan, J.Q. Kelly, daita Shav, Wma. G.ti H.Heva *~N W. Brown,, W. Hl. AunaG.Âsin;' T. Atkhisan, C. Peny legian, H. H. Crosby, Jeu. SIons, 'Y., Gisany. and althera, In coilianea avili lie aboya raqacat I ucrebyceil s PUBLIC MEETING et rulepayars of lie Townaoet Wlibtby, for'- Friday Ev'g. June 97thr-'79. AI the ODD-FELLOWS HAI*I,-aI 8 o'itock, P. in. 1 MAJOR HARPER, June 2Unti, 1878. Mayor. TENDERS Wy ILL BE REDEIVEt) FoRl BE- bnlding hanse, deBlrayedby fine, an L 61, 2nd cencession af, Pickeiig up ho 12 oeclockasn - VR4DN-EBDAY, .ttndi ,TtTL' 1179. Psais anl specificato n ay ha scea at ay raulidence, Dulamns'Crack The howeel er ana- tender, met necssarily tesplti. ' ,ANGUS MeKAY. affmi Cneek, Juns 251h, '7û., lin-2, Farmn to Rent.' PWO HUNDED ACRES, BEING JL casmpceed cf. 100 acres, tie uorth-bsii ILtN.85,,'i hé,ce ral ccoscai of 'itha, anl >100 ast-oi iohi-is! cf laI ne, in>the Ina! cancession of Pckeng,, ad- cing.About 1901 acres ceaereul. Sui- tanltal dvelUitg, oulhuilding ba-ns, an- tngroud lceila-. Gooti oncrd antisudliving neam of -estertrotig lthe land., Passes. !ou efthe Pickenhng 100 acres-on iraI zltobernest, anti cf btae Witb-100sacres wil Apnil, 155. -Tenantl vii bava pnivi. ;se ai pionging as sien as arop off. Appl- le _ _ JAMES KEITI! GORDON, eAIIRISTER le ATT0RIMEY-AT-LAWP- ) Rliciter in Chancer-, Can-veaancsr, otar-- Publia, u&o. Offces-Duaas St. ilt doan veel oS Axmslreag'a Hatli. ,- ISonea- la Lean-pivaa fand,-ab 1ev tercet.- rARM -FOR, SALE. RHAT EXCB LLENT FABX IN TEB -Towntship et Be ach Canula-ai Onaio, 'atot ha- Charle a si, eing, Let 24, ita s 141h Cen. ite afera for Suie Ti arna,- siînahed- eue-hl aitamile ftram lieSa- uva statasion ltao W. P. P. & L. R'-., i etgit miles tram PorI Perrv'co-saii- Ia sacolu, ciarchas ani cmille Tiers , 162 Acres, oet vihi chîar âaiiai-la rut-eas saats fcf ativaisn5 eill eaice Id vabereal ; lie bulaicesu gooda bard- ed ineit. 1>eod Psx=-aneDavwlain s., Barn snd ables. TERMS, BASYe Tenders are sollaleil. n parianians, appa- te s ian altae remises, onrla lthe uadonignel. ALEX. BLACK, Rom-A P.O ne 2â4h, 1879. - -27 TUE SINGDJR EWING MACHINE,, ty the iBest, Buy no0 cther. >4 . GU nLTHhh5E, P. O. Âualey- înuine Singer Sewing ma- Chine.- &DUCED IN PIRIOR. THE BEST MACHINE IN 'THE WOERLD. 10 boughl f t0 nillion sent. spleunidi1 THE BE ,l oul- by E. gRO -E. Fros3i Iage of dci business iu building e 01 MA HOW L Of, on tth. radical PbS'utah Inca t-tsge, etc., ree E8eay, cdeanl years' succesai clequeuces at cure imtsetf c evryoYunh ai CULVERW P.0. Box aea DÃ"MII1 Tues TH ~willmaki Relnrniug-i Port Hope ut 1G) a midnighî, silov au lte grand sive and Moaci For pas-ticlcan grammes. RETURN T WHWtmtleBoy Hoe.'or Cobat Bowavillc St bourg, 40 ceate. te Port Hope ur respeCUliy 'Abave-Faresaa vantia udoube t goas ta Ciarlolla =Ticets ant int Agaul, M.E Taegrüapi Office SGOD BLD liane 181h, 18791. S8tra wbî WAliTEDï t-r, Wasmea ant i Grti uL. C. Hall' mails sautof Whlt Jute h, 1879. p UBLIC MT Natte uit erel Mut-y 3JSquire là agalnst MY vit1s provocation. I1th 1 or-'pesonsa, train1 i at-y credt o n zy i raupenuibie for s ber, aller ibis data Aaaliay, dune 7h, WIY- A commn h You can gelti îic peovar ue aI une 24th, 18711 1 i r

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