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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jun 1879, p. 3

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ry, GtoaOver. 2- iÛr4fiat JH Why go? dm.Om tezla~i Beoause we bave found it to TEBw Ty MG. 8110L. our intorest te do se, and w.- lilas Entranco ExmInatloi', hi@ istraiglitfurward way of doing ~~Ebf~Îi p business.b hld OUl TtTESDÂy AND UEDNBSDAY, in what does the homse ex.- Bh.1n th9Jl, -g, . G90. H. RBINSON, X & col.? Large Stock. The kind of june lltb, '79 -.1 Had Kmut"r. (Joode hat wo want. Ono Price.- No Credit. And Cheçtp beyond BLY - ~..' iju1-ltion. Y - Olus-thirdassio, payable an the. lie blanae lu tirI> day& hiaut lutersst. reepets tihtran sd aoo.- s0ii b. thOstanding cmidi. orto ai Cieor>. wticulsrs cenbcha h tfrocs er & PlukIe, Darrlsters, &a., rA. G. MeMiian, Esq., Br- vooil~k thiI tueuly-tilrd 1870. 3igue.!) HB E1 mater at Woodstok. LAMATION I INION DAY.' ei of Whitisy arc reqoestsll ho oir- placas ai businemm, an Y, JULV 1ST., 18711, 1ahser4a t1ise day as a - RAL HROLIDAY Ccorporîhloîî ai tii.Touwn ao' Wiitby, 'MAJOR HARPER, Mes>' baut Wilstby, bMayor. f a>' ai June, 1879, I -7 IIPzII, Esc1, Mayor cf hby. y , lrsreby r. esh yon ta tolu 11,1 &liFllws' ciWisîby, an Prude>' 189 Ip ,te f 16- h 0 anhopurahase lhe ae. Ail yaur palitten. C. SétthJr ,E. *laep, Mian J. à.Itohertmon, lanis# j, ergosan, J.1E. use, J. A. Biadeli bseo . Znrse, John i.ryeu, auoc, JE. Ordsoo aly, .101111Shiiiè W ~4W. Broyawn' ,TÂklaueo, d. psn> Y, ou Stan,, Y. Gîbsen Li t1iseaboyé-rijeo IC MEETING cf tho Touai cf Wiitîh>, for June 27th, 179. LLOWS' HALL, &ah9. MAJOR HARPER', - Mayor. DPER S îE REDEVLeB FOR RB. dic g iiauoetdsstroyae b>' lire, on concesmsion cf Plckdrlog, np tg 42 12o'iiioa, oun ,'SDAY, 2,ud ,ULI', 1870. seccifcaIieui nie>'chOusse ah Ge-oin roek. 1 ot er ami>' tender, iiehUécooarnit ANGUS MUKAY. rm q-Rent, :UNDIID ACRES, DRINGý eIo lu 00ai, the cuamhiihalf ), Us, lu tue arf canceqpian cf cil lI acres, ucclis-ha'c1flot lr.! ccasess.s a i Pckening;, sa. haut 190 acres clamai. Soi. ellissg, Ocuthiidingo berneun. sllr.'uoeil orusisrci, aud living> Vader hîsattoglstise land. Pusses. m piveinlg100 acces ouflirsI atassiiWsîîh 100acres 1, 18W,. Teunant uî-taoPnvi. guog se eH o»cas trop aif, R. D, Gt7TIIL, 58115 KEI'ii<I (ORDON, RISTER & ATTORNPY.AT.LAW, llitor ln Chancer>', Canysysucer, Puiblia, &e. Olflee.-Dîînda t, osr usiîtcflAriiestcs-ng'e IleisIe. my Oc os-sitefende-t lau RM FOR SALE. T lIXCEsLIUhNT k ItM IN TEE 'sîsililp af liisels Couint>' cf Otarlo, s>' Clisîles 3ii~lç, Ibelîug Lgt:24, lat aId oue.lîall ceILmile mmthie se*- Ictice ou Ie ,l. .L. Bcy.,, lt1th f mmuil amsPot l1rry, canveal. tl c'st ltand xu1hIs, ticere Aurvi,~ tel IVII'-12 le(Inocar acila u me id i t' uitivatiom uall fencel lerel ; teilsi,iýlcn plsgol bancd- eiimîeDwe(ilisîg lheule, Danaud 4S, EASY. 'I'teideris are slicll*d. Itilere, eii>'htrio auner an thie s, orcu t eiauseciriguef. - - ALEX. I3LACIi, Is, 117F, . TVIH iSIN GE B V,1NOG MA CH/1N'E, 1û,l3est, B'uy ino other. ýUY NONE, BIUT TIHE ne Singer Sewing NMa- chineo. 1Ai) IN VPRICETME EBSIT 5 IN rajTUEWOBLD. n f qf reof said a,".e rt andl -A Bg4law o mb tebui E. FR~OST, for oheap Dxy Ubu t.rid a a Goodas, 1e8lMe an old song, in these PamP08oacf .pu.riaa.ng the O ly noton as h Hopý part eluaÎc Hall, in, Chhê'aaid l'c,ý WhtiCl, njd h. 'uV«MC*&rin E. Frost enjoys the advan- 8aid Hall, Md the Iaoul aCtac tage of doing business in the most tHalg,. ad Cbehorit q, h. à strilaing and prominent place of of Debetures. for jh. ,said1 business in Whitby. Thse handsome cha*,ud, £0and 911 4 SpEaCa buildinxg erectedl by, and for thse 'Lt0O Ynl"l COf "à .debe ODDFELOWS WHREÀS, the. Municipasl OorporatIcz _________________theTovuof Wbitb>' haveate=am ta purohase the. uorth.halva of1 MAN H OO D.: Ih ltÏe oscg Rangs cf Town Lots, EuB#t af P 110W LOST, 110W RESTORED. îrl ,i tesidTw'of whithy We bae reontl publshod a ofLotsnumbors TwOutY.six andT* A M W aeention f Dp uisheda tv-ssj ,oltihe Pirat concession ',f uav diton a Dr VUIor. Tavnsl'p i fWlslthbyb'4a eWor, Weil% Celobrated Essity and the, buildings an'd ersations on1 ou ths radical andlpmrnanom etcre (without said. aboya dssorlbed lands, and1 mediclus) af Nervous Dshil]ty, Mental anda f oriturs ln theIlaHU therean ersam Physical Incapaolty, Impedimenuta toa Mr. kuo*u as i"Hapklns' insia Hallpai e nagO, etc rsllgfomeese. -for the, prics or uniaifNine Thons, I~Prciaaeseld envsope, oni>' ô Ive iiudred Dollars, which galdaa, cetsar woncalageset a of mon the Veudors Of tihe sald lan The cealebraed &uthoýr, lnn tus admirable and sal inculture have agrad ta Esea>', clerly demonstrates, from tirty cspt for ths sanie; and Yeare' suicasaul practice the alermiog con. Wisrsrs ta carry into effeat the'said sequences mae orad!aaàly corai l wiaiout cîced abject, it wili h. useessa 'fort tise dangerous use of internai medicîne or slXCroelnt sufobtu tiapplication cf the koîf a; polnting ont for thiesaun of Ton Thousanil Don" e mode cf aura et ancs simple, aertain and lnuMillner herelnaiter metioned ai elleatual, hy umensof-whilhever>' sufferer, Whereao it ViII require tise sunio a i cueme whes cdllo i> hm hundr0d dollars, tabie raieldannul cura hmellcispY, privateîy and cadi. b>'spealalrata on the. iols ratsab eaU. -propecty ai the seuulMulolpalit>', Tale Laatctre aboulal b. in the iiands of tle payment cf thi. laid suni offTc avec>' yauth sud svery-maaniluthe land. thouseanil Dollars, eand th. intere .Addressthe tiiereon, et the rae 1S ix par centui CULVERWELL MEDICAL, CO.. Wh PIea:tnum, payable half.yearly , sud 41, nn i,.NewYork trustheanilunt Of thse whole rateal di, Ân St. NewYork peopert> af thse sald munlelpellîy,,a . ox 458i0s, ly.f 7 cordliug ta the. lest reviasil assesaueý Rail, halng for the yaar ane thousarc - -elght hundred aud savent>' elght,j tI7 t a s g thu dand saveul DOM INION DAY 1 ou thousan.!, savon isunuira a Tuesday, lat July. Whom1as, tiie amauntai the exlsting deb - ~hotialfty uthe. sum a ,uan lve hundrsd an, TB E STEAMER ~fil ty Dollars, fcr à2ciapel,an hei sOpr f h a principal or interes »» thereon, lu arrears; andi S" Whereâs, an aunual Special rats cf oue mil CO an sd twent>'.six hundreilsocia mili CO-.1 thse dollar upon tii. whale.rtai c c~ prt>'cf ts seul ocf Whlthy, wil DOanecesser>' and raquireil for jpacés N tha utsrest, andl foring e sm"m N 0 «R S E A N fond sufflient-for paylni ftiie prinai O R '~ ~I APal Of the :aid dsbîtaehaiireby aea Wüllnmako au Excursion, as vitn the pericd oftwentars, heret follows tu the provisions cf tha statuts la tisa bhall, macla and provided. W1111l ave Whilthy, .80,a.M. ;Oshawa, DO it tharsfora auacted b>'thie Municipal Oasm, BcWMatuviue, 7.05. a. M. ;Nawcastlea Canna1i cf the Ccrpocration cf tha Town .1ienl., for Part Hopeansd Coorg. cf Whithy, and Itle[s hareby eneot.d Cobur u 9.59 M.1. That It sal n a elewful for tii p'ort Hope at 10.00, P. m flowmauvilEm12, nlipzt cf ,s Corporation ci sifoîuglît eallo j famiq imeta wîile the Taow W it taurciiasa the all thse granid dru u s nd ln sud praxulsas herasubefoeapnar. get1?ir .oasd ticolr>dascrihad andl the furnifure iiownssnlla, wiill aYs muais more extan. luta ratàticukoua aiva andl woudarfull& o an e . nth a lleetàtornk na leur pationiars teeagePser ndpo Hopkins' Musict Hall, et or Ïor the Sala grammes. runde orsu cf Nina thousand, dve SETURN TICKETS, .5 followa 2. Tiiet for the. purpose eforegaid, tiie WIUTJii te flewmanvulle, 40 cents, ta port Mayer cf theiaseil Municipalit>' cf the Hiopea1or Cobourg, 60 tanite. OiAsîWÂ te Tcwn cf Withy, shah ceusa Dehen. BowmtRuville, 80 Cents, ta Port Hoxia or Ce- hauturea cf tisa Ccrporation cf the bourg, 40 cents. BowenvWe ansd ZNawcaotla Town cf Whlcby ta bs :made ta tiie to Port Hope or Cohourg, 40, sud 80 cents, amount not excaedlug lu the. whle, the reepectlvely-. sum cf Tan tlsousand dollars, esci De. Aboye ars are for the round tribouture ta be for no suni less tion oua Theisanvlgortug sali on thanlaiua la huudrad Dollars, whlii seid Deban. wothdoti temoue>'. Tii. Steamer tsrs.jhei b. saied wlti tiie sel cf gouià to Chelotta direct from Wiithy. tise Corpsoration, and signed by- the Tickets sud Information from ,Steamers sulaIsopaon hes a m>' he ahhor ebh Agent, Mc. 1B. STEPHIENSON, Dominion tSesna Myl athoedsmeab Tuiegrepl Oilice, Whlthy. sheil id Canni, te sigu h aie n GOD BLE8S OUR LAND 1 er cf thé said Muncaledii5Trasr JsUeO iSti, 1879. .20 B* TisaItih sald Debeuturas siail hae mad e - -_____ ayable lu tweuty years frcm thse day bareineiter mantianed, for tuis By-law Stra wberry Plokers 1 tta kse feat et tii. Branoii or Ageno>' cf the Outerl anek lu the.Town cf Witby, sud shahhLava atteohed ho WVANTED, twent>' or thirty 'a c kero, thera coupons, fcr the paymenh of Woieu sud Girls preferced, v'!io uil picik lteret et the rata and l intei.meur tiucougii tia sesson. ApplY' to F. J. Dcaw heainaftar manticusil. on L.-. C. alls odl farmuoeeasd e-bell 4. Tiiet the. seid Dabeturis siiall bear mile eastof Whithy. intereet et, and altar theaesof six par Jou lOis,157. P. J. DtE W, Pro . cautum par annnm, from the. data Juli 18h, 179.2iu.Ïa thereof, whiqh interest shallibe payable 771tisa monhe 1 tauar>'and Judin~l TUBLIo NOTICEeasciiyear, et tiisaid tiiOutearlo p u ia heui dTowu cf Whithy. Notie i iaehy îve liI, m i'î,5. Tiiet for tiie purposa cof focmng !a sik-k Mary J. Squîra has lait imy boal anngfnd brpyoatcrtidsd e agaust us>'will sud consent, itobon~ hutures, aud the Interest tiiereon, et proo ,witoutany tii. cte foresail, an equal specal rate lavcAtieu. 1 tisarefore fenbil anroii of cue miii sud tweuty-slx hundref e ai (Ir persona, from iiarnourung or gtvlug hier a mil[ lu tise Dollar, siisll, lu addition au>' crafit On mu> accunt, as I will noi e a ta ail char ratas, ha ralssd, lavied and ruespouisibla for euy faits coutractef 1>' collectedtin luasciiyer, upon ai l h lier, alter tuas data. aebepoetinheSlMuc- RICHARD SQUIIIE . pait>',.duriug tiesa sad terni oi huent>' Auldle>', P. O., Pickering, years fcom thie aoming tusta afisat cf Auidley, Jue 7$ii, 1870. *Olîî.25 tus 1y-law, unlass suah Dobeutures - cie~shll he sceller pal1. afetc 6.Tiit this By.iaw shall tako feto _WS M K E f romu a ater tiie tirty.llrst day aI Jloetlsoueend, elgisI hundreul sud Aconussueiu tobacco %VhiEN for 7. Tiet tho Twety.ei ith de ci ýJuna, tise saine Prioe ty-nisie, at tha e ciftii. Clark oi thei j0ýýCaogellheMV&seid Munialpalit>', et lis Odd-Fsllowa' Yu~ ~ g~t h~ M~l~ a~y? Hall lu the seil Town af Witb>, ah th clex fTuelve o1lck, ilocu, is - -~~ - 1 votes, shh b, or rtiiWrh g Fesser 1or Centra Wsrd, Jamssal4. Camuphal; fcr South Ward, Jordan TuM LIVERy ' LIVERY PsI r Counuil Ciiemher, Witby, Jua 2nd, 1879. I.24 NOTICE. TAXE, NOTICE, tul4at e bovu le -us tati, cOPY ci a propose.! Bjý-lw, wiia ViIIl b a haes Inoacossierstlon b>' tise -~ ~Municilpal -Counailoai the. Carpoat on cf .he Town aifIVilti', sitar csloesontis c roni the tirret puhblatinîle isereof, lu tha Whuth RE limsidregned suiýIt j Cuuaî,ms 01n icLE nuewepaper, blisef in tise tasM' RCe s ud Plio. Iblevehigl nt. hoeu lideacomfcal Viîî Town al Whithba dwhiec saisnIpub. etn 100 messeuntce.Ail cafeas attendcd licatio a sa OU .ius, tiie Iliti d4y of ta e 1hetlt P'tltitlty Trins lu. Jonc, 1879, and et tiie haur, day and places Llr., ussbles ntt Royl, 1 ilotel. .fxed foc taklug tise votes cf tise OIecOan, A.-& J- C. PRINOLE. ti oi ui hi. Te- Vhhii»'Mach Iltis, 1878. 12-tfi thJoc TIOS. IhUSTON, '70, C 3;,%)rtb BROCIC DRY Wh. .wmsol ppou As no Books viii b. kept na bad debta viii b. lneorrd and ustolaies viM X veta p y oQier peopbs dul AT: ~ A-T M AýN' à a rs peo Êunitd. It la no if' en wt au>'- thlg yau do flot see, aak for it. WhltbY, Jue Ord, 1878. 81n.25 TOWN TUBASIUBEB'8 S aeOf l'an ds f;r la 11es, OCERIES, airoeu a lw >ler l Towvuf ai b>' B' l of c couneof 0tàeorant uderth Cao î.af ' r o fcitise ma tie SOMiof the Oaport<oAf is Whltby, dâta.! ts.e Nneteth dayci l87Oommdilngmtoie' ù *p0ui mentionn.!in tise fllvlg'lails lug patente.! lande, 'for the âaers al therean sud costs, as isereinaftsr set1 Thoe are theruior. ta gIve uotice unies. tise sal arroasd cost" areý Pa2d IaBl, inaaomplleuc. VIth tii.à monAct prc"dto eu y PublicA et the ToH!M, iluths Tavu cf W u THUBSDAY, thit li ayaif Sept AD., 1879, et tise liur ai Tont o'cloah, Forenacu, ths salic lande, orsno mcci oi as me>' b. necesisi->'for the lares,a lawful charges inaurrenluanalabout sale. PEIMI'8PLAN, NORTH 1WJ -WEST OF BROCK STRET à< 141 16 24 40 1 45 142 1481 805 1415 148 8 65 21 1 45 144 865 M21 145 145 8659 8 14da 147 8 89 8 1415 148 8159 8 1 45 1149 a59 a 145 152j5 129 12 1 45 154 8159 8 14do 155 8 69 8 1 45 151 8 69 8 146 157 859 8 1 45 108 859 8 1 45 159 8 59 8 1 45 160 8 89 8 1 45 161 8 89 8 1 45 162 a859 8 1 45 168a-69 8 1 45 164 8 59 8 1 45 165 8 59 8 1 45 160 8 59 8 145 167 8 89 8 1 45 168 8159 8 1 45 109 8 59 811 45 170 8 88 20 1 456- 171 889 20, 1 45V 172 19 87 46 1 45 1 173 19 92 48 1 45 Z 180 ô828 12 1 45 1 181 524 12 1 45 1 182 528 12 1 45 188 524 12 1 45 184 5 28 12 1 456 155 124 12 1 456 * 186 8 59 8 1 45 e 187 8 89 8 1 456 188 8 69 8 1 456 189 8569 8 1-45 1* 8 9 8 1 46 5 1938 859 8 1 48 1965569 8 145 5 196 628 12 14#56 197 5 24 12 1 45 6 198 528 12 1 45 0 199 6 24 12 1 456 200 5 28 12 1 456 201 5 24 12 1 456 211 12 48 80 1 45 14 212 1248 80 1 46 l4 218 12 48 80 1 45 l4 287 2 10 5 1 45 8 238 10 28 25 1 45 Il 244 1228 80 1 45 l4 245 12 28 80-1 45 14 248 1228 80 1 45 le 269 14:88 815 145 16 826 8 88 7 1 45 4 827 8 88 7 1 45 4 888 1016 25 1 45 Il 840 6 67 16 1 45 8 844 12156 81 1 45 14 861 12 42 80 1 45 14 862 8 81 21 1 45 10 8681 10 28 25 1 45 Il 876-8 88 71 45 4 877 8 88 71 45 4 878 8 88 7 1 45 4. PEsimYe sLOCKt, s-xur'S PLANS, mNORiH uÀI Zsa8TO ROCStaSTRExET. 7 182 68 4 665 1 45 188 e 182 6884 au I 45 188 PEauY'ai LANe, NORTHt uAan, FAST o11iut STBEET. 1058 4062 il 1 45 0 .169 7 18 17 1 45 8 170 10 19 25 1 45 il 171 18 46 87 1 45 17i 175 10 80 40 1 45 181 176 8 88 21 1 45 10 177 4067 il 1 45 6 17f38888 21 1 45 10 179 8560 8 1 45 5 181 6070 16 1 45 81 182 4 7211 1 456O 185 16 81 41 1 45 18 1915 4 72 Il 145 O6 100 8 52 ý21 1 45 10:1 805 4 0912 1 45 61 8o6 -4099 12 14'15 15t tVEItO5i's PLAN. Oril Rau.Fe cash, 17 O 41 20 1 45 10 c 18 841i 20 1 45 101c 19 5 12 12 1 45 606 " 20 5 12 12 1 45 0 i TRUsamN-=css PLAN 0W CenT Or LOT 28, le CONCESSION. 2 101là 25 1 45 i118 4 0 52 15 1 45 81l 5 4 72 Il 1 45 51z 8 10 49 25 1 46 121i O05 8 10 1 45 81l 12 4560 il 1 45 60* 20 8 08 7 14 45 4S GAIT'N PLAN O TOP'1c a-LOrS 25, 26, is. CONCESSION. 278 86 2 1 45 28 279 80 2 1 46 2 8e 2810 8(;- 2 1 45 2 8 281 86 2 1 45 281u 282 66 2 1 45 2 8 28j 86i 2 145 2 81 284 86 2 1 45 2 8 2815 86 2 1 45 2 8 292 1906 8 1 45 274 206 2 05 8 1 45 85fs 8w1 911 4 1 46 a842 801 198s -i 1 45 842 802 1 93 4 1 45 8 42 RAsEN5IUInSTraPLANc. Blk A.lg St. 1 1115,2 28 1415 13 25 2-1152- 28 1 45 18 25 ôSil149 20 1 45 18 22 'Broak St. 91) 591 14 1 4à 700 "Byronu"l 1 290go 6245 4 41 'ALLACE's PLAN O Ai-isROP' LOT 27, 1er. BlockI1 9 400il 1 45 6115 p, 4 8 59 8 1 45 5 12 FLLAc's rmPLAai-rPART r ommc'28i 1er. Block A,-7 511l 12 1 45 6 68 "0 8 611 12 1.45 668 rsNcoBEx'S PLAN aOPi-ART OS'LOT,"27, lSr. COmCEcSSîpm. 14 1 62 4 14 81 105 257 ô 1 45- 408 28 G572 18 1 45 7 80 24 8 81 22 1 45 10 45 CAsmDcmsa'S LAi< OP MUT OPcLOTS 26, 270 IL FyCoNt5t45IaN Block 2, 1 8 8 22 1 45 10158 dé 2 8 59 21. 1 45 10 25 ri1 17830 44 1 45 19 74 "4, 4 7 82 .10 1 405 094 9 à523-U1 45 1580 " 5, 16 17 82 44 1 45 19 71 TIIOMAS IHUSTON, - Treesore>r;'Town cf Whithy. vu :Treamorer'o IOOIce 1W1hltby, 2Mtis M, lâ7.} 211 or, anil wv aid inc be.. n taes farts. 'e that, SumOoner Asses. Luctien, Ohlty, smbr, lu ths aud ail ht suais' LED, 18 09 10 81 10 81 ô 12 5 12 5 12 5 12 6.86 6 12 5 12 S 12 512 i12 5 12 5 12 5 12 519 5 12 5122 112 512 ô 12 100O8 Loansa od 9 ANendd eniertgagauS narjlos lvu bVJWK SAW- "mivMisses'e P9bbIlegBootsfects hoeme 68 mgtlsaeolt.ml aam tgs V85 sjlance, Epilptré unis, Whoepth 3011atéral 22,100Ne:vouanese, eStocklaCamashnd exfmrne menheneut au bansMPOUND SYbut fol81jnanitacliiStrtesdo lu sotalale 680 bua - M,2t00marair sleNnew a'ý alog x 010. LiJs ..i. 5sVJtI AW M5Ute n ii pe b.&. 5,1739 l - -w" " p~î'li a rimera~s n tue ne ,e .D- itusrc n - na- Lotst c ecornds'820,888.00. A Selected Stock. Cai and examine.ase-hb. Dee51 i.pesni, 1225 h s a CAnM E ANnouasa w cimluonal ecti fro 5 2 an aInmsuanaop,,stce: u membeF R whle oferd oat ELW-CMON Y Shas1a2 NuniipaLbode,25907860 g CnA ibxcddbnft e arlshwovrln 1 F- W « teservefur st easudns, .ryW i- tDus aybciot.LJ ThsehtmtW. 820,88$.00 _ ;pareerl5enrs-ldI a. u ITs DIcLI ONe an- es are eog And examine the LargeStopkc'ip Dce/se. c'ent Deaaemes cassehe ~~~~~~~~a Oand .elT E tT A R Ti LUiliTS e .u urwgoWllbx W inf, île oas me>' has nyb eur '0 80ýoda 2 eti ohBlack and Colored. I No ct Depa nt 21,820.00 chses. uSl: RESp:or Et h eys 124cns nboh84,000]E~E T GIVES POWRofenuac f 4 188 trouble to show them . Total L lahulitis, - 3,338,337.93 c Ite Rato n.otES Vi GOn l tn rg. 118_Ci__>0 QS Epi'os asOMregardsO in th oe>'. OSywic een o hsalthion tisinvalutar>' Supu srgrePle-Afew imported sets, CHEAP. muscuar action, vis.: the Livsr, Lungs, 1iochodens, - 01,257,107.38 o -----* Hat su Ota. iss u 10)1 eshowa fin stock of 'resni trimmned LtI"alcaBfr sa 1. H- A R V E S T T O0 O L S 1 'tanteSsenutl.tr"e h g l 65 lats and Bonnets, at extraordinary low-prie. NmrePahice 1,080 Cradies, Scythes, Snaiths, Forks, Bakes, &c. Ohieap at. O PBs0dOEu; vhsici*SuCra inrth to i "'RT BIRO.BTS 288 TJJN Whcle nober LUfe Pdlicys ..i'îC arugct>'f iLcu -T 28 Wiiae nomber af its Poli- 17 11207 *DON'T RUN 1 Our, pure PariS -FELLOWS' h'YPOPHOSPHiTE8 v a an h eT .s f rc e , . . * 8 8 7 S e o )49 n h bs style and workmanship. ci..:nt Lfe orenel Green fixes them s0 they oan't rn. Ts INCEPTION. 85 te ~~~~~~~~~Clalmes pal.! in LUSTeIfe'ets.wih rfcudt 85HT ADCP a af-rcfrm5 ensu Dirmnt 1271,137.86 g th bstand b no other, prepinatian ccupleis man>' nstis, auf 6588 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ne AN)oPfthifpie rm50cnsuwrs Accident DPARleEN. ndouly buy from Hatoh & Brother. - inaidiaus disease, t-Ail goods at lowest paieces, to. ef- NomttontiPnl1878 43,118 l loBRUA OS-UP 0. fect 0a clearance during nevt month. Csa~~ine0759825ranincelve.-ippy he-dforeni 69 F.mGainerarezuluns avar 377, *56,57.69tWhibaJune ltisn187e 698. STW Gaisno emcie holir75,1251Ip1heaarwae-sd uasdr atplyau tehce-ei Hypchcshits aisel> luose for, a- DC0.F.ST WA T h,,,, bAmaet ý11 1111,8769 WhtyJue 0t, 87.25 thu. hi aue vascorrect' st /e I X cle writen - 5-1,95 ay, eisrpreperatooa'yere ovlug ta tusir- la-,The Fashionnble" Dry Goods, and Clothingi Houso. NumýberAocidentCWamspaîî ----- prct e aztoa oriwn gi inpa18a8, 4,76nlIltian, uanhlug 8 smu 1878det la spaiuiuT --v-mT---.Wiiitise>'camaed the formationoc ut Acc 24,dent ndgenerate.! iseet, tue>' dia net Iiprove MOSnimber Acien F,,843?! FUNIU hebld he taloeaffect pnth 28 HNAI~ lns palî-.- u,o-- nsrveesud muscles use clRmuserLhed sud J9I U N ii whola &Mount accident 9For the next 6o ilteaStats, invol*sg 49 Total Lasses pal.!, bath De. ojte-'t6odys uacdeieatasugiit hi>'Mr. Fallas, davsn twarss04cta13,080.80 87 lIAS JUST RECEIVED AT nHprtetS* 3308.8neëtraetb time; e 67JAS. G. BATTflRSON, Presadent. .CD. S _ ) E) 8 r, 1 arsisesa, tuugi sa.!conitinooal>'ye 28G. F. DAVIS, Vice-Presldteut - migit ha discontinuai!et an>'tilm. ulliaut 28 AI o r- I Scrtay.sn0ffect; -GEOTRGE o HO r 8 0/?E. ua thiolp mises,. before lie removes e ouadcea pPte e p1 ~tobiNEBULIG now i course of ereotion oit Creae hesits>'blool; 10 J.:3'LzD);ScenniÂlut Brook Street.- Stee ithe nervs ansd muscles; 69 ANOTHER LAR~GE ASSOMTMENT 0F C.F.at5EL, gseaPov.Taane,-u an 69 0,M ca, 88 a, S aut, Toront . s .P a r ti e s i t o f a n y k i n d o f G o o d Aba d fiise; co o i a , o U BT ceURB c, Wt, - Furniture wll a ull 25per cent. ,-puoabn LS Tskcse i4s acklnlt; r AU t y. 5Os bebu indlapotably tti' d purchailng b- MThesufs flaisuti>' aec o pl or ;ail. 85LADIES' AND MISSES' fore lis remo-val. Fllw Iypp c isroe asfrenot 28 TýEAIAINo plendid Parlour, PrawiÉgroo<m andBedrooni Setaý, Ne ds oîomoon peve *jc hich sec Deinwl otyof "inspection. Dining-room Extension Tdbles-.a paele SS L IFE R S & kS110 E5 P93MSHOLTACE Gvryueit orices' aua Picture Franiing in every style. Borne fine eiw' R aphsphita, onbaliî k o Crtiictes w bchaa a-te C ro osand Engravinge frsl.toue no es ma uic t h -Cont>' TOWN aund HIGH SOHOOLSto;ad;len ï l'i ïffl-CHEAPER THAN EVEB., ~i aoa.SBCIDcnOSs, os Uthef E R T . I, I Gee blupeiàzetl' Zispbarvti tise systein. Its euflats>are firet deelsrecd TUESDAY, JULY 8Ih, et 2, p. m. In ail its branches; fanerais fully supplisd. A stock of elegant (Jasketi. by' ule'llgihly incressel ln u lliesas JO H N BAU NDE RS sla st the :oty Town, C fin lwayâ on ana, tmuned to suit cutorers, and a well appinte orsnIeonejns:te on MNDA, JLY,14t., t 2 p.m. ReiriO Cnstn i redinss.inlcu àlýavoen .Its specific infiuence Wisitby,Jue lOtis, 1870. Aet0. 1 1I isIOnidtoaiol W . TL . lacon the brain sud fiscyos soau cls 4 FArent ai Ions, the . tc1 oe l.ate han tise oresingteactiviai tue absorbants, "a 5 fFtuiuselvo. fa r Intetin g tisabica uo aosng thoue evy tho me ve f r xam nâio . u 'tigsul form ation sm nocoe ar>' lu r etr. lugi-tue fonchions ai tua mreviondyw eâkàm- CO EA DS EUS ][nilu. P. 5. 0. Ont. FB , - aei'tien, a Ioula for tue nervoui &s'a COME AND SEE mth, 19 0 0 0; R 17 t iî ws tuai, vison 'AND) BUY CH[EAP '-for - ' ie, $soslan aluaM?'ayaxer C O N E C T O N E Y, /' ail Kin s. ~ EP To N.~ s~ Â ED.AREA t uap ne Iiadoiîle ircissuppaesva 0O F O I N R f l (n(oStolen or s:e! a h tue reies aiWE REMA-INGA tue aubrbe r ot ko.10,i the 81i con. ta' igt he acqn iln eu kolef __ai 1wit hTA1..Sieep and Tmvamnbu, N'IthoT arr,- p-T TI g, predomving stul, A.,F. YARWOOD mtè a vm Tac toJVVth.a.±Jjr t - e2 Win dasta Stern necassit>' Meycompal tis e siuent Stee, b, s owpeprê t sppy vrylingù~u~~ AeIts,'9 --1nB6 Pooga ,sipia an ntirin- EW o rsan isapavers ayo l tahe aci Havin bOught the business of Mr. J. G. Moogail, Brook Oty ADE OMRIL f tg pitinlife W ze,*,anc., and he alpoise o f >' x hhê feetions, et the very Lowest priées. HRelasepe ou han.!, the beatS" 5 t o co nd U yo mnade of superier material, ansd defles competition. He w11!.alwayi b. L U8 010 U8 FRUIT PROCESS. iiet utit ii aeth tn preparesito supply Sopper admd gparies..tthe8PECIMENS raes 0N X î î i ,ingsuntt rom i eta n A cal sud.trial ho eessahisfied U llgai amn5paying tad' at râ aîpl"&so ic, Ot. na %4rgy s t +er artnileas !fm. Lu the smre lime will pYgay u: ri. -memss nd~Cards and Cabinet« 'ooQerpel..!artcle PIPIES, ciGARSsudnaTOBACCOS, oft he best brun hep1 Sisrsrs, VIisud BRoue, uon sINOatststleofth ila oui>' tse isS n, e de, latdsscstipeIontoeiArte ftd and uluth Physica hoca a FRaUfIal kinds, ana seasenable, lkept on lisnd, an& wiil bof suelsi ast E&RonLY lu ýovlroie syve astoondingl>' Low prices.. - I (.sY ANADA Plias u roed l. Th ishesless zlaaedical -Thdo Di ana! Weekly papors -roceivo.! daily. .Stahionery isud Seiloxeo1daedst Jord kan. PIhotograph>er. ZOnai * A fev arerlbe , d uestlsPehkn , A ,BA- r ic a *hrd t. .u B ook s, cf Id u ds, w ill b el s d T n cen ts le g, C an at a» y o ui. to e . A NATI VE i -p cAx AD A-o lgi at L a Jo da ,1. 75 0 a r 5fr Otie . 0>. ThéeStore je iunncdiately'opposite Grosa k Grainger'o Hardware ae h vsaeanuiigood e ate ostoft. ator,'nd eus dor nrti f Golîmiti'. Hall. circe. -ei n a a r r A.F AWO, ONTARIO NURSERIES. AYoung Lii'deeiring to study Phbtogray, nd s!a 94go4 Ër, Whitby, Jane lOtis, 1879. ~ - A. M OYEU &-Co. by alling ou Mr. Bgrett, andsti n'rt' OrY avosuJf$gaiA5ýwA Wbity, June 26tIl. 1879. N1L)AIv PE PHOT-OGRÂPHY il -AND FRAME A)EPOT. Special inducernents to. h]eads olfa- Ou]r È mfes; u in g'the su m r m n1a a ilso n tn fa four persons, azid upwards, by oérdeigd dozen Photos., eachwiIl e ente with, a ,beaiitfùl photograpli group Of thé family, fuil size, for framing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to llfillineý suit the times. CHILDREN A SPEOIALTY. Fraiming in ail its branches, at prices, DRESS- whieh defy comipetition. Agents for Canada Stained Glass Works. Cal and ses Dr2 DOMINION, IESALE -0F SEASONAB L EG OD S. WIXNSON-S BLOCK, BOTTOM For ail kinds of Foot Wear. -Is- selling the Best and'Cheapest BOOT'S AND-SHO ES DON'T FORGET TIHAT Ladies' Best Button Boots and Shoes. 0O isý to offersasonable- goods at such kic GENERL DRYGOODAY Cttingi Q00DS, Feit&â Hn ta ais. SPECIALITES: GLOVEMILINýD,.HERy. A LARGE STOCK 0F TEAs, SUGARS' ANDÉ FRUIT. JARS, TO K[AND. Tve-rss-,- ,OFE A ER OW-RCS VYl.LUlswsi - 'rn A T EBiOWPICS Dre.ss-mkr., Millineijr, ~L on 8aîh SEM I-ANNUAL ---------_ __ __ _ __ __ _ __c -OF THE- TRAVELERS. HEai/ar., Cousu.,.Jaaaue'p t1879. .eaastate, -8517,204.87 cashs an heul and in bank, 127,904,09 IRnT 'PtLbii¶ - WHITBY, > Will sell seil for 80 days AT COST! Womens' Pnunella Boots and Shoes, Womens' Xid Boots -and Shoes, m cie e ngreorients indcentical wltu - ,ego vlih -cansahltote Hoalts,Dico!, [=sIs-sud Nerve aud Drain Substance, ilat Lie itzOlf la direaIly dependeut up. soeaUâfthsm. El> ils unlen vilS tthe blaci au.! itseaffect pou tue, moacles, raes teblissing tus one 2,oning lie clier, it is capable of affect. te fdoinlg rasulgîs; Lt viifalacoar vasii out tohsrculco attar -cdlinshuiOuîeConsum-ptiaa. 3>' ÏluresGing ervous ase.! Muescular ior, it yl cors Dyspôpsie, iseble cr.in- rru pted actian aitisa Harhand Plia a, Weaness cf Inhaleateet >d Pjalpica. rry, ovectax r m cgolar habite _gn dtii, Acots or Chronia Congestion as'f tus uo aud mus Vi ter tic, won ci ,and 80 BROS., BROCK.s'r., WHITBY. f EN -q Dry O'MS - iý ýl-1 , Milliner'y Tailoriri.g to orde'r'. 00-Ni e--*L w- w M. BR()OX STRRRT- ill,ýT. rri-IMI rro»wl\T- 24th, 1879. wi WA 77 RI TI -S* E M IE , N TS. PARASOLS., 13 U.R lý

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