ter teni cents per e (was B u 8 i ß e s - D i e n o ret;a, e bT, aÃ¥Ft and s à t y Arut-o as Fano à = A4Desert Sets, r n p O 1 TA IO AR , es Lge Éer s la d-r eaotso ' -- 4 FI BBM-S.s% aeen nhGst6 leu opposad;inte iT.B. ttion, W itynFowr ves , l o,& i ndtaetd ie se dnrl a Ir, NTaris Pblicand -sîcnr e inid L OVER WétâAnnut N, -a .-.ICK LL,- yHN aSUÉó Iotel, Whitby UTaEDGE, B. A. v rynCounWr yilâe 9 ttzn. I r b oTHCOwnAttre.4S vDslalneosed yaR, T Ord, andatt H eIT.FIR EINSUAC E 00. . /N8l/HAN-0,W B BRISE R &ATTORNY-AT-AW e nd e6Jarvsustrgtmn01.As on as itshad alfor the sf[ Cr Not So inChncey, onvyaeer 70N cBA ,0 .. .p. g B.asED t ati . nfj }D 4 g n Raan fnîgn n t Lan-ria und-'t ow eb a aAgnsfoCanaa. 0as -FATEW LL NvYt -LAW aTEP NC 0 UBE 're OSE roeT m °"_ Mwpot °f bcoand an ona ae îlotl an Ba Gooe, Y FAD. RcuMti11ýA" Doii me.T o oOh U DA.TREWHTY.0 NU SEeaat O rshehd't ad h'r, prdn u ovrmet ouddfolarieba,,nnyad a h tan UMBR d er ot erm a rasoa rPuove-limnyounahenusles, shol otwonerthtrm chfuthe ( qunJ.tinevn ate te dfe. as orfr t de C outo e hty n e rRadoqosb h cla ryaFl. A L, AROIE O E O PA IS. Tatlndn w to dr ny, soudinefeewihthlretaasrs òrh adToebealethy wak Wy Agent Whitb HEAD îb IpU b. 87. 18OFFviE, AMINDda m reeson o h cm ad ai e; nte adîo A. AXES McMILAN Beunshe, aMId.eA.sendNY OLN. hty Arl9h,17.16AUETIE APTL 8,0,0. OMORE 'iv l tecaceo h goyt yFt ee.tr --- ir otr ,-UAC3co •brpiurtoer ETR sitatSceay twa h ryo ine atma eyta ofo orelrsmd u HE QEENS fr sle heaproed FrmsandWil Lads OR HE YAR 79 EQITALE & R . monin, aouta frtnghi revousy ad dsapoinment enure, i4hi ma I s, sid one "ad abraeluerl B "" i"" K Aw, soucT6oR N, n nn,,ae Mbd ---otmrc eeu edrh hn 6m ean6m i eodd Jan et apan aues ,ameram rm hi oea. g, inCacry ovyncr c LA0 cx eri)trsBnad te akeaaeto n nl hs eee eiabe d 7 ha wfn lge a se ahn htmy emn n h eut.Ti innr;wiea ob er uhteWet d -Dvrils lck rokStet, noa-TnB HIBFo urhr atiuas plyt 4aterte reae td; u amben t he3ra rm e batiu bw a s h retsto yu cnuet-yuBur eoftatfouih enlma. a erateineaecaseTproprtionatest ChessaLodnthrough arle tpofstatey hv rimhdoeryunmito;">no h xmpeo e A9 "0 et o A o roueI HO. w ln et. T eB yAter ,,pn à w f6t 1y t h ha T g oW a à O , bew t rDn e J.. onuow a.i.Hanta.AeEK O.utn.7t, 87.a.W.AR OD, edwthn erws ofun. Thre " e elkentteemuger" ai esthtenic ad agradieth lw TA OR PHIL P Mc ANN. - Fe. e 879 G neralInsuance ent, she ay on4he p aci ater,"iet s ToIr;." nd he wish s to nolv he-gueen f theOhea , butis alowed no yu gep J11N. . MKE ÀL , ornto., .Sitbyotheelem nttsenflatedoadi ho t a her e.m yAprmisespeey ai80o-he prt o of he fme o theproserit." Iam, in Chnceryand nsolvno Cnv TO N CLERKi 0 F '"4°°°fmanya darng r&rlan ginnngIN beANpa-int ofit.,ththe he by te rares e. nn ancer,&c. Offi eever iBlo , Bro juro LF CE bou.oo, hebotre,,oahe Th m met h wndpemÃste, larsas , wic T neuteed th stret, hitb, Oe, onywReaTIl oe T. ---. thena argeggear; wicvei, t wo additol er - shall he suc,,cou," si Danes, h'rpr isdres;" enoc sm o B ^""I"T"'*e-&o-Moner o Loan Good acommodaton Fa.---- mMoagamapohed of, and ade or he "Cerainly,-answerd the amiral.aryrehe't land " r - he use omiOermn in Ban k, WhiO-Netby. rToHE CENTRA H0U8 ai eto us Ay, e t h 87 . TOAoUTNma teVyed-sp i sv ema1 adhplee s esro e1 o ARRISTERS, Attorneys-at-Law, and C. GIFFORD - p Ar~~~ri aIa,.. n., " 8æ " OR ALE ¯~i~~ isuedat he w hon wIn eedh* midao, ha dmrD esen wsa Feemn -rosaet fHae h oy E f .CHtR E , Toont. a 1 nd e t is TE Lbes-in the ouny. eave LIB RAINnGrNGntUTtato THE.ugg r, aie on thedeck unti thoeaoneof t e m ay d s ert h rarY b ew enE gan:n erfc? - H 0TR AMRO, -,A-8) , S. O g O I O A K " mamt"..0T? ,_'G Ehebgg t from the é r , ud o. that eFrhr v o lio prd e. ou aedteAmd of pan;I *Pp -..-- ----- -- " P Pery,..Nsso u oN A tioO ; M iLL adS oi m an a rsnc blo ,w . Ana Io tese Aflo floehb n dseae "a1o cte hesiso rne t "e e chaJ Gnce N, M. De ., AYaERningO. L c r1TA ,anaggg gg or tme a o t 35 7.2-- .--'t o we pe rsn Whou namesoar e o ulneshet okt m glna h rdhsglatsg e DyoP tre, htb .. O H ST R . . L V R OO A K B AN C o pa etgns nc ordo.e.• he erio d, and o h irh a a t herepairg the nt t eh das o e i h ie h r er to fm o n r , o o -- - riereucdto$1i|0a ay _ •CNNCTON.Florgcatl pe oblo, hebldWofeTne ofnese nda pii o itigethta hoemon!!Irl erewid o abo Y RGN E - TL , S LIB ITday.uthe hou p se fis-largesinmeve rosTslry rn. otCo - dou e ots a U.ANK ilDP RT E T. lnta and Po T oer. ,tl0 rtia'5008.76aeTm e te9rnh4n.a a hsm m n o rs ,n ttat h a oalsn i 1 a y m n- al ' sad H c e h ! Y IA 'n , bURc E O,&tai sic. , uns, y- *gmoin t e y ers . T b eWeu ul ed on all sums fromo!ènD a rtand , olib ur th FreAGrnt errtor , and the'......... C p a NIsh for te ina sdif o ofth esalutn d, bo f t e v re tsa e b t t a dj tn -e er l a e n V r S n (am28J.H.HOREY&on.,nnc&o.e veronOrllatahe.CMlbosatninanni dinedrt-las orkB.tht nvaio mgh tae lae as otan itrinthM nya trbaer irt aeevr Ithnkofthefae f ha U T O SP. I A Lthe o NDt o N, R G. H O iS E , . ..r eb agundt e reCG an ansnf E ncwhler thoe pe itoitou SfTeb lioDnd whRl ok d to Fr nc Gmore - o ly f r o 's sa e, th t o th ye . .L, sawOtai. A SHB RNONT, ro hTiketearsisuedbtahPAOR, And owEnglih coast, o hr r-frae ore osiu eW lki .r ce dsud hm f*m odr A L EX .BA R LAY - - r opes nFrie o . A R C H I ngT hE C T Ug R Elv i n Re- n.tes o B ilin s, r c °anipanr e .6h 1 7 ro an w e heth h uleBrre a t e a8e isSary f rm t la d o pr m s , e - g t ve re m n d fth ya e p N n b Whiby Spt80h,87. 0 hemake.2he7s ofLinrs 1I RE d sm4hmSbiliatwhie hefaeMnymoalapreiaio'o0teteatyonhiefiohfr sie im to quston Cigarsaoe ,&o, a j . 9 a1OU E -T R nT P o pty p e r d wih v eOoNc n m y A IN. N G . Agentis rv,' t li n c m p i ns m d f e d m e ba b e i h j r o o e t g v t pa th i h a sw r W C h A V S t b i g , l eaaroo m y . G oo d s sh e s.c t ruc0 t io87. u r.e48, itH Eo d e r;OnF F.I CeE ,o u A M Io te d " n o l m a io.nI w s p a n n d h a tDlW eth eo n ' l oseStore , Dundas.st Whith OsaPRICESh 1. beor, is ex edtinwhch sale gan e aton to reoltiniehe moth th ' • C an el een G. r od L A , roe rec p i sbofge stsan mn i bued s to w ad A aferyting conn cte wit Ho se. lie. o rn me r nt ade o rn 86, r oe00p o idn0. b rie et ee ob c o on aap s iby raah m fa th r g 0, N. V Aas, , n. S. ae ns.i st-cassaperom- F O R & F E T RE nE eo heSotstNtce OOTOe nladad e osh it htimahrnwsaspcedf eormaideel cn laeapasgTfohh-eh.r EotH ere o d & on all the )8-Pca e H TE L , - o o on y OskdF' MaT2thE87.DI-2VeISIs gg stdthNiea thCas thRTtSfr om ncBnd ad en ur ,th t o ldc g so s o fa ou s ch a do'oha ansnb loc, ove t k bis on Drug Stor 1, Two doorsonorthbofanang'sers, THE STEAMER uarternandptrust to ohe fortunepof sonageOin hisDown.opnionHO he rhodo a serviZe, and only waited a fair The av King Stee, Ontaa.ioS OFC ALO T. CoaNeCT/buNER Y insuTOREuit treeOUT, hty. F annery,.Asiyt.nt S war ; for a he ured ofha soeiet mnae bu teaeo mi,;fid=al fwhe oD aota lb - u. 7 17. -:-:- in o nneow it h loradfed ad---.7. civm ent 2gouis s old tprvnt his an d e dsiis o n tios asi he aw salth sm g erbr, hnpu i JOHN R BINON9 - . MCON ELL .- - OBETR e cnsant mpo h a ;ando LadssppyFfOR nC nTHE srns , orTt EINRE. -A npi ae c vrhaoe ,h feh eeausuekng e er o r nfte-schetimhpo ma n rsys H ll D ESING AN DAVIG 5FT Efor CCMM DAINl e ch TS AIIS A D Sot r ro, rd h esen n . thpigi ue ls o , Na polteon B eoa ren.h1ietr.ds,, ee asta .eepo ntenw Saloon, Brook St., W itby.rforsOuests. s eat lowhratessby-. ruy htSite. . sseu a Hi n aest ooy erie asuc fr-W a a h 1 rmssm d. teha -n Give him a call. GEO.&c, B.TYULEEn'UNO R S ýra e M e A oriN " a gainttieselrletrou ,n to of oem oh ;E ge eS.F i. T e T a ersi.t JOffN WO ENDEN EEN' HOTL.F-rVICORI H .o A PENNLar pl EGNTce gnWiby arigInln y a fup d e aform e rinheried fom hsfhe;lo wi onm dfolaorigt ais HABBUR ------... (W.sH arEwoD, ATER) ay aruw stranou *ae en aeoti e nasx ekTepoi- e, amr eo iN EGraTO A M- ia t Fe W _J A YLA OK E & Y, P R O PR RIE TOR W hibyFeb.10t , 18 8. G 0 D 2 O P E 1 I N . n " ° N " Ao)r S Mn' T."g "ni r y i m mafenIl lm a id "r thé e r, a ndn a w a i m a wp r, e a ° dedons r p w L I I O P Rbin n. eey ee nr er od OSH A, POJAMwESe i ihe a n rino e a wa r at ilayin t eTx.Thco d a ld 1 im r ie hi sum up t 0800, at low ate ofIn- Te undroignd désrs teWore rnsie, again was, drsparelerthecoa ; no airr1, y cithrîai 9~~ y ddsitl c h laci eo iWr. A.F Th-0 graundlt, pintu r- vye eçrdinaüâ eR is inag e nTeler you nings boy -Foy e k la r mnt oer20 e aritof a ' Meissisppi mnan puts it thus " At. yq ey à bahve cons e.dt o lie uesion"Wi()ver i arl ofa ru-id barb r" nanaswern tyjh li8that of TeinnyLon's book, it ýed on for ever . ,and I asYsa cand dthinker that looks at eve -th'n-i uasrc and, if you.reason ith- an abu and liable to co-nvictioh. yonu ma went loto a restaurant oth1e r d a y ,' an d , re m rking th at à Money,-he added that, an bu half-hour .to apre, if the proprio- as willing, he'd tako it out in pe Atwas a ghastly joke that a sinful Iosed tointrouce to' h lpla le thimto theJii u dand Pro- ,d Iim e -he esd n ndertaker. Kafor la. cents!"eramdM. oyv,,gazingz out of a street.car .at a 7"why, I'eau get moreIn I want y-aggrawatin' the first man I meLet 1 ell throw the cholier in for no- ee ojagts on the shad(y elhe is positively certain-that ows more tilan ail thie doet0 ja n"dom,-and that if il; wasn't fror rthirty.' ýegal gentlemnan met a brothber rone dlay last week, alnd thfl. Conversation took plae: Well1, how is> busmeap 1,?" 'Dull, dull. iving on faith and hope.' -Very but I have got past you, forim on oliarity-' ekocnitaken-it i eo elsie's pocket endeavoured Li on12 of -the phenomnon ,Wat lof -your trying tao lie, about it so [Y' 2' 'laid the muagiatratq, benie. y ,f'aven't yon, a lawyer 2' nu coming out of a Texaà newys. .Pr'ead ail over hiâ ace, and is cars torn Off,' replied to a ian who interviewed him - il" ke an article thakt'pcarüdil, ýer lasý wkeek, an' I-went in ter man whio writi ;a'lhs wari the reent wholesale 1logdjng at the Minot Behiools, Neponsec,- ho was one of the< victimus was ied as to the severity o[ tho lent. "Did ho Whip anly of asA to lave them black and was asked. "No," replied the tt ie mode songie of them yell, a dogI id' larticularlyglio aster he hbas au. express wag is one kind of carmedl goodsg 3off quicker than others;-Guti- ut the -brave -deorvo the fair," but the brave can hiave some obes a footmani re ply when noà hasleen asked?--When hc he bell. ýnger where" your love -lies reake hier up, and tell hier ly-4L &c~~~h poiddinte o e ams&0 b an o ai neti, ihth ýjt ý j6ýi te o ing wit the eRainwayeagainst hi newly-tonoeivederxpedition. addressed him as Euige ;btw nmialivsonmoadsicedpr" (Succssorto TomasMiddugh, ' LUMBER ! UMB eteinar sur eong;¿ee e n s harletteoins m he t as, ref h et p sure 7Fil thoithsheric ttleà he nght e tr ps wre dsembrk- ho ge is lyLâJ HNSSO ,Hueda roe1 d4o'coc, p m A so to Isarm e adOters.nd R e c ng eaves atto P.oertofa ansta mrigB homman'i bhn i ak asPi;bti a h e8 o eswtecle h L . FAo1s r hoa Ns M d g, ) UB E R ! L M R C H A N T so tcld"° asAlity lode ei elad s ilbe chF ser, fi 0, ¿ m, g lft th sth a it eo re onth e pontaut i ©s i a sreee le re dundme t he a m h E gar e e w ih tu ne o a d n o Hos• Hclg a d l i ds 0 e c a s on hanea l rgesu yrofal1kindo 4 m ettlm en s wihpr ads also wit in n @ i nfrma i on.4 , m, pl o r ot sth fr m o course th he k wco ulade w sara t rn d r s s m tm s h e ti n t e e k o ha i a i n a - Barn Lu ber, BoaS 0 N d l utaryaafeh tc f. ealsy diBtanc e f slr a n .SEH NO ,Aet o.Tl-b oohrta nu.mde to him ;--but hogd t ox n i. eVrhi, i ng e llael B ockSt W iti a d ca tliga arg q anit n an ' A prEN ANDF1O8 W E.8EE 8 ' °Dea°"l°er. o d B b a gen r s ip , n t- c ,&o, c in abin g eo th e a iiral, G ner l oehe cosan eprce . ft ont e ea h ie nep ss sd. A m str WhibyMarh 2th,187it.y foLr eordrs on Bil tu, flld Fom AME VIE, ochste. nfo, & , o10a7andevey ay 6th 18f' 280nddaene i wrelookndove a ap dneeWelkei enere thacd miMrst adi o lissodttheh e Wh hyMa 7t, s77e• y-o TH wo tD00L MrK e te oson mnaofe expeiitigoh o f the at er so r that haiasdaeh' ecne o iyae Abueb A T H EW R L BYYASND WILANBE SLDA HETS ICE oasiefraio"Ypy e te fo o us e th ot -v ne wpeay't d "Ten yo uld no-bt cth tenm u h ah tre rudadwn ogt ornmissioner in B.LuR., LandrAgna.d ail y eSeason. il c apll f .,o o Sospad prces SilincheMake, 'ai ielaty, bu Ithnk thswil ngtose tem"sad hesm gger eseod xpdiio ae,"ec cl erly FCouyOnPSIETaio. RO A suldn L m er. rons. E, aw ard. Plese,8aveyourordrrwi-twthinaraoal tne ofcether. o f hee p ying cash for.dcide ou ;' admher es ened tIoh "andsIrthinkchey r ihensi netknfrteivso fIead fin4-RDNt ND LWw.E ee 8dip h d oeh H , EA , N .BA L Y e u niD ne een :u lotatr gl ooh itia o n h o 1 m5o2 ..L er .25 a5 G . B Y I-DEIlvnEoATPI-EINaHABa. a dvoruiideetg.Hestre. bnhodMndcyeerofglry y he ne37aal O he o t bunesa so ,n s 10ed In fta N - ioAg ntcWidlyn d i a e W n e Lar e lderstopLo g ing su Faain "Frigates, orclint-of-batle ?" hand of the assassin 1 * - "DIsee you %Vook sonach 2i th, fre. e 4 expm Mlaningortnti.... . .50 a se a 1 1 - - -a k wi h ois a in from ma d"Md o s the line-o f-b t e elA d w a a ~h a e o t efe t ? s i o t eg su A rea naoEnrsC 2 as s ad neaw ay 15 URB-DRED COTSWOLD SHEE l Oth 180. T ifr " dmrlD Wne, h cobrf 27 aiäta.n, dB.E T'7A-E'OyEAY R8 IVE RO MR KET of Ge 1Car , who ha e nof the Hoa nswal, I reth aaiefotteTxemtth rae1 fa IL as I n awaMay and177. V 0 HEy cortal e cveedWM-M M LL R omissioa n teN rnothses.ru thefrom the hbut h lsta q rnudrAmrlDn ' WH I B natl Cre 3p hes. vryANDttL1EldiO llead Toaremnt P.. Ontaio, t ee ;' could upye," "Tonly makeout ffenot h ms redertdh .DeWnrev-muiaeae te, elesCnhiofal cagor Te a edt aLemav a uT. S e ed i ra oce n e rbfv e e r Sheant prirn ptos A CON DNSn transIc-aBLe or -Huon at ei nnctsonsalwith n the t WhiPbyYwWEST CalF f"r goua "nd , untilitllwanstinMarret paofnumashero."heo rbuo1 trskahna the miag of the e of peai padfo Hde, r ad ALeat wthe aa h TH eaonbE Pit-0fF/he £o f URiHEce, O E T <aboc e e rciam n imp tientytah "Th4aIts nlk ey,"a id oeje eaa otd iupat Tesee A SHR T NOT2- I CE87 . 8 nocive. up. Ge1 ktA tfr ad.hageWmdeat Weate Ddto a¡ndcas uua, hga .,r t e iaction PA SOfc, kNwn As t e Y .O, her . OtoeceOfng 'l7,thr kefws ghane e cudfrepnn'-touignw a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 61 9.52 j.o..Linorrma..n..A. t h7.2usomer..5i3iGEs PrmannUlytake y or o r burn n I Wha o.ra psae;bt-"(ÃŽ ol EIpress'Ite. "Pra, go3y, eneral,"said0Te1 müchaifyoe, Shikge Lwoud No'mattr wha, rnkstegetbles a Rel happi s frooconendntwit an qual attin te cabage30llawaysbe5a.50Rd har&is îthsAttébtl-te2a caled-th waierad th a1lly does alt thdWaiting is nage iol a Yougawe from -the wings of his im- Mm id sitick them in the tail of r inOrkney used to pray L ct nces n gh "o-leave fren a hearts like butter to ýast of a Man Baawhe o the best of auaruent n of thirty, yous aou e-ad w, then, à womau of your ýe o -his editors donot Lare the watch,"as the thief ard Chain rooun"morphine the duce a telling effect-Com- cret to-a woman. womn' ana is undoniably a don't generally "attempt >oplo until they arc dead. f many a tragedy Kero - hotographer is alwa a in- çfeatur-es to his wor arks--Swearing. sad. to ehai-red-itary. ON TER )FtE TO- L )na fin the above at Street, Whitby. Par Ded from Milas McIni HALL TO RED 3 .LX .EVI trbscribers tc wtill give a ound in 2 to ena RUS CLARKE & Co. .W0 York St., TORO(NTO.ý O AND FROM ALL NAY TRMINS FAR1 e S, n G.T. LStation ........0. ni Witb)yi P. p,' N ind11(say i0 . . . .. ............ 1 c iivyiyances nrc aMI&a atul comfort- k chariige of careful drivers.. All ffcked and carefully looked after. LOUIS BEBERT, ulb. 25d b, 1879. (y TI STONE, BUTCHER, , theo Onjtrio Ulcek, rc-. aco, raext door to the Montreal rapl 00iMe. Thie place to OOOD 1 JOINr AND. UICY STEAK 1 m to announce coto the inhlabit- ithy and,ý vicinjity, dtatieoham. .. openadaI & FEED STORE wijth his Buter Sop wer a have on hand' r, Crackeda Wheat,. Cornmeal, Pa, Shorts, & ., &c, vere inuay part of the town,ý LEVI STONIE, Ontario Bloc0k, Wh1itby.ý O N SALES 1 'à runi m inere thianks to the •tever-y liberal patrunnge n ein thie ptast, and to0 Iwill beon011hand ready to iles that I m1ay bce entrusted liberal.. Satisfaction guiar- >ok wvill -be fouind at the 1Whitby. Arrangements as 1f, &C.,'- may be maido withi IL propiet(or of the Hlotel. L] or telegraph attended to. L. FAIlBANKS, Auctionecer, ïWhitby, oBucks anid blank notes E TORONTO dVapor Baths -ofulla, Shlin Discuerm,-dl in- ilusmFever,4ýId for itban are priua) ia the ',Hpts,ecially 8 , illis, v11,11y coticeded a kfitboth d nirlah iru' tlbo liest i benv th Iwitin ith e tH öi f ,p adJ9 Ilicmpcto*h eut ih p , atiel)tLismnOrb, one- -bro11ýuhot the world froi,)4 o the poorest rIn.II Theseý : ri us, y uil il Im Ldis10, lttýitivo ml e , itifnife alu J. S. 1)IA MOND, M.D. Real Esat« IN'rnsl-ý JOF IEACH. Tis