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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Aug 1879, p. 2

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Ularried the wid. r lialwal ou the 14tlà"là ;111y. Thiy werfi warried al; lup4r. grovii, Marit. Amlerton ix a Norwe- giltu nuit the willow a ertuadiin, ne ia, lier third hugliand. Sijw owns a farin and bas a fairly ýotufort&bie lion'ao..&ýuà is a fresh-looking woman of ab)Ut fifty. Vie couplu were married about Ébree o'cluck in the afternonn, Rail otarwd ou their way hornewart1w immedistaly al. ter the ocremony) When about twenty =intites on tb"ir roll, mested lovingly in L60 buggy in whiz, Iliey dro"r*e newly made wifé, it if elleged, val st ýônCê bee'actie xtark etating mail-'and ý1r1éâ ta kick ànlê'ýrnon out of the bue&y. ýT The couple : got ho1neýý somehow. ho» be womaù Cried to bang hérsell And ta 'lu, her buaband'a throat wiéh à reaping hook. She brokei the Pets and Dans, and inida the hotio;ehofd tarai. ture0z compleW wrëek. Thi. hiuband, alarineil-for h4 lifé. 10dîed an infô'roa- tien before Jamé mopherson 194, J.P. -of Rama, and the womah Z10 commite ad ta the enouty gaol M Whitby, where she novr lies, 8he- was ellimilied by the county page and by Mie gaol air- ocu aùJ le kept under teot?Ïiut Ãœ a angerous luustio until @bc eau be sent ta the asylum. Blie bas become'dau. ' gerously violent aince, ber incarceritlin, and the gaol autborities are oblio«l'to -nec the etraight walotcoat ta proVent ber doing injury ta heruelf and otheFs. blil. WILLIAM TitL'a Nsw ýttxV -STOUVý.-With the beginnini. of the inonth, Mr. William Till was au. abled ta inovc into his U40doome-,§e ' w fürniturestora on Brook atreet."-The building la brick, 80%22 ft. 6 in., two stortes and basoment, atone fonnaation, sud in every respect well finielied, lieiglit of ceilings la feet, basement 7 ;fect, Cost 08,500. Manon work by Mr. Thomas Devérell ; carpétiter work by Mr. W. K. Jolinston ', PAIntIng by %Ir.,Nviloou ; ail of whoin bave exceut- qý1 ttioir part of the work in the momt crc«litable inanner. The plate glasB in the wiudows was importait direct, iR an eighth of au inch thick, and Cost $260, In the lower fiât a partition divides a compartment, 22%18, apecially devoted te Uiottire framing soil looking gliwooo. Th Il per @tory-ie airy and vrell Ilglited by three large wifidowe in front and ýtwO in the ruar-Lhe undertakîng antl varnieh recru being set off from the show room. The flooring throngliout is of 1 ý -inch iriaplo oiled. Tliere iB a roomy-,staitense, wifli wide laùding froin the lower anil upper etorêy. The spacions roorne above and below are built and fitted tip ne furniture recuis, for the display of gilt Moulaitige, &o., built into thewalls. In tho rear there is a large workshop separated frotn the maiu building by a broadýplittfoem, aiready alludêd ta, for loatlinq niffl unloading. There lm a fine- open spaco in Vie rear for the purpostj, and nu olil yards filleel with rtibbisli, or Lali stairwaý6 to climb as ia the old plaoo. The cellar 13 tho wbolo eize of aud is lu koepîng with 'the root of tho building. It i6 in fact a good flry store- room in tho ba,66ment, Weil lighted and ventilatetl. Taken PlLogother, the I)IlildiUg iF3 VOry-CrC(Iitt&ble te the euter- priaing owner and tho builderij, anil to the town, and we truiît that Mr. Till will fiud his largo otitlay warrauted by an iriereýlge of busitioss. '%Vo wûre ueur oixiittilig tu -§tttte that the I)ftndBoine new columus, siipporting the front of the btiiiiliii,ýý wnre cast ai the Whitby folindry. Toronto and Ottawa Railway. oTTAIVA ily-l'ANV. Ili r4lard te the I)Y.IftqW granting a bontui of t2f)0,000 ta the Toronto auil OttnWa Itailroi&tT, shortly tu lie Hubwitt. ed ta the vote of OttaNya it hU8 boeil de6idril thRt SIU5,000 be paid on tho comploticu of the mail froui livre te Pûterboro'. The roulainilig 9,t65,ooo is to bc pnitl vdicn the rowl is completed as far ai; Toronto, In lieu of the pro- vif;iOn that the rond Id te -be litiilt liy wny of Vertii, it ir prnvided Oint it mhidl liii Iiiiiit. lie tumu of lnnnpli T î 1. ton Pi wiees Bank rJVW1ëIýýr,(k. Whilfield. Lawder. POU4 UOW&Y-Towa or Whi&by, 016rgitins in Dry #gode-0. F. 8tewart., Spetyliétly luw I)ricue-0. P. titewart, Now Till, ButwrLà'a publon bhosta -Thé minou -Moratyre. UQUils for Salo or te [et--JO» b t'. Bautlul. P Whiiby, Thutý4day, AugL. 7, 1879. 'aidaties of Municipal Clorke, touisidering thé âmotint of work they lhavo to dot the lmporbuce of tlieir or, r'OO ; ýhO dOgree Of Intelligence requir. 11,1 to the efficient performance lot thé autios, sud thé largi) swalant of respon. dýibility- entailed OPOU thim, ý municipal' elerks axe about tile worlIt pald cluq in tke whole community. ç4minges and ainondment1q Of Ille Muni. vipai law, add imulcumely, tu thidr work, Ohloh gcAs on lnoresoing froin r te te year. Indee.1 no Retquich of the élulialature allowed go péta withont- hind balog made imPOdng In ôce way or another atl4i- Conti ilxde,è tipon tilo tittinicipal clerkR, %vit]%. thé hilélition of licavy penaltioi; for uan-eOtnplianco or nogleet In making IretUrna, ». Otir legieigtors ýh0vor liceni to congfilfr the posjtjoh of thé .,vIerký AI)p6tntefl *t lx Inuall galaýy wlion thé dutivi were comparatively light, lie Receptà [lie Poitition, belle", that lie cati attend te it without wileC ihawilin liân ýfrola ilis Other *RVCCO,. Witli tho yearIy incroua of the k1litiom, llowf3v-o.r. lie finds, all'Ille Lime tuku IIP-Llio Proper dischargo of the huianut'L' Of the office requirin, hîj ai. moet iindivided [Lttentiolj.ý T sala.-Y remains the saine, or, if incremieil a trillo it IR wiýIj tht gjudging And relUti. Linen charauteri8tie of intinidipal cor. [lütlttl'O"8. lt i,; lieffloin raiBed willing- Y, allil nevf'r to a figurn that WOIXI(j lie iLLIYilliIJ9 lilio adequate suspel"sion 01 the Crinisolidated Bank, 'I'liumd#ty lust, butiking heurs, thé anucuncernent wam lllltil'J thal, tilo Cousolidatoil 13ank liad payment. Tho évent wAg ilot itltoitùtjji)r un'u.xl)ectcj. âtueli liard. Nbiti tu Rtocklioltlari,-aud ogpt3cially té tiioéýt) ývlifib.ci all Was iuvut§tc(l in tljü bailli Ruil wlinsu mlu ilj("otuo' W48 thé %livid-111H (lorivable fi-ont thm etoclc- illitHt viijallu, wu know of tioùiti in thim louitl i Ly' arill their case jH, illilef)(1 ollé of lil&tdollii).' DLjýoqiturm imd 11(it6t; are, lio'wèý(ýr, ittiilày imil théro W nu (loubt but titat (511ýgmfb; of olttitlianth will bu Paid in flill. 'l'Ilu jýH04ets, IL in NtatOd'ý will almo l't' mililluient te puy m oualali divi. do 1-1 Of liorlialýo ton por Cent toi thé but IL Wili Of course Lake limil tu ruitlizo Cition thim lunch. Nimo of thé ütllur I)unliij wili bu f_ so sllw=$;ýUlat Assistance WÀO te Éraphea (or to Târýuto, a promdi' rendered &R the jàoromeceomwy fri the fect , that thewater presgure M inadequate, the otreams of w&ter f* while Sc #rst ocarcely. roacmng bpyo thé ."OoÏd 'Storey mndows. The vtie 41in coleitu t catid"Witb; but, messages we» atib ququily ,Peut _çQuatermanding, the : quest. The Toronto forcé rep) na,-ti thr" euginec tçml)làed ja ilaith t- ïeady te, awxb ýbj spécial' train At, , w ù ment'# Éýàrkfzc the burniàf bï1lj!Qý cet are te the to a on -San brd'a builaingp aorceu JO f &tract, . and About, the gitime ti'iüo t veranda ajad ôàtohIng gré, the tâte the block Beemed to bc sealed. By Y of the gresteat ezùrLionsý hoiWetéri, t D building, althoý'gh ôa Aré àaveral tim andin varions places,, was 9aved, T logo, suitained by Messo. Bltnford & ( coniisted mainly in the immenseinju te thoir stock by water, amoüe, d r Tho blerchante Bank, whiph uneupi tho corner of the bloZk, will dise ti 1OOfmr iÉ the matter of furnitnro, a Nlomisri;. 3. Mcphersà & Co., wholesi tient and ehou doalori;, adjoinlng Md are. Sanford & Co., wili have likowi i3uffore(l by ils removj;l of goode. 111 ýAru, ati if enragod at boing checked 48 eaeterly eareer, now proceed BoUthward along the eant siqe of je] street, and speï4ny hâd à bola tipi Diyon Ilroe'. fruâ And fireworks este lidiment, wilicil from the viory natu of its contente it M "nuscessary, to ai litorally wènt liko Wildfire. The scel liere, as the varions roickets, &o., a ploded, and in Bome in6tances abot in the Btreet, was grand in the eltrom and yet under the circumstances as tE rible ne one, eoul'd well imagine. Fç tunatelY a lane atopped the progress the flames in this direction aise, si theuceforward the fire was graduai brought under control, and by n2idnigý but few indicationa were vàiblé of ti fearful calamîty that hâd overiaken ti city. Daring the icarly part of the fjý Aý apark frein the McInnes Block resul éd la the B. M. E. Church (éoloureé on liebeclea Atrcetii boing borned te tl gronD1 Situllar Pparks set fire aleo the roofs of Larkin Hall, Jolin streel Mr. BoweB' rosidence, Gathrine etree and varions other buildings, but il flameil - wore in each instance extil guislied. Se fur ae eau bc ascertaint at prusent. the following are tl aulourits for which the varioue suffore are insured :-Meeers. Sanford à Cc on building, $11,600, in the Royal, au oij stock as lollows :-Royal, glo,()og 'Utrift, *10,000 ', 1)hceùix, of L'rooklyi $10,000 ; Lancatslxire, $10,000 ; Wes cyn, $5,00L) ; Commercial Union, $20 00t) ; North Britimh, $10,0oo ; nar fordq 85;000 ; Merchants, $r),000 ; In perial, $12,500 -, Scottish Cowtnercia $10,000 ; Catisila leire an(j Marjul Lofi(lon, $5,000 ; Dominion $5,00()-. 1 is almo understood that the Guardia and Atus took eacli $5,000 risk o Satiford'a this afiernoon. The lices c this firru is fully covered. Morêre. DIc Itinps & Co. viure fnsured tu the exten of about $1250jifflo, $85,000 on tliebuilfl ing and tLe balance on stock, a, aniontit, làovover, which will net, it i iin(lerstood, approximate by many thoil sands the lors oustained. liges but mal %.Zy Y"U&I;&LUD 49 f»l5ý " .-; 'teîbet, againit the ng. Agýut& have pi a i fflnu, . rZ in tý mrn b;e-tÃŽi-'i 'tië cg m t Z 104àg ; t6 .1120 'bc;ý qýo'1m' &; %p -Y 'or wu le, and J)r. aigu my lette ille -dm on thnýblýo Ofo= pýz boën sent to ý the 8 end Atentén the victim ig a little limt;b of 1.1rejected addresses," probably,' thât un, with - a , becoming, req-ard for gu wU.thi8 objeetîn Èew; and 6,000 )r a -wore atonoe,&,Lmmoued, but WIFtheir re two sentences of it had'been glaze- sucoeu and -the favourable ý opinion of, oattlo have been offered ta Oham if, ho and berýniullant la hârles- Lowell, §2 oud égôrW -*are -ann1f" gý as In 'about a yean of age., -lut evaning lond aareame et. balf-au heur the B14hop bieathed his cd at, But if my Communication oball thât- publie, afford Co treat it with willcgpt.urehisbrotber. One.télegram ,ni. lait lit 1 ddlook *Ithoiit u sin. 'bave fin; met the publlô e»JüÀno1herý- oven oayo'ýtb»t a price bas bÏeli set up. were board from the rooms 6cuupiedý by 4 iln,ýq à yon, are net on Cetewayoo 'head, but fille ses Lowlil 1 the polite were called in bi, j6iumal'i il; wili be more âÏlly toý" Iveý écumai Mn: Zditor, t1u -na, nigh 0- alewotd.. A * uéàtwâah datonce, me Rn by bars. ý The o'ffioéà'-Ii)rced re. by the Lotiont 'In the'itteÉ2tion Ofthe t7j6bd iýbudtie&gre. rolpoullible for the opluiona.of Yourcor. exag eration, a éneral Wolseley, in )r. 1411ban" an& à Ner- tu, ý an outrance, and in the back room Op I am sware alao, tilst You M ïc âlogeý ýba,,t dict of death from apoplu f4 là"' en , and the tüber Globo oaùilbt au a drésa tu a nu Of chi6i's Ou' the Pecond floor fotmd Lowell, the littlà > 9, The romaine of, Biehop, *Ziýën were "OutWio'*Iilr'those gentlemen "do zëiWoùibW'takgý oftoiée at yeux pub-ý $'UIÏ'12thi-lufOrmFd thom ho hâd no - 1 Nora Wagner; and a womari named t" object is té offer a few rez»rks. Habing the, &bave e»nîvàrki. Stillyon< duge to ý jake afiy of their territory, ma- embalméd, and -à 'iclonnn mus wu 1ý, EaInnali Hôltz. The littIe - girl *as @y, pro ý y, take 'Om -thi4 mà7 tend týé,'àiake dis papef In arly, àsk mai ýýWh colebrated for the repostqg soul of the fearfully exoited, at;d ru8hed 't Dw- toi body ýîie8Éoî tboté géherbuy', âccopt&b1e,ý thé trou le 0 v could ne.ver mo're be king Geqeral 'beggi 'to protect ber. -All departe4 prolo offioers 'cg theux D'lin wâèi ôoulreýyed totbe Xorth si où clônIt-li6 the paper gîv7e lt th- takpn ta the st&- rail. uP4" W018eleY hsd summOued àll a nâtive the parties wAre en the W&Y ètat!ý12j the hçý%ite bela f U ed sooki ta ododpyi 17hope yoâ WW net, I- rep1ý that 1 donlî "w t67,inàliéýs, chiefe. ta Meet hizu at Emangwenc, tien. The littléglirl-oalilýtbat a womau D of by the prindipal offleois CI as s, friélià ïï ý tU, th iïetbhlhibj 11- change ï thât the Globo la in many i &bout nine miles nOrth ci UmlattO E-i friend of:Lowelrs inýdixoea hler ta corue lint dioéeïej And thëre 0t 'bu ard th, aider it unreuon'a mention à ow speets a toisd papéi-ï,, and that 1 desire > River, on July Igth, ta hear bis final frein New York, -and «Company lier to the train for the West. pointe in whïdh' I &ni odré the papâr to ose it so far,,improved'1,4t 1 shotÛil wordo. of settlementi ý The chiefo who a bouse, where &ho was forceil ta drink ity deeply inoum derive lfi from, lts par. were prêtant nt the moeting on JUIY 12 whisýey,' til obe, bocaine ahnnost Un- née th Kingston, thé'e could be mnchîinpïovbd. ru le ý tort, and declared the Zulu nation haïl, now no consolons. rhe the"deatÊ of Biehop OBrien, whiel, CO.- A regardsý émterprfser in procinring Ùigl. Char a r, il Lowell thon took'her in Co. eurred où etiddenly At- Quebec illis news, grammÀtical expression, the abould nôw aim, et -beooming the expo- band. They wishod W hava no more bis arum, and attemptea to suault lier. morning. The fiage were boisteil on amant of odholarobib nocessary for, nent of the, -Canadian people, insteail of blaok., kings, 'and-isid thèy would prefer Vlien shia resisted the wâman R61tz %cy publie and bthù buildlbgo,-,àud the conduc â; écinmerélal 'and political beinj; dwarfed into a more party organ. king. Théy, prèmfeed struck lier dowü. ý She acréamed, whén ded Imper, oui -, typogrobical acourfty' t, I " k yon wili find that my views on, te bring ait the chiéfé of the loon8b dis., cathedral la draped in mourning. a the wom 1 an Dut- lier band over ber atout laïbe vernie ar, 1 1%vEý nofault thiB au1bjéct coiùoide* with those éfmany 4riote ta Emâugwézm>.ý ýThose 'triber . 1 a The remains arriveil on Baturday af. 1 9, niputh ta stiffà ber àries. Lowell, and lud teriioon, the funeral Srtege boula, the ta find ;,'but'l,, bave ta complairi ojýâ of your rendors. - 'however,« do not--idonoeitutë' ' the mon 'the woman Holtz, vi«re looked. upq' and al6 outer station, wau one of -the largest few tblngo-iü théconduct of thejournal, I remaino Sir, warlilïo.,Ëart of the nation. A flying * ' for trial. les- seen for many yeats. 'rho, diterent Irbichi 1 rekret tc- sayi keep it a littie truly yotirs, columit started for Emangwene on rise Irish nocietieb preeeded the hoarse, behind the timeé. Thesà ora- TROS TYRIUSVEý July 14 ta prepare for the meeting.ý> Bett 1 er'Than Gold., Che eaeh membet weaiing a monrüing L' Tbe admissio of ihatter la dis- Aug. 4th, 1879. General Wolseley and staff will. follow. 1 i propoktiônâte quantities *btch là lattlt. It 1w iop6rtýBifi fré in,.. Lunëbùrg thât The grand climax of -success is at last badge. ollowing the hâarde W&@ im. The in t;e 14 achieved. The poor rejoice, the siék lad mense ccâboüroý, of citit estingio; a very few. Ceteviayoi with 1,000 followersi la en. ibn by a lohg line of carriages. 'rbë re. The.-Globo'# columne bave of late deavoüring ta escipe berces the north. arme and walk, the ricin, bask in the ?On mains were convoyai! to St. Mary's bèen intindâteil with theological contre- T.Ut TARIFF A DIRECT TAX Ox TXEý, ern border ta Join , Secocýeni. Th, golden ennabine of perfect liealth. The ab- Cathedral. Many store@ were, cloied ,raies, on - thâ dimiffin, ai the Anglican PEOPLE. authorities arokeopmg a good look-out Rhysical mieeries ci the human frîme tire during the tîme of the filnotal. The church, 01 Apostolical Suébession, end for him, JohnDnùn and other well- need no longer be endured. Da. -nationst aocieties -mot lut on the sibjects in dispute beýwoep two A geutle=fin-*h6 Iïas just returned, im£prmbd parties-thick thereLie, a greatý 14jwr.'s CAUPOANTA GOLDffl COXPDUNI>, laY sèverâl'Irish of the parties which exist la the Chdých from a vléit ta Manitbba on commer- probabifity.t1liat Cetowayo, ".Ibe;kiUéd for Dys epeià,-CoÏmtipation, Sickbead- Me evening at St. Patricks- Hall, when the ec miné ý ilp of Pôoa, Jaitiffice, ex- falowing reeolution WàR tinanimously )f Ëngland. What bas a secular jour- cial business etates ta the Globe's «Otta- by bill followers if ho continues ta give oulist ta do with snob things, unlees Etded at Liver Complaint, Bilionsness, Gaulerai ato n wa correspondent, that the general be- trouble. Ali of the Zulus wou ne, lt lie, st - a heavy. experme, - ta afford lief in Winnipeg la that wholesale the battle of Ulundi were killed by a Debility, Drowainese and ' Low Spirits. Resolved, That we, the inembers of the This wonderful remedy will positivoly ;or« hmusemenVio ÃŽWresders in displaying 8111119 ling is praotieed along. the fron- native contingent in the employ. of the several Catholié aocieties of the cityt,, hav- , fier oi Manitoba and the' North-We8t British. cure, and that where«èvery remedy hie or big board with doop re of the widden the virulence of-the odium t7wologicum, 1 Of deraise, of oui 'belr;;red Tiohop, do beroby andproving lio* little love Christians Territories, andît la openly atateil in failed. Ta provo that this wonderful ,ud express Our profound . sorrow at the »A entertain towards each o4her 2 It la Dot business ciroles tbAt thA Government, Demonstration in favor of Mr. Letellier., remédy will do all we claim, for ît -yon beraaveinatit which we in corainon with the probable that ton out of a bundred of ta the detriment of Canadian manufac. are presented with a trial bottle frce of '11Y whole diocese lave sustainea in the 1088 of co8t, by whioh yon wiR readily 'par- elit sa revereil and distingmbed il prelate. We ,lie Globe's readeri- would trouble their tureri, permit the importation of Am- An immense meeting, attended by Calvo its wonderfal curative qualitioë, âo will Ipug tomember-his carnest'sud aller- Ileade with, those long-winded diatribes. erican goode, the paymentof the duty over 5,000 leading citizens of Quellec, and which will show yon what a regu- âe detie laboura u'à ptiéàt, and as a prince of Soma objection May aloo be offéred On which te defetred for threo,, four, was held en the 141@plandde on Satur- ire the Chùrmhý, atid bear In menuyry bis untir- ta thoge droM disquisitions eoncern. sud six raotith8. Asa Canadian man.. day evening, ta mark the publie sym- lar one dollar aize bottle will do. For Ing zeal for th apiritaal andtempotal wel- ing alonhol and tomperanae, as if there ufacturer lie proteste against the proce. pathy with Hon. . Mr. Letellier. Dr. sa a by S. W. B. Smith & Co. ilt. fare ci the illoolest. were !la journals ope ially devoted ta dure. Anotlier manufacturer candidly Rinfret, M. pp. for Quebec -centre d)' Vicar-General Farrelly will admiiiis- o r-, 1e the discussion of sucli aubj ow. admitli thât Canadi$u cOmPOtitigu in was called ta the chair. The chai Enjoy Lifé. ter the affaiie of the diocese until aretc- ever, as they are allied ta the nos with the Ùnited 15tateil ta many Il 12 Mari, ir Opening the meeting, stated ceaBor la appointed. litical one of prohibition, an Occasiona], the Nortii-West le et thé present finie, thât its object was ta prepare an Wliat a truly beautiful world we live The fanerai takes place tu-day (Weil- and must continue for yearato bc, fin- 1 r in 1 Nature gives us grandeur of moun- ýet; nosélay). but leeB frequent allusion ta thello May le, and claime that, the tariff le a sont an addreis ta the Hon. Lue Ls teeý taille lens and oceans, and thousands ýhe bc exculied. posai, lier De St. Just on the occasion of bis p 9 in- During parliamentary. rocesses, whole direct tax, pure and simple, on the leaving the position uf Lieut-Governor Of means of enjoyment. We eau de- ýed Oshawa. pages are pretty nearly filled with rep- people of the North-We8t. Speaking of the province of Quellec ; and aloo ta' air, no botter when in porfectbealth ; he etitioni; from day ta day, of the speeches of one line of domestie goode, soaps, bc appoint a coinmitteo ta obtain subscrip- but how often do the majority of peo- EXPLOSION 01P A COMPRES8XI) &lit of Referai leaders, delivered liera, thora, states that a large Montreal ûrzÈ bas tions towards a testimonial ta bc lire. ple féal like giving it up dialicartened, BATIL-Friday ruuruing a compressed and overywhere. ta the exclusion of just su0ceeded in introducing their senteil -ta him on the part of the people discouraged and worried out with dis- Rir bath - exploded. The PIO to.rp niattor of a more general interest. If 900du into Manitoba by selling a con- of the Province of Quebec. aime, whon thora le no occasion for this Id Mr. John Syke8p liad one leg brzrein', lu we have perased a wooderful elucida- signuient with, the barest margin for Re rend the adAress in French, and feeli ry sufférer can easily ob. 0; two places by flic plates Of the bath tain negaltiasafaoctol, proof thât Gref-n's An- 7n, tien of the subjects of "Steel rails " profits. The difference in freight in Mr. Barri rend il in Engliah, bath lie- ry striking hiiu as they were thrown out- Bute Inlet," or "Provincial Expendi- faveur of the Chicago as against the ing interrupted by tremendous and en- gast Flower will make them as free ward by the excessive pressura te '» fýom dîsease sa when born. Dyspep. ýwliioh they were. put. A Young man tore," as dolivered ut Chatham, lot, us Montreal. manufacturer is about $130 thusiastic cheere and applause. pia and Liver Complaint la the direct bc spared the anguish of resding the par car. The Canadian manufacturer While the address was boing rend rt- named Hunterfrom Millbrieuk. was in saine as delivered at Goderieli the next cannot procurea home supply of tal- cause of soventy-five par cent of snob m« the bath lit the time, but strango ta flic carriage of the ex-Lieut.-Governor ILI, day. "Twice boiled cabbage is most OW imfficiently large for bis consuMP- drove up, and the Ron. Mr.Letellier, maladies as billiousness, Indigestion, say eecaped unliurt, wit1à.the exception killing food." . tion, and la obliged ta import from, the accompanied by the Hon. Mr. Hunt- Sick Roadaclie, Costiveness, Nervous le, of a 6evere nervoud shoek. 'Pho safety- I do not abject to a little agroeablo United States, being handicapped with ingdon, descended, Sud ascended the Prostratiou, Dizziness of flic baud, pal- )0, valve, it'is thought, became doranged; an additional one cent par Ili. duty pitation of the beart, and other diistres- preveuting the escape of the too hi-là fiction introduced loto a newspaper, platforin amidst the cheers of the p3o- ing symptoms. Three doses of Augus . t thougli the t hing is now almost every- since the introduction of the N. P. Re ple. pressure of air, whieh caused the enx- stateo that a friend of bis at Winnipeg, Mr. Letellier the wil ta the Flower will improve prove itswonder- if liera Overdone ; but the Globe lias n'advan( plosion. Mr. Sykes la doing sa well W ifs in whilet lie wu there intereeted in agri- front of the platform and acknowledged ful effect, Sample bottles, 10 cents. ILU as can lie expected. beau particularly cluinsy of Il cultural matters, complained that the the enthuoinstie welcome of the citizens Try it. For sale by S. W. B. Smith DU - manipulating that departinent. At the . Co. Whitby. of date of Saturday, August 2ud, three incresseil duty on wire fencing was a of Quebec, after which Mr. Charles 0- Two Ilousp THiEvrs BiticAK GAOL.- etories wore in procese of publication in heavy tax on those-farmers who were Langlier,"M. PP., in French, and Mr. 12b Early Sunday morning Clark, the turn- &130 dailv edition, given in striail îrag. now endeavouring ta make their-farmj3 NV. D. Campbell in Engliali, read and The Midnight Fire Bcýl- fi- key at Napanee gaol wu cleaning up ments, and it was no easy matter ta look trim and noat. prosenteil ta the Hon. Mr. Letellier an What a Budden sliock it gives to heur lu the morne of two prigouers confined keep the tlireail of ench. Cin thst day address. the abarp clang of the midniglit fire is thora awaiting trial for borse etealing, theconclusionof a stupid gliost*story BECK'S MILL AT PENFýTANGUISHr,'iE bell. Tothodotingmother the plain- ho. was tnrned upon and bouton by lioth wasgiven-a thing rendored uninter. EuRNEi) DowN.--ýMonday morning lit LITTELL's LiviNo AoE.-The nUm- tive moan or the more ehrill cry of ber prisoners. Their Dames are William esting train the utter absence of varie- an early hour the villagers of Penetan. bers of Vie Living Age for the weeks darling child thst lies in its crib by ber Dettor, of Tamworth, and Jaunes WA- imilitude. The time bas galle by for guisbene were awakened by cries of ending July 29 and Auguet 2 respect- bed8ide foc plainly telliDg ber of its ger, of Napanoe. Both are Young and snob puerilities. The-ngual instalment lire, and shortly after the village beils _ively, contain the following articles : . 1 athletie, and theY socul OverPOwerOci of Mrs. Burnett's Lancashire talc was rang an alarm. It was.discovered tils, The Tainiud, Chitrelb Quarterly 1ie- ufforinl;s from au attack of inflamina- t tien of the bowels, tbe shock is no less [r, the thr-.ikéy and inflicted injuries UPOU omittod, probably bccause the available the largesaw Mill, shingle Mill, and vieiv ; Malta, and Chesterfield's Lot. to hini that may provo serions. TIIOY "copy" lied, through erroneous calcu. lumber wliarves of Charles Beck & Co. ters-to bis Son, Porinightly ; Fool and surldeu and terrifying. She slringo for 3k eliaked bira iintil blood issued train bis lation, rtin out. This, and "John Cal- were on lire. From the very first the fee'4111z, by Sir Henry Thomrson, suil the bottlA Of SCOTT & BOWNE'S PALAT- cars, and after rendering him insonoiblé digate," (transferred froin Blackwood), figlit with the dames was hopeleeR, the ()"r Wlieat-F,.;elda in the North-West, ABLE CASTOR OIL whieli she took the td Gray and bis precantion te obtain froui the druggist tied'him dowm. There being no other wre good tales, but surely one serial wind was blowing strongly, and weatli- ATi,,elceizÉli. Ceniiiry ; Il n 8 persan in the gaol but Mrs. Ashtozi, the of the kind in a ciaily business palier, te or had beau oeverely liot and dry fur sellocis corititiii ; Benjamin rranklin, the daY before and wit 0 0 tes Peau- tljo g4o1(ý,r's wife, they throatened lier enough ut once. the precoding days, and everything was Confetnl)orary ; Patronizeil by Royal. ftil puts to fliglit tliû diseuse. The et W ty, Mayfair ; A New Caledoui llis- little sufférer takos it comfflacently, for ith boaily injury if she interfered. The reporte of the proceedinge of the like tinder. The sight was a znournful an . it le as'palatable as cream. - PricQ 25et. Thev finally made good their escape Quebec Legiolature are qilite too co- but nt the saine time a magnificeni in , Ail ate Ycaa Round ; Oxygen in witÉüut either bats or coats. The pions for any interest they are capable one, A gallant fight was made ta Bave tce SUD, SI)ectalor ; with the continu- For sale by T. G. Whitûeld, Ubdical ïk gaoler is nt presont on a trip ta the of exciting in this Province. But per- the lumber and docks, but it tterly ation of Jean Ingolow's "Sarah de Ber- Hall, Wliitby. 4in-82 le u onger Misa Keary's . "Doubtinc, 1)f Thousand Islands, and flic turnkey hape the Globe la ambitions ta beconne failed. The Mill was partly covered heart and Sarah Tylor's l'The Bride'"s Giles' Liniment Iodide Aminonia, a was lait iff charge alone.- The sheriff au organ for each Province as well as by insurance in the Commerdial Union A baýoffered $100 for their arrest, but for its own. It may situ, lit tac mucli and Queen'a, but the tituber la a total Pass," and flic usual amount of Poetry. uew and great discovery ; a remedy tlleir recapture je consiclored extroinaly in this particular point, and become un., losg. The switch of the. Nortliern Rail- For fifty-two such numbers Ã"f sixty- whose curative effects surpass anything doubtfui, as they bath nnderstand the interesting ta the large majority of ita4 way Company, julit complotait into the four large pages each(or more than beretofore placed before flic publie. No 3,000 pages a year), the subscription family can afford ta lie without, a bat- lay of the country weli for miles rendors. Mill , la badly injured, and one of thoir k 2. Soma years ago a grest improve- cars standing on it was totally destroy. Paicll (88) is IOW ; while for $10.50 the tle, for RE are alike liable to au affila ment was effected in the Globe by its ýed. The total loss over and above in publisliers offer ta send suy one of the Of the ille for which if bas proved itself y Imaginary Conversation. classifying advertisements and condens- alliance will be from, $15,000 to 818, Amorican 34 monthlies or weeklies a sovercign rernedy. lt6 equal has net in- thent into smaller space. In this 000. Great sympathy is folt for Mr. witli The Living Aqe for a year, both been discovered for the cure Df rheuma- ýe Iler8om :-The Dominion Premier respect much remains ta lie dons. The Beek, who bas been one of the hardest postpaid. Littel -î- Co., publishers. tisin, gout, éliptlieri linia, cry- sipelas, frosted li s, gé throat, 1- and the Governor-General. sheet lu diefigured by "baud-bill aver- workers among the new pioncera of md ... re ery THE NEWMAN HALL DivORCY SUIT..- bruises of all kinds au nds of av ýr 11remier-By the way, your Excel. tisementB," and the most grotesque this section, and one wlio bas dOue a The trial of the divorce suit brought bY nature-indeed, the ligt of disenses S lency, 1 forgot ta mention that in the outil of autograph scrawls, wild ballets large amount of good for the place sud the Rev. Dr. Newman Hall, agaiust bis whieh it is recommended ta cure lias opinion of myaelf and colleagues, back. and fabulons ffionsters. These are un- country. The cause of the fire is un- wife, was continuod to-day. Yesterday scarce a bruit. cd by Our friands in the House, the une- worthy of à leading city journal, and certain, but it is supposed ta have Orig- Dr. Hall gave a Most revolting acooutit Sold by S. W. B. Switli & Co., Whit- fulnoss of Lt.-Gov. macélonslél, of on. remind las of the asys wheu hardly any inated about the boitera. of the alleged guilt of bis wife, and by. Sand for pamphlet. f tarlo, 15 gone, porion could reild, and the apartments made a aumber of most aliocking etate- DR. GILFS, GOv.-Geu,ý-1u(1eed 2 And what un of ilinfir as well as the inus themsolves, Severe Storm in England. ments respecting lier. To-day Mrs. Hall 120 West Broadway, N. Y. I ta un(itrstand- ? were distinguisherl by painted effigies won t jota the witues8 box and in cet cin- Trial bottles 25 centF,. p. - 1 bave ta request you ta dismise of a leopard, a lion, or a buli. It may Late deepatohes froin Loudon say- pliatically denied that elle hall ever bc replied that thest things pay. Par- The storm on saturday night wu the been unfaithful ta ber huFband, and He Rather Liked It. Gov.-Gen.-Wliat 1 digmi88 him 2 0, haps ta, buta journalist, particularly a severest known liera l'Il IuýnY years. tliat any of the charges lie made against One of our well known citizens was tome, Mr. premier' this thing la going îýefôrw journalist, ouglit ta congider The Ices by rain, hall and inundation ber were truc. She thon proceeded avoid your Logie. But mind I doult with its own. ha é-z-trém--é -dev-o-t-ion ta in France., Thelle are regarded as ber FATAL ()ccuitENcE.-Last Saturday ONY, MOMENT.- Are you oufferiug liko this sort of work, -and thig is the party io evinoed by the nature 6f the personal property, net within the cate. Ilill, ing frotu any ailment ? Rave you any night about 9 o'clock, as John last provincial hiad I am going ta out language it frequently employs, and, I gory of Cro- Jewels. Thelatter were off withont having legzl and constitu. regret to say, by tfi personalities te left bobindwmnost of them being depos. who wes working for Mr. John Davis sortes about you ? le your nervous sys. of esot Whitby, went iuto the stable te tem aliattered ? Rave you pain any- tional cause. which it sometimes descends. I bave ited in the bank of France, where they feed the horses, one of tlmru kicked where ? Ir sny or ail of those troubles P.-Don't say that, Vour Excellency-; seen on its shoot a leading article with bave since reniained undisturbed. Thelîr him in the stomaoh. He did not seem affliet Yeu, do net delay, procure Brio. there is no telling what party exigen. the caption, DR. Tuppzies- ;" the, value is very great. They embrace ar. ta cnind it much, but comploted bis toys pille and Sarsaparilla, in theru mes . may compel me te ask yon tg dg tex& of wbich clearly showed that theý tioles which bave been handed - down task and went te the house, when be you will bc sure and find spoidy relie£ yet. Au revoir.-Grip. wordý4ies'was intended to fill the blank. front generation to generation by silo' bave seen Sir John A. Macdonald cessive rulersof the country ta theïr euddenly complaineil of faintnesa and Forsale by T. G. Whiffield, Whitby. very alarwing symptoms were rapialy WORSUIPINOTHF, QUEENS FICTURU.- dosignated. in thât paper ae a Ilbumbug" descendante 'and many of tlle:oaýo lu Murray & Lautuau'o Florida Wat. ith a strongly quafifying adjective oseas uneommon hi6torical inters t à devaloped. Dr. Martin was immedis. or the most debilitated and nervous eau Governor Ilennosey gave au entertain- w Pre* tely sont for, wlio wheW ho had exava- ment a& Hong Kong in commemoration fixed. I bave seen the »vas politiil. 'Zue, as well na being of greut in- ined Ilim, pronouncedýllis came fatal. find relief. Useil frebly in the water of the Queen's birtbday, when three assailed with insinuations and direct trinsie worth. He lin water of the bath, fie effect is almout as regarde hie privatohabite. agsred until Tuesday evening, -loue, sa strengthening and 'brac. mombore of the Tang Wa r Who e il put an end ta bis suffer. marvt Committee, and with them the ings The 7= Aý&tl1gOeU'gh privâte habits may compro- LoRD&LADY DuFrpaiii A.T ST. PLITE85- . 2 ilec ased was 24 yearo of ing, and withàl sa exquisitely -agree. attached ta thât institution, asked t, b, m'as public useftilness, yet it is net eue. uutto.-The London lVýrld says the bi For sale by T. G. Whitfield, aget of very exempla conduct and a e. conauctea ta the painting of the gave,. tomary fer editora of standing ana re. British rimbagsy at st. Petersburg, Led'by all ry whitby. aigu in whose honor they were met te. OPectsbÃŽlity, te alludo publicly te these, which bas boeu kept somewhat et arm's Ãœighly respec Who knew him. gether. This being dons by Dr. Eitel nor yet te apply contemptuous epithets length for the lest year or two, la rap- Dy the - iit;e of Fellowti, Cowponnd thev noiffl their reRpnets ta 11A far-oâ ta political appellent@. Snob themes idly regailling its past popularity. This GRAIN PHODUCTION Ole'TUL U. S.- Syrup cpf Hyl)ol)lioel)ljites tke blood is' by Vioroltippiue the, painting. en(, 9noh epithets bave. beên loft ta the ig in gr-fif part owitig if) 1.4 »ýdrniraljlê. In 1863 t1lA Ivilellt prolluctiou of the spe(.&Iily vitalised and purified, and sa 'Mila 0711- . - -il P - 1 ý ý,fldo (-armhl,ý fil' ilroilncing a round CM L ndon stiffilipt-et hor ri F.)(w., taot of aflu') ir)ý _jýi(.ot ý Lý;t,.j fala a Di ýT1l FHOM, A VOTATO IlTiti.-()Ile lie. with Lîs winaîng n day )<ý.f1t week fi farnier ligulod Stone A pcrs.ývering, nnd a pa£fýnqV re. i;rcr-*ýti!.Ic iý, waý. *)fý l'),; living in Koswick, parisli of Douglas, l"Infless IloRtilitY fnW M la-c'mil ïmt v7la t'li silort of t'x. W, ' ing ZL cil' rErry Davie Yorh- Countv, sent two or thrve of bis tneu, différing in volitical faitlt froin tiLic. rhýý livint Sf. -ývàu i, 0.- a 1_ý th, --w-U pa;Ux11ltýr iri a âwe wilzi uný1 Eugar, childreu to 'pick the bngf; froru ti that of the (.ilob-,, a!RolýointF ta tllia aP linz-%rti Ilv tiio fliý?p'àY il# 'tee 1- "p ti*cs about two LUwtÀ4Lý t.) 1elieve tata, planta, in the courp.f.,of whic'161 Vil excessive spirit of partizannhip. 'le. vvill tilt. wrD tlie-wt)rýt cabcb. little son'abont eîght yearn olil squeezed bn suffleient in this connection, ta men. of frori) to 1 .1 opo of t , lie insecte in hie hatàcl,.ana, pe 1 T-nr Lttçl,,Pa now 1 r(r>s T. t;or the lismeR of Dr. Ryerson, Dr. gErrý-(IIY P')Pclný flA.. hailt iý1n'111h w1d end' Dint lispo, baving AOMO email fbre on big S&I'goterf and Prof. Goldwin Smitli. Tfih £; OUTH 2OLL hý LtLLC)ON.--Lord ihlzs of the court iu,$.rtial ÙÀ ý;1A caeiý 4fl al id jý.-Q*1,:y foi lv'f' ro fitigem, bis haàd began ta Bwell, the 6. Theze is ' 1 Angther ýpoint in which Derby warmiy sulepôrtà, the Chrin-is Lieut. Corev liave*iiiif-n quatifii-il on tht thàý fýl4i1rý11. They fîr.ý1 flir 61QýOllf,âg continue up hie atm and S.« -thé Globe might bc Much iMpzC1ý ýý iwhojne to rQach the 4Nortb Polo by -bal. grcpuilopf i1(1egk1iLyý Tho Citiled îP-r-ýî fer ill'iýg P ' hAf'r a apfiglit - ordR hie body, About èigbtolclock the I allude ta its reatment cf its carres. lôüù,ý and "à given _UOO trowarJe par. j zlice Gaeptir state; th4L Ow 3ýDtùDc,ý f;ý,rh rqr:,ýUT1rO Ïkild incline it to ilame uvening tho chila &as a curpse, pondents. TLO departmient of 'Cor, the Voy"b. 1 W&O desth, rAmnýin V7hpý,.,; 61.2 le to ik LU r. Li in Ld et ik le le 10 Df Dr 7e 12- le )e P. et le et Odiffellows NEW ADVËRTISEM: 0CLAMATU CI-VI r-l'OL-1 2 Io MAJO HA B8 ayor of ýc Ti 1 ait, bit. w H, T NDEILSrNED m of th Town üf Whitby 'bu, May leasqU to proc A..Yeoucivic no 0 . accordai the usual. Custom, U ednesday, isth, 1879. f j H. B..Taylor, G. à Carson. G.-I J. $au de A 0 n. G. Dev Wils ý'J W:B, e LF.Yffl ,W. S' jas. L ng, Obu Edwi Mn=== Levi P E.- Sté] -Jacob ryani Ru F son, 1Y. R'.'Vicke Charle p"e=, C la, Y Gibs W. ... aldwe, 0 W colline, F« A. , mez. P es pringle. In COMPULUCO with the a ve eq I, il r, yor o t ltwn 07 t àDý il hereby dec wedimeay, A UgÃœsi ý 13 th'ý' A Publie; Holiday wilhin the lirait Corpora oeof thr. Town di Whitb litliat all plues of Business thz-z Cooration inay lie closeil on à for the ettèr-observauce of the sani mAj0%ý1 Whitby. 'August lat, 1879 FarM fO-r Sale ACRES.- (47 CLEARED,)-PA ý157 Lot 82, Con. 1, Township of Ing - C9unty of Halton - a hou bML with stone stabàýrNevei spring creek near the bullâni -, at Young orchard, but of fruit-$ trei llleucmg te beur. Situated, on tl through road te Gnolphefroni m-bii km Miles diàtÃŽtnt; couvenient to. 1 luills, Chamites, mmrkets, ischool., & "rO& of SuMmer-fallow, suitable wheat-' Price, $2,200 - ouly $500 r do-, balance na imay te agreed on. Apply to L. D. CREWSON, Luther, JUIY di, 1879. INSOLVENT -ACÏ- Ã" F71 and - Amýd-ding, Acts, .-Jczmva Edivard 'Vernon, vvr8u8 TlÃŽo7nas Albert Valentine, WRIT OF ATTACRUENT A been issued in this cause. L. FAMBANjî Official As WhiLbY, Au&nst àth, 1879. A WEER în your îcwn and nq capital riakëd. Y, give the business a trial çq $66enOnse. The best oppoi ever effered for those wg' Work. Yeu shouj(j tr you. ses for z mothing elit yoursau w at yon eau do OuRness we offer. Nernbia to explaii Ton cau devote all yous time or OUI 8pa- timie te the buainesso and mMý payr for every hour that you work. _'v M.ke 40 much as mon. Send for i - Pr1?ýAt s termB and Particulars, --wlj mail, froc, #1; Outfit free. Ilon't cor Of bard times while yo-n-bave Fuch-a CI Addresi IL HAUBT.T,& Co., Paz Mains. COÀL 1 'COAL 1'ý EVEN RUNDRED TONS'St.v S-Nut Coal ý queât A-1-well sort for sale, Chûaý for Culi', iLt pièljering bar- -APP]3ý-tO W. C. Allison, Li-v4 J. Il. McCLELL, July BO, 1879. RENT OR SELL-1-ID? ýj Ti ýottagc, kuown as the -ýGOjjun T1ý CI 01, ! rsu St., opposite Bi substanti-a4 well-built tage, mi good repair. Possession ut lient low. 'PWO NEW FRAME COTTAGES, JL Uenry Street, Possession - lot ý Every 'DouveniencO te each. lient 1 par -emmth, lise of texea. .QBVÉRAL EXCELLENT, NLA: &J -New, Bouses to rellt, au î, If,, Wbitby. urjjverGity-ýjunW Matricu- MUNICPALITY OF IME Townshl.]p of Whitby, COUNTY 'Qr- OkAitio. N OTICE is h bý\ that I bavu traliemittea or d th. per- Bons Mentioned in the a fli.rth sec- tioits of "The Votera' fý. ' ' ýActIIthû copies required by said se-éne ta ýýe ýo tranomitt - ed or delivered, of* . Est mede, pursuant ta Baia Act, of an mana appwmng by the Dd or as rî lRst revfsed As amant Roll'ýof the said. t be, Muni W*autv, t be entitled ta îýpte in the said unici ' at Blectiono,'ytnd that the said list as rat posted up at* - y office at ýI Il WROOKLIN, Il',' on the fa6th asy ai August 1879,- au(L re- mains fiere for inspection. Blectors 1qrc callodj'pon ta examine the said. liet, and -,,if any oý lissions or any other errorsâre tonna tlierdn, ta take immediate rocoedings ick havithe said arrors correctI, according W.. ,-ý'a-ted Brooklin, August 4th, 1879. B. T. HARRISON, 83-lin) Clerk of the said Municipality. IVIC ]ELOLIDAY. GRAND Xcu-R-SIOX le, T 'ro Victoria Park & Toroilto, Und ýthe auspices of the Pro rian EDghli Churcli Sunday 'Sebléo a of the Town of Wliitýf. Tho S or "EMPRF,,ÃŽS OF INDIA" will run Excursion froin. -Bowmanville, Oshawa a whitby, td the well-knowu sommer r art, V' ta Park, thence ta "et Tcro. on býnstýý Wýe dne, Aijiust 13th, '79. The Steame willioave Bowinanville, at ýn« ; 00 IL aIý 7, a. r4. ; WhitbT, 7.45, &MV=g lit ark-at 10.80; Toronto, Returningtb6 perb atomes IPICTON' will louve Tore t 4,,p. m., and tbe Fark àt 5, pi M-P 4ba rnving it Whitby ut forrotwdtril);c-hil- drànbnU-I(rine, Spec Iratestorguud&Y Soboul c4edreu on app Wation *fo Commit- tee, Ariàngemente wil a madd with Lbu W. P. & 1. R. ta carry oursioniste fro'n the tov?ý ta tbe wharf and ettum. 0 r,ý,ý lu 1 to G A Cara , D futon, B. UÙR and &ýýd 1,azle y uI 101, r, bitby; Th - Wood, O.baw. ; T ... Cliristie, B nville. JO WhitbyAuguatrith,'79. &nage )r ir ls y 9 0 k 7 by Tilqi four unililitiat" flulli Lliti whidi Iligli se'llool, ýfl)ggrm. ýV. H. ()rwioto, AUX iý(I Il. uroi4s, '.Lý'titrik > pithuer ail ý\iitlttiv Ht(j*vouiioii, have, wu lire glai fii louril froin the liste pliblished in til Torolit(j thoir ûNaluina lion finit AU 1111vu falcon plrst -CIILS tlie wal in Ilimtory and Geog ihird or alltllu cauffl takinvocolid-Olass ilonoura il (ilft4micoi, atliewation, Elnglieil ail( Vretiell, 11010 the only cariffillate fron '.11o Cuillity taking Ilonotira in 0laplica -rt)mH couiva netý tji a- (joublo rirai ili 1',Ilguslj, Ilifitury filuil Gtograplly 1'l"I'flur 441LUS M gr'4t-elui3m 'in Lý'uàlîfd toid a aursond-clus in Ilistory and Gcoý I,'Ulkltl)Y- btuVAtl$OU taliom a grat.elatik ill ltiéitür'Y and C1Gograýhy, rtnd a sec tiglisli. 110 8011001 thni willa lillti Mix The Ilonotirs, il %vill bp obierved, lire' in 411 tlol)artmonti Mid H11bjouts, an(l thlle Ételit in seuil. dogreo, the intercet and direction nf tiýc worli ilone fil otir-Rigli 8011001. A Letter to Ille Nvo givo place this wouli ta a lottür of un (jlitueýued corrospondent who offora muluc friondly oolllloùl as ta the oditoy. ild Management of the ( ?obe. %Vltilo Llio hitter Appoliro ta tio ta be -oolnewlittt I:rflfltlluL)Ltloug. t1jéro are 9 >tuo practical 1 ilitR in It that LURY bA 01 04'rvicti, anil bý'il1g Conoeive(l .111 a M unfrienilly Mpirit, %vu lot à go for wlil it ili worth. 1 t xn&Y 1)(11-110 hArin thal; tire mariage. Illolit of the (ilobe oll()tll(l Ilavo al, il,. livvendent entaille opluic 1 am* to tire 9("'Dral cOntltiet of tlin pap ir. Cricket. Thu following ili tIls toain gélocto.1 to pitly the Syraougo elub ; sàluuel Rayl llenrY Garrütt, li". VV. TrouérJull, Jatu(.m Laing, A,- Laing, Jolin ýlattliewmoii, lltlgll 11lby, l'UtOr Perry, george Itey. nOM8, W, ýJ- euXurtý,y au(j Cieo. ltolii;. 'rlioy are a 'good roÏràlentation of a il Whitby eleyoil. They Icave by the A'or8(,,PeLae& to-day, (Weduesday), -and 01LY nt Svracuse , to.morrow, (Thurs. day) and priday. Thqy Ilavo 4180 re. vvived a challenge front Oswego te play 011 Saturday, but Mme will net permit of its àoceptanoe. Thistles, %vu percolyo utir ex. changos, porsoilla hâve --buen illï,,'(1 for Deglecting ta out Jown thieLlos lie% qd tGý grow au thoir promis,". 1 iiiii. whole8onie application ýof 'the jal, in th'd 'beal'ty W'ght 89rVO good pur. pose, 9-rmALLN() POWL, - A man CMed. Wui. Sinclair was arrogted on Thur&. dAy 1&5 ýby chief 0OUÉtàblo Brian on 81111PICiM Ma chief foud Sinclair coluing from the direction ofLyn-de's el'ock with à bag, and cil examiniug it Ève dead bons were found. The ti-ief 11,111 gonc te poor nid Ura. C&rrigauo 'Mèr the race course and'atolen the liclic, le WU brought befure hie wor- ohils Mayor 1jarpor $ and committed. THY .,PÀY The iwrvicea XASTLenti.- of the following M-ilititt 011l'AorR havo been IiR'VenM(.0 Witb 11-norary praly,,is 11«Vir Loyp, PaYulrieter 1)1,itriot No, 1. Liegt-col, Maxw0il W. strangop ýay. tu-tur Diatrict No. U. lfoni>rory col. Davil wyllitj' vuylillititer Diîîtrict No, 4. lluno#ary jjout..C.),. ýVto, .11. jýroGbânt, viatriot NO'« (). 1,00, MIul% odnric tiallapown, etore-, - k8over lit Retireil, Li, oüt.. "Ijper, At lit. Laymanter Dietéq No. Frank 1) b(,(ýr, ad iiiiait vo wnit ny way nt iirtnmric, IL 1.q MEN l(ILLED. alsc, provided that thé tariff of elilrgeR Tlirec omployeus of the Gas-eoin lie betwcoli Ruy station on the lino [tild in- the City of Ottawit should not be lu px- ligLuy, Jaules * 1 vory, Ilobort Seyniotit Lon OnSA of th(f tariff botwoeil ally Illorc and lolin Nibl).,;,- while enisavoring t, %y w1latur, 0tatiOll and thé City. Machine plng a . gui; jealiage in the -burned bloc] 200 tilOn inulit bil con- on Satur'lla y wure killod. They liai structod hore. The cit-y of Ottavva is scarcoly comirienceil removing the de to linvû the powor of DPI)Dintinp, tilieb bris for the purpose wlienl to %he lltirro in directorg itiotendof one rw; ilf ali prosent, the fntiro John otrce id The votirip, wIll Lake place on the rith wall of tho building swnyed and - full il fil of ýlol)t(,tnt)nr, with a crash, hurying the meà alive Mr. lIaiumond, manager of the Bani ,fit WIIIT:rV,%I.lýý NIr. T. 11. White ot Hamilton, happened tc, lie in thi y. iq havillg 11(jw jjjitellitl(3ry jjjitefiii in il,(, valilt of that ingtitntion at the time 0 41 brick j)nildiUgý herotofore nilod ta thé tho crash, and with great presence 0 0- - - n 1 Il closed Iiimsolf in till the crital os wooloti illiliN, whicli ig to lie 0,011vorteil ", wap ()ver wlien lie ênaerged unhurt. c- into ýii, flouring rnill. The new pmlliises %'qOTIIEIt 11UAN KILTEl). as it la expectêt'l' will lie in full gristing ne of leri(lay's fire was visiiei es 'bl)ûratiou in the The sou ý course of six weelis. it The (Instruction of thé le mills l'y er(ivda of personq, there not beini tfi hao proved il, grciit logs to th locality. JeHS th&U tWO Ù1011811,11d prüBel2t at aD3 ô ne titile diii-ing the day, and froquent. Le W C ill-A glail, tliat liat loss ýo will bc only toiuporary, and thot the ]y as inany as twice that number. ThE euterpisiug spirit of NIr. %Vhit(ý %Vil, excitement.was roiiilered the more in. linon give the tincessary liristi g [Loo lui- teuse when it wae Icarv4d that, anothet llý life liaI boeu loît in au effort to recovoi modation to the people of t1ý tt section of Pickering. the victim's of rýri-day's disaster. Sat. Df tùr-(Iay niglit a few men were occupied iti An Orange Scanda], elcaring away the flebris from the spot *Iiero it was oupposeil the bodies ci Tho Ottami Correspondent f the thé throo MOU were buried, and about Glubc, in a dospatch pliblislied iýl tlint Il o'clock a derrick was brouglit to it I)àl)eroi)Ttlem(lay, gives lui John street by Mr. W. Ilancock, who il "ceci'Illt Of had accupteil the contract for clearitig il lin ait"illt hy Mr. John -ILVIiite, M. 11., thé spacq. Jas. Ilitilcock, a brother of y npon il Clergyman, n irrif-lillitýr of, thé the contractor, who was inost.-assidnoua 1. Ortler, nt the Ottawa An al). in his eflý)rts to facilitate the- work in i. Clog-Y lind to lie tendered to prevelit tllv Ii.and aud boiug auxions tliftt the dûr. inatter bring bronglit 1wfore th(, police rIck aliotilil be in gond order by the o court. Tlie Glolec in ail* t'tiitorittl. Coli. illornifig, Wiloil extra mon wero eugag. denium the oiitritgo as one iL(linittitj,, oi ed tu work tipon it, in endenvouring to no extoutiation. carry ont his intention was accidetitally hilled. At five o'clock this morning lie Tim_ civiu found, when testing the working of the The Mayor lias issued his proclamation hoist, that it was etiff, and ascended ' the bonin to which the rope is cepend- Rlipointing Weilnesday-, 18th inqt., as ed, for 010 purpose of oiling th: wheel. thé alinnal Civic lioliday, Tijoru is tu In doing this, the fixture collupsed, bo a grand oxi,-tirsion te Victoria Park, throwing hitu IL distance of twenty feet Linder the aus pies, 11, t bc Prosbyterian against one of the sharp eopirig atones, and Engliell Clilirb. Bunday Sellools, whicli penetrateil the forcheud, expos. at-a very low foire, as wili lin siell by ing the brain, aud leaving a deep open. ing over the left eya about two inches in longth. llie titifortunate man was Tiii.; DAILY TiýiL:s-A ilt Once reiaoved to his residance, Lo- new ilaily venture in this iiorthern comotive stroet, where in three minnt- tovn of AIUHI(egon, bas roachû(j lis. IL t'a bc dicil. --**. is ptiblialied by The l'i?ýirR Printing Bft1j1TAlý MUIIL1)1-.It OF A WO>IAN AND Company-tho firui boing-cornl)ot;ecl of CHILD.-A Petersburg, Va. despatell t Messrs. Bradford, gives the followiUg particulara of a bru. the latter a yontivger son of the publisil. tal murder of a -woman and child Or Of thé OllItONICLI,. Wo wisli the James Rose, colored, a farmer, of Sus. young euterprfn evêry success. Box county. came to Petorsburg on fri. Il - ý_: - ' (lay. During bis absence Iiiabouso Was Gàuýiii.:tttNo ov TLe,)iiLeitiNeF PE011LE. visited by bis former wife, whoin ho r _Tliere is il, grelot gatlicring, of Toin. forsook foi- Maggie Tinus, by whow lie porance people at Thousand Island hall a child. Thé foreaken womau rauce ,love fesstBý,, and was accomparlied by a negro man, who Park. Tempé shot Tiuns througli the breast, killing .4'thriUîng sermons" and "éloquent ad- lier icstantly, while the infants baud keep up the Bliirite of th, was chopped ' off wîth a spade by the Il enable the ladies and gen. enraged womàn. The double murder 1ý,nesent te get through oie hot was first discovered late on Saturday, weather, Mrs. YeomanB, of Picton, when rose returned home. t'romineut character. 'Tiii, INDIINS IN - Tnt NOIZTII-WEST.- 9' Excursion tu Ilam. Advices received at the War Depart. The OddfeîFlb. ilton, por >k;telm or Noracinail, OU MOUt, Washington from the Noith. Western froutier show that al], or near. ThursdaýAU sttile.14th. Tickotsfor ly all, of the hostile ladians WLO came roun fvyutl, 'I'n bc hall lit the south frow canalla toi huut, buffalo, stores Of If 0811;o. Ilose Et, 'a - and T_ G. bavo recrosseil the linu. It iis believed Whitfield. that the military authorities that thèy bail no inteution at any time of provo. BlitGAi,,;s iN Dity GooD,.i.-Ul.. c Ir king liostilities. The report that Sit. Stewart, (Deveroll*i; j3joch'l il; effo :iLlg* ting Bull was ongaged in a skirmieh on- the 17th il; entiroly (lipere(lited, and lit. big bargains in aummer gor'do ttflýt, f,ýjt of finrther to viriko routi inir ýt, larirq wtY-ý The Scaijou'si ir.ro ' im i; lit ()tllv a f."%(, t' Vu1cftnUtù%Vjý. W, Vit., %Vui; té. t14ý 011 Mondity 1)1'ouuru Une, .1 F-ln'êJjiýi£z u totul Na- 011,14 tc, ýtuy the flitrites, ivittt!r to be la, - Gol)o VIN LUAIt. -J nineson' ii tilt) 11cI1ire2tý*i ÏS ;1ýAlinfz it ;;00il baLy place tn gpt M gpoâ nrtiele. "E "al Davéroll'a 1,11 Lice foi oc k, Only a fee bal-y 0.9rrîa,,ti stîll 1,,). 1 leniliers of railjýnR, 'R'iliol; wf, i-jL. î fit' L;Iabý91 will eltiar J)JU British uiggie#43 Rrjlý )eicem J. bj't, 21.1th ilirt, woré';,4;,,'VÙd hi But), Ua1àý1cýr L, 0 U Ug 0 V lu ......... #1 00 0 41 26 ...................... ;120 to I& Bütter ......... ........ 100 @ 18 - j0h"0e-ý-ý .... 0& @ 10 Wood .............. .... 08, bu 0 00 00 06 00 (Dqô &J ....... 00 @ 84 rA ...... . $0 75 $0 80 Rider ................ ...... Ob 00 " W Pork per éwt ....... $5 00 @ #5 60 .................. 02 w #8 00 Cglt« .................... 04 a 86 Güîolig ........ ... go ou @ 1 00 Tumipo ................ ... 000 .... i .............. 2500001 Chickeno, per pair ........ 45 0 500 Duoks perpr ...... BW 0 WC- Gesse Ver lb ........ 7o 00 rk '10 - Ti ý,,ey8, per 010 0 ....... ffl W, 0 Timothy...t ............... el 75' '02 00 .Woolp< . umn ....... #0 09 10 < hed 20 poApe2ý ýgug- 6th, 1879. ............... 90L 100 .............. #0 sa , 00 95 ................ ....... 60 ........................ 0 w 060 ...... 0 88 040 Corn ...................... ....... 1045 065 Clover ............ 360 potatoes .............. ...... 0 50ý. 060 m A les, Ver bns ................ 1 W 2 W_ Es. - 1 ................ ý.. 4 50 0 W Fork...,.: ........... i ........ 6 W 000 Butter...; ............ e. 0 08 011 1 ................... ý0 Jo -ý0w ....................... 7 W 'Ow ................. 550 6 W Wood».........-...,. 4 .......... 2, W a W Cheese ...................... 010, 0'12 Wool ........................ 020 022 0 10 011 Modern Materli"a',Medica Iiieludes mýny valuable remedies foi amo- tions, it îe a matter of certainty that ix, aU cases where the animaldtalityis failing, Phosiozone is decidedly, in ri - It -il, work efficts such à * nothing else *M É- duce, ana possesses the guat advantage of not causingi when its use fe'ieUngulahIcd, the alightest reaction or - Sold by aU druggists. Price vi-DQU'àr per Bottle. - A c A R Do rj * 0 all who are suffering IrSn-the errorw. and indiscretions of yonth,-nervousi weakness, early decay, losa of manhoocl,&,c.,. I will send a receite that will Pure youg FEBE OF CHARGE. --his'gnat remedy,£ wah discovered by a missionary -in South Amarica. Sena. a self-aaaressea envelope- to the Rxv. Joszpn T. - INuiN, Station Do Bible Home, New Yw* City. NEW ADVERTISEMMTS. VINEGAR l' IMPERIAL FRENCH VINEGAR, Demijohns and Quatter-demijohns.- -AT- R. H. JAM ESON'So votèr's, List., lkg.- House for Sale or to Let A HANDSOME DWELLING ON PEB- ry-Street ; contains 7 rooms, goud collar, 7oodshed, out offices, pump, ristern, &o.; iiice garden of a quater acre. Apply to JOSEPII A. BANDEL, 'Wbithy' Iluuse, Or at CHIWNICLE OffiC6. Itu 83 - FIRST--CLASS FAR M-. FOR. SALE 1 A FIRST-CLASS FABM, Ule 150 tcreu, being part ci Lu' 'Nc 9, iu i Jt iJ.mdý Cou. ef Mrell mith watqr; ,onil orchard ; weil filnc, 111 ; witu awelling, and piod autbnýildii)914. Two dwellinfri for ftm' Il inils. Aspleigilid ntock and grai), f el),e togonel Mar- koto, wili bý.r. ,1ý1 on oiFy f-wf'ý Applyfû P'ATRBA'iYýS, Il,' -Ï,,il by. EACH. DOLI Auausý :m - --F l::ýj 0 - ci,

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