Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Aug 1879, p. 3

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E. .1 ~ . -~ ODD.:FELLOW6> HALL 10 CE NT EACH DOLLAR -F011- AU GUST. Oddfellowe' Hall, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PýOCLAMATIOr 1 HLVI . OL1IAY1 litiquisWite IotAJOg' H4,ePEl, 1 g~!auor of tIe Tcwie ol .WTE, TUE 'iNDEII3 NED Batepay. VV crs ofthtsé Town o( Whitby, roquest thant yen may lb donSs9iitaercclamIlsth Atnmal Civie Iio iay, lesaccordanas witi tics nal cnetcm, il n Wesday, Augest 111h, 1879- n H. If. Tayor, G. A> Caron G. C. Grosm, J. Hainuders, A. C. WlAson, G. Devereil, 1). Wilson, Jas. W.fla CI, A. P. Yaro WX. Colline- Jas, LpnDg, Jbn Edwards, M. Murrayev bak, E. Stephenson, euDivickerg, Charl î'ennyllegîon, J. Arid ' Y. GIbsýn, W. W.\a1dweil, C. le. Stewart, MatthpW Colline,\F A owl Itatrh & Brtlr, Alcr. Prigie, William ilarue, Asud JDeee 1ringie. 4. Iii coesitliaisco wsothles above ltcquisition, 1, Ma'rHarper, Mayor oý tise Tvwnof Whltby, do hersby dclere * Wedneeday, August l3thÀ ,1879, -A Publio Holiday wiiun the limit' et th" -Corporation et thr. Town cf Whitbk, And rcslcest fitIs ail places cf lBusinesss\with n tlin Corporation may bie losedon eaddY, for tlisebotter'observasces cf theien.MAJOR HAEPEfl, Mayor. WILitby, Angueit let, 1870 83-lin. Farin for Sale. CR AlES, (47 CLEAReCD,) PART Ol' )<Lot 82, Con. 1, Township cf Esques. 4ug Connly ci1Halton - trams houese,and bart, wllh stone stabisng. Noverfaillng cîrilcg rek ucar the bsildtng ; a thrlving youseg orccard, boast et fruit-trocs corn- inciteclng ta beur. gltuatud on tise msain tîi-ouglisrond teGulueph, frein suci it i. Le-ci peles distant; cuvertient lu vilages, sils, chartilihes, markets, sehloco, tc. Toit acres of Stimsuler fallow, eitable for flu wliect. ,Irice, $2,2w - oenly $500 roquircd dgcwc, baienco itas ccay tes agreed on. Appîy te L. D-- iRE WSON, Peecîabccuc P. O., ont. Llitur,_Jilly 81, 1879. 1-33 JNSOL VENT ACT 0F 1875, anJ Amending Acta. ThctescaAlert-Vclntiee, Deft. SW.ItIT ()10 ATTACIIMENT HIS .L.boesis ltii4411letcies ese. Officiai Amsignuc. Wiiitky, Aligisat 51h, 1371?. ln. 1 f A Eltî< filiyour ewus towil, aiti unoCapital sieliesl. Yotiscan give tIse busiinss a trial without 6 e cxîieese, The Iset cpetuiy 50cr olicred for thoso williug te 000ck.for yeurseliw&t Y5oîi a d t h 41101e" NWO citer, No rmnote oxpiain here. Yulî iscauevote cll Voue tinte or cnly yen, APare lime 1e tIse bisîinoss, andxiiako groat 1-ay fur overy hoùr tisat yen, work. Womnen Vrivate toten d pari laswhisli 1119ifroc.60 celt trce.Don't complaisoi 4f 4 n-4l imes e-hile yess have suris is chance.t AitSecs. Il. 1[ALLIITT & C()., Portland,t Maile. - y-82 COAL 1 COAL 1 ý-1ÈVHN IlUSD1tîliu TONS Steve alld 0 Nul Coue ality, A-1-well sercenocîl feer *rlO, (c-lseap fer Caili t Ilic!soeriig llar- Ier. "lIiy te 1V. C. Ailimose, Liv-erpocol IlArliet fer L' -luiy ;Io, 187..J -iii!'LLN 011 'irrscc tru"e St., seîioiîc Darnes' i suesîtcistli, Wel.buill cCl- ieic ilcdrayai-. i>sssoseiOn aI o>nce. rFl-iNV 11AECOTAGES ON lay Sre.p Htfinl; sept. icv-îiccteoCasis. lient$&a0 V eruictis, frof etaes. tLEXCELLENT ,NltAlLY $îl(îtllssscs l rest, ail in irown et 7UliIiîi lC I N TONVN3uîp 0F T wlilthy, tu ssli. Two isnIcwelsT i e l>icls-iu Svi-ral 900d tarin uthese lWC 'rwnellluies srecst. Aîeply tb J.-llAlER lfL eLeSWOOD, Jtsly lti, Drwer Nosolicitor, &. - BEWARIE 0F IMITATIONS I PIIIOSFiOZONE Culnu Casstbî,nitiIbu0 t,tIsa 1iuecfu. igit lao p tCiiJl Vr Wssîîe l te i lsre-tine rieCo l u )o sc r, leuss-ieg Ils- lit Ureci l e e t - c îcsl lsh irec-i fi- ~ ~ ~ o eim- c . i-esc mic-f, liitiu Gon sîN t-- emii g : U idi'UC!1000s. îA"Itfo aî's Lgr11:oc In ordeï--4o èfk à Stook of SUM?4e1,D s, ozioe SP]JIA-LLY ,, LO W PIRICES. WiII shortly, arrive, and we mut iake -room for them, sè 1ook out for b1g.,- Barazi White ConntErpanos, Dress Goode,, B*Stiq> ýLace utiaOsnnrs leis Sheetù~~gs, LUstres, Mrale CottonsPrints, Mfiery. Gooda, Parasols,&c., 'at yu w .pcs ta' No trouble to -show goods. ' Q..F. .STEWART "Tho Fashioabel, Dry Goods, and 1ti~Hxs. Are, TIIS MONTH, cIea$ing ont tJheir ontire stooc of At Haif-Price. Thoy are also offerig very great bargeins in -Ladies' j (Jhildrcn's UNDEROCLOTUINO, Baby Linon, &o. MILLINERY, MANTLE DREjSSMÂRINMG., 9"' Jiuttoricok's Fali Fashion Shoots recoivedl. aCan get one y Brock.st., W~hitby.Ji R.H. JAflON Cruse and Fils Fi'eres BORDEA U Médoc, St. Julien',- Margautx, dc. LORNE HI1GHLAND 1Bye Whiskey, guaraittee(1 in Wood. WIIISKEI 5Sîimrnei 1-1.G H Munii & Co's. Champagu( .lIolsoin's and( CaAili-g'8 Aie and Porte; O'KEFFE & Cose, and ýrep r. b, LAGCIEB $1 00 PER D]OZEN. WlitbY,,JtuIY 8iOlie, 1879. R. H. JAMESON'S. -W &*.r ]EJD i 1,000 Farmers, Ladies and others'to purÜhuse Ollr immnse1 stock of MASSON GE M FRUIT JARS, ut gioiitly reduccd prices, ut - SIMON FRASEiIS New Catsh Storc -A -large stock of China, Crockery and Glasswaro, ut astounding LOW PRICES. 0.1 at Bottan Prices. .> A fullilhue of al grades of TEAS, 1 tt slttugiterinig prices, at SIMO*%T Dovoroll's Block, N. B.-Farmer's Produce takeni in oxehauge. Ta 600 or03A -EAH, or $6 $15 00- ity l rsn.Wo A W ommunostoIsbao Wi EN for thse amutstaueuonhN n cnfiltesamne prce ta usake mouey fast. Âuy eue eau do the work. Yen eau moae from 60 cents 10 $2 ïuCoglleM de a ane heur by devotiug your evenlugsansd liVt8u~ epac lime te the business, Il cents noti. ig te try lbt uns. Noîbin lise il for money maklug amer offes-eS iJoroe.Ilusi- SE ese pleasant sud strlctîy honorable. Reader- ' payissg busiccens lactose tbe public, send us - ~ u. yonr address sud wu wlll sanS yen feul particulars and prîvate terme trous; samples IN GILT LE~TTE-US, Iot 6 l; ras ; yen eau than make up yourmlIsdfor yeursell. AdIdrssa GEORGE O N E A C P L U G lTINSON &CO., Porland, Maine. ]y-82 -- Ilsueillon, May 21, '70. 3M-22 A MONTE gnarauleed. 612 a day et borne sade by thse EXECUTORS' îj(j duis strous. Capital nol ce- ure; wiif stsct yen. S ALE OF LAN DS Men, womeu, boys sud girls mnake monaey taster - aI work for os Ibso at-INBOK aseytluilscgcic.Ticwork le ligist sud ples- NBO . eut, aud snobi as anoncecase go riehî at. TEE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS F011 This wbo are-wise wbo ses this noie will soale tbal beautifisi Farm, known as the scnd ns their addressesata once sud ses for propsrty et the laIe Patrick Keenan cou- tismnslves. Cestly outlt sud termis froe. tlisc 170 acres. 100 acres the sontie-iaît Naw la the lime. Those alceadY at werk of icot o. 8, anS 76 acces efthtie sente part are 1aviug upilarge-sumo et monsy. Address et lat No. 7, allu inse 71is cou. etftics Town- TRÜÎU Co0., Augîsss, Maine." IY-82sabipotflBrook. - - --- -.--- - -- -- his Parti is lu a h.igb statu et cultiva- hiSse, well wstersd, good Building, fonces end erebard ; tisere arc about 20> acres cf c bautitul bardweod bosie on tia sentis hait et o No. 8, one-hall mile from, Vrocmantos Mille, hwo anS oe-bail miles fs-eu SunSe- I&s lnd,enlie Toronto sud Niplsslug B. R. 1> Tise Pansawill lsbeS u ueorhwi's, tclarei p - For further par l u i . to lb e cuoprs P ATRICK KEENAN, 7\at "'~ - ~Vroomanton, P. 0. COMPANYJssly 261Is, 1879.- -82 A Good Farm to Reut. AGELOT 16 outbulldlugsgood; 1'h. e DWells an u ýgeod &tata et cultivatlese.. Possas- PIRE INSURANCE OZqLy. sien given aller learvest. Fer psrtioulss-s, Apply te LUstffl PItOil'LY ADUSTFI)j. J y2t,17.D. McBRADY, Assdley. Luiki wrcttlc-sanI lelicels lsîîscd lby Jsy2ts 89 i Wistb, Tîly10C7. NOURSE, Agent. FURN ISHED HALL TO RÉNTN' - r~f> 1 10 T'I .T fic;iiuIsoilHall altove thse .1 ix[-ccîu L., suuown Das tiscY. M. C. John Dundas. . îcî.U:.eîic- .icrmnsectîy taken, a <-4 Yl~m- c- 41-. ieu;et cii- s0-ii4 latiem cau arriwe,-t-i-cciit it by-the scgit. i t e> ti Irlrusi, i e, ctiiW i fil tise e sc u-y - CIq') i3- TJ of b)îrily tise filliseg of s--u-i us afie-- v___ Ti 1ýs - czc i. rAIseèhas - Dr;yi;g Pantig,-Crayon;. ýN'rAlkM1 1 tlt, omu(If f * La.ý+ss IS- MA I DARNES fle p-pred lte tiýr itfectmatieu moll imiî gi se l ut it >!lil IiLive le..ocs in Ibeabbc aI bher gi-e-ai eiva.îîg a le lb mo-estiiilld e of c scB-sk tct hti.Particie. Ils., raid 3olln )n. as. - arr rasit bebtined fs-cm ]Miss lluyrs, THb £OMÂS McNAVUITLN. >-aseaesrcclo-st. .Olurg, JUIY lUth. 187P.,-, 8lltin 21. Bl.,io Slffl, Whitby, June 25th, 1879. .IOM1-,N ,. DOMINION 0- - -- WARE - - 1r-~ > - --4. [J: 14m 'Thé un d ers i ned, h av ut", c ~ e ii e o. t ôo and, Bi.ak Siik, TheYý arc e ingBeautiful GÇoloreJ >9i11c8 for 55 cent8.a vya SS ummer Dr eas Goods at a Great -Reduction. -c* AT OO~P MIL L INE Riy Nillinei t~"They have 'a Large' Stock of' I Ù4 uar s. br S jLI5a t J ,luV-i JU >iI. 3~ 8 POWELL ---------- 8atlh iBEMI-ANNUAL ;T AT E M E N T -0F THIE- I'RAVE LE RS. Ilcrtiord, Cocus., cTaituary L1879. Real eàtate, - - $517,201-87 Cash on band and in bank, 127,904,69 Loane on bond and mortgage on reai eetate - - 2,266,193.18 Interest on loans, accrued but not due, . ec.u5rlty, .9 Loane on collateral eriy 22,100.00 Deferred Life prernun, - 51,272.52 Premiums due and unreported on Lite Policies, - 50,756,12 United States Government buuds' - 483,420.00 State and municipal bonds, 2W,078.50 Xtilroad stocks and bonds, 820,888.00 Bank and Insurance stocks, 609,004.00 Total Assete, -$4,505,445.31 LIAIIILITIES. Beserve, four per cent., Lite Departinent, - - 62,972P511.69 Roerve, for re-insurance, Ac- - tident Department, -. 221,326.,4 Clame nnad4usted and not due, atid ait other liabili- tics, - * - 14500 Total Liabilitie, - $3,338,337.93 Surplus as regards Policy. hoiders, . - 01,257,107.38 8 tatisties for thse Year 1878. LIFE DEP4IITMENT. Number of l ifs Polices it ten iu 1878, - - - 1,980 Whole number Lite Policys written to date . - 30,29-/ Whole number cf Lite Poli. oies lu force, - 11i.207 Amount Lise Insurance in force,.- - - $18 ,3c'550.00 Total Claimes paid lu Lite 1>farmosnc, - *$1271,137.8o ACCIDENT DEI'ARTMENT. Number of Accident Polieles written in 1878 . 1 3,118 Cash Premniums recclved for same - . - $775,5g2.51 Gain in Premniume over 1877, $65@57.419 Whole number Accident Poli. clos wrltteun, . . 51,8 Number Accident Olalms paid1 ln 1878, - - 4,760 in 117s, . - 0284,343.23 ~S L Wbele number AccidentGRA D u n J r.t tilcaspaiS . - 33,049GR N C EA I G S L Wbole aMount accident Claime pald, - $3,041,051.04 - F Total Lesses psid, Isotb De- -F partments. 04.313,0)89.80 JAS. G. DATTERSON, President. G. F. DAVIS, Vice-President.Sy. BO O TS .A .ND SH O]fS I RODNEY DENNIS 5ecrelsay JOHN B. MOAiIS, Assistant Sc'.:0: GEORGEELLIS, Actoary. 00 EnWAsU V. PnESueoce, 5u1 i fAgecies. J, P' BAVes, M. B- Tsleiaî Eaculueri J: B. Lcewsi,Sreoaustner .MA-T H E W C O L L IN S C. F'. RUSSELL, Agent, Prov! Ont. Ofice, 88 Adilcuede, East, Toronto. Is now preparod to seil al bis Stock of New Boots and C. IORS, Aen, Wilty.Shoos, AT AND IJNDER COST, at Auction Prices, as BON ES WANTEDI e is compelled to make arrangements for a new'store. (ced-wageocs els mads ly colîling £& Everything in the Boot and Shoe fino ini Stock wil sud sbipplug isors te us. positiirely ho cieared off at a sacrifce. Bage loaned. Prompt remittance Focr es - ~ i fiertber particalara addreso us le s beig cancealeu, h i for a few weeks work off PETER B. LAMB & Co., bis immense stock. The gresteat bargains over givan iu the Town cf Manfacturer%, Whitby snay ho oxpected. No trouble to show goods. v y .LV .5 Wiil seli seil for -30 > days AT COSI1 Womons' Prunella Boots and Shoes, Wonens' Kid Boots and Shoes, Mi8sss' Pebblo Boots and Shoorï, -i r.J .L INJ Z54 p and wecl selected Stock. Cail and examine. A New FOR SALE. New Lumber waggon, witli box, Whil trees and nockyokoe, ceap ; Largo Mure 5 years old, on $100 ; Throo Buggies, new. rreÉiil's oùaijove to suit pu CRO0QUE T, HAR'VESI 1001 Cradios Scythes, Suaiths, Forks,, Rakes, &c. IIATCH &- BRO. DON'T RUN I Oui' pure Greon fixes thoin 50 tbey can't run. Buy the betit and buy no othor, HâATOHI & BRO. Importera Hardware. Whitby, J,îno lOth, 1879. Pri Paî'i Dry Goods 3mporium, 'Watson's Block, Brook Street. NW DV ERYit118E M E N'1'8 PHOTOGRÂAPHIY PH-OTOGRAPHIC STUDIO,, Special 'inducernents _ta ëhads of fa,- haZ» nIsmor milles, during the sutnmer months. Faiies oonsistùag of Ù"lu,=ral1sBion'D'j Uo3l,Die frpersons, and upwar yodrng one doz en photos. ~ Pen1~oa~s. -ah wiIlleopresented with a beautiful photograpli group ipa utlnour aaPro in Grve desPile of te fa m ily , fu l B s i :e r a ing2. Me y= a îI àe ùk l byns a te n 5 .eiteau- Satisfation gu'bynted- Priis toa resser sait the timeosTHE GRAY MEDICIE CO., Toronto, Ont., Canada. C H L R N A S P E O I A L T Y . _ e 0 n W i b y a l d u fi t q l d b Traiiffig in ail its branches, at price à iWCanadan'ite Uited stàt - l- whieh defy competition, Agents for Canada Stainod Glass Works. -Cail and s560 SampLeON LYON BROS., WHITBY. WILKINSON>s iiLOc1~, - CAN AÇTUALLY BE MADE WITH TEE WBLL AUGRI WýA"RE L'4 r Il E' f il Il w md. ly- =AMEN ZT, su a .are pro4 to emostrate the fuot, M'OUR AUGERS are operated entirely by HORSE ?O4WER, and GUARANTEED to bore at the rate of 10 to 15 FEET PER ýHOURD T1ie Boiteue-roM3 to 6 Foct Iian iatet, and kNY DENT R~Irad! ,'1hey are WVARRANTED TO BORE SUCCESSFLTLLY IN ALL' KIDS 0F EARTH-, SOFT SAND and LIMESTONE; BITUMI- NOUS STONE COAL, SLATE, and HARDPAN, and make the BEST OF WELLS in QUICKSAND, GRAVEL, and CAVY EARTHS. Vber are Enalir operated, Simple lu Construction, îuusI ISurible i. Tise <Jieupest sud Jfost Praclicall inLthe Woaid &SMANUFACTURED AT OUR OWN WORKS, from ithe Very Bect of Mvaterial, by Skiiled and Plctical Workmcu. GOO» ACTIE AGENTS WVantcd lu Every Couty lu the 'Jnitçd States and Canada, to whomn we offer liberal inducernents. Send for onc Ilusirated Catalogue, Prîccs, Termes, &c., proving or adveriisement hona .fl. ADDES GRATWETE1WI .PLL AMER WORKa TOONTO- July 2nd, 1879. 8Ot-28 Imperishable Fragrance. , MURRAY&LAMMAN'8 Celcicrated Florida lhgetest d- iri IfIAIIRY T10r iobe 7ite, mEsî iiiivi- of ail Klids. Jfl a nd k r éhi f. a t ics g T o ile s an d l e --a- y s 0 N 1 Datttsdslgltfi Ùand iseaithstullu tise slek r-cer, rellevs wesakneis fatigue, p roi. A. F~. lA JRVV VV J, trahices, narvonues an suaadwie. Look eut for coueleets, slways ask for lise Havm*n bought the -business of Mr. J. G' oogil ro l sai .er Loannas th&OUemp, Lw StreBrook e su, rep a"adb&tie ol -o-treet, ity i n prepared b eupplyevery"àhing téunlie nof Con. 9&' For sais. isvPertuxsos ruuuite maSo o nport te vzor maton!,a ies o e k0 taanOuHo wxhell b ok sud Fancy Goodg Deaer.' md fspe -mtrW n ele op . l ilalways b PERRY DAVIS & SON LAWRENCE, prepared to supplyi.Supper and Wedding parties, at the very lowest rates. 29. Agents, 14ONTEAL- CAKES & BREAD, will bo supplied, s ' heretofore, Fur- sais by T. G. Wielldeld, Cicemùi, À A oeand trial ho Lodls eatiafied, wMl gain him a paying trade, annd ut Wbitby. tlisasme lima wll psy hie oustoieri. PIPES, CIGARS and TOBACCOS, oft he b6st brande, ceap. FARM .L~i RENT. FRUIT, alkinds, sud seemecuable, lcopt on hand, sud willbcoSONd ut O- . ' S i F 100 AC RS RING &6 o ndîr'g ly Lo y priec. p, amt (q Lot No. -1 iluthie 4de douceýs- Tho Daily and Weekly papOrs receivc& s-aily. Stationory andS Shool clou ut rickcerinlsav miles troustlise tewn Bosho.d idwi esolS Tees cantuiOeci, h& st ai ny othpür itora. arch 0S 7'.Pessn ee .~nle The. Store miimlllOately oppouc4 Qeg4,arQ8&Gii#rldHa¶~ cro laIsien ff s 53, uS ossssIn tore, anS an édororatli of Goldslth'e U. >. lot Mar-ase.nxl. -0 - The Highest CaFsh ýéwin1-.aiàior E G PFor pariculars, apply to lies oTier. W oI 'rMoHv 0.E3Y A. F. YARW op COME ONE, COME ALL I COME AND 8E~E US LADIES' AND MISSES' s Whil oo ci VfIL the 1?Ofl LIPPE RS &SHOES.1 C JAR HN SEVER. JOHN SAUNDERS, by, Joua lOLlu, 1879. unty ofHa//burton, FARM LOTS, LACE 0F. HÂUBUBiWN, eTermiuus ci tIsa Victcursissiiway, 1SKLeI, ON -REASONABLE do TERMS. Farm' to Rient, d mpWO HUNDBED ACRES, ]3EING -L csmpc-scd of 1410acres, tise sortb-lsaWl" of Lot No. 35, muinoIls-S ucocsessiecscf lori Whitby, and it0 ncyc7, soeberlisf et lot eue; 'isecih rd iccinceesion of Pickering, aS- m juillinr. ýAbout 190 acres cloeeS Sub- 11< -taseticelSwelling, ontboildlngi bas-nson-- dergriund celar. ,Gloo 6r=isad dling streau etl-atIrr cegî lie lasse, Posses- sion efthlie Pickering. 100 acres 0on lia-i O-toIser Ynextý anS tof t1i-sWhitea 110 adms Alil Classes of Sum mer G( ods Ve ryCheap. ry, Dress-making & lailoring to- ordt s ligUait R 1 .mijoii8. tby, 1Oint tisaIle Il) AY. ieo, ,trlis & ( c (f Ije -a- St. Louis, Mo. 1 1 1 Il 1 1 OH JSAUNCIVDERIS. m ýl 1 j 0 TAN DUST REEIVED T LS QOT.EE AG AN S.OMENT OE BROS, BBOCX48ipii WHIIBy. OCD. -is 1 Clioap L 1 ec- SUGAR> 1 ..,L Brock Street whitby, Ju DEVERELL'S BLOCK, BBOCK-ST., WHITBY. 06'-"Wnd- CHEAPER rÉHAN EVER. tby, June 10th, 1879. i Is composeS ef Ingrelllents indentical wilh thesge Wiicb COnstitute Esaltb, ]3lood, MusCle and Nerva anSd rain S8ecbstence, wist Lif telfis cltreotiy ctepsssdenîssp- on somne cf lbem. 1 -< By ils union witis theblood< and its effort upon the muscles, re-sstabiiehing tIseue Iud Ionise the other, et ss capable of cifeut- sng the foîlowiug resulte - Il will dieplace or wash- ont huberculous mal ter, aud chus cure Coneumpticu. ;Direasing Nervous nad Musc-ni-r terropteel action o te or ad enit- Mo~n, Weakuoss cf Intellect caused ley gris-t worr, evertaxÉ or irregular habite, J3ron- chitis, Acule or Chronic Congestion cf chue Longs, es-en in tise monl alarsniugotagegs. Il cures Asthcsa, Loos et Voie, Neuralgice St. Vituis Dauce, Epileptie Fit,; Wlapsng Cough. Nerè6ousies,and le a mont st-eser- fuI adjunot ta other remides luinsieisnlg lit uin g the proccs cfDiptisoria. An sudîcs lZain 01 goceil effecte is forncoil by FELLOWS' COiPOijND ÉY RUP 0F,-I-ypopHôSPHITES, . and WC are Bafe in eayiug, tram-1 a log cx- Perisuce lu medecisse, ils virtieis >6e l,d pacseid ay eai-ier ticjjajý,ai, s îtÉm follawlwi ll domonstrale.4 IT Ie ACCEPTABLE te leialILt U aU. etouacis. - SUFFICIE NTLY POTENT ta iseuro île. cidcd boeet,-yet barmless,liîwsocoî-r loi-qa ils une May be cetecc.Thî iea-,irac(er.; îstie insee1Vyother rencoîy. IT A&SITSDIIGESlIjON Uansi ssaileii -. TT VITALIZES TUE BLOOD, silli;id* inf;uch igreiecte as may.ho reîldairig. ITRESTORES TONE ta thse sserye. IT GIVE S POWEll cf endurasnce anîil cf conneutrelion tte ic md. IT PROMOTS VIGOR l in1tigeergasss wbich depesci for health on tlie icclvesnca.ry" muecalar'-action, viz. :tic Liver, en, Heart, Stomacis aud Geseitis. And unlise alflicteed wilh sono ioai uu volVeng ABOL54T OR9,4NIsCcLogis, il soYli eue-, tain theasysteng. until il reachos thiat--l loled leacuan iey a buelicient Cireatoir. NO 1>ERSON will b le iseîeiitoid ihlii t effeeto! FELLOWS EYPOPUOS lIl l-i9, who rigidil- tsiow Isle dircion". FELLOWS', H}POP'HO8PHITES INCSPTION, 'eu xleritautK swiich iîcfcci-d ie andilu erder tui snppiy thse deficioniciceise Hypo091hits alead ilunue; foer, al- thouether nturewascorrect as tu f lie ccp, tbeirproparatlous-wers, cwing le ticoir impecteot organization, toui wantlug il, practice. .-.-j While tbsy eaused tise formnation cf fat sud generated iseat, tiîey diS seat 1mipsove lise biood. Thse toute effae-- oison tie nerves anS muscles was cirecutsseribul and owing-ho their-diluted stale, invoiving larg doses, tisey worc aise tee expensive. Ihodeaiderata-sougisî by Mr. Pellown, A couvenient, paicstsblo remcdy; 'Unalterable by ime;- Harmicas, lisongi used continncusIy, yef migist be disconlinneil ah any lime witiîcnt a& effet; . bsch would induce an app etits: Streuglissu digestion j Promets aossimilation; Create heesllby blocS ; Strengtben the nerves und muscles; Enabis tbe subjeet te sseccesstdlly coins bat dîsease*; AnSdaiffcisutly sconomical for aIl.- AU Ibis ban beau iodlspncably atissd. Tise sicéces cf the wesk 2a comploe; and Fellow' Hypo hosphe stands foressct amoust tse rmedes for ceronie or -a* t a t e m clii e b s er aperties te w ic b ne - ver aspireS. ABSTRACT EFFECTS. food, and immedialely enlors the circula- tion; and, bsingcerflectly--nmiscile wlth the blocS, speedsly0psrvades every part et thse systsm. Ils sets are Ilri deelared by a pulse sligbly increased aun fulluesse sud streuglis, a gsnsral eiallatiouof tihe eorgaule tunchicisi, and sxiilaratign of thea inleliscloal powers. Its apsidec influence is on the braies sud nanas substance, in.- crea.iug tise activity aftie absorbents, sud rssaewlng tise IsIoS, tlienong tise hsavy miecular formation se neeessary les rester- ing tics utions ofthlie previonsly veakeza- ed orpaus. Basnin a, a toule, for lise nervous sud c Ltl ayatem, il feflows lest, whesa tsars lnaa dermd for axtrardlnsry axer- tion, its nueilainvalnablet aince su epplies- lb. washetierougla tgè circulation, sand sus- taius lise gaseuesyse At no perleS cfwiii. 1watoisfnl cars o-ver lie fonctions of lice braisamore requlsits tin dringth cquation et kuowledg by he onè ; , ldaigpraaervlng slssdy reqofresa sstore et vigorousn, ivoos for ce, orsa chilS my slnk iondes & a ental hil, Stssu nocsssty may1camp ai ie udaati dauce, sdtisa maron 0 ic .. bligistedJsiv Td OHN SAUNDE'RS.-

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