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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Aug 1879, p. 2

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assise, e 0 . hsassu. . Nodôe,-L. Fairbankil O~ atvlaThosonse. >cr.fr.jp stlJt-W. Il. clé QNLY- Si o PER ANNUM. WhItby, Thursdiy, Au'L 14, 1871 tLme Oh soocunt etftthe evis bl day taklng place on Weéussday, ti CHOUZUidea le lsda daty laneiVAI efthtie reglar dlay cf -publication th Abue.o f Patronage.' Tisu Globo, mii greal force, cem plains cf th. ebuse o.patronage lut] appoisilonnt cf offiais, under it Walghts and Messuras Act. Thseo officila bave, lu every instance, bec dielsalsaed te eake way for tleise s portera. cf tiseparty nom in power) Ot taWa. Lait melson, by a sîi1 amsendaient lunlise Welgisanad Me moresaAct, Liey echaugod.4h narmea tia.e ffiefals, ansd .doclared tise clii fiee..aboltshlsund sow euscreai This i ualisl dthous toe ay tisa tise ofcieiss int oui utsh thse abolition' thiseil fices, sud thimonu Wiso sseau tissas-are Ilpolnuesit eoffciices.1 othms'wordF., inateasi of thse .<deputl [ospeolorai" appoluted by thisates C verntnesit yeas'f aeo teo adminster law iutredîsssd by tise very moen- nei lu powor, wu isîvu for tise purformani. cf lireelmly ties aies work l'inspecera suid <4asisetsutai,'<wilis a rearrangoerie ofiii Ingiopotoral îdistricts. Tie sisuff ii a jîleso of tise muet trausparsn Lrîssktsry. sud mserves te souder tise acis <iat.ruiiiPgt lise uonts llsgransliydit Nor 1laSYn tue spueintslessts ilsa isseu ai fsîrrtu tise fritudm of!th -tloeratsout. Jas tlisad'ivision wliles ilîsisslce tthse eoutily of Ontario, huei -: pstaly tiese <. -As an lastano, Mr, 'Il(ilsosaH iModiy, of Witby, wa imu ldii tsspetor, 1-isîscittl ley il Ccsitiy (JoUneji. 1Ifs1iseci l iiqual dielion o r tia 'andlu, ieistact i do.isliîg wiLlii tise Ucuert cf weigiste am IsseisiaurC usesareIllus tihe Commded tissucf tiùe untirileus.uiuiiy. H wenasu aisî'.eeaut t'or, andilied les 4,resilise s10pjoinuiuet. vsSi iJeisu suid Dr. Tupper, wiso inew Mr moiy lu l oief lisir stisacîs sssspîîeortera, sai ltie aflseuiilshve Il ullieu. Biutle I1sendi tuiolîl i wieeu ti tilusecs etise ciaitsaor 1Mr. Moudj sire igiered, isi Mr. JoelsuaW%rigis fiieve cf Port I<rry, ledsppointell. Ai 6Icicis nles ',Ox sted siortiy in Nord 01turtu aleNirMs. Wigbt, Wlhu refuge( lteks sm ny lpart lu favor of Dr. Gilles is , ih ite lest isosai coutent, lias ta b osstsllatoisd lu fevor of Mr,. Gilbs. lrsisîogisMr. GibIsa, of courses,lise lgis -1l ti ces. Well ,1ailwouea uta prosers hay iii ta, lusteasi of h islng We (libinslj.îy Way, thusA appuileesut 01 ir-Joéillîssa Viýlt Wi Il lia edilo s&:-rseiiy oatrary ofetc. Liet this .<ilo fiu isvoldesi oinasonw, sud Mr, UutIse lias mut)eartlsly sisance cf heinm asivieetliy. * Tise Joiy Governinent. Tise Joiy ovei.s'uout lave lsy 11 iscolsaé a Joly -lrime ocf t. Iasiesdilsh adiiii!ut fie i'reîsîien , umueltlie- coîsîlu usely iiy th ie troteh -wuiuditsg ise's sifi s J'eid oforerte Iloat upeas tise polit. -ical eus*unt wile ie iiaini ajCosttyoe (tsoe or four. Ã"n Tuustaiy evsunisg oe iu*i. week nea motiosn ly Mr. Joly for tise censure cf Mr. tJlapleau-b thsesit dur of liseOpposition, ferIlisirag iepar. 4ai Uaftrý languiage towarda tise Tress -user, M1r. Langeliosi, tIers wite an âssi vesrse ssssjority cf two againtitise Gsov- tcrîtutt-the vole stausling 27 te 25. hIr. (Jisslicau halil prsviousiyssîîoogiz. cdI, wlthil.a ressrvaiioîs, ans . Joiy. illsiiesg tisat tise apeicoy was net se- essîsisîhistoAtiseIlotisà ousvei tise iso- tilots of esusure. ]ilg defeatcsd, Mn. lsi îsuvosd ch adju. -s-eit >ss isicel important casesaunounr coure,sud has 0arrisit on a large, «suerai prac. lice, 110 waa elîsys wel.iksd il~ ie isretlire usltishe bar, snd shakers of as a earefui, paisarkiug lawyer. lie wus a muercf tisa Towu Coluileil, ansi IIrusa t tise tisse cf hic deparluro, a sasoscier cf tise 8elcl oicard sud andwae ali, Ireslioul cf St. Auurew's Socetoy for tire tortue ; sud las lseiii, fer soies -iuse, tis e rtiresi raak cf Liest..coi. lu tise Voluiteer torce.,i3eidee ing ilc-True. o f tise Rofarun Association, of Soutis Ontario, Se issisi esveraî iess potntofce n mIct ls),tise Atudent ho publissd a àibok on Law ooulu, sud'h isasubeeu a traquent con. tribuler le luse pages cf tisaansi otssr jouernal& ef tise cescty, 8ailf cf ueinl. dîcaîruoamuaeaut cf euergy sud actvllyssel oîonfied iflîin tisa limita ut lii ow pr!ofein,- - ,uWe' Ourl ase respecled Citizens eves'y ado00as in bis uew Ihome, fully aaaared that lie sioservusa&il tise coud. sInues tiat May be repouesi luaIins Cô0e urge- aPamniiy Trousileis. Cool Barges.; ILs wli.kuows i esi- cirai, hem oiseplatoly lglniu-g in tise Toronto paýtru, on naccoîrll of ilis $aca'iy tàiOiLIs-c8.WlliqerYt tlie frustes- (IV 1 siano teltointisie wilis CeaIe wife, sud Cool elset ut WýIlKgrYi eud. it, iwlw igIlstiy. Cool wae afrssssLcd. Thaouslo uw Lcoer.tiesOure y4t .Wm4 'liyan, a a (if11r. Wsu. Brylsn oeth4 Ig tvri, se AluaI ceureissisve te iNewnIarieêt, wlesqts10 wili ua ibuiness fer himeoqf lis e îiusiiih. l"Icand toO linsq, OaUr youing t *DIMaL, uisa. » ie.. lisbaienl mors on issu stu isfuiii end s4 hueis a hapèr cau be phaced ia. Wck. onfonlusualus. The VIia Marie Bassk Tb@e. Herveeler, howevar, us quite1 wax a sail Freesl-Cauadiau cancers4 aëqual te thse tasis, taking up lise 1 1i I end was always baiseS npicu' milSsus- grain -as . oeiîy ag; lIaIstanding Eu ile as Seing rallies shsaky. Tise. Éiehange Bank wvnaaiseo!fsali& pro. ntgh't. Mr. Broum, tise inventer of. portions, sud ithbougi t haba àfew lise Harveeter, hail dasignud usome im. agaucies ilariOntenlo, thse Salisofet is ua- provesuonte, mleise o oeueiSered mouisi - tiue'vaso1o01fnuei to Moureai'-mlia ru bc for the boter inlite i5ke I5pplitance n searhy c&H tise atock le balai. Tls trou- and S ts.lie Wus attg lj5~te a1 'aetlal Of l il pot affect Qularo-ire.tisa lest, We msy- menon'eu on.t tM. solvat petien cf ~Our Sanlung inetlis. Broun «e-ver makes ehanqes in bie . lien deas net siTard tiseslghiueigrounu machines -mtion ul fny tealeug tsesu, s-for ilarrn. antI anîy sdopllug tisin issu is. findet Ou lil bdoa i.Maail esi ves: tisey fuiliy anamer tise pirpoe doslgiied. S Tise papes suatorng on lthe 4tis cf Be o tpliased ires Mrs. Mitchsell vils Augooltuwu met wuts remarkabhe Puna- the morii t!îenowMmachinae tisat S tlait;u excaedlug in tSi. reapeclpay. hé ds'olnbis O oli issten imta thse monte maeson bise barne date ton maay fence.msru.r aeuS henght the Harveatar Yean.f past. A geed barveal Sbeing nctM on tise sIsI. 1. asanad, traders mil ho aSie te meat 'We bave SWS ocasiou. bes4lefore, ta - -- isifinancial otngagements. -TIoes i., notice sditprilly lhe WhilSy- Harves. -~undobtediy, sunepsged soufideuse les, A year age, vilslise Ilou. WcS,. aoeg eusrtnannfaelusing and sein-: MsDongali, (ne mean jusige-in igniciel. = mesciai Classes, suid adidtional emplçy- torahlusallera> lisssuperier Wrklng cf >1. meut lissu arçady bsen affai-dsd te tisee lse Bseeon, c a field mnicisWu ti. woriig chasses5 Thies le, Isomeven, beiag cul by Mr., Garrett Poesr, on tise ou excellent prospect lIait, mithu due Post tarin, mes notileS -in tisses cal- ice0 confidence beostomeinlu o bauiiglu umue. ' Mr. MoDongai tissu gave tise iis titolionu, lies advspucement cf tise Peo a- sohins hbaiseal sct usilfiad spptcval. PieetfOntasio te sa position eftIrue pros. We useS onîy rpst o res.thsaI tise peity ii net Se rotardesi by -ros-ent great rsemmadatiosof etis, Harvea- evants lunlise Provinc. cf Qasîse. les are ie sinplicity a! ofostructioni, .,'ightness o a iugit, anS ils sott baing us BUmîem.AR ARuaerSTE. - Tira nn,esilyhliable b gel ota!ofordse.W Whs iiegave ISeir Damesa saStevens asudoîaneî tionderv sesut e , est . s'a lise 1ihesmess.etalo odyiulormiug noaaItishe turnneg dut o! >1.1 moruinglu Drydo n'a aclioolisouse, Hanvesters, aud lis neîv Moer, ,il us nas Brooklil, ulissis lisy itahi; e lise, principal hubuses cf hiefines thse lise aigiîl. lThsy'-mees oevei an nusaiBassa. a« 5udy aflennoon IF Mr. Johes Borna Juspectars c! Weigisansd Meaeunes. shoaot lise prsmieee c! Mgrs. Norton, 7th 9tcon. sonner natI et Drue lin. Scapi-. Tise folle% ing appoinîmgeute have cioo mas aronsea IF seingk he1cm.n-beau sunonuceal under the Weigisla andi . eocîg uto! tîelieuses. Ou lues rotarn Messunes At: lis te houge. mss tounilu have besu rau- Ontari-Windsor District ; W. J. sd, 4&cisod5 sud tue drossing caes braisen a yWood, Inspectes ;. A. Marantehle old pe.Sm enalstce mesi as-sdA. GaI, Assistant Inepetora. cf lug. Tise Sorguera telleS ta sucuro ,,,Landau District, Jas. Egan, Inspecter; sooo3o6ydsce s utialos G. W. Beggs andi A. Bogue, Assistant luTiey more brdeght Sefona J. B-. Bicksil Inspectera. Bamnillon District ; Ibea. t- sud R. T. Harrisonr Esquises , J.P's r, Beaitia antl A. Young, Asieltant In- o. aud csemititeai tor triai. Stevens sayqa pectore. Taranto District ; G. T. e lehotenmerîy morseS aus ateausater for- Buitos, Insgpectas;, Josîca Wrighst, J. iw Mn. Gibbs o! Oaiaua. Dots tisa prie. Romtan, J. Lyans, D. Itenle, Chas. 10 duers are svisientiy trempa efthlie mercI Way, Hlaecy PIper, Assistent Inspes. e" iinsi Tisa -cousales, Moe. (blrs. tr'-Bellevilo District', Win. John- itand sioniieaeseerve credultuso lhicol sou, Insapetar ; J. A. Wilkison andl rsse promuptitude iutlellicieucy. Tho, Osisil, Assistant luspecoros. skeBanksa upeuslci. speclun; W. Giffla, Wm. Barrn'o 'a ansif la W. Wiittakcr, ' Assitant Inspectera.t il lias Exs-iseiistleau, !ulowuliquwk. Ottawma Ditrct-A. Code, Inspeocter;t lus Coisolidakito duc, Assistant Inspectera, Qoshe- ee-d13tkloass itis deoon Tliasedsy. Mautreal District-A. J. Wbitton, Iu-t eh Tise dctsiiors aud iil-bidess arc Baut upectr ; J. 0. Chiaul, H. N. Tel, G. ~5ansi it la expuil etsre mihi Se lfîy T. Dation Riverai, Assistant Inepeclore. i:per cent-f eIs stock-Siuiders. TIret Rivens Dieait-F. Rocisaleau, rad Aflîr tlise eaiîe o! tise Exchsanga Inspectas ; R. Kittion sud A. M. Div.t li llhnk, lIse Vile Mtris- Bank flIiuwsîi ard, 4ssietant Inspeolore. QuebeDis- uu3xt si ay, andi lie passie Suceuse prelty triet-Aldon Cote, Inespector ; James i nsorai eteougai tuli ioliensin tisses Uregisln ansi P. E. Bourassa, Assistant in lecal instiitionss. Itl ieo% oves and Inepecoura. Sherbrooke District-E. ndconflieeSas beau rostoei. Clarks, Inspectes ; H. J. PenoYen, P. l. City Biank< ansi lie lienk o o! [clac-lsga. Stulith, .T. U. Ricisard, Assistseudîuspec- [o IAtisîl5 ?IAsAtFo ui i:'-lîaui Nom Brtunswick-St. Joisn Distit- iu ti75-llarîsor'ti Magazcine fer Soîsîsus- J. B. WViluot, Inspectar ; E. Caman, -r Se îeeî siy ~ nvlîe Assistant Itespecter. Fredericton Dis-F Ir ae us sexois rsans o itraîn io la as. triut-E. C. Frecze, Inspectr. King'e iro lueu lise Augaci nussisern. u Nosva Scoi- Ilalifax Disrit-li. lelciont iis Magazine ius ssuîv rmisr.'Is- M.King, IDspector ; P. Tonkina, Aa- li isu o l lresra sri s issitant Inspecter. Sydney Disict-L. y Mluiocis, Wilii Black, suai R. D.1E. Trenaîno, Inspectes. l, Iilekuore-a inervaliens array a! in- PriucesEdvard istlans-JansResd- Ln agiestira paves. '- Mary Aunly, " dues, Inspecter. j lu Bieclînonuteev n unvol, prýulseca te îb, Mssioia-il. T. iiu«gstns. Inppec. f id ana of iNsiSet efforts, sandsiWilliam blor. 1- Bisets q yocsliug rsaenced'Wite- n ltgs"i aislsAîlaig stor-y. Smuui.-A -discussion les goiug s. Osu' o! tise meont naval fsatuînta otou lu sroeo! tise papieresbou nisug- 45 tîsis uîsmer n la egîset soisy S y ilem- glimsg.Thtethule incroasa lu tisa eue- sut ara l lyls, mitliscigît iiisîtritioue dsaws loýuis duliosalies giveu treshu i ie laeIls. r. isy tis artîsor, 'Tie itoly issas prastice o! sruugging i e le iat, Itlài s!' tiiug of!itiIcItnavuiie sîsade Ir. saisi lIera ins mares amaggliig gaitsg ou s- ving'nseisou t andussigsess le nova n litsere ali osu for yoas. w ie iictressirecssssueug tise aery WIssissi 13n hui ie difficlty in, loir ta praveul it.. i r. silsîsls 0 aocrster isketcles, Tise Gavesetasut Isias appointesl a te-h - c - mdc dotactivo wlsoda'ny it ulîl le ta tL ek l'-sssess. r. .lsa. Iluleus fan,,senscl sueS ongen as si elasy uspedt norseLe ta* agntoftie h lynyiag tas evie tims cuoteilts dty. s - stltes agstu cf iseWis Thy'îis mii l tcave very cnciseffectIn lu 1.&Lsacissty, lu es ialaiicète sîoîupismg thes prasîsco, assone ftonale I tise-goueraI agerisofe! it V)iilSy P. b'. datective oaunot keipaacis arstva o e, & Liudssy seuilMisilans iaîîlwhaye, lan lsoueascd tuiles o! a bondary liao. Be- 41 ~,Ontarisr. Ils milI lusîsefter ave isse ides, lise peoiple Wiso tssio smnggiing g( lseatd*aîlartans lu Torento.. Mr.han- isus "incs e nsnulwmuss, sud llisy soaP, torIse fosiiem sucîsoyeee prasenles ii n net carry on tlimino us ratiena in brosulr 1 lisel Frisisy evcsing t- Lindsaey. mitîs 'à uayliglst. Tise auiy effective way lu P' b. issudesoosuvrscai-CIroca-ives, fin fipravenît sengging le te haie cotmser- )fitssrl ttlîscir gesîsi feling tovarse is cunin imtiste Unitedl Stalsa andl )f ot. aboliels ailttse cssonisaouges. t AN A MORAN NNuNE11 4 - Fisisiisso LicsseiLs.a-A decicion wm e Sciteel ~ ~ a>u~srss- fflrre'sd nccntliy Sy Jusige Filiser, a! Pe o l eacliere, lîsrsula, ansd îssrrians New Brunswick, te la lise effeetthuatin fla -pnopsrisug fis tise sspsrssg ofthlIapusbluie gi-irsgleenses la fiait lu tise rivera o! soamisuis o! tise eoiuiy, sitocîsl Sersilutîsovarions ProvinesofetCanada, tise 'a Todld, G.Gi-. (nria.s.,15; b itsMv. s Ti Asc\E 1;r. e Sargt. JolisuMitcell, 5:i IsatI,, OuI., -Ausomig lise tirmeis oastoppagelisaM 321 ;Lieut. Adasm, 3luth BaIl., Ont., Iceis îreclpiîaîssî ly tieseuespension et 1120) Corîr. Grîay, G. G. F. Ossarie, ont., tise CousolisiatesI Bank tis at o! Messs 320 ;Calh. !Andesoen, isihis BaIl., oui., Fiels, Sisèîîisernd & ou",Monînssi, misu 13 r 819 ;Ssrgt'. IPatton, Genison Artiiisry, liegate as (fry gonds inporlers semae six N-. 13.317 Lient. Coper, 0h Is atl., yvns, ag, Mr. Fis h iaving îsseviously Ont., ;J16 Sergi. IRiidis, Nontreal lotieetBausi, i-islis &uCt' , ilsa very (lanriasnAtiiiery, Q,' -illi ; Prirato liniseil acissal capial. 'riey Souglsi, to Mille, iSsus latt., Ont., 312 : Lis'uîk. at tis tarI, lirongit a Glsagewmisce, oP HunIer, St. lolin Esss.ineer Co.. N. B., ad i f tlsey Ihall begim aI aller Issu-a ais1 4105 ; Lient Leua, Iltis Bell., Ont., als> -, inflates i lue, tiseis kuoaledga o!flise are leuit, Maulsy, Qssoouc's Oves, Oui., MOi; ceunIs-yrmigît lave stand lieus un g0ondDe Assi.-Sitngenss McConkuiy, 851iî B1ah., easi. Tiso irin seoul trlissnît 1877 Ile Osnt., 30>0 ; CapI. Gihe;oi, Toonto Gai-- anal 1878-S. ile cadr firusu teil, ans it rc! sfisots Artiiery, Ont., 801)l. Lisîiit-Col. cansoîs-in.savWonder tisaI fllsyalli. lis tise lieu. J. G. Blanchoet, Speakeiroiutis- Hoar llsy avrs eielleb exiet su long -PE massatise tabansd Capt. Baysi, 5I liiseexpleined Sy testeenut tIsaI Iiey fro Battalianulasscesdinlescomumand., Iasi selins attise Canauiidalod Bans of wvs dl di)5. enanudoet sessgntuleut'i CAtiai sOit lAa.EY, Wines %v'sss-ias naaoumîsn lIon Soe uisys siga. Lt] Mr. Mootly, ase miSe asse ly auSie-- - 0- -sectooment, is psying uigist cassI i ew ok Tirucorrcas Th ouî 0f tIil prinfo la rley,wvissaI, pose, &c., at, fui n anaei csil ol6gn Liveniaul Mrkt-qntity niluil- ton hans, fan hielisspravoi an citer or c(l. Farinera viil(d ellelita bis iefuilur hiers. Isse i a aSarp agent, lisi advie nei;0;ehesuiug tIse haley. wm isasdlis bel ta soeurs enga e: msonts, but exeept lu a feu Provincial g.l PrPSENuTATsuN TOeRicin. FArttiIuEI MC emuws ne eue ruses te tise bail, Pepl Psu do net son visaIt ters is in lin a escl CAUL.-lad. iPallies MeCieni, o! l-veth £100 ($500)a ulgis i, llli masse bsidgo, use presistei l >.bise arielits. ts u sks orls ioa !s ii ens ultis a fins bey lisesoast mccii. frus tise greaeost preacisofe! liay." 1tg Tise canîpimnt, wme lesure, meus ml Ils milpraSabiy ralusu lueIBrooklynu t$ri deasrred. masie o svinceal titan eier lisat tise olsiA caunînisa a! Europe asestisesaghiy De PESAseL. MM-.(C. C. MeýIGIahul, 'ilayeal out."' tab ma u ssflyho tssos i ;a hiti o53, iîu Nuntis-Wert items tramn îles Sas. pu: sccsssuly psssi uisslusisaiuu sukateisoman Herald nluida t4isefolluir. asu PiuQraey au8nti sauilcenseila o xer- iisg :AÀbrick yard lias bee opeass inunco cisa hls kuoeoige e! dnusg, &c. Prnce Alberb. A goneral store la couen. o 51an atia'cane oint 4y Mesrs ila. c - ]is-usauîsr-u rus:Gt:'au DissusisvaAa;i'ltouvsi iidAgu,i vii y t n«meu siliir 5'sis.uis, , I î:îss îr i-I eîtesiîsisteii t 1 -sii.ueil nrierFors tueitrisi. cl 1ie. i::u Iparties. aru otssiis5 0.- -- -- ~ c.5e c5.h55 ntI lilla, whsui-s- lina 13LsIT iie a-e ismss.-Vîst utss ,.iilü tltsuol, 's .rýr' is«nty, Liitwissclm tlcu by Lords hs lad n>isî rejeutetheîiss susîltt pnolss-setarrs;willle : %essestl. Viliierg sud df yVead1vofut1tus Irici s, rcnss ase 1 h, 11. 2àïssîs-, W Thep . Ilimasou Boy e e .1aitefor hlue. 'ss; Llcs i Ls tlrîmÀvîti a Bits 'I- Il 55 55uetot tuI bmu silsia '<5isi'1lss1yuiti -lI t e rigisi laft far aulu wiiI Se sussîaa'esl frosuo tst, o)te,,lsur; cg te -lriion ; 0 c iîazsuacal scguin, rinliver. ansl Cruelseulinojo, yi i; lssslts o l i i[m- i. t'UP-iAs -reilset' ' tis l.Bsy L aisiutsthe spscu0dïy esccution of îL sit astt :ssca t hemo o Ileraiisa. Lrsîîied efoma ~ £sley s L4 tljssse>U t -u' - 055 an sti8tutianre notsauppedt av in hlm, as an lusulated and isudopen eut individuea-hut Ii lin as&0 nl anS conanbutautialad vwilshbis respotu ibis cenoUahou-îisaîthinlg inmthe balance mnaus net tise persan eith reguging prince, but. tis-départient( tise uxeonlive goeanmut. In aver eue botet hi. .eniiar anS offlsi prorogativs lu visicis, if eayhing, ýh individusi sud pnivate uWin muetI undesstood le hava beu enaed, th constitutionuosaiotly-te viiiand a o! bis Minises, Tise Klug's peci tise speech pronenunoosiby-ie ceaie l aud as hie vo1nu a at -lu -lise facec lise irisainailu-ethlispeechscf th miniator,sud se oubis i. opeuly o vesseS sud obndemusdb if noed ba, b tise bouses& et Pansement lu tise, or , ary courue af thair dnty. Tise Klu peraonàl ansmera ta -asirmes ;I declaraliena ot.peaoa or mar ; tisa hot ors lie peracually contèea; tlisle bi p~raslypsassas or rejeots, are i cosd db y tise Conatitution sth sce ouly cf ihis cenusellors." Pale aise Baya iu hie "Politisai Philo feopisY IlThât lise nsesoettiseCromu seqaiz net any legsl torseuctil auliseutieal- 'by tise sabacniplion et sarne ot ite gres affioesa" In lise celebraeod Sispatais une soncedesi reapenaible goearumeul Canada, et Lord Johin Raussell te Ler SydeuisamofetOt. 18, 1889, says, "t] Constitution of Euglaud, efles loi alruggzles end alleroate soccos, ho settliSsi ma e tertocf geverumt i misici tise prorogative o! tise Crame unalluputesi, but la nessercxercised milh eut advics." frfcCaulay, lu summnin up in lise lest pages e! bis colebrat iito.y, tise gloriois reaulte cf Il great revolulion et 1088, eaye, "lii tis ancieut lama y hy iistise- preroge tivs wua baundasi, muiS tisescefôrtl bcehld s sacreS as tise preragativ ilseif, ansi meuh Se foiloira eut ta at tiseis dousquences; ialtishe exentiv adlministration montS be coadueteal ii couforusity witl tise @ense of tise re pneseuIalivea o! Ils nation." Balisam, iu hia Cousîjîntional Hie tory et Euüglsnd, oays, "A Kingc Englensin lutise elculalione o! polieic la uitIle more tIssu anseofthtie pnbî men o!flise Say-taiisr, iudeesi, lii, Seul, or Agaimemnon, by lis esasi ai sisankiere, ansi, therefore, miii r aigisI asvanlagea lu lha sersaibise.' Il is abeen saisi hy tises mis ec port Mn. Laleliiens position, tisaIlisesi pnincips moulsi uake tise Crama mens puppel in ltse bande o! it miaieters. Mn. Jeffrsy, lunisis essay, lieas as amereS thia objectian irhen lie aays "missIler me are reaiiy fer redosins the Kiug ta Ihs cendition o! a mest toal, lulise isauda c! a miu2iôeeial ma janiiy, mitisoul eny rosi power on ix- flueuse, wmiseever, ansi mielisen upu luis sllppeeitieu lisere cen Se euy nec in lIse institution of manarchy ; as lis winisten, lu tisaviai o!fliinge, muet be regardeiaslise reai suvensigu, aud hsa offoic e gh lopen lu compolition s the romand of daugerons sund disendenly ambsition ?" Nom, tise ensmertlu lii es a deaisia! Ifsthe seumptian oa viueltise question le naised. Tise Ksuîz span aur vie* efthlie ofllse-hsiis it us issen seen, is exaclly lisal taken hy itheuositnlion-ouldi sîll d, in. diputsably, tise firet place lu tiese tate, sud ppsesaes ea ubstantiai power, mot suîy supenien ta usaI miieli y min- ~ltr cosîlsl even allaie ondrIn lin, but ufiien t ta répres lie pnetenaiona af any ane mWho, ondes anydises tom of govstnmecst, migist le ltoipteal tles- pina lalIse soveneignly. "Tise King of Englanal, il mili Se rememlaeresi, l as serpatuai umnier of tise Cabinet-ana Ferpetually thestiret scetfer of il. If oe hsave suy portiun of ministerisl tlents, SaMeut lave,-iu tise finet placs, ail tise power lisal coulai attaci to a perpetual minieler, wits aillsh pecuiian infiunceos t isleinséparable [rom tis piendos of lia offliil station.' TIers iu a 'peeuiiarity in tis couteai whicI lias net alîsalsl e y similai 3outeet in Engliali Ilietery. Such truggles isave aiîaya anisa iu tise sroin, sssolntsIy olaiusing tls night ta ereisetise prenagalive anbitrarily, epensibIe ta uobady but Goal, and his )wu conscience ; aud sudcîcisu iseing sel as reaulutely milîstoual by thse emmena011. Dut hos eeeIleno sncb !oiesution. Tise Croun ansi Parlis. içut are agneeusud, lu addition ta sal, tis Cromn las, tisroagh ils ne. )ressulelive, tisa Govennon.Geueral aI se Dominion, hy asaenting te the ne- novai a! Mn. Letellier, repudieteal anal 'uouuiced lie posseseion of, sud speci- iaily denies auy assise te exencise auy scI aerhitsary power. Tise muai sen- isia &ud moal lu SarmaODY milS ,the Iilg11meca siald pronee e oftihe teé, l les hetmeeu lise meuterancausndary o! se Nicaragua ansitise Paeifie Ooea. Fnum Wasinigton, il is autisorital- sily staied tusoaI esctioan s e en iksu by tisaI Govesamneul sitier mitS egand le M. De Leaseps' Canai eciseue r wtS regard le lise tanISer explosa- sun o! h Is alîue by anatiser Goeru- int-expsdition, mith a visu l le tano- anizalion a! au Amenrisan canal cern- any. As tas'as; M. Do Lesseps, Ieuse ia consonneS lise Prssideut sud crstary stale lisat 'ibey ans firmly unvinceel noesxigeoey ià liisely te ariae canedisqoistoda or mais. àlneces- wy ti: tais tops for lise protection cf meneau interesta. Tisey Sellers M. ýLessepas uas selecled au irprasti. ib rente, euS tiese cheme mil evsu- iliy tail lissougis lacis et finencisi sup. Drt anS for ment ot Amenissu oso-open- dou. Admirai Ammen taveursaa ommission ta tiserongisly sit lise mess iu!onissatiou aireeshy availuhis, sud sida upan tise e ovi flily- th!fsler it si ss-porlsa1ikiîat tisa POrle hisateie. s 'osJwiik Pfira e sindieg puis- forî uss tIs e e-Kiealve fsi ratura itg gypi. 'lie Kisedive bisas bsn asivies tise Eteglisis ant Frehs cuesaule tb den uits sc;iiy uutil lisey lave coosuil- thisaisresietive Giaverusîsente. 'Lsý Utuffi States Cosicul cul Lyous, rance, réparte tIsaItishestalieties a! tk erope fsçom France, - Itzly, Spain, il Portugal, show an immense de. ti o0cfaels wilh tise- prrriooe yesar, i 4.alut miii tqrnisis ou17 irgdpooS a0à lt-iy in,çsilntià my qar ; tom lthe l. Meen in oÃ"hler coula obtain ne ÃŽAsti sa -faction, fin&lly it entered =y -lbond té as. enqqlre ofthtie Superlntendent et theý tor F'ragist Offie.. rom Mr. P.ebsrt àe Moody 1 reee*ved every attention;,iso cf SentiAis mea a mnu, viso6n bad tise ry car brosigisitatisehéproiser place -fer is loading, whsere not-Ioug at.rdiamlsu. bs Ms my grambling teamater. Mr. Mfoody be la oeeoetdise Most gelessanlasd be oblîgiug ,ooeeron 4h. Grand Trnuk &ct Ts'uk Railway' ý It wonld* ha melhord i - tse lUne more 1ko bhioe pet At 9 p.m. tise saine nigist ie lait fer cf Sana wi é a l ised e at a1t lis aineisfoa ciloýwIug evenlug. 'We tiss in. teck lise steamer Qw.l.ao, uhioh ais ii by ing aI disent- porta, reachisod Kncar- lu- diuo,mwhara tieêsa eal wâloaded wuth hsiorsesansd -cattia uintiltiseawuasnet unStanding reculi lpon tisa dock for suds.- >- er beout., ho About o p.m. we tartasi np tise lake. all A stiff branze usa blowingi tisinga Ilok- beo sa ratherdissual aboutl ibla ime, ferlE., le7 uately lise breeze siloS suay sudtise r, lake wss cai- ougis on tise ucruiug ne cf tise 241h. Tise passgera woescon- ýe gratulatiug eue'suothar upon tise pros. bt -petOf fina wsatisor. On Ssuday, tise 25hv passeS tise Maniionlià Islands, ush tison passasi tisougistise locks et Sanit te Ste. Marie. Tise. oiks eisibit greal rd skil andi fine werkmaship. Tisoy lho more constroclesi at enosmous expeuse Dg by tise Ubitesi States Goverument. A ta fiue, prespesons, sud apparsliy healthy lu cily la ituated isere ounlise Amenican la aide. Moudsy camne, coisiasud dean, fis- tise lake wu aumootis, sud covarsa milS ig a hijgct cnusting cf Ice, wuneS -gleamési ie5 sud spankled inlutise reyu et tise en. se At ahout tour p.m. -us stoppeS ert Sîlver la Islet te diaisarge soimeisinery sud 1,a- oIson gooda for tise crusing Miii. W. ,tisasw minera at work, leaSing boast vii N'e tise ore, aud again e tng tewing gaerai. iii ecema laden witi tise ose te tise till. <'6 ýIndepsudent of tise ailver, tise pisse ID seeme a peor eue, t5sene are but feir r- isoual il . Leavissg ilver talet, me proeoeded fusilier up tise lake sud 5'à reachesi Prince Arlisnr'a Leudiug sI 0 cf pan~. Tisa appesçs te Seie atlsilty litlî ', toma. I mac informeS tisaItise braneis ie eft lie Pacifie Raiimay exteusis 150 te miles luto thse country, before il inter- id secte witb lise main lins. Ia Prince ne Artisur's Laudicg I met s number of aid acquaintanes. Mn. Burke, e! tise P- Ontario Bauka son et Mn. Jerry Cou- se nasa-tus lattèr lis a vesy fine drtua a store- Bubby Woode, tormsnly ci Te- ts rente, andi aIlers. i Leaviag liais place we meut direct lu n- Duluths, miicli we reseised at 8.30 p-m- rot We lad great diltsclty ou Tuesay, tise g 27t1, in removing aur herses andi oseile re tram tise boat taelise table up toma, s a' hall mile disatu. On gellin2g Off tise Sboat me semedtlalSe surrondesi wiii nenglues draggiug trains up aud demn, in l al direstiaus, aud Soase mlistliig ane sudareecig. Tiseisornsansd sautle mens mili. I issd tour berses la lessi, id wile Fred snd Harny Iniesi to manage "0 tise catile. Iu tise miSai of al l hia cen-j [y frision, Isemed besiegas iti rsunera abeiswing liseir cardg, under suy very se , f ansd tri giteuing tisa uucis.excited lz biorseB. At last an Iriobaiss, praprie- t ter o! s vsry saccent isoteci, coesaioug, 'y sud takiug iu4lie situatiountse a giauce, -* aite Pil trwsrd, toak lwao!f tics brma, 0, ud saisi, "Came wils mef." I answor- oui, "Yen are My man, il ia uol peste- huard, Sut assistance I mat.' Afior ttue hanse isard merli, we lisaitise oi- )fmaie put up somfOrlably. I then1 ifsaugis tis esom isouge, tu flusi il full 3.io people. I baad ta wait uIl lie next )fday, Wedueieday, 29LItis t i lislme a oaedsiunr car, sud ou Tisurasiay, 291h, e lt S 'choek a.m.,,me left Dsiulth. WeE îpasestlsrocgis a rougis, isy, snsokyi countryy, sud stoppeil at s large buel. Dns ety, cf wisichIs torget tise natine. 1 Tise caoutry esemesi as fiua a farmiug 1 eue as eny part o! Minnesota tisatI r isadSo eur. We reacised Gleudon Juuc-0 tien ounlise 801h, et S e.us. ; liens weL lid ed la ilutil aueu Sefose etantiug nntis tan St. Vincent, ilisougi e hevel plain for neanhy 200 miles. About 7i pulrai. w. laid up for tise nigisl et a veryf Suiart litts lseeae ciailei Cooktomu. t Tise usai morniug w, wereouts lies trainc aagain aud reacie s t. Vincontlaet aboutt 6 peu. Hors antaler tarions wasu- E dergone frointishe enatonsa dapartineat.p Our ceuutiy nsay hé celebniatesi fus red g laps, lait Unole Sain eau tbeane s lowai lu tise ros laps lins. Ve uow Iraits-il f erred taelise led River steamer, sailiug il fdam tise Rosi River for Wiunipeg. I t tridIlseriver mudêr lIeu I empeetesi i sud apparentiy o! more importance. b Ws reaciesi Winnipeg ou Sunday tise si 7final cf Jue. I met Mr. Smiîth, fan R merly o! Wiuty, ihorse lie oblainesia] e permit for me la brng my stock off dis1 L-ave is .- relises dlh_ e1-it e 1saa eh some tarma muiglut Se sesu aÏ11 rooûnsi ns. At ulgist me pitched camp, sud ns tacl a unelves auxumilos tram PoateoU le Prairie. Iu tise merniug me made pi au oarly eaet, reaohiug Partage la of Prairieeat 9.80 s.m. Tis iively huai. ae nese placela aiua-led norlîs cf Winni- as peg saine O5 miles. It conusiste at tour qt an five batela, titreeseteaus fleur millu le running nigist ansi day, irom tmeuty ri to fifîsen storesa; carniage ansi waggau te] factorisa, ansi tua vsry largo mare- se bousses, isera evar impismeut fan ag- ar ricultural purpessamay bha aictis. 5m Beuudes tisst tise norlis of lise Assin- or iboine river, uliora vessîs daiiy arrive til tramn Winnipeg, tisera are aIses' vory 00 large mareisansesanduS aiseo levatora. Tisera seoma la ise a goce sisare c! Suai. ne ueses doua hase. My sou, George, met m use haro ; ha hasi travelli frequeutly Si oves- lise roas we mers takisog, sud alI know eveny ereek sad1cm uzuil , I (1 wae vsry gial ta> neiigr tise lendenu lip si lu hala favosr. Wenmede ton muva lise final day ; tiie next, Snlay, we sasrbes oarly, sud saccsseIed ÃŽi4 pessing eyen 28 A eni1lc o! e 1mflat cuurtry it piomis- VI 'il tel(-bu eellent fors stock raiping. stu Tfiit eigIsi me osespesi about 7 p. us., fineling ansehve a ialf-ujilc fraiesMcO. iiulln1 9 fanta. On tisc next noerning, wher', but a Shortandistance fryes tiiaOf place, va wera confronteS ry aston. w, gate.Tise keepè e iuandesi a dallas; i George affered fitty ents, aayicsg le wold rallier caetis c.Oek than «ive ne Morel Thse aid mm stpck tise meai.6b useka. j atarted»tsen fer home, bav- hag beu amay about lwo cutbs. Tise be, George and Fred Nay, thsKacu- ling- brethers, Hssry BSaepp&rd suS Peter Mathewson bava ail fne, fasine onl te nnIShbasuen, visera tise uem Colonisation Bailwaj is expeocldte au Tisane vmiii ha Mfty miles -et il uniltis.&Ûi, sud! tise wrk eonaned lu tise splink. This neighanisood isu lb. adraulage et stesabeal consotien vils -Winnipeg, uhicis male tas i e e tise mnost désirablaelu this .part' et thé country. I firmly believe, Ms. Editos, Ithat lisa territory vilî be tise fineal sud isat grain gro svlug district intise Do- minion. Il eanuise culivateS vils mooiseiulabos' tissutise hanS lu Onta- rie, snd predoce double the amotto crp.Tenantesudn amn etoffermu, ise msy Se luvoivesi, moniidcd weil le soit on1 anS emigralete aths.great North-Wst. A goa esas, s uggeu, a plongis.oesyears' provisions, tli rO tsre iundrad dollars il ashaisude cen be independant lu tisrae yees'e. Msuy migist gel alan g mils a amsiler soinetfucouey by Seing scenamical. Most oatie nem settîssa nue oxen, say- ing lisey are sealieat te keep, Sut I -wouldprefer basses. -Waggcus sisculsi alusys Se îeksn ; cartearnsof 11111e use. Tisase mise emigrate mui be -ste&dy, thsorongl-going people, abie anS miiliug le, w ork. Tise climats is eueetoflise leallîleet. Fan a moutis I laid aunIlie grenSin e lent, or iu the oenu ain, ansi nover SaS cugis er a tolS, ail tise lime I iras la the cotintiy. But setlena have te contonS milS mauy difficullies lisat aboulsi have beau remedisd loug ago. Ia 1he final pisse a ftam tsand dollars upsal in bridgea beimeen Win- nipeg anal Rapisi City, manîd grestiy isave hensfiled tlie publie. Emigraule have aflen lied great difficnlly lu gel. liag ta lhisai diffèrent. destinations. Thonsu srsgards tisa mail, lise nearst poet-offioe is lmenly miles tram Rapisi City,wminc is laes ilth onrsatones, a fleur miil, twe eau-mille, Sieokumiliî anS otier slsups, mhlîle numbeso! farmona arae sîtîssi lu lie viciuity. Hope lise propes aclisonities miii at- tend ta thse maltons at once, sud lise Gavernment eetabliss a poal-affice aI Rsapid City. I ain, Msr. Editor, Yeus Ircy, N. RAY. 'risc Coliapse o! tise Causolieteai -- Bank TIse Monslary Times in giviscg tise lis-uny a! luis institution, aud lise semalgarneliou wlististe City Banksudna sscocuting for ils caliapse, makes lise fallowiug statemneets :-A fatal erras, lomeves, mes semmitîsi au uhe veny lu- seplion. A dauble-headed syatem of management mas pravidei for. Tie Board o! lIse adRByai Csauedisn Banki mas ahi! isepl surve lu Toronsto, sud a sent a! insispendent juniedietiau aven tise Tarante office, senS tle western Issueh- s, us exereieed Iy il. Thenepousibis Board, lise Preeîdent, Ils Osueral Manages, sud tbe isnoaaffice more in Moulseai ; bct oves'tise groaten part et tIse business oethlise nsutitution bissy exencieoîi litll or ne centrol. Tbis sdil lu lheesy migit have beau remedical iu practie, if tise Board sud ceaIrai ae. sutive isad inelelesi apon exesiig tisa centlsi icismas thes atject of amal- gamuation. But ut liset al oeen. TIsa story o a e eakcratrai asiminietralicu, sxersising nominal soutlroves allaient dependencies, bas again heen sepeetesi. Soins o!flsese dependencies mose in tise lande of osseful men, sud Ihey bsave pnaapesed. Wits oisons,isomeven, bise reversemes lise cese. Dut, esauge te aay, th ise Ieviesl disestere tisI have befailen tise batik havaeissen astlise point mienslisera eis direct euperviaion by lIme Board. Tisere le tise mark- able fesînre about thse casa, wirel may from subjeel for somment Sy-and-ly, tsaI net only mas tis a uraicouspeeed o! respecbable snd mesltliy nen, lut the Presidenlus a gentleman mlsÃŽ basi irOVOd isiMesIfi inaffaireOe t Ble t a poses diaîlaguisîiet abiiy. no lied 9rple ils Boreso! the tost difficait, casuslproalêms in Pasliament ; andi it mes snrely oxpeeled lIaI lie conisi manage in tise muu narrumen arana o! lhe Bosarueus. Tise sesuit, isomovon, eas proveS tisas xpeelatiane ta bave seen onfoonsisi, ansi tisaI il il nt ipygenenal fluancial slsility, bal .pecial Ieciuial asili taisa eequinssi oa adusinister the affaire o!fse Saisi. Bouse a! tle disastene tisat have Se- siilen Il ihave been fol anhy inexcueable sut inexplicaisle. Tis enonusous a- nounts advancedi la oee onen haes taeon îhe misaismercantle said hauh. ig marial hy surpsee. Nalhing shost of infatuation conlal lave siiomeal euoh Tise Zules War. PRuOSPECîTS CsF PEACE. A Caeaomu deepach saysssah Oevs oceireal frous Geussai Wolseley ounlise Umlaîoo Rives, JnIy 2lst, stlesi tisa ?rspeceaftas'pesos sud tesetihemeut )f tise country are geoul. Genesal WeI. """Y' interview mit Cast ciet mas mîistastasy, Sut tise bllter eansidsned niet impoaaihlo miie Cstsmayo is aI ,age. The natives cannot gene-elly indertmsihel lise enment o! tise Bniî- eh terces fein UluSi. Genoral Wui- <loy theretase lisiniss it yull be necesa- ks3' la ra.aesupy tisaipisse, sud sn-a <aussi ail tira Chiets tu melhlm Ihuers )n tle lOlis Auguat,lu otsliste qusa- ion relative tule lise faunue of lise Sulry. O'peraionu. againat Cslamsyo Sy ir. ugulisaanal friely 'uativesahhueacon. sunced. Arrangements ans mskiug te rosis up the Final Division ut the Cav. 12 Brigade ans ad itise mer ishome. ) hei lias naslçbksn tlacpture hié; )rlies Cel-t a. tss csi.aonrts of sic e-l-usel s 1-liu« ilosil u. ILits1i0. unit Si-o Pnincaes d lslciic î Wh o:ubiI:-lIisu, sil su o'ce'dinigly musrrsw cecups Ile ils o! île easriegisý rQko wilo passIIiug lcnrecipie.Tise pûsiiion si-culi-ti to Vc5î', thse vulilhe 10tiste uiiîcitosBisde I bise mosil, lisuBasvoiaiug a faill iy isijcu th lie aiuoe uariy must hlieabeeu Il i. expeistes tIsaI Us'rmnay viii sîle avilis tie tTisied Statto leb;iung s.cauc 5 mt5iSî usaeen iesiWU- aisa Fort Wahh-once a v*eis, a nS beleeu Beuten soSd Batlefcirc& once in tbrse meeka. Haying sed beau begun in tise neigiiorised et h&llford on 14 uit., anScrepof alkindi giva pini.a et an aarly sud abondant harveut.ý Thue London Time(,comrnting en- lise attitudaet Prince Napelsea ehb- servestisaI lb. repubhie isu nelsiug- to tsar froan jin axcept se lise reanît 00 tise bluasiera of its supporters. -Prince Victor, if allieS ltiste royaliste of- Ens- oes, uigst Se ise adufenrent position;, but belons iho becomos tise head co' the Bonsparteq'tise repnblic may bce estaS-' lssieolis isnate reoeS f-îattaok, Grass, Grasuwoed s-ntextainea scordial Siuliise for Mr., Beseiser, msiuly, it lu saidi, becausoe cf tise refusai o!-tise emi- nenl divine -te anemer "tise -suüying, letîesehlie eceivea daily askiag for iei aulograpis. but et tise saine lima retaia- ing- tis e sags stansps encloseS by tle irritera. Bshe Baya B.sciser nover bas te boy postage etampe. A Frenchs curieiiy-desler iss aa toeail uselar as big as tire fiai., - labeled <'Hall ofonce etAdam'a teoib, tounS'te hie lemb et Hebron." That'e teathin l, or tisat'a bolsh ont. Te yous hi. Atter exsmiuing clnsely tise varions pretnasîns av tishe rîd,sys Joas Biliugu, I arn mors Ihan hait inclineS toensvy llssisappinesa of a isellisy piseol. Tennysona us70 yeers aIS an Mon- day, Aug. 4. On Juiy 2515 tise Duclies ot Cam- brisdge compileei lier BLual year.1 Major O'Gusnan, amiS «seat langs tes, neved in tise Houea! Cmmuf tsaI lis e-oussiieselian et Mr. Cisepln'i motion Se detersed i lilishe notice fi coucheSt in Setbsn grammar. TIeDaily Neu's,of Landou,says' Ilsi bil le impossible la Slnd soamftusa eti part oattse letra itlhies recsived is pretest againeltishe meditabesi oneclios ut a msonouetlatIste Prne Imperia] la Westminster ASSey. -Tise Qoseen on îrsceiriug inîshlgenCE a! the Ssiliianl victony ofthelsBritish erus un Zuiniansi, imnediaey sent oi hy telegrapi lier congratulaions lu Lady Chelmsfond npou tle auspiius ereni. Tîsa tslegsam mwas concein Ils avarmeal Icrcce et praise. *1I mocîsisoonen Se a SootLack in -Paris tissu a Preteusior ouI o! France,' la a semaik ailnibulsal ta tise usu lioad aftie Bonaparte tamiiy. - A tractioa! yOd WcestVirginie lanal tisouglut 1a be morililese, fer wmiis Hosse Gneely paiS 610,000, neceutly heesen o ruis 640,000 la hie; asIatei. Wins.EB. Vanderbilt ha. juel «iver $100,000 ton s gymnasium anal 11w an esiion o! a Civil Eugiuee4ug sud SBeu tifle Bail on tise grounda aftie Vande- bilt Univessity at Naeliville, Tous. Rer. Dr. Lawrence McMaleon mas coissecratesi' as Bisisop o!fIHartford Diocese yeeterday, et Harîtford, Conu., Iy Archisbiop Williams. Ouaelicu. droîl anal ffty priesle aud six Sieshos irnspresent. Tîseapiius Vandsrnooertl, the Jas tit piest misa neseully crestea seensa lion sel Chicago Sy puhlichy ssnanncinî Catioliciesnlunfavor a! ths Eloiccapal faits, lis etalscteel ansi retanssita Itsc Cisurcs et Rames 15ev. PatIer Marits, c! Spreucer Coun- ly lInd., ias Sean appointesi CatIoliu B3itlop ut Dakotas. He apeaka Sioux aud oison Indian dialecte mitis flteency, sud wiul Sevots muuelattention la tle conversion aftie Indlians. Sir Eduenul Bsihy BSmylhise ai pro- sent eojoorning mils Mn. Tisas Rey- noide, et Ibiriere du Loup. Iu is ex. pecteal htisaiue iii sesigu hie prosoul position in lis psiug, ansitisaI lie yull neceira au actire appointaient lu the British Army. Allihe Cangregallanal huha, Lan- dau, Is Sunday nosning, athos tisa servie iasiconchudesi, Rer R.LW. Wasllace, vIa bas Issu for sovoral yeas lie pasian, ansocucel hufe-ien- tion o! sesigniug. Tise atateonnicaucsil s «uss deal of surprise, Seing alogslhs uneapascted. Prines Albert Victosrsasi George Fredenles of Walea, on ul13 24 lads farevehllbualise .lritarneia aI Dent- moutis, uhere lissy bave bois educa. ted dng Ilie pasltuaw yeas. 1'ey hsavs bath passeai firet-claee in seaman- eliip ansi canduct, liserehy gaining six menthe' lime, wmmcli will sulil e i asaortly ta Iscume midasipmenu. Lord Derby lias publicly staleal, in a lettes lu the Anli-Fiogging League, lIaI h les nul Iink île punisîmnut ot fiogging un tise army ciller eau or onglît la ho maintauso aftaile1ishilai lias passeal, Suit i leusoiese tu alleuspt ta do nîvsy vithis il13'action lu'lise Bouse a>f Lords. Tle question mili hare lu stand orer la a nov Parlia- mnut. Wissn Bis Frodesiel Haines coin- pistes nexi cpring, l ive ycans' tens as commander-lu cisiet in Induis le mili le succecesil îS is Ganet Wolseley. Thc appaiesut ie s y fth Ie nasl exu- tenaive commend in tbe Britisli amy, sud is belles paisi thîsu any oller muii: tany puatinuthe mosîi, lise saîasy at- tacheS bssng -£12,000 a yens, beaides pesqesisilea lu servants, &o. Sir Ganet viiillimte yanngeel scificer eurs sîuses ts tisai commasndi. Baye tise Londone Spuctar --Ln- dais if; jssasiilganris New Yar'kansi unal as frivaone as BSt. Petersburg, anal cliachsl in isonesIy acisuowlesige tisose facta, inseai etenjeying, as ih disl se- cely, colomus of encea ah Rssian off- [cors fos banroming mney ta boy Soc quete tor favorite singore, send tiai er- icaue for hnsyiug Fr'ench adtresses, vissa nehody un Auscnica ndsaada Frenchs. Abount a million lu Amenica Ilcink lu Froec, bSalie eoeiety tu be horesi mith pisilological griltinesa e tt biSnd 2 e- A priaae despatol says, misile ns- tarning tae Monubeal !nam a vieit af in- spection toelise St. Vincent de Pauipeu. itsutiary, lie Hon. Mn. Masson, Min. istos o! Mililisa, met milli s serione ac- cident. The carniage in ululis thus boa. omeLle geoiutteai as ndiug braise doma, sud ho mas Ilinaun out, enstain. iug sevenal contusions, viitui li con- flue lin ta lies oomu asid deiay lis se. tara te Ottama 1111 neat usais, XVbeu mc reflLecitisaI a power o! su. sinranoecan le impantasi la tle brain,- ausi lIaI mocit mi-de lava Seau reefonesi le Strouglis Sy Feilom'e Cueuloonad Sysssp o! IIapupiiorlpiiiteea, '-vsCaanet le al lber ciiirmesu is -fn efu ud tuf ha. Ili issiusslla8it.Take turo o! il, lsd !sr siai E 5ii% a sutlfi iesvigorshicg'Dsss.siuîg. Il îse con piseresi proSalle tisaIlise sIsatîs a! uhe I leautahMiarie ciel 1'ilan -seUl, cafuse ise oàlc-a ofi ati King ci spM5n! Barrias 5ntuIFebaY. ili. as shstsbla aes icsaen Pirc Foi sais, by T. G. Wiifkld, Médical Hea,*WhWitby. ' 4in-82 Dxkaauorzvz .Feaz iciOamauTA.- A disatreus fine, a p posaSil t have cruigi., naledin a tratmebuiling ocoupied i sa a tiquer alose lok place abI Oslaon Weduesday nigist. Tise conflagraticu' eéxtelIt anS desînoyed ever tmenty difforsut buildingin lhlb.very issant o! the tavu5 on MiooiooaTigaetreet, andS oased a bs cftprcpenty te tise amunut cf about 6100,000, >Tise -butdiassg Seing all trarne, anS teiisemd 1Slcwiug briekîy lu- au easterly direction aI the lia i as Uipossible te sabine lise fismes. Tise falowirsg are lise namesa o! tisosvisohave beanusurucnt t: 'Aiex. Kennedy & Ce., gracenies aud dr'y goode ; Jas. sasan, sisaeraken; Mre. Sheridan, milinesy ; James A. Frest, baissry sud - confeslianeny ; jas. MoGeougis, larness malter ; Thsoma Muhsaisp, dry goos ansd grosesis Mr. MsKsrrali, gresenlea M. C. Drsm, usteismaiser sud jemellpr; Themseon,& Dunu, fleur and teeS ; Mn. Pankisil, marchantl taller ; Jue. Hammoud, Al- bien Hotel ;, Mn. Gunnigel, livsry andi dmshling ; Joe. Jeunet, notreusmau saleon ; Mr. L. Booth, Swelling ; Mr, Chserry, haruese ehap ; Mn. Biaino, Sutcher; Wm. Boots, monkeliep; J. B. Tisampeo, au, masier sud jemelles'. The atones an tise oppoe aisdsetfMis- aiseauga-atreel are badly scorcisedansd Mn. Gribhin'e alors is eeusiderabiy * lu- jursd. t A VxU.m.&es HuNErsDameN s . . fi From Freden[cislon, N. B., vs have lise s tollowiug :-à mdt darimsg outrage is n reporteS tramn Caribou. On Wednes- il day maruiug a girb named Keruy, agesi ton ysare, mas pisking hennies shoot a mile tram Csniboo village. mîsu ele mas approsolisd sud eut- Sraged by a Frenelïinuiluthe amphoy a!o Collies dParlera, named Jerry SBantillier. Ths girl's ftler, gettiug s descripticn of Boutillier, sel off taevIse hoe us empiaysd and nesaguized la liim tisa pespetrabor cf lise deal. lIesr- iney' intenued arreaiing tIesminuhlm- self, bol s advised hy anollier parly Ia leet ouI as smmons. He tuaistise advice andi stsnted for lise marnant, Sot betase le lad praceesied tas mord wus sont lisat Boutillier oa eecaped ta Ihs Woods. Slieriff BasSes sudasesistant etartesi in psenil ansi acon came op aviitiste fugitivo, but more unablo te capture him. Meaumisils tisemisais - ieigisborhaod Iscame anosesi, euS a -baud o! fitF men ssanned thse mouds lu o very dir«istion. A seutry censistiug a! thrcs young men naned Claske, Collineansd Irvine wuspoated nur Bouiiers bouss, anS about 5, P. m., lie vas seaou1te marge tram tise tonoat -anal resu louars the huess. Hiesbody mas saveseal Sy tle revolvers ot tise seeuly, sud le lurnedtl u sn tram tIen, aI tisee sue lima telling Issus tIey daresi net shoaot. Clarke levelleSd hie revolver ans i red at hlm, tle bl- l et stniking liin unlie lover part et absdomen. Tise monsiblmassuromaein- 3s edstanding fer s momentamiS tissu sisopped appsreatly Jead. Ho vas c arnssd ta tle Cansbua Hous anS hie vounde mène sreses. Ho uau lies ici a muet procariaus conditiote anal is nat expectosi. bu recaven. Tisa excitemînl *is intense. If Boutillier lad beasa cap- tunssi SF lie enova ie us anaihave hesu lyncliee. a* A GEttcANeBRtOs CHETcNers.-A Genisan Baron mIa isasi Issupiaying b lisarihy aIt makao" autlIse Pestli Na- ttional Causino, and had dudnig a feu mneiawou $40,1'0(, mas diacavreet clscatiug a fers' eeksaega in a veny ens- loue vy. IBe almayesppsared ana- ions ta 'ItalailsthebanS," ly uhîlis ineans les, o! course, alusys Jeuit. Bse Sept dam e iepile et bauS-ssutve lu front ut linm itI bis paliied sia-or to- Sacco box. Ho aeltlIaven tI., - andl coulsi lisaec lise sasda ho dosl is pisayena neflloted lilsthliai of hie lox. A Certain general aftie staff obaenved lisis, andi bsgged ton lies ban oethlIe box la rail a cigarette. This requtat lie Ire- qnenly aspeateul, and abenvsai Iat mIen le Sua mas amay Ils Baron lad variahle iuois, liSe tise oties. Tise hîîcky «ambler, a mol-isuovun aciug man ansd a! excellent familiF, letale proecuteal as a comuson amindies. ASTHDIAîs.-Tiss bonînnes sud agonies I ensbnresi for six yeare, noue lot Ilose mlIsahave ecfferiug milS isa'tes-rible dises acneom. My liitsmas mises- aSie. Iu dtsloesatiou, I tnissi Gihea' Linimntl odide Ausmonia. Il gave me instant relis!. Ueed il inlsnnally as weras externslîy. TutoisAs DsîANoAes, -127 Weat 27tis St., Nom York. Belsi Sy S. W. B. Smsiths & Co., Wlit- Sy. Bensi ton pamphliet. DRe. GîiSs, - 120 West Broadway, N. Y. Tsial Suttîes25cecnta. Cicasgo asete more waaer tissu amy otiser City in tisa mons. 'T'he!,Ciiago WVater Worke tornisli 60,000,00 gal- lons a day, or about 140 gallonse for erery man, maman sud chuS uin tisec City. Mare Ilan one-thirai o! ils ma- ter s ieasec itîsaucîbeing Put to any tiSA aIail. Mss. Tisnsly, No. ý74 Even sîreet, Wiiiiamslurg, Long Islandi, a very aid ldy, auffereal Ienniisy vils indlamma- try risennaliaLn; Ilis juin18etofier liueanS feel emoalen ; hlesculioringe mee nutoloralle anS honr agony inetense. Giios' Liniment Ioslido Anneonia ro- SuceS tIese lling ansi loî's amay tise peina. Saisi iy S. W. B. Smsih&duCos., WiiI-c Sy. SenS ton Pamsphlet. Dii. GîILEa, 120 West Broadway,N.. Trial Sotties25 seule. TImu VERICtT OF IALl' THSE WVOLD.- - Tise enlisemesterun semspliere pro-. neuue Mussns du LÀess.oAeseFLOamuA WVATFIIthIlsMoasislieus Perfuma for the boudoir, tise hall maon, sud-lie bats, r tliaI sîsmisîry ls yetsl eneeuldd snex. 0 tracting tmam living fumera. 9J POSITIVE VIasTePS !-Tise-wosîl h i sa cahitid «rosaI romedies yoseoeaeay hsai sort et negallve vîrtus viuel "'TseueBisAvi'us!liviga ablea Penny Davis'pain-Ruru ieioc Croup or Ceoat4Iauihoia C ,e hfrei )u arc q e sey fo - - -st MABBIED. MURDOOH-KILMÀN.-At Clare- ment, on the.7th inat., by the Bevd. Wm. Peattie, Mr. Jamea Muoch,- Brougbam,>e10 Misa Isabosila ilman, cf-New Dee'r, Aberdeen, Scotland. -CULLEN-At hia residlence, Wisit- by, on Tniesday, tise îLth imat., William ulton, bakar, aged, 58 years. Foneral te the Union borial ground on Thura. day, 141h imat., at ,two o'cleck, p. in. Friendasusidacquaitancos ore respect. fnily invite ateoattend. ý .Mr. Cuilen waa iâi old and resected sitizen of Whftby and fhia rathersuidden deaili has given quit. a .hock te the community. W'HITBY MARKRTS, CaERseeCLE Orrc., Ang. 121h, 18791. .Fleur, per brI ...........$84 50 @ 6l5 0- Feu Wheat....... 8100@1110 Spring Wheat .......... 090 @ 61-Oc Barley, Nol,.,..........60 50,0 s 515 Bye, ................ 40 @ 45 pesa ..................500@ 68 Pes, biaek.eyed. O 0@ 07 Osts .................400@4510I Corn ................5e@ 60 Bey .................7 @69 Apples...........065 00O75 Potatees, nw.....100 s@ #1 25 Eggs ... *.............::12ô te 15. Butter ................10. @ 18 Cheese ............ ....6e @ 10 Wood ............. ....8 500@6go00 Beet, hlnd quarter....605 00 @ $5 50 Beef, fore quarter ....$4 90 @ $4 60 Sheepekins ........... à...30 75 @ $0 80 Ridesa.................. 65 00 @ 5 60 Pork, per wt. ..........$5 000@5 50 Lambe ...............$. 2 &0 $8900 Calves .................6 4 @ 65 - Onions ................... 6090 @1 00 Turnipa.........00e Carrots ..............150 0 O0 Chiekens, per pair ....45 @ 60e Dueks apr ~ .........80 9c Gesse per lb...........7800@OW Torkeye, per lb .... e.. o 10 Clever ...............$8.6 O0$sa60 Timeothy ............. .61 75 O&g20O) Wooi,unwaehed ... 0 0OS@O lU waehed. *............16 O le POR T PERBRy- MARRE TS. - Port Penny. Aug. 12tis,1 Wbeat, fen................. 90 Wlseat, eprlug...... .......00 80 Fleun--------------------.... ;0 Bsarley-------------------... 0 Peas--------------------....0 55 Oets ...................... 0 8s Cous--------------------.... 45 Choyer Soi-ai.................S3 0 Pate .............-.-i-...-o0W Appes, per bug ...............10 Piee--------------------... 460- -5...............ô 0 Boîters................ .....O 0 S Eggil ..................-....o0 se Bey---------------------....70 Basf-----------------.....5 60 Wood .......-,-............20 Cliess----------------....O010 Wooi-----------------O.4... 020 Lard-----------------.....O010 18791. 060- 040 06où O340 0 w 00 20 011- 000 a100 0120 011 Modern Materia Medica Tneudee meny valuable remedjea for afflue. .Ltiens, il je a malter et certainty tisatin ail cases wlsere the animal vitality le taillug, -Pisfetzous in dscidedly superier, It will werk effecta such as nothing else will pro. ducs, and poeSSOBE isle greal sdivansiage et net causing, when its une 1le relinqulahed, tise oUlitest rmotienoedepreeiess. Sold hy aill duggieta.-l'rcs one. Dollar per Ilotte. , A C A RD. ' 0 aillwhe are sufferiug trem tise errera T and ndisretins ot yeoth, nervous -weakneas, esrly deeay, les et msnsed,&e., I wlll send a recelte that wlilI Pure yen, FREE 0F CHARGE. '_"idB great reaiedy was discovered by a missionsry iu South Amerlos. Send a selt.addressed envejepe te thee BEY. Jo8EPHi T. INsesM, Bf aiion D, Bible Houas, Neu York City. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BARLEY WH-EAT, PEAS 1 The underaigned lias reeived instructiona trra Meessr. W. D. MATTBEWS & Ce., te porchase an unlimited qoantily of Barley, Fali Whr.at, Sprifdg Wheat, Blackeye Peau, SmallvPeas, Rye, &c., &c. Ail te hc delivered at tho Steain Elevator et tise Pickering Harber Ce., FRBENCH-. MAN'S BAY. r would iusprese upon Farnera thse grossi importance of thoeoughly eleaning their Brethis year. Laat yesr a largepertise citeBarley purcliased-liera h ast te lbs clceuedl over befoesahl*fping or asulling. Thse preseut year Cana Ian Bariey will, geuerally bu dark la coTour: tse oniy lioee et liuding a profitabie market wiR ble by fermera osingtisieir fsnning mille vigerous3. ly, lu order te bring up thse weighi. E very farmer je interestei iu thie, and aill houlti att accordiugly, aud in unleon. THOS. MOODY., Liverpool Market, Aug. 11, '79. 41u.sa-î F ARM FU SALE OR liENT. Ilire-quarters et Lot No. 1, lu the Led cen. et Pickering, coutsining 150 acres, ssearly aill leared; good dwelliags, out. hanses, sud barns; plenty et Fruit; tarn well watered. Apply te W. B. CLENDENIN, Jlu.54 ou the premiases, or Whitby, P. 0. Strayed, F RBOM TBE PRISE9 0F TE ISubseriber. Lad Cou. Whitby, a dark resu Cow, abeout six ycars 91<1; stands biga on lier legs,; hurne tom a j,. Ass> on.. giving intormaion ot ber wil hu sestahly rewarded. An y eue olding sncb s cew &iter netice avili ho prosecutell, areordisg te law.* PUBVIS THOMSON, 'Si.84'Mayflieid Fetrgi. INS0L VENT'ACT 0F '1875 sud_ Amending Acte, VAUT %-LENT1INE;. a i ié beci.l isuc.din. tL'u ýcautie. eul thea cr,ýditoye air seotilàidfC o mot snt'usy osîlea soi WEDNESDAY,-tjie, 27lsDDAY of AU. 108, 1879, et cisc e'-ltck lis tlsc tl erssssus it iteelivuatusios t i tse J pQvesr f- faira,or anic esArsinc Iff e eslt Aris te, ornesr ts iii tl lts. 4fssfsstc , si L-. rt AI*R 1FAARNNKS, bv, f5-n of 7Aevtaee AIJlÃœ S~ Oddfellow'9 NEW ADYýRTISEMI G RANDDOMINION EXHI] UNDE TUE AUSPICES es' TH Agriultual & d >ssoi 0.F ONTARIO TO BE HELD AT OTi --ON THE- -22usd le 2715 SEPTEJMBER -500 Dominion Meuls, anS ---offesed lu Psemiuns. Enties muai ho madee mils tisa S -at Toronto, on or betene tise uSern ed date, ver.: Hoeau, CaIlle, Sheep, Suine j s ~ n1~alIin~ ents, ou on L'Af Grain, FielS Route, anS oIson Fa Sucle. Macisinery anS Mansufactures aiiy, on or before a trrday, Augual Hôrticollnral ProSocle, Ladies' Fine Arts, etc., os or betene Saturda- Prize Liste anS Elank Ferme for,- theesanes upen casa h obtahed it retiries et ail A4fflontLral sued Hast tsi -Sociiis, sud MeebanciIs i Ibroagisol tise Psviuee. JOHN 1R. cRm 'ce* Agzicultiral &u 2he sao,T Angust lt,'9 VINE GAJli E. F. 31. Ji lnua,' IMPERIAL 1FRENcfl-mE. Demijees -aud Qt;àiter-demijc -AT- R. H. Jd-A MESON HOLISBl'or sale O0<'toi1 HAbOMBDWLING ON ,celar woduedontOMCOpnmup, ri Le.; aice «ressieufutquarter ase.. Apply te O ôSEPH A. BANDEI 'Whbisy' E Or al Cniecz office. -- FIRST-CLASS -- FA RM FOR SALI L. i I.IST.CLASS FARM, 0 Acres, bOiug piart cf Loi Ne. -I Ble ss. Con. of Picekering. Wehi mas ith lilving uprng oreek * tiares mel mes; goosi archerS ; waven sced - hieudeeme dmelling, and kood Onîbuiid Tue dmshllnge rfaInhseseul. A'tl steck, andlgrain tarin; Cloue te godul kas. WiDli e uoid 55051., o asy te Apply Ia L. FAIRBANKS Anetioneer, WiL Angoast 615, '791.- Fsrm- for Sale. ~ CE.(47 CLEAREeOPR isigiconnty of Ballon - ih.. - ' - as itis ahane stabsing.Ner% upigcreelu near tic building; a tir Yoagorcliarde bis f ret tr-eeac rilenc 9gteb n.Sitosted an lise II lisoogl rad to Guelph, tram uhichis tan miles dsttant; Couvenieut te villa iite, eisrcises,markete achoole, &..r asrs cf Suaner-laslem, enitable ton" miselt. Prie$2,200- oniy $090 roqol domn, balance as oney be agrecil-on. Apply te "L. D. CREWSON, Pospsboem P. 0., c Luther, Jàiy I31, 1870. i $ 6 6 A EE lisyor eus o, an 0 ocapital niakeal. yous give tise business a trial çailis 6 expens. ,Tise Seat opr ovsefsred for lises ailiig mark. Yen isonid lry nolising ehs o nýo Ose for yorself mia lou a doaI s'nsas -e offer. No roane te expiait ine Yo a evote al ious teO niy yc spanre lIsse btisa business, suS make ars tA or every bous tisaIy&u mark Wam mana mueS as mon. SenS for epsc: -priate terma sud partienlars, vic, 'niaifree. $6 Onîfit tne Dan't complu of isurd lImes vileyou have sachea isans AdreaeBR. HALLETT & (Co., Pdaian Maines. IY-82 C QA COAL k B5s. tJNDED >TONS Steveea, t tCeai, iunslityA -mlaroe -FOR- tc,

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