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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Aug 1879, p. 3

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ODD;-FELLOM ~IA F i~ L L- lu Will White Luce shortly.arrive, and we muet make look out for big Bargai Oounterpanes, Dresa Goods, 3Cartalis, ~ amr *~~~ý=te' -m '~~, ~s-ilrils Prints, Ledues - Milhnery Goods, Parasols, &o, at you 'njrcs Sam No troublieto show goods. DOLLAR 0. F. STEWART, 4'The Fu"ehionbe' 0-]x Goa, =a co i ?OR~ Are, TElS MONTEH, cleaing ontumà hauotirestOof oieSEWING MA4I/!INEs At Haif-Price. u ýS T. They are also offerigver ea bargains inLadies' and MILLINERY, M".TLE & DIRSSI!ÂRG. r9" ]3utterick's FaII Fashion sheots8 received. ()a dge neSUe ?j, 0 s ", Brock.,t.,, Whitby. lnB Odd/'ellows' Hall. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GBIAND DOMINIO N EXHIBITION. riiNS UTUE AUSPIC&B OF TME 0F ONTARIO TO BE HELO AT OTTA WA, -ON THE- 22ud Io 27tit SEPTEMIIER, i1870. 300 Dominion' Modale, and Sz8,gooo Enrtrics osust be nmade 'sitlirtiro Senrtia at lorooto on or beforo tire ondurmientjo cdi datite, vf.I: Ilasses, Cattie Sheep, Switne Pisostr /sgrrcrrltus-ai Implorantse on or Leîorý Si turdaY, AsIilft finsi, Grain, Fleisi ioote, andi otcr riFoi-m Pr( dUris, Machinai-y and Manufacetures gentl lily, on or bafora Sturday, Augastsi 80h. Ilorticuitoirai Producto, Ladies' Woi Fine Arts, etc., on or beforc Saturclay, sepi 1'rlze Lists ans, Blank Frmein for makio, the enirit. upon Cn alibeoitaluad o! tiraes rueis Ieof al Agri-loitural and I loi-icnltIrs ai Socitlepas tnd Moac 'lstt tirrouIgiot the Province.anse ottn JOHN Il, CIIAIG, Sec. Agri-Iulorai & Arts Ass., Toronts Alignott ItIs, 170. MiL VINE GAR! Demijoirns anti Quart cr.demij oins, -AT- R., H. JAMESON.'S. Houao l'or Sale or to Let. &'v. ; irie gardais ot a quarte-s acre. Aprply ta JOSEPHliA . JIANDEL, Gi-a egt CsroiseOffce.lm8 FýIIIST-CLÀSS FA RM FOR SALE1 Oheap. A Acreas, bains fart af Lot Nes. h, in tii rd OCou,. oIifnlorlîrg.Well wates-es illi living eprirsg ci-cal- thrcesWells of meatr t-; goosi os-s-lr,sssl;Weil terceri;witir Iraldeonie dweiîg, and, good ootbuilî B.on Two dweilinigs for terni bande. A spenVn toer ainsIgrain tarim loaee lo.ood mar- lot,. Will ha solti ch'aap, on easy terni,. Aîply bIo L. FAIRIBANKS Aurtionegr, WIithy. Ariget ttis,78.-83 Farm for Sale. R. H.JA&MESON. CL'ARETSýOWINE, Cruse and Fils Freres BORDEAUJX -Médoc, t-y SrlI,f 7u,1- vrr t8icay5 uaraniieea 5 Summiers IL' 13W M B UN S in JWJood.30.h EIANA e B U R N S r.-oo BRIOCHKSTREET, MBY H. lin & o'. C ampg-e0F THE- Will seil sell for 30 days AT COSI o. G-000u C'. ha pgn.T R A VE LE RS. Woinens' Prunella Boots and Shoes, re-~ .I. Womleuls' Kid Boots land Shoos, j-vis, j~~~~ -~~ T'b. ~Hartfosrd, Coors., Jairuams-yL 1879.Mis'PebeB tsndSes 111osoit's und uarlung 8 Ale anadiPorter. - ÂsaTe. -Mse'Pbl ot n hei 0 tu tandin-L-n-n, 5127,204,87 Misses' Kid Boots and Shoos. 34 C~ Lason bond antinmorage 2,940 G E R .on.rea.IcstateLasobndand- -tag 2,256,198.18 A New and well Selected Stock. Cali and examnine. Rý U~ fi' " ~ Intrast on lons, orerosibot O E' E ? & CO 1S., .Lj A 1 'R, lot duee, -- 8, 21,48-90 member the whole is offered at oost. $1 o PIR DOZNDeferred Life prsrrnsrun.- 51,272.52 on Lite Policias,- - 60,756,12 ____A ~. ~ . J A M E S0 N~ S. United Sitates Gover ment F V . ~ b . u r W itb, îîl 3OIî 189.Stata and municipal bonds, 25907860 Whiby Jily801j,189.Raili-nas stocks andi bonda, 320,388.00 Bank andi Insucanca stocks, 50900 WL mbr agon4.00bx* W i Total AssaI,, - $4,595,445-31 wLu brw ggn ih oW i M ID.N..LY-..JJ. LIABILITIEe. trees and neekyok-e, cheap ; Largo Mare ô years old, on] Reati-ve, four par cent., Lite $100; Thrce Buggies, new. Ternis on above to suit pui 1,000 Farniers, -Ladies and others 'to Resarve, for-re.insus-ance, Ac-2,7251,5hasers. purcliase Our immense stock of MASSON GE M FRUIT Claimsunadjaui o tri a ui lo 21,82.840 O Q U J411S, at greatly redueed prices, utis * 14500 Total Lialsilitle., $ 3,338,337.93 SIMON FIIASER'S New Cash Stsore.a-is-*127,T3 A few iîuportcd sets, CHEAF. Ihodr,- -$,5,0.8-- on--- - Stnhlsls fur ther Year 1878. LIFE DEPAnTMEbaT. H R I S O L A large stock of China, Crockery and Nusmber of1lite- Poliras writ. - Glassware, at astounding LOW PIIICES. Wirole number Lite Policys rdeSyhs nihs okRks c ha written te date -. 30,297 HEATCH & BiRO. Whols number ni Lifa Poli. iin force, - - 11,207 D N T ] J N I O r p r a i foi-e, . . .818,3v,556.00 Total Cimae pais nLt Green fixes them so they can't run. A fulll- lne of ail grades of TEAS Departmaut, - 91271,137.86 at slaughterig pricos, at Numbar of Accident Polirias And 15 B y ebtd buy no Hac &other written in 1878 - - - o 43d,11byfo8 ltc robr s i M 0 ro:jT I'R:,.A s Mi .R -18sCash Prtmium a raived or075582.51a HATCE[ & J31RO. Deverell's Block, - - Brock Street. Whole number Accidenit Poi-' OS Importera Hardware. clos wArittenntîa-epa-i 517,98r, Whitby, June 1lt, 1879. 25 N. -B.-Farmer's Produce taken in exehange. iu 1878, - - 4,/60 ________________________________________________________Amount Accident ciai;zas pai su 1878, - * 0284,343.23 T ER i Whole numbar Accident T8&)00A Aor $5 IY SMO E Clairaospai - - 39,049 GRAND C LEA RJ1NG w SALE lt.N o.Wo- nhie- axnouut accident man doans wall as mou. ACloums pali, $ 3,041,951*04 - F Ma1(l)01 moka more thon A common toIsas-o '5s ltEN foi- Total Lasses poti, botir De- - F tira amonut stotasi abya. No ons rn aufoutire sanie piIe partmants. $4,313,089.80 te malts money fait, Any onae au do tirs work, You eau malte from 50 cents te 62 , fDhlA JII? JAS. G. JIATTERSON, Peiet O T N H E spart timetlotira businesse. Ilcents noth. ROUt ChU III 5111U Ilul' ing 1e try tire business, Noillng liko il for SR O N E . ORS sitn ery 00* nioney niaklng aver offeresi batore. Bus!- *SEJH GEORGE. LLsAîtuasiy 00 nas pîsasant sud stictly honorable. Roasalai- ELLIS, Aelu;,S tof a i . il yýoo want taelnow ail about tira beet .rn p = De ep-n o! A ners paying brusiness ebfora tira public, aBond us 1. ~ ,~J:. AV Surg leonlEanedur». M- T HE O L N yoor adn-ee andl-we williBodseu yuful -. F. RUSSELe, AgePona nAte. M L T lE J7 ( jI . portieulars antd pivato tai-ma. fi-a; samxplas IN GJ'±T LE TTERS, C.FUSEL, 8Agileul, iast onto. worth #5aloo fof;ice, a88tAdnlaedap Hast oTnt. Is now prep'ared to seil al his Stock of NewBotan woi-trm5 ie fi-youl.A esa o moka W E AOCH P L tT G C______________________ AT AND UNDEIR COST, at Auction Prices, as STINSON& CO,,Porlans, Mainra. iy-82 Sos A -itçji May 21, '79. 8m-22 BO EhWNTD i b ompeiled to niake arrangements for a new store. AMONTE guaranteeti. &12 j-- - ___-- -- --te - ot;andS 4.1-. n Stock;, ,,ill,,i o day t home mode by tire EXECUTORS' Gond wageieau cuh matie by coilectlng ~ ~~JLUg - Âe.lO5(IL A.JtaL' .. >~Cn.na malte mouay . Ca? ait SAaLE neFtLA ND andspi u1horns tus. positively be cleared off at a sacrifice. weswr f mae ony ase a wrkfo s ho nIcR. fui-tirer particulars asisresa Ris lease being eancelled, lie wiil for a few weswr f onytiring cae. Tira work is lighl ansi plea- P5ETER R. LAMB & Ccb., hie immnne stock. The greatoot bai-gainseover given in tho Town of ont, ansi sudsi as, anyonaeauo go rieht uat. THE UNDEIISIGNED OFFERS FOR Manoftictsaerg, Whitby rnay be expectcd. No troubla to show goodS. Tho.s, wbro as-e wioo wiro ste trie notice wili Tsale tirat heoititul Fan, known as tirheRNO sensi us thir a airesses aI once ansi ace for propai-ty o! tire iota Paticik' Ratan cneauON O tirenselves. Coosti- 001111 ansi tai-sfc.tii 7 acres. 100 acres tire snh.f July 2nd, 1879,.11-28 C M N , C M L New is tira lime. Thosea aiieasly at wos-k of lot Ne , anti 76 acres of thre ____________________COEONartE ara 1 aiius Ireu so oa.Alr !ltN.7, aU in tire 7th con.0f. tira Town- _ TRZ ý,Ag--iât- Maifrn. ly.o2 ahi oo! Broeak.Imperishable Fragrance. aX- Il V- _____- - -~ 'iFis Farm le in a igirtata of cultiva-__ tie,_wllwatre, godBuidig,>an-- R XxS.,WHIB- John Dundas-. asid oroirarti; tirer se about 29u acres of MURRAY& LANMAN'S DEVERELL'S ]3LOCK, U~1MR ftira Couuty o! îermau- ireautilul hardwaod bush ou the soutir hall Clbae il UnIrb, hy ire g 0 to, aw le, toandi one-irallmile, frani Sonder. IA ~Eare lg.a lu ! dl bc,on tira Toronto and isi lsl B . B. 1NO c Si. Julien, Margaux~, d LINE HIGHILAND WEfISKEy. Me~n&l»en sters, Bi Wintb'y, June 20th4 2879. DOýMINION'"'WAREROOMS FOR. cxEIE~.Aoe SIL The undersigned -have just received a large lot of ColoÈed *and Black $iik. They are Selling Beauttiful Çoiored Silks for 55 cents a yard. -#C Summer Dress Goods at a Great Reduction. 4.f MILLINERy Ail Classes of Summer Goods Very Cheap. RZbThey have. a Large Stock of Cheap Sugars and Teas j ust, to b aud, W. NEWLDV] i TOIO PHO TO92RW-1 P TOGPHIC STUDIO 1 f anIEIc ANI) FRAMÉ IJEPO1. for hca, Ipt Special inducernents to hleads,,ot fa- Bâeok milies, during the sunmer'm onths. Familles, eonsisting of ? Lntv.spa. four persons, and upwards, by ordering one dozen photos. othor e,B~1 s ti oIntu 'eaoh, will be presented 'with a beautiful photograpli group WuUtiols ' u oreig bt, w1ui1 oir ci Of the family, fuil size, for frarnÉng. 1!d~f on yf~j~ Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices &to *' celPto mmyb suit the times. TIIE GRAY MEDICINE CO, - oronto, Ont., Can C H IL D R E N A S P È C IA L T 'Y . Whitb by ulldruf t san Frami}g l~ail its branches, at prices the________t.__. Agents for Canada Stained Glass Works. Cail and see whipe dfycopeiYON BO SamleIs.NSBOK. $25 to $50 PKR DAY CAN ACTUALLY BE MADE WITH THE- CREAT MWSTWRI WEL AUGER§! Io oomposad o! Issgei-dlasindontical wîth thsstwhich .constitut e oclth, Bloosi, Musait and Nerve ad ]raixr Sulistuco whàilat Lita Itief le direotiy dapendont u# on soma of thani. .p 13y its urdon"with tira blond asd itus affect - oontire Musces, re-esfablishiug tira onu anrd toung the other, it is capable ce fct- ing tira following reenits:. ' t will lisplace or wasi ont tubai-colon. moattai-, and thnsecure Consumpti on. 33y increaeing Nai-vons aad Mueoulujr Vigor, il will aura Dyspapsia. fabis, or in- tes-ruptesi action of tire Heori and i alritsa- tien, Waakntss of Intellect canssi by grief, worry, nyti-tax or, irregular habite, -rn. chitis, Acoto or Cumulec Congestion or-,tira Longs, aeua lu tira most aiarmtsrg elsies It curas Asthme, Loee of Voie, Neursii8ia St. Vitus Danna, Epilaptia Pie, Wlhon;ing Cnngr.-Narvousnas,andi is s most,%wosler- FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP, OP HYPOPHOSPHII-RS, ansi wo ai-o salf i ying, fi-tus nalorrg rx- paineisoniasiecina, ils -virtus eare mot o<srooaooet by aîuy aI ie,- cssrni,srsf iait, te tie. fowing sail damonsis-ate. IT IS ACCEPTABLE te pinlate andi Btoinatei. tSUFFICIENTLY-POTENT tsu insus-e de- tidesi benoîit, yat hari-les, iroweioeve.r long ile use mnay beca ntinosi. Tis echrauter- 1 atio se possesseti iyno airi-remedy. IT ASSITS DIGSINadfiiil. tian. GETO anissssl. IT 1VITALIZES TaBE DLOOD, tsopply- inucir ingrediante as iooybe requis-ad. lIBESTORES TONE btirah nes-yes., IT GIVES8 POWER of endus-ance ansi of caaeatrotion b lire mmnd. ' 11 IT'PROMOTES VIGOR ilstisaheos-grns whlc esupansi ti-oreaitiron this oalutiay moscuior action, vIz. : lire Livas-, Longe, lita-t.,Stomaoh ani Goutals. Ansi onlase afflîctoni witirBorne diseu oils. VaIing AliSOLîrTE OIIOAN1I L055,hÈ# ill e. tain tire systani outil it scatiras the ago si. loLe -o a ' a efi ient Creator. ' affaciof FELLOWS IIypopuo"sPHýITî"di *hrigisily folluw tire directions.-, FELLOW,5' ,IYPOPHO06PHIITES. INCEPTION. Tira expesimants Witls preferteiliais prapsuaatiin occnnpied =niou oiutis, ains ware instituiedi thia viewssf curing trot iritidinus distosa, TUBERCULAR CONSUMPTION. andinu osdes- lu suppiy tht defrcieneiceslu Hypopiospinis 1redy ini osa; for, ai. tirougir tir n atureF was correct os ta fhe- o-y, thir-pi-epai-allone wara, owing lt iai imperfact oi-gonzalian, foni wanting lu ps-attire. WIrila thay caussi tira formattion- et fat ansi generetesi heat, tiray d. Dol ingi-ova the blosi. Tirabolone affect p on tire nerves ansi musnlès was cireumsdtihed ansi awing to, tirir Bluteti state, rinvolvrng- large doses, lirey wera also 100 expansive. lra tdeiasdeaas ongirby Mi-. Falo*, A ranvanieul, pelatabla ramady; Unalterable hy lime ; Has-mies, Ihougir usèsi ontinuously yet maigrt be tilecontlnneti at any lima iiju any 1lu affect ; Wlnitir would induesan appetita Sts-angthau digestion; Promota assimilation; Croate hoalthy bioat; Sti-angthan lira nom-es ansi muscles; Enable tire suirjett ta eucetesfuliy comn- bat tiietasa; Andsi sfficiuty cananicai for ail. AU trise rey.eauintiisputably attaluosi, Tira sucrass of tire work re enniplete ; ausi Iiellowe' Hypophospiritas stands fareniet aoopst tierei-maties for clrronitrïhi-ganie discares,poessesiug pi-operties tu saitisno ather madicineaîs ever ospfrad. ABSTRACT EFFECTS. FelIonss' »Hypophosphita,, on bucbg in- troduras intto the aloniacir, onitas with tire los], -ansi immedlatliy entera tht circula- tion;- antd brîgparfectly miscible -witir tire bood, speaduy parvasits everyport o! lira systeni. Ils affecta arcSi-sat daclaresi hy a puise sUlriy incraeasdin lu lintese ansi stienglr, o gani-al exaltation of tire ai-gaulefnctions, ana i exileallion of tise antaliartussi powers. Ite apacidle infiuence li ontli raian ansi fiaivoua inhaltante, in - ci-esirng lira activily o! the absorbantsuns rtuewing tht bloosi, thus couslng -the ueo-s'y moacolar formallonuso noessary in restei- ing tire fotions of tht prevlously weaen- tsi orgaus, Beung than, àa Ioulefor tha nervoua andi cireulatory systemn, Il foUlows IraI, Whoun lir ia o emain! for extraernr axai-- lion, ius use ia invaluahie, sine ilsupplias tira waste tirreuh lthe circulation,su anss teins lira geners slem, At n 'prod f Mitalawatohfui cars over tirs funeoe ofaet iabrai n.more requisite thon during th«acqustenion o! Inowledgo by theayonti ; pladtiing, preservlng slndy raquuires a store of vdgowno, norvoui farce, or a cmild mayaink under thea mental 1011. Stemu naosslty =&y compel tire aludant lu airain Irispoen bIeyona thea diaes o! prudence, ansi 'tira early Promise of extol- To.pruwe rscornnend PiUow's HIype- phe3pitiei-il wlll fltonly restoeatira ssn g patnt, but Il wll enahie thetoiu. lgstudeut 'lu preserva irismental endi narvons stanldard withooî de trinasut. poiaeecanai us-iii tas-silo presoxiha iras pi-ovasi Iri. men lu cti-y lai rocon=uadit, Fiarefi.5r Millhnery, Dress-making & Tailoring to IDOWELL ao~ -0 hIef idwor any ana onii-erbthtifr will cammunicato with Ms. Thomas Mc- Alaret -'r [ -"Naul LlYrPoo - i >,. ta,,,,fv.... ur , arno -oa-tr orta ..ueujrno 1r, Inform lion ire bcgiven trot wlll bceof juy u,189, J. H. MI-CLELLAN. greot advsnlaga laelire widaw ansi riilsi o! Jîrî uo,-32 tira saisi John Douldas. - - - - Gbon-gTHOMAS MaNAUGETAN. Coburgnly luth, 1579. 81-2un 110C Olt StELLiIIEnlî BEWARE 0F IMITATIONS 1 'Ii-rr ia .1 -Oitjlirnb t'O n. sioanlisi wal.lbsîlit cet. TUE P1t0IPIT0i-S5 0F î~~ii~~rets- esiona us ,PIOSFOZONE 'PIN'V lel bt O T 1 es W ud Caution tre public Iati inirfo. lit1IW SNeWpLIAbl-COT ONFS zone lis sow pot ouansi wrapped wllh i-a a))4ga(t CiO liînt Slute Colouresi Wra oer l)ving tire Yý lbsrrry Si'Tt.t i1rîae5al - n s ~Vry s-ms-ui-,,,, tr - ti n -t $.4 n pI. d o i In 4 lb,.Frnchr Or s- l, a sGos-s- f tameages--rt $t5<1 auraides, iil oft( f iulnfr r ki- on the bus-k. [rr<rl<It, n cliRouirifrus tcl tnIspus ls-rliIti:; - ihocI tir-ua n h-i lily 25tb, unIr. \î~Tl1TTl3Y UGUSJt I)U-NIsÂS-ST., WIIITI3Y. Je)S.FPHAs JANDIfL, ÉV1tO1'JlÏEpO,. !iopas-ion rromrois r o-e- i-lts-qrs (inrr stlrusgtuni rmnredriyard. (-8 gutfor Wislt7,'i Lnges-, Wl i attI Jnly am1, 7, Tire Farm will ha sais inuoua or lwo par- Icea to sait pos-chasers. For lui-tirer par. Fýtimblras ply;to tire Execotors. 11 EV. L. BR IIRE, Eeto. f PATRICIZ REENAN, ect- I Vi-omassion, P. 0. A Good Fetm to Iient. Cl ONSISTING 0F 75 ACRES, LOT 16 4th Cncession Pickeid.DweUlng and outbildnp ood; th ]a isWeUwït.real andi in ggoot ilote O! cultivation. Fessai- sians giveoter hirveel. Par patitalars, app'ly t10 B. MCBRADY, Âudluey. Jnly 2tir, 1879, tf.82 FURNISHED HALL TO SENTI T 0LETTU fus--suiietHlnl aboya tIsa lrafs f.ickowcRrr8astira y. M. C. 'A. iul, rlu it-,bPes-nxuatly taktn, par-itietsanarsrange-r to ieut it by tire nugirl GEO IL-TULE, - rawlng, Paintin g, Crayo'n. IS 15 MARIE 13ABNBS it prearesi' 1 MU gavea lesosaseln tirs sbove anires rr-sicbnca, IDrock Sti-ci, Wlitby. Partic- lare ton ha obtalooati f i-onuMss MIntyr:a, Dreaqs.nsaker, Droek.et. y TiWater. lTire nurait, mosi laeling. yetmost de- - ltot ofsipai-fumas - - - -or use ou tire landkercirfaI liraToîbat ans inutirs Dnlth, deligiriful ansi healthfirm uirath udtç rooni, reilavai weakneee, fatigue, proi. Irallon, nervouineii andi ieadache. Look eut for caunierfais, always o.k for tire T'lorlia Woter pi-aparati hy tht solo p io- prbetoro, Messrs. Louman & Kemp, N4ew MrFrsaleahy Parfumai-, Drnggists ansi Poney Goo a les PERRY DAVIS SON & LAWRENCE, 29- - Agents, MONTREAL. For sale lny T. G. Wlliitisl, Cheircla, Whithy. FARM TO lIENT. /N-OMPCSEI> 0F 100 ACRES, DRIG %.- part oi Lot l'o. 4, in tira diiiConces- aion o! PJickeiig, five milefrom, tira tosan o! Whitlr, ondar 4-goods ealae!fçgllvo- lieu weiwtertd, oosibuildingsa nen os-rira-si, a. Plou u , ffan retone attie trop te taken ce oe1i andi possession los. Mas-ch noxi. Foi- pas-ticubas-s,apply laelire awuar. - TIbfOTIIY 07ÀEA1 * - tiles Pi 0. ie- [y [r- it COME AND SEE Us ANDBUYCIRAP CONFECT1ONER Y, of al Kinds, A. F. YARWOOD, Ratving bouglit the business of Mr. J. G. McDougall, Brook Street, Witby, is now preparedl to snpply everytin i the lime of Con- fections, -at the very Lowest prives. HoR eep Ã" and,0 the bist Stock, made of superior unaterial, smd defies competition. Ho wMi always be prepared to snpply Supper and Wedding parties, ai the very lowest rates. CAKES & BREAD, will ho supplied *as eretofor. A eau ana triai ho eaissealisfied, will gain laina apaying tritde, and at tht sama inas will pay Lia customera. PIPES8, CI&IARS .aBrd TOBACCOS, oft lie best branda, chloap. FRUIT, ail Icids, and seenonable, kept on hand, and wi-b2e sold at asto ndigly Low pi-ot. - The Dily and Weekly papers reoeived daly tatiobry and Sohool boolca, o! agi kmndla, wifl ha oid Tan cants lais, tona y cirr store. t> The Store is mmediately opposite Groes & ý rs.inger'e Hardware store, anai onaer rho ! edaatsHall. Onu. The fligheSt (Qýsh IriCle paid fp EGG8S - 'A. F. 'YAIRWOOD. WB =A~N IT, =a are prpareat emostrate thie faot. WO'UR AUGERS ai-e opes-ated enfls-ely by HORSE POWER, and GUARANTEED te, bore at the rate of 10 to 15 FEET PER HOIJR. Tlù,If o foifom 3 tu 6 Foct in flDiaor, and( ANY flEPTflI Roqi'd! They ai-e WARRANTEI.) TO BORE SUCCESSFULLy IN ALL KINDS 0F RARTII, SOFT SAND) and LIMESTONE; BITUMI- NOUS STe CSAE , and HARDPANp, sml nC asrcis.nd ne pthe BlEST OF-TEThe QUCSApN, GRVELond rCAVV àà leAWrTI-I Tiuey ara E A CTU ssrosEtATimOUR s OWN ORKSu-I,,. u',,'>t-euieiýto Maeil ySildadPaTho i5ca oreefun as rstas u leWib 5G MANUACTIVE AGERNSWORKS fi-osutire Vas-y inteo MaitedS-lat es d anadPa ti r woi-k iuc idteret. dfo u GOOsttd aaloTIV riEsAET S Wa &.,prvntel ur verts-y ntontyl tr ADRS RAT WESTERN WELL ALIGER WORS JOHN SAUNDERS.- RAS JUST IRECEIVED AT IIIS BOUT AND 8HOE 8STORE. LADIES' AND MISSES' SLIPPE RSTAN V JOHN SAUNDERS, Whitby, June lOth, 1879, Agent. County-. of Hia//burton, Farmri to Rent. F~ui LOT, WOH~IDRED ACRES, M T 'cluoseýof 100 acres, tire fortl FA W LOTS, o! Lot 'o. 35, in Irhe, 3s-d auceosii cnoie lu a NRttIlwÃŽ4eà.UdLota inlira Wlnithy, ansi 10tsaci-es, notir-ira.! ont', in tie rslssiconcession of Ficai-ri VILLAGE 0F ?IIALIBURRON, joinlng. About 190 - ac-es clearesi.. sanaldwonling, ootbulings~ barrir -tire Taimixons o!cire VictûriajtLbaîway,siorgreonti colezi. ,Gaadoroirand 1 stIxain'ô! wtecsitrough th leind. Pi FOR S-b4IE, ON BEASON.<&LE sion. o! Ire, Pickering 100 acres on - Oclohor nual, and of tire Whilhy 100 TERMS. on- 19t Apuilifl8. Teiazt w hava logo , ~ - t1poin gR)na rop oaf. EING lhal! o! lot Sub- 10'. CENTS -OFF- EACE[ A UJG E FI~ oit DJuUar 1 Pi-ly order. 1- BROCK-ST., WHITBY. PW ry 1 1 ANOTIIER LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 1 Màtby, June 10th, 181j'O. -0 di 1 - A'Tl COSTO- 9L Ar - l ý .:, ILOI J" * 13- IPO«%Vvv:m]Li-j l -r[T/ ljloLnýà# ýSLIPPERS

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