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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Sep 1879, p. 1

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W.H.HQiS At hisPralnteg Btbui, BROOK STBEET, WHITBY. Tere # 0#par Annum. agertlon,asud 200nutapr lin,, uh jubiç.. gluent InhetioDL 1 Spo o rts 0 oS Mtl»8., Finanelal sttmutnanks, IbiuWoy Oomupanls, Tarn Comnie0, sud maltera of SUce doription when1ls.ed among News mat,. 1er ton cents ver ne. tSpolaloonîraotîm>nge'wth advsrtisers th îe yearp or olherwlse. * ' Ordersto discontinue adv"ertiests MuaI b in writlng. VOL. XXIIIe' G ADTEUNE RAMLWAY HOTEL, (ops 0 . T.RB. Station,) Whitby. WM. O'NEILL . PROPRIETOB. Every accommodation for guit&, IncluS. Bu 8 e 88D ir c try. airy bedroomas, Meals gail11 _______la-_TheBarfull inil gpliel wth best brande of Liquore, Wlues B ranies, Cigare. 0il T AeIÃ",; II'B NK, .&a. Every uecessary direction given 10 travellers. ýWHEIT BY B B AN0HE, Good6ablluggenclosed yard,asud atten- THOMAà DOW, Ileotre MÂxoosie. (cOMMUlIClAL HOTEL ana STABLES8, 6.J 4 sud 50 Jarvis-street, Toronto. FAR1EWELL & RUTLEDGE, JOHN MolLIE, . - . PROPlUE TOR. B AÉIRISTER18, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- leuooEssoic Teo On KEJLY,> alluore, NotariaPublia, and Convey- Ice Lese ê.OO ay Hooso ini Ihe City, oniy 1 noors. lieu blocks tirons te orthon Depotandeone Ollio, i l oor south ni the Royal tb the Market. The RousLas beeunouwly Ilotel, WiLy. -Fitteli Out, and Ovsry-thiug F'rel'la$o. (ly.47( - JAMES RUTLEDGE, B. A. -. iT'FIWPLL, £. L. BMRS. WALKEY*r; County Cron Attorney. 48 TEMPER..NCE HO USE, JAMEI KETli&'ORON, DUNDAS-STREET, WIIITBY. BAIIRISTER & ATTORNEY-AT.LAW, Good accommodation aI reasonabie terme. B soliciior [n Cbanoory, Convoyancer, iloardero 02.50 per weck. 45 Nota-y Publie, ira. Offie-Dirodas St., liraI door west ci Ârmstrong's fMotel. '~OBSIN HOTJSE.-TOROWýTO, OUT. Money to-Loan-Privale fonds-at low R. intoset.The Palace Ibid of 'Canada- Rsfltted, Rolnrnlehed, and Unrivalled. New Pas. lOIIN A. McGILLIVRAY, onv r l las or, nn u<htandt da Tdltu ate icloss ic :-2, 6.80and i eu (Sucassor t10IH. M. Howeil.) t s,- J' 2,0.6,an Mentors aiofClubs and d o r ay BDARIIISTEIl & ATTORNJIY-AT-LAW, rcoms, wiihout huard, 81 ta$2 per day. Domlrina~ank. Offie.-Nsext door to FoL. 27t1t, 1878. Proprietor. Mension Houses, Uxbridge, Ont. .26 1______-______--____ . CHARLESO C. KELLER, A TTOBNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN C hancery, Conveyancer, &a., Caning- <n, Brook, C.'W L< T. BARCLAY, A TTOINEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITORI in Chiancory and Ioeolvency, Convey. lnoer, &0., &o. Ovvwry-At the Court flouse, Whltby. LYMAN ENGLISII, L L. B.,, T)ARIISTIIR AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN J..> hancery, Convoyancer, &., &O. Sin- oo Stresi, Oshaw a JOhLN BALL DOV, BAIIlITBIIR-AT-LAW, SOLICiTOIt B n Chonoory, Conveyancer, fo. Oficer-Deverlll'e ]l&ok, Brook Street, M(>N1Y TO liNlD-Prlvato nd- lirumiii) tlu 58O, at <a low raetoof ilu- toeLIt. (y1 RiOINSN & o KEN-r, (Lors DouGaNre& RINî,SON.) B AIRISTeRS-AT-LAW, AT.TO ilN - co, solilitoirs, Caccveyccoecrs, &Co. OFICE.-In Victoria Chiambeie, No. 0, Vicoiac Street. JNO. G. KCELLEY', B ARRISTIR.AT -LAW $0LICITOR 3in Ciencmer>' sud Inso vency, Ccnvoy. mner, i&e. îliice-Dovenills iock, Brook- Sîroee, WhitLy, Ont. G. YOUJNG SOMITH, L L. iB., fAIllISTER, &o, e. r-'Mone>' to Loan -B.> leur caI MioringoLicenacoe. OYLiccîc-Ovor Daiomnion Basnk, Whitby. CAMEKOF< & A[PELi8E, B AltlISTE110, ttnys-t-Law,anul Slleltors liuoyo4Toronto etooct, Toronto. IECTOR GAMUION, QIC. d 13 -R . 8iAPPELlE. i.J. (JUNN, M. D.9 S URiGEON TO TII1E COUNTY GAOL, îJIlyruti8treot, WlimlL. Dr. IW. J. BltNt. Ileldcoa-ongegaiouciChureh Pros o frmo uBIyron oaielMary treets BCYRON FhELI), 1. 1B. PIIYSICIAN, SURIGEON, &re., Duffina' Win. I)bIIilEN, .0.D., .u.S., (UY'S HOSPITAL, LONTDON, ENG., G tise oe 1. 0. .L., Oshiawa, LOntario. Dit0. 0003Ait-r, 8Yîsoac urg-uon, Aiooiilier, &C., &r-c. WiitbY, SoPt cI. IJ, 1871. 10 -,- W. ADAMS, OOSOVER hi. 11. JAMZ,çoNS (Jnlîcolhaire rmîSa.tu1 usîifous 1.101 ta 6e P- , .lluaioce-CrifByron sod Gilbuîl ainouHc. C, N. lAItS, L.D.s an (Ile"mpsetis e citiclcet, anmd iaogoul s tise bcut. i ccilc ilied itsubs ibd and' Silver. roti xtractecl wvitliccut Painu, 1<>' îrucucing loccal anoiethoia. Dentac l Rom-iu Cow. 50'o 00wbliockm, uver Atimisona Drug Store, Ring Street, Oshswa. JOUN IOIIN,4sON's- JoLIeN tOI'No! A G1iNT FORt VIENE Z1,B3IAVED St . OttiîîlmGranite. AI Mart es oVînim (S>ii<mcoccamr tOc, Ttimucia Milctl,,h 'Iliore lcimgîcl ii 5 b u gecrc Wcnlt,]y-52 O1Iý"F1CIAJ, ASSIG'NEZ, ie liecl"oL, lîciSI., W'IItl Y AL WliIe, cc'cm 1879 IiT. iI.iy lJe. YfIlLL, A T lH E R L Y, -Clerk Division Court, Tp. C/erk, lclic icmîn l Bi . ,Il, Lantd Agenit.&cr., O SH A WA, Veterinary Surgeon, WVili buLe iLArntrooige ;luctel, Whily, ovee-y Tulltyeadmm tu iha--e'eiacic il' n. .Xî,il 23, 1877., - 10 .îa emmon i 11tht- . tmca -- . til--- - - -rp.ofai k{N iii diEiT0,1 LEA TUER AND FIWDINGS, Cme i d fl iun I11lbc, iîiuuî. jutî l Tctbt. Lueencic <lemicm, 1s ýBL*'I<TING MADEI TO ORDEll ON 811YRTNIW2Çg Iw IITRY. fOUSE. DUNDAI-IT,, WIHITBT. JOSEPlL A. BANDEL, l>lopIII.E2'OR. Saperlor ccaimModatlon atI maderale Charges. Gool staLlng and onciosel yard. 5M WAgent fur Waliz's -Lagon, lu Botile sud casSe. TSEQUEEN'S HOTEL, ILOTE COBXERÇOL,) 1ROC-eTrEuRT, WRIITIeY, .TAYLOR & McCANN, PROPIRTORE The undlersignel asr in 0 m tLsli bloends and tLe public tha tise>' have taes tise aboya weii knuwn hotel, whlch îLey have nswiy filîla Up sud renovatel, sud put 1010 tise Lest of ordon for tics accommoda. tion o! guesta. Tise Bar, wlîich is ths hand. g0)0051 in tise County*lm well sppiel with the, fluns brandes oiwnes, liquors, sud ci. gara. Ample enclosel s e. nsdulgo stabling, box stalle, cr. Delachol romisn for commecrcial loavolans. J. P. TAYLOR, PIIILIP McCANN. halte of Toronto. COM=IERCIAL HOTEL, CARTWRIOUT, ONT. JAMES DEWART- PROPRIETOR. Goal accummoldatlan th-1 THE CENTRAL HO USE, (Laie Lookissol Ilauoa.) OSIýE& WA.- C. GIFFORD - - . Proprictor, This bhanse la the Lîcet lu ths Comnt>'. Cali anulSeo il. AYERS HOTEL, 82 & 84 MILL-ST., ROCHESTER, N. T Pricci reiiocd ta ff1i a Duc>' Thjis Ilotel linas redaccil is rica ta tisa Travellinig Pubilie tae e.r<IJpor boy. It le had ootho u N. T. CentraI Diit ol>' o iow dlori nat>»), andti LicencctI>'beeri ne. lfltted nii àru-immmiied. Orceilnuliel and day. '7'lehIouae le trst-elasines-ar>' ru- ellieo aîmcl Coriadimipeupla wil osave sone>' «y going lu tIheAyers lMotel. WILSON SPRAGUE, i'raprielor. Rtochcester, N. Y. Jul>' 5, 1878, (8rn-28 THE WILSO'N HOUSE, ASIIBUIhN, ONT., ALEX. BARCLAY, - - Proprictor. Tlîu IHoîue le of]Brliclarge and cous. moucilos, anîd lthe iuterlur ln itled tmp inrexo- celeut style. The laroder linecîppiomie witlî lIe Lest ire theo mnarket.. 'limc- ofL tIiciurm ad Cigure, Stablixcg, largeo ndrowy. Coi e hole. B 11ITISII AMERICAN ILOTEL, R AY 'S, (LOTIitOttOoN IttctJlE.i WL(ITJ3Y, ONTARIO. Hanse nove>' renovitel sud furnisisel thruughout, and put lu firsi-cinse orlon for ha neceptioti ai gueete. Au omnibus eanso nom all traius. Firet-clse Benpîs rouns. SH IAKESPEAIRE HOTEL, k>Cor. King & York-sts., Toronto, Ont. J. A. O'G1?ADY, - PROPRIBTOR. TERMs, $1.50 smo Dàn (ly-47) POST OFFICE SALOON, TORONTO. M. McCONNE LL, -- PROPJIJITOR. 9-5ýW IE DEST ACCOMMODATION _%_e for Guests.' (liy47) QUEEN'S 1HTE, - VICTORIA JAS. MACKEY,- PROPRIETOR. Gloci Teale, Liqumone, aud Cigars. Fine nu. lo sl very z nesear>' acomoonuda- tiotn. ly.41 LUMBER !_LUMBER .JIl NINSON, LUMBEit ME RCHANT, W H 1 TB Y, Rasc on icmtd &arage suppi>' of al kinle o! haru Lueoucr, Boards,, sd alI naceese.uy I>uîding Lumber. Feccciug, Sswn Timber, andi Seantlinig, a large q-sentitny and.au Large ordere ter Log Ditli, fllled iOoni Bille nt ascort notice. I>c(""",1Sasît,-, and Bliltf le aymuL Wbitby, May 7th, 1877, ly-20 County. of Haliburton, FA RM LOT <loictet a Ilsai>', sud Lots: VILL40E OF HAL/BI thsaTercminusof utheLVicoroia M F01R SALE, ON 1IEAS( TEPMS. Apli' o C-. J.1ILOMFII Mifcger Canals Land &Emlgern 47-iy Sr Do roi, Want a Hc dcc> o iii Ici ci-11 andl xamnrinaliî liccli, t 11< uleec, ovscm R. I1* Wuctîy, litS>' 11t1, 79 FURNISJIED HALL TO, T o teîT' -Flic buriui Ihll -Exprss 110ie, lnmowts asthe AIeU.à UItili4 rrU neoý p rtici vc angeam a remt it b th -S, in tisa URRON, Iailwa>', )NABLE [ELD, Itian Co., >c>, Woul t ci 0.T. RENTI alov(.e u iY. Mf. C. ;Lby taken, h.i iilght, ýLB, maoqmonu1 i WK CýHIN A -H Ait m10e OPcI rxzBIG me (REIo~xgS. 71 KINO-8T EAST TORONTO. Fane>' Breakfast sud Tes Sets. Fane>' Dinner and Dessert loti. SPIAIKnIo5m 0.resdSon, Silvon Platel Cmuebia sud Bûtteù Coobare., ilIver PIsteI Cake Bit. Tes Ti9yansudServena. Flnwer MsIu.oor LIyaI , &o., ira., Glsewame, AUllescmlpttonu., Wle Stone ware, oves-y lun. HIoel sud Bar Goode. GLOVER HiARRISONt Lionsed A uctioneer. SLB' sL"stienîî, euhandconîuct. 20. Adree, C.DAWES, 26- Port Pemry. Dominion Wood Work6, WIHITBY. -Gea. Cormnack, Doona, Sasb sud Biled. dolln LUBRDER wbuosoie sud retail, or by b>' the cor boal. Planing, Moutldiugs of ever>' descrip- tion, Floerng, Sheetlug, Shelving, Re- sawing, Shapiug, Turumug. Screll-work, e., etc. WbitLy, Oct. l8tIs, 18 78. -43 I N 8SU1 ONTARI4 Huesdtheir Contento, i ra=6 minov hJST LOusE8PROMPTLY ,PAID. J. ]B. BICKRLL, JOHI LS, Preuldeut. VIce-PremIanI. WhitbyAprîllotis, 1878., -16 pHNXFE INSURtANCE Co. Lombard SI. -sud -cheming Cross, Loi ETB i vEE .x1782. GILLE §PIE, MOFPATT Agents for Canad.'- Manager, moi A GENC-y EST&BLISE»'iN C an tiese Soakhoidere, su lange Re Fonds. Molerate ratsfnpromion. Whitby, April Sili, 1878. AgnW Assurance Compal, INCORPORATED 1833. F.- A.. BALL, Mmal Ineunancea eftete il tise loweat Our rates onuBuildIngs, Memebaalse, esud. o propont>', agaiust los or lainage b>' un. C.NOURSE, Agent, Wh 3. M{ONEY TO LEND. Y The underslgned Las an y sinount of in it oyîtoLsud upon Farmor Town Property.nt c i],4 - nuuail>'Luw Rates of luleessi - Loans eau Le ropsid in auna 10 soit bor. 1 e roweru. - Séversî Improved Fari nud Wild Lan~a ill I for sale choap - Iuvostmnosmade lu Municipai Dsbsn.I- tures, Bank, and oo nerketetable Stock.' - For furthar partictilars eppi>' toe N UR N JAMES ]HOLDEN, CMAY Officiel Aoslgneo, Brokon, i&e. April 9th, 1872. 15 FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. LOSSES PROMPTLY AOJUSTED. Rieke arilten and peliclea issoal b>' C. NOURSE, Agent. Whi tL>, Jul>' 80, '79,. -82 Dudon. Co., treal. IARA- ity ni serve cltby. other l. 1 l18 aq-tt;.wisaisogpam4 For sale by T. G. Whltfild, Whitby. DO'ON MIEAD MARiNEj INSURAWOECOMPANY. DEA OPI r,. EMITONf, CANAD. CAPITAL, Ï1,000,000. Cash Deposit wlth the Dominion Gýovern. Ment1, 80,0w0. JohzeRarvey Eamilton Jas. Simplon, Ramin C.. Counsell.v A.jA.Hrvy A. Mlnu,, A. Bunotto:ontreaî. JOHN WHA VEy, JAMES SIMPSOW, Presidnt. VIlce.Preildent. F.B. DESPARD, Manager. Ail classes of propertY, except snch as are apeclally hazardlous, insnred att he ows cuirnt rates. lws Speialquoatinson brick and Wood S1wemni uGrainsndother eroducecover- ed fnror ýt terme at reaaousae rats. E. W. ARNOLD, Whltbyt Feb. th, 879. Agent Oounty Ontari o. Feb. th, 879.(-7 PATEONIZE HOME COMpA1qIES. STANÃŽDARD' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON. A UTHOTIZE» CAPITmAL, 88,000,. Gavernmenî..Deposit. §20,000. Busines onlined t his Province. D. R. CHISHOLM, I. T. CRAWFOILD, Preaideul. Secy-Trsan. D. DEXTER, Assistant Soorelar>'. EQUIiTOALE IN Rour.-AIl applications for Insorance roceivo the closest sonsliuy, sud oui>' thos deenel leairable and a i ada- quase rates arecscoop ted; aur abus bcbg te maSo tLe rate lu osoh case propotiunîîo la thé rieSkcarried. FAIIN taAIooUBTXZeNT.....very ais madle upon tLe Coin an>' for bs or barnage is canofull>' iuvestaed, and whiîe those found te ho honesi are prampîl>' and cheeriully p aid, aIl attempti aI fraul are sud over ahIl Le stlumy 'resisted. E. W. ARNOLD, Aqg nt,0 WhltLy, Ont. te Insursuce effecled at luwest rates in tise best floglisis and Caniadian Campanies. E. W. AENOLD, Genaral lueurauce Agent, FoLh. 5, 1879. Whitby. TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE. TNTIL lmUIITHER NOTICE jTuIE h)Ofloe of lthe Vois-n Clork adTemî- unen ilîl be lu tise ODDPELLOWS' HIALL. THOMAS HUSTON, Town Clark, WhjilLy. Whlîby, Feb. 11, 1871>. 11.8 AT TUrE C+LEN MAJOR MILLS1 600,000 let Pins Lumber, weIJ eanec). Ioch Boards. Floariug, 2 n 4 Scantling, 2-loch Plank, Pencing Boardse 100,000 fet aiOaS, Mapi ern ales, lst qualily, Baeswuod, 15,000 t. Square Timne, Ahi uf chioh ailSL e sald oheap for cash. Hae woold aleo beg to a> that tLe Griot Mil is munhg,anl is dbing lirst-class wonk. Chupping ons86laye lu tLe wsek, for aven>' E. MAJOR, Proprietar. loti CHESTER. 1;for maofnIlie spectatens Snsw E ohlm, and tisai s pig asould Le ssid ,know more tissu o L , , eliglîted tb so. When tLe isugis subsidol h éelis coulinuel. - - M 1Mabybo nn on't ,kuow, en>'gond lb .ow, Ihat yoo are sddsmossing s ltomatis 2" a "A wisab ?"-"A pisilonailî, sir." ['ho ehowmsu uaw lumnel tiste pig, ri I putting hie usoutis t e acar, as be- ei re, mai,- 'Clan yen tell me what lsa s 111>. - at "-The ptg gruniel agaiu. Pl "Ho saya, s lilly-mat ila sgmumblin' w II follew." tI Anether Isogs againai Piselinsuen. si led the .slsnwmsn's huffone>', i iore praclicel effmonier>' vas ton ch for PLiellus. Phielin,iowver, se w tea usol 10 triumph 10 aive lu se il>', particularly in tise proece of ni mn> Who kuew hem ; sud rallyieg bc ce more, ho mai,- "Wel, if thlise 1 s 1h quarter c' P e orld, wiuî yen be c sogecl 10 tell o e tiser broie tiser. 10 show 1h." cisellu s baltise lugisn Lis aide be W. A Isuist a main point Of an- meutti lthPd>; sud visever bas lait Isugis, bas tLe boutfth ie bat- in Irelaul. t he asowinuWaitcî 1111thlbIsg s. Inilol, sud ýhen ddLinhalg $éa yhe mmlI-- W ismmï 01eA, cd Andltho earl waamude as thse&eaIt lo a-WbereDunmea" cumula rau, A tandsnrbrue zsprsugnpbebina And tssdbeugxin1îshair, Ail the saluer oatne bacS, as pale Id As ifagsoiwerenere; ,- For ho sàa ayeflw builerdly ,Blown thongs tse sommer air. Il ligistoil upon tLe oompass-box, AnI lise ssiors eyo grew lins, And bie wlngsd thoogsflewfer away Beond the borizon'e rm Toesa unel homesiésl n tfisland, Wbore w-cne noue e 0 lbiof ci m. Agsi, inu tise eaow bruad sud green, On s hoalis>'luJoue. Ho heard the rrwuy*bumble.bees Singing their quiet lune: And ho walohed thelmtissu ahadow gr In tLe wasting siternoon. Agalu, benesth Ihs cottage rouf, When the evsniug prayer ws seaed Hl aitubisemothel on's eh Lnn emI Iu blessing ou Lis head, And hie slher'a ioes uon Lie Lrow, Ac he kueit LeslIe Lii bel. c. Bol the boatswsin's whial, sîrsego s. Wa, souding lu bisers, 0 And Isa thoogifsecams La'ck iran the. 1 And, with bis roogh sud h 1n Lnd Ho dashel away bis tsars. RORY O'M aRE. (Cônfinued.) "WalS eiwali lIwahS lu, laie sud gintheenin; homo a the wnderft lamnel pig tisai nowe tise Ive quart! ena e' lise werlî, sud îmore ;-togeisî wlth Lia A. B. C. suad appencee sud. aud gaes tismeugis hie alphibbit Ladk wsrs ;-tgetser with aldiehin, sol stlnaosbiu, nultipi ecasin, sud livisI in ;-knowmnomerassin, Minsurashixi navigashin. sud botluesaslin"-(Hosý tise ernwî siwaye lsngised.)-"'Teohe wits varions oIson occousplisusents toi nnnserons tbcLa nsnhind,-anotes te bakit>'asd talls eunnnde-is." 'cois i leyen hesr tLs lies he'e teles' i rail Phielin; "oliure ne pig could do, ti liSe, Larrin eue pig that la minmhiud le anshiesihistisery."-"I hon't e-emeusbei tisai pig, Pisclini," siI De Lac>'. "Pig-nsyliosi 1" ail Pheline, bore, tiug lu triumph ai Lavixeg osogisiD Lac>' uin o fLis old sud favorte ,joko,. De Lsey could not Lelp laughing al tise poor eld mn's whisilal coceoi; aud conplinentiog lbinu Ln is vil, Lie proposed te Pielin tisat tisesioold sec if wisst wsre premiseilof tisa pig "Imposible i " mail Pheulim ; it's euh> ythrowimg 5wy nue>." "lWe'l ose, aI sîl. evonte," saI De Lat>', wise payiug sixpeuce, which wae twopeuce more tisse was requirel for iwo admissions he sud tise scboolnaîteî walked np a low step-lsdîer, whioh led te tise pîsa of exhibition, Iaafeoed se lise>' passeel tLe orlon, b>' Lis vociféra- ting, "Stop up, ladies i-jist goin' te begin. Stop op, stopî up-aillIon tnp- pince -oI>' tuppince ; tise larnel pig nul> topine bonreninsue-asisin, nilita- 5ccontemplasisin, navigashin, sud baw-tseraehin 1 " Wiseu tise conspan> liad been collec- ted in suffioleesi qubshit>', a aisrewd- luoking Iellow, bîntasticl>' Iressed, led in a pia b>' s string whicis waa faet- cecld te a ring in tise snimal's nos. Tho pig ascenlel s circulan pisbooin, in the middle of whieh a poue was placal, aud mound tise icle wero 5ev- oral Lobes cul. "'Now, ladies aud giutlemia," sail tise sisowman, "1this le tise larnel pig, ttisl porIont mastiser of varmloes branches of idicasisin ; sud final aud frms ot.L will show yen Lis know. [elga nI tise ive qonartisers e' tise wnnld, tiquai te, Captalu ConS that purbormel lise circuinloontion of tise globe. Ex. cuse me, ladies, tilI I give Lin Lia lu. etrurîlishii2s." Heo lie put Lis mnts te the pig'e car, sud lise pug gresnted. "Hosays lie es happy te hava tise bhor aI yoom campan>', ladies." Heootlie sisownnn waseoncouragel ,>'alaugiIrans tise aectators, wio, cil beIng w.llliug te Le pleseel, laugisel nt s trille. "1WhaI diel-lie Ba>' luLins, do yen isink?2 " saId Piselim le De Lac>' coul.- deuily,-"1 a uppose hé gave Lin a cig's wiiper," saI De Lac>'. "-GeaI, min, gond," ssiI, Pholim; "b>' sel i yoo'ro aiways ready-s pig'e risispen h-weIll'I uever Iorgeb lisai 1" Tise sisowmsu uow laid four piscea aI 3ard, with tise naines oI tise four qoar. ors of tise world wnitteu upon tison, )ver four houes on tisa opposite parie nI fe efrele, and said,- "-Now, ladies, whiois o' tise bve quso. ffers o' lise world shahl thie wonderfol nproblenm baapr , udd "àdkiowbuttbalpo t. flio-Wbas . wif. vs lh liobthoughthe haelvanquièh. and o bildren iW support ; aud if-bi nonbsquo, nco "gop aou in 1 htu gflg1,"Yual tfitrdi ail-!' O" pooual ayi a rsd and ikfor liea littfr -enes, Yeu would D'& ho tb. cause of makiug "If You were poundin' mus Iis tili tisos m I uoger ?"I to-nommow, .you'me uoîiing but i. bost. "God forbid, sir i " said Phelim feel. lioon,".aai.l tishe eowuan. 1 inglyo bis prido giving place [o bis bu. Phallus abanlutel>' staggored nt thse'lIanit>'. "l'read aud mik, indeed 1 dograded epithet of boàitiom, beiug ap. Oh, Ibin, if il, bot potatose aol Salt be plied t0 'a p7ilomail. These awsan eau aimu linsuais a gond cause, me>' 1he coutioiued : Lord proner him 1"I "'Sure, if you worn't an-owld 'bogie, It ia tiet lu oita u om>' ud' bis, you'd Bae that the pig was ponfinl ont Paty whon w. lofi lookiug for their b you tise ifth ,juarthero' tise world;' diner. But ta obtain thiz,. the>' found but tise fael le, Voi4 dou't know tisIn flJai easy matter. TPhey' inejuirer theoerala is ha thing ae tise fifth .quar- nt varions hantise witlisoutsnnees, hdl tiser; but,",BIl o nkn ou lbing lbday waa furthor ipeut tissu.hey appeal b hie audience, "ladiesansd gu qmagoned, and.the. viande nonaumed. ~Wtinsn ynsse is bsn aspostol torY budbeeauo0absorbel between ont ta yonr compreieneisin tise '111111anniel>' on aocount, of Kathleen, sud quartr cf thn'terreitorial globe, whioh Wonder at De Weokeiu!'e probean pnw. la tise Norths Pôle 1" Ors, the day had piosei over witb- Phelin utteree' aan indignant loh il, eut his Leingconosclons of ila; snd. hie but Lie exolamation wae drowuscl in varions shows ikept -Ithe attention of the vociferons plaudile of tise multtumde.Connoly oundMary-,sa nmach ouie ."Lave tise place i lave tise place il, streinis, tisat tise>' wre equall>vunmnd- ýn ssid Phelins te Do Lac>', Lursting Wîth fui of thse fligisi of tins.,and, -asMer>' rage ; but De Lac> did mot liks te bs. Lberseif eaid, "Faits, thse day went ovor ci thse fun, aud tiscught Pheli more di. like an hour, a'cnoet."1 verting tissu th. pig. They souglit tise long enirmncLnent "lita>." said De Laoy ; you'll ex- cf sunken fires over *wiih pots fullI of pose bis ignorance yet." benI sud eabbage iead been buy bili"'! Tisus templed, Pislin rexnàined, when lasi tise>' pised tawy.-Tise !m naintaining s sulky silence, and watch- fires were tisere 't à true, and sa' were ing for an oppnrtuniiy cf anniisilating 1h.-pots, but n beef aud nabbage ; thse the pig sud tise so*nan. solide lad beau deinolisised, sud tise Tise fellow put hie pig thogis son. Luge Iran pots laed givon place te ket. sîpisabetical nanoenvrbe upon theesine îles, where water waa "lkapt conotinu.t îe p* ciple that tLe qmDarters cf the globe su>' bilin' Il for tise manufanture 01 EI almbeen pointed oui, tisough ths trick Punch. WLeI Was to'be doue 9 At1 s-was unporosivea b>' the apectators, thie .horm dinner Iwae manifesîl>' a1 or Whso eUR continuel te be deligited. scarce thing, wiiai fut inoased theirt - "lNow, ladies and gintlemin," sanid appetites ; and event Rom>' binsell, in0 k. the propniotor of the pig, "Ithie divartin' epite cf love sud Kathleen, began to- b. baste will go thmougis tLe alphabit feel tLs inbvard imn making appeali l h. backwsrs." bis common Bouge. wile tisings were D, "Meybl ho col say thse Lord's in this state, P.orysaw a bran. of luoka i vo prayor ackwarde 2 saId PLein, wieh. dangling &aom asetring, roaaiing before t r îng ta behoosr a lire attise en& cf eue of tise bootis,v o0 "TisaI would ise tise d - 1, as ever>' sud a girl verylso.>' attending ta -thef fiol knows." saId the. ehowman, "and culier>' pocesa. Rory's invention il tisaI would mlot Le agreeablo ta tise Was innediatel>' at work ; sud hie love t ooenpauy.; olherwieho coutl do it cf fu, joinel ta Lis desira for dinner, it e alis>." ai once euggeaied tise notion cf naking 0 n "H1urrup, Solonon 1" coutinued hie, hinsoîf master of tise duckh,1 )r addreseing tise pig- ("Hoe is called Sa, dosiing Connol>' sud bis aiter t leI Solonon, ladies ; bholisa5 wiee) ; go soeuro a seat as noir as tise>' ould la - i- tismougis your alpisibil backwarm." wlmere the birds were lu .préparation, se Upon this tise pig made e rtrograde ho epoke lu the lanllaIyoftise bonlb s movomount roud tise cercle, tise show. sud sekel coull tisey have diouer. man exclaiing when lie hl inised, she ssiI tise>' Ld noihing but a 11111e ýt "lThat's domn' it Lackwars, I think 1" coid beef. f The people were tickled witis tise «Well, tisaI saine," ssiI-Rom'. h aquibbie ; Lut Pholim said, "TLat'a cul>' 80 Saites were laid,-sud Suives audw i a thmick." forke wers pravided, sud tise belf.warm a 9 "tdVell, it's in> thriek, an>' how," eaid sud agged romaine of somne yer>' badla~ tis ehnwman witis resdiess. "Yen Leof were placed befome Romy-sud Lis 99 aisaven't won a thismik yet." Patrty. M Ilholin wae flomed again. B>' a "lTbat'll do," eaid Rom>', Who, havingc osimilar qisibble, tise animal went thiue contrived ta gel tho-pl'ts,.&0.,ho q tisrongh hie munltiplication table A set about secunlg tise duks. Foigu. ni r board, with s nultiplicaîtou'tasle upon eug au excuse, Le ssiI ta bis Part>',ai] ril, Lad as wingiug door hung lu tise IDou't begies till Jack cornes to eusa 1midloe; sud hie being placed L efore Ho'll bc> boe by-a'by: "suad' then t a tho pig, ho walkod thoug i I. - turniug te tise girl Who was cuoking - Saine of the spoctatens asked te see tise dnoke, hoe Sept up a conversation :tise pig Icemoko tobakky," sone of tisa withli em, and maIe hem laugli s0 obteti, *thinge pronised. -tisaI ho got leste her good graoee, sud k ho' 'fe would with pièoe, ladies, Lut sasc nimlhmtise plessantsts fellow b rkbspipe intels xisibisisin,intéwrd At last, 1Rary, when ho suad tiso wae nane convsyuriont," thougistishe birds were donc, saId le was tise answsr ; "Lut, wist 'Io muais lier, oeeing tisat Lot face was vtry Iowy moro ourlons, ho will answer commun.- fron lier occupation,- donne. Toll me, sir," said lis, addmens. "I b'lieve ii's rosting thm duoke !Dg tisa pip, "Iwhist doos thea ladies Bay>'Y'u lare? "-"Fraits, ii's tisli thssolf when ie>'y are ango>' wiihis 1uinsu- roaîig Me, yeu nane," said tise girl.. Lande ?", "It's dhry work, I'm tisinkiu',"sidlufi Tise pig gruntol furliousl>'. This wasRony.-ccTsmee for you," eaid tue girl, cet tise triumph of tho day ; tise mon "sud ne one taOeffer me s drink," ait laugised outragonel>, sud oven tise "Suppose JEU givo you a dhrink 2'j f1 women couid not help joining ; sud a said Rory.-"'Loug 111e te you 1Il"sagi jolly.bookiug fellow irn front oriel ou,- tise girl, laokiug up ai Lin, and wipiug "lB >'t ie pow ers, M ol y, that' e as 111<., daw n hie m face w ith s back troke f t you se two pays 1" Antother misant fol- lier red hand. ter lowed Ihis sslly. "Well, You Muet do sonethiug for ane "lNow, sir," saici tise slîownau, "whist ne," eaid Rer>', "sud I'il give yon a doos tlie girls say wliisets boys le pal e' porther."-.-"God blese yeu 1Il" coaxin thons 2" eaid tise girl. fs Tisa pig gave s poolongol squeal. "lJiet rmn down, thin, to Tins Don. Rul It was ncm'. thie young men's t tau agisue's siise'in',-ib'e ait te fan ouI e' Cle Isugis, sud inu> a pincleed olbow of a tue stisoeo,-aod gel me a ha'p'erth e' ladc prou>' girl, at tluat moment, caused aeuif, for Vin bei witis s eeld luns>' Cle: chorus lealise pig'e equoci. Tisswashbad, tisaI I geltisrougis-a bioe lu my fati tise finale :hie pi" rutireul omiîsltishe liat." CIO, plsosdits nf "an Madioiing sudience," "$Go, long Wid You 1Il"saId tisa girl, sec, Who made their exit down tis top lad- g iviog tisa duoke a lwirl.-"'It'etisohut sLat der, le givo place te otîmers wlîo wero l'is tellin yen," sid Rom>'. h"Ce waiting te go op. Phehimswas silent "Oh i1I dsmn't lavé tise docks." said for saone tise alter lieloft the Lootis she-"'Oh i "saId Rury in an insinua- YoU but nts -boukaont witL, "TisaI f ellow ting toue, 1jilt slip cut hors thmnu2h 0nom ie a isunshggor 1" mlit in tise tint, sud l'il taS, char geoc'1YOu "lThat'e hie Luinose," esid DeLacy, lsein tiilyen cons back. Heme'e a Lad "inultiserefore yen can'I give il igs. 1109 sîxpeuce for you, aud you ns>' CIO et praise tissu te sa>' ho ie a Lunbng. keep tise change far younself." 11mm ge."lTise I"bog" vaston muais for tise "And le thai whist yn cal paise ?" girl's prudence ; off abe sartel te Tin saId Phelin lu offended Wonder, for lie Donoughe's ; sd aise was n t ton ce:j thought DeLacy would have sided wîis Sstops fron lise place, when Rory Lsdani ies wonded ignil>'. - "lCetailul," tie pair of duke ou te dis bfre JOke esailDeLacy. 4Eve' mian tahiseaîj- as part>, sd, as Rr>' hiselfsidI u ai iug." s il aopect1~lo e be elling tise stoar> star,"tis ormcwlloug L "But irepcaltab hum- tise>'Wor in making jonnseliry of tise silS ltis te seul ging onit-of Ilseli li ta noede.,' - s gond wltb whsltishon hast, om it -U" A m it oi aI home. 5.O y- ARCHITECTURE 1 DRAWING AND SPECIFICATION1 BTÙJIL D IN G S l'rummptly Ireparel witls, view 'to Beunous> in Construction, CHURCH AND SCHOOL ARCHITECTURE A SPEiIILTY. Cerrcipondrucr Respectfully Selicluel.- Oshawa, OuI. DOMINION I L -ST0F THE DIVISION iCOURTS av TEX COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR THIE TEAR 1870. Poten'4 7 1721 80 4 14 14127 rxnig , 10(541 1211201 1,61111 20 Cau.....n 0118 18o ~5< QIsveI'nW 2î 58! i il" 1 Atsel>... Jili 17 81117 GE 0. H. DARTNELL, SWhltL>'. lau>. 7th, 1170, .Junior Jobi ge ITBT115, PORT PERRY & LINDSAY RAILWAY. FLOUR & FEED STORE.j CONDENSED TIME TABLE. DecL 16h, 187 CHBASl PENNYLEGION lha, received a up ly o FlourOats P au,&., whic lieJ: ong t th loest ashpries. fIe has ass etartel a CONFECTIONERY STORE ho connection wyuL tLe fouer and feel, anl keepe conotautî>' on Laid a goal anpply ai CANDIES, NUTS, RAISINS, AND CAKES. Give him a Caiii. CHAS 1'ENNYLEGION. WhitLy, Feb. lOth, 1078. New Stage Line B ETWEEN WI1ITBY & OSIIAWA.- 1>I hava p ut- on tise route beiveen Osh- awa aud W-hitLy a comorotable coverel Shage, aol alicit tisa patronge of travelers and others. Ever>' attention ail Le paId to tLe coiorî and cauvenienco oi paseengere, and tatlie suouriiyand prumpt delivery ai paroci,> oomnittedlu us>' change. Thons wilI Lc lau stages per bey each way, vii.: Leaviog Oshawaa h morani[n lise tu, mako cloee connections with tire Whitby &r Lindayi liaiSon>', and et 8 o'eiaek eseh afierno«n ; sud Ieaving Whlthy st Ilba.'rnm ond aI 6 p ni.,out aoîi day. Tho tagewaIïI Cali at ail hablein cacis ban, andaore let t îtany uf the hotels aill 1)o aliecclel uu, Fane sud changes moderato. J. R. ADAIR, Pruprleton. Mrdi h2711c 1876. ( NOTICE! rTlî1E CANADIAN EXPRESS eCOM- A.PANY il cail ion gonds sud parcela within a raonbudista«nce aof thé elle, Lo ae,lquiek dispatoh, prouspt deliver>' nu ane laniug are aml.ývauîageeotTemel. Leave orders Ici cal c-crly lccthe day yuL îiEmJ. 1B. VilLE, il-) Agent, Whiby. -GEÃ"RG . 1S Takingeffecl on Tueoday, FoL. 11h, 1870. TRAINS OnINO NORE. eaeWitL1y 845 a. Mn., 6.45 pi.. R ifa 1.10 .- 8.0. Arrive Lindsay,....12.00 0000 9.15 TRAINaS 0001<0SOUTE. Leave bds .7.00 a. m., 4.80 p.m. Manille, .::7.40 5.15 Port Perry.5.30 0.10 Arrive Wi 9y. .35 7.25 For lime at othor etations, SesoI'oket Turne. Table, 10 Le Lad on application lu any ni the companv's Agonte. CONNECTIONS. WHITBT JUseCTIONo-Wîth Grand Trunk Ilail. way for al points east and weel. PORT PEmoY.-WitL etage for Epsom, Ulica and Uxbridge. SEÂOEAYE.-FOr Salulfield and Wick, MflfILL.-iFor Sunderland and Canlngtoo. IL&siosL.-rior Oakwood, Little Britaln, va. -ntie and Port Hoover. Lniu,Ây.-Wlth Victoria Railway for Minden, Raliburton, the Free Grant Terrftory, and the Englisb Land Company's Proerty, wltL Mid. lad 8alw1fo mee, RlbokPeler. Lorcugh WOodvl, BOaverlon Orula, Waubs. eben-connecing atOrilliawith ILhe Northero Raiiway for Barrie, COlllngwood, Gravenhuret liraoebrldge, and the Fres Gr'ant Laids ni Muskoka. Throug Tickets are leeued by ail Agents oc tL. 1&.1. P. & L. B'y, lor Toronto and Ly G. T. R. Ticket Agente, Toronto, for a stations OnW.P1. P.&kL.. otansfer charges- Iiaggage coecde;dî hroga JAMES HOLDEN, Whitby, Jan. 801h '719. Managing Dfrector. p AINTING. MARTIN & WARAM Are doing euch a largo Trade, that they have inoreased their facilities, snd are nnw doing work aI tLe [e- LOWEST possible p RICES. PAPERHANGING, CALSOMINING, WHIITEWASIIINc9, And ovrything conuected with flouse. leaning done on lthe Shorteet Notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED,c DAILT LUNE TO BR( (W. SaicBWOoo, MoSermi.) Commence6 maobsy, 28th. Apnil, will maSo hon regular tripe ou biisrouie. Leaving Cobourg, at 7.80, aud Port Hope ah 0.30, ever>' sorning, (Sondnysexecepted) ou aruival of trains frans the East, Wesat and MoriL, counecting wiIL tLe Reilwa>' Lines aI ]Rochester, for ahl points lu iho United States. Reunnleaves Charlotte (Part of Ro- aLes-Bter,) aI 9, p. n., exospt Satorîsys, 'h 7he si avss aI 8.45, p.mn., for Port Hope direct. Dealers in Stock, ire., will I ILthis e cheapeat sud mst direct route tluBoso, Alany sol Nov Yank. For boniber Informnation, appi>' b E. STEPHENSON, Agoni, Dom. Tele- grapis Office, WLitLy, or Capt. Sherwood Port Hope, Ont. Ma>' 20th. 1879. -28 p URE-DRED COTSWOLD SEED AND RRRKSHIIiIIPIGS. J io BankiFarm, Claromont P.O., Ontario. h 1 Breelen nul Importer o! Cotevold Sheep sod pure - brel Berkshire. Pige. - Stock booghî aildanld on commision. Pickering, Nnv. 80, 18;78. IV-bc LUSCIQUS FRUIT W>nt eeyyb aelais o0 we Trmd isbeadress nethep. Svtien ahal 1 'LcarJLAwith sW ire UU . VaUVDmat beeqeneivo 'On '..or no Mouey askecl. logue oi Fruit and Ornamen al Trees, The Lest Matrial ; the Lest Workman. shrnbs, vines anad Roess, Zz contalu. New B/aoksmith Shopi ehhivcus a call before going elsewhere. E &LYbc aNAuRdescrption CH. Thei)demj,,,j 10ilion ieMeasEALng also afu dcrptio o/H . ThoundremU 'e<o ifûmo ie riedeMARTIN & WARAM, anmd the p i n i t b lie sremoved hie Two doors north of Klng's Tannery, Brook The Rariiest and Ilardiet Peach kuown, blacksmitî, ihc,1î lu ,s rnIico tlynOcon. Street, Whitby. ly.40 À NATIVEOF CANDA-origiflated at Jordan. piediy~ T~ri& F:wroT, ____________________________ A few more reflable, enerrtic mon waut. ed, wcho can luzuieL goo certidrcates of WEST 0F THE POST-OFFICE RILWAY TICKETSto Sari!. Port character. NREIS 1) lNDxS STREETî, Sontheru States, for sale at low rates by- A. MOYER & CO. Wbero ho le pri',xdl l() al work in bis OZO. B. YULE, JrdnSaiOnro. 1w2 lino as ua ummî,n,î o u'aramieo satisfactionu-)Tieket Agent, Wh4tby. _Jordan__Station, ___Ontario. _________ Whith, Ft.Â26,ES.0 A GOOP OPENINO. ValUable Real E8tate - - For mnu wth warklug familnes. IN TuIr Fa rm to Rent. TMPROVED FARMS win bcbot eiher at O N H P FB A H La rent or on ihares. Everthlng wif O N HP F R A H bc provided in the way oM teis labour mrW W)lU uiî»ACRES, BIiE1G se , c&casuweii si work lu winuer il J.. cvubpoem'd l o 10 acre,thse north.hall ne=d, TeaLlmonWsa ai 10 character and SAE]YPVAEC TAT 01 LJot NO 3, in tise gr1i oession .0f priietical aIilty adul eroquired. tO E YPRVTh. BOT A CT Whitby, and 11 los crn nrt-l.af of lot LtN.2adheSuha oLt otee, irn tho 3id onreoojion of piOLtring, aà. A/sa ta Farmers' 8and Others. No. 7, lu lb.rd cOncelo i lb . hTown. jolnîng. About 190 acrso are,. SuL. ibip ofBeach; welliitnatedfloodaoiland stastial idwelling, Ontbîîlild!ngt, barns, un-. 10,000 Acres ci gond ism ladeWll . bc Iugbus n ot ecaî nlot No. 7. derground cllar. Goud orcand u living eold on eaSy terminl lots ni 50 to0 mres There ia over 100 acres oi timber on lot No. e'tramni watcor tllrOtngli îLe land. Pfssesor lu blacof M5w0are.T0. lt ae~ Thteproporties wilm ogodfane idon ~ ~ t o1t0e0oornî tf:res on fdret lu sttlemeuls with ronds alan wlthin an ARUMaSloshpayinetwmlb.relfre, the Ocobr on amllleWl, Iy10acres easyu saneMEsh.Lbalance t10roman onMo'0ageor qt onlt onant 71111Z hiaVri-i Pariles eau afly ta 0. JOHOSON, Whit- :01ycars 10 suit 1hé purchaser. Apply to and a gulde Wllbes"ut any day and every Pnt., or to 1h. inderslged, RJ.GUTHRE, iinotio1044ên., &oq O.#prded. pý ,,4adlw, *MI, »Y, TJ G çJW8 1 - 1 - 1 I., 1 .j 1 - 1 i th wu vuunue,-îu poiuî, of lact, isewever, in tise establisisel uon of- Great Briearil liste United iates, penl tenlimig ceztslued as muehl goli as-4.87 of Uitedi ltstes sonn>' ud sud 1his tse Irie par of exchiauge, or rte whieis muet Lie usel lu convertirg lise moes' fnscountry' into tisai nf lthe nîbor. -Fat, instance; if auytiig cost M100 l Great Britaiu, ils tmue value expmeseed lu- tise mono>' cf tise United lStes la $87. Accordiugl>', il ie afeetfansilarto ail baukens, tisai, wbeu exciange la qunel at-lOgi, tier, is no real preninen, but-he lrae par bas besu atiainel ; becaue, if we mol. tiphy $44 4.9, wLich is lise nominal par b>' 109j, which is tissutise quoted- rate, we gel $4,87, visics is tise te-uc par. We neel ecamcel>' sdi tisaiitsla'ewiug te tii ireuenstance tisai the experts cf gol fran tise United states are net larger. -If tise-er resîl>' xiste snch a Loavy preeninus on bila cI enchauge ase in> persous supposei, t wonld bc imnediasi>' preltabl o teoxpomt gol te Great Britain. lu point nI fact, lu view of lise .necessa>' expeumaof froigisl, lueursoce, sud lnes af interest, tise muaigin Ines net nore tissu cuver tLe ries. The United Sttesisslf-eagle, [t MIs' lho adel, centaing 116 grains Of pure gel, sejiivalsut te 65.00 ; tise British envensigu, 113 grains, eoqtIivs lent te 84.87 of Unitedl Itates moue>'. -Bo8ian Journmal of Commerce. AScotch Courtsip. foeh> yeung man aI Scoisnd Ior Yn-eu>eats laed waod he jIsse of- eliseart One nigsi Jante, for iliat ras tise Young inan's naine, uishled te, 0os Jennie, sud tisero waes aterrible lok about Lis s>'pe-just as iheme in. agmotienea wien tisey'vs made np tiseir ulule te popejiequestion. AndI Jamie canse luand est b>' tsa ire bei as he eo Idons ever>' Tuesîs>' sud Frida>' igisI for foortenyoare, sud tise emape, and the stock market, I was goiug te, s- but no, -tise>' Iieu'itauk about thaI. - And linal>', Jae seaid:. "leva Ienown >'eu for a long lime" "TYes, Jamia,"tsiIsise. 'And I'va tisougist 1,1 alwasaliSe te unow you, Jeunie." "T-..s-Jamie."- "And g0 I'vs ogis-a lt-Jenni.' "We're doa woecau la>' om boues ta- retLer." The <cal Lsdl gene sud bougist a lot a a graveysrd,-bub Jaunie wss nel dis- umragea.i. Suoknw hermnuwel- gro norten yers siebought Ici-anti '0s aliagctl>' "1Jamie." "Tyee, JejiaO." "'Don'l ynu tisink 'twoeiljlineblest. gr te la>' ort henes ingether whilo ws re yot aliv' 2" 'lThreo lu s conversaions m#lecon- isan."-lcene - Apubuloeoffice lu clîester. Dramatis ponie -Tse omit les charge, a nul s oleorl>malîlon ly rmn tise ceunIr>'. -Position- loit with belepisuno ai hie car, amni eung tise outrance.- Lady .sntering. lrk-"Hlalloo," Lady-III oif o t-" Clerit-"WLeo are yoms 2" ady-"My nama isSmitlj." Clerk- 'an'thiean you." Lady-"My reaiu -,ClerS-"I will comea nd ses )u te uili. MWLsý i' ree lech I =e 2" Lady (eleiteolIy)-"Wio aseod i te, ceuse ?" Clerkit-"Titp bon off." ady-"I wil go witiot being akion." ri, biaudly-"Wisai do ycu wlsL, adans 2" CurIalu. A ChaeaGovs rt ALenx.-AGersan argmnsa, whe wstravelling, elopped an mu nmuais irequentel b>' wageand oers. Tise Lest unit beiug ne te ving s clergyman aI bis table, leekeel bien vilh surprise. Tise gnests usaI etr antillen>' cf wil upan bien without iting a reenani. Tise clergyman ate s iuner quietl>', appâmenîl>' wisont =ovgtise.g-bersand- encore of Lis gihm.One cf thernt ai Ismin u oai bf is fombearsuce, sil 10hlm, e 1 wonder ai -your patience I 'v ynu net bosard aul tisI bas. beon liet you 2" "Oh, yes ; but- I an B tn il. D e u unw wic I sus ?" ro, air." l'Wall, I wiilluiforen yen, 1 cisaplainonIa anatin asylun. -Suçs carke Lave noeoffsectupan me." Botter Than old. 'Le grand climax of succema le-st hast level. Tise paon rejcice, tiese icit se sud walS, tise rics basS in tise don suneisine cf perfect iseaits. Tise ysical usiseades cof tise human <rame 3d uno longer' he enlured. 'Dit. go'a CÂunx GenuEx coolnxzx, Dygpspeia. Consipation, bick bond- s, asugpo FV-1Janle ,-l THE STEAMER 1 - VIA 1 ý 1 1 salve lb sfihor s manner, liSe -ti s , pouu0S>'ncience, i ntcîuDy are s' arep net complote." i eyncnpeeMoet as god a<tise wor tains." cogtl "lWol, IElshow "Butn omloe, tise>'wor Mm. egan's dnckil,"ccive thon," said DeLacy wiso ojoyel the "' didnt know tisaI, mSIA:1 sup. sud1 ueiîtation that Phelin evincel te acit. posel îLe>' wor>'ours ; sud%,wben I Sein Jar cz owledgo tisaibise sisowman's triekwS ~te yenn tint for enihertalnagent, I SalIe bayond Lin. theught I LaI a rigis te 0wistevir ste. "Yen aaw ever>' carl was placed avez, ables was lu il, as well sa anotiser." ' isole ""s" "Oh i whst'IT Mm. Regan Say' 2 "1-tisat1 "Aud tisai when tise pig cane te tis he '0,1ay>'wissi ha iss t a>'ayfor hlm- facl igLI carl, Le began te poSe it, witL Lis self," ssid Regati, wbo, on eI gtatsn nont ?"Ts"li., docks Ladlbeau laiton b>' Rom>'()'terniJ ::A nd c n't yen gn e w is ' "- N e ' M ore, iseem e xee eingly wm ati, andt u. -It was, because is ussester bual a waggerel up to tisa ccus f action. laite of corus ticisol te a stick Ou is amival tiere, ho saw Conoli>' At, viii ho slwayi placol undor tisbe usitiiug baide Mary 0'Moro, sud tii, usait he carI was ovr ; sd m tie wenî s oys dwonsei ftie af- of Sn, a t e : aea t h e c a m a i s , e c a m eb i s a t c t w i h w . . i t e n - ln I i i arPe an' oue i 1whist à chaie V addmosolng thlultter in a unscing dear tiIPielin.toue,-- are ia om;lf the i ae auoataka, ho got '"Hew lin yen. laitko mydocks 2 acorn whenho icu outtise rigisI oulTwSi heu io e , h a w a s r w r d e d . " C n nI,' w0 u b . ac t o n g , W h o u F cl " O h, tis va abo o , ~ B o m>' laid b iis aud on bis s ou der, sud mû evel "Ohthevitaboo 1te aketiz BsaI, 1"81tdewn-tLis la. n aTair nof s enplo tiik tisai a plg cnonld Le taugLI yours." fr D k nw bis letth ro, and jograpis>, and lu bing Ii,P»Ro 'was a cuat-etib>'forDa 'user aIl, it'soui>' thse oathus' cf lt.e dabla motive. 'In th, Ãœt Iplue, D raie baste la in je 1" 1 . - g7the uarrel boau establlshed be. ill l'Anti didyoei xez.t any More 21, twoen 0oamnlly aud Regau, bo knew I "6To ba,«reéI dII,",salI tisepoor Ihat bis aaer'u nane wnuld be mixeti Wvlp Ispîn Pholins; "and -wbat'à woree, .up witl it, sand bi# intuitive ieuse of11 e p e o l o w l l b e i n y n 16 , s t t i e y là l l e y ac y m o i l d ' e t i sh é t h o g t o f i t y can'tdo0Sea much w4h, a ChrIitan Mary'a nause beiug eonnecede witb a asl atsalvagsbbop snwlh ai ,bravi na s ir ; seuondly, in- point- of ~~ by,~ ~ ~ ~~~~u 1W eoul t mii Ue thea ac b é b.enm l wb W0010- f00,4 1- 1 Foi% SALE, 1

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