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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Sep 1879, p. 3

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Every lady who reads this advotiseent 111confer, al favor 'ipon- By eXamankug the8 temnpting - It is an invaluable ve P R T VIR T Wr AJ.. r1 Av A rxr n 0 Vii~NTLATOR We..J~'earnQ r j6eitar i loinl'of -STYLE, A-J~ X ODIELWSHALL. mental'venIaor made;-w fl ot'chboe with énow or foe; Cannet get ont oof n ai il n sefr orel8 UI.JU.FELLW'8 o -Coulea oneIpradnd o*er tandanoutwaforrat; té mouorna oider. For aslo by Y iVI fiatiou, for -every lady sbop Bights for sale At a reasonabie pria., iwîthmodel and Ipa#erna finhe. r od moim r to Cafl amd inspeot the- 9W-STOVES CHEA? FOIL CAS]à _______________________________ afVeBok tePa No rete.Whtby, sept. 241h, 1879. 40.8m. OI I N\ ~ R i r i r ~ ~ 1 7 J B O V S bff M WADV1 ô N W-ARE. AROOMS Twàigrnd Fè A ..TIION SALE - T w . g a d o e I g S h o w C O O K I N G , W t h e y f u n u e , o p e e ,b U i , nays, F ar m ers Far m ers 1/ V LUABLE FARM PROPERTY, ' W A O 3 'FRIDAY d- SA P URDA Y, ORGANIZE!1 TMýfiSOMIIII SINSTRUCTED ETOVES, TYE-nwPtere ha;a o3 i&pt. 26#1t and Sept. 27th. TTEND THE MEETINGS TO BE ROTEL, 'ToOfwM ui on ai BAY ATheM a a Brongbam, on Tueea81 Whitbr. sea 8M aturdaythe. llth Day OTEY1odeoafote nkrs haa - EpT, Lton 'Lok m.adai ?lot Ot.'Scfr 179 We don 'expect an order oatdn athet c., Ocoar 179 jo 1 0 1.( () TI~CHILDREN' ASFwlf a AO R.A ~b e c a u s o y o u i n s p o t t h A te nd n d rea ne th e B ing th at ro,- t 1 'l mok p . f.l T at v ainrablo p op - anse 'Mg o r . o d r F r m r r o u e H T I & B b Y oi d trbek il arlé'and Wheat ei o h nded (0Q.acres of tiret clase land, aotnfrga hoew l Sok -alter maseoImeeting, wn Cin JOlpli i24 and 25 the second cneso!ofthe Fermiera le bte fc lrned 1to las1e grain Tonhp of Whit7y, inthe Oonuny o! on-L themgelves and break p theéin. O A I - h lsl n eal tI E ED A R FR $ T Rad what the Ring leader soa eA tto Xl* ~ eymtaidwil s abutynAarn -s on ishinçjg w ~ i e ! PitOa anshs lsPty&. ________________ u____ Chicago, vtd atear ey Oned0MOlthe beire of thé Town of Whit- ing interets. CÂNvA IThaoné in erectoilthereon, aanrt.clae NE'W' ADVEINICANANDA. 81g118erionn., wlîo excellent otuildinge, ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __lag orhard of good rait, tres i in ullMACHINE O LS to kg E ran ohe >l int _______________________ W. D). Matthews & Co., of Toronto write. teaning, -well fenced and inea splenaid statu, a follow s u n d r d ate S p tein er s81 1879 , cf cu ltivin on , gT T T ÃŽ-Wells an d.r- , & MORT GAGE SALE Io ilThe Wetern ilrewor,"ea paper t7et eb; B etn, od wli dr the erewensthe théperty ; 10 acresofjl -0F- écu taBeesaa ttr t heNoth.réleand alate nuiner of acres of tali N VAnd N D E S O D ~ ~ ...LL 0tfogthedrss IlSince aur lait advlce reepectlng thé The terni is one of tle best In thé connty, f'u..Bytebs n u eohr 7Vafuable f A R? M Propogrty, tarléy crop in Canada, wce havo taken gréaItobth for quelily of sol, siluation, and staté painî,by pei.soneî contact wlth fermeraâ and cf culîlvallion, and wil be sold withont ré- -IN TfE- examinnation cf thé berley ir tireir bernns, ta serve. TOWNSH IP>0F TIIOIA il gé torobliy Poo au ae qnalily, quni% ly Thé proparty will le sciald iher 'fin Nj1r~w -- .e h o alnd cefdlUon thof core!as comparea block" or in two lots ta suit parchasers M llnÂy, r ss-na.kinq & ±aioring Vo orcier.__________________________~ ée 18TU OUT 0 OTIU. provine dvlcce Ibet Canada this yer has oul day o! sale, enouhwlth ihe,10 par NII TRE PR O P î SALE CON- theélargest crop cf brlyste aven neied, Cento nakéeue hailthetépurchaae nioney be ltalaed flu a certain motcgagét l weVend ors ana that th lt thonegh fnot ai heavy buementi, thereelter, the balance to rail'~V .J J.L.J. oce w h c h ll b eh a r o d u a e e d it îh e im e 0 1a o asil é h a e b ti , l t y a n, ~t r i c e r eT and lu pyct cf Whlch dlailt 1Fbauéi e ehv a 11egcsoundl, hoalthâ t ari fya saiturchaen t 7per- - - 'o 4 Aocllenec, At the ad fe. or that purposé. ForIncter particuaa epply te Purvie HA3~~ILTON HOUSE, Il "hvary unaaisfiîory rsult, fon h hni~oo thé ,ontepromise, J. S. Tho m ___ _____________________________________________' t ]KAMILTON ]ROUSE-t ast thrcc or four years, ta dealers handling son, Vlllby; Robent Miller, ufn CIle OIPAE 13IEVElîTON la 1the raley, bas hiu madetem delermined te or ta thé auctxoneér. ggwl le n t o f1n t ri , uatart p nices et a fu i v elu e, t i duc e z i ii- L . F A I I1A N E S M I L A N RliiA tJOflt cf001b, U taro ltarake.tlîeir purebeie fréély whcu WhîV JVED ESD Y, llie 71À,Day of tock are oced o sale. N.B. Possession onpayent of one hal -AN D - c - l OTi.o Ath iu0110p.m-as coni arcodwitt leet saaeon'ane né d 'ilbY, Sept. luth, 1879. ""' r-î inday*li 55ïzi T11% At théthouc a! lzi vahru.,atcs formera ecl x-shéncee , ana are 89-d PTR EW% . COLLITNT S- abll roporty, clé. thérorenet eg r y;but u heFehyYE..J.± . . iue A Thé ennUt liai! cf lot nauber iîlé, in thé tliorouybly undeneîand, thoale oniy one flév)ntl concsionof tliéTownsiaoéhr-ttnlrth er hnbalyin wanted or r4h-NNUAL MUNICIPAL EXCURSION Deverell's Block, Brock-St. \Vhitby, efliced aères, a ncrio , 9r lèsaie crilee.uatre u al rpelT The Varni fo dViLl1t1tauSi sl tuaed lu a ahywl t h d te alo. - c on5y 1grçemiles trm uthe A 00 ea aeen said about thé ex. iY STj R S teltlalil O ( if ] ltty About 21 cres are thfint Iis wiLllaffect Canada b nedsountANr OTN-BG S B S TO K0 'slî ul lard,.aac ovriyluielgrain le net héavy eaoug ta10 upp i t -Dl -AI-S t aliet)r esily ecaret naof cndy And dy trade. W é hope maltteeré on your aidé win R ID A Y , SE P T . 6t , 1879.O O T S S H O E H boauxThon a sldtboa cenife or l itkomatreAaA' ThwMncie wl bouée, lsxW;, ou thé ict wth a table, aieoa Ibre wcéii,zuilR . ancre me e aSa TceAnnuel MncplExcursion wl hé '£butari In a ,dté bc u C4uide ,. mns a qnt h ié tuatio n aot eilO a 11nA , <9 ,1~ rute Midiand, ai under : coî a(linuWgodmakts e il o the prces now ofécéadviz : --_____ PARE $100.A. m. *j, Ten per cent. discount o.ff for Cs Tl-;ltII AND OONllt'rON8 OF SALE :- b0e pr tushal, influes seiné littie excite. Wtity Junco-------------ash Uie iholîrnprty vîli bue ecilinluelle laccel, IU-mn l o pwilh e view ta obtain ely .TUST. B14CEIVED Whltby700FROEMN . ontd toa reérvel bildta e lthul ade erps.t m yafentis golup g -ha7e BroFOR ONE7MONTH. the al, lon thho,,c ual,,pe. 11l'Lie pr chent., wotild hé ta àelivécles titi later mnd thé. Myntlé, . - - 727RH .JMO Nh t ,NélL A,ltc ac1 oflc i sal é. AThé orcî,s ega. Teot afc hewadh rcint- (i- 7 27 fils éi-ht; îîîel.î cay latu he,,dcri, tl,,'r oly polilefoc Icyms uadp -8tawit F 1-N ~N N ADE 011> Sunimit, - - -7 I87 Cectonics re -oiîavitd to oel and eaiethie kjug solilcie as r Argaxît inIi the balance ai the anti! ste Zioanreîîsérîod, hnte swlllbé A Mancheter, 7 ~ 42 c h o"0nesok, jdi mneh uc î.ay wl hùlatîhlrty d.ys ircitse more Ilîmu enoi ue, AR.PrinceéAlert,7 52 f h qa i ad t aanoté ftepiead àif hwovsas tb wlîén e,1 culpeetfeinvée dy mrbu lthorAtlaecers-ATmcc o f N i ,w t i téi l to i tîîlier c e int. o r th e p a t h é o y the f ine ra î ,c h a re A T -P o rt P er y , - ~ o th y c n g et th é b é at l rg a in , fo r * 1 J' 'M n a y a tino hed îcltoj,#3 nyroan(nt g lle butlié nia lc atr mnSégracé, -8 S20 Iv bos larned 10 we- BOQ4 s chéapasethé are good, ~ é. ~I ~. -- ,No] vfiuforeoudiudeetudthiriterele R HSeya y- XiII stand wiîhout a toar For ladies, génts, aud giiho- ~ L . .a. Lt rtéu ESlJtrs aal il-eryU h ea.ýfâol neaadtoritrsa O ' S Maniila, 8si ratîo effi o ic.ler eniean nterét tat no more thon thé rpe aue ote . IHAýA ME an p - - 8 51 Any wéatlîér, anywtre- Fit for eityortewd vil arearé vIthiceo,nttlt for Insiralnoé lu ftlé hould lhé pilla Ior il itthée tart, and S O N-S.-)o9 02 nd hat can. eb eat eleewhere, A*.abola avé a pair htcud grain prope1-calle c e - ___________ofthehuila- gueîy, - shonldcor théase*ocleoictued thé Central] llg- -itIs 9icl 10 Dytueselcto y thé béat. Andb tI é fron- ---tane. ?D loV l(o é. Th é s ,,àinortg g e tu con.- a xie y i h w t a a ba ley b f r i a O T1CI S I - Y G IV E N , T H A T M ld m dR 'y. J uet. 99P I 12T Y DO05r s e a d F l F e e O I I i A I J X . ~ 8 oco h mi, an 1the nsaul tatato ycovaanltslire- lethé market.' Ithe partnerahlp hérétoforé éiisting PARE 91.00. ti»R P ISN A L O E lebd te rié, cccrt for (or ;l lie. EPLY. bclwéée lJames Walkec ardaW. H. Alieme, aid boulli ba u , troirfo,(r shoreasbcu e he n the TaysDise o EstWhitty nsy , Y9-0- -OmUo da u btlllavepayourdters ahd t a pair of Boots of the theecotethéunienti aaraerC)weary cleedffl yo tacail eatsaslarn éredawe ssercd b mrtuecconyLindte Jmeo.,i9 5ers lukithéroTiwnehipligo!andehu ble srvann o r e v l i d c e f t i t i', a o m i t h é P r e s d n t o f t h é T o r o n t o C o r n c h a n g e oso n t . i m a i c . L a b a y J t, - -9 2 1 c - h x df4 0 o ~ A C'I t-rAil debte duo thé laIe f0cm muet té paid Oakweod, - - 10 00 vilîîstîîhlîgîodlloîscfsaé f héhert aisul conlnxicatijan w!th yen, or héén in ii 5tthé said r. Woodclle,101 0 o th Cort f yurbaris Ioît rosSigt edrda)asJA*MES WALRKER, lléavértee, - - 1040 ter fCiirllraioa1 elité ,ln.Chio yeer ftle largeel crp cf lia-bey abcé evén i gu- -'. 10 55g, O R E 0'a .1.Bueor ashdl i ét t hat t lisnet lîévy? W. H. ALLEISS ee10g, 65E a d U 6 E O N H G L N W I K Y fi, ;tOn thé ceutcary,isa Il net thé trbh tat ie W.-A. WAL1IER, Wilneée. Brécin, - - lb O dcrc. ýlgat tT xIr or la lic hie05a"?LleRiE aAdELOO18E RiOWLÂAD, AIINOLDL &.1 IyLeIlLON1, 0cee-bal hboavier thon last yémc ? Io Il truc DatcO thie 2nd Sept., 1879. 59-Sm Soht'poecr, -il15 Vendorn'$oSllltiro that thé e ele were unnatiofactor7 for the U- - rave,80 To leo st four or tIVe yéars for daèere ? id notîhrey l latud lI Terite, Aag, cénd, 1870. W. D. Matlhews rmake 0150,oco- 1mst year-m lIS T Ar éy. -55- - lb 40 g htty ? How mulet do ttéy want ta et FEdce N 0,T1 CE. tol satiéfytem ? Wotald It nete wl,éc r "EE N i HIDD TONS Stové and itosad thr' uin arwek W. B. Mttews & Ce, te alt thé tarmère teabNul Ceai, qualily,A-b-wellacraened, Uhthol, - - 12 20 istr adohes drg Pir wenJTod T #llocal,, bits ifleur then lé have thsîîî depreclaté thé wtole ber, n iepol 6 wtr POSTPONED iarléy crop o! thé yéar by mueréeproeénîa. Markxet or teallsoPAivRpoiCidatnets. 124 liiiP NE tieEn>Y el < as toyaro bing ? 11e la nét îxc at ..H CLLA. Feoseacon, fi]WDEVYltdyof c rlwehv argan acreigé thoneévér )UBLIC. NMcLLLN FÙ 21ts i.H A. ), L ND, alo nOl nu tiTe. - . uer in thé trop lightert±baýjmst yeac 1foril July 30, 1879. -82 Waubausbéné, . . 12965 VOWAN, udtor Slîcl îcNr pieIbéy claitd, Il il l gh 0 Ille. er ----- - - - - -Stugen By, - 1 05Ton ipî VodrSl- -sIpril sç.Itl e re hti itoi a, 20 And witness the Grand display of New and Stylislh-00- a"i ntsuitEtCredit arkt.lait1485 D1ESS GOODS, MILLJNEIRY, MANTLES, .J/olon's and( aln' tl adPre.VLA CRED1T SALE, océr theéProvinco? Or anizé, thon; attend REUNNtri illave idlOdUi- ani\/SHAWLS. th -0eetinb s lcartl. S H ad EoEyoPvOiA T00TP L.. Si RETURN PREONLY Si. And Général DRY GOODS, et prices thet will astonicli the oldeet as O'KEEFE &CO'S )Fn O -amSOck,-'pbeens, M-.R. iiiirsdh élg. S IMPEMENTT &l. Tietts wil legond le rotar up te wel.1 as thé youngest înnabîtant of tuis faniéd éonnty, 0 K GEE E FaIo o Sin,)COLIN PEIS The enîscilen tas néccicd instructions JAS. HOLDE , CLOTEING-The largest and best collection of Tweeds RE SUBSRIBîleasand UlîteinrJCloNPlis ePeMan.shown.o W.aP.P.-&nL, qualitye aandlspercestharcer$sOO PEPaterDOZEN.liToanpalecea Br AbUISOI4, te secf y Public Auction, wvith. Sept. 24, 1879..MR JO N B R S A.WIE rsMila àrghndmeteoe ntebs ty. oêtreeorce, on Lot No. 9, Brêléen Front, - __________ ____________ ronlipofPckrng nTaoseil by PbleAictbon, wititout ré-'___Gentlemen_______ sheuld see our "nobby" Scarfs, Tics, Col- Whitby, July 301h, 1879 Tuesca y, Se'ep. S /î 1 FA R M T O R E N T , serve, et Mea prm sea Lot 27, in thé 7h lars, Cufs, Braces,&o Re ne ber- H A E S N ST w ei f , pi. 30111, 0 CONTAININQ 140 ACRES-al l nex c-cssonoflIA t n 11NGER i-PV VI ,OLSN ,LALÂci i'OPElif Vi z cécolnIcoËdition-situatea hall a mile MONDA Y 0OT'R, -Oth nonh7ne l!lfse, atwo y1are , ciid ; 1 éar g etr ' the u ouc ..villli c n yealsold 4 CotV,1 in d4.thé i- VELL ADAPTED FOU teingî of 15, and * c! la, inPiekerlng. tenant reasonatîé terrms àoy Improcamahi- Oeés- reS. Apply ta HENRY IIOWELL. D1th, '79. 8ia-55 age S alIe, LE FARM, unty of Ontailo. BY VJ3TUE OF A le, contained in a certain viii be p-odeced et thé uppu wtlet defauli bas- illbe'aold by Public 8 OTEL, in thé Tow, hVtty, on thme 271hl Day c.f Sep. A.D., 1879.- i., the fqlowlég veatibe t qflne,.f otmber ,d cenealdn dLiheTown- tt'ho-Ccuay of01 ltal, Id il be mad-nie meecnuzibo te de- ,XeB'DOy,U 1 uu u, vwr ailtamItUi 1 uàotSUppeat, t 00 zu 2oo ACRESate patestauOunt 1 mpre nt n-ote.nziden'ieen;' e rame tara 8OX88 téel, etone AUHUAYeWM. TILL. stt Cocesei acuiaijig pprovd joit nc e lar theunder;.ais large call stableth "r'rcaye Oct. rd, 187 9, LI EÈO L' RK T Literéetchîtrged rm day oc!saeaiiflot nd hers Stables w lth w ll arheyard A_ _ __ _ _ __ _ __M_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ T aiaY 't'îuné ~~~~ai tîîh'eiqd;hiduee.nlO- an ciotecu horso-stabl connecté with N xt to Hamilîton H row ér' Dry GoodesStore, B ncktre, Whitby. pa te 11011. JOPLNLREIB. L. FAIRBANRES,.etc -ougl around th udig. The ________________________________ i é cn J.i. * r, gd ltrn,3A notioner. lad le wéll, undéndarand,-and as two _____________ _________________ TC7 ti Yi 'reu, tiuncé,r ort'î APPLE S IAPPLE S! paid whnth duepioe. 1 &re o -- i y1speddadod ibrad8acres aofJL . ear . 0<~~'-~ UP~E8 ceeniImuaP/tedX~0 iu ODE mN 8110 1 nt"1,LAG itiy for sale rhesp, on thé . ea wm obatfU igCl, IN PUIESGo esfptePbi Y04r Old 1 o hiA IýLR),Gfeýi échuFanm" Lot 20 ithco. riBrki ad6mls£mOu w. "Tu'alhca W i lby. price 2te. upw mlie. n WING TO ILL EALT the u tscrit-f7T r ,1ii ('leiîà le'u l; Appply on thé premipesa te - cx-nténie to givé ap business ut once. Thn. i w ee-aligsraetee 4'peneral aStc itA A gents Th payhe p eica n er cnt e s nt. o th eur 1 8D SI r - UT !L o w h ép o tin c o fx is r , h é ti n i sa léfl cex -a i y e o e e r LB Q Q K S J ~ N >'lws10Ms'keeBll Oiî.88 -se-ini1éé tor saý d, i a I o t re u i tnp i m o aer c entp e t irdP ic îèsstCle. rOe (ns), Il't1à;' - DAW ES & W -O'-.o! te sAT ANDnîIr. THEimmTOCK a caesonOrth s o x-GVIGA' BONUS AULLNO Végon RUiNDcE Rut0 sTacenpernet. -Swlth liton L-e- sfarine,, olie luménnus tk. e ne oin md thé n Aegntd s 1pyadpst0 e et ntepr Ilr yig11, I 4CNe ho i ThengstocJ.comprises Gchesalé nul té telS do'aSithé sa5 Ac sofmpl et tcko! cih eorFa iîy s ev es, fn r.s n i e u r s o N t a e , u p u tte4f Ilauy l iat-, e'! Selm asiun a cndions c i thé ne ourt e e.hre.CH A ýkL'h, Ilt'tom% a-metsý Il irrovo, set ort lerr. A GOODIASSO MENT o, te sad Solcitoseats.ficeil uotner good ad Gequaar, y argestockon hnd 0llingat rdase VI)J'CIIeténè ut îé, losharp1-eSet. L I V sa- nythe ai t r cnt, ièdmae cf meaità lie s ortePricesa é00 ,1btIUI)Clýln,(J')lu the cfd pLc " ,ono ,wR cmt EteR cf , eMi l, 1 T mep D- -1 S e u fl oé u2,M u %v s it t ye ;b a an c ese c C a b h sta tu t r o o a _ i e o é i eco 2TthilK itDsouino Prnrhp1mrgae nte5i aclpybei LLSWR-Alreso o alng ewder, Warthe8 Jok,1n Jwley a LWbmY BUSrainNL, 1Iîllîn BacoîDnréfr emna n n n f, w h shne ouaiothrs. For aleon!onb> eiién ta,, vi rost ' rnglice .a ndhend OnIrc i îî e OM asé REEMRAND-PAG, <tiiisy, nesgei i feisn th ts- mS îM c)je t jirelE sye tm dr-epie~ i ok it~ L a éritusera. y Iffezt1) elshconditions ci theE A S TcourtA N0, tbls79.A ico splosck of cho eo m i i. l e i.hOII e17 , t* - . J e a nBeO 0 i c -F- - - g io cors ats frd i o n . D o n 'tO r r go1 5& e.e * h e lu l u t a i n a o e r , a d i , 1 G 1 79 - - IT _ I2TH, Pat 'o-mUiotéR f th 1 BnÃ"oli do Brookl ariélson Io.mThW ýo on O liéer Noi '& iEGAu rDN£,. yE~. St. 101hl= '7 . t88- 1endropécîythe rigréiose.lth i Clè riircé on 11147,lAi -Sq.cond Da>s oiftOc- - tebe.',t1e79 ret. eue o '79.k hé fi en AL E PRPX1Ty ni éw'e Oeî greali e n fth mn hrchd,PSPl'mnu, aI Be- CTBR' co Ritn Ot5aneLeouMs' seténgert o! ono1,ltt tropY, the seod brickfboe, tai ai stober, w79, eé Mtiunlars c11 tengié !aigré rnuiy, pe$l,4C10 et limé ol salé, thmc lAteret ut 7 pe cnfthyte ie CIurgh,én Cnad aCaten kt évIeedstatutoés5 cesO01tnda u aý en Ac rt1ilothéb'oî Lineno For ofthe Tai. icer mturcaer, iu-e ymot p. Bnd,-t879. er 4,t,,,57 AgLtreiclgtheal Soietyo InstitutWhitby$ J. BE.ELDAT HE gp iar, Oshawa id Tuedy sp,29 0 fglulua 0 PRZ S le ci ey 19Roilaw, tSthwén9a i pd ni.uo Mcay, ept 21,o ýddressed- te the Sécrétac-y, tox le tO thé groleada 2 cents. er 12 10 cents. W'ELL, JOHN WILLIS, Présédént. Sécréley tii. S- ;HI? of WHITBY. D -NO0lIC E! ,OTICeli hcrchy givén that icit cf lhe Corporation ofthte Whhty, lalénde al ite meeting oe té hald lu thé SHIP HALL SIN THE -B 0F BROOKLIN, ON THE 'DA Y cf Noî'eeîM'ti, clock la thé aflmnoont, '-Lew on By-Lawe, te close, lut, Quat portion o!ftée rigia- n romd béIwirI lots flamber thé lot concession o! thé W'titby, yetuneoid;-aine lit onxglin a alowancé tonread* tthe Gnavel Road anS lot ôth concession o! thé saiS e that pention no!fité public 1 rj&ý [m

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