Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Sep 1879, p. 4

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fe;1Set QITeam leNK peIw i et o1 Stngle Harns; a ' lofiiw athens', i Buffalo ilebe; 2 bis; 1I DOsse Cattie Chaîne ; 4 Acres cf - , scyth~es, swil Ofier articles tee note- c-te imaniton. Je toeCommotaoe eteue o'cloci, P.tu P.1 IM OIP SALE. -Tereipe fly ai ail U um&sait iuner Si'euh; tisai ametuet fixonths credit i ii be làL iparties lsrulshleg a proveui j oint , Laterecê chsrged frein &ya oftsale il paid whien due., Niue par "Cent. off for by, Sep. îSth, '79 Auottoneer. tion ro Orohard Thievea I vonW4TION bas beceD given lthe iuicirslgneti of depredations ce orch- anud gardons sud the datruction of able tr.esud ci hrubs by beysu.. rente anai guardans y"l do Well, ttO strletly éf 1r thoue la tiseir charge, as isetderg wiii b. promptly arresteti anti witil wlth the etiâont rigor ni the lew, JACODI)B3iYÂl'T, 1' sept. th. 18 55 te Ltven=el P4rtteovlasing te send fer Chir friands a ebtain ticketseat low rates. The Sesa ssage frein land lte land aver- ag. about 5EE5N isàxstwo of wlsleh are spont Lu the smoth waers ef the St. Law. The Steaimehipa ef the Allen Lins corne direet te the Grand Truuk Railway wharves at PoinLt v. (Senths Quebec) andi Speclal Trains are Éipatched wlth the 8aasougema lmreediately lnmarrivai. Dy tbI7. arrane meInt pîasgen art svoid deaan sd expense. Cir. ar all formatii, nalid For tickets sud Inrther Information apply te- GEO. B. TULE. Exp. snd Tel. Office, Whtby, May eîh, 1679.,t4 FARM FOR SALE l qheap. A FIRS5T-CLASS FABU, OFIbo1 .LAcres, belngart of Lot No. 9, ie the iird. on t kerlng. Well wstsred willi living sprigcreek - three voile et wter 1 got orchard ; vii1 fenceti; vitis bandepme dweliing, andi goctfontbnlldlns Two uleingti for tarinhantis. A splendid stock a&nt grain tarin; lose te god mar- kits. Wli be soid cheap, eeasy terme. Apply 'A L. FAIIIIIANES Anctioneer, WLislby. Auguet oth, '70. -as - IVVINE4-4fl ME~JOw luetewlîrl coettute Healthi, Blondi, Mîe.'t tti Nc've ci fl ralu substance, %viet-Llfe Iitsol la dlrectiy udépendent np. cxi stîtîse toftliiin. liy ilm union iwil.Iîthiehblotd antifita affect "plin Ithelt, imîe, r-ueotiîîiixg tht e e eîîd doîîlîîg thWt, oiir, itlalucapable cf effect. Ing tuxe 1boilwing recute Ift wil.i uilliaeo or waahî out tubsrsnlone - nt tor, autl -thtta étire Consomption. IY iliireleang Nervetîs tat Muttculsr Vigor, It witi cure JSyspeptsis, feclile or lu. terî'ujtci action cf Cite Huart sud Palpita. Lieu,1 Wueltlîees cf nteileint causedl iyxgiot, wurry, civurtax or lrrogular haîbits,flrcu. cultis, Açutc or C.brexîi Cutgeetioxî utflte Liloxige, diuilctuje muet alaruîicîg etîge. id cilie Aullira, Lus. of Voire, 1Neuraigia St. Vitus Dttesu, EitlehitluiVite, Wiîocpleg C(fiiiîî,Nrveîutiieus, and i inosut wonlier- fu iiietudo tlier remiduin luieteinieug u ludirifgthe lireecsscfiflptherle. Ail enuliese ciîain etf gound electe la torinet l'y PELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP OPFIHYPOPIHQSPHITES, and uîi e.u mleî luiseaylng, troin e long ex. piiriei, 1iiiîieceice, iLs virtues ard nef P11111i àb wy le otl atoas the 11L 18 ACCEPTABLE Ci, patate andi stoinuch'i7 SUPI"ICIÉIIN'i'Y lONT te fmeure ÃŽlc- * eiîidiiiiijyul iîîriilliKe, ltseivcr long ]tid, ttMay 1iuetiitiii-i. Thisi iacter. letiv e18e 'feeil'y lio ii lî,'reineldy. UV AHSIelM)UIiSTION aloîi îîeiieila- 1'i.'Vt'rLîzE TUEBLIQI>, eîîpily. Ilighisli llgrýiiiýi e îil îey lic eltitd vit' tlewS'l'UlE$ TUNH Ctueouurves. l'h' lIiVEIi itOWER o f endurianiceiîîid of i'll ROIVEtJ'.9VICO Ith ie îrgttni wuvli lii'iticiifor Ilti' piîii Maiil i votixleary xissiîi iii lit s-il :titi 'Livir, tîis 1It-tt, Suili i iiîiî i îîîîîî ( i itîik. A libl uîes îililitei witlî gratutîliiiîeis jiil- tit iraii Cuit e'ti tîtîit it renellethie rage ci 1tl ci ît iMUIlay a Itti CrhîdLieatorî. No ll 18114wilili la siitîiieiit te cililti i"ILOW IYittJl'10I O Ii'tTlS, wlhio rlgiîiiy laflUiw thieule'tt FELLOWS' IIYPOPHOSPHITES 1INCEPTIOIN. Th'io apUIriiîit'îîte 'si11101 lirefecteil Culs îîrîîîtîaiîîîîîeup iîîiuîîy iutictlii, sud wttti iiîitilgl Wfi i view tif eîiriuig tliit iitoiliis uii îîiîsco, TruBIIiCULAR CONSUMPTION. îl iIs orittr dît sîîutptiytiîe lofcloscies le hillîitsuttîalreally Ils liee ; for, ai. titîsîgsîithelr netsurs wacecte teleh. crp, hoir praîîaraîtîîns ero, owiiug do thoir iîict'torganizatioît, fOtî14 iit. uting in Ni111i0t11030lin'>uct idte formnatino! fat (110 gaturote iîit, ticy Ilit i ns tproves Ili IItiiti, 2Tutoutcel fuect slîton tise 0lars xiiu'otusi tswai tirettiîisi et anti cwtug te titeir dîluteti statti, Icvoiving lsite lotes, t ere cisc toct exîteneiva. e "E e iîerlti. sn::t y M. V:0::o suigMin e ytittitiu aulii efîttet; WVii l cil idîitîrs un aplitittt $tlttoiitli(iî'i igeetittîî Itrusâtts Qoiiniîttin Crache Iîealtlîy li(itît strongtiin te lies-ves tnd musela En1Mcs hîs e stîbjeest te cu-esîiyCôe.n bt liesea;0 Andtîl tlcieiily 0ectiitîual lot'1111, *Ali tiîs lieulastninitlhtîptta)il ionaî --Ten ou cieicf itseî'lu 1. lteînite ; andi Ftihiow' lityPOItlsos PlIes atustndl s;enicet cnoot the reniesci for Clîrottis orgaule iIMutnee, oeeasang preportion Cc vhtteit no tîio hutiiîelas uver isepireti. ABS5TRACT EFFECTS. Itîciîî'Vo ly 0)tîstlic , cii liin.lu trietvilîintt1t etneit, ltnsuitlilhue fîîoîl, ctdilmtietliatenterachloe sCircula. ion; cti, lsli îîertectiy mîseribloe vus tiue'Io0odcyeOOiiîy1ervail e ry p:i b a Imliii' I ncreasetjin luitses a e orelligc, %cuera1 exaliontloicf the orgatîle Inactions; cutiexhilaratien cf thse isisleteai powsrs. Ite speelis Icnfluence. tan 1tise brain sud nervous î ubstance, ln- - reclug 1 9tie Acivihy et tue aitiorbeîntsq, itut ranewtng hu blondl, hue caseng thse hecvy - - utuat rformation no necesssri-n urestos. - ng thôe lunctiene ofitho prs'elonsly wealuen. cd organo. Otroulp.ocy 'cyete, ih fOIlOve hat, visen therts ies etanti for extreordtnary axer- u.le. its Use ile laluable, sinone Ileuppllei the vaste Clucuglithe, Circulation,acuti sus- abine disegeneral i aien. At-noePori otof lita te va cCaro ever t-lfest:astcof-the brainmore roquleite thsu dcrtng thse aequsitionlsuo! kuovietg by tise yeulh; ploddtilg, prenervlng tady reiqutres a store e! vigorens nerveuse force, ara aishilti may etnk uetiet the mental Ccli. f rti(laicoand the car~ promisse ot cresi. ru wih wu ucont rnd tond H iic psluiaiecsudat Ni viheunetrimY ant.r h irigu liii ltwlUsîfer a 1 entalan Nce-ii uspicions etf ersotie vu e.a coitcla iiany chier artile A sjue s gusiti isîtllgbiteeris.Ina iiniigir tuie cnd sof titîtes vueoer % ChoasOrten bd crtlt.o poiest and iit8eIusoot,/iyt ispitîîs weceet fer lta prasgeibe tils reinedy. Eea if Se11Hproc'Met thiai. Thelighogît cam.xunedtcal mien ilii ovory large City, vhere iti lekuou, Prieu 8î.50 par Bottîs,-- $7.50 or cSix DIltes. Ier a l,& son&-arce 377St, PAun St,-Mcntreal P.,(). IMPKRIIAL FRENCIL VINEGAR, Demijchns and Quaextr-dernijobne. 1 -AT- R. H.-JAMESON'S. The Great Ilood Purifiere 88Ssap ls AND PILLS. Li p1 e 1832, iuanteed te bouan Infallible cure for Sicrolucca ii itg worst brunes, tubboi-n, desp-seatcd Ucer4Npicila u7ys- au Udsec or ocres produced by bal blocd or huinore. BRISTOLS Sugar-Coatcd PILLS, OUitLI ALL LIVEIt COMI'LAINTS. 9LztFr sale by ail Druggiato and Dealers lu Medicînes. PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE, 29. Agente, MONTREAL. For saitle'y T. GWhilteld, cl'em#, whiitby. -MANHOOD 110W LOST, 110WRIESTOIiED, 5 We ba~ve recently imbiiled a 1ewetidition ofI hir. Liver. wellyts Ce-Icbrîsucd Essuuy on thie railliîî ettui cie(withuut inctilelne) cf NervosDeiility, Mental îand Phiynical Incaliiieity, Impedu:incntk; Cc Mer- nfage, etc., resulting frein eXeCP800. îàel'rice, ile e taied cnu'oîîe, ouly 6 ceiluH, tir Cwo postage elamps. Thuecl'reted anthur, icn this admzirable Ieeay, vi 1iiiydenionusîretes, frounithirty yees'aecssf ii noatice, the elarîsing coni- esquexices uciîy lisradiuraliy cursîlwitiiunt the fiiigoroîîe tise tif iltercial imedicixie tii teo appîiication cf the lnuf; poloinig ciit àî tiodufe clreut Ounsimeli, ccrt liîisî u'llctsîil, iîy tîtîtîne of wiiili svey tslici-r, tic Oltter w'iIiîii l utiailiii îîy bcti îy cure hixîtîcit itieiy, prilvsely anti xciii. riillti. 'luis-Lt'clturs shl bcill'e t diî ehiiiotf every yîîîtlîîit adeviry nislu iii, titîlm. Aadlei the CULVERWELL MIIDICAL CO.. 41,il,/iti St,. New 3York. 0. O.liex 45110. ]y-27 <lRAY9.4 MPLCILIC IE I N. Beor oTkne o'h,ît an ft er Teking unelce uif SlI-Abuce;, use longef cf!týiinery, Uîî.ivcrsîi liaisidune, i'tliil Ite haek, lîi. stiiet cf Vimoui.ltrcîiiatlrcetît eue, . ast îîy altcr iscesce titat 1usd ho Iniity os'(!ou- tititnitiosi indtItilrenîetlirti'GrtiLvu Ir Fuil 1atcua Inii., lihlt -il C h tiErs gtotae.or clx uackagieofor- t5, or WilUlec sudr trcel'b" ilyune moreelit cf the lllcney by ad- ilreshig TIIE OGRAY IIEDICINE CO., Toronto, Ont., Ctanada. 9-*1' old lu wbitbOy by all'(ru gltnt, andusy tuB wlîoiceale anti reta UduugistoecrywsIiero tri CanadaîsantidteUnidu i tiatou. l. SARB1[ERIS SÀHSAPARILLA The Great Elood Purifier. A gcuuine fluiti extacet otilied or Jamel. ce SBmaenlle, Cerubititilwidh lodide oci toasu, tir thoesîure cf ail discaaîe aiigfonimpui-ity oet o lte i"l. Nî'ariy ail lise liseaes Ciat trouble te lieuttai race aceinfliî'uecd Sy tus 1tatu cf the.lod I iet .1eis idisîient.le etat Cliii touxtin cfnitlie uc n a pure anti iseaîlîy condlitiont, As a Purifier cf the blecu], ac iovador ofet Il Yitum, cuti Preasi-ver ut tise- pcw. crs tif lite, CareéSîîrsaîarillalitas; ne eqcal. F'or sale eit tIse Driig Stores. lt-DR', WAT'SON & Co., Whiciceaie Drîxtccicte. Mondtreal- R. SNOW, GAKER & CONFEC1IflN[R i Beg. te luforunhiisnumes-ous trient. anti patrons hat ha haa agsin lekeu hiei OLII STAND ON OUNIIAS STREET; Lsai ccelileti by W. P. Wiiieock visera Lis ii e lhappy te cee aIl hie nid Mrendes, sud wl coetent-iy keep lun stock a frecs torit c CONFECTI ONERY, CAKES, PAST1tY, l"lEt-IS OYSTI'11S, F"RUIT Jf lk,ids. j i'ttOi - - SODA WA'R <snd Bread itecrtldaiy anti ail os-des promplty ettendati te. D ienere anti Suppere eupplieti act re4asc. Dont forguttChie sdtress, Agents for Canada Stained Glass Works. Cail and see Samples. WILINSN'~ LYON BROS., WIEISOS LOCK, - BRÃ"CK.ST., W T . B0T TO0M PRICES For al kinds Of PFoot Wear* DON'TF-ORGET THAT Isselling the Best and Che apest BoO0TS -AND ý HQE6' L«die8'ý Be,8t. Button Boot8 and Sh"s~. TUEE BEST MENS' WEAIR YOU EVER SkW. Watson's Block, Brook Street, Wliitby. W. J. HAYES.1 GNXERAL DRY GOOD-S, GROCERY if HARDWARE STORE, BRO UGHAM. Xareh ker, NEW 'TIN J. W .ý2ýTMN]s £~Next Door South ta dames, Johnston'8 1"Gold8mith'a Hall," - Has opened business i the aàbove premises and is no'w ru.nning in full blast, where everytliing pertaining to Tint Sheet, or Galvanized Iron is, manufaotured i'a workman- like mnanneron SHORT NOTICE and ,at reaýsonable ràtes. -ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS of SUPERIOR QUALITY. AIl kinds of Japaned Tin, and Sheét-Iron, wareoonstently ke't in stooc. REIPAIING done cheaply and neatly. American and Canadian COAL OIL. .Lamp Ohimneys, Wioke, Burners, &o. Ail work guar- 1Whitby, Faby. 24th, 1879. J- W. BARNES. *FOIR SALE AT.TE WHITBY CHINA TEA STORE, iwxcE~ x.xivroevPLASTER-, Begs to inform lis friends and the pub- lie, that lie bas now on hand an eutirely new and weil se- lected stock, embracing in the abo-ve lines, whicli lie is selling at unprecedentedly L X7 W 1:» 19L x CD Customers are advised to give a cal and see wliat value they can get for their money at a home establishiment. 1Brougliam, Aîsril 20tli, 1879.' MOSES LINTON, Store, Post Office and Telograpli Office. WHITBX BOOK AND MUSIC -STORE. mm mL % * AIiX-MI.aXZ'3 Begs to- announce to the publie, that she lias oponed a well assorted stock of Books and Fancy Goods consisting of- SCHOOL BOOKS AND GIFT BOOKS, Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymu Books, Sunday SchoolBooks and Cards, Holiday and Visiting Cards, Plain and Poncy Note Paper, Inks, Siates, Pens, Poncifi, fllank and Note Books. -BERLIN WOOL AND WOOL WOIRK. Linîbroidlery, Silk, Lincui, Floss, Chienille, Wooi, Tasscis, Cardboard, Mot- tocs, Cosics, Vatses, loilet Mats, and Ornaineuits of ail Iizds. LADIES' WORK BOXES AND BASKETS. 0GIovc uIand crchtrlief Boxes, Card Cases, &c. WVo have a largo variety of patterns on handl cf ail the latest styles ie American Stamping, ail kinds of 1"enoy Wcol WaZk donc te ordor, inluding infants Jackets, Bonnets, Breakfast Siîawlo, &c., ail cýrdcrs prornptly attenîlcd te and et the lowest possible rates. I have just opened a large assortinont of Ohjîldrens' Aprons, Lace Tics. Ç4.. FRILLINOY A SPECIALTY. a~ Iltving ini comuiction witlh my husitioss, socurcd a firét-elass Dress Ma- lter, eble bt ndertake ticeznakieg of aiîy dress, I can warrant te give entire satis- faction, being a îwrson tîxet lias lied saperienice ini citiet, the styles are Lew, ne pains wili hae paecd, and ail ordaers proniptiy attcnded te, fltting reorns becà of the stoe. I bave aise a first.clees MentIe Maker, one capable cf sneking Man.- tics, Conts, Dolnus, of any description and in the latost styles. The attention of Ois Ladies jeR vpcoielly ievited te ilils tepertinent. Fitting rom in rear ef the store, Oddifellows' Hall. Al-orders for Magazines and Papers prontptly attended to. Daily and wveokly papers always mi hand and subseriptions receivcd. 1"Shecet blusie auppliod on shortest notice. MRZVS. ALijLLN, WiLtby Music Store, Oddfclows' Hall, Brock.St. My Stock of :F IT I\TITIYRE.. l Js now Complete in Every Line. E. J. JOHNSON.i Very Special Inducemnents to those STAIRTING HOU SEKEEPINO-. UNDERTAKI.4G. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and al the necessaries in this line. Aiso, A WELL-APPOINTIE- HEARSE. Whitby, October lOth, 1877. 42 Whitby, February llth, 1879. OFFICE 1PLASTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CASH PAID FOR GOOD Butter, Egs, Poultry, Apples, Red and Alsike Clover Seed. W. J. GIBSON, Wliitby China Tca Store. 0F THE B/W WN & PA TTERSON -MI g, Go,1 wE~IrrBY, oNrr.A~E~Io. -.000:-- TO THE PUBLIC. Iu preseuting Our Twenty.secoud Annuel Catalogue cf Agricuitural Impie- ments te tho fartuers cf Canada fer the ycar 1877, vs do se witb more thmen the ordieary degrea cf pride sud confidence, frein the merkcd faveur cuti patronage conferreti upon us, and tise steady sud inoreasing demend frein year to year cf our now celebrated Farru Impleents. WVo shahl continue s heretofore, s manufacturera, te meke a speciehty of Âgricultyral Mschinery-tlse Jolinston Seif-reking Ileaper, the Triumph Con,- bined Reaver and Mever, the Cayugs Mower, thue Young Ceneda Mowcr, anti Our uow Whîdby Ilervester, claîmîug a large share cf aur lime anti attention., For the last Twauty-two years we have given ot moat cereful cedundivid. ad -attention te tha manufacture anti eperation cf the varions machines in use, sfting cut the hoast points. renuedying defects, modifying ced oorrecting errers, strengtheeting wsak peints, adspting aud prcportieuing every part as; cur iecrs- adi experience has suggested. Wa employ culy the hast mechanicai ekill, ced car machines pesauneder tise incet careful supervision and scrtiey-every detai Seing subjecteti te the sever- est criticisi-a escli machine te thorougbiy teetei before ieaving oui- vorks, te prove -the eompleteuess cf eveu-y part, anti there te ne diffiouity ta putting ther n operetion hy auy poreon cf moderato mechenicai ability. Ourmaohiuery lias beaselected andi coustructei vithi a speotal refereece tc -the manufacture cf or evu machiees-many tools having beau matie for Chia partieular purpase, anti net adapteti fer ether vcrk, and cer vorkulen are edu. cased ep te the vante and requiremeuts cf ccc maeutactnreý-.btaieiug a thor- engli kecvledge cf the cocnstruction cf cur machxines, sud are thins enablei te ch- taie a higliar degree cf ekili anai prcfieiency tbsu vbere gouersi manufaoturing us carried ce. We are herefere enableatiet indreduce s more perfect systemin tteail theo - pertinents cf manufacture, edding net cniy te the perfection cf tise vcrk, but ai- se Ce the rspitiity cf fis executien-enti a ceusequent reeluotion cf oent. This prieciple te regardeai neeeesary te a weli regulateti establishmxent, sud va enableul Cc turu eut or machines villi s higlier tiegree cf perfection, and et price se 1ev as; sbscluteiy te defy eempetitien. ,THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER is nov se weli keovu as s Single Reaper, tlSd a vord cf ceminendatice wcuid almoal secm a pes-Suoe, Sut as Chere are many oiaiming te manufacture this machine vho have adhered te the old original Jehuston achine, vithout keep. ieg up teo the improvements ; thet justice te ourseives ced patrons require cf us te st-ste hat vs have medifieti it lu almeet every essentiel part, anti for strengili anti tirabiidy, qualityofet nl every kinti and condition ef grain ; liglituese cf draft andi ease cf management-he "Johiaston," as manufestured ly ne-stands pre-emiuentiy aheati cf anl other reapers. In proe f cf t-bis Position va bave only te point te the msny First Prizes avardeti ns-stt hie hast Provincial trial cf On- tarse, sud many county triaiesviicli have'taken place al eover Canada, vithin the lasi 1ev yeare. OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHINES, wti lato imprevementa, la al Chat oeuSe desired inl a Combined Machine, sud canuot fail te meot ail the requirements cf porchesere. Our Improved Cayaga Chiai' dr., and aur Young Canada Mower8 are 5bt iret--ases uaahines-censtituded almost vSolly cf Iron and Steel. Thea T ~f -ni 1~ri ~ r T1 i A 77i ~j Cayga Jr. has a rear eut, anti the Young Canada a' front Cnt-; heth streng, dur- F I E P O SFE , . £1 1 E £a1J~J£ I ± L L ~ c aSI1e machinee, anti net excelati by any machines intea rket for qualily cf t - ont-, tirsbility, llghteese cf draft, atiaptabiity, sud esse cf management. N0 TO B1JTSINlTSS M~1~ Is doing justice either to himself, or his creditors if hoe does -witbout a safe te proteet lis Books, Notes, or other valuable papeis. IcVERY F ]r aR] ]Il:Ela Whio bas -deods, notes or money in the bouse, ouglit to have a Safé to gmard botlî against Burglary and Fire. A Suife is always a Good Asset, as it not oniy proserves its coontet, but Iceepa ite owa 'value as veil, for aiter pessing ihirenglia fire c enisil datlay wiili mulke it s good as ew nav e it cmn slways ho selti fer noarly ite firat coot. J. & J. T,%YLoRt have turnedl out about, 20.000 8safes i thie hast 24 yeurs9, and-ncineof thera has faiea trial. Fermersanaudmer- clients, this is the kind of !"IProetion" and somethig ths the Tariff Cap't give. -Go tu, t4e Torcnto Sitfe Works- and gel a Sale. -- A-J.& -TAY LO Ri OUR NEW "WHITBY - HARVESTER." As Chiecocuntry hiua ecomu butter stiaptuti te mïaohiuory, anti many cf cer farin. ers have become uWIclet in t-ho use cf machines, a grovtag demanti lis prnng up for a Llghl, Durable, Firet-Claus Reaper. Abivo Ce the requiroments of he day.- vo have secceeedtinlaiuvont-iag a ma- chine vuS 'a Wroeght Iron Frame, viii tise lait pos#îIble g9earlag-wth lac ge, brosti-faceti drive vheel,-and se coàitructedti hat the. frame anti tablu tilt at Chu came tima, therehy keupîngtUeo pttman &lwa a iUe vilt-Su eknifu. Thie cakes are dnivon directiy frmeint-uMain shaft--.dhieru'belag.ne, perceptible sidu draft, anti ne veight upen Chu horees necke. We are confident Chiat ivo have enocoodet inl invent-ieg t-ho meet poelet Ieaper, taking ilin;al lt-a parte, t-lia has avecSeean producd. We,.have appHletifor hetre patent, anti saaliolti our inventioen, fer our ovu axclu*oive manufacturé, anti ve reepeotfnl ,suggest tela-- tentiing porehiasero, Chat Chey shoulîl see Chie machine Sefore glving Ueir ordura for t-ha emijýglisarveat. The "Whitby- Hatvait-er" veighis, ail bld, 600 poua#s, Sut Seing matie principaly cf Chie hast quahity cf ircu sud steel, ant i frin ite le- genieu n an compact ccnatttiioqn, il cembinas't ha itrungfi a i cuti y f he hisavior machines. '-cpaityfte -AIlcf'ciLï machines are fnuiy varranteti. -With eibiâs liaitfmahi e, ufuel onufident Chiai vs eau rmeel every ce- cme fernisis a botter machine for thse monèy-t-in a cn lie obtained p1elee. - I08petfulhy Yonre, attention az garment an NVhtby, Mi sareh 24th, 1879. BROOK STREET, i - WHTB'Y, Will seli seil for 30 days AT COST -Womens' Prunell aBoots and shoes,- Womes' Kid Boots and Shoes, Misses' Pebble B 'oots and Sos A Ne andwellSelet iSse'kid Booana eamne h. A e mn eil eleted ol Sto.Caî .d amie. P H- O'TO C 0RA P HYUe WE ARE -MAKING A NEW -STYLE 0f Photograplis, in expia, life-size, an entireiy NEW PROCESS. 8PECIMEN8 ON EXHIBITION,- Cards and Cabinets furnished in the latest style of the Art. Frames of all sizes always on hiand. A. BARRETT,ý iPhotographer. *j Opposite Ontario Bank,-~j A youing man desiring to. study Photography, will flndl a good chance by calling o Mr. Barrett, and getting tcrms. Whitby, June 10th, 1879. $25 to $50 PER DRY CAN ACTUALLY BE MADE WITH TFIE CRLEST WESTERN~ WELJ AtTGER§'! Be- WE MEAN IT, aaepoae odmntacteft [ýêeOURAUG.ERSarepraet od emosat tely HREPOf and GUARANTEED te bore at thc rate of 10 to 15 FEET PER HOURD 11liey Bore ftom 3 to 6 Acot ÃŽR îamter, alld NYJEPT ReRqiih'!, Theyarc WARR.'ANTED 'TO BORE SUCCESSFULLY IN ALL KINDS 0F EARTH, SOFTI SAND and LIMESTONE.; BITUMI. NOUS STONE COAL, SLATE, and HARDPAN, and mnake the BEST 0F WELLS in QUICKSAND, GRAVEL, rnd CAVY EARTHS. TbeY are EMNIIY Ojîcratees, Simple ixXConstrnrttis,.t- -- rie 1 Tihe cheapest niad mont Praeti.-. i "ivW9ri jE- MANUFACTUREI) AT OUR OWN WORKS, frem tuie Very Best of Materiai, hy Skillcd and Practicai Workîncn. GOOID ACTIVE AOINTS Wanted in Evcr County ln the United States and Canada, te whous wc offer liberal induceents. Scnd for or ilustrated Catalogue, Pricca, Ternis, &c, proving our advcrtiscmeet bouc i. AOORES GIIET WM MTERN LL 4IJGER. WORX8 trostî I -,,c:..yumsSt. Lous,0 o AN» CARIRiAGES. A Large Assortment Of Cuti ».U9gies i 7E-UGGIESpre FOR s 1A Juiy 151, 197 9- .1. or to JA. GLLVA THE SINGER 8EWING MACHINE, Buy- the Best, Buy nlo other. BUY NONE BUT THE Genuine Singer Sewùig Ma- chine. BEDUCED- IN PEICE. THE BEST_ MACHINE'IN*,TEE WOBLD. Su sy Three Hnnred'Thosand people' wlso bon ghlt Singer Machines in 1878. Over two million Singer Machines ienue et present. - spenid and tun et-of Attaclient& f~ewith éÏeb machins-.- nd parties fuliy ggeeinthe use of them. THE BEST, THE. CHEAPEST, soi o eiy bythe Oempany's Agent, L FAIRBANKS, Office, opposite CIMONICLE office., Whutby, Jnne 25,1'79. -2f; Valuable Farm for Sale. 1 0 PIOKERRG15 uresclesred-- masple). This le s very aesirable preperty for the wood sione in very valnable and' WMl nerly py the jirhase money, whili- the situation of thielo-ls suMfcient guar-. sntee for the land- Terme lbersi to, reliable parties. - A. A. POBT, P.0O. Box 2D2, Wib HOME GIROWN SEEDS. TiANESTABLISED tact tisat S. 0 rwnas Home Greva Seetis are Se- cemtug more pepniar frein yesr te year. The publie they vaut thein, the merchante sn7v genea à sstita~teun lo e c FLOrTR SEEDS A SPECIALTY i Ail sedossent 'y mail tree cf poste. 9r- Tee Brovn's Indien Linimýent. For, sa SF dealers gensraily. 5 . C. BROWN, Sceman, - 'Vbitby, Ont A IR. 0A 8 MA CH/NE. Ths Machine le for *lighting Prirat.. Dwclhings, Mille, Factorles, Churchies, Public Hiall.' Hotels, &c. Ca11 anti examine the raachfinpe ora- tin t JOSEFPE PILIPS, aoleo fuCL'r, Pînmeber andi Gas-fitter, 158 York stxset, Toronte. Senti for "ircuiar anti price-list. April 29t5, 187. .19- O-MNIBUSES..; TO MM DPROM &IL - To sud train G.T.E. Station-....20a. To anti froni Whitby, P. P. & Lindsy F.'y station----------------....100. Thoee conveyances are stes anti omafst- able, anti l charge et cretul tire. AU baggage cheoketi anti carefnily loobti sitar. LOU6IS SBIEMT, Wistb, Fis 25 179 Ioprietor. WhîbyFeb 2th_187.ly-ie AUCTION SALES. 1 IrEEG ta, return mny sincere tacite t the Ipublic foi, tise vei-y liberi patronage bestoeti pon me lu Cheist , anat t aintite ht I ili Se on -heuiraty-toi cuduct enysles tisat Iznay bc e ntruteat vilS. Tenrms liSerai. Satifection gear-- anteeti. My sais -book ill e' i e Lu t te Ontario Hodel Wisitby. Arangementu-ao te dsaye o1*scie d&c., mesy be-mude vith Mr. Magon, thutroprietor ofthe Rlotei. OrdtsîbY Milor telegranit attend tici u Anctioneer, WhitbY. NB. - Sale- ]3otks anti blik noCel L! F. - TIE TORONTO Turkish c& VaporBat hs, Nera1eia, Cagi, Colde Cexsjstiea, Bronhiti, Screfl, Skia Iisasi, ,1In- flammnations. BiRlaees, Pveie. ce id fr Sanitary purpoes. * Tie vaor ttae articululy ti., scsl- MONEY TO I in os uip îto # teret. f(LÂTz Don OFFICE.-Ie' 9, Victoria Street J.G ROBINSONe, uM. BAEBISTER-A i n Chencery L &-. Office- tý.et, Whit-by, Oc O-rnnx-Ova- Do Tan. 22,1878. CADIERON Street, R.J. GI s URGEON TO T KJ Byon Street, -V Dr. W. j Resitienee-Congr, ietem crner et By BYRON Ir Creek. W--n-1jIeBRILPN, 'physiclan, Surgeons, -Wlitby, Sept. 801h, il 00oM5 OVER 1 IR Grocery Stere, ')ffcebours lin 9 a1 1.30 teo f, p. i.Het sud Gilb'ert etreets. Ce N.YAI~ "bCes as tho cheapeî bet iestliflueti vinl Teetis extracteci vithor local ansîstisesia. Den an'enev block, nier At King Street, Oshava. JOFIjp ROI JOîII< WOL - I I BLACGL9MJTH, - (Successer ta Tison£ hl-eaoeing anti4 an OFFICIAL~ * Hotal, Brock.St, Whitl'y, Mereh 2th, 187ý -R E. O'DIiLL, A T H E R 0 BU RN S; 'CUTTERS,

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