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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Oct 1879, p. 3

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The 'Oddfellows' Hal/1, D E M OUBE S T'S, Catalogue of Fashions -FOR- FALL ýAND,'WINTER, 1 879-80.: EDWARD "ô in pqe r, ,N -0W id 1h15, fa Dot ,357 i sing ieut for OCd. Au ) aonci Ion. A e back ing r.- ving oll. Wb# lu sudage the Iu. pplen. reor se mathI edà lier pplylng pain or «r. In aings Dep out 555. > .- suassat1j fiss suesAm- no long as il cun-Le F truly yours, w Shaw. seld by S. if DirE/eu, Marriages, ed 50 cellisoaa/e. A TIl S. tIFiekerlng, acil j~ rd chilI' of Mr. anda item, aged oeueyear, 19 days. MARKE~TS. (lunes, Octlot1,1),7. .... 4 r0 65 4 10(joi I 0o4 25 28 2501 lue .S U 000000 ...... 000l,.500 .rtioa$9 0 /Il 2ri 8 00 400000e . 7 00 Uc 10 M Yi0 l 88 (GO #..0 ou a10 180 20 tafia Medica abis reniellessfor affilé- terof certalty îlsat î si ita lity lo falllug, îlly superlor, 15 wilU nothlsg oI00 viii pro. te great asvauitage of sii Iao ll I r 11ah lelid tte," Price ene Douelr L R D. adn9je tram the ocrets xI oe >otls, urvoua logrnotmcnhood.&o., .LAGE LOTI '6th, . 18; ilage Lots FR08 Te Io Agent for sud liao lu Stock, Demorests EBlible Patterns, Demroyot' What te Wear, DemorestM Port Folio et Fashionsi, Demorest'a Quartcrly Journal,- Dnorost's Illustrated Monthly!, ODD-FELLOW'6 HALL, CHEA? CASH flY GOOD-lSOHE I Toronto Éand lpsslng RaIlwal £o'ï. lugs, iluth. City of Toronto, on TUIE,8JJAY, the 01k Day of ïSepîem. ber, 1870. at the bout ocf twslve meen, for th. purposes pcevldod by tbe by-iws et1h. sald Coin W h Vn. JOSEPH GRAY, peria Go Seerotaryand! Treaurer. Fa Dateai CilsAugusi, 1879.Fa -NOTICE. Gallon. TlRE AI3OVE MEETING WAS AD. ed Choaj T journeai by Itesoiutîon te SA TURDA Y. 111/c 1)f Oètobe,', 1879, At saine place md haur. FARM TO RENT. F48t T 1IUNDERSIGNED 10 P1EPABIID ot the whoie or nparote .arin, stuated jý ou the lgoton Ioa'!, parts t otf 19 sud 20, out ltret cocesIion e t1h.TownshlpBR C oi Hast WLltby, kuowu as the L. C. HallB OO tarin. There are about 858acres ofeorebard upon Il sud gea'! buIldin. i'artlculmr may b. ha'! on application, or tram Messrs. MeGesa & Jones, Solicitors, Oshawa. JOHN OOWAN, Z - Oshawa. Oshawa) Sept. 27tb, '79, 41-Sm.: VAL UAB6LE FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. 0T F 103 ACRES, AND WESTZ L hlii et ot'6,60 Oacres, on tho South witbiu two sud a halt miles et ei, Marys#. ÀJPIytg A. G. MOMllan Se. Mao oa Malenuau & lowu , o 7ci ors, Tocante. > FARM TO RENTT, (ONTAINING 140 ACIES-ali l i- Zx c )calleut eoudlion-blînated haileaa mlle freux 1h. village ct Brouighamx township et ilckering. PossessionuImmeA.latoîy. AIPply tuthiee wuec lu the villngaet Brougham,î 48t) A.L.-STEVEN SON, DAWES &WATKISI AUCTSONEEOîs A1PRAIS5ESS, AND Genoral Commission Agents I Office aI W. n. Ms-Gawva GOcary tatare Port Perry. sept. lts, le- BOAIII) AND LODGIN(;. t2omlcrtal>la Iserd ssI lodgiuig, rar ot Heopklus' Hal. Apiply tu- 40-8ia> MIlS. MULLIOAN. COAL ! COAL 1 QEVEN 11UNDIUED TOiNS Steve sud JNcsîdesl, qusiity, A-l-vcll acreena'!, fer sala, cbeap toc Cash, at Pic!cerlicg Ilar- ber, ApplY te W. C. Allisan, Liverpool Mfarliet, or te J. IL. EcCLELLAN. CHANCEqY SA LE! -0OF A- lu tlice Towicahils ef EAST WHII BY. 1; ]PUIISUANCE 0F A DUCER ma.nîdbM tiheCourt cfidliancery lu s 811oeilte stdlvs. itats-liffau'! wlsb the 51'p oibtlon of. George Iienuy Dartuell, Ls. qszirs, blanter et tise sala! court aI Witby, A Fine Sleetion ln BueInk,&o.. NOTE PWI' extra >mn Paper aud Foeee&Preign note, fooo~p =g 1 plurlyInvte heattention eftÉtom! requiring StAtloieryJ for Offilces r-enôM BERLIN WOOL AN~D WOOL W0RX. aIn Ëmhe nswtot dosigus., 8ipprs, Erseke s, SOfa Outhli, C<osies Toilet Mato, àèc Pookets, Tidies, Glove su an d eroblsf Boxeî, CardOCas., Toilet hMac able for Wedding or ]Bk414by gas,; ag, Vuqes, ail suit- -m IjR kîd JW L AND FANCY 00 . ,àlknoo ac.Work doue te ore, lnehlu gIfns'ontleea ~ HOO0dB, Breakfast S3hawls.. TAMPING DONE TO ORniaDER3.Ut.Bnes uei Wl THEý DRESS AND MÂNTLE IL&KIG Departuxent, Io nowopen te Our nSuerons cnstomers, sud tel çonfldenî that our p good reputation wilU b. ezcelled tiblsson, as w. have 'a drat clags cutter andî itte n that hait hast experlence, lu cities. The styles are new, no point wllie spared, al or promlyatondéte. FittIng o lu rte te bstore. r Si l resfu o apzln. ma?Pp sptreptly atteilded te.'Dailv snd Weekî Papers ou baud. Subserptlons reeetved; papers sEuerd 'aEMUIs11 plled oit the shortest noties. jeeg B MSC u Whitby Booke sud PTnay QôsdgSt«ej Oddfllos' HllBrook'Street. 1879. STOV'ES. 187É' GRAND. DISPLAy s Do not fail to sec ouùr Stock ing and Heating Stoves. - W Prices to suit i- of Cook hite Coal OR ! only i5ets. per Iin- allon, Cash..1 r'mers' the above is Bring your. Cans and Get them ,p House of IIONABL E the Lr fid at the f0o HATOH & BROU, Importers Hardware, Whitj TA IL ORING 0E]sr FERJGTYSO~~, STREET, - - I IAS JUST RECEIVED IN GRIEAT 1 VARIETY A SPLENDID LOT 0F nCANAVDJAN TWEEDS! A LARGE ASSORTMRNT 0F MEN'S ULSTERS & OVERCOATS. YOU dAN GET AT PERGUISQN's IIEADY MADE OR TO ORDER SPLEN4DID SUITS!1 A NEW STOCK JUST TO IIAND 0r THE LATEST STYLES 1K GENTS' FURNISHINGS 1 FXT11A 0001 VALVJE IN BUFFALO ROBES. JOH-N FERGUS-N WHITBY z z e I t-I ~y, I c. BOOTS ANDSHOE-SI - FOR-- FALL AND WINTER.1 -<<o The unldersigned desires to inform his cusLtmers that ho lias now on haînd a large and isplend- id assortmenut of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Faîl and Winter wear, which lie is solling ai lowost living prices. Ordered work and repairs executed with promptness and in tho best of stylo.1 JOHEN SAUNDEIRS, Brock-St., Whitby, Sept. 3Oth, '79. Agent.1 s.scwsseshmy CREDIT SALE, AUCTION SALE PUB LIC AUCTION, 0f Herses, Grsad. ansi Pisej3red Cal- ly lthsali Master et tde, Thocoughbred Cotswold Sheep, VLAI AMPOET Swîlxe, Implelnents. C.E AR ROERY Gifords cnltrl Huit! in the Town O f T : i~pa~:ose - ruc ouut No. 9, etis cocession Beach an Tw fWibo TUESDAy, the-7th DAY OF Fridaýr, Oct. or, 1879,, Saturday, the 11th Day of T OBe R ilur land.cseALUABLE rosxnrvy, vIa:October, 1879, The f reilo i tN o..c, îîOBSlS..,i ,ar g a 1 Herse, a8nt1 Ié'clock p. ins. Tha vainable preprt inee hctis sParaaî s a N l old, bK ,Duantrc I fil,1Cotkow uth a. et sEalse Clii Cacessian etftisa Townhi c pjars ndb sis oeg'i difueus iesld port, censItng hiîby,euaiuîng 127 aSes usure or a ]bs"un ssre Jock," 1 tva bundreai (2w0,acres ofest saland;au Thi pace oflan J unerexcllet Y ey e - asb nter Xlssg," 1 bolng caicjose' et tise nertb isalves et lots clIisIIeu lseye olu te ndI a 1 cl ,oecr cl.24sai 21=nstise secouai concession oei lac9o kç. 5106 EOI'IDOBAMS.-l day, 7 Towunsisp of Whltby, lu tise Conm t sfOn, tJI80 rams kitchen Wodvan'! i re ar o v-s2Ral.tarie du010,it dadsic'!assai yearu i';& 0v, e ar i! .e, &îs-lvlsg iço vII la 'ssi atIvaetostwe yesoai-1; Ilas, ane ycar aid; Tisa usomiosacfnl itaewti cele brc;' ranse harn 18 ot et Ins 2 ',luCallves i,1eon car Old; 8 eue mileftheLscentre oethIe Town ofetWh!I ed tabrdé aiseslarges coule stesiles flurfl daives. Alilt ck Jpedigrees. by. Thece il.a ectea tisereon, a fis-t-cit Mi hcrsù sala isars Weil in barn-yrd GIlADE OATTL S MIIl hCave; 2 tOno houae, wth excellntaut nbuildlngi eve-rougn arucilteuectûathRiis ral/, tva ycars oli , lu calt i 1BReier large orcbard o odfut re nif ne"i e 'arIan!,atlhîl0 n erod ernwl ence'! sud an a splendid usah are et irt-<l ilearau&Isulh, aSrlglea. tultlvation, good Welssua mcdro o 19 0cs 0:-tIsser'! 12iaeresci Leail SIIEEL'P 2 0 dotl i Eves, 18 Ev, streans an the proporty; is cese fl îliaa ie xetc e tars tLmi 10 Raie La bsa, -vlxeat sud s large nuinisr et acres of MaI dl 'sdai'selaeltîier Ansi s acres et SWINE..-4 su fkS ti snluplg, i5 Deck. pieuging donc. esiseul anî 'llle hepesttly£JNAP~. Tise tarin la oeefethlie beat lu thaeaunty, neit cadrmven1,Of Coubsihumte'sire Sclu igeNT 1 d ise h bAth toc quality of oi, iuatioand s tate tr ireo-kU1 e1'e't oCmies romOushaw. kei,4Plovs, S ets Iro a n~ows, 1ssnet 01cultivatien, aud viii b. salai vithault e. uCuae w ever-tailiiug sireans Ibere. Weo'!u Harrovs 8 gang - 'os, i Market serve. Ols, SligIs, 1 set fou le !IarueB (nev), 1 Fan- Tise propcrty vi» 1. solai éther "lu Thsepurelsaser up( e hhconut fte isuuhn MI 1Tu p fD 11ll fer, 2:Mov- block" er lu tva loti te suit purelsasers. ei5 poertion etflbi,,s -dcrsmousy an'!iex- ngtaie, 1- unsp lacis e.ith four. -TERMS :-10 rer cent ta b. paid davis luxati- olusmrpge vl b niieoIch scryev,1 G in drade i agon lRack, 0ou day et sala, enugh, vith IL. 10 pst imedae oiIn fr tisa purpos.etf 1set Wblflitr s, 1 Neec-yo Scyhises, cent, te Maire eue hailthtie pus-chase mouey -aces ieci onhe sfo an'! te comspote pas. Porks, said vs 'u sarticles toc n aronuste lu eue smantb Ihereatter, the balance te runs Aes lO h fe ot mention. To imere, sud lisese vaut of a tero ae e te suit- bcaser at 7 pet Tlse Picccaser l ~ l th Oci etsais, Thorough.brec CaIlle aud Siseep, *le an cent intereat l. niptbe payasear sio Le e et.oj.the pur. epportuity t t but seldo Oocon u'!Il F or furtber partieulaftaspply te Purvisý Cae niiyte the Volran c' iolro, abeulci bo ak 1 '!vaulsj o, e 01.Pe'l caofetThorn $011, On 1h.promises, J.S. Tbomp- aicc Sicl ýitl iticrié utmoutsh lseste..'--. tigsîî.e-,-. CatIle ve lieho uruis1son sou, es iitby ; tebert Miller, puffins' dreck, tic the salai Slicihers a ahnient sunts thet ofor te the auctiees- i'( sali tûs Fer- cent.,loin akepone-Ibrd ailale eCo one u t 10, (sen., sharp. ofte lla îse'i. mo0sy W tisont inter. TEES..I *Il anans et q6,00, icel nd!eir, WhîtLy. cot; fle ar woEo boubeeciel ley atity daeh ; ;a-ar t1saI smessîchtwelvo ]ilsllc' - . 3.lsceaicîs on payrnenl atone halt nsreagcsoic11thesefcalai arcs-e lcspyablea iii criclis cv-ii1Le givetïi îy picrhasers !cceisb- F cf rhccc cny. isseealqet. , ie ltictt. îqsti lproed tiel iisctes, with- icsîarest Irons j Wlithy, hel. ti ', 1879. I-' Tiser, ii liea e tieeen tiesti. _________the 51 t's;eDeeibt'!t.cs l'ylicei>A 3&WATKISS,- -____ Ths sletiens b eC, HI E S T cntoil ie Ri curts snerP l(.cr sgl<5 ,.iet.lPh i,. in4 lu vas-m'!. ssltcect iep elir.-- ___ --A SH P5 .( E Fielîieir rertiieslesce clil f neiîee scLj< lettreweil & ltictlecle, V-î;lor's Selicitore, Ot t'. <1: -FOe- Wiitby; Miu-e. càl'srtij>" a ' i. esa îtr.-c 1. lBoole, cor- 1~ ha es aly Wîeiita 5li ceornt, adW 11silgais'!", c Icsîl eusse ')fsscusey ara'! ee <2e:-tb. an th e tsiisa' lM(ttof itae Val fliill sllc. - -w et es al CoutA x;tslerwe:dîIi lle al'! on rcîturu- -&OA Dite4:'sept. titli, 5in bi 0 17set te h iYùdicafor <+(4R, If. ce, Oshawa.' "~ JOHN MtGIr., O R -FiLI WELL & R IULDGit M 3ln-4o0ssaa.LIVERPOO MA ET Vsm'!ix' lolii89-, Osisawa Yeadicaarisr Ia 8thies. »Mi JHNR=m. 'IZEMIMB,' Whitby, Oct. lst, 1870. DOMINIO0N WARIERooMs e 3IWE At astonishing CFo:ECD Low Prices- NOVELTIES »Z DIRESS GOODS & MILLiNEY Sillinery, Extensive C redit Sale -0F- SHE Pl O TLE IM EMENT , &o. Th uarbras rec veai nstructions f ro MR. JO BURNS, Tosl yPubli ' ucticu, without ro- sev, at his pre *es et 27, in, the 7th concesuiqu of itby, on MONDA Y, OCT'R. 6th 1879, The folowiî valuable pr erty, vlz. HIO SES.-1 y M rgl Netherb , lu foa,1 te ]3od Buccloiîch ; 2 Maý.ça, aged 1 2 Year olcI Colt -, 2 Year old Colt, get by lieury Clay. CATTLE.-Ll Milch Cowî lu calf te pure bred Bull,1 4 Heoifers, 2 year old in calf ; 4 yen liu; 2 G3ond CaIVeR., MIÉ-81 9 Ew Il, b l ld cI yung; 1 Pure bred Cotswold yan,'i edigree. IMPLEbIXMUNT.-1..hrc511g achiue, compiete, ilu 'zoil ordeï1iors.Power for cuttiug bory 2 Gaug Io, s ; 1 Double Furw plow;'£ Oshawa . 4 Plows ; 1 Irou Plow; 1 Sot Iran arrowo 2 Sots Wocl Hairrows; îîggyCutter; i Ray acru'w 2 Setq C) ub farucoos 1 Set S Illarnes 1 io le 2 Sets lbouble Whqlllctrce; 2eck fs; I Sugar Kettie; 1 Doz. Cattie Calus ;'arim Bell, ,ound ; Qiiautity of Graiu Bag 1 Clurn ; 2 Doz. Xiik l'ans ;i1l'air (Co Scatlca, iCoric Stove, Pi pes, &'. ; 1 rStoopipea, &C.; 1 Ilour Cheet'4 Pc Harveters; 1 Kitvhen Tabe; liai oze heu Chaire; 1 Twent-Four b oc, i good order; 25 Tousn@ t-clas imotby Il A large qualftity uofe ln the saopc-4 Acres Turpg, quanti e! Potates, B s, Forks, Scythes, 90oss1d other articles t nuier- euf; ta mentio sale te "0om e acaa 12 o'aloak ah Mr. fBuuso aving reuted bis trin ery- thuîg will ostivcly be sel Iwt eu ce- serve. TBRMS.-All sums ef #10 andud cash, ovec that amount 12 mouths credif, partieo fuxnishiug appcoved joint notes.' Interest charged frein day of sale il net paid when due. L.FIBNS 89- Auctioneer. 10 S Reshl &Tailoring to IDO-WEliJLL order.1 &z coD N~~~ 14'AI VE , IS M E N "FS. I'ATENTED AUG. I2TuI, 1876. WARRANTED STOIRMPROOF 1 J- B. ROBERTSON'S 'w'Good Ne ws [or the publice simpleai ventilator made. Il le warrante'! stotc. proaf. PRICE LOWER THAN ANY OTHER VENTILATOR. I-S GIVING~ A BONUS No ecrent of air will produce other thon an ontward draft; the meet orna- 0 b c n .. mental ventilalor made - wiil net chsoke with euow or ce.; canuot gelt t f1 b c oce .Fta1ily Tea Lo every order. For sale by ' purchaser of a Sett of Dishes, or its equivalont in Croek-. S~T3dL IY..A N -ery, and Glassware, a large stock on liaud selllng at reduced Shop Righis for sale at a reasonabie pries, with modal sud patterns farniohad. Prices. 93F STOVES CHEAP FOR CASH 1 GLASS WARE--A large stock on baud. sellinir t. et - MATTHEW QOLLINS w 'r -Deverell's'Block, Brock St. Whitby, Ttafo - AND BEER THE LàBqgZkEST STOCK F -De BOOTS AND SHO ES,,, 'NTOWN. Gaia5ù ~ e e cent. ýdi8cou!t offfor Ca8h wlCi Cuetémers are invited to eaUl and examine this stock, ug ef te 'quality sd takse a note of the price, sud. slisfy benuelves as te ee tey cann gel the boat Balgains, for V 'y boo s w arstd la w ear- -Boote, n s ch op &as- ley are go d W il l ' t ç d w ith o u t a s e st F o r la d i e , g n t , sn d - I ho o d -. Andylu awe ébather, su where-Fit for oity or, the wooa ;-- Ant Iht cm'tbe estelywh,, Ah saboula have s pair that eeuld, By, the bost. . And! Le ai rest. B'IEPAIS NEATLY DON. Corne on dear Publie, leave your orders and get a. pair et Boots 't f tLe rigbi, kind tram your oblied sud humUse servant, MATTEW COLLÏNS "iL ORNE and' LOUl8E' 1"i Visitors and- others during And witne.ss the Grand disPlay -of New and Stylish DBESS, GOODS, MILLINERy, MANTLES, 011j_ and SIAWLS. And General DIRY GOODS, at prices that will astonieli the oldest as well as the youngest inhabitant of this famed eounty, CLOTHING-The largest and best collection of Tweeds mantle ana Ulste.r Oloths ever shown. Patterns, quality and prices are riglit, ana made to order in the bot style. Gentlemen should sÉeOur "nobby" Scarfs, Ties, Col- lars, Cuffs, ]3races, &o. Bemember- 0. F. STEWART Fauhionable Dry Goods& Clothing lonse, Wehitby, Sept. 241h, 1879. R. H. lA MESON'8, Inete'! ln Wall et, Stocks usakeofastunes $.0Y $Io o 000oevery oYoutb. h-Bocks sent cea explalnm -11~'hl Ad'!ress BAXTElI & cd, -Bn- 117w%â.N. Y. l s'. Dl Dissolution of Partnership I T EPAIITNERSHIP bOtveen AlIsudet PHrlngie, an sd tlh undersigna'!, as fLlvety Stable Keepere, ha. iscen dleolved. J. 0. PRINGLE. (3L A. LIVERY! TRBI LIVRRY BUSINESS vlllin futurse b.eT h cartisai on by me t tise ld place, 1Royal holel, suai I respecttQUl sollexis tb. i Patronage et tbe publie. Gooibeoreasu - morlable veilleB. Cruse and J. 9. PEINGLE. Sept. lOth, 1579. -89 M d c JUST 1BECEIVED Mdc FINNAN HADDIESI1 -AT- LORNE R. H JAME8QN'8. ADJOURN D Rye JI'hi Salec -L ands r Ia xas B Y VILIT 0F A"ARANT, UN- ef the Corporatie cef t evu et Whtbà dctcd th the astf ,189 c it. u~ 9n nie te lvy Upon La'!. thaein min- ieT'!, e tres- Taxes thereon au'! Ce-stenotice is lseceb iven that unies the sjcia rraan'! ce s 0sooner val'! on lice iot% ramaiuing se aI the sale, bel a ,,I aoan's ai, en thit 411edy" Sep be, I shah, lin~ "-'> <'misauces vith se 1ecnt Acc, les-e- QECce- l til, l' Itî1W Anct , aItisbe Town i in Luthe 0 na ol W xt ou TULeS. DAV, tise-7th -y otOCTO ,1870, c tE E tise heure!f te 'k-k uthse or oou, tua O eiarcta l"-ehom re aieng un$ or ce 0 F E ] àixl tisera as mey te noe-eaar r tise teacn1 awçfffl cher.-cs incs-s-cd cand! THOMAS HUSTON, Treasmore twn oflWlb i (; Txe u T a ur fer' f fie', W l itb.B U1 Whitby, sept. 10. 1879-.r j ,jiuly th JAMESON. duced Plriccs. 40.ui.A fine lino of New Season TE AS, at pricos suitable to Acomplote stock of choico Family Grocories, fresh and ]3atty's Pickles .and- Sauces, Woodiï ware, Pails and Brocois. Kir Please ask for thse Princegs Louise l3akisig Powdor, it is iaigtesie o i es o sl nyb DeolsBlo,r N. B.-F armer's Produco takn ini exhang. Fresh and Cheap FAMILY GROOERIES. The undersigned having purchased the -Grocery business. of Messrs. Hmlton & Harrower, begs fo annonce tht having made the Grocery business a specialty, le is enaled to supply the wants -et the publie in every department, with carefuly selected gouda of the best quality Fine flavored freali Teas, at reduced prices. ~- " N ' . eiur nes -or ail articles iliat can be enquired for, for ti LI~ VV 1IN . . Family fe.i 0 CHINA SETS 1 0:0 Beautiful patterus, selling very cheap, and -an extensive stock ot Crockery sud Glmtssware. 1 Fils Freres BORDEA.UX. -Nx aHiitnkHroe' r A. H. DAY, St. Julien, Marauxï. d&c. SIGN 0F TUE GOILEN PEN. THE MONOPOL Y -BROKEN c,- HIGHLAND WHISKEY. -00 'key, guaranteed 5 Summers in Wood. Munn& Co's'. Champagne. zdCarling's Aie and' Porter. F E &CO0'S., L A GER ý$1 00 PEIR DOZEN. 1879. - 1'SCHQQOL Everything i the way of ýBo. s Sa- tionery, and.Fanocy Goods, at remarkably ,Ow pries Five' quires of Note Papeiý7 4n neat wrapper for 15- cents. Ail oner gooda equally cheap. - A 'fuËisolection of Cabinet Frames at reduced prices. EI' Watehes,- Clocks, and Jewellery, Repaired lu First-Class style,' at moderato pricea.' AIi-work gtiaranteod tG* give satisfaction. Don't forget the Place. WIit~ ~p.8d,8~p. DANItEL KENNEDY, BQO K S, Claim pald --.- 33,040 Whole amount, acident ciamspaid, . 3,041,951.04 Total Lass pald, bath De- partments. 84.313,089,80 JAS. G.- lÀTTER$UX, I"resideul. G. F. DAVIS, VîieePrsdeut. RODNEY DENNIS Seereiary. JOHN E. MOhRI, A1tint ýcr y. GEORGE ELUIS, Aettzary. J. P.DAn is, .,itdical = -mneI J. B.Z.xzs,lD,,srgeonnndAdjuser. F. F.RUSSELL, Aeut, Prov. Ont. 'OZoéc, 8adilaede, EamI, Toronto, C.ý !OURNE, Aet.- Whitby. APPLESi'APPjxES'r A co. N OTIC IS EEBB IVETAT the Énerhi eretefore eist'ng 3axuWen Wlir a .. OmIo'u a ilrin Town ip ofas lt; hasbeen thisd s ebyinut &I cou oent. Ail debto due th Sm muzt*bepal'! -te Jamies Walker, o0-settîs ail clais against tb. sai! *Sgsl }WH. ALL RER -W. A. WALKR, 'tneso. Dsted ibis unitsept,, 187. URSVANT TO CHAPTER 107 01; te revias'! statutes et Ontarioe aiti.- Gd, "An Act rsspectlug Trustees sud Exacu- tors," thecreditors et the asiate et Jeohn Fawcett, late et the Township-et Piccerlug iu the douuty of Ontari, Yeomanu, seceas e'!, are heceby- requit.'! te semai pacticulars ef thaîr claima,_duly verifred, tu W. H il. 3- lnge, Whctby, anaor belote the l9th Day.of -October, next. Sollcitor for George Long aud WilllsmP or- rester, the executoru af tbe Bai'! estte,-nd thàt iuxne'!istely aller that date, the sai! Executers wili procacai te distributa the as- sets et tfis sraiddeceae!, . mniult iheparties eutitied theteto, baving regard te thse claima efwblch the saaid Exeutors have tbauuotice. -4 W. Il. BILLIrws, 'wlitsy, Solicilar-for thse said Exacutors. Dato'! thia lat day et Sept, 1879. 57-i To 1 or for e. 2 0 W A CRES , R A APT ED MI«>i 0skeeping tock, b f 15, sud I1etf1MI the àth Ceucessi le erlun To a ouita tent reason e tarns wi»l boc . Amy improveanen ces. siary wiil allaise!. A1.ply te HERNRY, HOWELL. yAuguat l 10'79. *'Sn-39 GRA 98 SPECIEIC MEDICINE. Wcaknoos,- saquence oet if-Abuse, as lais aWMsoy Universal Laasslie, ria inluthb.1Ba i,>m- moshe!of Violon, 1'rsmatnte aid sage, s a MaIy Otiser f u ses tat lea' t # In *oaniy or dem- ausoptlon sud a Prensaturs Grave râme1Fnil caieu sluoramphlot, vlslch, vodoeur. tesnuifroo isynsiltoevery n. Thisoslci modcue le sgol! 1, ai loglitatiel par TEE GRAY MEDICD(E Co., - Týoate, Ont, dansais, Sàr Sel'! luWbiby by ail '!uggisla, sud by aul vsolesais an'! rotaI4rug et evMeryvbcre in Canada sud.tise tngoo.te (i The Great Blood Purifier-, A gsnuina Ilui xtractetf I.d or Jamil C arsaparlil, ceniblneai ith Iodis eto Pctasimmin, fort1h.enteretofaU diseaies arielng Item lmpurIty et tii. blea!. .Nearly-all theàe ioeathÀî -troubie hos humnan race are Infuence'! by lb. ci. e o the blo', ls le lndispena ba t Ithie tontailsa e bc nlua, pure said boa]lhy condiltion. As s Perillet cf the blod, sailenovator ofet a L emansd Presorver o et i.par- ors etflMe, Csrtet's Saraspazlll ba mo equaL. For osie aItishe Drug Stores. KERRIY, WATSON & Co., Wholezale Dmaqzgiats, Mentreal- 22-Iin Bsea te Inrna hlm numerani trieudu anai ptosthat b. hais agsln talion Lis GLU STUND ON-ONHOAS STIETI - stocke e CONFECTIONERY, CAKES, PASTR'Y, FRESH 0OYSTER59S, FRUIT oall kMm/a8in Setubn», SODA WATER ancd- Dress-maki ng 1 1 1 :000., Fair mieeki TWEEDS ! Brock Street. 1 Fresh -At- 'y d; 'tg In Li r r T--% 1" ri" elm lç X 'r y «&.,r 1" r 1 - -- - --ww-,-y X3

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