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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Oct 1879, p. 4

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..Aursut fird, 1870, M8, igersara fomsd..d ta Lon. , Glssgow, Queruon snd Landau aisam=7rat mad !ow stif over, the . deril au t1.ey olet! Donovan, or 'vwaoqulvaleut in ilbeir gitterals,, tel ito tliacr lbauds, Iiio. fate would be worde thsailln>'tiiot preoieded hlm, sud bu Jmew the> vere men of bLeu Word; In on ueof thse figh ta tlst tg-ok placein thé. up-eauntry, not far fromn where thse proent tragedies arebui4ug enacted, the oaptalnaîIuek eeaed to have de. sutilh ,ad lieansd bis aomumand full ttaun amnisthii, n a gulley bu- twe.u Iwo rifti of hla, comnuon lu tbaî comitry. HIRieaonvers -sisuost &Il kilied or voundei, biis bors, abaet fron)undiiter liw, sabre brokea, sud P'1s01o1emepty. He. appareutly waa ut thoeelteay's Mercy. Donovan huew that amailiMercy would be uaoarded him, sud se tise two Zulin oblefs, faed for tisir atrenglis end brheiyZaVO9.Bvaoed to apture bhlm b~and, ald with bis enoraisua etreuis, dittblod by tise despaîr of the marnent, brought tbefr hoads togethe> vils s deadly 91d asb, Ou. of bis vounded men afterward.uald that Il wau 1k. the Sound of brokten bottîsa. Oue of tise ablafà was kill ëd anad lise ther 00 snatcud tiat lie lved cri'lya day or two. Ths regt oi the baudl led wltl torror,unow tlcrouigily -ocvlnoed that hae vuë; nat a mu, but a déono. '[he eturvîtirraandl ithe dil cilfwero ijrly aflîr brouglit lu tîy rêinforec. Wue t ftheromiuiitmt. Donovnwao liardl>' m'rîr ogalu uîposed 4alriz)g the (4,mmmînm <'the war. llî'ea hue b,lu ye liavothoaî, Jm mîrt 1" li 1w Iari nt f laildington to a siîi'ilmîîîî ol Dr. %Vlliie aiWliiekirlc, am lu was surveyîig t1e miniter'o tarin stock, 11doye, uy lorlt," said Jouît " aunou lncornunouol>' gumie beoti an' wo cit't Tibuu after yer lcrillip. 'Oua nîay almnoat fancy uof hiren eanli ug lu lesp thaïmauesoiaare nt PleY J wili lienl . u. TOWNSIJP of WIIIIBY. ROAD NOIICEI 1j>JLlC 1qOTICE le u ireby given that the ouitcili ofthe Courlui ol f-tIJo Tunzîwlîp of Wliitthy,, lterew tiii tjtuîînLetîo2g .tube hle (llu the TOWNSHIP IHALL IN TUE VILLAGE OF B$tOOKLINt ON TUE IFint MNN A Y (f Noremr'miVert, uit 0mb oci u the afterlucouî, TOu mirifii< y -Lau' or 1hiy.LuaNvm bu loue, et1ii tî hut, tluat poitiouioi Ile urimi-î ulmIL, wmc for muui Ietwiu't Ilote nuuulb'r * l) Ilmmiiiiiu eiilu (mm'u If immlhu ' ofuumluj Yi Wlltlmy, "t umialîl; lec> ithmt îî,'luotf m0 îmcm)riîmam iti uouice ifer cumul eltuamlm'icxt hu l aret itouiand loti 'i'îwuaiup <ii lit pumtimiii uft lie l'uii aiîuim t i't. ilîmmicit 'uiimeuMiii Vliai ,'i lriii, pitm.1. 13.ilîlmirli 's Nlil, mi é tuli cîiîi'î'$ciu hue'outfimee aidi lt. 'I'lill R t>N, cier cur the li')l'uwI)oafj 't .itimy: -EXECUTORS' SALE!1 1 ire, t ofl)ll tii letimte. joht - t t,r ull i tffet-r or mIC b>Puliuteum 'le fuluwuglrkieiseiiig <cce p~adb <if la, Narthluli db i, N. , it bu * 11h cmi, i. ftls'1uwnolihi4 lulitby. 'Pl ilau i«ah elearedcîlsmeI acres, lui a oad l siaotf culi'atiuucI tamutai Iîuîuim imi yututg riard, sll'uucl îvritiiiu a bout lvii uaileà Dutliue Village II Blronulin. "lt5 Veidur rervo, the riglut- lu oeIl the w1yiil 1 iublouk ior lt pauecisa tir t)lae[1,0rnstuîuif q., Veoidilc'iaSoflcitor GIAi;hDNIh lWiCLL., m Execitber. i-tlIa, Sept. lüll, '71). ' 84u Imparishable Fragrance. 15.-I '7AJ, MURRAY& LANMAN'S Tho rilimta, iuîcst laabiimg, y t mnts(le 1liaeîocfal pactumru forui muualit vie llmalkrlle' itlua Tuiles o"I luthie * i, i,'atlghfal amud ltvauttiful lu thua siei c~uiirolave wmîimîesfatigue, puts. t rat joli, Iltv and cs i mmlnlaclime, rlnit anitarCOeaauterteilso, aIea>', asicfoto tî 1 10irda ear prepared b>' tueilu opro. çrutorsg MesigeLutîît &eouip, New 1-l'or mole b>' 1ertumiena, Druggigs anditmlicanmy tlhalelrs. 2-PERRY DAVIS & SON % LAWRENGE, fa' Agents, MONTREAL, F'or sale b> '1T, Ilitnitil, Citeutlgt, IMPERIAL FRENCII VINEGAI ulinîins sud Qua ter-demjoîB.. H;- JAMESON>S. Great Blood Purlferst AND PILLS. ersulsed lu le au ntttblbtcure tocr flga in Ibm vorst forma, satuibungi ,t:et ITioaru SMpilaiu, pmale Il ails or uMres pod 'Cdl,b b oir huimocu, SiTQt'S suigar-Coaslrd PIlus, tIUE ALLr LIVEia COiPLANTS- FR' DAM P,4 SON &L4 qN pa tie, t,.Mndfor- *b.lr tuisud eau obtdu l t t Iol* rates. The. les puskèe tramland t 1land aver. age <about livrE DATa two fci*i oh art speuttu nthe. sîooti vsteru ci thie *St, Liv. reoe.. Thé. Itetisabps of the Alen Lino corne direct te thé Grand Truuk llslway whsrves at Point Levi, (South Quebec) sud Speall Train, &re dlmasiched wltli the unaugera lxnmedlately ou arrivai. 3Dy' bhfa arrange. mont,po ugers avoid dola>' and expensu. 1loilr glyuig &ai nformation, malled free, 1For tickets sud fartier information apply - GliO. D. TULB, Wliltby, May1 uxp. ad Tel. urnes, liii, 1879. -0,1 FARM FOR SALE!1-W la cuzuposeul ut Ingrediente indeuitical witi beaue whicli ongiatute liealth, 13100d, Mluscloeuud Norvo and Dinj Substance, whileit Lite itioli la dlireti>' depenflent up. on sot"-efutoi. 13' il$ union witi, the bluod saI ite îutiect îîuîîl theunuocles, ro.eKtatimiabg thue oe anid tiiiug bio utiier, il la rîmîîableofuteffort. «g tie fullowmiog meeull: Ib will diejîlac or waail omit tuberoLloCUS ilut tcr, atd thi li i cure urmu'tlon. DY iiiirairig Norvo;us asul Musant 'r Vigur, I i l bure Dyepepeaia, teebie or lut- trrupbccl acion af bhe Ilearb axil palpita. Lin, Weaknesaiut îellct canuel b>' grief, 'arry, uverlax or irregu ar habits, lBcon. hiilnto or tglraile<ungsstlon ut the uigli, ever in u îloit a aarmniig otages. Ib cures Aeihmua, Lues ut Voice, Neuralgia t.Vitus liancc,£Eplelîtiç File, Wlîuaping 3oughi. Nercouoaiea, aîd is a mont wauider- illiet mî th rermbes lu sustainiug the uurugboprcEs uf Dîpiheria. Au endlîcua cliain af guod ellects le tornied te t'. c] Li st Ci ti Ili h5 FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES, and Onu arc siatu Lài uyiîug, troutta fi olg ex- Iîerieiicc in ieeie, iiivictiieiu(arenual ljo.y8um'mmml by (Lely ttmcr caîmbiljin, aethie toliuwilig viii ilcmoui4titite. IT 18 AtCEi'TABLE te ailtte aun aborilai' lu. SUVFI"IIENTIV 1<O'1'NTi'ta iiieurui'i m cdd liýiti- 3,(,>t lisruieaa, lbcii'auc-rer lmiig ilis( ila' uLemîyiiitilleil. 'uim cbarictcr. lotir ia joaccuai by rit) aliter rruemi'. Il' ASS1'VS ])ÇJE'Sl'loN eal,,itsaji'ia-i il' VI'ALIZES TiIi ýImîmo l, Miii> ilig sis- ii'igmri-ili iga 11,liet),lic raî(lîlirril - - IT ES'lTOiLlcS '1'Niiti i iu iryias. Il' (iIVIIII POWERXVu ii(i t imrcico iii io colui'c'rtti'mll te)0<Ill mi] IT l'lImMOTiiS VIcCOR iii lu c'nugui'. W)Iicll mepii itr Imali oi hilinvoliuiutary uuuiuculirac ationi, viz ;ltheLiver, Liîua'u, lieari Sîouiaclu atit Geuituja. AMIietifl iiictimwitiu aulne iliceaco lu' voviug cmiu1.; OiuutfANu .0001 OH, til liami,. aiu lmasyi i'uîiiIrearluca hic cage al- loto tu<cmari b<vet<ilcii-.flcit'oc Creutiii' NO l'Bfl.9N wii bl i i)iamoie t imi rlieitoutFELLO>WS liyl'O'lo SIfll TE Si FELLOWS' HYPOPHOSPHITES I N CLE PT ION - '1'iu~ c-iî'u'cnic'i i lipîfm-ci.. iair pruiyimaitu iti ci'tt iiil iiy îîu ilitj, atîmî mcut ietitîtucl w1th ea iw oftirnid g it luuliiouaiiaoc, TUBERCULAR CONSLJMPTION. auu II ifiic'dr laeanhipi> liec îIiic uesfiii IllYlliohaliiu le aîrcain lu isa ;hfor,nil- Ùtbaîî hair unalu r as c'iircudl a tiithe. ai-y, titeir preîtaratlmuta vrrî%-, miuIg t(Iitîmeijr Impliletci uganuizmcial, n. tuu Wuutiuî lia p)rocurte. hileii'the>' curec lhe ftmntimmt u t m sud gemirateil lient, tir>' miii nai iniic-,te thilîn d Vuuu ie u tenir cITLcet upaîu liii neurvesandouIsucles was ciirrcuucnfie, aund ov1iuig ta tlieir Iimtul sate,ivcfg l.aro ses e s>wre aiseatoo expeisuve. ibo desiderata soultb>' Mr. Feilaws;, A convunieut, polaiable ron'rîcy -UInallerabie b>'Mue ; Ilimrie, timaglu uaeîi eauttfauuuayyet meiglit iobudiucimtiiuucl n aiit> timuie wltfictu "-m il feiacI ci V lm îmuii iunu aluetim. ýIIitutghiiuîdigosauti 1Crant ailimîtou tt~mt umitllîlevcam Eimilmthue uiijl.tto 1<ý,Bmceimiy meut_ bat <iuRîens Alal l eiuuyciipiclî r l li. Al luIis Imia u' i'diutubl>' mttalncît. uui'iiSofiut hic voaniu ccumiieb,î ouIan( F'uiîi-s, 'lypOituus p hitls simîrls torumoat umalggetlime reuneullis torchrebu orgaule diseaucu, rpoasrsuiuug pralurrîies tb yieb rio altrir iueilv'uitia&siover aîiilroit. AB3STRACT IiiPECJS, FuiawaVf' yO15)1>'Oiia sîiruouubeing lun- frodued inlttathoestuuuarll nuiteees ih lime fo0d, aîîml lnieîmdiately entera tbeiscumla. tien ou hi-i e ung e î,etly imiscisuc wiîuu the bbaal, lmedi>' p evales eveuy par t te mseenî, Ils uffent te re m <mlu IlY a limitai0 Miguitlyi>'lnc'sian ltuilis, aumdl Atm'emgi, a gemii'cal exaltation of tie ergamlit ftiuuctiane. amuilVIi tllratien ofthle ilitellectual poivera. île apucifil[la lleeun la oui tie bli ansd uervoua substance, ln- creashug tic auivit>' ut the abonbinta, sud -ruovbuig lise ilool, bius Cung bise ieavy museular toruaatommsa necessan'luyi resber. ing the tunctions 0ut litaprovianal>' vUc'e. el.organe. Bolngbtt, a tonie lacrtue uctnvous and cirlrcifator>' aytem, it tollove b al, vihen biere la a demaul for exbraordirt>, xer- ton, t ue s e n u'aluaiie, alucu t supplies tIhe vaste blironglu tise Circulation adBS talus lime gemural as ee-. , anIes At no psrlod ut11 l iwvbtul cama avec lte luncîlous ai tic bralu mono ruqulsite lion durlug ticacquisition ut Imuviel a b>' tho0oubîî;-loddlng, pceeerving tudy reqliee a store aci Vigoraus, nervounfarces, or aà cId ma>' ami under lie mental bil. Str U uceelt>yu>campeltheîta tudent taranils pa era yonuil tic dlctateua ai pruenc, sd isesar>'Promise ai excel- lence ma>' b igiled t ierci>'. To suri vo recomnmend FlclleIlypo. phouph ts ; iliil touI>'redicïoee aluiu atient, but lb vil ensile ltmatoi - lug ludeut tu prîtuerva li, menital andl nervuti tulardi vitliiut lîebniniemlt. NoTVe-lise ulufclane ut Oruaumi lt rît- cotuauenit- t a>'ulir article ,,--!-ui~se a 90oud" ttuuîuugb tîeariuîg a sitnilsr Caîne, nuici ut tîosee vho aller a <'haper pricel arhii'le. Nîi'az-s,-Il IN 0omiYt>'hua'iiîeje'idai,t u-tt. pîitueit sud iOetWhoPiyiia, vacatu ai. fard ta preserîbe thue ri<msly. lf'peric-nce iba provel bhila.,The IigiestCluse miedicual mnen luever>' large Cit>', vluene iis in ow», reeomniucnd il. $7.501 for'Sîx La ". t)dr dIusa o, -, Perry PvI &So &Lareee 377 'St, Paul St. Moanreal . o vii have mmalauie n 1WILKINSI BO ofy competition, for Canada Stained Glass Worke. Cail an LYON' BROS., UNISB LOR, - BROOK-ST2., ýTTOM 1 I3 ICES For al ki.nds o70yt Weair, DON'T FORGET, THIAT Is selling 'thé Best, and Cheapest B- oTiS ADS~E Praclical atohzakr, r o -t March 1y,18719.- BokSt NEW TIN- 81H10?. J-~ -w-- A~1.wmsI 1&- Next Dca,' Soutlh te James Johnston'a "Ooldsmith's Hall," Hlas opened business i the'above premises and' is now running in full blast, where everything pertaining to Tin, Sheet, or Galv anized Iron '18 manulotured i w a.workman- like manner, on S.H'ORBT NOTICE and at reaéonable rates. ELECTRaso-JPLAeTED, GOOSht Iof SIJPEROR UatLYtitc. Ladies' Best Button Boots and> Shoe8.1JA id f3pndTu u he.rnwr ouetykp neok TIIE BEST MENS' WEAR~ YOU EVER SAW. Watson'a fllock, Brock Street, Whitby. W. J. HAYES. GEr-'LI"NEIRAL- DRY GOODS, GROGER Y cf HA/RDOWARlE S'TORE, BROU(âHAM. Begs to inform bis friends and the pub- lie, that lie bas now on hand an eîtirely new and well se- lected stock, embraeung in the above lies, whieh he is selling at unpreeedentedly Customers are advised to give a cali and see wbat value they can get for their money at a home establishment. Brougliani, April 201h, 1870.- REFAIRINGF done oheapyand neatly. Ail work guar- snteed satisfactory or no psy. Americian and Canadian COAL OIL.- Lamp Chimneys, Wik , ebu 2tin , 1 . FOR SALE AT THE WHITBY CHINA TEA STORE, PLASTERI, PLASTER, WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL. MOSES LINTON, Butter, Egs, Poultry, Apples, ]Red and Store, Pouf Office sud Telegrapit Office. Alsike Clover Seed. WHITB BOOK- AND MU'SIC STORE. 13tgs to annouilco to tlie publiec, tha she lias opened a wefl assorted toek Of ]Books and Fane &Goods con.sisting of- SCH L BOOKS AN GIFT BOCKS, Bibles, Pray - Bôoks; ilymu B ks, Sunday School Books atud cmtrdmm, Ilolidut aud Viiting Car ai, Plain sud Fancy Note Paper, Imlku, httce, 'Poils,, 'oneila, Tlank a dNote Books,. BERLI WOOL D WOOL WOBK. EnmIrclrory, Sillk, Linîci, lues, ienilc, Wool, TassaIs, Cardioard»Ilot. touat, Cosins, Vascg, Toilot ta, ud Ornamentu of alkidnde. LADlIES' WORI OXES AND BASKETS. Glove and lliÏîidkuercliief Boa , à Cases, &c. We liave a large variety uoflpatterns ou lîand ot al lbhalesl tyles lu Amnrican Stampiug, al kinds oi Fitney Wcol Work donasbuo 'Ir, lai iug infants Jackets, Bonnets, Breakfast Shawla. &c., al ordure pro Pat,;i.1etn d lu and ut bhe Ioweeî possible rates. I hav' ut upcuîe alarge $esorlmnutt fîidrens' Aprons, Lace Ties. i- h' LLING A ECIALTY. dr- IIl'luig iii colilcoti il witlî rny bmiitiiuau, 'ûeured a llrat-elass Drese Ma- lier, able to iùI nrtaku lia nahing uto any drees, cati warrant ta givo entire satis- faction, being a peas n Chati lias hual exlmerieuca cilie, bthe stylos are uew. nu pains will ho epare und ail ordure; prompLly aileed oo u fltliug moins baek ai the store. I hava Iso a flrst.olass Mutrtle Maker, o e capable of making Man. lIes, Coute, Doln us;, of an>' description anuinlutbi la t styles. The attention of' ueadcluspeciahi>' invita lu thuis deputrmeat. ing roamin rfrear aoflths atore, OdIfallu s' Hall. Ail ord s -for Magazines and Papers pro tly attended to. Daily nd woully paliers always un liuuîd and subeeri uone received. L-" 5 eût Music supplieominishortest notici. Whitliy Music Store, Oddfollows' Hall, Brook-St. n',iow Complete in Every Liue. E.J. JOHN SON. Very Special Inducemients to those STAIITING HOUJSEXEEPING. UNDERTAKING. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and al the necessaries in this Une. Also, A WELL-APPOINTED Rl1ARSE. Whitby, October lOth, 1879. 42 FIRE PROOF -SAFES. frTO BUSI1IqE7mss MANv Is doing Justice e ther to. himself or lis, cieditoi's if hoe docs without a safo to proteet, his Books, Noteg, or other valuable papers. 33V l Ir F al a M:EI Who bas d(3edS, notpS Or imoney in1 the bouge, ouglit to have a Safo to guard both agaunetf Burglary anld'Fire. - A Safe is always a Good Asset, as it -not onIln preserves ils contents, but keeps ils avu value as voil, far sitar passifig tbrough s rire a sînali outla>' wiil muk-eit as good as ncew, and it eau -always bc sold for neariy ils firat cool. J.-& J. TAYOit bave turned out about 20.000 safes'ifi fisc bot 24 youtre, and nanaeaofIions baus tailcd in trial., Faruters sud Mer. clîlnts, thia la thîe ]cindl of IlProtection"' sud somaëthing that.the Tariff eam'f give. Go tu thc Toîronto SfeWnrk ansd gel, a Safe. J & J. TAYLÃ"R.. Whitby, Februar>' 111h, 1879. BBC) WN c& PA TTEB8ON Mt 'g, 1Go,1 W. J. GIBSON, Whitby China Tes Store. WE~ITI/ 0NTAR10. CLOTHIN~ 0R/SE 1 oloties.Ha 1Garmentu atentn ad f garit sud h te ,18 stocofini mIriuy BRO0OK STREET, wHITBY, Will seil seli for 30 da ys AT COSTI1 Womens' Prunella Boots and Shoos, Womens' Kid Boots and Shoes, Misses' Pebble Boots andShoeF;, New nd ell elet iS esck.ialad etsamn es. A e n eil eleted ol7* Sto.Calrad amine.t P H 0 TOCGR A P"H Y.a- WE AIRE MAKING A NEW. STYLE 0f Photographs, in sipia, life-size, an entirely NEW PROCESS. SPECIMENS ON ÉXH lB/TON, Cards and Cabinets furnished ini the latest style oÈthe Art. Frames of ail sizes always on hand. A. BARRETT, -OppositehotographBar. À young man desiring to study Photography, will fiud a good chaine by calling on1 Mr. Barrett, aud getting terais. $ to $EO PREnIDAY CAN ACTUALLY BE MADE WITH THE C~i&T WSTZ TTrHE PUBLIC. Ia presenting our Tweniy.secoud Annueal Catalogue ai Agrioniturat Impie. maente bu the isrmers uf Canada for te year 1877, vo do.sao witis more lion tise arinr> egre utfpille sud confidence, from tise murked taour sud patronage coierlupan ns, aud tisa stuiady and increasiug demand from ycar to year ut Our nov celebratel Par Iinpteanents. WVa shall continue as haretafore, as manufacturers, lu make o speeilt>' ot Agricuttural Machiary-tbe Johauston Self-raking Roaper, tisa Tnianpis Com- bined Beaper aud Mowar, bisa Cayaga Mower, tisa Young Ce naula Mower, sud aur nov Whitby Harvester, cioiming a large siara ai our tune ual attention. For tise hast Tvanty.bwa years wa Lave givun aur muet careful and undivid. aI attention toetisa manufacture aud aperation ai th. varions machines in use, ifting ont tise beat points, remadying defects, aiodifyiug sud carrectlng errars, strengtiseuing veak points, adaptîng sud proportioning every part asaur inecas- ed axperienca Las suggesled. We emplo>' ouiltae besi mecfianical akiil, ouI aur machines pass taler thre Most careful supervision sud uemuiny-every detail baing suijeeted ta tha sever- est criticism-and eacis machine is tlioroughi>' bestul befaro leaving aur yacks, te provei the completeness ai ever>' part, sud bisere is no diflcuît> iu putting them iu operation by au>' persan af maIe>xate meeisaulcal ahilit>'. 1Our machincry Las beau seblel ouIandooaslruched-witi s specia) reference ta tise manufactura of aur ava machinas-man>' taule haviag been made for titis partioular purpasa, and ual adaptel for alLer vorli, sud aur varkmnon are adn. caled up to tLe vauts sud requiramants of unr msnufaotnre.-.btainiu« a thuar- angis kuowilege ufthtie construction of aur machines, sud are thus enablel taoh.b tain a Ligiser dagrea ai ekihi sud profloieno>' than viere «suerai manutocbriug je carricd an. Wo aretiseretore enablid to iatruduce a mors perfect sYstam inta ail tho de- partaierts af manufacture, addiug net auly te tbc perfection ofithe vark, but ai- au te tise rapidit>'ofaitls executin-aud a eausequenî reutiounifcoat. This priaciple is regardel riecesear>' lu a vail regulatel establialîment, sud va eriabled ta tara aut aur machines vlth a lighpr degreof perfection, sud at prices su loy as absolutul>' te dat> cumpetition. fi; nov mic wel kuovu as a Single Reaper, Iluat a vurd af camnauation vomla1l almoot 5eaisupetluons, bat as tisane areunan>' olaiminag tluaufactulre hie machine visa hava aidisarcul buhe lad urigini Jaisusbon Machine, vitisoul keup. ing up bu tisa improvemneuls; biat jusice lu aurselves sud patrons require of us ta sate that vo have modified il lu sîmoît everY essantial part, sud for streagîh sud dUrabiliby, qnalibv i-A eut, lu avez>' kln nd dcoundition et grain ; ligiatnesa aif draft sudBaessaoa management-bise "Joisuatan," as inautaciursd isy us-stands pre.erneutly ahead cf ail alLer raapars. Iu pron faof Ibis position vc hava oui>' ta paint ta tise masu First Prizes avarded us-At tise last Provincial triaai fOu. -tarie, sud man>' caunt>' trials vhici have baken place ail avec Canada, vithin the asat fev years. OUR TRIUMPH COMI1NED MACHINES, vitlî lat e impravemaubas, ilaail that eau be deired in a -Comiinel Macisine, sud cannaI fi ta muet ail tise raquirements af purcisasera.. Our lmproved Cayuga Chief Jr., and ou,' Young Canada Mowors are bath firt-clasu maciuas.- COustibutad almasitahl>' ut Iroan d Steel. Tise Ca aga Jr. isua rear eut, and tise bang Canada a front Cul ; bath alraug, dur- abl machines, sud nt xcllel b>' au>'machines lunthe aiarkel for quaaity ai cul, durabilit>', ligituass ut draft, adaptailil>', and easaaf management. OUR NEW ""WHITBY HARVESTER." Asa tisacountry' bau iecome better adapted tbu machiner>', sud man>' of aur tarta. ara Lave becoma skilled lunbise use ai machines, a groving damaul Las sprung up for a Ligist, Durable, Firit-Css Reapar. Alîva thbe raquiramauts aifbise day, vs Lava suoeeeîded in luvunting a ma- chine vilS a Wrougbt Iran Frame, vil bhaesat passible guring-vith large, broacl.fed drive vbeel,-aud an corîstineeatisaItht ramea sd tablaifit at tisa samue lime, tieri>' leeuping tise pibmas alvays il hue vil the kuifa. Tisa 'cakes are driven lirectl>' fram biceifiain sbat-tfere heiug no perceptible aile Idraft, sud rno voigisî upou tise aomes neki. Wa are confident that va have succecdud lu inveutiug tise mast perleat Beaper, taking il in ail ils parts, tisat bas avec iseen 2producal. Wa Lave appliad tar luttera patent, sud shah Laild aur iuvention, for aur avu exclusive manufacture, and va raspetuil>' auggaat 10 lu. tendiug purchasera, bisat they shonlalosea Ibis machsine befare giving, tieir aidera for tisa coaiing hiarvest. The "Whitb>' Harvaster" vaigis, ail, hll, 0W0 pounus, but, ieingmada principal>' of the beat qualit>' cf iroan seteel, and frimaitinl. Raulons had-compact construction, lb cambines thifetsruugth sud dur&bilit>'of tis Leàviar machinas. Ailonicaur machinas ara muli>'warranteaI Witis lIis liaI of machines, va teel confdent that va eau meet ever>' r.- quiraeut, sud vo reapacîtuli>' melis ta trial oi aur machines, beleviug tisaI vs cau Zuruisis s Setter machina forlt a oe> tiss u ai e nblainad olsevitare. Regectinli> Taure, WMXUN ZT, ana are prpare ta e motrate thé Isot. IO'OUR AUGERS are operated entirely by HORSE POWER, and GUARANTEED to bore at the rate of 10 to 15 FEET PER HOURI Tliey Bloi r om 3 to f6 Feet i U amter, al And Y flEPTR Requfre! Thear WARRANTED TO BORE SUCÇ-ESSFULLY IN ALL KINDS70F ,rEARTlH, SOFT SAND and LIMESTONE; BITUMI. NOUS, STONE COAL, SLATE, and HARDPAN, and mike the BEST 0F WELLS.in"QUICKSAND, GRAVEL, and CAVY EARTHS. They are Eauily Oporated, Simple lu Construction, ,'un 4rable S Tiie Cieapoîl nd Mont Pa.actetlni ÀliaheWeaidt MMANUF .ACTURED AT OUR OWN WORKS, from the-Vcry Bcst of Material, b>' Skilled and. Pratical Workmen. GOOD ACTIVE AGENTS Wanted in Every Counnthea b United States and Canada, to whom wo -offer liberai inducements. Snor Our liluatratea Catalogue, Prices, Terns, &c., proving our advcrtlsemeut bona jae MAIESS iWl STRN~ AlIGER ORXS uus ~ jAdn" ou.St. Louis, -Mo. CUTTERS, AND BUGIGESS. A Large Assort ment of Cuitters and Buggies FOR -,SALE, CHEAP, pecas arsnants-1 vayCcnpaKyMb ti TGcmnom FARM TO RENT. C OXIPOSE» P 0" CBI' BRING part-cf Lot Ne. e, Ati. StACouceu. uiotofPioieernfv ie rmti oa 0 1 Wgooi abat. cCacultiv a. tion v Twaterea, sud builings s u e orchirâd, e. regn eu âoue mter utnMax:,, net. Pur partieu;ar;., apply 'ta the ovuer. TIMOTRe! OILEABY, -Utica, P.' O. Jul> 16th, 1879- tf.80 THE SINGER SE WING MA CHINE, Buy- the Best, Buy nio other. BUY NONE BUT THE Genuine, Singer Sewing Ma- chine. REflUCED Ml PRICE. THE BEST m ACMHIN fTEWOELD. Su uay Tirea Hundred Thaupand peuple wvho bouptSne Machines An 1878.' Over i n gar Macl&in ue at present., Spendid sud funl set ai Ablaciments wie iti eaci machine, sud. parties ful>' Cmatced An lie use of th7ém. L. AIRBANKS,' offie, opposite CIIRONICLE -Office. Whitby, âume 25, '79. -2a 'Valua'ble Farm -for Sale. 100 Sý-S LOT , IN 5th Coli. remainder well tiinbered (mostly baech sad. maple). This is a very deairable property for the woad alone ia ver>' valuable am& will nearly pay the purchae mone, wvile the situation fthe lot je a auoniet guar- antee for the land- Terus liberal te reliablo parties. A. A. POST, P. O. Box 202,tiitby, HOME GIELOWN SEEDS. IS1 AN ESTABLISEED tact fiat S. C. Brovu s Home Growu 5eeds are be- coming morc- poputar from year to year. The pbie tho>' vani biem, tic marcitautu theyicuep thsm, as the>' are sure togruv. sud give general satisacuion. FLOWER SE EDS A SPECIALTY! Ail seue sent b>' mail trc6ai postage. te' 'Use Prown's lodisu Liniment. For sale b>' dealers geuierally- 9. C. JBROWN, Seedman, - Wiitb>', Ont THIEE CANADIAN. A-IlGA 8 MA CHINE. This Machine ifa for iighifg PrivaIs Dwellings, Mills, Factorlea, Ciarcies,, Public Halls' Raids, &c.- Cll sud examine fhe machine fa apura. lion at JOSEPH PHILLIPS, sole Màalt, Plumier andl Gas.flbter, 158 York street, Toronto. Semud tor ircular sud prire.list< AprÃŽl 291i, 1879. -191 OMNIBUSES - TO AND PROM ALL RAILWAY TRAINS! To aud trom G.T.II. Station ........2c. To and trom Whitby, P. P. _& Linadsay' R' station....................eC. ,Those eauvsyauces are salaesud comiort. able, sud lu charge ai caruful drivera. Ali baggage cbscke4 sud carutull>' looked aler. LOUIS SEBERT, Proprielar. Wlîf lb>, Pub. 25ti, 1879. yO AUCTION_ SALES 1 D EG bu ruturu my sinere thha4k butise .Lpublic for tfie vur>'libtiail 11r-nage -' bestowed upon nue fa the puet, sud te iutimalu fiat I Wil be on hanul reaI>'te conduct asu>'sales that Iinay - be -entrusteal wfi. Tenus liberai. Saisfaction guar- 'My sale book yuil be fouud at the Ontario Hotel Wmiftb>'. Arrangements os t 'ais, utsale, &c., nus>'bu nuade viti Mr. :aoup, the1propnictor ot the Ilote]. OerT arrtelegr ~attended ta. Anctionour, Wlmftby. NjB. Sale Bouka sund blaak notes L. F. TjifE'TORONTO Turkish c& Vapor Baths. 'liheue bulbe are uselul l ibuuhetit asm, Neuraigli, Cougha, Colda, ColmtwtiOD, Broacittis, Serotula, Skin Dieeasa' lluD d:fanmaifo. Billousuleis, Puvers,,'id for Safl>'purposes., Tievapor bath, arc partieulau> iplies.ca blue ail Siuin diseases, sapeciaill' Sypiuhisg, At is naw universaily concudaid Ibat boli thc Turkiei sud Va por BatisaxaetLe bush preservatives ai belli within fhe ruari ut miedical experts ana ineconîpuuctiou wiil- murdicai trealmurat bis patiuentim mure rap- idy adsuccus*tully .breatel. Piatroýnizudthirougiaul bic vécu ifrorn royalt>'dovu ha fhe pooreslnt =a. Tien Turiisi baths arce l on8I>'neuetfabcCil>' ot Toronto., Quotations and recommendatonfi arc lvsn tframý unedin 9, ,rictoria Stret -J.G. RBIaNSON, m.,& YOUNG 8 REI8TER, &r C:AMEIRON 'Street, JIEUOR CANERON, Q.Gl. . .'GU Dr. W. i liesidsuae-Congre bYterY, corner ot Bya Wiiitby, BYRON j pHYSICIA-NSUlI P Crack. AR DL PbsoaSurgema, Witb>', Sept. 801h, 15 W- ,A] RPOOMB OVER E -IL, Gruccr>' stare, Ofic ours froem 9 a.' 1-0SOe6,P. M. Residi an if4Ghet streeta. C, N. 'VARâ beatt P Teelli oxra&c. vithu,,, toual aumothesia. Deni fihia flew block, over At] Ring Street, Oaiaw. MRDRESSING~ JSaaou, Byack 81v JOhIN IVOLI WILLI-Ncý (SuOOOusola Thom, wlorlse OFFICIA-L, A Ef'OFFICE opOPI'.sr W Iiîy otai, Brock-. W tbMaTch 201h, 1879 a ab'A=ralcong'eiote t', 1..rn1ita 4 o'clocIf rfl 25, 1877. FG IOTHERS, "JOHN .nitby. 1 oil the ruai Re- 1 W. BARNES. CASH PAID FOR GOOD 1 OFFICE OF THE rB-UGGiÉSYý

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