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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Oct 1879, p. 2

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'r~ 0U-. e AVMLuo W JJ»oWS .. U& S nu. '£'ne 5tW la uefUOi- .SBjieeat basgals lui Crcery-A&. H.,f11>' locateil, the grouns h lave been r$w . cend*el]'Y fececo, andi are nos' beiug L sd spro Noice-,oines>' laid out lu aceos-leuce sithma Botsad bueÃŽ lowest priée-W, Plain Of Mr., John Suier, F. L. S. Thue -J. gayes rfollowng letton bes been iseélvel froue A gostalplan-Lawroaceo tl, Mr. Gleut-M. P., on theýunbjeit; itlfa MarIel "prlvaîe," buts'.eue0 no reSson ~eiàe ,Billizgs, s<>r. for s'ilhbolthlag Il. publication. *Littelo'aLiving âge. Otober 4hb, 1870. -Cuire-for~ Indgestion, W. H. Hiausems, Esuq., Hlusn Og7-ui-. Mihal..>'Dear 8ir: I unoenstand, liai Hooiiîsl Ogdn. -ycur Cbuci bas purehasel grona - . aorte cf Wiby fora comeai-' Asil AUCTION SALES. iII omsthhlg for yoan Qobasa emo- - tonry, I eau hardlyi>' t11te, rnembor Sala cf Paria stock, lauploe:xuw, lthepro it et 'whit iI .no'jo ery mach In, S1O,-L. -Tursy octebe place sshore s'.buryOui lovo& ues, kaec a r o aucine. aideeèe ol iet rsn lO.f B, îwoolie n euliOo > o loti, o onYui pOepl-througi 3'ci-neit aprlng lobNo,17 inthe1?h CliOfBeach osa -s'llb omorn coice vanlelies, sitb Stala>, Oct. lt, 1879-C. Dusses, Lec- s'îlcsyoeu saoutif>' lie gronds. I tileer. hase foi man>' years hopeà. liaI lb. Sali, Of Pas-n stock, lmpleouanls du., on tWans cf Wiby sud Oshaswa, sudthie lot No. 9, Brons Front, Pickering, lihe townships Of Easstand West Whiblî>, f,gnly tY fMr., Elinotephonsou, cau 'old hua langé plece cf lad, ineludo- Y, adt)iir 171i, 187.-L. Fairbankse, ing lie nion Boryiag Grouhl, and- Aucionerg rade amud ctherwise adora it, sud ait Sole o1lParmuastock, lmneas tc., an dsmonmiation nunite in uing il. For lt Na. , tahe s sip .ery îfMrs îs ind o, esuci a purposo i1s'cnîî cheertull>' con- ault yO e 1t,17.Toa rbunte,ad I tliuIetlbmunicipalties. P'uecher, Asitoncer. -mgit, 'sitbout bandeaing Ibeeselses ho Sale cf Faita stock, Implomeats, &0., the an>' aPProciablo xoul, mule a ceino. Yel)t r .Wmin.Vant>, coh lot -NO. la, 1er>' th>'of Ibis comemuil>'. cfu01Pickering, ou Wednudsy, 1 Iam, Dean Sir, 0 ct. 22nd, 1879.-L. Pulrbïnki, Auetoaser, Vaufaithital>' sale 0f tarain stoek, lmpisîeata, bausebol PF. W. GLEN. ftiriniteurtre &cihe piopertY oet Mu. Phlhp Mn-, GIon's iles cf- large Union ering o'u 1 ,O1ne. o, osnfot uI-Comoher>', the joint properl>' cf Whil. mnic t onoda',i. 2,379- aPtl nI Osiassa, andlf et' i so tossn- baulis Aucllaser.sbips, s'swu e s'îioîse havo long bell - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n --u--------sdhave blmesotere alvocteel la- hie ' ~ ' otumus. Tial, aod lie Improsemené &~tb~_QL4~ru 91 tfhle rosI bets'eeu lie tossus, ssould ___________ b. ometilg prnotlcully beneflicial, up- . ...... ------- ou s'ile aIl cauldunulle. Vie lacIe of ONLY Si go PER ANNUM. onhooragoment te tuis langer enterprlso, - - -----.--. ----- nsoltle'Cahboilco cf WhiIby basimug 10c -Witby, Thur.qday, Out. 16, 187, frecluentl>' presentel bofore llîem lie _________________________ sant of a Place te a, ny tlir eu al, ocepelled lie mos-o prompt schlou up- i Whitby's Annuel Budget. on lbiu part s'bleb h resultéil in se- - coring lis groainula, à& 'ling conseil- A Spécial meeting alliaé Town Ccmuý-- ed int h taiwlhib>'al> be a-neall cil was Ibid n ou oay eoenngfor iornedcemersy. Mr. Gieu's gift iril? p ba î tmel>'onefer Ibis porpoeéanud - te ps-pse t antku e tierateansd tori i tee sholletô fWiiitiu chnk lsasing lie ustual by iaw te lovy.'lie hituf most beaihil>'. taxos for lia énsnlng yean. The total seabi nt leolue raisoulta *21,294,85, ans! Tas: Coyy QtîamnoÉ«- The saaenenl lhe rate24î ellîs-6î mille for ichool le a"by Mir.Bai.ués lai uctheTeQsnî pilnpoes, sol 18 cisle tapuy dben. oumucil lie otser eseuimug,s ho lie hunes antI Inle reot, anul for the ganoral ' etdoitu ts ide.s'ulkî b>'cal- plurpasesof thlIt os'. Tisé figtures ~etatnte ittumiuarlel are- tenrnunieg ut large, wu. altogetior cor- Tai---------- 915 recî. Juil nos', Whou grass is goîîîug Cut antI..........s......798 scarco, -hem ldestruction ls grosten than t 111b ndpuli ahels.. 007 eser . And net ouli>'the silessalks bal Il gh.aC. epubtelc al -11» ..5572 oolest teinces are broe o i-ugi sundb (hou. era e .....t.c.po-201472Isagèl sud lassa d gardens tramp- uéérl o slf opo dos'tr anul- îuiued. Tino flih>'con. I 82 th480le anie caase, la a luegrace 1a thé lossu. Thisu ppareuit tleéysr>oe. 0t Tic assossol valus last yonr ssss And yot nothiog la Ions b>' tiseTewnatir *lI,5 amoont lenleel, $22,852, Concil ho abute the nuisance; Wé a- s1 auiltherate 27mill-7 illeforgain briag lie matter te te thé alten- antitisérate 17 ilhs7 miîs o in oet hesTownu utiers, ald asIni suittola -anud20 mille ton gonoral pus'- hem hos' long naslata oetIhinge le le a piteas-Tlis ysas's exiibit thune shows go an la Whithy tisai 10 permeilé-il signas cf lmpreveun, ald a tecreame ne cther hossa in Canada. et 12f ilélu thiesdollarluathie taxes. Aund lil, uoîs'îîltînsugthie Hep. A WoMâ oeMARIEicaS'u tTIEmWONCMAie. kina' Iluoilipareles, ountuhci 800) for -A wtun iiIlalifux bal engagel te aeoruitig intercitlalune hon previlol in tar oprlo aie atwo.A ithé esltîie*t,. Voter y yeun nos' asman'nopoucfM ineldsek lis îisîenîora îéiet le lasecuol, tîe The inaniage (Oakeplace lu thoeiae-fi rate tof tuaxation s'ill atoe howser unu iug, lent o pisaté of marines fillil lie G, lossor, soe htlî Wlithy lune passocl lie pi t fbrilégneen, The corporal s'as Bi( luîrilug painut, und s'iîlîthie goeeîl in an InrIiukiag tuio lhe privuté t! lwproveieientl buling place tili seau bhocut hie eut, Aillihee suebsecuantly v ostu cf thue tesiligiui>' Isîsdt ossaslu tmet ii a bar îmain. The brides'as bu Otiani. til I tiuigriot ual tlirowlag ien arme ai aroul tcusack et tise man uhte tais Crlicet. la have beasa er bubain ssore oie Mi - ssell neeor louvebita. TIhe succepes- 1< 'fý TilIMII 115GY.NTLEMEN I4vs. Toisesar. fl anul isuncesofol onitoîts thissnlîul. av' 'Teo Toronto Associainîlcu p lit, if giel in a longaunI baud fipthe combat, e: ý Vie biite retisses ho lise s'itb bsn mas. ta tenut tueply1h1é ieTwelve Inîivi Gentîs- bond adlie lortI bis. us mon Ciekelers. Tise'Torontos&s'on. a1 bull>' béaton ln eue lnalings. Vie Irish Oshawsa Voters' Lisîs Cours, dé. matde 109. Vos-ente in isse Inainga, -lac go tond 45, reopoolivol>'. Sam lBa>',cf A conrts'as hll before Ris Houas- gil Whlbîi, maae 18 la second inohug- _Julge Burtueli, on thue 7h anu l bOl dis ltse ousi>'playen cf thé Toronto teae luit, Viceen. re42 appeals, aIl tfitulud litaL maIe double figures. the IRetentasilo, 8 unies wore ulloil, bs il truck cff, anm 4 corections mule. s'. Refonu Bemonstraîlon at Tilaonburg. TIue rstmaninug appeuls tuera abandon. éni aI on lismlseel, t1 Via ilefore Idémtotration ut Tilsea. s'HITBY STeSyNti' -,CoUIli. do borg, lit sseek, le reportaI ne having Jolge Durnasl aIsebel a couti lieraeu boeon a opieloisuccees. lien. A. ou luI inst. Ts'o names s'sre uldedl Mtakenzie, Sir Ricianîl Cartwright, belng tho cul>' apperls. .oe lion, O. Mowàiî, lion. Mn. Cracks, nua nd RICVOra' Las-r CouRT.-Owiug tut ularge nueben cf p'rminoat ilefore. le lie illessocf Jolge MoKeazie al doc ors wsre préenta. The chairs- utake thie absence of Jalga Lloyd, use Ai- la] 14Y Colla McDoasl, ]&te M. Pý fu or inas-Generul lbae reqcieoteîl is thr 4uno BIgla. ie speeches af Mr. lîenon Joîge Baîlueili, leabelldteielB rszeozle and, sirebuil ýCarwrilght Votera' Lisecourts l is he'sriotius mn- s'aie lséeanhly appîaudld. inicialitinas cfie-ceuI>'-e-Yo1. 'I AunI receol witîblaser. A circulai INSTIGÂTED BYS Seuisanoo.-Tie elit- lis-een lasuel insitiag dlégates itramin c f the Observer dbaies tint' ho wus the varions nianicipalilisa lîkèlle ho bc"iuaigatî" te wilebils nonosesebout luleresol, tealul a t 6meeting aI Peler. leapcth ssn fle Can 'Con berogi for lie more fcrmal discussion cil. sThe slealssilosc&o o'unI ac- cf Ithe sciomo unI aslopllng a plan cf cePlance. A certain cl gentleman lu Unitedlsund pnAical actieu. The moet. black la known as tise falluer et lies, &Dg bus beau clled forer ic l lOîl nt, unI bicié are so tnu>' phuepes'ola ie h ah Peorborogi; Mn. Gia&M,War,. Observer'& rigmarolo thul he Lunelhaise Içu cf lbe ceuni>', lias recelsel an in- besa lustlgatel-by SomeoZdi. viluiton te attend. Exuraullnr>' Tls~ ToUE LILIPUTLISaruneconelug ou Bat- - rodiyTra- unla>', 18LII luot. -Thoruc sas a tairtako .AN INDIAre SENTENOKD O FU ADTua us a uauneiag liens ton Suturdu>' ce lentlwek. The eppenlanil>' cf seiag ma4< A Wssîre Gîse.-& yeung Indignu tie seallestliving ladies anulgentle. of 20, tnumel Blacke, rau ssa>'witilî ad enanulthla agesi ma la hie ssll marrieul a whih girl, datugbler of a sIJonl net beost. Wheoir conprpn- 'former namnesi Taylor, of Aînwiek. lie formance is spoken ofeth le ilgissa wss tiledl or abduction und perjun>'ntutelreb>'tie pros. thie Cobourg Asaizes, and îouni u ga.., T on thiefret charge. The girl wanted TU E ATaua iieilî Muusaut.- s nonthi on Issoof boiug 10, théeIldan Geocrge Autfcnap was Iidaliuthîuî ia prccnnîng thé maniage licence swore Guelphu assises on Fnila>'fotonune- liaI Misa Taylor wslm, ici et hiis ite on lie b8Ilu cf Jane. Ho0 'as acquillol. The Noitlnern Poil Shows- - TususMEETrIeNOF TUE ONTReIsO The NotiOntarioe douaI>'xibiion, Tr..sCiEiîS' ABBOoîATIoetakes place ut 'bll aI (Jxhnl<ge, lsa.wcek,s'asxsscll Uxbrlîgo Fnils>' aldSalarIa>'. 11e- attendl, and ulss, lu eeor>' say, ana rlticket&s l eosof programmés, enocese. ut cne ald ouelirl feab>' Whiiby î'eTsaip ihtou noîuPort Penny & Linday ansd Nipissiug worearc up tlite mark, stila greal umproement lau bi505, cattie, Prince Lcuis is-the ial>'s macf abeep, and hineees! ailkinlaetilise lie Lilipulin Opera Compan>'. stockl, iluobservable.--b lie' rTE ACTION cF TIE Quust Lîtit. A WXLCOME sTO TUE IssamuGEN5TLEMiEN ISanTIsZ CCscraR-AoCT.-In 1a helten CitIwKutls *-à... dinnon id ho be gisea puhlilhel b>' Mn, Jol>' yesîoîlay ho tath leins gentlemen criskters at the points oui,s one ceusequeuceo f thé ]Rylhti h tb nTiuriday Lgiolallso Councfili coalucî, huaatlice Roya dcl Wilthy onGorerneen bas ibea aréseulol enter- oeeing. Thier e la ltot e a I "hep filin mbasconînact for building au ion allihe musi hall, on Pilla>' nigil, ton -railssa> bridge acrosu the Ottawsa, lhir el eginaumaî.Great interesl jossiicb a lealng lirm ot huilIers citer- tlion lu lie mache como off Thiïns. .1 ta put up for 8121,000. osing le day snd illda>'. ltheroceul risc luthie price of.h--flué same s'ork wsoalno'j ast*t910<>o 'Tru GIEAT csuevuaeo MTC anul lie pnlce is stilI iunnning up. SrOuusutm,-io groni wssling matels St. Nichlcîs lionasun 0pepular la .bilwo.u Dal>' and! 4oss whieh Woj as eEnglaI for soserai yearand gol se sil bave taken place at Hmilton on rini. appreclabel on the Continent, s'here. lait wuas aoppqd b>' 'lie police . aor er lbas feunalils 'a>', bth . hpub. lrach oethle ppe 'eu tsarel.Great liaien- for aneldihinià Frouai, le hé wus'the 4"sppolutmenî t fthe rossI. issuel lu Parie. Il s'ili hohikesthie A- morican SI. Niciolsa, in ceven, pie. LriN»sÂy 4 somosial agilateadoser ocurand ag iot cf the rosIiilg malter, ~ehoo aetrasn4 ie msuthmo - 0f 01pasibi>' neme oethle nhymnes glmwlinot boni tisnglatiug.1 oaraM of Izdpàlga' eft lat lossu. Ia tus cnnecbo,îté Mn>' hointeresal. ~b*y ' ~ ~a~ ie .'csfch g tug lothetoébat "Baby Days,*" lûis t- o ùLhac ', in he tenc0in bO^o forIlîle fJolIes made un ;..f .s.i 1 biledlu tmmpt sf fisi I an jack w u Jaci s'e MIna china lu, ýbusiness, as ftiiitre-lneé lu lie joie' maIe an suges for s'h Ibis hoteil lamons, vile, idi C a ite whtted ho s healti>' moi iv vtneýliles-yoo hel bo eliatel s'ldi a enygre cap as -ta>' a les' bite as cala. NeoamoreoFi foire lo e; n, ssa>'froan borne5 It tel yo-harnnIcu punésade Pal ,Ialpte, boforé baud, lie se slaspînsaubun le ste mate-u sasges Thon. areo feu a>thnoav asi blince bohhuno on e Iheies grlculliî exiishesau au Inih airuIr boises 'aîe gool, tho Patl are goi the soeep, u pigs au ponlinry g go lu lie -butior an tie grain au1 reots, su *sen-yhblng gie leob. o Aný ssiy >wan't tlb>?'? Wial' biadl"er em ? Tie>' are ili s'elhf au well«barod for, au gel np spesiu le carryprimes. Vieosme s'id Implimiuha au masioor>. 'hisbe braI le sici porfeoliu sio i leoau lhe ware for ssioh la k itted bWttl tlan 1h osalbs dons lb. a ian, amn I the'en-k of Issat>' mon. Mon s'ill bmsi thou utihit>' if hia goos on, mu bartier an mastitues s'il! hake tI pîmées catopoher. To me-prapa lie isyson o et boinanIvisiemaa-tha la a glueral semoesesabout lisiezex biasn. Vbmro lea awordlyamcue seelcin' pacofal sininoa about lhimà onneliosoil hy uuything't t i Iu or amasin 'te Ieeep npîbospqeite. RH différnfoulfiethe roiecin Ien cfj hnisli fair-silhthe linasau danci anu ballId singun, au rodl>' sst,i lininkin, au filin, an cocrtiui, an* 99 au tiriclis, disaîshion asav i Id Av coorso il Mn>' ho oliliaI lie oe pacefal su improvin, wbile theIe h fuir s'as lemeruliuin, u se OU. ma>' ho-mo. I ssaat pirtimul b sdiigu lie quosilun. But aflien aIli aro pe -pIe an>' buppior or bottior off ? liane more shuparior sochiai iajs: mini t I holane gistor moralit>' Are people mn>' more centiatel?2 Bs lise improvomint cf min su sii keep, puce silîthe improvemiut cf i breel cf stock 2 As I bey jiot sel, wca'l purîlul loua>'. But one ti ie sinta l l evimuls, an liaI is hi nythun prîie builelcs,'non leproe enuebinse ssilI. oer projuce thé buec of min ssios'on Wuiierlcoo nul luIt mn anulBaluclhva, uosl-Won lhe it( ot Aima. Thé cal>' hinge a inte s'a>'-of amuit ulula I hem uaceose ssun a panyrse>',a acianactliér tilipaynîs anyla' cut fiee teli roontal v 'SlIagin sud got the cash; Who ssillhave anoihén lssh ? Tsso for five au' foui for tint A lima will pay for four agin; liaif a lime will pay thlfne- Stop tuis say ?-Noss's yen tuée 1" Al'50 on, ssilh a ligmarob eqail b Ilh Peut Penn>' Obsursen oi lie Toron;i Gossipar I1'Wîat a coanasl tbelni ici stiniffald aici butitul balis is se '*GrovesusvBinîne>" adthé "Shui va Vagit," un' lie grand songs an uneansune le o berord an Irish tain 1 I- sass our uble-beliel loea loetion Juione Scott, ut the tain an' lit unoked n man of theews an' sinosi resy bit et hie, " Aieyccaef ?chibisians, Jurons," sez I. elzoruprapl ýshow lis gehliat bhorsés ?" t"Be nc îai5ca5, sez Jnurns; I eue te dance 6lhurupipe for a ssagen ssili Jon>' 'Johuny 1Vsez1, IlJobun>'sWho 2" au' 'okini' ubout Who shal I ose bat thb îh1iub Liconse Inspection esconana' icocîsass ili coecf lie isulsomost ldies allihe tain. I"Johu>'appoons bo ie engugel," ses Il "an'wsill scarcely vat le change is parînor." An sure niff I wsus't elsînkea, lJhny>' sln lubis lînnotiu r utaci u' Junon bal I owiliont mis icrapipe, us fasus .1 ooe. They 'boli bal a hi old lime omin' home, au' discuobel lie Na- bufal Pelicy all hessay. Bal cass )the sme Johan>' i owiÙ, tei. i rabobia' an' ibapeclin' I caîa't get t aclub llerop .on tie gronal, an' haul h tke tinates as se eau>' cigano liaI me irot is soie yel. AsIe Misiher Mick Wgal, on DicIe Sues' low ibis ? Yer thniue frinl, TII O'DAY. N.B. 'Tis sel uni fJahua> bas ths asome faymalé as a lebectise au' nel ea ss'eelhart. Se N. B.,-bnt is-- s' Bessare. À Goen OFRitu.-Tbe subscniptioa sineso cf Moese. S. Bobeilson àt Bios. for lie yeun 1878-79 s'as f011>' double that cf the préviens yean. Thies inonesse en laabhleae oaccountel for b>' théetaItithseveynyeopiacing thein crIeras'with tlus fine have neceivel hbein papous puaeepîl>' sud ragual>. 1h is Ilueir ambibion le aies' an inciesso lu tuis deisanleent' alliae cloeaof 1880, equal, if net gueuler, tisa liai cf lie puceealseao. Te tis end lie>' offen lthe folbossing exceptional lalucemenîs: Weelcly Globe fiee nos' unlil lie euI cf 18810 for 81.50 ; Weltly Mail, sume le'ngti af lie, 81.00 ; Western Aelver- f iser and Liberal, litho, (iuclading leunîsome illusînulél annual,) $1.50 : Montreal eekly Witncas, eue year, *1.00. Place ycur subacription ah onco and gel the exînahimo fnee. J. S. Robentson d& Bras., Descrehl's Blck, wVbitby. Saitel tle a Do,"-ittle Jeno Quigle>'. Mi. E. C. Stoîmun aoutribuîed te lise Scrihner the fin-et part etis crit- ique cf Bayand Tuyîen'a peetny auI lit- eran>' cureen, lavolvicg &aothe con- ailerubion cf cher Aecnlean hiterauaé beoth le s'ai. -lanceaneciiontuisle tiîs article, lie magazine 'il hase bs'o langé portraits cof BayardTsylon, prin- tel us a double fronlispieceonca aeul cf Jueaghiag cf tlic ocil Mennenial base-relief b>' O'Doaovan ; lie elier an osrgrssiug 5iy Coeéfree thé mest piooegnapi b>' Mn.Taylor, bakea lu Amnrcu,adliéheuýe boatlhikel by hieof ald famil>'. Tis article lo tie -cponung coecf asureies cf critical es- gays on Aisenican pointrluici, 'in cemplotel, tuili mu ke a companien vol- ume tletiéubhen'o -Victorik ~Pea." Tue LAs'oo,-LAc5oumimQUÀRREL. -The London ccrrespondent etfline Manchster Guardiae oays liaI El- s'ur&,Les>' Lassson, cf tho Daily Tele. graW;J, bas broagit an action agninat Lsboucienc for otatemeuls publishil in lise lalIen'o paper, Truth, gros'ing cul cI the recent sîncet affra>' bottuéen ihosa journaliols. Tie case s'ill be is8id allihe Guildll,' cnThuielus> Alminal Dot's <suher sseighs ose, lire. inunrelpoquli. Ta£ COueSeLImoATE» BAnri DMCTORS 'have to> stand thein trial. Jodgmeal bas beau gisen diselasiug tie Ismuri- ons. The dceuunas are le bc sevesî luthi lieu IrasSirFraneis Iinocs, n te corneaoff fl-st Ibis s'sek. nm 1 70f mon, 82750,-loavingUomcf86, ).î bc 85 on whlcla to 1ev> ho laxes fortUeo .û préséfiî year. anTint tho estimatel exponaituro, iday othor0 tia for sohool purposes, te b. .te prov1ded.for tla: 1 (louaI>' rate............ 9180O0 O a otes undor discount, 18250 00 SDeb. alunes - Fiir Groual, 8raI 180 Bous* teBallway, The 025, r. en ne, 1850; 4ool,850 f en gosud Co, Yanwoo6e, #250-48,500. >od, Interoot on debentues-Fair- ton. grounds, 8; -bonns to rail. way, #1500 ;stock railway, 1 * 600 ; fine englue, $168; fd, achooli, $294 ; Mudge asd ài!> Yaiwocdl, #225'; rallros! ex. lhe tension, #1200; Hophins' hall, 180l half-yeoar. *80-Lesa pals! on daooonnt,686997........796 00 'irBalance of'sars,80 1 estrot lampa, 1«75 ; Interest cot on discounts, 1400; fin aund soir water, 10;pntg, 8100; for relief, #6 ; nuexpued on atreets, $150; Cormack, for lare lember, 0200 ; incidentaIs, hi. 0200 ..........e.............. 1955 00 iriù 21, Ole00 oW lai, *80; fees from weigi an sosies, 50 ; advancod te 10n, sebool board, *8710; non-i.. anu ident taxes, *548; balance of lnta% roll for 1878-ield iay 18. 01800-18 mille.o thedollar it68-#8058. ta Tient the atnounn required for. High eo. and Public 8011oo1 purposes la *5507, 1s and for B. C. Sep3rate sobools, 1261. o'72, wbicb wilI, in addition te the above, r roquine an equal raie of 61 mille in lie 088 - on ah nrateable properi>' of the nil own liable to taxation. th In repi>' to Mn. King, Mn. Campbell stated tiat sufficient provision bal ug beon mude in tie ostimutes for nenain- at ing tino strooits for tis balance o~ the ed yean. Report adoptaI. er- Ab'y law foundol tisuneon was sub- te îeoqleentl3' Issed ta asseso tie town for os021,204 159 by an oqual apecial rate of ~.24t millie, an COLLECTOR1. - Mr. Rniledge introducol and carriel liiongle a by-law appoiating Alexander Pirie, town collotor-salnry $100. Ma. oaCso's COOMAIoeT. Mr. Barns brouglitt ho malter of Mi. Grosess comfmunication before lia h oni.Il was considered in cein.i l it li te trole. Mr. King i inte1 chair. ne The Mayor suggested tint the mat-i sa ter be laid over until the naît meeting, "u monilme ta examine lie sidewalk ,n und report what ongit taolbe dons. at Committee rose. On motion of Mn. King, secondes! by n, Mi. Bannes, resolation passaI autior- e iîing tho ciaîman on sîneotstoab an. or ploy Mr. Suier 10 insesolth. sidewalk, Poand report bils viows snd lie pioprieîy 10 of gîocing lie sidewulk as fanrsMr. ce Bnyun'o, und lie coolst. EFRO TiUE PiTTI0NS FOR TAX BTMNS i Mr. Foi movol to refer Mis. Chatter. ie son's etiticn a then finance committeo. tl î' M.Campbell opposel. No action ' t balcon. ýo Mn. Huggard quostione bhc chair., y Mauacf lie finance committee in refer- ti e, ence 10 lie communication cf George ik Gilcirisl. e Mr. Camapbell did net see tint eny- c1 I liiug ceuld be doue about il. The ci e. matier was in lie bands cf lieoMayor. le b- The. layon saId he bal alresygisen si s is opinion ta Mr. Gilcirisal, li e oL as was to puy lie taxes, sud liaI wien il a te pro e:t wuuao for otle:r pur. 63 o oss eids nongan <or on Bd s wici lhe taxés bas! been remitted) il k was lhable ta assessmant, te Conacil adjouinol. bi - 00 E The Lilipulian Opera Comnpany bu ni one mombor se emaîl that ho bu a 0b 1 ro stand on a musiroom ho wiispor iluf Miss Quigley's eari1 I LîrTELL'S Liveoeo Aa.-The anm- au 1bers of lhe Living ago for the weoks 'ro enling Sepiemier lti and 27Ue - sud Pi October 4îi, reepectively, conlain tieM follewing articles tThe En'gli Mon- s arcby, Quatrkj; Hislornysd Polit. th ici, by Prof. Seeley ; A New Vocation th for Womon a nd An Edilor'sa Troubles, Macmillana:The Quoeeu9f lie Whigs, M Temple Bar; Justice th William, ci( Coa-salilh; Rosers, .Blaclewood ; Chas. B. Tennyson Turner andI A Dialogue on Human-hppinou ,M W ...ll.h Teco OUmFow eF GOLD FuColeEsc- Oui r"xn,-Tie Dailp News' lfinanial ai. tildof cfhle 141hmotl, $&y& :" con- sidorâble qnantity ef Ameria bills ,woio offered la lie enarket yjslerday, , presumabl>' to covor an ouiypymn a fo en alay.ohîpped. If gol con. Ený tines to lsuve Engiand sud Franco to:8 the same oxtont au Il bas latol>' loue Au. Il will acc bocorne necossar> to con- nad aider lie posbilîty cf measunos b sotop es lia outfiow. It will b. hlm. for Elg. bas land le, considor wiat actiou to talc nosw wien tie Fronci autiorities make a al, move by lirectly or indin-ectl>' raisîng Lo thé premium on gol1to sncb a point in liat lie wiole incidence of the United States demaul la lirowu' on thi couI:n- lny." lw - EIKTlaseuozutCOICOTED AND SEUTENCCD.-AI lie MidîlsouX Assises on Saturla>', Wm. Denaleisen, lie whi nformez-,ssbo s'as oul gulil cf oo~n a ri', s'asoeuntenoel te o year ilatheo Contrai Prison. The preslsLouldou ssbobavobeenfied a terznaovOyarisu CAPTUREc.CàauL.-Tho iptn Cabullyb> Sriredek Rôb&rjs la tsi' cenfirmel." . viie le ,w.técitadel, Slon-rda;y, ans!made a public euti.y la theo cil>' ou 'SudI>. Thé Afgle treepo aeobeoa complelely noutIs sud lh i uasaembling le fi gîtta,% neturnal home. The Amoor la now i Ca'" a5>i5oaeisud tho tact hlm bi ust lIntimaI. pensons! f ion were leader.sli e nevoit ana> b. si opies! as preti>' conclusive eslenc liaI bts oss friendl>' profelstiona hav been feignel liroogicul. ' -Tus: WÀa s'ITEs sUTE imancu about closes!; lieBanvages bave bee punlshed and are sueing for peso.. Tite lsatent scounîs frcm lie Whit River Ageo e>' eos a tale ci bornili batcer>' . Eveny employe &t tl Agency appear e no mbeon killad aud the ssomen and! ebilcren are misî lug. Il la conjecturaI thtinthle>'hav alier beesi camies!off as bostagosc bateherel. CKA=$LEaLANICASTER empleyesd la Il herchante Banke, Loulou, as le"g koepor, bas beon anrestes! for embezi lng funla of lie bank. A Mau namb George Rosse bas been sIac anreatel c1 Wà'LTziR PAaO bs boan'arroatel i Quebec aocused siti embeaahing #60 000 efthle fonds cf lie Americau Lias Compan>', cf Fall Biser, Mass. TaaDuoinssOFcEDIîNmunos wus pre mauunéy lelivoros! cf a hll-bora chIl on Mouds>', but is noss prognossing fa' eUrCDAbl . B.-BRE ox I business portion of lie lown bas b4 burnel dosso. Loos 190,000>. la DYEATE OF Home. E. M. GmîEN.-Heî] -.M. K. GMen, oue cf lie foanloî ssitbGonritt Smith, Wm. Geoell, My non Holle>', Beriai Green, James 0 Binne', ald a few telinl 1885, o lie aîi-slnseny parI>', lied ut Roch tt on nTuesla>', at lie neilonce sa H. E. Hoolcen, bis sen-in-hu'. RH was lie ftîen et F. W. Glen, M. P., cý )eel sur Bnewe vs. LINCÂSTE.-In tiiaes trioe-t lie Toronto assizei ou Tuesday lieue ssas a verdict for plaintiff foi 187 damages, amonIassossol ton using certain imprevements a intemacinue Tee Assises eopenatai itiby on Toasla>. Tieré nié ne cases cf uny grat imeportance. We sscuhî direct lie uttention cf oui renIera te the a&otionloaletoffinsi-clasa Herses, caille, sleeep, &tc., lie piopeitl et Mr. Wm. Var n>' ou Weslu>' lIa is. [sao ulsI.] CLAWC Buossu's EXEtCUTIOu.-Itil ouid liatthe executiener salectol i couducl lie final épisode lus lie lite Clark Brossa, lie Winchéesternpunicidi is tho sume eaunssiohaugel Wialer the enîleanof T. Banc>' MaGes. Thé pries of ceai is going np. Whitby Towssnhip Cnnncil. Brooklia, Oct. 18, 1879. Coancl meobpisîsuant te notice ftios the Reeve. AlIli e esebens pneoea TIne reese lathe chair. Minutes s la meetingrnoandualapprosel. - The reeve rend and laid upon thb taile a ielten frone W. fI. Billinge, Esc Slicitor, la reference 10 Campiail'i oi lae ; also fiee the Ontario Anuli olice accncssledging thé receipb of i copy ot By-1aw "te nolace lie raig asviel by By-lass No. 860, for lie pus ont ya," anulof ils approsul b>' tIi siieuunnt-Govérnon ; aise frone Au leur L. Wilon, in netèence te Wilson'i system et coaluebiug lie busineso oi M unicipal councilo. The toilowiag acconuIts eea oe tbe pull t-R. Hillson, wonk ou bidge near Bic'khe's milI, $8.75 ; Jas. E. Kaigit, building aldusaierial furn 2isiel 810.15 ; E. Stephous, ceunurci )n rond, $25.89 ; Browna & Pablenson, ral scraper, 67; Adsm Duif, gravel 'or rond, 085 80 ; C. Jehushon, iumbeî ér bridge penrB. Young, 04.90; Dan. Whbitney., gînselliag on Kingston rcua kid -"lossallue, 0100 Aloi. Kilcien, pairing noal scraper, 75cts ; William ilie, de., $1.85. On motion cf ]H. Bioklé, secondel by ni. Burns, Ihal Dr. Frank Warren ha ucéptel b>' Ibis concil as sanet>' tor be Ineasuren, R. Darlinglon, insbeal oh he labo Robert Campbell. Concil seljournel unhil lie finit 'cula>' 10 Novembor nexi, ai one co- lock,-p. mn., in the Tossnship Hlall, ;rooklia- TEE Smeos'orsInoxe MCE.-The àe Bob. lus!. recalliag it paragnupi flst sseek aboatthliéSnowsdonliron fies baving gisen eut, nows' sys ; Il 1ssith muci pléasure sso puhlsithe Iliowing heller tram Mr. Myhes, cf the nossln Irn Mine. The enlire lis. ect la ilnteateil lu the saccéssofetMn. lyles, al sucosse wich hoericil>' doser- as fer bis enterpie, pluck aldpor. verance. Il la ver>' gnatif>'ing te a tiaI the deposil of Imon Ors le ns 'ge as unhicipubl, nud that -Mn. lyes' ceafilence la usiken. Sir ;-I base seau b>' yaun notice cf il sseek that yen are some mioiafene. b>' yonurKineount correspondent, to, I feunrssnltes s'ithout sisillug thé iossîca Irca Mines, te gel rellablé la- 'matien. W. are nows' alkiag tsso lat, south cf bie limeeccue rock, ola amI off oui voa, oeof ewssich t dossu te thecie lesél. Wé hase )t yet put down a test baie ssithOui sem drll, but bepe le -lna afessdeyso r beief l ite qauit>' cf Ion la ho und la as slrcng as esen, ads'o u3n io gel il. W. belisso liaI th. ca1tit>' Of Iron l e é ounalin thé le- il>' ssii keep lie Railîcaîs le LaIes atarie lnaus mach ssork as lié>' s'nt. Wu. MILES. IaeflusuE AIMxoI.-It is strunge boss timon gel on iu aH cher coantnies, -aor ewesu Tne Irisimea swere tie same lime Govencs.Genai of 2glsul'a greateat doponleuciei-he i cf Mayo cf Indis, Lord Liagur et ltralia, aud Visent Moack et Ca- ida-bedes telboi h maller colon- .Gibvan Duf>' unI 0'Mlaugiuossy Ne bseu Premiers lu Anstralia, and 'w Sir George Urey.5 Gosernor-Genen. et New Zeual, conggitulatas ils usauefahi, message, upon has. ecllfrSpeaker lie Hon. Ueo. Lour'ké,&aGalwsy man, ,twho pas. mos a kuosslelge cf Pariamenlar>' v, a courtes>' sud abtliiy s'iioi cnld hob founul lsaee." LNe IuMBU Bous Mcvsxc.-Soeofethe si lue lihea-I cf Inelaul, alter a, ig reot, ahake theeselses ogaîbe 'go la for a soascu cf'a cii>'Jua w le Myleitossa Bog, lu~lar t~ cor.co'i~thle Poit Hope forger., -AI long nul of Iny on ito ague sd,, bve o ice kvo le ihe .Unffl 5offle 'sosen as.e oomi on. Tho prize steem of Mn. J., Ruf were.&abow of thenuelvo. ÀAth Yosr oIe! whute, woighèd 28001bs., a fonr.year obld nid, 2200 lis. white animal'tonirte 'lb. «oie! t.,da frst pria. at the Dominion exhibii Ottawa. That'bath are Uhe boi mals la theirco la sinte Dominloi and t la aa *ide range-is an! aI tion tiai we dq 1101 .thiuk jean, -bc. oesafly cobtoverl, â r. ',Thib Manboeroon wus, as maal, sucoessi oairing off Ueho first prises forIdils collent grai iàsamples. "The. floralJ ps-oseated n veryfine anad tastefulq plAY, and! especaally i n the dsiiy, ho cnltnral and! ladies' clepaîlments.1 C. Stotte exhibitol some remarsg fine apples-nams! variotios. The following lathe f ~POULi.Y Pair Gaie, J. B. Siotis let, W. Brossi L d. Pair Spaisi, M. Hanse> loi, W. E. Brownu Cal. Boikinge, W. H. Brossalst sud lad. Pr Cachijs, W. H. Brownu hlt lad. Pr Buef Cochins, J. Pillié>'lai W H. Brossa Cul. Brabmu, Ilmlit W. H* Brossa lot, Nigisssauîcr Bras. eQ Brai- mas, darli W H BrassalitNi bosande; Bras. 2ud.Z àZa. W.H.Boss lot, XigbsssauîenBras.2ba. Leghorns Nighu- ssanler Bîoo. lot, W. H. Brossa îou4. Ban. lame, W- H. Brossa let, J. B. Stotis luI. Blacki Tnnkeys, W. E. Brossa lst Nigis- sauler lInos lad. Coured Tonlucys, C. Lynde lot, B. MaI1la2d. Geese, large breol, Nigbsssader Bras. lut A Blle Culd. Goose, suai!, C. Lynda lot, W. Pillie>' Cul China Gee, Nighswaaler Bras. lot & Co. Daclie, Aylesbury W H. Brownu loIt& lu. Bdink, comuejia, *W.fH. Brownu lot, Nigbo. waudeî Broe. bal. Seléctioa Fas, Nigbs. wsander Bros. anar>', J. Maddiford. Be- commneo-Variety Canary flînda, J. Mail lifoîl, Plymouth Rocks, W. H. Brownsu, Huubargs, M. Hanse>', Scotch Getu'>s, J. Wilson. Jalges-Same as in Swiue. OSAIS, BOOTS AND VvEnETÂSsLEI, I buesiels FuU Wlmat T & J. Manlaison loi, J, Johnsonu Cul T. K 'h BSu. C bush. Baley, B. Madhll t J. johnson Cal, A. Bandin Sud, 2 bushela Club S. Wbsui, T. &u J. Manlénsan. 2 busiels black oye Mai- rowlai Pene, B. MaliUlsiotT. & J. Mander. son Cal J. Bruelo. 2 iushe Spning Whea, uu>' Iind, T. &u J. Mauderson lot, L. Wis- mon Cal5 J. Johnaou 8r1. b bush IBarla>', b-rossaI, J. finnois loi, T. &u J. Manlenson lad, A. Blondin Sud. I bush sail Poa, T. &u J. Manlenson lot J. Johsason Cul, J. Bruelos BI. b bush dais, swhite, T. d&J. Maudérsoa lat, J. Johnion Cal, T. Pugi 8n1. C bush Onlo, bak, T. &, J. Mander. mou lst, B. Cossun InI, Nighsssanlcr Bras. Ord. C bush Bye, Iiigiessander Broe lot S. Aluneson luI. Barral Ploar, RUnssli Bras,.finirai Oulucal, Russelluaso. il Turnipo, A. Shanrr utbe, Jas. Plke>' lad, John Bussell Brd. 12 maungolle, Gico. Young lot, Wî. Major lad, 8. Aamu Sîdl. 12 cannois, George Valentino lot, B. PilIce 2uld, C. Rogers Sud. 8 bonds celer>', J. MoÃ"'ny~omeny lot, Win. Major luI, C. Barcla>' Il. aubiage, sshise, L. Wiaré lot, W. BodIelh Cul, W. Fn>' 8r1. 3 cab- bage, rel, J. Montgomery' bal, W. Fry Cul, C. Baiclny Snd. f'cck coin", A. Elles lut, P. Hoover 2luI, George Youag OSrd. 8 pnmp. lilas, A. Eliis lot 'bots. 1lanter. bol, L. Wisman ara. 3 canl ossas, G. Vsalentino lot, W. Puy luI. Pe ci !beau, J. B. Montgomery' lai, J . Siobia QuI, C. Rogisa rd,12 beets, O. Barcda>'lobJ. B. Montgomery lad, L. Wismar $rd' ï aitras, P. IR. Hoover. 8aIsbo opo, Jamae Strachun lot, R., Palier lad. 8 oquashas, C. Rogers lst, J. Stracialad, L. Wlaîer arl. JsInle-P. Rl. Hoover, Jouu, Joues, Thos. Barnard. UaCexîNS LND ?À211.eMPE xZumîusas C. -Pheugle, an>' kinl, Eliqos Holleca lat, B. lie uld., Gan GW"Bes,. Vernon lot, R. Hune>' ld. =edr or Drlill, IL S. Willou loi. Fanu nqMM, Mr. Honcy lot. Turnlp Cîsm belela ,àle7 liai, 1 t Miss Coaklel, Cn i fii isE. Sînitîs. Tia eliMa Rl. Vaurait, 2C1l Mies CunpiLOi. l'air sip p Er, li iiiiiicklsnd, 2uîdliMra, [l aaîzîi pciuxcn plain macîitîs aswiuig, Ii Mus. W. llmi5 CîiM n. %fr3, n Chenille weerk, Mii. C. il. vue.Izlai,;t Miss MCVeýai. Qul. XV ax huais Mise J. llcL;i. Appliqiuea work, Miss Cam'pbesl lait Miss M. <.aueîealt2nd. Foot atoal Mrs G. h. Vaneseet lai, Miss Sirieklaad Qui!. DiaplaY Milliiegr, Miss Caokslay. Ladias' unuorelotiiei, Mis. A. WVilson. Moîcogs, ,woîked wiiie euh M3,rï>. .,RVauzïsit lai, Mms. Ewneitt dMifidi JîAîio Milne n, Misa S. Turnmer 4t11e.Ioltsses, woek.I wil.b wool, Mrs. B.1i- ealet, c, Mr.i. J. Sii"achau bnd, Mis leSV. SutfnlOr, Mias J. Sci.li 411e. iglîly rcrsaus...'ucusi, ion, Misa IsillIunI Mits polmer. NIilt cap, Mis. Murdoch, Letter bolIer, M ns, Bonniti. Cane pý chair, Mie. ELitit. Mcuir switchb, Mii. J. Struaa. Lailtef's OSkini Mri. Murdoch. Wliisk holder,_ Mis Palmir CIeilds Huit Shirt, M"t. Palmer. Weîding wicath, Mia. .7. pilisey. Bristol' unu rla nd pille oa cuire thesony worst canes of Coufrmed ligsse. Eseun od ulcoous, Caucerourt aores anl o ruptioas ar-e coniiollol al houles! by hem, and ol mocres that have deII.d l tr'atment forî m&Uy Mn Pnutll's speech,, sesenal imembeas of Pailiamtuelopoce ad énlonelliee tennispchicy. -Afier ibhs meeting "bal dliponoil, Mr. Parnell and luis friands wsîe entéittaieiî ai a grand banquai. HIOW Toue MAxSAGE "BAss" JUeeouo m5 LEs.IosL.-& LealViilo jury 1a8t weok, baaomiug diîugtpoed with liea ,-eues" alministereî to ticuanelves ash well as te lie lawyers ald wituesoes t by tic jadge, ondesd thea Sheniff te Jack P lie lattairip lfer a couple of 'Wceko, i 'juastte ltInke tenîeft he style-cul cf ' hlmr," as tIhe fonemun exprasseil il,ý Aul, le Hie Honon's gumab- exaspera-n tien, ho wus incontirientîy lugged cff le, giol, sud is now ianslur-neo vile, wie« thie case la goingý quily on, wth them moal popular bankeepen L-in bossa ceeu. pying thé juaiolal chair.- ipoi. M. ..woUiMrs. i3 . J. - M-- àU ùsoll whites8arait, ÃŽ1 mus sikland i8n4ai brOS- CJ.a.=sn. otoabn qnl1;1 mi" and Sýt 2nJDre.M en ad? d TheP I ta me5,n o yde and WoOlin stosldigole Mrs.Murdock, ito , lM:i ff. Holétn. pair woolan ,ockst au. Mrs:Alozlmirgan. md Mis. M. Randers )B,0-,Par 4OtztO>l 5001#lo lt Mii. M. Hendora gnlad Mis. A. Morgan. Pair woolen mitei Msr-. A niergan, 2na Ifiss B. Turner. eu0- skeils yan, home-mnaelet Mni. T. Deo masù lad Mis, . Yugjr. 8 Içaves Bïesd,- il in Mr..res u!Mrs . à. Bis, Dr IÏ ex fruit, let naJW. -B rud dis. Un. P. B Hoover. 12 eass oifl,ýoîifLl ýorti- sel lot, 2la . Rogers rd J. Brnais. Iý Mr. toiatoos,'lit. 11. r,,aQ T. Thornt illy 8rd 0. Bi ly.S awater mlons, lst D. Docker Bag àrlpotatoos-, let D. Duel 2nd L. Wisanor 8- (IGYoung. l3ag1 MousIs, 1 llo nd 0. .Barcl 0OUé4tionqarn Vegtbies, lot W. ]H. lad A. Bnis, Srd F. Volentine. Pissen Mno. Waddsll lot Mrs.3 Bruiels 2 Id Pickles. Mms.A. Pis Msi Ms., G. Val tins 2ud. Wlneotav n dIgro. Bell Fo. m.Talo n . . sttt'8.Pt "I C: le . ,Ms A. Morgan lot,Mn lo-Yon Jr. 2nd. Oatsp,,Mrs. Bell let, Id 2na. . Ells 2 . d peplors, 0C, Baclay1 d.Mrs. Geo. Vglentinellnd. Beeswax, M B. 0. Wilson let, Mns. O. Àllison nilu.1 îky coôrnenda- Staioh, Chili se, Mno, 1ier Recommended inter O.an de. ais ri!y, Thos. Hunter. .year Judges&-Mrs. D. IL. Baurclay, Mrs. L. Si î.yr Mis. Leavens. 2nd. FRUIT. îtn12 Summer cookiag apples, let J. D. Stct T. Und Glea. Valentine, Srd Nighswander Br let12 summer table aptles, lot C. Rogers,2 T. C. Nighswander, id Nighswander Br [sen 1fail t ble apjeles, l et J. B ell 2nd . N i gl es & wander, 8rd. . D. Stotts. 12 foUl cooi La, apples, lot J. -' B, Montgomery, 8nd 0. Nl ,wandenrC. sPlme.l13wiater cec B. ~,iappes.lst Shxrrar,2aNghowand Bros., 8rd J. D. Statto. 12 winter tal apples, lot D. M. Decker, 2anJé . t rdWin. Lee. Varieiy ofa plus, ô kinds ,id- of each, lot 0. Stotts, lad w. D. Decker,.9 sotn Ncgihowoner Bro. Varicty of applie, ."yr. kinda,-of cadi, lot C. Rogers, 2ndMs , .Wuddell, 8rd 'Nighswandler Bras. Large d.and best dioplay of apples, lot Nighswand ar- Broc.. 2nd B. M. Decker. 6 faîl pearn,1 One Win. Gibson, lnd Misa S. Turner, 8rd J.i Ira.- Pilkey. 6 winter ÃŽears, lot J. linuelo, 2r Ira- A. Blandin, Srd Thos. Hanter. 8 bunal, ired grapes, black, lot Dr. Milne, nd 1Ber ier, MailI. 8 banches purpes, whitc, lot, Msi by D. L. Barclay, 2nd Dr. Mima. Display graac, eommeded, Dr. Mi.PcZ 'rb apples, lot C. ltagqre. lnd C. Stott 2. Pluma, lii J. D. Siotts. Canada gro' Nq; pcaches,l;t GaoValeniine. Variaty upple key 12 luide, i6aof aci, properly namaed, (ccea J. by S. C. Willson), lot Niglicwaecder rcE olîl 2ndl W. C. Pilkey. nd. Jndges-S. C. Wilson, D. Stnicklar, W. Willsoîî. DA.IS! PIOODiYCE AND 14E iiLLAstOVS. 10 lb. roll butter, let Mrs. B. G. Bardea nd. 2ni Mr. A. Morgan, 8rd Mns. J. Stracala in 20 lb. buttai, spcial by N. W. Brown, Esq T. Lit Mis. W. Giboon, 2nd Mre. A. Marger A. Ord Mrc. C. Rogers. 20 lb. fnctory cItais ýer- epýecial b y D. Lcwisoo, Eeq., lut B. Wathi d, nI. 10 Io. straioicd ioney, special iv' do Moukinuaer. lot D. M. Docker, nol Mn iu Waddell, 3rd S. Adumoon. 10 Ibo, corn of horcy, special by P. R. Hoover lut W:i B. Taylor, 2al Mis Jua. Wilsa. 8ri1 C. Nighi wanclar. 4 doz, hans eggs, cpeciaily, lotC Nighcswaadsr 2ad Da-.!id Pillkey. Pal Mens, course boots, lot w. J. BoaîL ira mens' fine boots, lot W. J. Boddl. Assori r.ment choamakens woîk, lot W. J. Bodel fer Set sinizle harnesa, lot Jas. Digby, D. Moi ~?ris il yr?emenîeî. displayc :on li nFM a ier. Tu )W, Waitýr .oor painting. lct Miss Strielit DO- ()I painting, lot Misa ,ibarvay. 2nd Miss M TL arvey, 3rd McaE niniLt. Cayetal îeain le ig, listMiss E. Teinter,'Volve i ptiii etmlt Miss Striekland. Craoai dram-ing, Is Miss Siricklacil, b111l Miss Eniinitt. l'ene iawing, lut Miss Stnick'and, 2itl Miss Il., 5aey, Brd Miss M. Harvey. Collectionpleoto grapis, A. Baricti Higlily recommndel-Casa ctuffed bircl r. . 0 . Pilev. nei Judge-Mr. E. BirTaîl. ed- i.uiIERi' SLllUTME\ST. edr Fa eykieitting, Lut M iss Stni klîund. ,2 11i rmr. AllisonO 3rd Misa E. Tonner. Fanq kiittiîg ii1,'tran!,Llt Miss M. MCVeatl, 2ei Miss Sirickland, Snil Miss J. C. Scoti. Croche A. wark, lot Miss Sinicklandl,2nd Miss MeVea, I Inîl Miss L. Emmiti. Embnoitlery oituiolk t, lst Mise Caelal, Cud Mrs. Allisoii, Or l. Miss A. Wilson. Emleraidcry onit.,ai, d Mies MaVeant, Cndl Miss Striekîsîsd, Ord Mrs i. Allicon. Embroidery on muclisi, loi MiF u. McVcuîîl, luI Miss Stricklaudl, Ird Mrc. Alli er son. Embroidary on ration, lot Mis Wilson, 2nd Mre. Allicon, lIrd Miss MeVeeaî r, Embroidery on worsted, loi Miss Canibl,e 2rccl Mro. Allison, 4rd Miss MeVean. Fi. su ltettiig, lis Miss MeVean, 2nd Mies Strndk lîîîîd. Germute raiaad work, lis Mrs. T. vs Tîtomion, 2nd Mrc. Savage. Raiseil bari wol lotIic Mise MaVean, 2nd Mra. R. Cnweuî lai berlin wvool, lot Miss Striakleald, 2ud Miss MaVean, rd Mice Thiompon. Orna- me nîtal needle svork, Ici Mies Strickland, 2uCd MisasCCampbell, Oui Miss McVeat. Sel- ver wire loweng, litMrs. G.0. IVcezant. I. Paper fiowero, lot Mra. H. Thampeon, 2ne Mus. Gi. Vanzani,ardiMisJ. Scott. Berlin fbowers, lai Miss Titajepson, 2nd Miss Camp- 7.bell. Zepleyr dlowera, lai Miss J. Scott, Cnti Mis. J. Deloiig, 8rd Miss Campbell. Feathar fllwera, loi Mrs. Jas. Dulong, 2îîd Mia. D. Pilkay, Ord Mra. Savage. Faucy basket, let n MisasM. Scott, 2nd Mrs. Jas. Delon.Fi [.basket, lot Mie. D. L. Barclay, 2~Ms ;t R. Vanzani. Door mai, lis Miss M. Camp. Sbell, 2nd Mna. Jas. Dalang. Cone frame, lot Miss-,rJ . Soi,2dM"s .. TuneV! LTi ,Aosa ganeral bbiag Ladies wio mule una> proteions le refeuuiélt désiré 10o buse 8oft whlite hande. We bslio"5 liai liera la nothing will tend mare 10 prouce Iis effeel liaI lie ceasîtiu use o'f Munis>' und Lanan's Flcrilak Waten- mixaI wih thé ssuer l iu te basin. Tt romnovs raîjesa and ro gi - Oteon. Tic ladies-of Cuba andl Soualb &msrics were ltéef£nalte0 iscovar t11é oadinrlisoa>'si-tes cof bia floral saiton saas - cosmcic, aul hbavé, lng siacerdrel lia use of ahi. ches. "rHOO Get Yom@a loest Cash figî i -sud hen yenr od dangiler, Philadeo "hi. ,i~ Louis Morgan, Buokingiara 2 a C ' ,ans! infant langbter -,Mrý Rus- A Joues, Cialado, F.nnyiylvani Peck Tbe followiug are the wounded ab fa a.x scoin be noceilained: M. D. Carili lion, ýexpress messenger, Detroit -,- A.à lots, Bèniot, bagga'eman, Detroit ; Wî Clay. Gnggy, Troy, $F., log une! tligh orna Vva e 1; -DanielFana, Chiago . id SSparlin, Philadelphia; Arthur Bogei hon.iladlphia; Bebon Carter, Grarc lsti peer, Illinois;Geo. A. Qunugnam %aIr. 'Janessflle, Wi. ; 'H. Misîns, Canada "U- E. J. Parnell, St. Cntherices ;, Mis. I ira. J. Parnell,- Sb. Catharines,* Mra. J.] SPaiuell,-Torcuto; 'John Jeffiuoy, .Nii B.ark, probably fatal; Willie Rice, agiî iT- four, Philalelphia, recover>' sicubtu falien, mction sud sdotor a1l IdIled Is Mn-s. Lanra- A. Finlay', Walworli, N iir Y., brises! about te bos; IMu.B J. Warren, Gangs, Miochigan; HeIM Bairows, Nowfoualland, Ps. ; Amuin atus; lus Museonuve ans! Palmas Massonuvi ros. Buckingham, Canada ; Doîbeit IM Irs Benjamin, Jersey Cilty Heights, i Wn ghs. Bninue>', Gaît; Mis. A. M. 810e!e iug Detroit; Miss Clomeat, Loclcport, X hsg- Y-., arm und boul badly -out; Mis. B k- B. H art, Cliaton, Iowa; Boit. Neiý île àreuiom, Canuda; Leopold Hoffmaî, ilts, Ranlolpi, Mas. ; Iro. Geo. A. Jones, a, e Cinlada, Penn., one cf ber childisi, 8rI, eigileen mentis od, wus killedin.f 12 stantly, and anotier baIl>' brisesl S.M Hakl, Piladelphia, tbilai arbis wife ald childien, aged foui aud lot six, aie umcng lie deal. '£ie enginesl C. and fiiemun cf lie expross train were aI, literuhly loin to piees. Thé engluész h. and firemen - of lié switch enginseès« niJ. fr,. cupel by jumping., Tic train wse oi male up of sevon Wagner eleepers, ni four paséngar coacies und mail and tts. buggage cars. Tije tender cf kie'ex- tu les pre s engins w uo eles ope l i e lbth mibaggage car about haIt its lengli. Ti ca, cnatain forel is way iuto lie mal car, und lies. ciowded lihe firot pas. '.songer coach rigil on tb lie embais muent und cruesheel tlem back thhîugl bI te two followieeg. The pussenges fin th~bIe tinol coach weîe ocumpatrabivel>un- qhunmed, the inîveet of. deabli beini in, neapel la thé second und tbilîlcouches. 55e, Tha founli coach escaped witi but Cr eliglel lumuge, nul noue cfthe'Waner J. couchas wsîs injurel. Tic accient ai wus causal b>' lie swticiman havin; 1 . charge cf inakieeg up ficigîl trains ce- hs cupyiug tie main irnck wii the-stc . enegme und cuboose, uuler8laaîia; i'ai thé Pacifie Express was consider- ,rt nhly behinî. The Express train, iow- l.even, bal muleetep neail>' alI bot lime. Of Encouragement of Irish Immigration. îTîhe Dublin coînospondsut of lie d.London Timewritos uIon labo-Sept. t. 183 -iTie Governmont of Canada ure g, tacking aIs-auage ofthle oppoa-Iufuîy ,,, presenbel by lha oxietence poflepîessier Ir. aîog-tle agiulturl classes te pro- to. moto emignation te lie Dominion. Mr. Foy, emigrution agent in lie Nati cf s, Irelund, ulteadel n meeting la Cool- hill on FrIs>' evoning, and strongly ulvisel lie fiui ena te go te Canula, wiore tiey coula bny goo i l wiih fari buildings ou it for £10- un acre, :ad haîf-clenne(l faims for £5 un acre, et and lise in tulepenlence, ieing tlie n, owneis cf Ileoir own tarans ; and if bal k. inivesis sieulîl coae i>wonll have 111 lie satisfaction et knowing tint tbey t bal ne lànîloido le puy. lHe mention- el cases of persons wbo bal beau I1ris. i. eu frnm Inelal by the iunslenesaet t.thneir lanîloîls, bul uow ilasseil tlîem n- fer having obligel them leo go wiere t iecy wene independent anul presperons. He conuta liehe cmfortabla living of tino Caudian faimens ssitli tsepoci sn fane cf ths Iies, anud npuflitel lie jciang6 cf extravaganemals agoinot lis ugricultunal classesocf Ibis ceuntry'. liéeolulel lia&%'if bhe faimeis diIInet biheve bis staiement, but wished ho tjudge for themiselves, hoe was anlicriz- aI by is Governmeut te propose tint au>' 25 cf hem eaboula select a penscu. ci te raprosent thom, unI ho wonld bo aI. r lowed a free passage cultal be afferd. ).el oser>' facilily for exumining lie icountry' sud malcing a reporlte o hem. He wisuas muki ailachel, hé enil, as any cf lleem, 10 Irelaul, sualif liey t coua lise-hère as wel uas in anotièr r country ho woull net ulvise them te louve it; but lho losel Canada botter because ho hmd beau trèaied botter theoetlîha oesen coulbave béén at home, ald heappenlleothiseinmuni>' spirit und good csee o 0wleere lie>' coul bocontentes! und prospenous Hie alîneos was istenos! te Witi m11c0b1la- terest."' Meusien Tenant Right Meeting lu Enoon uonsîs. Na Biold Mare, J. Lawielot, . Lynde or TourlngFilly, J. Lawh lutJYB.j M e 29n ~nd gFffr l ÇtW Toix besonl l. 1ysarola do., ?. L'ndo OADDLI OR EOADeTrER Roio. Bd Bnood Mare, W. H. Oasis lit, J. Boa ta2nd. 2.Yesr Od FIiy, N. Blurton, lst lsot ighswauder Brou. 2 prngF in A. eLslu a lit. J. L. ,3arke nIlu. 2-j cl Col,fi.Graam lot, G. May lad, Di lu do F.* Riltulo t, T. OLM ouSri ., 8. Steseason lsl, T. Thonm Cal. Týesmi lharuese, Wm, Veule lot Thornton2l. Single boise, J. Cutln' .bl, W. M. MihonauI.Sadlue boise, Il àmel let, A. C. Brossa lad. RoudI ~.Stallilcia, 1 a secial prime of Busht Dryden, lutst ,Meek, 2ad hi. GraIn 8r2,. . Baike>'. eo Jaiges--Thos. ToldpIH. C. Marn, iG. 3u Millez. itV 5AtHuas. Brooa mare,-W. M. Miler let, J. I. Da' son lad. 2.year cl il 11>, J. I. David, i. let. Spring do, J. 1.BDahdsoa lot. 2I ro 011 Col, J. hl. eoll lot. l.year al lao. I. Davilson lut, B. Pluke>' lad. Spîang W. M. Milon lai. Matchél Teane lii nous, J. I. Davileon lot. 6 Foals fii c f banso, prime of F. W. Ghon, M. P., B. <G hunhem. Imprtol Dîaagbb Stallion, R. G f lai lobt. Oin laFoahs of 1879, sii Sby I'Joe tho Banlser-'," scial W. O. Mil A. Wiitsou Lob, cas f '79,ineaI I'tBlnck Comeél," Nigbswanîen Brou. lot. dÂISADIAISORAisUuHT HORORO. D, Broca mare, R. Grahamnetobana bal. ysr ouI FuI>y, Iigissaulen Bras. lot y W;ilson Cul. l-yea cl Filly, D. Piàl hs lt, U.Youugoa. lad. Sping Fiuuy, 9 M. Bell lai, H. Grnha uneCu. lyean eColt, G. Basou let, A. Wison b; Spring do., R. Grahamne lt ald uI, (IEtNERAL onuiRasE unuOBSo. a Brooa mare, John Scott lst, J. Rail b; 2-ya oldIrFis,-I J. Stiacl ba. -yerofd Fil]>', JohnM. Baîl lsi rHanter Cal. Spring do., T. Cima lot, Whiiaoa luit. B.yeai oh! Colt, D. MaPhi son lot, 1U. Young, or. Cul. l.year OUIl T. White lot,1 R. Giahuru Cul. Spring0 i T. China lai, John Willson Cul. Mach, Teuiniu harase, A. Wadlell lci. Foal 1879, b>' Priuce of Wales, apecisi, I. a Vaudou. . Jadgee-T, Pilce>, J. E'is, N. Raid. SDjURHAM uC.tTTLE. 8-ysar olI Coss, J. I. Bavideon lot, b-3 cl Heifer, la. l-yani nd Hoifei, do. Heuf eaif, lel anul Culdo. Bull cali, do. ici, cissflCATs-LE. Cos', u:sing neilk or lu caîf, C. Wilis Set, Geo ageLogCil. yeur nid 'Cai gtCag îmilk or iu cuIt, C Wilson lst, -Gi .LongCul. C- y car al heoa, George, La; lot, J. Bell Cul. i.yean olI haifer, J. Be lst anul Cal. lHeiorr alfGa.- Lsng 1;I FaIt(Oz on Steor, J. luîsel l taI nd CutI JERSYCATTI.E. Hard b>' E. Bnalsiass, recommended. 1 Ram, agel, A. Jahaspon lob andlCul. 1-y o11 Ram, A. Johnson lot anulbal. Hai Lamb, W. M. Miller bot anud Cal. Age Ewss, A. Johenssn lai, Wzn. Milieu Onc Ewe Laibs, A. Johnsnlutanul Cul. 1-' ouI Esso, A. Johnaonî st aunI Cul. SOUTHOWN KeEoîzP. Agel rani, H. H. Spencer lota nI Qd l-yeaî ld aiine, H. E. SpecerailSo, J. Wl] sn Cul. BaR ammm,IH. H. Spencer lui John Wilson bol. Pair agal Esses. H. B Spencer let, John Wilson Cul. h-yoar o], BEs, IE. H. Spencer lai, John Wilson bai Pair cwe Lamis, John Wilson lci, Win Rolp Cnal. Pair Put Shcep, W. M. Mills let, John Wilsoni bal. Julges-Jnhn Jamicanu, Wn. PFonte: H. Veauîing. t-ss'IsEt-LARCuE ciuzcn .Ageu Bour, C. RIIle otla, F. Inities D2 a Bw of 1,879, C. Efîe>' lot sud Cnc Bisai of 1879, M. RosI. essINs-83ALL uîustîzs Agel Iloanr C. Nigisauler loi. Agoi Sow, T. Pugi lai, T. China Cal. Sow c 1879, W. C. PlIts>' lot, W. Hobis, Ind Boar, 1879, C. Lynle lai, A. HUlis CutI Litten 80w pige, bîgil>' îecosnemealtîd, W C. Pilkey. is te of e, te la ef c 1 1 1 -1 1 A-?ru a ior ei5gpromut, nir asmuais, M' m faot,aitis due tuany one of tho'tou eh« teouanl non.officials whe atendes!an4j li oeerfull>' paià hm 'owu expenses. À -oetMedicine Fiee of Charge. Of 0f1ai medÏies i dveriae!tu cure ~'an>' affection of the Tbroat, Cheat or ~;Lungs, we knoe. of noue w. eau recoin. W.Mend 80 huugbly ase»a. 'Knr's Nzw ;G DasMcovuRY for Congumptfon, Ceagie, Astima, Brcuouftji,,ayfaver, Hoarse- nes, ûtiolng inlbthbtroat,;los cof voice N' ete, This inelfotue doo vstieiy Il cure, îsa s! i *boire evorything elue bas lfailed. Ne melfoine canashow one. curaf e a >'positive ands!peimanen"' F 0 hu e a a v e a l e s l > ' b e ea u ff e t e d M. by Ibis IraI>' -onderfal remel>'. For a. Astima ans! Bronchilla it la a perfect le: thé crig ievery worsl cases ln Nth~e eorest ltime possable. We su>' b>' B:aIl mean iei trial. Triai boifle i, /re. = g lsie *1.00. -For sale b>' S3. W. B. Smuiit & b., Wbitby. Thoe eated Tern-Look Ont. DON'T BIT ON Tag GRASS. d. The mcal etubborn case of Dyseul- kte ony wlnich lu uothing more non em hoa n id inflammation of lie rectum, prolauced or net anfn-eqaenlly b>'- settiug on lbe re grass-ma>' becanuel by liaI must- effi- er aient cutierlic, Castor 011. ILs sooli- i inà nul ialing prcVeties are, w cner. as fui, bat its nuîaoalîug offets mako il a, impossible for tie patient le rebain fi. id To Scoie & Bossue, tie public ara iu- l- eblel foi au Emulsion cf Castor- Ou ie Ihat la net cul>' palalable, but in pro- s, neuxceci b>' hoasands wio nie nsing il, 6I aimolultel>' gréenibe te épalale. No i. famil>' on affoî le bte silicub fit k-itrongh lnohe nétas! hrn. Puce -15 ,h cents. Per sale b>' T. G. Wifiell, in Bneck-sb., «Whilby. 4in-86 No- "German S>'nu; s. Noliter melfoine in lie world ws it ésor gisea Sncb a best cf ils ounative nr quulities us Bosciees German -Syiup. it Ia lhîee yeais isse millions foui inn- l9ided thoueanul omaîl botles et tuis c- Medicine wene dislnibuledl freec of e charge b>' Diuggists ln Ibis countb e-'h 19 itose allictel wf h Consumplica, Asth. mu, Croup, severo Ceugis, Pucumoula, u- nd cibèn diseuses oethe Iuroat ald a.lungo, giviug bic American peoplo un- deninihe proof tiat Genaa Syrnpssii I cure them. The result bus beau liaI Druggisls ia ever>' bossu aulvillage la 5lie ecanulasunI the United States are t. recomsnenling iltetuIbeir cn4tcmens. '9Ge te your Dînggisl "a!asIewhulhe>' YIenow about it. Samplo bottco 10 cents., n lipulan sise, 75 cents. Threa deses, -will reliove un>' case. Baclen's Arnica Salve. Y Tic BEsr SAL.VE ia 1h. world for koCuls, Braises, Scies, Ulcoe, SalI Bieum, Telien, Ciapped HRaIds, Cuil- blulus, Corne,'uaand ala ut ofslcia enupliene. Tuis Salve le garnteol let gise porfcct sabiofaction in ever>' case cio mono>' refuldel. Price 25 coule par box. For eale 1»' S. ýW. B. Smnith & Ce., Wbilby. * Cennumnpin Cuned. Au cldpiysician, relirel frome pnuc- lice, iuag bal place! in his bands b>' an Est Inîla missooar>' lie formula cf a simple vegetable remel>' for- lie ropeel>' ald permanent care for Con. samption, Bronchiblo, Catar, Asma, and uli Throat ans! Lueg Affections, aiso n positive sus! radical cane for Neisous debihity und ail Nervous Com- plain-ta, afîci leasing tooel dits wonler- ful curative powen lan thousads of cases, bas feît ii bis dat>' ta malle il known le bus sufforing felloso. Acta- atel b>' tismotive unI a leslie le ré- lieve hunasusffening I wilU seul fies of charge tu aIllssio deefre il, tlii n- ciplaGérmau, French, or Engleb, stifaulldiecions fon prpni anl noiug. Sent b>' mail b y_ adlnosing with oaup,.namaing Iis papr, WX W Sherur, 149 Powcrs'.Bloce, Rochegëci, N. Y. From liai cldad well-knossn Citi- zen, Georgo G. Siokles, Esq., faiben cf Major General Sickles, U. S. Aii., late Ministen Pienipobeuhia'tu e oCount- cf Spain. Ihave n-esiîod for lie hast seventy-five years in lie cil>' cf New Yorkc, und during hat lime bave seen nd tiel a great variet>' cf remelies. Of ail tint'I base met, Gilea' Liuimaent lldie Ammouin excela. Have not oul>' usaI il mysélf, but a greal man>' ssiib wiom I arnacuaetalspeuk se- higil>' of itinl b= Oab, neuaialgs, boolacie,--rienmaiim, pains -in lie shouhîci, bacc sud loins. Il is equal>' séisiceuihe l i e tables. 1I. Ibefone REDUCED FC AVauable Premiam giVe sfUbsaurlier 1 L It O G real - pnpor«f the 1 TERN ADVÈIfl Balance ao1879 ;«REJ £cVLRDDWPRIlETAI BE$T EV R 1 £lm WESrznN Am , os L IzîAtfaauCici ais 1 1 1 ' 1 QD-F f"ZNDIGESTION."- everytleing fer il a We are ne dootors, icriptfon-liaI leur andi ilmiglel oure'Yi coul butsa quailere liaI ut u>' Iiuggig Davis'Pain-Ruier. KeNoticog of. andeZDeati charges LAING.-At Wl sslfé of Mr,. J.' B. 1 uns! 8 moulus. The fumierah usill fu resideuce cf Wm.' Li twe P. M.,bo the U GUNN -At Pi South A.tics, ou Asogusl, -iu lie I62m James Gunn, Pesde Gels! commiosioner c sou ofltie laIe Ies. Min2istercf Use :P Cuilinesa, Scoblaad Robert John, Eeq., _WITBY .à PlOur brI .... Spriug Wleai... B ale >, N Ql. Bye, ....... Ohase con,,,,,,,,,,,,,,... Beefb....uart.... ASiespero -.... Hlems.- ...... . Lamas............... Tursse.......... -W' aots ............. . Buae ebnd urtr-.. BIep oe rer .... Taike, pr lb...... lveî ........ Toiiyes...... ....... Wuioenssai.... T - os ia.>'.v........ Chtmis, il la m.t.... Pit eefom one la .. i..... dace, dpOesea U niot au ........l. st peMolte.nMae ausseuesonda îate ils ssas discote d b>' amno, AdusnlaU.pSelaoe-he nt e i mi wl. Joo ta uT.s Bheble maeiNoeo or C NEW byAlDmVERTï:

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