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Whitby Chronicle, 23 Oct 1879, p. 2

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qaalntcd uswa&illiur twa .bettos- aises (e&UVilelzy) eu ""-* s WM sining tisa Id e s-oIns-nfrom Yale. anI-W.H c ux enteotsuiieey r.7n tisuenRgianci, whes-abcbbs eeivsd the cul- JJI[llgebabil cfr toseing je tise pues-deetilgie nlnatin i houns-of a jog olilief f. l . Wimmigd.rant, Tise vitliioris wes-ewt oor-i JGchui A Madbnaild sould -bave- issèsi G. hifllsi. Sir eegeCalfîs,j BtheBinsay ecipient cf se masked a cs'mpl- spéial noice.-Ca'ha, Cesk; Mrs. Tus-bitt, OwAsssowu, ment fs-cm tise citizeng cf Quebea, the Mjor- Mill-T. P. White. Daun. acuesof ise-sal lies- ts-mphinl officiai UY-1l'w lNc. -- -Townehip cf Ux. Josephs Houe, NMaleR oué sud life. big.William Roe, Leees-tDublin 0Of Sir- John'@ speech, ens-Montreai *iowarl-,-0tss-iêio a-s-eMu G.11louesisd Wm.Houe jr.,Meule,. contsmperas-y observes :-Sir Jouacas- -Mal tpsousatis o. btowu, Conly Dnblin. fined himelsf ta geaesaiillp; but Isap. <8Speisî ucoîlae. D. X. -Trotter, Enliai,], Couauty puly fer tise cuntry, thsy we-e pions- 'Ts-ituawed Milnery-E. Fs-est. Meaitl. sut genieralities. Hae rsfssrsed wstis a Ne fats and bonets-Er. Fs-eI i. til, Omagis, Ccutty T>'. pardonable exultation th ie disappeas-- Speoplol-T. G. Whitlield.rs-e. asc f the commercial deprenlion sud Scoli' REmieon-T. G. Whitfisid. R,.os-a, Waxford sud Daiblini,- epls ftise haut faos- yeas,sud tise ~[gios~u~s jlade-~'. G, Wisilfishd. G,. D. Caeey, Donlisiez, Ralisny saivic hp si repsly mu MocIoweil Opera Ce- caunnty Deblin. AIl classes of the Commuity ; sud lie __Dr. lÇxzbanI, BIaikrock, iDabiîc, sud aiaimed, sas lie ad a riglit '*to aimi AUCTION SALES:. Ces-k. tsat lise ahange Watt aided sud hasten. J. I. Nanu, Dublin. ocI by tise poliey wiii Parliawsut, Ssi I as-s loeirplrisute louslîod U. Hamilton, Inuielogue, Kilkeeny. unuer lite leadership, lad adopted.; Ris fus-stura, &c.a the prupami> s-f Ms. JIlip Cias. Barringlan, Kingston. refes-enas te tise.magnificeîni future Loaamluig, ou Lot No. il, Brsoken front, P1ick -Ail gentlemen of positiivs sud inde. 'lsih Canada lis befone il, iu tise de. onileu Tliui-§dny, Oc)t, 28; 1879.-.L. Fait- peondent mens. velopnt of tise Nortswesl, sud bis wi l~ , Auilues-, Ou Thusaday eveninng A danunciation cf tise nupatrietie depre- -3leo sart -eStock, ispeuue ou OPIUN, cmto o btcuty ute ato thoispsrullee, lot No. 17, le tho lt con,.f cM>itG<AYDzssis iuotItia ensyonts atc Efeer Whjitby,'nou Mossslîy, Nov, rs, 17).- waa.givou iu thiis isnos- ai lie BRei tise leader cf tise Oppositien, ware' L. IMotel,, Rh ouves-e boing lai,] for fft-nesis. amoug tise beet passages cf hie speech ; as-si suoluer,00, a,, igas vey rll sud his Condamnation cf tise conduacf nTseaocial stledioffwas a veys or-ui lims wlIibave met tise fisst attss-aulee ~, ui on sud nsfie off a Ils noyaJuele unctisepart f tie Englisis Ptemlss- on Dartnel ily &iChsargea tise ds-g ofbeafeof Canada..nd lu s-cimmsndae --h-abinusan, as did Ms.-Fss-awe osee cf tien cf il as a fieId fer amigrsuce fus- ONLY Si su. PER ANNUM, ase ivn ud Band insulta, isecause cf 'a single - - * ' - daî>'spouidsd te, tis elchais-su, aan, l dc cf eot uestural mistake ou tise part hib Turay, Oct. 28, 1879. vos-y tieat speech propelasith toast of os-od Boaaensfield, was mageificsntîy "Our Guests," wîîicli was duly hionos-edsisvere. -Sir Johnu dud net claim te have ' ~ in full buripers, sud witli as iipisip lu n y way inspired lise noble Ras-l'e Obatînne>' aud Stnpldity. - hurrah, speech ;hise dcas-ad tiaISe did net Ms. Nat Hunte, câpans of lise tonan kuw Who isad inepired il ; but bis ex- Mr., King ols-as aounmendsbiestosip >raspeuxie,] in fitting tes-us, sud lu a pianation cf liseesses- mb towiiaLord lit u ueting cf lise Town Ceusail oit v'er>' happy sunos-. Bs s, - le alias , nt l ta bloMenday svening, lis tno'lisgtea no- Tise vce-ebaîrman hsviug bee caied Canadasi asmgisi bave beau s-l illu ise (vi'iuiiîî upon tise condition upon,1 gave *Qsicket sud criekectene iLs spas-sd thisas insulte. worid oves-" wii was Wall neceivedi- of' thu hias-ioIl i8 Appsarulen al suüd spot with, approprias espouses. Lise Globe, par- cosîtra,sys :Sirsa tihatitielias-bon Le perînlîîoclta go ta Tisa toast cf "Tise Prsss" was ses- John's speeah aI Quebea. te bie appreai.i - - ws-iec l rimin," sud tIsai, ail îlîîî--ponded teb iy Ms-. liggiue, cf tise CEitoN- aIed, ieede ouiy te Secs-ssd. Tise miug. precesalios t'tis Drpes stîx cs-e Io,, sud tisaI cf "Tise Ladies" invas-y lsd bs-ag sud folly .by wîîiaisil was presisaissisol of tes-meriy Sm Oses-go CColt-ecbarataized couaiS culy cerne fs- li t-iuîaaxiilieyeu ntc i.hareit. waning facullies, on fs-cm eomstiig Tise wsst lilas- us cliiigoiiig tu lîlees - Ms. lIsmniington propose,] tihesieati aise equaily effealive and inuaislessu ex- -itilt lsniui iAl fillng isp, aussI- voesis fle chais-jan. ansmble. Ou suais au occasion ecrue- fen »iti ont gitetuolî litictîsurend,, Judge Darîriolsl, in repîying, coin- tiing accent, if net staemanlike, was suld yet nlt Jfi othliig cf scxponeitnru plitueuî,teiseIrisis tanin o is-fins ta lieeaxpeetedl. Respecît'fonriimsalt', lia i<aicrusie or sipstecf inî paying, and epoka a iù on sgtls upon if net for hie Company, naquis-ad bis ,drii, bult itibr10YIr f tis e noleispastime ofcricket. e tever s-y mdtise fllîy aller.J suas, st îsogeje liwe, 1< g cr mmi Tîo Wisittsy Criakol Club" wass- e. e, howevsn, Sir John msnagsd te je- J *cugitle tini ls i sllsy l<' i toi' iîî hpliid tu _b, Ms-. C. Nous-se and uises-s, sinuate muais et'tise t'alite. Wsay bis isics<iansd wiîls s"îuo vountees- toasts sud uoîlsing of bis bongsft h f ie cudena- À~ lk. wla, il te Oinonofth shppsy raspeuses, asi nome goud songi;lionnet' tise Pacifia Scondal sud cf hies' ratlpie.rmwiis o lf ie ofîxiion cf ise Ifrut s-i Mas-,M s-r.arinl uck. Norneusd we epeale cf issrefes-- Tiaeloi~irstic-c 5ssî<u f cir reIlSe is- Goos-gA Cothuret ans oIsons s most suce tb SirFs-sais Rincks, se cisarse- 'is<ii<uuicillis', <ava tise rnis-k i ) aronjb voing was aujoysd, sud lanistic, sud in lise ais-umetauces se w 1iî l aii iiiittililgail 11, cosaitisais- coîxclndoî wiîis tiheisealis of lthe won- blastIessean sueul. Wa donot men vî1sii,(<iIioiitisi jts-slài rursisl lualis>'luisit ansi iostîste--te wlici Ms-. aise ta sny tisaI;lie ares--d wiseuho oni tî'suiii<tlet) jiti oNgs-it. Msskiî', cf tIlosyal nesponde,]. boaetasitItise cisains wiics las Csiiîclsll,1"uilgsl aid sMui by Cii On s'iîiay niglîttheisaIrtis crieeters bouiahimu te Lowas- Canada sud tlise h ii î'lsig c tlii't'cvIlCîue altfloill"À oiols-oale ' p"attfise oxtrome lerical notionist pari>' were ng '1'sm<ssai lo 'ssfe- in :sieihall, wlbes-uh ilacoenjoyoid chainseof'gol,]. Ho le boat abl to ') ite pos-tiruit>' ofmdacing frtefis-et t anesidwuebonid s lsat lewssne W (."Iîs't sri i ott il tiii. "Tise - isoatcn" sud ltoekawa "wiîls wide cf tise mss-k.But wisat shah we as uiîi i x c<xir;il, rofulsiti %Vistliy ladies.sy of n imnuwiîo gravely talle Cana-gi Ili'-lit, L Iiîmss sori m;îsl,'islgeî <y t (if Disixsg tise d< ir bi-George Colthurst disetîsat Britiali Celumbianexnaî »ve ~lrsjîîî'ilîlis-lis,estîisliie tVsss-k,) <mxiisîsîl Ms-. larsingiaix, in çotuliani>'witiî fertility te Egypl 2 WVial shah we ai 1ii ikicIiîl'ý igisn.iin Riplu, i lsi rrJusigcîi- as-îiell, Mr.-.LH . sa>'ofa minuwbo dalibas-atel>' s-asat 'luit wuy plivîeicjii lOnt cîplit cf', Jisineis;oxi, sud Ms, -.ligssiua., paici a vieiltisae fooliels calumu>' againelst .plixtical ai ~is~îi-lss lss-sîciilgîislMI, i;lissse ?x-ntic raiidenoe cf apportent that; ha necormaendeil Taxas ch sUiîjsi, iss' eis-i sg:sssttiisMur. Joisusl)xysîî rAP.'Fixe Triailsunaie seitabla fiais-Ifor Canadian cmi- isi lceii'Isl cl jsiî.'sisîsî iitîi5's-isssgî'îstiîxixxo, wi e nlrgo lamsit odrs gramte ? Iu tise cous-se efthie dabae ou fol is.<l riltaieprlis-esslativ'siof ilise tlseviievoq, wesrss sîtlighiseî it iail Ms-. thse land pîxliey lu tisa Nortls-We'st, il ino w#ll riit olii]Drydexli isasita show <ud l htiiem sns amIed.on tisa Minialenisi sida tisat ih, J> Cliic'ilisiiiiils cil ~11< ti, xxi slicut Catiadiars fas-iirxg andi etcckrs-i. tîssrawere ne lande te be dispose,] cf le. li<îtiî 1-s oii le isîuis siiis sî oîiitiLscs ici tishtéesss stie - g, anssiwere nuselfavorîslly ixnhiselaas is tiaStalos; asud tisatInîtendiag sel- be Lli- lii ýlr. o diitl th tîxoinvi uwitlis luit es-dieu r of cists->. On-sat- Itis wonld bo cerupellil asi te es tils 1ii eîssjt wis a shsets-sysl cof tise ixnter-. 1rs-lîmy istisiing tise .tecfixsloft b> tG. T. Canada sud psy tise price aseo. luîhi ceac,îî uss isiî'silrtsI R. for Cotions-g. ans'ws-, and wills a view te gel tise tic thotht'chsarges on Canadian lande lowes-sd,'>j* Wi tissî t lc<igsM' isxsiissli's r ts. bScîlis Eiiisiinsof«t' uod lLiver -Ms-. Mackanzie tate,] whaî le a notos-. us eliIli, s-l l iti,-î sIcîjltle> i tscei O l osalme ib 'T. (Cr. Whtteld uefacî-thl great quantilies of land fii siis.A il( iiiiii i sa i s slit Ils-s proi. lin tise Stitoasare elili te bo dieposei cf inj -o>' ssliiriss'lsiss' tii' Jiseruu' ~'h --ais,]tisaI coonuentuîy il was suicidai liie qil- ronhiig heGovrior heCasîe ogair.st the Cousolidaîrd 10 pot Iigl ic-s on ous- Nort-sost las uslii i'iI iiil sslcsuit<sxii 11tise faiiiBauk Disemiors. asros. Sonabod>' aialleuged hum ta Co[ fis tlî 2 c ir î Iîsis Voslts, andxiinstion auy %vides tracts et' nnsaîtlsd i [leitisi, riitis sss <îili-wi,,'il9 g11<i-'5îs>-uiî<sxrsomce u oxusuLreor landxi. sud ?ls-.'seuzia rapliesi, "Tex- lus Iii i ls,<5 Wli<5i lggs-'li h>'Ir., >AllINfil <A uUL R'sETi'USLN. a.-"Ysl SirJohn now parades tisa MR t2i1llwîs a sesi in-'eiicll lilsas'- ssibshr for' Lamblon as sit emigration oe rol,4.4-liititivîfi<iit w; t i'iisll'ix-ssxib Tise bs-lu sf Sis' Franscis Iliiclie, agent ie tiseies-este of Taxas i TSi Lllsi outî-itscf lis e suple ci' \Vlitby. 'r*idn c liiCosolsts laic sn, howovers, visen lus got ou lise eht Il«iig'e îss ooîis irese itîîiis Mr.u r 1, oy iutof thlndeil liao tisa Cous-Incf corigei~niltisanes ofLord Beaconsfiolml Ils iiitilulàrolIii4 Jil1.litI) ws ot(,-tie( befra heCortoftiatSirs-John flahîmeoif. Hle waseun ticîcesi iii<o ir()s1 sucs i<liiixsg #tise iuabor, Qeîxs'1tusicî i etMonts-eau' oi ion- iciu<i aionglixto cors-cal one lapsus in s tlrf-' il isîl t la1 Isîvîs s orîiues-e lire- day. iTie.ccargseagauset lii s etisaitishe famous hylebus->'8sel in eayiug net Vîi li.fo lui tfile upart (ifliii o G uEirCu' . i icceu. sePsesilunt of tise Cccsalilalesl BanC, tlist wsesn tise Englis Premias- telk-Clin re-<cetly ixuelversl, lie s-a-de, os- [es-iritl- oCa otf tiset'armeseof tise Western ing States seeliug off sud going LoY wiolo- ans Wcîii Durhaom. el tala oin allo, faisa ets-o-nof tisa sala t tise Canadian Nortis-West, ha ans Mi' hisssiy' V.hlss-îs- lsmireig stsianding ut' tise Bank in tise mexstiiy lieennn Wstes-u Provinces. DicI ha?2 cbi tis semt ci Wcst sxîiuo m tsîsDore~ports maxlemo te soGoverutent a s-a- In tisaI case lise srnas-k blnonepomnt Ger. Iiisiilis '<arsiiil, lon. EîlwI1rd ijisis-cl b>' etutute, wlses-ssy, il e5 s inguIOg.d if ca sfie aevo,t'easta so lntecv utis lai<oldems Rasicrellitors o'eî'~ s-itu'ts ttmu a oso blcv hýlflîx ixeliii ilsissHooiswili u hi ie Liii- Basnk ses-rsibiis ul suffose,] bs tIseStates would seo au edsnuxasîof tle uil i' i ili1ît', us-r(lie sslilxxe.Tlis-e 'Plilechas-geocf his ionloxis-Jîssgo Mock this-population aud thias'mas-litIbcebas !ï Iil plîiii illif)iiis'îîtl-oof' i tti groai, ivissi seru1y lî'cras Vo thea cccssil.transes--e,]te Caniada. vis tiluiul iisi L iilsi for- liais, liii cld TijIix-,aflo e lsmisut alnisous-and cr- s-in iîuxsli<isxmi'--f.îoty> acclamaoîtion, b>' tweaý,ty iinlcll, setns-xssd a veriiet cf, î css ccsaelPxxinefn sss weseiiicsit oxisiy. sQuiiîy. As-r.liir. ri',onheiaif t'is- Sysvlul)is Was-rixtcd tusretioveVise mal .won 5>iiji~srtsuse csf xhuc t>s-si<crîo Lucuixe. liluio Suiatjieic uit, L'lcîs-sîi>' s-îc otil esi,11b>'thsee yalh pcisty v 1'14ss1lcs u-i til'ccl lu>' tlses additiion et' lum-gsî ilsas- csir f inlstios l .isc ilssa ai)s oxotio IItulxuts irsiais<tu lluy Ise usis- %Vil() cîs-a <sus ibotims-l, anidcumsnt b>'eoLui tucM h vsiusgui',NTV Irisîul te isii<is tr, u. t u-y O'letxfilti i tIluîI tie- r 1 .c i s s-l eiutYis<j i itlltit ilacscsly su 1w -c lss <sîitioJ f tic l li ts- 1scs- A-i'cu ly sxo 1t iiuiH, sue Lus' sus il e c, ro.l lc i Pu s IL$. t t e ii i, Jj voiN uxuîsn.t.usg tatissu las-ec seciilic, jcc-uaaii si-7., ccuuso fruxîlis. pc;', cit., out tsciNuvoushos- ubors e)t uls-hisaM0ntiu>'nand St. Nioiiolase uttuasbscns fsicxxn ncorlsary t a ajpoisit - - tise dy cf iseie iales- bluIrs situai, ,Senibies-iA lLcn1lly (elitbciîiOî ivili Lt'a s- "obrai> eae-2Jbxsl, IltiilI be Li' n giaxîilîxîssinuxusti>es-','coulaiuiug '"i' se iozsu sapes-s csfli hiset inter-- est 'lsftssce cl lissera intes-usae laiis - rul liC, hisosiclusae a tiso'lcrit, it cîx opsy o cf' bhasu-ralat ' et'aas-sTaylor-, aussi -h liseSgliîil asaw hsos-lil abs-' George-. (Jab eI. Nicisolas, pas-. (nnenl>' nirge,], ps-ite,] ou lîaeiacr - spa- itis lios uas-ig,su1l ira-. inî 1 tu»> poeia ls-sLtrecceu, vilh be Isalitaons tho 25Ltl. N oluiussof SotS xagl naas-o bagunu itus Illste cf ff e cil,, iu tsetis-esloxeine, -for el tua scrsy of lealleasi icas lIas-les vise castea,] the lasicino --Mr., PIser-Ilis ienaussIQuaýthîuilsiiUgs an t'Ise'lie" cou' S Pls, llCeau'a bas-n usas- gsý-uvod, T5is s-ae, i ciTfes-- el b>'tise ,outarjo Frm'os-'a Muals Inusuce Cexîrpie>', ainoncuootnî ut alolies- cehumus, tise 49a111i, [sa gsn l es-oaion. Tise no mi bas Secsfittecl uts vitlS ahl mods-n lcns-velluaj IUîe uiI E ýnav wiuel t e haOea ut' ele isc ompoe enlbeet ite a p lunlise Iprovimice. 3001(sxo eoiaT C s. eMs. Ken.nedy'. tlisl et' prices. y uss- t'Ijphgs'Hll, au Salurda>', For AlL1IPA - ie ni juisncl, sellis %ras grantesi. Tise icllcîring eiise Ipenalty gouisso asing lise case :-Tundeîs-tise Actt 32 sd -ý Z :3 iVie, sac. 71), cap. 21, an>' sus-dos- founsi gillyeof nîaixixug ,fraudulent tfaite sittements is habla le be imprisoueien atisa penitantiar>' for an>'tes-m net ex. cusaxlieisg scveau yeus e siinot lbas issu M8ies> years, or lha inspsisoxsed lssix>' e ther gaoh os- place of ceuiiuausoust for al n>' less xitIsan s lie ourewiluos- iss-iutuuuîiard labour, and isetus ou'vitlis ont saulitas->' cufuauouent." c Tliuetrie]liso e tis reistcore seilli lie li'oedecl i wlt'utliwitlî. t l0. s-s ei 'as-ýûy gexiesai eupssion<f' opcinionxstiuixt the vas-rdctWas nel jiieli. ieci1'l tvis su ad ailutlixe ru li aictlixiiexîîse lat iwsmai- csxsxxsritüue u. U l"ssîîs'Cîxkeis fisîtu Tuiiv l orfu-10 s- pi S iiiu-ow. uuu.llsIx secci gouda te in s vas-ltot' aieapes wili ha las-gel>' ai wo usi ocuiisg vixir - utlu< au-i jcicketiiforfus-ctso oilslsenshavîs anS, it iiut wl-raefor bise ladcies. Tiiemeaxxec thisaxxu aifcouaides-cbie qunistîlies cf al, 0bos-in vools. lses-au. J. S. Robersonsc & eV ts-oa. noting tîsiclx aveolaid in sa vu largo stick "of %-cola in ci greal vas-li>' et' ales-s, and whelilieIsa>'iav narkud ti attfise llowiug icw s-ste, pes- dois» gx suoens 10 cents ; lier oz h15ccts,-aci lil lisada. 811k dosae sa'arae Eiling ai 4oauts n kcuot, fillosel, visita andi lack ad 8 consIs, colos-s 10i cants pes- Cnet, bs-set gil cacinea ie ail styles, fo0 contas[ses- yard.l. ah o-l,] aud silvos- paptîrs, tin foil, bronze ni And colas-ad iapera, Ses-up nuSIs-anafes- pIns-res, moîleas, and nielle fsame a us ps-est vuriel>', al mnsked at loveet ratas de J. 15. Rotoston, & eBs-os. IDcves-eil'a ijs- Block, Wliiihy, notaS for sailling cisaap. P Besrtrandi Fs-eses Perft'ixns, asacreo,1, oicuxllu oLxbius, or Atldiau,3ns, 1cIat. s-n sisîgleune , aIWliield's ed iical 1 Hall, Brook-at., Wliiticy. ai Pertinent Questions. v TisaTas-enteolTribuns-e sahmits thisep foîioving Pertinent questione te tise ap. s-eî isolders ofte'I"N. P." - lut. DiS bise Canadien Naion lPoli >'j creala bisa reviesio c ad f i-iiuiiiai cI lias racent]>' bakan place iu tisa P. Unitedi States 2 c Wu. Dsd xl damag-, os- iin>' otetîo- va>' affect, lise 'iuldt' ftiseisareesi s in Eus-upc? W iM-,. Di,] t causeauam adeasase in tisadSe iace cf irons in lise Unite,] Siates Hjii anudOsest Bsiai ? éiis. Di,] ils-astuce lise pries of Ames-i.1 eau coal aItishe pit'e moulis, b>' S>' abent a Sellas- a Ion, asecompa-au vitix isel yoar's psiocae2 . ps-i uis.' DiS h enoners-tisacatlla diseaise lu thse United Stalas, os-ps-avant il. fremin ivadiug Canada ? Bal( GLis. Hla(Iitan>inilaeocp inprednrisg u.abundani liasat t-ns Canada sud tIse Unite,] States 2? - - - bsh 7t4 isl it en bisecausiset'r ýlse in- Oldntbotter pricas, < > fr Crldiaa l-!qr-infiseUnieltaS on i'. .s<ssrasAs.,ca-~s-55 li f dssoIe eo idany'ber in 4utledge for pli.5 W. K. Billinge fors- cunrv Aak ,of IfO4s-uj A'. - l - Toz~. ~ . 'rernimor, w i. awich DouaI wae e tP. L. àmrSud J. RB. FareweUll aiaaes o-ahln Easaet. Majr.-D. 0o2miton and tistai Doua fnIde.d fon usai L-A. MaOills'vry fcs- lL,. .M. Hoesfmatihus-s-most of ihose kepi vaitin, sudH.Caesonfor def. - ers bacomin' tireS au impuisnt. .Ason as. Laios-eace.-N5F. Paler es- a vas alqail te tis-neias-gleey sou for plt.s D. Os-miston fer dofit.alltee npymtisronh-ela la bud Undefoaded jas-y cue- sivt1 s-hgorabordS e tIs heaI lau a Dure v«. MoRao.-*O. C, Rele- fus-lu 5pe visie-, lies-hoves- il.iole pit. F. àMadili fos- Seft. la get, lI- t Il ciscs-k1ý , tpopthe o--y s Abeft.d-Bngrate relief av asU pretint, the diekons. C " . A b oi . - B A m ou-, 19 r fil e d lerg y n e nbeld es, su tise fue l l pLen u ooe. tW .Bihu 1 as-s-rid np. I las' offl a edsayuon f ong pl . T ouls-eterafu-Wdf. E Bli sto peudseson thiseuonsldhes-te cou- forplt, J Maregr fr dft. duat 0f some clangmla in keepusi Ontario LoaasseMdBeisug'u Oe. Ms. 1peaVatin ai faussiae.-1 hiav kuewn Taykos.-L. Engieis fos- pîte, H. L. blzzy meaou e,-kept -vAitia au heur Ebliele tfes-defî. -tse leime fixedss rtcga 00s'oration cf Emily am. Hlland. & attie ad gu ai greot euou-h -A. Hadupelis furIs- il, vy lce sud 'a s ometmmee lues lng Dsfeuded uuu-jns-yissues,-- - tisercsngyAiue ron'eaonuIauab log canada Vo. a8. MoLaugllc.-3J. L. 0-yas- aitise. sossgP"tmme.in I cfpay Lyon for-ýpile., B 0eambelfo oi, r eIfan a diffss-et spBiohllev Holiby se. WPiI.-D, Ormielcu for ea'ntâitervreobesn pît., A. T. H. Bail for Seft, éd, an thot thiedsanaof lesie Wje Reynolda asg. Cochrsan.-]D. Os-mis. attisesdonilie fbaSte et' thuise tn foSa. aeel uldefrdlay, But visai ou ams-ti bas lsd me .hefcps s qnf.H . RbeuieIc.lhiifuanil biazinees ? DouaI i fu r p ta. Osueln t'as- S . be Douai la responsible for a grate many for lchs-D.at is te fo -Ni. FPte-tbiegce aazmos-e tissu te prayars aou fus- pli., Robineau sud Kent for ussye batlie lan i a ful-l-teau dfaf.- eium. rocmIn t ahn hglngI ûMD JURY. wieded clas-gymin e pes le wii Tisa panaIl aving beau called oves- Av a cowld snmnser's lsy. idîI BAY tisa t'lluvicg grand jurra-ssie-ad to laumes-? Wiii I vont aitse-tise lhisas usnsd ves avenu: Word nov, aviethes ecomin cn. Usîpis Harndoe, Foreain» I bey boss-Scf lise grau Soies ysz Eli Bas-ciay, Rdvsrd Walker, haSlleinutises-taielu yen IrisS fs-jaSa, Timmeiy Fisser, J. R. Piip tisa gintîsmie as-meletisers fron tise calS ro, Rdva-de, Wm. Major, sod. Didn'I tisy BsokleiLt t yen Ose- Jnc, Laee, Riisha-S Lkeo adie Cnikethiers, ihoagis? -81)6 in 1 JrraiiasLiee, B. R. Puvens,' luinge i But iti se'it'ftisiI wau'i Duncan MeNab, B. M. Riaharsoen, te spake, alliong is hsiowesaI ttise Jehn Siaigis, Tises. Tnipp. min vise meS tise score haS tisa gond Aîsi. Spears, W.- M. Wigisiin, dissop lenm oui.Bu it wse3 upon lise Matthev Taylor-, Wm. Young, - scesof lisai- mes-is, su ual upon lis" Heurr Truil, W. Trounca, mas-ils av lhisas-sacs-a ta I vanteS >svi7Tvaedis, GO. Tisompeen, te eaka. l'usteviS tisaI tise>' ca R.IHas-udan. make s good speech au erog a gaad CHARGE. song, dink tisa-e liees- aeverly, an' Sauce au cacrl oves-y bit as veil as Rlis Lerdsisip, in sS,]ressing tise tisay conid play as-ickeet. Au tisaI ana s-sud jus-y, rama-ked tisi tisanevo-oanauIl cf arn eheved tiseuaI lie dia: cIp maey aseste ha subinill o e snnane uaiblise Sauce. Iu facitishaI,i s-r tisais-.cesides-sîjon. Tises-roseeliles iekilof us frein "tie Gin et' aI>'tw sversions cases-offauces against tlis ay," tisesaneomesaeabout aOmen-Oea v a scompîinl cf as- Ihars Sein' s-ste Irieshginilemin. lauii upon a ain, lise allies- apcua %Wislat aIbrale il muet Sas' blute tise s-Ir. Tises-e ws noîhsing et' auy ginls whe siancel vifS Si- Gaorge, lise. rs-y serioas chas-actas- in lise oteli owuen cf BIss-uey Cashse. te gel fs-cmi sas-ges on tise caisudar; notising hie lips a s-aIe mais cf tisa blas-ne>',r i ceanis auy serions îlffiaulty wesî anndefls,,suaneis fs-rn lise t ialui disposixg . of'them. Ona onld, onîld place se iVtell fs-ensbigE lps i hasga vas tisa t'cgery cf a ps-cm- Wan ps-aIl> girl, I isard axai Sis- eoiy noe, au insrurnent frequant>' George for "Tise Gravas cf Bisesny," 1 Drged. Tisa effanas aonsisted in t'esg- Se way cf a sang, sud tisaI hie gailint g anolisen pas-sa's usina, es- fongieg rapi>' vas *te cerne home vidis hum art ec note in parI, os-b>' alteng, sud iis e'd maklier n msîsoe av tise xola )rdsisip brmefiy explained hew it rnigist place, groves anS casitssund blsrnsy- i aomimiVtedl. AunIsss- charge vas siens su ail.", 'Tis sed sise lias tise r aI of pasjury-a sas-ions effane, u poroposielsun nudse- considbe-ashuu, e aaate- et' viiaitisaCisief Jus- but tisa îiing is a sayaril se yaî. Wbat e ce bs-iefiy dvelI, tIalig lise grand twe nigiîs yeî muet bey baSât il at I s-y Il a vaersy Sasirous Ilsat cases oft' ta dinnas- sunues, su tise pick-niak aI chas-acte- siouid bc promptiy pan- ont te Mielisar Drydeu's ? Wbst "a seS. Tiseaa a charge et' break. faste et' rayetin an a flow v s ev." Sir-a' j9 ute a voolen t'actes-y sud slealiug. George I'm tevîd, epakin latisahetoast O ierst'rcr--an aggravstsd sPeaies cf ai tisa Agnianîthunal lutherste, vidis xasny-In suais cases tise entent te visicis hie nains vas coupled, ralunnecI 91 )mmii lise crime ssonid ho presoul on liassueby sayi tisaI, s nega-Sec lhe 1> des-s-s. Onseoft' he cffsnces, fis-st ai- fieldl av agricaîthunsl inlisesprise, Sae 11 ied te, vas s charge cf s-spa upen a Isad oses-uni>'soma hie vil, este an au atu-a vernan; thaelohss upen a girl cumuidiserabte qusuhit>' cf poitical vuS tal ss- tan sud undes- ivelve yaare cf age. calseaspesisul>', viilsi in use raygioua gu ac Chat' justice explained visaI Cou- et'kimteîisry, wviicli snmscessas-y bu et isuteS tIesa sapas-aIsoffances, etating improved tciang, b hallaSinsisyvora,] Ic it in lise case et' s gis-I ever te» sud widisoe succees te bsit tisa anesint 86 des- Ivaiva tis a m isld tisa offeudar peats pointof.et'psfeeksun by minglin lb' iponemisie, vshen erwitb cousant on the neeful vidis tis sel, aunlisallie 1ci t. Tise eniy otises mate- vas a bill miglit vencisurs te say tsat lha end ai is-gig theG. T. Raivsy witiebsmnet. mix s boel as' puncaisauaiime ils 9 a hsghvay b>' non-namova et'f fes eliminîs vmdis an>' fiegietie filoscfe- av et, lit neglectiug te mako prepen aHp p ian all, fs-rn SIhl te Sus- Hutfs->' di iuse bu proteat 15e publia. Hie lrd- Hcv nata, wasn'I il?2 Hov plazed ou ip axpl ained tha prcvisions aI tisetisai taleuhed an paîbnielisie Irisinan, P- ýnaa Rail ay etAathviug rafes-suas yens- fs-lu, bis Sono- Jusiga Darineli, Ps sais Cases. Tbsenevas-aaIl. Tisa muet hsv toit in suais coujayuiai coin- il business vas net liCaIy ta exîsud psny? An thmu tises-avas Misiher ou an>' gs-aal leugli. Butlhise eoulsi Fas-ewell, tise jaulal County Attor-ney's@as-: va pisasuna in dteisss-ging - bhsm viîîy eessan fnnystoris1ce sun tbisai- ulie in relation te tise Fakes il puIs 'wa in min]as' those aP minai business Seoas-athe court vas attick nighls vidis sicis vortsies as t ehed. BafareSesPa-siug tissy Tommny Moore, su Faisan Prent, an vu miS, as pas-fteis dut>', mae aB Lord Plunkit, se the Kat. et' Inis- Meotinent as la tisa caîrditice and howau i Whal Immigrashan Agints aIl kagamnulof thes quel. lisese Irlish gintlamin vill maka t'on Can. te Cha grand jury bthen retira,]. ada on tii-rarture, aîa-alts> a TRUE BILLS. bey sean cf tisis couutssy ? I viË n 'ha seeeo as Ma. Muphys-spbS bovld te eay tisat liey viti Se more, rheQuen o. at.Muphy râeon tisas- etalun e10direct tise sîramne cfib Pha Queen v8. Mal. Murpxy, inde- Immigranhun fs-cm tisa Stas le Can- HE it a.5555511 ada tissu ail tise paiS Immigrashun, 1. Pha Queess vs. Ira Udeli, aseut. Aginte sinl ont t'es a Sozen years. I 811 CIVIL-SIDE. bas' s god Sala te sa>' about lthe Noble Iis< Mas-kia sud -Princese an tisa Town lia s-hile vs. Hs-gas-maur. - Replevin Canneil, anu gouo, but muet rosa-vo las e. Plt. nen-suia,]. mesaît' ou tisse intritis-e(g tcae for en mai T T floin ranI Ci sion. to lai Count>' cf Ontario Teacisars' Asso- ciation, sîLECIcerusOeFOFFIG'E55. Tisa aboyeAsscseiation lissd ils hait'- yeani>' meeting in tisa Ontario Hall Ux- brisige, on FriSa>' sud Salurda>', tise L7tis sud 18t1h cf Octohan. Tisa Preai- dent, Mn. Jas. MeBnian, eccupie lishe- chais-. A goodu>' number cf leacisers atîsude, ,asd es'iucad s'ry ps-et in-f ercset-i bubie proceedinge, vbioisvasee s-ahi filled le cas-sy cuit tise design fer s-hidi tisa Association vas instilute]. t Tise firbst uljacl ounlsese psamme,t Icitation sud Numrnsabion, vue takan tp b>' MisJackson, visase mathusi et enaciing tise subjact vas vas-yfassaal> receiva,]. Mrs. W. W. Jardline s-esd sveli ps-s- a-asid esea>'ou Scisol Discipline, s-s- iaîe vils mn>'vainabia isinte, usaeful sO ail, but especiali>' sa, lu yosug teacis- I s-s. MoLailan, H. S. Inspects-, ad. s-ssod bise association on Aigabra, Ar- isinAli anausiReading, in bis nnal Ws fcas-, t'escible andsi nel-y styla. HaIlet se Salives-dad spublie lactlaremIssh p s-ening, ou Tisis Canada et'Oas-s, le s rs-y large ansi intes-ostAcl audienoe. Mrs. J. J. Mages, B.A., Selt vilS T, ie subjacî cf Nalus-al Philosops>'asd L <va a s'es-y abie exposition o et'evral lificu-ilt peinte. 1 A vos-y inteasting ansd instr-uctivae idreasos Tise Usa cf Hielso->', vas B yven b>' Ms-.0. S. Pef le>', B. A.,Wvseo so gsivoe ssune valuabia isints as le bisa eVtisos cf caiig tis ubjeet. 1i Tise> subjactet'fElornenta->'Asils. 0 etie vas taken up b>'Ms-. A. G. Han- hi ussou, viso, vilS s primaryaises cf uye, exisibilad in s vers- inci, suSLi -soticai va>'is; metisod f fiviug pu. is als-noviedgs of sumber, as vel s vw te salve prebleme in tisa simple ag als. T. A vas-y hniiliaut aud instructive assa>'Fi ri, Englisi Lilaraluro, vas s-saS b>'Mn. ci( -r R. Robinson, M. A. Mn.-RBabinean liv e.s requesîe,] te hava Ile s-osa>'puis- tl, ha,], os- siuelbta bacamalise ps-a. s-t>' et' tisa Associatb~ion rfus-lies-lu )es-eues. 1 Pe Tisa nert meetingo et'iaAsociation ta ha ield aI Oshsawa. - Lu lia felowing ailicene vas-a aiaalad for le easaing yas ;-James MoBrisîs, .S. I., Psaideul, (ra-alected). O. H. Je shiesan, M. A., Vice Pneu., (eelc.ba 1.Jas. Brovu, Sec.-Tr-eile., (ne-aiecl. 1)uad Messrs. D. McBrida, B. A., Pi rW. Tam)sl>'s, M, A., A. G. Heu- Cc s-sou, sud John Laugdon suid Mise A. 1 ackie, Msssagimsg Cainiittes. aIr Ra UIse Wiifild'sCalahrsted Puimonjo s-up, biso hast kuevu cougls rame]',1 îoc 25 Os aIe.-batIl. Tr- lVyetbl's Boot', Iran and Vino. Fer 'Ja e b>' T. G. Wlifieid, WIsith>s. - Elundilsleuse andl socousxxid.WiiI dd'e Celeîbx-tesl slsssonie S. OtNTAZUO BAS4K $(PÉ4 e bgOn.ý viw Mos elgisI 'er coi#t durng! zàÈ;IuiLqathrtu ýVk ThP ~ii '4 ,, - . Pioughing Match. TUE PRIZE WINNE5s. Thers was a vsry fair- attendance at te Whutby aud East Wbftby ploughing malais, held on thse farm cf Ms-. John Bures, 7tli cen., on Tueeday. The work wae remarkably wsll dons in ail te classes. Thse foilowing are the rize winners : Firet-clase, mnen - l6 sutries-Johi rweedis lot, Thou. Luke 2nd, William eask 8rd, Jas. Lynde 4th, Go. Robi 5tb. Sscoud-class, zsen-9 enitries-Wm. Eazzlewood let, Oso. Minty 2nd, Wm. Iatoîjiff rd, John Stokes 4th, Robert Besti 5tb. Extra class-5 entsies-Ed. Bryant Pt, John Barnett 2nd, Wmn. Richard. >n Ord, Wm. McClean 4tis, John B3ab. Lungton Sth. Fin-cass, beys-4 entries-Wllian ýawrsnce lot, Gao. Stokes 2nd, Thos. las-ris Brd, L. Richardson 4tis. Second-ease, boys under 15 yearse o qe-10 eItrise-N. Hazzlowood jet, P. W. Rose 2nd, Jas. Bestis 8sd, John ilsid 4th, Ore. Minty 515. Thse So- sty awarded ons dollar teosais cf tise !vs boys whe did not comae in under he s-nies for s prize iu Ibis clase. Best workiug Gang Piow-Sylvesîer inikilien letî Paxon Tate & Ce., port ,rry 2nd. Extra prize-First min udoue.-Wm2. Jessk. Beet finish-John Tweedie. Judges for fis-st-casses nuasd boys- bun Mas-in,* Raglan, John Les, Grson- ank, A. ]3arnett, Whitby. For scnaIsmou sud Gang owa-R. Os-miston, A. Ro'se, and Jue. Fer second.alase, beys and extra leso-A Bas-nett, John MaKeuzie, and, tilpis Mewbray. oPPIOE55FORs 3880. Wns. Browns, presideut.*Jne.ýSmiîb, ressurer. D. Holliday, jr., S-cetss-y. Directors.- Eut Whtby-J. Stokes, sepli Gauld, snd J. J. Jelineten. .West Whitby-Alsx. Wilson, David trou, and Win.< Heed. a the entlenextnieeeage in devote speoisi attention fo tse.e XPus OaiaIuIimel ne sIo ôua~ weeks ending Uctober 11th and lSth respeatively, contâin the feiiewing artic- les : The Life of the Prince Consort, Weotminiter ; The future cf China, Cotmoai A Coagliostro of the te ecnd Cntuyby J. A. FRoUDE ; and g The Qed of Israei, a History, Nine. nteentle Century ; Bishop Atterbury, SCornhillZ; Two mn of Lptters, Fort- Snigltly ;In Colcgue Cathedral, The benefactors of Humanity, aud Diari- e, BSpectator ; Discovery cf the North.- East Passage, Dai 11y Telegrapl&; Love cf Sosnery, à4ls-dy eviaw ; Sois- 'body Else, Trutle; with a continuation cf Miss Eai's "Doubting Hesrt," binstalments cf 'Letters cf a German Gentlewoznen cff )se XVth Century,", *and "Godfrey's White, Qneen,"1 and the ,tusuai postical selecticus. As a NEW VOLUME, printed from tNEýw TYPE, begina with tlse firet numis. er in October, this je a, good turne te subecribe. The cpening chapters cf a story by MRS. OLIPHANT, "HEi WHO WILL NOT WHEN Hic MAY," printed from advance sheete, wili appear in tlie course cf the volume. For fifty.two sucis numbers cf sixty- ffour large pages sacis (or more tissu 18,000 Pages a year). thse subscription 1prices M) je 1ow ;» wbile for $10.50 tise publishers offer te send sny oesof tise American $4 monthlies or weeklies witis The Living Age for a year, bots postpaid. Litteli & Co., publishers. * News fromn Stanley. The steamship Albion has arrived at Leitb, the seaport of Edinburgh, from thse Congo river, and brings despatoises from Mr. Henry Ms. Stanley, -under date cf l9th September, directed te certain parties in Baigium. -These des. patches are dated fs-cm fanana Point, Juet baluw thse rapids cf Congo. It je beiieved thiat tisey indicate thse crguni- zation by Stanley cf a Belgian travell- ige puywhiclî is te reap thse firet prg os f hnewandvaluable Southf A jc fria tade, which avents are now epening up.E Bucien's Arnica Salve. Thse -BzlT SÂLVE in thse world for1 Cuts, Briss, Soes, Ulcers, Saiet Riseusu, Tetter, Chapped Hande, Clii. - blaisCorne, aud a11 kinde of skian eruptiOns. - This Salve je gnaranteeda te give perfect satisfactien in every ease a or rneney refîmded. Prias 2& cents r boeç. Forale l e W v tu beau expeudea1in 1he improvemenle, badiy needed, dnrlug lise pust yen Anil iftis ars-Ses-vse alloeafite i main as itIle at'tsaps-essai lime, cou sa» hsoupe- aoWaldventns-e in ai ýa Tise lias-bervould loe s a-trade, essaIs vauld net ca-sy freigi, ait)'t same s-ates,nles they conidtale fall cargo. -Mr-. Camnpbel>ihsl e liaS à rasai tcon, secended -Sy Mr-. Fox, tisai h cleha e-lnoutei b cemmnn*sa vllh lise Govas-nalt inrespect ta il onedition ut' Whitby la-boan d osil ataln tatesfermer nmoesisilon tl meubject. -Ha Ibougist a liçîts oald s computeS ail Iliat vas aslcad fer. Ms-. Ring tisougis a mamolii von] Sa better- inamuais - se tise y ad ne faceIý te bring""efaatisa Gaves-nsar 0 eatise fermer mamoial vas son Tise Geveromeat diS net sol apea lb former mames-li. It coul alS eerese te sud tisa nev facts sott a Silox Mr. Can pell incisted tis iies-u lion oud dSansd spoeestaiseu longlis. Asn els te fist mearlia rs-sa by tishe-lek fist, fs-cmlise Sea'I et' State aaleuoviedgiug necoipi,aun eu fs-es tisaMas-lue Sepasnieul sta ieg usaI tise malte- belouged - tiste do partaieant cf Publia Wus-ks, ta viiai li merneriailihaS beau saut, fs-cmlis Marine dspartmoent. Mn. Campball speke again, iueietiuj tisaI a iles- vanuld lia tise beel va>' t cominicate. Ms-. King pointed ont tisaI ne se Cuovlédgmnet'ftisa tas-uer mamans liaS yet beau received fs-arn tisa pe deparîmieul te viixil belougel; tisa tises-a vas-enov new grondsle ga upon, sud tisaI tishe ucii sisanld l e kneakiug ah tise Soon untI» semethinî was doue. Mn, Camnpbell made anoise- çaral railes-atingisis formas- ramas-k,. Ms-. Rulledge said tisaI viibtii otses- meisl migisi be ail geoul snougis, if tisa>' iad nuv affitionil faets le maCs tise case es-rouge-, -tise boers va>' veld ha e oexiboil>'bisai n s mamaorial, wviicisouid meet vils nos-a attention tissu a mas-a latts- frein the clark s-atas-siug Va an od document. Ms-. Camp bell -epestad hiess-ama-Ce. Mir. Fox ele w oet'ne e tacte ta ha nit in anotse- mrne-ai. Tise eue set hofors cevened tise visoi groued. He kuaewlise valen ta S e esaine nocr as Issit yens-. Ms-. Campbetl epoka again sud cor- robos-ste, Ms-. Fcx's etatamnni Ms-. Sinils, s as-aras lho vas oceru- ad wousi like te favo- thisa uaIeffec- vave a>' et'iasing eometiig Sons. 'ise vaten hsd gel shahiavas-. Ms-. Campbellt repeated hie ramanke uSd saiS is CwSU ilabout tisa dapli A vats-. Tise Mayon staVeci tiat s pteinent rsiu.huyan liaS spokon te iiseîf ansi Us-. King, about lise condition oft'his as-ber, sud vauted tise conneiltotcus-ge ipou tise oes-mant the necassit>' et îkiug isrnadiste stops. Tise sanie ,enilemntoid iisutiha antesi le uni tis faillaud naît eps-ing, and tisat inosa Ilsey ceuld sip full cargoas s'as- els vouid noV take fraigis frosu Wlsit- y. That tisea as nebody> nov in sanga te do suytxing os- gis'a anybody> sy stisfaction. Ms-. Campbell maSs anoibers eechs taing that lieknev aIl about tise con- ulion cf tise ha-bos- aetissu han>'n us ale. Il wae uow nua for tise pun- ise et' msleing vagei for tisraa or four -opla. Mn. Cos-maak ceneidare] tisabotter us-se vousi Sa te memonial the Gos'- rumaul. Tise positien et' tis ba-So- nIld Lce selt'es-lis in bette- shape, sud ?oke frein bis pes-soual kuowiedge as )tisa inenifficiano>'ofet'hie doptis et tas. Ms- Camupbell maSs analise-speech; il baS issen said vas neîhing nav Shum ; ho kuev ail about il. Hie solution vould de. Theo Goven ssiI aisould seud ou au inspectes-. Mis. King inlerposesi sud ragrette] lat hie wae obligeS la epeae again. i aiarged Ms-. Fox vilS inconaiet- sy, s-erinding him et viaI baS beau Si ai tisa meetings about pns-cissiug i Sas-ber, aud ise statameni novlisat "knevlise vats- vas tisasarnes St ser." Tisera ssonid bc no diffe- xae cf opinion in tise counail about erialing tise Gavernenu; tisa rper ate gasl lishe receiple vils- -t spaudiug s dollar, ansi tIhe isa-bs- e gettiug vose. Why asonid ise-a an>' Sifas-suce a'ofloinion nI lise s-S about memanialiug tisa oses-n-- ut as; te tise? Tisa bject val la Ing bise trade luetise tovu aud ps- Ilits 10s9. Ha asCeS tisaigentleman stecko tlie question.- Ur. CampSait maSs anolisernApa-isc STREET saoitx-s',0 r. Bas-ns repus-ted sud repo-t cou--bt- -stl ie committeaeoft' tb iois-Lr. ni g je thea chair, hin favor et' nîcounle. et ut>' t'onstoe, (certifiaS b>' Ms.Bsay) b( 3;MaBnide, for vos-k, $8.75. Rea- ai Aiepted. O ACCOUNTS FOR SELlE? bm rBures raporta,] in favor eoft'hie a s'iug amants :-Mrs. Cullan, 82.- v supplies te Jas. Siil; Mn. Bandeil, bu ing Sastilutes, 82 ; 11usd. Sncv, hi , fer Mss Carnigan ; Dr. Casrs, 8 1,medicai atteudance asuapplies; wv Bogart, 012.50, mnedical alleudauce. na- bpuean gave explanation as bo hie osç sut; se dIS Dr. Bogant. l er soe discussion Dr. Bcgarî'e hi lut vas radaced ia 80.50, au me- ne if Ms-. Ring,'asd repas-adaptaS. ta mit. arica 's isEPOET. , w motion ci Mr'. Hugga-S, secondeS sui fr. King, Ms-. Shies repor-tcenlise foi nill cidoval vias causides-ef ie hy iîbea ud aften sons discussicn, a lis stion, knoyed b>' Mr. King repo-t- Cl i tise effac tisi tise isairman ce atï at gel au eclimate fs-bm Ms-. Shie- an i e«pense cf levellUng anS jrelsying de devais. +1 1_a tbris van snd sl ver hie, vlm poi: vas fort] fs-ou le tI tisai Wou Gev SUPI m ,gai mati aSI pea- Yi Cor- Tl riacI. Mi aider King $176 Mi folli 8.0,8e lodgi Dnj Dr. ( accot tien c On by M Deva: Street if the 9401 swllng, sens te has-o song tliegrenuss-os- <is-sa uttaue whs vIe 1h5ose-piteha. Ms-. Milles-nov joinefi Un-m Roue, sud notvltb#saud4sg ail changes cf bovliùg's-ns carne faut, sud il vwas net biilithe lgrapismas-kef 284 lisat Captain Hans félisa vlctlm tesa catch mas r 1»' GFans-ti off Blake, bis uningu ameunting te 75. Ms-.;Trottes- nov folloved, bat seau lest liis psrtuar, viso va aagitand bov5af yWocod. Mr. W. ce, jr., nov joinea erlotter, sud t l, I'il suyting coulf Se se, vas mare bullias>t tisu ven. These Ive gentleme ansutisa score a p te 880 be- fore tisa>' ers pas-tedl,vison Mi-.Houaevas veil cangisl S> Blake off Ieaovu bowling very loy dave sud iard bit, Hia score 1a1 51 ccnspnseue six, tismes fous-s, oee hs-ee, six ives sud cingles. Tisa sixes- vas a mosl inagulficaut drive, lea u ocf tisa grounu. oves- the bavlar's sad. Ms-. TroIte- 515 net long survive hiep as-tue as-,ivng s-un cut viltisahescoroeait M, sud vilS WOteIea cs-efIl amenget wvi e ase five fans-s, ths-e tvae sud singles, but bise game vsual oves- ya1, fan Ms-. Hamilton, in a ehort sund marry snsuge, compieted s score ef 22 ln about hallfe as nuyminute,composaS cf tiss-a fours, tvo tisee eueoe suad tva singles, he duoo laStisa scons- cof Seing tise oui>' oua bovlsd >ou li sida, Blake dean bowling s miSddle stnup. Ms-. Case>' sud Ms-. Gcmer alec coutsibutef in a vas-y handeazuemin- na- te tise grand total, the inuings alaslng fer tise va las- e sac f 896 s-nus. Dns-iug t eo viole cf tise inuinge tise havi- lugtbrougiseuî ail ils chan asvas vs goosi, at lmsproacIiing tise Lgist es-er buV tise vleat bs-g ru nsd jusel ial> aoagb te niaie il ie tha Seet cf playing os-des-, rs-u vouisi came. Seves-al catches vers missed Sul uea yting lke the unbes-oneavonid axpecbJnoru sunisa long ecore, ana nous tisaI vanif have ari-sali stes-ad tise score. Whitbyunnfanltsdlylbat tva trcug meu in A. and J. Laing, but it is dombîful if any bowling in tise Province vealf havaý leseenexi tisa scs-e ou sucS s vieket. Wiîby vaut te tisa vicicet for tis sec- ond inxugs witis elamu determination ou lisais- cenulnancas, sud ase sma proof biset bise baissingivn an S ît beau Ibroîmu avay,1 20 vaw sasCa,] m p before th irst-I ikel fel. ,Armstronglia-vinf faiben ta a catch sud bovled Hamsilton loi 9 s-une, Woods soit mau, mads 8, sud S. Riay 9, Hempisihi 6 an<d Blake 4, TroasSail 6, Boa 4, nalsiug aitogetbar wheu lime ilsas enliaS, 58 s-uns taor tisa bei af 12 viekets. Tise match tisougis fravu,znia>' ba consifes-ef vis-Inu>'l von b>' lie Gentleman. Tise scoeoma st Frank lBlake, b Hamilton ............. 8 Garrett, c Gos-e, b lixham .............2 Hemnphil, b Eshasu--------------.... Osier-, b Hamsilton................... 1 Armnstrong, b Hamniltoni................ Trouedeil, c sud b lExham----------....i S. Riay, eGars, b Ex5amrn-----------...Z Woods, b Exham ....................O Primo, b Hasuilton----------------s.... Smith, b Hamilton---------------.....O Itoyiolds, b Harnilton ............... 0 Ross, c Trotter b Exhsm-------------..O Mathewsou, b hamuilton------------.....9 MoMus-ty, b lixiam. ...................o Burne,rmn ont---------------------....4 H. Riay, uateut,..................... Extras-----------------------....... 30 Snd Inings. Frauk libake, c Cage>' b Exha ..... 4 Garrett, o Coithursi, L Casey .........o Hemphill, c Trotter, b <Jasey.......... 6 OsIer, c G. Houa, Nunnu............ 0 As-mstrog csd 1-Enuitton..... 9 Trouedell, j b Exh ....................6 8.-Ray, c W. Houe, bE xham.......9 Woods, c Trotter, b Exham.--------- Price, sld. G. lions, b. lNun.........O0 Rosei, s-uoui----------------------...4 Mathewsou, std- G. lions, b Ex5sam -O... McMurty, net ont............ .........0 H. iRay, o Coîthumat, b Exham,....-...O Extra, ............................( vOus-lY- xaxeai GEN'TLEMxE-N. J. H. Nunu, c Trousaol, b Blake-...10 G. B. Eeane, cStase, b Heniphil-....701 Sir G. Colhhrat, aid. Ars-mtrong, b Matisewsou--------------------... 8 N. Hoa, c Garresit, blakea----------7 5 R. A. Mille-, c sud bhWood-----------2. 4 D.N. Trotter, s-as outI---------------.au W. Houne, e sud b Blake-------------5. 1 G. Csey, c Tronakeil, b Hempl....-.18 H. Hamiliton, b Bias-a-------------...22 H. GOs-, fot ont ..................9 A. Exham, 1 b w, Blake------------...i T. Tus-bell, e Hempii b 0ae - Bit-as-------------------------.... 2 BsOWLING ANALYaxcs. lu-lacGs-ntleccsm. - lit huings. Balle. BRuse. MaiSons. Wicxs. Exisaro.,, 86 20 7 7 Hailax ton. t8ti 85 13 7 2ud InningE. Exisam.... 76 29 4 7 Hamiulton.. S82 5 - O 1 lussey .. 2 12 3 2 Nunn-..12 h0 i 1 Whiy. Bsaxle Bans Misiu. 5Vlekete V<Oee F'. Blahke... 1761 90 14 6 0 Wood......228 76 20 i 4 HempMILt5. -.. 212 8i 210 i S eiatlevsou.. 144 72 6 1ih0 T'rouaSell.... 88 42 8 0 2 Tise Patsfinder, Tisera is ne longer un>' axieting ieuht but tisaItisae baloon Sxscovas-aS en ise ashoes-eet LaCe Miachigan, fifty miles sortS et' Milvauîkas, lasi Salas-day, vas the *Patisfinde," in wiieiPs-cf, WVise anS Oea. Bu-n nasuded frone LisSill ns-k, Sr. Louis, on tise 251hi Sept. Tisa scansion vas msdp nI 5 o'clock, anS te airs- hip Iodle a norts-asterhy Dossan u as lest mî tise disîtnce. An oas- laIe- il passeS ove- Altos Hill, issu passeS mec oIndiana, sud vime ishtaS goiug ove- Milier's station enlisle cake shoare liss ens-sr late-. AI soe as-led Snniug tise nighisilmuet hava Se- aneS ed itiste lake. The uattiug,viis -s ais-eaSy damaged sud S-olen b>' s iliion vilS lise trea tops je Lindîll -as-k, gava vay iu pas-I se as te -cause se arn (c srop oer, lelliug tise meu su tisevaen. Tisa balcon, relies-aS > its bus-eu, tison as-osa hosaps-eau alti. ada, ansi vas sigisted ai dayhs-attl mas- Spriug LaCe, LaCe Michigan, s hos-t dietance fs-rOs-suad Havas. Il scame entanglul in laCs cars-suis cf s-, suddvas blovu abesut nntiilishe 8 s-S )t., vison il pased ove- Pontuiac, icis., t as psest ieigit. By mesa iLoff ifiaiS-glass, lise raresai cf tisaI City vas enablilîte maCs ont tisai hi vae a ionvlSbasket bre-kan,'sandoui>' sugiug b>' one Fidaeoft'hie ueltiisg. At s. in. ou the 1lIIins ttisa balcon s again 'hiecove-eS aI Daubuqus, la.,. s id tisa supposition is tisatitil bouteasr ver- the lake s-agio» fersaeves-at siys au a noos-a' et't loenîs, sud vse lou luIse-sud lisitiser. ilu uha cigisbcriod cf Daubaqua itaneoun- s-eS a es-rm frcrn tis sutis-veet, sud ras dniven ove-theistataset'f W.icon. In again, ansd caliapealnearWvise und, These tisceries as-e, etes-taiuad - tsemaje-iiy cf sciautilie men", a l ait>', sudespaciai>' b>' sas-g. -.Jie. c sapi]n»,wisoî.hsasMaSo a Iilb.eng :e' iS >'à es-cuanicas. - Professe- Wise f -pearto ce anevu-ano nsaey rai are pleig ap sd se-savig TszoîaY AT STous-Zy)m.azBuzan On Sains-day onsng tisa tanas- adjoinng oieS Saingig lu D. Musch>', f this place, vere bup Lots abo-ut 81200, cvas-S by ii ane. Causa of fise nkov. I l is w c t isy cf r am a s -k t is a i s - las been entncd in theoCCern Qaaebefs Beo, i nis-toai, gors- 'iug senrnbrslla. Tie Sate ahcine bale place ir ie anS ova on Tasday las, neni Agretsati-set meetingsimii tiat ied at Navan, iss been esîll 'Euuisces-thy, for tise 251h imet. Il is stad (at Lord Dorty,, soins tins aga witids-e. rom gi ay aive support te lie cesesv P arty, la about la exert is influesa fvur f tie- Lierai, DiuscaunEsE'a TEi,&ta for tie mui TEE GEAT WETLINO- MATOaI tween Duncan . Bosesd J. .]1 -tise formes-tie champion Caedcî tisîte, sud tie latter tie ciagul Irishs atisee, came off at tie Adeli sink, Toronto, on SaInsday. Resi lie fail in tie catch-se-au." I1 won tie fails iu tie "Cumberlaund at sud aiac in tie "cola--ndl-sbw" bý sud Beas tise two fals in tise "Scot style, sud in tie "Osoc Roman" tý lis wining tie match in tireet cul cf ftve. T E E D E A V 5 Fo u i n G T JiL T Y -T h t as sud Jaisn Deal, whuxse trial wsc cldef aI Tes-nta cZ Satrday, w fond guity in tie kidnapping e. Sentence deferrd. Auciii3isHop Lvcc.-The L-ibi learsuo n god authosity tiat it is, intention f ie s-sae, tie As-aisiiel of Tes-nt, te sii frein Liverpol tie 28tis of tie presnt mnti, on reusn la tisiecountry. AI lateel vices Sbsssas ws in excellent haa A. MILmAnv GvEnirNe AT CAIUL Generni Hill as beau appointea xm ýGRAzT SALE Or- CANADiAN Li STocx.-Tise nsof Siortiosnea lydeecales f Boy Pask Canada1 ociation, at Dxtes- Pask, Chicsl )n Frida>' vas lie beelase maSo le United Stotas- Canads for t, mas- pas. Tisa Balavase in gr- mas-c,], nS avasaged $818, atior ,wc f lte met valuabla vere il lravu-Duikaet'f Ofos-di80, sud Bas ýauina, pus-c ool. Tisa cavee: eifre avragd 8804. Tisa Cl>',] les solS s'asy et. The talli )uka f Cydadals brogisi 01,800, wa 'b C i di D ti The Russians are repo-tedl te ha taken Mosv afer a severe engagmer The rcent flode in Spain hava de MD.- ma- rt of iling 9pub. id aI Lveing s-des- iise. Daly pieu aide won Daly yle' oid, DIm- on- ýune tise oni sa- and0 Lwo -est [h. 9 onb nd ls. I rou nl. bi af b] Oc. od 1h Cont Von Blow, tie Geruan SE rata-y of Stato fer Foreign AffAire, di yeserday. Ba-i Groavenor je aI Quaisse. The Eus-i f Duesaven is in Halifs N. S. Bon. Ies-rs. Bowell sud Aikes wi reiun-n bOttawa fs-m Maito-ba ti wards tIsa end f tisa presat mentI. Hie Excellene> tise Gvernor Gene: ai lude il imposile te viil ie E Clair flate on tie propose,] dnck sheci Tise expdilfon 'la expiase tie sue it baS ethie Oxns rivas, itis a viel onueclieg il vilstisah Caspian Sel a beau abandoned. Tisa difficultis lus va>' f acisa canectien Sin, cicait>' nns-rmountabl. Au express mesenges- ou s raii _gjsK. vasl robised mest nigis b; en! cf, in Lai ber jui V.]1 day bee per T A land league as beau fosmefi in relad, witb Mr. Parnel se President. TuE WAE AGAINSI' TEE Uvz INDIANS. -Tie womeu sd aildreu captured by the Utes atishe White River Agen- y are held as hstagas in the menu- tain wilde te whcis the Indians have retrsted, ad will not be given up until assrances are recivd tiaI the troops will Dot revege lie ebtugiter of witesat the agncy. The United Statse Governmnt, on tie other bad, lias determins,] tiat ne peco sugges- tions will be ontortsined until afwlerta surrender of tise Utes wiso killed «Meek- or sud cars-lad cff thse wemen r ' x, ill sr- ig in )y Test MONTREAL ORANGE CASE.- igmaul ini tisaOrangesacse, Grant Beaudr>, iii nt Sa givn on man>' as yo, the ssidenaa nt lavig yt nu t r a n uc ni b ad b >' t i se s iso s - h -is u S se - ta-st'e tt isa Jufg - DEPLORÂBLE ACCIDNzur.-A very de- plor-able accident ocurred ultisae Rus- kison street creesing cf the G. T. R., at Guelph, clse te the City Hall, about six o'clock ise ovning. It appeae,, frein aIl that cau be asertaiued ai p rosient, that George S. -Barber, who keeps a hardware store on tise Market Square, sud performd -the duties f *ngnear of tise fire steamer cf the city, iad beau acres the trak, sud on e- turning found a train cbstruatisg thse cs-ssing, sud while atsmping te cross betweeu the cars, the train strted, kuoc.king hum down. Thse wheels pase- ad ever hie abdomen, alincet cutting hjiu in two. Rea was immediately taken from Isth-tack, but life waa ex. tinct. Doceasîd was iighly respected bys ai classeassd lbaves a wife sud Fracecf Coai. Tisé most weuderfnl remedy cf thse age je uow placed witiiutiseroseS cf. aii. Be ho riais or be ha peer, il aor4te notising te give tli&a greal remedy a trial. Dr. King's Californin Golden Eopound, fer Dyspepsîn, Sick Heoad]- ache, Low Spiriteq, Loasscf Appétite Sour Stomacs, Ceming up cf Foc,], Y1allow Complexion,ï Genaral' Debility, Ensctivity sud Drow.siness, Liver Ccm- plaint,' Jaùndice suad Biliounees, fer shih il is a ertsin sud pedy cure.. ,No pes-sn siseld be withot it. Iu order te prevo that il 'ill do aIl we dlaim for il yen are giWen a trial btte tNio w,yen vili natanIy coucînde lsai laI etata cf tliigs le -eving te a bail systaet'offarnng, anS so long as tenante sud cube-s nagleat le - ummerfalluv, vo muet expeat ithe uearesait. SI vas passing tisa promises of a cas- tale farrnehm count>' ibis la8t samesesr-, wieu lis y o-ng sman vaujusi galegi p lis team te- mev Canada tistieson lis uummes-faudo', hla sai4 ho intenSeS ta maîf- them deve i raka thiis mb esps anS bas-n tisen,1 aeked "iy ho- diS nett ltisem sund tson plcv tisa n ne-, île>' veld thon visan-reitted belp te fes-lilize tise lau, lis ansve- vas la coalS net pîcv tlaes tisy vase e aotean sd thiceon ce s grenStsa> vould clioke tse plav, lie enîy sadY, tisas-aone, vas; te cnt tisausdevu sud burulne. RaS Sao ployaS bise land fintheét'ai],thonlnea -e tiusee Ilis-ug theeamumanr;*tbre might tissu Se s go.od prsepct fus- a csep cf grain. Nov, si-, i. loiSa tshe cas-e- less fariner, vho allev e tis les lu drain- tise. ubstanseefoms ia sd year afler yea-, uc cul>' ailovu himel t tebe- rebeS, but also influis a serions ixxjursy upen hie nr.iglhbo. I vas upue tse peint et laviug tse, patsmaste- et' us- soaS division hanladl up t'r es-gleat te lave tise thlilas cal, but vissa I came la fin& tisaI neaily' every division l isa hetoasip vas i tisa saine 8e8a anS Slsgs-aaslnlcondition, I,ave il np fer a baS job. Yenss inces-el>',. .JOHN PHILLIPS. DateS ai Pickering, Oci. 20i, 1879. Tise Haulan-Cou-tua> Race. A DISCiLEDTABLE FIZZLE. Tise greal boat s-aie belveen HauSsa seS Cous-lue>', semach puffaf sud laileSabout,bse sulta le sdisese-ad ilabla fizzîa. Ou tisa aseuinýg cf tise s-ase Courînsy'e boat e aefoua-ds-i; ed asundenr in hie be.athonue, ai Mfay- vile. Cous-tua>'refuseS te nov in ana of Hanisu' hats or iu au>' ise-tisait could ha providad. Hanlan, paSSIaS- ove- the eousealsienud claimad tisa-' $0000. ils made tisa fasteel turne in recorS, -88, 561. Courte>'las made s-ions changes gainst tise Canadien Par-ty t'onrlhnptiug ta Su>' Sm oce, Tisesa have bae clenied sud canialan- Sba-gosmade a ainsltishe Cone>' sari>' tisevisole lhing is a meut ds..- gracaful affai- sud veIl caleniated le- ssing dseredit upeu lise pas-lies acou- es-ne,]. Tise Hep - Bittee rmnuvise lodged lise 86000 in ban te baos-oveS fos- Sas stoppait paymanl eft' he checke givan te Hanlan. Tise isselerefuseS te <s>' vitsont tise preduction eft'hie de- poeil recaipt visiah te retained b>' Hop Bitters. Ha eays le gave tise moue>' nu tisa condition Ibat thse s-asevas te bs s-oveS balvan tise tva men, aud Lisat sthe racé vas nol novaS 5>' botis ho vou'l psy ove-. Tisa belting men, ,e in dies- sports, have givn a dalis 1evw te aqustica. Tise Now York Herafd 5beslise fol- MIes- lie fisco a Chantauqua LaCe ye tsSY, Cous-Ina>' eau hast astonisis lhe'pnlia b>' s-cvig s s-e somavisaî-, Isomeisoîs, vitisont suffarlng b>'soes -saricus accident. Savenal yeana ago ai Phibadeipisia, vt-ile lie vas stilau am- steur, ho baSl s hoat ruinaS jusi before- a race, le lise grosi disappoinîment cf tisa publiea d tisahemortification sud, ancysuce cf tise haspilable club iii vhoso boatîsousa tise shaît as. .An- obisaccidelnt vas lise strlheing of lis îSeat sud himseît', viils cul for psa-uc ice prepas-as->' ta a race, b>' allias- 1sheli. Tisa accident*- at Greanvod Lake, visera biesa anflastes vas saiS ta hava beau drnggad, vilIlLe recailed b>' masu>, and se vii tisai accident lu visici s a suposeS vis-e, stetocisef aIas- beiôv tis asurface, capoized Ccurtnay's boaI. Tisa accident cf - Wedsay nigisi vau cf grealer magnitude tissu an>'o et'lss, as an scasient should ha visan il is le feihey ec man>' cthes. If il vas- o alsoe, iiso miiemas-kahie incidents , cf s ramas-kable s eanls's cas-tas- ould Segin lu paîl b>' tis moi nias-ussize, ascis cf iisem Seing juel big encugis lu epoil a race, visile lise lasi oeegives soinsPs-amisecf epoiliug sas-epuiation. Thonsevas-e tva eor tisneaaccidents iu oua-aI Cisanlanqua. One vas tise Saving cf gnas-Ss for lise bealiseuse muon vise pareS se litîle fer Vhis-business isat tie>'lefI thesosns enlis-el>' nvalais nbil' the miechiet' vas doue ; suother, sud quite "serions accident, -vas tisa prempluesu v ils visicis Hanîsu sud lie trieudS e gardeS lise ruinaS Scals as s sigu -tisaItise Caurtue>' pas-t-y diS not muesu business. 5h11l suotiar vaessecceidaut cf allcv- ing .Hanlan, srowing abuoes- biste course, anSvilisoultishe incantive tisaI cempeliliou inas'itsbly gives, le nmaCs lise hast fivo mile lime ou record. Iu fal, accidents t'llev Caurtua>' se close. 1>' Ihat if ha vosoeay>'to-s-uv sud vie sa-ase itisoni isaviug -an>' trouble betos-shauf s large pas-lieu cf tise pub. lic ventS regard the feal as an acci- ' T ie grand alim ax f succesa is n i lnst, achieve,]. Thsa peor rejoice, tise sick arise sud walk, tise ricis bssk in tise golden suuesine ofiierfeet heallis. Tise physicai miseries cf the hunsan frasus ueed ne longer be endured. Dit. Kîzc's CÂLIFORNIA GOLDEN .CoMPs'eUND$ ,for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sik had- ache, Coming np cf Food, Jandice, Lives- Complaint, Bilionoees, General Debility, Drowsinesssud Low Spirite. This wcudsrfui rsmedy will positivelg cure, sud tisaI wisere very remedy Sas failed. To prove tisat this wondes-ful remedy will du aIl wff daim for il yen are. ireseusted witisa trial bottle fs-ce of' ooet, by whicis yen will -readily per. ceive its wonderfnl curative- qualitice, aud whieis wili sisow yen whÏtat s4 las- eue dollar size battls will de. For sale by S. W B. Smiths 55iCe. FA&TAL A\uCIDENT TO A ]BOY.-Niar Port Hope yeeterday eoening, a yonug son cf Mr.- Wm. 'Renwood, nine Jeana cf ae, was leading a herse by tise baller ibrougis s fieldi ou bis; fatses farni, wisesstise halter bedsrsse entsng- a about hii naudthe herse puliefi hum down sud rau swkay with hum aroe stise olde, jumnping gaviLrai lew bars ou the route. Thé sereani of thse pour boy attracteil tise attention cf bis fatisar, whe, witis anotiser' gentleman tried te 5tOD ths hersa. Tise ly's Edwa rd-f FELLOI 'Milinery, H and Trimninmi ferhae oeu upe invaener, Rbbis.Y of ade- ys- nb BISThave Sbeencrd ca ancer,4 of th e i sidaTe bye sad tr o flsorL yar anda hLLA sud fE. ]Iallarat, Victoria.. "A CLEAU SCALP" eau bec hia discoutiuuing thse use of aicoiso ether injur-ious Hair prepax-atic thse use of "Brus-z," tise Mot prese-ves- i their stes,]. HAIE RESTOREES &a.,&c- phiur sud Iead oempounsave diseppcirs*- their poisenous In hav!ng been fennd bath min ous rblia heatansd death tobfuma Jeisaino is titkingthe place cf ai preparatiene, being nu eleant I giving drsseing parfscîly delight use, prepared frein the pur gr the Canada Beâr. pr r Edwin Boih suifera terribly soin fs-cm s-eumatisa, sud if he we: eue0cf tise mostL amiable 0cilx wculd, doubtss, indulge in viý Ângio.Saxou expletives. Hes l fuge, hcwevos-, in a weil-smoked aeb ?ipe when tise attack je ai -Ussug no otiser usedical trealment a préparation origfnally tostod i birether-.iuîaw, j. H. Mageoge a f f o d e h m a l n o a t i n s t a n t r e l i e f , in place of indulgin in prefanity thse rbeuma-mnieg ecal Gils' Liniment Iosl-Rde Amnia,, 'i Better Than Gold. 1 -FROSJ'S MILLINEB Mander Wili Ox A -fev yeas age "Angi vwaas isccvered.ta Se a ces-i lDyspepsia sud Livas- Co Lfev thsin DyEeltice.uiads tis-friande hoy easii>' 'tisa>' laS lie*n cureS b>' I ugneasi unesof Os-een'e Au bescarna heraldSthiraugi di>' ana suif as-rsd auchei -utl ads'etiilg, ils- sale mienue. Ds-nggi8ls in eve tise OsuadasanS United selling A. Ne pessn sui Saur Stocrc, Sicle ResSac Uese, Palpitation of tisa I gestions, Lev. Spirite, -d&a tbrea dosas vlithout relief. *- Ds-nggist sud-get a bottia fi aud iry il. Sairaplis oîblas Tise Heuttesi Ter-m-Loo DON 1'T SIT ONeTHE Gos Tise meel stubbaru case -es-y hich le ucihing mrnce n inaflammationo et'tiarectum Det imfs-quernlly b>' sali grass-ma>' Se cureS>'tisal axent cathani, CasIer CiL -ing sud haaling properties si fi, Sut its masaatug effec impassible ft'eiapatient te Te Scott & Bavue; tis epuli clebte-feti an Emulion of- tisai is net cul>' palatabla, b nonned b>' ihOýndswvisaa abooluIelY àgreeahI te tise p farnil>'eauafford tabeh Ilinengi tis e liIs- olrs-. cents, Fer sala. hy T. G. Broak-ei., Whitby.- Ceisusupimon Cnred Au olS pisysiaman, relis-ad7f hics, havlng had placeï i inis su East India mties-uy b et' s simple vegealbis-mo,] spsedy sud pes-manent cure sMpÊtion, Es-oneist, Cabîrs- anS ail Threat ansd Lnng j ase a&-positiveansd radical Nos-vouas ebihif> anS ail Nar% plainte, afler Issving teetlaitis fnl curative povora in thisa cases, las fet t h isaSut>' le kuovo ta lie euffsring fefla steOd b>' lit motive sud a Sa: lieve hueusu sufferisg, I vill et' charge to ail wio deairs il, ieiniGes-man, FraeSe, os- vîtis fuf diracbions fer ps-eps nsig. Seul b>' mail hy a, vils staxup, ssmng tlisepspai Sies-a, 149 Peoere' JJZock, _p1 N. Y. MIMIGET'DÃ"CO re -stise vslcerns visiters--ven tise Do, Self eussstise Inde tisaicompe leavo hIs a amfos-tahle SeS. yca bs-y eus-method, sud keep of~ Pas-sy Davis' PÀI.HiLLEII house, sud let Dodus- Squilis et baS sud enjay himseif. IfMum & LLXssne's F4.psxns la probabl>' th issmpeeut sud pu fumle ovIn maSo, .leing abeal- thiing mare tissutisa delicions f cf ras-efliovers ps-osasvedau a Permanent, sud it tes oubts pus-il>'cf composition th itsimuI POPUlaritlisua great meRssa W. le no nersons taule ai reliable and couveuisul as.i COnspouidsSymup et' Hypàpisc sud va, herafora, glatIl>' neaom isteS- Mase f suisorgane as 1 1 A MAN OF ACCIDENT$.

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