Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Oct 1879, p. 4

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&Uguaige. 1a tue IL lni- it le for hlm, go le tb iueb. wshau yonowe ittyour1ves nd o our own golf respect nover 10 use lauguage ,which wll bave a teudency. 10 lessen s snati's ripoet for i-ou. B r aiy O u r -p u r e E n g lisir la g u a g e le pn'déeYlu expre"s aythlig w. mai- geie1 a. If th. use of slang cou. -tinues le b. no freel.y lndulgod iu, it *il Jooorne g0o orruptd sauto make it AI. Moest impoible for a single ueteuee 10 b ultored entiroli- fine rom slang. Big Ehootlng. N. Y. l<meg: The Sberp'si Long E'lge Mfatil wan opeuod as thre Coi- uuib1~lenluè, West' End, N. J., -wlllh il oompetltoa-u.-Ton 'shots weoealiowed, wftb anyi ite, At 500 -yard.. -The. .iootiuç wan romaritable, On tro drgt round A. ,G. UoIOOM6apd S. T. G, Dudloy -ied on a score of 150 out of à possible 50. Mi-. Hoicombe andi Mr.Dudley went tb the ýtargete 10 shoot off th. ie, sud 1b -pi,#on again matie 10 eongoctuîivo batl's oyes. À Oiri ti lie these finre rarkimen went to thairgeo i again bath madoe1the e il otetta f 50 out of a î,oooiblo 150. Iiliinemn cleanedi titeir Ilemingtous sudl for'it fonrtirligne proceetier to shoot oIT htibleDruie' tartd off wit la iui', -io, cumül oicocabe (olewed with sdo0tiJrr,13Y hi. st-cond shotDr. Duti. ici- icori usiicentre, and Hoicomibo a 1,11t1,8 oye, hoth nmon scorcd four more buill, oe, sud thon Dindley _#gain tiratea n centre. * Tire total score uow stdrt>d. Hoccturbe 180 out cf a Possible 180, cird Dr. Dudlioy 178 out of a p oef. hie 180. lolcorube, on tire tiirty. sovotlallrot, 1Iris seVenil cf tire fiual tic, amain seorod .a bullts.eye.on ObIis einlitlie ogeo a centre, andi ho clofid litsi n-owith two bull's-oyes, making tir tire0 match 101) out cf a possible 200. Ut.1 rua eof187 conseonutive bi'sl.oyea l'ams nover licou oqualot., Tire Ship efthtie Future, Afttr poinitung out great <sut. anti failure, cf tiretoent style cf'ecean vessels, a writer lu tiret Amerioan BAÏ, averstirat helirap cf tire furture wiil c -run ballast. If a mailing vosel, lier1salis ai-irasanti diaplacement will ho Be wuli baircMnethtRat if lb. rudder w&s lesit or, disahieti, tirs vesaei ceald ho gulidoti ou ber cent-se bhbr oeils. Tire couler cf effort cf salis and et gravit y cf veselu will b. adjustabie m0 as t teIri. monton wiiir tire griping influence, cf tire Ie. liieeof flotatiaur, Tire sipseof lire <tiuro wililho profiable, fur they wili 1< hUulit for andc under a speocifco soervice, oun scientillo principles ; liroy wilii ho tieignoi,- bult, lectod, cunt navigatoîl, as tlieý irave nover been, with diront rofèenco lu lîreir equilibiur of tchliti-, tire safeti- cf vessel sud ct-go, witi tire livos of tiruse on board. Tirericting clîa-atrizaîion ci voseels; %viti thon ho doerunuccly an iner. national, or an indepiîndont, board; thre 3itieir Lloyd@ wili- -have passeS away, cl te ho reulrunhred as a coi-- i-cpt organizatiuur. Tire mulet-icI cf veuseoluwill he $ue, for untallie, anti lient tituber franu ifer woetlon vosiseli,. Untor Ibis uow dispensation of goulus, eceauen iianti Irasenger steamers -will ho nen-sinkable, anîl malte tiroir Altiatinotrille ii six -inteai etfsovon. tèantiIalit <aye, witl rll -ciangle net eocodingli- nîglit dgeo-ceîîi lA. 11l1 frientiej, mine noeds con.. liderablo ceexing anti encouragement in et-cIr to unake lilm love sehool anti stuc!-. His motîer was' telling -tlîn tiý,Anlsg eof onation, etc., cloling b3' rai-lacg, 5Nowi M-Y son, yen muet studi- hat-t, fer lu s tew i-est-s I want yçîu 10 go te colloeo. "Upoo liiielo koti up quit. in- dnant!y, oxlaiming, II won't go to c.llogo, 10 plagnu tIlo beys, I know i fer if I sircultigo, I uroult i eilose0 ltre girls., sud tirey wýotilclse Lte their littie brthoe wiren I caime in. it js time for ýrou tu go t oi, now, my dris.(Aslire saidt tis ho casi a su- glanCO i lite elter, as iflire thougirt ain untiersloed hlm.) No, moIrer, I wonld 'I ho.se meen ; 50 I shah int go tecoegan I tlink I'vo hen bt a1cloo, about -long eougln lI Tirte in no botter medium-r for cari-y. lug ou e eourîeirip than going fera gatheriug. Buggins Siti a poi del cf it lest yosr ; andi now tiraI iie llch-koy i. kopi lu Cirancer~y hi-hie Young wife, ho declares that ihe gathereti an ru-foi-u- al museut cf tiret woodlaud amuse. mueut. Tire Princesa ef Wles, aitirengir sir loft Denmark noarly twentjy yeare ago, le .1111 as grt-et a favorite- witb tire DaseosasInhber grlhood-; tire7 alwaye wlloober visite with immenseenou tbnusiam Tire Ceponiragens useS te oeil bier hi- tire pet usme et "Ooiestenart" "tLire apple of eut- oye.Il Boston bas a Plicgnocoesphocrapirnrt Society. Tire molltàofethie Pimnognes.t cespheocrapiikers I lBrevitinletire @ent cf wit,' sud'-Phrisoognosnospirocra. ph- ie a sponlonen cf It. If tire Phis. i oogoooophorephieites were te slart a ii pper osîledth ie Phlacegnoscospirecra. giber, tire odilot- wenid doubties a ea cos brief paragrphe "Phiscognosnesplro. isilirh meohîr, anti-papoeopute, . etk, tieoreiot-lelab- te au linger n ni>- gale ?" 110P Yr dInsght-;hoid lu) u,r stoCatcitg col.", al' seugrtIsaIle beS, Piacod deaipetnt heati 'y gale le se,» ho saiS. leamanieti Mau e bird ? î0uweshomoet 2e.un.P.S.- eofi t à f bachelars il net hein g for tiearetuiled f action>, 'vo aI 'vien a niai, crniee homo- rnamnet isuwiftu altes ihum Irgi>- gentleman 'vas roques- [iful, we en te accem lany 'trAtudio, 'vîere, irav rùe e e-'otste theo t-- ft ll , lu Witih r o mise- eof Comln beoit, 'Tbe- geulo. ed thnoe atiaI Wbaî irewas r, "I thougi» jon know, i," peinteý, .tbal I am lelriug iportreiÏ inlire caaeter of epteLd ,y 1the devilb sud Vlabos 'Von toho gno oi ogi TheWfies, Passage frocu land ta land siver- e&ge &bout sivue DAns two of whleh are bpetnt h.stnooth waters of Ah.St. Law.. ronce. The tessushpof 1h.e n LUnecorne direct to1the Grand Tunk ltaiiway wbmres et Point Levi, (South Quebec) and Elpeol Trais .aredispatched wlth th >aanur For tickets sud turther information aIPPly to- GRO. B. YULE, Exp. aud Tel. Offie., 'witby, May- BIh, 1819. FARM FOR SALE!1 Oheap, A IRBTOCLAB5 PARU, 0F 150 AC.Acres, be1nîg art et Lot No. 9, lu the, Ord. CIou. o P ckerlug. ,WsU wated wlth living spring creek- throe wolle of water; poil orcherd -; well fenced -wlth hantiomo dvellui, sud good outbidings. Two dwelllngs for larcu bndo. A splenidid stock and gra ifrm ;close 10 ooilmar. ka. Winl ho soldohep, on eay terme. Apply Io L. PAIP.ÂKS Anguipt h, '79.-.8 1e OOMPesed cf Ingrediento indentieul wftir Ilieowhlch constîtute EHeslth, Blond, Musc!. sud Net-vo sud Brism Substance, whilst Life ltself lu dli-octly. dopondent ap. on seme co! hem. By ils union wlth tire bineS sud its effect upon tire muscles, ru.estaliahl ng théoee sud toulog tirs olier, Itleiscapable of ellect. lu g tire foleowlng resirlts : tl wlll dispiace ai- waah ont tuborrulous matlter sud urus cure onusump+lon. B-Y ïncieasiDg Net-vous asti Mnocniar Vigor, lb will oui-e Dyspopsia, foeeeor in. terrirp ted action cf tire eatsud Palpita- tion, Weakues ot Intellect cansed hib if wnrry, overtax or irregularhaisBi-u chilis, Acute ci- Ch-ente Congestion cf the Longs, oven u ir e moist alarming stages. It cures Astirma LossetVoines, Neuralgia St. Vitas Dance, Îýplleptîc Pics, Whoepiag Ceagir. Nervonunees, sud is a meet wonder- fol adjunt teairter remiSes lu sustetuing lite during tire proceso efDiptirra. Au endilems aisin cf gond effents is formeS hi- FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES, sud w.are safe lu aang, fi-rn a long ok.. perlent,. lu.meclecine, ilb vittes are ?uoi pocsss b onu thaf ehiiationc, as tire oloi gwili demonstrale. IT IS ACCEPTABLE te palate anS stomacir. SUFFICIE NTLY POTIN T ltiront-e de- cideti beirefit, l'ei irimics, }rowsoever long ils une mai- br continueS. Tis ciriactai- Istie in pccseessed by' no otret- remeci>. hI ASBITS DIGESTION and assimila- tion. IT VITALIZES TE BLO OD, supp- Ing uch ingredieutoas mai' bu requi-eS ITRSORES TONE te tire net-vos. IT GIVES5 POWElR et enduntanqe sud et coneontrallen tle r ini. IT FIIOMOTES VIGORIu ir te organe whinh clepund for hoaltir ou the lurvluntar- muscolar action, vii-- : tire Live, Lnngs, Ict-t, Stomacli sud Gonitals. AnS unless afflicteti wlch somo Sisease in- voiving Afl5OLUIT OlttokeCo LORS, it will sus- tain Lire s>'stem uniiil i- esches lire ageai.l loîteS 1e man Ici a beneficlent Ct-ester. NO PERSON *ilIIbcdisappnted lunlire oiet-oe IELLOWS IIYPOPaOSI'HITES, wiro rigly l- oliew tIre tiiectious. FELLOWS' HYPOPHOSPHITES INCEPTION. Tire exper-imente -which protcod ti1 pi-epacration occupied mani mouth,sud wern InaLituleti witlr a view et cut-iDg tirai Inuidinus Sisease,- TUBERCULAR CONSUMPTION. anti lu ortier te suppi'licthefiecieucies lu H>'popiosphiîes sîreed' lun ue; for, ai- thougirlirir natur-e was correct as 1e flic- ery, tiroir preparalioùs wei-e, awing ho thir imperto rgautration, fouiAwcnting lu pi-ectîce. Whiie tire>-causeS tire tormatin etfat anti genert-a bet eat tir. dis netluapi-ove lhe blooi. Tirs Ionte effecin pon tie nerves sud muscleg was clt-cumscribed sud wlgte tiroir diluted stale, luve!vlug larOses, thoy voro &asetono xpensive. -re desiderata soagit hi-Mi-. Feliows, wero:, A cnvenleul, peletable rsmecl- Unelle-airlo yihm.; Hat-miesu, thangir umati cnntinuorrsly i-et mlgirt b. discontiuie at au ltime widrout an yiii effeel - WVlicowuld Induice air appetite Sti-englisu digestion ; Prot-o eassimilation; Croate Ireattir- tlcocl; StretigLien tire net-yenatand musrcles; Enîble tire sobjoî te nnoeesstuily ecom- bat discue;- AnS enflintly ecouemlcai for ccii. Ali tusis nbeau injdtcpuably attaineti, Tire snooess of Lire work a. camplete ; and Fellcws' llYPnPirosptites standsia oremnost amoirgot tire remodies toi- ch-ente ni-gante Siseases, poueossing pi-opet-ties te wiei no 6tirer mezeiues iras ever aspireS. ABSTRACT EFFECTS. - 1'llowsr' Hlyppospites, on beiug lu. troducot i mtire ashomacir, unîtes wlhrtire fond, sud immeiateli- entera tire cii-cile. tion;c anti, betng porfectl3' miseible with lie blond, epeed Ily pervades evor- part et tire systetu. Ils effeceseofi-sL SerlareS b>- a putme ligiîlyi- lcreaso in luclinessa anS oai-englir, a genou-ai exalta ion efthtie rgante Ina ctions, sud oilaratin ettire tnellecltua powers. Its upecific influence [s ou lire -r antndet-vous sub#tauco, in- :i-ossing tire activili et tire absorbeucts, anS ronewlng tire hmnod, tirsgcaing tire ireav3 rnsculer formation se necessar- lu rester. ong lire fiuaetions ofthe previous>' weaken- e5 ni-gan.- Doing lion, a tenie for tire norvens sud clriccltor- s>'slem, ilt oliows tku.t, wiren thure in a demanti for extrcori-timry axer- tinn, ilas e ls invelirahie, sinco il supplis tho waslo tht-o girtire ci-culatoan us reins tire gougessen. aos ns At n peroa 1 Hi nwslciul care o-ver ire tuctions at theiro bt-momre roquisito tian dnrlug tire Acquieition cf kuowledge ryltherei-tr; ploddtng, p-eoeoing stdy réqulres a storeofe vigornue net-vous torce, or-a ahilti mai- siuk rader tle mental tbu.' Sterunecessît>' mai- cempel tirs strident tastratu bis powet-s btroud tire dictâtes et rrudene. sud tire earl- promis. of excel- sue hy1 ltgited tirer, Tsu orenommrend Fellow'e Hlypo- phoephiiis; il wll net cniy t-Sstore lhe aininiat îlnt, but il viii nsile tueroil.- ingsatudeuntetaproeeva iismental and nervons standard wirhnutdotntment. NoTY.-Bs suspicionsof persons-whori-s commenfi aui- tirarticle as'"jusL as oo-d"tirougir bearlug a similat- namo,,anti t he vr ffet-a chrer priceti article. NOTre.-It 10ueuli-thusecrneeenciti, rct- ïedr anti inafieh PPhysiciens 'virecau et. or- te pi-oseribe -tis remedi-. Experieuce as proveS tris. Tire higirestelsas medlcal ren ia over- large diy, wisre it in Icnown, ucommond Il. Price 61.50 petr Botule, $Y.50 for six flotîles. (nesairaetg 1, Ferry Davis& Son & Lawreneoi t ci i ni n] t. -7~i.a .O P, C).~n MATTHEW COLLINS Deverell' S Block, Brock-St. Whitby, AND SEE TE LA.GEST & BEST STOCK 0F BOOTS, AN~D-Sý-H ES ,îc Te» per cent. discoued off for Cash FOR'-ONE.,MONTH. Customers are invitéd - le eauiad examine tbis stock, judge of'tb. qualiby and laieante, ipoof the prie.., and satisfy tbemselves asutoeivere > . y eu gthe boit Bargains, for 1've' boots warrant.d 10 wear- Boots as cheap as lboy are good, WIII stand wÇýtbout a' tear For ladies, get, and girlbood- AUy 1wsalher, ayhr-FI t rciyor lbe Wood ; 'AMd that can'e=b. oul ssewboro., Al should have a -pair th1.t oould, By the beat. A"l'O. t rest. *13 REPAIES NEÂTLY DONE. Corne on dear publie, lbave your oraers ana get a pair of Boots of the right kind from your obliged and hauble servant, i MATTHEW COLLINS. NEWGOODS J US T R ECE IVED, -AT THIE-- WHITBY, BO0K and FANCY GOODS 8T01?E. AW811 aSSOrted Stock of Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods: Oift Books, Hycun Books, Photograpli Albums, Prayer books, Sorap B3ooks, sunday Sohool Books, Snday Sehool Carde.. A Fine Selection i Bibles, Sohool Books, for th. Higb and Common Sceels, A 011010E SELECTION IN NOTE AND LETTER PAPEIR. RULED AND. UNRULED.' Pirie's extra superfine. Parehment Paper and Envelops. Poreign note, foolscap ana aocont Paper, Blank Books. I particnlarly invite tihe attention of thoso requiring Stationeri- for Omaces or goneral lise, to lnspect mi- Stock. BERLIN. WOOL AND WOOL WORK. Iu ail the usweot dosigns. Slippors, Bracke s, Sofa Cushions, Cosies Toilet Mats, Match Pocket,, Tidies, Glove asud Randkerchisf Boxes, CardaOases, Toilet baga, Vases, aBU suit- able for PWedding or Blrthduy giftt. JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS. Ail kinds of Paucy Work don. bo ordor, incladling Infante Bonnets, Jacket,, Woolen Hontls, Breakfast Shawls. STAMPI.N G DONE TGO OBfER. THE DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING Department, la now open te our namerona castomeru, sud feel confident tiret oui- ps gond reputation wIll ho excelled this season, as we have a Ozsot clascutter and fitter, one tirai ha. had experience in cities. Thre styles are new, no pains will be sared, ail ordera prompli- attended to. Pitttun -noms in rosi- of tire store. tât' AUl nidors for Magarines and Papera promptly attended te. Daily and Weekly Papera on hand. Subaciiptions received, papers delivered. ffl SHEe MUSIC snp. plied* on 11,e ,hor.et notice. Whitby Book and Panoy Goode Store, Oddfeilows' Hall, Brook Strecet. P-HOTrnOGRApHY- LYO:0 PHOTOGRAPHIÇ STUDIO 1 ANi)_FI{AME DEPOT. - -no Special inducements to lieads ot fa- milles, during the esimmer months. Families consisting cf four persons, and upwards, by or dering one dozen photos. each, wiil be presented with a beautiful photograph group of the fainily, full size, for framing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suit th3e limes, Framing in ail its, branchs tpie which. defy competition.- chsatpie Aget frCnaa Stained Glass Works. jambe.. Caîl and see LYON BROS., WILKINSON'S BLOCK, - BROOK-ST., WHITBY- My Stock of l"'1J E;.o2*-TT YR-1EJ 15 now Complete in Every Line. E. J. JOIEINSON. Very Special Inducements to those STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. UNDERTAKING. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and al th e necessaries in this lino. Also, A WELL-APPOINTED HEAIRSE. Whitby, October lOtfr, 1879. 42 FIRE-PROOF.SAFES. - -mm>00 i*I-o MBUSLN'i-9ss Is. doing justice either. to himself or his cieditors if he does without a safe to prot ect hie Books, Notes, or other valuable papers. -EV M1 VERY&FIR IM U Who has deede, - notes or money in the h6use,. ought to have à Safe to guard both against Burglary and Pire. A Safe is -always a Good Asset, as it not OUIls preserves, lta contents, but'koops its owu velue as well, for aller pasurg thi-ougir a fire a amail ontley wiU make it as good as new, -and ti lcen always be sold for neerl i ts Si-st iiost.- J.& J. TAYLOR have turned out about- 20),000sd!es in the lest 24 i-cars, snd noue of them as faei l'triaL Fat-mers and Me- chants, this la t ire kinti of "Protection" anaid sothiug - tirt the Tirlff oani't givo. Go te tlio Toronocurc Sao rlr andaiot a Safe. £ Next-Ooor South -t o Jmes dohnàton's 1"Goldemlth's Hatll Has openedl business in.the above premnises, and je, now runnig m, fiR blast, where everything pertaining to Tin Shoot, or Galvanized Iron le manufacture& in a Îorkman- like manner, on SHORT NOTICE and at reasonable rates. Zl w LlIb M-.0 AU kinas of Japaned Ti na 4sheet-ion ware, coftanty ket in sot O'KEEýFE & CO'S,, LAGE=àR 'lFrehfothn fo J-'i H. GILMunn &Co's. Champagne-. Molson's and Carlin g'qAle and Porter. REPAIRINO done cheaply and neatly. Arerioaii and Canadian GOAL- OIL. - Lamp Chirnneys, 1Wiks, Burers 2, l. FOR SALE AT THE WHITBY CHINA TEA STORE, PLASTER, J. W. BARNES. $1 00 PER,'DOZEN.,- Whitby, Ju1y 801h, 1879. PATENTED- AUG. I2Tn, 1876. 11 .JAMESON'S. WARRANTED. STORMPROOF 1 J. -. -B RT- N PLASTER'o Patent Ventilator J-d Chimnney Top WHIOJESALE AND RETAIL.----e:-- Butter, Egs, Poultry, Apples, Red and Alsike Choyer Seed. 1Whitby, Februari- 111h, 1879. BBC? WN & PA TTEIi'8N Mt g. Go, W. J. GIBSON, Whitby China Tee Store. WI~ITBY, Oi*TMAI:;io. TO THE PUBLIC. In preseniug car Tweuly.snceuti Animal Catalogue cf Agricluirl Impie. monts e tirte fat-met-a ef Canada fer tire ear 1877, wo do se with mot-e tiran tire et-dinary degi-ee of piid. anti confidence, fi-cmthe. mat-keti- faveur anti patronage cenfsrt-ed upon us, anS tire steadi- sud .nnreasîng detuanti rom year t e -et-of oui- now celebrated Fat-n mlpcente. We shah continue as horetofere, as manufacturera, te make a speciAlt3' ef Agiiuflural Machnery-the Jeirnsten Seif-raking Roaper, tire Triumph Cour- ineti Reapor anti Mower, tire Cayaga Blower, tire Young Canada Mower, anti ear new Wbiliry Harvester, claiming a largo shae of oui- lime anti attentien. -Fer tire lest Tweuty-two i-est-s we have given oui- mosi cat-eful anti undiviti. eti attention te tire manufacture anti eperation cf tire varions machines lu use, sifting ont lte boat points, remedy-ing defente, nrodifying anti cet-rcting errera, strongtheniug weak points, adapting anti proportioniug everi- part ase our inoreas- et exponienco heu suggosted. - 'We e opîejonly tir. besatueciranical skill, anti car macinmes pasouander tire mesit cr supet-vision anti scrutini-over- deail boing oabjected te thre sever- ost criticiecu-auti esei machine is thoreugirli testeS befoee ieving oui werks, to, prove tire completeuses cf overy part, sud trte is ne difficuit-' in putîing them lun oporation hi- any persen cf moerete mechanicai ahiliti-. Ont- machiner- ias been soiecteti sud censtructed with s special roforenco te tho manufacture cf car own machne-msny teels iraviug been umade for Ibis particuar purpose, anti net atiapteti for cIrer work, antieut- workmen are edu- estoti up te tho wents andi requn-emeutseof oui- manufactute-obîaining sa111cr- ough kucwleclge cf tire construction et car machines, and -are tiras enahiedti te eh tain a higher dogree cf ekii sand proficionci- tran whero goneral msnufecturîug inseerrildon. W. at-e trtefore ensiled tb introtiace a met-e perfect sysbecum, itail tire de. parturonts cf manufacture, atiding net cal- te tire per-fectien ef the work, but ai- se, te tire repiditi-ofets exocutin-ad a tronsoquent reducticu cf coul. - Tis principie is regardeS necessari- in a well regulaleti estabrlisirment, aud we enaiedti t ti-nont eut- machines witir s Iigiror dope. cof perfection, sud et pricea so low sau huolateli- te defy competitien. - le new se weli known ausa Single Resper, Ihat a werd cf çgommeueiatiou wouid almopl seecu super-fluons, but s there are mani- ciaimtng te manufacturo tibsi machine wiro have etibered te tire olti original Joirusten machine,- without keep- ing ip <tirte impi-ovements ; tiret justice te oui-Boives anti patrons require ef us te alate tiret w. have modifieS il lu elmoul ever-y essentiel part, anti fer strenglir snd daraiiil, qualitv of cnt, iu ýver- kind sud coudiidu*of grain ; ligirtuesa cf draft antia e cf management-lire c.Jcb.ton,î. as manufaclai-eS hi-ps--stands pro.onninontly airéeS ef al ether t-espers. Iu pt-ce f cf Ibis position we'have onli- te pointt te r.msuyPli-at Prirea swartiot us-eltirhe lust Provincial triai of On- tarie, sud mani- connty trials which have takeu place ail over! Canada, within lire lest few years. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACINES, wilh laIe mmprovementu, le eh liraI enu eeiredsu-Sin a CombineS Machine, ýud cannel <ail te meet ail the t-equiiements cf puirchaes. Our Improved Coyuga Chief edr., and our Young Canada Mowers are botir fiuit-lus machine-coaatituted alinoat wielly oà Iron anti Stoel. Tire Osynga Jr. iras s rear cnt, sud tire Ycung Canada s front OutI; holi stt-ong, dur- able machiues, anti net excelleS hi-ani- machines in tire mat-bot for quaRity cf cul, durailiti-, ligirtnescf draft, adaptshiity, anti Os.e of management. As tire countr-yIras bocomne boîter adepteS te machiner-, anti mani-efoifui- fm- et-s ira-vobocomne akilled the ire i.of machines, a lçrawig SemonS irasspruug up for s Ligit, Durable, FiraLlas Rosper., Alive tte roreqairemneuts cf thé day, 'vo bave sucoodet-i lu inventing e me- chine 'vitir a Wreugit lt-en Prenme, witi tice lenat possible gearing-wiIh large, breati-faceti triýëvhee,-and se o'asýtractedti irt tire rame andi tahle tilt -et tire sme lime, tlbeykeeping lire.pitmean si'vsye lulino withtIbo buife. Thre t-alos ai-e tiuiven diretll- frorn theo main shefi-threo iing ne perceptible, aide draft, anud no 'veigirt upou lire hom-ues neeko. W are confident tiret w. have ouccoed lu i inventing th1e most pet-bot Reapet-,, îaking Il lu ail is parts, tiret bhau ever beenpa-educed. We haeve applioti for letters paIent, iind ubaîl hoiti cur .iuveutien, tft- car own exclusive uranufacture, anti 'o rreotfirllhl uuggest te ln- nen incu-hai-s, tirat tireyshousirei se. Ibis machine beoete giving tchir ordeon fo-Ieconu riveut. Tire "Whitbby Harvester" 'voigi, ail bld, 600 pe*nde, but being maie principallI' ef the beal qulit- of ron anti steel, andi fom itu in. gonleusancut compact construction, il combinàe s rtrenglir anti Surability of lb. reavier rmach;ies. Anl etOur machines are fl- warranteS. WitbtIbis: liet 'cfmachines, 'vo feel confident tiraI w'voban Meet ever- t-e. qiroeul,nti dw. respeottll-sellca tIr-lal of car maehinos, beleving tirt et cen furuisi e better machins for tire monei- Iran cen ho obtaineti elsewIrore. Repcfh-Yours,- It is au invaluablo ventilater for oi pipe anS -watoi- aloolts. It le tire simplest ventilatr mate. It is warianed aoim pt-ce. PRICE LOWER THAN ANY OTHER VENTILATOR. Neocnt-i-nt cf air wiil preduon etheri thau au ontlward l Stt; tire moat et-na- mental ventilater matie; wili nobtinheke wtth suow or ice ; cannet gel out cf erder. Fer sale hi- Sirop ]Rigirta fer sale et a reaseushie pria., -wttla ueol sud patterns furnisired. oSTOVES CHEAP FOR CASH! Whitby, Sept. 241h, 1879. 40.Sm. 1833- F R IUEstbihe 83 FURNITUREE, Cheaper than ever, at his new store The undersigned in returning thanks to the public for the liberal patronage oxtendedd k hlm, begs to state that halg emoved to bis. commojous ne w promises, ho is* now in a bettor posto than evor to supply ail their wants. His stock of Furniture embraces very handsome sets, and everything that eau be called for ihis lino, and an oxamination will convince that the prices are low enougli to- suit the timés. U ND ERT A KI NG. Funerals fully supplied. WM.RTNLL BURNS, -WM. BROK TRET selsl or3 -d A TBYT. Will els'Pneli fBoor 30ndayhosA OT Womens uelaidBoots and Shos, WMse Bs' and S otsa, -he Miss s' ele Boots and Shoes . A Ne andwellSelet iSssck. ai ad otsamneh. A e mn eil eleted ol Sto.Caîrd xa ie. P-HOTOCRAPHY.. WE AÉE MARING A NEW STYLE 0f Photographe, in sipia, life size, an entirely NEW P DECIMENS ON 'EX Hi/Bi/TION, Cards an 'd Cabinets furnished -in the latest style of the Art. Frames of ail sizes always on hand.- A. BARRETI, Photographer. tý Opposite Ontario Bank, ~ A young man'deairing to study Pliotography, 'wM ilnd a good chance by caiing on Mr-Bar-oIt, and getting toi-ms. Whitby, Jne lt, 187. O-UTTERS, BUGGIES, AND CARRIAGÎES. À Lgi'ge Assortment of Cutters an~d Buggies, (3HEi AT LOWEST FIGURES. Leàve Ordersaet- KING BR08.- He-vin1 Measarrangements wllb thre Cool XiningOgo. aItihépit, we are ina position to snply the -adean weflas filaucZ ores- Supplied et tire Harbor or dolivered. ~Secialinueet Prisn Parties aloug lire Lino of tire Wiitiy,. Port PorryIr&Lindsay- Rsllway cariho uap. plied direct, witiront -extra charge, uder opoe", arrangements maeowlth tireRael. way Cmpan, hi- - RINGBOTHERS: 9%r~ Two Cartersconstaubli- on tiroroa&d dolivoi-ing orders. FAIRM TO REN T. nOTSDOF 100 ACRES BEING %.;pr fLtNo. 4, lu Ah.eA41 Conces- sion cf Pickering, fi-vo miles froin tire town of Wlritr, under a gond -state cf cultiva, trou, wel watei-ed; good buildings sudl fine- ni-har, ci-o PIa'iing, cul hodoues ator crep is taken off ins ad,d possession lot Mai-ch next. For pai-ticalars, appui- te Ah. opewr. - TIOTEY O'LEARY, Utica, P. O. i-nI- 111h, 1879- tf-3lU THE SINGER SE-WINO MACHINÉ, Buy the Best, Buy nlo other. BUY NONE RUT THE Genuine Singer Sowingý Ma- chine. REDUORD IN PRICE. TIE- BEST MACHaIN iTHE WOBLD. Suosai- Three Hnundred Tirofssud people Who honglit Singer Machines in 1878. Over two- million Singer Machines> lu use aI préesent. Splenidid aau nset ci Attachurents ivnwith ercir machine. sud parties fully rnetructed ir tire U6 cf tlem. TIiEBEST, THE CHEAPEST, Sold Qnly h- r ompsuy's Agent, L FAIRBANKS, Office, opposite CnuoICcLx -Oion. Whitby. Jupe 25, '79. --26 Valuable Farm for Sale. LT -a, IN fih CON . 00 PCE"RING. 1a 15acresa cle ae a- remainder welt.mhered <nios l-beecir sud maple). Tht.i. s a ver- desairl e property' fr tire wond sione le ver-alaesd will nearly piay tire pai-cirase m iney, lou lin situation cf tirhe t in fi cient guar.- auto. for tire laird-- Toi-ms libéral te rellable parties. A. A. POST, P. 0. Box 202, Wilthy TBIR A 8 DIA HINN Tht. Machine is for igirting Plivahe Dwelings, Mille, Fadai-les, Oint-chas, . Publia Halls',Hlels, &c. Cail sud examine tire machine lu opera- tien et JOSEPH PHILLIPS, sole* Msut'ti, Pînonhor sud Gas-fithe-," 158 York atreet, Toi-cule. llond for "t-culer sud piico-lisI. April 29tir, 1879. -9 OMNIBUSES. TO AIDFR OM ALL To sud fio-cmG.T.R. Station..0. Toandfrm Witr>, p-. p. & L a> 3-'>' Station ..................... 10c. Tire.coive3'ane am i-sae and com fort- able, ant inl charge of aareful drivers. Ail haggsge cirecked sud cai-efuHy> lookod alLer. LOUIS SEBiIBTF Wliithy, Fcb. 251h, 1870. P Qpi--le. Do0 you Wan7t a 110e Au>'aue wauting to eut-cul c-hanea comfeiLalrle reidieuce lu Wlrttbi- woeid do welteo cal anti examine htt of G.T. Hall, et hie office, c-ver B. H. Jameonoa Store, DurtutSregt, or et tire CrucecNxoa Whity, i-nI- 9ih. '79. TTriHE TVaorNTO hs Tireso. bati r teuefulinluRh!u i tisu Nera na Conglis conidn, Casqostin, 51cm fl Sin iseancà, 1clu- IlaMMations. - >Billousueus, Feeri- utcd fo ,STeinia-pnr bats r oe pai-ticularly il He~ h i te a il 51cm d i s o a eru1s m 0 , nsean.,, espeetsll r Si-p Itr i' niorsall>' cancede tL iat el tire Tiiiaend Vapor Blahssieatre heco preuer-velives cf hesltir 'itiiutire reac-ot Imedicri experte ant.in;ucomponction -vith, metaiuil t-caLmient tire patient le moe rap- iSI>- anti uuccessatu>treateti. Fati-onideti hrongirea li ra ved Iran rcatit-to'vte repoor-oulmnu. Ticese -TurliLr.batli2c are tire onlyones intire Oit cf'Tarent-o. Quotatiouis and tecuimorcdauicusAeegiVozL fi-cm ire best mediceal anS ssuitariy autireri- dèes filiail cont-les. - gOURS-G( entiernsu, 7 te 8.90 cm-, S8tv 9 P M. - alt-r-druaui il pnrm. Ledicz. 10 .11in Ohanceri-, Couve Office-Devei-ill's Bloc MONRY TO LEND- in u un e SO00ïai terest. ROB3INSON& <LAi-z Duee&-& OFFICE.-In Victoria 9, Victoria Streeet. J.G. Rcrsxxsoc, r. ;À.. Ha Jlxo. G. MREt -BARSTLA-A aucer, &o. Office-Dovyn Street, WlrtLby, Ont. G. YOUNG SMUTI IOrnIcs-Over Dominion Jain. 22,1-878, CAMERON & A-F ÂRIIISTER?, Àttornc -Solicllers in iir<rner sti-ýet, Toi-ont HECTOR GAMElleS, t. . r4s R. .J. GTJNN, 5-URGEON TO TEE CC k) Br Street, Whitby. Dr. W, J. DU] BYRONi F-IELDI DHYSICIAI; SUEGEOI p LCrek.- G re HOsMIAL, Le: DR.' BOGARV Phyrsicien, Sargeon, Accèn, WrtySept. SOtir, 1874. W.' -ADA] R 0MS OVER R. il.. Offceirours rom am.to 1 1.80 in6, P. cM. siec- and Gilbrt stroets. CN. VARS, L., asarspas tire nreapest, sud bt.Teetir ilhled witir Goli Teeth extiractcd witho tPamu- Local sasmtiresia.DentalRoc An's rnew block, n-ver Atkirru King Street, Oshswa. - .5011K ROBINSO T-iAIRE ESINO A-ND SloBokSt.,Wlrhit - JOIEN WLE AGENT FOU TEE-CE ASottish r=eite.ÂtMIi et Joaitirn Welfeuleu,Dundus L. FAIRDANKi< OFFICIL ~ASS] 2 OFFICE OPPOSITE T Hotel, Rrock-St, Wi 'Whthi-;Mai-ch 26th, 1879. [J E. Q'DELL, - A T Hi E R L Y Clerk Division ourjt, 1 Oimmisaiener in B. R., LoirS Lon., Atirerli-, Ceunty Outarie. &Lirerly Sirrt. 2u, 172. W . J-HlNMANI 0 S H A W A, Veterinary Sui WlIh.bc A rvng's hotol, Wýl Tuesday., froh n e o'ct-"cl P.t -April 25,18 v0 Goe1) 'qsto'Rer, T O. $P9 -ROUSES, c AU work güar- 1 'Whitbyl JUIY 80th, 1870. CASH PAID FOý GOOD Whitby, Sept. 21th, 1879. 40.8m. 1 1833.1 OFFICE OF THE -.000: Rê- 1 9 ý bA [ru 1 GOAL 1. Established A SPECIALTY. 1

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