Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Nov 1879, p. 4

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UIT of all 1nds in Seaâon, 801>4 WA~TER 'and GING)ER BEER. dollvered .daiy aud ail erders ýre snd suppure, suppllsd il reamu. tr cati Estime>','for firavai lots 18' sud .17, ina 2u comieud tisaI Ule collecteý tq rumit.hhe folleviul îlies lîsviug N'en Impvop ininsasitisaItise -s$ono e gtnkd te o lsa bon fats Weh l 11. Duemtba in, destitule lrcumlàtaut 1Banting b. .omnilsos bu; )e oi t 5 i * 0 r ! trghl the mddrsh R. SNOW, Daude-s.qtrottt. Wblby oorss btaini 0f 5lIonzerratP C14 I&. publiehla t Jry bO,ollubiud chu ISlai i Cpsuie 0. WiihCTrad- tis Moulserral Co. 8; oni00MvOUima the .moeseOthe; ai' g Normea. hs >cn s m dsm Ibis mï utfoin u. e m t abe , bat maur Dol#sro ix o re r nov ng efferefi ud the l. ublc as un.4bsiLes fer ne c. uu oziXasÂrA LrIME TIT g VIc o ureyen ssiifot MONTMERRA il é suc lbyou gel It >k CO L I OAlI SEU C¶V LINDERD TONS Steve snd t3 u coal, quanty, .1-wefl seresuud, 41 fer sime ciep for Cà ..,tah leLung Har- t# bot.. Apply toaW. O. Alison,-Liverpool t, ~ ~ B ).IMcCLBLLAIi. Jl Wi'6, 1870. .-82 e 'I 't g j, r. 'f v lie Astind bd ebiftùia -oudamages iô,aiep by dtogs, recowwstids th.foi. lowing aiwonnasto b. pald. vis :1-Geo, Gourile, ta8; 3ermish O'Connor, #13.60; Ali. Whafry, $8, 1on motion cf Mr. Forrestur, second- ead by Mr. Barnard, by.law was Itrol dueed, - whlah vas resd tht.. severai lima. aud psssed, los,ýpproprlsle for- edlucattousi purpoesa 1he sum of #08.0, sinouni récoieled rein ths inunlolpali. tles' fund, eommouly,cailed lb. CIergy 1Rsserve fund. Mr. Monkhons. movod, Ibalt1h15 -counili do nov adjour unotil Mondsy, die 24th Nor. neti, at Ion 'cloak a. m. Heis vie.Isfais.&tetihe pissent dIty b'reaks a thr.adintlu icnsd will OmosIlte .Iecet whn the wesviug of a lloetime Il uaravslled. OHANOERY SALE -01f-A- YVA LU4-B LE FAÀRIVÏ bIn he Townsblp of Reacs, #lite Cont>' of Ontario. SPai4,salta thièdoct.asd ai onden for %tt1e, atheoCutia1of(iea ry, made lu thle eause «4AMS os..80 ',BO RVILLE, wiii beà oisi b>' pusli a'uc1ion,vithi lia snbatiu et Oeo. 1,Darnel Esquiro, lis t0ý o temail uont aIWîîîîy b>' Momaire. Dhes &h0Wa s sciaeoesai tle W AL KE li1 KtYB, OÏI 3BY si haut ofai~', lactne aternoan et ItiElDA ,\' E lUth DAY OFt N Ol' BEile-187, flu ue spereit îf ollaving valoable afrmn lands, vie: ?2X 54. half etLut xNo, 5, lu hth hcettesice outhle Township of eau g co"b7 0> ahuntitat acneî, mire or Issui cf- W)cii? ,elsteabouls are ceoare ana)lie rem4der Isaveon woodsd vili l)eacI apie an liter kints af veot, Thesln4 esaresi i. a e;ih cla>'loanm lu a goqu(1Nteai ofcultivahien>omdta weli fencet. The Plu e tylihs ilos 4about lwa miles Village01aiEpia traml ill iage et U abou to'r ies rM thie Village et M sihett about six les, fros th e et 0 0na dabs moysen Mlles fi-a e Villigea fPart Penaboutaelg miloi, sud trm in lla Uxiti e ab t tht..iesà viiigoa tisgdshierel0 At %Il ut wiCh places tiers are goat makits fer 5 kinfis af fagni produce. 5.14lands, besîdea loing wol tilbered, ara elon ateresdhv rcthiereon fari buildings, eenuistlng ofasfuameo vo lnu gese,18 ltest by' foot vlti Itcheu itsd god vli atash@da Ïraxns barns, 5 let-y90 fel, witt stase reo> bouge Mtstachisitipeta. Thev»rapoety I.nov in liseacodpslleu ai neins FÉnuSl ily, vie Jillie chereaf camuu.ucedin, hi. faitii. rar180, aller lise ecutian cethtie pa mflu qussties in saisi cause, sud sibject thirelo, ti saisilesse Win term u t tthe expira. cd fol lur yeats frain lie rt lereaf. * lo vondr*n11 enly, bie 6bllged ta fornîlsi ce ofBReglatrltris mbot# Sc tllhe sali dNaid,ad wvlll btpkcdnce on fur. fich dod umeUe tier coplesoldeeda 0dc otl Dotnipossesion. Tie p baser v1ll roqund antiehétime et sais t doww depest te tii. vendor orhils Sae c tan cent. et1he purciase inuyad lu ntihIirater as 1fisiél~f *ldÈssé ho.sipar dont.,sisal make mven iona ai dta'dollars of Ilh. purcise ies>, balance tbiso secureti b>' motaseun t)e & dan sd t1e b. payabl-rn v. elel ual lustelmenîs vithintereCtirc lise ds i sle telgil pet -cent, par aannas ps>ull. yetrly. Ou paimmint0a1aitmii ud enian etfsit 0ao thsele p cie.er vil ,utihid te pasest ,or loesreceijîtiat e reuts sud profite. f Tèeill ~a teserve id ildb>' l The otiier conditions af sel.. a stadng 0 ltonis cf theCourt a0\O rurtliei elmre sud conditions cf can b. çtkee t thie Lavoflce oJ. Gardon, andor's Soleaitor, Willyudlè mei ur, - ad - m t e - é K. <GORDON, Master, Vosilors Solicitor, Willby.i gn~ VINE GAR!1 -E. '7M. Bollmas e IMPERIAJJFRENCH VINEGAR, DO4IJUOla1s snd Qoatersâdemljohnm. -AT- R. H. JAII4ESON 'S.' le coruposed cf1 Ingredlenu I ludutlcai vils lioe.WhIe.ckousltut, Ilcalih, 13100d, Musele sud Nerve aud lDrain Substance, vhilst 1,11eitmahf ledinecti>' debondcnt up. ou Nome af lhoni. fltsIeunion viii lthe blood sud ii, effecl opon lie musclas, re.eilabliehlug lie oue and toiltng lie olien, Il in capable of affect- lu gtle faiioviug resulîs:- Il viii dieprace or vaseut tubet3ulons malter, and lies cure Oonsumnption. 13>' ?cneaslutg Nervous aad Mu.cur Vigor, til ii ure Dyspepia, feabionrlu. ternupted action of tihe Hein suad iPalpita- lion, Waakuass ofIutllect caumed by grief, vont>',aoeza or irogular habits, lBnon. shitis, Acobe or Cironlo Congestion cf lihe Langs, aveulu tha moe l aanning tages. Il cures Athme Lois af Vole,,Neua1al St. Viles Dance,ipipteitWao g Cough. Nanvousasanfsulaa suosl vouder- fui djauocl te char remîduis tlu stsîiug itfe durnueg ,precae 0f Diptheria. An endies$ cimin a1 good sifeets Io formed by FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP -OF HYPOPHOSPHITES, anud va are sale lu saying, from a long ex. patenenlumadclua, ilsvitues are net eesseed bpay Ciler coimlnualson, as the lolioving vil dîmousitrae.. IT IS ACCEPTABLE la plote sud stemaci. SUFFIOIIINTLY POTENT le masure de. ield esiIeafil, yet bai-misas, iovaoevar long Its use me>' b. conîinuedl. This ciaraclen. istlispfiosmssaeiby no allier remati>. IT ASSITS DIGESTION sud assimila- tion. IT VITÂLIZES TEE BLOOD, auppi>'. lug inch Ingredients as me>' be requireti. IT BESTOEEIITONE te the nerys. IT GîTES POWER ofenodurnue, sud of conceantration tô lie mlid. 1IT PROMOTES VIGOR in lie organe whioh depauti for bhasli ou lie Iuvoluulary musculan action, viz. : the Liver, Longs, Riant stemaci sud Gouttais. Aux unlaîs aliiceadviti sois dissase lu- VOLVing AIIsOLUTI OOGiiC LoN ts, il ilou- tanle mys unt" "Ilraies lise ge aI. lott e suViy.abenefiien teo. No Pr S(OW. vi ,di. e _pol ntedl he sfeelof F LLO aS HYPO ISPHiITES, wia rigidly fallov tl4 directions. FELLOWS' HYPOPHOSPIJITES INCE PTION. The expeimenle vloiclh prefecîrd tlisi prepeaatin:occupied mann> montis,, ancl lusidiaus altease, TUBERCULAR CONSUMPTION. sud lit oenter ta suppl>' lie deficieucies lu Hypopiosphiles ahi-asti>'luuse; for, ai- tiongi Iheir nature ves correct as lathe.. o, their-preparallaus vare, owiug tla hem -lmpereeorgauizmtiou, fona venîing lu Whiile>' capeth le formaton ai fat andi genensati ealou, tis>'disi net improve lthe bload. Th, Ioule affectn p ou tie serves sud inU40108 vas ciromecrbed sud Cwlug la - theur diioteos mIet.,invelving large as, lie>' veào a c expansive.. 1'isu desiderata sougil b>' Mn. Feliovi, A, cauveuleul, palalabie remedy; Unailerable oy tllme ; Ilarmiesa, tiaugi useti couliuuously, yal might b. discontiuued etaI su' ie withhout suyilI elecI; .,iioid Jduc.easu appctite Strngien 'digestion; Prasuote assimlation; Croate lhealti> hyloat; Stroughien the nerves Knd niusch,-; Enabie tho mbject to rucccssfully com-. 1bat tiseasse; And sufflelenly>'elcuamical fon ail, aST A I l I b s h , b e a u îis i t - p u a b y a t a i t e . Feliows' Hypophosphiles -stands foreaua.t imoulgotthie remaies for cironlcoargente dinoasies, poseing praperlien ta wihicihî n allir er, noiues bas averngapined. ABSTRACT EFFECTS. I'eliouv' Hypphospius, un 1.>iulut . troducad intIetlietiozuaci, unulles vit lie -fo , m medialel>' entons lie ircula. tin Iubl gperfectl>'miscible vili -ie hoboPOsIeîl 'Vades aven>' part cf Oee.Xietca are finit declred nixe. ligilI>' incneacd ln uflinesi rengli, s genenai exaltation a1 the. ofonctIons, sud exihleralion ai the ecua wpvrs. Its speciflo influence lebrEluasd nervous substance, lu. hellieiivit>' ai lia absorbent., sud teeighie iloot lis canslng lhe heavy muclrformationi so nacessan>'filu roîor. ng liefoctiOnO of lie previausi>' voaken. thoîlin, aleunioforthie ue.-i-vus sud ololtr>' s>stthm, it foliovethiakllwvien lier. fis sdemianfifor eztrsordiuar>'*axer- lien, ils une in luvaluable, stucsi l supplies 1h. vaste titan g itie circulation, sud gs.s tafis te is ga £yitem. At ne perti ai Of1e a lcifol eate aven the. fuuftIons oet hi.brain more tequlsite tlmU,4ug lieascquisillon of kuovledg, b>' lis yau1ti; pladdiug, posoig slnd>' requines a stoeéof visai-ans nervous force, ors achilsime mai i nudut t.ÎLmental toli. SIernsnaceisil>' ma>' ampel lie mîndent to #train ibi paers lîyend lie dietales af p rudence, sudlia sari y promise of excel- lence msy bsbligited tisroby. To sncb Iws rucommanti Feiiov's Ilypo. phospites j Il vill ual oi>' rastane lie îlinagpehlont, bat Il vIl sumble tlie bu. mng sînuont te preserva iimental end umvanlantîdad vihautffelniuient. 00cemensi au>' oler- articlle s - 0.1 tasF godtaiibearlug ae miar naime, sud ethase whe Offenta eieaper piiceti article. N;oT.-It in oui>' the _,depende, are!t. ~osddsud uneelfil, hyrtsas viôeaous ef, lard la Presenie cthia remet>'. Experleuce bas provesti i.Ti hgeldmizeta meU n pv'Oare oity' vere it, JOkuovo, tucoaaxsnd 1. ]PrPneu 01.50 per IDotale, 07.50 for six Dottigs. Ordessastrsea, Periy Davis & son &Larne Brook-St., Whitby, Sqpt. SOth, '79. Agent. ATTHEW--OLL~IINS. Deverel1l's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, ANDSEE TELABET.& 13ST STQMO F '1BOOTS AND S-HO0Ese ~-Ten per cent. discount off fr Casgh FOR ONE' MONTH. Customers are invted to couiana examine tisstock,jug of th. quality sud. tek. a note c l= re, sdstls> homielles as i(o vhe ly. boots w&rËanted to, vear- Boots.sa cheap as the are good, Wll stand wilhoul a sir For ladies; gent., ii lbohod- An>' weatber, anywbere- Fit for City' or lb. Wood ; 'And that ean't be beaalewhere, Ail shouid have a pair thal oonld, Bt h. best. 1Andi b. as test. tiBEPÂIBB NEÂTLY DONB. Corne on doir public, icîve your order. ana get i pair of Boots cf the àrlght kind from your obiiged sud humble servant, MATTEW C OLLINS. NEW- GOOBS- JUST RECEIVE*D, -AT THE- WHITBY, BOOK and FANCY GOOD8 STORE@ Awell assorted stock cf Bocks, Etationery and Fanoy Goods : Gift Bocks, Hymn Bocks, Photograpix Albums, Prayer bocks. Scrap Books, Sunday Sçhool Books, suna>' Scheol Carde, A Fine Selection in Bibles, Sehool Blooks, for the High aud Common Scltools, Miates, lIsk, &c. A CHOICE SELECTION IN NOTE AND LETTER P APEIR.. RULED AND UNBULED. Pine'. axtra superflue. Parcimeul Paper sud Envelopes. Foreign note, foolscap sud accounî Pspci', B ak Bocks. I particnlarly invite tihe attention 'cf tiose requiring Sîstioner>' for Offices or ganeral use, la insipeet My Stock. BERLIN WOOL AND WQOL WOBK. lu al the neveel deigus. Slippan,, Braclie s, Sols Cuebio-us, Coles, Toilet Mats, Matci Pookele, Tidieo, Gioveansd Si-n tkrchief Boxes, Card Casas, Toilel Baga, Vasies, .11 soit. iblç for Weddiug or iintida>'guIfs. - JEWELRY AND FANCY GL)ODS. 45.8. - Brook Street, Wbitby. Good News [orPth.e Publice IS GIVINO A BONUS 0Of -I',lb cêhoice, Family, Tea to every purchaser of à Sett offlishes,.-or ità equivalent in Crock- ery! and Glassware, a large stock on hand seling at reduoed. iGLASS WARE-A large stock on hand, selling at re- duced Prioes. Afine uine-of NewSeason -TEAS," a1t puces uuita1blé; to Ithe times, A. compIete stock of choice Family Groeeuies, fimean d Batt1's Pickles- and Sauces, Woo'eni ware, Pails and Broome. 0MrPIýêeé îsk for the Pi'inceosLoui~ ie dnig Powder, it le Deverell's Block, Brook Street. N. B,-Farmer's Produce- taken, in: exohange. NEWIN SHROP BR>ooe~-sT, wi-iiTrB,3r, gNext Door South to dames dohn&ton's "Goldemith'sy Hall," Ras opened business in the above premises and is now raiging u fuil blast, wliere everythlng pertaining to Tin, Sheet, or Galvamized Iron is manmfactured in a workman- like manner, on SHORT NOTICE and at reasomable rates. 1ATENTED AU TG. I2Tn, 1876. WARRANTED STORMPROOFI J-. B. ROBERTSON'S Patent Ventilator d Ghimney Top Il le an invainsile veuhilator for soil pipe sud waîen ciosel, Il is the. sinîplest ventilator madie. It le warantad storm proof. ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS of SUPERIOR QUALITY. 1 PRICE LOWER THAN ANY OTHER VENTILATOIR. 1Ail kinds cf Japaned Tin, and Sheet-Ircn ware constantly kcpt lu stock.1 Ail indi cfi Fancy Werk doue te order, lnoindlng Infant. Donuels, JackeI., Woelen 1: Hoads, liroakfauo Shavia. ST2AMPIIG DONE TO ORDER. REPAIRING doue cheaply and neatly. Ail work guar- TUIE DIIESS AND MANTLE MAKING t ncdetesceyo epy Department, la nov open la our numerous costomers, and leed confident that aur i'past, godrptationpwiii be eelle bssaoawehea iIamener dftece nrmiy attended te. Fittin groiiita tlesas pglisd on tl h, retnoie 'Wbitby Bock and Fane>' Gooda Store, Oddfe'lie' Hall, Brook Street. PHOTOGRKPHY! PHOTO&RAPHIC !STUDIO 1 *AND FRAME l)EPOT. Special inducements to heads of fa- milies, during the summer months. Families consisting cf four persons, and upwards, by ordoring ene dozen photos. each, will be presented witli a -beautiful pliotograpli group of thae family, full size, for framiug. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suit the times, CHILDBREN A SPEOIALTY. Framing in ail its-branches, at prices which defy competitien. Agents for Canada Stained Glass Works. Cail and see Samples. WILKINSON'S BLOC) LYON BROS., KI BROCK.S'L, WHITBY. -MY Stock, of Is now Complete in Èvery Line. E. J. JOHNSON. Very Special Inducements- to those STARTING IHOUSEKEEPING. -- 00---- UND-ERTAKING. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and ,all the necessaries in1 this lime. Aise, A WELL-APPOJNTED HEAISE. Whi tby, October lOth, 1879. 42 FIRE. PROOF SAFES. 1W 0 BU-SINI-ESS dL.1\r Is doing justice either to hiniseif or bis crediters if lie dees witliout a safe to proteet his Bocks, N\otes, or other valuable papers. EVERY FA la-l Who lias deds, notes or money ini the house, ought to have a Safe te guard both against Burglary and Fire. A Safe isalways a Good Asset, as it mot only preserves its contents, bû~t ioeops its owu value as well, for afteF passing Ibrougli a fire a sm-e, outlay Nill m-Sale it as goodase new,'. s cud awy es fer ueariy its iret cet . .. î - , - i au lae es ýJ. T . Imon have" tnrned, eut about 20,000 safes in the laet 24 yeuis, slnd noueà cf them hlis failed iu tris al.~rpers audMe>'. chants, this ia the ]dud of "'Protection" sua semethiug that the Tariff oan't glve. ,Go-te9 the Toronto Sexe Wq>'kesudn get asae American and Camadian COAL OIL. Wickei Bornera, &o. J. Whitby, Pcby. 24th, 1879. Lamp Chimneys, W. BARNES. OFFICE 0F THE BROiWNj PA TTERSON Mt 1.4-01 Iu preien4âeour Twenty.eoDj Annuai Catalogue Agricuiturai 'Impie. Monte te the farmers of Canada fe01r thcener 1877, wae d se with mrové than the ordinsry degree of pride and confidence, from the mar ed favjw-dud patronage confeimed upen us, aud the steady and increasiug d aýl frm year te year of ont upv belebrated Farm Implements. *ae ehafl-ecntipile heretefere, as.marnifs" urerfi, te malin,~ speciaity ef Agricultural Machinër-er - &Ioinsten Solf-rn 'g Beaper, thie Triumph Coffi bined Re1aper and Mower, e Cayuga Mow the Young Cinada Mewer, Rad eut new Whitby Harvester, eli ing a large r.eof eur time aud attention. For the lait Twcnîy-two ye s we hav given eut mest careful and undivid. ea attention 10 the manufactue d(o p e *on ef the various machines iu use, sifting outt1he best peints, reme .y edeo, modifying sud cortecting ettore, strengthening weak points, adaptingropertioniug ever>' part as eut iners. ed expetience bas suggested. We emprlo>'oniy the beat mecha ca l 11, and our machies p ais under the Most careful supervision ind cuti -ove detuil beinig subjectea le lb.h sever- est criticisrl-and esch machine* thoroug tested before lesving ont vers, te prove the. conipieteness of ev part, and ere is no dliffisuit>' in putting themn iu operation hy se>' perse of moderate mec nical-abiliiîy Ont machiner>' bas be seiectod sud censtrua vith s speciaf reference te lhe manufacture ofct o n rnaohinee-many tools h g been made for ti particulsr purpose, sutn adaplted for other verk, sud r workmcn are edu- catesi up to the vante a requirements of out manufacture-obtaining s lier- ougli knowledge of lhe ustruction of eut machines, sud are thusenbeuil edh-h tain a higiier degree, skil -ud proficiene>' lieu viere generai manufaoîurinig is csrried on. i We are hherefore enablid te introduce s more perfect syitem int ail the de- pateuh6cf mnactr, mdiig n t otle p eection0cfthe vork,' but ai- io~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i te lW audt fiieeuto-niacneun eftbin ceat. ths0principîs is regardedni esl r in s veil tecio on e g uaesetbihmnni ve eeble te Our teu ie hins h hr dege prectinnd aI p ries 00 lo y as absolutel >' t def >' com petition. THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER te nevw se vel knuovuai a Single Reaper, tual s word of commendétiou vouiti -almosl seena aupaîflun, but as tiare are m-au>' claiming le manufacture tues machine via have adiereti te the elti original Johusten machine, vithont kecp- ing up te lie imptovementi ; liaI justice te ours.ives sud patrons require cf us ho sate tiaI vo have modille t in luimoil every essentiel part, sud for mreugli' anti durehihil>', ?uality of ont, lu evet>' kinti sud condition cf grain ; ligituese cf draft snd ease of management-lb. "Joinston," sas mnufactoreti by us-stands pre-emineul>'aheado f alother reapers. Inproc f-cf Ibis position vo have oui>' le point te lie man>' Firsi Prizes avardeti ni-at lie lait Provincal trial cf Ou- tario, sud m-su>'cont>' triais vioh have laken pI eé sil over Canada, vili lie luth few yeanb. OUR TRIUMPHO00 1 ED MACHINES, vili lats imrovemeuts, te al liaI eau b.ceosin a Combineti Machine, sud cannot faeu to meet al lie requtremouts cf urcisse Our lmproved Cayuga Ch/ef Jr. and aur YounTg Canadla Mower8 are both firatelolsemaohines- coustit ted almnosl viol>'y of Iron sud Steel. The Cayuga Jr. bas a rear cul, sud th.e ung Canda a front Ont ; h erong, dur- able machinai, and-noh exceiled bloan>' machines bu lie market for qualit>' of cnt, dtirabllity, ligituesi cf draft, adyaplabilit>',sund eeee of management. OUR NEW "WHITBYý HARVESTER."Y As lie ceunIr>'bas becomne better adapîed tc m-semner>', sud mas>' cf ont farm- ors bave -become sicii llite use cf machines, s growing demanti buaprung np for a tigil, Durable, Firit.Cies e Rper. Alivc lotie requirements of the day, vo bave sacaeeded in inventiug a ma- cine witi a Wrougbl Iron Frame, vititelia sît possble geaniug-iti large, bread'facea drive viaei,-sud 'o ceastrootedth ia le trameansuithable îiltAî the semae lime, thereby keeping, the pitzman aivays in lino vilS lie Suifa. Tho rakeilsie drivendareoti>' froni lb.o main shafl-tiere being ne per'ceptible aide diaft, anti ne voigil upon lie horaci jieclis. We si-e confident'liaI we hava eucoeede'dil inveoting lie m-oit perfect Ileaper, tsking il, in a ils, parts, liaI baseever been produceti. W. have applied fcr lelters patent, sud shah1 hold or invention, for eut ovu sexclusive m-enufaoture, aud ve rospecolnly, euggest te in- fo la comig liarvest. Ti.h itb> monarv ete"eialld60pnus bot being mIe 0pricipaly>of lb. est qublit>' cf ire sdteeLsud fom il. lu.- gRnio"s .d copat csetin lcombines liestrýeh mdanti uabil thfle erctmachines. - AMl cf Our machines are fn1lt varranltd. Wiltitis litI of mchinti, we fool confident liaI WC eau m-oct ovel-y re- quirememat, sud vo respeetfbly moiciti a trial, cf or machines, beioeviug Ihal vo cas furuimi a botter maobiue for lie mono>' Lias eau be ebtainesi alzeviere. .Respecfoliy Tours, No outrettcf air viii produce other than su outward draft ;the moat crus. meutl veulilalor made ; wili not choke viti suow or ce ; canuot gel ont of order. For sale b>'-- - - - - For sale b>' T. G. Whileld, - hemis1 C-0 Av -ý Fresh from the Mine-I AT LOWEST FIGURES. Leave Ordera aIt Ki N G BROS-. Hmvlugmade mmngemenu@ vith tloi 0ý>al XininugC. etthe Plt, vesare in aosto temuply the trade iell as fihl Z rdera fot p[vate u»e, antleest rates. SuppUl nt alle Harbor ortdeliverud. ýtrSpcwia ucemenls le parties lu Parties sIonen l.Lins efthle Wbitby, PortPerry & Lnsay Rilvay cou b. su». p]ied dlrct vllhcul extra charge. undar ipocial arrangements made vihh e Rail. vs>' Coupips>' ,- XWG EROTREES. 93" TvorCarters conastantly ou telaielm FARM TO' RENT. C OMPO5IED 0f-100 ACHES1BING- % part et Lot Ko..4, lu inte 4111Cences- sion of Pickering, div. miles, frm lihe lovIL o01 Whiîby, under a goad stahe of cultiva- lin vi alerei, goad biaidimgsd in eohardl,&c. P hou *goeaubedons alter crop i. taken off chie fàl, sud possession, 11.1 Match next. For particulat., appi> ho thi. cynet. TTHY =O'LEAEY, 3uiy iSti, 1879 1.0 TIR 'SINGER SEWINGMAC.HINE,, bep liiglîîs for tale u t oueonablo price, wilii wodel andi patterns furuised. - P--Mu-Qrp)VP9 niTTai.AD«P l)P (,.À ZT 1, 1Bu y the Best, -Buy mc other. Lgw mi-u.Jv.zuo j±.2z-r J'.L Vlilby, Sept. 241hi, 1879. 1833- 40.8m. 1833- Established FURNITURE, FURNITURE,- Cheaper thant ever, at his new store 1 ]8I;?OCi< str, . wEi-irr:BY3r The undlersigned ini returning thanka to the public foi the liberal patronage oxtendled to ]iim, begs to staite that haviiig reniovcd te his comniodious non' promises, ho is now in a better position than over to supply ail their wants. ilis stock of Furnituro embraces "very handsome sets, aud cverything that can bo called fer in Lis lino, and an ciaminatien will cenvinco thât the prices are low eoegh te suit the thiffis. U ND ERT AKING. Funerals fully supplied. WM. TILL- WM. BURN S) BROOK STREET, - . WHITBY, Will seli seil for 30 days AT COST! Womens' Prumella Boots and Shoes, Wemens' Kid-Boots amd Slioes, Misses' Pebble SBoots and 5hoef;, Misses' Kid Boots and Saioes. A New and well Selected Stock. Caîl and examine. 1 imember the whole is offéred at cost. Re-1 PH OT OC RA PH YB WE AIRE MAI{ING A NEW STYLE. 0f Pliotograplis, in sipia, life-size, an entirely ýNEW 1PROCESS. SPECIMENS -0N E X HIBI1T ION.- Cards and Cabinets'furnished in the latest style of the Art. Frames ef ail sizes always on hand. A. BARREIT, Photographer. g3- Opposite Ontario Bank, ~ A young m-au dcsiring te slnd>' Photograpi>', wil fiud a good chanc'e bY>' llng on Mrt. Batrrett, sud getting tonna. Whitby, Jonc lOth,189 OCUTTERS, BUY NONE BUT THE Genuine Singer sewing ma-, BISDUCED IN PRICE. TEE- BEST MACHINE IN THE WPRLI>. Sois>' Tirse Hond'red Thoussnd people who bought Singer Machines in 1878. Over two million Singer, Machines in use aI- present. Splendid sad nIl set of Attachinents giv7en with each machine, snd parties fully instructeil in the use of them. THE uEST, THE CHEAPEST, Sold oui> b>' tie Compsuy'e Agent, L. FAIRBÂNX8, oÉâice, -opposite CsxcxOffice.ý Whîtby, June 25, '79.-2 Valuable Farm for Sale. ThIACRE S.-Si LOT 8, IN 5th- CON. 100. PICKERING. 15 acres cleared- remainder wel himbered (moitI>' beeci and maple). This je a ver>' desirable properl>' for the wood alene lB ver>' vsluable =u 'wiil nearly psy the purhae money; whila the situation cf the lot is a snmclent guar- antee for the laud- 'Termg liberal to reliable parties. A:.A. POST P. 0. Box 2M2, Whtby., TE AIlR GA 8 MACHI1NE. Thi. Machine is for ligiling Plivate Dwellizugs, Mills, Facteries, Ch unches, 1 Public Halls' Hotels, &c. -. Cali sud examine the. machine lu opfera- lion ah JOSEPH PHILLIPS, sole-Mauict'r,- Plomber sud Gas-fither, 168 Yorn stre.et, Toronto. Send for "ircular sud price-list. April 2Mt, 1879..1 OMNIBUSES TO ANTD FROM ALL RAILWAY ,TRAINS!1 FABES.. To sud ftomn G.T.1t. Station..é.....20c. To ami from Whitby, 1'. P. &ýLindsay nL'y Station......................10ce. -Those conveyancee are sel.sud comfort- mble, sud in charg of carefoi-drivere. All baggsge cieclsed sud carefuilly looked aller. LOUIS SEBEBT, Proprieter. Whitby, Feb. 251h, 1879. OlY-10 Do you, Want a House-J? Auyone wsuting to tent or prurea£ comfortable rTsidence in Whiiy,. vonld do weU te ciii- sud examine list o! G. T. Hall, aI hie office, over R. H. Jameson's Store, Dondas-Streel, or al tho Czosictz -Whiîby, Joly 9th, '79. if-fS THE. ?oRONTo TurkIýh cà Vapor Bath&i' *These bahf< are uselul iunllheriiiltism, Neuralgia, Couogs, (lde, ocqiîtiO]u, Bronchilis,.Scrouls, SkI"Diseases, .lifr- fiamatius. hhlosuas, even 'aid foiy hilai BUGGI ESc, G. YOUJNG SMITH, 1 Os'rcx-Over Dominion Bar - -Tan. 22,1878. ,CABIERON & rAPPi BÀnISTERS, Attorneys-s -B SoicitrsinChsoceiy,N slreet, Toronto. iMEeTen <lAIERON, g. iî(y-ae> R. J. GU NN, MD. - Dr. W. J. 5IURNI Beaidence-CongregatiouelC te ~y~corner of MSyron and M BYRON FIELD, III P HYSWMNA2, SURGEON, -Wm. lXcBltIENi, M.D., 31i UY'S H"0 ITLLOND( -C A R D. OA1 Physiolsu, Surgean, -Accoucher Wbllby, Sept. 501h, 1874. W. ADAM! ID JEm>T -r - E - OMS- ovnn n. H. À uffie h= frm 9a.m. te 12 M., 1M804o 6, p. m. -Hesideuoe--Cor. and Gilbert streets. C, N. VARS, L. D. JOHN ROBrNSO-Nte "fAM R lESSIG -AN» 51 JUL Saoon, rook tIby. -JOlýN -WOLFENDIEI GETFOR THE CELEI -Scell-tiui Grasuite. -At1 Math etjenelisu Wolfeudem,Dundas St.. L. FA IRBAN]k*, OFFICIAL, ASSIG-' t5 OFFICE OPPOSITE TE Hetel, Brook-St., Whitby. Wiiy, Marci 251h, 1879g. } E.O'DELL, A T H -E R L' Y, Clerk Di vision Court, Tp. Comumissianor lu B. R., Landi Age &a., Atheri>', Canula> Ontaio. peutcil -AND CAIRRIAGES., A- Large ýAssortmentof Cutter' Buggies - FOR SALE' CHEI TOMS .& N1?WVPORI . 1. .,f,,Ltrý

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