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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Dec 1879, p. 1

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. t hisPriating Etblhêt BROOK STREET, WEITBY. Te,'ms -$1i 50, par Annum. A IVBIITISZMIINTS.-41 À4tori.. bargod at the rate 018 'conte, perl~ine, tiret uoorion, id 0 cents, per lino, eaah sube.. %fntitn eriion. spectail Re p rts af Msliugs, Ynaola Statcmno osoBauks.-PB*liWy Cooupauies, tusurance Oompanies,îsd imatter. ci like description whon laced among Nowa Plat- ter ten cente par nile. Spwialottracti tnAdê with BdYD#rtiee Ordere to discontinue tadm.Usmeuts et b. in wriiig. oiNTAIIIO BANK, Il1IT BY 'B t*ANOH, FAREFWELL & -JIVýLe1XB, s> ARRISTELiS.ATTOE3E ISdLI- coitera, 1Notazlen Publie, sadaonvey- 4Offie. iret dooi sotii ai lb. Royrd Tiotel, Whigby. JAMBOETEGR .A Oonnty Cîowîa Attorney. 48 JAMES MITU .GORtDON, 1 ARIST3R A&ATTÃ"ËNB-4T-L.&W, 1> ollcior tu CkiWneq0 wtys rs,, Nosy Publie,. &,,fl~Dcll5S. trot donr rwomtt iArotf n' Bl MJooey to- Loan-Privat-e fonds-at low JOUIN A. MeGILLJVBRAY, (SuOcSaOr ta . gLeewl) B ARRIISTER A& ÂTTORNZY.AT-LAW, Notai'y Publoe. e, BoUiciur for tire Domfinion 13ank. Offc.-Net door to mention H. pitUbridge, Ont.' !'26g CUARLE8 C. KLELLEBit, \ ýTTORNEY.AT-LAW, BOLTOMIN 1 2 Chanoory, onneysuar,aio.,flanung- im, Brack, 0. * L. T. BARCLAY, ATTOUNET-AT-LÀW, SOLICITOII in cÇancery sud Insoivnecy, Vonvoy. Orrcr-At the Court Houa, Wlttb. LYMAN %:XCLlU, L L. B., ARRISTÉRAT LAW, SOLIOITOR I oa trsOhaws.. JOILN 1ALL DOW, PARffl TERý-AT-LAW, SOLIC ITOR B)in Cancery, Conveyancer, &c.. O<11c-Devctil's Block, Brook Stroet, Whuîl>y. M4ONET TO LENI)-Proeato Fooda - in ouros n) up et Xa alow raie afin. terLet. (ly-52 RlOBINSON As KENT, (LcTz Duoa*x & Ai3roN.) BRISER.T-AATTORli. B ey, SoicitrnCouvoyanwors, A&o. OFFICE.-In Victoria Clambeus, No. 0, Victoria Street. J~O .KELLET, BAIUISTEII-AT - LAW SOLWGITOR Bin Cbenrery anlltinnive.ncy Coe- ancer, A&c. Offce-Devàrili'a IBtock, rl- Street,Whitby Ont. G. YO>UNG SMITH, 1L L. B., BAttRISTER, &c., &c-Moncy ta Loan BIscuer af Marriage Licenees. OFiwr,-Over Douiiniton Bank, Whitby. Tan. 92,.1878. 1- I3ARIISTERS, Attorneys a-Law, and BSolicitors in Cbancery, Na. 4 Tut-anto etreet, Toronlo. HECTOR CAMERON, Q.C. ly-48) 'B. S. M'PELBE. Wiîii CelIMPitd% wordu,' VOL. XXIII. G BANDTRUINK RAILWÀT HOTEL, (opposibe 0. T. IL Statin,) witby. tWM. 'NEILL -.- PEOPRIETOR. Evsry accommodation for gueste, inoiud- Cog coortabie, ait-y bedzoome, Moals ai ail re- The Barfully w.ulied vAtbout brande oi Liqoor, w is radecigar. &a. E-ertt ietoss17 direction gîven ta travalirs. Good Stabling, cncoased yard, sud atten- tive ètiers. -48 C OMMERCIAL HOTEL sud STABLES, "4 snd 6UJazvie-sireet, Toronto. JOHN àcliAS, ...PBOPBIETOB. (ouccEEuon Te Joux KULLi,) Tbe boi 1.0W a Day Ronne in theo ty, at.1y tw» blocks tram the itotthero Dopot, and lome tsi tho Market.. Tbe Boielse been newjl Vttted ou, and every-thing Prst-clase. ly TEMPERANCE HO USE, DUNDAS-STBEET, WHITBY. 0ore0 8.0p04eè.4 aialM<Imud 'fTb*d gar ~ ~ ~ 6M Mivlr t~"'t uSd os, 'ii anlyus4.lau an da it ïu rcams, viuhoUtufbard01t 82 De Fsb. 911h, M7. topeor. 1NM!=,y HOUSE. DUb1DAS-$T.. WHJITBY. JOSEPHK.. B4NDL, PBOPBIBZ'PLS Superlor accommodation Ai moarim charge.. Good stabling ud esilosodyard. I&M'Agent for Wshle s Lger, la BMilla mad tasi. rl HR QUEZN'S HO0TEL, EROOZ-SWEKT, wUIyB, TAYLOR A& MeQAliN, FROPRETORIS. The. underuiti edeMtie taIntor=u their friands sud the public lthst t7 -bars tokaii the abo're-voll kovu botl, vhicii tii. bave nowly f5usd up sud renovatcd; sud put into tiheuboat ofader for ithe accommoda.- tiîon of eusta. Tii.Bar, wich làathe haui. sarnosi b ltiCouuty, lawell uppliad viii the duaest brande it vixis, tiquai., sud ci. gars. Ample enclossd shed roam sud good stabliug, box stalle, A&. Deiaciied roolus for commercial travelleis. J. P. TAYLORt, laisofiTorouto. PHILf' McCANN.1 AYERS HOTEL, W2 & t% MILL-BT., ROCHIISTER, N. Y. Price rednced tae91.50 a Da. Thia Hotel bas ieduced lis price ta the. Travelling Pablte t#LW 0per day. il ia bandy ta the N. 'Y. Central Depot (oniy a fow door Souh, sud lia rec.ntiy beuie-. fied sud rafurniad". Opan niglilasd day. Tbe bouseà e fuit-cla in bue-cry ra- epet, ad sud"Canadpte w&*igae nocney by going tate Âyeis aloi. WILSON SPRAGUE, Proprietor. Rochesstr. N. Y. J uiy 8, 1878. (6m28 THE WILSON HOUSE,- ASIBUEN, ONT., ALEX a&PÇitY' - - P99prbctoar. The Honse la oaicttk, large and com. inadlu* and the i atertoffait-d up i» ex- celent lstyle. The larder in uuppliid vi itte liest b» thé- maket. The h.st ai Liquors sud cigars. Stabling, large-andi roomy. Gooda sheds. BITIBUI AMBRICAN HOTEL, (LOTz SaBotoi 55. WHITB Y, ONTAIIO. Hane wy renuvaietid nruishat througiaut, asti put in, *rst-class aider for ho recopiona :1 e.Anomuibue laand rom &U tains. - Irtcasusamplo roatu. 8EÂ.KESPEÂRZE HOTEL, Co. giétYork-as., Torouio,Oul. J. A.O'GRADY-, - PeOPRIETOR. -- Tais»,. IM Pz Dvs. i c' JC -, UR.BOMT l'hysicta», Surgeon, Accoucher, a., &nC. Whtby, Sept. 801h, 1874. 4 W. -ADAMS, R»DOX CtBB a.H. JAMESON'8 offceboremm9 m.ta 12 n, sdfo Iii ta 6, P. M. BEceece-Cor, aifByra sud Glbtbatt -a. C. M. VAMRS L. D. 8. AMM IEF'u inrtod on -ail tb. ZM" JL latut, ies of. Ihe art, bot.tb 6MW,4 vih GalAd ilver. Toaeh estatati ithoul pM.u, by prodnclug local oiamthtoia Dental Rooju-anCov ansa uew block, ove; Alhiusou's Deug Starls, King Street, Ombiva. s- H Afl-RDRE88ING ASA" B 16LM S&nü. S..OiWhlibv. (iy.47)1 IPOST OW.ICE'SiLOON, TowrraxT. W-TEE BEST ACCOMMODATION o4 for G-assi. 1-> UBTEL, - VI<CTOt JAR. MA 1 B - IWRE2Q Geati Tabla, Liquots, sud (igrs Fs atabulai.anI vsr iaeasryscouot- ONTA RI Oii- O TELi prcirietonilp aif id Osiiax Hll vine guesisvii bavahrrelehi* ar ;uppiied W"-lbthi eet'teeyhn sas nd', sud nnabut e bee of a aid blonda aera espetinlly inretd;t.oeil ou JOHN WOLFErinDENe- -LUMBER I__JýUMBlERf A GENT FOR TIE CBLEBRATB»- £Sotthsh GraniW te. AI rbie Worhs ÇZ0OEN 8sO-if, ef eu li u ot ud n D u i4 aS . W i lb . L U M B E R > M E R Ck H ÂN T , OFFICIAI ÂSSIGNEE. & IOfa i4oo 4dst uaullrimg InduE wmTYPROVNEÃ"i CHI NA HAÀLL, SION OFt THE 1131G 0 < REGITBRED) 71 KINO-ST. EAST TOqONfOl Fancy Breakfast sud Tes Sets. Poncy Dinner anti Dessort Sets. Fancy Beti-roon o Sts. Fancy Jugs a id Tespats. n e i Fat-htaud Spoon.. Tea t-ansd Set-vois. Flaor hados for Lily'e, An., &o., Giasavare, ait descrptions. White Stone wara, every kinti. ttotei anti Bar Goals. Qominion Wood Works, WHITBY. ]UMBER MERCHANT A& BUILDER. ip -A larp sufply of ules mi. su an I kn aifTwleited Motdiuge, Paurs, Sasixant iBlinde. LUMBER visoiesolo sud ratal, oaub by lte car loati. Plening. Mauldingu oI everydescrip- tion, Fiooring, Sheeting. Shelving. Re- saving, Siiaping. Tnrning. Sctoli.vark, btc, etc. ,- eWitby, Oct. loth, 1878. -~ m 016EV TO LENt). Tii. ttdeugnet lise , lo Ator ey t6tenti pontm or TotiraxPropty, ai ýiLnuualy Loy Rat« sfaimiterest. Loss eau ho repait in suamo losuit bor- r-avers. Severat Improved Faims sud Wfid Lauda lor sala cbcap. Inveatinenta mals lua Municipal Debou' bures, Bwak, and other marketatsible Stocks. Foi initier paiticularsAappty ta- --- Official Assignee, Iahoeu, ho. April Oii, 1872. 1 ARCHITECTURE! DRAWINO AND SPECIFICATION OF ]BU ILD IIN G S Promptiy prped iiview taEcoopy CHIJRCH AND SCHOOL A40HITEOCTURE À' Correspondence.Respectfully Saiicited. H1. B. BARBER, Architeci, &'., Osawa, Ont. DOMINION FLOUR & FEED STOR. c HB. PENNYLEGION q receivè d a ",= supplc i Plour, Oaea, d. whlch b lha lln a teoet pria.. Ha sea, Y' Kt te red loa CONFECTIONERI STORE in» counlection with be gs o=r udad,ud kec a ntly au baud agFoati supp eta CArNIÃŽ]S, N UTS, RAISINS, ON CAKES. Cive him a coll. CELAS PBNNYLEGIO.* Wbhby, Fei. lti, 1878. Imperishable , Fragraz"p e Celebrated Wateri, ik. iki, eiis amhsial6 1ut for counuerisits, aiwsys ask for th. enm 0onda Wteîprepsùedby the.--l- rêc prisear, lsss. Lmanu& Kemp# ev <51U 'M grFor 'salby .Penfumers, J>zDras mdiluc Gaioatis Dealers. ,- sx FERRY DAVIS -& SON £ LAWUý2Ç,t-u 29 Agents, 5NT ' . u iPar sais by T. G. Wbihld, Obeuumis M. X.y. Y. MW* T WET, Hq À A tie-0U9R"A N-0 fiOî u0<TA)UQ 'ARMERS' ,~uJal Insuranoe oo' T¶~gs, try - JUST LOSSES PROMPTY PAID. C. NOURI zare SWitby, April Oti, 1878& - ..!s HRoNIX FIEE INSURANX CO . B£TABLIXUNED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MMWà A00.1 Agents for Canada. B. W. TYRE, Manager, MantreeL AGNTEST&BLISRDIN CA16Â-. Agent, Whitby. Whltby, April Rhi, 187. 1 A surance - C oIȉh INCORPORATED z833. F. A. J3ALL, WIitby, ApilDi. 88 PIRE INSURANCE ONLY. Rieks wt-Ittsn nti a i.. ismust by C. NOURSE, Agcj. Whuib, Juy-OG.'19 *48 11$XOyeuxVhO~ lJT PartlJu1 ar 4161 -4,1 'fflàwog, Kuavietige, Brotinooti. - ÇDECEMI3CV,,eR 89 'ln iai aimdues!1 ou #i rmas 1 -*Malaksst.l ty PMU ittb s on a =Mdai' truth : teclains ss4hemt.- emptybhest.-. »OINIO IE~ PreuideL. Vice-Presitisl P. E. DESPAD, mMsse. M v . W. AENOLD, Wmbly, .4 mt o Iyi -io ~ATR0NIZE ROUiE ~MPAiTE~ - STÀNDA~D1U J I~IFE INSURANCE CQMqANY1 B).. -CImHOLM, ELT. OA OD,0 D. DEXTR, Assitant sueroy. ind only tuas. deemanttdesirablesu 0aa rat« sasaa cue ; aur " mbeng ta taa. b.rata in aWb caseproportimcuale ne mixAwau mv~veiteWam made teala -ptat Wdan V er to' insurance efféacit ilovenit s In. thc bouEngllsh antiCenMies Vop>a.pl E. W ArmrpO1D 1 OLFJI AlTHT£ iLE MAJOR MILLS , oauboyu oi se islby-uigbt, sud sisal hy day, ucath hrcl, nd eZ for.skae r, Lesau tsi, and lauuR yonr Maker; Dîmeu d doUas, ido=lasMsd dimes 1 Am eullpSwes the wcnai cimus 1 (ConUu aie "LAt wego, 1,bld jo1" oied $hoia "Po lbe ied Virgin, i ibechacl - lave me vius ual J toiprr 0"s Ob', B10olom1 mitai1 1 pour ' wt, onllava me th'ls da j _OlWO F ,oea4f"Q or asuinatant t0 evr lm o u$ w chIis I - Ba ok Ja, a OESo lady with Ma." lIY rouned Bolomnon ta action, snd agalu haonuevoured ta shako Ma Iram hlm. 8hShra babrseif ou san i m in tihemaolus " aus sud toucbin imauster sol la 4&u=don ber. "Oh, sre pou woutds ~dsearl tha Ilbav bimeaif <X.OlXlieetPin. Lunaber, wofl seasne R,4s~ B mi ehBoards. ' ThéThem x s Se"alltxg *lngi Fouclng Sbons .? 100,000feeof Oak, enuberv Mapis for sies, li qultly, ",Nov 7 15.1110fi. . Square 2STimar, 3auiYOD! AIl ai wbich viiib. sô aelsp foa- wol o > ex làis r I -?ù,Ie EdoBn .ý, sota urs ITJMTBT Q-Prà Lir bah<is.ud CONDENSED TIME TABLx. Tahlg effeet au-on dy,Nov.91h, 187 LArve Wu Le" .. ...lxIal Ifir. Po~at perry. ajo - .&W, - "Md ...... m ag~ wrneltej o.-Ji GadTnhatwt ApIM t -wyfor .au pohmsises eist ae.di rt. NO. 51, gl1i l.o1fr. Disn., the sigai of,&slin.,J.of tLe-enthuniart like ltae goldlen sanda srai 0. ed la tle ber, and ahieofltliç, cîsesie founin.-Hai was in the atitpld'toocréasm; butl ler esha#ot. land af drearu. cd eeges Wald aiy-gIVA -pot tu a. las£4ràaa-'ig.c.To -ooîict ctO8 -T119 LAND 0F DREAMS. t hstah ~a epken iatenal.qci: tu Tbro lma s&-nai wler3 annoy'sîwînlng- -iats-few Cýbrokeu mesencs u, çt3 ~ vail bi àan, frpb r-stuqisa.eus teuai-, scli ivpa. -i Tt e i d *l'st absy'brh- ber ei~pIilt xpreseicone, 4rat. tV.1 -e Don could only conjecturo e reti -- - bs na xut aerts. beeikperodlclw~r-aend iberefu;ro 'Ti lx làhar a1~mr stgtns, - I~F~iI1S1a7tP0O IIITA lil ltlisté lu' gravues-I itnmoat tisés,. yu a-j "c-Ce t 'io; hIu aguloiacsýaiîa, Therdy sniefouti n fai"lmpo vi~4êgl~n. -- - a'e exit tlb. golden oventng's otgsaig,-- rJDcznuhotghsIte mtgul-.iaé Thee, t t haloveiy lauDg dtreavasi bequ fighteued by théelionude, as e « 1a i squire axdsupposae&l-Ȉu assi S~-ût wben lie touai af éarîfltywaikixg âath broken alnmiiereisy>eetstsipel.4 asiis'1~B,:thaIoaaau tIgone." -Ars lu1my beartiemem broti teli i" The -Jas (r'a#n ~ ~ ,.WUb~Iions shedi a light mare tr' - #na 1je lovely lnd. et deeants-1 -mec,iftr aarmand'solcd lier usine Baut wieDO Lta asîingnli Wbéaý slip tia lm n, liesaiti hé oiûp os-.pootie utood, i4ihllug.'tdëiaa reer-zty ed tUli'ftRy' e ae àlie rter. ad nd 1'ta~lt paerni- "Bralliï oïr 1" fi asevidi-"lxrywva yt êcsptiivonpýt încapy,'amute I'i' ~ o;iar~Pw1' - dolapsoti iisap, onfriil iti s cidoe ',vl', lt: "- Ow dOankniow 2s afid Mr. )iz. rolttjgfaroîher.'- ]h' -~ ~ ~ oU cia wachd tÏl'el' au t4 wi.hi,,hlsqywrex êarphpà bp tink«,-1a,î, -6 ip a f ies sdq1di't~ 1 11h.. lîa.sma anixaîatalu tïavereI liAfrsvauhé e,ïe4,O.,swa4aÀhi ahrnh at naax alnoL. a navtr of snïta< ope apr r, eu s sli eon aud tai ent'lesejieou v&IohLlaa edi-Bry,onth-ajo of - the iêe t'. lpprscxo w.noller chanci M.Dili :atIaise b.d doua mono lIma* i:dverI Suspicion, t'ut là vobyou tteohé speakis tr*K.d ttwt.pitefnl litl a atoiney., visa. listred of Roryr Ioin ha tombatana aàk i 501lt wM.tOgtlltCaI Of his.iitiuii iwra âarëlsir tni. - ,,, - ' 4"W!-mni!sl Ive ZWagàn sud ttiIlkar "lIf yaU Jbasulbi#hra"' aa4dSvea.. viii bu utîougpreonwplivçp endeuèCe of "Ah t You'ra n-utp fa -thon,* se ueli as Ia~;tlu y u bc aU lj aqplot, I4hereapacofaiabels. sliogotluer," sad tis a3uira'; oa t heliacountry 8la ard of .bema, *a shall havé no fyou'ri 14qr' l~ay ter'W emell 4 ff u l' ulaa tilest Clon of tas o ,replid . r.Jisau ii4beu ~ ~ ~ ~ an thele a Iêe so ýeI Iý axthorities vero eàspatoli. or ~ ~ Pu,"seea'shu; butthe 1o,,k-ud for many ds~~~. p~4a ~ aroscuteid. As ferSl ,hoÛ heiaborn e b to~sir him,&U l he- o s iI thetét cemira% nort wm R6ry cotid hasi.ý lions ufor p ÃŽ,t-n ha inquhraWbltý i "wih hlm ;ÃŽ6 ÃŽ001 evwer ta-is quesi to "ho eld lias ,î la ltae masâu# Ro be t» îé11dirlO DeL'eyra nuggr t, widliiioiugît lours sud - li giva v a koep -tiebeb. bIlie %-rrda li u- a,ý fi-rn lttisügroA 4-- its plsce ope -of' De Lioy ger'o hiut1 .siyt ecoua ,iif Mr. De Laoy ait. the ileevo-but.- je-'bit, alil'. uiglil -ou the oaI w)w hoiàtî Ni. Pif. -.1MILLEBU sud Imporuter of CokmUld S bred taaukdd ltiPg&.U car OFFICE OPPOSI TE EE OYA Ilatei, ]iraclpe, lflby. *Wltby, Maioh SOuh, 1879. 144Y Bj . aYDELL, A T H 9 R. L Y, Clark Division 'Cohurt,4tT.Clerki Cammlssia'ncr ln B. R., Lan&.Agst, &o., 0,»S H A WýA;, Veterinary Surgon WiIi b at Arnutorng' hliW llbsT T uesday, frm- onte 4o'oalb *OMNIBUJSESý TO AND FROM AIL c -RAILWAYT.;»RANS f Witby, Mai 1h, lIM. ARM,';I VILLAGEOE Fi Ic IIO1n SALE, O1 Il AppTiBMi roI - eu han tin lue am an m - 1 N' -1 ý 1 1 ; - 11, . ; - eý V. rd "Nobber be aitoli-danfool 1I« aildy berry gaod ;bot tip upo eau tek. for oes-iiick..0Com, dam, .poor Inlb- bar f open fax mont. Dore, au dam $aal 1,-,brady berry gaod." - t -The'drap of spirit IRory. ewsilowed ,AIichirn.,service ; and he, biack, <wii vuA a good-2atus'acl feliw, .befora lia leittha-nisi k,gitlio1m bath toma, bisudy-and.water; sud, thé ry-- ,pàiohiung senàsation ,whi pôoar ory ox- periwucad,us watt ap..lais exhaniion, wusaCnILsraiievei b the nogro's re-. Aflar. sout;,bours-Vie 'negro carao agsioTsùdthangla . ould uaL ast, ha took soma morao~J ine rt snd ltat,- la opiect1oueh-, liter iàignjtie.îl cbluîoket. Tii. -next, morginc' , weu Itcry*isli- siene bWat, 1118otitO tt rua wct5 fat- siada.IIîer'han ich xit Uit hoëi à d.,liksolor dsy.; lii» clivait -ot ou wlhite, e ye nt- ot'anJike ud itli. - Try bit ri;-4bqrrfsaood. Me kno;4 - lç biti; Gaîl-lilcs yon I1.dia y.uc ,makO il-é anpurposo for, .oP r o-i- n6 mu gooti-4o lanti luuuhrarsdat!1 ti- w *ould yoü talroc, rif youplaza i lteze alTi wsRot-yo. firt-ethirust atIhic aob»ect. "Massa Lacy- uigcnjixau dat coaux. wiosp'n sl>aord 2"-&Yis, ait-," "Oi., hlm berry wall naW >;-liy ii firsý but uow 8ooot se-oc l bait- now. Mo -go gitto i anctdoLi' c-aptri snotin' for brekakfsooon.-Tairg nnùuldçrtiliy bit, titsu-' '- lg - ,thank, you, air," - tai RGry. An4 is il yeu that j» goiq to . tako tho caplin an4lit. -1). aY le bt-a. "I's. Me watt on nul nie à ~E~,~u4xaooidut-hlp militag ai "Wh, Lvasj~~hi~..o think hlow ,4ûrat s&h~oe mai ÉOnd & a, îi - - c -m I 4l~juf~ ar le , tp mer Sýt-i éth~asg' ,Yp',~ba~u tilt I gm 1ôke,~lL~aIlpu ;IL h-, l PP; a yo, M î M 1.O Aprisxllfro.Qt o, 1li ýwii oysinaube 1,-Amn otv-,r' ildlî îý- --i J

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